flita Chatham Rccc'rd THURSDAY, ' JULY '21, 1SS7. H. A. "CONDON, Editor. Our Val;itmtni Letter. iFr-tm i.ur ltstiur C..rtat '.'ii'lent. ; W isiiiv.-mN, July l.'uli, 1SS7. Tho I'lc.-idcut niul Mis. ('let eland, hip - iMuliiiL' ibe we. k in Now lork -'" , , ' , t , . Stale, iitli iivlict-' tlii C'.iiiUli lVliti-1'- VtXSxwsT Cleveland visite-i la-!. ,m,U.i'Uisi:i..g hi sistci and broh- week with his wife the homo of Ins v. near Hie home of ins youth, when- childhood, fioin which as a I'itt herlewr his mini will reieittothe halcyon bov he went out into the woild to ".' 8 , 1,1 1 LiMuuod . hen his i;ic;..t- . . ... .... . . nreails iiid not contemplate the make Ins livinij. What, a contrast , , ;, , , rresidcvv ot Uif I uited .oates as a leturu ! Then lie was n poor ,,.,Mi,,;,t v of las wotidei fill career, boy with an uncertain futuitf before The Members of t he Cabinet have leturtm as the OLief dahhlcn su I eal estate I lie past w. c,i -IS, cretarit s WniM.ev mid l'.iiivhi!'1. A iuii Mm ilt'irs. Ch.i: ixsros. S. 0, July Ui. At p.iriiiv.l! toil iv -TiKlyr Hods 'li sen t need Axev Ohen v, a coL tcd fir'. twelve years iilil. to bo ll'ii;.'i'il on the thiid "r'n day in September f r the murder of the nitant i f Mr. Ames :liiiins. oT .Vi'.eiidule, in lialli'.vtii ti ; ; l ...... i l... I,..,- .,' , , , . , 'i . u.i on liif. bit therein l ut il nut. mother to a.'t n? nrsetnrlha !- 1 liaitis bibv. Sh" p. 'kid around the ( ii ecllsb.iro' X rti. State : lh lien- liiu'.se and atteude.i to her ilnties ill b,.w has lift ntv font. , fenm n iisiia.,' ) so iii'iicnt a iimnm-i Hint she hid t" ' ho acre 1 m sixtieth- Tin" 1 i t i. to be coiisUliU scol. .'cl After n two ; ears uo. put of fct I iliei .scolding die dav she was uviilii'Mi-.l h i ttn .ifi'isiu eoi:;. ail this w-ar ytate lieWS. a'.il enri.d oii to tho biiiolu-rs. 1 i rV v.t ie iuv unii h .-Locked M .-.il l:v i-vrl.Mij; t hiar t i ;d Mi. Ho -.'by Miuiht l'l.u'!.i: On Fiiilay 1 1 -: v 1'. .t. liiii,; h.i.l been ili.ome I ! :!.!. bp'wee:i 0 a; 1 10 o'elorl;. a in lV.1. Mi'Cail s uiiil jioiul uivm: '2k b:.)l i'f lijhfl.ilijr tli. iik tin- t-tilli-s luileh f; om lure :tt:il i surp i.-e was .if Mi 'I 'I. os. K l'o'.u'll. iii..r tinM not le-.-('i;iil wLen we lenniL'il the it k. aiul killed two :iluable hiMS. s fa- ts i.f iile e:i-p It m , UiS i;,i,t- in ! it tine ..s. '11; i st ibles ca'l.'li! ei iuifi was b.uiiin.; w it i h.mii' bnvs lilti loiiuer selling; C i i its-ialid k his t'me oonntry 'iaee. ut a elear iol:l of about JfT) tll'i;'. but "i:niUr; a llyht of lease of two in t.iiee e.i:s. and th.' latter buuu a i.ue iloubie Miuc'uve, in tin- st le uf the ol.i f.ishioi'--! Kulish resnlp'-ee mid ointe l)iti.dsi.:n.-lv thiiLed. for whivh riiiii: now ue Magistrate of the gi eatest ltejnib'ie of ancient or modem times. Wit ii what pardonable pi id couid be lecall tf'e contrast ! Then he arrived at the little town lie quietly walked from the depot to Lis sister's house the old homestead -pint as any ordinary ei'uen wuulii b.. p:od .."ii.iiiJ. have doue. Yes, there was the great 1'ostniaster (.letu ral Viias. with rresidentof the United States with As,istaut A; tmhey nei al P.rv ant . ,, . , ,, ... .. 'is eiiyaueil a dav or two this week one arm rill of b'lndips and Ins wife . ' .i ', it . i ., , ill reviMiig the postal laws an. I ieri Hanging on his olhei arm quietly walk ,ltj,,I1;,. tne proM-nt .'it' .n br.s not ing through tho t-tieets of his. Id town been ivvied r..i"e 17'.'. an I i f e . n e. with an air of simplicity characteristic new mad haw a. i.-.e.. !l,o I'ost 6f a democrat. How diffe.ent frora 'T' "f"!"'",1 ' "r 'U"Auu'dt "Ul , . the postal cleiks of the sixth ilwir-Mii the stylo o. Kings. ...c zar ot u,e J,,!.,. , i,,,-.,,, a coi.Mn'io,, Tlosdia rrremly made a join ney. and ,,,.t. ohj..; (f which is to t-nable thousands of armed soldieis were clerks to lu.tv kno-vu their wants - stationed at shoit disfnu-P r,p;ii ; aiM u.Ioi nu..g th. in t!.:;i such a meei- uiiiiecessai v, as me ciei us can 111 ike kin W U Mll'll s,;;g'-stl..IlS us m iy occur to them ill the legulir eoii' se of duty. I'aitisaii new spapt r corrrsp.u, dents a Wasbo.gtoii persist in tueir st 'iy th;:t Halvi-. the I'lnet of : dlvi-ioti in the Tieasurv, who swindlfd tlm (ioei nme;it out of soti.e Sl-.OiiO. by his forgerii-s. is IVmocialii'. wh.