i .n.fiMiff.wirw. l)c !)atl)am Wttotb l)c tfljatljam Uccoviy II. -A. IOI, EDlTOll AND ritOl'ItlKTOK. KATES s ADVERTISING HiiMii;iie, one insi-Hii-ii- - fl.Ott One square, f wo merit imis l.fitt One f)qiiiiri', one month - 250 For turgor :rl vcrtisi nu ids liberal con tr;i. Is will I).! I'l l TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, one imi.ur vn year StrlctlT InAdvance. VOL. XI. VTYS()U) CHATHAM CO., N. C, HKCKMIilM Inks. NO. IT. A Id fit Lesson. '''"horo! little Rirl; ilon't cry! Tbey Iiuvp lo-iiken your dull, I kiio.; Ainl your tea-sot hhio, Ami your lav-lmiisii, too, Aro Hi-irs of t,. lone; npai; II it f'hil.'.isli tioiil,:,,; soon piss by. There: little nii-l; i ml cry I Tr.cre! little (.'il l; iton't cry! Thty have broken your slnte, I know Ami tin' itlnd, wild "ays 1 If your M-hnoi girl days Arc tiling": of the long ago; lut. lifo and love will soon eomo by. There! little eirl, don't rry? 'f here! littlu gu I; ilon't rry! 'They hive hiok"ii your heart, I know An. I tin' rainbow ph-nnis if your youthful dreamt Aro tiling of the lung nigi); But heaven holds nil f,.r whi.-h vdu sigh. Tlmio' li'llc nil I. ilon't cry'. I.Iiiiikx Whitri.mh Hil-". THE FACTORY GIRL, It wns a litllo studio, q.iito nt th top of tho liui-c. Vjioii tliij easel tint, oc cupied tin! post of honor in tho ir.i.l Ilo of tho roo:r, 11 largo pi r? of canvi. flowed wiih tin soft tintt tf a spring -andscapr, anl Frank Seymour stool before it, pillm ii w , hit M.,C Mrown cyoi tlrciimy wiih n sort of in pi ' rat ii 1. In a comfort 1!:!;, cnychn., by the door, sat a plump, rosy, liith female, in n far-, dp with a '.city of narrow whito Siitin rinb i n ll ill"iuug froai it, ! si ver-gniy p.ij.li 1 lro M-. S-y-:mour, in fa,- oirarti.t's tii'tli-r who hnl ju.t cmu up Iro n tho vry baso- mi-11. .dv 'l i"J l"w Fratik w:ii getting "H'-rc, m.-iii-'r," said iho yo.ing tr.au, 'villi nn cmli i-i iiic jnr li in l:i V!t, "j'l-t hi.. ;'.. w.y (),, Ml net light t :i In -s i!i- tupiuo.t lirmch'S of tin nhl apple tree. I uk" tlu brown, sub dm I gold of that ti it; it vim -how io mindt 1110 of (irace Toiler's linir." Mr . S ymour moved nlittl uaoatily .1 1 Iit ihair. "Yv, it's vi-iy p-itly; I. ut i'. sttilios in", T ank, you in- lat.'ly li-rrveiino 11 Kooil nntiy siii-.ilitu Ic3 lotwi-ci Mia Trllcr nn l yur p c urei. " Frank lauhi' I jmmiI luiniorcillv. Wi'll, nritliT, vln! i-i pretty " "'Yi-, I 'loa't ilc.Ty that tin;' pretty f O-Hl.ll." "Now, inallicr, what's thy 11: c: aai at; of that nrr.li'.;ioii 1 tunc,1'' ili-inun'leil Iho yi 11:15 ai'i-t, pli.'ssint'y. '-What h ivo you ili-cov.TO.I nl'out Miis tirneu Teller that in"t charming anil wniunniy .rsl lovely" 'Fra-ik, ilo you know who sh iii'' "Yi, I k low that she ii n remark i I ly pr.vty ijiil with a voie; tlia" soa-iJ-i ixactlylikj thilowsnft ripplo of tho little tivu'et wliero 1 mo I to play whin I ns a hoy." X:-;no," Buiil Mtj. Seymour, linrp'y. "We!1, ihop, ifyeunro not sati-li"il with my ili-srriptioa of her 111 sho is, 'VJiiiil y.-u :iko t i kno'A whit tho will .He?" lr, Sjymour looko l 1r7.a I. "Mother, I thl.ik ono si ay alio will Lo my wife.'' "F,;n! ! Fi.iak! aro you rrny' "Not that I know of," ni I Mr. S y. in ur, c unj osciliy, sijiueia a illle ilecp bin 011 hu pal ct out of a ilainty ti l tube, 1111 1 mixing it thou ht.'iiliy. MVj know s.i litt.o aliout In," tliou;ht Mrs. S'y:nour. '-To bo suro 11 n-ilin; Miry F. ton, n:i'l Miry i:elivis to a very soo.l family, i: tho Iocs livo i i h ilf a h viii asil t.-iko in lino oinbroiJcry for a living. I! it then who has nostylo n a l compaiol with Cynthia I'irker, an I Cynthia nlw ivs 'ii I fancy our Friak. Tnen, moreover, she ims fivo or six thoiinrnl tlollan of her Dwn, Hut dear iti", a youn man ia love Is tin 111 os t IieallroD crcituro i.live." Mrs. Siymnir mmci nwhilo longer, rnl then u'. 01 h"r' 111 1 tse .colored I bilk Lo.net nail ray t-h; w , a nl set out 1 upon a tour of iavjsti.'atiui. "I'll fin I cut sonietln ag nlnuit Jim ! Teller, or I 11 know tho rjasou why," thought the ladofati ;alilo widow. Mhs (iraco Tolicr was "at home," j helping M iry Kl on io an c'abonti pi c 1 j of einbroiJory. The roo:n svhoro tlu two glrli sat was very plain, carpeted with tha cheapest inrai.i, ari'l cur- tsiaod with v;ry orJinary pink ami j whito chintz, yet it looked 9111; and ; cheery, for tho fat bUckl ir.l was chirp- j Ing noi i'y ii Ih; window, an l a stand of minonctto a.iil vol vet- blossomoil 1 pansies jjavo a d;li litful tiat to this j pretty picture f evcry-day life. ! Mary K.ton was pale, tltii ami not at I nil pretty: there was a tremu'.oiu swoot-I reis about her inouth that seouiul to j v hisper th it "he o iht have In on iiil'-j trrent umler dilT rent circu ntaaces. I Grnc.' Tel.i-r w is a lovely blonde, wiih l ir-e blue cy.'s, ros-.