ljr l)atlCUtt Hccoru. II. a. ioivroi, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, fa RATES i DOLLAR PER YEAS Strictly fnAdvance. The Early Reaped. Flowers reaped early, while the devr la on thein, day being new, Know neither du-t nor stain, Or woe s refrain, Or thirst: Light kisses them the first, Aud th y are fair Poeause untouched by earth's stain anywhere. Lives re ped while life is new are pure, Unsullied, bright, mature In fairness, and replete In all that makes remembrance sweot; It'deeined Before tin's sear its way hath seamed, Or anjjui-di scored its deep-drawn mark Or dealt its thrust amidst the dark, And thy are fair IVcnuo untouched by earth's stain anywhere. George Klingle, A FEARFUL SIEGE. The capital of Michigan had scarcely b.cn changed from Detroit to Lansing leforo n y father got the fever to go West. Wo were then living ia New York State, and doing fairly well on a farm, but the talk nbwut Michigan up "?t many a man who was then well enough iff. I wa9 14 yenrs old the day we Icit for tho Wc l father, mother, fiur children, and a hired man. All of us, clear down to the baby, were en thusiastic snd full of hone, and father was just tho sort of man land sharks were lookiog fold him a swamp farm ia the D.-troit for. They Shiawassee county, a ad ia one way and mother, cheated nod defrauded him, until wo reached cur destination, with hardly a dollar to begia on. A span of horses and a cow constituted our live stock, and when fathor fouad how he had been dupod, ho lost heait entirely. The twiddlers guaranteed forty acres of c caring and a gool log house. Tho clearing was a lake, and the log house was a wretched affair, about sixteen feet squire, which had been put up for some surveyors. It ia not, however, cf our family troubles I am going to talk. Michigan was a great game cou try at that d-te, and we sooa discovered that we hid lo cated pretty near headquarters. Insido cf three days we had seen a paather, three wolves, a bear, a lynx, and an In dian devil. Our nearest neighbor was ten or twelve mile? away, and the near est village about twenty. "We were dead stark alone in the midst of a great wilderness, and, aside from all other perils, the Indians, who were generally supposed to be peaceable, looked upon all pioneers with jealous eyes, and mado their stay unpleasant ia many ways. On the second day of our stay they stole ur cow and ran her off into Ingham couaty, where we accidentally fouad her two years later ; and inside of a week they made several attempts to get the horses. It was not until fired upon that they left us in peace, an I then the wild beasts and reptiles took hold. Our hut stood within 200 feet of the edge of a great swamp, and the swamp was headquarter) for rattlesnake?, bluo rac:rs, black snakes, bears, panthers, wolves and cvjry other creature belong ing to the country. During the first weak of cur stay wo killed upward of a hundred snakes, most of th?m rattlers; aad Gordon, the hired man, who wis a good shot, killed a bear and three wolves. Our adventures with the panthers were many and perilous, as tho beasts seemed determine I not to leavo the lo cality. The first time I saw oae my life was pre-.erved ia a most wonderful m inner. We had been located about 10 day3, and were cloarinj up a piocc of land about a quarter of a railo from tho house. Father was eic'c ia tho house, Gordon was eff alt9r a deer for meat, and I was in the dealing alone, having a light axe and cutting away at theBtnall trees. The only thing I feared was the snake, having been assured that no wild beasts would attae'e me by daylight. In cutting down a young beech tree it foil upon an iron wood in a way to break it off about 10 feet from the ground and leave the t.uak bidly splintered. This spliatcrol trunk stool about 14 feet from a very large beech. I had noticed it only ia a general way, as I had set myself a stint to do, and was working with much enthusiasm. It was about 4 o'clock ia the after noon and I wai bending over tj exam ine a curious bug which was crawling r.t my feet, when a scream filled the woods, something hit and knocked me flat on my fac.', and next instant a wonder.'ul tituatioa whs devel oped. A panther had sprung upon me from tho large beech tree. The coward hid no doubt been watching me for a Ion j timi and had waite I for me to set my back to him. He meant to clear the splintered ironwood in his spring, but he did not quite succeed. Ho tad struck mc with hn paw rolling mo over but not hurting me to speak of, and as he coma down his right hind foot caught between two great splinters and lioKl him fast. Then I was treated to a circus. I was too scared to move and sto( d not more than ten feet away and witnessed what nob dy ever saw le fore. The beast hung head downward 11 the air, clawing and spitting and yelling, and the harder he struggled the more