l)c !)at!)am Wttotb KATES EDITOR AMJ PROPRIETOR. ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. iii' siii!ire, one insert i n -Oil"' K(Uiirc, two iiiri rl hum -, One square, ouu month - fl.Otf 1.50 - SM ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly fnAdvance. VOL. XI. ititsi;oiu) Chatham co., . c, Novi;Miii:it r, ihss. NO. 11. For larger nivrrtii iniTi!s liberal coti" tracts will be made. fcljc i)atl)(Utt Ucanfr. II. A. I.DIVDOA, fftattom Som hi ( Iteyond. Near a will - I - t a- I l hie. with corn blood the low caved h u .i' where I was born. An ! ever mill i v, r 'twas my ilili;;lit To wa'cli 1 1 1- nil- n blade smooth nml bright. "It fniii"s fr. mi the situ, it (Mini') from the siil, It comes hy t he fniiti'rs uiiii t 'il mi I mull." SuKiiiil ni- fiitlu-r; tm. mi Ins knees Knew there ivn i soni'thin g greater tlian tiles'. Out of HIV Window I Used t.) lean. Th" lung slniii i; ribbons hnmiy mid c,rci'ii Fluttered mii-I l..uti 'l;an.l t!il'i'll.,h the M.ft gl- "i i I I'M'k il fur tho V...I (In, IIS, invisible luiilll 'Ili.it 'iv tin' ! i i ;lil ci.ru. ' It emms I IMII t I I' 'till. It mill'.', by the farmers who toil ft in I mnil." S.i Mini my liii thi-r; but I nil his kni'i s Thought there was M'liK-l liini; greater thin tllCS'. Down in the fiirii mi n iiii'lHiiinmi'i' day I looked fur tm' years tlmt wi'i'o liiil Ion awuy. 0 little green I'l'.n Ilis liin'.l with o tsilk. )lilili'i; iho young ' in white in ii"'-v li. ilk' 1 s ill In tin! Ii!ii.i sky, " Where rim it t rim heart nf tins liniiitifiil mystery. In tin' miii, nml thn soil, iiti.l th i wirm iiiiim (h it full.' All! yes, I. lit lli"r"'.ss,mi"thiiig lieliiiid it nil. Tim years i; i hy, I'm ii "lul l iin nviro. Willi f III." tlll'iill,ll tlw corn to tho rot tngo il.Hirf tint with tin' harvesters gnily wo run I'ndcr th" golden September sun. Iy f:it IiiT looks mi with hup) nml with li'iir. ' l.nvi is :i riiiuliiiw, smile nn, a ti-nr." Say, love is n mystery. It grows like tin ml n. Nunc Iciinwi'lli th" heaven where it is burn. Hi'iiny green ithbetis, brown full smut Mllglcnl light nf till' harvest lllotill! My brothel's Inn-It mi. I tnss t ho mm. "I. ivi'isa iuM'with iiiiiiiyiith.ini. Hut r.is.'s lade." 1 It-ten nml smile. I liu-k th.' i' 'in. mnl litinw nil tlio while 'I lint, though mir l.ivi- is n Iiiiim in lion I, Its lite is In -1. 1 in .something Uynnil. .Mis. M !'. Hulls, in iho Housewife. THE COPYIST. "Jim," sin 1 Mr. Perkins to his olliu hoy, ",ut on some uioro coal.'' "Vos, sir." "And I j you hear? tnko this packet of papers around to Pcnu A Ink's anil ak 'cm what I hoy moon hy sending mo such u blotted piece of work." 'Yes, sir," and .tun evidently prc irriing tlio snow -trcighted uir and slippery si lowulks of t!ie outer world to t!ig rloso littlo law ullii'o, darted oil li'vo a'i arrow out of a how. Mr. lVrkius took out a frosli bundlo nf tjiiill penn and a ijuiro of loal fools-i- p nnil he..;iiii to work in good earnest, when, all of a su.ldon, a tup ctirae to hit ollici) door. "Comoiii," said .Mr. Perkins, in a voieu that sounded coueiduralily tnoro iko a "clear out," and a youn"; lady entered, dreasod in rurrnnt-colnred iin rino, with a little plumed hat and a neat-look inj. Il itsatclu'l o;i her arm. "Ih.iv n't t : : y 1 1 1 i i i - It j;ive," suid Mr. IVrkins, sternly. The yotin lady .snl down uiii'i vitud, mid then Mr. Perkins saw that alio was very pretty. "I wm not boni'ip, sir," alio said. "May I ink, then, what wai your i irmess? ' suid Mr. Perkins, nioro fri" 1'1'y thnti i v.t. The ynii'i:; lady took a pareol from her lm. "I don't want to buy anything," said Mr. Pork ins. "I was not soiling, i-ir," said t ho la ly. "1'ieaso niice," saiil explain your business nt ho, tartly. "I havo no time to 8 are. ' 'I'lenso allow mo to do so, then," said tho young lady. "I was gclieitinr suhscriptioiH for '' "I don't want to suincrib.', " haitily interrupted Mr. Perkin-'. 