-n, as Along the ruilroaus over wloeh he 'ravelleii. in order to protect 1 nn from assassination. But here is our President travelling any where he WltHs" 'it,oi.it p.vy v.i"te"t'or! cr ear of ilanger. I.tooii Siuiir w its sentenced oi !;st Thursilny to hard labor in the peui a matter of fact Harvey himself de- tentiarv fur four vears and to pav a -li"' s- t!llt "It''o" le M :Mn..i..d iV ,, t1 i i ' for lVesident t'levelaud. he has beetl line of fc.i.OOO. the physical conui- , , ,, ,. . . ,. , 1 nothing luii a It pu. 1;. .u.. a'.. I I lint ti-- of the atred -liiiiiHl was such , :, ,til! i.,iti:f,:l t ) the ungraielnl hat be iiutl to be aii.iost can it d in: i pa:ty that would iiis..uu bon He the com t room. He seemed uttei'v c: h -s.-o- la th to b i gery uu.l liep..l. x...i... .1....,, i. .ti ..t..n.. ..,.1 ilea'. ism. aod its thev au ott 111 one pe.soii. i i 11:1101 ooii M 1 lie trnthfuli ess of thetui. st a: eint lit. Aui.t! er l'llient ilice s. i.:dd W is hi the a. 1 ti.eoll.ei .lay It appears that it has b. ei, tile e..-t .;u uf one i f the Ch.i !s of a dr.l.Meli ! lauio.v small sun,-' "!' iv 'In b"!n his sill)-i-l 'II. ales a!' I l.eylet1! ! I' 'H tl.t'lii. Allhoiigli ilu '."i.ief clailiied that he i;ls 1110I" SUM. ed a'a'Iist than s.iilill.y ill this It -j eel. he .Is a bo mi-lied that -u.-l: U-p':b.ica:i i 1 u t 1. 1- ..n' 1 not I e oi 1 no t. 1 H i h r a I V:i 10. 1 1 tic Aihiiiiiini i a'. ion, au.i war. ai.nw il to tmittriii g to herself that she nn-'i'i going to bother with tint baby uun-h nunc. A few days alter this eoncei,,Mt . lye was list ,1 in sc cu mg tia- tlooi. and when Mrs. il'.iaMS left ll;e fool. I ftr a few inuinU-s she told Aey that the Ive was poisonous and tout she niiis.'i't tomb it. In ht 1 return Mis. Wliliatus was ho.nlh d to lin.l her bain's mouth full of cotici lit i at ci lye. o ran out ot I he house say lug as she left. "1 iioiii i'' .k"ii I will Law to nurse that baby luilcb longer llt), ." The young murderess ail ibrocgh Lt T trial st't liied t have no nb u ot tho teinble l.aUire of ht 1 deed, and when she was siiittnced lo be hang ed she gawd stilcl.iiv at the .iil.lg" and quailed as she played with the buttons on her dress. A- she v;ls bcji.g can led i' u k to jail Mif saw ler fathor and mile an :'.'. .1 1 t 1 go tii i:i .1. She ci led for the Ii:-! lime when -lie w.i.-i lo' l tl. tt -ic iiai.d not go homo but must go b.i 'ktoj o, to uttitit the dav . r In 1 t t-cutio:i. will laise 111. .re coin o:. 'iv ii'M ' s wit h eo.v ma Mile tha'i he .lid on the till. If pu? loll Is t ithea i.'. H. i 0 is .. i, a for the l 1 till. ;i;c nu n to ci.e k. ; -iosboi o Argils : Mis Nan.'v t'ul-pt-,.pei,-'i ig.r.tliy ' Nash et.ii..ty. this Sta't. agfial aunt our i:iii !ued t i.i i.siiiau. M. duo II At 1 ....'I 'ii, is 1 0.1 1 a: s old. and is ;u 1 o'.m-t in nit 1 1 Her mind is as bnlu as it was "el yeas;i.'i ."sill' keeps lip Wi:ii t tit" curiil.t iltelature ot tie' d iy, and lakt s a wa'k every ,i.o I' r t -.1 n ise i'l-V- is a' it hen tic, ! hi 1 1 no mistake uboiit lu-r agt; as tiit family record is c .t'lthete H'.iiiiMin Record' r wh't" lua'i '.v, 1 i,n 4 plie I. 'Ole, ii..s n ; m.,ht h. astot.isLt I Y Mai l.hiiiii s st .: e b j li kli g Up .! sack l.ee ( '1 atll v. a at t'apt. Ices ; j-tw -. l'i , lay ,.1 o, ople al .1 W 01, -ill', t. I s ot, H t 1 1 1 1 ' j;' l';ili'iir l'.n illl. Kr m !lu Kaifi:.. N.-ws nn I oi'M-r'.-r lt is giaiifyiig to imie tiie fact that the geinaal business til 1 i.i'. lh dilillig the spnng and the sli.'u tner iiiol.t iis thus fin his lo: I up 10 .u u a iy wed. Ac.iwty in an in.es. -cept of i'oUIsi ti.e cotton ti. l it. has been maintained and as tlnie has be. 11 111 1. ked ll.ci t u-e 111 I lie .i.uaieol ..on.e 1 lies the total M'.iinie ot h.'.sirios:. has I'eell filial gfd. in 11. e liade oi ilour there has been an inert a-u ! . lie!' eilil In II... t . ili.-ie.'ii Oil.. .:;'.-..- 11 Uil.to.l I , , IIiBit' I lls Ueeu a el pel ci ptio.e Ilu jihysiciilly. A strong eft'oi t w as ma.U ink vitot'!t a'!''iil was presented to :he .(udgo not to puuifh the old Tumi", but he tiiinly resisted n!i ap rieals. nnd. in passing st ntenee. said "What is them lo "Vfiici i-.t" cr n'i" "v. etcent tic age and ill hea.tli 01 the prisoner ? "iN nh over one mii. Hull dollars in his poiket. hec'alnors fur mercy, without ofTeiing to yny back a penny of the stol- n umney' While we have no sympathy for hl y hill seif. vet we cannot heip (y iiipalhiTing with h is Rgml wife who lias clung to him so devotedly. Slit has sinned Ins impi isomueut m, as to niinrcfM' to his wmls aud nurse hiui ;h tils sickness. At hfi aiiiaui.a" age how terrible it must be to .sue hi t husband carried to a pctn'eiiiiary .' A W U.MN.t should be iakell by til young mrf! from the life and recent death of one til' North laioiina's most d-st ingiiislied eitr'. us. Il'' wn.