1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, IHHl. H. A. LONDON, Editor. Tun iou.no wen of North Carolina are rapidly becoming the leading edit caforB of the .State, and ore wadding an influence Ihal few aie aware of. Many of the uiosl prominent editors and nebovtf ieacbers of the .State are young nien under thirty yea, of uyo home of then, being ulutoKt beaid- lebw jouILb. W'enolatbm wHb much pleanu. and Ihinlc it a matter of public congratulation. At liie annual meetings of the North Caiolina I'reits Association it is a liiatte, of geueial nmprii-e that itil .'lifiiilura aie io youthful looking. V, ,t member that, at the ritei-tlng at Morcben-j City lant year, nniiie one an a matter of cuuoi-ity inquired I lie ago of each editor (and there wait an unusually largo number), and t lie average aye of all was only twentv u',ie y,a,. Wo point with ptide to the fait that the editor of one of most influential paprit in the Slate aiid who wan hoiioicd by the last l.eyislatiue with the poNiliun of .S ate .miter, isayouuy man barely twenty five yeaiH old. AuioMjj :hu hcIjooI leacheiH who uuw gland at the head of tlieir prol'eMwioii, and among the learned tjrofe.sbo, a of our University und colleger, are young men wlr m. outward appiaiiuice set in nu-ie buy Some of them iudeid look younger and really a" younger than then students The l'ret-i.lclit of the N. C. Teachers' AsHPiiiMy .s a young man only twoiity-MX years oid. It atlulds us much pleasure to give publicity to those fact.- not oniy for the ciicouragciueut of our yoiiny HM1'--I z dhow liaiil that worth and merit aie appreciated in youth but also as a healthy r-igii of tin- times that, young blood and youthful vigor are infusing new life into the body politic. Noi th (.'aroiina has need uf all tbo wisdom of her -rl.i aon. and also the vigor of her youth. The Kaii.koad accident that occur red near Chicauo iat reck aa the most horribie, that wo have ever lead of. In anolLe, coluinu are published trie dieadful details of it. Ihe sud den killing and wenuding of so many Uelhons forcibly iilustiuteJ tnin Bitiiriuesa of human life. Helenas a long train, crowded with neatly a thousand happy pleasure seekeis go ing dii an excursion, dushin-f along at a mile a minute, when suddenly in a mouieut at the houi of mid night it is crushed together, w ith car piled on car in broken t, agments. lno merry laughter of tuiJ excursion iats is instantly changed to the bhriwks and cries of tlie suffering vie tima of the awful bl.i.:ghtsi' and the groans of the dying 6trike letror to the hearts of the survivors. Human bodies erttsh?,ii iMo unsightly shi.pett are scatteied around in mangied flag inents, aud the bui ning !..mes seek to- du'.'our fh:isj who survived ti.e dreadful crash. Such a seme oi sufl'ering can seldom be witnessed, aud tbo mind can sc.uccly concievo the horrors of so shocking a catas trophe. And to add to the honors of this cickeiiing scene there were fiends in human shape robbing ami plundering the .'end aud dying! It St ems almost incredible that human nature could be so depraved, the most exquisite tortairc could not be too severe punishment for such un feeling wretches. The EASfc and rapidity with whirl, fortunes may be acipiiied and lost wan forcibly ill st rated iu New Voik, lust week, iu the failure of Hemy S. Ives, whose indebtedness is estimated nt from fifteen to twenty million dol lars. He is a young unmarried man. only twenty-eight years old, and rive years ago was at, humble cleik with ' A salary 01 a few hundred dolhns 11 year. And yet he became, one of the leading finaiieieis of New Yo, V. liwi d , in luxury, handled millions of dohais ud wt reputed as being uiany times a millionaire. He associated will, Jay Gould und other wealthy Capitalists, aud actually contracted with Sir. Oarrett last .spring for th purchase 01 tfto great Ualtutioro and Ohio railroad, paying down in cash 25SO,O00 as a forfeit.. He acquired control of some valuable Westet u Railroads, and was striving to secure a through lino from New York to the facitic ocean, when hii bubble burst and his collapse came. An indiunation meeting was held t' Durham, a few days ago, to con demn the action of the eounty com missioners iu granting licenses for the Hale of beer and wine. The meet ing wan Attended by about two hun dred of tbe best citizens of that en fieipiising town, and some very plain pokeu resoiulions were adopted. But the dale of beer and wine goes bu all the aiuc, il 110I a hi lie "uiue, ". A hind Dee,). Corporations mo said to he "soul ' less", and it is unite the fashion to ; denounce ,ai!:oad corporations espe-1 'chilly. How-rer umch cause there . uiav bo f,,r this we will not now! afi'iio but we are, pleased to know ' that inauvof the ofthrers of tU,e ... i ,, , much nbuscd co. poral nms have s.