CTI)c !)atl)nm ttccori- tl)c Cljatljam ttcforb. ii. .a. j aks'oois, EDlToH AND 1'KoriMKTOH. KATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one insertion Oiic (square, Inn niKt rlimiM Out' nqutirt', out: nioiilli - ft.no - i.60 ONE DOLLAR PER IMF Strictly InAdvance. 1 For larger wivi-ilm tin u'.n Jil- rnl con ; tracts will lif made. ITITS!iOI0 CHATHAM CO., X. C, OCTOliKR I, INS. no. VOL. XI. Iliit'k In I lie Olil limn: Ohi o More. In I ho pl Ini id'Ov nf tin' sotting miii 'l li.i.i' it lay, m l 'iil iloitu ly a hill; l lii' Mifr, (rtriy shadows d ll I el and tlnr.t Oil green mead -W ami 111:1 dug rill. I saw- tin' lii i'Li ni i;u.i 11 (grain: I In1 1 nl tlic c ivi.s Mini mii if bird; Hut nt tlu iI'bt wlm-- tli" hollyhocks (trow I hii. id mi welcoming word. I stryiil i'iit in tlui un limil fair; t M trees stretcho I th.'ir arms to in ", As if they would My, wh l eiiieinh T ymi well, And tlii'y uln-peied lln words to inn: llnvo yon hack tin' In pes of youth! Aro your e istl" p -ipl" I with lif") Is your ln-nrl 11s brave mid fu'l nf t; ! .' W. in Ii" iln-mus 01 i.s'n'.l mil in tlm si r if ? io ymi li in ; 11 vi'iir Ilium' tin' In ok of life, Willi iis pa-go, jii-t .1-. i l".m As in tin' days, wh 11 .1 child, ymi played Kii' tln year- I i"i ' t" I in he'.wei'ii.' I- 1 1; 11s fair ns in tin' d ivs Yen gnilnii'l tin' Itjw.'i s snivl ; Am nun 1 if I li. p ig 's blotted nr stain" t In tin' lnk tint will miiiii hi' eomplet ? file Ii iii lays fair in lln 111 "Uihght, As it falls mi tl i' wiving gram: !iil tli" nl I lolks nr.' goii,-, aii'l tlm uro-ii trees Hay, never tn return ngi'in. STRIKING A MATCH. "Well, Mis. ll; leburi, I mii-t say i'111 real snrry yni anl Mr. tt nigstor nave f.Vili'n en! like th'it.'' "li, Mi Collins, intlci'il uti are 11. i-tukc!i. There h is l en no f illing out between Mr. Suigster nml myself. Indeed, I 11 in lint tin sullieieuUy sociable 1 rins witii any of yuiir fgctitlcmon hoarders to hav.) 11 qmrrcl." S tying wh irh, Mns Ilddehurn, a : .lit, dclio ite-featured girl of eigh n 11, wnlkvd t ut of the room with cvoii i.ioro than her wonleil diiiily of 111:111 t er nml r.in iair-'. "Ncvertlie'.i:-', notwithttuii liner,'' ro iiineil Mm. Cil'.ins, taking iii her ironinjr, '1 ilo lieiiuv.J tlicri:'-! hei-u .1 iiiistintler-itiiiitiii lietweeii thoso two, ami .1 rial pity it it, for ho ili I ml miro lior atnazin'ly. II ? riiihln't conceal it. ( ily they so'.doiu know wli.it ii ooil for 'em, a nl sIi-.s'm ii-lettin' hor pri lo staiul in Mm way of her happintm now.'' 1 l'i 1 le, iii lneil i ' sni'uroil .Misi .lano lliiinplirioit, Mn. ('n'.lins' nicco nml m isl:int, 11 tull, reil-huireil, styli-hly-IrettJil il iinsi l of Ii vn ami thirty. ''1 lieu to know what liht 11 -:iil who i-arns hor liviu' hy i;iviii' niuic lessons 1! Ii:ty cents nil hour hr.s to he proml ; iii'l as for Mr. rvinjjsUr, I tlon't holiovo h iv.r hii'l 11 striuin thought about U r." .Inne, I tlon't sco whero your i'V M kin he, if you ili In't sco how fair ly wrnppeil up in her he was nhout two weeks n-o. Ho is n splemli'l youiu: 11:1:1, nnyhow, nml I'll try anil seo if I inn't meml mutter bel ween 'cm." "Ymi' J better 1)0 iniiiiltii' your own luiiess, I thii.k, Aunt Martin," Ra'ul Mi, .1 111: with 11 Hjntu ! ill liui'j;li. N v.r vn 1 mini, .lane," persi-teil t'x' warm-liMirtc 1 Mrs. Collins; 'i'il 'ivinnKO in sumo vvny. Von s ly sho's ..frail of gl'i'at't, poor 1 11111 b !" 'I'll') following evouin the kiml h".nteil ImiJIatly tuppe'l nt the iloor of t he sciinti'.y furnish'jil fourth-story room ociupiuil by Luey liilileburn, nn-l fiom which now procoeilcil a nuiaucholy t i.iin. "Stinlyin your piano nt nilils . u iin ? iiurii;il Mr. Collins ropruach lully, wlieu tho youiii girl opeuc l the tloor. "I nm very busy jint now, nml mutt put n't t ho timo J can into stmly." "Well, but you mustn't forget whiit th" ilortor tohl you about overworkin' your bruin," sniil Mrs. Collins. "Ilow-i-vvr," alio ndileil, "1 won't tletaiu you 10 iijer'n I kin help. I'm ciiiii) to nsk a lawr. I'mgoin to the concert th'n evjain'. So it .lane. So'.s every btily 111 tho house, 1 b'lieve; anl tho j;irl bus ouo to bi ll with a toothache. So I'm , in' to nfk you to ivo au eye to tho furnace. 