: 1 ill : ---ri-'i-J- 2tl)c dijatfyam Eccorb. II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (She Chatham VLttotb BATES or Ay u ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- One square, two insertions -One square, one month - $1.00 1.50 - 2.60 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. X. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, FEBRUARY 9, 1888. NO. 23. For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. y , if if Or The Life Pilgrim. There is no life, however smooth its outward current flows, But lears upon its heavenward way some sorrow as it goes. I'tit sorrow hhall be lost at la't in God os in t he sea. Lift pilgrim, is it not enough to know this thing shall be Our lips wer undo for victors' song, our brows to wear the crown; "Why stand yo then, O sons of God, with heavy hearts bowed down? jl,.u'ver tierce tin tempest be, your hopes may yet be warm, Th" H-htning fl is'i of GckVs great power can I'i'W the darkest storm. Tli. :i i rwani! lot the midnight ring as grandly as the dawn, W'.ih songs that tell cf earnest souls that march in courage on; Tl:' Mtter conflicts of the world shall find in death a goal Spurred by the eaglo pinions of the glad and conquering soul. lEarnest W. Shurtleff. A Station Agent's Stories, 4,I was," said the una with the wooden leg, "jdation agent on the B. and It. railroad for a good many year?, and st-veral things occurred there which were the talk of the line and which you nny find interesting enough to publish. My station was both insignificant and important. While it was only a hamlet in population, it was a railroad crossing. While every trai l seemed to be in a hurry to get. away as fast a? possible, all cugiucs had to take water or coal, and various trains had to pull in on the long siding to let various other trains pass. "The policy of our road was nig gardly. The object was to get every thing cheap, an I to work every man to ihi! limit. My station building was little better than a shed, and it wa3 im possible to get any repairs or improve ments. I was required to act as tele graph operator, ticket seller, freight agent, chore boy, and all else, and did rot have an hour I could call my own. I had a cot in the office, and was on call during the night. L-t 'era sound my call while I was in the deepest sleep and i.nido of twenty seconds I was ready to answer. I should have had a first-class assistant at my station, but the com pany would not permit it. I must cither do the work alone or get out for tome one who cou'd and would, and so 1 kept hanging on month after month and year alter year, always thinking a hour. going, but never making up my mind to it. Tho situ it ion was grave enough to keep my nerves under con stant strain. Tr-iin despatching was not the art it is now, and if a regular got behind her time it caused confusion all along the line. "One of the queer incidents occurred after I had had the station about two years. It was in the fall of the year, with a great deal of nasty weather, and ti airs were continually late. The last ns.'::gcr train on our road passed me, according to schedule, at 10 1-2 p. m. The next one passed at 7.20 a. m., and it was supposed that tin intervening time belonged to me. If the night freight was on time, and if I did not git n call on tin instrument, and if there was no special on the line, and if a doz.'ii other things di I not occur, I couid sleep from 11 to G. It may have occurred that my sleep was unbroken live nights in a year. On all other nights I was turned out from one to three or four times. The night freight should reach ma at 12:05 live minutes after midnight. She never left nor took up a car at my station, leaving that for the day freight, but made a stop of seven or eight minutes for coal and water. If there was a special on the lino, or if there had boon an acci dont, the freight might have to side track and wait, but such a thing was rare. "As a rule, I was always asleep when Ihc freight came in, but somehow or other I know of hor arrival. I knew of 't without waking up. and next morn ing cou'd havo told whether she was late or on time. Twenty -eight minutes 9lt:r her time a passenger train on tin otiKrr road made the crossing; this crossing was eighty rods above the sta tion, and while I had nothing to do with lhc trains on the other road, I natural ly kept track of them and knew whether they were late or on time. O.i this partic ular night I went to bed at 10.45, and was asleep before 11 o'clock. At 12.20 I suddenly awoke. The night freight had not come in. I had been sound asleep, but I knew she had not. She was fifteen minutes overdue, and yet ny call had not been sounded. Thi3 to nic meant some sort of acciJent between 'iic and the next station north, which wa ; eleven miles away. I at once called or the station, but tin operator had 1,'one. I ran to the door and looked nf. There was a fine rain and a dense Torr. "Freight trains are seldom on "; lu'e time, and I had known those J'" "Ur line to be an hour late without wortying over the fact. However, on :hiitdg'ut I was nil worry. The rain ! the fog, the crossing, the fact of ' vaking up ai I ha 1, the failure to '"I the agent at the station above, I' e thing made me err.bly uneasy, :'t 12.2. 