-T'TT-frilH .. JrU rt ( ;(-..rrt., 4 iti Vj. .,!. ill.. ,v(.t. Tilt i 'SI 'A V, JUNK - - - ST If the davH now are not low; enouvh for von. lnw much longer do you want iheui ? Er Since tho beginning of this hoi spell and the closing of the bar looms, our 'iSoiotigh may truly bo twined a "ill y" town. ,. , . , It-1 he woik ot enlarging timlie - palling the Hi-ademy wun Iruun iiihI Monday. In new butlditi'r is do- eigncd to he a very commodious and convi'liliut one. titir Our comity j i.il is empty, with not a ("inyic prism fY. I h: .s liih.v i'i cdilubit! ! tti law-abiding hjiiiit of our fiiii ns. Sippos( l' a coiinly cc'iumiasioni'i's rent it on1 waif" J'hu hum of t hi- wheal thri'slior is now hrnid. and limn fi m t huncw wheal is lifiiij ciifii. .Wany a man who lias lii-i'ii buying; tloiir wili mhu Lave ili nt of his own muke. l',y tin, consn.idal i, n of the iu twnal U'M'in,!, dis'ih ts in liiis Siatf. C'Ual bum itntl - lutn lit-i'ii 1 1 alislt-ri i-it to thi' foul th disl i ;cl , ol winch C in. y. ii borough is tin' l Oiii clor, with Leudquai tci ; at Ha.cih. 65V W'c much ri yict to hiearof the de ath of tin1 !!' of o'i!' I'Mi'i incd fiii iul. M i!tt,i-w Ativatcr. Kmj She died or it Sun.iav. ii. c.i lm ' v si Ji ar:. her J i ui th 1. 1 ill be saibv mi:..ieil tckeii fauiii. b ,h is j't . pr.i ini,' for a i j o. c, :. I ii at ion. mi, I epe rial tin '1-1 'a'lirsion ni;i. me oileiod t v l.o mav w ;.-u to uliend ii Tho railn a. I I.aiP ffon; bo only Jpl.lo lot I ho i i I'l- .Ml. uud trio. tif" Anions tho visit ! arnvine hel l since i 11 i" last h sue ill i- .J,ss Maj.'nie liaiiidi!o!i. of t h'U.oi'e: iis Aliniisla Muoio, ol Viii,,ti:.;toti : .Mr. K W l'"l!. -II.. o! S-nill tieid: Hud Itev. Dr. ilahild mid d-.uvi'lilf-, ' Itaieieh. gy'if She) iff I '.ri u ei mi i icd to the 5!i i gun'oii a.syiniu. ii i'.-l Moml.iy. a y xiitf.' inn 1 1 x.i im d 1 1 my .Mum-to el It is a I aid-hip on 1 1,!.-c- niuy to be foici it to b: I'd Its iui.ii! ics a: ,1. i t avv eXi l i-' to Mol eanl -n. wiu-li lie arviuin at Fb! is so i; iti . Siy 'The lew post olV'ceit Won: tile's is a e;ie,il reim ii!, i.,t to li e j ii'piei f tlu.t vicinity. Il is on th. l'Mtrhoio' laili, ui. iibon; lour mile.-, t-i.ii'.h ol hen. un,i would ii"t hare b n i sialics!.! ,1 it t he ruihou l had Iiot belli built. t-.'ir The dam at I' Iiocky live', was coj HI d th wtitei d a'. Ii t hi- pill pore i .' i pa and a hi' .; i nmb.., , ndvr.u;it,e o: ii.'.- i' V i.ii seine.i j,'i ea! ju ipi's mill, i i ! w iia a 'I' i he Poe.i I' ' l!:C- III. f pel. -oils tool, eatd. il .;, ''. illtiiilS of tisll. t:f Have yoi II in. I, '. en had !.-.! ,i v our lar.a! I ; IOI ,io :', al I Il lie If w ; a .-. ion. lin.st !isi h'- 'HM.i luolith of .J ,ni . ,i!;,'l t must ie;ni n h. - lax ! t I f iii i ds oil oi Mm, dm ii. ,!u . 'llV 111. II ,at the list laker ;-l I o ll.f I , e.s eloi'e the IiikI P- - A i "'g Is !.i-;!o:. ha- . I.- ii npgc iot oi I,, li.il. II :, ei, !.e f. I Ti eel Is you .'. I'i .! i-took i I a.! - II- I lis am. he, ', ;u - i ow o!: n .nd rrecive i . ills J.in 1'iliy S, :i i ii 1 1 'i la- p. no saw A -kuel- . f (ircc j,.! of i . j! on n- I a 1' a -ok Hi I, ond I-' I iiicoi k 1". c vt'f mw. tiiO be.-t Vol rvf-'The te.'.ehe sat M orchu. .L'i'.y -ei';a;t.'!y inxc good uppetiles At tee biinki'i-t 'hey ai" said to hine aton one who'c , and a haif. 'hiee l-hli-p. otic llidtisi-ml li-h. ten hoiiiis. t weiiiy live hum! i od biscuit, six htm died chickens and two thousand egu'fc' Sixty gallons of soup me eai en a' dinner mid ovei to tons ot ice me consumed daily ! V v. vMimlcr if the 1'ittsboio" dciegii'iou ate their hhari' T feW" neiuemhei if you mi d a l!nt Loudon's is iho place to gel it. He lias uli extra iat-e stork "hteli mil.