1'vo just rut on fresh coal ami openeJ the lower tloors; I ul will you plenso ; ilown lit eilil o'clock anil cloic the ilouis? ' "Certainly," nssenteil I.uey, upon which Mr. Collins proJuccil a lantern, s iyin:j: ".but tako thiatlown with you; tho r.:'il:u's all Jark, you know." Lucy took tho lantern, closed the room tloor nml returned to her piano, wliibi Mrs. Collius walked away, chuck 1 ini; to licrself. "That lantern' 11 ro out just livo min utes nfter cho sols it down, and she'll find hersolf nil il tho hark. And she's . frui I of (jhnts, poor lamb! J!ut what ii' somobody who ain't a host shcu d happen to bo goin' down there about tiio sums timo, and bo obliged to striko a mutch to calm her fears?" And oven while indulging in tliit p'o.islnc; rt ll-ction, j'rs. Collins tapped nt a door on tho second Iloor. Her ummou9 was responded to by n pleasant-looking youiifj man, who just now, however, wore a very dejected countenance. 'Lil Mr. Sangster, I didn't oxt cct lo 11 id you homo this cveiiij?." 'l diln't foul liko poing out to .i;ht," replied tbo young man in a woury tone. "Woll, sineo you nro fjoing to bj nt Mjaif,'' 4i.id Mr . Collius, "wou'd Jou be ti 'i:i I ;n t 1 look a t r lb.; furnace) 1 ve left th 1 Imvr d ori '-ii I ut I 11 l.'o v.ry much t i 1 ' i i-l il ymi 'low.i nt nlioiit t ijhl o i ': n l; an l 1' s 1 111. A id you i.e. d i't take a I i v; 1 1 1 . There'll be mi': d i .1 there." Mr. Sin.;.iier realily promised to comply Willi th: leipieit, and ,M;s. Col. lins wjtit away, hoping forwliit sho to isi l.jicil "tho tiht risiills." Moiuwiio, poor Ij'iiy llildelmrn, sittin ; ut lnT piano, continue I to draw fcrlh such 111 'h'.ncholy strains that th; teart roll d down her ch :ks. "I mn .! o away Iroin here,'' she sii I half a'ou I. "I can't bear il much loiter; m ine I, I can't, seeing him day nl ti r day, lovi 1 him in I do, n id knowing that 111 i't ;rs cai nevT be ad j i-tcd bi'tW 'en 11 . II ) is as prou 1 iu I but, oh, dear ! wii it am I thinking of) It wai. 1 1 j Is t t w 1 miuutfi of t-i lit. I must go down and cIomi the furnaoe doo' 1. " TliTdipon s'ie lighted 'ho lantorn, and jiii c " I i.'d 1 1 v.i stair. l':h! What a thill draught wn blowfig in through one of I Id gr.it-ing-! And th-jro wero straigo noises all ar 11 1 I. I. 'icy'-' heart Ihirnpol so violently die was tempt 'd to turn and run up .-tail t again. Hit, eon I lies ! Tliu furnace was dreadfully, daiigcrnuily hot. I.uey suininotied up all h?r resolution, ! and, -to ipi ig down, closed thu tloors. ' They sMiing to with 11 lung, and j w In n h" "s.iiy.-.l to open them ngnin she fou id I h , fiTort beyond herslrength. What was to be done in case of tho ; tiio iicflin.: mere draii ;ht ? j Sim might alter 11 while tin 1 it ncc- 1 n 1 cssary to put on more coal, and that it ' wruld be weil to put 01 more draught, j ISut while sho was debuting with liur- self a much more serious mishap oc- fiirr.'d, for the i:t-ilo of tho lantern sudd e uly nchi:v-'d tho most inexplicable !) nicr-nu'.l, and sho was left ia utter 1 diirkno s. Moreover, to complicate tho miserio) of her situ it ion, she now lcnrd stealthy ; foiitstcpi descending tho cellar st air?. I Poor I, icy stood ipiitu still, with hor hands clasped togeth. r over her heart. This wn a burglar, uudou'itodly. Ilo I had seen nil the male i Hindus of the hoii n gi iag oul.ind the Sights) lowerel, i and had t bus choien his opportunity to 1 come 111 and conceal lnmclf in the eel- I lar. ) Tho first idea that suggested itself to her was to creep under tho steps mid remain there uniil Mrs. Collins' return, lire sin ha 1 time to do this, however, a man's form became v 1 i : I j 1:1 the dim s 'tni-twili 'lit that w n shed from tho kitchen door nbov.'. I. 'ley, with a dep iato instinct of sc. f pre-i tvation, put it p both bunds, cxclniming: "II iv.) pity on inc! Oh, hive pity nr.it spa: 0 my lilel ' I'pon '.hit the I urglar drew back, very much -ir prised. "Miss Hildebm 11 !" h" t xclaimed, ill ho struck a match. "Wln.t me yen doing here, mid how can I servo ynuf N 'W, !oo; I.uey, com pit lely iinr.crved and dieadfii'ly .iihanicd of her e f, s it down on a reversed coal Multlo and burst into a lit of vce ing. Thin Mr. S ingter knelt di w 1 b;.