f'Hi try" win tin 2w mm t ittmrnmimumtMiM ..iiwwiwwikhIiWiM'HWwWih Ji Jfe cv 1 PH flljItnlK'-Mn TltfftT 1 6r O ",L , ' , , ' THURSDAY, FUJI. I Al: US. l.y.i , . . 1 i lO0Al XttJOJftEa. i-i ji j. -u. . . : . cir Toilsiv is i l.o last .lav i t tiio a inter months, but not tho'last dav l wintrv weather. am) r irt-s iii f pari n-inai i n.i nm i Otis wliilr Ut J!:i!'i!i w imls II iw. A hint to tliu wi.-.i- i siillirirnt. ttr Tlitf (luart. rl i.nilrrriicr i f tlio l'ittKliDi-o' cirriii: will lir h.-l.l at itlKliDi-. cirriii: will lir h.-l.l at il.irr on S:iitii.l.i ol nr.M wrrk. ! - - - -Some (in.- at t-iravrl r;priii tins j ))ORt OlIU-i! sent z.i rrnls I. r tin- l.i:- nilatweok, butlor.l to mm,. 1,1s luime. .. T 5,-an: .Moass,s: Mo la-isos! Coin! Corn ! (.naiio an I rI) gwo.,d ,.,1 IVrMuimon in l !......! !. hi.i-!.. .!,,.!: great doiiimuJ a! lln: t';;i ('.!,; factory. Cut no moie Hir!: ;rv li.n bar wnntfd at prRimt. S5T Tin- iitt.-iition ol'iiiir inrrrliii t r.-adeis is call.-d to l !.. "ad." of tin old and r.-liab!.' iinn nl W. il'.. .V AVorlli, wholesale tr t-' w-.-r-. aOrMr. I.. It. M.ms. .n Cape IVar towiishiji. steps to the Ironl wi'li his. bifi bo;;, whieli he hide I, a lew ;i s li.'O.aiid it w. i-I.e.! .";pi unds. ' 99"TiiL ntteiiti.oi l our larniers is called to th.- "a I." ol I lie b'aK-L'h r.tanibir l duaie.. whn li is not u:ly ; u,r this o.-.-asion -i p;-..r:nii-ii. ol'ap ono ol' the very best li-i liliz.-rs but pi-opriate exerei-.-. All !';..!- ..I is also a boiii.i made one. !" ii . in- Su nda y school rause i u ('i-a! l-.a -r ii nd yet a pi i i it t ii ol sV in ..ld!,ar' i u viled to al ten 1 t '..is rn-.-i i i.:;. to bo !.. Id !:ei-i' ill A:u-i!. e.i.d i' is . S 135"-A 1'ormrr eiti.-u ol ...ir town .;i.,.u.. 1,1 ,(. i u i te a'i;i-a I n-easion. Man In.-, I last wed; at i i rein.boro , . I'ourt and eoiiden:l:ed to be bun:;. 1 IJ:-:nk!'; I's ..r II v.l.l! i :. -The ;- Jlo in a nero. named Ihij.ih Mo n-e . ,. o ( '.ial ham are appr -iai in.: I hi . and was a slave ot Mr. .larucs Moure. i,!t- beii,!i a:id ::i vanl !.; ot this plan . He was on vieled l ' in I-,- d.-ri v.-d l.-oei i :ii!r-i-i !. I v i n the in it n ler i-l' a ne:;ro woman. to the ta dn:v l ' ,-,n-- ei-oji las'. Ve il'. v.-l-V l.-.V I.U-n. rs rai----I e:eei.;h rlring is aln.,,-t h.-iv and t , ;,p!v tli.-ir n,- !- What .Spring pi-ids aro ai l i iuir at 1 .j,,; . ,.,.,, was fr :(lo was il.Hl H . Will ivci.-ive tills WieK a l.-ll'.'i',,.,,; lot ol h.-auliiii! Spring . 'all.-,,-s, i .( , tiinehanis, (. nam In . ys ai.o nih.r siirinrf wares. A niwe l-.il m' Wh.t'- yoods. l'i.e ehea j-est I .aees y . m , . r miw. It ji.il i.ee I :r.;. thin..'. I.oi Ion's is I l.o j.laee i i ;'. PST . I., l.oiei , :s , h ,-r; ', . n I a fire lot ot' ...!. I'u:.. i';.,ii: Meal, M..las..-.-s :,!,d !!-. r heavy tr,, cries as cheap as .- h ! a ! i n ;,i. market lor trie cash. 1 wo in Oe . loads of Acid i'ho-j I, ite. ! !,!-.- ii,' . loads of lli'i, tirade liua:,.,-- j :i -t receiv,. Il.-toi e y ,u bay -, ...n tiiianos look at !!.' t ' iii.e i i : .i Value iiveu by V C. I ' -pai ; ne..: Agriculture Pkiis-.n vi. 1 1 : vs -), .1 t . ; ; ttin, ol' this coiiuly. ..'i-ii,li-.:ile I I., . week at the Vaiid.-riei' Men:.:! t',,! lojje, at Nashville, i'--:-. : .... ai will pia.-li.-e his j,:-'U--; ,;i I the ju-esent at M eri y ( l.i l - Mr J. C. K:i hin. in. ..: Mi. 'c:e-., spriii', has ;-r t nr..,- i i'ro o t In- S- nit I ern M.-lie:,; Co';,- ;.-, ..-'.-re I... h been at;. -tin.j; a s,. -eiai c. e i -e ..! Iectlir',s. t lir Vo'ine; e niii'y ei:::. Mi' II. Ii Kubanks, has a. i ej,ie 1 a p-.ii: ;i a tialcsuian w:t !i Mr. I'r .ii'i r..o. :i',,oi. of Fayctl"vii!e, wln-r- he woi h' pleased loreee v e ir !.-i-s lr...n l.i liicnds i.i Ciiali.il.:,. Ii, is p ,hie. attentive . his d.n:, s ,i:, ! maives a capilai cl 'i i;. Mrs. W liliini 1'. Ta-. I or. ol'i laives ton, Texas, is vh iiiaj; i,i r many IrienJ.i at hei old Lome. Wi::n;v Wi.v t inn- - Who -.v iii now .bitlhl the tritthof ti.e gioiiii-l hoj bin? J-v.i.t y.vii ti.ink the ground ho:; was w is,- in iroin.; ii.n n iu;,. hi hole? Has the "ohh-s inhabitant" ever holoio seen sih-ii wintry vvcalli cr during the l ist we-, i; ot l elo u u v '. -'-I Oncol the (leepi .