..nTti nXT n "t OOO- ! THURSDAY JrJS15lUAx xooo. 7- TtVKmftN Editor 1 A. LONDON. Editor. H. . :.. 4i, ,.i t v nf New loiK,'wnocuwu: j r - tending to wli ipem whw! , them counterfeit iouey. WO o g-l rasoa,. . Vi.. itiin ther cbeattnej i.a. n i xr a,u' 7 - , brertd and cunning, that is all. These New York swindlers send their circulars all over the country (as the tfocoD has frequently warned its Teadeis), addressed "confidential" to the man who receives it, and inform ing him that for a stocrtl sum of ihouey he tan buy a lot of counter foil motley which is called "green foods''. When aiiy mau is fool or VHscal enough to attempt to buy these "green goods' , he goes to New Vork, gives the swindler his good iidi&y and the swiudler counts out V him a lot of genuine greenbacks, but by a slight of hand movement delivers instead a package of saw fet or other worthless 6tuff, which the tictiiu canies away thinking it is a package of the money that he saw counted. A' good deal of this species of swin dling has been done recently. One of the latest cases was one wherein the victim was a man named Peikiu rrom South Carolina. He received one of the ''confidential" circulars, tud carried $400 in good money to New York, and received therefor $4,000 (as he believed) from a fellow 43alliug himself Rogers, but before he lfcft the city he discoveied that his package only contained saw-dust. Thereupon he had Rogers arrested on a charge of larceny. Iu his examina tion Pel kins stated that he was a deacon of his church and a county commissioner, and no doubt at home ne was considered a highly respect able citizen, and yet here he was paying $400 for what he believed to be $4,000 of counterfeit money ! Wt (fan feel no sympathy for such a fel iow. The Senate passed two bills, a few days ago, which we are plea;ed to know were opposed by Seuator Vance. We refer to the bills granting a pen feion cf $2,000 a year to the widow of bleu. John A. Logan and Gen. Fran cis P. Blair. In the first place these Widows were not in actual need of a pension, either one of them beiug worth much more than the majority of our people. There are thousands bf widows of Union soldiers, who are much poorer and who roceive a pen sion of only a few dollars a month. If the government is disposed to give away its "surplus'', then in the name df common humanity let it be given I to those who most need it ! Gen. lliogau may have been the brave offi cer during the war, as claimed by nis friends, but no moie so than thousands of other Union soldieis whose widows are now struggling for a livelihood. And besides, he has held, since the war and up to the time of his death, some lucrative Office nearly all the time. Year after year he was a Representative in Con gress aud then a Senator, and draw ing all the while a salary of $5,000 a year. And now that he is dead, a pension of $2,000 a year is tc be given his widow. We think that Senator Vance's constituents will approve his vote against this pension, even if he was in a small minority. We believe that the granting of such pensions is wrong in principle and without constitutional authority. We have received a copy of the aunual report of tbe Superintendent of the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and are pleased to learn therefrom of the good work done by this great State charity. Although there has been alarger daily average number of patients under treatment than in any previous year, yet the mortality has been less than usual, and the Institution is in a better con dition for the health, care and - cure 6f its inmates than it has been since the war. The number of patients now under treatment amounts to 292 j and yet the utmost capacity of the Institution had been supposed to be only 250. The total number of admissions since the openiDer of the Atsvlum. - v - W just 32 years ago, amounts to 1,892. Of these 1,043 were males and 849 were femaleB. The total number of discharges has been 1,600, of which 603 were considered cured, 260 much improved, 335 unimpioved and 501 died. Dr. Griesom pays a touching, truth ful and eloquent tribute to Miss Dix Who died last year, and through