taut Til I HSDAY. AUOUSl 18. 1kS7. LOCAL EtBCORiisi. SCIIEDULi: lTi'ISliOUO- n. u. The paMonr Haiti en Hie Hitd-ir..' raltn.a.l w , :'''r:.;r.":: Zn it. u .iU,k.,1( H.o, u..ut Muncre ...it u. imiw t.. .,t .r.,m iiai.-igt.. 06iuite.wii.iiiUKtoi,.,diiiioripcii.W...ii.i.. : " " mar On and after next Sloiidiiv ln!,i. will inn iiuniliii-lv on the ('. l' & Y. V. railroad To Dnlton, to which point the track has just been laid. This is near Pilot mountain, W'eheai that an entertainment, Consisting of music and chaiades, will shortly ho given by the young ladies ami ceutioiucn ' this place. .w Ilw. t.ni.iin..i3 r.f liuvitur IhA n.w j,... r " - academy painted. MTRev. P. It. Law has resigned the pastonite of the Presbyterian olmicli at Monroe, to which place ho removed fioin here about three yeais ago. We regiel to hear of the recent death of his mother. . . . 9QT We glutl,y ule.mie to our ux- change list a iiww face imch-i an old niim. ttio llillslioi-o' Recoi.ler. Mill- liulif.il liv Messrs. (' K I'ariisli and V K Kln.ilai. k. wlni Imve our best wishes for the greatest nuccess in township has the highest, vait.aiioii their venture. . of re.u n'ate, and (litre township has the highest valuation of peisonal fcajr Next. Katuiday is the day sog- piopeity. Ibuhev lowusiiip has the gested by the board of educ itioii for ' lowest valuat ion of both teal and per the citizens of the several school dis- sonal piopeity. It, is a little Miigu iiilu lo iiit.i'1 ntul leeiiliiineliii fcnir.- hir th.-lt Im-ie l. onlv ulliiut .l:f(l ihl'- .i.i.. ... i... I ...I I commit tueuieii. '1 his suggestion should bo heeded. j ftST Those enterprising merchaiits, Messrs. Nonis Carter, aie now i ofl'eiing the "(leat' si bat gains of the iteusou". as will be sei n by their new 4,ud". All oiders bv iimil iil receive : prompt al tent ion. Our lady leadi-is can now L'l extra baiiiallis. n MrOur veneiablc fri. nd, .Jordan , " k.-Ki...u,. Tysor, F.sq. has the most p.ecoc.ous , TvwWrs Washington, turnips that we have heaid of. ''i. the filh of Ihi5 moiilli he sowed some : '"""" : turnip seed, and by the lVh timy On Tuesday morning, the fifth cf had grown so lapidly that tlm leavos ! duly, thcie was a ft cling of sadness were as large as a silver dollar. :in our paily us we thought how short ... i a t mi" must elapse hefoi e our depart r This is the annual season for; mo from Washi; gl.ou city. There revivals and proliacled iil'-elm-. mid I was so mucii flitl we had not seen quiie a large number ate. in piogn-.i ! .md ) gi eat wus our desire tosec.ail in difterolil paitn of the county Al ; we counl, and the time was so short, a meeting at Mt. Olive chinch, held ili.t Vli jul as one who is shop last week, there weio foity i- invn- . pjn fn-ls when she has a gieat many hions, Hiiiong thciu being some old , things to puic!iasii and the train that oftciideis. : she int. tnl-i takitio is neariy ready to - jslarl So, undeterred by tin; null, ffl-Mr. .lohn Q Smith, of M i' j lVl. n, ,, w,., , he Navy Yaid thews township, inf.niin us that h" I () ,. W11V wnH a otithiiisL lins a cat 1 years ol.l. that lias lilt I l'.tO kitleus, and pveiy one of themf nv uiucii money ea. h one had, I had a gray tail. This beats ih- rem ' wllr) discussed. When we (hough: of j Hillsboro' Recorder : Mr. William eoiucd in lasl week's lt ou. Iiom ,,,. j, iievei In loioiliil uaiue j M- Kmioii, ol the Wiiliiut (tiiv the S!atesi;.e Liiuda ark uboui a . at , ,.,(,. ,,. words "as li-dit as a fi-alh I neighborhood was in our sanctum to in Iiedell with 72 kittens. ' er ", while fmni each there seemed to : 'h'y- " informs us that he has a -; . Iiomcll cho. "no chame iu me". '. 'emitle calf now a year and a half old. tciT The Ode'.l Mamilactunng (o have b(iiL.dii a new wain wind riii.acitv ol L"iH hoisc power, fur ih r.oitou facto) v ul ltyi, inn's This1 VHS necessary on account of I lie ad dilional iimchitiery ricinlly put in thru fiielory. The weight ot this wheel is over M.tltlll pound.-. Brl!r lu'iidymadn Clothing is selling cheaper at V L. London's than any where eihc. Cat-h will buy nt I he very bottom tigures with. .11; ii-g.trd to cost. A ft w ill those cliellp (led (juilts still at Loudon s; they niu-t go ; watch out . Tillll yiods ol Law n at 5 cents. A huge lot of .School Hooks at London's. to-W ed to leant that i the Ml. Wtnoii mineral spiing, miGailiiig gun. It was a souue of this county, has been unusually well t.lliroiiizeil IIIIS SUIUIiier. III.' Iioiei there has been crowded to ovei tlow ing. and manv have be 11 ui.al.e to obtain rooms." The l" niai 1.10. aie , loi Mi. .lohn M. Foust. is i-ivin.' much satisfaction to his guois by tii .r. iit.l t in, uini 1.1 .11 In al lent ions " 1 1 ... itl (j.f till... .11 . n.