if I- y. Qj;hc CL'hntham JlittOnl ' TilTTiin.iY-OVKim.'TVrs.lSH. ' ; j triumphantly endorsed by thou - H. A. LONDON, Editor, j It uv SOUUl1 s",1t Grunge t( - , , . - - i my so, but we think that o:ic le-suit Tub l.Ti:ht rcuirua from all parts ! of the repuhiicun national victory of this State iiitheale that the major-: will be to strengthen the democrat ie ity for Judge Fowlo is about 15,00l. . j,aitv in North Carolina, just as the The Legislature is dciuocratk' by a ; demoi ratic national victory iu large uiajmity in both branches The ; neemed to weaken it at ho next e'loo repuhliean.s have eiccled their Con-1 tion, in ISSli. Wherever anything gressioual candidates in the second, ' goes wrong with a man. or with a lifth aud l.ihth districts, defeating people, they blame tLe party in Simmons, Mori-head and Johuston. j power. 'Whenever the times are The democrat j have carried the other Imrd, or tho crops fail, the patty six districts by large luujoiitics, the power is held responsible therefor, majority for r.unn being -'.500. In : So at the next election the men of Wuke county tho dciiocrats elected North Carolina will vole the demo .v ' of the Legislature, emtio ticket, because they will h, -hi (Haucoiuandl'i'ddiiigtHld), the treas- President Harrison and the sopul i urer and suntyor. The douiocrats ; can party responsible' fur not repeal lost heavily in the mouutains, in the ' lug the internal revenue law, for cans ninth Co :eS)i.)iia! district. This jUjj the hard times, and for the dilute seems, struty.c ..f;er the. democratic of the crops. party had constructed railroads for those people. Jhit in politics there seems to be no Mich thing as grati-tud-. Ai.Tiieviiit the lopaWieaiiH have: electt d their candidate for President and a majority of the nepresentatives in C'.'Kgi t ss. v ot this is no reason why democrats should be dismayed or despair of future success. The veiy small umj nitus by w hich tiie repub licans have carried tho doubtful States of Now Yoik and Indiana stiii make those States jiiat as elouhtful as ever before. nairusons uj.ijuii.v lu lue Millie oi -.-v iuu is iiiui.u , 1u,, i... ,.r - v ...!. :.. .......I, te.ss iuuu was v.iiuu-iti s in inni', niti therefore the .leiuoeiats now have a better chance of em tying that State iu 1S'.2 than they had in 10 of ca rving it in sSl. The defeat of the democrats now is noihiug like as disastrous as it was in 172. and vet four years altrr the Oieely fiasco Tildeu was elected. Not only was the vote between I k'vc'.and and H.ir risoc vi ij close iu New York, but tliat St'it.-' was act ual'y carried by the deuii ciat? for their State ticket, their candidate !ir (iovi-1 nor , Hill i having been elected by a majority of 15.0t Sun !y tl.t ti Nt-w Tori: cat.not be flassed a- :. republican State. As Clevelat' ". carried Connecticut atid New Jersey and the "solid South", he only uetih d New Yetk in order to be elected. In the popular vote thete i.- very little dill'i rmce between Cleve land and Harrison, being so close that we hatdly know which has the majority. xu me House oi lieiurneuiaiiven : 1 Al - . . . i . . . 1 T.. .1 tT , f T I -1: i ine two 1'iu lies are neanv eeuiv i er. balanced, the h.te.-t returns indicating . a repub.ican nmj...rity of only live. Tin: Nlw Yokk ii ibune on tho m i . Thtir majority at the election of l.stu ig 0f the election publi.shed a vile was wjr-h greater than this, and yet sl,,,.,.,- a;m tL, citi.n, of K.ti, at tho i.iU election, iu 1.-. the iu oriK-r to inflame its read, : s igai: .-t tleuioeiats ha..', a inajrity of about ,i.(, p,.pie (, d,,. v,,,,,, , ,! Ul. . -" ' 'i'1-' Hoii.-e. Why then cannot llian,0 votes for il:lt', isou. It was a Jhe den oci at s in lv.nt do as well, and ,.i,reWti hi-J infamous tiiel; i -win redeem the House just as they did in I V0.0Si i.j,, published u. late to l- nllow any denial before the election. While theufoie we feel disappoin It pieteiided to bo a h.ng t.l.giani ted. vet we are by no means dlshcart- flom ph.i-L. dat. .1 the night b.-:'..ie entd ut the loss of the Presidency tUe cjt.c.jon stating that'tha: c iy udttogi(ss. was the so?:.e of a bl.i.dy it.