-. Lo sol-1, and liouiey will buy one cheap: now is your lime. Will re ceive this week anollier lot of Shoe-, for Men. Ladies and Children A laroe stock of Whi.e )5rd Spreads at London's which will . e M-id al oi.ll i bin gains dui.ng the :,fxt wei k. A fe ihivs if,,. Mr. W. C 1 nomas, of this t'ownhip. iindorlook to get hoiuv Iiom one of ni.-, bun liives. wheii'lhe bt is attacked him , i f,. . --iv that ho shut himself up in 1 is til' lit ,11,,.. JJut the I'niiovved him .i hiokon indow and diov -f l,i-, house, and he linally el'uoe in hissoll's dwelling 'li e iires then attacked his dog and stung it. to death. W TlHi Iniickbhi rv crop seldom, if over, iails, innl this year comes in ' suddeniy on the 20th iusi. li.un a oinl lime when theie is ho liitle siroke of p.u aiy.-,is. Ho was the al-t-uit. 'J he value and iniporlance tending physician uf Lrank Stepheu t I this ciop is not pioperly appro- won througliout his long nines, and called. In this county Inuckber- was unremitting iu his al i ent ion,, lien j;row in gloat iibiliul;;uce, and and this was the immediate ciun-o of much money could be made by thy- his paralyM, though he hud fed some ing them. 5lat- jh i 'miiik do dry and pn monitory sy mplouis lor somn time fcil Koine, but the biisines ia small ' pi evious. He was suddenly si rickeii coinpaicd with what it might be. down at Mr. Stephen sou's resoh tire. It eveiy pi iui in Chatham, who in only a few minutes before frank s couipikiinug ot "hard linns", would dentil, ami died twenty four innns roi io picking and diyiog blackberries tln iealtei . l,;Le tho faithful sent, m l in. my a dollar couid be made and the he foil a! the po. t of duty, and the times would be notne easier. Ah vol y extraordinary spectacle, was pio theie will be no fruit toeaii this year st-ntial of the dead patient and dung e wouid suggest to housekeeperr, physicuiu bci,.g ,u me mhiiio hou -u. to fill their fruit ciiiih and jais wall i he piculiany sa-1 and s .d-h n cu blfukbcilies. which will mako vry cuuiMtaiioi'S -f his death ereuiiv tooth some ines aud puddings next Winter. o iieaK iroui expel icucc. j P-v" Tomorrow, the 2 Kli. being Si. j John's day. il celeb: ii( in. i 'i.i I). I....1 lv tin' i m 1 1 . o 1 1 i c fratei nily ii. SiIit (My. in:. tin address njij rnj: ia'o in JollIlK liitV. H CM-Ub: i,l 11... -i.il,. t.,-..i n'm-onie frsteriiily ii. SiliT tile llCCa-IOII Will lH delivered MV V. K Muichison, Esq .of Jones!. orn'. We mo roqui s'od lv the coiumit 1 1(. , j,, chaige of tli. ccU'liiiilioii Iu ritiii f Mt a eot-dhi! invitation is extended 1 f,, ljublio. renerallv. ; j jpi- I'Li. barrooms at this plaewere ' ,.j,1t.,j ,, l(l.t Thursday a-, soon as ; t heir ownei s lniinf I. a 'stated in thi ;,., 0i,u of I hut date, that the last Ad t.r the (Jem ml Assembly did not j li 1 i 1 v to i hi- lalo i .'ret ion. and i in re- ! fi.rt-llja, (lu ot hllV), six .,,.., jn w;u.h ,,.. xWxv ; )llsilJ(,.H. Thov had pai ! to t he town ! , ,() j( i(i , , vs(, Un 1,,rt.., m, ,:!.,. thr n.onrv bcin paid ail lfr"iY,d uImIis- tin' iiiiii-io!j tnat thi'v hail six in, 'lit lis in wLii-h i o ! ii, J hoi r ! ns.ii.oss. This I'i'.iii y hav ing thus bi-f u p dd and ccc; c.l undo a uii-appri'hi'iiMou ,,f law, l hi town -ml hoi il ns oiit;l;i t" i -1 1 j i . t ii! . ex oi p the propoi i iotiatc part dun for the limn thi, barrooms wcio licp; oj e:i. A I'WIIVI'Ml'NT Mm.I'T'HTH. Ail pers. His who wore trains l.v tho 'ale I. i-'ihU'd tiUI ' I la' '.ire nml oi l not ipiahfy In fmo the 5' h day of this month, cannot do s., aficr il,.ti ,lnv. All such a,. point in, nK liei'.onc id.-,,, lu'i 'y vi. id if the npp"iiteer , 1 i . i not j,:l!lfv b. f'ilf iho old n'! , !ii:d the (i A i iimii; a'one tias I i, aul h,n i!y to Till .