tjjih (Eftolham Record THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1888. H. A. LONDON, Editor. The HofcsE of RepiesentativeH puva d. last Week, a bill that will remove .4ta of thfc'tihipWtionable features of ; 'the odiouH internal revenue laws. It j they dropped out until only about a ht jB generally throughout the couu amends the Present law in three par. ' doien remained on the track to the , try, though largest weal of the Mife. r.l.a.fll.ows: !cloS, U tooU ,,ace , an TOT!2E 1. By abolishing tbe minimum buildings in which a circu; ; avevnces three and a half per cent. puuishroent for violation ol t lie in- Carnal revenue laws. According to i which thepe men walked ana ran day . .. . .,!... .... i ,l : the present law there is a minimum and maximum jjumsbtnent uamea ror ; the violation of the law, that is, the j m i iudue can inflict no less or no greater! punishment than thatt named in the 1W. But by this amendment the linumiurn puuishmelit being abolish ed, the judge can inflict as small a punishment as ho thinks proper. There are many oases where the minimum punishment now allowed is too" heavy, and this amendment will authorize.the judge to be more merciful and inflict a mere nominal punishment. 2. By prohibiting the issuing of warrants upon informat ion and belief, fsxeept upon affidavit made by a col It ctor or deputy collector. That is, warrant cannot be issued and a man ft rested .Upon hearsay, upon the in formation and belief of anybody who may happen to have a grudge against hi neighbor. 3. By authorizing the Commission er of Internal Revenue to comprom ise any case under tho internal revenue laws. 1 his is a very import ant amendment. There aio many cases, where persons ba7e innocently and ignorantly violated the revenue , K " ; . .. . 0 ul laws and rendered themselves liable to its penalities, and this amendment authorizes the Commissioner to coin- px omiso such cases. It alioras us pleasure 10 kuuw m. . , , . , a DtMociiATic Houe has adopted . 1.-1 these amendments to the revenue law, and we hope that the republican Senate Svill concur. And it affords tfs still greater pleasure to know that the author of these amendments is a Noith Carolina democrat, the Hon. Oohu b. Henderson of Salisbury. It pioves that which we have often as serted, and that is, that the only ftope of repealing or modifying the Odious internal revenue laws is in the Success of the demociatic party. If thvn, any of our readers wish the flea, .let them f A atic party t vote witb the denio- The Radicals are trying to create the impression that democratic mle iu North Carolina has beeu extrava gaut and wasteful of the peoples' money. This reminds us of Satan rebuking sin. Tho idea of a North Carolina republican urging the peo ple of North Carolina to place his party in power, iu order to economise is rather "cheeky" to say the least. Ihe democrats of tho State pay at least three-fourths of the taxes, and they would be foolish indeed to give the' control of those taxes to the party that pays hardly one fourth. The bare statement of the proposi tion shows its folly. Mr. J. C. L Harris, chairman of one of the two republican State ex ecutive committee?, has published a long campaign document, in which he attempts to create the impression that Gov. Scales' administration has Been so much more extravagant than Gov. Brogden's, and therefore that it is better to have a republican than a democratic- Governor. Even if more money was expended during tiie administration of Gov. Scales than of Brogden (which is not true), yet neither Governor had anything to' do with it, as the Legislature levies the taxes and makes the appro priations, and it happens that all during Brogden's administration the Legislature was more strongly demo ciatic than during Scales' adminis tration ! 