vlIjc vCljatljam Wttoxb 1 1 AT MS TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, I !)c l)atl)am Uccovb' U. A. LONDON, I.DlToU AM) i'KorKIlCIUlt. Cftf Mill .'HJ y, me y i :ir v, six months , - .'.no: - ft. "Mil - ,M- i'u opy. three months Ev.ntliiy Lin. Tlnsnwrblosiniili. nt hi- in minis; tisk. Merrily ",1 irs the hlim veined sone, V illi stout I iiu.ls rliiin smooth. Ynunsk: "What will it 1 1' nlu-ii t is .lone:'' "A shaft fur a youn,; pirVs Riave." riotti hands Ho luck hi( i h n ill In their sinewy play, Ant In- Mt'i; lik.' a linl, ns he swarms stands A i ..lio'sm i slave of I,ivi nml May. - I Andrew II.-. I.-II. ink.' in the Atlantie. A COSTLY BONNET. "Is any icic hur; .'" asked Mr. (.'rcswVk. ' What hashappene If Cm I br ol u c .'" He was strollim; past Candytuft (it tnir, in lit' often did. It was a habit into which lie li i.l fallen cif late, almost without any d. li lite kuowlel-;c or in tention of liii own, mi. I if any one had told hiin III it , tir.iy's fa r, girlish fate hid anything t.i .o will) It, lie would doubtless hav been inuch sur prise 1. ''(li, it's o.i'y our iy, in one of her tcmpc-l-," sa d I.-uiso, calmly sniooth iitU k t!i ? wtn 1-itilll 1 oold of her ii:r!--. "Sli. ' as nil. I as the March wind it f." I.uiu- tiriy wa-hko a till, white li'y, s v si'ii'in', mi -rac fa! an I -o 1m aiititul. Hit so!t looks i.ty a:iiu-t ln r blow likes w av.s of s. in -hine, ln r ies i re blue an 1 r!. ir l.i a. at'i tin ir nirv.d :ah.s, In r ri ini-i.n l:p- looked a-if lin y in Vcl sp.-h. ; n lit 1 II! 1 ill- sw.-it.st of W.T-I Mi-. Cirswiik looked at lnr as an ai tist mi ;ht -ui v. ys ini" pen less nr' of art ; l i' hi h-ir. n vcr warmed toward lirr any more than if flic were h. r ow n l y in a Ir.rii marble. It wa- . that ho likr.l best . wil.l, imp tuou- . with tin- v, Ivct- ll l- 1 eye, ami tin- slilflin-; roves i i In r . In , kv an I the bin-lit, dis..., i- ; hail -. it h o, wli.i u i-. always brin-, dir. ked for soiucth n-, ami who was! treated nior' like a rlnhl th in a woman, iiltlnm.'li vhe ha 1 pa-sd the K ihie.ui of i her . i-htri-ath l.'ithd ay. j "Oal" sai.l Mi. Cieswick. j .Nol .11 I lie ( limit ih,. le.i of .IV til lisi i.vr lli. t v!u- w is human, like the r st of . una ii k in-1, an 1 no isioni ss . lay e l ,t-. "W Oll'l oil I i in rcs-iii-,' c, r i i "N.t t -l iy.' Arid he wa'i.. '.i ... In I f, v. i - in, sa;. I. ill s-," w ith ty of iiiaiim r. aiil Mr. ( H su i. k. me I ll ati v.-ly pa-t , -M!h l.i- . .-. v the .low nward as if lie n. r.- I 'lintin; ycliow dandelions that st.ou.l the the rravsy li.uik. I. u. iu bit her lip. 'Tir.-ome f.-llow I" she said to 1 H-lf. "1 do W.-ll lel if ll..- IV I me.it;. to ome to the ji.'iut .' ;-It he iiiu-t me ill fcom.-thiiij., or he wui dn't keep coining here. And he is ri. h and I mi U. iii , and mamma ays that if I mean to settle well, I mustn't wait till I a:u old and faded, like .Mi-s I'.it .nice 1'ei rili- I I." So l.ouive . 111 led the eat ' ll li-Jllle, s. til n,' Iho lih'iun how s on ln r di. ss in n Iciviuely -nil of u, and following the ton s of a hi-h. --:te I vo ce, sic strolled alollH the u I le, cud h ill lo til sl.rul.l.. ri. s al the I, ck of the I oil e. "Mil, dear." - lid h-, v ii ll a ih-pr. CHti iier motion f l.r hand, "wli il is it now? I do wish, . lil.-e, you wuldn't lie it in to so many I t!i scenes It's too trying t" the ln iv. s I ' 7.ildee stool in t!.- inid-t of the M iwer-heds, reh n! !e.v!y t; amp i n-d. . u verhenas, poppyln als an I clove .-ei nt.-d i liivter of pink J, with s un. tiling; held tenderly in h. r hau Is, whiieh-r spuk linir, l.-ar I r. :u h-- I io es an I the v.vi I scarlet of her checks U-tokTic 1 tiiat some extraordinary tin.. lion had stirred ln r soul. "Wh it h iv ymi yot ;'' avk-d I. -mi,,-, sharply. "I. i-ht hits of c !oi f.-a -tier, ;' "ll'v it'stvo I.. a i! i'li! h'u l.ir Is! ' volih-.i . .id-e; ''.m l . . huinmiii-;-l.i.'.i lie l.iimmin ;d.ii d I h iv- l.- i nml (o,c l ev.-r siruo it was a w.e hit if velvet .low n in its ne,t I" "S n Ii a f.ivs a'.."!' noilim-!" sai l I..- , a t il: la 1 of - t--n ; ".m l I'. ll lie. rs . w i tiu r to -tu:I and m unit tie in form-. I told her, I. ut, thit ;n: had sud yo.i'd -ive m- a d -llar if I'd shoo! tin' 1-1. an 1 tra;i th huinmin fellow; l.llt sin- Won't bell! Ve 111-.'' 'tii, I, in-!' pi.-1 I.-I Cii'liv; "you ill In'l- -,ou i . v. r con'. I ; ' "Suoli a fuss to m ike ah. mt nolhin !" repeat". I. ill's.-, iinp.itiei ll.