To the readers of Hie RECORD: DON'T PAIL TO CALL AT THE AT THE ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, NOV. G, 1888. THURSDAY, NOVKMIiEK 15. 1SSS. i ! Justices I Amend i 1 r For Fiesideul For Govemoi S. Court1 inont. Congress Fm- I For Sheii'i. Kegister For Senate. For the House. I ! OFFICIAL VOTE OF CHATHAM COUNTY, rVk him n rm mrm im m r wm Sm W. t IB LOCALKIiCOaOS. SCHEDULE PITTSLOKO' IV 11. T(i panwnpT II "In "'ti Ui J ltis-I-t- rallna4 Imtm Mitjlir' ilnilj . lx..'ii h lnT' lnntiri hi d)l S.lfin. in. an.l n p. mi., Mini iiiiivi ut PHUtr' ftt lu.1.1 . in. mi'l 'J W p. in. On M..u Aay IhB morning linlii linvm ruti.l.r"' ul H .! a. n. Itictwvi ..f hi .1 l!i ii n. n- n nili.r .liiys. Itf 8f tlin imii'v colli ii bag- ging for sale by O.leil .MT'g Co. ST The recent election verified the old saving, '"As goes Chatham no goes tlio Stai". ofMr. H. L. IJiirns of this county lias removed to Chapel llill. whcie he will keep a b milling house. pai All we haw heard of one negro baby nnmed P.eiijaiiiin Hani Bon, after the next Piesideiit. an 1 the return aru just coming in. tadT Miss Eliise McGill and Master reVitt Hatch weie on tho ml! of honor in Mr. S. S. .Iii.ksons school during the past two wei ks. Pa If Hariiseti rewards bis fol- ' lowers nceordi.ig to their services, what cilice will he give to JJill Hives the bend of his pui ty in Chatham ? WThefifty-fi vciith session of the North Carolina Jlaptist Slate Con vention is being held this week ut Grecnsboio'. '1 his county is well represented. RaT" A few of our townsmen he'd a Meeting yesterday, for tho pin pose of trying to make this pluce ii winter resort for Northern visitors tin have heretofore been spending their win ters in Floiida W We take pleasmo in culling attention to the adici tiseincut of our j former count vnian. .Mr. John V. 1 Markliaiu, who in now m.e ot ham's most enterprising and .success ful nieichants. ter The many friends of Mrs. Mildred Poe, of Oakland township, vrill be picu.-ed to hear that, she has returned home fiom the Murgauton asylum entirely cured ot her tempo rary mental ilciitngciue nt. t&'e highly itppi eciato tin- many compliments paid the Uki ukii fin iis successful eliortfi to ciiiiyChrttii.ini by a big lenjoiity. J; compeii-at. s lor the impotent ftny of certain l ;i-.i-cals who gnash iheit teeih in villi . dc7 The aunuiil session of the North Citrolinn and Yninia Conlei enco of IheCin I'liur.-li is heiu held this wei Franklin con:. Iroui thin co Yoi.llsville. Seieml deleal. .'lie ill ntt.lid.inei I" The lasl . all, and this applies to yon ! W. L. London wanta and lioedri the nuitier jou owe him. Call . at once mid see ab nit il ; he e ill n il continue to s"ll you .mds on time without you settle piomptly. Will buy all the cotton you biin at the highest iiihi ki t pri.