1he State Executive Committee of tte democratic party in North Caro ltna will meet at Raleigh on next Thursday, the 23rd inst., for the purpose of appointing the time and place for holding our State nomina ting convention. Now is the time therefore for suggestions to be made as to the most suitable time and place. If any town in the State desires to have the convention, let its citizens at once hold a meeting and express their wishes,-as is done by the large cities at the North whsn they wish tx have the national convention. If this is not done, then the citizens and papers of other towns should not censure tbe committee, as is fre quently the case, for designating Raleigh as the place for the conven tion. That city is generally selected by both- parties, simply because it is ill tbe centre of tbe State and more Convenient of access to the majority of delegates and not because of any particular partiality toward Ral- A Pedestrian contest took place in tbe city of New York, last week, that is tbe most remarkable on record. It began at midnight of Sunday the 4th iiist. and closed at 10 6V6ck the fol- lowing Saturday night, being a raft j uumbers and values of -farm aniiuals. day' go-as-yoU please con lest, that! There reported an imnftne in w; Ihe contesttols i could walk or run j horses, mules and cattle, and a de . . . .' ... , xrf ffvt create in hheep and swiue. ln jus! as they -pleased, l-aily nfly , of increase is iu horses, men entered the race, but one by one . lar tiacK was prepared, ami uuuuu ; auu nigut ior a wees, i -t-buug u . i j ii k. ..... sleeping oniy two or iiuee u.ui of every twenty-four. The champion of t lie contest was a roan named j Albert who completed the e.itraordi- j nary dislauco of G21 miles a feat never before poifoimed by any man. It seems inci edible that any man could do this, and it is more than horse r.ouht have done. His any compensation for ...Air itm.b was -$6,000. It seems a siu anu a shame that men should engage in a such a bru tal contest, and should be eucouraged bv-such crowds of spectators, for such a ahow should be denounced as benseless ad barbae us. Our WaKhhiKlou Letter. (From our Resrular Corrc8pondent.j WashikotonT Feb 10:h, 1888. One of the latent acts of Presidout Cleveland greatly pleased the Demo crats and wofuiiy displeased the Mugwumps and tbe Republicans. It was his ief:;sal to approve the newly mouofied civil service rule requiring ! officials to hie their reasons for tbe removal of subordinates. This ruling I opens tho way to rid the service oi huudieda of Republican barnacles who have latteued at tbe public cub im!.;,-,i ,;, nRfifl- UUIU "tS" 1U.J..... vv w Another f nature of the new rules that is received with much satisfac- l 1 a : ..til 1 i lion IS 111(5 uUl t'LTHl lOil Ol lut) rmusc . . . . , requiring applicants for examination ,i under forty-five years of a-e. This will throw open the classified service to thousands who have been heretofore excluded. On Washington's birthdav, Feb. 22nd., the National Democratic Com mittee will meet in this city for the purpose of calling the National Dem ocratic Convention. The represen tatives of several cities are actively at work to (?ecuic the coveted prize among the number New York, Chi cago, St. Louis, Indianapolis and San Fiaucisco. If I were disposed to be prophetic. I would pay that the con vention will go to New York, :wd also that Representative Scott, of Penn sylvania, ffliu i- kuunii i'O t'tovit. .., friend of President Cleveland now fiiCtifrely engaged iu politics will bo the successor of Mr. Bainum a Chau- r -t . i tx . i' i I lutiu ol ' ne iaiiouai lemocranc vjom-1 luittee. Tbe House has passed an impor-1 tant bill amending the Internal Rev-j enue laws. Its ellVct is to aboiudi j what are known as miniuiuu punish- j menta and to iriVft the courts discre tion to impose tines in such cases. The object of tbe proposed law is to discourage frivolous prosecutions. , Many other bill a v. ere passed by tbe Houso tins weeii which are scarcely worthy of sn?cial mention, most of them being of a private eharacter. Some scandal having been caused by private telegraph wires being con nected with tho Houso, Speaker Car lisle has ordered an investigation of the matter. It is ssid these wires arc used chiefly for stock jobbing purposes. Senator Piatt came forward early in thp. week with a partisan attack on the Democracy. His provocation was the President's message, which he triumphantly characterized