'How do y u know whether you do or uot," iiujuirod thu young Indy, with soino spirit, "until you have seon the work, at lenst f Mr. lVrkini smiled a little. S!io was brusque, but ho didn't altogether dis .iko that. And bod ies, slie was do cidotlly original. "Iiocumo thoro linvo been at least tbrco of your craft before you this morninfc," said he, "nil selliatj 'Illus tratnd Lives of Great M irt.' " "Hut miao is qulto ditlVront. Mino is 'Curoer-i of Kiimout Women, wilh Steel P.ato Kjgravingi,' " persi.ted the youn lady. "Your biuinoss ii overcrowded," said Mr. Perkins. "No, you needn't Inks tho trouble to show mi tho book. Why don't you dosomcthin else?'' "Will you tell mo what?' mid the youug lady, despairingly. "Will you bolp mo to get anything wheroby I may support uiyioin ' "What can 1 do?" "That is what overybody says,'' she answered, "and between you all 1 tdiould starve. You tiro a lawyer. Will yju givo me some law copying i" ' C'n you write a clear and logiblo hiadl" Sir. Perkins aiked. The youug la ly i;t boldly down at a desk by the chimnej dece. "I'll kkow y.u wlint I caa do," sail hi). Mi. iYrikUs looked ov.T U. r shoul let as sh wrote, in a (paint, distinct stylo, the words: My mimo is Amy Arthdnl', and I want to earn my own living." "Amy Arch lull1," rejieated Mr. P-r-kitis. "H ther a romantic mime, is;.'t itf ' "I had no hand in nnmin mysn'.f," r tnrteil Mtsi Archdale, ".so I cui't ju tly bo hul l up to lilamo in that mat ter." Mr, Perkins looked nicditatinly nt her for a second or two. "I should think you might teach," said h '. "1 li l try il," said Miss Atchdalo. ' I was governess in a private family." ''And why did you givj it up?' "Is this n la'i'chisini ' mi I Miss Amy smiling. "Well, I huv no nhjectmn to answering'. Do you wuut to lull uiothe plain truth,'" "('. rlainly." "Well, then, it was because my In ly employer did not like to havj lu r grown-up son nd Iress ti.a w ith com iimn politeness. Perhaps she thought I was t'lideuvoriug to fascinnlo him, but sh') v. as entirely mistaken." "Oli," siid Mr. IYrkiiu. "Plcaso w i i e down your uddrots" 'Are ymi really going to give mo some copMii:: ttdo" tho nskud cugerly. ''I inn going to try yen." I'or the fust time tears emtio into In r eye-. "I'll try my vjry best; indeed I will," she faltered. "I'or- I don't mind telling you now-.-I h .ven't got a si.igle m Ascription, and 1 was so dis couraged !" And so Miss Amy Archd ilo walked oil wilh a red-t; p :-tied pareol of pa pers ii ider her shawl. "If she does them well and pri liit ly," sai I Mr. Perkins, i:i asort of men ial sotiluipiy, ' thire's no reason why I can't let her havo mine nioro work. Il she doesn't, it won't lu the lir-t rase of feiuali) swindling in New York. Ilul sho has a pretty, innocent little fat", too. Hang it, I've halt a miud to go amuud to her address o:i tlu sly :rid s;c if sho is really a deserving object nf diatity, I was going to say. lint it itn't. S ii wants work, not nlnii. There's always some body want in; in this great, eh iltoring 1 "Ham of a city of ours," add '.1 Mr. Perkins, irately, as ho ilrovu olT two match boys, an npplo girl, and a vender of pins and shoo-stri'igi from hi doorstep. Mr. Perkins followe I up his ciolcliet and walked Up to li M .'aiSey strjet about dusk that self- s un i evening, hei'dli st of snow and sloet. "D ies a Inly nnimd Auhdalo livo herel' lie asked in the giocery which occupied the first 11 uir. "Yes, sir, shodi," the grocer's wifo interrupted, pusht.ig herself before her husbnnd, "and a nice, hard-working young lady she is as ever brunt he I the breath of .ife, and pays her rent regular ev 'ry Siturdiy night if she has to livo 0 i a cup of cold water mi l a i rn-t. And if she's got any rich relations ' "You mistake my j urpose," said Mr. P ikins, coldly. "I mn no rich lelatiou to any oie." Yet the woman's testimony, conrso and rudely given as i' was, unconscii usly inllu.'iired him in Amy Ari h lalo's favor. Mm brought the lolins next day, neat, legili'e, and witlnut bint or er .zure and Mr. Perkins gavo her somn more work. "You needn't bring it," said he. "I I havo I u-inc's tint way, and I 11 call for it myself ! ' "Wo haven't seen ymir I'nclo Kli-dia lately, dear," said Mn. Jl dyneux Mar tin to her eldest daughter. "K-ito must work n pen-wiper for him and you must embroider him a pair of slippers. It won't do to let him loso sight of his nearest relatives." "M i," sni I Miss Katharine, "it's a 1 ity you disemirag . I Miss Archdalo so suddenly, becuuso sho was so handy ul fancy work." "And