-iicii vncanci's. ;:: i.ot I i,e ( ! !. of ti,n Mipeiior co'ii'. ;i i, tin,:,,; I ' .-.'i,i" poison.-. '"he i.i on tiiii Mibj.'i't is eh ij'Ier 1;SS ,,f the Acts of 1 ;o. and i ads i jo!.,).. v.- : Si.'Cli!i 1. Tiiiii all iip:nii;l 'oents of ji..- ici'. of (if ),(- ,'C I v c (J. ;: oial ssemi n .l:a.; !.o '.. id. uni- -s pef.o', d -.;t!; ,ti.i'ify Mil Ion I i.i :,r -ill h . 1 1. Sec. "J. That a'd hi: ' i t.'s ecu, I ii,.; undci I appoint or I ho pi o IS, OILS I iflil i'l ! ne ouice ce shad be tilled .oil,; iiii-lit bv the of the p;,--i hi,.; . of j ' ico of ll.e , ior tie t: i ;u by : ml oi lio. . 'l i e r.liov,' is plain and inisiimlei sioo.l. I lie ap; i"il,n ! be nnt u.el't s - ,'i! a I in e I jostle, .vei e ma othai t: h.-V .','.1 llV of th- i o! ii d iy ' On I i.s wii don ih 'day i onit won.,: rn ma . i ; f. .; pm ! Ill SO O.-V. ."s d bv Iens oi I toll ae.ll.i ,., .'.in . II V -' st O -Ci Up p"! a aid I o him as V ii,.. a- tie v u i v one I"..-' it- ii,! in. ui ol' ,;,'!i jn pi ; lei 1 U i . o; e ; p; oiiii. , bv ti nnti ia ui ' ijUll 111, d 11 Olli I he pi e.-ci .1 ed an I he v. a . senator II. I). .d. soii. 'I he ! I. use W ho We poi'.ime,.;;. ! e 1 1 fit i 1 1 i i Obeih.., M .: I,,-,. W. .1. I I'.)'!,,-.' injr i-, a list oi' 0 i; pointed .ilid who.-e ai o , ;n by l . asol of 1 ,,.i!uy in time, v ;z : I. i o n. ( 'nilhol He J il "eihe,. .1. V. t 'l .i. i. ). V. Wi.il A. 1' ham. ".('. I oi-. 1 ;- 1'. K..i-. M. S ho:, ;s i Ih a '. ". ks. '. M Slept,. : s. !h Jltinis. ' I, S. Wr. 'i'. ii. W. To Ion. del I! S ('.': I;. T- .1 A Alsioi . j emuel .ii . e.i. Ii- mi1.' a d .. . S (I .d H 1'. Ih.,' A S, J.i.or.i-... is Miok-d i.b'.i i J)io;,. W. W. inter. A W. Wi Vlli.O ; n. i ii -Sine .d iu , II, --lOil : nay , ni ii -.1.-1 il .III . I : y.i'i ,i h i ciln ', . nitnd d lis '.lie 1 1 an .i .--s , I ii ,i.:. , In- inn:,'.'. A..M..M' I. J.-hn W. i I m i ll s i . S: ; in. li.'a-l Oil' VIM'; .' I i.il.O'.nn- an itn- inn:,'.-.- -n.d .1 Ca, I -ill liiid a I of j;.-v. It lift, en ..a, s :.', ii- , n I I !. Whs; i: J'h.voh '. ,;,a.ss, a-, 1 -i veiny linn' cal.s. In tl.eil ilea lis are l.-p leseiileil 111'' lntlocenl linl-e. the ,.o int.- voiilii. tile lualilie m in, :U..I old ;.'i- I'.e b,Or..-om, I he bil.l. 1 1 e I'lp-ii-. ,1 t'i ml, an i I he si i e an-l yeoow c-af. 'i l n.y is death no n.spccier of per mi'i'i ! Capt. Taylor's iutaiit died on tin: iliih in-t., afler only a few days sick In.-. it was a reinaikabiy bii-iil and beaulilil! bah,', and lived p;s( Ion.' onoin'h to eutwpie it; ;f ;u id the hcitil-i of the I'auiiiy as lo make its death a hiil.ir lian;; Kike IliO Spill lillilg den iiioi ii, il was e.h Ifop ill t lie I in iy i'i and went lo hea.cn ! I'm?.!. Sih'iikn'- ,n died on the l'.Uh ii.st., niter a hnreiing sicklies.-, of six i,i!;s. living on lh aiuiiveis'ity ot his birth." On the I'.itti of .i urn . l'-iVJ. he ei-iei'i d into ; ins s infill wotld. a:id on I In- l'.hh of .I'ine, IsST. heenl nd in.. I'.do Iho mansi,,ii-; ,,f the bie-l. inc one day he ber'ame a lu iriai niuu, ainl on t he ot her an immoi tal iili-el ! A'' tu.ugh thus cui oil' in ih ea. ,y b.o.uu of youth In- li'.ed Ion- en..u-n to H ave a biigln example In-nimi him, for ho was a mo.s. con -istent Chi is! bin andiitl'i ' v pious, ood ,y. He was consci -us to the last, and en toted into the "dark valiey" wiihout fear or treinlning. for to him dcioh had no I ci rors and the grave no sting. Jv. IIamii r ('. Jacks., s de d ci v shoeL, d our on. no coinmiinii v and t eiciluii tue Ueuillelt eyuipatliy ol i iv-y- Tomm row. f in ll'Ai. boh Si. I i I. a was evidenced hv the. extra ' iln.:.!:! ':. aiteiid nee ut liiH f nun :il iui'1 I he beam iiui iioi al tokens cover, it hi.; grave. 