tjlje Cljalljnm ttccorfc Sljc !)rtll)am Hccovfc ii. a. i.ors iors, KDITOU AND l'KOritlETCHS. iiatj:s ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, nin- siU!ili', (Miu iliselllolt- llC Sijllliri', IIISI'MiollS One (iiil:il't', !- Ilioiilli - . 2.0D One opy, mic year One cope, six months . Oik1 ropy, three months ' $ 2.00 - I.H VOL. IX. riTTsiioio Chatham ( ., n. c, c!cm: ;;o, ikst. no. II. Fur liii-uiT .-ulvrttisi inmts lib-rnl coil (rails "ill bo inside.'. If If India ti Siiininfr, Tii'i Mini;ht, in 11 warm aii'l niollow tlda t'p' ii (hit Ifi'linu summer day ilo-c n Is ; K.ulli, sky, end nil the view of watois wlelo In Ml"iil mi I liar. minions b'suty blends Al I lie soiithwniii s'npos tin- nflnrgrn Sldl idinws lliccmoiiild sh nin (it suinniei I line; Willi hnp'riii", pao 1 a troop of i-ophyrs pn.s, Al il oil nj i it n ver-c of mystic rhyme. The vnpot ship t lit, t slowly 010 s the sky An1 smooth nn I fleecy, like t lie clouds rf Juno An I only tiros tl n lenl!.ss n-eM my eye l!-'iiiin,l li has pn.-. o I from Nalmp's ion. I A . K. Urowne. A BACHELOR'S REWARD. V.V i.KiiltuK THAI K. It was a cull Jinu-iry day. John S celo si't alone in his oll'ico, in I ho midst of a eloop rovori-. It was seldom that ho was idle, in he was at the present time, hut this evening tho memories of tin1 past rainc flocking upon him like gliosis fioin another Intnl. John Steele was n bachelor of forty. II'.1 Ii.t'1 loon l-oiu nnil rcnie I a poor hoy, in tin1 litiie town of M , and had i over (!( a desire to leav; it. Ho hail studied lawiiml p'od, led nlon-; your nftor year in the dinuy, ;iiniy itlii-e, in whirh i' Ii mI him now, in I had i; lirh. Ilu had no (i-i iinl friends, nnd livcil nloin! in a lare, oi l fiame liouso Ht the i u'.-ktt ts of t!i" town, with a man (ser vant as cook and ; neral in'tn of all w ot k. Vi.atsaiid ye.u i Pefore, when a yniltijj mm of t h eiiiy, pn ,r ind iiiiuU ss, Sieele ha I loved a till lns; pinnts would not let In r in i ry li:m hrc.iu-e he was so worlhl-ss. In Ins raje he lliiu d hei fi r ilu ; and wool 1 listen to no renson, and 1 1 1 I ii that day had li.T'ed women ninl had led a solit.ny life. It was Ill's f-cne that now held .1 dm Sleele m his i llii e cliaii, as ike niaiille of ni-hl : t lend over tile t iwu. "M -le than tneuty years he mil e I, "and I don't le !i- ve I have ever sp iki n to a Winn in, ef.-pt on Ini-inesi, siui t: day. They s.iy she innirieil lino icouiit wretcli afti r all, who has link down to l oveitv and want. Well, well, 1 mii-t not Wii-te time tliinkin nlioilt such I h ns now. 1 was only a l oy then, and d.d lint know what I ; w.intid. I must he ijoiii." Wlpie. i upon he nlon , liultoue I Ins about i him, Icrked Ins ollicu and tru iL-ed cm ! his homeward j ut.iey. It'linor had it ale u! town that, al thoudi 1 y In r p iicnts' iull lenre, Katie I)n w hail mariied s'-.oitly aftir In r le lusil of Sleile, that sIim lull loved him dearly. This was most likely tru", I tr ns twenty years hail past, the matter had faded from tip1 i?eniTal mind to tj ve w v to mme lively cosslp. S'.eele ate ids supper in silenre. Wil li nn, his man-i f- all-woik had n veiy (rood meal prepiilc'd ; for, though Sii'ele was cloe-li.ted he believed la jo id eal i'1?, gO'"l clothes and coinfoitable liv ing. "Now, William," said Steele, wli-Mi lie had finished, "il j on ti me ii enough food to di) mo ininoiiow, you may have a holiday. And here is your money ii'.d live dollars to have a time : with. No holiday for me; 1 don't need any and don't want any." "Thank you, Mr. Steele, for your Loudness," said Wi'liam. "I!ut, Mr. Steele, don't you never tnko any little extra plea-uie nt ill.? You Uii'w I used to know you when you was a little lellow; and 1 can remember seeing your ', and hid her face in her hands. j plensimt, if one isn't sipieaniish, and i cor.liiii.-ly replaced the nuts by small iroo.l mother hoi. I n ; you up nt the old ' "Yis, Katie," he said, "it is John, j liking is c.isi'y nupiired for the "cs- ' round stones, and carefully coiu ca'c I all chinch so you cm u'd see tho Clui-tmns j I was ihinkini; of you to-day, nml it i enroots," ns liny are rilled in tho res ! evid !iues of his visit. One cold day in tree. And you was n weo little lad j seem as thoi.;h heaven has sent you.'' j taurants where they have bet n this week , w inter, nevcral wet ks later, he passed the then, and you i lapped your little hands "This is suth a shock to me," and sh i I suddenly introduced. Sane of the spot and found that th- s.piiriel had in glee and y. ur mother wou'd kiss join j s"t down n-ain. ! snails eaten in New Yolk ale brought . called there a short time previous! v. I.aby face a: d t..ik baby talk to you. Il ; Steele's heart was throbhin w ildly, I from France, I ut the bulk are L'athciu.l i This he knew by the fai l that ten in doii't s-ein like that was near lolly year j and he ipiiveicd w ith excitement. I by boys in the oirlayin-; dislrii Is. I dies of snow had been scratched from -o, Mr. Steele, but it was." 