V. v. I ITf'ric i. ' h'J'M 4 erT.i 4u; ';''-'' .i THrilSDAV. OCTOBEH IS, It'HH. : r- Democratic ticket. roit the sKN.vri:: SAHULL J. CHAUl'OllD rou thk Hoist: : JOHN M. KDWAKDS, KIDXEV 0. WILSON. ron huekii-t: STEPHEN W. BHEWEli. FOlt KKUISTKlt : LABAN It. EXLIXE. ton coiiONhi: : WILLIAM S. PETTY. Vnii MMivv.voi: : RUFFS B. CLEOO. DST Moore court will b. held next ek, Judge tilicidift d niesiding. ST Caudiilatex for oonstablo can have tbeir tickets pi iutv.l ut the Itu--oito otlice. eflr Three imiles ami a Iioi'hp for -a!. Ajijilv to J. V. Taylor, Jr., X-ockville, X. O. bTlf IWhal and 1'uiiell are not i republican caiidl.litU s, wIiom? lidates me lliey ? tifTlie State Fair opened most )iab!y ami is a gi eat success. A u crowd from this couniy is in ndanco. . -. ... arPHseha! sfshe was r-n'v joking tl lio voted to lax magistiaieh ism ; writing .lepils .Hid mortgages. A ! uy joke, wa-i'nt it ! irl'iiK-l.al and Fanell jreteiid t they are in tavorol ri"i.icitig ine u. Why then do they oppoHe , eland an I the .lemoci-iiiic i.arty , ... i ;t. . aro t.yiug to le.iuu, 1. . SrPritchar.l, the republican can lie for Li;ite!i iiit (ioveriior, had ippointmciit. to speak at, Egypt, his county, but there was not a k, solitary pel son ihem to n.i t t We reiriMt to hear that Lev. rcgi-Ht to icn 0;iniore, i.f this county, met the tllisfol l.ine, uli Tuesday ol .eek, of losing by lire his dwell liid uill"iii lings, ut! h ifli a Auralii'e. the ( ouiiiy I-.inuci.s Ai.iauc' ks ,j - i , . ... - I- on last, liiil.v, lull the at ten I was not u-, ge :is it-nal. We hj not learn ( f i.i.y h::siite.-s -f a .IIK llil llll t llllll. .((.''. I ("I" ill (.ptilill .1 11 !'( Mitl.'.lo.i . sliitl.lshlllg M III lldl J llll! tc! S o the otitity tlgeliiy pluce. Iidies, have you nell lliose tv ill. ss 'Mil ils fi Ci-ive l lilts nil',. iidous .' lie i an show vou us and 1'henp goods as can Ik I iu any iniikel. Ah kinds of anngs, mitti'ii-i uti.i niiiir laney Is. Sp!e;idid sioci; ol ladies and l)-n lif'lH. Ha's iind bonnets tlimmc.l on tl.e shorlisl ! The republican c imli. l iti s in 'lis county i t luse to tell the people it whom tiny will Vote. Ale they if. aid or ashamed ' As Mr. Wil im told Fun ell ut tJceiiod. "ttlirl.it man i. ashamed to cil w iio he is nittg to Vole for you may know t'ual lie is not a ib iiioc.ial" ! l!i-ni('Clats me .tot rf laid or ashamed to tell who lin y will vote for. ... - ; 8"iT Sib r Fair will bo next w ek , Mid of coiif-e you a e going, so call at W. L. London's and ge! you a nice ni', a si yii-h hal, a tine pair shoe:', . " ..... ... i .i i .i.:.i I 111 CY l" ivu, a im- i ii.-ui.iii. nun i ' . , 1 i- Id! l 111) lllOIIC lull oil r-iii,. ..in I t.,.,1. .Ii.i'li,', test a.sso.leil Ulid cheapest stock ot goods in the 'Sell Weie nominated for the Legis'a r.iunty (live l.iiu a trial Pi ing t,ire, but Paschal declined to i un w itlt the money. , jSeif, as lin y use l.o.ii tiom tbe wis- - i tei ti part ol t iie cot inly, and insisted -dT Nichols" c uirass .f Ohatham . 41j,,, th.-i. nor.i'.iiating another man last w.5ek whs tt cutnplete failuie. A , from B()ut. tiier sceihm of tho coiin coirespoiident. at O-g aid has written j lv, Accordin-ly the ' bosses' decid the Hi.-onii an Hiuusing iicc.iutit of',,' t0 hold aiiotle r seen t caucus tit Nidiols' reception nu-1 speei li nt that ; ,( pm.,, ,. l uesd u- of eouit wick, plaoe, which wo t egiel not having ' :lnd on that d iv t hey m- t here and Ihe space to publish. His audience 1 n rlVl,, 1(, ,.t j,",,,.v Fanell iu:i. Thus ILeru consisted ol 1.1 ilemoi l uls, , white and 2 coloi'. d republicans, and Ids iipoecli was not over 15 minutes long. County Canvass On last Monday ! llio county caiuti'iaics uegaii tneir canvass of Chathaiu. The following' is a list of their appoilitiueiiis: Johnson's, F. iday, October Foariiiigton's. Salnrdny, ' Pace's