1 he deoas- ol was a miii of the late Satuuel S. Jackson the youngest of a large t'imii. of whom only two now tir- vivo. He lia.1 been a ptaeiisiug jaliy- : -di-ian for m-arlv tliirtv yoare, and ; a-. al. 'hi- lime of his ib-ath. county : Kiipoi iiiti niiciil of public lioall h. He : U'S'Voh h v.idow (a daughter of the iatc ex (Jov. W'oith) and otie child to bi iiman tlmir in. ia!ab!o loss. May buying corn. So nim-h i. r (tod Iks m. rciiui to thoui and bless Whuo (ht-ro is u will ti.ese i:i ... , ,. , ' Li-noir Topic: Tin-r" was , Mr. Wisuv I'l-Mriioii.'.ss di.nl oni,kr 4..lM! tnt(1 l A ,, 'Iho '.'isl ,.., ut his residence uear St,te V(j J(IV(, i),A, t this place. a:!i i a protract cdsicknes!.. u,)o.e ,.(,urt ,J;,U was olio ir ol.tcst. cuizonn, ami nas widoly kt.owu. Ho was an lion, --t iii'in. " I he nohlost woi uoi (i'd". and was highly (steomml by i!! who know hiui. Miiy he rest iu pi i'OL' ! Fnr lb HDX1U1). I. otter i'rom .Vol cliciid. i ii ii i .ill... l li'.;r.i.. .ii'ir.u.i.iiM,iii, .o.nn i.i, I ,.;t J.'r- oim: S.i, ,.,;. us it is. I cannot, i ei.aui horn j."Mu;; our (. ha!- li.im f.oks a i. w d .:s idi.uit our "city -. iho s, i". The ( ha'auipia tiaiu aiiivcd lieio .JuiiO It, lit -OcIoeKa. I ui. J ho'i-h there was over a thou-1 -and people on hoard, no confusion at a. I n.n mi I (.'one about rooms. The o'eiL , i",ine on thr- train and i'av,' cv. : om hi- inimbei-, and when '.. i; .i li. ie there was ijothiiig to do ! ! ca:l for our key and tf, to bed (',., n ...,o.l T.i.'l. t 's lest i.vt i, inin- u.K the A-..,i'i',ih!v no I in the ele.rant i,., i v. Zi.... and' rrpassit,. some Ki.,P to the""""'. '-"V"'1 -"'i'l""-ii-i;: house, some to Iho beach and . I,e,,i'f U'J""'" 1" s me ii, .nij.;-. iii;d , was niiiuiHt mi liossib to t aue .oi l of order, i'ii.iil; V ..en; old i "ichei s jot touched i ' a m .li'.i.. which is now i . i ... ,.i ,.,i, up a a bv ,;.do or-; do journals at.d their ', I'dii: id ahoi,dheio-iwHS ; l ii .ill. ;-. S i o.i .,1 bye i-iiiiuns and iieiny other p, a.siiul pasiimiH. The ; a i Ire , of w. in ane v:is tu ude l)V ('. it. i'hi'iiias, Jr., of lieauloi I, and cor-: ......oi no, Im- coin, I have boon couch- j "d ia iii, ,ie inuuliiid lan-uage. He ' iiaiy beea, no ithereal. wiiich was a.- oiluied for in i're.-ideiit Aider- man's ies.oiisi.. hy il.o .startling iiwit o his i, cetji inn. :a;,'e. "Tin' bent , 'aid phuis ot mice and men gan aft j a--!e,." 'I he aftci noon waH de'-oted ' t - .1 : 1 1 r ii ' d m f baihinjf. It is im- ! os-ib.i. to d-seiibe the e.l,ihuatioil : of a piiiii.;i. in the !i:iny deep. I leel ! as il f wid be pe'ieetly willing to -!:.y a' home next fiiiuiner and let all ! tin- I'l-t -lioio' j eon c come and tilid I .ml f-.r Ihem-e'ne.-. how delightful it is. iii.'-iav nieht. ihe Haieigh ' eiow-i had ;i lull di e-s gerniail. The i simply varni-hed. wit hunt a most youth fill meiidi"! of our party j and tho finish is us pretty to h'-ai li y pai ticipatcd, and was scarce j on us mahogany. We h i iy rei-ogniabie in his full diess huit. many curlid woods bit! ha T'.uisihiy moi iiing Mi.-s Lillian Ar eeu curb d cyjin ss bef. ie i. "id iiio a very im-rosiing lecture; mi elegant ti'.t-h ami :t is i,j on , ',ocu ion. At night Dr. Vass had j last a long tune. I.h i.e. Mil.jei-l. I lie Au di: atlons of an ink l.'.un." The Di's. ,em;irks n .-i, i ;,., pent, but Iho ink held out uio t t -o ni:g. i'rof. il iry, of the l ui' ei sit v, iei i'iied Friday liiol iiilii: on J'limaiy Heading. 1'iiiiay night.! i;i tin .spa, -n m- ha.i. ih" ( Soid-!0l I lull, i . .t .t. ij,a- s I.-, it ions always id'es and this proven no ex- ; tor we .ne ecriaiu'.y ill love j : '..us, ,. !'..'