-e. i WT" Who will hi; our next post ' lunnter ? This .piestiou is aiseuly: luin discunsed by our townsmen., for it id taken for ijtuiiicd that the, republicans will linn out ihe pic-etit ery eflieient incuiubeiit. It i- in i liiored that Mrn. Fanner mid .bu .es I II. Hendeii, Em . will be npphcants ; tor the place W We publish in tlrs ii in- tin full ofliein! vote of e. -iy p...ii.ct in Chiilliam. Cut il out and li e il a.Miv lor filtllie lefeieuee. Tlie RlC'lin always publish en. after eveiy election, the full vote of the county, and thus cives to the tuvnle of Chatham their fin1voivooi seeim' how every precinct votes for nil the candidates. ; ... fieff It in no lon-jer the q.iesliin i who will be the neit Fi esi.ient. but where can I buv the cheapest and best troodrt for the moliev, and that placo i at W. L. London's. His stock is largo and very cheap. Money goes a loujr way i;t Loudon's. Me' lias received this week another lot of nice crockery and jjlusswuto. 9& The only public rejoicings ovei j Ihe election thai we have hi aid of in j thin Stato were at Fittsboro' and; Moncure. At I'itlsboio' on Thorn ' day ni,'l.t the Ue.;rotH Hrod the old cannon three, or four times over tlii-i election of Jim risnn. nn.l ntMoneurej oil Saturday nilit Ham Lon lua le , a speech by the blaze of a but nil g , barrel to a small crowd of l adieu. s. I J'jsewliei e neither part v was disposed . to rejoice much. A Fatal Fall Wo deeply regret to ou.iounce tl.e death of Mr. . J, ; Uuie. which occiu red at his residence Wear Uuit, on last r i may. uiue, Moudiiv pieeedinc, while trying to ; get luto Ins waon, t eiici i.ientaiii u 'i on the waeon tongue, nnd fiom tlie effects of the fall (wiucli ut lirst wns not considered set ions) he dn d the following 1'iiday. Ho was a most ; lOU.s Tiny pioniised to le ive at cxeinphuy citizen and was highly es- ',.,., teemed by ull who know him. Ho a - V.0M ubout 45 yeius old. nnd leaven u , Yt-1 1 tw Fi'VCr. widow unit three children to whom ' we extend our hea. tfelt sympathy, t 1 mtc.i, A ... Nov. 12. -1 1. re was ... . a sh';lit frost here yestetday, and a Maoistiiaiks' Mkk.tin.i A meeting white frost this inoiniiu,'. wilh ice in of Hie maistiHtes of thi-i com .y was tunny pint en. Five new cases ol yel held ill the eouit house nt tins place, low fever were reported to day. Near oil lunt Thursday, for the purpose of ly nil the recent cases have been electing n comity commissioner in unionist nurses iiud peisoi s leally place of Mr. T. C. Dixon, who had exposed. declined to Hcrve. It huh wi;h dilli 1 J i ksonvii.i.k November P2 There culty that a iiuorum could beHei ui'f d, were 111' new cases ol ye'.lo.v fever in but lifter waiting awhile the necessary ported for the '21 hours endinej nt (I number :12) appeared aud an elect ion o'clock to-night- Tl.e lis for the was held. The iniiiies of severnl goo.l day weie three. ( f the new cases 1 1 citizens were presented, ai d, after were whites and It! color.-.!. Total four ballots, Mr. Sidney J. 'i . Uy was cases to date -l..7l i total deaths ;lS. daclavod duly elected. He resides near Ore Hill, is one of the best citi- lhiudolph nnd .Moore ouuties have Fens of the county, and will make a elected u Uepubiicau Senator by nine faithful and LoucHt commissioner. 1 majority. I'lU'j'. IXCTS - 6l . ;iil,t's '.! ' Ifi-J rl M Kio 51 ss is-i l-iil lui 17:! 87 l' -1 .x:, isf V: r,.t In '.' 1 Jo, Matthews -;:i li: 1 II -n't Uu Ho 2;i lia 1 2-V.t 117 111 -71 n Bca, C.eek.... -JTo 111 1 271 101 a -J'.lt Ml 17s Is.! -lu U. 