Mill, Monday, " Cheek's Shop, Tin sday, " Z-uio Johuson's, Wediie al iv. " Siler City, Thursday, " ('iter's School House, Siiturd.iy, Harpei's X ltoals, Tuesday, ' Collision's, Wednesd.iv, ' IU. .,' "' '.'' .' ll' I i.i itu, ill, Egypt, Thursday, Pittsboro', Friday, November L ! A Piiistic.Mii-: Ot Fti K Swiksii. Two ! vears ago Henry Fanell at. ended as I doleeate tho d.'inoci atie convention ; whioli iiouiin ito.l our c u:ily eamli i dates, but b. cause tho nomination ! was not eiven to linn or some nf his fi hinds, he bolted and did all In could to defeat tho nominees. II.! 'eteiuiei tt.ai iih ucieii tmis oecause of his lovu for the "dear people" and people una ; not from any Mtlhsb motives, but hi.- j course now proves that this was only j m false preteuse. Instead of striving toadvaucDthointeicHtsof thepi ople, lin wis only seeking an office for him . ui, if nml nt. I lia mi v first chaneti he is trying to get that otlice, and hist A Mrs. Manning, f Peora, Illinois, maiiif.'st. d at Osgood the democl atic niontb. 1 1 r.l trip to t he eekly 1st ar, negro "boss" (Bill Hives) declaren who died a few days ago, took to her , majority wiil be nearly it thousand 1 t he pi e ol 'family 8pei s, and . that ho will Lave biiu to beat Sid. , bed nine years ago, declaring that Keep the. ball rolling and let U4 give , whole soul. d. aegirssivn. dyed lu th. t ' ,nn i VVai,iII think itu?!. tin, i win. iv,, .1 1, l'i, v.i- h.ivi. it. lieem.ii hr ttin iti. deinocruLic ticket, the lar- i i fi eet weol I iciuocrnt from way back. viol a mini of Cliatljiiiu will ihehi.o!nou innriie.1 a ''ill bhu d.JiA like, tlift'cifntly i'U the day i-I tikvtiuu I I Sii.kk Cn v F.wk We would le- miij-.l jr readc, s II il the Siler City faU-vv:!! I eh. Wednesday. Thins- day ami 1 'l :i,l V of t.ext wcl'li. K!ld We bu',,0 oui count ru n will nil aid iu nlulill'L' i! II IT'.l.d Slier Ji:.- ex hibit hist ar. although hurricd.y prepared, was highly creditable mid this vein it ought to lie slid Belter. , We hear that en ihuiMlay night of tho fair tlio ili-iunciatii' club ut Siler I wiil have a torchlight procession, and thai several distinguished democrats ; have been invited to make speeches, Ani"liir tljo nttraetivo featiires of , tlt fair Vill bo bug lacr , (finieH of ! bnsp ball, class ball slioctni:,' smd a ; tout uaiiici iiiiciil. rt.'Haior mice iiitu nuv. S!....l.. I,..,.., ..vlla, fin K. UMm'n null) ......v -.. pecied to Ik' in( ent.. It u bojied pecieit to IK' jitisent.. it is imjifu that the ladii H will coiiio to the front, as they did lant year, uiul make u full ( xliibi't of everyihiiig pel taiuii.g to tho hoil.-.el;nld. . . .... I u.mkks lNsTrirTK.--In jiursiiai.ee, T,, dihl.Hsioil w(lH op-ned by : PVP1.v,,i,:;, Wll(1 looking blighter for of the notice taiblisli. d in last week h h1ri, ilV jj,.,.,,,., who briefly uuiiounccd . I ..,, lr i. n n unity. Ithciiui. by .Mr. John linbinsnii, our himself as the democratic, nominee; Vlnt in to become of white nun Slate Comtnir.KiotK r ol Agriculture, u lul. ro.0le-tio to the cilice of huenff. lo ftniii,ltl. ttitl, a tmitv that is run number of the most Intel igcnt far-j llls op,,,,,,,. was Mr. Oliver Me, ! hv s.teh a man as 15.11 Kiv.-.-. a m ;r., .' niers of this county nsseuibled here. wh Kftjd that, as everybody " .-l',,,,,, s,,lmlie" cits and iiefio on last Saturday, for the purpo-e ot ,.sp H.,.m,.d to bo afraid to run raiiii)iii. eti.i"s, ye rulin" powers de (irgaiiizmg a fouiily l'ainiers Jni- . aaiiii-t t.ritr Drewcr, he thought ', iUT H- lute and iMabli.shiiig a County Ev j ,. woll(1 1 1V jlim. This i emiiuled us Wry vrrpeet fullv. II. pennieiit Faun. Mr. Itubinson m.io ,.u H(,vlllj ,imt, F.k.In tush in j Z "... piosei:tanIlx1.!Hmedtheo!ij.etsaii.Vi1(,1.