- or ciipiuiiih. ; i cii. s ol . oniuieiiilatioli u el o , i'.of. Aid.-piimn and ('apt. -,ilolis l.,n. V.-i v ni a ! v evei vbodv iiom o, and Mich a - 1 iitt.t .ne ; ,1 CiOsV the hi lui'li a w'hhoiit bragging a ; ,-. The proiii iotoi s vl have in. ne rveiy ii slay lii'i'i' delieiii ii of the sell I- befoii a day. besides all , ice ri cam, ,vi'. t )vor . , iit t t'i: I ivn servants -id ia v : king moves Mi. I Pin oil's energy .seinlny what it is, and e, v No! th (.!aro:iiiinn .ill..; t- I'll" w.-'h U iii!..' I .ill, ! : s o, d-.ii.i i.e.. a ii'.in l , ,i .,'i ir, ei'ip " ci a o sniooililv. ha-i linide i he A I.i Mm sli nlid f.ih and of loin should wc tee! aii b.- proud, lor without his pilotage our p.esenl giand Assembiy wouid soon i'e wrecked. Many dis ingnish ed visions are here, among others Dis. Iliiuio and M.in-nui of tho L'ni- veisity. IV. Taylor of Wuke Forest, ' Mai. Fiu-cr. Lieut. Witudow, Hon. I) r i'.ovie, and lust but not leiiKt the I'iu.-boio crowd, who aro having - an i xceili-nl tunc, duo to lliu court.!- IKM wa rlh of nun ; !, sic, ot our eiegalit. chaperoUH, Sir. L. .snug little sum of SU! '. J. Haughton and lady. F. ; of this count, and S:- , , j soinn o!h-r St iles. ?, siawivew. !n"";.':Mt ;f,,i",,1"vT Iprolits of tlio-e win ! j shipments, w! i; h will h- IKvio Tunis! Mr Wilborn Koontz HI. inn! inrr the . -a n. n; ha, t .vo viilig minks that follow him ha. used in ihecotii'ti c aloiiinl blio two httle black puppies, l ... 'r.illt. .li.i.l i tu. iwioi I ..- on 'i'hur..,hu, the Hill. She was the H"' mo w .on ib, nmo, io t'u.-.t poi son to enter the poor house sent North. "In-'i-a-; we . : ,,( to -.fi'avi -iinlv. It is bai l by those niake at I: is pound il -,r. win, ur lit lo know that she wa, 12'.t corn, bay and men' m tin c-. Mil-; old She l.fier saw Grolge'tV and I etaln I h. am. lilt , I t.e-l ev Wa-hinj'ton, but no doubt she saw homo as a )miI of our woa.lii. '"inwaiiis and his ariiiv whon they! Warrentoii (iaei'n: Lis gainful p.is.-od through this .eclionof the tt1 ,-,.(, ,rd the ,1 -..wnl'-i'd oi" :. . " 'l m;'i, country. especially w hen satd do-, nia 1 , i oc A sheboro' Courier : On last. Wed- cifioned bv so 1 1 'en g ;i !li"i. nr- i nediv night lim and .loe Doberrv, chicken or t o i i.,t t i, ! s ai e l ,,-ls iwo negroes hailing iroin Montgoiu and the fuel is tl ;'t a niitiii-t, r , f iho eiy county, b. olto into Col. AlfA lis- eospel, a ni'in ,-f i n,'.;i-.l. if in -t lis-., icr's stoic. Onl , a small amount of rloipteiice, one wi.o eva iy Sebbatn money had been left in tho drawer, meln d the ai I - , hi, hei.t 1 1 s -.n-i I' his I In", pocket i d and also supplied s win od ami moved Ih, in a- I he wm-la themselves with hats, ecu's, shot H, do tut' pliant bo i-hs of Iho -no dy s,ik handkerchiefs. .Vo., and a nico lino oaks, in tine, a man a tit r ins own of i oil oshuioiits In their hasty re--heart, if not the Koi i's and a p.e.ver tie.it, finding walking too bIow, a few f ui exiioitor. and oi;.- v horn th, --is miles from town they took from the tors" loved, and p; rh- ps t.,e hit-then stable Mr. Kinds iv Cox'f horse which despi.-ed. nor, iauuishi s in the conn they rode 7 or H inih h. Itoforo day mon jail of Waneii comitv. Tim bleak, however, tiny were kind liev. Knliin On en col. in older lo eleni-h lotiirn t he h-rse loose. They provide a leist woilii;. of he- gut sis wi I e ai l esti d Ht l'ro ThurMday even- who wi :e io be i -ilii-r .iiii.'.