-, stain i'i l.er foot. "I mil l h ivi-bii is f..r my l innet. livery one weai s bud-." "IY.:- an; lull ' s.,1.1.,- I 7, lidee "sav.oe! O'i, I do so hate fadimn and I i.vhion ible iloiuos'.'' "And ;" I ca i'l iilloi I to pay the juices that tin- mihi-ieis a-k," laiioiiidly added Louise, "as Ion-; as papa keeps my allow aiice nt such n iii--; ir lly poinl, 1 must just 1.i the b.-sl 1 in. A t. r n'l, you silly I) iniia (J lixota, what's a blue bird or two? or a miso ahl.; humming bird, t Ii it you could ever with the pahn of your hiuid .' Here's your dollar, Joe. Hivo 1MI Ik'.ts sliilland mniiit them as soon as he ran. I want to wear 'hem next week." "You shan't have them !'' cried Ziidee. "My xor little m il lere l darim.;! ('i, nnythim; .nvjthiij but a fashionablo womna !'' Luiiw, however, wns witting imp -ticut. With a rapid step forward, the VOL. !.. snal. li -il tin; l.inls from 7. iMui'.s linn I ! ami ;;ave them to .l.i.-, who, vaultine; over the lenci-, vanishe.l slraiuhtaway into the copses; ami with an Mvc-.liiijjiy real cry, I k- poor diiM sank on tin; janlen seal, nml ;;ave way to soln nii.l tear.. "Su.'li soiitimelitat lionsens' !" iiuir -muroil Louise, turaini; scornfully away. Ami then she fell to womlerin how she shouM look in the new lionnet, ami whether Mr. C'roswick wouM think the liliie-aml -i;ohI ilecoratiiins lieconiitij; t ) her; an 1 if li lt who is to trace the ilevious current of a pretty oiii's iiie.liia -tionv, when once they wan-h r into the regions of if an 1 tin (! "Ar.ylhine; hut a lavhionnhle woman I ' Alure.l ('res wick's heart i-cIidcI Z li.lee tint's passionate words "anythitiy hut a f.ishionalile woin.ini" The liltle discussion had on Auditor that they tecke I not of. Was it str.ini;e that Mr. CrrswicK opened the lati h of tin- lower garden yate, and came to try and comfort poor little 7. ly in her tribulation ; "I have In-n I it all, '. lidee," said he. ' Do not fret, poor little lawie it ciu't In- helpr I. I!u: after this I shall never w. nl to ve t!u- Iminivhed hn asts and i;!itti rin,' w inj I" heaven's poor little von'vU'is on a woman's hea l ear. ll is too inu. il liki a s.u r.tice. It makes on. think of the slaughter of tin- innocent,." 7 lidee lute 1 thov;! Velv. I -h i -1 c ys of In i s to Ins laic, fii'l of iin plic ih!e pleadings. "I - I know it's iln-.i Ifully silly of me," lie faltered ; "I'lit if I could on y have put lev little p. ts mi' 1- r the ei.-n grass ' "Vo U shall; l;. I Mr. Clrsttick. v.. tloul'led, 7. .id. I V-'U ' '" I' 't.'lal "ihlt ' Don't look v., don't I v.iy that y..i ( I vwiek. "Oh," cri. d 7. .id. No one has com!.. it. lively one sei me 1 silly of 111" to cue f. w re su. h lie iiililu1. -, "von ale si) ; 1! I iii as you h i III, nk H w.i hill-. lilt tl inn. . e. nl h't'e i tuns, and tiny had b.-.n my pet-.'" Ill the . ai nriie "low .1 the -in; - I :h it iv.-nin-, M:. ( res-v ek l-on-hl 7..ih.-a little pip r ''II re :n your d irlin-s' he .- ii i. "I blib- l lie. l-, the lav-id. niil-t, In h t tile h:le t !.!). II W iii Slib-tilllte 1-tlllTs III t:, u i.'--ntv ph..- ol p tnil'oil'inately th.-n; ai little -.Ill-lie.-, to I I I ! Up till I- oil It ih- did no! ,:, notice. I - i ' 1 i. it is t ol y.:: - r.p". coii itei ind M'Ss l.-mi-e, 7 ,. h e v. i none th- w is- r." I .'ood ,!' yoll-s,, I X ii-1.-. . ' lint I. u -U l.y. th-' . s! I in an I i an w .-.ir tlio-e thin I w.-u' 1 as si. .-ii : auiiil-a s thai we i ol hum in l v!h ni l alps hilili; i.t lay I . s on h I In! : . around liV I I of, WMll ad my in-, k, ll. Vl Id you think m- v.-r.- childi-h and silly, Mi. Cn -w ;e'.," she add. d, w 'Ih s ,t ry.-s lifl.-l inipli i ,:i-ly to h s ' n e. ",l I i my tin - poor l.ltle win-. . I ci i' me-, wi.-'s- brl-d.l I f- I- .-v. r ii- w, i;i the i . 'iier . I my ll w. i ml. i. . ' D.ar hill- Zii.l..," he "in my ryri V'.-iy th:ii'. tl ll-ht.'' And so. to-;, ih- i, 1 1,, v b bin. !.! . a-;. I the tiav. Undlv oil .lo ii ! 1 the I w linn. in n ; b id. dew", "mu-:. il to deillio wlele Mi. Mis- I..,!.-e til.iy, Zi.dec," -aid . the i ro-.U-d trunk ininiatu ol'si .pii you answer me on. "As in mv as . iii-i," said th- --i- in kiin ilmi-r Whil. it - u is W I .lid of a I. I, a- ho the "will 'I'"""""' I .mi ph-as -, Mr. ( ics il l, w ho w as slow ly h aw-, on th ; t inv j in. .uu. I. with her i hin li lino in her i hand. "What did you lie an, jut now, wlen , you asked m- if I should think you , .hildi-h in foMowin- ih- d , ! il.-i o . your heart ;'' j "What do I un a. i .'" she repeated. "Yes. "D i I serin so v.