'Cuifoiind tho fellow," piinthicd Steele, us he nit down in his room that nilit to lend. "If I shoii'd listen to him he would upjc". in". I don't know what is the matter with mo this evening iir.yhow. I never felt so ipi-cr in my life. 1 1MH-5S I inn usin- too much to ll ,i co ot l ite." He rend until brdtime, nnd was in the m l of t-ikii; olT ins hoots, when he lend a knoik al the front door. "Wond r w ho th it is," lit! thought. "Soin -ihiii" unusual nt this p'ac." lie listened n moment and there cam mother knock. "What the deuce rim that William hi tloiet; Ihnt he don't o the dooii' (aid Stele. "I want to u lo bed, mid il nay be some one that wants me. To Lmiiii'W- m uiev, Iiun. Well, mil s Ihey h ive "'M I secutily, ind a c ut do lin y i;ct." At this pini iur ', William opened th 3oor. Sleelu h -ard an ind stuic! con versation and then Wlllinm roiulueted the vilt t the kiirheit. After sonic mone. .ts i . iiam ratne va . mg into the loom. "We. I, is it " "KxMise me, M . S'eele, but tln ro i t p ior woni in in the kite'inii who n -e I mine help ba lly. I'm sure she tloi-i, f a tho don't h-ok as a i-einuion bej;j;ai. Sho siivs slid has walked th onh th ro'd n I the svay from the last town, nn I I most dead." "Yes, that is xxhnt Ihey nil e Q vo I er 'inuthiii1; to rat and sen I h i in,'' "Hut I wish you would cotnu nnd sec her." "Hither tliCo h'Rgi'rs," miin.bli1 1 Steele, ''lint I flic's I'll go -down to n rid of inr." Steele saw n Mail, limine sit tinrj by the tir.-. "Well," lir saiil to nor, wli'-ii ho en tered, "what ran I do for yon ?'' Mm turned toward him. II r face was not that of a bo:;-;.ir. Although n tiilh1 pale, il was the face of a pretty woman of thirty-live1. "1 only wished to j;ot warm," she uniil. "I was ,,o mhl thi.t I felt as if I should firi 7.'. I run sony to disturb you. I have Ineiids in the town, nml am mho I ran t-t employment of some kind there. mod to live there year' and years a-;"." iW liuans of a few uuiMtions he lenrne I that she was a widow without liny rr- lations in tho world, touched hy her story. Ho was deeply "What was your husband's name?' nsknl Steele. "I'.u ler," slio cald ; '(-eorn Carter.'' "Wait hero n moment," he said, and went up to hU room. II- went to his and lookout some money. "I so seldom Kive," saiil lie, "and ran rfTord lo be liberal to this poor woman." lie took two Kn-dollar ' hills iiml started hack to the kitchen. . "Shu said her name was Carter. Car Iter Carter? Where have J heard I what! Cat leil ly(iol! That was the name of her liushan I. She said she used to livr- hete years ai;o. Il must lie she. It is K ile Drew ! Il must lie! ' Steele shook like a leaf. Ih1 seemed youn auiiin. lie n nvniliered her oin e more as the sweet - fact'd s;irl, mil the j heart wlm h had heui slumlieiin hinj; seemed to spring into new life. , ' '"lumlnn and aM points w 1 1 Inn n cm -uH He sat down nn the stairs to compose 1 "f "' hu nlivd mi l filty in I s Iron, him-eir, mid then stinted aain for the IMtshuu.j Popular S -i-u. M .nthly. kil' lK'n- r. . ,. " Wilham." sail Sleele. when he! M ' ; en.eie l. Miere ,s the key ,o my ,,,hce. slomach, said .irlue".- in lltston the ! wi-h you would K there andbiin' in.! .' , i . . -., .. , i , i, , other ni'dit. I In- fact is t hit vou and ; a pat ket you w id In .1 on my desk. - i ....... ... 