-luaf ski.i, an l h:.ir whose lumin iiis old fell vor h;r fore l:ei(l liko an aureole. A- Mrs. fvymour ciitcrcl a dorper I 1 hade of pink stoo ov. r ir o j's beauti !ul cheek, but other iso she was ca 111 nd sclf-poisessed, and readily psrri.'d ' tliij nlil lady's 1: terrojiatories. ' V ly svstm tliit niornin;,-' i I th oil Udy, f.inni . herself. 'D' th y have. is it" iti wrsther wh'ro y- U c nie 1 ''in, M Tellcrl' ' I b. iwVe it J- very aultry F.cio- j ryvilln," snlJ fUace, composodly taking another nccdKtit of white silk. "Factory villi-f Isth.it your nntivo place? l'-rhaps, than, you know Mr, Parker I'yathi 1 P .rkcr's father, who ii siiperiitendeiit in tho great calico mills there?" ''Very well, I havo of ton won him." "Aro you acquainted wiih Cynthia?'' "Xo I believe Misi I'urkor spends most of her timo ia this city." "That's very true," sail Mr. Sey mour, farjely; ' Cynthia snys them's i;i society worth haviiia Fnctoryville only tin pirli that work in tho factory; Cynthia is vory fronted. H it cxc.iie my curiosiiy, Mils Teller how did yju bcroino ncipiainte I with Mr, I'arker and not wiih his daughter)' (racj colored. "II isincss lrmi;ht me la conlnrt Ito qnenlly with th1 entlflman nf whom you speak. Hill I iniver happened lo meet his daughter." Mrs. Seymour avj a iitllo st.ut in j her chiir -Ii w is l.ipiininr; lo '00 j ihrou ;h I hu my 'tery. j "P. rhiij-s you hiv - I'lielhine; to do j wi'.h tin i-alii-1 fact iry I" j "1 hiv.'," .-ai I Cr.icj with cl.rii li;- I "A factuiy sirl! ' (-a'jnd Mrs. S-y-' mour, oionin-j; red and white, i "l-lh r:a ;v diirac; in tho title.'" I quietly askv I (i.-aee, altliouh h r oit.i cheeks v re dye 1 crimson. "Ii "race! (Hi, no--certainly not; ! lli-'re's no harm in eaiain' one's 1 i v 1:1 1; i i any h inornhlc way," returned M s. 'S-vtnotir, ai'si-ntly 'I In (net was, M10 . w.-n tbinkiii; in her i:.ino.--t mind, ' ' What wi.l Frank miv!'1 and aiitici pat i i; th ; ll 1 ; of triumph sho was : about I 1 v. ive ov r lum, "I do not he-it ile In i-on'psi," went , oa tJri.ce, I ioi;i ; Mn. S y its ur I11I. ia ; th- 1 ;. im, "tint t.i I l.o i ilii i f.M.-tni yl ; i v.e my daily bro id. ' "Very I. 11 1 iblo, I'm s:.re, '' mid ih eld In ly, crowi-i .- a ittl ; uaoisy u ider tho dear b!u j "ualy there aro steps and jr nl .ti.tns ia a'l .-ciety, you know, aid- 1 a:n nliit!,' suip-1-.el to i tl :i 1 you so indm.Vo wiih Mi-s K.t :-, whnsn (aanlv i M 11 v c ime over to i are' ido and "foopjd to ki-s hei cheek. "My deaiivst 'r:-i: .1, my mist precious companio;)," sii 111 ur. limed. "I -hoiil ! be iinie lost stiihoiit In r, M i. 'y m-uir." The oi l lalyrook ...r r:,v-' Hilily, ami did r.c-t i.k Ci.c! to return In r call, i.hii -.iih s't ivlend:; d an iaviti ti n lo ,1 y, ci in hid 11 !ho polilet na I urn: -list nt tor in ' Fr..r.k ! ' 'he j .cul ite I, n.vcr onco rt( pping to rcmovj sli twl or bonnet, a id bur-til- int i her son's s'.u lin like an e.p-?s.:n,jssi;jcr of lifo and death news, "who d yi u supposo your para xon of a Mi s Teller i?'' 'The lev. 1 --t of her sex," returned Fran';, bru ll y and coinpiehe:iivvly. "A factoiy sir-! ' si-ieani 'd th i o'd Inly i.t I hi- In ieht ol lur In it;., "a fac tory fir'. ! ' VWell, wliat of tli it ; '. "Whit of that.' Frank Seymour, you never mo m t o say that you wo-.ild h iv anytlii -i to a. ay toac iinuun fac tory ejn ; ' "I In-ill 1 pronounco her .1 very 111 Ciiii.m.vi factory s-irl," and tho youii ma:-, wiih ii 11 iii:.:iavat Hi"; Cilmr.c-Sa. ' Frank, don't j- t with m-," pliadod the poor litlie motlier with t,-nrs in h;r I ye.. "Tell me at onco y.-u will p-ive up this fancy for a j;ir! that it in no way equal to you " "No -he 11 11 no respect my oqual," retur.ied Frank, with reddenin.; cheek nnd sparkling ce, ".jut it is becamo sho is in ev -iy respect my superior, (iraco Teller it one of tho noblest women thai ever broatliol this terrcs tinl air, as w li as or.e of tho most lnu tiful. Mother, I lov her, and sin h 19 promised to bj my svife. '' M.