l)c !jat!)am XUtoxb HATES ADVERTISING One siiiur(!, one insert inn- fi.11'' Ollc Sipllll'i', tWO IIIHlTI intl'S - L'lO One niiiurL', ono iiimiih - &'' 1ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YE4S; Strictly in Advance. OL. Al. iMTTsnoKir, Chatham co., x. c., ocror,i:u u, isss. V i' For larger wIviTtiseineids Ill-rial t " ' trails will lir mado. ttljc ifiljatljaw Uciovi). II. V. l.OJNOOIN, LDIToK AND PKOPKlLTOli. , I II Mnilliu' lr I In' Illicit-. We ui! tur the lugl": tli" night dews "I"' eld, Tlio luubs of 111" R,-Mii r fed jaded nnd old, The lii-lil "f mir li I'll ie i win ly nnd Ial", TliiT" is lead in i ur joinL, llicii-1 lrot in I Ml I' llilil', Tli" fui in-.- i veiled iiml nfi I'tiineiiiikuown As we ll" Willi bushed 1-IV.llll till 111" l-ll;.' In i-. lil-mii. At Hi" sound nf llu- hueln -i- h iMiiiiiul" shall spring Like mi arrow ii-l-'.i-- I ti nn th" strain of tin- siring; Tin- coning", llm ilnplll oof youth lmll ii-ni" l.i, k 'I'" bini-.li 111 i-lull i-f Heir i.-.ir l ii i-u ir. Ami solum ; i I I"- -s ni l i-.u-'s fad-' nw iy lli'll II III 111" ogi v . I -'11111 loclnillis the I i H ilny. Tlmiiigli the lovi in-- nf nj" )ii;y n t h- in Hi' vein, A tul mi li:.i- nf si -i I 111 in- .-iii"W remains; '1 1" ngli Ih" eoiiiinih's hi ye-lei'dtiy's inarch IT" lint I i-r -, A i il tl c - h i i I I - in- (miIi- u ii. I Hi I -t hiii Ii- s i r s, -ir - 'I h"ugh II iKi-1 nf ir- rl -riiig dies down I i ii lit- in, Wr shall Iiml i,in- I .-I ynli'li Hii- ll lh"bilgln ii I 1-iWII. -llu:.. Wi'il vM-i Hi Ili(gitis,in in ( Viit ii-y. ONLY A DEAF WOMAN. Tiictiui'i slopped at I in-; Station on tune this Woduc-ulny nflertfuoti. It was lint a : 1 1 i t u! . riy piinctu.l train, n ithur iliil it especially in I'.tor whether it was or ml, a I'.iii" Satioti was o:io ol thojo "lodges i'l tlio v i-l wilderness'' whore limo w;n not reckoned according lo Ihu Wall street standard and where people look tilings easy. 'llu stage for II mlock Iliil was wailing there a. clumsy conglomeration ( mu-ly leather, faded pnitit, iiii I im- ii-nt woo l, ilrawn by t w sleepy horses, aii'l ilrivi-ii l,y a .1 Im so ol-l t Ii it I'M in si itu-tivc'.y w omli ic! l ow hu ever fjot h;i an, I J wii f r. tn his ai ri il I'i'ich on llm Iki siat. Mr. I! hinnnil mill liU frii-ml Col. .Iniii-i t.ioU t lie-i r s-.al, (i.ii k -il l Ii ir va'.i-rn ?:iu-,iy u-iili-r lluir loci, ami fa.t'.-iio l lluir iiaily i;U imilirellas in Ih,- r.ic!; nv rh -al. Th ro wai only nno otlu r pn-si r, ,n-i - i wim:in in a hrnuii w i.u-i ir jh( t 'ori i anil n :rcca Vs-il, with a Im Ii'-I nuik- t lia.ki t i:i ln-r lap mi'l a 1 1 rmoii l,nn car timn- t in Ii r Inn. I. ''Only a il .if w.nn in," K.ii I l.'dlonul .Ijll-M, .la.ll ill.; t.iv:ii h-T. "I sei-,'' oIhiiv -I Mr. Ilii-linmnl. ' Wo m-i.-il put no ai In in ir I islr.ual oil our coi vi-rial inn." "Aio " all n-i ly, 1 1 i vir '. ' .-limili-vl Clloill'l .1 'Til', wim w Is inniso l o lin Iciiiiri ly in,!lhi) l ; nf iif- in a placi Ii ku !iid fslaliun. 'I in; i: n',-r n i-i-aro l to iiiiiH- hiiim ll Ii -in a snit nf ilu. "I i i- if y i l In-! ' sin I h '. "llil up, Kit"! I. loUniii, thai-, ymi S'ii 10 ; 1 An I away lin y roll" I. "VuJ," Mill (',,oni-l .1 nit-, ru lull-.; lilt neatly 1 1 vu-1 hati-U, "ilwnl I i-a t.i;nuin- surprise A . I I hn-anl it t-i Ii". I wmt lu .'.- fui li.yii'll In-w Iiii ii;h .ill'." "I'i-iI. inly," sai l Mr. llu hin.iti l, iini'liiii,' Ir-irn nil" "inl of tliu s.-iit toi Im ctlur, in ih,; wIimU look ablL,' sI jiio on llmir wny. " J h" I i-l i nvi'r ln ail an l uam iu "I",'' naiil t',)Uin l .l.un -. "Viiiii,; ini'i will in :oj-," nlisoivi-l Mr. l; i iniin iil, iy::lc.i!ly. "lint a :-i Ii ol lt-a hit ; a iHsiiicl Mlnnl l-Mi !i i :-' ,ih : I ill ,- who was l.ill mi'l pnrllv anl rl,i ,n h iV-:i, with very I'l.ick I'yul r. wt nil hair j;i,t liiuhciJ wilh bilvi-r. "A poinl many iiiro mrls l ike to Ih it In-iiMS-," ri in irk", I M . I!u hm mil. Mr. Uh liiiimiil u.n a 1 1 t ealli-ina i, wilh hollow t'vis, a parrlnnuat-toloii; I tki i, anil a onc-ral ily-ipiiptu-uir. . "It ii.'i that I il.