whose influence and efforts this asy lum was established. We beoet that there is no hope of the present Congress reducing letter bostaee to one cent, tbe Senate com - Inittee having re bill to that effect XT ill.. - r a - T I The Natural Advantages of N. G. Correspondence ttf Bbleigti Kows and ObserTef ly heard so complete a presentation of the r . . I have rare and eloquent a i 1 1 J ii n.V. Qtnts na naiurai W .rul- tDtti raaae uv rrewuouv . ecent Fanners' Convention. It was well delivered and well received. It ought to be printed , circulated over the United States ; Europe by the Board of Agri- flrilj Europe . . 1 In .oliote, i teuu a verv Driei ana," - 'a , ,8rDli country, many extraorainary aavau -1 j tages 1 . Range ol proaucuons- ue T : - . i , ii as if the State stretched along me sea coast from the Gulf of Mexico to New York. 2. The climate. Oor average iso thermal is that of South France, Florence. Yoddo. Dakota's range of j temperature is from 105 deg. F. in summer to 38 deg. below zero; Kan sas, from 98 deg to 25 below; Indian apolis, from 100 deg. to m deg. oe- low zero: West Texas, from 102 deg. to 12 deg. below zero. In 1 cimsyl- -sania anti New York farming opera lions are hindered about hve months in winter. . 3. North Carohna has no bh and as the cold waves start from the northwest the telegraph gives our people one or two days notice of their coming. j i -: .1 ...,..v ..i.i.. m' v e uave pure an auu jjui o j in most of the Slate and tueieiore health. With cistern water the east ern counties are also healthy. 5. Noith Carolina has comparative freedom from drought. We have 47 inches per annum of rain, while Da kota has only 21, and West Texas ouly 18. At El Paso there were one year only 11 inches and about one- third of this tell in one montn. With deep plowing and good cul tivation we need not suffer from drought. 6. Grasshoppers (called locusts in the Bible) flourish where there is a dry laud near rich vegetation. They will always infest Kansas, &c., while North Carolina is free from them. 7. We have good, orderly popula tien, composed of the best blood of Euglaud, Germauy, France, Highland aud Lowland Scotch, &c, who have been in the State loDg enough to be come homogeneous. No religious denomination is dominant. All are lepreseuted. 8. Our geographical situation is excellent. J be most civiiized nations with 240,000,000 of people, with ten thousand million dollar of imports and exports per anuutn are clustered around the North Atlantic. North Carolina is on the water front of this great lake of the nations. 0. As the mountains opposite the southern Chesapeake have been re cently pierced by uuiroads the build iug of a great city somewhere on its waters is in the near future. But even it the prediction be not verified, New York is now the second com- I merciai city in the . world. On Man j hattau island alone there were sixty-1 seveu millions of dollars worth of new buildings last year. Countiug Brooklyn, Jersey City and othei places, there are clustered here al ready about two and three quarter millions of people, with wealth be yond conception. Between here and New York are other populous ciiicp, rapidly growing, so that it will not be lout; before the lauds of Noith Caioiina will be adjacent millions of non-producers. to forty irai ms i in 24 hours of New York should now be worth $100 per acre. They have not only the advantage of a ready maiketfor their productions but t bey are in close proximity to the store houses aud manufactories whence they get their supplies. What are the disadvantages of North Caioiina? 