1 lighted my lantern, put :" ' y lubber coat, and started up the 011 a run. I had not gone forty rods when I heard a hissing of steam, and two or three minutes later I could sea the glare of a headlight through the fog. In a couple of minutes more I found oar midnight freight twenty-two loaded cars and a big locomotive and she was standing directly on the crossing of the roads. I shouted as soon as I had made out the locomotive, but no one answered me. I pushed along to the cab, climbed up, and found the engineer and fireman on the floor of the tender, arms arotfad each other, and fast asleep or dead. At that same moment the passenger train on the other road whistled for the crossing. "I m telling you, sir, that I lived a year for every minute in the next five or six. I knew vry little about an engine, though I had seen how they were re versed and how the throttle was worked. If anything was done I must do it, and do it quickly. Why I did not pull ahead I do not know. It struck me that I must back up, and I flung over the bar, gave her steam, and she began to move. The steam had run d own. and we moved at a snail's p..c and even when I pulled her wide open, the engine scarce! had power to back the heavy train. We did move, however, although it Avas foot by foot. I could hear the roar of the passenger train, and I knew that every second was hastening a terrible calamity, but I did not leave the engine. Backl back! back! we crawled, and of a sud den a gnat light flashed in my eyes, there was a crash, and I saw cars mov ing in front of me and disappearing into the darkness. What had happened? Well, Ihadbackel tin freight until the locomot ive of the passenger train only carried away the pilot as it crossed our line. That was all the damage done, and no p issengcr had a suspicion of his narrow escape from in awful smash-up. "When the train had disappeared and I could realize the situation, I began to investigate. I ran back to the caboose but no one was to be found. I shouted and screamed, but soon found that I was all alon-s Then, climbing back iuto the cib, 1 sought to arouse the en gineer and liis lire mm. Dead? No. Drunk as two Lordi! Yes, sir. They were drinking men, though the com pany did not know it. They had been taken off another run two weeks before, and coming down the lim on this trip had brought a bottle with them. At the station above they had reached the Umit, and in their diunken deviltry ha I suddenly pulled out and left a'l the train crew behind. The conductor cou'.d not rcidi'.y find the station agent, and when he did rout him out and get him to the oflice I was out of mine and did not answer his call. The two men had let the steam go down, and th'; train had crawled down to the crossing and been stopped where I found it. The men were by that tinn too drunk to stand up, and ha I grabbed each other and rolled on the 11 or to t-locp. I was yet in the cab, trying to kick some sense into them, when tho conductor and his two brakemcn arrived on a hind car, and after getting up steam we got the train over the crossing to the station. The two drunkards on 'lit to have been sent to state prison, but for fear of the story getting into the papers they were allowed to skip. 4 'It was with this same night freight I had a startling adventure the next summer. I had gone to bed and to sleep before it came in. It was exactly 11.50, as shown by the clock, when I got a call on th- instrument, and as I sprang out of bed I h-ard the operator at K , a station cightee 1 miles be low me, clicking off, 'For God's sukc stop and side track No. 0! There's a runaway engine crming up the line!' I got this by ear, you understand, and I gave him an 'O. K.' as soon as ho was done. In three minutes I was cut doors and had my "Danger Stop!' sigual set for the first lime in month, and as I started down the track with my lantern I could hoar the rumble of No. 9 as she crossed the bridge three miles above. She was on time and booming right along, l.ut it was clear and the red light would stop her. "I should have told you that there were two tracks in front of the station. One was the main track, of course, and the other a long siding, with a switch at either end. No. 9 had the right of way at night, and, instead of side-tracking her, I proposed to 3 witch off the runaway. I went down over