(. j,,,,. f,.,,,. to tread", llv Important to Tax-Til vers. purposes coin- itipiMie.l. .Mler near- , nig h mi, the im eliiig le.soh-ed to or- i i-nuut' at.iiuiirs ii.iitiiiiie iiirciint nam. ami e.ecu a in. ..mowing ...i ; Capt. EslitlO nilliounc:'.! llllilself a f lis 1,1 ItUMior i.. cans: d bv ihe ceis: p.eM'li'iit. 1;. .1 ll.e-litun: vice- t!ie j(. ; for register , .ivr ,,.,.,. f the Hot,. J.evi 1'.' .Mop pM'.id. nts: llg l).x..n ( r.n.eyl,,, a.-eds, ul,d thanked Ihe people r.r ; t()l ; makinj, him spend nntiv tlmii .I.v..um.h.d..l I a.:, y W.J. t..ii-:,,,,.. p,lst MIpp,t of him. Mr. Wi.'Ktll.ds of dollars in endeavoring to i.e. Junius A. Alston, J. S. Henley. , ;ilini () F.,,1 ell at,t,oui,ccd hiniMelf as i ,.lVn v N, th Car.iliuu for the lU-piib-ttev. Jesse L. Snntli, J. -M. Mei r. I.VI, ,',,,, ,.., . .,n.l inlnntted tln.t i;.. ..... A .1;..,, . I f jSion .Mitchell. M. II. M elver, (llovir ;Aciil and E. W. Al water; secietaiy, A. Jl. M-nilt ; tieasuter, J. 1). lu tiiallenr. id' ; eliapiain, Lev. A. Ji. ! republican liomiiKC ? Farrell Jei l.-i ry : nml (Mcutivn committee:;,.,! . imswer. ,i,.l Htte.l tln.t. Laa.' H. iSiia'.;,ha!i. J. W. At water 1111,1 U'- M- Diyau. It. wa.s r.solved! to hold the next uie.-ltl.got the. uisti- tutl. ut . pii.ee mi the 2nd and , ,IIVS ,,f All i.'Miei 1- 1 m. - uial tut m wa.sestubii.she.1 here, with I , ... ' j Mr W. 1. i ou.-l.ee as sni-eimt.-ml- Cllt. Ihe tlgltfllllll.al depai Mnelit i furnish t ; that lues, s. e.i an I lei .Ui.. -is. I'XptiimctitH v.ili not cost our I'm in.-!'. a,.i.iii,;--. This is I an l.i:p..i:,u,l mown,, nt and h..p.-j will be of en-it p: aeueal lu lu l.l to i ,i...; mi in. is (., . e.-.m. Ki'-i.s ami 'i.tiii'i s. -I'a.-cli ii and Ft. ! l!. I he I l'j ul' li'i'.ll ( 'I'l-llil lle- in this county for ll e I . gis'.al ure. Law Ihe iinpil li-ii.'e .'lt d i Ii ouli'l V to ac i';.-e Ei Itt in ,1.-. ;: lid W '1-on of bl'iny 'I.,' I . , .1 . of I i ; i j.- it in i ciiii, s. Did y. ui ever h. -ir u! su. h "i he- k' ? It i' Ii .t-e thin Salait ii piovi' g 'in! No i ;ii. ti lutes cnil. 1 be n iniinii'ed i liioiv f.iiilv than were Mes-rs. Ill u ai d-an i W ilson. '! h-ii .."tiiin.it ion w a- n it S 'Ugiil by ti i in, lull Wa-itlie' v . i 1 1 : 1 ; 1 1 V act el tie pi ople. Tie ' c iir.i i tl ni v t'i. h ni'intii ileil then. I Ii el I', i Ii duly n lu-.!i-e,l. was held j in b.oa i iiiy;ig:.; in die c mil lioii.se,! Wits Ihe la.ue -l i ii i' In 1 I in I liii'hatii. and w.is ci'iiip'i-i il cf the best while' I u me: s of I he ci-ni.l v. 'I'i.l i w.ls ill h.iiiking euiiiiast to the body which ini!!,ii,a'( d i'a c!.a! Mi d I'.ineil W ho j l.nil.iu.i'e I the. ii' ).i you I. now '. I) is iitiybo y know.' I'ln-y claim that tioiiiuiy uoitiiiiaN'd them, but! t'at thev nominated ! h'.M.isclvfs. If! ll.nl In. t I 111' It,. II llnv I II I IUI.1,1 llll body but tli'iin-elve. a':,! o.tL'lit lo'Vi' i . ceiv e no other vol . -s I ill. t heir out. : Lilt is it Inn .' l.i-ti n. ami judge . for yotiiseif. On the d iv that thel (teuioi i atie (otivetil ion i. oinin.it ed l.d- 1 wai -Is and Wi'i-ot'. a few (1 the lepuli . li.'iin "Ii n-is" In 1-1 a s ci i t caucus at i ihisphu on lln i I'll), tiol bettie able t (I ll.;! i l'i i, id-dates. .1.', id. d t 'l Wild mil il t he i eo.lid ni' ( ! I ) keiy at Sti. r ; l'i! t hi ihe day when l.e and Fo il. '. spoke t h"lel an t gel linn in help I ! era. I A-'conlingiy on lhat d iv a seen t can 1 ens was held out iu Ihe hushi s mat ; Siicr t'.ty, v.hieii was ultiii.hd by ' aln.t.'t a iloeii w hili s and tiluiut twen I .i v .tciMdcs. .ii iiiitsccii'i i-iiuriis. -, - , i . - i i ,i . i (.1 1 1 1 1 IO."-1 Ill 1(1111 llil.t II Kill. IIUIII I I .'.I .lot, ii T I 1 ;; : J""' I litis i jt w a-lint Paschal und Farrell beoiimc ! jtiie r.-piibhcaii ciinliiiaU h. N.i.v, we can ii.l.v ask anv tmr uninleil man 'which c U.didates aie the to ... . i Ilie' tile tools Of i "j an lcfiipie..'