1. The presence of slavery exclu ded men unaccustomed or averse to that institution. After the great civil war the uncertainties of Recon struction and the bitterness of paity feeling have retarded the influx of northern men. It will not be long before these disturbing elements will have passed away. 2. Some unaccustomed to colored labor do not like to settle where ne groes are a large portion of the pop ulation. To this there is a sufficient j answer, fii Bt, that many counties are j largely white and in" the eastern counties the negro element is supe rior to that iu the South because for many years it had been the custom to sell to that region the turbulent and viciouB slaves. And lastly, the proportion of the colored must rapid ly diminish because they have no accessions fiotn immigration. Want of schools is urged as an ob jection, but that does not result from hostility on the part of our people but frora sparsenetss of populatien and poverty. When settlers come schoois will spring up. 3. High railroad freight will dis appear when our farmers demand it. The railroad companies will lower their rates from policy whenever far m products increase in bulk. 4. All these obiectiona to North Carolina are remediable. Wo come lastly to the most serious, viz : That our lands are not naturally fertile. As to tins, President Battle con tended that if our lands are not nat urally rich, they are cheap aud easily made rich, so that the total cost wiii be only half or one-third of the cost of land at the 6ame distance from New York in auy other direction. He quoted from a letter of a friend iu Kansas City to the effect that the lands in western Missouri and east Kansas bring thirty to sixty bushels of corn to the acre, and cost $25 to $50 per acre. He asked if a North Carolina farmer should put on his land the difference between tbe cost i here and there, our lands would not produce as much or more. Mr. Hazard, the great cattle far mer, says the common plan in Ches- ! ter cou.uly ennsylvaniat is to put i ' - - f I t. ..I. i . 1 . .1 J ;ot stable manure at $2 50 per load i. e. $100 per acre ; then plant in corn, The result is 75 to iuu pusneis 01 corn toer acre, xnen seea to wneai a?d tunothy,. applying 200 lbs. acid Phosphate. This gives 40 bushes of KVioa( nai- anra 'limn eaAii AlnVAT ! WDcHll on the timothy in tbe spring and ! rvm "v. . r , ; 8 3 ton. of grass per ace for three iu J6 rheU iep '5? '' W . . .'.. " ! suppose w? m , " j should farm m this way, would ,,t ; f XT . : . TVT.,. 1. I r wu ppus u. i '" i ml in PnnKvlvRTiiA ftnKtK JSluU to ! --j.ls0 per 0ar jRnd cao J L ?xuv uoi vux uv adding enough in fertilizers, labor, ! &c , to make the cost ouly $40 or OfSt Wit, tUa cuu liter nv.l. -k ur juidi col wu vuo q f . . , be k handsome income. - .v President Battle closed by showing that we have isolated cases of far- mere who put brains on their lands. Williamson of Raleigh had raised I. it . d l F J LA. i lana brwenur ouu us. oi seuu cohou to 1,800 lod. per acre. Jf resident Upchurch had secured 33 bushels of wheat per acre on wake county land. r A. O T A ) J.. T). . Mnnf TO.'int "P , . , . ... -..,.. ona51 w ifld ! lntftlliorenr.a and success. He made m it .- eia to gtudy their farlDfl i and the neeti of their boils, to loarn Nonh 1 q oue c d anJ with 1 faimi .fc wm Ucome U an earnest appeal to all 10 IOilOW Lot 100,000 copies be printed and circulated. Yours, Iab-hkel. Our Washington Letter. From our Kesrular Correspoudent.j i Washington. Jan. 27 th, 1888. Congress has had before it this week a good deal of miscellaneous matter, such as: the Pacific l ail road investigation ; the delay over the Con gressional Library building ; the Jack son, Miss., outrage resolution, and the Thoobe-Carlisle contest, iu which the Speaker's title to his seat was se cured by a bare quorum The most important appointments made by the President during the week were Marshal McDonald for Fish Commissions; Mr. Hoge,of Va., for District Attorney, aud Mr. Ross of Washington for our new Post master. Bv these appointments a long gou3' is over. 1 here were a hundred or more aspirants to the last two offices mentioned, and the selections made seem lo be quite sn-' isfactory to the public. There is enthusiastic interest now among the Piohibitiou circies of tLia city as well hs throughout the coun try, and notable conceit of action, in the effort to drive the liquor traffic from the District of Columbia. Pe titions to this effect have poured in to Congress from every State and Teiritory, and the counter petitions circulated by the liquor men of the District aic something curious and even ludicrous, I may say, from their lack of sense and lornii. From his pulpit a