Irifa.i t , " nr-il)- iilllili,WmHlilftliWt wmsmn il mi .of ,wr. the laitor being its gallant command-' ,. i - . h - Twenty Sixth Iteiinorit hurt 549 won j .ml iii .SIR' sin' I ik Vupr it youiniun Our Washington Letter. iPrimi "ur lioeulur eoneai'iulml. THURSDAY. MAY 12, US.S7. H. A. LONDON, Editor. ! Colonel the giillaut Unity K. liur !l'w!1 1" Uus rcK'iintiiL were two jtoltTH t AROUNA NOW) Hi UN compiiinc-i iroui iinr nam n""".'. which went into thai inino wmi ui.i i iiieu and lost 157 We doubt if there The Hiiloigh News mid Observer Huf!i a loss iu any other eonipa recutly published a rWully pre- i.iea in ..n.v ba'ahi of the war. At i i ,.l i,u w. ll milieu i Busbm Station, on (ho lllth ot Octo pared and emaiUoh el ls,;.( th(,',w0 N(U,h C(ilv,illtt statement of tho pari uketi by No. iu . l(.it,H(U.s of 0,()U, all,i Kirklnnd mad Carolina Bobbers rti Pickett's lauioua , . (lf (je l)ooi.lifi charges of the. chaigo, iu tun thud day's litit at whole war one r";;iiueiil alone I he Gfettvsbuig. Hisloiy has given ito Twenty Seventh) m less than halt an Ciaicl credit tba, cUa.-tfOtuPu-h.lf. I hour losing .U out o, M i . .. , , 1 mention numerous oi lii'l instances ol "uiaguiiieeiit irgiiuaui , but tuc j l(M,.f ;.,8 huOc: by North ffeiv's aud Observer produces wools (lir(,jina troops, if your weio that North Carolinian.- were the ; not already exhausted But enoug.i heaviest bufcWb. It i- tUo u.ibfoi- I kve bccneitcd to p.ove that th"- ,, ,. 1 vtcro charges made bv North I'' tune of our M:.i tbat be, war rccoid , Uu; Ute w. baa uot been wiitteu uu .ike mat l'1 1 j.nt, .is daii'-g. as hloody aim -Other States, and thorttuie the pitit s,,f saenlifingasthewoiht renowned iBi l'.ii ini-,1 bv her soldieis la uol an chai geof the immortal '-six handled" generally Known a the part ptilorni t& by tho boi'.herii of Ovln r State. Tbeediloi of Iiit:Ktooi;i' li'ivinu bet 11 ibvited tbisyee.r 10 in ivi r the uutuim memorial address ou the the Teiuit Of May, at W liunnytuii, Un-k ."icasinii iu bis hjii'icb lo 1 oi t i i'-i;v I- t lie part Uilun by 01tu 1 uiolur. during the lal war. 1 he Wiluiiiiy'oli lie vii'W jniliii.htd ilu- vitire )oi-b. iro n wlii'-h we coyy the fol.uw uiy tfiU 'U'L : "Wiiile as St)iitLeriiers wo ate just ly proud of ail m-l !u-r, yet cilielis lit Slain i.av-e a jiecul'iu H!ili- in the .ndi"ir; lio:u North C.uoiiiia. No S;su- 111 ll'c SoullK'in Coiiicih 1 aev dltl it- l;r more fa'thl'iiiv limu Moi th Curuiiua. aud uo soldie.s in 1 he Coiue.e-i at c army fo. ;,'ht iimu biaveiy or niiiVorinl mor-; lieattiv lieu th. tic ti- ops fl't'ie tin -i'al .Soitii Male". W.tli out w is. ..ji; lo itraw uuiuums coin uarisoiis 01 deli'ii i in !.... i i.i't iiiiiii the giory wvu iy all i'oiitcitei uu Solvllei. t tuis oi'iai!iii 1 lius: be m. doi.t d tor bliel i Brtiti'.Miai atunlioii to -t u'l- i-( tin exploits iif NoitU Caro. ili.t's sold elt-. At the beguinin'j o( tlio war the white poiiu.atioii ff 'i'-th Cuioii:ia was on.) t'J, a:id et sue tuiu- ifchod to I In- 1 'oiiledi 1 ate at inv iieai iv Oue tiit:: tf N.nlh l':ioiuia's enure "Thus j. s.aiatii-n was in tin: Confed (irate ai iuy ! 1 he t.ilai iniiuiiei 01 bold;eis iu the Coiifedt late ai my was about (iiih.iioii. so then North imu Una funiiii od .-.t -i'.'tii of all the t'-oops that eoiistituted the Coated fliaieaiuiy ' Noith Caroiiua's trotips Consisted ol lit) iviuejuts ot infant i y. 7 of cavaliv, ,i ot ailinei v : and li but- at Haluklava! Tlie 1'iiMfVsit.T H;iilnnid. Hev h: 1 atV. ity 1. eeiitlv di liver ed olio of his Uviures at Chapel Hill and in writing an ai mhiiI ot his ti ip I ...... Washington. May llth. 1SS7. The PrcsideM1. M'.. Cleveiaud, the Cabinet mid Diplomatic Corps liei ii busy tlui 'ii the past few days dis.-t.uyiiif; oiH.ial ami social d iti.v, tothetiuceii of IheS n.ibvicli lsl-mds. The n ma:!:der of Wiisliinton soci. Iy lias duid.-d its lime b. Iween I lie .Jockey Club races, the opera and the circus. Each day there lias been a full pro gramme b'V the eiitei iailiineiit. of the llawmiaii visitor, which, ailer having l;ecn fully carried out. found loyalty vnviuu. h fatitf'ied and witiuty to ,1-est. The it. i ll weighs a'out two 'hundred pounds apparently, and ' Washington weather im wauiu-i than that which she has recentl;, fell, judr' ax from the fact that she ai lived i'i-m.ii Cliiea. in a tiavuHiiK t;a.