'your fathers Imv Irom enei-.ition to. w liliatn ten in ine trap w nil mis- pieion, and was olT. S eele sealed himself in a daik torpor :"" looked at the woman. lit cmihl see his old love in every leature of the Inn. He was strangely M ited and knew not what to say. ' Yousiy you livnl heie unci'' lie beaii. "Ve, whin I was n ;;iil," sho said. "And bad fortune h is overtaken you sine1. Perhaps v m knew my cousin then. I.ihn Siceh r ' j "Ye"," she s iid, "1 knew him. Is ho i not Icro now f ' i "No, pom- lellow," said Sleele, feel in,' otiilty as ho spoke the words, "lie is lead." "D - id!" and she leaned lu r head on In r li oid and wept, "Yes," mil Steele, feel ill',' I ike a luur deicr ai he p k , "but none who Knew him w-iv sorry for lie ha I no ood in him, and It v 1 I a selfuli life." "Poor man !'' said tho swer', srmpa tin, n-f tones. "At heart he was vjonl. " Somethine; seem d to move Steele. He pit up and stool by her chair, hand, by accident, touched her. I His Sent n thrill thri u-li him that seemed to make n now lieinj; of him. "Ix itie," he said, "don't you know me ?" roasted chillis, and the cater extract! reset vi- store w hirh n ipi nei ha I pio staiie.l, stood croc1 I tlrm .y holdim; a shell in his left hand, 1 vided for an exigency, mid tho friend, in k into his fine. while with n fork in his r.-rlt t he rr.-ts ' a moment of lln u htlossnc.-. ib tci -mined Sho Irokcd ii and "ot a yond b 1 John ! ' she mid, V, "I am old, now K itev and perhaps ' nwkwarlinniy speech, but 1-- I can't ! help what I inn myini;. You liavo no j home, I am rich, nnd you are tho only j wonian I ever loved. You are welcome ' ! to n'd I have. M , life has been very ' j lonely. Willi you 1 would bo happy. ! You can't b ve me, I know, after nil thi j tin o but I do not n-k tint." I She arose as ;f to to. Poor Steel M hc.ut siemi'd to 1 e lunstiii". He in .consciously put lorn Ins aims mid it. in licit In r. nn a suit she loll into them mi l lested lur head on his h1i.miI- i I di r. j ' Katie he c i ied in joy. ! "()!i, John, how can I speak?" I "S y omelhiii'-', Kilie." ! "I feel so (uilty. I tin u-ht 1 would never b r 'iv- me Hut -but you but ' I have--" ! ' It it what, Katicf" I "Oli, John, you know I level you j linn, and it u not. my fault. I have lovcii yen an iitese ion: yenn. I am so happy, if you will but torsive inc." "Forgice you! Dm't speak of that S'ain. You tiro hoinoless no on-;er, Katie1. I know what love is at least. You are in my houe now, and j on ha l never oo out ed it except as my wife." "N Jolin, not "Yes, elon't object. I know il don't .until we'd, but I doa't e are for that. A pieaclier lives close. Won' t you con sent ?' "Hit-" "l'lease don't refuse, Ki'ie." "We ll, I ;.1 .-'' Jut tlien William rami) in. Sleeli ' neaily ran over him. "Ilmjr the pa. per-!' ho sai l, as Wii'iam olfereil then j to him. "Here, Willi hi," he s i'nl, n he rami . down Kluir i putting on his overcoat, J "fix the. front room and lie-lit a lire. : ! I) m't you hear, you i liot? Don't stand looking, move aliout." I William did not know what v:i; tin I matter. He had in t "ot th Wro. lihlni ! when Steele r mi1.1 stiinililin in with the preacher. I Arkansas Traveler. (Jr.ilns of S md. Tho inaniifartiire of .-and wnn impor tant industry, which has Pittsburg fm its headi'iailei-, tillhotioli the sand i; not male within the hunt of the city. There m ronsiileriili'e trallie in M mon Rnhrlu sand, which i sconi.e I up from the bed of tho liver, to bit u-cd for coin I m"" building purposes; but the manu- farture of sin 1 is ipiitu auotle r iillair. and the product ooes into j lite a differ ent miiimod dy, which is nbii. I'raclic.illy olassn almnt purn suit, "!l"'r substances usd in its ma iufai lure 1 1 " " '"iii'-; b. in1,' rousiiuied whi'.n this ; s:'d is trimfoiiii i I to a (jreater or less j ''H"'n " transpireney. Tin1 sau I nu I . '" '""A " alino.t pure silir i, so ; "'""'J' ' " " 11,1,1 "" per rent, ol iron, ma.M.esia, an I albipni niun, to n ini ty -nine per c nt. of the other. And of this sati I wh c'l is quai i i 1 cut of the hills and orouud down to varying deiuees of linen-ss, and washed to vaiyuii; .levies of whiteness, eilit hundre 1 tons me in I'ltifii lure I dad;.-, I' inr hundred tons le ine consumed j in and alicnt I'.tis'mi a id f 'Ur hun dred Ions .lino into Ulster i O iio an I i W.str Yioinia l W.i.fli.if, IMIaiio, I , , oeeu iii'iiisii iuusiv iuviii" . . , i In olio way it is n blessing to have been bmn of poor parents What foo l the poor ji vo their children is of a variety that ;oei to m ike strom; bouei and teeth. It is th" outside of all the oiaiiiH of a'l cereal fool thai tains l ho cai hunato and phosphate of . , .i . f .. ., , ,. ' lime and traces of other curt III v salts. which nourish the bonv t issues and build i ,lr. ,r ", . f i . toe 1 1 .nil.