- . ..now sev. r iei,.i'ii in this sc.-: ion lell on hiM l'!i u,-.-.,iy liis'-,t, beilu;- about or lo inches deep on a level, Il was Very s.,:, and melted r;ipi I y. A few sp.i,lS wore out at this pUce. but the si.-i.ih inwasiiot i'l-o l. M.iiiy of tlieyoi.ii;: folks enjoyed snow bulimy. 1 i c Mit.w storm w is puite general, ex tcndli.j sis lar v 'ilh as .uj,i:sia a:i. (siliunbia. A eld -'i t-.ii-'-.M- l anon tiller, and la-l San lay w as de eidndle l'i. eo! Iv.! d. v ol I he win tor, at midday .l.e thermometer in As ""l '" dollar ol :t dicatiuna U'iiii.er.itiiie of-'i- de-reesl was expended uh the ball. I he above .en.. At M mm ..p-lis. i Mic -'aniounl that wm expended was in liesota, it was :c d.-r. -..s h,-i..w zeiol -d lo.' I. - "ssary ex p. n-. .. such as liin' up the building in which the Avi'lTolt's I! l l' nr.- We have re- :iiau-..i;tioii w as held, hiring a baiei eeiveil a ionv ol the Slate Auditor's I!e.orl tor toe yea; ciidin -r. No.- l.er UtHii, IS I from it we linve ' compiled soiiie stalls l i. s that in i on accui..l ol the : a in th it dav. t wo sl.i, , nn t with an neeideiii on W cdm : v vnk -vv-m y - i cir,!-.,. rr -ui.iy. n i' ho ol interest ... our readers. Wo plac s' w ei . prepared :...' the inau- i .1 iv looriii,:;; wioei. may pi. ve i'.lal. m-'-' ..ff'jVW;1 .."...XrvVV Vwik UTUa j'v.i '.'i find that only scVimi coanli. s b'ohe ; urat.ou. It was intended at lir l to . M.r. H u U" has been e ir.v oil foi .some (,tt,1I:nl.r .,i er si ttmsty. Bon, Sampson. Cil,nherla.id, Coin u- bus, Wake, Moore and Tyrrell -list lor laxauoti a l.trU iiilinber ol licrcs of land than ( oat ham. lur foiiiilv lists for taxation ',s.", horses, I mid tiiiilford. Davids m, Iredell, Kowan and liando.ph are the only counties that li.-.l a larger nun. her. Chatham has J.:!'' miiles, and the counties that have a hir-r-'i- hiuuher M....I. I W il... i .-..- ti. In- and Wayno. Our count v can boast of a la.:-er ni.mber ol "c.itil" and nh.eep Ilia., anv other county in the Stale, having l.HH.i cattle and in, 4U7 sheep. Jlut ill ready rush-- i,,,,,,,... hand--Ciialham tails awiy' behind, listiu ' only 1-1, while .r.."i counties list a la'r-cr sun. Tin- assessed value ol all the real estate in North Carolina is .-: 1 , .i-.w ..r .. i.;. i. ii..;ii.,..i. i ui'i ..!.;;.. nvi.iitv ..tin,ii..s . ' ... ,.!...!.... 'I'... Have more an ,ia.i..ini. . iv assessed vaie ol al: the personal property in North Carolina is .;.- ;!!I,S,S7.-., and Chatham s M... re is 81,IM.,IM)1. which is less than that ol twenty two other eoun'.i,s. Si npay .s. noni.CoNVhNnoN. Last ! Friday w:ii l Ik- duv on which tho' cou;.iv Suiiihtv school cott v-nii.!i. . were up; ointe'l to bo hold in tliMlu..sucke.-.colo.cd . a foil... r.si.lt ,t ' State. Un account .-I tin- .loei.anow ,-,.,. t(HW1hll!i ?!, ,i!))HPifiu ,..v)(lW civ lew attended tin.- iiiiiiitv con- ,.,, i . . . , iv. hh,.,, held hereon that .l:..y, but :i,m wli.i ili.I sitirii.l niaint.-Mul mud, ir.n-r.-Kt in tin mstltor. motion of l!.-v. N I - '.tltraiir.il was iiii.r i'V tlir ch-elion I a li -.i-leni. live v it-.- presidents, a M-rrria rv, a rra"-nivr, a n-i a n r cciilivr . -inn mi! Irr ul livr. 1 nntivr ...i, !!- -I live. Tl-n- upi.n llir 1. lli. wins .lluri-M wM-o. .l-ri.-'l. vi. : lnf.-iii.-iit. l.'.-v. V. I-.; 'i'jM m : vi.v hivM.Srnts. Vv. ('. A. !:,,;,. ;-v. (. I' l-M.viir ls. I). W. j:,.,,;,. i.y. o. T K.l.vr-ls. Iv W. t..v.,(( , . , ,.v. .1. i. Wickrr. j ,1. p. Y:tv, i:-.. .: S.-irrtarv, A. ; ;l..., in, .;",,: Hva-urrr. V. I'. ,-lsi I'... -md rxrrr'iv.' com- .,!,,..... ilrv V.'A.SI.i.rp.,,..,.! M.-.-rs. u- v;. ' W I'..-..,,,,, W I I,,,,,!,,,, .,.,.11 u'iiin 'I'll.' li)11,)Ail..f!..,1!,w,,l.t.l(,,1,.,!r ' ,,. .,,.,,,,, ' 'i,:,1I1,,U" ,h0 ':' nt'xl April : Ill Ioaiis, AiTKKNMKs. I"ll ioaiis, .m.ihnmks. 