securely was his foot imprisoned, fcuch screams and yelk' Father and vtol. x. mother came running at once, suppling I was attacked, and an Indian who was hunt ing a mile or mora distant was guided to the spot by tho racket. The sharp claws scat splinter) of wood flying all about aid the lithe body bent and twisted like a snake. We had no gun, and father was too weak to venture to u e tho ax-.. We were, therefore, stand ing -opan-mou'-hed when the Indian came up and shot the panther through the head. He could not get the carcass until we had chopped tho stub down aud split it open with wedges. A couplo of weeks lat. r a hunter camo along who advised father to give up clearing for a year or two and trap and hunt. All sorts of fun had a fair cash value, and the state was paying a bounty on the rcalps of wolves, bears and panthers. Tho Indian, who had taken the body of the panther off with him, had mado f 15 on its sca'p The hunter told U3 how to make rude traps aid deadfalls, and tho three of us were scoa bn-y with tho game aroucd us. One day I found a path leading arou.d the edge of tho swamp, and the soil bore unmistakable proof) that wild beasts passed tint wy. Wo .had heard the scream of panthers nightly, but I supposed the beasts which used this path were wolv s. I had mado a stout rope of hickoiy peelings, and at a favor able point on the path I bent over asttut sapliug, attached my rope, and then noosed it and carried the trigger to a Luh, What I wanted now was the bait, and Gordon furnished that ia the shnpo cf the fore-quaiter of a deer ho had killed that morning. Whoa the trap was ready no animal could get at the bait without putting it) head in the noose. I went to sleep that night counting on the scalp of a wolf, and next morning I was off as scon as I could sec my way through tho forest. It was well that I was not ten minutes earii'ir. I was within tea rods of tho trap when I was stopped dead still by the screams of a panther. I knew the beast as soon as he yelled, and it wa3 easy to conclude that ho was in trouble. I crept forward very carc fu'ly, hearing a great thrashing about with the yells, and when I reached a point where I cou'd see the path I saw that a big panther had noosed himself. The noose had caught him about the loins, so far back tint he ceuld npt. get at the ropo to bite it, aid tho spring of the trco bar. I7 permitted him to touch the earth wi'h his paws now and then. If tho other beast, trapped through his own carelessness, was mad, this fel low, who had becomo the victim of a put-up job, w is liniou'. Ail the rage in his nature Lubbled up as he dangled there and felt that hi) end was near. He was at a great disadvantage, of course, but his struggle) were so vio lent that I becamo alarmed aid ran away, knowing that if he got loose he wt u d tear me to piecos. He was still fast when I returned with Gordon, and a lul et quickly put an end to his ca reer. He was an old and a dangerous beast. When we came to skin him we found the point of a knife in hi) shoul der, rnd ho had several scars made by the weapons of the Indians. We did not catch sight of a panther for several weeks after this adventure, although never a night passed that we did not hear their screams. The weather had row com? on warm, and we could do no more at trapping. Father fell very sick, and one day about thcmiddlo of June it became pi an that ho must have medical assistance at once. G rdon mounted one of the horses for a tide to the doctor's, a distance of twelve miles, aud when night came ho had not returned. It had scarcely grown dark when the wild beasts rround us began to howl and roar and skulk about the house, and after catching 6ight of sev eral wolves I went in and barred the door. There was only one opening for a window, and over this was nailed a blanket. It was high up from the ground, and only about two feet square. The horse was in a stout pen, and there was no fear that he could bo got at. When night had fully settled down we were in a state of siige. Wolves to the number of forty or fifty surrounded tho house, and growing bolder as time passed and their number increased, they mado furious and repeated efforts to force an entrance. Gordon had tiken the gua with him, Lut we had two axes in the house. Mother stood at the door with one and I defended the window with tho other. The wo'ves gnawed a hole in the door, through which one could have passed Lut for her presence and tho . sharp edged weapon she wiilde I. Every head stuck into the opening received a b'.ow, and the baffljd animals fi tally ceased their iff arts at that point, although mother dared not leave the spot. After the wolves had worried us for an hour, without, however, hivinjr made much of an ffort to get in by way of tho win dow, it being too high for them, they left U3 all of a sudden. I then dragged a chest across the