.' Edward..i..dWil-:,,a orFan'.ll I Paschal: If l II l',c,.hl ,.,',. not ,,Mle,iof1.,e,e,i,,l,!,,..u" b,,s.s.' I i ii 1,11 i- ... i - r I , i wiv did Pill Hives (! he clnf colored 1 lnwsi .le.'liiie l ist week at 11 - lit that I . hi: ",i as g 'ing to have Joliu 1. Pas- : ehal to In at. Mr. Edwards, and H. C. i Fanell to lea! Mr. Wilson'? lieml j in another cobiiuti the letter of im ', con esjiondeiit from Oakland, and see ' . .' . . i. ii , what lie says aiioti, tins, rurie.'i iiu.i Paschal ought to be called Bill Kivcs's ' candidates, ks he seems to claim them ; and nobody cl.se does! Shelby New Era : The cotton gir, ...v m!il and engine belougit.g to C. ,j I Citniric-lc & Sons and located near .i,, j,. H:orn about eifht mdes from shelby wi r.i totally destroyed by the I ni,U(' (W.. o'clock l itesd-iy morning. ir Solm. C.-een. .me of the ti. in. who I,, ... ,.,.i orts 1 1 i.i i fin, I f .'oui the ei n. was . ;,,., t (uio o'clock and saw no tnitii H .aivi.ki about two i. clack, the build- , XVas in ll urn s. Six bales of cotton which had just been giuued were also stroyed. The los is about S'2,i"illl llluj f,,H h. nvi y on tho tiitii, un (here mis no insurance, - Su kept Lvr vrwi. THE GGUKTY CANVASS! Hi'L'iiii Last MonilnyA Demo cratic Field Day LMwitnis Demolishes ruse hull, Ac., Ac. Tlio county candidates he gnu their canvass of Chatham on last Monday ut Osgood. iukI it was rt most mis- piehius beginning for the democrats. l'i:lt precinct gave a majority of one hundred against th democratic nonii- Upes two veins a''o. iind t Inn ye ar it A eertain to gwe si conaidei ubin ma- ' j0iit v fur tliein. There was some cniM.-ity to Km ;uov who would be. tlip t.i:.. i:.l..l.. f r.u.,. it'iMiuiiiiill lUIHIi'im ... ...v- ... (,- latnre, as even the repulilicans iLein- jatnre, as even tue rejiuiiiicaiis luem- i beves pretended not to know who they would be. They arc John T. ; I'uschall mid Henry 0. Earrell, thn I WO men WIIOIII lite liu iran ju eiiicii'ii i .1 ii i-.i.. i i three weeks iil'O won d run. s;lui t,.lt 1)f. hlil l0 charges against Jhewrr. i,ul m,.1(.v wauled the otlice hilllsl.f. ' till- Ciil'tuili bad made a good olH.'er. it.'apliun Exliue asked him what ticket : I would he vote and if he was not I he ; he i Mr. John T. l'aschal was tho fust f ,hu Le.dnlativ.'camlidates to sneak. wotiid vole "lor '.v o ik ii eased . ;,,! ), lJ1!Ui,. t,p sm,. ld speech ! l,,,., I,,, i ........ i, . I ... 1 1 ... ... ,i i iii ...... ...... n ! ! . .. w j - ... r. i.;if. .i(' I ri.i I n 1 1 in. iii ...., llt.,l 4.v,.it,-d no ei.thu.siasm ! !,.... .,, 1,, ,,!!...... I', ien.ls i jj,. i,,ih,tt(.d by Mr. John M ivlwai.l'.i who vei v'onicklv had the ,.H(wd laughing and . 'heertug. as he j plU,0lj .t t:hot into l'aschal. We ., ,i;.lin u !.!, lliv0,. ,lUl, ,., ,v( the llpplilU of his hem em. ami he made l'aschal feel so sin-ill that lm Inilit have crawled ihl'inigli a key hole. Wi .idvi.se our Miehrs in Chatham to hear thy candidates when they spink iu I heir neighborhood, for it i. wor'.h tiding several miles ju.-t to hear I'.iiiiiilds skin l'.ischai. One thills 1 lie I. lid the diluted people on Paschal 1 was that 1 aseha., when a democrat ! soiiin years ago, had declared that i"tl:e negroes were no I . Iter than I dumb billies'. Then t lulling to the i c, doted people I'M Will ds said 'lliaul ' iV know how to adibeos you, for ' Paschal cllils y.-u bl'iles, Lockeiy 'calls you iiiggeis and liusse'l calls you s.i. agih". He asked Paschal i win) ioa.d be vote f r, for Piesident, I ( invent r and t'ouressmaii, but : l'a -cha! i cfusod to au-wcr. i t'lid nextspi iikei w.i.s Mr. Henry ('. i Fiii iell, who autii. ui. ci d himself as an j "independent" candidate, lie made oli;v a lew ri in. ii Us ami seemcil to , (. I the iiwkwtirdiiess of his hinniiia position. Mi . Sidney (1. Wilson closed the ili.