4 $t)c l)at!)ara Eecorb. XI. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 8the tityattyatn QetorJ RATES 1 One copy, one year -One copy, six months . One copy, three months $2.00 $1.00 . 50 Epitaph on The Honest Mao. His was the common round of daily toil; great, heroic deed was bis to do, But from the dawn until the day was through He trained the vine or tilled the fruitful soil. 'o public place or share of party spoil Could tempt his honor or his soul subdue; But in the strife a goodly man and true Who feared his God and loved his life " toil. Though by the narrow limits man hath made To measure man, he is not counted great; Though human justice le for aye delayed, Ami deep oblivion be his eavthly fate, Uod over all is just; his worth is weighed, Whore gold is gold and none may under" rate. . j -George E. Day. Tho Old Spinning Wheel. BY HELEN FOKREST GRAVES. All the night before, Rex Parsons had been planning this thing. Ho had lain awake, deciding upon the very words 3ic should use, the phrases th it were most applicable to the case. And when at last he stood therein the grassy front yard of the picturesque old farmhouse, with the white-clover pinks blossoming in clusters at his feet, and Naaub leaning on his arm, it seemed as if the cr.p of his satisfaction had reached its fill. 'You like it, eh, Nan?" said h glancing nround in an apparently in different fafhion at the low, shingled roof, from which the morning-glory vines tossed their purple cup?, the stone door-steps, the old black-walnut tree in the door-yard. 'Like it, Rex?" echoed the bride, en thusiastically. "It's a perfect picture! Who lives here? Can we go in, do you suppose? Could we get a drink of water from that little, gurgling stream, whose waters arc as clear as crystal?'' "Of course we cm go ia," said Rex, with a short, odd laugh. "As for living here, there is no one living here at present. The Thaxtcrs have just moved out, and the house is sold to one Rex Parsons." Nannie gave a great start. 'Oli, Rex!' cried she. "Do you really mean it? Is is it our house?" Ilex flung his hat into tha air. "I really mean it," said he. "It's our house; I've bought it. "Welcome, dear little Nan, to our new home!" And Ilex kissed Naa, and Nan hugged Ilex, aad they went all over the house together, like two exultant school children. " Such delightful old-fashioned win dows," cried Nun, "with the teentiest window-panes one ever saw! Such loves, of little closets! Such a grand chimney for open fires! -and, oh, such a garret, Ilex!" 'With a regular old-time spinning wheel in it !"' shouted Rex. "Only look there, Nannie! "Why, De'.avarde would give twenty-five dollars for a spinning wheel like that. It looks a? if it might be a hundred years old . I say, puss, when can you be ready to move in? ' "Tomorrow, if you say so," said Nan nie, clapping her hand. "We haven't such a deal of furniture, you know, Rex; and it will be such fun, camping down in this delightful, old-titnoy place, like r .ouplc of gipsies. And Mrs. Djrokias, tho landlady, was shockingly tross, yes terday, if you remember, because the parrot would persist in squalling when she wanted to take her nap. It will be such a luxury to have a home of one's own'." 'You're sure you won't be lonesome here, Nan?" questioned Parsons, "You know I shall have to go down in the train that leaves Waybo rough at eight o'clock, anl I shan't bs able to return until six in the evening." "But how lovely it will ba on Sundays and holidays." said Nannie. "Aud then the long summer evenings, when we can tie up the roses and gather honeysuckles and watch the sunsets from the front porch, and feel that all the green, lovely things around us are our own. And I'll tell you what, Rex why shouldn't I invite Sophy Wilkins to stay with me here until I get settled? She has got so much taste about muslin draperies and chintz lambrequins, and all that sort of thing, and she'll be ever so much cornpauy for me while you ar;j away !" "It's a capital plan!" said Rex. And so that thing was settled. Fortunately, perhaps; for Mr. and Mrs. Parsons had scarcely come to in habit their new house or, rather, the old house which had newly become their own for twenty-four hours, when the conductor of the evening train sent a boy up to "Tho Gloaming," as Nannie had rcchristened the spot from its orij i ial name of "Grubb's Corners," with a note to Mrs. Parsons from her hus band. "My Dakuxo Nannie," it ran : "Our senior partner sails for Europe to-morrow, at noon. Wo are going over all the books to-night, .?nd I can't possibly catch the last train. Shall stay at a hotel. Such a lucky thing, isn't it, that Miss Wilkins is there to keep you com pany Ever your