-f. S-ymi ur sat down, limp, life lest and despniriai;. ' Frank ! Frank ! I never thought to sc; my son msrry a common factory t-irl." And then n torrent of tenrs carao to her relief, whilo Frank went on quietly touchiij; rip tho scarlet foliago of 11 splendid old maplo 1:1 tho foreground of hit picture. . "So yon aro determine 1 to marry me, Frank, i 1 spito of everything?'' (Irnco Teller had been crying tho ikwy-tonh reycli.he, and tho tin niitiirnl crimson 01 her check", as Frank S -mour camu in, nnl Miry K-ton cjn-.-1 lerntely slippc I out "to look for missing psttcrn." "I should think so,' said Frank, ookin adxiringly down on tho gold head that wai stoopi ig among tho pan sies. 'Hut your mother thinks 1110 far le l'w you in social portion." ' Social po ilio 1 1 c --ignosc !. What do 1 rare for social position, as loug es II y littie (i.-. ce has consented to mako ih1 sunshine of my own home," "Yes, but Fr itik " W II. but (inner" '). you really love mei" Fur niswe-, ho took Ii th tho fair ib-Heat 1 li tie hands ia his, and looked s ca-iily in h r 1 y - "F .ink,' s id (imcj dcmiiriiy, "I'm a iu.J yju wil. Uiuko dieadful y strong-wi'dc I, obstiiiatj sort of ahm band." "1 shouldn't wonder, (iraci".'' An so thi go! I ti'i,'ht fade! into a purple, softer ih in th- nhvluv. of K s' ern nmethy-t', nnd '. ii - stars came out, ono by 0110, and still M iry K ton ilidu't succeed in h iding tho pal tern. Mrs. S ym -iir was tin tirst pu,st lo arrive at M -. Kindall's p'i-cl ?oiri mi th- tiri-t Wednesday evening in .lu'y e.'-v ,ti".g her k id g'ov -d hand, ' w;.at is tho mntterl I hop i Frank isn't in any sort of trouble,"' "Mydenr," sail tin old Indy in mys tcriru. whisper", "Fr.nU has been en trapped, invjigled into I ho most dreal fu entanglement. I); I yen 1 v-r fancy that he, the most fali lit-ui and pr.ilie ul ir of created hei ix, c 11 d bo ic.. lutely di t -rn.iacd on tr.nriying a fac toiy eir 1 ' Mrs. It indall uttered an cxi l.vivH ion of horrilio 1 surprise, nnd at th- :a:ie moment 11 party ol guoMs wrr an nounced, among them was Miss C:: ce Teller, looking rather iikoi- b.veiy tluin UMI ll. "Well," thought Mn yuiniir, rs her ho-tess li tn r i i-i I away to welcoiv.p the new comer-, "will wonder never cue! lii nc 1 Teller at Mr. Unr. I all's soiree! Hut 1 iiippnse Us ill 01 :ic coMnt of M rv I! Ion's ir.c'.e, tit- ju lj,e. Hew comet M . I'.iik- r m.-l I'yi.ii ii dear me, what a 1 1 i t s !i.i'ur.i s ur American society i-.; h 'W they will bo hi.ckcd at m.-elm ; li.-ie; T ; l"r. la voluntarily iidviaio! .1 -tep or two to witn- sithi meeti -.e;. M . Pii kcr looko I qailo in 11.1.1 h n-toM-hed ;.s sho had expected, I if somehow it was not ju-t tlin kind of a tor.idim.-nt 1 1 1 : t win on tho programme. ' Mh- (iriei j yju h-n ? Why, wlir-n "lid vu i-jn-.e from I'Vict ryvi. 1 i ' "You nro i.iquiiited waii M.-s Tel ler' akel M lin.ilili, wiih sumo -ur- rue. "(lite well; in fait I have had tho management of h r proji'-ify for mm) ye:;r-. M:-i T -I'. r ii (ho V' iiie;l:i ly who own til; et -ii ivj 1 ,i'i o la 'ori s, from which our villngo lake- 11 11 ;im." ' l:..r i;-,r! ' i jiiii'.it.-l Mr. Sy. mour, tsiriiing pal-j ai l -i .kiag down onadivm e.ear h r. "Why. tlo-y niy tho h ires- ol tin- 1 1 i;t'i: i niaii who owned Hit. Fictoiy ville properly is tho riche-t girl in th 1 1 - u itry." '(in.ee.'' said Frank, g'avely nnd a'lnost sternly, "what do s tliis nv.'an?' Th.i hluo eye- ti le i with tears as tin c ling r oser to his .-.mi. "I cui't h;'p owning tho cihci fac tory, Frank. !:i't yi 11 love ir.o just as well ni if I ill 1 a' I ' ' "My litt'e deceiver. Hit why didn't you tell me :" ' Why slu nld I tell you. Fiank; It was so nice In leavj th 1 heip ss i ehi :d nnd 13 plain (ir.sto Teller for awhile. And when I saw how opp i-i-l yi u. mother was to our eng igi-m ;i.l, a spuik of w.-man's wili'uliic-s 1 ese up within ill", and I resolved I w mi I mainti.in my incognita, come whit might. Mis. S yniou-," shi al diil, luri.ing ;.rtl.ly r iml an 1 holding ( 11: ... r li 1 id to tin diicomlit.il oil lady, "diln't I tell you that I owed my d illy brea I to tho factory ! ' And poor Mrs. S yinour, fir onco in her Ill's, was at a !osi for an nnswer. The Sensation ol lleing Scalpi'd. Tho man who can led more tales of lndiui fighting, b -ur lmati i;-, nnd wild lifo generally thin any olh -r man we-t of tho Kockies is C.rndi ISioiison, 11 iionoer if tho S-lkirk mountains in Ibiti-h Co uailia. It is forty-two vears since he ma le his way uloio Iromtho head waters of tho Missouri to tho-io mountiiins, and ho I now in S.ia