r. m'llMlHiffti1Will )t l)atl)am Uccoro liATHS 1 1 i f ttljc l)atl)am Uccorb. ii. .a. l.ois nors, EDlTOll AND l'KOl'lUia'OU. V TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One eojiy, one year One ropy, six months , One copy. I luce months $ 2.00 1.00 50 Sim.liuily I'ii.vs. Romp find il convenient lt live at their ease, Ami nil obligations lo shirk; Oil every occasion lo do us lli-y pleas", A n,l give no iilt.'iitiou lo wick. As idlers and sluggards, as loungers ami lll'Oll.'S, Tli'-y follow their indolent ways, lly being thus lex, increasing the tux Til it sum body pa) s. Kivo lunches, fiv ms.m, they Invo at com mand. liii'li Kills Hat mothers lire lost. Ami K:iyly they fe-ts on 111- fat of tin" bind, Ami travel ivuar.ll..., of cod. lint for all Hi.' liii" I ampi -Is, the weir nml th.' iivir ( f . il-li oi- priv.it' displays, Though yni may go fro, 't s as sui as ran l-o Tint soiiiclioily piys. Soni' boast 'f the it. .lit they freely ol.tain, Tli" line's f. urn v.hie'i tlicy iv . x nipt. Ami lo . ,-I'hvI 11..' favors I e.vivo I, il is plain Tli y'vo in i'l n 'I a -ingle ntluipt; Willi ho mi- at st.il.', ili'-y i- iit I" remain 111 lll lll I i Hi. Til I of Hi. ir il ivs, An I wi.li inv.Ii' a'. pi hl. u "Ino lioiso" they ml", For wlh.li somebody pays. Hciii" no lluoiigli tli- world with a niK irdly h art, An-1 ,'ii-i v a ini,i ilv pins... Win;,. ..il .'i s, w.ili IiInt-iI .-.-il il ' tli.'ir part, Ami I'.-.-lv I li.-ir 1 1 t ires disburse; Ami tin- lu.iirs of i lli'iii',. i' in iv enjoy, I'm- .ii'i an I iii'i.Pi'-, delay,, J'or a.!e an l i i'.:!' . I, it i, wed to I. If ' 'I hat i.'iii' Ii' ily p ivs. - ,li',i'plniii. I'l'llanl. DEAD MAN'S CANON. Il a w.uui ilav in Apiil. I li..-:e, I. i n loolv a car ami Hideout ! , to tin ill' 1 i I I In- I'll', then la; wa'Uiil on lor .some .1 stance ami turned up the lull I.. Hie I I! an I look tli" ioa I whieh j le i I , ilown liiiiiii ;h Ka.l Mill's t'.inoii. ! A, be w. ili.nl ilowa the loil;ll roul 1 h' not , 1 a liiile i-'ul-l play i'l:; anmiil a pile ol wool wlm-li in i latlir ha'l b . ii i -hiMipiii::. l" il tin I ! 'W :i h ,s iw two ir ! 1 1 s at a bp i n :, ; n I ;ii th yoii-i ;.-r .li. ink fioin a , tin p.iil she s i i. I i .i In r sister, "What j p ii III w ..I-r th it i-. " j I wo in. ii who w-.'it! iliawni" stone 1-lt ; th r horsi s : n t i lit to tin- rls .liink. S 'inn neri i s wiio lauhilli t ill.i ii; an U'l'l a loii'h bo'.isu n si lo oi tli" bhilV. All tie se thin-is , ,ft oi noli 1 w ilkeil, a i l lie a! . i noii.-.-.l two for mill the us h" mi ii, iviile.itly trinips, who sit on a slonj in a loii' ly past of the eui"ii taikiiiL; in low tone-, w liii h ee.i," I i ntiiely as hu came n- an r. L Ilea w. iit on tbrini,'h the canon ; n I cto.seil the lr rk . to the bl'eweiy, wh re be waiK.iii.o; to look at some new ma chinery. After liu ha l i imino.l the tinehiiie he went up o i the roof of the buihlinu', from whie'i I hero was in eM'.llent view of the v.i' !"V. lie wati h il the river wimliii"; nw ay ! pist ii! 1 1 v 1 1 i-.l hurls ami pitches of for- j est, p .t : i:i'ly 1 i!s ami rocky bill IK lie notice 1 the ta'l sycamores, with their white bilk, scatlorcl over the valley, la the ills! auce he coiil'lsec th" pili il up stone ,-i'ul the tall masts of ilia ihnii ks for moving it wln-u a r. at ii'h.:C w:i. bein l u ll, iiinl near by the cluster nf h. m-.es iovere'1 with tar papci, where the w oi Kiiieii hv. .1. Oitlui other shle was the city with its towers aii'l chilli- lieys, ami nV. r .ill the ilark cloil'l of smoke curliu ; iipw.ii l. Aa l '.I en there ; was the rivi r iia,u, an I uio.-c ll its nml nml" hlulTs an l nunc (iiltiv.ile l laiel, forest nil' t wliil". bai kul sycamores. I.'.ft. n went .1 iwu aii'l siaitnl for lii'iu". As he went up the canon the men still fat on the stone whispering to gether, ami a;, liu stoppe l w hen he came near. It was "row in-' ilark. The men who Iiinl been ilr.iw in"; stone lunl left their wa mi by the roa'l ami gima for the iiihl. lb: nut one nil nero in ry i iiLf a pail of water. There wai no one talk j in,' before the hoilso now. The spiini was ili'-ei le.l, ami the water ran ipnelly ilown the hill. The litt'e ";iil .m l the in in w ho hid been chipiiti w oo I were "lie too. Near th.' hcii'l nf the canon h if ten in t a well ibcs'il mill :oino ilown. Tiny miihli 'l as tli.-y pu-scil ami saul ninielhinj ahout the b i'l w ilkini:. I.ollen noticeJ that bl.