-,pni' tlio irali," nnl (.'ol. ,ln ii.. "Vnu Know Ih. a n, well iu I ilo, Ii ol : i. II ili.j jrirl h pooil ami pretty, IM in soo-i she slum it hea school ti'in-lier in an)llim iln'. Hut I want my 1-oy to have a real h.nnu like home. My wifoyave moo.io, an. I 1 soli'inaly li lii ve r. w.n tlio making of me. Anil Vu-toiS wife niti-t hu no in re book machine or wnaror of lino ilolli". If alio can't sew, ami sweep anil cook slic'ii no lit in i(u for my son. We!!, vnu see, 1 have been stii lyiiii tho nial'iv over. ' I si'o, " sni-l Mr. Kn Inn wi,l, holili i; il.'Rpenitely on to llm leal her strap above hit heiul, us tlio driver uiilcil the wheels ov r a sin i-i s-ion of btuinpi on tho si'lo of the mini. "I give tlu-m no tiino for prepara tion," Eni'l Iho Colmiol, cliiiekiia'. "1 dropdown upon llm Allen liko a wolf on tho fold. 1 aoo just exactly what she is. I judge fomrysolf. I wouldn't pivo fig for all the Latin and guitar music and china painting in Iho world if a woman can't uiako a loaf of liuht, sweet bread and cook a steuii. Y,! 1 am aura 1 Leg a thousand pardons, ma'am, "as a sudden swing of tho coach precipitated Lis head against tho basket 4nd lent the oar trumpet rolling to the floor. "Allow met Did you want to get out?" 1' r tha woman with tho green vol! 4 miking vein ment gestures with her hand to the driver. bin: tit up the trumpet with au inquiring expression of face. "Did you waut to get out i" ro'i Col. Jjuj into its convoluted di'plli-, tho ins stuiliii.j out oil hi lon h' nil as he did m. "Vi'i, air, pU'ii-e," sail till woman; i, n I thu rouiti'i in Cn'.oni'i liliu-elf got nut lo ep;'!ilo lie; lemov il of tho bn krl, tho tiiiinpel ninl .-uiiilry b.owu p p r paicols which t-onsl it uled tho hi loii; ings of tin ir follow pa-sengir. 'llio green- Veiled h '.al bobbed IK' know lo'linei.t -, tli" ( iiliinel lilted lii hat like a modorn 1 "i lrxnte, and I In-ila-e, r it loped ii a i loud of diisl, rolled away t. ward tho lri'liluess o: the west in sky. 'l lu; groni voiied pas sen i; r ( aii jht up her pnrreN, skip; o I ovir llm sfoic ftio with aniazin; alaei ily f or so nppnri'ii lly fieliloa per bDii'igo, hi. ' 1 lb w liKu a deer iiitoss the w ii'ded solilu lis unlil sho riino to n low, red f:. i lull me, a id etileiel a co-y kiichen, wliuio a mid Ilo ned woman Was miikin;: blariibi-riy pie'. "II- re's your tiuinpel nil mended, Aunt I! i ma," said she. "And hole's tho a! aea diossii'id ill--' liiteo yards ol ll inn el and tho ba-k I wilh the tea aii'l sti'ar a'i'l spii e. Wiiat aro you going to havii f.ir inpi rJ" "Spring hic"ii. ' -mil An it I! x anna in th i soil, .siiIIiii-I v iiie pieu.i.ir to deaf p'-opl -. "Thoy'ro o-i the but t'lysh If, nil ilrcs-f; I and only. A'nl baked po al i"s ; and 1 cali'il ale to have tli - in pi;s ready to go into tho ovca right nlf.'' 'Splendid!' sail Lurana Hopkins. "I want ono of tliotii. And I mu-l h ivj tin) chickens and that loaf of giil gei bread." ' I.i, in- !'' said Aunt lOxinna. ' I lb,.' i: 1 i r.i.y ' "It's for Ih-) silmolin a'nm, Au it 1! - npna," expbiini'.l Lurana, with her roy il( illh clos i the cur trumpet. "ll ;r 1 1 -.in' s f :. 1 1 1 - - r cam, i up from tlio trail with mo ir. Zid.ic ll i-.vliy's sla-e, and hu took me fur a deaf woman, lieeiimj of tlio liu npi I, I suppose, and tallied bt'foio rue to hit frieu l rcul Ire-. Ai. i he's come nut hero to silipriio lie1 sell 'olma'.un, and lia I mil w In llu r she i. a good In u-ckeopiT or not. And i! sio iin't, lie's;; i i r to set hiinsell di.ad a jnl-isl tin; mat i ll '. ' "1 nivi-r h -ard uotlii ig like it in my life," said Ail il I! i ma. ''.'id sli) is'i'i you kuiuvsh) iin't!' said I.'i'iria. ' Sli; ju-l live ia half ol Ih; Wid'iw S's.eiiiu's In ii-i-, and boards In r-i-lf o:i brtal and milk. I'ml she i as sweet ns a p in ll, mid people ra i'l have 'ill the acrctup ishili- uti al onri----" ' N , to bi ill o nut," tall Aunt II xanr.ii, her d-iw wil.s follow in,' I. ui uia's i apt I spieell with oil si lerablo dilliuilty. "And he shan't bo cheated out of In r l'-ver. rot if I nil Ii Ip il," sai l l.iii' in i, bun ii diy i:u' viii:; the bioilers, n-'it'.y wnpp'-l ii a napkin, iito her ba-kel, and -n ppl" iii-n i ing 111, -in wilh a loaf nf spin- -m, III i ;;in.; i'biead, two ui baked I bcli inn v lie-, a inn 'f I is iiiil and i ;li-s jir hum'. ".Now, a ! Iil!l" i ii'isti r ol ( If "," she .ai I "and j Mime ol tho o pn k i s, and I believe that's all. V in nil t hutt up some t:.i ig els- li-i snp,i-r.'' A id iiiii " iiml I. ii i-iii spe I across Hi Ii II-, u i- 1 1:' a imi-y I'l ,i i on the l', i i.,,,. sp m nf a lail ii lie", picking Ii-r w y -Ii lily t In .n.t; Ii tin- lniiniuncks ol a sw mi il i tv i, Ii' :-ig tin- Widow S v. 1 1 it I s i ui I i", , w lull! t Ii I I'.lii" si iam i ti iv l ii; lh regular iii I, 1 1 it ill : a g-i 1 1 i ii 1 1 o aulaiiiir l r aw iy. Ali o Alden. the diitriil school t.iiii, wis just piitting tho la-l sti'ili-siii a bin- ilii'.