as a free trade document. It is evident that the Chief Magistrate's able State paper will furnish the Republicans with political ammunition for a long time yet. Another fight similar to the Oleo margarine controversy is brewing in the Senate. It is the bill to prohibit the adulteration of lard with cotton seed oil and other foreign substances. It was claimed that only one firm now has pure lard on the market. Senator Uiddieberger makes daily attacks on secret sessions and execu tive business aud persists in his ef forts to taik about the British Extra dition in open session. On "Wednes day he produced a little sensation. As it frequently does, the Chair had declared him out of order. The way ward Virginian replied that he had learned that there were two sets of rales in the Senate, one for the other Senators and one for himself. The Chair usually found means of declar ing him out of order. Several Senators endeavored to make suggestions, but Mr. Riddle berger snubbed them in a manner that caused much laughter in the galleries, and the Chair threatened to clear them. Mr. Riddleberger persisted, and finally appealed from a decision of the Chair that he was out of order. The Chair did not en tertain the appeal, but said, '"the gen tleman from Virginia will take his seat". Mr. Riddleberger did not comply, but stood still with folded arms. There was an ominous pause and an expectnnt hush. Alter a mo ment or two Senator Butler of South Carolina, moved consideration of a resolution in which he was interested, and the Chair put this motion. Then the recalcitrant Senator, without hav ing taken his seat, withdrew from the chamber. There have been heavy snow storms in the west of England, Scotland and Wales. Two trains are snowed up between Bath and Bristol. Agricultural Report. STATiSTICB RELATING TO HORSES, CATTLE HOGS AND SHEEP. Washington, Feb. 10. The Feb ruary statistical report of the De pai t intont f Atri icnlture relates to the - fuiiv five uer cent, and rne 11)Ciease in cattle is ueariy two and a half per cent .iiioul i- tvilli ml' Corresponding closely with the advauces in popula- t uii. iv ugh. - n tort ine n,illions or 82 per 100 of populatioiJ. The increase is nearly a8 jHrge in milch cows a8 in oiuer cattle. In sheep the decline appears to be betwsen two aud three per ceut.. the flocks being about forty-three and a half millions. There is a smaller decline iu numbers of swiue less ! than one per cent. leaving the aggre gate over foi tv-four million. Prices oi noises unu mules are nearly the j same as last year, but are lower than i in tho vtar ibbi. wneu the coutin utMis advance from 1879 : culminated The average for all ages is $71 82 for horbes, and $79 78 for mules a de crease of 33 cents and 8? cents re spectively. From 1879 to 1884, the aunual estimates of prices of milch cows and of other cattle advanced yearly, and tho decline has since been uninterrupted without exception for either c!ts .of stock. The fall in milch o ws has been from $26 08 to $24 G5 over five per cent., and in "oxen au d other cattle" from $19.79 to 17. 79, a decline of ten per cent. In sheep, as in other stock, the an nual advance was quite steady after 1879, and amounted to twenty two per cent, in four fcars. From 1883 to 1886 tho decline was over twenty five per cent, or from $2 53 to 1 91 The next year's average was $2.01 aud tho present average $2.05 or near ly t8 much as in the depression of 1879, when prices were the lowest iu twenty years. There has beeu an advance in the average for swiue of all ages from $4.48 to $4.98, or eleveu per cent. The ai-nual advance was continuous from 1879 to 18S3, then declining to 1886, aud slightly advancing again since. Tho aggregate value of all farm animals is eight million dollars more than a year ago; the total for cattle being smaller by about sixty four millions, and for sheep a trifle small er, with increase iu those for horses, mules and swine. Horses represent niue hundred and forty-six millions ; mules arc seventy-live ; cattle nine Imudred and seventy-eight millions; swine two hundred and twenty-one, and sheep eighty-cine millions a grand