-t the son of a United Stales Seiiato:, was a mi'iiiber of one of the most p.oiui licnt families in tin- Stale, had eeiy H ivaitHije that, wtallh and hitiii s. i-'ial slatrlli.g . o.ihl g::e, pos,i s.sed an 'aI i iioi d.nai v ni'e..cct. .stood in the vory foiei'iont nl the legal profession, --indeed plobably having been the abiest. lawyer in tin.' Mali -and yet hed a mi ntal and physical vre-k ii' vi-Mi ,i his rti.p iTiainetl him as n.s slave. lo see such talents wasted and so tiiiliianl an intellect destroyed 1 May "iis sud fate be a warning th 't will ave many who ar now following in Vis footsteps' go f: ;': : ,m '.tr. this ;:.,.!'!: ('.: lovt i i.tnent receipls I'lC'iiht 'o .'MV:!''!...:7, Htal the ibsbui seinei.ts. ir.cit: ! a.e; t.miy 1 .Oilo.oilil f... j .sioi s. .S!S..-i. loi). I ( i r i .ui ecess of . t'lmituii s of S7.v;'h")o.) '11-1 cliciilat.iin of stalula:,i silvt i d. 'Hal s has me; eased y 7 "ss.t r t since .luiy 1st I he de inand f"i it"' i s of suiau ib. n' .niii.ii'. ion eoetiuiit'S so uo 't' th. il tue lit is.iri is 1 1 ot as yet ah.e I" meet il : bat a i a- ':.!! i! "'ippiy of .-'.'.vt r c 1 1 iti alfs has been in tiered fioin the Iluitan i 1 plov tuis :a."I, t gi oceiviii" has been i to: v i i.i i i I ' en i '. w .1 M'Wli" 1 i lying lc .,!, gen, mi ,i, p: t I in th. 1 .; ho ge, aiid ill CM V of lliolle it ,.1;;... J pel, ueill and a- pli'ba'.i.y .-I, t i.e b.isiiiess ...I by g ....is than Us'ia-lv : li' liti e.Vi'i hie t.i 1 1 tail e.t.i I s si. Ill o' 111. 'II ay. Is g: I lie mi '.',. pouiios in h ;s t. e: ii. aii'l wii.h. g a, loss ,i c .:.. t. witii it - I'm 111 in i f i hack w cos J i ii iiain i'.'h.ie-o Co. iiav-s i l. ban I te . i.iillioo j o-.o.iis oi leaf iob.-.ci o 1 ins show s .j,al a-i lc il in. ui- -piant :! y oi l ob .i',' , it t ikes lo supply on: I,. ii. .iael,.i. o- Moiiio, llmniii i r : Tin .-i vear oid daui tii i'i Air. A. ti i. N.'.n.r. of ("nose i ii t k township, nu t witli a siiioiis acta tel. I a lew oi.ys ago Hi r lllol !,i ! sel.i her (of S' III "lye 111 a tin cup. and I ! .iruii:.; witli il -List liiii 1 ai.d i' -h I mow ii.;; lie he mi" hi 1 ta e and eys Slic im- io-t tiie si ;l.t o! . c aa.l th-- oiia-r one is Li,hv mj iit-t alio Iui face veit ly i ui l -'d I'm' iy- w is comu.oii as-. is iye. b .t i; s eiusl i Law bi en il.ius'.iaoy sli.'i,. I ha: .otl,' I 1,. iilelc . I ect to be i n:H' k- d i.'CH' is'e in c .it la.- n i.i o-ir "ir,t v T: i i e a, e . 1 1 1 ai '.it i'i-.I in I. n 1 1 ai.l the lai i m i s o t ' i." c ui.'y ..! i.i -m g nioic than u-,'ai i ! c. ui -e li.. lit -::o,v li.a: i: i.i.i..-., l';U .-j I t " lo- .1 U'c.-tei 11 il 'i i -i lllll.t' ! " ' i - f 1 W o li. b.lt I :. f ft i- 1 1 ai li'ii unci haw the m :.e t . .-: ..11 . .i I.- ii i .- I.' e 1 a h- 'I'se II n.- :ne a Co.; is . ;u a,-"i t ii.ii. Imuii ,-, i I:,..: .-.-iiie of i.,. i linc-i ai.i.ea.s ,o e 111 Wilier not t'Xf. I'.ilhg 14 iin lt-s d-ep, w ht 11 one of the bin s c aled to i.ilil I catch a w.ilci lie lo i flat was l! .at iag iieia hiiu; he ioitu. diitelv sprang 111 11, siiai. Ii't-ued Liiil-.' ll fn -e d wn wind and (Htl.li.ii- I to ;i-e mid sink until l.e .L.-.I It is siipp .M-d tliat he was seii,i witli a tit ut' sour- kind and dlo-.n.ed b fore h- c nl.d leeowr. He have- a wit' - an 1 si-vural childi en. Win-ton Kepaf iican: .1 W. Reel, l'n -., lent of the WmhIoi, Ti.bict-o Mai. u net,, ling Cumpaiiv ot lid- city, sutpit-i I ail mil p,-..,:e and elected a w iui I of cm "t. iu tit by h iing Ine coy on lile e, etiii.g ol .l.'iv.'nh. Ill such il w a i.s to ii.itiic.' tin- belief tlia; i.e never again i:,t. n, led to re tii'n. nit. I that Lis probable destitia t;o,i w is Ctinida. I r i. early live Veal - he has liefn l't t-s dent and bitsi-!.e.-is i., aui. et r of the Company having i.i cti:irc the bonk-. Ii.mk account, Ac In- pi opt i iy nn L r itiol uf Mr Reed iiggiigitf.l ah' ill ;..! It!. I. lie i'aiin d wtih l.iin the coii.i.iiial iati to ii.e Couiauv.s Siie, and just Incv n.ucli of t ,i.- ,1-. t,j.,i;- are at V il li oil t I.e iiool.- I., asivi t nn 1 low i'ii I. i.e hi- l-ll ma, i a.-tui i ! loliac eo siitiic.eiit. it is jiopcd. t . pay tl.tt i bis ; t.n- en. eiii. 'I he n.,;tei is elioi-r-ai';, It g.ft!'- 1 an, I t .ieii- gi eat -il. pi Ise i. ii, a ' ii I y ell". Ml. Ke. d etijoM d the C'lliil'telice . o il' bitsi ' I'-, 111 ll v' -IS a gl'ill. .11111 of j.le ,J Tin; WYATT ir TA.YLOli, a n o v y, s and oncralCoiiSfiiissiaii 3Jereliants HVI.HICH. X ('. ("ell on them or send them y ieii- orders, if you wish K.piare dealing. t .i l' i and a:, holiest ina'i b, .l.'led o tie Il Ills lib il I'roiti I'righl. I r III 'll,' t il ll I it.