AT V V H I .41 fir, ft". i X!yn$ Uyhathm lucnnl : l.s.SS IIUKKDAY, OCTOUEU 18 I. X. LONDON, Editor. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. YOU I'lUJSIDF.NT : GROVEE, CLEVELAND, of New Yoik. FOR YICE-l'lIFMDEXT ALLEN G. THUBMAN, of Ohio. FOK liOVLllNOIl : DANIEL G. FOVLl of Vv'ko. Ton i.iei 'i'ks vn . mvi i:j,m!i : THOMAS M. HOLT, )f Alil'tlUlH'O. Toll S'A'KKTMi? or st.vti. : WILLIAM L. SAVNDEKS, of Oiall;,'!!. tuk Wi:K, ' DON A 1.1 V. r.AIN. til' Wuko. ?oii cVr ov n'ruc i.Nvi'hiii "riox : SIDNEY M. ITI-iUEK. iii' Catawba. foil AIT. 'KM V H0I I'.AI.: TfHKOMOHK F. DAVIDSON, of r.uncomho. r.-n AiTrri"!t : (. W. SANDEI.LIN. of Way no. fox ji sm :s si ti;i .K cm a r JGSl'.l'il J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SIIKFHEUD, Ol V!n!lil)tOII. VLrilO.VSO C AYEKY, of ll.n Lo. CoN.ii;i;ss: (1th District.) v. ii. i;i:.x. of Nash county. Tio. Imimui am !. of the coining rlco '.'ion mnriot be over . .-timated. It is a gigaiiii.' str.(-g!e of the lax pa. is to relievo themselves of an unjust, needless and oppiossive lax. It is a mighty ontest btlvvetii the farmois ;lnd the iiiani.faeltiioi-. hi t.voeji tho spptessed and the oppressors. If the tat iti' is not now reduced, if this tinjiist Inn den i-t ii"t now removed, no relic? svt'd e7p.c!(-d for many years. 1 lie ncll will continue 10 lll(10 l(,, svt,c1 ten and !' ' u grow l idler, and tho poor will grow ,ilu.15.llllj 1)CldoI1:i ,,,,,,,1,1. a.. . . poorer. Every voter therefore ought (,1UW(, ,,, Wl? ,,.lVl, ,.V).r ,,,.,. .,. ., ,y to HppreciaU. fully tho noeessity of f OUr Mate Kail. The a!tr..c lii.i d.iiug his uliuost at this election. ; ,ho f,,ll!llul ,,f ,1,,, ,Ml,,M,iu vva- lhe monopolists ami maiuuaotuici s .if the 'tu '.li fnily an'rc'ictfi tho 101- of this election ami are mahino every effort (o carry it. They feel thai, if thiyaiu now tlcfcatt d. their doom is scait d and they will no ".oucr 'hi allfivved tu rob Hie neople i.ilt r tha y.iise of a protevtivt) tarilV. J'heir gient t-haiuiiion, James (h b'.aie.o, is activtly eauvassiug for '.uem. nijii i.. btcoiuii.g alariutd. In a speech liy liiiu at Detroit, Michigan, hist week, he used the fob lowi" ,,' luuuukable lauguabJ-. ' i'htrs iii u eouteitt going ou in l.SsN, which i.iiiat be deeiited uie wav or the other for a gonciatiwti ; becnuso the protective tariff in lost in this ection, let not you who are careleris crowd, borne aloft by one ot them -,vi ! nil v ..ten. tliUter youiselveii it wns 0 je-iui.'iitai llag, all tatter aiay t u caught '.11. next year or the ttl ftI1( tulll Wl(i tJt. of wLu.h year at' or. lou will not havo an op- , , , , ,ortumty for year upon year, and brought t. .u s lo thu ey. s 01 manv an democrat.; who are assaulting it know ' old Coutedei ate. t'qnal'iy well that if they lose this: All h. uor to Durham's public - j ii "ar tho i-i.ise of protection iU.,l citizen.- who niado her exposition triumpiiH, thc'y ute beaten Jiually lor . . , , . . . ... 1 . t. .1 f '-' r.--'. sin'Cess, ami which was this ireueration. It vs the joiiiing ot f, . .. , ( . p , , . n, another lurof ot l.( r won .11 Ial :nsues for final combat, uueu as has . . , . , ., . , ,, , growth, enterprise and i.rosooiiiv ! :iot oi'curred in this country on that 0 ' ' jucstiou pinee lS.'td, aud every voter within tho hoaiing of my voice will The Cost!;'..t between the Mills take my word for it, that which fver p uli,i tllfc ,,TU,!; Senute bid is i7ii :y triumphs Ibis year, triutuvhs 1 . . T, ... ,. , r t . . 1 .,, . very striking Iho .Mil.s lu.h whic tor all time 111 winch ho will be a po- - n Utical actor ou the stage" ,ho democi iS favor and tl.r '.-onl lUd thin yo opprcsacl tax payersi. , Tf-'- id oli.-hcs the or .uid remtmber that the mighty ciiaiu-' M 011 11,0 "'''"' ios ()f llf'. ' tiu li inon of the manufacturers declares miicles as the poor man must use that if "the cause of protection tri- t'vety tiny, noh s:.!t that seasons -Jinp!"," 70 are beaten "filially for his food and; vch Lis polk, wool this generation 1" Arouse thou and lll:kl s lllt' coveting for his body, lo vour dutv! "n cul,s ll,d plate.