-fe: s a; d ilig by Mes'is .ioiin Kelts and .Kill iii aeons it on, in i. i b.iai- la.iiiein-. Woo, 11111-1 are now in A-heboio jail, visited Mr. V. K in. ins. s hen too:.! IhtA aro young, -iniig tl-oir iieea at a few i-iel-t;- i-ui, ami j iiel iv runni id. oul l'.t yeais hen ariesled, the ed tbtieir, m scent., n I'.o, phteip st. .lei. eoods Wore foiiml ill their lo- ami i.iicv I'llilet-. K' v .lie n d session and tbev al unci i-lcadcd cud . The county J-..l of IL (I..VII- boi o I'ntrioi suys : "i nim mm .a ii neighbor ii lew days n," Imit .1 man up iu tin; mountains k! uv. ii i w-u.i- d t go into fariuin;.- lint lie no hor-e or a'i thing to plowwilh. so lie made him a plow with u whioi in front ami wi-tit ul it will, a vi".. . i rinsed h h fume crop ' itn in plow, ami ,,w ho i. as con, while a tri. n 'liimv f sji i s i! I'd el: hero who inuo i wo I .-cs arc now in ii' . I it rooi- l-w jHh ov, living ,tlj i.i 0ll,lb j'r..,., .Jeirorb'.n. lail'o, Lis fatljet. Ksipiiro I ,.-,:.. a i table cilieii of the , ,ai.i!y, vl: plowing iii ii, c held. an. I -mAi: on the head with a !.. ki : i The I'it.ic cmue up in c"t;l i,, jury upon the ipic.-i n u Kaiuty. and the jury nm lli.i: I;. WUM MUJ1J 'J he ,ml 'verdict, so thai, toe wtlt!u UO (,. Al :,n,i . (tt j.-,,,,;,. 11V r.- im l.iih d i ; Uiiwr btcaiMe tie made nun wear , J0ctint ' shut. Alamance (Ueancr: Thf ie as oi ly one civil eas.- tried al , iiicm court last week Well. ,,; i '1 hut -dav were !al;i :i up in 1 1 liicnt of the Waler W.ai.s ca. d here from Ii,i!ia:u .So,:c j suitors who I. ad can..! :, t, r ! this teili, oi com t were , lisp .lid tl ;TU i'l ,v- ih .a: ai I I... ill. i d v. i e ..r ,sp-r. in, ii ,:l I'V the J 'ui n.iu! d :h , itv, but I nw' i n in I want the business deb l ie I. not w. '.list At till mst inei i'ie. et til'; ,VIU u";,l,i 'lined one ilonar ior cmti ;u:i oi L-OlllllllSsli 'le i -i ( oul i. Tiie '"' "1 improi'ir Wilmin-ton ll iew: Mr wood Oih-s Im.i ic. 'iii'x I: I ted a boat wi.i. li i-a;i'Viiiv. N Ji ;i duoiit ouuoe. Iii; d in yii"ht s with i udder, ma i. sad. m'.'i.; b i-t and thtvarts. lie t, in- i'l oi.i whin, il wa.-. b. nit was eni.d iy;,i"ss rare wood - -ii! d t i e can. .e .- 1 .' ;' lonj and ' f.-t-t be-m Ti . i,':,,',, row on th- banks of the Cap.- i', . where it wa-, i ; t i.nd -:-.-. ii a i., -; shajo nn-1 l i,er, l' . ii . d tolms c,l where ii was tit : i;e-i isn-ier t'.i.. . n ocivision of .M . iih-s. Ail ' wo I has been done with an c.rd t- ,i v I n pi-ntine "i-uliei, " in-.!,!,-. ..n 1 -..til and it is all oi one pi -ce of -. d ,, i i the excepiioii of Ui.. h Is Mi mast bench The insid- i- uotr-i , lirht lend color. i hiie tho - :. i I t. a i. d lo , iteudei -.011 (l.ld Leaf: . oim ! 5en Kiveti. son of Mr. A. I. '-.'.."! t jof llei d- l.-oli. d.-ll-g"lon -lv ..aii. l !J,utoii Williams, son .-i 1 r. Kir;i -. Williams i f Oxford, a' I .'. ia.'' Monday night. Hie res-h of a l.-'.;- : frolic. Y- uii;, Wihiam-i-". c i ;. : i comliiioii. and Kivell i- ; a thousand dollar bond f- r ht- .'., ;'i titice at eoitrt. Tin- h--. -a'- an- u' , ra.xieon ainl fointc ii ;. , .;s oil n-.-pei lively. '! l-o aiiaii I ! d,- plofed. - Tw -Sllllii" ' 1 .-i- ifis of Ann Ivh"! 'Jn' . o h Hi the vi,-! in:s of a i-- - - - ;.- i'id. "l iu this pine'- I P. .! . v ;,:;; Wlnio ahn.e it l!.i' ho . ',. ..,:.'!' one. no' -..in-., t i.:i" !i 1 - - -1 ' ci del too! !.::.( t i i i he i'- - o i; :e o'l o: ii. . u ..'-.p.- : i .- , e suit and a hi ii-i'.tni -.t .' -. :'. floor near th- lire p! : b nod to death 'I I." nth' '' c :': was : o sevoreiv burnt- 1 !l is -. !.. .' t.. live S-.o ha. e -,!-: : . s ,-ti s--..( -lowii peis -Il uw'Ii:,' tee o. adlv oi! can to km. II:- the in . S"o!!and '.'e, k i .1 : Th. re are :lnpp--.l in") II-, liiv. . tv li'oni Hic.hmoiul. 1! d! iiuo: e. C.u . Cio cago au-l otner l.'.iiry thousand b in els of il-,.i' - o.i.ay at i. co.-.t of o-. a r -r ;u,l.p,-i - , . i -, v the way iiom In. .,,,- d -.tl.' r tot n oil n-.