-.u It. V .U"...' ! They are going fast! What eight h.tiie.s placed in cybiidiical The fiplendid bargains al London'. ; torni. When Hit-crank is turned ll.e He is selling goods cheaper than you 1 barrels turn together each passing ever saw, mid judging fioin llio iiuiu-1 by the lower part of thu caitridge ber of ptirons we ste buying they 1 holdci where it receives a cartiidge. am fast disaiuienriii". If you hi.-e 1 As each with its load iocs a htilu these hat gains do not blame any ceo lint youi selves. lbuni-mber these juices do not last but one week Ion gr. rritsoNAi, Mi.NTtoN. I hoot leant of visitors to our town eontinu. H with J no diuiiniition. Among the lust am ; vals worn Mrs. Henry Al. I '1 ane. daiichters and sons, of havai.nah, . minute : .Miarpeu at lioin emis a Geo.gia: Miss Fant.y Lloyd, of I'.la- pi.a r. ot lead pencil an inch long and den, Guilty: M.S. M K. .'lorthin, of il.is will g.ve y.Hi a good idea o. ihe! Florida: Mr. Shepherd lit van, of'shapoot the loipedo. I'liese are Newheino: Prof. L. A. Alderman, nta-d in naval battles, exploding with ', principal of tho Gohhd.oro gisdctl mhool: (apt. C. 11. Detison, Mis. Phil Taylor and children. Miss Kate Pensoiu antl Messrs. D. L. Webster, J. W. Cross, and T. C. Denson, of llaleigh: Mrs. M..L King, and Misses Mattie King, Alice Hawiey and May Broadfoot, i.f Fayettevillo: und Mr. V. C. Hatch and family, of Greeu-i- boro'. Mr. Heury H. Bryan, of Nuwbeine, who hau beiu Miinuir ling beie wit h his fauiiiv, received a telegram on Moudav, 'HUiioiiticing tbo death ol ,.m l.. oil,.., In- .lames I'ollioiew Ihyaii, of Kinston, N. C. The de- ceased was a son of the late Hon. John II. Bryan, giaduated at the Klate University in 1849. and was ,.t !.. r,Ku...i.inu in ll.a wu v, KK.t, . State. His age was 56 years. Line 01 otii -young counivmcii, ,ui. . " n.. James Cockmau, departed last lues- dav for Arkansas, to seek his foil una in the great West. Wo are pleased to learn that Mr. Fianeis Woroack, who has been veiy iok at Iteidbville, in now rupidiy re- eovwing and is ipe.ti br iu dayot tho. essTAIl the recently np'xjiiited ni!istiulen ol this county have duly tpiiiii.ied. rxo pt I). V. Tally. James Sf. Joidiin, Olied. Mstrdihurn mid W. Ii Cai ter. They will have- nntii tin- 3rd day of next month within which to qualify, by taking the oath of olfiee befo;o the clerk of the supe- nor court. ....,....., ti,.,,,.,,!, i, ,.,..,,. ,hv of our v,-Viiieie.,t and ..o.'.nlar register of deeds, we are enabled to our ,(iel8 some interesting gtatutieH as to the taxable of this .... .. com.lv. Anil liv-tbe wav (.ant. lX- i, i,.. , 1,. f, iul K.li i .'.i... . A...1 i 'l .,..' ni)Htrm.t f iaxables, but the blanks f,-(,:lt purp..se have not vet been furnished him We have "carefully compiled from tho letunis of the list takeis the following taliuiated state meiit of the valuation of real and peisolial propi'ilv in the several I'. unships for the year IW" ... J OW.NSIIII'S, Williams, G"'f- ,," , ' JV?V. ""I1". anUin, Uiidley. ; Allit iwlit. Hear ( r-ek, Hickory Mt., Kkau Pi Ivsonai., i usi.ai., $2if.).8IJ!) IT'.t.tilH 17'.t. 10 IH. i.rmo 2H.ti.s2 r.ij.Kiiii llt2.52 II. r,.l;t:$ lls:il:J H:i l;::Mi-".) UMAK 1IKI..M8 ,;,;,. 50' t liVVtitt TiI'I'Ij Hit i;42 ii'-t-iK .IO,.o ft I ti' I N1..HI1 Sl.liHtl 72.2ti:i !' rear, :iii),.s72 It "ill lhil4 be seen thai Cape P. in it... ..t.,..'..i .i ..i..i. in G.ilf and Oakland lown.-hips. Adu ight township Iiih more Inuses (Ml) and moi c sheep (21K7; t hau any ,,,1,,.,.. (j;f ,,,,,. ,:,., (-j4s( uu,j ,. ,iit.t!e (111-1), New Hope has ,. 1,,,., (Vntie has more , v i :i 7 iiii mi. I iui,i ,.1.-..,',! ,.,n,i,i i.v.ii.-.i;, , u ,i. 1 ; jmil,s l,as the largest number of polls ! ii:ii!7i " ! !( D- ,,f l,,.,...!- ,. , ..I,,.,, il. subiect i , . , . p. d and i he i est of the day was bright. We nonce. two Vel V huge cannon, . ... one on eai li snle ol the wa k l liese i weie obtained bv Cap!. Decatur Iiom j laT.ipo.iian w s-'el w hicu I.e ,-npi in . d i in lKtll Two by two weeiiteied the! ' Imildiii.' conlainiug c.oom.u of vai i.uis , kinds, sw. .ids without number, loipe does in. d nibs We sa.v a cannon j lm!l wnich was tiud fi.un the A a- SlateHille Landinaik: Not with-1 fall for the w. ek was siigl.uv in ex ab.nna.and.sliil.iiigtheshipat w hich 1 slim. ling the d:in,a;:c I y the freshet1,.,.. Xhe lul-o seasonal dcliciencv ! w as aiiue.i, sin. 1. 1;. 