H)t l)atl)am Uccorb. &he Chatham tieroro vf hrr BATES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, OF ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- $1.0(1 One square, two insertions - - 1.50 One square, one month - 259 For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will-be made. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. vol. x. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, AUGUST 9, 1888. NO. 40. From Within. Sot by the sea tide, 'or the swift river, yr t'ae stars that sweep thro waste of h .a ven, 8tde by side Forever and ever, iv we mark man's life with its loss and pain. Not by the leafs fall, Nor by pring rain, Sor the atoms that drift thro' endless forms Changing all Tho' they changeless remain, Pc we ceuut man's life with its hap and lane. Net by the strong things, Nor by things sweet, '. I y tLe fair light of win that speeds far On swift wines, Nor the wild winds that meet, Io wo time man's life with its dusk and day. But by the strong will But by ths soul's grace. Rut by the yearnings that thread night and day Holt and still, Till they glow in his face, Po we tell ram's life forever aud aye. George Le Moine in Overland. A SMART WOMAN. BY HELEN FOItKEST GRAVES. "That worn in, "said Squire Dockley within himself, "ought to have been a man J" The Engliih langu ige, as tho squire interpreted it, had no higher form of praifC than this. The squire believed implicitly in hi own sex. And when he said that Maria Poole ''ought to havo been a man,' he did homage to her ci pacity. Squire Dockley was on his way to the postofficc. lie liked to go in the early mornintr, before the thermometer had mounted to too high a degree, and while the dew yet spark I. d upon the close, short grass along the road. Old Mr. Poole had been postmaster at Sissafru Gap for 12 years, but his daughter Maria performed all tho duties of the position, as the old man was bed ridden, deaf and helpless. Maria also worked the faim, with the aid of a va- c in t-faced, red-haired auxiliary, nam;d ias Smith, who came for half wages on accouitof a lisp in one leg; and she kept boarders in summer. "There's tho clothes all out oa tho lines, and it ain't 8 o'clock yet," said tho rquirc. "And not a weed in the garden, and nobody to raise a finger about tho place but Maria ! I declare that woman ought to have been a man!'' Close beside him was tho well, shad owed with a canopy of blue-cupped morning-glorias which had not yet folded their silken tents away from the sun. The squire stopped to get a drink of water, when suddenly a human head popped up before him like a jack-in -thc- box. "Je-ru-sa-lcm !'' ejaculated the squire. starting back. "Why, it's you, ain't it, Mis? Pco'e?" "Yes, it's me," said Maria. "I've been down the well to clean it. A tin trumpet, two doll babies, a spellin book, a cocoanut shell and fourteen ap ple-cores that's what tho, boarders' children have dropped down since this day week. I sometimes think," giving herself a shake, and sending the sur plus moisture of the well flying in all directions, "that King Herod wasn't so far wrong as folks pretend to think. If ycu want a drink, Squire Dockley you'd better go down to the spring hou3e. Tho well's sort o' stirred up." Tho squird meekly followed Maria Poole down to the cool, swect-smolling spring-house where a living stream flowed beneath the shelves, all laden with pans of milk and a glittering spring bubbled up in the corner like a magnified diamond. "Made much butter thi i year?" tho squire inquired as he slaked his thirst. "Two hundred and nine pound?, packed down u'ready," was Maria's re sponse. "Well, I declare!" admiringly com mcnte 1 the squire, a he laid down tho gourd-shell. "You'd ought to have been a man, Miis Maria; and so I've said ag'in and ag'in.'' "Humph," observed Maria. "If I ciuldn't a-madc a smarter man than some I know of, I would give up. Well, squire, I don't want to hurry you, but its 'most time to open tho po3t office and see about the morning mail." "I was a-thinkin' of calling for my letters and papers," said Squire D;ck ley, wiping his mouth with a red ban danna pocket-handkerchief. "Can't nobody get into the postofficc not if they had a letter for the presi dent himself afore 8 o'clock," said Miss Maria, curtly. "Business hours is busi ness hours 1" "Yes, I know I know!" apologized the squire, as he followed Miss Poole up tho winding path; "but I was calcu latin' to speak to you. Maria." "Well, what is it? Don't keep mo Jong!" The squiro shifted from one foot to the other. Was ever lover expedited like this before? "I was a-thinkin', Maria," said he, "that it wan' t in place for a woman to bo kcepin' postofficc '" "Oh, that's your game, is it?" re-1 torted Maria. "YouM like to get the offico away ' from father, would you? And you re gcttn' up a pMition to edo some friend o yourn iu? Well, it won't go down, Equire Dockley. All the folks hereabout! know father well, and you won't get no signatures to your papers. And I should thiak you'd be ashamed of yourself to go and ' ' Hold on, Maria hold on!" gasped Mr. Dockley, instinctively stepping back a pace or two. "I mistrust you don't quite apprehend me. It's quite another tack as I'm on. I'm a well-to-do man, Mario, without no incumbrance but my 6on Leonidas, and I've reason to think he's plannia' to get settled in life pretty soon. And lately it's been borne in upon mo that I'd orter have a second pardner. The Scriptcr says it is not well lor man to be alone, and the Sirip- ter is generally right. And you're the pardner I'd like to hav., Maria Poole! The squire beamed. Evidently, in his opinion, there was no sort of doubt but that Maria would accept him, out of h nd. Was he not "The Squire?" and was not Mtria Poole a hard-working, ungainly woman, just overstepping the border land where people would begin to jeer at her lot of "singlc-blesscdness? ' Maria viewed him out of her honest, gray cyei with utter amazement. "You sec, ' went on Mr. Dockley "you ain't so youag as you was, Maria." "No," thoughtfully observed Miria, stroking her chin ia a man-like fashion. "And you ain't what folks call pretty?" "No," wincing a little, in spite of herself. "And there's your father. Most peo ple would object to your father: be cause " "Squire, look here, none o' this!' curtly interrupted Maria. "P'raps you think you'vj done me a favor, but you ain't! An I I've no more time to stand giff-gaffing here, afore the mail is opened. I don't want you. And I wouldn't marry you at no price. There!" "Very well, very well!" cried the squire, in a great rage. "Do jest as ye think best. I've no more to say. But it ain't likely a pi i in, humbly old maid like you will get another chinco if, indeed, you ever had ono afore, which I doubt. I only hope you won't live to regret it, that's all." And Squiie Dockliy whisked him-c'.f away, never stopping to inquire for his morning's mail. "A plain, homely old mail!' Maria Poole was only a woman after all, and the old man'j orutal words stung her to tho very quick. She had always been well aware that she was not fair to look upon ; bat a plain, homely old rani I ! Was she, then, shut out forever from all tho prosptcti that opened thcnselvc3 to tho eyes of other women? Nevertheless, she went bravely about her manifold daily duties. She dis tributed tho outgoing letters, stampe 1 the incoming one?, and mado her daily report as usual. She saw to the dinner, made her old father cotnforlabb, super intended theafftirs of the dairy, gavo audience to Eli is Smith, and looked alter the board r.; and by the time that the soft dusk descended over the hills, she was tired enough. Sho had often been tired before, but this was a differ ent kind of wearinos. It seemed to strike to her very heart. "I wonder if this sort of thing i3 to go on forever?" thought she, as she went out iuto tho garden to see if the tomatoes would be ripe for the morrow morning's breakfast. Sho whs stooping over the vines, when a shadow camo between her and the moonlight. Sho looked up it was Leonidas Dockley a tall, well-made young fellow of cight-and-twenty, a most striking contrast to his father. "Maria, what is the matter?" cried he. "Nothing is the matter," answered Maria, with a little hysterical laugh. I suppose you've come to scold me about your father. But I couldn't help it." "Has he been meddling about tho postoffice again?" said Loonidas, sooth ingly. "Well, don't mind him, Maria. He don't mean anything. It's only his way." "But, Leonidas '' "Yes? "He says he says you're going to bo married'" Leonidas looked against tho picket fence, looking thoughtfully down at the scarlet spheres of the tomatoes. "So I am," said he. "Oh, Leonidas 1" ''You know, Maria, we have never been formally engaged." "No, but" "And I can't go on with things as they are now; it's too uncertain." "But, Leonidas" "So I've made up my mind to marry you this fall whether you consent or not. And if you can't leave your father and the postoffice, why, I'll come hero to lira W as for letting you drudge on by yourself as you're doing now, I won't stand it, and there's an end Of h matter." "But, Loridas, your father says-" "I don't care what he saysl" 'That I'm a plain, homely, old maid." "My father isn't a judge of the ar ticle," calmly asserted Leonidas. "Be cause it isn't he that wants to marry you. "Yes, it is, Leonidas." And then M iria told him tho tale of the squire's wooing. Loonidas listened with a queer curve of the lips, a twinkle in his oye. "Anyhow," said he, "I've got the start of him tlm time. He will have to content himself with the Widow Bless ngton." The squire's amazement when he heaid that Maria Poole was to be his daughter-in-law exceeded description. "Sho ain't youag," said he slowly, "and she ain't pretty; but I tell you, Loonidas, you'ro going to gat a smart wife yes, you are! ' As for M irii, she could hardly com-pr.