devoted Rex." "You aren't afraid, Nannie, are you?" said Sophy, a trifle doubtfully. "Good gracious, no!"' said Mrs. Par--n "Poor, dear Hex what a sham- is to make him work so hard 1 I do hope. ht' li be head of the firm one of VOL. X. these days, and then perhaps he'll have a little rest" Sophy and . Nannie locked up the house that night with great form and ceremony, and retired early, ia conse quence of the fatigue attendant on the sewing of carpets for the room which had been old Mrs. Thaxter' s "best par lor," but which Nannie called her bou doir. At midnight so far ns they could judge from tha sepulchral striking of a rheumatic old clock on the kitchen-shelf, a sudden wi- i arose, and Sophy gently touched her friend's arm. "Nannie," sai I shd, "are you awake?" "Yes. Why?" ' Do you hear the wind banging the doors up stairs?" "Hear it? I should think 1 did. Sophy, wc must go up stairs and shut the garret window, or the whole house will be blown to pieces!" And so, clad in blue flannel wrappers and crochet slipper, they crept up stair?, clinging ncrvoudy to each other, especially after a particularly energetic blast had blown out the feeble flame of their candle. "There's a moon, you know," said Nannie, in a slightly tremulous vo ce. "Oh, yes!" said Sophy. "It isn't at all worth while to go back after another candle." But the light that gleamed athwart the dreary, gaunt floor, from the Un curtained window-panes, revealed a sight that made their fljsh quake. A tall, spectral figure stood beside the shadowy outline of the spinning wheel. For an iastaut the Vivid moonbeams, emerging from behind the masses of black wi id clouds, threw the apparition into strong relief, and then all was darkness as a new rack of clouds swept over the pallid moon. Like flying birds the two womon hur ried down stairs, pale with terror, never pausing until they reached the kitchen, where some remains of the evening fire yet smouldered dimly. "Sophy!" cried Mrs. Parsons, in an agouy ol tciror, "what was that?" "It's a ghost !" sobbed Sophy. "A ghost I Yes, I'm sure of it. I didn't tell you before, Nannie, because I didn't want to make you nervous; but I'm sure the place is haunted ! Such a rattling of chains " "It isn't chains," faltered Nannie, "it's only the window fastenings that have come loose, and rattle against the side of the house. Rex say3 so." "And such dread fulraoauings through the hall." "It's the draught from the garret windows." "Hut how do yon account for that?" cried Sophy, pointing upward with a trembling finger. And Nannie could only reply by hys terical tears and sobs. "No wonder Rex bought tho house so cheap! ' said she. "I won't stay in it another night, not if I go out under the apple trees to sleep!" And she and Miss Wilkins sat up all night, trembling at every gu-it of wind, growing pale at the sou id of little mice scuffling behind the wainscoting. "I'll never, Mcver spend such a night again !" said Mrs. Parsons, wringing her hands. When Rex came home he laughed them to scorn. "Sucn gooses" sai 1 he j'fringly. "But we saw it ourse'.vjs, Ilex ! ' cried Nannie. "With our own eyes!" added Sophy. "Depnl on it, Mr. Parsons, there's some dreid.'ul secret connected Avith that old spi:ining-whe.l ! I) get it out of the house as fast as you can!" "What nonsense!" said Rex. But novertheless he ran upstairs to take, as he expressed it, "another look at the thin;." Presently he came down again, rath er flushed, and inclined to be angry. "Why couldn't you have told me?" said he. "Told you what?" questioned Nan nie. "That you brought that spinning wheel down." "Wc never touched it!" shrieked Sophy and Nannie, in chorus. "Then, where is it?' "Why, up in the garret, by the big centre beam, isn't it?" Rex stamped his foot ii vexation. "There's nothing in the garret but your grandmother's old set of china, that the expressman broke so badly, three bags of hops, hanging from nails, and an empty trunk," said he. Sophy looked at Nannie. Nannie brokp into a violent fit of shuddering. "There's witchcraft in it," said she. "I knew there was. O'.i, Rex, take me away from this horrible place! I can't breathe easily under this roof!" Stuff !' cried Rex. Nannie began to cry. "You you said you loved me!" she wailed. r.