floor to stop tho hole in the dor, and mother discovered that father wi9 dead. The poor man, weak as he wa, had not been tblc to endure the fright of the atUck. We did not hive many minutes or lamentation. The wolves had giv.e p'ace to a more PITTSBORO', dangerous enemy. There was a sud den pounce on the roof over our head), accompanied by a snarl, and we know that a panther was at h n 1. It was a lucky thing for us that tho builders of tho hut wcro either lazy or in a hur ry, and had built only a small fireplace end a small chimney. Thcro was no firo on tho hearth and had tho chimney been iho ordinary mnmmoth affair of tho backwoods we should have had a panther on the fbor in no time. The first was scon j iced by a second and third, ad then two or three others were heard on tho gi jund. They may have scented the dead or they may havo known nothing of our great calamity. That they were determined to get in wo were soon led to understand. I maJo a smudge on the hearth to keep them from trying tho chimney, and then mother took one sido cf tho window and I the other. We instinctively felt th it it wa) the point of danger now that tLo chest protected tho door. We were hardly at our posts -when a panther sprang up and toro the blanket down. Our lirrht consi tud of a -niece of cotton lying in a dish of coon's fat, and at time3 tho flimo was almost out. A couple of minutes after the blanket was torn away a pinther sp'aog into tho opening. Had he been left undisturbed he could havo squeez.d through, but the instant his head appeared wo both struck at him. His riht fore naw 3 1 hung over the ede of the opening, and my blow cut it clean off and droj pod it on the floor. That settled cno of the visitors, although tho row he m dc over the loss of his paw aimst unnerved us. At that moment thcro seemed to ba five or six of the boasts about, and it was only a short tiino before another sprang into tho opening. Mother struck him fquirc in the face, and fivo minutes later I severely woundod a third. Tht seemed to dampen the ardor of all, for they soon with drew, and the wolves returned. It must havo been that these creatures scented the dead. It was tho first timo they had appeared in such numbers and so boldly, and hunger could not have been the causa of it. They made littb or no effort to get at the horse, but for an hour after their return they made desperate and determined effort3 to break their way into the cabin. They cime against the door, 6ix or eight of them at onceWith -sirch fcrco ai'loV shake the house, and had not the lower log boen su lk in clay ground they would havo du- their way under. It was midnight before we had a let up, and the last wolf did not leave be fore 2 o'clock. Up to this time mother had not given way to her grief. Waen danger passed away she broko down, aad from then to daylight I sat alone by the door with ax in hand. I looked for Gordon at an early h-mr, but ho di I not appear. About 10 o'clock the horso c me home, bitten in a terrible manner, and so serious werj his injuries that ho died before nijht. We knew from tho wounds i. flicted on the horse that he had been pursued by wolvjs, and there was little doubt about tho fato of hi3 rider. We dared not start out in search of help, as we knew not which way to go, and we dared not leave the body of the dea I in the house another night for fear of the wolve3. We waited until 8 o'clock, and then, hoaring nothing from G rdon, we dug a gravf, wrapped poor lather's remains in a sheet, and buried the n as best we coul 1. Next day some hunters callid, and they, went to look ftr Gardon. Hi had been to the doctor's, to find him too sick to come. Oj the way b ick he had boon chased by a drove of wolves, and, while the horse had escaped, nothing but a few bones could be founl of the man. Gems and Precious Stones. The most valuable of precious stones is the diamond pure crysta'zed car bon the most highly refractive and the hardest of gcm, and the only one that is combustible. This latter property was discovered ia 1691 by Cosmo IH. ofTu:cany, who ignitod the diamond with a burning-glass; and later it was found that when burned in a crucible this gem converts iron into steel. Tho diamond generally occurs as an octahe dron, and surpasses all other gems in the property of dividing light into col ored rays, c su-ing that pecu iar flash of prismatic hues called its fire. Diamonds aro rated by the carat. The term carat is derived from the name of certain small leguminous seeds which, when dried, aro quite constant in weight. They were used in India for weighing gems. In 1871 the syndicate of Parisian jew elers, goldsmith and gem-dealers sug gested 205 of a gramme as the valuo of a carat; and this was confirmed in 1877, all tho leadiug diamond-dealers of Lon don, Paris and Amsterdam accepting It The English carat is t qu il to 3. 