-.t be tween the whites ai.d tie blael.s and "What will be the result of the re- lLlU tiiP gnaU.bt exeitement pievad publican national success? Of course Of course it whs all a he. and ao one can now answer this .piesti- u ttt the nc.vt meeting of the al.l-iunu with any elogwe of certainty, but ' 0f Raleigb they unania.otly ad- .pt. d several results can be safely predict- resolutions .-lenouncing the j iet. i le i telegram as an infamous sLnder. the Inthefn-t place it maybe veiy resolutions having been introbieel afely predicte 1 that every demo- by a noted colored lepublieati hi eratic federal olllce-holdcr will be imu, upppdily niove 1. The provisions ' ofthec i..-ir ire law will be entirely' Horrible .Murder, disregarded, .i-.d republican hypo,--' "Winona. Illinois. N..v. 12-IYtcr risy will be- i lly exposed. I hey will Ilowe, senior member of the Lauktng aiost lui'Jif- 'y enforce tho old saying tinu of Howe ,t Son, and his wile "To the victors I "!ui;g the spe.iu"". w''10 '"ond dead iu their room this AnothTtlingmavbo verv safolv ,"0,muS b-v ;''t as sl.e cine ,. . , , , , ".,,. down stairs to begin her domcMir preutcted, and that is. there will be , llllic;j TIl(1J. ua ,,. Ll.llt !1 no further discussion as to what shall ileath with a "car e-oujiiiiig pin Sus be done with the r.ccuniul.itiiig "sur- piciow beci'ine fastene d i n t'harles plus"' in the trrastuv. because when Uuikhardt. and uatch was s, t iioii .. ... '. . .. Uliu. Ho disi-ove led ll'.ai he whs be the rrpidjiieans go.t in power they ' ;, tii ii , , 1 ,, , , nig watcbed and he e-nt his throut iu will very epuckly have no surplus! liH lvbioom witli a laor and was They will no doubt pass the Blair dead in five minutes. Howe was 7J educational hill, and al io the ih pen- years old and his wife M. Jobbery dent pe nsion bill whieh of itself as not the motive-for the . rim... as . . , ,, , not lung was taken from the house. A wouUl soon ev-ipe out e very elollar e,f ., ,,7 of s0111l; t as known t the surplus: CKi m Jiurkhai .It's mind ail tins la order to strengthen their party directed suspiciein to him at once, they will mako several new States 1,;t,,' Howe, the murdered nun. ut of the teiriteries of Dakota, Mo..- ",liasseJ a f,,,,""1e, t,f H . , . . x. ,, . , was very eLaritable and i. .si ssed n tana, . ashtngton. New Mexico aud spirit of philanth.02y wilitl, led him Idaho, which thry claim will bo re- Home time ago to endow the Home publican. Instituto at New Ibena. La . and a The re is another thing which we Jhiptist institute at Memphis. Teim . .i i . i ,i i .i tiie latter lein'' a collee-e for the edu mav safelv predict, and that is, thev ,- T . . 1 ' - cation of indigent pi rsoiiS ot both will not re peal the internal revenue i nu.t.. Uurkliardt. the murderer, was jysttm. Mtirk this prediction, and a dissolute', drunken fellow und ve-ry Jiemember it in the next campaign: : dangerous when under the iiillueiiee As the chief issue of tho campaign of '!;tli"r: . , , . , . .. , .... .. I.,,: The citizens of etioi a emiilinti- was the tar. 11 .juestion and the advo- Cllly j,,,, tiieill8(;,vr)i tl, tl:..Virect eates of tho proteclivo system were that had not limkhar.lt coiuuiitted sucoessful, of course they will not suicide they wemhl havo lyne h. el him. . legislate iu the interests of the far- j Sheriff Moniss. y. of Ottawa, with men and against the momed n.anu-11 ( arrive d on the scene , - , at noon, iipiirehensive of a ebihculty facturers. lherefore our people must ; of tLi kilul- but the uiau ,lm, p;lVL(1 expect to endure four vears longer them all the trouble. 4he unjust, the '.'.neipi:'.! and the un-:' ", necessary burdens of. he present high .TLcre ,ttH tt" 1'1 .if e , mine in Kansas, a few days ao. bv : tautt. Lut we h.iiilv behove that wLi(.u ove. ouc luI1)ln.a uim.-rsi were' Ji uth aiiel justice will jtt prevail, ' killed ',! tbtit in tbo nest rrcsi.lentiiil j ' i-anipwgn the tariff issue will I .e bet- J J ter unele.TStooel by the people timl the ! democratic poition thweou will be Tmu viotoiiv of the democrats m North Carolina far overbalances their defeat in the nation. We retain full control of our State goveit:n;ent in ail its departments. Executive, Judi cial and legislative. We have b tli ,lmU K1X ut (-,f tho nine Ilopiese ntatives i:i Cingr all the Supreme and Supeiior ; Judges, all tho State ot'xei.