-ni' t.t of fur. The vents of her fu st dav in Wa.-h m-lon bewail with a visit to the I'lisideiit, ill liooli. iicconi'al 11' 1 In li"i suite All had bei 11 1 x clmiid fioiu the Wl.itc House at t- e. o'clock, so that only a few eoi iep. ind ents were ill ilie col 1 nior n ueu 1 drawn lv white hoi.-( s. liew be yives the t.llo iii;,' hiiinoi-ous de- uj, ntnler the portico. Mr t ai l. ;, scnptioii of the mill-out! fi.'in l lii- ; t i- Hawaiian minis!, r. iu lull otlh-i il ver is Station to Chapel lb: ' '''. il. taku bis ebttiut.-s iu the South. .Mr. ; Hand was in a quandary as to what ; to do with bis real estate. He thought thai tho war would wreck iho value of his property, and he knew- that if lie .'.itTiip ed to take the deeds of the property Nnub with him and should i)o searched 011 the way, the deeds w ould be coiilUeatedaud mi ned over to :ho Con.'ederate (Sovei iiuiliiI, which was established at that time. J 1 tact, the Nii-.I'Iihiii ot clais were .;i ih.- alert in his ease, itl; i tiny sus pect'd Unit ho was g mr tn take s'.me prop, ity N01 Ih wit.- him that that would lie valuable to .in- 1 aiise He wn; arrested and dt i.nm l 0:1 liuspitiou, lint he fouiul a wa o-itof his dilVicii .;; s by goiii;,' bei. a .soul hen: m.i-isirnle and swc.i.i'ig t!i".t nil i.'s pioperly belonged to hii p.u in-.. A' .ius, and then he was ed ! 1 1 his way. M. . Hand uu ned tiie propel Iy over lo voii'ig W '.' tins with the piivale uu lei-,'niid i:;; thai Wiiii.tiu-. would 1 el ;iiu it to imu af-er peace had lit ell restored, if lo- had it a:id leit so ths p. .Med No actual obliati.nis wcie ..tidon Mi. '.V.lliaiiis' sl.t)u!d'-i s. His honor was .ill that Mr. Hand could d. pi 'id upon. 1 l.c win .vent on is pace, ami ..s .Mr. Hand had pait'aliy 1'oir .ceii. .he prop.-i ty was wiccke.l. Young Wii.i.ims, in fac'., had lost it a", or in a: ;y .-.II. 111 the year succeed in ' the en-p eak of the rebellion. 11c :ifl- CHIMBEYH WITHOUT mi itrm 81XVt.LIlt.. I'l.ASI K11.IT.MENT. -l yo .11101 her iorlv luiies. a .d then -'t. h.tnge e irs tor l h ipd Hiil." Il s now nine mii. s to the l iuv. isily . 1' takes one hour lo neike it ' I In1 iron mi the load be I is toe abandon ed material of another tine. They are ,M.;.itt to run, o- even wn'k the en gine. It ,,01-H oi. All lours' Jl ci a vis awi i.e ano it. is. the pass .u-.i dnada coi.ision from .s n;.e sassal'i a - vt-.tritug ovel takii g t he 1 r.oii .inl hori.i'i- 1 he r. hi door oil' lis hinges 1 he depot IS an old f I eight fir. divided oil' into i. ccplin, 100.11 :.l.d li.Ut! olViee Tin- 1)1.1 .piiis vvlifii in sight of the lo-.v.i of Chapel 'tvlicro or, rati i l. !- . a-!. I adj.iisrii -in p tcti Wuy it I to Us -objeclive ...v, Ih A liontiilitic ( areer. Anmsk.n, Ai v, May ) - News ln just ita-ned lielt of ill" flight fioiu his h ime Hi St Cinir Coiintv of -I" (,l ic n acm.-s the po.tic. ami dors into tm r.Me pai:-.r. w I'rc .i lci.t a:,d Mrs C'.eu-la t. nd'-d. were watt i'lg to le .'.ere tlie :d. III. at sin i . t.ik- a 1 .i.i. , , f s. 1 1 1 i i . ai d ends It I uns by the v i s 1 1 . i .ii.. in a mill' shied i is( as it " llt'lli". .1 I man ki 11 ( ',. ei I ' III le d ...Ms. 1 be .1...V, 1 Im iu- ;J v i-i!s ,.sf I I ' 1 . t M els. Ill ft hit wolds sephlls I'oiiiplo ti, liaiiilier f f tlie Mate Legislature, umler cu c.iiiisi unci s tliai suggest a chaptci iltim the hie ol Ixissaue. Coining fioiu Ivt titilt ky. as he stated, he took up las abode II. the litlV own of ll.h u, w here lie lot Luted the hade of carpenter. Hl lit'e whs exemplary, au.l in a year or so he was elected Town Marshal Last year, altera sea.