-. -i' ,-u l.,n. . - ! t "isa-. i Jioillid , of u. S t :! ... I I t's -ell! and Sl i.'MtU w. rlh ol io .!,; add lb a I s'(i i I "'.t !'" taken eailvoiit ol ci. hi! man's eves son i,ic,i I;:. !i...il.ll 1 watt led aj lit bitnltt lut-u g hi.y Urcotisboro I aliio' J'.iin.i !.;:d heavy v.-ii .di'! and how tin- "!ei.l l. i-.. lii'W IC- he -pill ed l',' the J'.-s!le uli id. Ji ii il . s 11,,'. t , ho. Mi I v rid.' he was rc; mi iny to sin k rest iroi ; the ai dons duties of the i In. and was niuj t!: nil.-, for lee-,, uir , alieady rtcoied iiu i for 'Oil In iter ones in ti,e .',t. and so soon t i be e-, joyed, t !," si ron,' arm of tic r-i,i, L r.v r, ,e a i ,1 ! im fro;, i i ii,. out- , w. ! 1 i to tin' oi:ie' and s-, ,il ude i pri-ou. iVi.h' ;i lull, f iiiu a i' and ;rie.i cniekeu 1,1 i.ii lueat, c, 'iiui ,.- n ;d a jail ! (.'in tlia;.' Jvi' ie: A n i i -,-ti u: v. :iu rdeii- I to !.e he'd in Ki t-is and Nln ni, id ('. uskp- on the '.'th 'n.y of .iu'y to vi.te o i tee cj'iesti n A s.i'Sei 'p: ion . f . ill I'D. i uc i If, I he cap! td stock of the Cu ih'.-e ' iai:ro:id t i -m i ! s;i!v '; wa-. of I iI-'.vm. ,1 to the Ii urlo2pb !!'. . .Mr. J. ,M iiv. i !' o :i' 1. ivn nils us thai h- h (! j luel,;. - hen in the r 'inly; f II a lei.t'h ior I I.e tiuli t ':..-!i ".!d b He hen." This hi n h ent ttuie w ei s of patient -e": . ynd 'i .i t . inie : i. , -i j j - o;V the '.est wi n li:.e i.too I o! yotiiiir chicks. La.-t we,-!;, re- she wa ; e.ii. m lalehiii ! ,; supe!;, them with i'l'.il. a i ir., k sailing I" e-pi- I !!."iii. and pounced ilo.vn . w.tli I ho inleiii ion ,,!' HeeUlll'o' o'.e ioi a i.ieal .lust a he rc a -i ed noul -i r 1'ir'ii. tho In n. who evid- nUv .-.aw i 'ni ' onioi-. th-w at hiui an 1 a teiribie l.a'.tl- en.'.ui-d. i he sli '.i";.'le wa ; l,i .ef. iio.MM"-. for b, a dexuon ilap. the h i' broke tin' uiee- of the haw' . ii i l':i n p-ej;oi! ;'..d i! 'pped im tin :p Mis Way ran .ml iUel endoii his l! 'A ii Ii a ' ick. I i v. 'o , ' !i e n l h- huye I V ilii t'al to call in j J. . S, o i T A '!. N I '.. ili'I'i Ol.e of O 'lis ,,!' -oods iu (".-utral nil. Mcrch 'III s iuviied o'i or send or iels bv ' -liefl fu.iv. e; .i. -' Si'OI !' .V CO.. " ( iivelisbol o". N. ( '. '1. An 1 At IiX A Xi i 3EJ x" fa I.'. , .ri-1 W V A f 1 r Till Iii,- nil. hy A TV VKOli. i i- -:nv l I'1:' a "i's Mm ! I..H. N. I . -in ji, 1'. i .)?: m a i. i. e dvet i isoieoi't" To WvvAixv WmWrs . K i K' .1 1 !i'o-: he C . wn.r, ;!. . .. lie i - of ; i . 1 1 a 1 1 It ill -I. I ll I. ATTIC DAW Ki Vi ,';e ;i i'-ln- on L 11 ID on i ai ; 's M ,io in tie ,-n;--, '" d-i ih- c '. . c i i I re h !.! I ''!!: t it ! I.. .C. n;U'T7V Vsi-'iritfi nr. .'; i i i iliijUnu 'i'l.. i . I i: - : -in :.:. i l :,e I,- W billld;' lions nial e! I t p. Wd be C- !. d i, r tc lliu;. 'i KK VIS : I'riiiiiirv Kindisa '!il II'1 ,',,ie;ii.edaite - I !. ili-lir ' 1 "'" I.at'n. Crr.ek. l'lOiuli and (i'tmaii. ,. ,(.' ."-.'i () . i vil li. .st, l , ,! ii, il I'll will be t;il,i-) ill t.:,!i i-:io-. iia f '.l;o fii;;o.i dm- at th- lui-ldi' oi' iho t' rm niai th- other h dl a' li e et! . A. B. ill I L. .Inn.' I i'i, ihn. Prmcil");'.!. FARMS '.'el for sr i CUT f ,'i. I. I.I I 'i.. Hick, ai tela lo-.n i.-i: ii I w. 11 a, !. o.,t -. , l i' n'o I !a;-d towns', ip. I -r. d,.cli,c, -I li.ie :) i.r 1. Oi'chaid-. and sr.-."l 1 0 ; .1. a l: !ll!-, ' ii. -gs ,'f watt r ,. h,nh farm . Fur I'm tin r it-fo '-ation a I ui ss F M HA'.iKl'.V. I , A N X. C. .Kane -2, l-S7. Iiui. kirkman House, S'.l i 'if'i IU i he ce tt'l oi' lie- blli- i., ,, part of ii,'- town. Ka-g" sample room for i 'i n m.iei -. F.voiy e-cv. no n-e and .-oii... i l a',' !