1 ue pan 1 nai , jwas struck, c.iulaining thu no.e it ' made, in picsci v d w nil Ihe caution 1 ; hall r.-sling 111 it just as it was found , ! when the ship was brought up from ! : under Hi., water. Puis was tin. liisl ; linml hat we i. ail ever seen I lie laiuoua I'M.ic linn uus was inxenie.i oy a , - ...,.,.. .,! 't" ""ot ' l"'1 niinuie. e also saw the iinpioved. Thecal ndge-holder is shaped like an old f .sluone.1 colb n mill, with slautiiig : si.hs, ilm bottom having an opening lust largp enougii 101 urn; c;i.unig. ........ 1. 1. 11... 1. .... turtlier louii.l, it is trucK i.y a nam nicr w hich is ptillt d back and down by some action of the tinning crank. I As they go 011 a little tint her with 'empty eiu I ridges, the latter aie pull etl out by some spring, uu.l lull nealh like the cobs from a ci imheoei. ! One man can turn it fast enough foi , it to shoot twe.ve liuiulre.lt 11.1. s pel t gieat dangei to the ship they strike. 'Ihe next curiosity that we saw was a veiy huge caniioii in process ol making which was intended fur one of the United Slates men o! '-war. It is formed of several pieces, the end of outhaing been healed, placed over the olbei and allowed to cool and thus made tight. This cannon ; ( Inch rvasiiPiu iy timslted) cost more ihuu $23,011(1, is tlinly fPt long, weighs liity f ix thousand pounds aud wiil eai ly a bull weighing tlueo hull- died p.. liuds ten miles! Tho uiachin- i f..i- lnwei iin'. raisiiu.' and loading this "pondeious engine of death" is ' so perfect that it can bo manipulated by a child! Our guide lold us of the significance oi tin,, "..ttie cannou" i.. ,1.. 0 w.-,.. 11.1 1 1 I. a Al niutl.iliu v.,., . on a Untish ship, which weighs one . , ii... .1. T.i nunai cu anu it 11 tons, taues one nun- dretl pounds of jowder to loatl it ouce; and if thu force of one ball could . be gatbcied up and concentrated at unce, it woul.l lilt a weight of sixty- two tons oue foi't high 1 W neit vibitfed the "IWeiviug tbip". Thus vn wa, equipped foi limuin un-n tut ih uatai ervice The plates a id bowls we of iron plnted with porcelain. Tim neat lies of everything was quite mm k;d. The urd tucks ' were ii curiosity to many of our party und cue I) one carried away a piece as ii memento. Fiom here we went to the ciipitol 8 .lonio. When wo passed through the rotunda "" "' --"'" imuB ai i:m iiioiiiiih uiuii m uini mi iuu ' l''i iday before. Passing up the wind- ' stairway we arrived at the top of '? opy ' ' rotunda, lrom Ihw point, wo huudid and neveu- v a "ve the floor, men walk- in. on Mm H..MV Iwtlit.iitl. 11 nlii.tit-.il nil : "i r - jiuie iioys ; ana uie allegorical pami- ' d' Wiishiiigloii surrounded by Mhierva. l-'iaukiin and Morse, Victo- '.' '"" ".UH na Neptune, "" thirteen virgins, which was so lieautiful when seen from below, appealed now veiy coarse, as if it hud been daubed by un unskilful hand. Going one hundred feet high- er, we cauie to the stopping place. Here was a littlo stuirway that went , , . , . i .. .i.. ' , .ecr n.gim. : ... i, p,BlB1, '"'"""I wll.",, ' ! -'ttnt shuts up the ata.iway, the, e is a s.gn prohibiting any ono under any eir - 'nnnslaiii-i-s to go up higher. We "tie now .'!17 feel above the floor, on t'1" balcony siiiiuiinding the dome, and wlmt a imigniticeiit view we had. ' Ml eil IllJ MW u liTTiiiTin u un n p.aiii as a mai); me nor diem 1 ionic, the house of Gen. Lee ill. Arlington Heights wit h the flag I feuded himself. He said that Judge a coloied lilaym.it e aged 12, and ,-c-fh aiing in front of il, and down the ! Ninvin.ui had tio jurisdiction in tin- verely wounded his sister Li.!", wiiidn g. glassy Poloiiiai' iu the dim lease, which the judge denied, and about the same age, with a gun lie disialicu the lop of the house at Alt. asked Senator Klddichcrgcr to sil ciainis that it was accidental, but the Vernon , all could he een. Pl-iiii- lyivania avenue, wincli is tue tinest in the worid, nan own down upiai - ently to it line, while the ol her stieets I avenues like the tributaries of a meat liver enter this. Duil iiitlei-d must be the sentiments of him who does in I feel pioud as he stands upon the summit nf this vast editico and . ...onm i.ie ocauiv ami giamieu, o :the capita city ol tins young and .gieat republic, in winch oppicssion ! finds no rod but. like a "blinded ser-1 1.1 .11.1 1 .1 1,.,,.. ,,f pent" skulks away to i.is home iu the J,,i 0'hl. and leaves the home ol the h.vetl yoddess filled with the brightness of her smile, while she 'stoops to the gieatfst and humblest I to ciowii each with her l'iishest lau liels. S.S.J. State liews. Charlotte Chronicle: Friday night A. W. Calvin, a well known eoloied ! grocery man of Tiade street, through ! mistake, gave his lilUo three-inuiiths j old child a dose of Morpia which had , l.een left by tue doctor for his wife. instead of Dover's Powders which was left for the child. The child died from the effects at noon yesterday, and at last accounts the uiolher was in a ci itn ul condition from her illness and excitement over the death of her ..i.:i i large and well formed that has no ','s 1111 J hardly a place for any, neith " " ' ""'"'i,V unci i.. : l .....l l i.i... i... i "I" " " " .