-onable pr.mi lion. Comi.toii was license, I as a easl ot c :)!: is a el about as At the. urn. i-:. r ll.Vll.ltlOtl la. ions of uiiuiitiy, ' of cavaliv and ...hst pn a- hri . and Ins sermons and 4 Of Hilii.ery. V.ii t0 relei with exhortations were of tin! most teivi.! I'l'ldo to the laig-- nuu her of troops ntnl oi thod. .x thai act. r. He joined luniished l)y oui Stat. , we leeult wttli ' the lii.leprudent party iu tlm lasi Ktlil gn u er urnif t!u !t li!i-ui .issctl Siale caitij. lign. w .s s. iecti d as t in Valor 'and heioi.iu. Alwir.s p.a. etC sinndard-bearer f oil. gisluuvt lnnors. ai tue post oi gieatest tiangci --in and. afor a l.ft light, was e!e te 1 the front in eveiy assauii and pro oei tin- regular ncuiocratii' nouiinee tecliny t he rear in every i t tieat - the by over ."00 iinijority. Last Novniu Holtiieis of North Cai'o.iiui on every ber he loci, his seat, bat did imi cut bailie -field iiniuoi taii.ed themselves much ol a tu"v" as m law maker H.. iili.l thlr Si-.le In ine lii,t liiitt.e of the war al llig L. ihei, u tlie lilt h of .lime, Is'i I Noitli Citrolim'i 1 1 oops iiuilei I). 11 Hiil oanutiiiy repulsed the Fedelal troops undei beast Holler : aud on tho historic buis at .Vpp-.nna! i. April. lMi.i, North t .uviiua tuiops uudei tlie galiimt (iiiiires were tiiu foiemost in u.i uist fhaige nutl flied Ihelist -oll.y. lueveiy but I It) fought and victory won f thvi g!o Mous oid Army oi Northern Virginia, North Carolina miter were the n'liiet.1 eoiiiifi ubie notici'. and ninth talk, bo.vcvei, by his .,vt for iiouor. under the Kiilueiice ot Uo. b he w i in aiiv the w hole sessl n. Now come., the story. Tiiiiticn veins .!) he was cn,'ag' d in matting on tue !hh of niooiislime vvldskev in one of the mountain fount it sot North I arilit.a. WlH" tints eiigiiyi d in became I . v, I V-.l in a ..i.ii'iel with ri v. n ie ot!i eels, tuic of whom l,e shot and kill, 1 He was ai it itetl, tried, convicted ail. I seiilenceil to t iveiit v foill y ears in 1 lie penitentiary. He rein .n;ed in that heaviest siilteiers. I a I tits dt-7eu days' mslitntion four t ar and th.-.i battles rtro'.'ud I. -'cuuioiid, id . m escaped, t'ov r-:ra lie siicee. tied in BiUinner of I ViJ, illt;l were Con- cover. lif; i'p nis tracks, and i ises.ape federate It gimeiits, anil lti of tiicui : seeiued pt riiianent : tail one day not were from North I prom-a. am! wore lay, not long since, a man who n-. now ttiHii ba.f of the killed aud foieiiinn of a bridge gang on tlie ouudcd veic our biave Ntirth Caro-, ' 'eoigia l'licitic ro...l saw Coiuptou linians. At Chanct u.u sv die. in Mav. and al once recognized him. lrtlid. there were ten Nolth Carolina 'Hint is Josephus t'aston, vv lit whs brigades, and of id! the C ' :t prisoner the North Carolina 1'em thbio kliied or woundeu one half tentiury w lien 1 was guard there sev weie fium North Caio i'.i. lu the ral years ago," said tlie Ion man. and fatal field of (I.. tt y.-bui g NoiihCaio- tiicn he communicated his disco line, had li- ri gnu. -nts anl 2 Littlal to the Noith Carolina oliu-ials. ions.aiiil tliedeatl Ctmiedeiittes foiiml Uom l nor issued the proper pa farthest in the ftttrrai iu.tis on Ceu:v- for l oivptoli s arrest ulid sent lin in tery Kulyo were Noith. Carolinians, to the .-siierili' ol .leiV.-isoii county. At Reams' Station, in Aug ist, Irtlil, this Male, to be served. A yentie after the tiist elV.uts . f ,t.e Coiil'ed- "i:iu in F.deii lecent-tta letter a eiates to dtslotlgu the niieiny Latl frieiul in lutninguaiu t-iling liini of failed, the three Noitu Carolina bri tiie receipt of the reipii.-ttiuii. ami this (jades of Cooke. Mdiae and T atip fact vus told to Comp.ou. Compton OoHtMitiug of oniy fiUiiHU were was siipeiiii'eii.lii.g a jfing of laoor Oi deled to tho ehursje, and so sue- e.tb on a contract '.iirli he h.-vt tukfii Cesstul were thay thai tin v pot only on H e Tahadtya ami ('i.osa Vailey rtaited the enemy bin captured lU.'ll Itailioud about a miie from Ldtu, and I'l... I'i. ,i.le::t advance.! im.' her hand, bade in r We't . -ue to oilf co.llitrv. ;-.e-i t 'ed M's l'!cc land, .iml utter the me. ill crs ,. I he pallN ha I been I..: I o. lu. . ,1 by the llitcrpi. ti f. g. l.clal col-.v, r-.ili.'l. leiloWl ,i Her HI ijestV U a lo .a II. I, net .!i. ss t.l blick sal.. i. el.-.i. -r Mleiy tin. m. ed with oid In a:-! bonnet, uia. i a1 1 "'I a -tn i '!i oull's down v.ilii a vello v co. lie close ..f ihe x i -it. wl i. h ... envy lum.' lien lilt. . li n.e.Utt -. th l-oya! j.ariy M ! lined I ' ti- ir ap.u! mint- ;f II e Aim g'' ' l.'