1633 plus grains (c mmonly reckoned .13 3 17 grains) troy, hence there are 15 carat) in an English troy ounce. A Peculiarity of Make. O'.d lidy (to boy in shoe store) : Are your shoes all made oa anatomical prin ciples, boy?'" By: "No, mum; they're all made on last?." Epoch. CHATHAM CO., N. C, CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Two l;tte Rite. One merry summer day Two roses were at ploy; All at once they took a notion They would like to run away ! Queer little roses, Funny little roses, To want to ruu away ! They stole along my fence; Tbey cl-atn erod up my wall; They climbed into my window To make a morning cell! Quetr little rc-ses; Funny little roses, To make a morning call! -Julia P. Ballard, in "St. Nicholas Storlrn ? Animal. A subscriber i 1 L-utsi ma writes to the Detroit Free Press: '"The Wool lizatd is not a desirable animal to hava for close neighbors, although I never knew of them doing any harm. A nest of .hcm had tiken quarters ia some rotten limber neir my habitation in Louisiana. At rnornhf, noon and cv.-niig I saw them, rather shy at first bus on the look out for my approach and wanted to cultivate my friendship. One day with a piece of iron I mutilated one and held him under th; iron. Tho Iizird tumel himself around and by looks and actions said: 4I did not thin'c you could be so cruel; wo fill thought you would not harm u-; wo trusted you; contrary to our instincts our onfi lonce wis mis placed; we will never trut you more. It is about six weeks ago and I have never seen one sine.'. I told my Iizird 3tory to a farmer at Wilson's Point, Ln. Hj related that a ground hog took up qmrtcrs in a hol low tne close by his hue. Tho gnu id ho:., shy at firjt, gettin bolder, in time would conn cut every day, feel awhile, then stand or sit erect, and look around for d g3 or enemies, all Ihs whilo becoming moro domestic ted. The gfou id ho? doing no damage, the farmer had nothing against him. How ever, ho took his shotgun oao day and fired to scare him. Tho poor ground hog fe 1, uttered a cry as much as to say, Uo something for me,' and that was the end of him.'' An Affccif onat .Iion. The superintendent of the animal department out in Woodward's Gor dons, Sin Francisco, tells in tho ;Gr'phic jaalbt-tic . and pretty storj ab. ut a lion they had out there. At first he was so dangerous that they did not care to venture too closo to him; but by persistent gentleness and kind ness the superintendent gradually made the beast so fond of him that it liKed to have him go into the cage, and if he'd lie down beside it the Hon would raise its head so as to givo him a soft place to lay hK O 10 day a drunken sailor camo into tho Gardens and be gan teasing the lion. The superin tendent camo up and told tho sailor not to tease tho beast. The sailor re plied with an oath and struck at him twice. Tho lion became perfectly frantic with rage aad roared and bent the bars of his cige, so much so that the sailor got frightened. If the lion had got out of hi) cage there would not hnvj b:cn enough left of the sailor for a funera1. At length the lion got some kind of a turn r and was in great pni". Ojc or two slight operations had to be performed and nobody could get near the beat cxc:pt this one man. Th9 lion let him cut, and looked at him pratefully all the tim licking his hand when it was over. The tumor grew so bad that a big operation had to be per formed, and it was with fear and trem bling that tho superintendent under took it, for tho lion was in terrible pain. The doctors could not go near, but they drew a diagram of the body of the lion, held it up before him as he went on, and mado the marks on it where he was to cut Ho follow :& their directions, and all tho whilo tho lion lay as still as if he wero undis turbed. The last operation did no good. Tho beast was in such fearful pain that they had to kill him. The superintendent took his revolver, and after petting the animal fired oao shot through Imhead, putting the muzzle closo to it The lion gave him a pathetic look, in which there seemed to be a mixture of surpriss and reproach, but no auger. It took three shots to kill him, and all tho time the beast never took his eyes off the man who was killing him. The superin tendent says he was never so curiously and deep'y aff.ctid in his life, and he could not help crying; even now he feels the tears come when he recalls, and he cannot forget it, tho lion's piti ful look at Lim as his head fell back for the last time. An Overdose. Brown You don't look well, Robin son; what's the matter, sick? Robinson Yes; smoked too many ciars today. Brown How many have you smoked! Robinson That one you gave me last night. New York Sun. Nora Blundcrby'sent her best young man some pressed violets ia a letter and added in the postscript: 'Bo very cnrcful.how you break open the enyc-lope." vyAy AUGUST 16, 1888. A HORSE