-.i.ij, ....i seems to be gilded i" its locomotion ''.v "'"' and iiol by sound, if you ''all it, it will as soon go in au op posile dirc. lioii ; it is veiy industrious d grazes id will either with the "'k r h it-""''' i.oiisunils o! 1 01 11 wilt be lUa-le 11. t Liss county ami section. 'Ihe crop udl be I he 'largest that has been pro duced in years. Mr. H. C. D.ivid (i,1 ,,f ,'. Moiirue, met w ith a painful though not serious accident lasl Fri dav moining. llewaHin the act of m. uniting his mule and was siuoldn J usl as lie readied I lie sad.lle th,,f the usual rainfall Ins occurred iu iumn ii. lis u.-ao, mo. 11.;' : through Ins jawbone. 1 lie wound has In 1 n .iiiitc painful since nil I he expe- ii(.Iu.,.H some difli.-iilt v when he at ,, i.ipts to eat. Durham K.-.-oiilci : ('apt. F. .1. Parrish 'vill rebuild bis warehouse for the sale of leaf of tobacco, on the lots purchased from Mr. J F.d Lyon ami Mr. F. C. (b-er, und which extend from Church street to Koxhoro street. Almost to a man thu members ol the Dm ham Light Infant ry und Hand are hard working and influential young men. Tiny bad decided to go to Wiiyiiesvilii. While .Sulphur ."pi iii's but. tl was a great sacrifice . . .. 1 . . . . r ' -. ,.. . 1 ( s Cllt. t,v).r j J ' ,- ., " ' . ' .....1 j 7 ., ,' ,,.,..,,,:.. , .,...' j : . member of tho (.unpany and bund. VV' " '"''deriibl ,st toll..,,-, Mt"'- 1 " I 1 "' " ' " " vtr.n.irni Kieith Sown ud oiwrr.r. , On Satin day morn. ng iie of the j most iutereating and sensible speech e of the In.-titu'e. was made by Mr. F tzer, a meicliaiit of Coucoid Ho ' subject, was "Out Meat. Supply from j the West". He said it might seem st range for a merchant to pi each aoiiin.si buying We. teili meal, but he intended to tell tho truth whether it hurl r not. The speech was full '. of valuable statistics and showed i I hat we North Carolina folks eat en- In elv too much hoy meat. The cen- sus shows that in North Carolina theio is nearly one hog to each man, , woman and child in ihe htat, while ; in the gieat l.-.g . aiding States ot :, Kent llckl. ( I llo. Al'.. IS 1 llOL'S tO each inhabitant. Now, , . " :f 1,.. " 1. UV...1. 1 ....... , uula iiif,im-i, ... .....hi v.. u. ........ " one hog and buys ij of a hog fi.-ui. the west. The i -stern man eats j of a hog and sells J. He urged the farmcis to rnise more beef, mutton aud fowls and eat less hog meat. Ue showed that 15 per cent, of the rotton ciop r.f Cabanut. reut to p-iy fo.- hog mum. A U. N. Senator Jailed. : Wischkhiku. Va , August 13. A message from Woodstock, Vu . sayH U. S. Meimtor Itiddleher-jre who wus yesterday sentenced by Judge New- man, of the Comity Court, to pay a hue of $25 and be imprisoned for live dayH, lor contempt of Court, was re- Jensen nom jau iam nigi.i oy a nioo. i n juiior maun out sngni resistance, loo eircuiiistanceH lending up to the in tent of K:ddluberger are relat- ed as IoIiowh by an eye witness: On Thursday V. W. Jones was tried for larceny and the jury found that lie was insane. Jones Was U elielil ol juaaieliergei s, and Uie ver diet made t lie Senator angry. Ho was ac.-used or writing a placard and giv.ng n boy two dollars lo haul Jones ! up and down the town, the latter dm 1 plaving a placurd mean il, which tie hud written on it. Verdict: iill Jones not guilty, but insane. Jury iusaii'o ; lawyer insane ; Court insane in the main." ' The noiso Oicasioued bv this dis- i: .........in y,a) ..i.mu. ueu ,., p.ocoeomgs , me court, and he coiumonwcaltl. s attor- uey. J. C La-.er, had the Judge to. 1 issue an order lor the arrest ot Rid- ! dieberger lo uppeiir bcf'.no Judge, j Newman and show cause why he j j (Kiddlcbergei ) hhould nol bo tiued I 1 and iiiiiirisoned f r ridiculing the' in..; l l; l.:.. wuuf;o I n I I IJ- j I II , IIMI I llinililUMl the cull!'!. At I) o'clnck Hiddh.-bi -luer nl lieisied before the con; t atid du i down until evidence could be taken to prove tlmt. Ue (i lie svnaior) was lhe one who instigated the liitu-ule. i and then he sui.l the Court. Would hear the iirmiuicut. Mr. K.d.llehei j - er would not t it down and the Coin I lined him 25 He then dehed the i Court, and .aid "' ; send mo to jail. .JuJ"e Newman llw.i. I. .1.1 1 1... ift- I.. I..L..II... k...... . ... o urn. u,r sue . u iahe me .