-.C'.i:-:.ou, and lua ie it ve.v sclisibie and plilctical speech. II.; (tied to uiakii l'artcll toll who le would vole tor, but Fill 11)11 1 1 fused to mma er, except to say that, ho would not vote tor Judge Fowie, be cause he was a lawyer. After tho ciii.d iiiltfS had finished spearing loud calls were made for A. W. Wicker, E-ij This geiiticinan residi s in tint neighbui hood, and t'Ao vtais ago was llie leader of the i.i.l'.'pciideiils in this county at il x eicised a great inlliienci! upon that eieitlion. In repoiise to tho calls he came forward and made a tinging, . . l .1 . i rousing democratic, speech that ei. . ... i i - I . , , I e 1 itle.l his Lea. el s, and cat ted .llsntliv and consternation iulo the ranks of the lepublicatis. Poor Henry Far-; led looked pitiable, us if III) wished he had not become a candidate. Mr.; Wicker stated his rca ins for imt ! snppoiliug the democratic ticket lo , y. ai s .too, i.u.l then in eloquent hut- ! iJUitge and with much e.u iicstncss slated why l.e will now vole the -i.i r :.. .:..t.... i ... i I...I 1... -.. I.oiinul in hi- l'ohlii'iil i ., ' .11 ' .11.. I .. eoui.se ineii una ni" was i ipiauy noii- est now : and that he had not been a ' candidate for any otlice then, nor was : il I. l..i 11.. il ..i..;... I lie ll rniiiiiuaiu ii'.n. in in' ' -M i-, , . ., , , , , . ,'v , . l'r ' ! i" hi 1,,M',IH' 1,11,1 '"' ."....... lll'll,,'.'i,' 'iV r''.' Ulat 'l0 ",Uli voted for -lohn .xtcliols two years ago ; , - .. . . . 'i... i.i. in... VI..I...I.. I....1 laoo. Ill"' 111. ill, .1(11 lli.ll .III imi.-i ini-i, proved f.dso to hi. pi oiuises. Wej wish that every leiniblican and inde- I i u.ident it. Chatham could have heard , Mr Wicker's speech. It was one of I the most timely ami etVcclivc speech, s that we have ever heard. When he finished calls were made for the editor of the KuMltn, who icspotuied by saying that no further argument was iii eessary, for, if any mau in the - crowd had not already been convinced Pv .Mr. VV leKcr s speecn, tie w intni i "t le C iuviiice.1 ' tUoliuU one Hlioii.il rise from the dead . Next day at Lo. kvillo a huge crowd heard the candidates, and i.dwaul skinned Paschal worse than at Os- ,,'Ood. lie and Wilson a;e nuiking a ami proving luemseivcs io oe worthy stand, ud baicrs of tho w hile ; H(ll0 harmony in the household I men of Chatham. I - Y.-H, thti campaign has opened most I If you don't aiieady read tho X.ny auspiciously for I Itu democrats, and1 Ytnk Slav nml wish to know what a if the same enthusiasm is moused great piper it is, why not s.nd twen evcrvwhere iu tiie count v that was Iv cents to the publishers for iithue i ireht maioiity orw kuowu iu Chat- ' hui! A lc;iiMic:in Xcro Puss. Oak la Mi. N.O . Oct. Pill.. EiMTcn n 1 1 i:-i : I was tit Egypt VesteldlV IH.il WHS toll ll.tlt I'll.1 Lives, enlmcd. said in Ihe pre'e: -p of I). W. K'd.l'o ai:l -I JJ. Join s l! :t lie. Hives, wtis y.iii:." to have John J'. I'nsc.hnl to bent .Mr. Edwards and U. ( -ni.(. f0 brit .Mr. Wilson. I la 1 visited nearly nil 1 1 lownhipi iti the . ,.nmitv and was Mire the Itcpiiblicrin j,..) v T,)UJ olict their legislators by ! ftl, increased uihj -it ity from tli.it I li.-y (J(lt t wo yP...j (T,,. id not think ! ii.,,.. ,.fin;,i inn:o MeMaMi and Fai tel ,P.,'t JJ-ewr and Eviine tliis time ba! u.,,i.l ..iv. ihem a e!o';n i nb. Hives el iiins to lie a Ineinbr r of (hp ., ,f t(' ) U i ) 1 1 1 '111 1 CXri'liliVI! ((111)11111 I'll (II til(, (.0t v. Ho talks as though he the cfituitv. Ho talks as tli whh a'l of thn l'eublii'nti j a Jj()itg exei jited a si thoucli is the pe-.tiuii. arty with j I . mail Jiall . . . . . H;, ,0(1 J'( v j i ; i . I to Drat ! .I.,;..!. T.