the tLs as hard as I could ru?, and just as I reached the switch I heard No. 9 blow for my st ition. While I wa3 un locking the switch, the engineer called for brakes, and then I kuew he had seen the light and wou!d stop. I pulled the bar over, and then picked up my lantern and ran back, reaching tho sta tion just as the heavy freight was coming to a standstill. My purpose was to run down and open the other switch, and thus let the runaway out on the main track again, to run until her steam went down, but I had scarcely moved a hundred feet when I heard her coming. It was then too late, and I stool on tho platform to see her go past. Shu was truly a runaway. She had broken away from the nrrommi dation train, which came no lurthcr up than G , f.rsd was coming u: with- a full head of steam and everything roaring. Then was gross carelessness in bringing about this rccident, but it was covered up and kept out of print. We could hear tht runaway a mile off, and we could locatt her as she came through tho woods bj the shower of sparks flying from hci smokestack. On she came, and as shi struck the switch it seemed as if sh must go over. There was a clickety clash and a bang, and she righted anc whizzod past m like a fiery arrow. "We knew what would happen at the other end of the siding. There was a fi.dd beyond, and when the runaway left the rails shs tore up a hundred feet of track, made splinters of a score o: tics, and plou.h ;d her way into tht field for a quarter of a mile and blew up. Had she encountered No. 9 on th main track there must have been a ter rible smash-up. At the speed she wai going the runaway would havt climbed right on top of the train. Af ter the explosion I entered the station and called for K , to give him th news, but he could not be raised. 1 could not get him until the usual houi next morning, and then I learned some thing which made my hair stand on end. He had not heard a word of the matter. He was not in his oflice when the ac commodation p issed, and he had heard nothing from G , tho station where the engine broke away. I then called for the agent at O , and it turned out that at 5 o'clock on tin afternoon pre vious, he had met with an accident by which he had been made delirious all night. When they went for him to telegraph about the engine he was in bed, and being held there by nuiscs, and they did not even try to make him understand what had happened. As a matter of fact and record, no living hand clicked that message to mc. Every man on the line was examined, but all denied it. 1. nn -,1 i a 1 i 1 i j I uimu it, iiim uuuuiaiuua 11, uuu acieu upon tt, and it came from K . How do I explain it? I never could. I have had people tell me that it was mind tele gi sphing to mind, but you can take any tlf ory you wish. I was called for in the u$ial way, understood fully what was Icing said, and hurried out to do what 1 have described. The matter has been a puz.lo and a mystery for years, and 1 have no hopes of a solution. "How did I lose my leg? Well, there was a mystery about that. We had changed our time and a passenger train passed my station at 2 a. m. I awoke one night at 1 o'clock, feeling that the upper switch had been left open by the freight train. I lighted my lantern and ran up thjrc, and sure enough it stood wide open, and a death trap had been sot for the express. I closed it, and was on my way back when three cars which had broken away from the freight several miles away, at tho top of a grade, cams whooping down, and, in trying to get out of the way, I made a stumble and got my leg under the wheels. I dragged myself into the station and tried to call up the offices above me, but could raise no one. The cars were missed, and hunted for from one end of the line to the other, and, strangely enough, they could not be found. It was an odd thing to lose cars in tint fashion, and before they got through searching men walked over every foot of the line. It was six weeks before they were found. They had left the rails at a curve near a steep bank, and had gone over the rocks into a deep river without leaving a trace. It was as if they had been picked up and Hung over by human hands. Being loaded with hardware, they had gone to the bottom, but the current rolled them along until they finally showed above the sui face in a bend. When hauled out none of tho three were damaged a cent's worth, but it was a deal of trouble to get thein back to tho rails again. -New York Sun. A Parrot That Prays. A family living near a church owns a very bright parrot. Every evening the bells of the church ring the "Angelus," and recently one of the little girls of the family was taught to rcc'tc the ap propriate prayer at the sound of the bells. The parrot watched her care fully, and the other evening, at the first sound