-,, - tor to jail for fnc days. .S, m.toi llidiliel.ei-ger Ci.nl he would Ilk'! to see the in in who would take him to: jail, and sheriff Whitman ul once hi - ' rested the Senator and locked him up. This action caused much excite ' incut, and this morning at. 2 o'clock a . mob of one hundred men. sunnoscd ! to be from L.iinburg in this county, I -cah'd the walls of the jail yard ami j look ILe noualor out on ladkrs. Wim iihsri-ii, August 15. F.xcitt ment over the inipiisoimeiit. ami sub sequent release ol Senator Uiddiebcr herger, bus subsided. 1 he adjourned on Friday until t "in ! 1 tooay. ! Thu Senator voluntarily returned in jail this morning. All is quiet and the Couit has takeu no further action in the case.. Weather and ( ids. Washinoion, Aug. 14 Tiie follow ing is tli! weather Hint crop bulletin of the Signal Ollice for the weekend ing Aug tlitli : Rw.nfau.. During the week the rainfall has been slightly in excess in the droitiit n-pi.ii of 1.01 1 lie, 11 Uh- uois, Michigan, northern Imti.-.ua imd . y. I Ciisteru Iowa, hiigl.t excesses aie also reported from inn Ih western Mis souri, eastern Kansas, Nebraska, mid soutliem Minnesota; and this mom ! ing gcueral lanis are leixirte.l iu the liroughl region from Alissouii and: Iowa eastward to Oluo. Iu ail othei ; s. ctioiis tlie rainfall was l..-s than; usual except in t:.H. e.isteiu poitioiiol j Ihe cotton region, enslnii 'iiginia ; and the southern poiu.ui of Louisi 1. ion Al is.sissii.1.1. wliere t lie I'.illi- iu rainfall pri vi.iuslv reported in the w estern portion of the cot ton region i and in the corn belt lrom Ouio west ward to lowa and Missouri, continues, although iceeiit ruin have decreased this delicti uey iu tiie 1101 tin 111 por tion of the com belt. During ihe tm..t. fii.ir wr...l.s ieM l.n.-.ii 115 i,ei- i.i-iil sunl hein and cel.! I ill Illinois, western llU (l.fi 11 Arkansas. Less than 50 .....it. of the. 11..1111I amoiinl of rain- tall oceurreil 111 (lie rslates ol the up per Mississippi Vallev , and the great -r portion of ram icporiud iu this s. ct ton for the mouth leil .hiring the oust week. Iu wnslern Miunt Dakota and Nebraska, and generally iu the Slules on the Atlantic coast, ' there has been au excess of rainfall j dm ing tho past mouth. j Gkniiial Kk.maiiks -The drought previously lepoited iu the co.n in.-ll in the central valleys has been loilow- , ed bv general rams, and the cm, di ll ions existing this morning indicate, that rain will continue in ini-sn tins. but the reooris fom hi. 1 tlmm. liliuois, xMissou. .. Nebraska ' ami Kansas slate that the lams came 1 to,, tale to cause a ...a. Ued ment in the iiliia.ly inju.ed ci Ihe weather has been generally oi al-.le for all ci -p-. Ill t he hiiitcs ..n ' ihe At.li.nl ic coast lrom 1 leoi ;;ia nm I ii Wiiid to New FiiLii.iii.l. uu.l li.e in- ' 1 nits from Mississippi, Ai kan mis ..i..l I Alabama indicato that the weather; for t in week has been iavorable lor the cotton crop, all houh I Ins 11 op, , needs more rain 111 poi". i.uis ot l.n 1 I I.Cs.sce and Al kalisiis Less tlliili Vl j per cent of the usual amount ol lam j was leporied iu the tobacco region . f ; Kentucky and west Ti nin-s.-i t .tilling tttie 11:1st four' weeks. Dining the I saiim (tnioditi Vngmia over 1.1 per I ci ni. of the Usual a nouiil of lain oc jcurred, ami in North Cuolnm, Penn I svh.in.a and Couui client the lainfail for the nioltll. ha-, I), en lately in K cess. rbp Aucien' Oi d.-i cf Foi e toi of ' iiuanimouslv re-use. to olicv a com- - . " 1. . . : .,. uiuiui iroui ll.e i.iil-iisii oupiiine , f , .s , - , ,...". By au order ol S.ciuiaiy Lamar, aooui 3ti,tUiO,000 ac.n-s of the public. lands, w loch have been he;d by ihj : Atlantic i I'acitic Kai..od Coun any as indemnity lauds, are to he r.istor- vi to th pop. 1111 I. r :u- pienup- li.-n ami Ui'miJ i I Indians on t hi; Warpath. Chicaho, August lo A ppeeird from IUwlins, Wyoming, wivhs A messenger has just arrived from White Uiver. Colorado, who reports that about 150 Uleu are hehtiii" at Beaver Cieek, lifteeti miles from Meeker. Families are rushing into ' jjoker ami iuoi e imliaiis are eoniing . count rv is all on lire below Meeker betwoeu White and U'w Uivers. Mr. Golden, the uiesneiiger, is irustwoi Ihy. One hundred mount - eJ Ulen are ready und will inarch on the Utes. Women are making bun - (a,rH und the town is llmi-i.n.rl.lv excited. linked in an Oven. Ai hasv, Aug. 15. John J. Reiliy, aged 22, a foreman in the scralcli " : u... ..I I?.. i I.I..... 1 v. '..