-ie'i domls were fathcriu,', nil I when he rcaelieil the top nf the blulT it wai .pliti: il irk. II" took a car ami went home, am! as he went into hi. home he heatil the, roar ef distant tli'.uuler. As the flashes of lihtnin for iiseoml i 1 inline I the lower em! nf Demi .Man's Canon a well ilrc-sscl man lay in the ro.ul near the rock where the two tramps hail tat whisperiii"; together but the tramps wcro gone. It was still moonlight when the ipl tr rymon slurtcil for their wmk. Thu storm hail gone by ami the sky was bright with stars. As they cnterel the canon the palini: of the moon imlic 1 1 o 1 that tl e sun wou'il soon bo up ami the nky was iilrcaly growiii'.; roil in the east. A 1 i -1 1 1 miit lliKitc.l anion"; th tops of the fycamore trees on the ll.its. BuJ.lcnly the men stoppeil. Kuht before them mi the roa I lay a man. His clothes were soake-l by the ruin, which hml fallen in letrents, ami his whito collar and culli wcro soileil with mud. 1JU head wai covered with VOL. IX. i i tit 1 ami blood, nml mi ugly gash ia liU throat showi'.l how bo lia'l died, Otieol tlu'in at once stinted for tlio I. w i to notify the niilhoi ilii s. The eoroii"i- came aii'l to k char.;.; of thi! I nly, and im-n wire set at woik to try ami di-c v. r the murderer. Inquiry at the brewery brought cut the fart that a strange nun hail been seen thero late the. pioviiiii nflenioim, an.l an nl.l negro testified to having ? .'en him going u;i thi'i-inon. A conductor on one ol tli' i-ais said that a man answering t'ie il ',i-i-iili'.n given by the til' n at tin; biewery aii'l the old negro In I riil leu ia his car, A grocer's man who happened In he driving by hid sui n this m ill ami iihutili d him as l.ofli-n. When the ollieers came to his In me I.often was writing, and upon briny; luld that he was wanted went at oni-e, think ing there was soine mistake whieh could be easily cxp'ained, anil it was n it until brought before the magistrate that he learned that he was charged withinui .ler. lb.'l iM his sin y, a-- wo I ave already iltin ul hi Vf, anl pleai."l hi, innm rm e, but the i vM -iii-i :i ; :i i list h.m i-ini 'l too s i'MiL', an l lie was sent to piis- n lo aw ait trial. No olli' rise II I I se 11 lb" I AO (r lilpi, nor rou'il any trai-'s of llii-iu be f"innl. I.'ill'-ii lay : ih" ail uiu'lil in his rell. IIi'I.ikw th .t li.' wis inaoi'i' it, I'll' bow was he to pr. v ill1 II- lia-l always ha l il stainless rrpu'atioii, an I now he was in piis-ni an il e l nf nun b-i ! II" thoii-lit nf tli" :;i ief ami hli inn' it woulil i-aiise lo bis frn nils. Then he 1 inhe !,!,,!, .,,, , ,1,., A Her lliat li III," a rh. I I. Il'llll'lll In I I' I U'ltllillL'. when the jiil. r ra with hit I.-.. al;- f isl he fMi.nl linn sluing at 111" blink f , ,. , spnUe lo him, lilt (,,. pi is.tin-r ili'l not mow. I - 1 1 - i was ina-l. I In w.i, roininilte.l to an iu lae a-y bun, but t lie jiiilu" in I le a ,1 ipu'alion that if he slinuM ever rei'ovi-r l ii rea-nii he shoiibl he trii .1 for inur.ler. l-'or si von yi ai s faar'c ; Iift'-n was in be asyliiin. lie ate ami slept ami w.-r taken nut to walk by a mine with of the other p it cuts, but he never some ipoku imv- ami he never appi-.-uvil lo notice, one or anv bin :. At the rml nf seven sii'Men' ret iii neil. eli ar up In tli" ui:;lit yeiri hi reason l.vi i t'nii was of his imp! is 'in mcnt, 1111 of th" t mi') be hal sji'iit in the :isy him he r nu mb -re I nothiii";. The court was nolilie I that he Inel rc covcrc'l I is reason, aii'l ii time was set for his trial. O i Ih.- iii'ht In h re ('li .rli s l. if-.en's trial arobbi-iy wasatli inptc 1 in a ii'-i";h-borin.; tow n. It tweeil one the owner nf il nillskiits of th thoil'jlit It" he: ainl two in tlie mornim; han lsoni ! plae on the tow a w as awak"ii" l an I rl simi" one moving in ;;ot up a'l I went to his I h il some one w as nmv- the lnnis -. II iloor an 1 foil i ili',' ahoii: i:i the library. Tlui lu.ii ; was li'ite-l by eh i tiirily, aii'l by 'i'i'-s in; a button at I he Inii'l of the stairs the 1 i - -1 1 1 coiiel he tlllui.l en all over the lii'sl lloor. T lis In- .li 1, ami in an lust nit loom was liyhli' l. Two men w lio ha'l been in the ibirkuess were at tir roping iibout hli nle I an l sliipelie.1 by the bright lil.t sti hli iilv, then they cam to their senses a:,.! ran, mi l as the proprietor hiirrie'l ilown stairs he saw tliem iiinnin:; lbriiih the house ami escapiii"; by a side dour. As the lien crossed the yanl the ni;ht watiliuiiin saw them and li id his pistol. The foreui .t ill in h-ll, but the ullicr mad'! go, 1. 