'M', 11! 2-V 1J 11-' 1 2:nj (Jlllf 12. 1 HKJ lis I 1I1 UK -J7 7i M-i M2 V2l 1 10 1"- 1-'- l-'l 1 1 1"! U;. KvPj i4-i ;:: i 14.! ;:! 'J NJ i tr ii- no ;i l ;i. i:i-, ; -j i ut m N."'...r s 45 l.V 7! -ir. l.-. .V) Pi 7:! 7 s:. I 7;i r. 7: 7" 7o 71 Lockvi.le l.i7 ir, : nr. :i los :., 7.i a. !'-. I-1.- HU i:;s l In: pi:i 11.. lb. 1 1 III Ml ihiekho..,;.':::: v s? m 1 .; i-.m ; lohnsoi 'H l:l'.. 211 -1 111 J'li. a u : -j :pj:, i:7 '21 r, V.- 'Jio T, V: , lis -ilo 2-i!, Ii 5 UOi uos. n.M.i.' ...'! i :w .I-. :t- ' -i :: :u -; :" :!- : :t' ; :!:;: ::, Fear. in-t. ill's 1:C, 122 iss I2i: liK 1 2v 2iiT V I'.M 1U.', 1.-. K'! ' CM. l:T l-.i 12:i lHH, 11 i;i w 1 1 :s sr, li:; s:? l li-T s- 2: 1C- su ii:. s .11:. so m. in, M, j..;.. 17 1 v 17.-, SS lr, IT i;:i I 170 i2. 1'!'-' ITiI '.I! ii. ti': Dn-k's r.'.i Ii:! 1 .")'.' !:l i ! r.-. I-"; i f.i t!:i .' 0. 2 .". : Hi (!.. 2 '- "2; H.l(llev:s 1 IT 117 IT ll:i 111. 4.; 111 L it. !.! 12! P ns ji,; ts n7 ,,1 12 12- V, li lo. 12V llick.'rv.i-.Vni.. 2lo 1 1 1 2o; 171 2'.i 17, I "-" 2.! 2'.: XT 1 2'.1 177 2 . 1 U. 1st. 17.. l-; C'7; Centre" 2:to 2i. 1 22: 21 I 4. 22- 2..:! 17.7 .V 22:. 2!:' 22! 22. 1 221 2.!. 2J, 21 .. 1tin. :r,si 2 )2T i:V.25li;2).!..: 1:257 2 io.; l5! 1 l-.:.2V.7 io.,7 2") I '. 2. !.")'! ! 1 1 ,251 2.'.!!' 21 2- 2n7i, 111 i'7 iil- ,W2 ('niosr.u's Ix. i i--'i'. ( )'i last Sun day the colonel' -f tliii eoui:! y heid an iini'ie-t upon the hiid ot' an 1111 ki.own man. who we.s found dead in Deep 1 iver tie .i (i.ilf. lint no ii.fni mil lion (Miild be ili!ain. d as l i who llie man was or whut cause. I hi-, ih-n.'h. Tin' corpse was s.h-ii on Saliiuhiv ilea1 inpf down 1 Vcp i nei nt Gulf, and wa.i foi'.n.l the Kline l'y hetwe.-ii there and I'VM't- npi"'"1' edlo be u tianip. the riht le ainpu tated below I lie knee, one (if the a. ms taltooed. and the scantily clad, and hail been m the water M-vcra! days. Tov.x-.ii ic Rr.i'iirsrN'i a i i. iS.- -The basis of the KpieseiitaMoli of town ships iii the eoimiy coi.veniions is the deinoei a.ic vote for (iov.rnor. At cord ill;.' to :h" ri cent vote theie will li.' seine changes in t In- i. limber of deli lilies to our county conv. ntions. .Malttieus township puns t wo ileie aten in tlie eounly '.-iinvenlion. Hear Creek jjaiiis Iw o. A. In i .ht's one. C iie Fear one, and II ekoiv M .mitiiin one. l'.lidwm, N.-w Il'.pe and Ul itl,ls '''" lown-l.ili-. each e line del O II' eoitlity v.i.l l.:ne the vime 1111 III hei ( 17 of dc it .'.ill s in (Hir Slate coll vention as hen tof.ivc. and .ti n -i one de bate to our m-liii't. c iiiveiil ioIik A Mu::::u: At 2 o'. iock on last Tuesday the lt chii'ch at this place was ernwihal with an i aci l evpeiiant Coil elation to w itness the mal 1 iai- of .!l.-s i'i'iia Ihewer, Ihe.llest d.iu-h:.'!- of SleiilV Hiew ei. to Mr. W. R lliiiitei, the l.'lilloait aeut heie. The chinch had been very taMi y with lloweiu and e ei eens. and sn . endt d oi . r the spot where the b;i I'd coupie stood w as a hi: .re beil made of white i l.iysanl I eniunis. Th.-i e wei e no at tendants, mi l tin- i eieiiioiiy wis per fume d ly the Fu v. .M Riidwin, the pas I or of I he chut ch. Afler t he eel " in. li v the bu lal pa.ty pailo, k of a s'.imiit nous dinner at ll.e residence ef the blide's panlits. ati.l tin'M de pai ted on the iif, ei noon Main t i ii.