- .( ...... -..,' , " K , . ...iiij.ii.. iiin.ijij'r-fii rit ijui in iinaT mui 11 ing. Today his b-id.v was found in an oven for baking iudles. It is pre sumed he went in there and laying down fed asleep. The lire wasstait- oo Sllt ,,,, , , d(,ul of Uj0 ,.,. WJW tb.u hu , b. noli(.,;,l waB' baked f..ralimil t lollrs m m . HHIIIK Jlliniefer. Coixiiiiia, Aug. 1.1 Will Mont- .. u .......... I.. 1. 1 ....... . .1 I y , n ii -fj ' i'"J v if; in. rin ". l. livintr in Lancaster count t. yeslerdilT h.l and instantly killed Alice Hu.v. ciicumstances point to w ilful murder. i Medical retui ns sh-iw that 7.i)ilO deaths have occurred from cholera in the northwest, province of India dur- !,n8 1,1 montlis of .1 u no and July. Knoxville. Ten., has voted a sub criplon of half a miliion dollars to ,.;i,., ,iu i,, ." "."V v... ....... wm. eus, a lillrit , 1. subsci ipliou. out , , u, ,( ,llll0il of ;J- (Mm. ;l j A 1lt' h'gged beggar of St. Louis became so urgent in his requests lor aid that he wa , arrested the other . 'lay. When (he police .searched him they found fifteen tobacco bags in j l"H pocKcis ami scwe.t to his lagge.. dollies, and each bag contained some I money. Thototalamount was 71,41 . I)o Nor l oiioKT tht W. Scott V I Co-, Greensboro', N ('.. lurry one of line largest slocks of goods in C-.-nuai 'Noilli Caioiimi. Mel'i'haU'..s invited 1, cHli in p ii soii or send orders b mail. erv ivsih c; fi.d v. J. W. SCO I T A CO.. Gieeiisliiii o'. N. C. April 21, 1HH7. THIIll TK Of HESrWT. At a mi'i-niii: i,f New Kiitlm I..'ils'n. N". I. O O T , holil AuiiUKt 7, Inxt, tlie MIi.wIhk pr.-H.n 0U ni.il ris .liitiiiiiH wore iinniitniniiHly fitl,,pii..l : Wiikiiiam. n has pli " '"" " I move h-.-m eiii-U. In lu'i-liiiuru M-wnril our y.'t.i.ij : Hlftrr KISHK I.ASATK.It, ! H IiKv'I.vli. t, Tl.ai In iIiIh sh.I 1 1 ls oMvt 1. .11 nivtno I'n.viiiPii.-.i 11m i.-i.;. i.iim hi di.v..tiHi j mT. nin.-niir.-ii .-. i.sis.rm ,,.mi,r, j . ,rto"f ',';,,"",,-t , , , ' Km.ii.vin a. Tint wl.lle ni"urn Hie l.wn of nP tl,vhli. SKt.m., ,. i,,,w , in,,ui.ie nii , iiiiasi.m t,. ti. win ot jiim win. .ii.iii an uiiukh -ii. ,ll-"-VM' " 'rimt wo '"'r " '""'-i . m,iiiiy..u. iii..i ..uii,.-si,i,iil,.,lrir... sy.n..i..v j .ln, lm ,-.i...f .i,iHl,..l...a..-l.te..,.y In. in 1. 1 th.. i-Kiiuly iaii-rn.S.ll'lli( llio Ago, Hll'l I IUI.I..-III lii.c.r.li-r, f..r .iiI.ii,wmii. I 1! N ,1. IINfu.N, 1 c. C. Nk o So.'rtnry. T It ii 2 A UL it T S . lio,ri...i for Tiik lli.ncini I.y W Y ATT X T A V LO K, lllll It Ills V I". EMISSION Mi;ii'llNTS S... 1-J S...IU. Bl.lo Mi.nl" St.. :tI.KI.u. N. C A..k"i"l 1... 1XS7. CMi rON MAUIil-.T; l,l Mlil.lllni;, 1.1', Ml.ldllliK, II s.rl.-t I...W MI'l.llaK, - '" :i sikIub, . ".S:'t" WIIOI.KMAI.Kimoi'KitY MAHKl'T. Mnit -I' Knl.li'S. srl4.-,..M. !." S ' rill.., h', nr. N. C Hhihh, N.C , llVl-"i ".ill. While sin;ir.riin.,l. i;iIj i-kih. .ur.l - OlllH. Il.v.l I . -11 1 . tl',. 'Ill ...iit.... We finished mir Stock-! ur.lav ni"bt. . M 'ti we will place on sale at. prices low anything rvcr oH'eie.l ALL 11)S AN1 F.ND BKOKF.N SI'VI'S. SlltlKT Li-.NGTHS, tl a'l such goods as we must get rid of t o m .ke room for audi. mi n !'he great reason for tins cvlia . ff-nt to close out 1 in entire Steel; of Spring and Summer goods is Hull w will not have an inch of pare sp.ee win n our Lugo stock ! Fall ijoo.i-. an ivc We hiveul the spico to mention the many Great Values that will bo iveud. we cm ouly Hsk our f. ii.mis lo 1 all and sp tor them- BclvBK. WORXUB Cl CAflTEU, No. '203 Payette. ioe '.ie. t. RALLIctH, n. c ft ., .0 1 sin-iiri-unsl. iiinlj cin. . jlv.cnlv wc-Us : l.n..in 1 ''i:::',,..,,, ..,1.,,,H:...... :""":, PrimnVv Fnidish, - - .-id h. i "- ! t-.""il-. h-,-c.i s.-,.!, ei..'J ; duel m. diitte " - - 12 ! i -.n'-.-i '.11.;. ill,.ILSr.,- iriHIl, T.I..O I.W.I . 1-. ... I M.l.s Wl.lllU ! KfWCp.i. Cui.a. it.i;,.:l'. I'.iii-, 1-i -r i-" I 1 1 Igliel - lull- w c i .-iii-ii,.-,- : syriii ... i.rlKlii. 2...:. i.ii Hli- .. .. I ..i. 4?i..,.li. ii,l 1-Vei.ch each. .;" I'll t M yoni- ul,. sucar- .".- hall hart. !, J. .... , - , ' .... , ! l-.c m oili oi, l-.i-iiriii Ybiihw. mi ;...!. r. l.'."'.-' i cxt rn. Ahoisters c.ii . ieii taken a, , r 'Xilfik. half ...i. s. s.JAfKsox. - ;,;;;;, BV'I'I."-"- .ric ter lai-w I. 'I". i .I'tlv JS. SS7. N..v. I-... n. Nev Athet tiseiiietils. i TAV.m FOR 21EKT. Thai v.iiimlilc llirm l......rfl.:i! t - III.