-hond the ups and downs of her own ortuno. She had livjd such a dreary, aril life since sho was a child. She had tasted so little of the sweets of love ; and now late in tho day, as it were, the flower of existence had burst into blos som at last! "Every ono says I ought to have been a man," said she to herself, with a smile on her lip and a tear in her eye; "but if I were a man, I never could be so happy as I am now, in a man's love!" For there was a good deal of the wo man about Miria Poole, after all. Sat urday Night. "Girls to Pack Robes." "Girls to pack robss" was the queer advertisement that attracted a N.-w York Sun reporter '. attention, and this is what Henri Chagray S9id about it: "There are about 300 girls packing robes in New York City. A robi is a lady's dress. It i3 a garment for sum mer wear, made of white cloth and or namented with imported embroidery. A few years ago, whon tho fashion was new, these rob s were made abroad en tirely, the importers brought the cloth and the embroidery done up together in boxes ready for sale. These goods were expensive, costing from $10 to $25 and rtore a dress. Then there grew up a demand for lower prices and varied styles. Some importers put up their robes in various ways to suit their cus tomers. "Of course, all the Iadie3 liked the beautiful robes. Competition set in and new ways of getting them up came in vogue. One cut after another was made in the prices, until now you can buy a robe with imported embroidery for fifty nine cents. It is done up in a neat box, there is the exact amount of cloth neces sary to make tho dress, and a fashion plate showing how it looks when made up all for fifty-nine cents. I should say thcro have been as many as half a million of these robes sold in a single year. We begin to get out the next summer styles in February. ' 'But tho importers found that they could not do the packing in their own places as well or as cheaply as I can do it with my machinery and my trained help. My hundred girls will pack as many as twice tho number of inexperi. enced hands would. They cut tho cloth and fold it neatly, and fix in the em broidery and fasten it skilfully, and drop in tho fashion-plato in a taking way, so that the woman can't holp buying the roles. Tho poorest woman can buy a fifty-nine cent robo that looks a little like the expensive affairs that were first imported. The latest dodge is to put in American cloth. Tho embroideries can not be made in this country. I do not know why, but the attempt to make them has not yet succeeded. Of course the packing requires a girl who i3 neat, quick and handy, and they gat to be very expert. Tho wages are as high as in any other brinch of manual labor." A (jueer Thing About Owls. A Kingston man has made an addi tion to hi collection of bird, a large owl, lately caught at Hurley. "Owls are deceptive birds," said a citizen to day. "I had one, a few years ago, with which I played a trick on the pub lic, kept the owl in a cage. It was an attraction, and many people saw it. One day the bird died of 'col I poison,' and a taxidermist stuffed it. I then put it back on its perch in the cage. Peo ple who had seen the owl alive said that they could see no difference in its ap pearance, and they would come and ad mire the bird just the same. That is the reason why I say the owl is a pe cu'iar birl. Dead or alive, they look about the samo.'' Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman. A Singular Growth. R. Compton, postmaster of Volo, 111., claims to have discovered a peculiar phenomenon in the woods in Fremont, Like county. As described by him, it consists of the natural ingrafting of a burr-oak tree upon a white oak. Tho Lurr oak leans against the other from the ground up, and i3 dead. The dead trunk, however, seems to go right through that of the living white oak, and the branches of both varieties of tree, all green and vigorous, mingle to gether in about equal proportions, Waukegan (111.) Patriot. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. J Dlooma. Out of my window I could see But yesterday, upon the tree, The blossoms white, like tufts of snow That had forgotten when to go. And while I looked out at them they Seemed like small butterflies at play, For in the breez their flutterings Made me imagine them with wings. I must have fancied well, for now There's not a blossom on the bough, And out-of doors 'tis raining fast, And gusts of wind are whistling past. With butterflies 't?s etiquette To keep their wings from getting wet, So when they knew the storm was r.ear, They thought it best to disappear. Frank D. Sherman, in Young People. A Sti-ttlffht 1.1a. La Roy F. Griffi , L ;ke Forest, III., commujicates the following incident to the Popular Science Monthly: ' Some six years since, i one of the Njw Eng land state?, a pig five weeks old was carried in a close box about four miles, circuitous, with several shirp turns, and the pig was removed to the box after dark. The following day near noon ho disappeared, and about three hours later was found ' at his former home. Curiosity led to the examination of the route taken by the pig, and his tracks could be followed nearly all tho way. He had started on a straight line for the place from which he was brought the day before, and h", followed that line. At one point an impassable fence turned him from the course, but he had moved along the fence on one side until he found an opening, and thea had re traced his steps on the other back to the original line." The writer does not at tempt to account for this seeming in stinct in animals and bh4s which give them the power of directing their movements accurately for long distance's through an unfamilitr country. A Robin' Paternal Instinct. That animal instinct is lively in tho bird was exemplified by the robin a few days ago. Oa one of the beautiful sugar maple trees which grow in the yard of a well-known citizen of this plac, a mother robin had Luilt her nest, and as time went on sho was rewarded by a brood of young robins. Oae evening when she had nestled herself for the night a chicken hawk observed the harmless redbreast, and with a swift dart sho caught tho mother and took her flight. When the father robin cime back to see that all was well for the night, he found tho young birds without protection. He fluttered about and bis bewailing song told his b3 reave- m?nt. He seemed to realize that some thing dreadful hid befallen his partner, for he began to ma'ce preparations to act the part of a mother for the night. Tho owner of the property who had observed the events, arose early the next morning and he noticed the male bird taking its flight. The bereave! widower soared high and was soon lost to sight. lie remained away tho entire day, and whon he returned at nightfall he brought with him another wife. The strange bird was guided to the nest; and readily comprehending the situa tion, sho quickly covered tho half- starved little ere itures, while the male bird darted off to find some food. There was great rejoicing when he returned. The new mother has since taken excel lent care of her adopted children, and the father robin's song plainly indi cates hi3 happiness. Hollidaysburg (Canada) Dispatch. J'PaneM Jlabiea. The babies in Japan havj sparkling eyes and funny little tufts of hair ; they look so quaint and old-fashioned, ex actly like those doll-babies that are sent over here to America. Now, in our. country very young babies tire apt to put everything in their mouths; a but ton or a pin, or anything, goes straight to the little rosy wiJe-open mouth, and the nurse or mamma must always watch and take great care that baby does not swallow something dangerous. But in Japan they put tho small babies right down ia the sand by the door of the house, or on the floor, but I never saw them attempt to put anything in their mouths unless they were told to do so, and no one seemed to be anxious about them. When little boys or girls in Japan are naughty and disobedient, they must be punished, of course ; Lut the punish ment is very strange. There are very small pieces of rice-paper called moxa, and these are lighted with a match, and then put upon the finger or hand or arm of tho naughty child, and they burn a spot on the tender skin that hurts very, very much. The child screams with the pain, and the red -hot moxa sticks to the skin for a moment or two, and then goes out; but the smarting burn reminds the little child of his fault. do not like these moxas. I think it is a cruel punishment. But perhaps it is better than a whipping. Oaly I wish little children never had to be punished, St. Nicholas. Too Small a Capital, Uacle James And what "vould you do, Bobby, if I were to gwe you a penny? Bobby Couldn't do very orach, uncle, with a penny. Epoch. FLAKES OF GOLD. Means Jewelers Adopt to Pre serve Precious