-vl ';i'i'haiu gnw i t!i i- -Ii" w is iu i .i i w ii "! I, ir.ina i il li.'d ii ,i .e a hi:'.', -i ye I hu i w lad. "liiuci!' sh) cried. "Ki idlo un the fne! S. l thu la'dc! Y-jiir fathir-ie-' iw i c iiiii i I ' "My fnt In r-iu-l aw ! ' i iii 1 Miss Alden, aghast. "I'l th) si ige!' i iliiiied l.nran.'i, hrcathle.slv. "T I lie you by sur pris", and I Inn m's n 'i lolling how soon he w i ; 1 1 1 Ii -'i'.'. " And I h"ii as well as she could, sl.o evplaine I lliis u i ;n ct ;d enmbinaf i ui ol 1 1 n 1 1 -1 lie -i. "Iliil," ii'isoael Aic, "I do not wi h tnibc'iv' anyb ily, I can t cook, I never lentil" I how." "Killb sii.ki! ' cried l.untii. "Ii men will m.iku such geese ot thciusolves we may just as well n n - t llieiu on their own ground. Il would b just as reasonable for you to reline Victor be cause ho h isn't loarnu I iho blacksmith's tiiidd or ciu't preach a sermon. Won Ma' t it now?'' "Thero's something in that,'' hcsitntid A'ico. "Of courso Ih. -re is,' said Lurana. It was ! o'clock at night wh"ii Col. Jones rcjoincl his friend llichinoiid :t tho Hemlock Hill hotel. Outside Ih" whip-poor-wills tuns, the pine woo ls exhaled porfiime. Within tho Colonel rej deed with an exceeding grunt joy. "It's all right,'' said he. "Ad a right as possible. I walkid directly in upon hur and thnro sho was preparing such btoi'.ed chickons 1 never tasted, a id tho coffee was turli. There wai l lic'.lirrry pie that melted in my mi nth and hom.'invlo biscuit lit for a king." "Is i t that rath t nn elab.irate spread for one person I ' inipiirol Mr. lticli mond a little im r"iiu!ously. 'Oh, I believe there Wjs touio othei youu woman to bo with her, bu'. sho urni d shy and w, ill In' t in'iie in ul I In; last. llu' slie's llm u-Uie.,t -III you Ver saw, ! i hiiU'li 1 " ''I II,.- other young w ,ii iii, ' "I'iihIi, l:nll-ell-i ! V"ll ll'iuiv wli it .' nu-in-.Mi.s A d-ii, Inrs.'lf. A id 1 lliiuk my mil Vic'or i, lie; liukiost fel low out. I've liivili.d Inr lociime to New Voik and spi-iid h'-r lit r vication wilh my wile and iiiyulf, and I don't caro how noon they fix tho wed Mug day." A id tho lob mil's f n o b 'umed nil ui', r. "Ilavo I ilono li.'ht, Victor" thi school mV. nil ad. ii I her lover thoni t I nun she saw him. "Ui' hl! Of cmirsi ynu Inv '," cried Victor .l ine'. "A i I I shall luol grate ii 1 l-i I.nr ma II ipkms all the rest of my life." '1' it I do n-.nnn to go ov-r to Mi,) ll'ipkiiis f iirm tv-ry day and take a l-.-s-son in rooking inilil I can justify your fat hoi's guod cpinion,'' detlued Miss A'den. "You're i.car enoii Ji to pcrf-i. timi t i ju-lify I tiyone's good opinion now," sii I Victor, whn, as in iy ea ily be pel -ciiv. d, wih very much ri love. "And only think," t it-- 1 l.nran.'i, who lamed ia at tint ii.o:i;ent, "all this good has been wroudit by Aunt K"X anua's ear ti iimpel !'' A Itlnmlless ( i - in a ii. Not many miles li'iu li'ilin, m any, llcro lives a man who, if w hut report says of him be trii", is c rfainly one of the most remarkable phenomena on record. 'Iho papers state ns a posi tive fact tint he h is no blojd in his veim and that a committee of the lead ing physicians mid .stijntisls I.-iv d" c I a red tlicir inability to accitmt lor this extraordinary circumstance. 'I'iie man is a Corporal in the O rimin iiriny, nnd goes by the m iuo of (Mi Schrieli-r. He himself was iplifo uiieoiiseiiiu of bil bloodless condition n itil i i months ago, who'i he fought a du 1 with a f ;l low soldier. llu cpj o eit ran his sword through his body without, hnw i ver, diaw ing any Idood, and tho "patient" seciii'"! not a bit lite worse. j Tho man was so tak.-u by surpriso that j :! had no trouble in kilii-ig l.iin. j Since that tiiuo tho r mta b s of the j (.' irpjral have i ii!, i carelu! nut to tread j on his Iocs, and on no consideration to I accept a challenge In tii hi n. Ilo was sulmiilte 1 l a scv.Te ti'St nt ,i iiitdical iti-litute in lierliii. A kinle w.u tliiur into his mouth, Iho point c iini ig oi;l at the b c'i of tin; i.ei k. Not a drop of blood was s pi I l"d, and otto felt no pain dm in; III) op rati;:'. 'Ill' gin lletnen who cv inn led him ,,ie tmw Iiii y convirod that ih r-i ain miny thin. -a in heaven tjd caitli that th y never dreaimd of. Olio S hi i, b i intends at soon as his time is ii i. e., m x' yeai - -to show himself iu the pti tcipi! citi.'S of Kuii'p - 1 1, uidon I'm Igel. .Mcilicinal I ses of Ike I.ciiioii, ' I.eu.oil. .-Hi; vei v Ilea. thy and goo I, not only for nl! aving th ; thirst but wi I line a llilllli.il I,; ol dlioidet's. Tlio juice oi' tlio b ni iii coiilaius citi ic ai id. Ai i Is as a rule dei i ease (he mil ae in.liou of tho body ami increase tlio alkaline. Citric acid, which i. the a- id of Iciiionsand oranges lor l i la 'c.