.UI i.i.l . ill t !:.-c M il' d tl.e ; I 1 i - - o I lia tab. the t t,t--.-!i's call Two llevc, is t ae i.tmosl limit the li" li ' Hi-n-tle I'.. I- It Aii'.;. a. the Win !v. .lam looked w ry dos. !y ai ai. . . . sill lo.llid.l gs. an 1 obs.-i v. e i I, person pi ,-si u. ."si.. ..i-a;:ilin nut., an. i m o ..p . ur b.ow II. -111. a ll' to .111.. I a l; as a niu'al o' aiM i i "iv.-n by '.he Hawaiian in i,..n..r o his t .ie. n. .If i VV. le limited !' ollicl li.- and to lii. s,. tv; . ha I Ms. 'e l ilo i i luiu. or whose nanus weie ftiu'ii.ti o I lie M.ll.e - .Vllio:.;- those plesflll vv. I-.- s..vl. tarn s I'.iy il.l. K-dr.-fi'ld. Wi Hi i v o d iv he it. ro-tm.i-'tcr ' : . m i ii ilas. C. .. Sa.-. h! mi. A-tin; I lis r.Ttt -, Stevens. Tt-mp.o ..I Vninien, Chit f .I-tstice Waile. ''i I'neeiv and a lev ctleis. almosl all of whni.i weie ac oaip.iu. d'yieius W hen -gh-st eii.g at the t'ltpitoi ill.' I I li ell :-.. o.c sped li I'll' s! In ti e II ,ii ..!' I'm- H ai-. o! Ih or. t., tives. Till., s' all. wis oc ae-, c.h.i tif In" d ill 1. -cep Imi! ac -el.te 1 to her inlsbaiio I in-l e i iy Si -eilio i i'..c.lic when Ills M ie-!y Iv-.lakaua Msite l this cil v .vii r-.l ytaisi.go Ho' sti. s-iye. !Sc liiosl deiigiilfui expi'l I' lIC"' she has hud in An., nca wis at tue Deaf and 1 hiudi ro!! go in : Lis fit t . She is Iv Ml!e.stel i', t1"' wi k of ha'' mutes, am I the I ic-ulei t ot Kcmlali (i: cec. k ...w:i. r: I Ids. arrnietd an etitiitanm nt in iier honor and invited le-r l.xpicss , !' her ih'b-lit With ll.e . xeu i . s In Ii ule li'" lemaik that -1'. wi- te I sle-ei-uid have t ti .braced all of the jmpi s 1'od.iv she vi-itetl the tomb of i..-,u ll.gton with a disl m-liisl.ed puty ,ts esc il, a- i this evening she s timing at tin- hue House L K- .ieselitative iJalboiir. of il glum, w no is hiuisi If a ni .t. of line a. Idles., mid eh g o.t manner, was r t t u:lv sp. iii.ii, g of l'lesi lent Cleve la.i.l us a host, and was eliihuseistic Hi ills piaise. He thinks ,, never tinew a ma. i occuj.y ing a l.igh oi'tieial i. moi" easy ol apt'ioa. h 'I. Ml Mr. C evei..i ,i And hough !. may litt p..s-i ss us i,;.. .iiiamnt ol mag lietisiu ... his political uva. in M.iii -is reputed to have, tl.e ficoli. ol putting his visiiots at thcil eisein . ics fiiemlship from tieaily ail tnos, wiio meet him. Mr U.ii hour sod the b-..i and ma Mean living I., His d. p, no rat ai of he. , money i .live si m I. ...kke. 1 1I11-. -l;'i , .i: l i prospeied. got into ii' o.isiucss iii Charleston :. i i nicy i apidir. i i.. Daniel lli-id had been ,c . :. his place in (i ii i. id. o i in c I'i oin the S.uii u had by . i.-s.i, led in the d -trnci ion ,; i:c f utuno. With wail ie ..a l .eft he nude shrewd I. I-, and, like his young pe., u1 made uionev. S iiue- . h. n lowed the Hand Acid 1 i nif in M.: u. which he I. ii;t. he I- a'so s-nd to have giel. a 1 tig" ii.i of i..y t.-) the Yale livi.'iSIJ S,-!i, it. ,. ill this city. I'litll about l ye.i'-. ago ii.- del nothing towards re covering the pi open y be ha l left in so pccnlnn ,i ni'i Mi.'i'iviili Mr. Wi'aaniii. :! t. ga- h 1 .! as totally lo.-; and did no! wo, ry much about it. S:yeais ago. h.c.vevi, he eoli-tilted wuh 1,1 le M ens ami explained to h.ui thn- l.c did not want -Mr. Wi'liams p.essetl foi I he money, bill if Mr. Wi.iiauisw.t- .iili!ig to irstore tlie . a ii" of the propei ty Mr. Hand would be g .id !...:.-, It. hidg. M iris advised his client that he i :i I no legal righls in the case. Tin Judge Hseel lailied Mr. Williams uddi't -s, and coiumumc. lt d .vith h.n ;.! once. Mr. Williams wroie. ae . .."Hedged the obligation. and pio:,,,-i i to pay not . my 'he Sliltl.oilil, ;.,u also 1 he iati : t si acci u ing since I he tmii w lieu the property came in'" h s possessio.i I lie tone o: h.s i indicated tha In- was entil e v pel h.lps auxcih. to do I ,i... ulid ue did not pi opose to lulio'. any i.g'il tpilbble to pi event linn horn ledeemlilg his II Us; and vu.iliea'.leg his lumov. The auiolilil was p. i.l upon lul g.