of the chimes, dropped to the bottom of the cage, put down his head and said the first few words of the prayer He has kept this up ever since and is adding other words of the prayer as the little girl teaches them to bim. Chi cago News. The Wrong Kind. "Bromley, I've been going through my last year's vests." "Find any bills in the pockets, Dar- linger?" "Ye3. one." "Good. A $50 bill I hope." "No, a bill for $ 19.53." "But there isn't a bill of that denomi nation." "Oh, there isn't eh? Bromley, it was a wash bilb" Philadelphia Ca'L They Matched His Head. "It's very cold," remarked Mr. Mc Corkle, as he came in to dinner. "My hands are perfectly numb." "Then they match your skull perfect ly," was the unfeeling comment of his wife. Philad e Udiia Timet. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. The Wind. Prom songful thicketa the cool wind blows, Through garden of spice it dips ; It shakos the scent from the pale tea-rose And cradles the w:iite-winged ships. It musi; wakes in tho bright green tree, It rocks the phcebe to rest; Into silvery ripples it breaks the sea, And makes the lily its nest. It piles the clouds in fantastic drifts, And tan;les the crystal rain; The curtain of spring it smiling lifts, And kisses to bloom tha plain. - It whistles along the sparkling snow, And moans through the forest deep. . But wher,oU whrsdoeS the gay wind-go When it goes to sleep ? . Harper's Young People. Rolby and the Horse. Robby was one day looking out of the window, watching a balky hors. He had not a heavy load to draw, but the horse was stubborn and would not go. The driver coaxed him and whipped him, but the horse would not move one step, and there he stood for hours. Robby at last said : "Aunty, I guess the reason why th'jre are bad horses now is because they wasn't trained right when they wera enlts." Then he thought a little and add ad: "I see now the reason why you arc always telling me not to do things because you want me to be a good man ; good boys make good men." That is just it. Good boys and girls arc apt to make good men and women. An Arab National Game. We come now to the most interesting of tho Arab games jer:ed, or "spears." Although I have mentioned it as perhaps the only national game, it is not, how ever, played so much nor so engrossingly a3 base-ball is in this country. It is hard to gather enough players to niako it interesting, for it is ait imitation of real warfare, and requires numbers. The establishment of a college like that at Beirut brought together a body of young men, :.i.d il w s u-.t long before the game was orgauiz ;d. Certain students soon came to be recognized as leaders, and the spart w is for a time indulged in; but whether the sudden languishing of the game was due to the interference of the faculty of the college or not, it is certain that some influence was brought to bear and the game was, for the time, stopped. The general plan of the game is as follows: Sides are chosen by the lead rs, and lines marked out, about a spear's-throw apart. This distance varies with the size and strength of the players, thirty yards being a fair average. E tch player has a blunt wooden spear, about the shape of a billiard cue, only not so small in proportion at tho smaller eud. It is shap d in such a way that when balanced on the linger and then grasped, it will not be held at the middle, but a point a little nearer the larger end. A jereed player must possess skill in two ways: He must be able to hurl the spear far and true, and also to catch a spear, when thrown at him, as it goes by. This sounds mora difficult than it really is. Tho player dodges as the spear approaches, so that it will shoot past his side the right side, if possible and then, as it passes him, he sweeps it in with his hand and brings it down to the side, reversing it so as to throw it back again, all in a moment. The object of the'game is for one side to drive the other side back and to oc cupy its line. B it it is not so rough a game as this purpose would seem to imply. Not half so many accidents occur as in base-ball, and it is not near ly so rough as foot-ball, since tho ob ject of the game can be attained very easily and quickly by throwing the spear over the head of your opponent; for then he has to run back and pick up his spear, and that not only weakens the enemies' line, but gives them, for the time, one less spear-thrower. St. Nicholas. What Ants Know About Winter. W. A. Earseman, superintendent of the Anchor Oil Company, Oil City, Penn., said to a Philadelphia Press cor respondent: 'T was out in the oil fields to-day and saw a queer thing. At one of our wells the gas was led off several rods and burned at the end of a pipe. The flame was closo enough to the ground to make considerable warmth in the earth for three or four