-, will dimmish the seer, tions ol j a il ic j.nco but increases veiy materially tin- -lire-lion of .saliva. The v. i y ih, light ol a (mollis sull'u ient to in ke ih- inoutli walir. 'J'h list in levels ji u it always duo to a lack ol w it r I i ;h : blood. It in iy be ilu iu pail l a lack o; llio -i-cntion ol ihesalivi. Wh n thi mouth is parch'd mi l dry th) mi l wid in- crease Hoi saliv i. i Ii ti ni l I is given lor the leliel i f ilv-p psi i it should bo i taken before lallng. I.euiuii juice drank leforo meals will I o fciiud very advanlagenus as a pi v live to heart', burn." I Chicago Times. Siilcirmil'ds Agaiiisl -leweliy Tliioscs. "1 have no dout't that th' j-w -Hers in this lily Inn $10, will or fl.'i, I year I rem ling thieve-, ' sail u N w York jewiib-r a ! w d ,ys ago to a Sun reporter. "'Him ling thief Is usually I well dressed and respectable in i.ppe.il- a uce. lb; calls lor several tiavs of j rings, uml while ho is talking to the : clerk manages to steal a ting. It is im- j possible to rifu-o to place a tray ol j rings be'oro a cil'toiner, so I have to hit i upon the following seliome: Through each row of rings 1 run a steel rid, ! these rods tire attached to an imn Iratue, j with hinges at one cad and a lock at j the other. When a customer wish-sto I look nt tho rings 1 hand oui tins rack, j When necis nry, I c i tak-- i ll m-v liig , by uilockiiig th; mini. ua , proved a great saving.'' I An Oil el' (u be lleclincd. ' So you are a l ad in in, ill." "Heckou you're li'bt, stranger." "Como from Hitter Creek" "That's whnr I'm (io.ii, ami no inii take." "Not afraid of anylhinc; that walks, ihf "Afraid! Show me Ih" man " 'Oh, no, 1 won't h w- y u any mar, I lit I'd ilko to I a so yu up t i I he Ii nits and introduce you t my v i.'e. 1 nought h r a p ,ir 'f sh lei th it lidi'l lit,- a'-.d Liu riilher aliiiid to go lei ulo:ie.'' lllll.lill:.N'S t !.'. IN. ll III'".. T,li nunv. inv li'il-. i.i. ii. iii n.imlpi . In. ,i .i.-iiii. .1 ii I. i - up, mil fi si .1 ,., n, 1 1 lo. i l.i :- mil- is 1 1 Ji, if i her 1 1 1 1 , n, l.il.e mil' i-'.iaiini-'ul ,i'i, !,., , wcaili'T. Well, l.ev r iniii'l, i i till ll back, i I me. l ie. I. ill"! .low ll y .- J u ki I p nil I il.'W n, t hi l . I le- n 'Ih" s -,.. ,,n !. !i--I..iu !ny. ln'ii I'.io bit1" I i',i s ..;,! 1 1 lit t,. .: i.i ..'. ll.it i. II Li niimi: Il has leeii a gn at insiciy to many yung crso'iH why liu il ii l., lich col ored wool s ) miieii ii.vd fi r lun iliii should bo i n. j.; I "los'iw' io'l.' In deep-tinted, t ii bly-slr"iill(A surface certainly does not resemble the is -, so wo must seek some oilier reason for the mine. I!;ro il is: When iVi tr-e is ft rsl cut, the fic.-li wo id ixhalcsa very sfi ing, roie-like Iragraisr.'. whiih soo:. passes away, I ivnig no ti n ; of the pi iu iar o lor. Th to lire -ev id virie ties of insi'Wi .-id I ices; th- boil, how ever are llioso f.ii i I in s-.,iili iiic ric i and tin." 1 la-1 J t i-.. -. and ;u li I iv I ing idan ls ,', ,N :!:. ! -.. .t i s iliM J S . i f. I liav" a -In ; Mor,' l" Ii . w iiicli i, not. only in!-.-1 .--t ; lull ..I 1 1 1: .-Iy tin , All my .slnriei ai" true, iiii tin .tico lotc indicati. s su'.h -a;- u ity, in h power o' thou .'111 on till) put ol ill'! Iitll ll-'i'l'lli i nnciTii 'd, that -i):in s c pi .c:,l pi i "it, U'i:it(ilaiati;il wilh mi and with n.j ways, no-lit i 'test ion its mi' heul ii il y. Tic! hero is a small bi ic . and Ian, .vims; mi-lr ss, following lb; foi'ish custom m hi li ptev.iiU ia lhee puis, leaves him Pehi id wh 'ti she goes to chinch. I.a-t ru nl iy sin.' r ijii sled her father and uioili r, who tnyed at home, to Keep the tenier in the Iiauio for a consi bT. b e lim.- niter her depiirturo. They di I so, n .d tl.o 'In tried i very d nor and w indow, iii 'kiu.; frantic efforts tucscap'. i'mally In; ap- j pea red lo bo s 1 1 I lenly i I. lively dog owner knows that tho." animals nie a t to bo nau-i at. il - in 1 as lie had a' ways been let nut on -in 'i occasions, th" iloer wa immediately opene I for him. Onto t out -ilo, he recovetel ia-ti'itaiiioiisly. mid with a wicke I look at"ih; old go i -tlemaii whom he had thu, th vei'7 fooled, lie in i Iu oil on his ti.i Ir, s-'.i track as fast as Im short Iii; ivit I cany him. Thi i was leasnuing i.nd something more.- ,11 si on IVsl. im-.I .ti I'.'.e. A good many h), : 1i.uk liiat llmlifo of a cow boy ia lie; Iar V"-l i- a very jolly one. They lma ine hat cow-lmyi have hlllu to do ce. pt i i Id lal i i ie-, shoot antelnp", and ha ' a good Inn) generally. Tin is a. gic.ii a mi-lak" a. run be mid", mid ai.v l' 'V wlio i;oci West with the i p il l ton ol making a lotlii'ie by siinji.y . :i. i-itig hinis. 