-ry old to voir" i "Y.'ll, Mr. Cieswi. I,. ' Z,i. lee's colol j wound' 1 lik -' p nk wnv s to the root-, of her hair. " i, no, ti" I'' "lam eioht and twenty,'' said he. "And ll the oiri w hom 1 love ronsi.lci th it tn old, I am b'-t, indeed." ")o you in. an I.ouise;" she faldivd. "I inNlll- lidee," hi' lepliid. In an instant lie h id foi led her I i hi in art. "Mv little one, my pretty one, mv heart's ipi th." he w hispeiel pas-innate- iy- "t 111," I icl 7. lidee, "1 III Ver rollld have b-lii-vcd thi-. I have thoiluhl of it, I lit but w hill have I done to de-eivj thi-;'' And then Aluied I'reswick knew how w.t she loved him, this shy, s,,ft eyed, iiiiH-tuous yoii'i"; thniL', I, uii-e (iray's n. w bonnet was c. cie liujly cleu'ant an 1 styli-h, "a per fect love ol n iiiiiil', as all iter youa. la ly friends sai.l. Hut it had est Iin j dear. It had Co t her a lover. And he- o3i had been bi;oit eyed Ziidc 's ejain. ; "i'or I think alter this," t il l Mr. j Creswick, "1 never can see a bird's Ini-lit win:; or pretty droop n; In ad on a on l'g bonmt w theul a thrill d nis- j ! iste, of av, r-tion, iiimost. ltiil.iti-m i' barbarism, whether fashion sautions or not."-- -i "Miiuidav N.L'hl, ITlTSliOlKr, CHATHAM CO.. N. ( ( IIII.IHJF.N'S COLl' .MX. I'llirll .llr. If Moth r Nature pat. Ii- s The leaves of Ire-s ami vines, I'm sun- she ii-s liei- ihiruin Willi nee lie. of tin-pines! Thoy ni e s lon iin-l s'enil-'i-; Alld solllet in s. in full view, Tln-y have tl eir ll.nad of col"' And tliiinMes lnnile of dew ! - Wm. 11. Havn in S . Nicholas 1 hf I.ovlnu S.iil.-rrl, The. intensity of annual ulTeetion hai just been pathel :c illy illustiated in this city. Three y-ars a-o .Mr. Jacob (i.rd inr, of Hull slre.-l, sold a lady a laroe i black sipiirr.-l, which had altr cled con- siderable attention while ;it the store, on account if its unu-uil si, and the beauty of its coat. The luiiimd became the fav uil" p t of its purchaser, and was often ;iv.:ii the freedom of the house, and other liber ties not often enjoyed by its kind when in captivity, were cxtende I to it. Oc casionally the chatterer left the pr. lili-s-", but never failed to return when iiiirht approach.1 1. It was the ol j c. of iiimost constant petting and lanssino and nearly always slept siiu,'yled up in the arms of it i m :re. A few days iy . lh.- owriM ieft the -iy for a few lays, l.-avmj th- .pi.ir-l al home. The little an'mil soon miweil h. r and t in from loom to loom, all over th- hoiiie and en undv, in search of lnr, U'ivile,' ii'iiiii-lakiil'le .v. dime of yiiel. All iToits at ciiis.ilation on the part of otherv vi re unavailing, imi-I the : . u : ri -l r. fused l ilher t be comforted or to par ta'.o of its u-u d foo I, from time to time ivin vent to pitilul little ciii-s ludi Ciltive of ori-f. Aft. r n virly a week hil ilap-cl a:nl it be. am evi l.-"t that tie- little m. ir. ov er's dcalh was a iii itt- i of oii'v a lew days, :he o-.M . r wa- 1 1 t ; 1 1 - 1 and ri tiiin c.l home. H' l all v.,1 w IS el it.-l with . videi i sol wil l i v bv the -o-iiii 1, i whii 'i jumped into In i aim. .Mill all the j si.-n.s ol h ippiin--- licit Ms weakened con dition w ii ' I p 1 1 n : I . It ma-!- i v.-r . f- f'llto p:,!!,!',.- ol lie- tiitl J.t ill LC f '"' I ' eaied before it, III! wa- unali'.e lo vva' j low, .-ml on th- foMowin,' day, wit'.; its. ' ryi s turn". I almovt pitiiu ly into those of its inislns, it eavp.-d .. -at its life while lyin in her aim-. IAi!i:it.i dmstilu I tio n. I rs.'.n )l llir S)i.itt.M')-r. K uiy l.i-t p in:' 1 f- u id in an old l-.o a 1 .1 -t: i;.. I I. 1 a-. i in f .il'.a I wii.l :t was an I he t..l I thai it w:i. a slll.ll iwer sei: 1, hai liy worth whiieto p ant. N- v.-ith less I plant.-I it ill a sunny spot near the f. - ee and soon the sprout app .ir -l. D iy by day I watched tile -re.-u leaves u if.-ld to tin- iri and the plant ':i '-.v -ir.-n in s!ivu-th and beauty. One morning on . n: r. n ix 'I' ' yard I found that it hil li over- I and the itiil open sun b'oss.uu, ;i merry child's fl C -, ee, led 111.-. ' Ii i.. I lii.anin.', I n- ll .w. I I' liiii' l; ''I won I b- the 1 r w le ppi.-r tli-r .1 IV, nr. or I si : ti w.ll and then, as an VO sha 1 see, tl I i.l l ol l i -nri I hastened on to ide a m i in i- d I untl.w i ; th a"- 1 W hall sellooi. In the eveliin-; sin. II iwi r. It - Ir .le I like ., sleepy I stood a-aiu by tlx ,11 shut bl"-..s..ii ll -I head an 1 the s- fl I"! llilli.'of tile o If lell -atlleled al.'lllld ll-. I "ii, Minll iwi r, what liav-- I don.- to- j day," I . ii.d. "I h iv- (oiootton to fe d my lil'le Kitten; I ma I- hi.. ouS fares i.t s m- li'iwoi kable al.;-lu a prob. I I m-; I was I, il.- nt school r ce-, which ! ma. I. - uu- lale to i l ls., and prompt.- 1 my tea) her lo make a fi w n-m irks on j pl'oii.ptil ll le and s'olhfulue s w liieh m nle iin' feel very melancholy ; I olTeiid e-1 a di'ir school lii.