- up. ii no no i:io iiiruisil to the teeth of the youtiu that pabulum they reipiiro they cannot bo possibly built up. It ii tin1 outside of corn, nuts, wheat, birli yan l the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and bed to tho swine, that the teeth aclu illy reipiiro for their proper nouiishnnjii I, The wis dom, of mm III proven his folly, sh.iwu j ill every since diuo generation of teeth, I which heroin.! in .re and inoio fragile I and weak." - HnW III ( link Slllils, I rnelilirs may make it handv to h ive more This is tin; way to i ook snails accord- ' than one place of refuse. Allh niuh the into Jay (build's formula: ISoil them snow may b- deep over nil t he-e holes in first in their .-lu Us; then suhui. r-e then -'winter, yet the Mjiiirre', if it llnds it in it highly ll ivored s.-iuc , and linallj neces ;aiy to v.u ale one ho'e, can ulwavs roast them. They me served In t he ( tell where the others are situ ilcd, thnugii shells, which by this lime are thorou;;!iIj all the ordinaly liindmarks may b- oblit browned. When iat. ii, they are piled 1 orated. Weed, the I! itisli naturalist, hot on a plate, after the in inner ol tclh of a friend w ho found one of these j the ciiriou morsel out. The ta te ii ' I'ses fur I'inc .N'ocillos, Another me for pin- needles besido 'hat of upreadin;; nn aiomatie odot thron.;li th- fancy covering of a pine pil- low 1,:,s ''ecu tlevclope 1 by a new south- ern industry. ( hie produe t of the pine ; iieeines a , ct.on h..o. y si, on- on mill possesses meilic.n.i! vo l lies. A not he r i nine wool, w hii !i is bleached, dye woven. The wool is a 11 y d and brow I '". I """ I'" "'"". K11" 11 1 l: ""IMI 1,1 ); wnen; "l''' 1,1 11 '"l"'1 A stroll-, oh. a ; niattui' is made liom the wool, u-'I'iil for halls,staii ways and cilices CIiii hoo I 1 ines. i 1 I Minute Kind id' Hen. "My ileal," satd .Mr'. I'e i-uson M.uit- comely to her husband, "why do (hey j keep that hen in the diin- in:i-. -11111 .' I , don't see any thin:: nboul It dillerent . In in 1 he cud nun y low I." Fi ts, HI elie 1 Ins rvc in mild sur I Prl"1'- j "Well, well, didn't you notice? 'I'htit I hen is one of the1 most in crestin..; fen . lure of the Miiue. It hasn't any teeth," the spou.e. "Wt ". j Minueap I iinisi jo down . Journii'. Iei.ll lee1. "(io.d -ra. 10. 1., ,1.111 ! why didn't you marry a mo.ikey ail 1 be done with it;" "Oli," smilid Jane, "I thought you ni;i;ht w.n.t le many some t.m-, and I w. ul ln'l take your Ial cli l.f e. ' Wasli : oit.ji I ' 1! miii.dkkvh roi.m.N. tl v l U.ili llioi II I. With hand li.o sneill t" I All II 'r sue I eve) eon . 1 1 flf April's enlv nolil, ti n- fiock ic.liflel sin In iiwiny a Ii my fohl. And then l:l(ii II white hen She tut tier, lliitlier spe I, Tlie sinililil on In1)' Ilea t (ilditit; enrli tin -piin lima I Yellow ns il iiidelioai Sh" eniild n it hear to pass hie single II i wit hv, Jla-li .li.k,solil.e .ra4, Was h.velv 1 1 In r eye, Bttpw ii t'li llit t'ftip1! t i i As Ihiek n-tli 'V eonl I I Jtiit, ah, ler t. aiM fe I do mi. h"ii Ihe lap of her ivlnt yown (lot stains ii ,""a mid ln'iwu t- i oin h T if rdan h'lion-i. -plis llsti s in i fm- I . i t i. i ines. Tnr III nil Iv AVns. Thouoh wasps are not popu'ar f ivor ies they seem to behave we'd tow n-Is i no another. S;r I'l im is ) iylo tells in thai he was eii"ae I i i Ii ;hlinej w ith it swarm of w isps which wi re attacking u plum-tree, lb' hit oiu of them without ktllin' it, and saw it fill into u hi spider's neb. To his suriirls" a comrade i-. Hew down to iis le. I'oisiiiL ' n'.i ri.o to tie . w'"' lo IU"1 iv ii, it worked it io ouicklv that the were almost inv;.ibli.. It hail a laid task to do, for it h i I le th lo lake ran. of it-elf and, by Mnk:i. lit tho wei threads, to try and i t its i lium free In Ihis it sin cei ih d, Ian the put fell to the eiMiind onlv to die. Su Kiam is was so siitp k with thi; displav of kin he ss that he ci a;-:" 1 from li s warfaic with the rest, an I left lie: lice to its fate. -I l.itth- folk All . ul Tho Mpiurel as a pet i. almost as weli , 1V1, . ;H f:lVr s ,, , u , v, r ,.. s ,!.,. ,ui ilome.-tii alt I, howevtr, as tie- rabbit. , s ifely be per edthesa,,,. J"-'1""- , Tl- -r'-rel f.imilv is v,y lar-e, an I i o.ilauu ininv sp cles. Sum ' ' f n.s,. a, ,. found in every c.unliv in 3 the world except Au-lraliii. Anion" tin ... 1 principal species are the rav. red. 1 1 k . t I i "ii 1 1' i , oi.ii i, i mi, pi .in ii-, 1 1. an i ii . - in if Mpiureh. the tluee lnsl named varieties are about the only ones whit h tluive in toi'ti n m nt. 