Franciic.i, scein-r for tho tirst timo in all thoso yean a town of moro than a thousand person-". His face is scarred from arrow wounds received in Inliin li jht', and if ho lifts his long whito hair from tho silo of his heal In shows a great circular seir extent! ig from above hit right eye clear urou -1 'he light -b!c and back of h:s he id nisa-,; to the left ear. That is where th -V i man wa- sca'p d. "U wis in io With th; Si. u.'ha explained, "and r va tli - worst brush lever had wit 1 the Indian'. They came upon a camp ol nine ot us and 0:10 of them pouuc.d upoi m", sei.ed mo by tho hair and cut right arou.i I my head whero you see this tear. Tin ti ho gavo a sharp wrench upward with his right arm anil laid tha whole skull bare. I cannot describe tin pm:i it gavo mo, and 1 don't lu'.i-v.! I could h ive en lured any moro without simply dying of it. Thero is no otlnr torture man can bo subjected to that will begin to compare with being scalped. "It is a common halief that a man can't livo alter b-.-i ig sol pel, but I've survived tho experience, n 1. alter of twenty -two years, and I don't think I'm quite to tho end of my journey yi-t.even if I am scvenly years oi l. I knew another man up there, too, who didn't die under tho scalping knife. Tho scalp was torn completely clT from tha whole top of his head, so thst it had to be constantly swathed in cotton and olive oil. Ilo lived a year. That man knew what 'offering means, if ever iran did." (N.w York 6an. TURKEY TALK. Juicy Bird Which N Uk Epicure's Drliu;lit. The I Whore Choice Turkeys Abound j --How Fed and Marketed. I It h is been a goo I -e.-isrn for turkey , j rays th; New York Miil and llxpret-. ; I-'., 11 tires can at way. I !', 1 y tin tie. to o' j the turkey wh it k iml of a -umin r ha I p'lW I. A dry, toil ;ii f.-w. 1 ins a . s ascn of few iii', c.v.l v get. it ion, 1 and n.Mch skii-mi liing t 1 obtain fool. I A tnuder, juicy lirl, wii'in gamey ! l! svor,(ifcn th) olli r h in I, iM-ites tha! : the se-id.i hu b' Vi ,1 prosperous one, ; and tho gr.ii.hopp;r crop I are;.?, j A few years ng. 1 tin New York ma' I kett wero sup-.!i-d with turkeys by j Coanccli tit, X w Jersey and I.nng j Ishin 1, but th.o con-tiiiipuo 1 lan iu- cie sod to Mich an ex'oH tint th- near, v 1 rop is an inent' d l y bias o: luikeys Irom th.- South ar-.d West. Tli ; Conn-clii u' turkey it par ecd leiice the i- mic bir I. No -scclion of tli 1' Hte 1 St stet 1 an compare! with h Xu 111 g Slale 11 inidn.; them. I a : natives 1. ive a knack of pnliici:ij larger, plumper, jun 1 r ard n; 1- - is-qui.-iil .iy !l iv -r .- I ils-d-rs ;liaaci:i b. found i-isewh-r ;. Tli -y inh -i it it from their nrcestor , wh 1 from rn'oni il time hav; b.-en er.-:-.i 1 1 1 -.-: . y raii'T'. 1. i;e 1 11 nl'-ers of tu kiy no net kept by the Conn ct ir-uf farmers, I ut evory fit 1:1. -1 lias hi li n k. I'.o n tho l;m i th ,t th litllo 1 111 Is. breaks liis she ! u ;ti. h -roiicli sthi si.s nil prinn io:;litio:i ta il tit hi, 11 for s!:.u;ht r, groal care is taken with hi, di :. P.e-.ly of milk nnd curl in his i-ii v days is followed by ccr : iii-.i'. ii-.ii-.1i, wli -al and birl-v. I. iter in li:". -.i-hu -r i i fid liberally. From the i-rst th turkey 1 get a laree portion of their foo l y for i::i ig in liio mead-iw an 1 jls wh- i:;sect .-boil ol. II irly in X v. tuber tho t u i ,eys pretty Wei I r-.w n, arel tiny are then I 1 ii! 1I1-..11 ;h a I' ll : i ig pii r -,s to pro- pare tln-m for th- Thinks. ;iving slaugh ter. M it y ihil .-te ii mithils at.- en . ployed. Sam.- farm r-s fi 1 all tii-con, that th-; tu:kiy- wi I ; -.t t :ir tim 1 a d iv. Ulln-r-s ail (hem 11 . t.i prevent 1 c-x ruse, nnl e. 1 a mix :i-e of lb ur nn I cor 1 !:-.":.! don ,h. W '-.-i; h- lur key tires of i-:.tia.., th- d. 11 h is roll 'I i:.to p l let 1 1:11 1 cr 1111:11 throat. (:l rio-.l a d ,-, in-' ills ) me I for fait -iii i:-, sections Ih" Iluli 01 iu-1 in I i dot 1 uer hi, ml, erne 1 II -1 1 .g ::l i.e I selves wa.nut i is r ; ! i t . that tho rie'i ll ivor of the turkey the te-to o 1.1 ( ' lliforin 1 I ; ' . 1 1 .1 gin-.e. .t : 1 ai-e I 1.1 !h.i.a:,d. - a h r ler, i , :! ..k .. : - ol I 1 ri-:.-.-: 1 nli.e y I 11 1 It in! 111 0 lur e 1 a. I ba 1-y 111-! e!,e,;,l g ll cki 1.11ml rig .-, 1 v -d 1.1 cln. I Th v nr.- plii I w ho drive, ih I -hi e... Tli. y lory in a ds.y, 1 y loragi nnd harveste I and l;vi i Wire:: th , I he I urk 1 i,-. to th; imniJiise win :.t ll ! I. iiT.d 1 In 1 ir Is .!.. and become fa! and ready for market at verv litt 1 ; 1 o-l. 