-uls ami hearts that should put tf blush ! their tiadiicers. Wo copy from tire iltaleigli Now and Observer the fol- l,.n.; , ,.tl.l.. illii-ti-iii.m f how low.ng . otl le illu.tM.io,, of I.ow some lailioad otlK-ers care for tlieir j emiiloyees: I Mr. Alexander I'ailey ih section master on the Ihileigl, .V (iaslon roa.l. He was a soldier during the war and ! was x verely wmiii.b'd in the l"g 1 which wound never hi iiied I'uring the life of his good wife she nursed and kept ll -' ound sootlnd to su.-h ! hi, extent that it never iniei feied with Mr. Kaiicy's duties as section master, Some tune since he bad the inisfor- ;tune to lose his wife, and being ul- vvhvh busv with his duties a the only head if ihe f.imi!v and over; -eer o'n ' the road he could not ri'.ethe wound 1 proper attention. Thisneglcwt. which ; was unavoidable, cam, e.l a seven u Mammal ion toinsiie which soon be. .1 XI I . .11 I ennie so 1 oi, I mat ah l-ai.ev coui.i I Hot us- his leg in walking. He pin : cured a strap which I e suspended . from i.is shoulder to suppoit t lie lwt.r ait of ihe '.eg i.i'ier bcug b. nt al the kii.ean., .-ulislltuii ., a woo.,, ii leg I'roiii the knee und went on will, his woik fioiii which l.e had in.tmix- od led one ,la in (went v.M-.us. t)n . 1. ......... l,.."i HV , ,,',.!,., 1 hlin In :,iu,e.ii-' at eoil.t us a witness. Ni, ' Iuiik Muee l'r si. h ut Uobilisouof the 'S. aboard Air Line. M ij John C. Winder, geiieial manage., and apt. Win. Smith, flip, ! iiitelidei.i, passed ove, the load on an inspect i.ti. tup i i.. i I ... v.... iv n. -h iiii-ii ii,ini ... ...... - ioii Mr. P-aiicy's section, and be .. oi l.i f..i .... iv.. i, ...ii. hi the time. IVe'fi.lctil Uobiuson noti'-ed tliat Mr. Hniiev's leg w us suspended by a strap and a -d;ed tlf.i cau.-e Mr lauiey ,..1.11, :t..l,,,.,r It Mi l.'.ihins.iii iheli asked wh i.e did nut have it iiiupulaicl. Mr. liaia v lejilied that he would ike to have il done but .. ., ..I.:.. II in'.l . ..i ...tr..i',l ... I.i.i it... iIm, ..I ni.v the bill I the "ii v was f iine coiisuit- tlon atiiong ti i luls ai l a stioi t imo alter Mr Hai.ey was sent for to come to I! ,!i igh. H-wi,.- prov .led with coiiifoi'able quarters at St John's lio.-intid. .Mr iiai.ev did not ! exact1 v know what this busiiits.- ' uieaid. Soon aft' i heutrivcl some prominent physicians cried upon bin, and consulted hint about his wound It w as foitiid I Inn In vvim mil in a condition to nud. igo the Utieiiit ion of amputation llieii. avl he Mi..- put ..poll tirv'inu nt fi r tin case. In a few days iu leg was ,uu plliaied. which id coili.-e coli.'ii.ed 1 1 1 111 to tile liOfpltll'l for Millie lime i A nice itwiii.tg w,tli co'. ,-c . wa . plevided for hiu, Hi tile i.ospilal a. d where he couid get Inc belu lll of ihe fi e.-h air with com foi t an I con vi tiieiice wliell he was weal V ol the house. A nurse was I'liiiiiove., nir niiu. ami n v n, made to sp ud s ve, ,i theie in I 'ie,i.-,a"! . 7 as ihismi W'c KS H,. has just letiiilied to Ins lioiin . but is as vt t iiuahlo to work. W i.eti he , "till tlf-d :l chi ck was sel.l lillil for full tune woik. its tie ngli he l.ad not tui.-..e I a day lioiu duly, and in addi i ioii to tins a bin lor tuediciue and al leiiiliince l as just been paid, amount- 10 al'oin .tlitl. Ad this was d. uu b'lhe i;.i.. igh (l ist, 111 ll.illl.md Colnpai.v I'm an employ ee vvliose ser- vices tin v kilt w imw'to appieciiK-v .Mr. Iliuiev is not al woik. but Ins salaiv is 'paid hm. I egiiiarlv bv 1 he v ..... 1, i ..iiiiiiovi.il 11. his piaiL .-il a ilili saiarv unl ! he suuli bv able to re.-umi. wrk. ' lfiorgiii's I niiiic Iiiv it.iliott. Wasiiimi ION. Aug l'J SelliltOi- t 'ol tputland Hn.ry W. (irmly, of Atlan ta, lia., had all interview with tie l'lesidi lit ill OakvKW lliit aft", I101.11 ill regard to his proposed visit to he city of Atlanta in Ocohnr next. .Mr. Grady bore to the I'l evident a formal Invitation of the l'lrdiuotil Kxpositlon iV'tupaiiy. 1 1 is a tit, tip, ti and sti iking pn C.e 0' woik, liiinie of four h aves ol Georgia gold, about ti.e sie of it IU u". hook, bollliu w ith ,' lasps ol licor gi.a silver, and each clasp set witun Geoigia duuiioiiil. The invitation is enclose:: iu a ims minni wu 11 sainpi of Georgia wood, p .in.lied and i . 