Particles. Valuable Auriferous Sweepings from Factory Floors. Gold and silver even in the most mi nute particles, explained a New York manufacturing jeweler to the Graphic, are worth extracting from such easily worked material as the lefuie or the floor of a shop, and no man ever thought of wasting this flotsam and jetsam of his lusiness. Then he explained the interesting processes by which the sav ing is effected. "Of course, ' he said, "it is practi cally impossible to save all tho gold that gets scattered; that is, somo es capes in ways that might pcrnaps De stopped, Lut it would cost more than the gold is worth to stop them. Every time you walk through a jewelry manu factory you are likely to carry some gold away with you on your clc thing or your shoes. I took off my shoes the other night, and noticing that they were worn 1 turned tnem over ana looked at them. Stuck in the bottom of one of the heels was a little lump of gold, which I picked out with a knife. A certain amount of gold, no doubt, is enrried off in the clothing and shoes of the workmen, and no attempt is mide to save that. But in regard to the floors and benches and tables it is different. "You notice that you are standing on a peculiar flooring, do you not? It is comparatively a new practice to cover the floor with sheets of tar roofing. It is put down ju3t like a carpet, for the reason that it is easier and cheaper to burn it than to burn the floor. When I left a shop in Fulton street that I had occupied for six years I burned the floor and got enough gold out of it to pay for a new floor, which I had to put down, and leave me $200 in cash be sides. "Tho sweepings and refuse of the shop yield a very considerable amount, and so do the washings. The dry dirt is swept up two or three times a day and put into this stove." Here he opened the top of a "chow der stove" and thowed a pile ready to hi burned. The chowder stove is a contrivance with a small chamber for the fire underneath and a large com partment above with no aperture un der it. ''You see," he explained, "wo build a fire underneath and burn it until the refuse catches fire. That will smoulder a long time, for there is no draught through the chamber, merely a pipe above it to allow for the escape of the smoke. Finally it is reduced to ashes, and the gold and silver can be easily washed out of it. "With our waste water the process is different. Tho aprons and caps tho workmen wear arc washed over the same sink where they wash their faces and hands and any vessel or tool that needs cleansing. The water runs into a barrel and then through pipes below the water line into a second and a third barrel before it is allowed to escape. The object of running the pipes below the ltvel of the water is to prevent the minute flakes of gold from floating off, for though th jy wil float on top of tho water, they will sink to tho bottom when they are drawn below tho surface. We throw a little quicklime in from time to time, and that curdles all tho grease and soap so that it sinks to the bottom and tho water Chat runs off from the third barrel ia as clear and bright as runs from the faucet. The curd is taken out when enough is ac cumulated, and the precious metals are washed out by usual methods. "The crucibles which wo use for melting gold are broken up and thrown into an octagonal revolving chamber, in which is also put a heavy iron cylind rical bar. The chamber is tightly closed, a belt is attached to tho main shaft and the whole thing set whirling. In time the crucibles are ground into a powder as fine as dust, and this powder is sold to the refiners, who treat it with mercury. I used to do this work in the place, but I gave it up, for I don't like to havo mercury around. Tho fumes are very unhealthy. "The gold tbvit we get by these var ious processes is of really the same fine ness of tho average of that we use in tho work. The first alloy is destroyed or partially destroyed, I sup nose, but enough alloy is gathered to nearly keep the standard." Two Friends. When tho Duke of Wellington was fighting in Spain, there were two horses which had always drawn tho same gun, and had been side by side in many bat les. At lost one was killed, and the ther, on having his food brought to im as usual, refused to eat, but turnel is head round to look for his old friend, and neighed many times as i to call im. All the carj thnt was bestowed on him was in vain. There were other horses near him, but he would not notice them: and ho soon afterwards died, not having once tasted food since j ui former companion was killed. - j A Word About Teeth. As regards thj teeth, it must be a4 mittcd that in relation to the subject in hand they