yards around. Although the ground was frozen hard outside of this circle, and also covered with snow, the warmth from the gas flame had woke up a hill of black ants that "were live'y as crickets and working in their circumscribed locality as if it were midsummer. Occasionally some sf them would get beyond their smali patch of summer land and run into the mow. It was a curious spectacle to watch them back out of the snow, shake it off their legs and scud back for me inside of the warm belt." An Epicurean Taste. Woman (to tramp sharply) "You lon't seem to like that soup; ain't it rood?" Tramp -"Yes, it's good flavored uum, but there ain't quite body enough ;o it. Couldn't you wash a coule more lishes in it.?'' CHING AH K0W. The Romance of a Chinese Ranch man and Miss Annie Freese. A Celestial Cattle King Who Married an American Girl. Ching Ah Kow, a Chinaman who ar rived in San Francisco about six months ago from Texas en route for China with a pretty white' wife and two children, was met. on hi3 return by an Examiner reporter, as In was crossing the bay to visit some friends in Oakland in company with his family and a ser vant. On being addressed by the re porter, Ah Kow appeared so affable and wi ling to talk that tin scribe joined him on the boat. When .seated his eyes beamed with a sort of quizzical intelli gence as he remarked: "I quite understand your curiosity. You have noticed that I have a white wife and a pair of pretty girls, and you want to know how I came by them. Isn't that so?" "Well, Texpct you have guessed it," remarked his companion, "but a police officer at the ferry has already told mc that you were a cattle king from Texas." "A cattle king?"' he exclaimed, "why, I hive not more than a thousand, but I have considerable land." "How did you happen to make such an investment in that country? ' was in quired. "That lacly you see over there, my wife, wa3 the main causa, and Tm not a bad looking fellow myself in American clothes, am I?" he continued, straighten ing up. iiie assent was given mat ne was not. "incn you win admit that she was somewnat excusioie la uisrcgnruirur race . pre ju lice s. Tin whole story is that I lived in San Francisco until Kearney began to stir tilings up. Fear ing that members of my race would be molested sooner or later, and not de siring to return to my native country noor. as I had run aw.iv from a wealthv f.,,i,.5 u ir t i seek a new locality. Gathering to getlnr about $.)00, I drifted south, and continued t drift through Arizona and Colorado, until I finally landed in San Antonio, Tex. There I opcucd a Chinese bazaar, and so.d my goods at such enormous profits that it was but a short time before I had about $5000. I was admitted as a member of tho Social Club there, and became extensively ac quainted. Among my acquaint ances were many ladies. Many of them gave me cause to think that my attentions would not be repulsed. To one of these I became at tached. II ?r name was Annie Freese. Again, that's my wife. 1 did not then know that she owned in her own name 1000 acres of land not many miles away. It was what you would call a case of true love, and it ran smooth." At the closing sentence the reporter looked up rather suddenly. "Oh, I'm quite conversant with your literature, as is evidenced by my fond ness for Shakespeare and other authors whom, it is said, foreigners do not appreciate. Well, to continue, I paid my addresses to her. Then a revulsion of feeling seemed to take place. I was acceptable enough until I djsired to marry one of their native daughters, though she was aa orphan, by the way, Dr. T. McNear, her guardian, made it so warm that we had to run away and get married in another county by a Justice of tho Peac. She was 19 years of age and I was 00 at that time. We got married, though, all right, and returned to face tin music It was a cold reception that wo got. I told her that it would be all right, that I had over $5000 and could make more. It was then that she told me that she had a thousand acres of land in her own right and a house an I lot in the city. She advised me to buy cittle and stock it. I then clos.d out my business to advantage, bought cattle and plodded along until I was able to purchase five thousand head of stock, which ar$ in creasing. It is all paid for. The cow boys tried tr kill mc once or twice but I escaped. ' " Why did you go to China?"' " To sec my father, whom I had not seen for nearly eighteen years." " And you return just on tho eve f jour new year? ' "That is the main reason I did re turn. I married a white woman and I desire to become a white man, or as rearly as possible. Furthermore, mv business sadly needs attention."