1 1 1 d will, evci.dit.g skill. I'heboMsem , bedded ill a )ih'ck ff Giorgla 111 11 bl ,l wl, firiTu i.l.l. !r I,, whiff. (,,, ihr.'h.w.., i....f .,f ,hr i,,.ii..ii,.i engraved portraits of the CreMtlent ' and Mrs. Cleveland. 1, muiiogiain ol the I'ii dinont l-.spcsd ion. an Ulio of the el. d. house "I Ihe I'led- 1 1 - d lt.av.,... I'.oh in, 1 1.. ..P.,,,.! leaf is Iheiiiviutiui. cut into the gold. llli tne ;l:a-i p.acis the invitation of the Driving Club. On the fourth or ' last cover page ,s ong,.vl pictuie of the main building of the ritdiuoi.t : Kxposition lu presenting the invitation Mr. (badv made ,10 i", mill address, tun stated tlint it w as designed to make ' ,t ill HMim M'hbe sift-nilii-ant of tt, ro - sources of Georgia, iu wle.'SH ctpilal city the first Jcxpositiou of II:! fuuoub I'ied.nout coui.irv will bo laid. In Itiiuifer nl" Staff ai bill. I Nkw Yokk. August 1.-,.- Dispatch hr"v,r K't.,inu.,n t,lp ;'"""' ,0 the World .ind Herald fiom St ! , , N f V "m, and most of il.c Johns, N. T. estimates that .".tUMtfl j ''f t are Alnoont the ly. jicople in New Tonudliind and La-1 V,,rkon .new rTilroad froin" Clmt braoor are in danger nf speedy btar- j Ui COIUIuelu.t.,, nt ,!mt Vlllioil owing 10 mn iimin 01 nit fishing snaso,, fur three succesHive years together with the suiumia droughts which have intervened. The siliiaiion iVHiid not be wmse and tuere is cettain tube widunpread star vat ion. Tin ee you y men "f lii' ite;ii w ero drowned on tlnii' lav latt vvlulo V't. lil iliv; w tlu-lake. Our Washington Letter. iKnn our ftee-ular Otrrwr.ni.di'.l, Was-minuton, At,". l'2th, 1887. Secretary Whitney is earnestly and vigorously pushing forward tlie W c,w"'k .recnstruct.ng the Uni- i : Ci ....., V..... iI.Im ..... Ir l.i.n.. r icti " "'," - t.U)sl.a a ,.,,,,,., f(1). tilc ...st, net.,.., 0f (Wt) stet'l guuboats of 1.71KI ton displacement und Hire steel erui e rs of 4.000 tons displacement, at a est "ot to exceed .f-t.iitM.Otld. 7 he tests ) ftii clftdfjr ,,xlt!.(e(, ,,v , ..v,,,.,,,,.,., ,,om the contractu, aie ; the seve, est ever impose., ami auiui, h sutlicieul guui.oiteo li.at the win k will be wed and faithfully performed, for the snip hu.ldeis are under lieavj obligations to i'uiiill their contra, ts hteially. If the United .States is scon , on i.er b et as. i tir.sl clas.s naval power, win-I, i teel sate in predicting win come to pass, she wnl lie more lift, lit- e.l to the able admiiu.lration and line business in. tiiods of Seen buy hit ncv lhau to any other soiuce for thai : most desirable result 1 believe that. .person ally as well as olliciallv. none .of the Cil.inel are more popular thai, ; the aecumplished S. cretary of the Navy. To date, applications for pnpay ..... ... iin.l...' SI. I l.l V 1'': i r - uiem ... no , . child Ulid i lieu, eeived amounting tl have I Il I to lieailv sevi ; uuiiiou .umai . ; A stali-nicitt piepaied by tlieTreas- uiv mi.himu.u vci,-. -. lion bought by the 1). p .rlment I'm , the co.:.ge of silver dodais for the liscal vear. ciuliii;r .fune SH'li. lSsT. n si-J4.."li:(.i;l"(. while the cos), n . thebu d.lneie.l on purcliasis was oliiv al out one hundie.l doiials i ill ex.-ess of the above amount and the number of silver dollars coined was. !i:V2,'.". x'M. The issue ol ftiiu.i ird silver dohais for thai week irom t he Itlltit HiJtoilllleil lo ?-i i ..!; . the sauic- puilod last yuir it was ."5..'J i d. ; The Coiiiinis.-ioner of Patents has just made it de. i i o, gi eiii i.iijmu (at.ee to puteinees, ,o ine the vvoiktiiu' of H claitu fleet t.ial lllll.d be specific ai d dot so -eneial and in dcliti,;,-as t- emliiace tutme in.- proven,, ids 1 he O ,minis-ioni I r :e- that a l aleiilie must indi-i,te i.:s sl't'.-ial iiiVeldioli in ol del' der tii.t other patent with doubtful claim.-, -sin i ot-iiig to bar all future nupi oV' incuts. This week, for the tit in ten veins a patent will s 1 1 tide. by sp.'ciil en.i.'tiuent ol I his imwi r was formerb. Colijic.-s Vested II 'he Comiui: sioin-r of l'ati t.tf. a. nl ia matter of .onuuoii o.-cniH ti now. .-..irii an und' rtukin.; is ' o iiccoiiipiis'". a- r,'i:,;ivv. , but. tli'llit I i. le Hint to , xer. 1st its il'ltliolliv in this I n ier a lesolutioii of Cniigre.-s tin X !'! n il Miiseii'ii w ill, this week, ship to tiic Miutieap 'lis Industrial Iv.p.isi 1 1. hi a nuinbf I of exhibit colli mini ; l'.-''.lii!,iu and Ind'u'i cosiuiues and i.ifii'k'-tfi -ud miu v lmoleiiiiinil s ...I s.ivige wnrfaie ll'ld Wl lpotS Unci iii the 'base, to s.iv nolhing ,.l iniiiV ti.i'igs of a eiuiled tiatiiic loo iiuim roiis to mention, I In i lea being to lend the Kvposil lot, enough a'lKies ii: gi- i s. ii ... of 'he cold. nts of the Museum. siicli as cannot he convenient Iv sent .1 duplicated; among the nuiub.