-nd by akin-; h. r why she lesiubled the 'uii-sin,' link,' ami la-t of all, I o.it an-iy with my-. II, cavi; I myself an inward s'.iakim.', and decided thiil my biaiu win tripl. -p! ate I with stupidity. "You, O siinll iwer, liav- smiled all day ; the 1 olden bees took honey from yoii;yoii hi i-liened m- up in the iiioin-in-; your l-mad shadow rotectcd a delicate f.-in from the r.tj s of the sun; you chern il the pa-si i -by ,'ind bri-,'ht-i lied the whole yard. ' ( l, sunt! .wer, you have con. pined ! The dispised plant has done nmr; ;;o . than the hum 1:1 brin-I'' Tin; Ten ilile lie d My. Mi. .1. T. 11,11, of I! d Fork, I. T., one of th" oldest inttle shippeis in tin country, i at th- I'.ant-Ts' llai.e. Spi iikinx of the heel tly and the way it air. cts cattle, h- s , d : 'Tne hod lly is an insect c!o'y n-s.-inMin-; tii-yellow hors-lly in i veiylhm-; except color, the former in-ect b in-; black. T.i. v sone t nn s uppe ir in m'i al -w inu. iiinon- the herds, and still.; the ci'ile in the Ico or heel, depositing u 1-hr the skin. Tnis would seem a sin ill inatt.r, but it sits the rattle peif-ctly will, and it is impossible to hold ah id wh-n this lly is ilb 'ut- T,i-y ru-h arm, i I ai if m i l under th" intoh i nb!.. torture, a id I hav. teen them spi in .' over a f .rly foot bank in or h r to :.'! into nm I ly water, which I seems to I'-t!i-on,y tli'ii:; winch ran ;ive I Iii-iii relief. The.- !-. ll di rapidly ; when the ll. is bal, and r. a li'y mi. i uiiib I to th- slight, -( in ii-pos t on. Thisll, ' is a pest f ir which th r seeun to i e no i rum-dr.--'S;. I, mi, 1 o' .. -I 'inoirar. A CITY AMllfLWCP,. The! Dar k Wnfjonsi Kro. no ntl y M;on in Now York btrvots. S'ltij'j of tin Old Experimcos of the I) Cora iti C!i ir, n the iimbulance. Yes, on that black, sp-Krelike vehicle that dashes by with a sj only see-on. I to that of a lire engine, there are inci dents in -iii riuvr that are aiuusiii-; as well as pathetic, and, from a moralist's stand point, are also iusinie'iv.-. Probably the major part of the human family, outside of th-; medio. il profes sion, have associated ii.iu-;ht but -rim ideas with that black w.i-;..ii and "allop ino horse, and only coiim ci them with ihath-bed seem s, w ith the sh adow of the cemetery lurkiii- in the hai kitroiiu I. H'l t it doesn't always mean that some body is bidding farewell to this ear; lily life every time you hear tin; clan.; of the bells and the rush of the wheels and catch a oliiiip.e of the sombre rover .v. r your shoul b r as it rushes prist. .i, no! It in iy mean an at e d.-it, or a r ise of p:u uiminia or rheum itis n , or it may in -an'otily a "drunk." Cut that latter is generally th- ino-t s.-rioin in th" ur;ooa'-i eyes, for he knows it means -n,, I siirveill ine : on his p ut for t!ie n-t t w- ii'y in nut. s. ( i,. nio'it," s,i,i downtown phy -:i I ill, "rth.nl w i- on the I! ih viie llo-pital ambiiline -, there wis a call from the Kifty-iiinth -tieet stai i-n hoii-e. Wh.-n we ;ot up there I foun 1 it was only a case of troin. n-. Tn- mm w is tall and sallow, lik- a M-xi. an. I ha I :i oreat deal of ti .iible to keep him in the anil. ulanc . II- ns-me 1 me lie n were little while el. ph mts han-,'ini; by tli. il tails all aroiio-l him. lb: desinbe lli. ii n it ics to in", an I the.i be . an to count theui. It w is a v ry r-.ld, w indy ni-ht, iind th" win I blew lhrou;li th -waoii-i in 1 1 1 its. I h m l f.molil hud to o.-t out ol th.' aiiilnihinee, an I I I'm al ly had to fasten him down to th- b t t.uii to keep him ipii.-t." "I r. -lui'inh, r on ni,'hl in I), mb.-i, it was bitteiiy col I, t::id Hire.. . d.-. ani in at one- from th.- T i'u. ( a : w i. a t use of lreni-ii-, o-ie w u an oi l mm who had rheum ili-in an I the otli-r wi ll woman who was -nil i in-; with ph un--y. It wis storming liar 1 out si le, an I the .hire w. ,.- hu I ll 1 in ih: w.e--ia -hlv lla.; with e .. 1. To.ru wis o il, j one blanket, mil tint I wripp.-l aroiia I th" woman, who wa- in .-t in need, liul . the old in in ero in d im -s tn'.ly, for the jo't-..f the w.i.ni made tin: i hcunritism , ir. ak in his j .'n!s. lis . -niplainin-,' i r ei-e-1 the wom ill's -ympilhy lo th I iii'!i''st pitch, and sh- in mini-n-ly j .It. ied him th : blank t. I ol.j. el- 1 to J that, how. v-r, a i l th -u sh -,' ive l,im one crner of it. IS .'tween the three in ' one aliib iliineo I had my hands fu'l j '111-1 wa-n't -orry when w- lo.l.-d uu bn- the an hway into th : hospital yir I. I "I had a -ad cise in 'ilt -tieet one i day in Hitob. r. 1 rem nil., r the .-un j was shin ir; v-iy In ij;ht I . in tin; str.