-ido her, and n contused ir: t t clian go of ex planatiom of v.iri'iiii kin !s e.isiiid. The result wa th it nt th i expiration of half 1111 hour. Mr. S.mgster took I.uey in Ins arm, an I kisdng thu tear stained face nun morn 1: "tied bless ymi for this promise, my own d rlin:.." When Mrs. Cullint camo homo two hours later the bon o was very ipiiet, the fiirnac ! in jjotid or lor, mid neither Mr. Si:i:-Mer nor Ms-t 1 1 1! le lon-n vid -bio. Hut the following .Iny I.uey con fided to In r a secret, and M -. Sangstcr nbiented hiinsell mystcrioii il y for iduiut three weeks. After th.t Mi s llilde i urn also disappeared "OoiiD to viit h r Punt nt Swnlli more," Mrs. Ciiims txplaiaed lo tho other boar Icrs. I'ut a fortnight lutor the carrier 1 rnught tomo wedding cards to thu bouse. ' Il was all brought about through thu Iiirnatv," said Mrs. Collins, with a gleeful chuckle. ISut Miss .lane was inlini'ely ditgusted. Chicago Journal. A .Minister Trout. A monster trout his been raptured in tho riv m I tc'i 'ii at Winch ;Kter, weigh ing sixteen p. unds two ounces, and j measuring Ili initios in b ngtii mid il j inches in circumference. Thu bait wns j a livo uiimiuw, and hu was not lMided ! till two hours alter he was hooked. ' lie bad haun'.cd the stream for years, wan almost as well known in the city as ! IJ men Anne's statue in the High street, and had ncquired quite a r 'put ition for thu niiniber of rods ho had broken and the quantity of lithiiig-tacklo ha li 1 1 cairied a way. His captor was a laborer named Turpin, who dispose"! of him for ijf't to a tidimouger, on whoe slab il at Ir ctetl almost as many visiters 111 a iiionatoh lying in slat'. II' was i't splendid condition and h:i now gone I'. to tho hands of a taxi leriuist for pres et vation. Loudou Times. America's l.nrgesl rri'(, Mr. Warren, wh 1 hit suea th) I i.! trees of Miripnsa, t'no.e of the liig ; Tree Hi 'V: ii Cdav ru tiemly, t'l., and nli (lie bl ; lre:s of the e ei.t rail ;e, 1 si.ys there is no ph:co in t 1 ifornia a tree Hi it apprnac'us in si. 1 that on the K wiiah. The 1110 1 h.n I with th an no nil", t i.e line or tneaiiir.' ofany kind, but Mr. Wane 1 ine.i-iK d thu tree with f bit till -, which is lour leet i:i leaglli. j II; I hi id it to In- 1 1 I ngtlit ol llii gun I i.i ciri 11111 crone , at a pniit as high ' al ov-.' irn und as hen old rem h. The top of tho tree his been uioken oil' but it ii still of i minense height. This monsler t ree st.in Is in 11 small basil nei.r the Knveib, mid is surroiiiid - ! id oil all si In by a wail ol huge tuggid rocks. Th 'ie is so ti in h bru-li in the ' vicinity Ih .t thu little v.i icy in which t 11 : big tr e it in. 1 1 is aim. i t inai.ceisi l le. A Inn 1 111 irk. 11:1 I a notable Iciluru of llie Ian 1 cipi: i. an ininnuisu rock known as II in r's .Voir;. This r. 1 ; . st u:ds 011 a lU' imtiiii tint hns an t ie : v .lion of from s 1 1 1 1,, ii 1 1 ) foot above I tiio level of th; sea TIk; rock itself is about o'l'l fe:t iu luight. It is vi-il le ' above the piiu forests from Tu'aie val ley. Tiio small valley in which the big . tieo -t m Is is a mile or two ca-t ol Ilo- . !: r's Nose. A bunt il me in my "i nil trees, several larger than thu lug trees of Mariposa. ' 1, iwer down th" K iweaii ii wh il n i called th : (I. an! T ne t. At this pi k ) a colony ol s.ci iii.t Iiiv j lakei u; ten I square tnili'i o: t.ui "r I 1 n 1. ,th ir I land are many lr.;:s tint ire fro a li lo 1 is leet in di unit . r. Tiio tin u lain ! i in 11 say tic id; tr et cii' se,uoi:n are a cross I el '.vetm lie; rel'.v io l and tho i fir. Neva I a M :t : p: is". I si s nl i nslor Oil. Among th; varioii: iidu-tri'i v'iirh , ar: c injinr.ilively but littbi k iow 1 b;- ; yond tlo ir s cci illv, tint of th" pro I - net of the c ister liemmiv b :u "i,! ioued j as one of the most uniqil . T.i oil i- j specially a daptu I lor : 11 'l ie it in all ' sort! of machinery, cIocaS, w iteii : i.elc, 1 and it is an excellent lamp oil, giving j a whit" light lar sup-rnr to that i f ; mini ral oils, petrol, urn, ia;,"s i;l, li,i- si.'e.l and ad other oi 1 , wu-t!i:r ve- 1 table, 11:1 mill or in.ue il; i" also :;ivm very lit tl.' soot, an I all till: ;s c in-i I - I cied, h is been j 1 in -u :c I th 1 li aji -st j oil known. Alihigient p r;ii':e 1 of ; Lunl oi a';d I' ,rii Use cad-ir oil l..r:he ; lii-iliilfai tur ! of golden oil, so w -11 j known for its property of k ei i'g tli: held cool, and th' ski. and its pu -s, as well as the reels of tic; h lir solt and open. T.n oil it in)l for t :x ilo f ibrict, to til them for dyeing "r piinling, fur I which pmpo e lb) I idia dyers and pi i iters inv iri.ibly t-mp'. y i' ; and it is 0110 of tin belt oils lor dre-sin.; Inilid j hid 's ai.il skins of all kin 1 1, 01 aim uul I of il s iinp.iiting lo th'iu sii li a d.'.;rce 1 of strength, dural i! ily, tonatity anl beauty. l'i o 11 tin: oil enko in addition , toils other uses, a gni ii oltmiel -.vliieli giv I a su;i -i in- li.'ht; ,mii of ; lb : stations on th ; I'.i-t I 1 1 1 1 i.nilway j beiu:; i II unii na'.e I this way. 