-. ii' d a large wujoiit.v in both blanches ot the Legislature. Keviiso this, and i..n l.mv vn.ll VVfllll.l blip ,1. NtlM'Ose W:4MH1S linii ,olh Seri.tois. . . . . ... n,. o ,. . . , , all the judges, all tlie Mate til. i with Doekery as Goveinort aula niajoiity iu the Legislature, and we had a democratic Prcid. ut and C. i. giess. How wi-tild you i.ke :h..- Viio will be Speaker of the Hou-e of Representatives in o'.u next I.e' isla ure' Already this ijuc-Mioti s being agitated, and for the next si weeks the colmuus of many in w-j .. pers will be crowded with comui'.iM c.tions aid editorials urging the c aims of the several aspirant-" ! i that position. So earnestly w ill thi ii claims be urged that it witi'. l scin as if the fate of the nation d-pcn.le.! upon the election of s' lnc puniculai aspirant. Thus far the names t Messrs. Carter of Duncouibe, Co.l;. of Fianklin. L a.'.er of Iredell. ::nJ Suttou of Cuiubeihiid have been incist prominently mentioned, at: 1 it is probnbie that some one of thm will be elected Speaker. Any en.- i f theru would be a good selectn a a:e! ,, . , .... . . 1 would h-mko a vei v acc l'tiio i Sp,ak Our N vv York Li'1 tor. jsc-v ytu smr syniti.-nu' l.-uer to t)o r.Ktvuii.j I NKwYoin;. Nov. 10, 18SS. King? county did the business! There sceies no doubt about it. New Yoik City did nobly '. show ing a tremendous in.-: ease- on the majority ed four vears ago. It is the oM story oi'civitig over spilt milk, but there is after all seine satisfaction in probing for treason There is tierce talk here against lt.-ss M- Luugldiii. who asitr : ed t he '1 leniof-r tic Commit 1 1 1 e- of a iu::;ou!v of at 'ea-t :.t'00. and turn , ed .'u:t a niis.-ir.blc h-i'l of that mi!i:b. I . There are some I . i:i'H-i ni -. a!-o 'who arc s re ov, r tlu- fa. t that (iov. Hill should have go! in by aveiysub stantial majority, while Pie-ideiii CI. velat'd was so sa-ily left iu the lurch. Whether tics has any rial significance, I do t ot pi. tend to sue, f.a hot h.-a-h d p..rli.'.n:sMi'ariiiig un uer defeat are upt to .-ei :.a upoti nl ' most any object wl ;. !i presents a fav orable sin face for 1 1; i. 'heir .lis i a) oi!j!ment i':om t -di-nu with j I Ymociats. thin:,:h. I b.-iu-ve that if : in el.ctioii vv.it' held ii! New Yoik i lly t ' un l ro v w it ii iov 1 !n! as t ;,e - Pie .idelitl-tl c-.llide.l. t". tl.e City would 'no llepubln ain or cotii' May m ,ir to ' it. As a matter of .Vt. t la-re dot s r.ot seem l ea! ev ldt ta e that 1 1 - li 'V. i i.oi eoilMl.'le.lice d a: v tr'ttb.l.g. and lh. feel-tigaea'.it-'t hin: w:'l doiihtless wei.r oft :1s the k.-eii o.tge of t he .'.isiippoinl ment if b!u:.te.l l i-.-K sre St,.! ot :,i r l' inocrats who soiimi:y I ei ai '! ai.i mail i li for his e.'i'.du-t i t t..-- .o. ) r.L-n and loudly declare that he h.-t the li;'ht. llay.-av tli.lt lewas out w itted everv linn' bv the nio:e a If"-.! l '. ly. t'lid thi.t it W is the 1;, ;o.t of :i:, .-'ideuee lo trust tho .I'ltM-iv ii of ;i e-jv.it t'a;u paigu to a man with ta t t" no j'.'it ic il tiaiiiing. This. t-o. j-el l.iips. is the vote of dis.-ii j'o'.iitmei.t. The veteran P'.tnuna was on hand fro.n !'iit to lass, and Sena! 'r (ionuaii. ih.'t. whom there is !:" more -.stutr p. lit it a' ni i ::.;. i in ! he CU.'.t 1 v. sj.t nt iil'lt 1. time il. the .-t ! vice i i his p irly it t'le N tti -I'.al C..!ii!ii;itce r 'oins. Slid t'ti.tr l.-ni' .ciats a;-.- eiyiii.: oat lu-1 1 y at Tamii.'ii v 11:11. pout m ; to the t rt ii'.ei. do. :s niajoritv by .hl'-ll its ti.-i.o S'A, . t the e;tc 11-111 eeiitrow riiine e v ; it : ., .- of tiading with the 1 o pobiie.i'.s Theie m IV have len tt.i ling to the is'.n! if U.rt o or !'. ;:r t !..';;. ... vo't bat in ti.e bghi of ;h. -. thai .-..ems top h:,ot. Ti.at (i v !bd s ,,u:.i l.:.i- inn ai e-i 1 of the Na i a t ieke t . to tli. extent 'f a f.-w tii an-u..l vi-t. n ii.voiiM ,,t iii- Hit:!:: h- , 1 1 the I'o'.it r hceia-t' oie -''. w hi-.-h made liiin t-iy p opuasr wiihtie tie:n::i:i eh III, I.I, i- ,.iy . ut '.1 a! I am only .;:vnio ymi what I hear .ii every hand, and you n av take , wl: ttever lull like, and r-j ft the lest t ::e tl.ii g I he elect loll j r-v. d that New Y i k c'lty. the git at iieanafac : lining and coneneic al t ity of the West m; vvoi.I. i, i s . t .iietiv t : y in fav or t revenue left i in CI' v eland s i-ailis m the . tiiiifael il i; - t itn s i f i'loy. .il-..i 1 v ai:.. ii- otl.i r m ! I nl t on '. . t 1 i.' ..-li: t' c::r' w ith 1 1 . i it. 1 1 i t ue sat. il ia the Intl. if. filing Malt s i-f Nt-w hi t y a: d ' -:.:n ;.. '.t A fi: i la. an t!;.