-, ciitton ties, soap, ' Hoda. copiK-ras. ,vc. lbit tiio reptib Tim KtvENL-B officers controlled the ' 1'" .soiia:o biil not only not republican party in this State when abolish tho tat iff or t.vs ou such a ti iliat party controlled the national clew, but aotmiily h.ciea-es it on some vlmiuistration. The nomination of thii: For instance, by this bill 3ondidvUi was dictated by the reve- te duiieH 011 wool and uuiiiufa. Hue nue ling, and every party movement of wol1' which constitute ih clothing was made by its orders.. And so of the peoi., are i:ure.i-etl four mil great an affection do tho republicans Hon dollars : il inei eases the ta.iil' or yf North Carolina still have for their tax 0,1 otton tits from :." to 1(H) jar old reveuue bosses, that they con- cent.: and the tariff 011 the cheaper jute to honor them as much as pos- grades f shawls ami woolen cloths .ible. For iustuuee, two of their increased lo mora thau 10!) per .iioiuiuees ou the State ticket are old ce,,t- Jt llot "ll'l does not propose . revenue officers. Their candidate to be a bill for the benelit of the tax J,.i.rim,in.ii,t(;.iii,(,r T',.i. payer. Then why should the tax- rd, and their caudidato for Superiii tendent of 1'ublic Instruction. J. 1!. Mason, vert) both reveuue officers when Ar.biir v;ns rresiilent. Aud yet n jHibvt.'.:i speakers pretend to eay that their parly is i ppoued to the iuternal rtvemie luws and every body co. ul- d wi.h theui! They we about a-, auicore iu this us Doc':- y is ia hit pretend I lov for the l)i imam's E.vrosrr.'oN was a coin- i cicdil not our Suite. : L' e"iJ'e tue l,'t'i:sU,e ;l atlcuiiiug it two clays, ou J naraiiny ana rimuj . '(the 11th and l'.Mi . nud it. made iim ; feel pioud as ii North (Y.roiiiiian that I our State could boast of a town that 1 could buvo so pi editable mi exposi . Hon. Yen, it was worthy of Durham, , and this of itself it. saying a yreat deal, for that womlt if ul town never docs ' anything by halves nor ever fails in anything it nniltTtakfs. It was en tirely and almost exclusively a Dm I ham exposition, only a very few ai li cit s of any kind being exhibited by eilizrns of other towns. One striking feature of this exposition was that no admitl:iuM fie was chained for seeing anything, nor was any charge made for ei. tiling anything for exhi bition, all tho expenses (.hicli ale usually defiaye.l by Mich charges) having boon paid by liberal sub-cnp-- Hons of Durham's public spii it I .nitiens. This is Diuhaiu's ieeuli:ii -.vny of doing thing -she did not invite every boily to vis. I her giand exposi.ioii ami tiien eharge her guests fill' what they saw! No, even thing v. as to be seen without money and without price. Every thing, except tho tobacco, was ex hibited in l ai rish's comiimdioii:, and magnificent warehouse, which pro minted a scene of rare beauty, such .18 money combined wit Ii mi list ie ta-te j only could ai range. Tho aeveialcv Ihi'uitsvveio pri pared and displayed I with laie skill and taMo. and wi re i very attractive. K has been our pleasure to have attended r.i my o! tho great expositions held in the United States notably at l'hiladel phiti, liostoii and Atlanta and those exhibits of Durham's exposition will most favoiabiy with any of them. Of course we have not the space ami true now to de-cubo then, andweiegitt tltat a'l our reader, could not have su n lor thcin-t Ives, i Stat, they will have another opportu nity next yi ur, for of course Dm ham will tint he sati- li ' l u j; Ii evi n I Lis expo-ilii'ii::iul v.hih.ivt n .-I .11 gi atnlei one next There wen- stvi ial iiisiii ;;ui.-he I visitors who honored the i-coi-i':; with their pit seilce, HIiloDg them h iug tiov Sc:v!i s and Senators Vatic. and Hansom, all of whom ilehv-icd uddi esses woi thy of thoin.-elves i :.. of tho 'T.'il'.J occusi hi. On I'k I.iv ,he j,.,,,., ,,1j 1.l,1,.s- (ti,p'av . which was bevtuid tiouht the largest :.nd most attractive 1 v. r st en in this Stilt 0. lu i: weie I t 01 e.-eiitt tl ail of Durham'.? lu.t'.isli it s ami cntt rjni-. .