'lhr.-ugh I : iina, lllu-.oi. nnd Wr co.ibi". wlut are sallel "turkey liir. d 1 1 i' v i ' , 'I'in v : ! ;: uni'iiot h C 10:. s, rapah e 1 f hol.li ,:; f , -i .mil , 'J1I1 11 tin key-, lias, a d. -i: t; Col III! tllI!M-V mil. s and briu II ieli ",rii . :- " c.r.p'. y i::.s ol h r is or mule-, lo . w iii. 1 1 a r idr.is ol 1 1 n ; them t 1 !he 'ouudrv dni v. 'I ii (.-. : . e M I l! tuik.y1, 111 t-ii.i v iv li :' p ins to fi cd mid care for tl.e v.. I n I i I -raiH'o nt las go i-tid tin ! iluir I. via-; as best they can. Ct list-oil lit ly Ihi-y d o not crinp.iti wi;h I'as'sri lirls in si.e, tl .v or or fatties. Tlu-y aio mi! I .niive to tin; men with the team.. The usual pi ice Is six cents A pound, but ou.o l! eks bring Ir 111 Olio-halt tootle eel ! per polin I lin.nr. The fi wL i.ro !: i- ! in tho large room of the foundry. Al one end of tin e-tibli-hii-ent is the d n sing room, wln ro tho kl ling is done a:il the rarea'-cs ) prepared for iiiitket. I r un eight lo I ten men i.re enipl. ye l ieki-i; and j dressing tin bir Is. 'lory arc pail livu j Cents apiece and dre.t 0:1 tl.o average j livo lords nn h. 11 I How Scrap Iron is i'lili ol. How i 1 - t rap iron ut ill. 1 f In n city where !h re ar; s i m my foil 1 Iri -s r.u 1 maun, ictu i ig weris i.s in 1'ilfs: urg nn imiiienso spii-tity of it it so'd. l',u; xvhnt do llseib alers d 1 with it.' Moultless this ipi'sho-i li.;s pi, ed ollurt b;-id"t tin M. patch repot r who undertook its ., niioi tho ether j day. I his wand 11 ils -inoir th-' city I tho to w piper 111 in spied ai.:nc-o a buildiig i 1 licatia g tint 'In lu'ter wat nccupn 1 nv Meiiers in iron and steel, and at onco sought, en iuts.rv.ew w ith tho 1 r ipri tor. "Wlul .li . li with scrap? (ut It up a id sell it to Isireaces and mills. Ik in- .-ut inlo th - works and I li h w you how 'tu done. ' And 1 In g nt'cm-ii le i the way fiom the 1 llieo into a yur I in which wa pi e I t lis upon tons of 1 Id iron and steel. Tiis-ro were a 1 soils of utcn-iN, or piecos of tluin, from i;on sprngs to engine boilers. - JS lcivoi, hoe, cooking sf..--, i 1 es of str-v-) I'ipe p -t 1 .in I l.cltl- :, i:i I a ihousiml .:l one other h'tn'.e. milo up tho mi (- 1 laneou s n--ii' t an-nt. "1 in- I-: -: tlii-i ; I-i be 1 "-e w I'll the 1 r ip a'-tor r. i. lee :ve I here it to sort :t, S"pir;i'iug the iio 1 from tho steel. Colings tha' urn loo big t3 hiiidln 111 I iilk am broken up by a big inachino eall-d tin "drop," and thou the whole II nr. in'.o i-oi'.vei'.iei.i hnpo for use in i-nnible . For cutting there are iow--111. maehlLes, wh.'clt I wid ;h IV yo-i." A Workinui wis sented on a 1 enrh oith n I ig pi e ot w.igi-u springs near him. These In wis f. eling, one by one, a big inaihi-.s-, which kept a Ini -e in'-' wanking 11; no. i down, biting IT :, pii c ; of sl' i-l W illi each move .iieal. X -: r 1 y w is 11 I ;r:;t.-r imn hine, which must h..e been many tons in w-i dif. 'l in: K:.i:'o tint dil tho cul ling was aft .i li-'l to and apparently a part of a huge iioi beam which worked nil and down, propelbd by steam pn.ver. This l.eani re-emb!ed in slrii"! the head and snout of a hi -, black b.oij, and thit npiieiuat.ce was heightened by tin .-t.-iily opening n: 1 -hutting of the ugly jiw, whir l w is chewing up tin plates of wh it. h id onco been a strong engine holler, i:.f ; I- ces three or four i s lies si ia:e. When th iron or steel ha le 1: 1 at 01 broken into liiis shaje it it ready for s:.le in lot ; of . -cvrral ton'. ' Win re do you g' t y our mate! l-il .' ' ''I'i--::i iii.i-.v sn:i:r . Sine- of it i-.iiis Irii-i u!i s as sli-tant as Mil wiiil.ee .1 1 -1 Metro:!, and some his i' -e -, j i- ked up h re al homo. It c-mios t 1 11 - in i 1 at leal-, c ii' bm Is io; 1 w.i; .en '0.1 I :. Tin; 1 : ; men of tli'e lily : i'i: 1 up iron nu tl.iir reu-.d., and v.. .en the junk ' 1 sirs l.ax -e n ciilini l.let sev-ral tonsil it they sell it to 1 . Then 111 ' trading loals that HM-eml h- AH;.:heny in d M ouongahela b ing in large qii 01 1 :l 1 -s. Th y take i n! gl --war', tinwir", ar.d 1 lln.r geds, whirls Ih ir oivm rs 1 .Xi ban ;o with far mers and etui rs for 1 1 i no:!, nil I come b s-'i leaded with that material. It c- me- I u. iii i v ry (ore-iv.i 1; form Iro-niv iy spiiiii-i."- , I'i'.t-i-urg Ih -1 .1 e'i A Tinmp Wurt'i SI.MMHK) :--n-: il .I Vl a.i) ;i tiilnp eppiied to the F.ud.ay iO.ii-i t ly Inlirinary Mi-leet-r f.r lolgi-ig nnl sdlier relief, aa-l lor two day In was pr.