-.i- oi : v ,-hou ,t tie-ib-pub:..-!i; g.t-.t.s ei.jti" almost t-! 1 1 1 . .y ti ok. lh.- ai i,a;ii:ii ii m eiions : that is. the c ass ,,(' oil. el' i.a tis whose pro ducts, ire Will. olit t :.' -.Ili' st pin iettioi: of anv kind vot"d it) sustain tUIS 1j t . tVtlytll':;.' they buy. while 1 1.. mau a! act ul i: g v. wl; ai. 'J J 1 to ti.e ad..l.'a -. s .i th t ,. ;: .',:.-..: 1 a pi. ft ret..-.- ! a ta::!: .': m l'! i.a; - t: l: :i j li st man ::i N- w oi .. i itv.-M-i l,.e;.i-n i l.i! i ;-ui; t it ctloli. W is l i a! i. s A. .).!.! of The Mm. wh.t La i hi- h j ri d.ctiug that .- It i f ll..lio :i,i a'. : S :.!- i f the 1 a pel s a i j L.i, . f.ii, -a ; .... old 'a: 1 1 b s.y.i g ii.at h- v.td i,-.- tended tic- poit.o.i.; ;a i ate - tel et arv to l'lt .-id'Ut llafl-oii. I;, all t -.ul.el un: td.loiial t.e- ctii.gr;.' lllutetl the Si.it. if .-t V.io'.i.!.. oil bit nk. Ul; a M:v In i.i the I n, i-latie t ...i. and a.-.-i.u tl'.ilaiis hi.- belief tl.al ti.e lo -puii'.i-e II jaity , ;;; to .(ay !r Jul hips ;. t:es,.tioii. 1'lHN'. I'.. Y'.l-t.itvN. A Iis( iiii--tilate lt r.ii't i iitic D.t. key. I"l-il. 11 ft 1- ,ri ::,-i l.i ... A colol ed man l.".iiit- 1 .in" f'a'-ter. wall.ed into il i'i:lf MaXv.e-li's elliec Vl-!te-rtl-.v . and tu'h.i.g a .-eat i'. a cli.ti: . ho .vi .1 lo. ht ad ii. his hands. 1 he salt watt; that t.al.n d d wn fiom his rii - fi I ,io d a pool oi. the floor el the mai-tiute's t tliee. ui.d it was some time betoie Joe tani.tl t plaili the c.ULse ol his gut f. Then he Said that ht; had io- l Li.-, W if -. When ,hd she die asked Mr. Maxwell. );j she aint tic. id." Fobbed -Toe. 'she run away fc In In.- beeause 1 Vott.l the lt ii.ocralic titk.t" The magistrate tiled lo so. the him by p; on, i si i. o to e,t hi! ii a not her wiie and many him fite of ail f- es, but Joe was inconsolable a he sanl that par ticular wile was the I est i i.e he ever had. Just tin ii the hom M. whole souled -bill Mf l)ihll!d stepped lU.alltl a heii t he matter v as e plained to hi ill, he slapj't'd the thscohsolate Joe em tiie: shnuliler anil iold him to cheer lip. oll'fliug ti) tithe llllli out to the country and give him his i noice of time' coloi ed won. en, either one- of whom he guuianteed to naike a ood wife. These kind i It'l l s to'.n h. u Joe s heart, ami he acceplgd .l i . .Meiioiiald's proposilion. The moon e.f Mahoic t arose, and it shall set.'- says Shelly ; but if y.u will set a botllo ef Dr. Dull s Coi'gh Syrup in seine, handy j la,-e you will have a ejuick cure tor croup, coughs and colds. Tho e ighth wonder ed the world. A benighted man limping with rheu matism w ho had never heard of Sal vation Oil. Pii'-e emits a bottle. ' Our Washington Letter. From o;tr n.niilur c.TreeiioDtlt'nt.l AYasiumiton. Nov. 0. 1SS.S. Mr. Ch v. land has been deleated, bat uii.ler such a eoiiibiimtiou of cir ciiinstaiiccs thai the . .-publican pal t y us an orgai.i.'.alioti hits really nought to claim ere tbt for the victory, al though the result piacos its candidal o in the White House for four veais. Mr. Cleveland has been sacrificed to gratify the p. rsonal madce of Mayor Abrahams Hei'iit and to satisfy the grec 1 of a g n g of cor.upt hv a! j.o htici.ns in New Yoik City. It is a rc roach t. o:e.- country that such a thing fe-llld have been possible, and it will n iiiain a itpioach as hmg as lhev. ti-of Ni'.v York City can control a pre side nl ia! election. Few people hue he'ii vi'tha' Uovcitior ilil! ot New Yoik did l ot do his lust to le elect Mr. Clevehui I Col. Lament, who diMibtl.es r. th cts the sentiments of Mr. (leieh'.ml oil this subject, says that he is fulb Mitisti.-d that (lovcr uorlliil has .h ue ail that he posihlv t . .lid for the l :.:io;i..l tickt t. and that the voles hi get that Cleveland did let git. Wei- t'iiMii the lepu'olic n li pitM- liitt 1 1 st -. and could lift have been coi'tio'l'. i by anyone Mr. Ch i!ai 1 has so conducted lie tin ,e eh ctloli as to v ni if evt l v bodv . lepubli I'.i ii at n n , -.'. i: .ioiuociats. Jielsilis- n, , i. .; C' ni st . He woiih't not he I. email if he was not under the eircniiistai e. s, but he hi. les it weli (111 e.iii -day, Willi theitlt.'