-. which in ibtir extent ami v.ii'.t tv ilstol,i.-:hed Vl ly hchoidt I . Tht re wi.-i a reunion if the loll N. C. It. gt., which v.-ai gu-aiiy en joyed by tht iu. About two bundled of tiieiii were ieesetit. and wit It them wilt: three of the old held otli. ei.-. Colt). Webb ami Tate, and Maj. Yoik. The vet era::, jireta-dcd by a brass band jihniug D... marched through tho (-oMi:i'ii building amid the shouts and chews of the assembled support a party that favors it? A Pii Ti Hi. is sent to O'.u readers with this copy of the lti.i os&, :.j cider that they may sec how they would iiLo negro jinlges and magistrate;; trvitig white people, as might U. the case if tba radicals eoutrollerl North ( lisia. In the tinlv disiiict wheiuthe '..ii-ri i ill'il :L lull I. il It V tliov leiv.. an" lmv8 M f.,r vws iiiic.n.Sa. licitor. Di "imam's E.rcsr.-!i.N w iit u.:c,.aa, n..d was utrlv to that town but to Our Now York Letter. Ww V'.rK Smr iidkna Lott.T M ttio !i!iur). : J WAitiN.iio. Oct. 10, 1888. Nt:v Yukh. Ocl. 1:1, 1SS8. i Senator t'o!.", in opposing tho bill The at tendance ut yestt rda.v's sen- j is t pa: s d lv M e St uate. to pay the sion of the National Democratic Com- wido.v oft.'!. I e. lice Waite, S, iiiitlco was uimsunily full, ltepoits 7 1'). said that believed in i oiiaiity were reci.ived in ut all tho Stales, before the la., of nil the people of Many of tin in were based on recent the l-nited; that one good re polls, taken under the supervision of speetnL'le widow w is exactly the same the local committeemf n : and they arc .before the law as another. There uniformly i ncoinagin?; to the Detune- were liumlieds of thousands of good nicy. The Michia:i Hi' rcsenbitivi s widows in the I i.ited States, w ho were particularly erthusiastic. Hon. weie us much entitled, in law. in O. M. Harms gave, a glowing account eip.iity and of right, to a donation of the Campaign in his Slate which is fiom Congress as the estimable lady being largely directed by l'ostmaster tor .bose relief the ''ill v. us pending. (!en ;al Don M Dickinson. Jlesub- Senator Deny in opposing the bill, mil t o.l figures which convinced the aigued thai every dollar duo to tile Committee that Michigan's 1.") elet to- late Chief .lust it e had b. en p ud to tul votes will ho oust for Cleveland bin, .-elf ol hi w id iw. and I hat i he sum and Thurm in. Reports of nimilar propose! to be pa. d was simply a do ietior ere reciiM .1 from other Wes- i.i.lioi: or gift. Ifthet'hi.f Justice !tin and Northwestern Mates. If there was at any time doubt as to New Jet scy's statu-:, the sweeping Demi ci a!ic success at Newaik's niil nit '. election ought to put a ipiit !us " ... I'his is the way '.'iuiii inati r.ihe of the C'ainiTij.i ( 'onuait ti o t pie-t.,l l.uns' If. iiihI colonial. .lor- !!! ClJIet li.ll IIUIII l;o,ni. il lipridV.ll. The thiun h:is l.ol hupp, nod 1 fore in a l'i esid"nl ial year for -t . tws. ihe! .'.oce of vi.-lory e. uo s iu t !: recent tcnui thctious in I'oi.n. it iciii . N. w Yoik Stale, too, has a t -! to tell w hi, h has an inteit siii g ling to I'enio. tats. J-'.ven tin l v n un iiLTi is have bei n iistoiiisht d at th in. no , si' men a-e iu rv istiatioti in this 4 it v and DrookiMi The fu st lav's iogistiati.ui ieie sl.owi d i.n ii.cruu'e of "J'J.nOt) over i'..' siiitie d:iy lour i in s ago. In Brooklyn tl.cie liavt' been I .oi roijistuilioii ihr.s, showing a total of 'J.l.tiOtt. l i e i iiliiral doision of tin so v. t' hot ween the twt.yieat pal tit soli lie hasii of llu ir liorm il stiongth, as shown in iccent t hetiors. would add :i(l.(i:i) to the Demo-fit vote Iti ill I'1" to the l!e publican vnte. In other words tit 1 !.: i : mathematics of it is that Cieve- I, without getting r.'iv ne v ton vt ils. oi.ght. to 1:11;. liif- Iw,. cilit s bv ,".i tl ri ease 1 r.:aj'.i! of ai ;tit.ii. 11I over f. '.ir vi a; s :;:. 15-iss O'tay at d l is in i.lei iii'.ls are unable to c. -necal thiir al r.11 at this state of things. Tin y had pi. It mled to bank heavily on lhe .!; ..-.iuii oi the up. 11 !...-al is.