HOSPITAL Scenes Attending an Equine Surgical Operation. In the Clinic Room of a Chicago Veterinary College. There is a very close analogy between man and horso and the 75 students at tho Chicago Veterinary college see this demonstrated every day. One of tho patients now in the hospital is a sorrel st ill ion which came there a few weeks sinco with a broken shoulder blade. A piece of bone was taken out through an intidon made by Dr. With ers and the horse will soon be as good as row. Another has had two teeth chiseled apa;t from his j.iw bone and cats his oats qnite contented lv without them. Another had one of the quar ters of a foot taken off, necessitated by a quittor, originating from aa ulcerated corn. There are as many different ai'ments rep.esented as at hospitals for our own race. I'ornaps tno mo3t common ot horso troubles are bone spavins, and the most frequent operation at the vet erinary college is that of firing a horse. This is the first precaution taken bofore the operation. The rope ij drawn from the fettered hind foot to a point on the breast between tho fore legs, where it passes through a ring fastened on a collar arou id the horse's neck. Thi3 form a pu!L-y, and a slight pull leaves the pationt but throe log) to stind on. sooa convincing him th it kicking is out of tho question. Tho next stcn is to blind fo d the hone, thon hi) spavined le is crippled; after that the firing. A horso s sufferings will about cqud a 111 ui's under the samo conditions, aud just as a hih-strung, ncrvou sensi tivo man wiil feel more pain than ho of a dull, stupid, phlegmatic nature, so with tho horse tho thoroughbred, wiin auatca nostrils and quivering nerves, suffers an intensity of torture quite impossible to tho sctub. The analogy continues when tho high-bred man, with the high-bred horse, suffers the greater agony, marked only by deep groans, while ho from the common herd suffers lc33, raises aa outcry and com motion indicating nothing less than muidcr. D'ood will tell. Tbia brj liuiro Was of the scrub class, and had the aiuuents ana neipors naa tneir way, would have been thrown, but Dr xiugnes saiu: "jno; to nre spavin properly the tendons and hide must be at a tension, and not limp as when the patient 13 prostrcte," so the bay, with hi3 noso held tight in the clutch of twist, and one leg constantly jerked from under him, twisted himself into all sorts of positions during the whole hour of tho operation. He was followed by a high-lifed sorrel, which, although ugly and hard to manage before a road wajon, went through the samo ordeal of fire with an obstinate determination mat soemea to say: ' Kill me if you will; I will die unennquired." The red hot 4 liaing iron'' first burns a vertical stripe over the hock, ia all about a foot in length; thon from this stripe on cither side i3 burnt out ten or a dozen strips of hide, other irons at white heat being continually fetched as tho3e used grow cold ; one side of tho leg thus striped, tho other side is fired in like manner, and then the more cruel "puncturing iron is put to tho torture. Its point is foicjd to burn its way to the very centre of the knee bone, not one, but 20, perforations being made. All through this ordeal the gallant sor- rell has stood with legs braced and with scarco a tremor or a groan He is now showed what rest his burnt leg will permit him for several hours, and then begins tho worst of his troubles. A powder made principally of Spanish flics is rubbed into the sores mado by tho firing, and for three days tho horse, supported by three legs, swings tho maimed fourth which all about the hock is a mass of blisters. This blistering is wahed off alter three days and lard applied every day for four weeks. Ho can't bo al lowed to lie down or to reach this leg for two or three weeks and his head is tied so high that to lie down is impos sib'e. It will bo a month before he leaves the hospital and two monfis be fore he can be driven, but he is then sound and his lamenesshas disappeared. The cost is $10 for the operation and 21.50 forevery day's keep and attend ance say $50 in all. A horse can sleep while standing much easier than a man can. He looks toward a fixed point to steady himself, then braces hi3 legs in such manner that the joints are locked, and thus his entire weight is thrown on the fibrous tissue and taken from his mus cles, giving his entire muscular system the needed rest Strolling through the various city barns the saunterer notices that p?rhaps two out of ev ry fifty horses never lie down at all. Chicago Herald. . A boy may groan, and from sickness moan, from .the church or tho school to stay; but there's no pain so deep him from circus can keep, because he aia' built that way. Ay NO. 50. The Steppe of the Irtish. Under the above title G:orgo Kennau ' contributes to tho Century some of his I xperioncos in Siberia just previous to his first mooting with political exiles. t is with a feeling of intense pleasure and relief that or.o leaves such a village and rides out ucon tho wi le. clean. breezy steppe whro the air is filled with the fragrance of clover and tho singing of birds, and whero the eye is constant ly delighted with great swoeps of smooth, velvety turf, or vast undu lating expanses of high steppo grass sprinkle I in tho foreground with mil lions of wild roses, white marguerites. delicate fiv -angled hircb .'lls, and dark red tiger-lilies. B twcea the villages of K'utiya aad Ktlmakovn, on Fiiday, we rodo across a steppe which was literally a groat ocean of fl twers. 