-r lien i ii itit s ii lies and the Kusics Idalld liiiige will be pl,otigr.iphed and the j .! uies sent cf. .Sccr,.arv li.iv .itl will deliver the i , i-' i ' - .i. i . a lor. ss ol welcome io tne iiiivmih tionai Medical 'ongn ss, which inei ts Wasbingto 11 earlv 111 September Ieiy cvili.d nation will l.eiepre s. nt.,1. and 1, is expected thai l.iily ""hi physicians 111 d surgeons will In in attendance not to mention Ic- lliousnnds of visitors who will he it H acted thither by a meeting the like of which tlie wahl i as never seen Unit important results, hull, to the ildl.llict lilt Id ot s, iei.ee and the Wei! being of humanity, will follow the deliberations, of this vast assemblage of the di-ieipies of the healing ail. goes Without s'.yin .' In the w ids' , f lb.lv Wiit. al though that good U pnliiicui. l m ger lli.rvH'. ii.isiioi yo gone to gioi v. lud the Albany penitentiary instead. "His vvoiks tlo hallow him , f"i, .hi ling the past three days Kit! noise ciiiims aiiowed upon the lecoi.iuii 11 dittlon of tl'rtt t mo-rp, islitg itidisid in,, have been cancelled by Ihe ' TreHsury otlicials; all bufiness that H ti vev iutd itnv coiinecl ion with is '" '"'efulb s.-rut mi.e.l. A,,,..,.g llui recent p, one , n ms the lnli ii.ii- I ep 11 tineiit was thai ol a full blooded Indian, appointed ,11 1. fi. .111 a clerkship of sjl.Od'i t 1'-0,h ho via, educated at a ii.is,c.ii s.h .oh. he of : 1 11 :t t s a, mieipreter. mid I . 11, 'obiihiy tu. only one ot I : e .1 , . - . . . IV . race le ...ling sucu a ii.", a. is e , ei . a appointment. 1 ' ) 'cparl uioli lias re.,, vei, b'oiu duy the arms I'm masl, r w ho dl"W.i a . owl.oy to hiiu of .s,. '"'U 111 NU ng -1 . 1 rile ry. last , ." - 'tlie suspension to be clte.tise iiiutil that amount ,s p.id tlie Gov ' "i riment. It m i.tud that the IV : "'""' 'crcse due vigilance. i ,J protecimg his el.aig-. but . nn. ; ' -"lM.ieu will li,.v. to make ginnl tbe loss if ho .loo-, not. ! h:- Weie-land m away. bHtl,i..R ; I1.1"1' "oating ,n the vsaterfi of th old !'".V hi aie. the I 'resident w making bis a, ruiigi tueiits to go hshiieg with aim is iu n i-iuupieie,i in euisen, 1 . . 1 1 I . 1 -1 . uioullis. 1 lie road will lie 'J.tll miles i rn n .i .. long riiia will irive (!liattauoiHi, " , , b nine rai roiiila . TIib jreatest I'm uicial failure of modeiii times ocfiirred it, Ni sv York liihi ueek lbr tin,, of Ilenrv !S t I ves .V ' matin an assiiiinenl. and 1 tlieir haln ii ies miiounti d lo the ui ' inei, e .mi of t vinty mil ion d ii..,i i ' A Horrible Kail road Accident. t'HU'Aoo, Aug H Th Chicago Tunes spociui tiOin I'oret. Ill , niiH : .Ml the railway bottom in the history ut this country were Mupnss'-d three n iliseat f ( 'liutswuj tli la-'t night, ulinii mi i-T. ur-inn train dm the Tole- ,, le,,i in and Ui-sloi n road dropped , rough n l.ui:ing li idge. and I,,,,,,!,,.,! W..1(J killed I ver il and . . - i . ... ... jum. i i)m n wi ll miiiioci uiuiriu u.s lm,,v ij111(,. The. tram was ,.,)ll,j)Wl.J ,,f sleeping cm s. hi. day ,.0,M.i.M Htl) chair-cars and three bag- j,,,.. It. Was earning tHHI pus.scii- all x.-msioiusts. and was hound N Kiil)s T(jtl)ll) ,m., ,().r1 M.uU, ., U,M.,, t. line of the i, r,,nia :u..l NoMein roal, .,,,,1 t,,, e v,.1Hsi ni. Is hulled from vaiious points in t eiilial Illinois, the .;. ,, tlolll. m,.ver. c. uiing from j-,.,,,:,. Sinn, of Hie p:,eu-ers enue f.,,la (. rt! -ti, Kl I'a.o. Washington lin, ,,, f,.. i .tations al..,ig the line: .soi-ie fi.m, as tar west as liur hnytoii mi l Keok'ik, fa A spuial and chi'H) rale had been made fol the excursion and all suit.-, of (m. pie took advantage ! it. When the tram .In w nut ol I'eoii.-i at f o'clock la- t etelillig it w l- lull. I'd to lis lltlllosl e:iiwiiy. Iv.iv l. rth in tie si sleepeis va t .liin and the dav cars i al l ied sixtv people ai h The tiion Mi.- u heiiw lied t o engine . wen I ncl'.eii lo ;t. Mini when il pas-i I tin. plane it a mi hour aiel a halt be lull I lime Cl.a'swi.ilii, lli. next station cast of (.,,.. is six mil's , tl' ml the run I her .s.is lui.le in seven iniiiiues. so me turibie iiiolin nt'. to of tho-e tilie. ii loin lies Illld IWO eMc S, s. 1. )t i I , ;.' tiil'oli;;ll Sj ,n'0 it. the I lit of Ik linie l minute. an tie u:..l. ist.i ' l si. , ,... ,u t'liats aoiI b. and on the li.'.in liiiin with it. i living fieight sl'.'d tbl ' '.1.' Il the illllkuess of ti.e n.ght t lii'i m,l" cist ol i n its Worth i- -I dllle shmgii and where t lie iailr.a.1 cio-es is i diy runabout 10 n et .ic, i and 11 le t wide. I Ivi r 1 1 1 is. was sin :i lied an ordinary vo-d ii trcntl. Ii'id;;.'