bcsile," t.dded KlithKosa hello, "it really and truly wnsi't her fault beeauso Walter choso to mako eyes lit her." "Don't ii io such vulgnr rx'pre-sions, my dear," s ii I tho mammn. ' She was a pert, bold-fared tlii ig, and would hnvo doped with your dear brother if sho had remained in tho h eiis.' mother we "k. And I told her so, pretty plainly, ton! What's lint? Tno postman? (livo mo tlu letters at once, Kdi U K si li'llel ' ' S.iiiiubody has si;tit in wedding cards," cried the youngest hope of tho fami y of M ily.ieux Martin. "Open it, main ma, ip ick, an. I let us soo w ho they nro from." Mrs. Milyiienx Mirlii hastily tnro open the envelope, and giving ono glanco at its contonts, fell backward with a hysterical scream. ' K isln Perkins!' sho shrieked. "Oirls, ii't yi.tir uncle ! A'ai, my p tor, disinherited pets!" For Mrs, Molyneiix Mnrtin had cdu cntod her daughters in tho full belief Mint each and every ono of th"in wns to b i nn heiresi in tho right of I'nclo Kii sha P-rkin' money. ' H it, m n i n I u t, w ho' s tlio hri lef Who has lie innrricdf Y- u don't ted in the '..mo,' persisted K thariue, win wns endowed wit'.i a goodly spice, of Mother ; Kvo's beipnist. j "1 don t know! I don't (iirel' screamed Mn. M 'lyneiix Mutiv, tap ping th .' soles of her slippered lei-t o:; tho t irpi t iu a way that threatened a yet nmro viulutil attack of hysterics. ! "Pit k up the cards, Kathie, und look," urged V. hth li tsabelle. "Amy Arclul ile," sh) real oil? I on I. "Why, ma, its tho governess you dis c'.iargi il. Ps our Mis Arch l.-ile," "Th.) eld fool! ' shrieked Mrs. Moly- netix Mm tin. "To go and mairy a girl you ig enough to l.o his grand laughter! Well, that caps tho climax.'' ' Yi u forget ma," laid 1'. lith ltosa Idle, "L'nclo Kdsha's only two years elder than you are. I've hoard you say so lot' of times." "Hold your tongue, you ungrntefti!, umluliliil daughter!" ojiiulaled Mrs. M ilyni ux Martin. "I'll never speak to him ugain !'' Iliitsludid. Sther sccoad thought convinced her that it was l etter to m:I -in i t to the inevitable, an 1 sho was one of the fust to call on Mr. mid M -. IO i-ha Perkins iu tho elegant I r wu stone houso that the lawyer had bml ,1 t and furnished for his bride. And perhaps ono of the mod Iiiiim phnnt moments of Amy An h laln's li e wits that iu which she cxle.id d a graciom and pa'roni.ing greeting t ) tlu wnmai who ha'', turned h r i n' f.l doori scaicely three moat In before. 'Things do lalirice thims 'lv s i v n ly l:i this world, il one only hasp; ieuce and f:tiih to wait," she sail to her h'n b.aud. A Wniitli'i Jul Moiiiilain. Oie of the in. ist shapely in u t ies of the Ctski I raag; n II,;h P l ,t. It is s;ti I that this mountain w.n much me I by I id inns in o.den tmies bi'i iuse of the c.tculed VI sw to lie had ol th; rii h farming country of tlu Du:tli set tlors of Ki-i 'st.ia, Uu; ley and .M,rb'.e town, and that belore ni il.i iga red i tnry raid in tlio valley, they awaited I h:. signal of tluir set u s fr. in the high boul ler at iti summit. li this rock, ns tho story goe, one i f ih ir captives w.ts S tcrilieed. lie was a sturdy D'l'chmau who refu cd to betray hn friends by acti.ig as a decoy. Tne In dians did not da.-D burn him lor four the smoko would itlnim tlu larm r., so they made use of their to.nah iwks. To the people of the tow.i o; (Hive, this mou itain has been a wvailui in dicator. Farmers look to It to teo whether it wi.l rain or wlether sun shine wi.l prevail, while .lie fato ol picnic parties or excursions is settlul by tho iippjarance of in gray summit. Il the crest is capped wi ll 1 1 tu li of a certain color and shadi rain is cjrtai i. Tho mountain will, in certain stages of tho atmosphere, tike up nu I repent sounds from the lau Is below, and when thunder clouds cover its summit, and the thuad ir rolU along it, trem .'iidom roars, giowling and reverberations lire hoard as if coming from its very bowels. Tuero are peoplj who chum tint this mountain contains a great caw, cause I by a stream that runs iuto it, and which has worn tho rocks away for thousands of let w ithin the liu go mass. This, it is s:ti i, cunes tho roaring, being a re verberation of tho tl.u i. ler as the light nings expend their 1 ii ry on its reeky summit. Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman. ilisiiiurcli Cleared the War. In the article entitled "From I ! rave lotto to Sjdan," by lieiieral Phi ijt II. Sneridiii, ia Seriimer's Mieaia", tho following incident of a ii le which Sheridan took with Ibsinarck, alter tho battle of (iravolotte, ii leiated: "Our route led threii gh the village oftior.e, and hero wo found the streets so ob structed with wagons that I feared it would take in the rest of the day to get through, for the te uii'lers would not pay tho slightest heed to the cries of our post i ions. Tho Count was eipuil to tho i in Tgency, however, for taking a idstol from behind his million atul biddin g me to keen l.iv .eat. he jumped out an I quickly began to clear fho street clTectively, ordering tho wagons to tho right and left. Muchiii.; in front ol tin carringo and making way for lis till we were well tliroii , li lite blockndo ho then reoiiitii d bis sent, re marking: 'This is rot'a wry digni tied bminess for tin Ch uicellor ol tho iiermau Con fe b r.it ion, but it's tho only way to get through. ' " A I, in ky Uric u-Iliac Fancier. A Toronto (Canada) lric-n-br.ic fau cier, while riin.m igiag through tho dusty stock in a broker's shop, reco .tly ciino across a smoky, i.l-frauwd and dj cidedly dubious lo king portrait of Hubert Hums. II; ttrchased the ".ol'' nt a venture, for $10. I proved to bo an oil pidntiti ; by Haebtirti, dono in 1TS7, and subseipieti' i-ipiiry showed that it had been bought in at the sale of the clT ( t of 1111 emigrant Seotih farm er. It is now on sale in Seotiand at a price ot $10 uno Uhy lie Went. "Is Mr. I! 1 ml. y tab;" "Pi rsoiuil y It i ." "Personally ; ' "Yes. Olli 1 tby he ! short - 1:!') (Mil) shi rt. Tii.it why ho Went lo Mo lic.il.' 11 .ar. tiJII.iniDN'S ('Ol.r.MN. The M 'll-iruoy. ?si I up, .willg, wilh t hy i"ii-l''i'. an t'liicn ' I'liy liel'int'ii lire billows that I nig have sw nog The ri-.'it, iron limnni"r. lilnw 011 hi iw li'i.m the lli ll-l ii'iy rings, Ami furl Ii mi tin- darkness of mi. blight llings The hollow, wild clmii'ir. I'lii snilnr listens; and ns lie hears II" springs to the tiller;-th tall s'dp rears, And stnilils fi r the nivnll. And, l.'iig mil nf sight iu th" darkness gum, He hi'iis I'm' stnnig lu'llini'ii still ringing ' Wi,h ""l-'iun iimti.iu. riianks, giiml b 'II, fur thy strnngo n il I M-nl! rii'iwif", far nil' mid II liMn-ii kii-el Ami pray Hint the t "tliiig May never fail the brave father wh sails, When he IVels o:i his bivnst. Iho foam of the gales And hears the s".i rnlling. j Nursery Military lit iiiiel le. I The -it tlu soas ol the llcrnimi K n- i H'mr, Willi nn II , tho eldest of whom s not yet seven yeirs old, aro nlready i subjected to military otiipictte. As I con ns lhr;ir fatli T enters a room in ivhii Ii they are playing , Prince William, :hu eldest, aisuuies tho en iimnri I, and I Mies out in tho tone of a corporal dril j ing a sipi id: ' Ti rank !" 'l ite three little fellows arrange tlimu I lelves nccordingly in the order of their I ige.s, and stiind "at attention," erect j md silent, until tin emperor salutes , h in, nr.d gives them tin sign to dis- The French journalist! laugh at this I Inplay of what th")' call " tiii.i:i cor j loralisui whic'i converts a nursery into i barrack." II it tho.-o who tiro be I .'1'ining to have n keen senso of the j ie: uty and snliituy i Ibienca of disci ii'.ino, sec no harm in tin boy piyiig I this trilling in ai k of respect. Tiny j irnbably enjoy it, and it certainly does them : I thus to recognize iho pies- nice of their lutlmr and mipcror. A Very Knowing; lo;g. There ii a very knowing dog called Ihirri, who livo i.car the little Swi .own of D.'Iemont. His looks deceivi )ne, for he appears a terror, n ndy to levour any one who may nppioich; his ark i truly worse th in his bite. This ll.nihas been one of u patty often, hiring tin summer, to go a bulling .hoc d'licioiii strawberries in tin ion . t iin i ol iswil. ri and. Ibtrri not inly htriti the straw lu rri n, but finds iu 1 cult them ns j lickly mid as well is Ilis human friends: he will also stand itnler a cherry tree and catch the fruit is it is shaken from the branches. Ho ng both intelligent