- "So I do!" reasoned Rex. "But you know, my darling, jallthH-is so utterly unreasonable." Nevertheless, "Nannie persisted in her unreasonableness to that degree that Rex, with his hands thrust irately into his pockets, and his hat balanced bellig erently on the back of his head, went down to se Farmer Thaxter, who, after PITTSBORO', parting with the homestead of his fore father had stolidly set up in the general grocery, shoe, crockery and dry-goods line, about three miles down the road. "Look here, Thaxter," said he, "this is a mean trick that you've served me." "Squire," said Thaxter, dusting his hands, after measuring out three pounds of black tea for a customer, "I'm hanged if I know what you're talkia' about I" And then, as succinctly as possible, Rex told the story of the ghost and the spinning wheel. Farmer Thaxter smote the pine counter with the fiat of his hand. "Wal, there!" said he. "Didn't I tell you so? But you knoW, squircj what Women folks is. YoU can't make 'cm bclicVe nothin', when once their mind is made tip; and Aunt Achsah would have her own way, spite of all I said to her. Ye see, squire, the old spinnin' whecl b'long-to her, and it was some how overlooked when tha other things was took away. And Aunt Achsah, she's that childish and old she didn't give us a minnit o' p?ac3 abaout that there spiuniu'-wheel. "S iys I, 'It ain't wuth nothin' to Us, nor to anybody else.' "Says she, 'There ain't nothin' abaout the place as I set storj by like t do that wheal. I'm goln' to hev it.' "But we didn't pay no attention to what she said, bein she was dretful old and queer. Last niht, mother woke me up, and says she : "'Job, there's a dretful chatteriu' down stairs. I'm mortal sai tin,' says she, 'it's burglars. Got up and see, Job,' says she; "But it warn't burglars, squire. It was Aunt Achsah, a-trundlin' in that cvcrlastiu' spinnin'-whejl o' hern, as she'd been across lots to fetch. And she told mother afterwards how she'd hoist ed it outer the window with an old clothes-line, and what a scare she'd had, with two wimmen comin' with a candle to see what all the noise was, an' how she'd hid ahind the chimney till they'd cleared out, and then crept daown the buck stairs and got out by way of the harness-room door, where the bolt rust ed away ten years ago. And I'm sorry, squire, you've had such an annoyance, but now that Aunt Achsah's got her spinnin'-Whcel, I'll gitirantee it shan't happen ag'in. And oii may tell your Women-folks so.'' Thus ended Nannie Parsons super stitious terrors. "But I should have liked the old spinning-whiel," sail she, "for a relic." "It seems that Aunt Achsah Thaxter Was of the same opinion, " observed Rex, with a shrug of the shoulders. Tangier Customs. Slaves of every description crowd and quarrel as they II 1 1 their quaint earthen jars at one of the broken down foun tains from which the whole town is sup plied, or go about the streets carrying goatskius, from which they offer water to thirsty passers at so much a drink. As their shrill voices proclaim the freshness and coolness of their stock, one reali.os that he has before him an oriental custom which gives new mean ing to Isaiah, liii, I, where the prophet calls out, ns though hawking the "water of life:" "Jlo, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, come buy, with out money and without price." These slaves form a considerable part of the population of Taroicr. They are mostly of the deep 1 1 irk (Guinea negro type, brought from across tha Desert of Sahara, though sometimes unfortu nates of other races are kidnapped and sold into slavery. Public auctions are frequently held ia the main street of the bazaars, at which children can be pur chased for from twelve to twenty dol lars, while full-grown men and women are sold at prices ranging from fifty to one hundred dollars. Masters have ab solute power over their slaves, even that of life and death, and in case of sale transfer them by means of a deed, just as we transfer a farm. Under the circum stances, it is difficult to say whether they are real estate or personal property. Cosmopolitan. The Color of the Eyes. M. de Candollc, a French investiga tor, has come to the conclusion from his researches that women have a larger proportion of brown eyes than men. He also finds that when both parents have eyes of the like color, the chances are 88 to 12 that their children who arrive at the age of ten years (when the color of the eyes is fixed), will have eyes of the same color. When the parents have eyes of different colors, the chances are 55 to 45 in favor of brown as against blue or gray eyes in the children. Ha is also of opinion that the health of the brunette typo, is, as a rule, superior to that of the blonde type. Cassell's. A Smart Child. A five-year-old was put to bed the other night a little earlier than she her self thought desirable. Soon after she called' for some bread and m lk, and got it. After eating a few spoonfuls she looked up to her father with a most un concerned air and remarked: "Papa, I believe I've heard you say it wasn't a good plan tc retire Immediately after eating. I guess I'll get