. an I as the exeui sil) (la n,,,,,,,., j,,g ,l,mn on t what him the hoir,, r of the eneili f,..,iii ,..,,,i,.i -.,hi 11 he saw . I ... I ll,i. i ,. 1 I.-. 1 .!,; :dile. lilght Up Ii. fore hi tves lei. e.l the hi igi.l tl.m.i s. ainl the ,,.'.( instant he w-is iiuiiiiig tliilil II. lie was no . I.-.ti- u to slop Had there been v, 1:1,111 it woiiid haie taken hail' a 1. .lie to stop that 01, 1 .n-l. mg lii'iss ol wood. i:,,i nil, I lillliiiili ivc. l.,d the 1 1 .mi w a., w 1 1 hm Itl'l m, h. of 1 he 1 1 d loiigued int s-elig'i s ot d'Oli hcl'nte iney tliishcd 1 1. r fatal signals int.. I i.e' en-in. it's fai e liul I pass, d our in s di ly. tie- fust engine -p- ill;.' ti.e IH..S As it Wel.t .'Vi-r. tl.- bridge fell b. nealii it. and it couid .illy h .ve b. en tin !el ! ill' s eed ot tin- nam wl.i.-h .viw-d the iiw s of 1 he . ,gltie 1 .ili-l In- liieiiiii. I. '! the ne .1 . : gn c wei.l lmn, and tnstair. b tl.11 ! 'l ol death i';e done I al craslieil liii cai. cmCii s piled i le 011 lop l 11 not In 1 and in tin-1 . n.k!ii g (if .111 ev l,' IO I' "II' ll.ll'd: d pi o !' t'oiie I inflaiii d' -ii'i ami "t'.v ni,i!. ,.l.... K'l ihn, ihev collht ! o i;ve. s for lb. w oiind' d. I iiey were every where. 1 ' 1 I lie sl.'t j.iiig coacle -tsciij.cd, a: d a- ti'" rt.itticd audi. ait diis.-. d pas-, M-.er came t iiiiil.lt eg onl of lie-Ill li.'V loiu.d sllch a scene of death us i- i ii. lv witness..!, and sic. ii work I 1 .i" thai il seeim d as ,1 h'lui.in ,..iii .s Ai Ii nt!- I I v ii.oi; '.In. -. It l,u i.ed tcil live minutes ol u. id night !..-.. 11 in the dlli tl lay ti e second eliginei r. Mel 'illil oek. dt el. I ami i'neniai, Appl. h.dl tnjui. d n I VVCle H!e.l Ihe thll"- ha .Igc ili'ri. one on i p 01 i...' 1.11.0. 11... a (.n!,ps , ,,11! inuise all' 1' he had swi pi it With bis hand l'l.e'i came In. .-I d,i coaches. I'm V were leltscoel a.l car.- never were Indole, nlid ii.itc of 111. Ill SV II pi. s- d I. do j' d s a,a . noug'.i fol i.e l iie fC'iii I cai Ii l.i 1.1. mid...! iii' its li!iil,s. er.eh.d , 1.liVi1 th,, r! Hii.-.'i ,,t it. 1 1 i,m.mi:: , l. w', , k aside 111,- tinder, and j.iv noting on the lops of seals, wlnln every pa-- i.gei in the front ct," was lying tleii l 01 thing undeliiCitln Out ot ti ai cai but l ull people c'.uic nine. , hi t p ot ihe H. coi. I .al las tie' third, 11,1 I it . hot toll! w i: suit ai. .1 sul ii I i ebb o- i of 11 . siclniis liicoiht r ti.ii ti .His were not so h idlv I'llshed, but the. Were broken and twi-lel i:. eveiy conceivable, way. mid every ci Usin d tiliil-r and ht am repi 1 seni ed a crilsle I llllii.illl lol. in aiid .1 broken I on' i'.sl 11. 1 Is tl' air was filled with 1 iii eli s of the Wound' d and tlie sl.rii !.s ol those about to tlie. l ie gi oai.s ot men illld , I"' .-.'1 e.lilis ot Women Illil t.-d lo make nn appalling sound, and above ill! could bt II' aid th" ag"ll, en. s of utile chit b'ii. 111 t.ii-v lav pinned alongsidt ad And tin-re wa.- Ahl,tU,.t ,0,nl.le .,t',ge, .1. t to be m, I Tne lu idge was ,-tiIi bu.uiiig and . w ,. eke. I ens wi 1" lying on Hint mild i In fiVicelv bin nmg etnbeis. .1 ' 1 1 el yvvi.eie III I lie w lech wen 011 mi (, , ., ulllU,l men. wiii.-ii and cliiid- wi,M. lvis cnl 1 i savod ,f , i( y ...tt,.,, .ml. but wnoe .i,.,,',,,, ,4li .j.Mti, , a most hovuhle ilin ,.ei Ian, if t he I w isied ood f ,i. tki CMixaoght tin.. Aud ,,, t'e,u the fne there was not a drop , wllU.r ,,d only mhu' "U.V able, ,..t IUe bo still h-.d p.esei.cc (lf ,lt ,u erv enough t- do tn, ir tbilv- The only iigbi iv,.h Ine ivAa ,-',,e i,,,,-,,,, bndg... And , f M, t. tv luMi Wi!h, Wlk , ,iKht tun names l o, fieii hoiiistliey fought like lii'ii.ls and for foul houi.. Hie victory ni.ng 111 the b iiam e Karl I, was tTi only weapon with which the foe could be fought, and so I lie ul tempt was nude to sinoth.-r it out. Tluie was no , . .- : 1. I . 