1 1 on th - p'aini will i nun' I. i t a.' iiu a bit -lirly iii-n;'p linled y- u Ii. I ow -I ny s h.ivo n.iii h liir l woiklo do; they alii olleti i '.posed to tic; severest weal her, mil iii ir very liiei havo froipienlly to be ti-ked in the loursj of duly. A cow-boy must no: shirk danger when hi; employer's or his ow n interests are at -.lake. 'I hu following story illu-'.r.il , thi.; "A c w-boy known as " T. x" was or dure 1 to di ivo a sinil' Ie :' I ol ratll ll. lll :l ciTlain ranch iu tin) iiu:hetn part o! Nebr ika to a - la lie it on lb.- I.' ion I'.u ill,- Hiilwav. li was a 'Invent only one day, and i' started cut alotio very early cue ino::iig, leii .iag th I ho would need no help lo m aago -u ginnll a number of cattle. I'm big lie forenoon Ti X ob-ieived clouds : atheiiig ill the noilh, and he li lt -lire a .t.iiitt was coining. 11; kin-w it wi of r.o u ; to Iry to hurry the heul, I nl ho fell a little uneasy, asstu it. in tint loca ily nro likely to be veiy severe. Il.-t Ic 'i ; in re Weil gn u'ide I. I; ipi ll v the V. i:;d ill. creiised, blow ing dead ag ai is! i !i ciw boy and his charge. C.d ler ..tew t liu Htm 'splioic, and a few now'lr.is lei1. A bli..ird was ccmiug, I lit Tex Kjt moving fmwird. i'.ir.ai was fiiry howling now, and ih) a:r wis bi:t r cold. T'VS (glle, with heals low down, Irca-ted the lnru, mil moved s'ow y along 111.- trail, 'i sh.iiiled che.'iliy lo i'Koi.ra;e Inni e I :i we 1 i his cattle, but by l.-.T-es he ; I -w 1110:0 and more chilled i.nd lionr-e, and tilt- i ll W'lllle llO stopped sii,Jtl 111 '. To ko, p his blood i i it 1 i iii.),', h; ihn-w hi arms abcul mil n-ntlns In:). Is ngiinsi his thi ;hs and body, I 11: soon I hat .1 id no more good, and In- - 1 u.. i i hi.s.i ldla Iree.in.'. if'' , 101 m 1 ii-.lie I ad n ar.d yet, M.iio.iir gn w Ih- air. .V out iiiid-aflerno'iii a few ( ttlle wei I lown by the wind to a gioiip ol slinutiei stindiag till on the pl;,in far from tlio regular (rail. A pony mnily fini m f,,). lowed, nnd slopn d in Iron: of 0.10 of the shinties. li s rider sat no lio tless, m l men riishe I out to h Ip biai down, Int he kepi his saddle like a marble ' figure. The rider w.u Ti x, and he wa stone-doad. i II iri.er's Young l'eople. I Chicigo's ix;--in:e;.t with sheet ir.in i I'liveiii, nt ha. proved inn.f 11 isatiiacl- ; icy. mil accor !in fly, ;h.V portion o(' 1) arborn stre I whicii ati-ut a year ago j Was paved with iron blocks will bo lo otorsd to its loiiuer coudition. jl'HRRA DHL l;Ul;G(). j Information Al.'Oiit tho Country ami its Iiiliabilaiilb. 1 Geological Formation as Deter mined by Recent Surveys. Terra del I'm-go has hitherto nt trade 1 bul li't.o ntle.it ion, nnd the buy ivit ld has bei n 1 (intent to III it alone. Of I'd", In wi v. r, cii cuir.slaiicis have arisen wliie!: give tin; cuuntiy i' leie-1 nnd sujiply in ioim..'. i',11 ahiut il. Within the last live years it has bet 11 the sii j it o;' mure th. 'rough and scion -Iiii, inv,'sltg,'i;i,iu Ihan his evorben previous y at'! tu .Ie I. I,:eiitcnant It v ol llu I'.eiK! 1 N ivy h ,i, by poriins ion of llio .Argentine lioverniniial, and partly under iu pa'r iaage, ma le an cxpidiliia to t'10 S' ii;lirii:t portion ol Ti rr.i del Fiii'gn; and hu labors have resulted 111 a v illi ib..: r port 0:1 the fiuaa, il ia a 'id gcaeral 1 harai Lrist ics ol ill" 11 11 .tiy ai.d the ci '.-edition nnd language il th people. A n'tli r tv a iiotj v ilii i'nb) contri billion in our know ! lgo on thi subj it li is been mil.' Ly l; v. Tnu'iias Hylge-, a CI. 1: ch of "igianl iiiis ionary, who h is lived 1:1 t:i i S- 1:1 b" ,-1 in part ol Terra del 1'ii 'go ! r nv 1 '.''1 ye: r-', and ha- diiiiig I hit long recd-iuc: acc.mi'l lated nn impo t int .i'ltoi at . f inl'iriii:. tion alioul t he ( oi.al y a i l ii-j inhaliil ints. Mr. ,1,: j s I'ip:' r, u 11111:1 ol sciei, lilie an tec i'.-al , In:' also on be half of a n.iiing coii-i'ir.y, reiouty mad,- an exnulition tight aciost tin coiiatry fmni I'seless l!.y 11:1 tho Wit l'i Si" . b, lian in the oa-t aid theme along Ih' . ii-i. I.i-tly, ll-m lliuinil I.i la, a well known explorer ai.d a 1111 tnlicr of I liu Cl -ogiaphieal society of linearis Ay res, ha. ju-l n turned Iroiu a scientific and geogni l.ieal cxpedil ion to the east and .south a-t coa.