-ii III,, oroo.u's relatives al Neuse. The U!.. j;::i exieuds ils coni itulati' lis DiiMo. KA i i.' Ma iniii i ii -The ma jmilies in this county tor the deiuo cl llie candidal, s ate vai n-us. The l;i;,'li. st is that ol Ex'ine ov. I Fai rell. which is 7 in. Til" niaj u i'y f a Cleve land over is ."-il. f..- F-.w'.e i. v. r Doekeiy is .rl7. for Davi-, i vi i (J'lthiie 5211. for F. inn over Nichols "HI. for Ci aw foid over Cites -17. Wilson over Paschal :J'.I7. E over Fin n il Fll, and R; ewer ov r .McMath fi'.l". Every candid ite on the ih iniiciatic State ti. k. I iieciie.l a la:h'er vite tliuii l'owle. as foiio vs: 2"i."il. Saunders 2 iii.'l, S uuiei iiu '2"l!S, H an a; Finder 2.i(ili and David-oii 2j'! !. And on the iej ublicau State ticket. Pi itchai d. McK -son an 1 S:an t ni received moi" votes than Dock eiy. Tin lai;;e-t ih nn n-i .i! . insjonti mi the Mate ticket is that for Donald V. Rain for Ticasurer, which is olt". Tiiriiiit; .Monnotis. Js:r.K. Aii., Nov 12. -About ten days a'o three Mormon el.leis fnun Salt Lake Cily in livid in Maiioi. . .iniitv nnd bean to hold servicis at pi ;lte bou-es. Last week the Mu i inn County llciuld, a weekly papi l pubiislu d at Hamilton, exposed lie ,,1.1. ,-t ,,f tl.e iMt 1 the ei'li i ami cal.ed on the piople of the eoillily to drive them from that section. Sun ihiv th- elders Ceiiducted lcli'i 'ii- se: vices al Ihe house of a man named Mooie. where ll.ey weie slo;.liit;. That ni 'lit about lilt v pioiuilielit eill . . ' . i i ins ol tne couniv suriounoi n m,,,,,,, I 0use, and, ta lii. the I Mel i. . WooiN ive them n eoat of ji(r Hllj f,,.,t..s n,l warned them to ,.llv(, (, emu !y in twenty four f. I a c y. Train nt' ( .its liiiriieil. ri-.-in ilii- ciimi-i..'.ic An entile train i.-.ii. f Kiel, nn i.d A Danville cars, uiclinli';.: bac-.'ai-e ear. xpiess car. i i-il c.a. , lui-.l unit i line t ew Second class I'eili'hi s ill vesliluiie cur, wan buin. dlo a-!.. .--, on the Air l.ilie D,' l.iloll esteiday. J'he Inn Hi l 1 1 .'lili wis the last mal. and epn s No -"el. dm In i c a'. 5 25 yestel.iay alO'i Xmo:i lioi.i Allaiit i. ali i the aei'lilei.l v. iii. h Msiilted ,1. i'.n di ..Ullrtion ocelli led ill the vicini: if the TuLiaio lo.'ei.a It was jiisl lii'iki'iy and the tl.'iui was bownit aini g tlie in. m ii i mil euie ,it the Usiiiil rale of wi.eli tl.' le was; a suddi it j. t ii l thi f i i' aid tineks oi the postal car which was succeeded iiMoi-dialely by ale tl.ei and heavier one. and tluii I lie j ost.".; ea' boilli lioai the track ill I went hi adJou; down a :!ii foot i ml ai.k: :ei;l. 1'o,.o.miij,' it went tlie biij.'.ie car. and then in ipink sin ce;: -ion and with ' ainij;l;ly nmiii. Ill mil. M I.t iheexpres.-. ear, the lirst m.d si cond i'ia-s cil s i and the 1'ullmiili visiilui.e car. The curs M-le piled uiM'li ea-h other in the iitist c.infnsi. n. but weie in t hud; In okeii up. a l.icl u iueii ae.MUi.ts lor the i; nul led ciiiUi'i-taiiee of no ' lost . 1 he I l .-illi had a "Ood I'lisscne. r list, mid the .