1 his isc.ip". Oil the lb-si diiy of I, "f ten's I rial a jury had been selected, a few witnesses had been called and thecoiii t had ad j nil lied. ),l the sii'oml day of the trial, iist ai the third witness was about to take the stand, a note was handed to the ju lie. It stated that, mi cviniiuiii:; the wounds nf th" burglar who hal l.rnil shot in tin- nei'thb 'riii"; (own two nights before, il hail been found that he i' 'ill I il it live, and on leal n in;,' this the inau ha I ma le u confe-sion. II" said th it seven or eiiht yeili i be fore he and one of his conip uiloiis hud liiurdeii'd a man in D 'lil Man's ('.iii'Hi and rohbcil him of some valuable papers which he had in his pusses-ion. Ho knew that nil innocent man had been airestcd, but thought he wciibl bj ae ipiilte l. He had nderwur Is learned that the man, whose nanie was Cluu les Luften, had become insane and had been placed in an asylum. The man who listened to the story, knowing thai I, iflen was now on trial for this crime, had scut lor a justice and h id the in in make an alii lavil, w inch he had sent at once to the court. When the judge ha I re id the note the iillidavit w as swora to, and Charles I.of tcti, after seven years' imprisonment for a crime he had never committed, was once more at liberty. New York tirnphic. Frl mis in Need. ''It is a good thing to have a friend in need," said ltrass thought fid y. "1) y.'U think so(" inquired his chum. "1 ought ti be happy, then, for nil my friends aiu frends in need, Judging from the h 'gging; letters I get from them." And lie sighed deeply. Detroit Frco Press, "CA1M- CODTUKKI'VS.' Somo Iiitornsting Tiiot-s About tlio HcMTiiuj Fislioi'y. Dividiti; thu Herring O.i'rh ii When thi fish Ahnunib. Pl;vcJ IC.u ly in April the hen iics begin to swim up th j sin-aim which have their suture in Hie fresh water p -mils to spawn. When they begin to "inn," i. c., are iiuiiu rolls, Ihe weir is opened. A "herring commit too' his previously li' i'ii appointed at the town nieeliii'',au'l the right to the weir hat been sold to the highest bidder, at auction, at the same tune. Tlio onu who has bought the weii has the exclusive li-ht lo li-di there an 1 sell hi llings. The town in which tli! weir is situated led Is th" herrings caught, uiih-s! it was originally a part of another town, in which case it i' usually pioii.'d thai the amount w liicli the weir brought at am tioii shall b" divided i iplally between the lew us. If this is so, a cili. ii of the older lowu ha, a citizen's right lo a baud at the lie I rate. An mdinar weir sells for about rj-silil nr !f'l m. S ail ! few In nings are c,iii.;ht and sold before tin! weir is npeiii d. These are ciiughl by seining in the lower bays, mil is "coiilriuy to law." Hut these li;-( hillings bri.ig lai",o piiceJ. For the 1 or nf eating tlie lilsl helling caught smic will pav hiah prie -s, oi c isionally as nan h as each for the In ,1 one. "ll I'm a piup' -, 1 can have my bar rel of hi 1 1 ings iiiiy how," is an i p-e-sii'll. tl i the o ruing nf the weir tin- pilgrim age commence an I some arrive as early a, :i a. M. The liist'lo arrive and sig i his name or lii'lk has tin- lit -t bul'-l; ccept in case it is a wi low or lur r-p- rcseiilalive, l iii li sin eeeiling one lakes his barrel in turn. But a widow has preccilciiee over a'1, and each widow "lias a b urel from the town." I n il one has a right to a barrel, for which she pay! il price fixed by the town u-ually from siyly cents to seventy cents; this year sity-four cents. Fresh herrings, when they first be'iu to "inn," bring forty cents a dozen when retailed through the villages. Those who have a barrel il,ii illy salt them down, and after being salted a do ii are put on a stick, the stick being thru t tlinni-h the eyes of the fnh, and I n ig on tin: barn or side of the In ll e. This is a familiar sight in villa eg near herring streams. They re main hung on tin: side of the buildings, taken nir the stick as wantel; us tally some it-main till the next . 