'I'll,, wiound sipitnel is one rally c.i'h'd the chip- ' , ' ' ' ' numerous ,n the S.uth, is the 1,-ueestol ""' '"' ' "'" f'l:,!"11 w f""n'1 i I.. Tl... f..t I .. i.:..i. : tliiou.;li. ut tho country east of tin: I! irky Mountains. Sipiirrols hibernate in th- winter months, and he'in in the early put of autumn layin- in their .supply of nuts for use during tin1 c .11 wea'h r. Wlu re cver its home is found, whither in a hollow tree, in a device in a reek or in a hole in the ground, it is always seen to be a it. ill oe' I conveniently and neatly. Most 'ipiirrels keep two or more stores id fool :i patently with the i lea that the ciicroachuieiit of man or some of its othci to plav a j ke on the siiuinvl. Ile ae- the top of the hole, outside which the stones had been cast by th- disappoint ed annim il. This struck the joker w ith remorse, lie said: "I never felt the folly of practical j isdni; so much in my life. Fancy the poor little fellow, nipped with cold and scanty food, but f , ,.s0. j t!;, u I,,,, winter, resolved to crotu iiu.e his lifle hoard ns Ion-; ns pos-ibl -. Fancy hilil at last determined Inbreak this--perhaps his lust-- maoa- ine, mid cheerily blushing nway tilt snow, fully conli h ut n roiod meal awaited himasth- 1 .wild of his odd job, mid, after all, find iiij; nothing but tics. 1 never felt more mean and ashamed in my life, mid really would have riven a t-uincn to have known that in jut c- I f lirrel's address, lie should have had as lino n let of nuts as would have put him beyond the re ach 1 f poverty hud he lived to bo as old ns M it h 11 -chili. --; (Hob. -Il. tmn rat. Allie's Answer. I. title All e h id j is! complete I the coins of les.o i :i( Sun lay-school about Joseph a id his brethren ail 1 her moth I . r . I ,.,,1,,,.,. 1 ol. 1.... . . 1 out what she hal learned. A'lij a,i swen d ail the ipie-tions eorreetly until she came to nh-re Ph.ti io!i had m.tdo the brethten "ruh'ls over many cattle," and there she hesitated. "What did Pharaoh do for the bieth ivn of Joseph.'" her mother asked. Aliii! thou-lit for a moment, and then, villi n sudden dm recollection, exclaim .1, "Oh, ye, In made thrill cow lens." Jl irp.Vs Il. .ar. Till- 'I WO IlfiKOIXHS. Ili'j .Vtorie-j e.f Two Clerk , In lll! IJllitr-,1 btfltr1 TreiVil i ry . Tne 0 ie a Noted Aimy Nurso, tho Other S.ete aiy Siv.ifl's Hoiisek-ep-'r. A Wasliin-ion b iter to the Cincinnati lltiipi icr says; There are now rii,'aoi in the It. vision i f I. inns nnd Cuireiioy of the Trea iiry J)epaitm-iit at Wash-Iti-tou two I oly einployrs who have In c mi.! widely known for their his'ori- I -.-il iMjiTii in t in w ir tini", mil one o. ntleiiiui who is the son of a former I'lesld-ll'. Mi's Ibuii-t P. lie ne, the army nuise, who won nitioaal f.ine by lur four year 1 mi I eieht mi, nth i f perilous ser vice Willi the S eou l New II unpshile II "jiinont iluriii,' 1 he Civil war, eleserves lii t nvntioti. Il-r eiiieer has been re pi.itedlv publidie.l in part, but no writer w ho iitti mpls to chioiiiclo all her llinl' 'li!.', t'yino 11 1 b'l deadly Ii in the fe ld of liatlb', rxpoced to the coition lin;; elements of heaven, or ov-r w. u -pied, sir'; and dvin- soldier in the hospital-, ik-f I ever hope la be surn s I11'. A a mitt-r of li.t, and not tin re v of sentioi til, her history U i w 1 it ti n in sears hid 1 tin l-r her iniiiist.-r-! ill .' h . lid in hearts to whom she! by her 1 1 et c: ntid tleid-i I roulit hop and r .iiifoi t amid the sull.rios of war, and 111 tie nienioi io. of t : ickeu sulTci iu oii-i, b) h h 'io ni I yr.iv, for whom she eat-. I. She w is once take 1 prisoner at th" s...i in.d biUb' of IWU II I 1 an I d-t lined a w-i 1 k aboil1 .v.ri"w - all .liiks'Ui's heiid ipi li ters, in .1 ti nt sp,, i iby pr.n i b-l for i ci up .111 y ; bu1 when the 1;. ner il I. -und mi invcstio.-i ion thai she w is not a spy, iis suspi 1 i d, he I.. id lu'l lele ised and peiuulted In r to j;o undi'turbc I. Sir in- tint 0:1 hi-hly iinpoitaiit mid ies 011-ible inissioii i at v irions tine s by the -overnol of New llinip-hiie and by otlu'i oll'l ials and er.'alii. itioiis, o.arh time n turning with llioroii-hly reliable and protiiai report, and ollen doino I llieii lit wolk III seellllll- neede I e lorius in (he hospital and It an -pm tnt ion 111 r.m-i meiil . I'ol sine., th" war her soldier II lends hal bin ur-iir her ill d tll' l'. nt tine's to set 111 ' 1 pension ,. berseivic s.l.ii1 she nifjib-stly in lint ait.c I t hat she w ante 1 th- soldiers pensioned first, an I Ih it she c u'd lake cate of herself. This lent 11 kab'o woiiim had served these four yeats and oi-dit mouths amid all the 1 -.irua-i1 and sulloui- of war for tho put nice of Tfii p-r moiilh allowed 111 my nur-os. I!y a special act of Con -;;res, si 1 lire I by her Iriends, she was oiveui 11 pension of ist.'