.s fuli of jubiiatit veiling repui'ln ans. atel a i atlei V ot artilleiv in the pa:k juM itith" liar of liie White Hon. e ill mg a i-ahitt to ceh brat.' Harrison's e lec t i.iii, Mr. Ch v. hand was holding his iisual j'tihlic r.cep'.i'-n. ami ii'iiet.y -hakino hands win: tnc large crowd i:i att. I'.d ii ee, and . chnligliig sur.les iii.tl I'M..-it. t wo. Is with each one Most in. n ivolild have sulked forsoliit time after 'he election. Th. re is iioi.g th: a gn at dsvt rsily of opinion aoiiatlC otlieials ns to the .e defeat, per instance : .MUst. St cretarv NYlitinev savs that li e los . f New b' that the v ;opelly i ihe o.u-t them in In were n, a ! were free : dactiohi-'s i as cau.-' d bv t i f icl oi klllglut 11 I ad .; bet ! lucated as to the tin i!'f. ;o was l'ot presented t' e riht in inn t r. ai.tl t in y to hehi-.e the tleliioeiats adt'i s 1'isi- ad of t ai itV l e J ust u e 1 .am n is of t hi o;iuicii '.hit thetuilV had nothing wha'eve: '.' do tv it'll the lesult. lh p rest, ut at :v-- l oi an. !re.-h fi oiii all in teliit ., V.:.!l the Pit -ldt tii. .-aid : "1 a. a hot j.-'" 1 on a p 'st mol ti-m 1 can dl.lgi.'.se the ea e. hut tht re n. y skill ei. tls 1 o Hi aud t ivil Sei v ice it foi ii. did it. I f. d Service a httleand taiit! a oiea- den I he Pii-adt-nt was in tilt 1 V liiit 111 a.j that la- did. but he was iij.ii! too soon. The time was li"t yet i... ly. lint the manufactur ers have l etused a suiiill reduction, the j. -.lit wi.l be thai the lo will b. an upi isi. g of the tat d J " oile ai d they will bec.lt .! p. If ..-iodv coufes-es t h .t tieie must be taiiftle vision. 1 he dchioc; a! ic pa: ty widli -,t i oi jer t ha i. eM I ! ill' y eai s ia nct . I la re will he u so action f i cm this ll.tell-e st.i:i -I.Ut ss. Hepi. s. UtatHe l.uiiii.t) f. eU c-uii. 1. l.t that the re ; ..-ti.-ibility now ojv, n the lepubli.-ai.s :.; v i i.tual.v j : ovt t i.c'.i'ih ,-i : i;e;i..n. And thin- it got . yn. llolu.uns mi 'h: I f lio.-d itil ti.i .IllIeKlit Oj lUlolc-. hilt It IS Uhliei e-sai v. Mr Cleveland, ill talking of tl.e elt et it .i. in I mils t u at Ms tai iti un .ir:t may have lo-t h:ui a good mali v v otes, enough piob.d'.y to have inns-tl hi .Itleat. but he Mil! inaintaii.s, with a t ouiage that do- s him honor, that il i.e had the: V. li hi. slues:, to tin over ..am. be v. eu..! :. t cbaiigi- hi.-.-o.ils.-ill regal d to t ..' f.l ill' tjlll .stum a hair r, I ! e.u Ith. as w hat he did was the lersiilt of His h nest coliviclioin Hi 1,1 v i latnl wac v. ay much tllsiipjioii.tt-.i at the actioa ..i he i,..d kl j t in w..il,.',l aoiiio' n.i-ht. Mr t f,iu. -e that ca thHi ihil ana 1 hue. Mjur.l ely. I si. jt,-:.. ell! ill li his ei Hit d. v. il" p ir. iu i aph of 1 1 tit s t hill III e 1 i bat of the mile I :. 1,,-s oi . l.-pllbllciius that I ... -1 . w no v nioi ai.ti ,..ni with all I i.e.i v ' ami states in i.,1 't I'f llllsU-.uh-I -t' .oil. nun. any Hail tf ale i It he makes ' such . aid to lit witt and as stated in the first - n ttt r. are the par I on-,, bit- for 1 In- tie . ii iiemo.Mu.il! ticket. House was pai lieu- l.lllv llhlo.'tllh.llt jllst lit tlllM t.lui', it V i.i eiialile tl.i It pulhioil.is to litl nut i lie bt.ttf it, I the tt -liitol.e s tlii.l lire le uiilieth :ti i','lilit'i. vvhieh vviii ,f,vt- iieiu ii! hit-! ft ui in. -li Seimtti. s nil. I the Vtite t.I two inure .Slates ill the e lft. un! ...li.-.; hi 1VI2. 'ilutt thev v hi iltlhiit ti,.- r.'I'ulillt llU tt lli ti .ie- illul lii i ' nut lh.' ilehitii'l lit le tel'i "lh.-. .tliii.it tor it l.itiinehl lie i' It'll'-, miv iu,e ut nil fiitiiih.-.r ith 'it. ll.ethoiis. Mating ( row. Cm, Mi". Xv 12. I hi' IVi'.ifiernt if r:UeHts a. ,i hotel ill .S-.11 til Chii'Ho. eanyiii,; ti.it the si iiiiinliiiiw of i.h eh tti "ti wilder with their Kefuhlieiiii fellnvv lit'ill ili i s, siit tl'OV li In a lil'ssef .row vi stt i,l. iv. tl.e wihhihf; hettt .s mrtiikih;; i i ii su!ie thiiheT al the sniue t.tlili'. It was un iiieiek utVur. hut ft tehilihe (lOW ililllier. The i n-rt i who sit 011 the victim shlu of the t'lli.e. i.,iiiitte,l thilt their iiplie tites w e.e inn t hiutj hut ruve-iious. mul .hut vviule ll,i-y etiiihl eat crow, thev ili,l not haiiki r nfte-r it. N.vv a uh, I Oil-server: (l.vin II IIv m m. ii tie inl'i'i- of i ho h.tr le.se.hiij; at Hnlifiix, N C, mul eliil; of the in tetieir eeu: I (,f that county, vvnn hurii to .lentil l.-i.