-;u s It was :. v. n M thiit li.:s v., is to do git il tliill;-s for if.on- ui mid Moltol!-- lh.i; one 1 iti cl would be to di--giisl I cn:,'oi .its o! the i-on- i rvative v pi'. and tau Iheni to ali-tain from vi tiiig. Ai so.. iias the regisliatioii ' tigui 1 s vvei e iiia.h1 know 11 (,' iav called a council of Weil-known l!i publican ; i;.:n-!uts. A l..i.g confi feiii'e was hel l at Ihe t'iilh Avenue Hotel, but the fin. end at 1 an,,.' tin nth have not vet been gi.en out. No otit; longer doubts thai the tb'.id in t s cay will add grfat s'i 1 gtii to th. Stale an 1 National tickets. Last 1 1 i 1 . t tin- lcmuaiit 1 111" i'l.lteil l.ab a- t ally iluiiil'e.l its cai-hdale into (!.. liehl 111 Ihe J"t rsol: of .'aims .1. (.01101, u wtilkni wii furniture dialer. The ti w Demo i i:.lic v ti s he v.iil will come il 1 1 . o-t enl'.lelv from 1 :i.:im:inv ll.iii, 1. W III.' 1 111. ili! I I Abl'illl He'.v ill's , r. I he in.hca ttoes 1'oinl ti bt-twi e:i t'll noil and Til.i""'' Map-iity in this c "v for Cl. v, I tn h and at husi o.oou neijoiiiy I; ! lb-wilt. M You i'1'iv j'ist a. wt ll ma'.e up y, 111 i mind t 1 talt" pohit.-.-in stiaht ,'to.- t ., 1 f 1 now u,.i.i iiie eh. ;ioii. I'f j.c I iu-ie an- not t ill-ii'K about itnytloi.:: 1 e'.S.'. i.i.d h t( p. i:il 1; i that vvoinl ol i tliuaiilv eitate ttnu-'ial I'ou ia .tio'.i . are now d:-;i.i-scd wi.b tie btieo.-l liuitlk Hilt is 11 d.'-ohitoiyr, ti ;jig 1. 1' things ill jjent'ial : Hit ibaimitic sti r.-. M l'i!.ji;, lin 1,1 . Mine iiaditi.' aie biaii y away over the Iii m. out nl of I'alui' 1 s tiitalic. but o..;j tho 1 it 1 a fa-l loeid'ie have lhe tune to go lo si e tht m. Former I 0.-I11 who ijot aw .- Witu a i:ii..itt-r of a million fion: the l'ro- .lu. e. l".i hiii go ir siiil inv i.-ibie, w hsle his it dust I'lflis biolht.r. lie good D.n.'oi. Fit-ihiiioi th 1. itue of the ie pill in an ch.'o-. coil o. in to lil t! oil' his "fry em the f..l ' lO jaaU Aiiother bin' tu (-an : It .::. 1 , ti.e lj:.ten". I a-jiist f.'ot to town with four survivors ofaci.w of -" 011 11 .ishii.u smatk, which I he ;it in two iV N.-.v 1'. in. d. ;.t.d ids kiii.l hav t I : . Int i lci.ts 1. 1 s con, mon , -i -0. 1 hat th'-.v attract h-.IU le. '.i.-e. Oil.' I, .in,', ho.vevi r. that appi ..Is with gl't at loice lo ti.e pi. bile he .lt. bocaii-eit appi-ah-ili: ec! : y to tin pub lie stomach, is the .j..or.l;iii of ! "(lid liatcl.'.. ' recei.l ti. al in vvhilit. which st nt that food si.iph-up a spin ring, is k t ':!y icit by tens ,.t thou sandsot'po.'t pii pli iiilii scily Many of the b;iio-r.-. iiavc raist .1 ti.eir j j if' s f'..iu five to seven and eiht c- nts a ..j,.f. vvh.'.e ut hoi h..e not ti.e 111 ei cased cost of ilani by 1. .iloii: thou loavt s .-mailt r. '..t i , win ie the eu oim eis of the 'col In' 1 " iire lii'.i.diV thnoutite.l Ja-t t.tnv the be'.is aie tolling in momo;y t f lb oker Wtili iius, a wealthy opeiator who win ruined by the th ai, and to suicide. Tho only compensating c'.reiiiu -stance. 1- fitch humors its have wheat to sol! bent fit by the advanced pricis; but the shrewd spcculatois who got. theirgiipon tho i.iai Let hold a thoiocaud bushels to tho lin i t one. (iiceiisbo'. o 1'atiiot : l'l i b iblyone ol the sad l. : t and nnst tutu ion ileath cver ehioiiich-d in Winston occurie-l yefeuiHy. Mrs. X. T. Ytkin, a l.igli cultured and chris'ian I el", went to a neighbor's house, only a fc.v iloots from her own leshlcnco, on a lltllo domestic u. alter, Mid was foil .id a short t 'no aftt r t old iu death, lu vestigitioj row aletl the fact that a tue hail taiieu while bhs was passing and one of tLe limhs sii uck ler on. the head and shoulder iuf.ictiug iu-' blaut and fatal injury. ' Our Wnshiii-it.).! l.t'ttor. (From our 1'. -" i' e,:ir.uiilpal. had i;. t bt -n able to save money out of his salaiy of ,!:bl."t'() a i nr. he mu.-i havo liv. d iu a veiy e.ti.ivtigiutl ay. iu.lgo Thiirncin. who was here this wit'k side of the Teieplione casts btfole the N: retne I o:ut. was t!ie recipient ul meoli att litem; m- as i ue guesi oi Mr. V h v. hind, ut Oal: View or two d.iVS. and v. as eoinpi'lh'tl to hold a Ioh'Oi'i;, win e he went. Tie. old II. in in hat. a w. nil spot in tht l. .