( lll.sta'meiil . alii ihe !..ial .iiiii is eiven nut as j?0-V.- . lion oi th. leabouls Mr. William- it very iM'iiuit nt man in t'h.ti lesion. He ei.r. i tan. i d Scictaiy Lamar and ,ii;.T ligiiitai ies at a reception given at t iie I one I he Cu.hoiin monument v.... iiu'.cl.ed. a sh oit time ago. His I- -I h li was one oi 1 1... vety lew in ' ..u ' on tni.t was not at v.. shaken up h. tl.e . ai iinpnlteii Uu Jit ;r..-I.-.- r.eti'iy nun . ied t i M. I'a I "nihoiiii. g'lmlsoii ,, ihe stales... tin l.l l n.'f l W lsollee I'lHIMl.-tnl, u i: Ii ,t fa:! v : c oil 'he New ..k .'.; Ion Lvhiiige : at ihe time itloiis id mi.,-;, coin men i Iii Slumber tor Four Yearn, j Frmn ibu Si-l.iiiil.c Ainnrlcuu. i Aii e.xtiuoiiliunry case of suspended ai. limit ion ia reported from Them lies. , a tow n in France. The subject is n This Cut illu-trales tho way youu woman, twenty-five years of i' which the Finn Ci.ay l''t.fKs age, ami since the 20.'h of May, is used in place of liiick Chim sho has been continuously iu a nhiU Ufya These pipes, having suck- of deep sleep. Sho l as been tc.iliu- et oti, are set ine upon th. iued by physicians and specialists a other, and by cemeutiiig them uiimber of times, ami rect ully by a a' the joints they are pel feet It select eommiltee, ami from their ob- safe from lire. They arc cm., vi seivation.. it was Iculled that h(-r ami anyone can put theui it sleip resembled a h thugin torpor. We himrantkk io.vesi1 l-iii.-ns iu which her respiration was normal. wrii.. t..r .iu..i.m..., iWf.,ro .lat-inc and hei p. due, iillhough fe. ble. was -"r .Ttlen. Ir y..u piiw.... found lo bu inpi.l about 1(K pulsa- Mkiiiu Tulmrro Fllles tmns a miniiie. A Hm-inliy. Lvi iy aiteinpt to aroiisn her from wni for iTi.iivH'in.iHniurikMt' her stupor has proved unsuccessful, -... ..''' ''''' '1r"'P,' . . 1 1 , KNSII.A..E H.VV llllil STKVW CTTKIIS, uint liie senses ii.peur close. to every orfHiinnj i: .mm,. inthleiico. Soiin.l.s, iiinchinir. blows, ti'.?.H.:. risTil.s, cook iuiJ hkatim. pi reing the body with a needle, alike have li' i elVeet. The eyes in e cast' upw.i.d so f ir tlmt it is not possible! to e iiuiiie the pupil, nor is any ictlex 1 movenieiit oi the eyelids noticeable j v In n the vyeballa are blown upon.1 ' Tin' jaws arc firmly set, and several of e teeth of tin- subject havo been ! broi a iu ignorant attempts to force j then, apart 1 The subject was iu a very deliote, stale ol he, i, til before falling Ihtotl e leti.v ay. and was of a nervous, highly slr.i'.g tempeiaim iit. mid was tiilow u into a series of convulsions by a sad , don fright, which was followed by dc.-p sleep from which she has never In en iiiviised It is possible lti Iced her with li.plids. administered with a spoon, mid this is tloiit" sevi i al times a day, ti.e consisting u.s'.ialiy of milk, and milk with the wlii.e of an e'g, simp and other li.pu ls The fluid is poured into Ihe in., ;. ih ami thence it tlow-s into the pharynx, when a swallowing move ment iu iy b" observed. I'm ill in: nr: I. H . i'V.risM, which has u 1' .iiguri icle concei : ing thiscusc, eonsi leis ihe patieni an hysterical p.l. piic. thrown into a condition le-.-cuihiing that period of hypnotism which is tl. sinut i d ieih irgic shep it is j soluble that life will continue for some lime longer, piovided the digestive pneesscs fo.itinue iiniu leiinptetl, iilihoiigh tieat II usually in uk-- tin- end of these long icriodb of inanition. JULIUS fiJWI8 CO., Opposite IV'iarliet, Halcish, TJ. G. LARGEST STOC2I IIM TUB STATU. Hiirdware. Sash, Doois mid litimls. Hubbcr and Lf ath. r Uelting, Sec, &o, V r w tier Mill Wit t.r-.ivuKr, I'a . Il illusion. Mar 7. A tor- W. I, LONDON lias returned from the Northern Markets with the IjA 8u;i4vi vu ma p i:st and BEST STOCK of (jOODS ever brought to this eomitj. These koo.Is have been bought for eash, therebv savii.u all dis eoimts, and vi!l be sold to cash customers as cheap, if not cheap er than thev can be had in anV rible t,.losi,m occurred at noon to 111 1 1J tt ikljSl StfkSlflk BC! ml t. ------ -mJ ' ' ' ..OKIII BCtrsl. WM. West. i'i iplc Ti i.goil) . li.iia tu vi.a.n.t('Oii l.i th. .. li. 