-. t ! when I went, al noon, into a rear telle in nt. We Lrioped thriiiih lie- dark . l.al.s t-. a room w here th-re w is a ureal j deal i f ) xeitein -nt, and ooin-.; ill I foun I ' a lit! !e :;irl, four years ol I, who h id I n , tei i -i 1 ! y burned. The mother, a Hebrew J Woman, h id niic out an 1 l-.l-.i-. I her two little chil'licn iu th" room, when I the i-!d.-t of them ca'uht li -r dre-i in I the Iin- and ill a moment was envelope. in II un". 1 h : nei'litioi . rii-he i in nml tl..- li e w is finally put .mt, but th" little on - iia 1 inhaled the ll tine and i -u'd not ' p.sibly liv . She did lo-t suffer much, apparently, and her parents could Ind ' b" br.iii-ht to believe that she was in so i .1 iiioerous a condition, and when, a few j hours after, sh" died in their ntlin they i j c u'd not be consoled. Tiny lived ilia; j room about ei-lit l.y fourteen In ( npiare, ' and tie r- weie fully twenty people i rowded in there. Tin; hild lay on a, I loiui-;.; and lin y irowde.I nioiind till J could scarcely tret tluoii-;h to ve her. ' "Theie was another case, of a child ' thai I once had. It w is in the middle I of the afternoon that lie . ill crime. We I hurried up to forty. eighth sln-et, near j sn oiid av line. The case was in the top j of a six story tenement. It seems tin y were i'liilM in : an, 111 r tenement ju.t next door ol . ipnl h. i-ht, and there w is an air sdiaft hrlwe.ii the two Luil I in vs. Tin re were a lot of children p!.iin;; on the roof, and Ih.-v ainu-.-.l thein.riv. s by I jiinipin ; a. ross the aii shaft. Of coin s i one of them lell and went the whole six , ! stories to the bottom of tlnj ham. meat. I S'ie stiuck on a pi!" of In ii'i- r an I fell : on her shoulder in -'iii way, so Ih it h-i back was broken below the n-.-k. They earri d her up a-ain to the room, but i h. r iimlner was out, an I it wm nearly time hours before the nuil)iila.ci wis . siimmon-d an 1 the child was t ikei: away. She wis paraly.ed and lay in tin- ; ho-p t il sixteen inonlhs. Then she wa. ; pronounced incurable, put in a rollin- ihairaiid leinoved tl t!:o ho pital for j , crippled hil Ir. n." "Di the ho.pitals keep the ambu laiici s iin-l leu se- always in r-.i Iin---. om.'thmv; aft. ' the in ii it - r of lire cm- ' panic-:' .ine ho-p lals h ive the dr-.j. h li nes, nth. rs ke.-p a h.-r-i' always he- : '. r.css -.1. an 1 i.th. i s -till k. ep to tin- ; ilower way ol harnessing up when tin j MAIJCH IT, lss7. call .Minos in. I believe the N, w Y' lk Ho-pital keeps a horse staudiu- har lies :d nioht and day. I "At ll.-lll.VII ' the rn'l in I V j , i i .... ,.. ., ii i ' telephone. 1 he lit : le i ripple. I man who I stands in the oilier; lakes down the i n I, i -oes mi! on the steps iind blows thiee i b'lists on a l.i j; whistl-, an-l by tie- tiun; ! the doctor is summoned an I paly lie; ami.ir men is ill ivin,' up to the , . ,,ln ,lv.,. ;ltl-l hi'!.-;; ! -.-!.. I New York Herald. .hr-tnut-; bom y, Kr:i- . .:r ci -. " li. il Ill-ill p- I'l l I,',- all I lli.ll. ; ll-'i, M.iu'.lesa,,. ichlier Itl.'.N. .,., .,., , .,,,. ,,;,,.,. A strinioer lookui-; at th- in-.-pie in ' its ca-e i l. neolu Park, Cliica ;", sai l " '' " l""1 ' -N I ;'" ton "News" reporter: ir.ry ..r syiup; br-a I ju'd.n.-, hot "AYe have him li. ds of th.-i'l in New "iik Mexico. They are on v.-ry excellent! s- V -el ihle soup; l.,i,-d b- i:: Irrins with the r ittle. A ll rk is almost tutors and huiler, bi-. a :s :ni I :;pl' always to be seen iu i oiiipimy with a herd. -Iniiiplin-.'s. I'lm n .,.-;lr ,1 .b.'un.l. The maopie, will ali-ht on a steer's l.a. k j ,,., ,. ,llrM,.h.K . and oo al! over him, pi. kin-; olT insects. Don't li-ht a . i. . -room at in-ht by II" m v. r mo'rs!s the birds, ex.- -pt when u.-ans of a j.-t of - is buriiiii low ; n.eh they p .ke their bills too close o his rye- iuipover.sh s th- a r s o.i- i. I - bails. The birds me v.-ry familiar uu ! 1 j,,..,-,,, iin-1 les, or tapers w Iii, h burn in ciisi'y rnu-Iit. In our country th- ni'i-f- ' ;p. rm oil. pie is a "real pel. 11 h-ar is to t ilk, an 1 j ,'t f,--;.. to hav a f, w be ins of can speik in -'.n-.;l i -h in plaiiny a- any. ,, ,r ,. l.,,lVi f,,,- tin- - iv-s a- a dc lor body. lb- is far s.,en.. flhe paii.-t il i ur; on ... il- or pip-r. lit-.-l us an imilator, and can easily I" lau-ht hau-al pi.i--.-d aioti'i I ..: u- .ill i'i al to say almost any i bin-. li- w .'I u-tn n ,;M, !m .- n,: , , : : j, .. hi- put. fa coiivci-iit ni:i with ir. j 1 1 n't h ,e tl.i t. mp. .. a -i. I While In ppini; iirou id s- emiiily too -,,.,11111111.11 .,y r i ; 1 . 1 - -1 . ; 1 1 -r- . bu-y to 11. .(ice what is "oin.; on le' " ill .,- allow .1! !. l-i! n,.: a l-. i- ,'.'