'pi in;', when fresh herring! have com . again, and tin: weir is again open. A mm just mirried, who has secure I bis barrel of her ings, is considered well st irti d on the path of lif". Tney sell, when salted, foi $1 for liitl herrings. A barrel ii supposed to hold bit) li .It. They are a very I" ny ti ll, and the mo t approved way to eat Ih in is to eat bones and al1, it In ing in-x t to impossible to remove the li icr bones, l'loin .iO to it'll) barrels is i on- si.h red a good en i Ii i t the weir. Soinetiiu-s they r intuitu) catching til midnight. livery olh r day and Sun day.! Ihe herrings are p'-rni'tle 1 to run uu iii'ih'sle l, a slui. eway being ma le for h in to urn ar um I the fills, so that lliey can leach the fivsli ponds In spawn. The weir is usii a'.'y at a mill or fall, nr ju-t below, where the river is narrow, an I theficsh stream reaches the silt water. On "good running days" the li,li are so thick that it is only necessary to dip t'li in nut ; soiiietiiues tin y crowd each other over on to the shore. The box is tilled and l h y are put in barrels and churned, nil except w.dows paying at the weir. The widow h n a permit from the town clerk, and the people at thu weir charge the tow n for each widow's bar rel. They iire counle I into the barrel. The local iiuiiu for them is "t'ipu Col Turkeys." The fust run of the h Trings at the weir is small in comparison to the later Mies. They at liist are sold by the dozen, equally divided between the number f applicants. "Il 'rring pe I -llcrs"t:ike them and peddle lliem through the al joining towns,tlie citizens of which have no c.fz.-ii's tight to a barrel at the pi ice fixed by the town. During May the hei ring have their heavie t "11111.' Thousands of barrets are sol I to the ather towns. The run lasts until June usually. After a certain date in June the weir is no longer private' property, hut by that time the leu lis me covered with the salted or "slit herrings." The right to a bairel is us d in legal tender, and u man will say, "I'll give you my barrel of heiri gs for" so-and -so. A family which did not get its barrel would be considered ".pie r." Seine niako it a custom to sail herring". Taking :i barrel for a widow, tin y salt and "stick" the 100 fish, and return "00 to ihe widow, that being considered a good supply for in-. Soon! families consume four or live barrels from one "catch"till the next spring's catch. T le li-h supply the place of meat to ninny families through the winter. Harper's Weekly. As an evidence that mining camps aic lot thing! of tha past, the estimate is given that a Montana milling district of twenty-two thousand inhabitants wilt produce in 0110 year, twenty-four million f ilnllifsa IMTTSliOlMr, CHATHAM CO., N. Jtile uml Us I scs. Ta'kiiig with the president of u juti mill the other day, he said he hoped tin next cotton crop was going to be a bij. one. lie was asked why. 'Well," he replied, "every bale ol I'oftiin h is .'..I In liiivi. Its brown overalls. ? . , III I 111,11, IS li?L will nusilies.s n : it J I cotton ( lothiers. We in ike it from the j stump! of the jute plant. Yoll know that this jule is grown in India, where! ii i f .. ..f il m i..,., ' ' """"j the stalk is full grown it is pulled up bj .lie roots ami hackled. Ihe top is lint ami soft, but the ground eadsare coarse! . ami liar,.. 1 heS': aro eul ..ll 1111.1 ..a.eu , lit liy.baulic presses a, 'liints' or 'cut- j tings' while the lops are also baled 11, lie. 101, he. s ,.l I .101, U nf I el le. I an-shipped lo this ciintry alone, and in iie lo I, 11 . .ii, I I'lii li e and Hamburg The natives ll il it down the rivers from the interim- to Cil.uti.i or Caittagoitg, where il is loaded for this side of tin Will 1 I. " 1 1 )i s Calculla give in the pnej in dollars ami cent-,' ' "No sii, We do our own liguri'ig, as a rule. C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .j'l. lie, us in rupees and an uas per bale, I ul we know lew le Iwi-t that iir 11 id into genuine ni' ii y. The natives do the uiosl of the business, I "ii-ss, hut there ai" plenty of 11 iglisli men and ti c ks oil' there, too. I f inc. liu lairopeaii clerk in those a ts doe, n't get so many of his cherished holidays as hew u'-l if at Ineiie, fir those lirahiiiins b 1 I ju-t as soon do bii,ine,s on Sundays, C.iii-lmas l:y an I -ninth of .lily, as 011 any oilier, and lle v do. l!nl wlienlh' ii own le-livals roine t'liiiid then ronn s a lull. A, I sai 1 at liist, our mill use only the butts lor mailing the bagging, (iile r. ii-e a liitl'- belli r quality lm paper slock, an I ' till others wmk up the jute into loi la;.