.'t u inonlh, beoin-nin-; on July tl lss slie aiiowed the p.'inion to nin f t con.ibiable lime, then t.ikin-lh- :t 1 . 11 1 1 1 .In., and a Id. no to the s.-.ine 1 1 , 1 1 1 hi r 111. dost lallllll:;- ill the eo 11 11 uient -1 1 1 ii e she bu It, at In- own cxp. ii.i, a h "i.e to be II. 1 d a the 1 11 1 il en In udepi.ii ti r- of the S-eoiid New 1 1 imp-hire sold i, ts in :h-ir M U'iiotis nt the Wiits, Winnep -'ai.k-e, X. II. Ths cost bu- $ 1 111 Ml, and 1 x (--v. Smith, ui vernor d N w II iinpsh.r1 iit llie o'o-o of the wai.fui nislie I the hoii-i'. At the close ol the war lii si de !e-islat 111 e ol w 11 imp. shire pie sci:id lur with sane highly apprei i.itive resolutions, onri-scd on paiedim nt, in n 1 o-n:tion ol h-r ser vices, and a's 1 pre viit. d her with 11 sum of mone;, Sue is now S"Ve- ity two years old, and is ft w ell-preserved woman for Inr n-e. She wears a pla n black dre-s, has well foime.l, expressive features, dark eyes mid hair only partially tiiniel to or.,y. 11 ! nose and Ion lu ad ate sh uply and jet bei oniin-!y "iiilin-d. She is in-e,:!-.1.! as a mon y 1 oinit. 1 at ijti Ml per yea-. Mi-s Marar t C-lein in, in the same diV-i-ion, Was tie housekeeper lor tiif S w ir l faini'y in .islnii::! .01 ,1 the t tue ol itu .'i-sa-sinatioti ol I. nco'n and th- attempt nn S 1 r. taty Seward's iife. The srre.ims of Mis. Fannie S w.ird, who wa iti the roi'in wiih hit invalid fatli-r when he wa- inutdei oil -ly attacked by Payne, hrou.-bt -s (V, mm to il,,. r. 'en1, a id when i' i ne hear I lu r coin ill he left Mr. s ward, who in the stiii-olc had fallen out ol bed and was found by M ss Coteinan bet .vei n the bed j nnd the will, with his h-id sti',1 under I t In: c lot be- , and siuoihci in- in his own blood. Payne hid lost hi hat and pain "I a in -mi nt to io, k in viin for what was attciwaidi lo be a silent bill iinitep . 1:1 ib'- wiin ss aaiu-t him, tie 11 ru he I bu the d or, .nil, m etin Miss Coleui'in thie'V hitn-c'l :i"ain-t her, hiiiini.' hi 1 a..-a:nsl ih do -1 a it stood op 11 all 1 dislocating her shouldei-Ida le. I-' iilher on he pa-so I Mi- Fanni 1 in his hot haste and 111 d- li s cscipe. M ss Col. in 11 was with the '.-Ward family oi-ht, mil witnessed tho r-fpid dec-line of boih Mrs. S -ward and Miss Fannie, w o never survived tin ho. k of that t. r ib'e 111-hl of the IPh ff Api:', si!V M . S w.u l died in .lune, and l ss I'm- ie .11 the fa'l follow iiio 1 he 11 w ; til s. em s id, 1 nal ion 111 their In inc. Mi s C hiiiin tells the story as vividly as thou-h it hud been witnessed M-iircely an hour a o. S'a- i now lifty-s vcn y.- us of a -e, mid serv 1 a incs;iti;CT at ai I 1 y ar. Si, has been in the d, 1,-101 1 1 , ye y a s Temptations of a Crokei's IO. From tin- start tin- boy ent-rinj; 1 broker's 1 Mice will b- iuirusted will hir-e sums of m ui y to eany to the bank or lo customer. II- may bo in an e lliei when- bank bill and shiniiio "old nn J within his rem h all the lime; and he! will be so completely ab-.oile d in lie. I subj-et of stocks, bonds an ! money, that it will h- sir.- n-e il he th li mit soon he-ill to look at the -ettine; ol money as the most important bu.iues o' life. And when he is a little older and becomes 1 lei k or c ishier, he will b 1 -pi'sol to tho leinplatio.i to in. lease his incline1 by sloe k -ambling-- "spei ul il in-," as it is i-alle I on his own 111 count. Such vendue s me, of e-, 11 -, very h,,. itdoii., and on a!! ip counts should be sliuiined. A broker i. ipiue li at stn nth of e liar u d-r to r.--i I lie- teuipta t ion to -'t wealthy by (al-e method-; nil, I 11 hoy should think b.u- .ni l we. I before he adopts t b- r lilin;;. For the broker's business i nt best ilil'itaple. '1 he cvotk is d-an- . piii k iy ill the midst i f ;;,-at excilciu -nl -li 1 at "lii-.ll pii s-uie," as we siy . A tnoii.-y roniis ipi 1 k'y and 1 -a-ily to the looker, it i not so hl-hly pi . -1 in il it weie 1 arm-I by the toil w hie li proltiee a visible reult, and il li-ualiy oei .is ipl'l kly as il rolllei, p. , U . -1 ol lopue, ilcfi-inl tli'-ir own 1 crtip itp-n, Tney will tell y. 11 that I h-ir s-i v ice in a-e-uts in secuiin- st u'ks and I ...