'tins' ii . i.c '.ilk' im.l in co.iipit'li. ii ibio tiug.'.lit s that i'ii i occ :i act in tins or any o'uer eilv bv vthlch ihr. e boys wen- in f nut ' v kih f.i and two others welt serioii ,y wouieicd tit one thscil ilgt-i "iltl.iutiie b.iiieied shot gllti. took plac ' t Hie upper t om .ess ;.t a lew luitur at 1. 1 i o'clock this in n long. Th- tar-i tie;, welt e-iioie 1. tin voungt's, if wlitiiu Wits 1- iihd tilt -oldest llbotl ?il r trs l" ;;gc. If the shooting was I i edit ite.i it was .me of the most d m i. eraliy cuiitiinoiy tlevise.l ui'iith is llnii vt r stained the annals of ..I line, and if It was I. till, it was imc of Ihe mo -t leni ukabie c.ts : unities ever recorded I he j rr-on in whose i. ands the gun wits held In it dci .he l.ooto g is (i.aiit Lest, about 17 y ears of age We saw ( rani Ucsi in I it Lii-tt'. house t his ni i inn . dav al the L-ifliu I'-.Wtlcr Coinpanv' iuiils at, six miles fiom this city . I he mitts are in a ravine, and there nie a number of buildings sep ui.o. 1 hundreds of feet S li t .plusi in look place in die coining null iil-.-.ii I'i 15. The mill was a la1 gc st i act 'i; e in' stone and wood., ot v, as iiea, y liui -bed for I he day. 1'l e only v .: linia'i ni -nle (he hui.d- ing was Josfph l'ia;:er, who was put- i ting tliioiii. the i:t-l chili ge. He' mist have j ii -ti finished his work, for he had blow li the whistle for Ihe I'll i i.'ice, to -.lad. up ;!: niachim vy . J w hen, iu some unknow n iiniiiuer, the ! ii .vvih i i i l. ie mill look the and a tre i uicinl nis explosion followed. There was about seven bundled pounds of giani po.vd' i iu tin mill, with piob .tb'V as much nun c lying loose in Ihe building The c uciission was piaiuly feil in Wi.kesbaire. and the vast piliow i f smoke and debris which ros.' o'HI or l'l'i feet above ihe spo( w.ti .-i- for ten miles up uml tlown t he viii'ev. Aa oil 'iilinniiiL's and John Wer(. " ' who wire at woik :;; feet from tl.p ! wwC? AND b ;:'d r,.;, were down atid ' tiel y cut and bruised by the falling debris The employees of the neigh- 1 if. ing works wi re soon on the spot it'll ili-eoveit'd tin- body of Frax. r ' .ie,.. r some of (he ruins, with i very 1 vtsllgeof e.otl.ii.g bliril. d oil" lllld t if tlesh chai i . to th.- bone Death iioisi have been nis'titittttieous. It ; is just seven veins since an i'i'i-iii'i "d in t li. se were killed then He keep- KVKIiYTirrXtt I All he asks is to give him a call and sn. (oods They MlsT UK SOLI an 1 that so .i, his rittsboro", N. 0., April 21. 1SS7. TIIE DtJRISAH MARBLE, GRANITE AUD Bi'iOSN STOiiS WORKS, ' PrmiAM. N. C. li. 1. HOfiERi, -PKAI.l'.K JX kmm, Mian M Gianiie Moiiciiieiilt ItfiKS, Statuary, li .f CKSIMTKin' IO'I'.-S 1 litfr IKsl(lNS AND KSTIM.V! IIS 1'1'KNl !". it.DiNti ITRl'OSES. HMD ON APi'LIOATIOJ, IHE DURHAM FURNITURE mmM COMPANY, :i).(M?((.At, a. c, explosion MAN'IT'AC IT'HKUS AND TH)LF.'- Lll Ais'I) il?!. !' Ml, lF.ALEKS IM 1 our men FinSiWrs -hi: AND ALL KINOF.F.O ART?C!.F.S. svixT vl ruicKs I'd Tin: tijaih: egi i ,j iiclu'd. sj-ii i.. Wienii. Mi.ii snvr. i vim. ... .. N i !., May S. Our usual !y .pin t and o. .eriy coimuuiiity w as i li... . ii imo cou.iiioiioii I his morning iiioii learning ll';v Ihe negio JJ.-u 1. -i wiioattt uipii . Mi outrage upon ; a seii ol gii 1 near this place a lew; days .siu.e. m. niiou of which was! The firm is only one yeir old and has sold inore than any other male. i. vur imiiei . hud been tnkei! Hi" taie tltu :ng 1 1, ii lime at tlie VERY LOW-' in i.i'iv ti) our lnleri iiii.l oi ics, 'from ihe time he takes your hand m- slat ,-d, iu bslance. t ii it he went 111 tils fiiendiv grasp, you that l.e iu il,, 1 , ., fkmil.! ess I ills inoii.n. prisouers. At SpV)ii 18t t, lt-.i'iiseuf s lri;i I villi in in Mav '." 