-, carpets nml cloth" lines. Tin: tlie st jute of all is us'd I 'l r llialeh ug bald heads or for making those beautiful switches which fill in tin scant place! uiler the ladi"-.' big hills." I New Y ik Sun. A I'l-clty Custom. It was a pretty 1 u -10111 long ago for livers lo exchange 1 ings. The gentle man did not have to spend a im-nth's in come for a pretty trinket for whiih lit got no ret urn, but he also w ore and cherished a souvenir from his sweetheart. Chaucer i!t! ciib -s a heroine (is giving her Inv. r a ring mi w hich were engraved suitable love mottoes and receiving a like mie in retur.i. Sii ik'-spi re uiakek more than one allusion to this iiisl' in. Ia the "Two to nth lie n of Y rmia" Julia give, I', ru us :i ring, saying: ' Keip you this r ineinbr inee for thy Julia's sake." To which he replies; "Why, then we'd iit i'ii' 1 i hange; here, tak" you this." A "eiinuial'' nr linked ring was then invented w hich gav stiil greater force and sign li ance to the custom. Il w s 111 ide of a double and often triple link, which turned upon a pivot. It could be npi iied, show ing three rings. A sm ill baud was iitlaihed to each outer ring, which, when closed, caused the hand to clasp, inclosing a heart w hich was alii ted fo the central notched ling, ll was cus tomary lo break Ihcsi rims asunder 111 a soh inn manner over the bible. It was ill ways done in the presence nf a witness, who kept the ci liter link, the belli t bed couple reserving the two nuts'ido links. When the iniuriage contract was fullilled ul the altar the three portions were u lite 1 and Ihe ring used ill the cereiuonv. I.I wclers' Wciklv. The Kul's Weapiiis. Tiie rat is finely equipped for the pe culiar life he is ordained to lead. He has tlroug weapons in the shape of four long and very sharp teeth -two in the up er jaw and two in Ihe lower. The.o teeth are we I ge-sluij o I, and by a won derful provision of nature have always il li ie, sharp, ciiltingedge. Pn examining them can fil ly, the inner pal I is found to he i f a soft, ivory-like ci'iupositinii, which can easily be worn away, and the outside i, compos l i a glass-like en amel, which is exceedingly h ud. Thu upper teeth work into the under so that the cent res nf the opposed teeth meet perfectly in the act of Ulwiiig, hence the soft part is being continually worn away, while Ihe hard put keeps a sharp, chise!-';ike edge all the time, and at the same tune the tei ih are constantly growing up from the l o t. nil, so that as they wear away a lu sh supply is ready. Should one of theie teeth be removed by accident or otlicrwi,.',lhe opposing tooth will continue to grow, and there being Holding to wear it away, it will project from tlie mouth mid be turned upon it self, and if it be an under tooth it will grow so long as to penetrate the skull. Tlio Ilrled Currents industry. "One would kindly liii k lliat a sin gle iu lustry would support vast num bers of people and fonu an im portant p-oiluet of an entire nation,'' said one of our leading grocers tho other day. "1 am referring to dried currants as the pro lucts and I recce as the coun try. To show how enormously her prosperity has increased ill this respect, 1 have simply to tell you that the crop has mcrca-cd from li PUi).(KH) pounds in lStii) to gi)0,00i),(lut pounds in liSi. If it isn't an iiiipoitant staple todicce I'm unable to say what it is."--l'Uiln,-deluhia Call. C, MAY 12, lss7. CIIIUHtKVS C05.1 M.N. Tim ii y Urn h. I liave lost tin. way to huppim--. i li, li'i w ill li :i. mi- I. el. ' Turn i 11 fioin tlie Inlnvay I -i liislmi lo tlm liiilit up Only tnii lv. Keep klmi lit iilnii' mi,! eigi t o . . , 101 lis sure lis you live, I say, t. iir, j,,., .i',N . i.,,,,.i,."fS f 11 only h,-lonii.l lliat way. Mia Wluilir ilenx in 1 - I l ie Thr riiii-liilil .r,,f,..Slir s-.,vr, s:lV 1 nml il s that the c in o lilfl ,jH ,-..tliv .l.sappcaie n f ., a 1 f ' ''-Jl'1 - sliay on. nay ; ,)(! m(.t wjll ,,llt , tl.1ls lU1mM,s ,.e ugly ii.iim.,1 in , fi,(1ii, m ,,,,, N ,,,, f tl 1-us( t .ilaraet. Iroiigli 1 suppose no body wi I shed a le 11 I'V' I III s I. lie it of the Cloc 'I lie, the fill t jit noted IS i lit el- istiug. I'.ut what has 1 ni-'-l lie- ii'a liin: lo retire further S 'iilh .' N .l, you will be pleased to know, lie- gnu of 11, an, whiih has iii-i le so niaay animal, ,1 arc. 1 iiinl seal 11 r. The rl "m i ile, it seem-, i. I vely tinil'l, mi l the flowing trilll" nil ' the river and especially tin- paddles ol' the sleaim is have bceii III-1- Ih ill It 1 oil d bear. S 1 it has vanished f. r I to quiet w all i s and pa, I ure, gn e 1. l.ill'c Folks. Iii-k' Ailli'iiliin-. Ick Iivm in a luge limi on the ink ol 11 river, quite near the sea. 1 'ii" I V'Ty warm siimm -r day , l;ck s mother was asleep in a chair on tlie piazza, and lie, after p',a lug a while 011 the lawn, Mil down the path which I. I to tie river, wln re (he boat, wiih is gay, striped awning and 1 u-hi ..ne I seats, 1 1 li a I ioil ul water on I In- In .nil. I'ck romped about 011 tin- soil, w aim sand for a wiule, 1 h.i,,iig ihe bulb ill 1 which llilled up ami down the beach; uml watching tlie liitl" Hashing wave . wh eli plashed gently on the shore, com- I ing