1.. pick i'l shoVCl lodlg ,1 up. 110 Oil.snein - ; , ., h,Ml,M.er . , .. . , ,,. ate will' t lev that tlU'V tlajf their I, . . . , ., !.i,.i, u , liiie-el s d isvi, into tbe fill til, Mhiciirt . " , , . , , . , . . , , I"li;: dio.ilit bad baked ahuot as haul as sione, and In apt ! Ihe piee- i,nm buielfnU I bus hardly svoii upon I ihe i nci oiiclnii.' llaines, mid "it h t I.is h o t nsvo, k, b.ull haudl'il .by handful, kept ba k Il.c toe. v'v i.tie tiii-i a i.'int' on ili.nr hi ave ni.'iiciept underneath the wreck-' ed cars, beneidli the tire and the ; wooden bur -Ahich held as prisoners so many precious lives, ami wit It; pieces of board and sometimes fheit hands beat back the tlames when i they Hashed up alongside some un-l fortunate wretch who. pinned down by a I, envy beam, looked on helplessly, while it seemed lis if his death by tire wits ct 1 lain: ninl while the light' was thus going on the ears of tb; workers wcie tilled with the groans of living men. the anguish entreaties of those whose death seemed ccibiin unless the tenible blaze could be ex tinguished, and the cries of those too badly hurt to cat e in wind manner the 1 i.d was brought aboul, so only it would be quick S they dug up the eai tb w ith t heir hands, reel, It s of the blood stn 111,1111;: out from broken fie.eer nails, mi.) heaped tt op in lit tie mounds, while all tin. wlnle. ciinie the hi-ai l I'-n.bng ci y. "For : thid's sake doll t. lei us burn to death'." i'.ut tin illy the victory was won. the liie was put out nfttr f..ur hours of iiideavor. aud us its last sparks died nwav aH'lil tunic up in the east to take tl.t ir place and daw 11 came upon a scene of holier. Xo sooner had the leek oecui ft d th'iu 11 scene of robbery commence. 1. S me b in 1 1 -f u usp. a led ile mi'Ci eaTits. In ai lless ard w ith only aiiimal in st iu.'l s. w.i-. on hand, and iike the g.i'iii'a.-. who Ihion,,. a I .ill lie Held the tii ! . t iifur tin nlliet and filch fioiii 1 lie de.nl tin nicy which tiny leeclM'.l fol their lie llgl" p IV. in.; even tin-bron" nn .1 1! and lob bing fioni the children of hiT'HS ihe oilier worthless inilileiiis of tl"'i' fat in, f.' bt.iveiy. so lad nigli! did tlie-e huiiiiill liven ;s pl'lluler the lit ad il'ii, II tuN tellllile ac. lilellt lillil t ike evt 11 I ! "' shoes whi"'li cuveied their bet Wiin these we teles ate i . not iti'v kilo w.i. 'A hither I lev Well !l l ll'ld ol pi" ! Jul. Lets wllo lie- .ompoiied liie train 01 -fume ,' li'if j.ir g '.ho wcie lurking 111 1 he vicinity 1:111,1 t b"' .-.in!. 'Ihe h.eiib;.. sii. pii ion. h'.wevei, evist , aiid tl, eie me 11, my who ti' it , i' dit. th il t l e a." 1 I' nt was .1 de liberate!'.' pliuu" I e i-e of i 1 tin a 1 1 !; 11 ;;. that the brid.'e was s I on li.c by miscie iiits who hop" d to s. 10 1 he ol ii' i 1 illld V ol'i'i 1. d, and t'n I n t Unit the bridge w 1- so tar ni,iiie I at the tine Ihe tram ein.e alo.ig. an 1 tec adh, I I'nt 1 !u,i then -in was an hour and a iiali laic, aie j 1 11 : it . . I ,1.-. e v 1 I . 1 -. of a 1 .Hi I'd . ,,iis.ir,icy !l s.-t I nl d.y pos.-i. !e I ii.il III Ul ci 'lid be so i.'.-' to al'. III ' m diiini y I' bug w Inch alum 'I. s i,(- I, ., .1 ot !,, I 11 in . ii I... . . but ,-u!! men, wh, wall rob dead men; i.lia will -I al ft 11,11 lh il'ii'g.iid wi'i p'nin.l. r t in-wmii.i !' d. la id do.. 11 liy i,:. .1.' ti I co. is .f a -a :.,!." d . ,11 ; w "inch I wlio-.i ibalii h, 111 e sc. Ilie.t I I lillil. I Id, C ill .o l.os aiiv thing v.l, a h 1- ba .c, and that i.-: nil :l lin t' lends Ml h.ilu el 1 01 .1, .11(1 l ie v weld i:do the .'OS when the hie wis l-iiiniiig lieice'y ,:n,l 1 i.imI Ii, mil win 11 the poo.' w.. Iiv.es .ho were pi- r,-. t I;. ! - b.-ggi .1 il.c.n "lol , io 1 . ii' - j 1 t iieni ,,et ." f 1 1 ipped l .-m of tl. i: ''.Mil. !.. . an. I j, c eli i ,-.u,i v. arc! 1 I t in I'- po. ket - f"l inmiev. i eti the th .1-1 b "11. .- w. f I ..nl out in i .'a cot n iii 1 Iii ft -1. i-i 1 i- t " . in I tii, in c r in linn sea 11 h for vain ai.it s; oid thill '.he piuii lei i'.g 11:1 .1 uu- bv ::i, t'lgi.ni t'lgi.lil' tl gang whs e fict lint tl.isn.oriiite'. pit cell by t mi in ; he 1 , 1,1.. ni. 1 , 1 t i n 1 ,. o s. ail empty, w (I loll, .1 Hi elie I. tap. ; il was a gi.a-tiy p.iiii'lei ing. an I ; llad I he pl'l! ill-:' ! -: I" II e night ll:i- alt. 1 .en in I lies Would sill I-iv have bei ii nuclei ' ' i I in ii- has. Ii, . n ui.ley guess-s im : io the i II 'III of Inc hie w he'll weak-, ei.e.i ll.i li.l lge .;, caused the f : C d. id. ! 111 i so 1. 11 liie; li e II. tli. Ii, I. ,ii ;,'lli - s ',c llniM .1 oti'.ble otic ! Is that a t-,;iii, tl. IU th'- fill line "t I li.e engine o! a t.aili v.hicn p.,ssc. , I w n l.oui s 1 idol e C..11 n , I the blaze.; The se,t-' 'ii has been vet y illy lf I j - , about-', for a I. dig linn , faiosl no nun has fun n. and so tin woolen iiolli ol the i'lloge wis hi,, till, hi. A live 1v.1l dl ti pi ,1 ' II il woilhl lire I it lit Unit, a. . . i I ' 1 s , 1 1 1 1 1 g 1 - t "i 1 1 1 1 . 1 soon; ioic.w t d I ..eie I-, I he 11 ,s fill I I1C0I V. , suj. ported by ihe f a t that tic ic 1 rteie a h i of liii.-vt s libi.iit, that liny 1 set the blidg.- "i, hie. i Ciin a. .... .. ig l. -Ihe Tini.