1. U liviium. C. r.vnuni, , Mi. I. II. Alhru'hl. I. . li:..m. ; A. I . I.ambrlh. .1 ...n H:irni.::.-r. 1 " ,,i .1. A. V,,..:.-k. .1 ""'I' , , : I I ...... , .1 1 ' ...... ...i,i.,., l.i ... I., i. ii ii...:..i.. 'v i' 1 1; ...... It an v ol l !:! :.b ivr nam. irate-, or t!.. ir ali- i i.:ilcs are nntabi. io attend ':, - eon v.-i.l ion. t!f sei-ro- laiy and pi.-ii.ii! v.'eie run !i.-riz-d t.. i-.ppoii I ..'h.-rs in '.in--;- p!:-.-". It was i.-snl. . d lo hold a meet ilia at this ph.i e..n th.- I'llii day ot April, when the, I will i i i n li--. t was d-Hi - th. !'e, , i h,- es.-'-u1 : v.-1 i mil pi-.-pare , V vol I ii h-.-ii li i-.-nts t- S! - , ' , . . . , . I. V, l;,en was lo nedone.' a! .mee ..riers w.-i- sent l'..f Why. a! Miir several car I s..;l .'it eV.-r Iron; abroad, and : leCie an v 'Il o! ect;ls I- si!,' -I l':-o:ii .":') ,-i Wiih.Mit the -oi-i Id l,:.v. i . and Ihjit little : i i-r :h o-o-lds o b: -.' i: ! la si : ids bav :;',l h. I. Thus !he rail rsiv.dMVen.i . v. :i,l'-r is in t!: I ,-, : !, :'.,.,. ,. eo.-n ' t Chaihar.i , I..- 1 "" ' , ., I I.. in .at. a lei in r r-na-s l..n:t!V is i'-ia w-s-iro !"'-k. vvbleh t i.e.. I i'.-t I ave t'olii r. but tor lh'' ids. !' il uraleiy lor Chatham , . . w.-II :.; : -d ':: i r..i!i- '.i-!s II A A. A b. I.", li rm.s W, s thr-'iv ii I .-r southern border, ii . t I'. A V. V :! n.i;-.-s thi-fimh Wes(..;-:i. .-.id I he 1 'i ! tsh-u-o' It ' , ' . lilt'.; two v.ai oil soil .. f rut. hi: u I he . oii:,:y s. at. j w',. ;,j Me, ku::i. irid iiii old- r i Aie.t-.-r L'feat he- . ti'. which has'j ti...,r w ,: ,vii,,r in the van'., i ! I-I Ine p.- el til v;. id; y bv i I'i't- i, u-o railroad i- ! '' .,'!! id... !. I;e tore, where i. :i. ! a I"" i;. --'. :na.hi-t h-rt'.e !...- -i iitel p--; n.::i..i; ! r. es.w hieh : in,- t'e- i ..':-.,., I W.'.- built Were l.o ; ,-ai v .-.!! . Nearlv a ! I. mi- :: nd I- s :, t.i. .::!. is pai l"--::! h.-r- a! i shuf.i- h;...-i; I: , l ,;-y tor tbi.ber. m i this I'.n:.. ;, i p'ii l : ueraliy I-, e en v. l,o he. d'it most a:i i who w ill. ;l bin i :ead and ne-;.l th:.' feed' I'.vlr' .::i.;'! s. And yet -mi ll,..-' very men were Imt 1 i'i their ;..;l o t'..e e-iilof f the bl.i oHO h-f hi eil.'rt-i to ler: I the taill'oad ! ' V-t U:o iir.e.'l.a. Tho Insntsiiral .iMiroprisitioti. Mu. Iljuroit: I vviih sjl:: ! to see in- staleiiiriil ol facts in the III .,.'.! h lust, in relerct.ee to the in :: ii .rural. I l.o people are tioi an K--o isti.-l yet. ih.-y want to I. now- what went with the ain ;.pi ropriat.-d by the I.eu'islalii'-e for ( ioveriiol- Cowk- s il-:.;:.-, lirati.-n. l'lease tell Us. V,,,o s Irat. rna'ily. . C f 1 n reply to mir col l-. s;.!,del:l'i. ii ;:.i; V we w. i.l l state that while tie- I 'ejislat ill',' iiull.orized the cx iiei.diture ol a sum r.ot cxeecdin:: so-iO tm- (h'V. l'iiwh''s ieau.euration. v ct the w I ole ol that amount w; 'no! ext. eh. led but only a 1'itrt ol it oi n, i:-i.-. the l ire ot carriages jri-.-at. r than i.l expense was otherwise would have been because, i have tho ii ; i:'ir,:.t on hi the op.-n air, in Iront of the ( i-.v.-rnos man siou. and a eolisideialle --.xp oise was iueurre-.l in prep.u iii:; a slau ' i eats at thai phi. e. J-i.t it -! - . that moi'rsii.ir am' it bee;. me n.-. su;, to pr pare a stnu I and s-ate in Stronach's wa-ot. use. We woi.d. r ii loose people, vv io are ri-uuiblii,e: s i mm h .v. r liie 1 w dollars e .pond- ...I ii thiv. I'oiVi 's inaii-'iu ati.m. vviii comid.iiu at i e thousands ol dollars thai will in expended ii'x! M niday on riesident Hal rtsoii s in- augural ion '- l.n I.l.. khi J ' h" pot: cat ion of t h" ei.v ot .cv York tier ' dm to tiio I eooi t ol the Hureioi of Vital Statistic i 1.. ".", bill. tivo.' IlO.imO mon, women, and ehil- .1.. ....ii.i.iv, .1 ;,. tm. t ili ieen ... I., -i . v ....c'v..;L- eilv ni' mIioi.i i . ,..,.. l. aonui. i..,,.,.oai -i-ifia iiiiim-ii ie-.