'IIIIU-.'I lil!e(l Use.. by a charge, lor whicli lien. Jiee in person Uianked them, teliiif tfiem that "they desei etl the ll .mks had walkttl up to he village toattess on the aff-nioon ol hist Vi t ttm s.lav. a wc-k ag. whet, tl.e r iver o. tue b ttei toltl him of its contents Comp ton turned pale, stit.eict-1 ed a fen of the country they hid saved his bioken cplmauons and then walked aiuiy . During the wholw war m body of troops s ili'ereil mine heivilv iu auy one engagement than di.t h 5tli regioiciit at Villianisbtng. the 4tb leguuent at S.tven I'iik.s. the Itnl ' hiurieillv away. That is the last tha! lias been seen of him A Instructive V 'i IIkiiiiip, Grwvivs, Mleico, May 7 The reoards yt.u as Ins t tpaal. sociitlly, and Ht'tef you have be. n mi hi coinpanv live minutes, if you .1.. t, .1 f el ll.oi oiighly at home, u is beci.u.-e you c.uiiot '' made lo feel so under i.tiy t ii ciimst nice.-." I'.xtrui.i iliiiai y hebt i'uiil. s( ts-'iii i i,,h v ,rk w .ri.l. Ni.w It.iu.s, Conn , May 7. The very t ti aoi . I. nary tiu i1 cntl 1 1 ansae th.ii by wlileh in at ly .7oil.ii'io hid bet ii res-. -i ed to a man w ho h.i im legal chum io it. as given in The World of yesterday, w is concluded by Kx .lu.lg.' Luzon I! bi ;-..s. Ihe j.. n ties to t he 1 1 an sad ion wen- 1 m ml liiind, a weal;!:;. . ilieii of ( i.uifoi .1. a slow village near this place, and ( i corgi; Wi.iiauis, of v'hai It s' on, S t'.. a iiicnilir of the banking liriu of 1 liliain - .V Kirney. ! be tu m also tiavc an office iu New Yoi k t'lly. to go wilh li.e oilier boys acioss the! liver, lo no. I ii ,s im I he 1 ice fields ; that 1 1, t' I i hit r then off by liuug til. ink t-.'i'n ' ; s at them. lie had hollow. d a : mi, upon which tl.iic win. no c ip ac I w bl. h he lhoili;ht was not i i id, although the tube u.ts stopped W ilt lihe It ached ihe Comiie-- there wt it live boys tiiid in a.o-v upon il log on tilt wi.ail' lb pv.j die boystiiut In had u gun. but t- ,' it was stopped up, n poii say ii g w inch he iais. ii ihe gun for tile pn,' Oof blowing in ihe vent of tl.e lulu, and while iu thea I of putiiiig li s !in)iilh to tic vt nt, the hammer t.-ii and the pit tie exploded. He siivv the b..vs fidl and hediopped ti.e c,m an.l inn to them, but l"o were dud and the olher died aluiosi iiistuntly. idler inaking ull met)' dual t lfoit to sp ,ik. (J i, nit then Ian as f ist as he coal, I and called Iwo ph were siciatis and th-n went to the gu;ti.l large house uti 1 t 'ld the jaiiitoi tl at he had regiment at aliarpshurg, the ' ' ,.f n. u ;t ..... , rtigimeut at (.ettysimrg and tne l.'th ! puni. d by a teuibm volcanic c, upturn regiment at linstoe Staiiou. At Wil- Hl i;,thispe, win, u des'rovotl Monte hauiHburg, on the 5tU of M iy, i uma, killing lot) persons and igniting the rft North Ci'.ioluia Regvueiit, i tiie wootls in the vicuulv. Ttventy bose Con nei is your distinguished : m.v,.u p,.mllj, wer, txu ;i,t, Jt fcowusmaii-Dun-au K. M, Hae lost Opuiu bv falling buildings. Many iu kdled. wminde.l and missing 1IT persons were injured a! (Jieiia l,i an'l Out of 240. At Seveu l'ins. on the Cusiibar. whicli towns were a. most Qla nf l..t. tCi!l .1... P .in - t vm vl ,o. , roor.i, uegi cominete y vies; roye.1. Mr. itand snd Mr William aieut, c'oi..i....ndet by the "bravest Cn v nr May 8, via C, dves- i the groce- v business on a A u V i , T .V-: .. ,ln,,RS,w,,lt;toii. Ihe tiovtiiimeiit today receiv- seale in Augusta, before the killed l.r, e bovs and guvc himself u niio ouiue nu to otiiceis ami ; ed ita Uist mfoi maiiou rcg.n ding t he : war. or rather Mr. Hand wis in busj. lie sui-l tha. he was frieti llv with alt uu-TOU.ui.HM,,.ua omters ami pn-. tlisastrous earthquake on the 3.1 lust, j uw, and Mr. Williams was his bo .k- the bov s, and he s, o.ned to det olv dt- at the town of Jtatuspt., iu the district peeper, with a small interest in the plorc the sh of Montezuma, Souoi a, by w hich 150 j bs8iiies9. Mr. Hand had re d sate It scemsti. it the wounded bv.ys persons lost their lives. The earth ' in tr-South worth about ,4(Hi,0oi) ,a,u immediaielv to their itpcctiVe quake occurred at 3.50 p. tn. At the at- is oue of the wealthiest citiens hom. s afier being shot, wheru tin y same time volcanic eruptions bepni. : in tieetiuu. At the o-.t break of received surgical assistance. Th'e io the neighboring mountains, ligut-, the war the grocery business was weapon us d was aa ordinary Umblo- iug up the summits for a long Jist-1 wound up and Mr. Haud determine 1 barrelled iowliug pieco, which whs auce. The same afternoon earth- not to risk the fortunes of war iu tho loaded with buckshot. All the boys quake shocks wer felt throughout South, but to come to thin State and : were shot about the face, bead, shoul the State. 