... often a-toni-h ;i whoh cr. 11 I by bp aki' - , 1 1 ei'i p. 1 mi; , ',,( .1 :-, bi-.--. out witii s, line s.i-e ami ti:i;:i-; lei.ia'l . ipon the p it-. ii. A 1 1 ', ;.' . e 1 ami w In 11 he is at loss 1 01 w . ,1 Is I., w i'i v.-!'. n t m- , 1 . . I i, - ,-, .... 'i'..- hold lie- al nut ion of hi- an i i.l - I. h - -11 r. nl 111 1 I - i. - I I .y hut , :u .1 lib chatter an I s mi v 11: ;ui. iy ..f v ty 'i:pip-rii: !i..;it. iioi-e he he:ir-. We don't think Ii 1 1 n't -iv- I h p 1! 1 :i- ilu'i -Ii - ! worth keepin- u ii.-- In- c 11 i.il!.. audit w al. r to d r nl, li-.m, in' . ! 1- .1' :s r-ii" lo li:id a in .p" ihit . .in'l I. -w . d ali l.e . -. -. . h- , ,h,n how. Tie -.- Lit -1 - an- r -il -liip-iiiy in :!; '.i-. le: w'.ll I- . .n.-li-l. -'ilal. the ni-'i ttaiii-, iitl.-s and mile, iiw .y :h--.pi in : i' . ! I- t I, n l .11 ; il . h : 111. Ir-. in tin- bu-y world. I ) e.'l .,1, .1 . ,-, ret ,1 he w-ull "The A ll nl :. Ml Ilia- pies a I e v. 1 y tui. h ! 1. , ! I , . -, -i ! ', t t . . ,t o ' . "i'., Ill' i:ke th. ir ll-u . p- 1:1 reii-i-;.. Tie 1 i - 1 1 1 . p 1 ! h- ,1. , e ,- ! pi ,! t h- 11 t! ad it loll Ill tile I n w-t ill ll .1! - a -l 1 a .1 ! 1:0-: ie w : . I .i.i-ti -li . niriy. d at !ni I'r iiic-c. 1 1 i.'t t In .w . 1 1 11 ai t e In , p' 1 "I'll :i iv 111 i-pies al.o.ud. It 1- -aid il iii br . 11 p ip 1 I. 1 - -ind i ' .' !! ' liny weie-t Ire 011 . n hin- -h-ie : 1 1 1 I lie Iin-. thu idm.-lli- 11 ; .. , wi, .'. made t In ir way to the nit- 1 i..r. I,' , . li 1 - -le.. km- ! t h- -;. k ,.i:-l .,-.' i . . in the M.'Xieaii r.no's, th..-.- h.al.dl D Mi't j .r lli- I--1 by 'e ui in -: ' t . :, j 'h le, an I iii'illiplii-l till flu y have I-. - 1 ,i,.,u it. Tills :- n-. .' i ri' t . on-.- ii! . .im- veiy niinioroii and ale now f..ii:i-l md in tv- 11 . all alono the l! -rky 111 -lint nil rlc.in, j I u' I l.-t -I .i- ll .'. r I u. i i, i:i a -i . '. v. n far to (he north. .1, amber. ' We liiive aunt h-l 1 iirli.us lerd out in D .n't b- iiim.i-i I !u! of y.ui-.ll I v ' tie- iiiinin,' and oiiioilt u 1 : i y-. A m 1:1 1 h- le -p. ai -i I .! p . it:o:i ol 101;- . -111 ill, oi-iyish rhap, as -ly ,-is a l-. II i do (aiti .1 u.-il, yo inni ! ii iv is , a'h d the 'i-obb. r.' I.-aye a pi-1 .- . I pi r f,, . 1 :,:-i 1 ,'. I l.o.n -. I i- !. m nt or a bi i nit mi tie- 1 a i:-. t ii.l.- an-l I 1 1 n't a . ,p. iv a . '.1 -. !.- v. -, : -: . 1' lie is . lire to sb ill it. I h.iy- -1 . 11 lb.- . .1.1 in . 1 v. l.ir 1 -s sit on the wind-.w i !, whil-- w 1 1 n'i ; .1 : , 1 ih it I. :i I . - an I I- 11 1 r. wi re 1 alino ot.i d inner, p iimiu' I b-ni ' t-- - a; - n..l:u 1.1 ... ..-:.i! nm m s Iv.-s as il no one was n. 1! it ;i, -o..:i llm: 111 n ttiio . :, - 1 . b ... '.- i i as we turned our I..11 k on a pi. . 1 I or :M . ..n!. 1:. I, .. 1 ,1, -I.:;, w ..- :i I! 1 it was laken, and the 'ti.bl-ei' wa- out of . ,f ,.f .m -. ., , ,:i I). : : -!. sl-ht. This a -1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 f bird will in !-i , y p.'. the fool eir 'splat-, ati-1 in snli ' A l '-' I-iies loll. .11 Wilier. .1 mi-.!,-ri .MS W.-.V lle.l ...... is i.ny .1 I 1 A' He i I ! HI- tin : ! 'I. i': -'li' ,n. .w wh it has heroine of i!. W- n. v, 1 kill the rebbci' bird-. T!:.y are it, Unit,-. ly niiiuoi'-; tut I h-rui'.-, i.u' th y ar.; the III., t audacious thieves .el e. fill.'" m li.'lll. II Mils' S'ljl 'I II lulls II lil'. To r- 111 .v, sp .. tl ,.,,- hnr, pp.. nr.- .1 pi-ce of pumice ,'.,ne of a Ii i- -1 .in. and not v-ry porous. p, b.r 11 -.- bv 1 ultino th ; stoii- into a -in .' , -.pi n- with round.. 1 e.l-es. Th-u nib il .., a liar I st ju" or lile unlil ils whole . -in ! a. -is .piite sin 10th. When th s i. loa.-. rub oently with it the put wh- i. the hail "low s, at liist one,' a dry, previ ously dipping the p iinic1 stom- 111 w.um waicr. Mae ininule dippin' wiii -.-n ' . ral'y sulliee t) rem .ve th- h.rr. I;'. any 1 illation of lie: skin eiisu .,, apply a I in i s.i1 1 1 oil l-i th- p,rt. Th- riibi.i n ;- liny I. lie as often as is i-oiiv.-ni.-ni, r i;e bein taken not to scrape th" skin by too I i-rli appliri.t i -n. Tlii- In iy not prove a in li. nl cure, but it w id keep th-i-n.-my at biy, and prove 1. -s troublesome an I painful than plurkiir; out the luir w.th tw, -i -. N-w York Dispatch. A Scheme I 1 Ituy l.ittitsiaii 1. Some on.; once a-ked .l-.liu .l e- d A- tor nh our the larre-l so 11 of ni.eievhe ever in id.; ut any on" lint iu his life. lb: said in reply: "T.i I.11-; -1 -'.III I 1 V. r inis-ed m ikino w is ill n l rear ; ,, the piirchas of l.o n- i i 1 iu c erne. ! ion With D -Witt Clint .1, ti . iv. i.i' ir M i ii-, ail I oth r-. W- iat-nd-d I. pi.r chase all of that province ,,f th - -'.,p..r.. N ipoh on and then -ell it to '.. -i lent .1. ll 'i soit at the s im- price, in rely I-' taniii; the public dotn mi, . h ir:;in,' J I s' per cent, commission 0:1 :h- p 1; iha-e." It fed thrui,'!. how-v-r. l-r s.