-t, under l iken at the instance of ll," Argentine g ivern 111 ii I. These ci IU Ined souri;. cl information have :, iiel locnirect liiai.y error- hitlurfo ciiinut abatt the country, and to add lo our knowledge 111 in my impo: I ml respects. The gl'i up ol 'i-diunl' which form th" nrilnpelago of Terra del f'ii"go tin vu an an a of about ci l,; y ibris ind sipi ire miles, nearly 1 1.- i.i': i.o as Lag. and and Scotland, iiiinin il.sciibes Ih' run;. try as a iiioii.itaiin 11- land partly su merged ia the -ca so :h il deep inlets at d b;:ys 1 icii.y th ; pl.c! where III" valleys sh nl d ei I. To fi id an acio ol livel land in any p ut of tli) country i most ran. I'm lliinnu Li-la, however, who b: d i'.rcatei and iniire locent oppnr lu.ities, liii.k- tl.ii itive-lioa'.io 1 11 in 1 -taken one. Hi ,b siii.es Al gcntiiic Tirr.i del I'll 'go as pre-cn '. i:i g two as pect. In the inn I h I hern aie valley more i-r les cxl":i.-ive, covircl with split. did gloves and itiigatnl by huge itv.rs, S-, me ol which are uavi gaul", this regit) t enjoying an agreeable tem perature, wilh vuty little snow iluting the wi'.ter. S mill of this he reports that the ap pearance id tli-) r,,Uiliy ri.anges, mid ex end"d forests appear, where th" glass is not su al iri laut or tho rivei s u largo. The fine ol the la'i I is i:i llii pait sotii' I hi .g like Sw .:. rlirid, wi'.h small lakes, i-liv,led 11 '.mi. tains a: I Viluable limb, r lorct. II- seems to ihi'ik th : n 11 .try c ipabl ' nt gloat dc v Inpeeal, lor he adds : MM the plains tliere will ycl be . n:cd a great pas toral ind'.i-D)-, while 1 beli'v; the tuoii ilai 'i- will I e !ou .d to contain vil uable nuiu r il deposit,." The geologic .' :....,i of Terra d 1 1'uego corresponds w lib ill it of Pata gonia; its mountains are the continua tion and south ;rn extremity of the Andes, wliiio the plains and up! an Is rcirespond lo the 1'itagoiiiin slcppcs. Iu some parts the lormation i deiidely volcui.ic, puaiico tone is Imiail ia large (piantities, an 1 granite and ipuut. me lib Hid nit. Ol the other hand, liine stoti ', iron and coil serin to be wanting. li,,l I has been Ii und in c i siderable jinn I it l.-s in th) not th, mi'l lor a iiu'ii ln r of y- ars the rnti rp.i.i ig ChiUiaiis hive b.:en w i-hin; it :.l lit - loot ol tli-' ( h ii 1 hills which form the lo.isls of the I' eh ss in I Tut nro bay. Tito rlimal is cerlai ily not llm best in the wor.d, but its di-adviintiges seem to li lie b ea a goo I deal ex aggerated by casual vi-itors, who have, pcrhtp-, b en iiiifoiin i'ilo as to time and loci'lti's. M-. I! ydges tells us lint in the liiimi I regions of the nest fro-ts are almost unknown; white in tlio central and east -rn parts, where the sky is nearly always clnulles, there is ial 11" cold .luring llu foor mouths f 1 ..in .In ie In Sepicir. '..-r. 11 d Is that tiio wmt of siitlicient heat in su nnier is llio g 1 eut dt a wbai k to llio climate, and is 11 gr ater i ; vi vent 'iici) than th i cold i i winter, sv hi . ti has never I en known to be Iowa r tii 1 11 IS degre s I' ibreaheit, while Uo high est summer I 'm p r i'.iuo is icily ?j de crees. If it weren't for the raw, 'lamp winds th- climate oi Tern d-I I'a go would b" much bettir th 11 that ol Ci -iida. Uiiil' tli -r : r i r 1 . 1 1 . ! y lew str-im- ia th" louatiy which r.te n: sulli i" t --i.' i v - r to in mill, id lor nail ..lie, lli-ii'isa Inge nuiuber o: em ill 'lver. and waleiioui res, wUiih iiniy ill the rains mi,, milted snow I from the iniiu'il alas, and thus a-sist lo I ii iig.ilo tliu lower pl.ii ::. i.C'liatiii t:s' lolirual. Tli" Cliiiniistry nf iiiegni'. Wheu the juice ol apple ; or ol erapes is allowed to reinai 1 ut rest ut a 1110 l -r-alo temperature, say (10 degrees In S'l d egrets i'.ihreiilieit, u clicmii.nl ch uigo takes pli.cu which is (ailed feiiiienla li"!i, inoi the lesii tin;' products of this 1 l.ai.go iu he loriuat ion of carbonic :ci 1 gas, whiili tscip'.--, und alcohol, which remains in thu liipiil. This piece!! is called viuollt fei meut:.li"ll. I now this vi'R'tii lirtnei.t-.tion is al lowed to continue in the i,pp:e or grr.po juice till no more nlc-hol can bu foiin I, and the hijuii is slill nllowcd to re main nt rest at nh ut tin sumo temper niiir', iiiiolh-r th inii-al chungo will couimence, iii"l the Ibpiid, which win sw" t t ) ih i I it) b-)!ot", wi'l now bc--in lo turn sour, and CJiitiuui to be come 111010 and in jro our as long as I ii i s- Coinl t'l.ingi! i.-):ili. lies. 'iiiii .-erond cliango ia called the. arctic b-i-iil-uliti'i:', and th') a'c ho! that was .'orin "I during the lir.