1'OH l-AKM AM) (UK DEN. Feeding Young Ili'eves. Tf is generally con.vilc.l that pit; pork I? nut only siiK iinr, li:it m st r llt:il.le to the proiluivr, ye', tlu-ieii a iuc-iia as to fattening Ikws vming. Hat I)r. H. l.evnolils aveis t hat hy jii'lieiiut.- ami liberal fuelling vming beeves tan be Iirought to a suitable condition f, r the market lit two yens of nee, ami i-vi-n younger, ami he thinks sueh he: I' can lie made so (hot it will bj nf tile be;'. tm!ity. Sunw object to vming In i f as being inferior to that of nliler utiiinuK but it is nut neecssarily ji.ht. Vming beef, as ordinarily fed, i; umloubtodly inferior in iril.ility, Im! good feeding, begun when the iniinal. are young and rontinui-d right almr;, will v ilmo beef that is of lirst ii tli'y. -W e '. 11",- l'iiK Manure. The proi.T" of t 1 1 1 .ituig il-it-a. n't odd a single t-lvment of fertility to raws-table manure. It relieves it of part f its great volume tin 1 weight, remit n it more eimvenient of hamlling and iippl. nition, and makes it iiiii.-ei- in ai- i':i. but it also surely deprives it of a p .'i-timi of its elements of plant f.iod. int only through the escape of .'initiiniia. bu; also through the l -aehing and washing HWay of s-'me. of its mineral eoiHtit -Hunts. The gardener xxli.i ib-sii"; tn set' ijuYk results, but is afr d 1 of the living weed needs and iniip. i.nrs b:u-;eri-i mi 1 I'l 11 buiiid in raw lii.-iiiin- his no mini al t ruative but t" i-mniii'st it. and to take tin: risli of Ins.. The farm-r. mi the ether hind, lias po ii"i"l nf h t. tiliL; tn iipply it at oner to his li. lds it mr.ilm-, it even orchards. e h is little m u th ing to gain by 1 nmpn-t.tig. but 111:11 h t- ln-e. The lies; ami (ii- t adatieed fanners un-.v take the raw manure to the I'e-hls about as fast as mail , no 1 e.-n-siiKr it the lues', a Ivaiitii-eoils method generally. '.; -,.j W'.irl!. falilinge for Live Sim k. By the liberal e of i-.iU.u.;. I line been able not only to keep 1 1 p I'll! to lai'irelv i u rease the yicl 1 from nr.- e w and that with out any d.-lctcriou-. 1 IT ct idler upon the foiimils or the i-..i:..i. I began to feed Vt ry modi-r iteh -I'eoi-;-that the flavor i f the milk nii-li' be i n - i 10 J and gradually iucre.-isi-d the i.-ition until 1 was fee-line cry nearly a -mueh il' the cows would ea; with a r-'. i-h. t'alves als 1 do wi ll on it, ; n. I lot of ynunjr pi,'s,tunied in upon a patch of .'lIMHO heads that were a liille t 'o .,. for the Mason in h a line; up -ln-wi il a marked inip;ovtiiM !it in an aim- -t in credibly short time. It w-mld be pr- !;; able for any f irne r to nro-.v .1 pi-' nibbag'- f 'i sto U ali ne. a- .in .el produce froin lifie 11 to twentv live ! 11s of 1 ieh I itiogon..'! , f I , but 1 1 (, 1 Hill, grow tin: callage ..;- me!-.'- and feed the 11 fu-e soft le.eb -t:i:.,s ,ind outsi It-h-nves - and vet li . 111 thai pa: t i-uoicgh to pay the iiilirr 1 t "f .1 i n. -lion. .1 A-iri';'! :. The bbal Team. The host teaiii 1 v.-r u l 1 tie- f 0 in was h I-w , bl -i !. -built. 1 !! c up!i d hcavv bone I piirof ul el - draft that weighed ll'i.VI p.. ill . 1. Tie y re strong, wilii 'j;. active and a!.iy ready for a good d 1 '- :i rk. Wi'h ihi teani w e thotlLiht let lin-.' of ! . . -a n -four acres per il iv ol h I ha 11 ! u h- 1: -. with .1 I ' i 1 1 1 1 1 - i'kv pi w. or j . 