ami obedient "ny drth and education," ono might say, hi liirrih iS prov.'ii false tin llnory hat dogs understand only by the touo f the voice, for the writer has spoken I ri gli-li to the dog with no othor clT-tct It i i a woadering he I; iu his great ir. w n eyes; wh-jn b. ing told the same biagii French tin do g obey ) I i:i t.a itly. II iw miii Ii pie lon j on : ran lei iv: (lout tin coai ; iidoaship of u goo I dog! Tho writer will novor for ;.t the str dls miioiig the roaki and rags, then over 11 .wvr iover)d fuld ia hevi'.leyof Deleinont w.lh thu dog lliiri as boon c nnpaiiio i and irij.i.I. I'n a line. Overt II rii tv log a .it ill . In tin winter of s; ,t buy w-is p'ay ng in the gard m of an old country louse ii northeastern ti rmany. t)i :he pedestal of a statu j broken by ill! Fiei.ch soldiers win n they swept c v 1 Prussia and Poland lyo.irt before, he ia I piled the snow into tin rudo lik: less of an enoriiiom nun which he w is pelting lustily with st ues an I snow balls. I'hough not y. t 1 ynr old, he wis 1 .iiiusually tall lor hn ng", and very stron g and active. II11 feature! were plai . ; an I evm h avy. but tlnre was a nameless som -thing ii tlu expression of his linn lips and large bright eyes in which a cl si ub-ei ver would have seen ",0 l,,0mU " f "r ':" " to come. ! Shot, after shut hit th 1 irreat white) I II g lire, but thou gh tho I lie di I ib t fall. Tnen i 111 1 tottered, t sudden and ' I startling change c.itno ov r the boy's 1 'face. Hi teeth clinched, hi eyes j llr-hel fire, and bis whole fact seemed I lo harden lis the uncornpier b'e spirit ! that w is 1 11 day to shake all Furopt btii'e 1 up within bun. Sji.ing a heavy ' stone, he l ulled it with all his might at the monster, which trembled, lurched (01 ward, and bioke into a thousand piere. I "Hello, Otto, what art thou doing I row?' ciied 1111 old seivaiit of tho lioti-cho! 1, coming round tin corner at that instant, with a broad grin ol , nn.iisi n.riit on bis weedier beaten vis a; c, star: cd by th. Fi ei: h sal res w hicl he hud hiced by 11 m hcr's sid ) at Ligiiy and Wiitei Ion. 'I .nn (Ii'imany virlhrowino F. ni ce," replied the lad, with a iglon of -tern triumph on his boyish tnee ; which ipiito transfigured it for tho 1110- : me .t. I ' tl ul!" ciied tho veti ran, as a limit ol 1 cit- iiient cverspread his ruldy I n . "Mayhap 1 shill yet live to set th " lo it i i earnest some day." . A I -o l.e ilil; lor, not many yenri j Intir, Itt e (Mtohnd become PiinCO Hli Uia: eli. iflurper's Y'ouug People. HUMAN HAIR. Where French Maidens Sell Their Luxurious Tresses. Rolativo Value of tho Various i Types of Hirsuto Growth. There is a human hair market nt Mor lans, in tho department of tho I, iwcr l'reiieh Pyrenees. It ii lit tlo knowa c.M'ipt perhaps in 1 iris, wl.ero it has a ; high reputation. Tlio market is held , every other Friday. Huidiels of ! Ir .Hicking hair dres ers throng to the j little plncu from far and near to buy up tho hair of tho young peasant girls, j The dealers w inder up mid down the ; loig narrow street of tlu towp, each I with a liu go pair of bright shears hang ! ing from a black leather stinp nroirid his waist, while i the young girls who w'nh to pirt with . their hair stand about in tho doorways. 1 u iiiily in couple. ; ciriied oi iti tho Tne trm. saclion i best room of th'- house. The hair is let down, the tres i s combed out, and tho denier names tii pri'j". This varies from tine . to '-"i Ira ics. If a bargain is struck tin deiiler lay the in incy in tin open palm of the teller, app ies his shears-, and in a min ute tho Ion; tresses fall on the 11 tor. The purchaser rolls up tho tresses, places them in paper, mid thru-ts them into hi pock' t. nf rour.e a mai len ran rarely see h'.'r fallen tresie di-ap-cir into th : de iter's pocket w ith out cryin r, I ut she consoles lier-c'.f with the th. hi r lit tint j; wi'l grow again ;m I by loo., ing at tin money in Inr hind. Thero is nt toi nt a scarcity of fancy h'l nan hair i . tin marUct. Tin c ire st hair is pure whit", and its Vil'ie is con stant y i'icrea-'i ig ; and if it is iinu ii'illy . long lint i', from four feet to five feel the dealer cm get almost his own pric, while if it. is of ordinary length