literally and truly cut both ways. Ia the com pie to set of 32 there are 20 for grinding, eight for bit ing and four for tearing. Grinding teeth are required for animals which live on grains and other hard vegetable sub stances; biting teoth aie necessary for animals which nibble soft substances like grasses and some fruits; tearing teeth are essential for animals which ac tually tear tough and resistant struc tures, like flesh, to pices. In man the grinding teeth largely preponderate ;and how well fitted these teeth are for grinding seeds, grains, acorns, and tho like, the teeth of our very old fore fathers tell a significant and tru J tale. In man tho biting teeth havo a conspic uous place and a very decisive function; with them, even to the present, the skilled biter can cut through the finest thread, a feat equivalent to dividing tho most delicate filament of food fibre that grows from the earth. The teeth aro vegetable weapon ; they aro the best of weapons which tho out-and-out vege tarian can use; they assist him both in practice and ar gument. But then there remain those four tearing fangs, those canine or dog's teeth, so firm, strong, and savage. The canine or tearing teeth. stand out strikingly in favor of the view that man is formed for eating flash; but it cannot be said by the s tan chest flesh cator that the flosh-cating - tendency is the strong est altogether. No; it is curtain that the balance turns fairly the other way. It may, however, be argued that the very fact of tho existence of oaly four tearing teeth qivos countenance to the belief thnt nature has supplied the human animal with fangs for devouring animal flesh if he is obliged or desirous so to do. This is true, but only to a limited extent, because we now know that even the teeth, firm as they are, become, by constant habit of life, changed in form and character The canino tooth itself, even in tho dog, has been exceptionally so modified from this cause as to lead to a characteristic typo of structure indie itiv-j of the influence of manner of lifo on growth when ex tended through ma y generations. Crickets in Algeria. Accounts aro published of tho devas tation caused by crickets in Algeria. The insects resemble but are not iden tical with either locusts or grasshoppers. Last year swarms of grasshoppers rav aged the colony. This year the crick ets havo taken their place. They spiing like grasshoppers, lut have a more rapid and sustained flight. They form clouds which shut out the light of the sun. When they alight on tho ground they destroy every trace of vegetation. They sometimes fall exhausted on tho ground in such numbers as to cover it with a layer of dead bodie, from which pestilential exhalations arise. The cor respondent of a I'ans newspaper, in a letter from Algeria, published tonight, says that tho railway trains have been stopped by tho insects between Coa stantine and Batna. Tho method still employed to check the evil in the African possessions of France is the old and expensive one of digging long trenches at a right angle to the advancing swarms, and placing on the most distant side a sort of fence formed by a web of c'.oth. The ad vancing insects strike against the cloth, fall into tho pit, and aro there cove re I with lime or mold. The Algerian au thorities havo spent 700,000 francs in destroying them, and now contemplate a further expenditure of 1,003,000 francs to complete tho work. London Times. A Caunon to Shoot Twelve Miles. "We aro now." said tho director of tho Pittsburgh works, "making j cannon for the Am-rican E nensite Com pany. It will be used to demonstrate tho value of th it new explosive. It is a smooth bore, 3 inches in diameter and 100 inches lonp-, and will throw a six- inch shell with emensite from 10 to 12 miles.- In ordinary rilled cannon the shell turns 1 1-4 times in the length of the gun. This gives it a terrific tortional strain and necessitates a corresponding thickness and strength of tho shell and a proportionate reduction of space for the exDlosives. In other words the a internal space for the explosive is re duced one-half to secure the neces ary strength. Now tho Ene isito Company proposes to avoid this trouble by re turning to tho old smooth bore cannon, and at tho same time to secure tho necessary range by the increased power of their explosivo. This new gun they expect to throw a dynamite sheil as far as a rifled cannon. Pittiburg Dis patch. Easily Discouraged. "Yes," sai I a base ball man, "I'm discouraged, and have given up the business forever. Why, in tho very first game they got onto me in the sccoad i "iiing, and pounded me all over the fijld." "That ou 'lit not to dis courage you. Mi y