-t Fiulay ' liiht. lie uccuj'ii ,1 :i room in the Court IItu.se mul i-f'tiie-.l to rest at the usual hour. J luring the nilit a tire wan ihscuvcr etl in his room, an, ion hrenhiiifj ojien the iloor it was tliseovereil that he aiitl his lietl lia.l iiee-ii bi.riie,!. Tln ip was no umteiial tlamaj,"' to the Cmu! House, the lire htiny tlisctivercl in (imo to prevent this. It was s. posetl that Mr. Hymiiu'is lamp rxilot etl. The uijf.irtuiiii.to eoi.tleiuaii win ah'mt 4-1 vears oi l. ' All Ilxplusiou iii Halcigii. pr-rii ilia r.ult lKli sews nii'l oi-mTttT, liiili. I Sunday morning about four o'clock a tii mentions explosion aroused nl-; mo.st the entire city. On in.piiry it i was le .ine .1 tb.at the house of Sam! 1 hohipson (colon d) on Lt-noir stn-i t, : in ar the N. C. ilepot, h.-.tl naiiowly1 e scaped being blow n hit o sir.il hi reens. Some t ue w ho i med to have null -deiou.s int. nii. cs o'a Sam or mi::,.1 id his htnisi ho.d had ie pared to blow up bis house in a pi cu.iar iiiitl most' that oiieai manner. The unknown paitv bad taken an old gas pipe tin to -or four bet lone and about three, inches ia diameter an I had it loaded i wit h a eh;:l ,:t c.. '.ciliated to blow tilings ; hioh, r that, ihe ! on, bof .-.ny nii.trchwt ' foil.,! ha'. - done it. Tin- pipe bad lu i II tilled W it 1; gun powdt I . with U lot oi b ills, t-pd.t -. inits, ail I nil kinds : lf s, lap ll oi. m d in. A fu.-e had i b. i n in-, l ted w uh w hicii to touch i-tT tl,e bomb, und it had app in ntiv been plaC' . i nu h r i he lioase o!i the eastern ' side and t ' ichi tl .-tl'. Thompson says I he was mouse, I about 4 o clock by the . plosion, which i.o'.inded like the re-- poi I of a cannon A w hole side of tho ' pia-t' r i:i the ti' i.'i j-.i-t above the ; ii .nib was j.li.i .1 to the- !.. or. and it pie! i. iv w i. ich w s i an-iiij.' on ihe wull ' h is !,,,,.clvo ! d .wu. i 'oi t iiiiiiit ly tn , one was sl i pi: ( in that loom. The , mi-sil's wiiii Mlii'-htlie bomb was lo.nied t'.cW !'l ail d.l t ct tol.s, i'l Ushme; window li;,ht-- iii st vin.l adjoining ' !.. as. s-. ' " iheeml of the -hoo'im; iren ha-r ap :n . lilly he n h it s'ickii g out s 'me .-pice !f. ia the edo.. of the; h-'use. and th- ue.tiic: b -aidiitg on -tiie si.l .'lt ' e h.oii-i had I 1 1 ii fiir ui'.M ,i aud sp;,M, i, , bv the bullets. I in rii of wlivli i.a i bulled 1 b.-iii- s. Ives iii he - li! f ice. I'hompsoii say s the boil -i w a . . !i lo n as if . t had In .-li I stiu. -k by iigl.it.'.ng. a,,d his whole' tan-ily v.-.-: e ii.-tanr ly :,i oused to their ' bet. lb- .-av - he I n,'i tin- slightest ' idea, w ho ! I i' , li'ty party was. mid do- .- la '. ki. ".v wi at motive- the pal ty had. lie ..:,v s he never h id anv pn. hiic.il tl.ii'. ivn , s v ii h any ,ne. and is at 'n to l.t:.',v lin to i;eciiiii:t , for the a;t, mpt lo bio,-.' up his house. I'tii I r .iti i.o one was h ut by the (hi i otiiil i y Papers. Ir.'i;: il- W.ir.li.;;: i: v.--- r. N- a t u l ''I ';::. 1 1: ,s a v. a y ail mil i.b'c ar ': id'le t o ii.t : !.--. T; c hiiii.bi l s , f such : apt i s a, i ! : ilt ;p! t in;.'. It is a true s'gu of t'e pi",r,".s of tbi S'".te : the I e. t s:'i: It is al-i an ili d..':ilioii thai tic i oil:, M i p'oph.- aie !.; c M: i- .' more of a It'l l, g pi oplf : a: I the : . , i co, iin!'.. wi.ile tl ' i- :-ho-.v .', !! .! i a-im. vo! ia,r n l il-;'.e -. .:s '.:..ii,-ii!i a uloWing iu . tl li gi I t'e i II t he p li 1 .1. those ,o ;n oU'i.u ii';o hu-ine. s 1,; the k:o'ihtiy. and an iip; ! . -iat io!i ot the new life an ! hi i, I,-: :; ni. th. d in doing tuisine s. ' " 1". -j t ai; a l.'.'t i ti s.ij p' i ; of the ;cm.::iiy j ..-. ::. ev. r c "imn noiy. ' It ; the I :,1 !,'.". . ii; il 1 oi.y. !.; .-i' a . ;.dv..':.v. ..i; I iii:sso:,aiy. 1' is the 'i-i at sci. ::i! Mipp.it of inn r.tegl.b- .i.o, d. Pee;. Snow in ."5 isMniri. Si. .1 -:i i. Mo. Nv. II -This e:y w;i, cut i-t't' f . ! th. out- id. , w '; i I :':,:.. lei: r.i'iiv until last ; "! .! :.' Ti , v.'. whi ''l i O :.!l. I;.' ,- 1 f..l f at ' od 1'; ; h.y :n 1 1: ... , . . , ' . .. I er. . i i 11 h. . U.'l a.i t '. t-i. ; 1 !': aud tt !e , .:-:i': ...las wii.ilown. Ti ains w ei 1 1 . i v' i ,1 I. "hi tin ro.i'l - f, i f.-u tl. i i. ours on ail ; I'l 'Ul the in 1 1 h. . i'.iiiht "li .'il, -si-hj; r: Th ;ive "hi in. :.h :t ot t ; e un,) ,li V( i, ,i lul l.! :,'( h ; the .iff nf tin I ' ..e I 'l Ul iu.. 1 V iik.il nl'l . 