- On.-,. V,-;-. u.i ti.,- ui i;,-t Al iy Mr. Leiuy 1 ', i.oi,, ii..lig le al i hi, ciii 1 ,e, Row a, i coii'iiy. was iii.tilie l to ..n esliin aoh y , i::.r; inly ot I he l:i ig ii Ooi hood, an t in a lew days tic i, ittei the co.i- .1 .11,1 ll Vllt tO Itl' ll Is Ht M ll'U'S- vol.'. On tin i.'gi.t 1", lowing tu.:r ,t that p:.u e soa.f oi I ileV, lli.g t,l lae e.) Ipie t'oi.c.iele.l to I .it ill. .lie i il a ; -t e nour n- is p. i. it. I Ii) li.t iioii-t wh.ie ; I.i v wi le "' si' i', llig ... i. e e;i ll .iii,g i,i- " sti liinci: w a-, a , i; uiii, winch, wneu . wn.- t i.i u.-t o.i of the loom Wt'le sieep, 11. I.I 1 11 .1 ll it'll. MARK YOl I" PUliCIiASES AT A XI) YOU Wff.L ONLY S A Y V M O X K T RUT WILL ALWAYS FiND WHAT EVP. YOU NEED! AS III-; Klllll'S KVKUYTIHNM. AND NKYKH ALLOWS HIS STOCK ! HCN DDtt.V Al ties season of tin ietr he is ofl'eiing SPECIAL INDITCE51E1ITS TO GASH BUYERS! in a i'i n it in ti. v hie s i f goo Is w loch he doe- not wi.-h to carry over. These u- is milSt and Will b:: old ! if yo-i lo-c ti.e ba gaois it is your own fi i.t. "iii-i com.', hist n.ii. ," Am ng th go i Is wi.i.-ii on prices will i i, ii i'"e ii , v 1 1 il iid on i I ,Y l-l a i-i. Ladies' Dress (h1s, (isii;hiuns, iiAVX it A All W i'i a A .i uU'.'x'Ot PAHASOLS, - FANS, - LACSS, - RIBBONS, m s - fS 1 n-t ...-V W M ....uW, , w i. l. - .ji.-i. si'j iX'sJv 1. oni-on has a f. w l)Yi Sati l other SMWiNO M' HINMS on hand i- liiei. i: b s 'd very low f-.r cts.t. A'-., a fc.v WAO )NS. lU'tiQIKS i. id i Ai;:;l.i il.S. new u'i.1 second hand, ih o i.e intend- to sell. If v.. a ni.'-i aiivtiiino tall at W. L. IiOSON'S. I ittsbi'i .'. ,'. C . .June :, l. I--S7. I lie sel t li I to tin . ligl. it, pe.i w in 0 lii V, inc.! t :.e c.iiij.ie an 1 I- .,:. i 1 1- i.i i.i ,y , a.iseil by 1 n uui . !.'' ),,r ii., i., i i th-- y in.; i :,e. i....i si let - -ell-:. is 1. , ,, s.ie, I -o 1 1,.' .-11 t.l.ln.t w u- -y sit iu was mio f.:r:,l. I.m I. st- iUAuiiA iilLL iiUti liti hi iui, J'li.dnNA. X. C. i tt.e Naifod Kv Mi - wt ,. for tin- ..olid li-i-is oi' whien Ilu bii-ni. li Ihl t ig.l i esl - tit id I ii die. it i - lliil w It .1 I In gen I .11 It'llla! Will, 'II stel.l. to tie jl-i ain a 1 of u- Ine city will enter mi a can. I of piospeiiiy .-in n a- it ha l.evi i known liel etot-u e. aim this I sai ui'' no iii t In. (i . . , - . i i o i t ,oi ,u , -it' i . igiaiiiig aiul ii mi mg. wi.icu win i se- u. to , ,.n, i ,. j.i lie Is-llt ,1 lis s mil Ms pos .1 A ll.lllibel ot '-'.il 1 't'liiot s- i -; 1 ; 1 - ill till' .lltb it li! I l pal t me! I- h. it have i Iiie so l.idlgti.o ! i. let tilt taut ts i,n. 1 li.su.ls h- ap. ti 'l',"ii the Ih c-,d- n: by I he (b ai'.l n.iy f tie Hi O lien , that iln y I ie .It al'i r aleiy o;n oil' I i.eir b,l ig, - and di clHi til; . will halt l.o lie 1 ' In .hi M it h all oi . titua: u ui iii.i m -h. iii'i'i i st ot lo j uMic.-'ii -li inagiv ut and palli.--litis. I .tun, i i.d u.iir pati i ii.e ac t.iol:. al I lie same till',' el-.pl .'.-:'ing th.' la i.i filial unl s the Wii.i la'ilijsef tite which had Cue luiilts ali-i 1' aiivlu.os an -.leu- ... . l l . . T l t ' How sa l ''r''' 1 "'' " :,l"l Auny o,i ue in pun. to wni e st- liaii ul lt li.etiiliers. The i'lesldel.t e.vpecls .-..ani to re move Ct lige;. ti.e ofl'.'ii.-ively parii-an Ke; libii.'.iii po.-t ti 1 a. o ' r i i asLilig li.ii. and giwlhe placn t. a g .od Deni-iciat. lut is ktiown to be cou.-id .I".' th' i.n;ii.( -if h tiumi el' of l';s- trict l'i uioci.it.- for tin- po. uioii. 1'hk Anncm. lii cling of the N'oith while ti . To-tin '. It i (ici.ei ai is try ''ainlina Press, Association is bring iug lo pr vai. upoti ihe l'n .-i lent to Iteld this week at Hepd-rsonville. a point ate -tU M lei,: .an dor. Iheie . . f- , is :iit iral, v a vcrv st long fit .mg -a t o I'moiif the ni"unt.ins of itlerii . , . .. ' ,t , . ' thill i he oth'-e r-n-'iiel begivtlito a Nortli l.iiiolma. Ueliope oiirl.retb- ;V.n!,e,t. ,.,an. a . tht ot'ti, f lo, ih ten are enjoying themselves and that ,,-ii,g hngtiy supj-tii ted by Ih-inct 'his meeting is as pleasant as we know people, ti.e t.'..va nun lit m.t.i In icgint: Le former otip;, o lo- l-een h Vi;s.:n j-f.-.-iue a? -.11. , . A- a lf.-uil ot tun i.ew ciiv onil- Wefin or pleasure to attend evciv .. -,, . , , . , r nances, there wnl not bo so laucn tnevious meeting of the Press Asso- i,,.,; linging on the streets of tin- :''iatiou since I lie fstabiishment of Ihe Capital; an m It r ha., been issued Kitcoiif, in 1S7, ami we. irgret not prcibittcg tin- ;..