-i. - 1, lt. .t be.hg ei;;ir. lto makers. ,t: ip- pus, biincheis, pack. is. pasters, I o uwkcM. Mor lliau t.(KH) oij:.'- mak- :e,s are wonifti. gill,. amUuiall chit- ! - J.,u. I State Iffctvs. Tvi.-..-:it.. t.m,. . .1 . t. xv. :,iL j, appeals that Huper- i ,, ,.,!,., H,.,,,!,,.,, .... v- hii-iaa.c md ' jc I( a -L. i's -1'.-'i;i.-iw' i.-it.'ii n,,.,,',, ',.,,-, ,.h f.ii'.si! i--'..hc-. l'nn ' I'll the ,-ra C- 'hd'' N Wf')t li , i... .,.i .. ,,. ii .. w.ii.n r.,o'.r l till V!' I .111.1 I fiw Ki .ii I .s4;iz.,s i;iilt A Uu!o iH a!,l1',,k' t,.,l1,,, tl.un. orinfi j tlj.,ir(M(nls ji, : 1. f.t a nipi.l raft-, nn. 1 mi urk .ic. ; 7 ; D.iii.ii.l wish tPiritlc fof.-r. kiioi-ki'i- NVunfiit in t! t.: if-: On Wo-lutM- 'i'y "'nnr.;,' l.i t an imk '1' niornin-; l.i t an iiiiki.owti r.l;Mj,-. M Donnlil was foui d in a ditrii i f,:(,J as I n-..l Iviuj' en t!ic;i.ar tin' Irark. Jlo win iv:' ul fu'.i ruilro-ul tr.-vk at Warn-ii I'i-t'iix. iU ; on l.i.n Imuk.HM.l was pci fccti.v ; liu.lyiH-nl.lv ii.ai'.ci, nii.l r.ii.i !..; j Ho wns aUni! 'ir, ve.i: s of uK:i. ; Iroui tl:e l.ni'c .10 .mi n tnn.ii.-i-, Vai;,.v,i;;hl 1, M an i, ovrr.l,,.. h ...Iv. but no lads rouid br rlu-iu.-d Il i rfUpin-.(-l tiia: b" v.a. h;("i;:n a lido ,,,o M.r tn.r, or ..po ' ,-o,v,-.;t h.-r. J: i-i si:o,iu;- t .-;.t. th, oiht.tut.) bj ih-j i...ix. I u i s ! il ! Ti-i-.iT- : Tb.fto u-,ii n I.m-is'iii:.' ! l-i-.iT-: ilii-tc w.ii a .i riii: siu hi on t!:.- i ret s I li is w. i k ' . ... , , . j., ilie slmpo of a run inn 1 mu:... 1 bin I ,.,;,, W1J, ;,;, f,.,v ,plv..; nffo ,v u ! n:!1 io-u' I'11" "' i ounty. He v. :n l.i!i),;ht to t he ! I . , . . ! . 1 . ! . .. . . Livery slal. e, and tiu.:e was taken in ihi.i eoii.!;;io:i. 'I be toii-u.i v. ..- s-.o:in and b'i.ek. I'rot li hi miii)s t he : si;-..- of a l:i:i:.'s !. ti.-'.s WMiid M:1 ' l;..u- the mouth of Ibc beast al i -very 1 h:.ve of ihe siomm'b. npp..re:,.y in . I , j i, -.' be way i h lie w. u.tl ' :o hill! my lie del in a cu.v ,,n,rSi si nee ilieu iinot nijle has died ill i lie --a:::.! w,.y Ashfvil'.p C'r n : A r i -to ninii .Jt a") ve;lV? O'l. lilllll - I Sl.e, 0 ( .:. n-v'iviefy. . r.s iii .lauiiy ki.I.-.i by : the i:i niii'i u -I'.in 'i'l. ;i . i '. v evi i.lie'. : . , . . r . a mi..- l. !,. I...H' . c.-ow.l ol : woo 1 ruit.'iK -'vie r i i: p ! ii'. t rin- j.ftcl- ti en- d.i.'s tv. - li, and ail were V '- v ib'a-ol--. l lioi.l --.:!-.;..' l"! '. 'I'll ' i.e.'io v.iis ju-t si(---:e:;- . li'. liavii; ! n.itunly j tniiin' iVoiii a tiain while ; Willi.-.u..r iM:..r. April im. ipm. l-f-l.i.!'rii;iit lef: then-, 'k anil ids l.-Tt : ''- -- he no blanie'" "r "" U'' wrKK.'l oil th:' toil o.-.l out: ! I-. wili'l I I..' train at foil p.-d si : imk i. :u. iii . , iiat fell . !V -.-,ie he was hit : . wii- nes-(-s :(..). a t tin- itistanc.' fu .- Ills ! I,, i i ......... 1 i ,lv wi -. - ' I.U to v.i, o 1. io.lv U w,l... , .V l"H. H.s .i-'.hl I-ol. efr au.l n, .. ; ui e l; o..eli. ana v v.-. 1,1- lea e o i- luistiv scar, ir.s r.elii shoe lo ur.. i !, pi ' nt ol t i .0 e.: I lit- s 1 1 on i v. life:. show mi; he In- I ti.al f iot on li.n raii Wi,.,.,!M KejiuMi. an: Cp in Cahl- ,v,.-( Iv. i.e.i- il:.. Wrk:-, line, a ,.:., Pv ,ho iru ,.f iiou-jt.-i. . ..v t .,, ,., .,,'.( j i,,: . woo t and' ,:, r.tei i.i: :r '.'.as i.i.ik.-.l :d" cr and; ,,, i.i,.,,.i I,. ,,. ii,. I,, ...,.' i.. ..i. ,... .M .,. ;,. t. ';"!iii-- i . '. . .. ., p :-,i:rrs lit :.!( ::;( Hi. i . K ISO e: o , ,n(. div hi .1 u .- I.. Thev !i: sr. b:.,;o .1.,. ,.b of li... in- n door and e- i ,..,,.,..). i, ;,,.,!, x :i .!,; .,,!.' pi -evioiis- I ;v ,,.,. u,,.,. w.,ii ; u ,, lip ; tl) wineh p sc.- li.ei- e nee.,s ,.,... . j.,-.,.,, ,t-,,:.,", tiio d.tv ! .v Vi,.k. , , ,.....A ;.. ; ,.,,.,;.,!,;. Mj pp.. Foil. Town bii ..'.ins -,,,...... .... Wednesd-i.-. th.s l.J.n in , s-e.,-.-t-.-.o l.ui.iiie.t yar is lion, in boa .... w lieie a le .v d ies lu eu .as, ivs piow ms, ia j. '.;ihi"t; Ik; l.tk, -n ' ce. 'J'ii t-y k:n i..