-u.i- f.i. onnut.il.ln '1'l.nt Vr-nu itu New V-tik 'I'nii'-. Soiiator t.l'iav is iu a very iiiiainia- ! ble mood iioua.lns. and i . .t a little thi' Xalloiinl lu pidilieatl Iviecillive Coiiiniitt-e tliis has been the buid. h of Morton's son.' ever since the bo giiiiiing of th eainpaigii. Mr. Mor ton said Koine timi! iigo thai l.e had iConnuiitee thtee tunes tl.n amoui.t of ! ' wln.t l,is ,.Uv as Vice l'i csi.h n' I ,, i.-, i ... ,'.i.n.,i : i u woiilil be. w hicli is sui'iiosed to mean i . i .... i... i , , ;i,..i .. i w; ihi,i 1 ,. 1 .. '.i: .... i. ' i! 1,-llllli .1.. Ill-lie li.is 1 1 1 1 i,:i 1 . 1111(1 j vtill iiwisis il...t tl.e f,.ll nower ol : 1 1... V ;,,:...!( ' ,,111,.,. kI..,II l. P,1 jlo eairv Xoilli (.'at oiiiri. Seiiatoi i (Imiv o'bi.-ete.l ut lirsl. but liu could hur.ilv help yielding to the 'ailvV e.ui.Ii'dale for the Vice l'i esil.-nVv ... . ,,,.;.,,.. i,l r nergein' Ii "pui'ilcau C ittip i'.gli h is ; been cariied on in Xoilh Caroliini. ' :ind Si ii itor 0'iay has sieiit mon.-y ! :n thai Stale which ho wanted to dc ; Vale to lit her Shit' j The disg.isl of Senator t)ii-iy ikia ( is due to it I'iscovery which tie has jus! made of li.e i ( a-i.ns w lii.-li actu.de Mr , Mot tun in ilcsit ing to have Nut th Car- ! ohr.a go II. p.ibho.iii. They ap in holt, lh.it the Iii ui ot Morion. Jiiss i .V t'u. ate holders of what are kno.in i as the special lax bonds, wiiiih now j amount, p.i'icipd and itileiisl, I' more liniii .-:'l P'iO.(MH) Test suiis ! hi.ve bee;, broil;: III on illdivid lal b( lldb iu tile L"..ii. il S'Htes (.'-iieuit I'oin t for I North t in oiin i iu the name of d -; li.ies who reside iliXoltil Catolllil'. 1 The suits are not brought by .Morton. Ihiss,.; l!.i., in older I.i avoid the pro-! visions of tho i levciith amendnieiit to : the Federal (V:i.i i! ut ion wl.ic'i for - i b ds the btinging of a suit nyaii.st a i Sttite by a resident of another State. Then fore .Mr. Morton i.s very des.r ; oils to have Xoi th I'ari'lii.a go I!"- putiiica". and lie l nie p( rsolis at the Nalionid liepu'oii-un 1 b ad,i...: ters : w ho are ut. kind ( ,ioii;;h lo say P. ill , his main, il not his sole purpose, in' obtaining tl.e lt publican iio.iii'iatioii I for ihe ice- Pl( sid. ncy, was to be! thua ei libl' il to einploy the v hole ; power of ti.e pariy tinough his N.i i tioi il! ('(.tuii. ittee to collect his bonds ! which he boti-l.t for i.lniosi i.oti ii g ! aft. r lln y !iai li e:i l ipudiaicd. In; other words. I La! his ciiu.'iidacv is i n Iv a vasl li i ut i t,-i t 1 spc. u'atioi,. in lii( 1. : l.e uses I'm-Pcpi;h!ii-ti. parly as a toil: ti; ncciitnpl: -li his i .ids A recent ci i'.sii,, i.f Winston shows li e poj u!:iliou to be T.HOH. ; Tiic yi ll iw fev. r i.:n idiide.l to such j an extent that the lumber of new! enses does not execi d t icnty in Jack sot, villi". jd,; in J.uipsvilli". Wis., tried to Mll',,Jie acicaivllc and suciv (ded in s, iu.,:1Vs, on iiio and nearly i j inVi n ' hci ; el'. " , , . , . ll-v Sea ca -.i.-t foruicr y i.uluct. t in to the olnee ot L.ilir of I ho rr.st Pn shy t ci iati rhurch of Or. eii.sboi. -t week. I'a, Suva: e rcc nllv rode on hoi re lmck fiotn Tilloii. Kv . to Tai l". re. j . . ..... .. :.. ..', .. 1...... I V ., '" " ' llllies III i il.:,:,- XI ( v.-i ,.,, I ' 1 ! Two vo,..;: inc., we, e hunt ing inl c ,, Uh, Xr,l,.v. ,1,1,1 f llint,. mshoo-'i iMll l. coievof! ... , ; . ! pari 1 1. lt:es ueee lent. .11 v killed t he olh er. i A horrible u vident occ.i week on the Lehigh aUey i red la-1 railroad. in I'eiiiisvli unii' in which about 7e persons wer killed in d '2"0 wer. wounded. I Jf V(1, u pu tipate with rjPVi P. Morton iu disiressiu ,' our ; ,,,.,,,, ,uid htiiaili.iting the State, vote j ,(, ,.(, !,;;,. t(1 ,.dots(. his ij, fl,,. Ull piX, ioiil of tho ip". inl ; (ax n)11ds. , ted, I lelt that I "Wheti we tw par had taken cold." said Thomas Takeiu ttine. Mud next morning I was hearse indeed. But a 2.") cent bottle of Dr. Hull's Coii'.h Syrup fixed mc up .'" Contentious women are slaves to headache; bill twenty live cents spent for a botilo ot Salvation Oil w ill re- S.