-.lis ..; tl whete. a: w i t ii he is elect, d Ve o - hi sin i !y will he on t he o' ember, row here w ill hi lith th.v ol there be moi . sincere it joi ,n Washington. than Speaker '.o 1 -If w id a. nli i'. s a dem on alio l.:ic!:t:j iu Ualtimolo l.t t l'huis.lay 'J'ho 1 ft oil .!: at) lueillbei s of S--l'.:S- I. if 11.;'. i i.ieg t M ig 10 iniiiitti c. w !Ui h Hind for some Mime iolair u:s has been I. la. ti vii . I tin. ot the Civil ;-. i v ice la w. iuiv f mmle their repot t. It eonsi-t- ot a lehash of .1 lot "I '(Aplodei I Iti WSp;l, el i li II g The t!e::.o. i:.iiC n;. .lib, ;s of Ihe com mittie have t.o; jtt i'ttbniiil'.tl the 1 1 1 01 1. I he Ilon.-i . iu I. sp.uist . a it cui liit l.d.ttloii !:..u Acting Siecnlaiv 1 houij s. I. Ho- Ti. av.11 y. has pas oiopi iatmg S'.o.oo 1 to , . V i.-loiiS 1 f i 1.0 t tlilit se e.i a li:l 01.' t ceiu.-i. u 1 l?;',ai-se thelienei- at I i-t l- lihbt.l li. peop.e i a Iv nut oi e.travag:H htcni-e.l li gi ity in im in y Ti:o i.; lui-hi: g ;i thai did 1 ' illsciis.doti are oi:;y 1; making ve r.u; 11 -t. sji, ,i!wi:;; on '. .0 th it -i.ev In: , vv 1. ich has .: : a law, ,-l tti d a rock ;!i when he sa d t:.:.t the i n: 1 i tl the it 1 uhlic in ar j'ovvel", li"t ou accoiiul of . e in iij l r. :ti: It. 'tis, but , '( vv a.-te an 1 w .. i of lu ll. 0 1 jH lnlitiil o I the ' ic .11 S. na'ors an le id VV til II mi! "chl" t ml. s" ill ti e Hoiim ihitt:i;r th. . : the Mills bid. j hat they '. It'.;. time iu '.he hone ol mled eat i'.al. was faliv shown 0:1 1l.1v that ll.t il' t ill 1 11 bid was ii.tio l iii..!. Si-'iator Hanis oio f jio.-ed I'.al the i'.!i- in tlie i 1:1 s ' !. on! I 1 c liuiiti d to ten tl iv s b.:' .ven it. r Aois a. v.-l.o i-i iu tli.tij;.: ol .he l. '..h.icaii boh th i'lim d most j.ositn. iv to :i-it e t 1 iinr.t the tleb.te. D... s that h ole I'.li'' lhe l'epn hllc.l.s. 10 1 .1- 1 in-1 1 rili'hni v. Inch th.v mli'o loced .' I II. ink not A:. 'I he 1 e 1 i v t-i v 1 e; .; .V.lhl'l I!.. House ..0.1 h: r .-' raw : .t ai iy i..ll.'.! IM tl .li r h: s si It.'.t hi -t till ft" .".lys. that ii' the pa- s .1 le.-.' to in'li ;itt' ! the t lectio;.. . 1 :.;.:i: i : I. lio-V weu:d V.Oc ,.e ,S. li t: t . They Me I I t -p. to a ij- ai n w tti.out 1 -,s.-. I It! ' b..i. pi . V idt d I l a! tin ii t h' ..". ti 10 . 1 Mid s.iV t i' !'. 1 i t I t 1 t hi lo adjourn I.. u 1 : .1- so f tr lri'usi .1 to i a:. it in ! 1. 1.- ii. .io. ;i!.d ii ihe a ;v a e ol the loi,oi-:-t-h. a, led n.,11 Hi II. e p uty is folloivt-.l U.t v will con: :io;e to 1 efuso to lin en. i of I i.o chapli I . 1 he House .i:i:ad fi" 111 Wed : until luda;. a. I it vvi'l not he .-lllpll-lllo if It C 'l lUIUl.. to Il lj 'iilU i vei thi ho. - at a t line, t ho tiiuil unci Ice S, unto take.- i f t! :.,.me action lool.n.g to'wai ti i a rece.-s or a.ij'iiiiiuiit lit. lhe House h ..- 1 ..-1 1 thp Scialt bib aj j 1 opi io int.. --To. 1 ('ii to compi'ii sat. I lit. Cherokt liee.iiu"li f 1 h.ntls I. it., a fiom them seii ial vial-, ajjo. The h'.i! t han;, iny the law as to t he dtte wltu (h -dotal votes must be ih hvcifd ut tht e ii ila!, lo the f.uiith Jiond.iv la Janti .;y. h .s been passt tl I v boiii Jlousi ,:!,,! is now in the hai.d.i of the Fl. -id, ..I. V : a f tltl-tice 1' who for the liist t .-".e p't.-i.l d over tiio opietic 't .in t this vv, t k, hii-.iu.idi a wry oo.l Impii --loll. Ia Seer, l.n v MtC.illoi'gh. who had chaise ol I i.f i i i a ui y Department under Luico.ii. .loi.nsi ii iiinl Arthur, ha-, ci.iae out for Cievt huiih lie can not stand tho po.-i'ioii of tho lepub licaii party i ti tho taiitf. A liint in hiciigo. Ciit.-M.o, In ., October 1". A iliili eiilly occuiicd early this uioinin,.: be t wren a niitii'oi r ot Ptiil.eis ami lhe newly inph yetl conductois ainldri-vt-iH of tl;e six l.tir.-e cars near the (ho th-hl Av enue bams. Tho new hands were dr.rgged iff the j.luifoi ms and roiieh!,' handled. 'iho ptili.e ilii-p. r.