1 1 II I,. it 1. I 11": i - .lie -ff v .!' .un - r. : .i!'- i', tj ,; :.' i ,:i :i.' ff ll..i- i i 1 f.vi i: I!, li. !;:-v. lie '.h '. t i:- I.- :! '. ...;.- ii, tiin- ..i.e .. .li IU-. v hh.si ,', , s-m iy ieit, to mi.) st.. hiih.te other hiatith.s of nitii.ui.i.':.!ii!.t'. v . I.. hi. i,.r .r.-.n t!.I! ,'s ..ii ii,,. ( Illlh-t- 1. llll'l !' I ': l.eiwei 11 V, til Villi'. . UA JR. r, P i i j ?T (j Tt-fi-.vnl s;-i'i-iV,''-W.r,li.i'.'i?'.rTll :'(i:-'-:'!",'";';:" 1., ..1.1. :ll t i t- '.'1 I Hl.'t, 1 t"l. I ltri. ..cri'iniiy. an I I, I i.iVr , .-in-r:. -. I'tinrii',. iur i und., ih.,',1 kn.i tl..- r l:.ti'.lc, am uu-ur- Lj'At'tff'l n-i.l -i'f -r lrr,ar,"t A" J II J In t.t I'moi't l . rl I,-.ii." T-r-m vr, ru. , . : ..re f.-i i.triniijiiiiin , f :u,i.,-. or A,l., ,. li ri.ll,'. IV.,,... t . ,i j .."'.. ,,; M-t-.l','i Vln,'l,fl In . s. iV i'l I'l' V'i!'-.HI'. ."' i"' i' t. c !' if I '.' l' f .1 .r' "' V.1't ilhltrt"i1 nrw.;,!-!, 1 VVilli i.V ! l "i ii i'-"- "ul " .....',-1 I " ' I'l"" u.-", -' litM.lt..,,.., I ,t., ,t. . '.B,ni..Tiuil f'.rl- . 1 oi'iit ,!, '.arli.it ,, - i'l ii.lH'.ufil i-n-er.-. .ti '- l. . I Ul .! ...IK1..V. I' . ..ll'l.ll'.ll ,' Ilil" " t l l'- ,'tt'. -. ,t i t ,t "'( "i'tr in vonl lull !- f .r lauta lyr oti il-,l,ir. 1. i. 'I i..rt (.1 it,.M,l!n lo lii'-lil nril Il Mlll;ll A I f... P'.l'.'.i .M I I Svti.IiltllO Altl.TlCAO, ft. I I'.. ..,!... N- V .-ft l.At.Jb'f,.. . jout r&i'tiU m.iitd fr. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. r., !ll:if,tv 1,1 ln.::i.. : I, , .-I'M't'l llio Lost V'-t .-I i..r.. l',H Wl 'H ,r I'.'l,, ill- l.u-t 11, ..I 1,.. oili-r iLtmciti. I,i- ..n i,,r iiolf Hl.'ll ill,,t.'r- ,l Hi., :...., it. h m ni ,,hm i-ity lult', .iu,. Li'uulri, mi,. ..iii.'i. all ',.f.U-, ud Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thf (.'!l,,wlnr- t.'tt.T fr.iin niip,,! our iTnt kli'.mi M.i..-.'i,'l,il-. n irn.-i;ipl:,'ulil It of IlilL-rt'-e uirvt ii ni'.'rur . II " Piiilit yt"ir .1,1 ? IWIM :i,',.,Mii:,;. ... T-T'. 11.1,1 I t'"lll.i ti., l.i.'.,' In in li. I.-, I ttr i.r. ss. uliM.a Ii, ,. n i.-.. M.irral iviu ill. -I v. . t i : u i ii, a.', i if .'my 1'. Ili'l, lliml l..k Avilt - MlKirti.nn. I'V I i.i tic ,,f ti l,..lll, ,'l fln.li I m. ,-,iiiiil,'i, ly rurtsl. li.it.' ,.. lir.',- O'lit. hl!.ii ,.f ...ni Stn.A- 1 viiiii 1. ,n,i a -u'l r.-etii'. its u-,,l.Tfi.l i"".i...rie.. I':.- l.,.i,y n,tat! i iinn 11 )'U 1 !l, l i'..i..'iii,v in., ihil it I- i a. l,,i,..,i i,"li.,u'-1 .t-r ,'tt, r,, 1,1 1.14 I'l' li -. I-.. I'. II titu:." Ihtr St., Ihi'lilatiit, Mans,, .'.'.ny 1 1, 13. SALT RHEUM, rS'ir.SS wii for tivt'r 1 tt i. It, lore In. ,'iiir.r.-.l tf I...U.-I. aill , t. . v,,rt f Tin. In 11! lii'T,- t tin .1 hi:i Oi lia.:. lh- ti i' S . lis ic v r: 1 1 1 .. Almaii4j t..r ls"K. t-.tli 1...I1 I.li.-uiii in im "-rati.il.. n-n.-illv r.n,.'... .'i'l'..' of lii-i ImIv lit,,! ut in lv .in. 1 In- a. Mt'a Si-.- rirttuiMtt) ill Ayr I'lll l Alll.t) II V Dr. J.C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mast. tuU l all l(r.ifglti II, tis K'tfl" f..t f J. ' inil' i'l' II imi in . mmn mmmm J Oil N W. MARK II AM, EII'SIAM. IV. V., Ileailqisarters for Croceries! My old bieiid-i in Chat ham are invited to call em ine when they visit D'lih.ou an I I will gutitauicc to satiafy them in evcrj thing in Staple and Fancy Groceries: sro n. Clli.llSIl, SNIFF, MOLAS-KS, FLOl'ih CI1ACKF.KS. I) Ii Y Crockery, t's" Spi ci.d 'lulina niei.ls t-' ( 'ountry M.uvhanl . I ol't'er e Veiythit ;;- at pric s tb.at defy corn-petit ion 1 I m mM Etors fo General at South Lowell, l'J mile , lioi th of Pm ham. Nov. 1-. lss-h :, j-. tj. rASKIIAM. SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Greensboro, IT. C. V '.MI.ll-1 flil li". OP FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATINC STOVES, Saw Mills, Plows, Straw Cutlers, Andirons, Ami C.istuiT ot livery DviCi ipliou. jrsfr-Send fur Price-List. P A 11 11 r T3 W II 1 II Durham, 1J. C.. Wild. UK 1MAIV I tii; VOl II 1 OI'.ACCO V I Hi; JAM'ARY 16TH v ii v-c wii.i, ; i : r mr, HKiiiK.vr MA i ' .-. Ill l'KICKS. AB QUARTERS ALL Best Warehouse, Hest Light, AN! - BEHT ACCOJISIODATIONS, l-'Oll MAN AM' r.r.Asr Stable Holds SCO Horses! P.tisiiie.-.- t: niis.i'-! with riiuiiii m ss m.,1 aci iiiiie'V, iiinl 1 1m highest e-t nl .