-6 adv. for piirttculur and don't uii th nhuui;. schedule iTnxBoKO' it. Jr. Tin- ' r:-i:r. n'J ill-l'tCl Hill I Ml c '11 it K b a. tlan '.hi i:f M.I: , in. Ini-li-u,: 1 it' New .I'.iver.iSt'iiiC.its. now (joks in v. liv r i ij;: j In New York J New Jersey J t'omiect icut -5iu!iiiii:i 1 The. I'liioN? J !!! ymir 1KB-. AT fllrsT HM'S IM'I'I ! Ml llslir.l u. 1 i if- l'.:;li;llll! 1" ll'IIK-r-l. a '.:' li"l y.iur II wn ir.'lu a f i l-m Is In Its'' n.iitl- 1-I,.'C- Ml llll' l. ,..Mil'h' !'l lll-!l!l"ll Ull'l I !! l.-m.-iii'i'-iMi.,..it:n iu.ii.-n-. r.. 1HK S.Ali, i,v "' "-'I"! "NU.M 'I'll! " I" I" .--r. l ,-, , s Vi III' '. I: 1 1 ' III 1 I !i r'T!!'."": ""i,.""?''.1';'" ':'.'.'.'. I'llli'Hl, lllH 'r u lull ii;ti w Hi-' wli'iH i".-y iiii-.ii.vii r.n.i tiii. maii 1 lllljl In M K !:IIIKI.S. t-'f-lVii' IMi: r.:-) 'i1h- l-n in yi'm- 'In iii'llni,- fun. In; . Il.ti.y, wllh'.ilt Mili'Wiy. tji' til , r.vi .pr. . m ii, -iihii., ,iiv. win .mi; s ,y. i-Imii "nil.- Smi.lity (..lilit.ii, i.ii.' 1 .Vl I l A ii j.y ..i Tin' ttci-kly K:ur i.i u.c M-micr ..I 1-llllM'l It'll. Sli'.i'l.M. CAMl'M IN (TITIIS. j Ti:vn i'kms mil ..-i i.th 1 1 hi ei"iiili.'iilul i i' .Ti;i ;. ii ii. ll.i' n .i .hi., si' It:, i In-1 .- ...i...:y I i'WS;':i'T l'!il'll-lii"l IKl-l .,i I , 1 1 .1 tic nil 'I " 'I' ; i.ii.-!i l:- w ,.;,h lii.'.wmtx ri'-'ln nil II s;'i-' v ' Ii 1H .-'I'M; oiii-i..1it.i; Sim l iy, lu v i I tiucf iii"n:iii. ;it-1 1 '. 'i in I'ltii.- i: (' r 1 ; .ii nulxi. tI.;i..h. A I !n-.-. 'HI!. l)l".-.lliv .in I link llvv. Ni I '.. B AND SALE A mi "i -l.-r r I1:i' 'Hilly, I III ni'll HI lit -i;y ui.' ii- ;.ii.'.u ViliTl T. )!' 'inl of 1 hiillifilll ( I Ml Hi." fMirt 1 r Hi l-ci. i r .N..M iui..'i-, l:'--. Hi.- Ml T. V- ill, l m In 1 hi. I I'.iT ll.-.i-K .'ii If . i , i i f J. W li il.-li .iii.i ( l. !-.!. ii ly liiltii llii ui,.. I. l, .i ij"iiiint' 'hi' 1 iiii.l ii-.-ci :k-i.iI".m-.1 ll.-l- ri.DHl Ul"lllli-) s II I, Salvation Oil iiirJuf;0 DXD Iff 3? DIE ! Ami is "I wol 1. Hgr.'ti. iiii l. as befote, a ill guaraire.' his woik cui Wntche;. "I eks ami J.-weh en mil loan in this State. S lid to 1 im ii! i ttee and get V( ur work dm. e rigid. Send for Spec-til.-li s, Watches. Cloiks, Jewelry iind Uiidle Presents. Wc.ldicg lings . u grave.1. W. li. FA III! It. ni... .'t. c- ut :, ii ii i i.;:r.Ns: n- ' j rl. is TO iWil Clmflinni Friends We de:. ire to leli rtl our Ihiuiks foi the very hbei'.i! pat t ona.e of the past ' season iiinl In no'ify tliem th.it wc i have receiit 1 our ' FALL AND WINTER STOCK i bi'-ii Mirjiasni-s any we l.avo ever --, i-i in point of la auly am! t-ceti-; DltY OOODS, NOTIONS, Cargots, Rags. Oil ilalii Sole Agents in D.trhiini Kced's for E. P. Ladies9 Shoes. Call and f ee us when iu town. Y nvs tru'y. 04 bnAW, Mai S i k,.: )c!. I. lS-s'. r. DITHIAM. X. :!.n. in THESE YOD WANT: ' ! WOK 111 AND WE Alt ; STYLE AND STPiENGTH; ! ! CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS. i Tlr sc con.bitiali .i.s are oll'ered in i i our gnvit stock of ; Kewani FasMosaiile Gocfls ! i which includes all things XEW inidl i DF.SliiAP.LE for FALL i.nd W1X ! I F.U in th.. !n;e of ; II!Y CO IDS, DKIv ; ( DS SILKS. PU S. .. ' FANCY t;o.I)S, BOOTS, SHOES,; HATS, FI KXISHINO (JOODS, j .C, AC. i E:itniicit all will show that our lock is Cf-pi i ial'.y strotig in Hlyle, l e .t.le-. being iii eou'.lled in variety, and ; .'list ill favor, because cf the IIKHI' OliM'E i'1'VI I I Y of our (iOODS .Nothing wiil coex ,1'Celike personal :i.-p. clioii th.tt lor S. ii. u nable ( looi'.s m il i!ci. unable Prices the BEST. PL'.CMis 1 JCriES St 2.