-ed the a-sai!atits. Later m tb" day, an old emp.loyec assaulted a ,":"'v V"? "yn and was by the lattir, tho bullet taking effect iu his ' Y iy mat y of tho healthiest peojile ket p I hem-elves in nich condition by ti.e oci lire of a reliable cathar tic, ti'id t lit v jjivo the lirt-feieiice to Lik t lor as more fully solving their p.;ip"sc th.iij auv other similar loiuo dy. ():ily "i ee .ts. ."slt t pless nights nudchet ilesstlays ". ill be if you use Dr. liull's lki..y .Swup to it luce sli t p and oolu-.o.-uio f.'i Ihe la v. 1'iico ''. cents. V i- l'.very oler in Chatham ought u icud the Uu vi.u. I Was DocKcry Drunk f l'r 'in 'Ii:- S'tia- I'lit.'iii -I;-.. la tids camj aign. w hile the Chron icle has been severe in eontnu'titii g upon tile rei'oitl of Mr. Docktry, t! e'cal candidate for ii ivei nor, wa have publishcil no lino niiout him 10 gar.ling the truth of which we v 10 unwilling to testify to. What we have copied from oilier papeis we havo bt-l'.evod or ascertained to be true. Wo have i o faith in the success of a campaign based upon misrepre sentation, ami for t he success of no men or parly will tho Chronicle lend ilseif to iiiisiepreseiitalion of ?.lr. 1 Dockory or any otlur candidate. Charges that ri licet upon Mr. Pock-- rv V persona' integrity we biiveucvi r published. I'nh'ss aecompatiiod by ;t!ie proof, we nevtr piiut tsucii ' elcirgi.s. Iinmodi ilely aftel the joint dt bate . at Troy wo sa w it Muted iti the Troy , Vidi tle that he It ft live empty 11 asks, still scented with (he pufimrt of whi. key. in his room at tho holed at : Troy, -u. tl that it took tour j.-allfits t"f v.hi-kry to ipieneh the Ihirst of ' Mr. Doi ki rvand his fi iends ; and that the room o n id by Mr. Dockery and two of his special friends wort" left iu such a tilthy coti.lil ion that the' t wt occupants weie made to pay extra for I he dvuaof 1 mo to l he rooms and I'.irnilui". Iua lew day s afb r w o I. ad it ad this slateinoi t, in a trulliful and reliable lit wsp .per. we saw a slate-mei-t in a lia.lical paper, the Trov Toiii s, 1 1:, it t he w hol it poi t v 1 '- a !;' out of tht whole el ,th. The Tuc s, in pioof thit it w.'.s a he, publish.'. I a caul put porting l- be si.-.Tod by 1. W. Ailet'. JUOJiiii lor of lhe In. tel. 1:1 ; tilled 'An Infamous 1 ie." in which Mr. Ala 1: w us ma Ie (o s::y II at he "denounce. 1 t' o idahiin ut us inf'a 1 motislv la'.-e to n't inti ti's an 1 pur-1 ) n-c-." lie 's m'lih" lo go ' 11 to sr.r th it Col Docki ry "dt in- i"M '1 Idol,. If" at my li ne t as a so! or. hi -,h-toni d geiil Ii man." I'm 'tii Mr. A'h n's card piil!i-t:ed in tl Tom s i; i I 'y io .!.ed Ihnt Mr ;i i-'.iti h ie 1. The Docfeiv hid I Cnrot.'f'e said not l.iiijr. but a-vai-ed ,h V el. p:. i. Ills. Th' V have l ollie. n!nl ti.e follow .ng ceitilitiite.- sped; for theni.-.lvc-: ' I'f.T;: y t i . iv. M N ;..'0.;riii' ( 'ijrvri. J. C.. W. Alien, j lopih (or of "Al len's ibte'.' In ing tb.ily -.v. 'i i-, s-,y: 1 hat I have it a l tin" at ti.'V in the Montgomery Ynh Co" of Sep, ihh, lss-;, eon.', rnii,'.; Col. () JP j),.,l i i atid his particular fi iends fiooi lliv'h-ini-nd county an I I know th- t icl.i b.- t.Un 111 the lilil'll. 1 llMVe ah-o It lei Ihealticio i"i tho Troy Times t I' .":t j.!. 7th, D. '. i nli'.lo 1 "An lii'iuno !.- ' v I en in tin io i- ii c:,r l with my name sigin 1 lo .1. and I il l l.ei. by state that si ilc.ii d was iinauthoi i.i d bi mo and i-i f-ugery, and that lhe c' te le:,i.-t of the s tine ai t imtiuo. and, f.iillur. I .hi state that. Col. ). II ; i1 c'.t i v h it in his i-ootii he d ut hoti h live whisky lla.-ks an ! thai in tin room i it".ip:.ed by l.i po-l.tiil-.r liiends fioin Kichliiolni coun ty w ii- left . i whi-hry llisl.s and 1 .'lial';'c 1 t -t I a for d im :j;e iloi.e in both i Ins and I he same w ,i- pa: 1 C. W. Ai u s. S.vol ., aill subscribed to before ilie. ti.i S-i't. 11. 1: TlloM IS 1 H VT.'N. ) I. I Mr. D 'el.i !,V owes it lo i, in. -.. '!' I . in i!-.e :.oice e 'aliat en. if he t an inak" il o,,.';,.i., , , ,ie. Ti,e.-i, g rt !i 111- li iii.n in il.i- i'iiIii l'i l!n fact - .