'Ill; oil I dissolves 10:11 plet ;ly in alcohol, and j this, iiiciirporal'al with a s"'iuio:i of I cipa', inn'te a v 11 1 i di, wh 1 1 il i, sail j is very u oful 111 po'isli 11 ; alt Kinds of j lir-t c asi 1 11 -iiiliirf. i iriii;es, pictun; I frames, cloth, cc.vi., etc. (iolliam s Tliri'i'-I.i'lli'l' Streels. Thole hav ; be, n liiany ar oiui -nt 1 over tliu number of slr-'cts in N w V ik City the mimes of which ni l sp-il 'l with three tett'r, sayi th: N w Vo:k Sun. A stu ly of tin directory of "iv.'t the follow ing information on th" subject : Tin-ri! are feinti en streets in ill. I ll -y me Ann, l v, 't'. Mm. y, New, I'' x I', v. A h, Kir, ll", Ki;i, I '00 art ! I lie. Tli" fit, t six are below th" Miilcm bridge, and tin list eight .-1 i.i 1:1 tin an nex'."! di tiiit. Th ro i- but one ave t in in New V uk C.lv which i, sp.dll'd with three .-l'e:-s. Hi av.'iui". A ( iipans ineil Horse at 11 I iiueral. Til ; leading of a capari ore I horse be hind tlie body of a dead s.ildi r as wis done nt th" oh-eqiiies uf li 'ni l d Slnii dan at Washiii 't on is : !w y an inip es. nivo inid siig-e-tivu feat ire of :i 111 i ' 1 1 . r y funeral, and it is perhaps 0:1 this at con: t that ncutotu which comes from heathen times is kept up. It Is probably a 1110. 1 ilication of an oi l pno ieo which was 111 dnt lined to sum extent ns Into as Kid of slaiightei in ; 'In horse of a ilea l warrior on his Lrave. The rever sal of :he boots is probably ussuci lied with the reversal of guns and s word 4. -Cinciiiiiali Kmpiir, r. Surgical liistriiinenls fnun OM Saus. new 11 e lor w ,1 ut mv, ha b en fiuiud. lnstia I of thr-'Win - them in tin y a:d or sending them to the ;il:k shop they ire gathered up and u-cl lor the 111 iking of sii-ic.,1 and en dnei ring instrinii nt-. Tlie 1 nti r 1 ii i ing individ ual w II 1 li I into I t.:is 1 conon ical way of provi 1 1: g l.i.usi If w it ; lirst clasi 111. 1 tori il nt foui :li-i lass j rin.i "tun to be making the fortune h" de crvei. Tbo waste of it f-.w years ago -e-eiiis to mako tin foitiiu s of 1 c iv.i lay . - South rn (., .11 1 leiuau. C If II.IMIKN S (OI.LMN. 4 rcllim VI i.ili. r. "A fellow's lliollil I-," sal.l e. the wi , IVllll his -, sv l-lliels mi l his IIUTI V I'M' ' K nous w I nl t 1 1 lo if 11 i'i l'"H p-t bin t I - ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 ) -, or 11 1. 1 ui o, or a lull 111 tlx ,10-1 I ".- fellow's iieitlir-r has bns mid strings, li ies t I ulti.ns, nml li.ts i f things; Mo matter Ihih hn-y le is, .sh,.' stop To sie ht.w ie!l y'.u can spia y ur top. "She dues nut ire, 11 "I noieli, I mean. If a fellow's fae ' is in it aluat s clean, And if your tnni iei s me torn nl th,' kin" She i nn put in 11 pnleli that yu'd ii'-ver s' e "A fellow's inntli'T i:- never mad, Hut only sorry if yu m e ha, I; And I tell , ii ties, if y u ieinilv H ii", She'll nhtnys fm-.'ive nb it e'er ymi do. "I'm sine of Ihi.s,' s.ai.l 1'ied tli.ii,e, ilh a manly lo -k in hi-, lauglii.'ut eve., "Id! iiiiud 11 iv iii"tlier, ipnek, e.-rv day, I'ellmv's a 1,-il.y that il ni't ol-y. -i Voiitir.s 1 01 1 1 , 1 1 1 1. 111. 'it;,. IIiiikiiii. Willi he was amy, tin tat! II :nry Wattertnan, of Hudson, N. V., wh 1 in vented llie doiiiilu drivii; wheel 1 o! lociiinotivus, sp'nt. ino.L of his tinn "whil tiiiig." With bis jickknifo lie Hindi; various tr.o Ids of v.ipi 111 c oneep lions to tli", uuril, in such c:is.:, neg lect of bis lessons. Ilisfath -r, on one occasion, out of all pili uic.! with him, sai l: "Thatb-yii a g iu l-for-:-.',;hi 1 ; diiminy." lbny iu-ointly np'ied. "father, some -lay 1 wi 1 ill ike .11 i'il gini! and call it 'l'un l):i ituiy.' " W i n liogiewui lie iicevmp i-.hed tho pu -po-c lie tii.ti formed. II: w is till in ventor of lb' lot oiii'itiv.: tailed "Tlie Duiiiinv," :i"W in use iv rywlnre. - H jtroit l-'ii I'ress. II," 1', 3,ii en I .i I ,iri'. I):-. lu win, el l.ikep'ui. Cil., bad a pet deer to which !io wis very much at tached. 