-OPJ'S, : liy tJiM.ls S'cic corni r Mtin and , Miitigutii sir. i Is. Shoe. Hat and : Fuitiishti'g Siore at stidid formeilv j ccii.i.,.l h Du.l.a.u Book Sto.c. i viy rjiLuitfcuu 5 DYES rn Your )ti. - Iiir, nt Itonw, Til y vj l ,l)i-i'V ryUnnir. rosoitlii-i'i t. too. ii iok e. 1 ui'V Imvc iio,jnl , -i t:en--Oi, i.riKliiiicf ", Amount in rdift.r i i r..t K iCn.-i ol CiiVt. r nciii-fililiD(r QimtU.. . . !i -y .la i p;.,r!. or mn. ; 'IDcolori.. Fu. unit- by II. T. Cl,n;,ii,. II!m ;k1-!. c. . Iti". A. ' Hibi' I'd". IIicl'i.!. .-i. .i i. mi l W'. A. r..imln'p, Hh. li llc.li' X.('.. lv-ii.il -V i'i : N.'itli Cl(( . Wiwitw.j itiiiiy nunuvi BimitAXVI, TJ. c. For designs and terms for TOMB hl'ONES. Ac, apply to above ad- dicss. UuicU 15, ISSo. .1 .'m I I ; li- lilt- li" li.-ii! ii-Ii. i iiiali. r .in el'. -Ill ! lillK . nllii Willi i- ".-l .-ii'.. I .l.'r. l . I'- I joiin i'.. iii;m.s. . 'ot. ."i'Ii, !-. L'.ll.lill: :! .!!. r. I Oct. 1. 1SS 6 Efsl E To the leaders of the RECORD. DO NT FAIL TO CALL AT THE KR "KB VYk VTS a B" vv liehe you will find the okaxdest display and most helix t live, of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, iSilOHS JIATS, ETC., that lias ever been exhibited in DRESS GOODS, SILKS, TRIMMINGS AND CLOAKS are our specialties. f5r.tnp.les will In' promptly mailed to any address, on application. V.ry ix-p.'.'t fully, P.QBEirJS CL SSONE, Main Sriurr, Dl l'.HAM, X. C 1'. S. Mr. 0. M. O ( hiitl-iiiii fi id (Is call. Octcber I. l!s!-S. !;.NKS is "Gmh Thiisus (rov In Favor." It i: I'll (L. ALL l?HniT Fur Elgli'.ccii ( IS) V. ars. Always gives Satisfaction. W'e have sold in mm mixes pais Fur Eighteen (IS, Years. The Pest For Is! Years. Safest and Post Lamp O.l ever sold. HAEDf ARE OF EYERY DESCE1FTI0H. Sash, Doors and "Blinds, Hubbar and leather Belting. Lime, riastcr. Ccnic-nt, and Ten Thousand Othur Thing. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., OPPOSITE MAI! KIT HOISE. "raycttevillc Street, Raleigh, NT. C. COTTON (ilXNEHS j OUGHT TO INSUIIS their (a ins -IX THE II. 5. HOME This is ii Home company nd de yerves the pailoliago cf ail X.nih Carolinian-- It was orgi'iii.C'l i" I nf.tl has paid over l.a'.f a tuiilioii dollars m losses iind th. re is nd uuo contest c.l claim against il ' All losses paid promptly. Every iiiidiiTr.i.in ought to insure his propei ty. For terms. Ac. appli ( II. A. LONDOX, Agd.t. W. S, PEIMliOSE. President. Sipt. nth. los;. mf SiXWU?. I TO OUR S CHATHAM FKIKf WE CFPEH Lot Prices on II All DWA 11 K. "Vl nin i i' 111 -'it-'i i ... J .! SASH, DCOHS, BLINDS, j PAINTS. OILS, (1! ASS. I.hv.e. Plst.-r, Ooiuont, GI NS. SHELLS. I'OWPF.K.gj SHOT, CAPS and WADS. & IH ' V 0 1'' 1 Tteas II. Mm & Soiis. BKIOOS BITLDIXO, BALI.IOn. N. C. THE ITilCE TELLS'. AND EYEKYP.ODY TELLS IT! E PRiCE l i 'A m it tit esu niih us and will be pkie-.ed tu have hill Mei its and Advantages an: becoming belter known. W'e have sold tho COOK 8X0 VK Paints iu the YVtuld We have sold IX fi Absolutely Safe. BUT THEY i1 CATCH UP! CAIV And Place Our Ali.GAlNS Holorc tlio Public SO FAST THAT IT ALMOST TAKES THEIR BREATH! Our Prices Tell tie Tale! They &rs Always ib Lcwssl! We buy our juoods in largo qenn lilies for the si-o-r cash, nml savo all diseouiits. and of course can ami do NELL THEM CHEATER t'i'iii parlies who buy in small quan tities and ou long time. Wo BUY MORE G00D8 th'in hny two tnerchatifs in Ibis place. Wo make no rash assertion, but can pipvccverythiiig wenlatcin the news paper. Call nml t'Cfi our New Fall Goods which we mf. now receiving: Drj Ooods. Oitigliruiin, Canton FlaLnels, Jeatis. Cassiiiicrcs. a full stock of Salem JeauH nml Kerseys, Alamance Plaids, Ladii B' Hats. FeulherH and other Millinery Ooods. The largoei fitoeli of Sh.ies we have ever had. )ur Stoek will be complete in every line. Call iind see tho New Ooods, biiug the cash and get the bargain at W. L. OZVDOir, i l'ilUbovo', N. C , ft pt. 6, 18W. t ' i i' a.

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