-ids m need ed ; but they ilo not d- ny that st.u k broker.-i-e wmil I o-iiv1 lobe ,-i pr. lii 1 1 - b 1 I tnille-s, exi ept to a y.-iy I V flllll- if people w.-re to Stop s; , -hit inir in s-i 111 ili-s. (ifi or -e ile ie -no many lti"ii in I his I 11 in,- who hiv risen lo wealth furl to 1 ninco s liu in c:e-r who won', 1 si 01 a to do a in m or ilishonm di'e a. t. A I hon -r ! sip h men, because tie y must o't.-i have 1 11 solely tiinptid to do .lem;. No ho li. "Mil1 t' leell's I'i '." In the centre of the lob.uoo w li tmuses nt the l.on-b-ti di c's tie n- is an immense kiln, wh-. h is kepi c ml inn a'iy buinin-, day an 1 muht, and o ,0 In th a name of tin- ipi en's 'o',. 1 pip1- ' "' F.n-lisli overnnp iil has a ,hlT-r.-iit wa, of In-at in; coiili-cated ait.ih than that in use i . llus 1 ouii'iy. . n- I le 11, l-.-n ; 1 u'lli.-' th-'in .n tu .; 1,1 -v ': at is 1 1 110 I tie' ipu-i n's s nn K in le lu-yi r mi l'1 is sei,-, for iionpavm-nt "I duly, n b 1 nisi- a is i o-i-i,b le I uii.ii 1 the law as in a d .in or ii'isaiitid. condilioii, il is taken 1. 1 ti.11 on at kiln and burned l!e 10, I b- ow n- is havin- no retneily. The only ul ii loll thai is mile of these si iur sis Inn, ih.-sah of the ashes Irom the fuina. e, wl.nh, ! the .-1111011111 of a uieal niai.y t. i;s a in, ii.h, li'c sold by unction to 1 hi 111, ca!,, and t- (loliiiis mill olhen b- be 11 I 111 cm ii bin- the soil, Tl . ie is a similar but -miilh-r .pi.-oti's t,daic. pip- -u the oovet inn. -nt t.-ba w ,ivh ,ii.i at I . : v r - po.,, ll.ise iwo I, i:n;n lie- p.. int. ,, . lest 1 net ion, lor al! conli c it-' l 11, 1 i, .111 elise in the I'u. d-d K .n-dom. - ,t.'om -inercial ( i 1 -I t -. A Man W ho l.iie in a I t ee. Mi. lleyW 'ol, iH-tlel known a- "t ' 0 man who lives 111 a ii-. e,'' Ion built a to w home a few feel n.,r;li ,.1' the old one in Washington. A.tleie win- no la' I in--s er-iw in- w li- 1 e lo- I'll-' I lo house, In- li n put it o 1 a si , il . I 1 tidy feet hi-h. A;,- eonincts it with thi ol I house, Mr. Hey w ood's idios n, i:1.y is .1 stroll -; one, and he - in-. 1 r. a sons to supp, 1 1 it. Those v.holhii'k Ii s iU-or in the uppe r r.-o n n me mis taken, lb' is 11 matter ol fact in. in, excellent r.-c rd as a cork ii th - interior Department. lie is a shrewd spi-culntoi ill real estate. His home in the tna nttr.ioleil ntti ntioti to th- beaudful I. I near by, nn I he s , 1 tlu-ni to o.-o 1 ad vantage1. M". Il ywood ha. I ut otn arm, but his lun are ooo.l. II- say. e 'tl-u-nption cat! be cur.1 I by iivin in trees iis he d 1. s, w hei no! hit)- but pine air can be b. eallie.l. X -w Y 1 1 1 Suit. Tlie Snail's Pace. A snail's pice need 11. t be used any lon-er nsa Inn, mole or o-s. in 1- li 1 .-. t 111 iuteie.lin,' ixp.riinent at the PoUtechnic the id lu r day it was ;e, n Iniiied exictly aid i d. I ed to limine which may now be .pi-u. I by persons w ho favor the me of ext. t bum. A halfde.-'ii of the 11:0 111 -ks w .1 e p, r unite I to crawl betwien two points ten feet lipnll nil' I the aVoM-e pace u tsi 11 1 lined. Fn'in ibis il wa. 111-y cnoii-h to calculate that on- snail ran erawl a mile 111 ju-t lo.iiiccn days. j I'etre II ml Fx press. Hiisiiiess lintei pi ise The f 1 .1111 was appro -loliio- Troy. "Are you f.oin- to cat y.un dinner nl tho lailroad restauianl i" ho inked of a pas n-er. "Ye," was the n ply. "Just slip that card in your pocket," he w hispi ie I ; "I'm an 1 1 it i. -Maker." -1 N 'W Y01 k Sun. All Aiilhot's (in nlest lliftieiilly. Youa- Author ( -i edidol - "(i ttino a j ub isher, 1 h ive hear I, is the tn .-1 d.tli c.i I thin- in uulhorslnp." F. iitor "I don't think so." Ant Inr- - "Al , you enrourao What, then, i the most .1 lli.-ult ?'' I'. lid a - "( 1 t: i!i- t. a I r..v A10 They (.liidl If (,'ie ivero hern TolaU-my hand and ak. "tVhnt Is t il.-at -r' She would not see tho wrinkles nn my fnei Nor no-e the silver w li-re tho -old hil l plne. I;,',n lov faded hp. sh, , I leaven kiss. And hisper "I lai lin-, " and she would lint miss Tho vanished rose, nr if sho did, would sny, ' How v.,11 h iv.1 ripened since I went nwny." Thi- bl- inishes that others tni-Jit di-pis Would. .till be beautiful lo inolhei's eye. If she were here, Sh-would not mind t lie oluinen': if t"ii Should till my eye. I know that sh-) would, An ! tv sivis t c iiiso.t 011 unto mo, Yi-I, in li-r h-ni l, some I liirii--s would littlo heed. K'm.w inn le w iiiie-li 1 heir discipline 1 need And m. I Ih. 11k. thou-h h-nven be fnr, And It ieii. b can eo in even in wo ore, 'I h-v inayb-nl-il bk- I iviiip mot hei lined, tin y know how all thin-s work for p.