- .vs ,:u ir inti'i il. A he n! !v v.. If., me mvitits iill who n.nv miih'. HO! YE AFfLICTEU! oiii ,-iu.i ! -ui--i ; 1 V Y()C lii:sii;K V)l'i:cN'.'KH. I I'l.Cl'.KS. oi M.;':,'i :iv S le lllionl. never to lltuil). v. Il e.ili have viuir ., ,,v (...!1M!ll, , tlu, ,,., si,M1, .J .,, .I,,,.,.,!,,,,-,., M.i.uo .,..,,. v r ..i.r i;l. Ili'll. lv 1 tllt , ,1 M"iu y n f K'. h il in e is" of f iilurt. vvhi. h lii.s h; vei vet u.-r mi l .1. II h.wil'h. N- v. 1. 1 -s.1. '; -M.s.-. :.'. tti . f. j.-r. I', wn. r. i iiu.i.ii n van &, I avEor, General Cossiaa Merchants M i Cotton Sellers. We have o:i huml a fill lihf of; HI '.AW cWI.m i:i;lKS, 1KK1) of every .!e -enit i- n. ;.No ; BICCINC ANHTIKS. vvli.el. we l iter in mo imi.no. ai I't'i- tolil U iees. Will make en ii leiviuii-es on Cotton mi huml. vv hen il-'i ii e,l. (live v. a tri'il .i hl see v.h.if we oau ,1... WYATT - '1AY !,;;, N',. f, i-.t.-i M.-.nln .tint 1C I'.v. I'.u." ris'-r, li '.i i h.ii, N. C. tfc'i.'rnil'i'r Ki. 1'sT. HOW (KlIlS I ill: 15A I i i.i: J Iii New Voil, -i".v .Jciso. J Ciiiiui i l i-ii t -li.ili.ina .' lite I ; ii ion f ll.-I y.'iir n.wH T nisi il .vi s rr ,tn ,.vi.t'r ....i.n.l..t .1...... ll. ll 'ti'll'' l- If, It. Ui,i y,.nr !i" Il "in i r M " '- "nil I-In III," ". IV i,.n,. nf iI,h 11 'lii.r e I, V I ',; I hi-.! i, . -I, m.l i.' Iln' h. '.ii". i all i'imi. '.Inn in in 'i: - III s?l Ml. Hit- ,nlVtiir Ilmii 1','Mt -i.u !' ii. fi" '' if ,,,'n i,., m..i... I - 11,1.-. i.h 1 ,lli-i, 11..' fr. fh, m. Hi" ni"-.' t.-liai'i' N - i',i'',r wl, it ,,il,,'r i.hiht vil liav.- 1..11 will 11. v. r kn-.w llir wli If hit'rv titilll v il r ", I I III i-.'III Ti 1: 1.. 1,1 sr s a.iii: i.s. r.M.i.r lurvi rvory ,ii.y ! r i .at in, i...n suu.l,.; ' li.-.llv, will.. 111 sin, 'Im . "ii" yai , Kivry ilv, si m.'iiii.s. -I '"i IMIly, i"-tll snr. lay. slj lii .n'.li", 3 i.i Sini'liiy i-,!lil"ti. "in-.'i.r. 1 ", W.iki suir, . i,i- y-'ur. I 1" A ins- oo.y 1.1 '. 'it- i lily Sinr lo tl, rn,li i 11 iiiiii..f u n. Sl'Pi'lAI. CV.tl'M.'N Ol'lhi.i!. 't'wl Nl t riM. win l",t 1 "I' h 1 1,1'," in-'iill s' trial mil s.'il,i"li i" O," V. Ml M V s i Mi. th,- l.r.-t lau.ily i,r.-.B..-r I'lii.!,."! in, ,-.'i.'ii,iiH! hi- ...in .nl(ll It. lis v..r li ki .'illl",- 'l. hi all i!' si il,. 'iii,. 11 . 1 1. v st . .. , iii'-iii' iii' sat, lay 1 tvia i. ii IZ"! ' hV "XZ? ;"' Ur -:t U-.y ai.-l l-.ii-k I1-f. N.-r v. ib- . FISH, COFFEE, SYiai', fiODA, TOF.ACCO, M FAT. a o o d s , H0 TI0NS, Tinware, &c. Cane Mills, Hcrse Powers, 1 S H ' s bp r& we? Si 1 1 UK A I) ES! ix X. c. oi; VlllOIXlA. mm mm works " .. I If 1 ..t iii vnii. Mri-i, '.j",t.'.ii;ir, rj. c l'.KAXCH YAllI), Lvt i in's Oi.i Stand, rvvrni: villi:. . c, ?.r.VXl FACIUHKU I'f all kiiuls of lfi UiKIMjiiU Cllll lUlIJUiHUllOi IX MAKKI.I-l Olt (iltAXITK. A's . et.ntia, tt, f.,r!l!l kiuilKOf Buil.l in' Wml;. ('"il'-u. Post!., !Stiin, f ill.-. e. I . -i,.us nf all (lciMi'tiniiH I I oi; !.:.!!.! ami M-i.t to any ndelrs ii 1 ion :iji'li.-.itii.,ii. ciiAs. a. doomviN, Mini, 1. 1-SS. Proprietor. C. F. S Y. V. RAILWAY. j Con-lenaod Schedule No. 4. "J itht..;- elV. ei Mi.ii.1kv, Se.pt. 24, 1888 i ,,u,.v rxarr s, npvv. rr.ii! ii.,-v iii. I'l'mlii elt,lD( liiu.b I Xn. i. VTr.ll k 1'nftfii.nffr V, I. ' Vail l.'.-.'ii;.-.-r j t,;,z: M,ti'.i, - '-. i.v-"!.-niii. " I! .'T Sill'l. r.l, ' -. ..-ll.f. 1 " 1'.' I I I' 111 si,.r I .Vrriv.,. . .1,1 .,.,isiro, j " im VII. Airy. I 1 11 1 ti 1 lu 11 vi. lll.ll 111 p. l'r.liM.t mil vr.it 'rain rutiH ilniiy okiirpt mud I r-ii:i iii'l v-,-,,iiiiii' ,;iii,,n Trnln run fmm 1 itt,',i-vii., (,, liiuii-iit.vii.- mul rfitirn m Mm. .i t-, w,. hi. - I im. mi l rrl.la.s itnil fri.iu Ky.i. villi. I., Uri..'tiH...ri.' .,ii Til. , I. nniltl Hint Saiiir-ia, .-, iiii.t ri-.in iirtM-itnti,.!-,,' t,i Fayrttvvli.ff i n V!. n.i,v. W. , hi, -,l:.t iinil Krlilnvit. Trunin ii fi.. ,r' Hi nn.-li run ilnlly ntvplHaa t.i . Ajcut. !. Vtmr tri. ilyrliiR, at U, T.. .ul d)i'"T.-.ji!.i-.f. VMfHtvitMvrnf 1'li't' Kli. a .;,,'i..i 0. Il.fl liri:i.,,Mjti 1 -a r 1;, 'In,-, innau, Amount in r-tpl:iif ' .1 r,.tii' nf i'..l.,r ur l.nu-lu lu,u e,,!.lilisi. . -,'.u ii"t c .fk .ir Mant; lorotiir Vui j-i.1. Iif II ' 1 " . ..Ni;o, v II.1.11, A. 3. I Una i.i''' !"-l--i.. Ki- r,-. bii-i vv. v. 1 ".iti!it-e, tiih'k- l"; V M'ii x t " 1 n',Ii 1 ho. . wm mm wm, DULISIAIVI, IvT. C. j ,,, ,1, sins ami teriiiH fur TOM!!. ... .. l.i . hltlN r.N, iV.v, i -1 I v to aoovo ml- M srcll t-, 188. ly.