-e t t In l.s upon t..e Social L'jiiilily in LiigLiml. 1. til--ll i -I . ','iei'l ! T.,- ! H";il. t '.'ciei e. pi.- ,iit it p in nil;, veiy l ltigi iiid I In d"t s not igllil.st t III 111 I'uioii on act', nut ot tltn co.... 1 In t.-an no; IlitOil en,.. It .1 J." : 111 i, 'I, 'loll I'm" ft w : t . M ' i Law se n l. an tilm io iiii.Piire in i a' lai 'i Hi ll.' coiupa. y ill III Hi pi I pie it., i , i it II! ' Mii, llif.:. il a lo .ft g IIV I Sil the Oi III' oi nl s,n t t a i . g; ,. ci ah v aihit.g a..,n i ai in ol a la in-.ii.io L .eii-h". .::. Wi, m chiO.ic ,1 ,o I ci;.t. d.i.-i.v c a.. ! n as sa i , 1 1 s . w iilil, -Tuepi i' Ul to I, ! ii.e.'e I :n roil I lo 1". :,;, ..t oi In ui,t- A ci i ii.e p .,t. nil il V Mr. I'".i . Cll 1 ,f . ,11 i W 1 1 III tie. at h t hi ie r g ; i a !c i d. Ul to : ..bs,'l b. t -ut t- I ...id I III- w i el Whining!' nk o as to t lei.il .Oil .nl- d"H ao o . 1: i . in lt t ' ev ., i i" id ol c I, '. it-i lls C II I 11 .1 Oil l!n C.n lii sal. I I.. In a ' 1 Ull.l 11.,...., i . n-eill I I" i.i teat ,l',lll , li is U.I t 1 1 s .-.',, . I.i .. Ill Hi' 1 i . u.-'.i ,. i.ca.in. Inn si.,- g, , i . iv Wi i -e in.: ii .a-t iu i .., ," lie i. and w .is n il i . I a: .ie. It i - om i u.e sa 1 ii -. i . 1 i. .1 ,,.i- el S t.lkt II ri.tc oniil,.i.i.l y , llll.i I !.' li. e i s! s let t ai a,, si e s t hai a i. al ,. i"d ,.s a j I. c .if i ll ,1 si,, no ..ut- d ill a ti ,i 'i ,i . . - ; I he I'w i nu t a hail nine, bom. N. C. Ti,e iliv .. o it pu-., -ti,:.. a 1 w ili.i'. loo i, , ; nf I trains :u ii.e ;e:. ,, ,,v .si 'I'll.'-e ilitt e,t of Or. iit.e . f I'll J.I tin gin: 1 iJlltli I of'". I. -htable t a i Cli l'. ti I Ih:. ! i. ii .Ul i Otll r to ll 1 Ol 111 li. 111. Mi :i i II. st ' a- - I : in. Il.s pt .ie : dp 1:l I i. o.a. k a ling up -I, w t j . . , , i e .el p.;b i.i w:u. i; me -. ii t.v it I in. wl it. I'll ll 1 Ol lit L- Lr v. as n-; . . to beany pi ej nn n n . "til ince Hie I do -:- ,t aini-g . 1 1 ni t t'l fie! icK I Hlg'l. . Mild t ll. '. t tab, i :a l.- - ot-l -t I" .i.e. I lee Ifotli e: ' a , a: n: .1,. .ii'.li t.j ;n, : ir now .'o ii a', an i rrt'i !, th - ra't!i- , , ing. ie .ii- p.. n t i -t.de.t..ti. i.en a 1 1, -.nil '.V ill Lii l.-S. ll " not s, - u e in ilngiaU'l agi. COtiilt Ol Ills I'D Tin oilier tint 1 Vlsite I the l'i o i t in-l 1 b nn. 1 a neg. n iiarO a: !! U-e iiLiHiv leaii.ng p i . an mil Hi i"li. 1 v. a. I ' . . I tu t! nis e Wo .hi no! stand in no way Hi s,igi;L .1 ,li'irr win n hi' can.-' I" nil ill d !'! -id, tli ion lis ,t lueit: ('! tile l'lllgll.sl, li ll . l.yuciteii in a Coin l-lJonm. V.: ls.' Ittyw cllv, ' id 1. i.-ilO! bed ai t I" I.e. I ,, l-.l. Ml II :,:, Ml I I ll. . i a. -i il l l I g play I in 111 (ha u'y and m ii . I ! en d evil ! o t i a. to he 1' his , I - tin i. h 'ine nn iy in il: , if d. -ii.pl linilij. " ii ' W ! I I I 11 w i oil bi'"al h I u i: ; I'liisicans a,;-i f.c - . I n nn ' j t d. I al'. C"t: i'i e . in ii.e pri -il Lli.l lied lit (iu . tioi .:t unite, ilcd. A I I IS I i, lu'y 11 Ai llge public :.' tliig oi Ii.e l".i .:,g Cli I.' lis ol 1 Lliloti. i ni . i. Iio i:.. . .i a a se.leh 1 il:. ie; tut si n; eiii about In n.ilig I tig n. 'I i l, inni' i ! I n , ciiigV !. i .,i Ii and il oi 1 li i ii.. e ,!i ii.e , l,y i h in. . .1 g p.i ,i a m i .. of le o! et : ... ii, w ' '.i I e . tiec..n-e but li.. , e :,, .. .'.,.. i i.g ., d in .hi i !ii.;y - '.gl' g .I'll ii. .'. . ll- se I lire-- inn: iwie ii... :, a i . J ,1... j n.g.el Il'f.! ,1. .. -.1.! e .. ,'.. .,.'t ; iit tile p. ..: it, I, We f .1.; ,!,; n.,,1 1 ilf. - Mi.- I.. ti. -i ... I-.. in ! ! e l'n;,- Ti.- ' 1 s .1-, ! - c,...-. A ,. n I lie- e A i . ,1- . 1 1. ' ..ii if. c. ill ! i.t j-;-,: l.'e. I'll- -l:-s.-. io a -i :.' il'y oi l.o no.. Oj.'i.lllei 1.1,1,1-1 i .lie nf I i.-.,. gl... 1, ', I t.s it ii -ii :!. n ' tt.iv. ii li.i-d .a .-tod ti 1 iy I n it h, ' i n.y i eg, i : et- I hil" ihe lei 11 . i til s.' j patch'-S OS twice d lily it'sted ill I 'i i-ii IV, iug ;n ,' c , th.illy in I II i i i.e ! ll gc-t 111. I -i l i'i lln- S. i' i .,:;d tine ainoiie the hug- ! in I he .- uui h 1 Le plo..l, . a l...s lor in v tsilt . I i 'ie !i"i iii.e Xnrsei i and V -I ati i cm t spun, , ll . I , 'I f -I i I ;u i ..tl. i s i i : l' fi lilt lh.it wa . c ah ula any ti't'.i - North ied .nl . tali., tin- I'd!. ...... I 111" S .all,, h.n I I.e i cpilta) loll S"l ll s J!, M. J, j I,--.a !. ,.. :.. oi her leu .