ll' iiier and liean 1 with the slowly rising tide. I'retly soon In- cliinbed into the hod and settled himself among (he soft cush ions in the stern. It was very warm in the -iin. an I Dick thoroughly enjoyed th" cuil IneeZ.' which whispeie l among tin-overhanging branches an t mill -d the wider iulo the w.ivi b is which p'-isle d a in-rry s nig against Ihe boat's side, l'lihap! Nature's gentle niii-'i- made liim drowsy - perhaps hick wa, sleepy any way however it may have been, the fact remains he presently iir. Vl him-eH up on the cu-biieis and fed fa-t a,!ei p. Waking slid deny, he found hinisell sprawling en the bottom of the boat, which was pitching and lolling in a most unpleasant fashion. .1 limping quickly lo the seat again, and look n . about him, his p-mr little heart stood almost ,t ll with terror to find that the boat was far away from laud, and tossing up and down on the waves of the bay. l'oor little Dili was utterly lielples--to be sure, the oars were in th" b nil, 1 ill lie could not low, nor sw im, a sin gle stroke. lie cried awhile, and called us loll lly as he could, I n nobody heard, nobody c.-iiiie to re-cue him. N 1 sound could be beard but the wash 11 of the waves, and 111 nule by no- ul.: the land gn-w fah.ler and" fainter, Ihe big lius0 on the hilt grew smaller and s n:iller. I'ye-and-bye, tired of calling, and looking across Ihe dizzy, rc'tbss waste of waiter, Dick lay down on the bolt nf tiie boat and was soon asleep again. How long he slept he could tint tell, but he was sii Ideiily and rudely awak ened .again, by a hand which seized him by the nape of the neck and lilted him out of the boat into .another, larger one, full nf sailors in blue, while a glial, rough vice cried : "A wee little cat, I declare!" Dick and the boat reached homo in safety, and without fun Icr incident, and to this dav, although Ii" is a grown up, sedate old cat, be i, iiiit.- silisfi .1 to let this rcuiain Ins onlv mm voyage, ai d much pn fei , to iiiuaiii mi shore. I Alb.mv Journal. Tlie Heligbin of ( iiieameii. The p ople nf Ihls stale, ll i.ill.d upon to express an opinion, w.ml I say, wa think, that the only go 1 the Chi. nese really worship is (he devil, and that they ate really earnest, an I siiu ero in their devotion to him. It is certain that their so-called n ligioiis reieinoniei, which we Witness here, are, for the ino-t pal t, intended to pr qutiate soiii" Kind of a demon an I to war t of evil. S u ri fees are nil -red, not to gain I ivor with :i li.'tielieicnt diet)-, but to pleas i and ninlify some evil spir t whose powers ol mischief are enormous, mid whose wrath must be appi-a-ed by nlT rings of pigs and chickens and his nodiils .icklcd w ith the odor of tire-crackers. This is tho kin I of religious o'lscrvance to which we are nceii-tom-d among the Chinese, and tho only religion they pos sess, so far as can lie ascertained. San Francisco Chronicle. Cause for Absence. 1 .'ty m ni lio minister) The bud weather keeps a good many people away from church, I suppose, Mr. (ioodiniiu? Minister -Ye-es; but bad weather doesn't keep as irnny away firm church as the contribution bus do 2'', uy liruthcr. Now York Sun. No. :ii. Thievish Ciinv! of Japan. Thu truws iir ; a lea uie of Yi . , Japan, and mie wheh Ihe colons! would willingly lii-p-n-e with. Tlu-ru are iiiillinii! nf lie in, nml in in any plan s tin y leeak ihe .sileui e i f the : i-li-nt land with a babel ol noi y discords. They mi' i ve 1 y where, and have at tained a degree ol mod iinpaiiloiiiiblii inip'Ttiiirtii e, iiiin ;!ed with a cunning and sag. icily w hu ll a'luost put I hem on il level wiih 111 ill ill some i in uiietances. Five of them wen: so ini ud nl a, to iili.'lit on two nf niv linisi. :i and so be feiiied across th- liv.r. . ., .,,,i,.n ..1 v.-ri I saw a dog eating a pice if caliioi ill th" picellee of s. Mlal 1.1 llo-e ci'Veimis bii'l , Till y i vi b lit I -snd a ; i . :,t d.al to ea. !i i-llnr mi the siibj a I, an l lew and i Im n " ti -nr t wo nf tie iii li e d In pu t the lie' it away f t 'in b in. which In r -. :H I. Al la,t a l.i'f, -t .; i r.'iv oi c "I. d ill teaiing nil' a piec, Willi v. hh h he l-eiiir I to tic w In f.