it is worth from liT i to o ID francs (7 t to iJlHH) an ounce. Tin fact that pure whit hnir ii Iho court coilTure through out Kurope k ;eps th : denian I f"r it very high. Iti much pri..'l by American woui'Mt whos' own hair is white and whidesiie toeuriih its folds, for white bail i hel l to give certain distinction to the wearer. Th re is no farcy mar ket lor gray hair; it is Im common. Il is used to work into wigs of persons wno are growing obi. What H described as golden hair is j citle r a w islied-mtt pil" red or u dull b'oinl. The goi I color so much, val ue I has no re ation to red hiir, except ia the vividness i f in coloring. Tim demand for tho virgin gold color ii great, in tin capitils of Mump-. A woman who gets :i cnitTure of il is con- s' 'ere 1 fortunate There are four lypi color ol h ,ir white, b.o i I, black mi l hr iwii and each of these h is b;en -il lid i vi le I iat i si t en 1 ill' T". it shades. 'I'he c i:nu'.i e l tvpi an Id ck and brown, -i :i I t hesn are cheap. lioldeni brown i much i i lavor, as j is puro black, or what is j called blue -hi ic'i. N'Xt to pun white hair tin demand i tor hair of the lolor ' of virgin gold. Th 'to are mviy brai ls ' made of h d' colored to meet the de- I maud with certain reparations, but' they prove uasat i dactory. M tny feo'i-h j women hivj sou ;hl to cliango tin (olor of their own tresses, tut they havi mi- foi inly repent ;d the alteiup:. A line! suit of h- ir of the purest blond typo ! will sell for from Moil francs to '.''niO ; franc I j'' Ml I ) .j'l.l i. It is s.il that I tile K n pre-s I i gee.i j pai l lotiil :rincs ( Ji'i'l an 0111 ce for a brti.l if golden! hair that exactly mttcliol h r own. The largest supply ol hair com -s from I Svviiz. Tland and (iiriuauv, and cm ciatly from tin French provinces, 'i'he country fain aro attend id by a ;ct,t of merchants 11 London, Paris an 1 Yie'ini. Only at intervals, howi v r, is uprij like a perfoct suit of golden hair ob tiine. and I am tol l that there aro orders ahead ia the shops of Paris and Loudon for all the golden hair tint can bo obtained in the next live years. When a st.c of hair is collected by travelling a edit it n assort -d. washed and cleaue 1 through tin Then each hair i drawn eye of a r.endle and pol ished. When tin stock is ready for tho market here the noli. ity h permitted to make the lirst choic . A woman's hair mny grow to tho length of six feet. Mine. Ile.s of P.,ii rsfiised iflooo for her 'cranial cuv.r ing" which w is about that measurement. Four bundled hairi it i.verage thick ness woul 1 cover 11a iu h of sp ice. The blond hello has nbeu: Ibi.ii ld lilnnerits to comb and brush, while the red-haired beauty has to be satisfied with Oii'i; the browti-haired ibun.el icayh iv 1 11:1, 000; tho black-haired but lo-.' unit. Few la lies consider that tiny c.irrv some 10 or .SO miles of hair on th -ir head; tin fair haired may even have to dre 70 miles of thren Is of gold every morning. A liermati experimentalist has prev.d dint a sitiele hair will suspend lour ounces w ithout I renking, sir ti lling under the process mid contracting again. Hut the hair thu heavi.y weighted nu t be dark brow lor b'ond hnir breaks down uuder two and j a i'alf oil ices. As ie ;.'irds the w ig I rude, the m. vf expensive wis are, of course, pure I ivuHo and tho virgin poll color. A youug 1'in.ck yn lady of much benuty poisossos u splendi I wig of tho latter kiml, which she tlia-ced to 'ind in n shop at Nice. Slio " is n blond, but had a scanty sup ly ;d dull hnir. It did not tulie her nu instant to decide to have li-r h air cut short and to wear tho wij. Galignani's M -ssengor. Online SngnrMy. A pretty litllo story comes to mo from London, a ays the "lii bide -1 Sub. Ie'' wiitel of tho New York News, which is such a good illustration of sagacity i i ani mals, that I nm sure it w ill bear repent ing, o.ie uinming tho pnrb r of a Lon don ho pital hear I two dogs barking loudly .'it the door of tho out patient de partment und, hurrying tosec what wai thecau-c of the disturbniiC', he found sittin j on thu stoop a sa I -to king, long- h tire I collie dog, whose right fore-foot had been wouudol, and which, as ho held it 'rum the step, was bleeding pro Wisely. Heside