-. I. John Ma-.- in I 'onuie-ntionslbt.. 111 itntors. A stij,ji,.r pi-i I'm in uiee a l.oxintr mad h. The man who believes tali; ischeip never ellip'oye l a lawyer. A Wcoern i.ely laiiilcl when her bon 11 I raii-.-ht lire. M,e natuially (ell liu'lit he.l le I. II What are .01 thinkinoof? Slie N'oili.n-. II i.ili-cnt-niitiile.Hy) - You Il tier inc. w A Pi ni.sylv.iiiia inu'-iciiui f-'ll from a -. end--toiv win low, nnd found the pitrii nin oiiifoi tably hi-h. A w. stem m in h n ha I a needle tak"ll out of Im bo p.,-, U now know how to a. 1 ici-it for tie- st id hes in his side. A ii.n'i in p-r it y led the ladies flat th.-y uoi-t "lake le art." As if they hadn't b - 11 , on this ever sin--o the i leal ion. A I i-ly i-Ueil'su for stilo .1 baboon, three l.ibby 1. i':e, and a palled. Sh" states thai, be;. 10 now 111,11 1 i-d, she has no n-e for ihein. Mnmier "I w-sh I e-.ii' I do sum" thin:.' with the 1 lour lo slop that ceil st oil chi Wiii- ..: oil,,,. lt'.H detestable," l. -abl "N 1, it i.-ti'l ; its spline." In t he i 1 1 ! 1 i tex ;. 1 youth thorn il no stp-h wind a - fiil, but later on, when ihe n.-iih -. I 1 1 -. I bmin.-s for himself, lie n th -.'.ol I sh iw up in u'io ! shape. Pr.-f. Itiirl - 1 - thai li-'n-s soin-tiines iive to be I'i,' . .1 , old. N "v, ran un-lci -l.iti 1 aIi;.- th.-y ,ii,- ii no hur ry to j ei 1 In l.i oll' e 1 111 jit t ?! ( morsel at the cud c', o il' line. When 1 in in Mphiiued nbout a l;,.t. with 110 in. .am of -e't.n out in ca-e of file, I ' . 1 - is in , I Ih ( he didll'l . ale tol II., alls to o,,( ,-s,l ,,f hotel. Wlm! he ii.-i-iici was means for Maytn tln re. "Nolhin:: but trials .ati-1 Irihulations an-l .1 is.ippoin t ne nt -. I inn disousted With il al,!'' "A i l wiiat ao- y-u j;oitio I., do al-o'it il . ' "I am ooino to ipsit the I'illth." (Iloirilhd.l "Y.-ll don't n-'aii ou nr -ion:; I" c) nintt suiciele'."' .No, 1 ,1111 to tak- a so 1 voyage." A Ml'uti;' ,M III. on til.- Cii-son 1 iv-r, h'low lioi, N v ida, r, 1 111 I An-el, 1 ('.id.l'la, rt iio ela tns to be t he 1 1 ron-est 111 11 111 th - w "1 1 I. 11 I. an Italian, lived -s -. i sia'i.js 1 I 1 ineh-s, weiuhiii- It'-; poiinl-. II.- strii-th was b ,u will tutu. I'i' he lialuoatll !e! c lialniuj. II' dill'.-r iioin other lie u ehlelly in ih- osseous structure.. Aliliou-h ii-t of iiniisU'il si.-, hi spi nal column mil, h beyon I the oidinary width, an I his bones and joints aro made on a similarly hu-e and generous s, a'.-. lb- has lilt- I a man of .'mi pounds with t ie nn 1 11.- linger id' Ins u-ht hand. Tne man stood with ono foot on the 1! his arm ouU'r-tihe I, his hand oiaspe-d by two to b. il.iiice- his boly. Cordelia then slooped and placed the th.:--l linger of his li-ht hand iiul.-i l ie in i-i's foot, and, with Si aria ly an y 1 1 -e pt 1 ble 1 If ol!, raised him to ihe hei-ht ed' In ir fe -t an I d posited Inin on a t ib'e ne ir a! Il 111 1. ( 1 10, 1 two poweitiil 111 a w lyliid Cudella with in t. 11I to tin isii h in. but h 1 s i,- d one ill rich h 01 I and h .until red th.-iu loethir until iile x,n ne.nly knoi ked out of thelii. A brolo-io.ll I'll I' tll 1)1 o 11 t . In many pails id the worl I iibun Innt evi'h-ne- sh-n-i that tho land ii still slowly rising or snikin-, producing .radii il 1 h iii-.m that in th- course of noes will e oiiiplolely tiuosfonn the 1 ai tb's I O,o-1 aphy. 1 ' e1 of tho most r in 11 kabh- e x unph s has been lurnislie.l by Sweden and Finland. I.yell b n-11-0 i stiniali "I th .t I'ortions of Sweden are- bein-; ele vate 1 about tour feet in a century, mil mi .-y jint ill 1 le in Fill land once more' piove that the shores of lii- liillie me steadily rising. J. Y nuke If rep-i ts to the Fi 'iie h ai ndemy of Si ieii. es t h a', sineo the surveys of s)ii )."i s.-vi ral islands iiaV'i Ineome piiinsiii.ii, while in my shaibuvi hnvo becoine ilaud or beaihe. Ol the soiitliw si .01st ai l in the iicighboi iii- A'an I Atehip-1 1-0, p.istures, gardens and c e 11-li -Ids occupy sp ns wliich were under water a lew y. ul i ;i;'.i, Stops are In-ill-; tnk -a l-i 1 1 unit' ly mensuro tho future pfoor. s of tips .oloienl phe tioiu -no 1. j Ai k.i'isaw Tiuveh-r.