1 settle. Mr. Williams determined to tiers and chest. ur papei f i oin i he j.iii m Wtdiiimston, where he h id been moved for safe keeping, uu I hanged near tee spot where I lit) ..rue .fas couiiiullc.1. It is said that a p.l .,'' of masked men seized an en gine lying over at Rocky Mount, with which they made the trip to " 1 1 1 'ii . ns i mi mil back. Tho paity plac- d g uards on I he stieets to pre vent any c oiumunicxtioii between tint shcntl' ami J ill authorities, wlnle it was In ok. ai into and the prisoner laken out. I lis body was found b'i' go.g upon a iimb near the fair gio.imls this nioinu.g. with masks, scattered ai omul mid the It 'licrwitrvf lihicii .1 taste::. -d to his breast: "We ine g this man, not iu passion, ' but cillmiy mid delibeiutely, w ith a vine st use of the responsibility we assume. We lake executive power in this ciiMc and bang this man in ! hivoi dance wilh the iiliwntto.i law of the hind; because the written law piovi.ies no penally adequate, lo thu clinic. And be it uutlei stood, we; who have done this act will repeat it ; lin lei similar provocation. Sigin.ilj I'toi-i.t's CiMuirrit. ! 1 iie uppa. el was uriauged upon' him nt ihe same manner lis when he w.i. arrested u short whilo aficr the , clime. ; limy can afford to sell THK liKSP IT PNITITM-: KST prices Call and see for yoinsi !f. Nov. 11, 18SIJ. lims. rpii i? 1 II fj CMTMff HOUSE! WYATT k TAYLOIi, Ci 11 C) 0 K U S -AN l- (eneral Coniinission Merchants, UALLIC.Il. N. C. CpII on them or seud theui your orders, if you wish s.piare dealing. July ID. IHM. STAFFORD, HENLEY & CIL 1 - & railway; - CMicssefl Time Table 1. 21. 1 o I tl,t-1 tjot't M. inliiv, April 18. imi rates, aud of that number everv offi cer, except one, and Mi meu were eitLr killed or wounded. At Suarps burg, on t he 17th of September, 1S62, the glo- n as old Third Regimeut of which Wilmington is so justly proud went in with 520, and lost 330, mostly in the short space of an hour aud a balfU Out of its 27 officers, 84 were killed or wounded, among HOLMANS MILLS V (), Ai.amvm Co.. N. C, I'ropnettirst FAIRMOUNT FOUNDRY, Manufacture Tin bine Water Wheels of special merit, buiit sons to be u-eo iu or out of watt r house, as desired Al-o Grist and lTo U iug .Mill Machi.i eiy, Circiil.r Siw Mills with Himuha iieoua . tt ing hea.l block, both simple ami duiablt) mid quick lo operate. Horse Towers, foot .Mortising Mm Merchants invited chines, Cuitiug Ma huics, Corn Sin I- or send orders by I Ws. Cane Mills. Mill Seu.u-,.,,.1 rul I r.v i.-.;:i.T .."1.. v .r'i , Mill! I'-isiti'iiifor ' Gen S. B. Duckuer will be the uext (i.ive.uor of K'uiiiicky, he having be n nominated by the deuiociulic Slate ctmveniioii last week. Lmv. H. ,-.. m. R.nnn.urli!. , 1,1 ,!. Ill Mil... ., 11 111 p. it. K.y ovMio, - '.''' . iii snuf.-r.! n.ns tiuit. I-' -ll.-r. I Vt IllMTIV. .11-1.1 (ilfi.Uio. 'pril 18, 1H87. srvn'.v. Tliiln li.ii8.Mii Hull ft 1'Hsa.qiy Arrive. t.4j p l.,ve. t do 4.2 10 Ol' Kol.OLT THAT J. W. ScOTT & Co, Git - lishoro", N. C., carry one of the laige-A stocks of goods iu Ceutiitl Noit.i Ciiiolma. t,. ,..ll ... "' ..-". n..... Hi,, mie ihujb, jiui .-screws ami liust- ffMii.-m iv. wnn,i yL,:- mail. ery respectfully. ings of various kii.-is. Keimiiinir h,X1?? 1'B''"'1"t'",TrHiiiiUudii, pt .i v sicnri'.iicii ' ...... i .. ... . 1 r ...a?-. . . ' ' , , , '; ' ia..iititi m iioiupi,iy. orrenpoutl- .'nii mm iw,w U4 NaU . 11.' V n ....i:-:i i nik" '-I..1M. .s.iiii.tin i .-.'.?" s-". v r ciieu auiiciiea. . tku,ri t.. ei.ri.,i. ftiii I M 12 M 11.00 Q. vmv... ii.ia liifi-.uio, .. lii.oo ,.1l,',f 'T ""'''"W Trnlu rmii. hiTwiiSfS' :?:,rrtB;,r,,.Ir,,",,,l,n "" "T0"- wed- ,1r.;l'.'''h' '""""RT Ti m rmw bMrng r,.. April 21. 1887. April 7, 1887. Iy. W. V. KVI v i, . - . W. t BV. Ura'l supi. i !

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