1, 1st fall il runaway loth' mouiit ii:::-, and that wis tho list hi; i-aw of it 11 ilii tho spring, when on: day it appeared in thu door y 1 r I, and, walk ing sir ai ;ht to the doitor, tail ;t, !::al on his nrin and seemed great y plea-e l, us was lb d e lor. It hita ; around him iu rather 111 unusiin way, and I: naily disappeared. Thu m ::t day il camo ag i', and nU'd :.:i ihoii'hit wanted the doctor t folh."V i:, ai I he di I Tlie doer led him s.rr.e 'list nr: from til" lioiisu ilireeliy lo a iittli fawn which lay bidden in tin budi-.s. Tin: doctor took the litt'e tiling iu his aunt and cani :d il home, t lio tutit li r following and show ing tr.iini.takab'y tint thnl wn- just w hat she wanted. N w Vork Sun. , S lum-ie m-i Hi-'l.i-. The sellers of candie-, mils and dried liuitt in Cliiiie.ii) towns oltun carry their wares iu an e'.a'ior itely const rui". ed miniature junk, 'l'un custom iisatd to 1 wo its origin to th: following lir-ciini-ta' c: : S. veral c-.'iit't: ie 1 ago a '.own on llie coast of China was simian by a severe famine, .mi l when tin: la I of th ir scanty supply of pr.'Vi -ions had -gi v m mil, an lib: stitv.ug i 1 1: 1 I'll 1 il had v.iveu up all hup" -'!' 1 ol i !', a junk w u oiiseivol in (li: 'listar.c, 1' ap pro it bed tin to.tn, and when the ciptiii 1 dnc iv r d the a 1 pli -.hi of it 1 inhabitants he genei on y turne 1 over the ciilir : cargo of hi 1 -l.ip, ton'i tilg of fruit ', nuts and -., 'et me its , to tin pec.pl -, wil l W -10 ihus aide to lilt! over tliii tertib.o calamity. Jinper's V. u-ig I', o.iic. 'I'll,' fcel." l iill. Thu in vi-sti gat 1. uis rtb.ie'.i lnv: luen iiiadu by dredging 1 t tin f 111 1 1 of th') waters of the deep -e n in 111 ny put of llie world have re i: t I i 1 the di-t- 'V ry of mo.t eceentric I01 ins of ainunl il e. linro 0 pc: ially among the I'nh-'s; lot'. 110110 c m ee l in their .lepirtui 1'rniithe I ordinary type tlo: p'i-iu 'ill whiclij wis dredge I up fr, iu a d ptli of a mile and a half, t IT the (oast o. M -rocco. Tho lidi, which d,ir is wi lely j from any p.vvi mi ly known typ", presents 11 mot c:raor li lary development of llie lo'ii'b Tho jaws lire ex! rem 'ly l;r;e, and the floor nl the lower j iw ii f rir.c-i of a v.ry txteisiiile -ki', which, when filled with food, cou-st it ut ;s 11 m:1 of p. ui'h like that of th ' p.-elicin ; it it pro' able tint the I": .-st stages o! tlie digestioi of the fool may he i irri ! I on il this cavi ty a the stum ch ii very small. The fins are liar by less rem: rkai I" lii in the jiws, 'I'll: pectoral lias lire veiy ruli inentary, wlui-t t'ue dor . d and the ventral are each constituted ly a range uf free detach 'd spine-. I'niiko many of tie: inhabit;! its of tin extiiine depths of the sen, which me so Ire qiienlly blind, tho p l:i in hns twi VJ 8 p!nc I iu front of the pc ctor.il li is. Tin llitteaed form of tin holy, taper ingt ) a point at t ie end mavis it ter tail tint tin fnli mutt nvim by waving the cion ;,ated tail from side to si le; hut its movement! must he very re-trieted. It is probable lb it, like oiler an gler li-h, it lias on thesolt mud which constitutes tho bed ol tin - t-e n, with tin mouth open ready to en 'iff as fond any animal that moves across the open in ;. il'irn yune. A lnirdicsser is a mau ef 111.1: y paiti. TAXIDI-KMY M'.iiuiliii'e; Z'lo'iv.iiral Spi-ciinciis in Ki'iili'stii: Atliludi.'S How Anim.ils Arc Obtninocl and f-'ruscrvativo Processes. in bit studio, ni'ioiindel by sjoii in ns of his hiituliwoik that nlmo.t si iim d to breath -, a repot ter of tho Wa-hiugtoii Star li.und a well-known taxi b r.u.ist an 1 niiluralid. The walls w ie hung wish nnii itc I spi t i:ne:is of trqiicil and gnun birds, wln o biil hint p iiin-i ;u shone with d: .dug btighlness a; the sunshine touch" I them. The Ilo r was strewn with counties! varieties ol haw iv , nulls, eagles, all mounted in roa'i.s". ic attiliiles, fouio poised on point! of a rock ready to swoop down upon an inn ,cent llock of chiclvOii1, other! with their prey already half con si iiie.l. wl.ie livo fnhdi iwks near I-,, w re lighting lor thu possession o! a l '.rge !i h. A snow-owl, tr.uii .Mm k", looked pl.-u-i Ily down iinoa tho -c-ne from a large p-d-jst.il, while on a log at the ba-e a bla'ek b ar t ub stool holding out a car l receiver iu a know ing way. In one cf -rue r of tho rr om a large showcase, wis filled with innumer able skins of tho ir , u, ly tropical birds, among w hich w ,s compii nou 1 1 In p'uui ngo o" the rare king hiinm:r, with his li 'ry, topn colored tlnoit, (on idered the most l eaiili ill of the huniiiii 1 g bird t:i:.e. lire, also, wer-j llio famous Ivie 'oirls, p radi-e birds, troons, pit lain and gcd l.-ii pheasants. There is a large collection of tnammil skins designed for ru f. Among these is the skin of the giant Himalayan tiger, twelve feet nine inches in length, hair an inch and a half long, mi l beauli idly tnnrbnl. '1 he Unions "freo tigci' als o hero reproieate l by his skin. I'rol -a 1 1 y tliis is tin) only specimen of tho kind in tin I nitod !