up." Ay v. CHATHAM CO., N. 0., CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Burr pet y-Bnmp! Bumpety-bump! tbumpety-thump! Down the stairs he comes at a jump. The dishes clatter; the chickens scatter. Wondering what can be the matter. Bumpety-bump! thumpety-thump! Down the stairs he comes in a lump. Ob, what a shaking! oh, what a quaking! Ob, what a lot of bones are aching t Bumpety-bump is a noisy wight, Bumping and thumping from morn tit night; Bumpety-bump! and rickety-rumble! Ob, it's no wonder he had such a tumble I Josephene Pollard in Young Peopled A Sweet Tooth; A tiger hunter in India describes i little feast which he and his companion! held .t one of their trips. Ojc feature of it, at least, will be appreciated by th youngest schoolboy. Sheep were presented to our follow ers, and tho elephants were treated tc great blocks of "goor," which is brown sugar in one of its earliest stages. As my own elephant raised her trunk, and opened her queer-looking mouth In ex pectation of the usual donation of a few pieces of the size of one's fist, 1 care fully adjusted between her back teeth a lump larger that a ulan's head 1 shall never forget the expression ol her little eyes as she nC-ived this dc licious morsel; She kept her head raised aloft, to prevent the juice froir tunning Out, and th n directed her cjres down to me, beaming with elephantine pleasure. She could not swallow the prize; it was too big. Nor could she divide it; it was too sticky. All she could do wa to hold it tight, aad roll her eyes, till it melted. These were doubtless the hap piest moments of her life. School 8 ia South America. An American iady, Mrs. Bernard Whitman, has been describing, in "Lcnd-a-hand," the schools of Bogota, the capital of our namesake, the Ignited States of CV..:; i . The city has now nearly one hundred thousand inhabi tants, and, bein over eight thousand feet .above the level of the sea, it enjoys a climate similar to what the climate of New England would be if the year con sisted of Vrr:!.- plembar. Tho boys of Bogota go to school at six in the morning, after a breakfast of a roll and a cup of coffee. First, they assemble iu the school chapel, or in the ncarjst pariah church, for the early mass service. The re ligious ceremony lasts about half an hour. Then they march into the school room, This first session continues Until ten o'clock, when there is an inter mission of an hour for the second break fast, which consists of soup, generally bad, fried mc; t, boilod potatoes, fried plantains, friad eggs, aad rich, thick chocolate -not a suitable meal for a stu dent. At boarding-school there is no con versation at breakfast, but instead one of the teachers reads aloud from the "Lives of the Saints' At eleven the bell rings again, and school continues until dinner-time, which is three o'cloc'c. The boys now enjoy an interval of two hours, during which they have their diaier, a meal that diffeis from breakfast only in being a little more profuse, and in ending with cakes, j dly and preserves. At five o'clock tho merciless be!1 ngai i summons the boy3 to the school room, where they remain until seven, and then go home for good, making tea hours of fchod in alL Such a length ened period of confinement would soon kill the boys, if there were not mitiga ting circumstances. Much of what they call study is merely the mindless repeti tion of words in a loud voice, as they walk up and down in the room, or in a corridor outside. The boy is regarded as the best student who studies loudest, and therefore those who have an ambition to stand well in the estimation of their teachers and their friends walk up and down, shouting their lessons at the top of their voices. The postoffice of B gota is ia a build ing which was formerly an extensive church, with a large monastery con nected with it, and this still re tains its broad corridors and walks. Here may be seen and heard numbers of boys from an adjacent school, striding up and down, roaring their lessons, to the serious disturbance of the public. The teachers have another resource against the tedious length of the school day. As they sit in their seats of au thority, they hear the lessons and smoke at the same time. Even the boy3 occasionally indulge in smoking during school hours, though, as a rule, it is not permitted. Lady teachers smoke continually out of school. "They arc rarely seen without a cigar their mouths," says Mrs. Whitman. Our schools have their defects, but, upon the whole, wc are not disposed to change school systems with the United States of Colombia. Something of a Boom. "Hello, Brown, have you any new factories goiug up at Hellebore this fall?'1 "Yes, our powder factory