- . i -. : : y ; -l t s i ii I ii it t In y iii i.u: rit-s W Let t! e pui ll tt I n alnl oi e'gti. 1 1'' i, .loll l 1 i 1,1 Xui -I lllll'll ,ig. nis go'llg ,J IUI ih oii liberal terms two s in Chai hum county, o n- i i' :!,i":t in Hickoiy M. uutaiu Li i lis'.-li . no I u.;,h iiinV cteik, cnll L. 11. it g 'J'J'i '.el- s and well adapted to' th" ,'.-. : : , i.f i.h'i.t, oats. Mini, cot- loll, tli'liee.. l,l.i glll-seS H ll f (if it ill ::!!, ;.i f.-i..-t oi oak and hickory, A i'd ttie ot 1 1 1 .ii Oakland iiiwrmhip, ."t:t tiiut.g IlO a 1 1 s, i i f prothictue, inel 1 a- a to, li -mill and line watcl"- ii '.i i- mi Itoi kv liver. OichartSi i' tn'or: ible dwelling.., and good, -..liu.'s .,f .il' r mi h.itii farms, i o: f.nth r .ni' .i t.ia'i o" ii flu S3 1' M HADLKY. l.VANs, X. C. .I n. e "J. sv7 R2le!2li&Aiiirasl3 A-L. O, i n ,i.',.N.sili) s Hhliil'LH. i et a- iio the' .t .' At i.: veiy a-p I I'h nt In : I, w I c.v, I tli ;:: .. h ISil.l ! Ill- , ot Da tiul I y i a' I a. of 11 il-lVl d li' t.t i '!! Hi. ! t st a.. liui il. a 1 no- I .1 1 -e. 1 lie Wit I, t-s n I iti Ine i a-e again-.! I nun. at. ; .' .- .nn e. t .i-ii t ma l'i : j.n t ti i-.tli pit enjoying the ,'.'J.:",l..",'a cf rai"u !ir?g I Ins' ciweting. There are very few f'tlitors attending this meeting. wium we lii st. met in 1S"S. A very few jtars uiake uniuy chaujt;s in th? "U't iii il lanks, on account, of tl.o pi km ri'niB exlteuc,', of North Cliiiouna ttwapapeiB .re ', Ihe good people of Hcndt-rsonville ment. Have made pi eparations for a tuost hospitable cut' ntci n '-?r1. of l bo Asso iSiiitio'i, hat .be acceptat'ice ci tb"se hoKpitalilies seems rather stiange Hid iucoiisistenl alter the adoplionut, tlie WayiitHVilk' iiieel!ng, in l.SKd. of iiie following resobitioii i Kksoi.m:o, That, while "ratefuiiy Slid cordially acknowledging l.he cotrr , i.'l:i.17 -Al'.ll.'ll- ig i.cc.iit'd at I'niitu Cuy , est"i ay. Ktlly lii tiie v.ie.i a Leg!." ained d.din li nils coiiiujitted an ss.iuil no it little white go i A pio.se ii - oi atir'c h a,.d nl it i a long ... ,n i i, w li.. t illed at 1 1 ; I m 1 1, .it ai d I.i n'.lhl stifit ems an ii iih-o the pun. :c ling hacN. 1 1 is pi eiiinina! y 1 1 1 u wa - i.cnl iug of iie-aiaini beihs. 'Lie' lal.tr ye.teriiay. A i u g", tti' ;i y a: i d- is ttone to prevent the .""tin i;,ig of til inn.' d cioa d iil.t. d t nc c e.i t 1 .oia. i-lie and eiil io.ls ciowds at"' .nnd lire. lie v.:e i .sit iv. I ni ',.li!.t-1 b his to t he bii li tuici-of lii eini.li hi tig 1. 1 lictiin. ":,;' .n'.i.u. ri.a Ihl! ibil'.i .-. A' it, is point son, i iii,.-' in the clii.td ' ' ' '' : " ,; ," ' I he X.itioiia! Archeiy Ass. "ti.OiO', ;.!,,.iit.'.l. - I'i.ut '., . i..uigl, Lt I s p ,t ei.;... il i ni is I...W iii .,i -slot, in tiiis i i,y. a..ii at hiiu w In i e I i '!; do no n ire of tin- ',.; a imn iracts ii'iicii in tttnl ion li "in i i.ost u ho tlevil't. w.-tk." TI. in th" uteii. nu.ie p'i'h. It ".re 'oi.tli.fth.il lasciiiiitil'g en lis' belhig pi i Laps I ao h: nil; iti. ro.-t J in re ai e ,a I't'tii-nc rush .siirg-.d Ul;,n 1 "' ol ..::ic ir. sw, . :.;g ,; "' u I. d --P.I.' th.'ir . li'.iis ' '"' ' "Ul. 1 ::i li." -"-il o. i a." of io age I IS iii'.ti'.li.. ii hi'iir. -t pl'of .1. 1 '. Ill 111 I , if 11. tug tile i Li lusi'ive. 1 1 iL I oi. nn.; L it ii I-1 om Lib. -i i. i. I ii o in -t ck illl -V Msllnl S t he ni l bi .-t i-t o. k o si own., or s i , li X ! li. I'ai cm i. Ju l'-!l. p" .!', eiii'l'.y ',-esO p, . ii;H(i. ao, t.- t:, itei t i: iiii iii'.i , I if ry, i,;iiii'e.-. itr.iiV bcl 1 y , ras'i'i' i cans, lingii.-.li walnut a eg is, ewi g. ce ti-. in,-, s. A ,' Ci.'.-.U'itr I.. age. I ! Old,-, ,1.1. c, I iy '. '..-ie-poi.h (. ci nil ive t A. Idles,. .1. V r w iug ( md can .ue i lie 1-ng. m ti.es. ,, ewi V t w o ion s, i i. s ; -i--t mg ot' appie. phi, i'. i;r .p. . -Jap- .i.i l.t H' .1111. It is - :a it itju ic it. ' Stud! tr.ii!-: . cm rants, po .. 1 huh it I), us shad'' trees. ,.'iy iilil hl't .1 ; t nil, t he !:UI . lll.'lt 'd. 0 s i N 1. 1..1 ty N .i H, tlwlly -. l-i I '.. l- o , i-, ( ; iiii i.iv . fi pi Mu,lty. I., i, i.. I..f..-.ili. "" ' hi 3 in it lit i .-a . i- .i In tl,. li.. . s IH. I., M :. '..j, IV'H.iim .-..IC", i. !, I., I I.i t' . ll.'l ' 'll. I"' .3 11 11.1 M.i IV. II .1. I .lit !.. - T. 1.' 1. :t in .i .VI A-i'ii- . I --,, 1 T -,'tt , i, ii.i .'..., s M il. V i. j, .IhIIv N.i. 4. ilatlv v.i 1".. ' ..-i:il M'.ii'liiy et -i',l Sun. lay. I.-1. il.'i, Jiiiiiii .', mi n ni ; :i '. ' 7 l'i Miel'. , 4 1. HIM i .. !.: I., ft il. V il' S I. t .'! II It. M -,i -iir,-. l IS HI . m a . - . . : i e.irv. sin 2 IT '.r, l'.. !,.