1 1 1 1 i -1 ill -I' aero, of -or el ii u 1 w th an e -lo foot sfeib r. ami on a If l-ip.b the;, would do in Hi Hi l a- tloe I 1 "i 1 p. liorsis and were in.n li ni .r to i: . nsthii-i- -.vis n- oeca-i'ii o-,- ihi-ii to rnwd e n h other, a-a di e h r-- i-nn invariably will. Then in heavy teaming about the farm or on t' road tlcne wa- a Ltre.ir def. of mtisfaction in knowing th::' the t'-.iui would draw nil an oi. 11 i'v farm wag 11 (ould cariv. Thl5 team u-uld. and did by the watch, walk four and one half ! five miles per hmirnii t!,.- h i I b th w i' h an imply wagon and drawing a la n y load. AVe would like to ee in, .re -a- '1 teams u-ed oil the farm 1 wry h- 1 they an; not only valuable f r tie amount cf worl; th y wiii aceompii-h in n satisfactory lna-i'ier in a sin gle season, bill when on,- ha- -u h a team to 'pare they will r a-lilv bring fi'OH or more. .V''. ',.. I'litler Means Many people at the South do not i;p pret iate the value of w iiat 1- know n as the small l ima or butter I em. 'I'l. m, are three vin ieties of tie I.i:.:a la.i.-. -the small, tie- e,. ,,, , 1 1,, , liu proved. The i; - t l.an.e I pio.bne. biau--inuch larg r til ill tin- sinaii -ir:--. but is less produi live. a:.d I s i.ot 1 n tinii bearing Ihroiighou! tin- -1.1-011 in toe Snu'h a-di i s the small Vii.ii ty. 'I le large I,im 1 ha; Imu iij.i 1 1 .hd by bl'eer's Improve I. 1 l.t the -mall wi.ile I. una, couinioily known a- tie- Lu"i r be in, is the one in.i.t e,,,, rally i.ihi vated in the l otion Na i- wlicie ii i Mlhjcct to the all ick of 110 iu-eet en, my. is not depredate 1 upon b,- pnultiy, 111. d litlords ft ilelieinu, d sh b r table li e. either as a green or diy shelled I em. It is a uuivt rial icciipant of the Southern gardens for use in summer w hile gr" n. but few have as y t realize I its value f. ! w inter use, as a dry b an. It is more ea-ily produced, mid nine easily preserved than any other spu-ie-(rrown in the S-mth. It is c n-iden- 1 bv sotnu superior to the celebrated "Yankee ' or "navy bean ;" at sinv intc it is a jM-rfect substitute for that famou-Vttriotj-. The only ilitKculty about I trowing Ibis bean is tho fart that it r.eed.-i a support upon which to climb, ! This support mar be most cheaply fur- nish" 1 by using till growing varieties of ' 1-01:1. T'ee li. mi 111 iv be ii'iinH"! i'l (- I " ! rows of torn, and oecuji the st'lk. uu til gathered. W'efe l sa i-tied tha; thrv naild bn grown wih profit niiywhere in the k uith. I nlike the other varieties of beads no weevil attacks it, and hence i there is no il.llioult-,- in preserving them i through t';e xxintei. They should le prepaied f r cooking by soaking in : ivair 'i hours prcvioit to boiling. Tlu-y may, however, be cooked without irevioiis snaking, but mor ! time will be 11 1'iircd in boiling. They are fouitl on ill - market but are 11 it grown in sutli ciei.t tiiautit v to pi ie tl:e:n within reach of the iiiultit-.t.l .'. Tiie supply being : small, the price puis tlu-in out of reach ! of the majority of families. I'll i - is a crop that should be laiir-ly urowni'ithe Sou h for winter u-e-to iipply home iu-i-i.--s.it i s. I'in.i, Jr'UI .. St .;,. I'lii-m anil tJnrilen otoj. Never have your low Is too fat. Are jvur seed potat e.