-c in' was one of in.lescnbable excitement. I he cais had scaiceiy .asul rollinj.;, wl..-n tlie ten iticd passes. beeau set ami itny lloiil thedeois and w il. low s. some who were iiijiii ed b.-iue la i( e.l oui bl their mule I.U t liliat f lellnw' j-;. -eli-jjers. and all es.-.'iped. the tcinb:c death that wo.i'.d a'ew he lia mtsnioit have overtaken any one who li.ti.l have heen pinn. d in the wieck. Tin bae,;j,,. iuar,!er u.d' i d binteln d In i w 1 1 ii it pi:c i f trunks, but w a- n s cued in the train ciesv. S,ii!,el h..d everyone ch-ai id the win I;, when tin wo.k of the eai stoics coiii!m."ui d, and cur al'ier car bin -t into iLiim s. An ell'oit was nun to to -ave lio vesti iniie car, bill water was n:.:c -ss '.o.e .U.d the p,lseliy. r.i l i lii'l only s! ila! by and see the iius i.du.'.d I" ..s'ner.. liayeaee, ui ti 1 ulnl ail ttel'e l.:n.eil. l.i. ae was n,i:h!ii;; left nf l!" ii.t but ii in t win k of will pi d i; "ii rods and wheels. The engine did liol lean the 1 1 nek. and il Was the only p-i! t . I Ihe tram that fcaj- I lu the yefeia. ruin 'llieloss to the mill en.; any i .1 completely t -piipped pa.--i : r an., mall ti a;n, 1- ri in .ivy ntie. I oe v. s nliul" car alone co:l .M-Vn',i;i. ah, t i; pusMiier couches were Hue ill; I In liaildnouiest oflhls, liijelv iiprpje l n.ild. Fii c nnd Loss of LiiV. Ri.iioii.ii. Nov. FV--I..I-1 iny's tile was tim worst thai v culled in t i i i city. At I a-1 t llis weie lost and Inc; injui ed. The j a inn:!! y amount to ?. 'JoiMliHl. i le . MI'.Uliled lit 7. ".II and tl.e I'll pas -u. :u , 'is : ; ai t nieiil was sou ii on the scene. At time but little lire, cnilid be n llom the outside. The huihiii j;' v a i :ip pioachalile only on one side and the lu. iiieii had only un alley to voil, n. 1 he building was on the e.ho i f tin , oppf-r lulls cl tl.e l iei e-i . I i, ei ; These tails are n n ty s. t'e- l l.i, h. When tlie fucmcu in rived the win dows oil the stiei t Sid"' i.f tl.e b.iiul nt; Weie lid. d with m. u caii.n ; f a leap. There well! sixty live n -lile. Tl.e tileineu un-w I'.'l u ii,-th.-m tin . leiiui tin in not lo jiiuip, teat w,.ulil sunn be roc.e.l. The paid no nt t -t . 1 1. in to il l1 e'i '.'ilia cms and soon the air was d .1, falillie huniaii liod.i s. Al h list i'.v. li ly men juuiped from ihe th'.td :t"iy All of 1 In in w ei e more or I."--, i.ijured. I hey weie at once talo n i" a no p: tal. I'uill' of tiicui da d i f their in- juiies bi foie tiny con l'lieiv tire I went v-mic 1 be I cni-.i e-l. u, i- i: men. Il is snppo.-od Ii at all the uii-'-in.e "lieu m o b aid ill the ruu.s It isle poited at Fl a. in. that ten mere bodies have been In'.. el in the ruin-. If you want to pi evert typhoid f.-vei .or if you f. el a if y.Hl were nig to have ll.e chills and lev. r. I t!,. ior. Pi ice 'i.i i cut- a package. 