-d a t.i.shli:. an 1 by ho.u. i: 10 His ! he -. otilif.; -r I );.' uci 's Clot hi li; :aij;h!l'ne mil iu told. id to the h -Us.-, I nichi-ie- ! he v'i:.!.i en v : h ipf 1 :ii li.'.iue:,, anl fioru the i fleets of whieli he died shoitly :,f:er. Vi'i!i;:i:;;:, ! .S !r : A rtrm ; ond t-iit of l!.';. fs'.-ir, v. i i i u k fioui Ib-ek id-;'. a':1, X. l'.. i-.-:y-. tho postollie.-i,-...Uim:;- at 'i;ui p wa-. I .own t.p i:..sl 'Iloiisd iy i.:;;itt. i'.v a"i rxpio-ioii i f L-.'l o:u-ii'i ..i. nad i:ui;i ovvder. !'..;.!. i A M'-N.-ii! 1 ad ah -ul i M Ki wiitii of e.Kil. ill tho f, olit fcl.d "t t!i-I uihiinr: and th posb-tuo w fc.'t;: 111 li: on. ii loom. i, i. i.o known Iiovt (he t'1 1 o oi iin il ed, lui U i - suppose i to have been caused OV ! he e-;p!:-sioii o! a !:irr:p, r, i.ieli v.--i. , V i -11 . 1 II i: was b!mvti all topiecic. Ui mi- eus.-inu sloiliiiv' Hit. whoie tow n. Kvcivibine i.i th posit m.-avvaaeoi. ! .-lin.-d bv Ihetilf whi'll lo!. owed the! ,v,,l,,,i Mr. j) J. MeMitiati.of1 South Wa-hir.eto:i. ha i-v v!-:t f. oi.i itu-.-ndia-i.'s Kaiuidi-v i i ;i.t of 1 -. -t ' week, v.l.o i.et tiio to hia barn as. .! , siab.es, cam-iuj the destruotio;. of ih ; bub. lin,-; an I .Is con;, uls, ii.cindiri;.'. : i ,i , , ... ,.: ... , f tii sl.les 1 it o tora.,-.', seVcl.it lu-.i I ( 1, v.iie.toie stork un-ia '-li-ielo-l of fit: ciU'6 and 0. a'u. iila'.ei iai. Ti.e w i.o.e : Mi! ltd lit i'SO'.l. upon which there was no itisiii.'.neu. i'.y hard w oi k ' s .me of his st el; and' othrr Imihl ' ine:, -.icre :-iiT. d, c.iihtlm is.-.i, lahro , i t lU'l' who came to bin aid Chariot! Chronicle : Mrs. Sip. Hot ne. w ho lives in hon" C k low it i linif. hllo him was slamluifr li.-.oin !he Ibo. with her l.aby in her itrins. she fun!. I, mil fob lo the tloor, - ai . ! .,f her bo ly, as well as the. e.l.ihi's, . fiiiiilis,' il::.. tim lirep'uee. in ..inch 1 1 here was a he . 1';.'. 'i ho shit.ks ..f tin. sulTe.i . w .an wmo beat'- ; leud.n... am. h-.-b. sic could In, i eseu.-d, siie wi- b,.rm d so l...d.y. j t mil she i, i.l pi ,Kibiy .!u. Th..i!;ll.ts ' iiiiiri. s me also vei vs-. ions. Avtiv sm ioos, if not hi h .iccideiil happened toj. i'. Alien, oi Ai.sou. ni.iiv, vviule at Wad b.lt w 'rl.ll l illll S.biV tie vv as at ho de,o: load so. e f.-iti:i.'.. is, win ibc !'r. iohl tiain g. no east o.iu.e ii. and his ' amies b. one ft i:;hlened a.i started: ' ,,,r. Hoi jol.t imld ..! the b- : . an I , was run t,v -r by llu'iii. His '. arm : 'as luvkeu i -t ween tuo c.ium ! t!ie bniihler. b miiles a fraeture ot is sh'.ill. Whe.i i.i.t heard font, ho vv i 1..;.. . ,.j I ....'. 1 li.. evoeeti. ......... but I.e was i.ot -xp.-.V.ed to live. 5. . A i'on ia a t.!l to do asi.l pronmi. t .itiz-.-a. A man i.ai.ie lJ-.-.nes M Hoi.ahl, w l.o lives about 2 mile, be- lvtw KooLi.h-in, wat L.il!cd ut ' clock lust night by the ( C. p;iss lie. r train which ia duo io t'ljii! luttn '.loo p m. Tho rii-M.-e of the accident wan ffjv ImnilreJ jar.!- .,f Mr SIoj "''l homo. .Mr aiePnuahl and li .-. b: other inlaw, 1 . E Switze r, wort. vvj-'; D.-' th" t rack. S ,;.er, warn cJ iIcl lu:lt ,r,iltl whs com 1H bn I"'I;" ll0 K'd fjff the; lni'li' -Vr- MoDonaid ""ii'teu- ! tiouto Swifzer's word..', In: t conlinur 1 walking hi t wcr-I) the rails. In a few ts"v - J.j,u l,.!l!4 30 f.t Klr.iil,t inti) th 4, . , ., .... 'f;'' "'f J XT?.'!! 1" ls 1:1 ,! ' 1 :" . . "'y0 J I'.M) am in for iiiui.l'i'. 'riiifir. .old : ! . , V-i I,i V V la . f i u. r- " I" ' N'" ,Ui Hif lail .mi r.iontl wn,.l,lavt.. at lloffm,,. ,.v,,ai hourn !,: Wndi.p.l.iv. Ti.e i.r irn.-l: on!, b-1 iii.ii dm .-i bruli eom nit Wp.lr.P.biv '!';. 1 ..- i r.wl.s .n ! i ! i..,. 5 ,' .t il .....i.. ' ;.. ; " J : , 1(J rHi -a:i nt'u hi;-!i r:iU: of i-purd. 4..,, ()1.v , (,i0 ti!i;i y ,,.,.,, of '',,P!- Wl- 11 I''"'1' 1-avr be. li i ,, , ,-t Utf i Nianv of l'liss?,!.,-:- 1 . . . . ' . . " I I, ,.!U,. ..v.-ii.:.! a: d - u of ihem a. i iwhy jumped oil .. ' i ain. ( 'hai It s . ; ii:;i;tori o-.,;.) i. ...ided th'- Ch.u j .. to bound in. i'e I i on Ihiusd-iv evening to bea , is v.it.