-t itus. Its soft, long fur, with silver tips, is not rivalled ly any of the cat tribe. Li'oj ar 1 skin.-., wi b their beauli ul spolsj jn.itir ski is from South Aui iica, ocelot skins fro m Texas, panther,' and bear skins of e-v-ry van ty; in I'.ct, ski of every miiuinl of note or v.ilu a-e !oU :d horo. "11 w do the coll'ilors pr servo th" skill! ii such good co.i'lili on;" asko I the reporter. "Tin animal, if killed fur from ramp, mint be skinue 1 on the spot. 'I'll') first step is to lake import net mea-ireine its, then thu nidinal is turne I over on its back and thu skinning process conn iniiiced. An incision h undo, begiu niig at tin tip of tin: lower jaw and running down to tin Ion", anl 11 sow i ;staii e 1 to the exl ro:ne end of t h tail. Tin skin is then parted .right mil left with tin as-isti:c) o," th knife and duniivd d iwn to the hind logs and tin i'Oiiei cil' olT t'l is 1 to the body. 11 ch leg ii I lie a -kinn-d down lo th ! soie of tin lout. 1. tin an imal be very I ir ge, cros .( ut ; are ma le from tin central cut on ih i :si 1 1 of tin leg and the sol" of th : loot. T::e ll :.-h ii th'ii rcniov.d from thu leg bones, nml tho lro:.t leg! operated 11; on ii the same manner, and tho skin entiicly rein-. ved 1 1 111 the body. Thu sku'l i-Ih'-n icii. ov I from the circiisi nu I clcnm d, to ;i th r wilh tin leg bone-, t" lie 11: i i. ! in iniiitiig. All surp'in fit anl ll"-h is then rcniov.: I from the skin by siripin-, .111 I salt uu I alum ap p'i -d lor th : purpo-e of pre.crviag I', a I i w Inch il i , spi o 1 1 out and dii. i. "In veiy noi l, hot c ointries," the laxilciinnt w-nt 01, this process is not a! way 1 IT -c-'.ive, an I til n :W c nk -pc. ieg p; 1 st i, rei rte I to. A I 1 g, 1 nk, p. illy li led witii a strong s. lu'i 1:1 o! a inn 11. d -alt, is provid -tl, and thu skins afh r bein g rouioved Irani th body and thorough'' cleino.1, ar: p it in and allowed t n m tin an ji ib li ill length of time, riquiiiii; m liiillnr ,. "cii hi of any c insi q;m: c" intii I'd,- f r ship limit, when an cx ami 1 iti 1 1 and 1 reti.ii ig of the bath is re-i l ied to." "II -w long will skins keep in such a b tth.''' inked tin repoit-er. "1 have kept ski n lorapeiiod of s:x ye-irs, and mou :te I tin 111 at tho end of t'l.it I nit '. Iraki 1 g lir-t-elms spec i-r.ens. I have 1 I r ;e A 1 it- in lion,'' continued the naturalist, "a Slut and po-y, a hair seal, a bl.iciv-t nl deer an I n number of monkeys lint lnv: boon in th: bot'i for live or ix yeari.'' "lots the i'a.h have nny elTect upon the k:ns or hair.' ' "It hns 1:0 1'i rteptible elTect upon the skim, and does tint alter the to'or of the hair. It has a ha I 1 IT ct upon bones, how ever, soliciting t In 111 11 nt il they aro u'.mo-t like 1 iil'b t. limes i,ro nenrly alwayi n in, v d before tho skii is placed i 1 1 hu bath.'' "To 111 -utit n n animal what is tho Co 1 m 1 1 process)" The lim-t riceitt and approved 11. ethod is the manikin method, ptiuci jialiy used ia the mounting ol large mni'iivils and birds. It dilT.'rs from th: o d method', I l that, first a perfect in 1 I I is male tf the entire animal, 1 v r w hi h tl. : skin i- pi c d, and with the as istnnro of a nua'l qiivatity of . vinolcled a::d propcrtioiied to its po . t '-.ru'." "Do v 11 mo thii luethodi'' "Yes. j mount)! Stonewall Jack-! -ou's horse '. I Sua: I.' ti.al way, and j am now engage I ii mointiig a very b'liiliful fawn lor a disliayuuhed ' woman. j Skill ul the ll:i mis. ; Wo hear a great deal about tin won derful precision mid accuracy of machin ery in these day t, and of emus: il n , wonderful; but the degr.:j of nciirac, to which the human hand can be trained ; is 1 qu illy wo nlei f 1 1 1 I I'.ayiug-eard s i r ) required to In tut with tin sides quite pnnllel to ench ; ill': r, because if a pack be trimmed 1')' ', a miichinu slightly w i I r at uneond than j the other, and they h c on -turne I "end ' for end" ia dealing, the excess in width : of some carls over oilier! at the end of! th'.' pack w ill be double tin wn i it ion iu ; any 0110 carl, which would facilitate 1 i hcatim, a very minute vamtioti In lag petceptiole. The men who t nt tlnsu . cardi for this make calipers of their tin- 1 gcr and thumb, and bv pas-i ig tbein 1 along from one end to th i oth .r, 1 .'tect : a dill'ert'tice in wi l:h between line two ends which it is ditli n't to iiij:niii'j by j any other means. There are men employe 1 in fm-tori :! 