aggregate of two thousand four hundred and nine millions for tUi-A filiiwBUB of liiuAiit( nnimaia on fai ins and ranches. Fatal Buriiiuir. CcrrMuondeiice of RaleLrh Kawi and ObsarTar. ' - ' V " a, v. The exercises of the school at the academy in this place, Rev. Mr. S Lea, principal, began today. Abour -t. xt n ii. i. a 8 30 o clock the pupils began to as seinble, Among ine nrst to arrive at the academy was little Rosa Morton, daughter of Mr. V. L. Morton of this place. There had beeu fires made, both iu the stove and fireplace. Rosa was standing by the fire place warm ing, and in turning her dress caught, and there being no help present, ex cept her little brother and cousin, whose attempts to extinguish the fire proved of no avail, all the clothes were burned off, the whole body ter ribly burned, tho fatfo and all the hair burned except one plait. Tho poor little thing suffered tortures till about half after four, when death relieved her of her sufferings. Rosa was a blight little girl, eleven years old, and her death is a terrible blow to bcr aed parents. She was the youngest of a large number of children, and hers is the first death ever occurring among them. All our people join in sympathy with the family in their great affliction. A Fatal Accident. New York, Feb. 14. Shortly be fore 10 o'clock this morning, as a Reed avenue street car, filled with passengers, was passing under a large derrick, used in erecting an elevated railroad structure, on Broad waj', near Sumner Aveuue, Brooklyn, the ropes sustaining the derrick gave way, aud the derrick fell on the car, crushing, it in like an egg shell. Seventeen of the passengers on the car were in jured and two people were killed. Michael McAnnally, driver of the car, was crushed to death. Kare Kuehier, a German, employed on the derrick, was also killed. It was said that some poisons were buried under neath the ruins, and workmen are now engaged in removing the debris to iearn if there are any other vic tims of the disaster. To Admit Four New States. Washington, Feb. 11." The Demo cratic members of the House aud Senate Committee on Territories to day agreed to report a bill for the admission to Statehood of Dakota entire, New Mexico, Montana and Washington. It is the expectation of these members that the bill can be passed by both Houses during the present session. They urge that the Republicans cannot oppose t he measure on political grounds, as Da kota will come in as a Republican State to offset the Democracy of New Mexico, while in Montana and Wash ington neither party has a decided advantage. W. E. Everett a prominent farmer of Nansemond county, Va., commit ted suicide at his home. Loss of sleep from nursing sick children and overwork unbalanced his mind- Blaine Not a Candidate. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 12 The Pitts burg Commercial Gazette will publish the following tomorrow : Mr. B. F. Jones, the Chairman of tho National Republican Committee, has received a letter from Mr. Blaine, declining to allow his numii to- be presented to the National Republican Convention as a candidate for 1 tbe Presidential nomination. Mr. Jones, when asked whether Mr. Blaine's declination Would prevent bi friends from noini nMiinrr liiin anvhow. said, as I am Chairman Of the National Committee, I do not think it would be proper for me to have anything to say on the subject.' "lo you tbuili sir. r!iue would accept tue nomination n ten dered to him t" "I have no authority to speak for Mr." Blaine and have no conjectures to offer on' the subject. The letter speaks for itself, and I must decline to be interviewed on thia subject". Profiting by Prohibition. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 10. Inspec tion of the docket of the lately in dicted Justice of the Peace, Walker, shows upward of 150 whiskey prose cutions during six months of the past year, in each of which nothing but the costs (amounting iu each case to $34) was paid. Each time County Attorney Jones movedrthat the fiue of $100, prescribed by law, be remit ted. These cases have netted Jones about $4,000. Not one dollar has be n paid into the school fund aud but $100 to the County Treasurer. The supreme court licensed twenty nine more lawyers last v. oek. One of them was a colored man. Two locomotives colliJed ou the Erie & Wyoming railroad, near Pitts burg, Pa., Saturday. Colonel Seigel, of Dunmore, an engineer, was killed. Four men were instantly killod last Friday by an explosion at Dupont's powder works in Pennsylvania, and over iorty persons were injured, four teen of whom it is said will die. Near Bellevue, Ohio, two men were digging for some buried dynamite, when au explosion occurred, killing both men, und shaking up the coun try in the vicinity as if by an earth quake. Four Mohammedans, the first to arrive in many years, landed at Castle Garden, New xork, Saturday, cn route to Savannah and New Orleans, v.beu they will eugage in the manu facture of cloth. Tom Wool folk, who murdered nine members of his family in Georgia, was to have been hanged last Friday, but at tbe Jast moment a writ of re vieval to tue bupreme Court was granted, and the execution was stay ed. Seven negroes and six whites, con viewed of oettv larcenies, were whiD ped 'viih from five to ten lashes each nt Ns-w Castle, Del., Saturday. One -e a fc- giving his tenth lasn, asked tho sheriff for a chew of i tobacco. Mrs. Sarah J Robinson, of Boston, who was charged v.ith tho poisoning of uer son and daughter and nunhew. for tbe purpose ol securing the life insurance ot her victims, lias been convicted of murder in the first de gree. A fire broke out about midnight Sunday night in the St. Albans vVt.) hospital. The hospital wan completely gutted and two out of the eight pa tients were nuffbeated. The fire was discovered iu a cioset in the kitchen, and speedily got beyond control. Bismarck's speech on the war situa Hon continues to excite comment iu Europe ; 'official and diplomatic cir cles concede that while the Czar may desire peace, influences are at work which he cannot resist, and which compel him to work in the direction of war. Ruth Woodell, a negro woman liv ing in Jones county, Ga., about ten miles from Macon, mixed some Rough on Rats whh water and mnde her two daughters, aged seven and five years respectively, drink of it. She then drank what was left. The mother and the older daughter died, but the ether child was saved by a physician A party of eight persons, oil color ed, crossed the river from LsReusite plantation, in Louisiana, to Diamond's Fairview farm Saturday afternoon in a skiff. T he boat was old, and when the party were returning, and were within 100 feet of their home landing, the swells of a passing steamer caused the skiff to go to pieces and six of tbe occupants were drowned. Charlotte Democrat: That was good farming done last year by J. W. and H. E. Morrow, near Pinerille, this county, sons of J. W. Morrow, Esq. From 60 acres planted in cot ton they got sixty bales of 425 fes. each ; 56 acres in corn yielded 2,000 bushels. They harvested 150 bush els wheat, 1,300 bushels oats, gath ered 200 bushels peas, 75 bushels sweet potatoes and 25 bushels Irish potatoes; made 15,000 bundles fodder, 25 loads clover and pea-vine hay. From 3 acres seeded in oats on the 4th of Marcn 1887, they harvested 120 bushels oats, then on the 11th of June planted some 3 acres in speckled peas and made 75 bushels, which left the land more fertile and productive than it was in March. On a two acre lot the yield in seed cottou was 6.000 lbs. At this time they have 55 tons of stable manure composted with acid phosphate and kainit. . . The right thing in the right place is without doubt Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, the best remedy for babies while teething. Only 25 cents a bot tle. If your liver is torpid, if your ap petite is poor, if you want your stom ach thoroughly cleansed, if you want a good digestion, use Laxador, the great regulator Price 25 cents. JOHN S. LOCKHAKT'S I Ml JtttlKlfflAM, M. IS STILL IN THE LEAD! Load Your Wagon and Come on mm i will mn m mi mm I have worked hard for my customers and intend to still keep on tbe harness. I will say right here, that I do not intend for any Warehouse in this or any other State to down me in High Prices. I mean BUSINESS 1 I have got the money and waut to exchange it for Tobacco. The Fipres Mow will Speak for Tieiaselves. Pounds. 