- " Howr do the people of San Antonio legard you and your wife now?'' "Things are all right now you see, I have money; that makes some differ eDce," and Ah Kow winked. The boat arrivin g on the other side, the fat Chinaman and his vigorous and rosy wife bade the reporter adieu, in forming him that they would take the overland train for their home that morn ing. The family was the centre of attrac tion on the boat during the entire trip. Many people will reimrcber the n toriety attaching to the carriage u Ching Ah Kow and Miss Fre:se, tike lady being of an old and eminently re spectable family. French Funeral Customs. When a person dies in France his rep resentatives irnmediately send out wh tt arc called "Lettres do faire payt" to all friends and even slight acquaintances, inviting th-jm to assist at the religious service (supposing there i3 to be one) and the burial of the deceased. The circumstances generally state that the cortege will be formed at the house of the defunct. The more intimate friends assemble . in the drawing room, where they are received by the nearest rela tives of the deceased" person. " Mean- while the coffin has bcon placed in the doorway of the house, which has been converted into a sort of chapel. The opening is draped with heavy black hangings bordered with silver fringe.. and often embroidered with the arm3 or initials of the deceased. If the ceremony is to be a religious one it is very rarely a "civil" one the friends sprinkle the coffin with holy water, which is placed at the head, in a silver plated vess.l, together with a brush. When the procession is formed, thenearest relatives are the immediate followers of tho coffin. The men in variably walk, if they are able to do so; ladies follow in carriages. A priest, ac companied by choir boys, vested in cassock and surplice, "fetches" the body. In the couutry they go on foot and chant, but in Paris they always head the cortege with a carriage. The general body of followers usually num ber sovcral hundred. The men go bareheaded even in the burning sun and fa ling rain. As the bier passes tho busiest and most effer vescent man acknowledges the solem nity of death by raising his hat. The ceremony in the church is plain or pompous, according to tho position that the dead penon occupied in the world. In Paris there are five "classes" of funerals. A first-class funeral is a very elaborate and expensive affair. The church in which the service is held is profusely draped with b'axc'.c and silver. The catafalque is quiti monumental and is all ablaze with candles, and green flames arise from tall lampadaires placed at the four corners of the catafalque ill the chanting pow.-r of the church is brought to bear upon tho service, and professional singers ar j also engaged for the occasion. The second and third-class funerals are also very ornate, but in the next decent the difference is strongly marked. Finally we como down to the coffin made of pine and the severely plain canonical service for tho dead. At the close of the service tho chief mourners stand hear the door of the church to rjecivo the conventional shake of the hand from thoso who have been invited to tho funeral. Boston Herald. Hunting Wild Ducks on the Chesa peake. When driven out of the Great South B:y by the gunner-', many of the wild fowl emigrate to the Chesapeake bay, where they arc met w th by sportsmen from Philadelphia and the neighboring cities. Although the gunners are just aa eager there to get a few good shots at the birds the law is stricter than in New York state and the birds are less merci lessly killed off by sportsmen, bay men and amateur guuners. Noith of Tur key Point and Spcsutia Island shooting is allowed only on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays of each week from the 1st-of November to the 1st of January. All the gunning mu t bo done botween 5 o'clock in the in miiag and sunset. Night shooting with any kind of gun is prohibited and no one is allowed to shoot from a vessel, canoe, sueak-boat, or sink -box by day or night within half a mile of tho shore. These laws are strictly enforced and heavy fines are paid by those who break them. It givc3 Maryland a better chance than many other states, and a'l visitors to ths ducking grounds hav j to employ the resident owners of the boats, who make a good living in this way during the cold months of tho year. Many wjalthy people from tho cities run down to the feeding-grounds with their yachts on shooting days ; but even then thoy usually employ one of the bay men to go along with them as guide and gen eral director of the expedition. Early in the morning the yachts and cat-boats can be seen cruising and manoeuvering around the shore, waiting for the clock hands to point to the five-o'clock hour, when they sweep over the line in a dead race for the shooting grounds, each boat bound to be the first on the spot. The ame constable is on hand