- sln... . t liihllb'i'.ftiii'IM'l) "" ' M,-,,""r"'' R ",t,"'"l lXlii UAbAlIiul UflA'Jrfla ' r v ,-'".' ".' :v : . . ,., ,. -... i,iv. :i )VC- .. I will .!! l.T Il .11 I" itl-l -1.. .11 - 1 .()!.- Inci, ,- it. . .1 MoM'AV, 1. .'.tl U.o ' s.-.l...i. ( ! . ''S I I i,'i', ifs". a ''..I'. I -I "I Oil I t,.1',1 sin, ;! .. in j laV.' -.i 1 inc., 1,1. -i. ,1111: i.-n a.-ivs. mm: ci. '-.r ,H fill lw' ll.-.l H .'I ,-,'k . "II Will, Il If. sll I.'l I, - .1 ''111 . '. ' I 1 111 CH'SIMHU j -:- ... I..M.ON ' - . . , c, ..,! 1 t 1. ! V II ! - - i ?R ri - .-.: 1 v- o . . I Vi...... I'.- or UT.-I...-..I. - 1 T-1. . 'in. ! : ' New Advertisements. iLilTiLO SUES! We take pride in directing special attention to our un ,tii pa--.l stuck of Uj.ai'K Sii.ks. by far the largest and inot complete assort ment ever cxbib- ite'l ill llie otitic. 12(10 y.irds lilac; tiros' drain Silks, in-Ill- CJ's ci-iila- i 10(( v;o ds Bhu-k Oros' Grain .Silks,! i " '' j 1 The Kat.hai.ia Hlu.-k Hilks are now ; ' tin. ii,ii.ul;ir mm,U un.l will le.i.1 ill : sales ibis season -JY virds Kuthiuiia j prlri ci'lltfl. Ulaek l;lack Silks, 12(111 vav.ls irli. h .M. ItllMI iMids ,-Utl.Vj. Ktlil yards K.-tthiini .Silks, Silks. Silks. Kalliania lilu-l; Katlmnia JMavk ;.r.-i. SI mi. 70-1 'a: I .Vlliillie I lai k Silk.,, irlj tl 9ii. Kl'i'l ards Ilhadame Ulaek Silks, l.ii. cfl r.,. 12'KI Satin Duchess I'.l.iek Silk. l.rii'O tl ii son vai.l Tricatine lihn.k S;iU, in-i.f i..i. Pull lines of Silks for inoui ni: g. A perfect and complete line of COLORED SILKS AND SAMS, pi ices from ."jtt ci tits to . i (i'.l. 1 In v it : purcha-ed such mi im n i:e stock of tot sc g.xi.hi e ate elnihlcd to inatiia!lv 1 1 dm i-in ices on them, ' place 1 1. cm . il ' in the iv;;cli of all i llCM- goods ;ilc pel Iccdy ll;"-v and fresh, h-iwng i.cin p.irciniS1 d by me in New York last week. Samples aiiu Orders ijy Ml. n cheerfully turiiish m ouples on ip licntioii. and soiicit orders by mail which rei-i-ive the same careful ntii-u ni a if the shopi.t-r was i.reeut. FHAKK TSiOnNTOu, l-'lllTIMll.l.l., N. C. August I. I!s7. RUNAWAY BOY ! A dink imilatt'. Inn al.ou; 17 oid, nam-d JdJ AN I ' ALSTON a.-.. has ! i i nn a',v;i Iiom me, iii. l all iieison. e In lel.v wainei! not to eni ,'" ; nhor him. I'll I KK ALSTON Aug 18. 1887. Pi rrstioli..', N. C. 4 DMINlSi UATOirSNOTM F, " , i.tl I rl .. ! n ihi. ii.li. ilnistriiii.r SILAS M INN, .lis . iim-.I, I :.;, i.y i.j ail 1..T-.1 it Mute .-l'iiii.- lu-iiiiisl Hin.l l-.-i ! nt I.. lill Un" ..ii-ih- ) int., !. ,.r t,r-i lli lH h ,l'.v Auuin.'. 1.. I. A. WoMM K. AoUs! iH. 1S-T. PITTSBQRO7" AtlADHMVT Tlie i;-.t. term of this institution will U.-in on .MONDAY. AUGUST 1. 1NS7. mid ei.iitinue 2D weeks. The new bilildinii' will be coinn.o iliniis :.nd well e.iuii.i.ed for teachile 1 11 pill poses T F.I I MS: I'rimary Knglish I 111 -l "iiedi ite " ili-her Latin. Greek. French and jjltMI.' 12.5' 1 15 0,: ( iei man. cell ?5 tlO .-Ntra. Ministers' ci. ildi.-u will betaken half rates. Hllf t ti i t ion due at the iniddh "f Uo and llm ..iliiM- lni!f a! Ih. end. A. B. illTiL, Jlllie 111. 2lil- Pl'illciual SGrJOOL NGTI0E2 The uiidc! s:gm d has been employ e.l to t a -h he public school iu I 'it 1 1 ooro', theteiui coinuieneiii:' on MON I DA V. t ie 1st of AUGl'.-sT. 1SS7. an.' onl 11. uiug t ". o m. m 1 lis and a half Al ihe do.-, of the pill lie school leiln J shall continue my subscrij tion m-I-o -as usual Hiving seined the sc.. vices ot ni igidv coini et il. ladv. Miss ' Lilly Moore, as assistant, i .-.m ready I lo n-ccive. from tin. beginni'-.g of t!. j .session, any pupils iil.ho ih living j bcyolidtiic iinotsof the Public ScliOo I I list 1 n t. us en ing j, ai ents ei. i v elf. .1 : ' wii! be ii nde to make the lustructi" lloioilgll. 1 01 litis I'l-r session 1 I went v w. I'liuiaty I'.iigh.sh Itiici m !ia!e " Higher Latin, tiicck. and French each. .;" i'n extra. Mloisters" cl.ll.hen taken ii, tifi -.i. s S. S. .I.U'SvSON. I'tlv 2S. ISS7. HOP BITTERS (A .tlrdlrln. not. lirink.) co-.TAir p noes., nrrnr, : amikake, HANOI 1 ion. t I.Kll ll tllrn'Mof tl.rt.imn. h, fcwfln. Plunn I 1 :r. M.lii.'Tr. .rni-t 1 .li...rv.-tVr!r. .- viinrs1si,-,-i'i,-p-:,'-'.'.., -i" ruialt" Com.!nlnl. 81000 IN COLD. :t St-riM tr i -rreiTi:ir-.lrnrfo b-.li'. or f v ' jDvihtn-i -.--pnr- ot mjui toua t..i:ul id f,i, iu. tlr(. I f"f it-'T' v: lo t " t 'l ihiul-Cf 1: -i inrHlMb njrro!ic:. Sejtd res Civrbi.B :-H !... I it. 1-i.ikiiukin. AW'iv lo 1". M IIAhl.i . ! .... 1 ,tn ..iin i.f r 1 ! 1.r11. Issi.. ..i.'l shiih-.I ..: ' - ' ' .'"lills '. I kil"T Sl't (..'",.... 111 'l :ii.-li..n '. N MoM. I lav inorn-ii ' ''; . -.'' V !'", , ,', ,., ..! lur be- i i..ti-:.if. i si. ii. v : 1 !.ii--.