- to S.muI.m'i; ' iUi,..;. r.ioi. .id .leiuanded bis; ... v. h.e eonoi, l !.. .,,.,-m i-u.:i...l !.! I ,.,,., , m (...t ,, M..flildliP d.telo-d. I i... i i ,, ii.,, e... ... i .,., i iiiom uie train, v, il n iuni.iii; j a l.t j of I- rl . r.i.les an hour. In I ! !n: h ap his ilea. 1 ,-u :ie in ('Olltiiet -.. ill; j apitili'i'H'.ieray, I pme .-tump, nh-ch J J i v. 1 1 into hi., f u hou I an I diew : !.; , ri... i ........ i. i.' ' os . i i ! 1 '-i t.'uson ra-ite hero jjthter.l-ty. . -nu.U'.oiue.I si j.ny. Uo deel.led I he ,','("''""l'-' eoln.. o his death bv Vol- j ...... o li-e . ... oi.l LJllll-ail. l.i ticgrn's imp. u ieiio. I - , - . '' ' ' ' . ' '. ,, '' !,.v '-'"" ,ttti K"' -")V.-r- .1. I M'-; ; 'e ; f i - i',,f. liallili It. (irarc, of t be I i-.e;itv, I lis h. en compelled to fi imiyl. aeeount of nervo j 1"'" Hm piiVMeun think, li-' wii lw"T-r ,,f'''' ' 1'c',t i k"T ! . 1,in' i uU ' too(! Ill OI'i ol tliose Ol' illletionl :-'":is in New York city and fe.-n I f.. ., ....... ;, I ' j " .... ! -J ' on I he .loom' and ftoineiuuus loi i ' y,,u ran u-ui:..- j ' ' J- n,.l.-ils 15l i.ilcKct .Sloi.. r-;ii al.vay.-i .'iter the peoplo Mich tifin'ml us b.n oin ; f.ir from tlflse ' c"'''ft tim unheard of valuos ih-tt li IH4 J..,:k, i. Mot., oirvra you liom day lo Uy. D. 1'. hwiudril ul wayi, u-iuU Lien hi;,' aaieii and lu-t j '.. iiioncy to buylhi'iu with; the ; 1 l'-K-iieL hbs no.v t'.i.. bigrott bar- l v'r (di'eieii in a white shiit I " ... -- s , . o-c. ,.ci ...... .;. lii.ii;' else in u'.i cheap ta plopoitio .i I . T. S-Altl.h-'.l'h li e Ihl li"l SioK. iiii-r .-.i-otoi a. id S ila. I.,;-., n Stw . I.'li;.ll. N C. ! , . . .M.:I an ap i 1 1 . r rase of ; i'hf' l'lesi h lit has eheai. :. for i:.ird-i! in.ieM. r.aoi, Jr , e-.io !,,( I in Tit - ;i.-i- f r.o'. - Ji..ii.,flhf..: - il:o:.a!baii!. - n.,' ai.is and !...,i!. ..!,- 1 M.,r. h, JS.H3. io :. vears in Ai'u.i.i.- i e it n i.n v 1 i.l... 1 1 ir... .; . . f t. .1 ! v.. bus i'aiii-n heir I t I M,''Khl. That t'.il It;... wait lcf. I v the derf-.isr ii 'l a. -eis VV I.'iH-tk. w ho died ai M ! b . i'ei iy, N. V . i.i-t we k Mr. M K -tinic was I .asak'.s son-ill .:.w a' d is bis .n Iv heir, ilo is a ni iu lu-a-lv T'l year "t aje l-.-i;ULab!ba!i'!-.m.e wr.milli is j -;"' !'' he ui'm::-m,t b. a phi! Ii:,i l.i opieal iuovpii;.'.,! m r.u-si i io , S"IT!.- '' """'v "H' I:- ' (" "''-' liin. ; '"'""" ami i-i.ubbt.rM en es of ma;i !. jr-v.it. icm i n-maa. ism u - '-'""" ( '! It r-the -M-a'ci.t patu-; :1"s 1 ".v :'1' ''" ''; '",!v ''''"' ... ... ., . . .. ,.' , . ., ,, il l .i'l lit. l ll ..-,ir,i,i; i tv Tlio i,st"-"r iruln on e,r inwlior-,' ral'irieA m B)1 arrl(. ne..',!,' :,i i j m , n. ,ktn wl.Be..t, i:t iUc n ull tmlu -n ti.v It ti. a i.. k. k , i...-n wih-mii i:..itis:i m i- JJ i. m. nr.d i.-.w r. - v- M- x - " " " . . .. .M.uhu-.ii. sni rot. oI'Uli.i. m t:i. O IiiT lO. i. .Nc.v rtd-i. fUscr.ieii.s. Use &33 & es. ' tf $ W j( 1 V U iT1 !J A S k&lM ma. ilA -.i HuHii.23 raflOTI Thb.sti i ll e vvot'J for cott.n t.oni UlHJ i,., .c. d fci liiir.i l' Tiiu i. a inirc atiim- . , , ... v. .- .... v.'.i. ' imn'.im. A v . YY. J I.O!, PON. AT. . ,,,,.. y , , 1 lrlsll( - ' v 1 I cb, 2S. lt, j. ..us. j'Hsw Crej GiiM Mclasse? YYe ofl'n- lit low fiv'iiros f j Hlii, liwes nii.l J-.inds vUU Coni-... NVw Cr.'i. Mohe-M-s f ur own ur.p.r::.t u-u dncct froiii Cuba. Aiwi ! i iin .,!.-, J J(J . ,. . ,, I 1 1() 1 JXI '.Am l).iii. -!n a--.l IL.f.s I-".r pi I'ox-s .by f-all. told m IJ.iw.iII. i l , -I.. Cdiidv, ( !i e- p. Cia k i illllll 'i" ..' I h'.-.I. l'.i.tmC-. i' i'- : I'"-" nsli ). lf i s, Soho, Sh.itT, Soda. Nads A '.. Ae. WiL.MISQ TON, N. C. I'eb 2S. 18: 3. mmm Pal va'dou Oil W YAvlXTiSC TIUSTKK,;4 NO fJCK. I'vthn t.'i-u -. ..: u..- d.-M.,r m.i, iv.i i m.s ,,y ,.,.., .,. ..,., wlf... .. ,.....t.m,., Ut Kll cr.-,!.'.,nv, 1: w b i.,l..-.r : il t. us: tm. -. an- r,'.;,nr.' I t-. '' - . .'i- .r..-l. M..n.i. .so- c x. ,. , js-.y. ,.,. ANSI '.J SKIP'S NOTItT NU. l. h-r-Ly :..:. i o.