0 10 could pick twenty different spocie3 and a hundred specimens within the area of a single squaro yard, nere an I there wo de serted the miry roai and druvo for miles across the smooth, grwsy plain, crushing flowers by tho score at every evolution of our carriage wheels. In the middle of the steppo I had our dri ver stop and wait for me while I alighted and walked away into the flowery solitude to enjoy the still ness, the perfumed air, and tho sea of verdure thrcu;h which ran tho long, sinuous black line of the mu Idy high way. On my left, beyond the road, was a wide, shallow depression six or eight miles across, risins on the oppo site side in a Ion; gradml sweep to a dark bluo lino of birch forest which formed the horizm. This depression was one smooth expanse of close groen turf dotted wi.h grazing cattlo and sheep, and broken hre and there by a silvery pool or lake. Around me, upon the higher grou 1 1, tho steppo wa3 carpeted with fl , o which I noticed splendil oranro asters two icche3 in diameter, spotted tiger- lilies with stronsdv refljxsd nfitals ;j , white clover, daisies, harebells, spire a, astragalus, melliotus, and a peculiar flower growing ia long, slender, curved spikes which suggested flights of min iature carmine sky-rcckcts 9ent up by the fairies of tho steppe. Tho air was still and warm, and hai a strange. - ra-F sweet fragrance which I can like a only to the taste of wild honev. There were no sounds to broak the stillness of the groat p'ain exept the drowsy ium of bees, the regular measured "Kate-did-Kate-dii" of a few katydids in the grass near me, and th) wailing cry of a steppo hawk hovering over the nest of some fie d-micx It was a delight simply to lio oa tho grass amidst theflwer3 and see, hear and breathe. Origin of a Popular Song. Among tho favorite songs of our dry are somo which originated under pe culiarly curious circumstances. The fa miliar Peck -a-Boo." which has been wora nearly threadbare, wa, according to its author, Mr. Scanlon, an inspira tion of the moment. It was suggested by tho gambols of somo children, who were playing around tho door whore he was sitting, idly picking out tune up on an record ion. As tho children peeped curiously into hi) door, he be gan to say "Peck-a-Bjo," nodding his head at the same time. Un consciously tho instrument played a few notes to suit what he was saying and the idea of a new melody struck his fancy. He im mediately wrota off the choru3 of "Pcek-a-Boo" upon an envelope and added a few stanzas afterwards, touch ing up the song at his leisure. The mudc came spontaneously and was far less difficult than the fitting of it with appropriate words; but as it was by no means his first experience, ho was not long in getting it into proper shape. It was certainly a happy inspiration for Mr. Scanlon. This melody alone has netted him $36 000 in royalties, and still brings in a comfortabb income, as he receives six cents on each copy soil. It has, with his numerous other com positions, made him a fortune, in strik ing contrast with such writers as poor Stephen Foster and John Howard Payne, whoso best work served only to enrich the publishers who wore so for tunate as to obtain th ir en tiro control. Detroit Free Press. The Phonozeitograph. The Due de Felt re has designed an instrument, which he calls a phonoze nograph, intonded to indicate the di rection of any distant sound. A micro phonic plate of peculiar construction is fixed in a vertical plane, and is in cir cuit with a battery and a telephone re ceiver, or a D.