- th" i'lh'1 . were c iii'.,, e..aie'l, and all-r line li ' ai u est speei Ii lb,-,- a'i sun-, Hindi I I In- it and the leading Ierd .h :enu-!;. .In ." d I In simi'l p i . " . I in al w d bin rem h "f his moil! ii. w la n h" iiniii' d i lb ly snappelid it, Idling gi tie- b"g pn cj iiuw i-ely lm- a ,' i "lid. III thi,, t wo of the crow, ll w a'.v ly with it to th" p'nc mi I w ilii iii'u h 111'- Inn and hi e. iv d o ll V d"i' lly . Iool.il ioim li ' I d. Ihe .be. bi-w ild r I i. ill. I I,, he sat lill'l lie thelll ill Hle.V. A "i 'I b III III to'd 111'- licit dog holding a pii ir i 1 tin at III l ll in I in lie- I s, ni e nf I III e w hi. h al-.. i diii v 1 1 i' I lo tear he saw a in a lik" lm in him; il id altera con iflaitoii they sep arated, two g.inig a . le in as they dare I to the meal, while Ihe thud gave tin' dog's tail a bite sharp em ii'li to make him turn around with a -.peak, oil wll I'll Ihe other viilialls seized the ni at, and the thtee fea-ied Iriiiinpliinliy upon il on I he lop of a w ai '. Colllp: ll "ii. i Voillh' Tlie S illncs f II nth. The temp -ratine ol the body rigidity of the inii-cii s i sign. ( as. s are nn r c st.-ad of l.-.n ; .- I l,th- b peratiue actu i ly . v , . times rising I" 1 .!i d matter nf si din -- i a- i i: not a sure I ulnie, in ly ha I a lein :; ill", soiie -. , and in ill" goi mollis, as It ii.ii' h violation, is called 1 I, mi: i 1 1 I soiii. times c 'ini'ig mi iiiin:' di id ly : death and sound ini -s bee; after, gnu-mi thing, dir. ctly all. r death bo ly is limp, the j iw d.q., and limbs ar limb. r. St ll i Mam folh win n ihe col., may b" raised up. This rigm s. nietini' s comes very 1 .'li I V aft r .lent li. Tneie is one ca ill. i- As j Ihe I 111. 1.1- on record where some so' li. is wr ill a group. Hi' wa, laughing nf li s i'(.,iip: ni"ii, w I, i 1, ' away hi, head. Aa . on nut i hel l showed the feature, so still', m d that ihe rxpr , i.ei an I leu ght. r r.-ui line I tin re n outline. A soldi"!' told th" w i he saw a companion kilie I whil act nf ci nil liie g a fence d ui'iiig e silting it a sally carried u of th" il-1 i, -nU-il' in nil p. 1 feet lei that ' ill the the Inl lie if i'l i r villi-, quickly that bis .1, rails, nml one leg as he had b a n nb the top la I. I' and li" sur-iied so a 1 hands i'l.ispe I the r. main, d I .used ju .t ul to throw it over , . , ia by i inv; bini ihnti"!it 1 wa . b .n. mi I p n I no hu ll - -tin1, tin i" in Iher atti that po, lit i.-ii I., him. li.ni for ovel tuo d Thi . is well v .in lied lor I c in I..- p. -' I'm si .in g I 1 .ll W tic i itch. S.lll. A NeW V'-'k I llllls-ioll Iin I I ll III I said to ii I .ii.iii' ii i il is p, a :.'i : The i xii iiment nf ni.ik ng so'ar -..it h i, been tli d in this ci iinii i but w it h-ul much : sU'Cess. The qiiaiily of tlie a waler i vanes a good deal. ll wnl depo-il one kind "1 s.i't on nn. 1-1. od an I ale .lie I i peic. .li''!y .bib t. iit, i m ii t i the i y, j on a mil he r island pi rhan- n. t ne re lb in I folly noli s aw ay. Vi . -do an inum-iise tint wish ill'' W.-l I n 1 i - in -a l. Th. ie ' arc a d "Z.-i pi ., , lied Iiim.i !i alio-, tie r diir rent kind, "f ' I', an I . o !i 1 as it, j pal", ii ill. ir il,'. I'm v. iy line and ei-i'y j soluble v u ii ly i, u-ed in I' .- tl i " i iii nf i hewing l. bii. o. N I mtaycle w- ! rl, know th: li ly quit kh ing if the Some pl.y-ti but ll, ,1 llll '111. I I'l "III lack tied. .1 Ih it li.e tob. .1' ihe -ait in., I-, ry 1 1 1 j ul An Ii iii il 1'i'opo.il iuu. l.ily (secret ill. V li' k-ug ci.'.s ) Now, gills, W.'ve I' allied li:ne cakes, two kinds ol angel I, ..id and s v.ll pie,, What III xt; Susie (engaged i Dick's fatl.er says 1 lllllst b ill II to Illlike hie id. Indignant Clue u-- l'. " id ; Ahuid! W hat are bakers foi 1'. it -burg Hull titi. l'liiliiib Ipliia's Original Charier. The inigina! i haricr of I'.ola lelphi i as a citv, ante biting by In years the ode now hanging in indi-peii'lem i! hall, which was suppo-cd to be t he lir-t. H i- j been brought to light. It is dale ! tool, and was held b , a f nuil,- who snppo.nl il was simply au old title dee I. - t'uic Times. ADVERTISING line si iin i k. one insi rl 1011 Onr sijiinrc, two insrrl ions -One square, one month - 1.00 i.r.o - 'i.-W For larger ndvi itisriunils liberal coi: :rars will be made. Itnivn and Hopeful. Oh. if., easy In be bravo when t.ln world is on your .-id.-; And il', ea y lo be In p Till when nlltfoes W" I. lint lo Inn .'li, mil ki-p ll stoiil heart tlio' trouble il ics bel de I mr li.-.ii I, nn I lioiiH", Ih it's harder far to do than 'tis lo I' ll. for 'lis indeed a li.-ro'.s heart Unit can bn la ave and c,!iv, W ith soiiow knoeliiiig at theilou, Ihesilead oil helll lll stones i'" Aii I liopeliiliyes in truth iirn th'.so which look beyoii'l Ih" gi ny, ( ll llll slil"s of Winter, seeing Slimlll 'l'S bluo Mill Hil-he I " llll gi'l l. Illosti'll lill'le,"!. iinioititrs. i A sin ..he staek - A bin. i li of cigar-t. i I :i act" j .1 l.",d"l c i A in in In iiiei .d, j i i ; lly ll it bn a i aiiuol I e pnmd of hi - ii it i vi Ian I, . A pil'il'e.ial.hel's II. gative -llisl, fusal to :;;ve ,ll ' ill !S on Id dit. ( I le thing about tin se ra loll. that i th. y alw . s 'em n b- in a liiiny. 