- -li'. -i-. r,-..m:,i".l,- I vl : ;; , : !!. .-".. -i : r.,.,- . -,r. -t . I.;. o,,. . . .e. il. -. l-rX.:,?.;i? WJ"W I v r-b:.l I. -I ,..: u, ,,. , ., ;, :,. .i llll ..-! i,' H' 11 il. A I.' .-imnis h- hIii- t-.u-i i- l.l,, ORS f';,!;:.,y. ;;:,' ...V'?: , ; V' ).; ;,; ,;;,.', .:r: ',;.,;.,;: .: .r e. .... Z, ii.-iTs i.( l.-w,.: , ii..-i. i-.-i.: I. 1 il.ll. -.1..' I:.l. I" ' ' J- l , i, W. I.. l.oM , l-J. fi-.ne Z i IHiol.tl, sAid' i: v vii; ,M , , l: .... -...i ::-nH . v... -u-. I i , c.:-.: o-ai.aiii i.y J..:i.. o mi;;.t ;,i : e. I r: .s;,,v n.. .:..i .!.-. ..: M..r-i.. a-:-. ..-oi-e-.l Man - i- ' i';n; ;-pH';;J. i'-V;." ,; -v- , "i'V. ,;'!,.'" 1 "ii.V. i.o.soo.VAr.y. i ; -ijfJ OUTfi ACT, SUK -l',Y VU1 f. ..'"r..";"" .n -7i ? .,. ,.,. -i- il... r. -,!: i-i.svnsi , ''..V ." ZT-ri-!:.!? -C ;i 'iis ; ru.-r ku i .-!....:...-.. -l.-;i.. i j ;;--4i Ij;; . i',"'',;'; ' a'""y !Vr:; '"' ' """""in'', ii. v'ii.-.N."' ; k-u :. is. j u;l: sl.K--!'Y VI ll f 5; tu ,fH i. .i. ... v.-. T-. Ul" if . :i.'.i: ..:' ;- v r'.li i'u: 1: l.i . : M.-l -u ,:.- - - in -;cy :. , it. ; i or-.!..' r.H,!is'i-r,.r I - Ii ' ie-.:!,,:ii. un ! i'-. I will ."-l. ' .- .- I. rn. i -s-iin I.-'u!' ,1 r i. I uinb.irn', '-a l l i ven, i In- - lay ' - I-. '.s' '' ii... u-ttf-i i.( !..:-. I ... a:- :i ' : :. " I s' i '. "t vv ,; , r- ; i.e. ...,-,.,.. w . s n.i'-ih -e. i .-,- ; K'l.y. :-. ; -, ., . I f-AX-i-.- Ci X-ua-Cw. I rrm!.s t.. nn ,-i.-- f '.;;' -"' ' liv-.m-.. .-rr.u y a, il -,,-i-...l i-en-..- n-j "i, ; : -it. '..-is l: :. :-. t..- i'.-i. ' ' ! i':KM is! s" .', 'r'"'l.;,ia?.'V,,lt i " I'',-"", ..', ' ,.,r"r"" J''.' ,-l:. .l.uli l e'-. i3Ui. I'.'t.t. Vl tjffj "- llW' kj vN v.,.,.. M,. ;ytl.u. rivn-il a-. !;. .1 , i c. -. l'r ! -o., Ill IiOilJi, l 1',.,'tu ..,! i ul," "l r. , iIjh. 1 1- .,1-k .li as ,. ,, i,v j '-' j i l uz.-.i.-:. '. A , s :n. I W im mm alio i i.i! l.ind- 1-3. . WOODWARD. Conuuibt Llovcltaut. 1"! C'I .m ; :. S.i ,-. t:ib!isb.-l D'.:-, N V..it. c !v V7. 2.. r-'rcsv;jii, ;sxr i;k . c. o.iiie'l .'. hi ia ; : 1 -lt-'to i i ai lie. s i. Ci a: tile I. a-1. C foivfi 3Sfi':? n.LH ! Ai (1 is at w .-I I: :e-e II : h !. it. i f f si ll hi -ruaian e.- his w k - li V. ..( -! i 'l.-cl.s and 1. v.eli v t ,p -A ....stiy in t!,i. St;ito. S id t I il l at "i.e.. k:. ! t; ! ii lir iv. -I ':. .lo. ' I e;!i; S . d l-.e pe, ' la -ies, V.' oe! c, l'i l.s. .lew -bv an !! i :!e ' . I ;"." ii- :;s . n r:iv. 1. W. H IM. I.' . r-.--:-' -..r:.i:' ,e-, e.-i .8-s ,, ivODersovji a . ( U.Vl'KI. 3 I I I -T Now llii-.'ii V t;i .-, ,i !i I.. i;it;v We ai r 1 illy p:. j i' " I ; ,1 ite the t.ui. li-.,; p.i! he c imfoitab'...' luaiihev. b. t! t la-IICS. 1 I.e -.:li, i ii ay ; ::!. -1 til llssu e 1 oi a ie.e !..- : P. c ... a ..i iv. : o.-ms, n",i :. I . . - s ., ; wtin tte la-t ti.e i.. ii ....... .c I ' 'I'mnuiet s em i.e liCeo.t.ni-.. : wit., a -mod samp,, -o ,.m . n. .- ttuo.'. J w ... V- SERGEANT HANUTAOTURINO CO., Greensboro, XT. O. mam r.M-n m.-.i'.r of FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HZATIKG STOVES, KfMlSaw Mills, niUVof uuan wuucio, nnuuuiu, And Casliiii;-. ut Lvtry Description. fa- Send fur Prlce-L.Ul. mm k mm, ; DEAI.KHS IN DRUGS, Mm Ho!:- r ' ' 1 1 -iv:- i 1 1 ( I ; for il:. Ai iii'h J.4ii:'-tnl ''is nn.i J -.h ino:,d 1' ,. 'i' l -. I Tii - I : u:. : ' "ii! - v.vi-nl! f. : fr . .ii:,! j r. ii-. i i ai! s-t n ' d . .'i-i '-.h ll.r po-.vd.'is r.ie f l : I liv.r ;,.';d !ki.liii-y lr.-i:b!c. t I;t-t).i..-:t -l .. i rri 1 ii!.,od. dysj f s! ;. A,'. .. !' bo of ,u-v i i-i i!.o a j i " f ! l';.ko v- ;:i. - I . f,:'! I !. ! ' M.d t a!-!.-j in((. V,.--.i will jet !' th oil c..'l li iu lor 5d i:ti ai-.lt.uvf. m.-io-y n o , iiii.'knorB. r'(i r 'r'- , jlOZS IvGtCl. Fi n'iuOfar, h. o. ; This, ib t . iiii, .'in my v:vy M .'- i iie.i th-- iii-he e.' il, rahv thai I am Idill ie;:a.c i !-' i-,Miir"'a!' ti.'-m v,- ill tie! e-0 tl 0 hi-iikft nfl'o! d. IS- I aavo iloiif for ti.. j ft.d t-,. i '.v yvaie Men A. 11. I i-OS.h Pari -I- Sails at ! ,v; W.di.m I'.".!.