-prez-D'Arsonva-galva-no meter and a Whcatstone bri Igc. The microphone is more or less affected ly a distant sound, according to the angle that it makes with the scurce. By moving the plate about until the maxi mum eff. ct is obtained the observer if enabled to exactly locate the direction of the sound. The indications of the telephone receiver aro absolutely accu rate, but those afforded 1 y the galva nometer are less so, and this latter ar rangement will require great modifica tion of the microphonic plate before it can be said to be of a practical nature. This instrument msy possibly prove of use at sea ii preventing collisions in foggy weather. Electrician, 0 ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- $1.00 One square, two insertions - 1.50 One square, one month - 2WW For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. Regt Cometh After A1L Beyond the toil, the burdens of the day, Bevond the temoests and the storms of life: Far from the tumult of the weary way, Beyond the longing and the ceaseless strife; Out of the darkness and the gloom of night. Beyond the hills where shadows never fall, And far beyond the range of mortal sight, Rest cometh after alb After the fever and the restless pain, After the waiting and the weary yeans After the conflict and the loss and gain, Ai to r the sorrow and the useless tears; Far, far beyond the lofty heights of Fame: Beyond the hills where shadows never fall Beyond the fear of censure and of blame, Rest cometh after all .William G. Park in Boston Transcript. HUMOROUS. How to cut a person Look daggers at him. The fashionable hair cut is a la mowed. Bid nominatioas are like the itch Th?y set a good many people to scratch ing. When the girl baby appears in a houiriiold there is generally a family cry-si'. : The mm with tho first baby is all f miles Smilc3 for himself aad his friends, too. D mghter Mammi, what is a man-of-war? Mamma It'j a naval officer, of course, y ;u silly child. When a cat gives an entertainment from the top of tho wall it isn't the cat we object to, it's the waul. "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" "I'm going a-yachting, sir," she said. 'May I go with you, my pretty maidr ' Yt s, siree, if you're not afraid. " The Chinese ought to be very good billiard play on, for they are accus tomed to hand.ing tho cue from their earliest years. Chicken salad never sets well on soma people. Perhaps it is made of the wrong kind of chicken. For ins tan oe, roosters are never good setters. "Mother is always telling me not to bolt my food,'' said a small boy, "and now she has gone and bolted up the cupboard that has got all the victuala," A New York literary man composes a good many of his poems while riding about the city. He i3 a hack writer with a vengeance. Dingley Oh, I'm just like I used to be. By the way, Peckham, how's your wife? You used to say you had tho boss girl when you were single. Peck ham (sadlj) She's still boss. Physician (to living skeleton irt a Now York museum) : You seem to be threatened with a fatty degeneration of tho heart Skeleton: I presume so, as I am engaged to the fat woman over there who weighs 614 pounds. 'What trials you must have," said the lady, contemplating a famished tramp devouring tho generous repast she had placed before him. "Yes'm, and tha wust of it i3 I alius get convicted, " answered the tramp between bites. "I was getting measured for a suit of clothes this mawning," said young Mr. Sissy to his pretty cousin, "and just for a joke, y'know, I awsked Snipcm if it we ally took nine tailors to. make a man. He said it would take more than nine tailors to make a man of some people. I thought it was quite clevah.'' A "legitimate" barnstormer recently returned to the city on foot after an un successful starring tour in Shakespearean characters. A friend accosted him and asked him whit luck he had had. "Luck," the actor replied, "why, out there in Illinoy I played to four kero sene lamps, and two of those went out after the first act" The Wily Mormon Prophet. Brigham Young, the famous leader and prophet of the Mormons, often had to exert the whole of his wonderfully quick wit in order to preserve the faith that his followers had in him, but ho was generally equal to the occasion. A certain elder, while chopping wood, had cut his leg so badly that it had to bo amputated. As soon as he was able ho came to Young and stated his case to him somewhat as follows: "I have al ways been a good Mormon ; I have sev eral wives and a good many children, and in my present maimed condition I do not know how I am to provide for them. I believe truly that you are Christ's representative on earth, and that you have all the power that Ho had. It you like, you can work mira cles; if you like, you can give me a new log, and now I ask you to do it" Young assented to all the flattering propositions as they were laid down, and when the elder had finished speak ing he said : "I can givo you a new leg, and I will, but I want you to think about it a little at first When the day of judgment comes, where vir you are buried, your old leg will find you out and join itself to you, but if I give you a new one, that will rise with you, too, and the question is whether you would rather suffer tho inconvenience of get ting along with one for a few years here or go through all eternity wi'h three legs." The choice was quickly made, and Brigham Young's reputation as a miracle-worker was saved. Argonaut ' 4 A -1 !

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