-s of'; today has a ii,spaie. ,' :l liig th it two l',,j men have been ,n 11 sled ,.n the 1 bil'gi j of bell,; tin I'l. fli.llal i,:i who l'liie.l-il ihe , iiaiswoi in hoi io 1 1 : wee given ii pieiniiiiiaiy 1 ...1.1 nal e ! be- lore a jt, slice ol Ihe p at e, atcl the proof ngauiet the, 1, was con idered stiung e,ioiir ll to li,.!d llniii 1,1 jail, wheie they me now iniilin. d pending fiiilbe, pi oc cling:. Coiivit'ti F.miiing l'i oliibil ion. Nvuisii i.r., Tciiu , Aug. lb -four ' liiindrid 11. tl ol- ciV'.l.s 1 oiiiiiie.i 11 the 11, inn pri on at c.l. till.- ! uv- appc iii-I lo the 1 nlc of Ti unc-sn to woik for the adoption of t..i pro hti.iituy .iii.ciidiut nt AIlii" city ;ng that thiec loiiili s of H e in ,1.1'.. -have been made eninii als by nil si cants, ih. v 1 hire Ihe.r app-nl us fol lows: "W" aiing 11 1' garb id ,ils glace, bung iils:i,.niletl and C 'lilit'd unwi.ithv 1.1 mingle will, tic pe.i,)e of our Stat,-, wi yet have ihe same love for our Wivi s. the nanus- devo tion to ir moljiiis, the same at:', i-tio!: for our M deis. nlid for tin 11 mike, and !'.. the sake of our child: 1 c, tv e appeal I 0 you lo 11 111: e ii 1 me ma 1 and ! e the Si an' fi'oin a cnise ere ted by the lunula f -. ibsceri'' ' aneed b.- the i.ev ol (I...I.' Kev X W. I'l Ins, chaplain "t the peiut Old iai s , ci l lilies Hi Ihe botloiu of the list id Haines tied th lo 'iiinent svjts pi pa.etl by t,o convicts tbeuisi lv es as a VOilllitai'V IM'I im tl;MU- 1irt. No,, bun capitalist -i Imve pmrlnts ed liuids in Kasici n Nntli t'ar.eina an, until ing to four linndied s.pMle mtifs- in al ly tbe ss hole of llieenuuty of iMie and pari "f iyiicll .lud'ti H niiiiel Hall, of Ai Inula, a lUCii.bir i f lite (ie Mfii So leine Co i.l, it. ecitic i v ni at sh: '.!! , (', f.a.ll ,1 Mloll.,l,lll,.'' " i'l' "l'j ', OMTlffl HOUSE! rrfi I? 1 111, WVATT & a, u O Q -A N (jJeneral Commission Merchants, KAr.KfCN. X. ('. ' Cell on them or send then, your orders, if you wish s.piarn dealing. MAKE YOUR AT -f I Mi AXD W)C WTI.J, OT 0XLV S A V V M O X K Y BUT WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT EVcR YOU NEED! AS liK Kt.l'.l-M i.M.ia 1 HIMi. AM, NKVKU AIJ-OW.-s UISSTOCK 'IO Ut'N DOW N. j At this season uf the year he is oft", ring SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! in a gtei.l m my hie-. f goods which he ioe.-i not w isli to cm , y over. These goods must and will bo sold! I f u hue tlie b.nguius it ia your own l'auil. "liisi cunc. ii 1st fen. d ' Among the guodx which on price will be eieillv led eed 011 .Jl'LY 1 d are I Liulies' Dross (oods, (-iiiiains M'H xrxHrY PfUlTiO i PAHASOLS. FANS, - - LA3?., - - RIBBONS, "s p ri T.OM...N I ns a f.-w 1A Is ami o'h.r .s.KWIXfi MVrf(XKS nn liaiul whaili will le sold verv low for nvi. Ai.-... a few W.(! )NS, Ill'tKHES' n'i"l A 11 III i I ,S, new and second If VO I Pi I ittsbor. d aii'.lhi:.;: citii at '. N. C . dune Ml. ISh". FOMOIU HILL iiUliSEKlES, I'OMONA. N Two and a 1,-df line we t of (in dis horn. X. ('. in- 1, 1:11 in e 1 f the Ii .VI) It !J ;as-.-(hio ivii II . gioiiiitls and w 11 bin 1 on ! . ! of t he ottiee. Salem 11. ill! . Iliaio' IV-.'iiiiii slops t wice dally aid, Wliv. Ti,-. -e .11: el e-.ei in t "l Hit Kil l !''l lit gio lili : ale i. rdiallV in,! tid ioiespc l ti l. tl. lalgc.-,.' nai t ry iii (lie Siat i nn ! one among the larg est ill ti c south. Tin prop. i, : or has for many j(iu Vi.-itld i:c o'lt li'ig Xlllsiai''- North and Yi-r arid 0.1 1. ..poi.dr. I '.Mil. tho-e of f ireigii eountiies galln ring vers fi lli: t li lt Wits ealculit! 1 .1 Id nil the Soul h. biii !i ii'dive and hua igu fl:e leputati .,. of l'oiiiiina Hill Xur- si 1 ic is sin .1 I led uia iv ng, ills go u g (...,.;,,.' rep, ese'i.l ing oilier liuisciies, try to lene t i.e iiu- piessio.i that tin y are 1 1 , : ei.t ' ;.g I lies" I. ut set i" e Why do t hey do d .' I ,ct II." public ausw i-i . I base 11, stock gi .ubeg land can show vislloislhe salue) the laigc:l atid bent rd.ork of tiles, .Ve . ever shown or seei. in any t'so 11. iscrics 111 Noi t Ii ( 'art dim,, con-i d uig of .tpp'e, p. ach, pear, eh en v, pi.itu. e 1 a t . lap al esc pi ,f i, union, .bipai.if,- plnui, a ,icots, nect nine, It.isaiiu .tpii ' it, iinillici 1 v, tpiiuces. Small finds: Straw bei ry. r:i spin 1 ry. einiaits. pe e.itis, Knglisli w ill, uis. 1 India, b. as pa' agits, evei gn ens, shiidc tu t s, roses. .Vc Give your older to my authorized agent ",' ordei direct fiom the niir.