'Heh-liV Pabie-." Ills woik is aeknowl. dge 1 to he lie b. - t s, ,nn article in imr book-tori s 1 'rui -is, however; say lint Dr. Duds li.iby Svlii sells better tl .iii a .y otla l remedy. It is alw av s leiiaoie. It is a l i.t her silieular llill".' that a gieat city like N. w Veli.. the coun try's metropolis a'.d polilicil ci i o a, should have bill . ne out ami oe.l ag giessive Deinoiintic i apt r. Put V" i can coiiut on that one, i c y day in tho weik. All pmiuo to the Star. IV. Wil'iani II Soitt.l et Il-.rriwoii's t il lu i-tn- ' !; in '! e I', n-ii.ii ) ii.'e Nr Ailvt'iihi'ti't'iits. COTSOH DAC5ZHO. A 1I of -, il l n.i O'l c ! i-ii..i:: !... I N..v, I.".. ...Ml ii i ii; :,, AN!) SAFE -T.Y YIR ! I F- OF I Hi.- j.i:..-r!..r I 1. .i . 111 lilt ir J.i. IN 1 lili II Mi .1 .V LAST CALL! V.I .r ...I I,, Hi- II' m ..r r.- in nr.- I I...HII.-I Urn; ii.. imlul alu-r s'.n liMV, inn ITili ; ':. I Hi I- ' -lli-l l l, J ii.l ii. i...- .. I ii.-.- uiiii is.l ; ir. ;.l,'i.i... HI s.l,.i 'air v:.i ii. h. II. A. LONDON. FIRE! SItS:!! INSURE YOUR PROPERTY -IN thi:-- j I, D ' t tt s t hois mm This is a Rome ceu panv and de serves Ihe patronage of nil North 'al oiini ins. It was or;;atiied in 1 -"N and lin paid over I iilf a miiiioii dollars in Si-a s ::n I tin re is net mie conies 'aim against it ! i! lovJ.-s paid pien.ptly. F.vei". erndeiit man oiilii. to insure his ii opi ! ty. For ti nn-'. e.. ap;!y to II. A LONDON. Aernt. W. S. PRIMROSE P.e-ident. Sept. Cth, inn rjoi' iii3 ! And is ;it woi k ii;'.!:n. and. in. before, ivili e'.laiiiii'ee his uu.k . n Walciie-. i k.-iind J.-wi Iry e.aiai loam in tin Slate. S nd t i I i'.l a! 11. a' ar.'i oi l i .'ill' work do::e I i'I't S -ed for Spec a-les, WhIiIios, Cl,, k:, Jewelry and i.ii.tie Presents. e.i.liin; i inus . n iav I W. I! FARi:R. VOL SALE ilY V1K I'l- Tli -in .I..I..T. Iv"l. ! r ii, 1 s- w. r. i ul s ir 3 AND s VL'V -I1V VMM I F. oF .11 M M 11, III. - .1 ! I el l''.-(Mll! T. 111--. It a.a-i I', li M.u-ii. , i n i.i:, .'.aiaii itn.-r I Hf.K, W'..nt;..-k. A.iiui' ; anl r ,! I ha-l'-i lMfT;',.ll, l'.!l.l l' ..!l'",ii, in 1 i llii-th L .t.....!.... tzt t,lliiill Pnin. The R.-v. 'to? ideiil eli law. is a eli1 i t Wa-lm (,-: In . .in lii'ii' .' i mi .a ,..r i.i' i ( ,. -- it i-1 ri. i-1 '".i1 ' "f i'a eii.en . "ii::; . , in ii.-ii. .. . tia ,' I 'rt'i-i'. I '. Ill " " BBSSBBSBB- DissL;lutira (if CflDailnerslip. n.'li. -I I'W. LUI." 'i'.'-' 'IcHi.-i M. I '"I- Ttf1s.,"iriltT-!ic'.-nc-:wfMi M. IU k i.. n. i . -n.' i !.! "J lii. ! !. i i-v I. on at t,.- tl).v Jin,, , w.n.i, i,.t.-r lit.- nn-nr itn-l .h.i i -: f hlf .Lull, m I ii t-.w iit... Ysnm .V W nft .l-....l kit c. it m.I;-.iim:.j if. I- . .I.-,-- I.i- ihiin M.m ,t t ,j ,, M;i:i ii, k. li .KH. llntil iili-l rii pl,":i It-. lv, ..,,ii.iiii; "Ut e.(lV jvs hiiii li t-, rt T'-. I. -in'. Mil.-:- .,ii-. ri.-h. " Mii'l Un t- iii Uii'l' r -i ;i . ic , iit..iiix, m- ' " .-.iivi 'i t'-ii-i I' ll m; In:.-!. in-in 'in.', a f-ix A 1 -I -HI , WI h .: i'l'f t "I'lirtiv, 1 1 I I ivr. 1A until ilf ( ft; m- nt "i nil lii1 (:.; !i.-i-r ni"piv. iM ''r'Mli. I-"" uniiii'ei"n,r. j IUldlBlUia ;r;:,;,r,h::,:;:r:,iV,:,.;:,' 1888. .Sur lier, 'v'y'r i t I ' f!2 S.1 ; 2.;r. 2;;i 2771 277 l-'d 1:12 1 10:,; in.-, lliij lUi s:i s:i ins los lis Ji; Flit 140! :14 :u J ins liw! 112 112 1 172 17; ! r,:, ;;! ! 111 IF! lii: l!;i 21. 2I!0 2.-.SS 2577 ' i:ii;! 107 li:t' I27j 2o,;! in1 200 i.M'1 112 -10 .p)-- Mil 77 21 . 41 11 ; 7 " 5 'J IF. 1 i:tl'.i: Woollcott Son, 11 BAST MAU'l'ISI ST., RALEiGH, N. C, TliF $20,000 STOCK OF MEN'S m BOYS' L 0 T II 1 N is selling i apidly, beenn.