the poor crenturo stood two little lost terrier, who,immediat"ly as the piij it r bhowed his head, bolted away in hot haste, leaving their suITer i g c 'iiipituioti at tho door. Tho collie was taken into tho dispensary, where it w is found that an artery in its paw had been severed by some sharp instrument, an I in short order tin wound was dressed and bandaged by a young at tending surgeon, just as if the dog had been an or Unary t.u nan b in g. P w as cvi lent that the Utile terriers meeting the unfortunate co'lie, and having set 11 people going to tho hospital when any nccilet.t had befallen them, determined to show him lite v iv there, and then to bark until he was admitted. A gentle man being told this story bec.imo suf ficiently interested n it 10 in iko ia ipiiri -s, and to a-c rtiin w.e i!r r or not these suppositions were coirect. lie tr ied the liioo I all the w ,y from tho hospital to a spot rat lei Clement's Pi", riot far di t int, win 10 between two of the great law court buildings that nro situited there was found an opening just largo enough to admit the body of a dog. There was found a piece of ra gged-ed gi d glass, and the ad joining pavement Icing cov red with blood stains ptuve 1 the pine j to liawbeell the 'Pin ol the avi I nt. An intini te fil nl of iniii ', M". Willia m II ;tt, a bonl.--ellcr, w ho-e store is i 1 C. cm 'tit's lau, writes me that one of the little terriers who ton'; part in this curious drama was hn, while the oth"f be longed to his ,r ither. And thus the chain of evi l nc w is establi 'he I. ( ol lecl ion id Tiger ( 'laws. Mr. I01M 1 Nichols, who recntU re turned Irotit Suith Anierici, ha a line collci lio 1 of ti ger ctaw . They wi re shown to some friends in an uptown hotel the otlnr venin , and tti.i.t lia inila'ile weapons t hey w oe, ton. The-e cl iw ari iik - ll it, broad bono hick-, n- sirup lis ki.iv-s titol -tiongas ste 1. S on of the iarg r ones were an incliiuili.ini t-r at tin ba-c, (iirvin: .nr. und to a tutting point at the tip. With th"se fe.irlu: claws a lul grown tiger c.i 1 slit a man open as with a rn, or, or tear the chip an Is from a bor-e or the bid' from a wild bullock of tho pa 111 pa . '1 h most ferocious ofthrso S'lilh An:erican ti .ers are Ii und in tho timber gr' v along tin Parana river, ! 1:1 Paraguay, i.b tit 1 iglit. en miles from 1 the Admit ic coast. Americans ni:d l'u- i ropeni'.s shoot large, numbers of die be.n t. but the Indians and other na-tiv-' in ike a regu'.nr 1 u ines of killing them, and sdiing their magnificent skins. For stealthy, cold -bloo led 1I1V i'.try the I'.iTigiinv tiger has no rival Pllt-ide the New ' ok I ticket shops. (New York Telegram. A School lor Sextons. Tin t'.n 1 -tint; H-gister wait Is a school fur training sextons. It says of .-m il su e lucatioaa! lastitulioii, "Tho school for sextons wi.l teach the art. of bell ringing; it will have a special 1 nine fur t hose w ho need to ring clu me -; but it will not overlook tin weightier or more prooiic duties of the pio.issi n. It will teach methods oi 1 lunch ventil ation; it will show how to mako a fur nace lire w hii li ..hall warm th : chinch without burning up tin building or die congregation; it will show how lo prevent creaky boots; it will estal'.i li a sign language lor cotiiniunkntioi bet w en sextoa and preacher during utilic service iti short, it will te.ncli the principles and the methods which pcit.iiti to every branch o! the duties of the modern sac ristan. I t 11 have it soon." We ate strong y i :c ini'd lo sec )nd tho motion. , I New York A Man Who ( an lliitbioiiler. II oiry llu.so, a young ma 1 livc-g l i Philadelphia, recent y emi roid. ro I a iptilt which was placed on exhibition at the Pennsylvania state fair. It w.n the envy of ail tin laly visitors. In n sj irit of lua you ig ll.il-e attach ; 1 a card to hi splendid piece of work which gave notice that thegi l wh 1 marri"d him shiril l h.w tin ipii't. Since then h : has been deluge I w ith olT rs of in u ring.'. Sy girls there - they hi-cy, .h.u ule-s, tint tin y coil I u'diz li t so til tho sowing imchiti Tnnes-i inu-iraU Tim I. ion Among llif Flonerst Ib i" in this gnrdeii-n onk nlnne, Lies mi old limi nf gn y stun- i iin", in th" l"iig so i" g "Men hours, A luidly linn, proud in state. The guar li in nt n in uisiun-gat" .Now If 1 es low ninoiig the ll iwora 'J'h"ii, oft h" s iw th" sinning il.tors, Heard light f-et fall mi festal H i m, '.'