-t fi-riucata ion is co'iv rled i to :i' c' ic acid, n d th) wine or rider i- converted into vinegar. '1'iiJ li.pii I which r"iii; i is is rac'ied or drawn clT, an l i- th n lii-ewn as v.itie or ci br vinegar, accor-liu ; in il was forno d from gnpe or np Ie juice. There is no oilier way nf ini.kin w ine or cider vir.e " ir, and 1 iiere is no other produet than '.hat mail : from grape or apple juice by bi meat it ion to which (lie name wine or ci ler vinegar sh -nl i be applied. 'I h ; mi l principle iu c ih of thc-e kinds of vine.oir h the saai", vi, arctic nri-l, but tin' ntlr.r organic coli stitit'iits of rac'i juice yiv) a flavor which i- sulliei ently rhiiracteristic to (liable the vinegar t ) bo r. rogaiz .' I by taste an I odor. These, how ver, were the vinegars 01 our gr in I f illiers, and with a little scarrhiug sntn-i geniiltli) Int.s catiev -u yi t be U und; but no' ov-r one-," th nf all th) vi ,egar 11 id i'l the whole I'.il d St-it 's is eitlnrwiueor 1 i ler viaog ir. - ; I! ill inmr : Sun, The ( liiites" A 1 111, 1 iiiii'. I !-! 11 1 1 y lie Ciiiii o i' si f tils at l.has-n, in 'l lu lo t, tinpli'i : I I'd 1 in ;mj I'ni' lo ciiise a rr. in :'e me 11 1 1 to be made w hich w.ii I 1 liable liiotii t 1 receive lie; ioiesnl I li.-ir nl ilk i".ac at the earliest ! os il'le d ite iu c ,1 h year. Tnis anxi" ly would seem v iy ( 111 ii is, were il not llio f: it, as we ai.' i:. loime I by a wilier 1:1 the Chines ' ll c ir lor, lint tho al manac is th" most imp ela'il book to tin; Chiiiosc. lli spat .- is f.r too i 111 per" lanl to bu occupied widi the matter which Ills western aiiiiaiiais. It roil -t lint n-lionomic 1: i :!orm ill 111 whieh ii Useful, but iis gro al mi.-i.. 1 ii lo givj lull and ma ur ilu ia Im nii.l ion for select ing lucky pii.ee. :or pel tuning all the aits, gnat mid -mall, of 1 heir 1 veiy lay li.'. An l lis rveiy ai l 1 f lib- in Chum, however titviil, depends lor Us si ics 011 the Iiine i 1 wan '1 and tin ili ictiou li. ('., ill point ol llio c iillpl-s Inward which it is dotn 1 i of the uliuo.-l im poil anci! to tin. Chiti-'ai! that every 01.0 sh, u d have coi reel inform itioli avail able at nil limes lo so order his life ns to avoid Ial inc. and c ilmni'.y tin I s. cure good link and pro-priiu. C01is11p1c.il ly, the iilnia inr 1-, p. rlnps, Ilia most iii.ivci s ,:ly tin 11 I'l bi n:t in t iiimu t.iling A Hill -l.in.inese ( Inlili'eii. Hill th' ipi eie-t ( 11 I ,111 in .lap.lt), snys the Omaha li e, and .in- ihalisiint geturi ly known i. the int ;t change of boys. Mr. kiwa.tna has a buy and to hnw his appr iiilioii of his irien 1' kindness givet him this c'ui.d. The 1 oy ii lormaliy ndopte 1 ia his new : n 1 1 1 1 v and asinnes all the li. ht and lilli) I I'longiiig to it. He I ct'i'ims to tal y iihenate l Irom In real pan-:. Is and is disowned i-y them. Now, M . Iwayn, w ho has t w 1 sen, bears ol K wakura's cnerosity anl, 11 nt t o be out done, sends him one ol Ills boys. liiwuku a accepts this present with lliinks an I you ig Iw.iya l-e.irs lliat name im l"ti::' r, but inl.rs at once as the heir to w .1. lira's ii.in.e and prop erty. This sir i'.g" proci li ig is c 11 1 i d on among all cl asses. The ab v 1. a mo I I i-tance 1:1 which the ini'iies an) not ihaii-ed rime 11 1 ler the wdier's ob-er-valion. llu! another hi ; ll 1 lib ial, Mr. Mi!u Noo, cure sail thai nu di I not think I ha' hi y -iii igesl o;i, a child of light year-, was of much accouni, bene) he had gtien hi:n 10 a jinriki-ka coolie. A I'olicemati Criislicil. Their vvas a jam rf people at tlio cor ner ol Kin; and Yonge streets, and the crossings were blocked iy street car--. A po i.'eiii'in -who hid not taken caicdil s. c . of th" Mt'.i ittnn li:tel up hi- veice and sh'iii'.e I, "M ive on!" A cut, n with a better kiiowl dgo of the po-ili ,n suggested 1 nit the oilie r should order Ihe hores to m, v,; on. "An I what won d we do with jack as' s!'' iin ried Ihe cop. 'You rculd make pdicimeii of th 'in,'' replied the rillen. Tin crowd laugb d Ion Ily, the c p o k.-d surprised and a lillla giievel, and dropped his head to think and did not coin - o 1 1 o I hi nie 1 il d 1 i ; n n' il thu -us an-1 th" iiow'l Ii id novel on o tl or own. m cor i. ---I'l'oront ) Olobn Sillily ul' an Old (.aldcn. I lll.l Ie I I." Ill ' llolllh.'.'l.s l i, 1, I' d. I,ai -i, aiel il ninl" I wi I", Oi p-y I'i'iiity Irom lln-n' l""l'-; M -riling gloi i.-s, Inii i'l'- il;,. d, r'.iiing 111 li-.ii. l,o .rl .1 ll cl. .. 'i'n w :i v lijer Iiiii s t'-aug li-.ulil. 1 . .-Ii. in ,1 wit l .1 iiis.'ii 011. (inieei nl nil I sin vi s, lnii- mi I yunns;. Like I ueii-s.r.iis ,11 lue sun A Ial, i-t -I' biles siniug.. Ah, lli.