-lie men i I 1 1 1 r. Mr. D a ki iy o.v e . it. iet oi !v to !n- i t put it ion as It ptll'lic in. in ; ho iisoiies lo fill the highest i ' 1 l'i . . il the glli i'f the people, hilt I hi:. slii'i !;;. asa m.'inbet ot tbech' I i rti 'aiu awav I his c cliai ;!'' il in- call .!o : ) 1? hi- eit. not i!o so. oi doo i not ,i -o. then I e I f i d l.ot t Apt i t Sohil. chri- 'ia.. in- n tosoppo:; hi;o. Arc ! !m t'oloitiing Indiana. H ii'.tiM.iUM. Ai.v. Ot I 15 -A spe i ci.i! to the Age :ioui Flint, Morgan inanity, Alabama. nvstliat lit publi ' c in :iget:ts fi'oi'i Indiana have been in t : : I stciioii tor st eial ilay--, em- ph.yii g in..;. oes to go to l'.v ai -ville and other points in the Iloosier Stale. lhe special ives names of about .twenty l.iglots who who Hclit to I l'.v ilhi t'.tpiv. and says their : names and ib sci i.t ions have also . been or v. aided to prominent Demo- cials i:i I iva: svilio. St v oral men iiiiin li'din a Me now in North Ala b.tu.a i i. gaging ntgro voti-i s, and a large number of them will be shipped , N'oith It is said that neprroes are given transportation to ami from In diana and paitl ?d a tiny. They are also pionii.-ed work and good wages if they pilfer to leniain North. It is : understood that I he n.iijoi ity of t hem w ill he hi nt to I'.vat.sviilc and J.tidiau iipolis. Dot ki'i Ticket in ivsl. Ir m UlO li.ll -lt'll Nr Hil l HlmTIW. A1 the election ill llicliiuond county in lsst, Oliver II. Docktry. the pres ent It. publican caiididato for Oover uoi , voted as follows : To lepre.-etit tho public, in the Leg islatino ho votetl for Ibtt vev (juick, a ; negto lawyer, against John Y. .Sliced, one of the best white fanner s of llich ' mond county. 1'or Coioin-r, ho votetl lor Felix Jacobs, a licgio man, Daniel (lav, a one li ggi d Confe.lelHte sol dier. j Fi r Kegi.-ti r of Deedi. lie voted for one X. W. auegro iiihii, against Ah ,indei L. M. Donald, a white man competent to fill the olliee and uni-Vei-aliv tst' ometl iu the county for i his cv in tcous In'uriiig. Concord Tunes: Mr. Matthew (libbs, who lives near Mooresville, is ' IPS veaisold. Ho is the father ft twenty children, ami hasbeeu nun lied twice, his lu-t wife being tho mother of foui It eu children utul is eighty sevtu years of age. lie has iu ail 145 children, fciaud children and great giand children. His oldest son is eighty four years old and the young- j tot twenty tu. SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Oreensboi o, IT. O. MAN ITAt : TO M'. I'.ri lf FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATINC STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutlers, Andirons, And Castings ol Every Description. r-Send for Price-List. IMS PAUKISII'S W ft U w ii m Durham, N. C. WILL J3E IM'ADY I'OH YOl'lt TOP.ACCO A1"H'! JANUARY lCTH WHKIIK YDl' WILL (iKT THL IlKillEST MAl;KKT l'lilCMS. HEABaUARTERS FOR ALL UKADESi Best Warehouse, Best Light, AN' D BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, Fv)It MAS AND Pd'.AST Stable Holds 200 Eorscs! lhislriess tiTttisaclctl with promptness and accuracy, mnl the higLeiil price-; al.vays guaranteed. A hearty we! awails nil who may eovue. wooiicoitcv son, 24 SAST ST., RALU1GH, N. C, FOR EARLY FilLL TRADE, j We have le.'i ivt d dil t from I'lauC' u-i a-i'-f I? P ! U T' T A f I fl f If UiihiiiA bJjyili. pi i.-e 5'lc ay. id. ,1 WWl v i i.ible v.i.l'li cash- :,Uuu m.te 1:1 loc. a vard. t".v slvlc- of fall the s piints. ' , , u .... 1( I I !'' ''' ' l'i.' . Id I e. lUciiCs 1 U wide. ''." , Welti. :f.c. U'c i avc a.l.l.-d to ot:! -lock a n. w In e ' I clot h. M. ola.-s a. id t.u ... . . , , Mur -t.."k i"t : le-e. '" ooioj. i !e and V .' ciiOiit ! I" t.Miihd ill ipiihlyof pi ice.-. I 11 efi.ds n. a' i;p I iti plain fgm . i.nd . re j i ti ! to all. When You Visit V" pippositn the Hotel Claiborne.) YYhtre eveiy lady can llnd A X Y T H I X (( she wants, from th, eheipest CAI.ICU to tht; fintht .SILKS. The largest and most select stock of DRY GOODS, ivm,.