! il litlls.e w.-.li" Its witi'liillg dill; Then i! Ill", d bell' lltll til" tnrelie-' hllt.'.O The knights and In li' s ul old days, AVhile he watehe I mif nil within. Now, he lies here: in his old ngu fast out. rej.-i'teil, by th" nig" I II tun" duwii lienti'ii, bi'i ki'ii, scarred, An old (gray li oi: yet not l"ss A linn in Ins f""li"iu- - I hie thing is left him st ill to guard. Me guards it well, by night mid day, In tl groat ii ws i if granite gray, J:i tin- strung shelter nf his breast, Nu in ut shall serve him yet w ith score, Though nn old limi thus fori e n, And nil he guards -11 mldii'.- I New Yi rk '1 1 il linn. Ill MOHOIS. A nol fellow -Tho policeman. Tho humorist is. given to jestii illa tion. Cioo.l only when med up Tho um brella. It is queer that no logs are ever raft . 1 down the li Vet- Styx. p. i claimed that all ab c ending ca h ;ers an ex- cheipier piyers. A man wants to look before ho ica;i i"p ci l y if ho is a blind man. Natural gas well secrets are noted !ir the case with which they leak out. In the game of C'hii ago wheat it is after a dial that a fellow wants to cut. "Another In rail "I," said the clerk ns he tacke I up a ' 'selling out at cost'' sign. An Irish theatrical manager recently ndvertiiid for a broth of u boy to mako a ".-upe." Sanis.oti would never have made a minister. He had 110 ri -jied for tho pillars ol the 1 hurch. A comely figure in a woman his its charms; but it is tie in c out ly figure tint is the most ile i gl.tf.il. "Nu," ijiiutli t he t 'per, "I iteMT w;u A waterproof t I: Indeed I -1 1 :l 1 11 a point t'.nvnld W Illlli'Vef keep Hie dry.'' A Mis-oiiri editor pu le I both leure's of a shot-inn on a man w ho came up stairs to lick him, nu I, ns was light m d proper, ho double-lea led hit article in ivgur 1 to tin t lagi d e. "Yes," sail the liuil man lit the cor ner, regretfully, "1 m 'getiin' old. I C'lii't.S'e as well in 1 tne I I". When 1 'ell a pound of grapes to a man th t' s in a'urry I soniet iino- gets in a ripo bunch by u:i-t ik -." And tho pcor old man sighe 1 disn.a'iv. An agricu'tural j .iirnnl makes the re innrkiiblo statenieiit thai "a hor ;esho 1 iiiiilil 0:1 the forward bet ol a cow era -leer wi.l prevent jumping fences.'' Farmers who havi Iron de w ith jump ing fences should try l lie 1 x per iiiien f . A jumping leiicun a farm ti.u-t be very uiinnyi.ig. ( ai d e l Hose Leave. ' II ive you 1 atidled lose leave1, you Know.'' asked a yrung man nboiu town, id the pretty girl in a f ashionablo candy store. "Yes, sir; how mucll would you ' i I:!'' Ciind, a' a nice ln, yon know. ' "till, certainly, sir. We put them up in Fret. 1 h 1 on-hon box". Ibie it is, uir; !' ur dollars, please. ' "What? four dollars for ono pi und of randy. I01 possible ! ' The yiung man was frightened into s caking good lliigli-h. The pretty j girl smiled. I "Tho candy is only .:' a pound. Thu J bon-lon box is .! that makes fi nr." ! 'l-l-dot ft think I'll t ike it. You I ran give mc a pound box of mixed can ' dies nt the regular plic', if vou don't mind." "Certainly, iir," and tho obliging clerk changed tlu order, and the young inn escaped solvent. "There arc plenty of young men who do buy them," sai l th 0 girl. "Soma take sweet violets, so mo like the run died rose loavis, and others prefer pinks ilone iu sugar. ' "What is the ol j'tt of eating can died ;l iwcr-;'' "To per umc tho breath. AH youv society ladies carry perfumed sweets every w hi re they go indeed. Sumo of these aro tiny b'.enges put up in faucy vials like the,"." Th--y looked like homeopathic medi cines small sugar pi Is in all colors. There were violet bijou of a lev ly lavender color. Mink bi.jotn, ink and pretty, and a lot of other sweets far tho breath. "And tho price?" "Oh, thoao are cheap cough; only 10 cents a bolile. Then (here are tho mixed flavors for the bouLonnicr' s, the little ri und hex' s fastened to the cor sage. Kvcn the gentb'inen i.r begin 1 ing to u-e them instead of c! v.-s ; t rollee to sweeten the breath." - j I) ti, it, Flic Press.