-vnl-d lor at too s ily pri-i n. lb; was a' soil to be trnus 'errel to he i.uu'y i: lirn rry when the In for i I . i.t .! ) d i-e vrie I w ho In w i-, and r-lu-cd Mgrint him per-mi'-i.i.i t ) entel li.:.l I : -! I! lit i :i unless In w u'.l pay :. r ii- e:.lr: ! ai..!iie;it. The tra-np r.-iu e I lod i thit, and !clt tho inly : the : i a'i'-y-. T .e iii s.i v. s- .I i: -ssin,, -i wander ing nii-e:, wl.o -.-i si t- w -rs i than any : I nn.;i on t: e r ; i, .tin ugh h ' is worth ;. i l.;s. ih.iri .-si .i.i"' i, in so i-i- whiih l.r bus oi- d-; -I' . : v.irimi . a ik t in :!.i . part of : In i u i try. I'.e-i lei (ho ui-sniy h" has iiorlgnge-i n l-r:u prep . nv, an ! r-.!:! n::d government t.-onds ga -ie, -t in' g-ies Irons place to ;! is e w li !i bl I .-.:-g d ilntiiiug barely ci v. ring him, ;: d In igi ig on hit uu w i h-' l a: d uukeir.i ' l o ly, II '.iMiip. Ihrou ;!: tii ; b.v all siver iho c ii l;y, 1 1 ;-. I i g hi- food and clnll. -.g and So Igi i", wh-n ho Can, in. s ilai'oo-es and i.illrnnn-", an I, alto e'.hrr, is on- (.r ih- w ir-t looking wislrlie, ii .der ill-' stars. A f( w years ago he was knocked down n :ir the t .wu of Ada, n:.d to. die I o', .-sl l sino, w Is is li he had iinsenirl on hi, dirty !. d v. Sue.- tim- n ; ho iircluised ATM nu I w.r.ti of ll ir lin county i mn Is, w hi, h In- st i I hoi i s, drawing t h inter est regularly an I (i c .iing ii. II ; h is no I. i i w i ii lai.ies or friend-. I low he ai a ills. u .li I hit we iltli and wlure ho ciuno li.-m an; al.o unknown, is he has mi le io c : :l I. int.. He in in hi hi first apprnr i c- l.ir- ten years or mole u ;o. - , I'.l : sl-nr ;':i M.-pCi!i. All I ulii 'ky ship. i'cii u is h - n o t unon iN V ship that wis ever Inn s h - I :n in nn Amrriran hi y id was til lluvey Miilt, which s lo-id her ten ye.r-' -r-r if di-asfs-r by sinking . ll CpsfF. . 1 1 r y on the last day of Mei- 'Uiln r, bs s,;,,, ,va liimch doa I'rilav, nil was iaptijd in blood, killing a workman when giid i ig inlo 'In e '. i s n tii nn rch int si rviee sho met so oiar.y mi-h.ips tint tiio uid -rwn'ers r.cluaily classed her at an txtra-h irbut n-k. (hi her ti'st voy ige sine was al, but I s:, nnd twice she narrowly isciped foundering. Slio wat on fire onie, while transport ing cotton from P.-rt I! iyal to I.ivei ni !, and was trinslormod into a lloiiiiig furnioe. II r hi:ehes wero s lo-id down, ena'n.iiig ln-r to reach New York before the tl .nies en' through the deck. Liter she rodo slown and sank a bark in the I'ug.i-h channel, and rone of tho bark's a w c-rapod to tell tin ir si b- of the story. On her ni l! voyage sin was d ism s.-ted by a hurri cane. Twice she wa- given up for lost, and when i.t l-ist she int tied un mcress. i lul'.y with the IrighCul gales s-lT Cape ! F.a'teiv, twenty. ono of tho twentv- four u il ortilnates on hoird xvore en- I gulfed so iitncklv wlnn sho sank that i . .; tlio' c ii -l r.ct gi isp ive i a spar. Itoitoa Traustript. SI III.MII M S! '.V.itrli .-u i ing'. I'l.-'i'i string nnd limil.ir rT i '. hae: ii :n i ure-s-f .illv itnp'.'ie i by -I .tl ity. I A friir !i-o! iiimi-'l of nu c'.etMie itil.- : .uarine bun! im I u 'uii l by , Fi-.vi-h ' n.-incer. Jt ci : I e -fe-led m i. -i'-'ly ' a hori. i::l il dii-.-i Ilo i, at w ll i-s i:;. li I d iwe, un l i- all ; i a . , i o I To h ir den pla-ter pal.- i I r I" p' l i ;ni. ii. I - !r e i in t ! i the l a -li r be: -n . i ! i - . ikvjper e : '. iMiue'y gl lltl I -U'pll.-lto . I Ot.: -iuili ivi'.; -giv i i -i a . l .- ree.,: ! .id j From Pan nn 1 0 1 : , :, lal'ini rec i 1 lor about l-l i v-an. a i-'ieuih i n-,..-, r. olo.-i-t gel - , VI l.ill : i-l : ii ; 1 I -il- af a twenty-. ir yar . ' ' ! -ti . 1 'city in tin n.-i i.bitioti . ol t :..j-r.t.i' j :ui the .iiirlac - of :ir- : Alms st tho li.r-l.ii--. ' I 1! di 1..: ' .d ! is naid to l e ;-iv -n ' ' ' w. '-.iiii'-M lo sleel C!iirr:i :ng to -. -. Tl,-- t 1 ni 0 : madi; white hot, pl.;a I 1 : - - 1 y ii i to sealing w..x unti' --!-l. ;.. 1 1 1. -.. i-l t Ions he I with 1 i ! firp- i.i! I Tl:lUU"s of 'belli 1 u 1 : .1 I v ic ; ff.ll-l-l II; on c .'I t: il: s -.- ; 1 I- e ' -.-. I ''.:. iti I ll iVO i-' i 1! obi: . 1 - ' .. S liith- , -0111 in Ias',11 a1 i m al U . : 'I.'. ' char ii:n rt are 1 ill f 1 .a b p:'i .!' a - ! teeii'li of nu i- eh, itu-l 1 : : : e Ii v 1 e ! r-ld. I on! r, ; to", ! a'.