Washington Minister s.dd, last Sunday, "these men plead for personal liberty in the conduct of their business: they ask for personal liberty that they may enslave your tons and deprive them of their liberty. They also raise the cry that perjury, fraud and social cor ruption would follow in the truck of prohibition. Thiv, he said, "makes us think of the poetical figure of narau weepiu? ior souls tnat are lost". On the same dav the Honor ti ftftin I- i was vigorously attacked from several of our city pulpitf, notably that of the Vermont-Avenue Christian Church, and that of the North Carolina Avenue Church. Mr. Power, the pastor of the former, like most of the Washington pastors, is strongly op posed to high license, classing it as a cowardly compromise with the whiskey pui ty. He selected for his subject. "The Coming Conflict with the Whiskey Power', and he argued that there was no regulating the whu key traffic, that theie iri no al ternative but total extermination. He urged prohibition in the District as the only hope of the rising generation, aud said tbe cry that prohibition does not r-i obibit is false, for were prohi bition ones strongly entrenched on our r acres the death of tbe whiskev train.: would quickly follow. Speaking of the term fanatic, ap plied to temperance woikers, Mr. Power stated that the dictionary had not yet been compiled that would con tain the word "temperance fanatic'', "He is not the coming ajan" he said, "nor the man that is, for we can never have such a creature. Go as far as you will ou the track of temperance and you will never approach within sight of fanaticism.'' - As the subject is one of unusual interest just now I will mention how another minister presented several new points iu the matter. He re garded the present time as a crisis. To be defeated now meant eternal defeat for the temperance people of the country. He said the cry of to day was for national prohibition. The District of Columbia is national ground, and here the fight will be made that will influence the entire country. He urged that the example set here would encourage or discour age the efforts of all the temperance people working throughout the coun try, and that though there were many hidden evils behind this question, when prohibitionists once gain the victory their triumph will be com plete. Tiie work of the Woman's lyurisuan .temperance union was eulogized in the highest teiins, and the ultimate success of the Prohibi tion measure now before was predicted. Congress An Atlanta merchant has secured a verdict against the Bradstreet Com pany for $5,000 for defamation of character. A railroad collision in Cuba, caused by a mistake cf a signal station ie sulted in the instant killing of the en gineer and fireman of both trains, and the iniurv of fortv passentreis. land the iniurv of fortv naauy of whom have since died. " a ml ttf brought to briug a. mucb a tilfjitmvii The Great Snow Storm i - i -PTfravrvT Mass.: January z.-r- Five loug paa8enger trams on theu Boston & Mbimy Kailroad are snow- t. t i pouna uere, uwaiwufi n- - l, d before proceed. i r' " - - ' 7 . x : i flirilier, Tbe spent last ir fast St. Louis ex- tntrht m a snow ami . neAr Washington cut.: x uere wwi -r - ; . rv., ! over one ftuiidrea paBBi.io sj board, out notwiij?"uug lfv , .1 . . al i . rr- moi-lrrrl tn : mat mw mwiuuuiciw r iniirrees below zero, iney um uui. nut- The last, mau, wnicu left Boston last evening ior me eoi, j spent the night in a drift one mile , from HiiiRdftia. Passencrers suttered i . Hinsdale. Passengers suneieu , from the cold greatly and many la, lea ; were prostrated. A number of cbil dreu were badly frost-bitten, luey j could obtain but httle to eat, but a , country drug store supplied the pas sengers with brandy tt " ' - ..liVh a or r nr i1ai ! xi.ie eugmea w k A are stuck in a drift near Iwchmond ; Furnace. Freight tniine covering! over a mile of track are snowed in near.ShakeiB, and much perishable goods will be lost. In mauy places the snow has drift ed to the depth: of forty feet. A pas senger train 'that goes two miles an hour is considered to be making good time. Niw York. Jan. 27. A milk famine is threatened, as milk trains ovtr many of the roads are buried in snow drifts with the coutents of the cans frozen solid. Sixty cars loaded with milk are snowed in near Middletown, on tbe Erie road. Milk trains over the Pennsylvania Railroad are the only ones iu today. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 27. The mail train from the North on the Connecticut River Railroad, due at Holyoke at 6 o'clock last night, be came stalled in a cut two miles north oi thai city, aud a gang of men went to work this rooming to dig it out The snow was blowing about so thick that juoihiug could be seen a few feet d is tan i, and the 1.30 train from Greeniield dashed into the gang kill ing three men and injuring auother fataiiy. Richmond Qitkbeo, Jan. 27. Snow has t-.slien steudiiy since yesterday, and is now from six to eight feet deep. The mercury is below zero. Railroads are blockaded, and travel on the country roads is entirely sus pended Rutland, Vt., Jbu 27. This is the worst blockade ever known here. Tlif I rounding country is b.idiy choked up, and roads aie impassable. Snow is falling, the weather is bitter cold, and it promises to be the most severe night of the seasou. The wind is blowing and is still drifting tnow, filling up railroad tracks almost as fast km t hey are cleared. Washington, Jan. 26. Dispatches tonight are again loaded with details of the trouble ci-casioned by the cold weather, snow and wind in all terri- ioiit.s iron) a Dorin ana soutn line, tl.rough the middle of and New Yokk to file Pennsylvania ue northeastern British provinces. West of that line, while the weather is cold aud plenU of snow and winds prevail, they have not been severe enough to cause rail roads to suspend operations, or ob literate rural landmarks. The storm this afternoon has undone about all that had been done to open commu nication in eastern Pennsylvania, New York and New England. Tbe Jeif Cison branch of the Erie Railroad from Susquehanna to Carbondale. Peun , has been abandoned for two days and several trains a; e snowed in The Carbondale and Houesdale grav ity road is also blockaded. Tbe worst places are along the mountains. i he Bangor & Portland, and La high & Lackawanna Railroads, which run to. the slate regions of Pennsyl vauia, iemaiu blocked with drifts. The main line of the Reading Rail road, betw een Philadelphia and Rend ing, has been kept open and trains have made reasonably good time, and the Pennsylvania seems to l ave had but little trouble ou its msiu line, but there is scarcely a branch road in that part of Pennsylvania that is clear. Rf.poits fiom Reading to-night in dicate that the snow storm has been the worst for over twenty-five years, and the railroads have never experi enced more terrible timce. In New York matters are about the same. On the Wallkill Valley Railroad, hear Wallkill village, the snow is piled up in cuts to the depth of fifteen feet The last passenger ti'uiu to get to that village arrived there Thursday evening, and has re mained there ever since. The Ulster county express, on the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad, which left Middletown Thursday morning, naq reached union vine, thirteen miles distant, this afternoon, and a relief train sent that evening had made only eight miles. In, Massachusetts, at Great Bar rington, au order was issued this morning that no trains would be run on the Massachusetts branch of the Housatonic road until further orders. There is a drift two miles south of Great Barrington, eighty rods long and fifteen feet deep. A dispatch from Highland Light, Mass., says no clear water can be seen in Cape Cod Bay, and it prophesies that tonight will freeze the bay solid from Long Point to Barnstable Light. - Auburn, N. Y , Jau. 28. The storm shows no signs of abatement in this section. Hotels here and at Canaio- harie are crowded with snow-bound guests, and there is but little pros pect of their being able to continue their journey for some days. Eleven passenger trains are stuck in drifts within fifty miles of this city. A snow plow with live engines has been sent out by the New York Central