-.e w e sell it 2.") per cent, les than wholesale prices. Der stock of iBffcu's Underwear is the ni,).-t en .iplete in the city mid inices ate claiiiier than can bought elsewhere. l.Oill. pairs of ' Merino Ilalf-IIose at 2.V.. wot lii .Vi.-. 3,000 (ic: Is' 1 lUi, dried and uulaiin dried shirt i at less than the oi i---innl (i. nt.-' $4 I'll for -'.". We w:i) rant every pair of r.irsT son's Childi e!,'.-. shoes we sell. 'I hey art handmade and are in all sizes; and ii;!ibt ies. - o; di pal tinenl is eomplele. P.MlLOIl SF1TS. llr, n:.-ll'' t.i.-. e Sull-. sill. I :.i-!l I U L, I ' Ml. I. 1 S1IK 1 111-!. I !' I.I TAFLFS l!. . I..' II Al IIS. H. ii -i'F.I.I.A.Ni ?.ll .Ol s. l C" . ... i Ml. I tl.- in i'i, 1111.1 1 , 'niil in in .'Hill IM.ll ii.' .-.i. ;ih l Ila.-!- !,.. I r- it eiiin K . !, ilr-. i "I' .il.. I ' ul j lie ihi. n-.-in - "' I" i- '," ttllh!,.--i'li 1-, !l Il ' I ' I.' ''i. Orders l'r uu the Country, neeoin-1 panied with lie Cash, will receive I'l'iunpl alii ntion. Let ten of nijiiii , chi el'lullv and rouiptly iin-W led. j. c. nxTsbrj i3t co., ! No 12 Ki.-t "I:i;!mi Street, j KALF.IGH. N. C L A.ll 1.'. 1---S buiiu--. ! O.u- on..-.. fl.-e. Wf I,' din-ct. h f tun,- ni.,1 at I k a-lih'Wi -.n. Kn1 in.,!, 1. tlllll. Wi- I. . etiiei.' i 'ut f A i.'"U. Il Opf. ,!t.' I . S. I'nl.llt f- t, i Mil. n-.'sri,.!.. nil lniil:i-i l.Wl'i.ct I -CPTl! I'l.-llli'M III lM , , ..-I Hani llii'iu- ti u.i'U' (ruia iliswiiv or 1 1n It ,1. . I.-LI. Mill n fer-Ci"'-I, ot town, s. lit fuv m-i C. A. SNOW & CO. OpimkiU- I'alrul nni.o, nli liii ton, II. U PMINTSTIl VTt I1'S NOTICE J ' V l , , t: ill O'Ue I .1- l.l.i.l -M!. t .r .Mill ..r. -li i'.i- 'I. 1 n ul! j - ii li..!.ii.t- IlllPI- I'l '"lii I I. 'I' !.. -'.ll.l II .. ii i . r ' '....r.. i "li a.!, "i 'i-I,!"" am' - - " - o, i. -i i scliXCK l am . II.1l L Ol' r li I a' Clmill'ltil : ii.-in.- Mnc hi,. I I will .11 f .r e.i-h , n . .'.ra I.i. ..I I iiii Iii Wil e. i.i ... t,i nu.i .iii.T-. i.l l.i inu Hi., -ami. Ir.,, I I.I. I. 1!,.- I. l. ..i! r. -l'l...'. W ll I Is SON. V ..iiailBM.-uvi' Nv. f h lswi. TliF ; f VvlJ.A 1 II -B B 1 riiEsniEE mmm !" i ROOM SI ITS. ""j XklyMJ We ;:::;::':;.;;;,':;;,:r':,i yi JTf i'.i.diiinc. ! Tr :1,u' Unlr Miiiiri-v-i -. in ... ..iriti'y, im .Jvl P fx '' I in- H.ur Mail. i.. li .in s.Vi . V V II Wiiiinii i't,'i,-i..ii r.iM.i, ji" m; ''M W.i.niil I v I ii l.i I.. i, UOi I 0 " iTi.l Trn t.' Vtai ol-eiw-il, ni.,1 nil 1'aUBl ' mimm wmm 17? !fc where you will find the grandest disflay and si:li:ct lixf: of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, shoes, hats, etc., that has ever heen exhibited in iLTliIIA.!L DRESS GOODS, SILKS, TRIMMINGS kM CLOAKS are our specialties. Sailil le--Yel '! !'e jh'otii tly mailed ie-1(ctfuiiy, P. S. Mr. (I. M. (JEANF.S is Chi.thiiui f: iel.ds cull. Oct. bn 4. l.sS . IjUmiMHIIHIIH I 'I I'll i III! Ii II 1 1' II' I TO OUE I : 1 rtfi a mrr a itir 1 FRIENDS I B WE OIT'F.R I (l 1 T ... Ti,' 1 a a wi ! ill A R I) V A Jl K. llWapn aoi Bncff? Material. I be B f-3 I SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,! PAINTS. OILS, (iLASS. Lime. Piaster, Cement, B (H NS. SIIFLLS. PCWDKII. SHOT. CAPS and WADS. iVCVOl'' I I I Tlicmas H. Brfes &So&s.