1 wh re ilrie I yia-t ii ni l le, whoso hu-i-n e sit H to put tlo: y a t into pncvnges weighing a certain ainoiin; each. It i 011 a t ibl: in front of ibeui 1:1 n bug-! : I la-tic mass, uu l th ru lire tho scales , lor weighing it. ISut th : m n d" l ot me iln scales, 'liny simply si.-p;r:te from tin mass witii their bands a .iiuip ! o: il and put it up, and ymi may cbo 1 a! random i n I ul it 01 the scales, a el j it will w-tigh e.x-ictiy iln lighl 11111 unit, the scales beam ju-t b-ilai cing. j Wheru largo iiiiiii'.k ri of t'grgs tiro liiiidled and shipped to niirkct, there ii a ircess known as "cauilieiao"' eggs, which consists ii taking llnm into In bands, i su illy t w o eg gs ia t arli hand at a time, and holding th m up Infer) a ligiitel candle. The light isliining through them reveals lo the prac'.ic d ey .1 lb: exact condition of the cu iteiit ISut sen. 0 of the men '.ion get so thai lb y do not need to use tin cm -lb', Ibu 111 -ru cont ict ol th- ir hinds witii llie bells d noting tin condition of I in' c :g ju t as l'-fi libly and much i;:'-n quickly. And tin y d i-t iu:'iii -h in lint way not tuc;e y eggs wim h are d, ei 1 e Ily bad, but I hose which : re ju-t bare'. i' , inning to !o. - tli- i : f re - ir Her e me Ih tee I ill' n 1 t iv y , iu w liirh 1 x'reute skill ol the l.a-.d - is slmivn by p r-iste::l tiainin Kir-t, ii dcl'-t ting s;i lit dilT li-nt-es iu liiagnilude; seeuu I, in weight; and li-tly, ii texture or character o! surf.-u:-: hat dl :d. Auier ic 111 .M it Iti 111 t. Allilici.ll ISalilness. "It i, tin 1 in! or. o! si v ral racns," tin I, Hi-Ion II '.s i'.al says, "to pro line ml.li iai I a'dnc-; by -h iving the lead. Toe ( iii' tmau iipih ip tin best ex amp'i; ol thii. II' h .ve, tin hair Iroui tliu for.-he.id an-l te :: pl--s, and leaves only a t bcular patch, which h" ali -ws to grown i-ito a tail. Tin Au-lnniau I -lau-l eis ; h ,v - a inosl the entire sur face of I In scalp, as ih'ioighy :n the imperfect iiuplei-.iei t , at their coinm nd will allow them. I'ornicrly tlo-y u-e-l chi s id Or 'k 11 ll :l :o- this pu p",.,, bill 11 th ' ar: i'.- il of 11 ir -p-.-ius upon th ii i.i 1:1 I, liny can inlulge in tin 1 11 u i y of a shave wilh 1 pi- c-: of ! ro-k- 11 i::-s. 1 1 i . -ail t h it u wl f I ike - a peciiiir j il " t -1 1 c in -.'living tin heal o! In! hu . 'au I. T wcl i:- 111" clu-e of t Ii li. l'i cent my a sh iv.a i:iy w 1 b gnu to be ie ui d" l, b"lh in tin east au 1 t he Wi st, .s 1 neci ssai v ill t r v of the s. 10 I' ll ilal cn:e; and ih" b.ib-i's r.ior wis required t co-opu ate wi! I t'l; bi,li';i's hand tu cin-litil! tho p:l -si. Two modes ol slnvi 1 g t h : ih.i'il trnVo- -til ciltui ir an I th -.uuiieii-i ul 11- -cam : into il "; ill' w 10 were tin inventois of th 'in' 1 1 .-; t y, wi;h l-l iiiew.ir! by cari'.cssin.'ss, has in glint: I t 1 n:io:d. Tiio Human clerjy g 1 v : a prefci ne : lu tin circular shaw; wlncli w n a el is pu formed ly mi'.ii ; i :.!! 1 sva'l mil :d .pot on the v iv clown of Ih; had and leavii-gil c (lib s 1 by hair. The Se ittnli monks, ,n the oiler h ind, alopted the s 'niiei:, 11 ir 1110 I , and shived the forep. rt o! the head Ir. nil ear lo tar, in the form of a 1 nt." Delaware I'iuii-Ii I'ai ins. I'caeh larms in I) liw.r: not iilr,! qilenlly c mtaiu l", tmn tics, a ral s.nii! years ago one farmer alo:-e- wa- s:.i I to own 10') hoi) trees. IS njiiniii I Si get, llio !;over.ii r i f Delaware, owns at least a ilne)ii peach larms in IMawirs nn-1 Maryland. The great shipping 1 oitit on the pc i isiilar of I).-l:iwa-e and Maiy'iand n Wyoming, avi.lage if l nt county, I .aware, a'.d omiif :lie ehiet grow, ts is the lie v. .1. S. Wild-, 1 iiius cubir M'lhudist preacher, latinm for his lino pby -iqil ', his daring t ulpit ut terances and bit lev of h Tsell nli. It is a subj ct of curious comment in I) l awaro th it whntev r ill Inr-t beliil s tiio ieach crop the few small orciianls on I.ion hill or K. nine nee, in tlie northern part of the stnt , always produce good crops. It is nn odd pn ily of tbo peach that Seo l.i.u ;-. .si:ld n,i pro luco the s itni kind of fruit as tin- p rent r ; . Njw varieties) are obtained intii seed and all t Ii 0 inrgo orcli tds aro I 11 Ido l ( -raftodt so in t j obtain uni formity. JNjw York Tuleoram. Tlie I'iiii'landH. flu, si'leinii s mg is ner, for the wind hai 1,-11 the pill s Almleiit, Willi I lnic s at"ty heads upiaise. in . I'l.'.l iil. s, fh. :r luil-ie loi-l,ed a-Ih- Ui'.ii tin'' wail r iii--ss 1 g- fri, mi i-n hiel', Th. siai.d, like b. nil' .