409 380 148 Average. $22.37 42 92 25.13 35.32 24.72 2438 29.93 37 72 29.9b' 42.77 24.58 22.90 45.41 2115 27.67 W. D. Tilley, Bragg & Allen, L T. Wrenn, L D. Waller, Laws & Satterfield John S. Waller, L. A. Veasy, Wm. Tippett, W. L. Umstead, W. D. Veasy, Green Stephens, R. B. Carriugtou, John Hedepeth, M P. Nance, J. H. Garner, 352 540 1014 806 504 916 718 704 422 416 478 330 My average for everything sold on my floor since Christinas has been $19.80. IT CAN'T BE BEAT. My accommodations and Work ing Force cannot be surpassed. Working Force : JOHN CULBRETH, JAMES RANKIN, JOHN DYE It, RALPH D. WILLIAMS, FebV 9, 1888. 2ts. NEW IN BEGINNING THE NEW YEAR SHS &SSO ITTXIOItf YOU CAN MAKE IS THAT YOU WILL BOY GOOD GOODS, AND WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM AT BOTTOM PKICES! AND W. L. LONDON'S IS THE PLACE ! HIS MOTTO IS : "Lowest Piiees Consistent Willi He will continue io keep the largest aud best assortment of goods in the county and will sell them as LOW AS TFIE LOWEST! You will always find what you need at W. I. 03?2OX'S. He again returns his thanks for the liberal patronage vou have given him, and he will try and do his part to induce you to continue the same. All persons indebted to him are requested to call and make an early settlement, "Short Settlements BSake Long Friends". Whenever you need any goods call at Pittsboro , N. C, Jan. 5, 1888. PARIUSH'S Durham, N. ft, WILL BE READY FOR YOUR TOBACCO AFTER JANUARY 16TH WHERE YOU WILL GET THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL GRADES! Best Warehouse, Best Light, - BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, FOB MAN AND BEAST IN N. C. OB VIRGINIA. Stable Holds 200 Horses! o BoriMi'tnuMtad will promptas and accuracy, and the highest pn8 always g0ar.ntd. A beai ty ftwaiU ba may come. Average Dav & Jones, K. T Rycoit, ; Jones & Pottiford, J. B. Brandon, Flintou & Co., E. Goss, C. G. Markham, W. W. Hamlin, ; Westley Laws, R. B. P.u teifield, ' YV. L Brown, Harrison Geur, J. M. Terry, i C. Hollemau, mi so 32.30 30.50 25 01) 24.50 34.25 24.25 3Q.15 38.75 31.75 33:75 46.14 28.68 404 320 450 29.83 ROBERT HARRIS. FRANK RE MS, NAT M. CLAY, JOE BALDWIN. Y 15 A II y M Uialily and Hoiesl Goods" I 0 AND - mm i GQmn, DE ALERS IN GeiitsV Youths', BOfS M CHILDBED'S CLOTHING, 'Dirntim its, MATS, CAFS4 THUNKS, VALISES, PaiDBTiLT.ftg, LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN'S and GENTS' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. Jan. 5, 1888. 2ms. M. C.Herndon&Co., DURHAM, Ii. C, (Near Parrish'd Warehouse), DEALERS IN hambbS, AND Wall Paper, BABY CARRIAGES, &C &c. Best and Largest Stock of Furniture in Durham! Farnitare in all Styles! Give us a call before buying else where. Ali orders by mail promptly attend ed to. 'Jau' 5,1888. 2ms. Ii, in & co., DURHAM, BT. a, DEAIERS IN HEAVY AND FANCY i 7 y ,jfi mrm. Confectioneries, &c (Corner Main and Church Streets.) Near Pabrish's Warehouse. Highest market price paid tot ll country produce. Our old couutymen of Chatham are invited to make our store heir Head quarters when they visit Durham, and special bargains are offered them. Jan 5th, 1888. 2ms. BBESSCHANGE! W.J.WYATT&C0., DvSBAEI, Z7. O. To Our Friends anil Patroii Feeling very grateful for a meal liberal patronage bestowed upon uf during the past four years, we have decided to pay our attention in future strictly to the FJEIIEB, SJSffiJD Iob Business. On and after today, our remaining' stock of havy and fancy groceries will be offered at greatly reduced prices to make room for car lots of HAY, FODDER, SHUCKS, CORN, OATS, WHEAT, RYE, PEAS, MEAL, COTTON SEED ME AL, CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS (f aii kinds. Wo will buy in oar lots and direH fiom the grower, and can and will compete with Northern Markets. Th business will have our careful atten tion and trust that our efforts may merit success. Very respectfully W. J. WYAM&CO February 9, 1838.

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