-,! mi, , il m . . t ,-.,!., i, --t. ic llitiiil-' w-lili I'ltrilltm 0nr I :..:t.'t i t- '.i ll mi iiu'.'ii, i nun, i:if nml nil ..lu .' iii .l.-li with Iliil-KIt k Onnlia i. Ii ii :, ,' 'i:".n.t en trulns No. t i ti it-i.,;:,- u.i i I: tl.Mirh. n n. sill I'll suiinrinitmiltiiH. II s !t ee I-i a: Hl lint- lilt l I V. l'lC.A'.. ( Miilfoi d ctiiint v, X. C lies i.! ' ih is 1. o,i all 1" u tin lis of and will" tile l'i, lied rstatts daily titi ihe Ar- t.vi-r tic sena! gt i.iini.lv. w here the meeting is thiiiiasi l liem held. Th' licTil Takes No Holiday. lo ;,, ve 1 in ll, a., tile I Kliic-stl icketl w?e:, li From i btt Kat.-itfli Adv.K'Htti is .-aid tliat ..no I'.oii bed mid tw( n;y-s.:: clergy in. n saiietl from X- . iork loi Kuiope in a sinoii-day n cetiliy. coitsetpit ntiy a great mativ IllllCI t'S ll. l HI LO'.'H "!" s i'.li l lnseil '. s.i d ihe 1'. an iiistunt a li pe was j ind. icd and a iioo-e siipi"d about the pii-o.ers tii-ck, Wiliing l.iiials tht -v. an end of lite lope mi r a I" am in the t otirl looin, and then (lie new! w,i,ke,l awav i Ll: haul i 'iilllt : I in- l'i tit took .1 in tie j 1 1 1 1 1 1 a.tiuti I town hi, M nidav and C'ltn.Uil !ii" li -.v I. nils, s tltat are ooll g i.p iu .;.!' , a, is o! lii,- town In cl .-il. ., ih ii"i'. in p. nc, -. oi'e.i -' e'.;. t !c it-e jit c iu; '. : e I. an Ii 't , et .. In no ,i oi.l I h"l e a ,' !.li:i dwt i ll.,, - Tint s:., til w.. HI: i i I I i lo i;,. . c I tag's .ne n .1 i ii ci.iil- d i iu -i..a; . si h i .se i ..on,- ! w a ;on! in 'ue 'I cot'. ig- ni;.. .ut ! ponh. it .iig-si Las u,i looni.s J'htreaie uio, . iiw" itol i ii .- o , ss us, but a - - id h't'i'oi e. i i ii'.tetl liny w i.'l t.-et truth C l'.' 'I l.M'li if o ilii'i'i'L il iiao.ig' I ne !' gi ill la -I'l'l.t cli e ' l-iiti ti-'ii 1 n g. c uit k st- 1 1 ' now I' ii "1- I ' 111 .nit. ,ett itcss. .N'.i -inrn ( '., !.!..!,. S I ' ale i'i i pit i.i iy l the e.iloi,' I pc from Inis S,,i;n I ily 1 "i. i i t 't i "ivi d 1. 1 l e from , i' li i e tngi al ' d o L:l i i la s vend ' Viitii ago. in wliieli '.Mm ie I ll tan' llle t. I I o! I I.t if filial 11 1. in til.it COillltl'V A '. ,V l.'.silg'il Coi nt 1 Ii nan; -if .1 .. n !). Ta. , '- . t-.ta'i i.i, in l.anc.i-l i r c muty , i cci-iv Ir- 'in one of In.-- km -m. ,i. g'-til I" Ju -vil'l M ,'l't t ,. I C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Gondii TIS23 Tablfj No. 23. I n take i 'iV.-el Moil lav. Mav .'1'). li-S7. I'U' lue.O t . . -..pi. S ml :, I .0 .ni. ai i it; .- . all i III- t o.iij anion - wi. s, m mii olii.g it f as t. . Wi a -.c ot tueii d ivs i,n :iin -,y 1.. He 1 i 1 .,,,:.,, . 1 lllll l-l'f; l-esirn tiuu lue t'i-iiei ' 'ita iiu-i-iutiiiii s r . . . .. , .., ".a. , , 1 ., for the rsoiniiiier. Out ilu-Ie;i s work Ul llie coillillttlin :-, 'Allieu, e,iui;n tut: oi gani.atiou of Iiie AssofiT'tton, have nuuiially vied with inch otl.oi fertile honor of lis culf rtaiuuieiit, A.sso ciution wrth a proper value of its self rei'pi Jt, itiit lo preserve its iibciues Uliwarpitil by fitvois, in ihe till ill e will decline tiie teinler of such foim 6' Lospdality at its point of meeting as luakus it dependent upon a public putbe ; but that the dignity and (he , c- UG 1. ....... ..f ti... . ....i t... t J iuu'cuui:iii u ui luu vi uiii r.fiuojj ur .piBserved by ulaeiutr tho burden of: Alfonso Mil., Ring of Spain goes vigorously nn in tbu iornt i., bualiiio. riiimg. li -hiiig. i itid pi.i' ii g, 'laiiting, ami Mtrious ;,her worhliv Uf',!!s"l!l',"tS till Ilu: .'':i!)hilll. The cliin hes :',' 11! to lifti-d holiday. io! Saliin iiiui ins follo w' newr I'msr up their places nl biisinos't murderer was taken from jail at l! N-lson. Neb., Sundiiy, and banged in si; , nine :. to t'he-e i i in o lion- In th g.ec- "I ties o. eh '.en cojei lit' lll'-iil- i. only ii.'iid.ttgs thai wo'lid b.'.teirdi! to any lo,-, n iu I lie S:aN' are n-tiet i I'ay; ttci .'lie X .is; .liai .hi.i.l lei, wluie 'ii....i:ig a weil at Wesley Car lo; l.s yt.-ti. i.i v. came uci a i -g l! feel bt Lev the s'llfa.'e of Ine diiu-hter of one ol i tic most p'l.sj.et- giound A Mr. D.ilLick lioni tin oils phiitlcis, in r.i'geliold county. eii-,t st.h ot . ht ii,,., orni'..,bt a cw Oil Thin '.day Liriiig a tliii'idei sloj in. o :uai ,. ;. aini while s'rt'idu g iu lue siie was standing in the yai d watch stint b cinie tiiglr. ned. au 1 made ing the beaw I'loinLs when a tl.isii til several lunge- at di'Tcn n( pers..i.s, ! : " struck her and kill, d her wh'-n -i o -ii.-, t tt le I in eal .mug M'' it iler clothing was torn in- 15: II , k w iTi le-i Inn us and i .: ng trt mid Ihe sole was rilii'dl him ui ag mist t he In ick wail of I in Killed by I ig; hilling. Cl.'