went up last week." Burlington Free Press. FEBRUARY 2, 1888. A BORN DETECTIVE. A Young Woman in a Big Store Who Makes No Mistakes. Her Chief Occupation is to Look Out for Shoplifters. The New York Sun has an interesting account of a young lady employed in one of the largest retail stores in tho city. This young woman is a born de tectiVe. There haY not been a case Of shop'.ifting in the store in question for ten months in which she has not been either complainant or witness upon trial Of the very many thefts discov ered but not prosecuted, few have es caped her. She is not employed as a detective; but her bright eyes have been used so often in the interests of her employers in this line, simply be cause she saw the opportunity, that she has drifted naturally from the work of a saleswoman to work of this peculiar nature. She still retains her place be hind a certain counter, but at her own discretion leaves her work to follow a suspected thief at to patrol the store in Crowded hoUrs. She is likely to be called at times to any part of the store to catch up a thread of suspicion. On these occasions she drops tho handling of her goods; turns oVer her customer to another, rtnd promptly dons her hat aid Cloak to hovet about the doubted person, make pur chases at her side, and follow her from counter to counter. A neatly dressed, attractive girl, with a knowing bonnet and an innocent smile, examining the quality of cambric or buying a spool of cotton, is not an object of suspicion oa the part of the shoplifter. This is the secret of the girl detective's success. The name of this young woman is Barbara Fleischhauer. She has been eight years in her present employment. She is a Jewess, of medi um height and good figure. She ap parcntly weighs 125 pounds, but in reality his 24 pounds more stowed away Which is pure mu-cle. She is a pleas ant-faced brunette with very black hair, strong; regular features, aid large black eyes. To 833 her flitting from Counter to counter no one would for a moment suspect that her Whole heart Was not engrossed in the selection of A new gown. When she has satisfied herself about a shoplifter and has managed to get a saleswoman or a floorwalker as a wit ness, Miss Fleischhauer goes straight to the goal. At the first movement on the part of the offender the young detective is at her side. There is no scene. The challenge is given ia a low collected tone. The straightforward determined glance of the black eyes does the rest. The offender, of course, declares her innocence but mirches quietly up stairs nevertheless. Mr. Morrison is always at hand in case of trouble, but black eyes rareW need assistance. This girl detective is known to all the east side police and they have a mighty respect for her lox O.ic of them ia the Eldridge street polic j station said: "Whenever I sec that girl come in here, I know we've got a clear case. She's a cool on I ve never seen her confused, and some pretty good lawyers have had their turn at her tox" Theamouat of shoplifting done in a large retail establishment is enormous. Probably not more than one case in a' hundred gets into the courts. Oaly old offenders or people who are evidently thieves by profession are dragged to the police station. Miss Fleisch hauer is an adept in all the tricks of the trade. The woman who flourishes a muff undul is very apt to have something in it that has not been paid for. The handkerchief counter is a great place for thievery. One large handkerchief spread out and thrown carelessly over a folded lot of others forms a cover from beneath which the others can be pulled. The shop-lifter's own handkerchief, dropped careless ly on a bric-a-brac counter is not always picked up alone. Wida sleeves are fa vorite devices of the shoplifter. An enormous pocket or bag under the drcs3, and reached through a fold in front, is a convenient receptacle for stolen goods. An umbrella losscly closed is an ex cellent device. Four or five bits of jew elry may drop off a counter. If a couple fall by mistake into the folds of the umbrella no one knows the difference. All these sorts of schemes are absolutely unnoticed by the ordinary observer, even if he is oa the lookout for them. The detective, like the poet, i born; and Miss Flci schhauer's case goes to shew that, like the poet, he cannot escape his natural profession. Stmlying Yet Smith Where is that promising son of yours? Brown Joe is at home. Smith He was studying at Yale, was he not? Brown Yes, and he is studying yet. Smith What i he studying? Brown The want column in the newspapers. He is looking out for a position as janitor or porter in a store. Texas. Sittings. NO. 22. Medical Students in the metropolis. There arc