each morn ing, and he takes particular care to see that no boats cross the line until the appointed time. He gives the word to go at the proper time, and the yacht race then begins. Harper's Weekly. A Blessed Year. Miss Ethel And so you are really en gaged to Mr. Samp3on, Clara? Miss Clara (blushing)--Yes, it all happened last evening, Ethel. Mbs Ethel--What a blessing leap year r, '-"sr Last Night L&sfc night my dream-clad feet did tread On well remembered paths; and I did sea The self -same scenes th? same stars shed Their dreamy light on you and me; The little stream coursed on its silent way, Our little boat rocked idly at our feet, And side by side we watched the shadows play, And list to strange, weird music, wild? sweet, Last night. Last night we drifted down the self-same stream; And I looked down into those midnight eyes, And read in their clear depths my life-long dream; They were to me my heaven and my para dise. You sang, and e'er the echoes died away My heart beat wildly with a throbbing pain, My eyes wore weeping, for I could not stay The tears that came for the hopes long slain Last night! Last night e'er the evening shadows fell We met, we parted, 'twas the last on earth, I heard, as of yore, the village church bell, As it rang on that eve of the Saviour's birth, How little we dreamed as he turned to go, The different paths we were doomed to tread! Then my heart grew sick and my head bent low Oh, many the sorrow that lips never know! And 1 sprinkled with tears a hope long dead Last night. Last night my dreaming fancy led me wherj In days forgotten we would often stray, And bid me dwell for one brief moment there, And sip the fragrance of the new-mown hay And faces that the sod hath covered o'er Aud blotted from our sight, came back to me, And phantom figures pressed the tufted floor Where we two lingered in our infancy Last night. George Wilmot Harris. HUMOROUS. A good nick-namo -Satan. She stoops to conquer Tho washer woman. The dresses of engaged young ladies wear out soonest about the waist. Wonder if a balloon would bo more effective if it were made of fly paper? A Europoan miser has learned to bark, so as to savo the expense of keep ing a dog. Toast An honest lawyer, tho noblest work of God, when an old farmer added, "And about the scarcest." It is when a man sits down suddenly, unexpectedly and severely that he real izes what a hard, hard world this is. The public look upon the college yell as a useless accomplishment, but in later years, when some of the boys get into the itinerant fish business, they find it comes powerful handy. "I trust your late husband had some thing laid up for a rainy day," said a friend. "Indeed he had,'' replied tho widow, with a fresh burst of tears, "he had seven umbrellas. John was tho thriftiest man ever I see." A (ncer but Efficient Rule. Chicago architects have a queer way of estimating the cost of the ten and twelve story buildings now being erected th re. They take the dimensions and find the exact cubic contents. Then they say the buildi lg, if plainly finished, should cost 25 cents a cubic foot, and not more than 35 cents if elaborately finished. Tim is a kind of "Rule of Thumbs" plan which the boat builders use to determine the carrying capacity of their vessels. The rule of thumb is jaid to be very exact, and so is the rule of the architects noted above. The use of the rule by the architects is almost universal throughout the west. It en ables them to come somewhere near the cost of the buildings so that they can find out whether it is worth while to draw plans and make specifications. Contractors also use the rule so that they can give a rough guess and decide whether they will be able to carry such a large contract. Buffalo Express. A Shrewd Farm Hand. The New York Tribune tells of a laborer who agreed to dig a farmer's potatoes for one potato a hill. The con tract did not confine the laborer to a selection from each hill, so he took the largest wherever found. These aver aged about half a pound in weight, and as there were 4000 hills to the acre, his share was ju3t one ton, or 33 1-3 bush els. At sixty cent3 a bushel they amounted to $20. He dug at the rate of one-fourth of an acre per day, mak ing his daily wages $5. It took one fourth of the crop to pay him. A Warning. It is said of a trustee of Vassar that when once visiting the college he left his boots in the hall at night, as though at a hotel. Some of the girls, for the joke of it, set to work and blacked them, and then stuck a pretty bouquet in each. This is leap year. Keep your boots in, gentlemen, and don't be betrayed by finding boutonnieres in the toes of your slippers. Mon have rights that even a leap year girl is bound to respect. In-tci-Ocean. A

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