(-o;v.,i,:ii;Ti,.,) IX Dl'FUAM! Oct. 1, 1SS7. Cws. j..B r. r. f J cliil 4V J. lj i9l 5 l HOWaHS, General Ccannisslon Mercliants a&i Cotton Sellers. We have ou luiinl a full line of IIF.AVY OKOCKUIES, FEED of eveiy description. dso ii.VGdlNli AND TIES, which we offer to tho public ut bot tom prices. Will make ca th atlvane-eson Coltou ou Land, w hen desiie.l. (ive us a trial and see what we can do. WY.VIT TAYLOlt, N... li Uwt MatUii lli. It'. lUt liKlitfe I I'f V, IUllioii, N. C. ! UiciMUt l Mot. THE BUBHAM WWM , Don't f..i! to call .it the M GOODS EHPOMUM f!F tiJ 1 II Sk IF C 1? 11 11 y IX N. C. Oil YillGlXIA. : mm mm am it; mi l id I'.iy.-ui v:i;.. siri'ft, IdlANCII Y.VUD, Lvi'Oiit's Oil. Stanp, FA Vr.TTKYH.M', N. C, MANTFAC'l ITtEK i f nil kinds of . 3 m , . ; SluilTinalS cfil T0Dlte!02BS ' IN M:l:'-'': " HKANITE. A!m ,,,.,,, f Ilin(lHOfIitlil(l. in-'' Wo: k, Cuib ii,". l'osts, SlepH, Sill'. .''.'.". eii:s of iill dohCi ipticilH kejit mi h:n ! a;.d .-em toany addrebs i'iv;'V,:1: , . ( it s. A. (iOODWIW Mai cli I. lsSS. Fropiietor. ; C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAyT - - Couclonsea Si Tnkin-: eti'i et M .. n , Sept. 21, 1SH8. t'Mi v i . : t r si-muv. li am i. -e. oil Miu! vV',,'.,.; t'l' ttutlti S.iltb n... a. Mull & 1'itKtMHfrr I., 'iv. t mi v-n:ii., vrrlvn, 7.H11, ni. 1 ' '''1 I.i'.'ivt,, li 'Ji 'I. I ...-e. oil.., " 4 .t " li - :-. .1 TO. " I..V. " ii '." o .a. " I. in " !-' i ' i" in m;. r. ii..v. ra. Arrive, Or. -., " lO.inl ' - " 7.4 . m. l'i. it'lil 1. 'ul Vl al Ti 111:1 ,11111" i'mly i-ii'i pi Sun- t 1. - int.-.' v n I -...ut !... 1 .it Tniln ruiiH frtia l'.i ' . a i" ii.-iu i-v.ii,. an.! rpiiirn ir, Wno-1I.1.-. vt. li.- .m,i, f I-1 1 1. 11 mnl fr-.iii KayitllK. 1 11. 1,1 .-, t. -.. . .i-. .' ,,n Yi ..ayH, 'I'l-urBilnya anl SC C'l.e ie i .; 11: li;... i a, .,1,,' lBy,.n,YllUl li .1--11. 1,-1. -. "A.- . ir... ni tin.) ITI. In.. ii'iin.i ,11 In. ... j In. tu. li 1 un ilitlly rie-il 6iro In). v.. 1 . K I.I, Ofu I IW, Afa. .1. W. I I V, ti. 11 I suci. mm m mm iv i.r.oit spits I'.r ..;.:..:.i l iiii..r sitiiH, IA.1.6S M. I, I'ml-l m;i,i, IMIjiO lu J M) Si. I. 1 11.. -I. Si. it, JotO ,-ek l lll-ll l'i., I ', 6 tl i:i:D n)()M sins. I 'ni 1 li ue. r Hi'-' ii'..m -et 50 iii 130 00 ti.C. I ,-ei.l.e -ul'-, it W Vi,ih..ii . let.:. r .-..'.: If.. in a; lt to WW Wulnill II. li.:e..- Hem HUOlu li M i;i ddixo. II ttr lUiiuwi. in... .,ii tlliy, 50 1,11.' II. .11' .I C'i. . - 11.. in ff. 0.1 to IM C .i 11 M.i:lr . fniiii iinm I 00 S.oit. ,,l SI., 1, -It. 11 l..i, 'JJ4U IH . , , , '"V'' Dl.MNti KOOM. 110 o W.'tilllll I . elol.-ll l':tl.l , I'jya l'..,.liil si, I. I; .111.1,, Willi, ill SI. Ie II, ..11 1-, TAHLKS. lU-.-l. l...-f I'll.!...,, IViC.I-.' I Cl. -. Vic.i en' o..k C ii'ii' T, t'lien jr 1 '-ii: r" iiCI. , CIIAII.'S. S.ll S. .H t 1 1 Ol-. c..ii. .11. .11 vv...i, t'iniirit, t'HU.. M 1,1 I'l.llllH, ouk 1'ti.iiitf eiHtirst ll..eko., il,r.-" MISCF.I.r.ANi;-. t'juif, f. r i....iiii i-ioiii m. Itmoi.t s,.t nit; Mm tilt (iOuaud M 4 w 1 on I u M ! HilJ 14 II i3 vv.-ii'ti Mire Vti,iii.i.t 4 )fr i.. 41 4) uil lliun t llll ir.nV II i. kein 11 11 1 lliuh C'lHIIK. VV, 411)0, wtl IH li k-ki''. t iiirl tg t,. with I'ltrinu.lit, in im. IK ami I l ' Hull Seni le, H.'.tlitu.l II M :h.-nt", Tun r Wire. I I1W uil 4M i I...iiik-s. Ie ill 4.U)lo Una I llmiiiii." k t h .lot, f i 10 ril ft 0 1..,1h!,ii.1.h, Il 4'J ou U. IJo na-lmiauoi., irmn l IS lo IVM Oidtirs from the Country, aocoin- Ipauietl with the dish, will receive I-tt of inquiry cluertully anil promptly answered. . J-c- "vtsow a go.. No l'i I'.iiBt .Mailin Street, KALE1GH, N. C. Aerll I'-", IKtiH. f'nilla. ami 'I'm ! Marlia obutltftf, wd all I DU1.I110M1 rntultivl'tl Itir ivioiirl ra Our omi t. U iimlti i. S. I"4lnl Of tlrti. We have nu ub tgaadm, all kaalM tfirrcl brhis) ran trannct latrnt bualnm la Im tine au,l at Ira coat I has iboa HaiHI tnm H aahlnitiin. tlou. Wd a,l.tiH. if l.att-lilftbl ur aot, fraa cbarce Out fee mo tfi:.' tilt i-atom la arfitrfd. iH'ltti HUI.1I.I, flrawinp, tir vnom., una A Vwli, " II. iw to OIi'iiii I'altiita, " lta ff C. A. SNOW & CO. . ttlu fataat ("01c, W Ma I , . ft. PMMS ! I ! ii , - m

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