about twenty-two hundred medical students in New York, writes a correspondent of the Cincinnati En quirer. They come from all parts of the country; from Maine to Texas, from Massachusetts to California. Many of them arc graduate physicians, from ether medical colleges who come here to take advantage of the hospital facilities of the city, and to familiarize themselves with the more recent systems of applied medicine and surgery. Some of them are geniuses in their wav. They seemed to , have . failed in making progress in . other walks of life, and have adopted medi cine as a last resort. In appearance, they are unkempt with shabby coats and short trousers. They appear to be per petually on the run to attend a clinic, and yet have plenty of time to absorb beer when invited. Poor men, most of them,. who club together, hire apart mcnts; divide expenses on food and books, and rush the "growler' at night with the enthusiasm of a Fourth Ward tough. A visitor to the Bellcvue Hospi tal Amphitheatre where clinics are held every day, can form some idea of the material which, through the process af ' evolution, makes doctors. Here are collected dudes and country men, youths and men of middle age. Some of them will continue to study for years in vain, others are destined to shine in their profession. Tli3 shabby little man who squints through his pair of brass-bound spectacles is astonishing ly wise and mirveloujly recondite on the subjects of bacteria, thrombosis and affections of the anterior horns in the brain. Sitting near him is the man whose head would delight any phrenolo gist, whose intellect seems seated in his forehead, but who attaches more im portance to his pipe and bottle than to the midnight oil. He has mistaken his calling. He is a man of talent, un doubtedly, but he should have exerted it in another line. It costs about $1,000 to become an M. D. in New York. This includes tuition, board, books and incidental ex penses. The Number Seven in the Bible. Among the Hebrews the word for solemn swearing is "scptenarc," or pro test by seven. Abraham, you will re member, appointed seven ewe lambs as his testimony to the covenant with Abiraelcch. The Creator rested from His work on the seventh day, and this day was called Sabbath or seventh. A leprous person was cither to lathe seven times or be sprinkled seven times with the blood of a sparrow. Seven years was the period for repentance. Every seven years the Hebrew servant demand ed liberty for himself. And the prophet praised God seven times a day. Cain, wc are told, was to be revenged sevenfold. The gifts of the Holy Ghost were said to be seven in number, aud in the pres ence of the A'mighty seven angels stand, as we are told, in Tobias. Seven lamps burn before God, aad throughout the whole book of Revelations the number seven is constantly used. Jacob served seven years for Leah, and seven more for Rachael. Then there are the seven ears of corn and the seven kine. It was seven people that possessed the land of Promise in Deuteronomy, aud the story of Simson tells how he kept his nuptials seven days, and then was bound with seven gmen withes. Philadelphia News. How the Blind "Sec." I asked those who became blind in youth, or later, whether they were in the habit of giving imaginary faces to the persons they met after their blind ness, and whether they ever saw; in their dreams, writes Joseph Jostron, in the new Princeton Review. Some answered ia very vague terms, Lut several un doubtedly make good use of this power, probably somewhat on the same basis as we imagine the appearance of eminent men of whom we have read or heard, but whose features wc have never seen. When we remember how erroneous such impressions often are, we can under stand how it often misleads the blind. Such imaginary faces and scenes also enter into their dream", but to a less ex tent than into those of the sighted. Doctor Kitto quotes a letter from a mu sician who lost his sight when eighteen years old, but who retains a very strong visualizing power, both in waking life and ii dreams. The mention of a fa mous man, of a friend, or of a scene, al ways carries with it a visual picture, complete and vivid. Moreover, these images of his friends change as the friends grow old ; and he feels himself intellectually in no way different from the seeing. Wanted to do His Best. "No, George, you know I am not so very extravagant." "I know,but haven't you got bonnets enough?" "They're all out of style, I want a fashionable bonnet, that's all. I don't want the earth, George dear, merely a fashionable bonnet." "Well, if I can't afford to buy a fash ionable bonnet from your milliner, would you try and be contented with the