.itLi.slos, S (,' , duly ill --News has hist In en lecfivid here of the ti-inhle death of Mi s Saliie Hariii'M. 1 a letter , iiitelli Mill Oil . . I- mo-t III li n to - i.itt he enl-r into k lue b'.!- i fsoll V ho I litis. ciii -i if and lit,.,: 1,1. i'. a most n.; o i . tar it .Veil t ti I is seen ;i . i .f nn a' in l'J t.ud as f a lacei. t n ii ml Ig 'I to i,e'p I i i. i , alii n. Illl ttlg. l he; . I ttei " ! . s i ue la . ! l a s I'tj; .1 fund b, p ip. I to' su i s '. t p 1 ill lo ii.ib.0 tic iiuloi lull tie p. op.c to l la Hi .1 to ; nc;, I..: a.. ; ... H. llill'i I. -le. 1 Ne. 1 Mull Ii.-. in in i' " -' I ti o, ...!' -ll I IO (, . W: 'Ih. I iv In i a' i- ui. in ni I toiiy, ai..i:i He o is-llge ha. k 'l. si i U him 1 1 I- : i.-i.-h .... I v .in .... ; i I..., in, nil.- .i "i .. I s.Cilv i.e -. a l l ;: ., :,, t c.i,, ',!,,,. i n.. w...i 1 1. I n :!.' .1.1-1 M.nl ! Tula l l,: r,-.iin r ir i,..i. i ' ."li: , I I. In, 'Iui, ' Hlt I ll, , - Hti'l I ri'l-iis. ii i illy t XC..JI'. sin I t..- I-.i-.-. iic-t nn 1 it,til Triil'i mnk.. . r. in. i ,.i nl M ,i ',n tvlu. .' -r.-'ltiH e-'ti r-il l, cimi t il.i ai, l '.Via,..:,.. - I,. A 1. KVI.L. lilll'i 1-tsn. A.'.'i.t .1. W. U.i O tCISi!.: r A T Ul N'T ST" Cavea'-t. I'la h Ma, l.r .v Copy c.iigbt. It Slit. olio of hrr shoes, hut her pe rum in ,rl. t, w hen (ii o Jones, a lit!e boy n t s i if : nil ti v a -, iii-i. Ic I the '. .i'd "f As-.'s-o.-. siin.v that ;,, Xniiu C..r. ...na th I if e I 'illy I w i. i ai. w ty h e-, with a to il length in li i k "I 1 1 Jin it-, llicllldiiig sitle line' It is --nt ctl liuil he business all.tii I of tioi.. .lames W. lieid have been .'lii' I. u I Li 'I,. tt i, t,.i . r i.ill-o i- ..j. ai tt , - nt 'in- c. s em ; ,.l t ll' I Mil- , s, ai I I! I 'M. I iiiiimia. T ii t.-'ji'. nil I tills I ii ; !.lv;,. .,. a. I .' - I.-.- il-ir. ''.'ni .'l.'.r.l- i " I" . , SN.I' ' 'Slltl I'.ilu'lt fltl. cue lliati 0i..i, i. !'. ...Iv!-.. a,, i.. ,m ni Ui Not'lltl.'ii; ,H nr. ll.f s,,,... T.. una ,.i u.e ' s. I v I -i Ills tt If I ,1 ,V . . W:i-liii,,-l, .1IC. was not distigurctl. A small blue of 1 or 1 "t eais of age. w it t. a weil s'tiisfactoiiiy adjiistod oy his fricii.'B mark, circular iu shape, was found uimeti brie .. sti uck the ev.v jusl be- and relatives in .Norlli I amlina a nl 4 DUINTSI KATOK SXOrp K -- n-,ir, uuilill-i n,.- n.l.r.llil -trl..p ,,f NO Hot is wnit.nr. ie-.,t,H.t, i ,r..'.i ni.tir, .,', H-rHi.iw h Ming .'l.iinia hk.iiiii.1 pi, t h,-. mli.ni lo -exJTMrBt Upon Ihe shoulder of tacll now ctciuih it ytais mu ami nt outs ; , ()( i,e(. breitst. and that was the hind th our which threw her to Ihe Virgiiu and that he will prut-Use laur '''; ' 'Z l m:: '."'b' '4" 1 1 July it. mo.'. IMintr, K. c. reprenenlative of a journal a Hilary of .i.5l'0.0otj a j chv. only evitlelHtc of force l.i be -iff n. pavtmieul. and iVu bhd was lipetl at asmngtou. i ..'- : i- th- laty ' N-" Ya-'. A if.I.I ?i l;i)I"SIIKlMEK- r : lor and Proprietor. "''','. '.tuvJuy, and Weakly Editions. M WEEKLY STAR, I ' Si.t.'on-fjr sje Newspaper, lsud i cvory wodnesciay. I A . !' .,. 'i".'. bright nml InlereatiBa FAMILY PAPER. i !; , i n lltti ,t i.i-,i, tlowu to Uio Uoof 0 ! ;.'.fi'.-li.,nrol, .Yi. r .et, I Feshlon, 1 Household, . Political, i r-inancial and Commercial. Poetical, Humorous and Editorial -:t i.-";s. till imiVr Itir itltft-tinn of tnUnml , '.,. ,n ,i .t . f ll. lilgliMt nl.illly. w MXtwn .. . t,r f,eii.,l . riiiiiiitl Willi ttotst Uiingi . . ..,l,,'t!,i t.l I'lill n -i-,a -i r..- In iliBliin.nii.ln-d Amrrlcui SM , i n itnti'm t.f li.'ii-.n. i THE DAILY STAR, ! - i, ,f v STBCimtiiiiill tiMiwwiof tbedlf ' t- i ie,.i. in,' faun. lt uptylnl cnrripondiic , , fi. n l.t,nf,.ii. 1'jriN llerllii, V lo and ' ,,i t, .--anal,, ta! -tilt' fixture. .-,1 l .i-'tt ..-ti t. A llwtr.y. nd oi hfr news mhIot, 1 !,i. t l S,l ,l.t.., If. Ntll't IBU IVUIHI.-.I IUW . , ti.. nam-n t"i- lUi Dim hy Iflt-sriiph. , .,- :, i, .ii'in-. ar.-inii.iirmi.,il. 'i K . a iio-nil 'i'd M irkia Kiiicini ure onamwllf .1..' rdi ii.t, !'. .iui irrnis sntl riiortlhiry lndacw .l.'l.t . t.l lt;..l'llt- lli.il CHJlVHAMiri. . tt.l O.r t'lrriilHrn. Tt-rreB -r THi WEEKLY TII To rt- ti.-.B.i iv.-t.i,ii lu th Inilcd PMtef ; . .inn!" tli- luinteol Nttw York ( iij-1 - f J , 16 ro : l n-,.. 'd .ii' Ud to nrR.iDieer). . 16 OT T-; Vb CF TH DAILY STAR to 8u- v I'.- ire r(ini-liidi'f!Baiidy) f7 M . i.i - ,i smut iv one )-! HOT .... o..ln jjO - ,i.i,. it i.iiiiiluy ranihii .! Til 13 STAIt, -n.l : Norlli W'll'tt-J ht-, Vw Tork, ,W""'TO'(lifW!.',t..Wi"l