- i i.l open" 1 th ' 1 lie r d ir nt W v a ! N. C, aial I-.;i ,.l to 1 enough to but e, 11 - . - i: 1 tii it li. any e -. - -I '..',:-., er. may h . v.; 1 ri .1. n. 1 1. - i i'i 1 1 ; ' 1 : 1 1 1:1 of 1 ; 1 . pre..o I i : s:. 1 , -,-.d,t. . .. Th t -1 ir, ; n -. : la - p , ,- ... . Venl ll-ll I a r :: -' 1 ; ! tin air of the 1. w . :, . i ir t" couie i-i li on .1 .' '. it ; ' thus heat! th air of lb I cu.s s is -uiip! v. Il 1 , I. w j l'Xpe:--IVe if W -' -e I. ! . !..- 1 t'l w is-de roi in, sin - 1 1,. 1 .- 1 ... 1 : I i ',-. . -1 s f ! he-,:. 1 j It is I i-l i e vc '. t'a. !!'..! . ' . .'I -i i' 1 : iTirds th- in .-1 -ia ';' " 1 I 11: ,il-.- alio- :.y.l"i-i ni foulo le i :.i:I. -.::.- i. n.ly by 1 -u.pivs-i. I .,.! '. 1 .' ' sand I ei ' ; i ai r: I - . - .1 - !.'!: I primup'e fs-i in a 1 .- -. .-: Ir.! -' n -, j Un coup: 1 ur . c; 1 . v- -, 1 j under th-: -tr.-.-t 1. . . - 1 ; -.. .1 j pipe-. i I'.xpt-r i-'-.ent t n , eo 1 iv ie. 1 I ! !'. . . i S Imb.-li-r. a N 1 w :u ; 11 I .- r :- 1 her, c.pi.fii.ii the .ii -f t.i t in t plants prodiic .- ;, u -li I u- .-. - seeds in hi ll larli 1:1 ! in tho- f .1 tin r 1- ; h rc-sn! : in fnuu :b 1 r 1 of 1 i glit, ct -i: 11 : ut .1 I th i s 11 1 11 11: r d 1 ,- a'. I i; I. -ni, i.i ih I' nu ..' ' pi. s nr.. o: .'.i-i at im 10 lln- - nil u l-.rll, 1 . in g-, -i.l r n 1 -s, . r ! ti u- into a so'i ! I.' I ok, i whl i; :: :. i:.. o-- ' sii.'.e to -n.-l.-c! ll" - I ; v -Ii 1 el the ori ;iual :-r i!e.-. i i r 1 -. u. l - ol ."a 11 1 0 . 1 in 1 ' - pi t . r - -' : . ,- -. I n, , w in-n 11 in; i e I n ! so 1 1 1111 lei i : r s.:;i 1 1 ;n ton ; iimi 1 i-lilii'l:, . ! is . ,: tons. . ih 11 in ! -.: I'. b 1 '' 1 ' ' " I' ''-'- 1 A (dunlin Outlook for (.spill I Cj' 1 11 '.' - -:lw., - : in i. ai .. II n.;l ;in 1 w 11 li a k 1:1 1 "i p . I i si c I. r 1 I'.-'ui'. n ;le' 1 .!: I last b:i: ht jewel to Ih .i:n 1 -o 1 ! ; land's ( 1 -en a 1 I In li i'- il s w is ihiiilgli! a! that tiui ::,a' . ii lis'.i reginn w mi'-l in -,i g 11 r .if . m .1 . id .-enera! pto.; en y, b it in- . I is- I, ; : ;-r-- j ate up the imp. . 11 1 tine . ,'ivs .1 d foreigner se.-m to i.-f.-r Tu" k i - - u .lil'e, and a !c:i iin ; l.-:i !-'" .i ui.u-.ii : stales that ir i!t-i- : r.- .-.ii: I , ::: I .-I 1 to wot so on th" 1.11. i. li' 1 1 1 1 I -i.t t j piolllivl tin mo-! t : -:-.-! S . ! F.itr.'p '. in.! jnp r v.ri : 1 reu-e I I 1 x 1'. ion nil 1 . : 1 1 : 1 " '. have aggi r.e I t'i. .1 !h : '' : i 1- mini-ten : I ii Ml n -f I 1. 10! -n. I tin I nun. ll. I- iii'l I- . . r no- -'..sou,-. lipons !. ot i.o ,1 ti- wliat-ver 1 tl I n, it tin r j .. i. i H .1 governi-ig it -li, ii I h ,v , b -, :-. a l I I ! 1 , our alre-i ly :.-o lai rrno ir.n-.ra . ::- gage in 'i.t., to say i 1 ! hi 1 ; f : .10 li an ; Cial less lit a .1:1 : l-Tuti ui imp - I upon in, ci ly j 1 .s li.-w o li-!i st.tesmc: cm be wln n larui;- " 1 ".piril.-d Inr.ign p.o.iev." , s :. I' - 111 - CISCO Clirolile e. 1 - i A IC it 1 II I fee We discovered ia-t l',ui-s lav v.ii.i to- i us w is i alee 1 a curio ily. ll 1 a v.-ti- , table rai i Ires'. A' '.' o e.oik on Tuu-s i slay, beiica'.h .1 1 U 11 i.e -s -uy, it wa- ir , active irrigatmi, :i:;d 11 -ain o.-. ,i'i lav, i near the sam ; hour, we vi-i -1 it 11 1 lei , similar circuni-t meet nn I .01111 I it s-il! I doing bu-l ii -s i t tin-'nine st nd Tli: tree stands about twenty pai et i :-: k of the s-niit ry tale ienliig to the park. We were not but itn its ens u ;h tc know wh it kind ol .1 ir -e it 1, I ut that it throws nil a continuoi.. ini-t ik.. rain wo do know. The iucie 1 11 1 ui- 1 v. i c con viuce I I y a vi-it to tin-spo . mi l if convenient xve w iii take plmsiir" i - acting ns escort. Fort (iiiises (('.'. tur. (. II 1 1, PI! UN'S Old MN. Some I !oys .m l .b is. I lieie nie s..iiie I ..ys mi, I girls Who loiv" a bad way ( "! 1 lilting 1 IT -.m.I: 'I Iml id -, -1 1-1 d-s t-'dny. I,. : si t.ii 1. !,i-.t r-.w,-' 'I I ev e . e-. - V ; In.' T". :l! d-. by-ai.d bv, '. Im ii u.- i. iiii.aigb wntls our play.' Piil I.-..-. .11. d . Ii, gub, Xiid -Ii. e.i I-. .-.nd '-b. b i.v '. A- ii:-a. -ane l-'l.- M-ik 1 ;t .- ! -. il ..f 11 is-, I. ' It ,;-i t I. t-..-..IU-..-.." nd 1 . : il ! . 111 l- ;, o-ir s .rrcsi 'i'i- len e in. 0- .i i.i. it Il . l. f g 1- ! .:.. An 1 -by nial by" l"..-, jn -1 in- ..I end. avoi. 'i'-. I in 01 li .mi Ih" !i a- k, A ilM-f ii!".!' .. I 1 la ve.-. I I l III Oil '. 11 ll- ll Villi " . Wli il l en l-.-o.-l- li-; I t..-l Is ti e bit - f .eb 1." All el ! gil l v.-s lo - 11. 