eart':"- U-'diaat Traveler. AD VERTIGIftC One square, one insertion- $1.00 One square, two insertions- - 1.80 One square, one month - - 29 For larger advertisements liberal tracts will be made. Beautiful Hands. Oh; your hands, they are strangely fair, Fair for the jewels that sparkle there, Fair for the witchery of the spell That ivory keys alone can tell; But when their delicate touches rest Here in my own, I love tbem best, And I clasp with eager, acquisitive spans My glorious treasure of beautiful hands. Marvellous, wonderful, beautiful 1. nds, They can coax roses to bloom in the htrandi Of your brown tresses; and ribbons will twine Under mysterious touches of thine Into such knots as entangle the soul And fetter the heart under such a control As only the strength ol lny love understana -My passioiiatebve for your beautiful hand As I remember the first fair touch Of the beautiful hands I love so much, I seem to thrill as I then was thrilled As I kissed the glove I found unfilled, When 1 met your gaze and queenly bow, As you said to me, laughingly, "Keep it now!" And, dazed and alone, in a dream I stand, Kissing this ghost of your beautiful hand. When first 1 loved in the long ago, And held your hand as I told you so, Pressed and caressed it, gave it a kiss, And said: "I would die for a handlike this! Little 1 deemed love's fullness yet Had to ripen when eyes were wet, And prayers were vain in the wild demand! For one warm touch of your beautiful hands Beautiful hands oh, beautiful hands! Could you reach out of the alien lands Where you are lingering, and give me to night Only a touch, were it ever so light, My heart were soothed, and my weary brain Would lull itself to rest again, For there is no pleasure the world command! Like the caress of your beautiful hands. James Whitcomb Riley. HUMOROUS. Sold again Second-hand goods. Second watch- Yes, I am. I'm all run down. Don't run against a chimney-sweeper: he's liable to bring soot against you. "Woman feels where man thinks," says a writer. Yes, that's why man is bald. "He gave me somo pointers," said the tramp of a farmer; "he jabbed me with i pitchfork." The fellow who wants to know hoi to know a bad egg must have lost two of his five senses. No matter how prompt actors ma be at rehearsal there is always one mat who is prompter. A ton of diamonds is worth $30,000, 000. Don't let the dealers come tht 1800-pound dodge on you. She "John, what is a coastwise steamer?" He "One that knows ho to keep off the rocks, darling." There is nothing under the face of thi sky that can be quite so stuck up as t sheet of stamps, when it tries to. The obscure Arab who invented alco holic stimulants died more than nine hundred years ago, but his "spirit" stil lives. There is one article that the averagi man prefers to have bogus instead o: real, when it is presented to him. That's a dynamite bomb. "Tommy," said his aunt, "I heal your grandmother gave you a watch on your birthday. Was it a huating-case watch?" "No," replied Tommy, who i seven years old, "it was a bare fa cec watch." The Cjdone Survivor's Large Bott. That eminent scientist, Profcssoi Somebody,has been experimenting witl some sort of a patent bellows, and find) it takes a current of air moving at th rate of 150 to 175 miles per hour toblov straws through a board as is frcqucntlj j reported by persons who have wit nessed a cyclone. Ha! Going to try tc reproduce all the things "reported by persons who have witnessed a cyclone, r ! professor? Better think about it a whih unless you have the same low regarc for the truth that the persons who pasi through cyclones always have. It's thi good, professor, that die ia cyclones; that hardened old liar goes down ccllai and escapes. Just wait till about next June, aud the Minnesota cyclone-survivor comes up smiling and tells how h was blown head first through a six-incl grindstone, and your straws and boarc won't be anywhere. Chicago Trib une. Almost, Bat Not Quite. "Where have you been for the pasi two weeks?" said one traveling man t another, "out on the road?" "No, I took a run to New Orleans to see a young lady down there." "Did you have a pleasant time?" "No, not as pleasant as I expected. Her father doesn't hold me in the high esteem with which I could honor him." "Then you were not wined and dined and feted?" "No, I wasn't exactly feeted, but was booted on several occasions." Merchant Traveler. Arithmetic Laura "So you are really engaged tc him, dear? He is forty, you say, and yoc are twenty just twice as old as you, love. Dear me, when you are forty he will be eighty !" Clara "Good gracious! I hadn't thought of that." Bazar. 2- I

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