-is of tiod, iigniiisl Hie einuis'Hi : !:y. Tic , wine . iiii is sinking, s-ts iill.niie tli" I ' I'l ' W"s'. i:, g-i .Is the tinting "ii.e.ssetweis 'Hint cr III" hour ol i-'-st, Wli.ledaili a.giiiisl ih" nllei-gl-.u Hi" pin"! stale I one OV nl.- , bu-e sinielv y -i, Ih -ir siiii'er Inighls !' scan e 1 h Inn 1 .11. S" -.'il. th.-v J-m I .1-,la lie.li 'Ins-nil twi 1.-1,1 l el...- s nilit. Thai 1 ' 1 llii'p-i siiijg I n..il' Is pane, lltl'l lili-i I ih-. lillili, Win!-: iin.lsi Hi,- had, end cam pn uf :.i"i fa. In. g ; i-.-.-n 'I h" ,..;ii M01.: pl.-iv of lh-e-lly gay nt l.i-l ' a:,. -e k iss-.'ii. Ah. many 11 . :o 11. ye !r:.i.;g oiu'l am .1: ; tin- I . .-rail! ho. I '' Voiit- Ici-lM-u 1 erva.li .1 leiri ' :!! it, "II' I ' Il ls ai i.llse, Sli'-ll ,1. .011 -hall, like tl" I :lw.-. 1" I'iU' S licit le.IV Ih- ir heads oil hi ll I pill II. o- ll,. il- w llip-l lllglll I'"'-- id ih' I nil'i, in -l-y. -Ada M. d I-. liter, in N mil ba '- III MOIHIIS. Irony - A new to .ie. The cream td sice ty- lee i-"am. II : who i, in love whh biuiself ha- no rival. Tin best w-.y to kill a fal-chood is to . t i! !i-'. A frni reiulv -i agreement to go ii to partner-hip. In I l y the nose - having ft pidol ball gray. y u probosci ;. Th ii e a id fall in standard soctiri li"s never alT-ett ul; c ntocks. 'I'll re was little p rfuin. ry i i Ameri-v-a iliniug the c! I Cologni i d d nyi. Tin d- adicead a', the th a're n like a i.-c.'es fill predicti'-n ho lias come to 1 Cat ital Wiiii'-l ! g! id l-n- ripe berg taxed, tin 11 ;b it cleines Hi-) allegation wh -n tax d Willi it. A b oketi 1I..W.1 "entli'ttvtii makes 0 v, i-y pom- quality of b'-ifer, and th'.ro is hard y ary u-c to which ho can bo I " Tin- liuliitii I'.-.ragrapher sagoly 10 inariss that 1 ii : av rage inirb'-r net In -.itat" t o s, 1 ip ; a 1 iu i 1 ai it ce. II ) doesn't li niiate to cu:. a:i 0'.. . id, cither. We iiudi r ta-.i. I the Sioux will require .1 li.oix more day 1' co-.ni In a! ion of tho treaty 1 cior--th - can make up their mill Is c, !i iiiely as to whit tiny will dioux. Whii'itx' ,1 iy li ui'il's tolleclion of engravings is one of th-: li c-t 1:1 tin country, tl-w oftlicm .1' in il a! s'liMIO') and i.t-cructl Ml -ns w n m,d: by the American II ink N le company. ii.lli'lv (10 village po,i mistr.' 1 Ih y .' t mivtliiu' ier mo, Mi-: llul-hu-d .' I'. -', i.i .ties' litre's a po.-ftl fr-'in voiii d hi ght'-r M ndy. How -lie doinipi-v- 11 spuliri' s iuo lie'i bun goiu' ! ) I h it in ir.liu' seiniol. Mi,s ll Kink -"Nn, Mr. Siinor, it cm never In. I shall in ve: liiiiny a widow r. Th : i leal ( itch 11W wa'.i.i i 1 any oth 'r womiu'.s shois." r s-n:t T i-l-'p i' tin -l "1 ha t no ia t'.':tio , --s l: 1'ink, of olT'liug you n y l:.t- wi'e'- shoes. Yvtni inuldn'O get tin-in on." No Ki tueily lol' il lit'tl Nose. A phy.ii inn w n inked by a I'bil-I-.blpl.i.i l'nos lepoitor n.-teiitly if thera u is any way in wl.ii b a linin could ha ,-iiie l of bis red i.tise, and his answer :n an cm ph it it; "110." "I: is u l ad thieg to have a red tii-sc," he said, "inc-u-c mo-t peO)lo hi ik tl-.-it it was tin light, about by uhnk 1 1 1 inkiue; .11. d whiio tins ba ll i i, iintifnd in a majority of in stnuc s, it is nut always llie case. Olio ul Piiil idelphi fs most prominent iium h n a 110,1' as ie.1 as a rooster's comb, and I know lb it be ncv.-r drank a drop el liquor iu his life. Hi will carry it w th hi .1 to his oiiive. Chtpir, if cnloil l'i quel. Ily and in large quantities, will delay reddi niug of tin no-,0, but if a ninu unconfirmed top r the whiskey 11:1 1 tlie ch ese willh v a tussle, and, th whiskey will til tl:i iiloly (get thera and Iriscj the noso for him iu tho most approved styl"." Siigiii'il His Nam" Millions of Times. C. N. .bird in, ol N 'W York, esti nntes that ho h is sign -d bis name mil lions and million! of times os I j.nlc pr'- ideiit and Trea irer of th : (' uilud St :te!. AY nen ho was prjidont of tho Thirl National link, ho si -ned hisj nam : us often as li:tce:i thomiiiid times in one day, and he mod up froui fifteca to thirty pens n d ie. Hi! coat-slecvca sulT-rcd greatly in tho work, but they could bo rep.ired, while tin ll sh on hiswri t, which sulT -red theiiii.t, cou'el notb: repiired, though he ru'ibu I it fre ly wilh vu.'iiiu and cold-cream. Mr. .bud 111 writes with n light s'roko, a ol In says that as S cr I ary of Hio Tr a any b-) consu me I n-iiy on- third ns much ink as hii prt decevui -. - Ar- (gOUi'.Ut. i il

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