Rail road, but its labors are useless, as the wind drifts the snow back on the track as soon as it passes. Snow in cuts near .Cato is over thirty feet deep. VVinnepeg,. Manitoba, Jan. 31 The latest reports from tbe moun tains indicate that there has been great doss of life on the Canadian Pacific, owing to snow elides. Pas- sengers coming on the trains from - b . - e pftrticular8 of . at,..r, n,; winds aiU ug for the last week, d ftlon f tbo line frora Donaid to H Brier snow Mas oeeu comiug aown on tne iracK m ireiueuuuus. tjuouu- . M. 1 1 1 ties. Near Pallesor Station, British u; t. hf. in VAMUIuuio, '" " lJJV " " P Hd Qul Qlje wftB dug out ftlivtt and Qe WJ18 go )&(xy bruised and iu- ;ured W is Tint- cvruiil-oH frt l' ihvpr - m Rnrm.ii VVnr iiieVitaole. statement iu tlie Lower House of the t,-. .... ,3 1. uou. a Hnm,ftrian Diet to-dav was anxiously awaife(1 here It haa confirmed the convictiou tLat war between Austria andRUB8iaisacc leptedby bothsidesas Th Priinr'n statement ftlj AUW M. was given in a carefully poised speech, rvrnfftssiu.or Deuce, but bietthintr the Spirit of war ,f I O K ' - Operators on the ! Bourse, who had waited for dispatches from Pesth, offered international stocks for sale freely, but the effect of the Premier's speech will not be fully seen till the opening ol business on Monday. Private advices from Vienna state that diplomatic negotiations recently opened between Prince Labaiioff, Russian Ambassador to Austria, and Count Kaluoky, have been abandoned. The coudition of uffairs now existing between the two governments is sim ply that each is lying iu wait for the first chance to strike. Reports received at the War Office from agents on the Polish frontier intimate a renewal of activity among Russian troops. Difficulties in the way of transporting troops are reme died. Tbe Commissariat has been improved and disease among troops is decreasing. In the Provinces of Voibynia and Podoha, military requi- Litiolia for griiiii and forage are caus iug a dearth of provisions among the people. At Kremenetz eight great J magazines are being built They will be suiiounded by lortihcalions. At Doubuo, accommodations have been ordered for 30,000 troops. At Luck, between Doubno and Viadimir Wa linski, a new camp is baing construct ed, which will hold 30,000 troops. These preparations would seem to indicate au intention of invading Galicia The Austrian war officials suspect that the real object iu view in' the in vasion of Bulgaria, and tnat the aim of the Czar's strategy is to entrap Austria into seudiug the bulk of ber foioes into Galicia, while the real coup is delivered iu tbe B tikau penin sular. The iutei views which Stouniza, of the Roumanian Cabinet, had at Vienna and FrieJrichohno, have re suited in an entente cormale. If Ri.ssia enters Roumania, Austria w ill hold the step to be a casus belli. Stourdzais understood to have ob tained from Bismarck assurauce that the Roumanian territory would be enlarged iu the event of defeat of Russia Rumor credit Stondza with suggesting a solution ot the Bulgarian problem by the extension of Rouma nia to the JEean t-e;i, with Salomon as tbe capital. This project would receive no countenance from Austria, J.s she too lias designs for the rina' extension of her territory to Sal onic. The sinews of war have been ob tniued by the Russian treasury by a loan arranged in Amsterdam, the amount which is said to be 45.000,000 pounds sterling. Herr Vou Tizsa has concluded negotiations with the Frau'ifoit Rothschilds for a loan of 39,000,000 florins. A Romantic Marti age. From th Newtou (N. C ) Euterprlse. Quite a romantic marriage was cele brated in New ton last Friday night. Tne contracting parties were Mr. A. Hale iind Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, loth of Charlotte.' The romantic part about it was that tbU was tbe second iime this interesting t ereinoin whs performed for this paticul:ir pair. They Lad been married about a year and a half ago, but found out leLCutlv that the km-:t theu tied was null and void, and had to be tied' over agaiu. The circumstances leading up to this complication were about as fol lows : About