( i IIHKKi.S MTLDINO. J I IIALF.ICIJ. N. C. I i "I'm-: piikt: tkli s: e i u , El i v i i'Vfdvi'! ,dv m .Kl' I.I Lltll'l'l IQ - j TFFl.STHK I RICH. I ' " 'im 1SKE 0? TBS OT! f2 HOW W. L. LONDON VliSEUS SO MANY and at such LOW FIGHilKS! We Kill 1st Yai, in !l,8 Sent. 1-1. Ho buys in LAKGF ipiantitics and pays spot . .sii, thereby saving all discounts. 2nd. He keeps the i L3iffcst TCel Issoi'iSu Stock I in the con i.i v Hid lie makes Srvmll Profits and Lnre Sales, which pais much bettei than Small Siilcs and Lare Proli'.s. Ph. lie e'ves exha inducements' t ii ea-h cil-ti nn rs. He now utViis hi-i friends and cus tomeis eliikuee to f:et the bl'st eOeds fol tl.C '.Cll.-t IIIOIII V. Ill' has now a 1 : Full ii fa; M si I: SI FALL AND WINTER GOOE 1 His stock of La li m' Dress Goods cannot be surpassed in quality, quan tity or styles in any mm ket. Ti im- ' mings to match. His stock of Ladies' ITata and Mil . jlitiery Goods is very nice. ; ' In fact, he keeps tmv and everv- thing you can wi-h for. from a Silk ! dress 'to a dose of Castor Od. So, ! come along aud buy yourselves rich. 1 f,,nrv Kavid is monev luinle." l'ut good money into good goods by buvii g our Clothing, lints. i Ii,,nl Shoes. Dre-set,, l'aiiev Good.-, I- arn.iiif' implements. Ac. troiu ritUboro', N. C , Oct. 2,"), 1-H. to any nddress. 0:1 npj Icui ion. nouE-m stone, SmriT. DFIIIIAM. N. C. wilh us nnd will be j leti- d (o have his MSB YOU WANT: AVOllTIT AND WK.iR; STYLE AND STRENGTH ; CHOICE AND CHEAPNESS. These eon.binations are oflerej in our peat, stock of New and Fadiioiiaiile Goods! ieh ii. eludes ul! thiiiijH NEW find DF.-TI.AF.LK for FALL and WIN TF.K in the line of Dili COilDS. DFF.SSCOODS, sn..:s. plcsiifs, FANCY HOODS. JUiOTS, SHOES, HATS. FFI.'NISHINO GOODS, .VC. AC. l'.xaininat ii n stoel; is e-pi cia side- lit IN:' in, i will show that our ly s t im e in Kfyle, le ; milled ill vuriet v, mid Hi st 111 l:n or. leea::-( f the HIGH GliADK 'I'Al.I I V of our GOODS. Nothing will eoiivine.' iiKe jiersotinl insieeti ui that lor S. asoiiable Goods m.d Ihaonable Prices the LEST PL VCF is Dry i;,-o. Store eorner Main and Maii.-rniii streets. Hat and I'lirni-I.ine s.'ore at siaml formerly occupied by Diirl.tuu Hook Store. Oct. I. "nsS. T OH It Chatham Friends desire to return our thnnlvH for Vei l liberal litdi'oiuiL'f of tlnnnkf and to so.! il'y tliei-i tlmt ... ' - I - WO il 1 CK which surpasses unv we hnvo ever opened in uf beiiutv im.l i.enii. HOiTOIJS, Camels, iiss. oil-tloite. Sole A. Durham e. d s for E. P. I. Shoe s. and ce us when in iown. wUSE & SKAW, M ,i Siia.iT. DlTSHAM, N. C. Oct. I. '".s'-S. ;tni. FOX, VEERH & CO., Mt i. I'll,' ccrv., -1 I : M . I l : m i )Y GOODS, Notions, All kind -of country produce bought at hieli, st m u ki t price, and our G. eds bold ut the cheapest.) When you conic to Siler bo mire to call on us beiore buying elsewhere I Our Cotton Gin will gin your cotton a.i well and as promptly as hii body's gin, bo hriug your SEED COTTON to the ONLY Gin at Siler. Nov. I, 1SSS. 2uis.

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