'I'i w uii hearts I -In an I Ii , V- 11 --an p!.e.uro p'li'sii A .1 I i.e . on 11 ill seem 1 inghl-'i-. Ti--' ia- iv.--.. nt. -I--- bin -. 1' -r :-. : ii i-. an I - It, I '-, ' -I "h. I. o -. an I oil. ii-l-. -i Ir -v-vi-s .1 I -.ni li.i . -ni.. " 1 . - it . nil 1 u: 0 r. ni , ' 1 I v- a -I .- 11 11. t . -. ur s .!--,i.r, . . n n ,!., -. .1 . ., . . I -, 1 1 - i:.- ..I el. I.-.H. r. i.. to. 11 Ir ni tl .- t. A. -nr-s niway., 1-. la v. r M ia. ' 1 1 !! l IM.R. ! Iloxv I lie .ss olloxx s I liiinew jinl My, :'' ,( j .bis.-pli We..v I, a, o.d Cltlaen of ' ' '" ; ! l hli I ! i" r un! V, Mo , tells tho S. ' '"' 1 1. ui ii ..-I' mctra'. tit followiuff ! -i iy -- a .. wai . v rot ..-I . "Thero was - ' -' j a l ug -, In 1- ' j -o ! :r tiro near my ' ' ' , fallnu's In i-e, which fur many years ' "' 1 rv,- 1 a - a roe-t.a.,- pi n- - lor th oi iands 1 ,; i f ill-.w -. I io i'i think 1 1 xaggir " '' . id- th truth . I. n I -i.y thai fully ' 1V I ."e 11 10 l iidi w- 1 I ilv 1: to thai hollow " '' 1 Ire.- n tin: . i.:.o.i-i, of i.i.d.t during t!ie sw.uiow s a-0.1. 'I he lirls would gn'.ii r liom ail -I iredi ms ju-t before; j iii.i I, wn, and l!y in 11 i-m'tisi I ma'S j nr. nnd I In; Ir. e bo a lew minulus be- i , is li giur.in.g lo s-tit.r tha ho low. j When all 1 ir Is lin' ,,.;i ;!it rlnlter in tb- tree hud iis-e inljltd t h c uifiisetl m , . ,et -. v, al In -v : ...on 'o-iee I into a ; ,.,r ... .,'.d ! 1: i ill ire.-j ns pef - f , ,-, ' .. .' n propnr- j :i, a- 1 s-v ! v. .h dl,.w:i i.y an artist, ; A - ' hi 1 :. i h- . I v. :il I w 1! w aroun i 1 tin- U -.: :: 1 on I ai: I -1 1 1 a ui o! 'oris from Mn- ni :-: -1 .a o! lli ! .! w;.s ei. ti ring lii 1 i . 1 1 . - - -a -it a I r i ole an ill forty :- .- '1 i in - .- in. I. I! uiol and 1 :-. i :'.- , - - ... I - - ., ; 1.1 wi lib a- the ;.; w, -in i . !l I. Ike I it bir I 1. 1 ! f, i:-. i a I I !:- in -!i ! cavity w .'.' in 1 h ; .-Id p p r. i li sv ti in-. I lin- i ii i - many tl -11 s ii- tn -y w- re tiic ing lou-d tlu I-e - and 11 I .1 lin tuin- 1 ici;pl-d by tin- 1 its ic ting o r r : a .c . I: took ouir.av r : ' .lii.ly i-i-uiios lor th 1 1: I - ' l!y in'e ih , Iio'.i and 1 t .ink '1 1-0 I ;: ! - I - a in- ! 1 .1 elini le o ! ii lii 1: : rr 1 I ui.il .o. I i.-il I-i lltij f....i. i 110 ;: in g 1 ii' - 1.1 that tr-e.'' !- ill. I ill- I 1 is ml. M- !. el M:;. , , Cr.. .n Inlo, I 1' u . ., -.1 -, .-. .- ah e-e ll.d a dog : I, I u . 1 -1 ;u: ., :.: e -1 :: 1 .' m nan ion 1. j I. l, - . 1 i.;n i- ( ';. .1 1 v, and i h ' .!...-' - .1 1 .. I : 1 .lo ... in the sta l 1- v ui ii ! la- 1. or-e and ( hurl, y sten.a t( , I- 1 y :: .1 .1 . I.,;-. :.- 1 o aw 13 w : i i - 1 !;t c ) me M. M-msoi ha' li. -si ei .!i- ho-et) 1.. t-:i liiik., I fi" I ; I, 1- b-e.i la.i 1,1 to wait. . - an I ii.ai.e n.la-.o gott ; vt. ., ;.( I 1 sta d nig- 1 lii" heiso', b u k an in.,-. 'I m t a-ini u ig tiling tlu (,,:! !i i:ne I p ! . do is to takoi i 1 r 1 ar . 11 -I ', b. I- . 1 u. t .g. ; her A little i .. ,.. .. ,. , ,i,0 rH. , t.ac- 4i e , - . 1 !, - , . 1 III! i t 1 it , ; I -, - (,; ,, ,., ,., 1,,, , ,u;t ., .; . , ,- i ..:.: "I 1 i.- y, . . . . : , a - ,1 , at ,m .d ih ', , , , I i -s .M y . I . --I. w -in I n- ; :, ,.-., , ;. I t I :.. ii i; , start: ,A , i-,. sir,-! 1. i '" wiU, th-J , . , .... . , , ,. j ;tl . i kVjis a gon J u, , , ;:, . a 1 I .,r. 11 1.1 t- ,e b ock , ,) .. tin: horse 1.,. ver failing t turn , al . . d I .n 1 . r : r . W .11 t . ey .nt back ; ,1,,. j, 1.yw ;,. to I, , tikeiiifT, but, 1 j. 10 j, ,,.,t hm-k right away and the , f.-mm-iude..! o . 0 the journej ,:;::;, I.e d --s nel IT 1 t- di-i.!icy. Oat . ,,,v ,.n vrii a wh,..- orgnt sMu.-k up .1 tu ie ju-t a. the hoi so. wai ; in in - uioiiier. ( h lay win stnt dec I nnd in- -In I liw.rl lb- 1 nnoite .-i.l I 1 . 1 . .: the - tr.-i t, : 1 s n j - I .1 ,1 k inihegut ! t.-r, a- il ttoH I lolh- -I al.ie alone, thi . .1 , 1 1 ;gin 1 I g behind titnl Inokiti; J -U . , .nh. V 1 v r .1 d tys tTVo slog re : fuse I to li le, i ut i vt-'ilnit y Ini 'Corgof nl.i ,11 th 1 ;a-, u-td a.'t-.r that thoj mi I-; t.i ir r- -n a- trips 1110. lad till j b;nc: . New Y ui. TriMiin1. J 1 ' What lie Wtilild Say. .1 kiis ilo Hi - n , earr.o'ttlyj "lo. wn, what ws.-ibl you si.y if w t I a-k y 01 u b ud ne twentj a I 1 !' I !-r w , t-i !' 1 tivelv ) : "Wh it would l I, - oh, I w. nl I pro ., .b!y s v 'Ho, J It-, !i 1 , Is 1, ba wow, ww, wow, or buiu-.-tiii ig ol lh.il sort, Jcnkiuj." ii'. 1 BTiiiiiiigiiiimitrri;i.i

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