- d ' in-ii '. ! !ii ;; public pie .sail! iosoi t lor the summer. Iloisi s and vchi-h s f-r bito. M. F. K II! KM AN. April IK'S?. AND SA! V. i-V V!;: !T" n' Ai .'i. an .mi. wii Iii;'. --ii -ht- M.tfMi.t I., litwi lnu. C- UilUK'.l"U.I . stMllii It. Mi-t;'i;:ici, i:n a 1 r. it iijiji.'u; c a, iOvud UiJool, J J 1 1 . ham one (o..d- r.: spec! i.i. i ! h; I buy in i.i i , y.iii l.Di.K j. VIA ! !.. .,; S L ! j Mi Mi'LA - - K: C ) i i ,) ! . .1.. . ;i:. i;;;. S. f 'i i !: Vi i I. T7 '-'- 0 UCia, V ) vV " j , t .rrip.:'. r-vv 'i ak 1 J. t Oil . ;:m ci: ,; ; P-;V Sl't'i'l K TO Cm N i I ! V M April 7. ls-,7. K',,'.titi . Foit inn Oi' i fiii4 i 1 iil.U! d the ( ! ii iii." i:l.i. v, . i . v t 1 JI I ' f .t.i.u-. ; u id.:, is Wi'i ll M.'.V mim it,? .WD 'f' ! M I ( il. ;:-i3, oiraTGiiAivis SATJSJ AND O-r i. I abn hn A i ni i on:" a-,:: !.K. f N' p ; PrJCSS TO SUIT THE TIMES. W.- !;!; oi. ii-.iiie oi aiii-ouncing to our ii i- , I . air i i s. that ' Ur ?'-3!u, m trim wir be ..'.' ed a! I't ! sympathy ' w: h th': Ko.v ihie, , of t'uriu h ni. ie en:. pi' te line of Jii.'V !iOi .)-.. ..Ol JON'.s., CAiU'K'i'S. oii.cLOTIT, 'i' Oi'S ANJ) Sib'iK.S, i 1-s AND CAPS !j.n.KSM ..!:::. (ii.A --'-'.VAKK. i i liiKS. &(!., 1 !.:; -.. . i- ton- i :'.-;. I. Latiico' cio-iks a sd Dry Goods a Spjet ialty. Wi' so!, ii ,u, er.ieen.il', ion of our (i is before h'i '. ,11 .'' 'I'hanks ! ; !a-! : .' -1 s. rv' T'i- I - ' ! I. I 'ri -es paid i -r '' ..,, ;; ;,.,; ot-.' r i'i'odui k. ' olii, Ih -p. elttli.v. i, !!. ill LK'.N & to. Sit.i.i:. X ('.. :t.iieh ill. I':ss7. W.H.&II. i iacKa"sf , ' 1 - !'-.!.: ' ." i.i Siiittr, T; ': o'-i I', hif.ie liy I i iod House caii'i's a' ,.:! t .!..-:!:' most c'ltupietfl .-!-,. '.- of ! , :; o I- ,,f all kind-i. I in-'. i - ,i 1 . ! c lpt of their sii'u i.; ti ' iit i i.vxics -1 1, K ; . V i . ! .VI ! ' S. I ) i i i '.SS t iOODS, i' '. a HiTK (iOODS. KM. !.:.;. i'.ti'S. KO.-liKUY, j J ,i f c, . I NiJ.'.ilWilAK. s:i v rKon: S. ASI M KHKS l'. i 1 v si , , AN:-,, lit' ''TONS, Id'. .-,-. '".'MMi.sOS. S?.!Ai.L V.A.'JKs (iAiiXITUUF, )! .is. ii()L.': i'. i:N;s.!iNs OOODS, c. hi ' s. l i ( is. ..-iiU'.V ': -TiN'iS. (TitTAIXS, 1 ..i , 'i.ih' . .ViJ., AC l';i!'i-!:!'i' !,t teiii ion is directed to n - ii- -iia; i ''.,-" it ,li- I iv o! Si'ks and li'e- O is. I '.! i ...,( I. mds and , '.,!.;: ' . liiaek Chant illy and I :. a ,- ,. K s. in piece ,'..:.- i d ,.!'' ne- s. Irish l'ail.t, li;;. l I a . ! I. ., niai an I Silk Kaces. ! .' . i. ; . ,, nin-h beauti- ; .': i'.i: ' n o.d I l. I in. ; ill (plal'titietf ,-;, - ai , i , ,, ,n ai y ol her House i ; ' .r , ( ' a :: .1. : . e . .,!!,..; hi givii to all mail V, ii .v K .s. Ti t KKK .vi CO. I ,-. i'i. , i ':. T. W. J)oimiN, Ci,s M. . (t. W. 1'oK. A,.!.: t. i.-,t. ilnAAiitJiM.mG! Hs Ai:ls'- I'l.oM US ASH KM, - I .: , l t t 1 t w .; tin unsightly I.,..-, of i-iiel:-. a few Weeks ago, ia itl i'i ,-vi. III i ;' Cli.irlcs ilobbins V. !;o !-i, op.' nod OM . or I ill'. KAK'.il-'.sT AND Mi )T r-KKl'.CT STOCKS OF oods, 2vfoUons, KuC-10, SHOES, I'fiii'nio'i! &Uo, i-M ! hioilr.'ht t-i D llhlllll. o ,r Mi .O 'I Cn vns will tak6 - - : .-, -,v .t in- on his many aa .1 in ' nal .ni and will give ., in , i i a Uir-aniS. mm, HENLEY & CO.. ! ! 1 1 . M N S M 1 KKS I". ) , Ai.amascb I',,, N C . I ropnctoiH FAIR MOUNT FOUNDRY, Mai.u of spi i'l oi' i a; a i ,i,-t in 'I'm bino Water AVheeU red niei ii, ouiit so as to be uaed mi i I' water iioiise. as desired. ,.,-t and l';i"'fitog Mill Maehiu ,; ,.' ,! K ii,- M lis with Himulta ... !;., g hcad block. both simple .: ; , a -1 cpiiek to operate; i'.A'.-i-s. lo. t Mortising Ma- i' ti".. Ma hine.i. Corn Shol ' me Mi ': -. Mdl Scit v.sandCaBt ,f v ie is km Is. Kepairiuj? b I io i iomptly. Correbpoad - . :'.' I. : - . 7. 1 c7. 1 v. I! ..- at ,-n i n. e .6 JiMAIl .i-n.,. r " -I.U ftlt.K Im u i ii v ft