seventeen years ago Mrs. Ferguson was living in Rowan county with her first husband, Mr. John B. Ferguson. One day Mr. Ferguson, on some pretext or other, went to Georgia. The wife patiently looked for his return for a year or two, and finally heard that he was dead. After many years of supposed widowhood she went to live as house keeper in the family of Mr. A. Hale, a retired jeweler of Charlotte, who had moved on a farm he owned in her neighborhood, on account of the delicate health of his wife. Mrs. Hale died, and, about . eighteen months ago, Mr. Hale married Mrs. Ferguson. They lived happily to gether until a short time ago, wheu it was discovered that Ferguson, after going to Georgia, had transferred his affections to another woman, and was still alive. On this development steps were at once taken by Mrs. Ferguson, who had now become ac customed to the name of Mrs. Hale, to obtain a divorce, and as Catawba Court was the first in the district, proceedings were begun here. The case came up last Friday, and on hearing the facts in the case, the court at once granted to Mrs. Fer guson an absolute divorce. Friday night at the Havnes House, in the presence of Judge Boykin and several lawyers and friends, Esquire H. A. Forney re united the pair so firmly, that no future contingencies cao separate them, or mar the bappi nets of their declining years. They were serenaded by the New ton Cornet Band, and quite a large crowd were attracted to the house. Aud we know there was not one pres ent who did not feel in sympathy with the bride and groom over the happy termination of their trouble. Seveial of the nominees of the Re publican Convention of Louisiana re fuse to run on the State ticket PARRISH'S Durham, H. C, WILL BE READY FOR YOUR TOBACCO AFTER JANUARY 16TH WHERE YOU VVILL GET i HE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. HEABaUARTERS FOR ALL (GRADES! Best Warehouse, Best Light, BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, FOR MAN AKi) BEAST IN N. C. OB 'IUGINXA. Stable Holds 200 Eorses! o . Business transacted with promptness and accuracy, and the highest prices always guaranteed. A hearty welcome awaits all who may come. NEW IN BEGINNING THE NEW YEAR TII SIE SO LUTION YOU CAN MAKE IS THAT YOU WILL BUY GOOD GOODS, AND WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM AT BOTTOM PRICES! AND W. L LOffDOlTS IS THE PLACE ! HIS MOTTO iS : "Lowest Piiees Ccssisteat will! M Quality and Honest Goofis". He will continue to keep the largest aud btst assort moot of goods in the county and will hell them as LOW AS THE LOWEST! You will always find what you need at W. IiC22DGS5'S. He again recuiiis his thanks for the liberal patronage you have given him, and he will try and do his part to induce you to continue the same. All persons indebted to Hni are requ stcd to call and make an early settlement, "Short Settlements Make Song Friends". Whenever you need any goods call at Pittsboro. N. C, J.-in 5, 1888. I si 111 If H EADQD AttTEttSS G ftOCERIES! My old friends in Chatham are invited to caH on me when they visit Durham and I will guarantee to satisfy them in everything in Staple and Fancy Groceries. SUGAR, CHEESE, SNUFF, MOLASSES, FLOUR, CRACKERS, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, CROCKERY, TINWARE. &C. 8" Special inducements to Country Merchants. I offer everything at prices that defy competition ! My Stock is so large that it fills two stores, one near the Globe Ware house apd the other near the Depot. Nov. 17, 1887. 3uus. : M. C. Herndon & Co., DURHAM, II. G., (Near Parrish's Warehouse), DEALERS IN AND DMl-lOBl FMite Wall Paper, BABY CARRIAGES, &c, &c. Best aud Largest Stock of Furniture in Durham ! Furniture in all Styles ! Give us a call before buying else where. All orders by mail promptly attend cd to. Chambeb.! Jan. 5, 1SS8. 2ms. 9 -AND- YEAR FISH. COFFEE, SYRUP, SODA, TOBACCO, MEAT, J. W. I AHHAIS LAMBS ft GORMAN, DURHAM, 2T. 0., DEALERS IN Gents', Youths', BOY'S ana CHILDREN'S mil' fish u, MATB, CAPS, THUiiKS, VALISES, j lames-, misses-, children and GENTS' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. mm&m i Jan. 5, 188S. 2ms.