-e-, y. ('on e -p 'inl m e so i . ted. Dis ues nee i a applicants. : A Id I e ss, .1. Van Limi: i v. I'osioS 1, ( i nil foi d count y, X ( ! C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Csndcnsed Time Table Ho. 21 To take effect M.. inlay. July lid. ISST i.Mt , ' S'-i t'T c'M'iv lrt'" li-.iln i -I ok s..:.lii . -j. Mn. I k l'i.-'.-i..-. r , Sri l... ii p. in. I., c.i .. :l nl 1 I . sii.il .v l-ai I..JO'.'. I . II .1 ' 'i in slum, ,ii. -. "i e " I " 1 'i''iila, I l. in 'act, r,, .VrrlVK, t I in. ' it I" . ni Kr.,-ln iei 1 S, l.i',i,-ii IViiii i nn. . k.,fti t'.v:!'.. . Ii M ,.u;,H, V.i-I ni.s.l.t.f ,in,i l-rl,i.iv. , i-.'irflii ..a 1 v.,-.- in in. -.In' i". i I rHin ruie i a w, "i I i.,n.. law an, 1 in aif.r..' 'r.i.,..iv, I i,.ir i,,. hi, I Sal i.itlH-- h.dll .n..'i'iiiii-w ii-in.-..' .an., 1-iiy ai-tili.' SI" ii, lav- W . .liie ;.i, . hii.I Iri.i'i... ,i.'',n ini.l Matl 'mini rims .imiiv t'S- t-i.: Sun- I' Kri.,1. ti" ll'l ,'.1H.1. AfcJ.-lll. I hU,l. ,1. W. t US. (.en rc.vtM: su.f, i:y vn'. . Y il i i k . .. .. ..,'ill., l.y K I' i hi. h III I . ..I. mi l i III I hf ill.;- i. .M-'ri- ' -ia .. -r CVniii.iiii itc, I ..llo-.. I ,l-.,l hi Hie .-..iiri Iv.at, a ,,f in I'ci.-.. "I, . . ii 'I lirnlVV. I lie lull !. a ! AlilT. c-,,.,!,,, tf ii,,. ihi., ,.( ir,4,. i, ci.k, sin. A,., fw . X ' llmtit.-n ih-'llr' irn-, .iM,nin-.l.H-itsil rttit Ui" :,.iinl !,' 1 An. llh. H7. ,'i.ffro.y. ROANOKE COLLEGE, 11m ibeVirginid Mountains. tl49, tire, or 204 A YBAR TWormth ,irtrurn ; R""., dMnplin: h.tt tni,rl liunrw. HttlllnlfrummalijS,. (.net.! IMIIUHUIM. Nullb lair.itlii wll wwin, -4 y.ihs,i.i. ,, sm liiiiiii""li.i.i-ii hr. A.lttlcM Jil.l. U I'nHii, Ci.-. I , elm. . TAYLOR, K it a 1 )- PUSlCIIAStiS luiiul. thai lie inl end In sell. W. X. LONDON'S. FARMS FOR SALE. I I'tTii' lor sale on libel al lei iiih two valuable funis lu ( 'hatliiiiii county, 01 f ihcm in Ilii-k, iy Mountain to iishin. nn I ai di inn's neck, con- fiiinii, ;'.- aci 1 s mid vvi II ii;iirptd lo t In- ' o . t i. t wheat, tits, corn, eot- ton, !"biic''. nn. i gril'seH. Half of it ii, in inal f.-re-t of oak and hickory. And th" i" 1 :n (hiklio.d township, 1 nl .iiuiic b'l) uei.a,, vi rv 1 loduclivB, and las u 101 n-iniil and line water-. po'.er - ii IJoekv lircr. (rcLai ils, ci nifort'ibie ilw'-lii,fs, mill good spiiug of wal' r on both farina. I'm fnitli' 1 ,nf uieati 'ii a Idrcsff !' M HAHLKY. 1'AAMS, N. C. .Line Vi, iSi7. din. RaliilS&Aiipsla Aior t o.siM'.xsi.n .si iiKDrid-;. N -.- Ikt 15. S,i. t, ilnily i....-,i Sun.Uyr f. ' m I ai H Ull '.. Ml II I" ,1 1 p m ..-'h III llilltll' Wllll.-lll- "11, I c.ir.lliiH cnir 1' 1111, 1 oil ta 'i,,:.! r.l wi'ii Hie iit. itllWI.X !r I'Ul'.lllHVlUtl Bfb-1 .;. I.-'. .'. li ILClKii k itHiuni n-.ii.i 1 .11 el.taij.' n trains No. I 1 1.1 .! in., llil.lK'l. 1 sill III Su,riiiitin.,eiit. STAR A t i'. ' -i...im-IIiir Hi" PrlnrlyU ol ;i lea,,., i m it- Ailinhilstrallou, r.'u! -,li. a in t' Cily of Nw York. wi r.i. I A Al nOUSHKlMEK, Editor una Proprietor. Pniiy S inula, and Weekly EdHioM. THE WEEKLY STAR, A Sixteen-page Newspaper, Issued evory Wednesday. A i l. i.i.. .nrr, lirl(ht m"l lBternl FAMILY PAPER. I, t ..iiun. Ihe liitful ucw, down to tbe hour -oil, .' I 1 1 : AEricultursI, Nlarkot, Fashion, Household, Polltloal, Financial and Comrnorclal, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Ii. ,.irtni'iii. H winlrr tin-llnnl'.u of trlol lenrnnll'.l- "I IllgllfM .it.il.ty. It. Hit ... f wnl I" ti.iii.il rrc.n'loil MIi g"d thing In, in Inx'iiiiiiiik Inmi, . , . . . jg ii.-i.ni.il n..rif tli,iDKiiili American aiKl r' Ttan nrilt-re nf IK tin. V he lisi. r SrKrii,iiiill U wu ot ttij iif i.i an miri'lio- l..rm. lie 0hI correepoile; rl riM. fr..,;. 1 ..n.li.n. fun.. Htrlll.. Vwsiit MrI i.i.i. hi ii ta.iniii. n.l .htf ftitliirt- a. v -f'in' ,'. Alb.n'. nl mn" newr, ,l,ui.i,-M 1-f.rr. .K..Hlfi.te. trlellt wuined bfxhm J n Sun. (iirnlrh tlie l,''i newe by UiloBreph- In. lit. tMf ti ..tun ro iniiirMed. n I,., h , minimi unit .Mnrkt-1 1,. vit.e U onimuOlf 'trlS""" m"-'rl-mi ion MK-t ftA cavn. ferur! for CrculHre. TERMS OF THrilKLY ST T M iimrai. rKr. nr priie Id the VdKm MM end , ria, uuleidc Ihe liniiw of New York tity i IVrynr II ?! I li.l, f Ten V S2 1 lul'i.f Riflren land ooe extra to nrgenieer,. . 15 TERMS Of THB OAltV STA W Bcv TK.HI.HP : Koirdav fnr one ireiirlinrluningHniiaeyi... t ii Jiiillv. 0h(.n, Sun.luT, one yei Kv.rj dev. mi mo,, the lt!v. witbnul feuBdey. ! month .irr. THE HTAJDt, SB ud ' North M lllitui bt., New Tor. 'i.iis.i socni s '. I. Ini.jr : ' .lily ' x . .-, sic, no , f,ii tfnn.uy. , , .' i in 'J : in I. ,i ,n 11.. K-. Itl'l .1'., I'i..llff 1,1 IT. , I . i o It II.S 1 , t :m 1 .' 1 I III 1 M II. 1 '.Ml

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