-m tr 111 111; r iu or other. II 1 I th-y siirceed-d Mr. Aslor .-timate-l that In should have mad- about Im.mii.i mi l. D.V i ods (llloni. le. All I iliirr 'ssai j llxli. ii l.ilinn, I'I his lecetitly eicct-d ilinj; ( "l...i k-iey Hall," Tennys in exli.'it-; "II ,.. tl,. he- , I. nl I. -I til" I'i nt. fatal .liii M,t.-i- ,,f the pist." J his seem, l alhel ll'lllec.-s.ity. Hill. fatal daii;hter of tin- pi.t is like tin I fatal dan .'liters of oilier p -op '., she in iy be -o, luted upon to hail:; on lo nil lh. ..ie:ents she can lay h-r hurls mi. I. f -. A Illl 'e Cirsf. I Mi.V' im- a dude 'lea-e," s-ii I '.he board, r to the table o i I. j "A dil le .-:;- Whil is that.' "A fie-h on".'' - !-ist on Coin ii r. ' N ). 2-. ' Til K" i'.l.MII.V l'ilMl'MV Hull nie Hill ol I ... . . 1 . Ill i ad iind milk v. il h ti u,l. '-'. liiead and whil. . el r-.::; le". ' v. 11 ' :!- 1;ri '''1 1,,,;i'-"1 ' ' " I'i''' " Ic inni'. I- II "id and but.-- J'-ll l"i-' 'dh Mi;nr an I m.lk. r....'.-.:v Di. 1 1 I- f ad -. , Mit. r.-liu r p 1 " - h.h tl.t-w- -mi , ll-'"t th" ..-mpiicat.-1 pn.bl. u. of :! j iO.Mi II, -e I l.y th- fa-.of M lillll. M.i t! 1 i :i, I: .w y r, th pr -bi- in I r-Mie I ll. d 1-: - a 1 I ll-l In -11. -I- ', I -v i'doi:-.' t'm n- p-ii'i!-, e.-ti-l- nr.- I j l. accp'.-te la-', d- I on tie Iw-nlieli , An lie r of tli'-nn- w.:-hl am. ' r i"'. '"'t w 1. r!i was loWrd to .b 11 k ; r, wa- ,'. ill hi :-k :.nl alu 1 ll tWef.fet'i .lay. I'll- i . r.in r v. 1 . iolltillU-1 nolo f -1 iy I i--, aid 11. -a! have b ii p'l-le I i. n r, lie- d-'.: I -it.', in a l.ir -! a!- - I I. alt'i. M 1 th- two , ti-tli d iv lie .b :: lli ,! d..-d w i -h 1 onl, four p -in I-; tic .-li.. r . :: w -i j I. i niu ! n p-'nl-, ..ii I Ir.vrf i'i.i no lie a j it !" t h - - 111 .onip.u - 11 . v rydi;.. I.l "H t h- I ri-l'.i I c. .1 w.ljh-! n"t..i a-.d on.--f..ui t . peril-. Dim:, tie i ! days i1 dl o k 11. ally ri-!.l p .un 1 j "' v- l!' "Irii.k.o.' ! an-l I ' - ll" 1 1' -t cont ime I. A - i.-.-.u N ll.- .i--!i-i. j "I the r. -iinipl --11 ol im-,h -!hii, nl, .. be; .- 1 ;i ,y ,-,! n . t ,v,i p , 1 , I- I a half ol up and two p .u;i I- ,.f in ,t without any u-i,.'r isint 1 ei- .pi mr -s, an i i' i- n w n li: s-- I 1-- . : 1 I t 01. i 'I III' p llli-ll 11 icker. I "N-.l "tie o, t-ii 111 t 11 w !,.,.; - , .-in' a m . ... r-1 a' th- .1'..-.,-- t--i ,: I :,,,i ' v' 1 '-' ' - !'." 1 ''!"" d ' M nk. t li-li d. ih 1. '- vn-li ii.ai l..: M' a - .1 .:. !!.. M. Ho .-lb- .- j ' ain a-i- ' . -I'.. k, I-., -1 ... if i b . '" ' 1 !l" -' !" '" " 1 - ! too! . 11 1, 1-. . -I li..- Iuh t :.. ti-t.nti.- ! :.! .mic-I ii..' an I ll.-.i wb- 11 ..n .-i-l. 1 1 -1:,. - I- l'1 1 si' MO-li '.11 - U' I' 1, an I I k- w tic. in the clo -m t. lioi.n,:- stiip- I ! . j b-iula , w . ak 'i -!-, aiel --nil, 111 - 1 1 th" . iniii-ii in . I I - 1 v I I 1 1, : j 'I''''1 t'"1'- 1 I'M-'b.l it -i I ahno-t a- much t-. ..' ti- s in;,, 1, i 1 .1-1 1- ! doe. I;. ll.-, :, .1 ,-ln p II 1 1 I V 1 ', I ' w i . pie W le - I :.. ,v .11. w h, ti ll.c, - I bi' ..f it I, 1 1.- :i m nth A b ill p. Hi- n .1 . i ' 1 : n V": ' Iv . I. I . .hi not I. . i I.l , pi -li' t- i I. th iu s. v, :ily liv- i nl -. s in i I ci i lov. is i f ih ia ., "W il Ilia, lo : . I. -i... I.b -ui,-.f ,t. N' W York Mi". I'olisll lip III II . l !, V ile. A I : I .i- . ,. im a i .; I a.- ; ' I lie I. w hi- h a! I. n I I h i all i.i ., wln n i fiii nd, w Islim; t , i ni oh- h, r, b t 1- h I " :- up IL ' -o' I " ' 1 ' '." s' , s'-.:t I, "lie r- s" "in I i b- no bii-iit -i i"." "I'll. 11 pi 1-h ill, lie- .la, is s ,1c,' v. a - t he r, p'y. 'i'.i: . . : . -oun i :,lvu-'. --L-v.ni Chiitrb. ADVGRTISINC llm i-ipiiii.'. imii' hi-elllni:- "f 1.00 tin.- - j i:;ii i , I w o ii mtI ions - l.'.O ( lite ii iiiii i , .. lie lllol'l h - .':') l-'i.r liirv-r ndvritis. inriits liberal rot : t -n t s w i il be made. I lieriinso ef Tiler. M bfe has prow n so dear to in" 1'.- c in e of thee. - Vy mai'l. 11 itll the e.Ves il-illlll-", Ai. I .pii-t mouth nml foiehe.i I pure, ) . makes n slimmer in my In-art, 1 llo.-iuise thou art. lli very w in,)- melodious be lleeal f lh.-. I I i'ii e i, sweet r f..r thy sak . 'i - wales in solttr niu-ie I I a'.-, i rilit.-r wins ti e sivallow.s .(art j It.-eiiu-e Ihou aft. , ' isswep! of s!m,.,Hs f re - ' I " llllse of tin-. . . . :o:. ear., have l.