a pitcher h n had imilar lucV "Yes, but I wasn't 'lie i itchcr; I was is umpire." New York Sun. En Passant. There passed one day, adown the way That led beneath the old elm tree, A maiden fair, without a care, Singing, laughing," joyous, free, With pail in hand she went to bring Some water from the clear, cold spring. It chanced that day, as oft it may, A traveler, 'long and dusty road The nook espied and tur.ied aside To where the crystal water flowed. And there beneath the cooling shade He met the stir tied, pretty maid. Full fair was he, as she could see, And as he stopped with manly grace To fill her pail, he did not fail To note her pure and lovely face. And as they stood a moment there, The traveler loved the maiden fair. She hastened home, be soon was gone, Bat with him in his thoughts he bore The image bright that met his sight, And won upon him more and more. While she oft saw in fancy's drean The traveler by the limpid stream. The years soon fled, they both were wed; He, to a fair and high-born dame; While she with joy, a farmer's boy Accepted for his honest name. And like some tile of minstrel lay Are spring and nook and summer day. Cincinnati Times Star. HUMOROUS. About the first thing lost at sea is the sight of land. To remove milldcw Pay off what is due on the mill. A reign of terror is one that is mixed with hailstones as big as hen's eggs. When a man is deemed reliable in Montana they says "He'll stand without hitchia'." He Do you take me for a fool? She Excuse me ; I am not open to any marriage proposals at present. We are told that tho coopers aro to have a paper printel in their interests. We suppose it will bo a barrel organ. "John, did you find any eggs ia the old hen's nest tlm morning?" "No sir; if the hen laid any, she has mislaid them." Wife (whose husband is rescuing her from drowning) Shall I keep my mouth shut, John? Husband Yes if you can. "What an old, old story lovo is, Miss Clara!" he said, and ne moistened his lips and clutched his chair. "Yes, Mr. Simpson," sho shyly replied, "and yet it is no chestnut." Scientist "Have you ever tried faith cure for your rheumatism?" Patient "Yes; I'm trying it now. I've got in my pocket tho left hind foot of a grave yard rabbit that was killed in the dark of the moon, and I do believe it's helping me." A b d, revengeful littlo boy rubbed fine Cayenne pepper all over the back of his jacket and well into tho cloth, and then laughed out loud in school, for which the master Hogged himseverc ly, but dismissed school soon after to go and see an eye doctor. Paper Flowers. Paper flowers can bo mado so natural that when put in proper places, they are not objectionable, A mass of pond lilies, with their heavy green leaves and fl.-xible stems laid under a mirror to be reflected in it, arc quite as effec tive in point of beauty as the lovely owners themselvc?. A birch bark bas ket of many hucd pansies, with hero and there a saucy leaf, can be not only beautiful but odorous, by sprinkling orris root powder in cotton in the bot tom of the basket Snow balls with glossy foliage, when mounted on panels, are ornamental. A branch of dogwood in a dark corner is very effective and easily made. A jar of peonies (the roso scented white one) can almost defy de tection if a drop of oil of roso bo put in the cotton at the baso of the pink seed vessels. Leaves of all sorts may be made of waste leather from saddleries or harness shjps, and cost but atriflo. The outlines of the leaf should be marked with pencil; then gone over with somo sharp instrument to leave tho impros3. Dip the leather in warm water. If thin, a moment will tuffice; but if heavy, several minutes. Then, with a stout pair of scissors or sharp knife, -cut the leaf, always leaving the stem attached. With a round pointed in strument, such as the head of a steel crochet hook, draw the veins in a natural manner, unless it be a roso leaf orsrmething requiring line, sharp lines. While the leaf is wot, pull, curl or roll it into a natural appearance (flat leaves are not natural), and put it to dry quickly near, but not in the mouth of an oven. When dry paint with oil; if the leaves should be light, like those of somo hot house rose?, paint the leather white first. Pond lili?s require very thick leather, so do mignolias, while quite thin leather is best for rose leave?, pansies, snow balls and dog wood. Hyacinths and peonies may be cut from thicker leather. Bubbcr btemg may be had at most paper flower de pots, but the tubing sold at the drug stores for infants' rursing bottles is excellent for pond lily stem9, and thick leather may be cut and rolled to answer at less expense. Good House keeping. I t 1 I " "-.--i: :zJ