-i.ii. -i.' ,i"in,-1 ' :, .M -.. r.- . iiii-I l-nu- I.. .. '! I c -".'. 1 I I 1 or:. .1. ,.... l.v I!. I- -.-1 i ' I. . I I.""-I 'N. j I 1 ! I I nre' i t 1 1 1 :- ir-1 to ao lllV-1 tq m H H 1 Tos- Kirknian House, PITTCSC?., 27. C Situated in the centre of the busi- lie.ss part of the town. Lingo sample room for Drummers. Kverv colive iiience and comfort afforded the truvel- j, Mie. Aleasant resort for th summer. Horses and vehicles for hire. M. F. KIRK. MAN. April 28. 1887. STAFFORD!" HEWY & CO., HtJL.MANS MILLS P. O, Alamance Co.. X. C, Proprietors ! FAIRM0UNT FOUNDRY, ' ."Maniit'aet m e Tiirbino Water Wheels ' of sjiecial merit, buiit so us to be used in or out. of water-house, as desired. 'Also Grist and Flouring Mill Machiii jcry, Circular Saw Mills with simulta neous setting head block, both simple and durable ami quick to operate; Horse Powers, foot Moilisiug Ma chines. Cutiing Machines, Corn Sbel leiv. Cane M ills. M ill Screws and Cast in;'s of various kinds. Repairing attended ! proinptly. ( 'orrespond--lo e snoeiteil. Api o 7. ls7 1 v. W. H. & B. S. TUCKErT Cit I'J.! i. i2'i V'.w ern vir.i.i-: Stkki-.t, T.c old reliahh; Ury (hvids House cnrr'e at :') t.mes tin- most complete sto.-ks oi !).v (Jools of all kinds, t'i.iy a if now in receipt of their j-i'iu j it iic i iasix -. ! L K s. V !; X I) 1'S. )H MSS i 00 DS, LACKS. WlliTK (1O0DS. I. F ! -II- 'iDlltlLS. HOSIJDUY, OL- I', . i nDKHWKAK. Sll LS. CLOTHS. C.VSIMKKES ri:A.s')l.,. PANS. UC 'TONS. DKi.SS I IliMMlN'GS, SMALL W A!;i:s. G VliNITUUF, -i mils. HOI SL I'i'dX iSiilNfi GOODS, C'AliPP. :s. Ifi'GS. STKAW M I TiNtiS. CURTAINS, i ) k r L i : i i is. etc.. .vo. j Particular attention is dir. ctedto tlu ir ina-..iii'.'i-',t displav of Silks And 1 Dress G oi's. ! thick D;v.-s (J. ..ids and t ; !ci:ii!ii.g Hoods. Ul.:. k Cluuililly and j "olorcd Ch.iniiih v. Luces, in piece Lucf - ai-d full l 'louec.-s. Irish Paint, i Fg. pt'fi:.. Oii-'iital and Nilii Laces. I Nf.er h:ne -. sIio-mi sil'-h b. ailti I fill I'.t. iiis, and buying in quantities I pi ice- :n-e I'.-A.r than any other Houho i in Nol l h ( 'ai'oiin.'i. ! lve-.- atie!iiii..ii given to all mail iolder,.' j W. 11 . II S. TUCKFJi & CO. j.hs. i. ,1 an. T. W. Doiutis, 1 has. M. Ii::.n, ti. . 1'oe. Apt il 7, lhti7. THE WMMGT08 STAR. REDUCTION IN PHICE. Alli-HIl ni Is .Mile 1 Im ii'he Duiiy Star. tno ;i 1 xi 1 M I'lir' WcelJv S"Imi- ...it- 'i'i.l,-m-;ii,i N.-mj. siivi..' h'i ri' .ntly hiwn liL.--.-iy ni- - ..-"). ti..-l 11 I. .ir .-...r..i..iKiion t 1 k'-.'. ! !. SI til UJ le III.' Illlil.fSl h.a.i.Iltr.l of I1HWS- l..i..-i- A.i.i wii. 11 nia'SAun. niunliiKt'.ii, N. U. July II, n-sT. l 'uveitis. Trade Marks ,: ('opywrights 1 .ii ...ii' i i'..ro o.-ss n, un- r. s. I'm il.l.- l ... I., I hi.m i: r:Ks. ls.,i, .sill .lie I . S. i'-ll..lt OIlllW.AII.l 'll.l I'.-ll' III:, 111 icss tit.l.. tl.llll HlMI.1. ro ll..M. r IntAwiN.:. We ,lvts a. t put i.,v,-,-. itii.l w.-iii ikoNOOIIAKuB IN I'MliV I. u,.. i-..iiiu.sioi , uiii sunt, of 1..11. iin.i ... ni. i.iis ,.r iii i-. m. r .-ii .-uiitr. H-ivi.-M. tHiiii hd4 1.1I cit.-.e - ... .i.iir -iwn state or . . A. SNo'V ,v CO., I'm.-..' " 't..v, WMIlllliJt.. ,1'C. THOMFSOH SCHOOL. .si..-.-,.ss..r t. oiCiil il" A. ii't.my.) Hrsi .-l.iss il,.ai-,iii: S.-I....I, Bill, a Mllllary I hat ham Co., . U. i inn s,-ii.w,i will linffln nr., i:miii:h ?i, ':.r .-in a Yadkin -IIVH l.l'W H.'ll.N.I ..i-li.Ts. sn.lHla.-Uou ! .i.l'. .'atali.ir.ie ai.a .ln.l..KrH.li of r. i ic - v ,.:i'lilll 11.11 I'll- I-1. 11'linK will .-n ai..-.ci ... ... ,j. A. . TIIO.M pstrs, SI i l 1!1N I KMlKNT. ViiB. I- I:. I m. AYER'S Sarsaparilla la a lilehly conrvntralrMl rxtrar of Surimiiarllla und oilier l.loo.l-purlfylot roiiln, rnniliinril wllh Iotlldn rjf I'olaa al.ini anil Iron, auj is ttio rnfcul, D.unt roll-al'li-. unit ii.ct I'Ciiiici.iicul l.lood-ptiritier that ran I... iJ. 11 iuvaiiabty i-xim-Ik all blood liiitiis ft-tn tlie iyiiU-m,f.nrk-li iin.l rnujri tl.i- l.loo.l. ami rt'iluren its vitalizing pow.r. It w iho ivt l.mn rvinctly (r Scroful nncl all Sirorulmn r.mlalnta, Eryalp- lav Ki-xeina, Rlnfinorin, lUott-bea. Son. Uoila, Tninora, antl Kruptlonn nt thr. Skin, ls. !"r all iliorilcr cauil by a linn and imw.ro.-i."hortt or curmplrrd, end, lion ol the blood, Mich w RbrutnntUm, r-nr;li;ia, llhciimatio Oout, GflMtil Uelillily, nl Scroftiluan Catarrh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Curel " Avrnn SAKCAfARIM-A bna cured m of thi Inttinimatery Rhr-unaattun, wit ilii.-'j I hae nutlerod lor niany ytarn. w. H. Iooi." riub.-un, t., March ?, IBM. I 0p.J.C.AyirtCo.,Lowell,Mfl8i.