'Ihe k u.g of liiiiniik wants soldiers I with In. - le.-. .. ; riu.ling il bugle i I orp-i, J.I . 1 1 . 1 1 i . I A Idl e burn inik- - a big -mart souir t. in ',. Ihii i v. ii a big bum could not lliake -i. me p-iqile .-lllal t. The idea deal W :f" gel, mil "I I) "I, iiglltS and ha, t lie I r akM-l piepared he i all, lie- ideal hiid.aud. , t d -wain .1. . ai'. s be i, so fond tie 111 I., '.ore ! A.b id his gill Ih ll lie has ruMied the skiu lioin his iiuse by 1, i,-ing le I shadow' on Ihe wad. "M alain," - ud ''iilldoll llie. but down." "And j lady ind ; i iii-iv. i "I lit hail ni lo ii lady, your bail is coining .in-, it, " ! plied Ihe 'i- i , uuiiig out." 'I'll i "ills of na ure nil le a bad bleak win II it -ll i li' t pi:- with lulls. A pig's i id i, of no mole ii I i the pig than the hlii i' "," i, lopie liin.ini'. A iiia-j izine writer says tli.it blue eyes m l cute a mill and cvi-ii disposition. Il'a. k ami b ile eyes, it is presumed, lu an a c. nibat.v di,p silion an 1 that the r w en er tack el th" wrong in in. I sing a l.oeniiiot , e lor a linuljaek. "It i-'i'l veiy o.ti n thai you hear of a iii in using : Inc. .motive for a boot j ii k," , i d a-i engineer on the Atlantic road la, I nig .1, "but 1 happen to know of .ii iiilercting in i-i 1 tit that occurred ihwu in Indiana the ) .a,', wilder. Walt I'olem ni, a htnkeiiiui. on a freight tram, set out one Ii It i- cold night to llug a pa-,, ng. a j i,t ,.iith o! 1 1 iinnioii I. lie Wilson: :i!m u! two hours, and when lie t-1 nn- back his lingers and ears were badly fi"Z ti. After we bud got s une whiskey down him and had rubbed Ins hands ami ears in -now we triid t i remove his Inn t-, lilt hi, l'i et wit -o bad) swollen that tli.-y could not b" pull.- i elf. l ole In.ii wa- :,ti ri,'!n'i:i nl ill--, and li-.l would not I, t us cip t i.i 111 i If his fee I. He -aid the bonis had cost him s, bill two wet ks bcfoi". an I lie c ul 1 not id frl toll-.: tin in s., soon, i veil if by so doing be Would 1"- l-eli. Vid of his Sllf- lelings. It was finally agn ed to take (.'.ileiu an out to tho loci.iu.'tive, slick his . I t heels b.'l We, II the slut, uf the COW- i c ile a I, :iii I ih, li back up. When i very thing w i- n a ly the ell illeer revef-cil hi; engine, while wo i lung to I'.ileinan'.s in ins and sh, aiidei '1 he boot, came off ipiick i iioiigli, but I '.I'cniau'.s legs c uue so : near going wiih th'-ni that thiie was no lu i in tl. As it was, we h i 1 to cut tho 1 h. . is on tin boot, to s,v,- any portion of llielll. I'll it was the qi"eie,t boot j irk j I cm r -aw. It may appear in.vt to ' many .'lie r i oiile.". I 'nil ago IP-raid. Mliul Ihe Animals Cut. l i: i ii, '.'or i , an- nil. :i awe-ti n, I, at I hon d.l . I ill I ni. ais am an; lb,: pi. .pie Ini- i , 1 1 1 st h ue to pa) for lli "la- board" of iheiY m ittei- .1 i.n t n ,1 . .1 .. net an ,g..l exhibit-, ll, f . ling o Hut the ...iiil la us line h a. lit be iin i gill. I. '1 In re i e ale celtaill i circii, men I ,1 i - of an in lis Known lo c ! a- hal atlilli i br.-ud il-. it nni- 'I hi. 1 in li d p oind i of i , anl -.''i'l pounds' up'.' d lily mpply i, anv of ill" ie -ll ik- s e it, which ll tons of I, , 1 will h" an a .' w h"!" ne nag' l .w ,. WI" li t i . hi ' v once in t!n,-e in. ei I h Ih" must be fed Willi .I 'les, labti.ts or pigeons. It take, the nice nut nr one's ear ly km w ied'-e of ll.it 1 1 1 -1 1 hi, lor) to In-ill-a in 'I p. ,ti d i in n, ill oi s iy thai it is all ii..n-en-e lo talk about saak'-s fasciu al ne; I li. n pr. ) W hen hungry, he as . it-, sii ikes will -tiil.e any live animal w it Iii h and lay h d I of it without anv pieiimiiiaiy inoveii.ent. U In n a -liiil,.' Vis ii I'lilti. ill il'iy good lipp.'lito be will git aw. iv with live or six birds nl a singlo m ul. jiiolden Aigi-y. j J j j . Wditt M.i Said. ,. .i.. : , .1.1 e ,., :,. spniise to ii piece of bread and butter l.-'d po'iteK' srfd 'I'hank you." That's right, I'. ibbv," said the lady. "1 like to In nr little boys say "Thank you.' "Yes, ma told me 1 must say hat if you gave me anything to eat, even if it wasn't nothing but blend an' butter; b it if yen w ant to bear me ay it again you've cither got to put j on m it or give mo some cake." llarpct'a llaitar. JLf

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