-dr- inng "f tin bee Iu I is il asi v 1 antaiooiis, T filing 111 ihe tli iir.s ilo li-; 111 tin- iliow-y lilt I iio.n s I : i-.iniili-' ill III,' pink sc.. el pel. All. Ih" in-Killing, wa d im '"I 'l"i", Witu -Is 1 1 it 1 - it of lillli-llll-st. l'.nlll il ll" 11 -l il.il g coV" W'l.i. fi 11 v. in I I" pi"it l hatii ki.-.- 1, .M uiniiig, 111 ,an,ii.g 1 I IlsloV". An 1 the b sei-l' gos-ip thin, I'n 10 lie- -uiriii. i- Ii ,'n sbid, In the I, .-ill sl.ad-.w - gi'.- n; 'llioii nl the l.a'j'-iid, Willi 1 s h ii'l. inn il l, d dm, ( ll '. u from Ih" liip. I'm.' Iibl-a Lorn w -llii'i tl,.- ,;..i.. 11 iluk I L'I I ll llu gold ol dell-, I,!- - Tlll'll.'l'l illlollie fc.ll'l 11 ir-iisk 'I'll' wild wad of w nip;,o -I'll d's, I T"in Ih" piii'pe tan.:.!' I H' -. Like th" Min e. 1 11! h ill ' 1 lilght, S'.l.'iiin w th l'i i.i -11' '-i , Swam tl." big n "n, v. in" I wiili liglil, Lili" s. ii:e ig " li g' I Ii n I'"""- ; V-nltx-u L'ai veiii. IILMOIIOLS. Ibelhren of tin cloth-tailors. I I In; block liead is O! u wooutii iiauio of liiiad. Ch -thus do not niaku the man, but his wife's often brei.k lil.u. The ru ing pn.sioii i i snid to bt: veiy slrong in the ('. ir ol K tssia. it isn't so miicli a man's constitution is his idle liws lli.it i lu i ilriuged by malaria. Lemon juice i' c rdialiy recommended for one kind of felon, Iho piuilonliaiy for iho it In r. ! A Cincinnati boy :avj the loilowing i Jesciipln.n of having a loilh pulled: j "Ju-( before it killel mo tho tooth j caiue cut." Puggs: .lu-l look ;it that nbstird hat! Why it's as lull as a ito.plc! Hoggs: : Who's ml I aLoiit llial? Isn't there a I belle uml r ll! ilMier lliiugi hive boeti settle! by ' -cie:, title, re eaich, but no ono y thus i -ver been u: Ie :ic ur lely to determino whet her or rot a li; man suffers more ! '.han a small man wli'ja he has the iln u j mutism. ''Hush!" ho wispere l, with a warn ing gu-tu:-'. "Isn't that tho night j watchman's raMlei" "N", Mr. Sunp J son,'' replied llu; ir , suppies-ing a j yawn, "that is tin to,d. gnu, ling tho -, ;V e for brcikf ist." i Mis. 1.1 he'. ! I yu hav : a p!e:i-nnt , t i in-; nt ih; W.iba-h p-.ny bil ni.dit, (Vara; M:s. C in- N 'i veiy, Lthel; ; I wasn't leelin - .1 :..l bhc n.y uual .self. I datic d bul four times, und only went into supp-T once." Ilnnling' M illl Hogs. All hound, :ivj t .. gn-yinu d, nu antire'y by sc:ni. Wncti they coin; , upon the tai il -i nil id a track tiny will I worli along it un'ii it glows :ielici, i and then begin to nay or " ive t i;.gii ." ! Tlifre is always a . rrc potid-iico bi; ; iw'jeii the bavin ; an 1 the lnii . An is : peiii-nced 1. il tt-v nil i ll by Ihe laving not only wli-re tli" dog is, but, ly tlio ' fr.'uucio ..' and tonli Ii l.i ol the .sound, i how ii.'.-h llio trail i liiat is, h nv close i upon hi. u'Min th" '! I''!lttr' .nnuuds have a wi.y oi d.uiloiag, or , maul g in circle-. II ' , if a h -inter ol's iV;s i v Ihe l aying that his -log 1: : ifoi.i.; away from linn, he wails piitietib i ly, si oietiii.es for -i i i:lei, somrli ties for hours, until the circ. . is made a .d he hems the dog appio.o lung. The iho ' is on the alert l"i' a shot ler the gi'in,; is prol ab y not ma ay rods il a 1 v iiic ; of tin dog. A hound is s.'Mniu led- "-1' ; hi compass. Wii' tn ier h : pie a-is. ho cm Id." im hi iiii-t i'- tiaeh and lind him, or he cii 1. 1 race his own steps ' hoiilew ird. ' Dogs do not seem In el; ioy lima: odors 1 that please u '. A dog will tur i away ' ilisapp iul' d and i :d illeront Irom the ! liaeit of piiliniic-. Ils cpt the seei.t ol : those thing w inch In would like to cat 1 hav,; nev.r final aiiylhi g that , seemed to delight a djVs seu,o cf : smell. - iSi. Nie'icla:. j Singular ( oinciilcncc j The day the dias!ioU( i onlbigiaUon 1 occurred, I! .1. S viol, one ol Ihe b ad ; ing ii siiraiice agent in the rily, r.-c ived a l-lter Irom one of his coinpaiii-s i.,, 1 which tiny su ;.;'! ted that he was carry. it.'g p thaps too ii mil insurance in the li illi -Caldwell block. That right ho nnsweied ill" letter, and wrote that ho I considered it one of tin: ;afu-t risks in ! the (ily; lint the building was so con i stiui'.el Ih d i v - n n a lire started in ! any one sei t ion il (null ndspreal. Ilu 1 g'nb-l thu let 1 r. and. just as hi'lnndel 1 it In In- br lb r 1 1 mail, th" li e iilatui I si undid. II inn out and saw th" Lbu'k I iii l.ni"sia the v-iy p int ho had just wiiii "i ai-ou 1,11, tt.iaooga (Tina.) Tunes. urn v i w i iiiitj " .' m ' ' ', '.i' " ' ' j, i"" i? .-' : -

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