-t their ' in.', i : H - 1I11--10W, th- linnet-, -m -. A i'm's in my ih li-ht ha v pat t, Jl- e-u;-,. tl...u nr: i '. l.a '1 Inivl-r. Ill MOKOI S. 1 1 -. ti 1 ol-nli A pap.-r -llVo!.. ti p . 'iii-try. 'i !,-di ainal i -t has in ii-y tim-. II1 w . is all play, i l! a man bl-.ws Lis own tiiiuip I, r an I . pii'i .ii b. -oiim 1 ; N otn in. Siv, tin re, why don't you -i ' h il pi' .' Tl imp 'I '.. - it's loo m':i ll I -yoth. ..-;.'. no .i.tii.: i of t h" y .ti a- ma i w ' - - - t i s e lo- -.:! sir kii'i; l-e i a t i lo in -. I He oil:-, it, an who i I. w ii li i - Ic in - p.ti' itiu- p.ol il.iy put no hi- w ''tit I .lake hi- -.ill out i-i . .-y t -I in .-. I! fote till' we. 1. 1 lie.' dill hew I- 11 oi l he wa- In r In a-ute, but al'.i .vatl i -I I.e. OH' ,1 ..11 .111-1 III le i-lll'-l. 1 I'ii" man who was I . t i w.lli -i -i v i p. :i ill Ills l i , r 1 1 is now lo-kllj :ili'-i! bi -oiMiihin-; to ' at with ill- .-poon. A . r. ilu'oii I'.'i-I.sh pip r -lay. ly a - i - Ih it w, -ti m .'r.i--hopp. : - at - u' in. in thi- c.ii!,.y foi I'i. ti. h sard a--. I ' I'lin ti is not a n w i i .. ; w l a v ' I.l: ol 11 111 11 lo -it ill-. Illl I a table o . i... ;i- miii- to I'm I mi1 a!" ut a- h oil: t's I: ,:el-. A ( h . i-. . I ii ii:. -- tn in w "I ! h b -If a . ho'i d-ll , - n: r ned lie I- ma', i t I.l- ' , i hi' l i.- Ihe ..th. I d l b- ma' r I l-i w ni. h she L.ot tl. els ! -r a "i -; v.-i i I. in- hi1 I .-ci, n-e -ay. that a I. ..y w. i-hiti:; : o p.. . aa. Is on i :n III Would wei-h two - -n I lie plan..' .lupiu r. Ju ! thiil; ! . I t'e tilV-iiii-s of ,-mi inhabit ml of ' i : w I, i ha I ' al. n a pi. . : of wed ! . ik' I ''i.'ii.ii. ito Ir.-iinp' Y"U ini-ht -a.y a ill.. H...... I for tin! nice ditiin r. Ttiiinp i.- r- n-l.fu'lj i -Mel un, yotl on .hi ii.,t i . throw t. inptalloii in In- w iv of a pi in .:i. W. -man - T. in .t at'or. ? j Ti p Y-s, iii idii'n. Il 1 were to saw .in- - l.th- i '. :iaes are th .' I Wo.i'd cc-y tl lie- -..iw. I'm i-n h :n'-! in .11 n-.-v, and 1 w ml t . ! iy -.. I'er-iiin Soliliei s mi Hie M.-.n Ii. I A I'- isi.m r-.-liii ti! 0:1 lie- mat. h t- :' -t-i spietaile. Il.-iy liii-- --lli'r- I 1, a l-.tik- y; I- r lin t i- 110 ba-joa-' i I: ri and no c iiin:l--a! i il. I i'i thi- d-.i.k-y j-. ph I the wildly w altli l : it - pi- priet. .1- un 1 th. ir m i-k. t. 1 l.-.-a. -toi' oly the vile 1 w ile o! a s,, 1 e al-. ; bi ,i,i s tin- pati. 11' b.-.i-t. The -holt !. 'ni. .li.pi- i- pa-.- 1 fi.uii ui . 1 1 1 1 I. I 1:1 -;t . The 1 ol Mr a's lady t:.avil- 111 : i 1 - .1 lee litter covered v. iii si ale t 1 1 th, : 11 I is ipiiie roiii . lile ! from tin -ol lh.- in. lis. reel. Tiir other r-ni- ii -,t al ladi -, '. -. ly Vi ih d, an- 1 ol m 11 more lie. b -t paiini.i -. one on 1 itll' r - -I" .1 a mule. Tile pi.M e -ioi rX!l"!'l- , ili.ip. oy. r I xv 1 miles, will, : - 1 -ap bet ween i. h "loiiji 11' W a f It el's. The only !n- e . "11 I-! - ol il fi-W tl ll'lk s I. loll-ill.; t ' In- otlieefs, and a few lar-e 1 upper p. s lor . o..k in- pul p .-. s. I. i-l 1 .in.. j tl. I'i. . r-, ihatfii- merrily, an I ', ii.. iir; t in ir silver w iter pipe- whii I: a 1 i--e. fellow on a mule 1, ph-uish. w- hioliie, .and lir - wiih live 1 11.11 - . 1! :,- lie V II -lll 'k. 1 oil'. Tile e-l- 1.. ai p .-o-.e, 111 . nts. It found n, .'. a. 10I11111 .1 itlou and to -pue in il,. c uai i'i-ei;ii it h ft tin . in-: 11 ii-,iin l i a - miliar cai avails, rai ri-hl-and I ". l . I l mil. s oil the who!-, (oinpiny W li be Clllll'oltablv lloU e 1 I . !'. I .- bull The Owl. I ii. II ill'.' I-l l -iX "Illf'T lit p i.-s o! ' . k:i..w u to n.il uiali-t s, bul i h pi iu p ,1 o i i lipalioll of rai h -preies is . in out ni-hl s and sraie school niii'ain k'f to death by hoolin-;. Nidi ow Is a n't hoo are one Inn-e bil ls whirl .'. to -rub nlon ; the be-t Way tln-y in. Thi y are like a boy with sin hu t I col, thai he can't Imlh r. The owl . n.. p nth ular what he . aN, and li d be X ill 111' X Welcoln. . al the !IV I ;. I.-. .r lin-, lions.-. li- wi I rai rhirk , rabbits, inn -, ipinls, bririe-, seeds, ; I aim. i-l anythin- else o,, (,, , , and is called the i inbh in of wi-dmi aiise he . an look aioiiml lie. corn, i t he. '..mi rib iiii'l s.-e a fanner's son . t iiio th. re w ith an old shot un ti r-ine him. While thu bird is harm --, many ayouno; 111:1 rt win Is r. .iniiio tue from seeino his Mary .lam: ha; "u. k a '.' ' clip on hearino the solriiin i'. o hoo!'' above his head, and h.'isn'l i-ppe 1 shakin-f lor 1111 hour after et 11 ; home. The owl is said t l live foi 1 I a century, but what particular -piod 1 lies him is moro than iinylio ly 1 1111 i!. --! Detroit Free I'ress.

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