-.-- :-. I'- ; I. ir .-'!:'!: i .su A.h Kxtei.-i hi 'I :.!-. l oi b: :i.:l,l,-. V. : i i.ik. '." to I'. -1 i h- i !'. I ii:, j l'i .ii ' ' jlooo f i I- S. O. tS.XS'2ZO'Z l CO.. N . V: t". :,,t V:.;.. i t. j;.U.i''.jiU5. N. c fa "S 5! (. fll J? it 1 Si li AAM v. ; orn :: v j 'J..:t,, 'x-)CZ 0)1 v !i a hd r a ni; .1 'J.VS.:, U-.'J.ii') : i. ii-ij ! 'i !'!NT:-'. i)!! '--. C-I..?:S. l.-nic. Vh:l;i. Crio-r.t, i vc.i ns. s';::i.i.'--. i-invniip.fi SM ''!'. CA! S f.t. I WADS, f i- ?.T'i;:-i It. liMil;;:i ' I'AI 1 io 1'-. e ti iv I . i..o it! I! .!!(.. 5. Nil '".V: i.V: 'DV t tki.i.s i nr. !-iUiT:Jr 'iP' -n i T Tir.'o"-! l-tiaAil (tUlJj. 11. ..e 1:1 ... ' vr- i- l !. I !e..sa: ! :.!. lle.it 111 ( V- I V d-'j.m 'lo- i I ti.b y ,, 1. i'i! st . hi-s s:.!ie 1c l ech, f JOHN A SMsTH. l'i -.oi lo f. I". I: ili.i u -z i n ? ri'j . L , , r:;.Nc:i yaIim, 1. . ; i.l: tin S-iu;-. I'.iY-ii irVii.i.K. N. C , M N.'r'.U 'i T'oKU of all kinds . t nl fete-is !N MA. lil.'.i ol. liHWlli: he I'm I 1 lei I all k:i-d of I'ti-.IJ h. C o -un,.. l ts. i .. I 'eslj i s of all .i t e i - .-in. 1 i .-i tit ;.. ;.,. a ,dit-- .t '. I'ii ' . I. l.- .V. c !!Y;X. i'u pii.-toi. j i 4 L .1 V Cane Mills, Horse Powers, . firei fiuru MM TOUR PR IX 1HK - Ti.b. is a lioiiif c'ihjiany and Ji. ;v(.: I: .- "tlol,it,e i;f all Nil! ai vtii.i '.ii-.'.. Ji wat- oreani'c! in JSCS and !: paid ton iiof a niiiii -n dollara if lews,-, id ih.'M- is !,,-t t r. eoi.tt'te,'. A!! ! :-: paid )!' ir.plly. JCjerj i.-eh-r. litan oiteht t.) insure his I'.ir 1 i ir.. apply t o 31. A. I.DNiJON, Afjn(. V. S t riMUOSi". Tif .idrnt. Eir'mi worn,' iiur iiAivi, rj. c. ; , r . . s-j'( I ' be -.-.: i,s un,. I. . e s i or 1 1 3l -.-;'-. , .-, a ply I ' above i-d I la. If-'s.v ly. ni V AFFUSTED! V- ir.v e hrcn ;di w n Kt.'Tcral lekli : .is il hi pr -pie :.i out tl.ix 4- i . r -..'. ;.r t!.-. if 1 i.-.sltn of J)i i i.o.io: .' '.- .tn.t , i i-f tb. il' raxes, tin : p -.-.i... ! ..1 :.i 1 1 ... ; or. to thttn: ' i.l .-.: - . . ( Men v O.si.s, N. C. and Ml',. J'l iVC. I tie.V. Ol (iull, V, . viiii in i.i.'i-oi c.iii.Rif'U.latioi. 0f ' !' i'.li-'lli in. i ho i-. i f lKultai. - :'!. i-.d- v.iiies ih-.t H-.O niC'ersd I , !: e .iii.. :'...!;'-!;. tie- t : (-.: Inili I j I'- r.i 1 he- ctPJ letftiV CCr .! no.li, io I...T..!-r. SJos.i-y I. fin; del in CHHO of ft!a.. ' -vi.iel: ha ', nev.-i v t .a cinrr d. i J. II. ItASlRl,. N.o. 1. JoM.31.uhO, I. C. 1 Ml. .1.11' I. IIAI. i l; r. mci aie.ui Ja ) t Wa ha-.e oit L.-.i.d a full :- (;:; v iTHts mi:: i -. -. v description, also IrAf.iiiiNi; A.! TIf.S, ': ti h we offer i tho j.t.'.iic at l"' Will n.-i!. ; ili.t, w cash ddvaiieorj ouCjC." .ell d.-rb cl. I ' i -.1 ,H:d Itr-fl V. i.r.t '.Vi VA1T I'AYLOr :.u th '. :t Cxt-t-aiif he,.. lli.1 Uhllh v z. r. d v. v. hailv Con:'l.?nsed Ssh - ala ?i . . e'-ci Mond ,. Dee. i; i v i , n t loin- K 1 Hi.li I- a. ,-1 -, ia i , tvsli.i, .Unir I :sl -I !-. ll!ll!l!-r IC . 1 ",: ..I l'r. has ..a .(oily ns .-. H -:.e "lall-.n Tnill, rili.f in ..I r,' .-::. Mil,- Tsi.-s.lnjr I'l-'i'- ' . ,, 1 e . Ili.i l,i .,! 'v. -I -o- i.t-.l I'iI-i- . Ml. in . M..II.I-OH, W-ll,i !, I I V.I. Vl. . I-i Olfi-li .if e-e. fin . n.itiii-iirij i ir -.-.:. . n 1 - - I:..-, Th.-r- - . :- r... 1- I,:. . '.i si.-l I'r.'lji i i. .. ; I ,:i:, -ti tun Uuil) i,ari vv y liVl.E. O.-u'l I'.. Cnv. ;e- -t '!V. ' 'i.'.il. tiHr.inci' andii bii-llli-n ,il, i, . ! -1 Lit VUnX'll.U I t". !ui .. 'i. , . .iff., ,t.. f . S. I ant l fin.. W, ! ',-i- i. i , ,.'t ni'i iiciifi. Ml butfne i.n rt 1, , ...I l-e. ... '. ji.-.t bim... . Ill ' lil.iL i.l. . .... li-s. ..! I!..". tU. I. ... IW s, .;! i. -l l. i,rii.; ' 'r i i"..o. ' ,-i dr -er'i ll,.:i. V i- if : : .--il-, - oi in,.. ' tl, e ( .in r ,i ,' . . e .. -.'hi 1- ' ''1 I, , ,u ,;-,,' I' --in "via n-f-ii- tuul., tii ,., ie A.t.la . C. A. SNOW & COv ... V . ! I.. ... . H Jj.l. .w.jiM..iifiii,,i.j!i iistJiwyj'ipwipK-

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