-s iii a frost-proof cellar.' Are the mice i.itiiig dollar wheat in jvur stack or mow ? The la-t co.it cf pain! sheul I n -s b put 011 tint n - v h'lililin; until sjuing. Y 1 1 .jieeiis niav be as safely planted in tin- fail as in the -priug, if lan- i takeii w till thein. livery man .-h-cial rai-e something for hi- f iiuily that In can m t buy 1.- well, for mere m-eti-y. Ilon't forget tii- 1 und. you can't i lie.it th -gi em i jnii inn cheat ymr--ii!' in j .11 ivin not ile-it th" ground. Kvevy -hiii 1 of .1 half fl-ozi 11 1 ow wi.l -how il.-elf in th'- inii'i -p-iil. U inn b-irtis aii-l waMil bubli.-ig ene in pal' for : I. l'mliia!'', -milk prodo'iou in winter meir- lilnrd feeding of grains, no mat te, h- v. g, iiei-. -us j!,.- -tioj liis of ctlier -oyelnl, r To ,!. pi 1 a:.d eur.i ii the :! i- bet t' r tin in t ' : 1 1 1 ; 1 h farm, b r w hil,- the e- .pi- ill- e l-e 1 e 1 , -1 ,.f piodu ing it i- !-. I,. -e !. Tn - - i'l t - , r . - 1 u 1 1 1 i.'l 1 1 d plo.i'ice l -i toil:;'.! bill l-o'' apple cell. Tn".' 1 i the -un- v oil Iv and agi , ill the -all-e 1 Ti ll ll'f tha' Were I.ot lliulehed. di.l 110; pr 'dui e a bushel. I'd iien-pip, v.nin 1 aound t'o- bo, i .-ii:-g ipph- tree' have proved g M I winter ,"'iiot-, ,:evi ntiiig sun - aid 111 d g rilling by labbits. Tirr.-l l-ui.d c : p ip r is a - 1 1 1 - 1 1 by s one 1 ha d 1 : to,- lie .i tij. purp, 1 'Id "O ii ir.l - iniiv be ii-nov red by thoi-i og'i . ,l:iv..t; m. digging, de ii"V ing the bun r-. c! iiilug up, whit -wadi-ii.g t, ii, , -, pru ;i ig and doing .1:1 !i o- lief Wol Iv .1- In I. be m-:l--:l!y to ge l! li an 1 I 1 - in a III ! 1 hi-- enndi- ti ii. I'velutions in reiiiiuine tuirh. Tie H h ive I . , 1 -ol-le , u: loll- t ' . d U -!!!!- i:: einiiioi di'-- with 11 lh- la-' I a . .ir-. I n.e 1 f tie- lll"-i ui.iwr-a'ly adnpti d In:; v iti.-r.- i- thai f the e !- 00 I -I01 ,. In i d 1 lini" tie ii a i, r . I I., -hi 11 .lilTi ii -I I'l -in la -r t i" k In 'hi- I "ill"!: . !' In r a"iie . niy ... far a . lie I, I to i'i o n, -- 0 In r bill. ngg i-i .1 II .'. till- i I h" iv 1 - :n I IVi'.o:. ' " !..'- o: ;-. I: Wll- e I 1 .l.i.i ;.- i ele.i ,. Wi ,r 1 i n -iik , le - , -i n.d h it p -ini wa . -le . d. d wi I. d-t'i i.iy to hide- j H...-M .i'.g N -w - - , . lady of fa-hi -ti Til. I- ie - lo w- I '.' tth 1 I' h toilet th it -he p., -1---1 - 1; U no iiiu ' nun us p;...e-. to h .ve ., K:ll,- dy,-. to lli.ltl h pr. . i-. ly 1 1: 1 .- t In dr.- . w idi whn ii tie ir - t 1 hi w-..-ii 0 1 its trimming. A iini i . r-ai an I a- widely adopted h ,- bi n U.e , hang.- in tne le 1 I" ::l .v -. Soi-.i" yi-a-s ago fan -button gl 01- i.i gl.,1 kid Wl l" In Id to In- ry Inine s: ii-h. I'.ut f. r tie illy ten y. .11-pe- tin- l,li:' gl ve in Ui'dr. --ed kid ha- Inn u u illy a.lopted. This fa-hi in wa- ill. r. iini el by Mme. S.ilah lietii hai It. wl j wa- Ihc lir-t w l:o oiilen d glio.-- .f ihirty-l 11 to-.i leiigih. in un dr. -ed kid. to ( . ;a 1 al the t! 11. in -- of h. r .no-. Ai-o t,, that lady do we Wi llie liiii-oiiui Hon of inpin- dr. s- and di re. t. ir. a-he: and th-- revival i-f I: .- bug b..a. ihar to the hi nils of mir araieiinotlii -. she has set the fashion for Theoih 11 ha;r pills and T.-ia hut-, and h.i-. m la-t. w i.-lde I an in ll nine in-, i- tin- Uoild ..f di-s. beyond that c .: - d by any ' ! her w man in liu- wmid line'!,, iia-,- of l-'mpH-s- ll.igi iii'-. I e --' ( iibiin'. ia's l.ol'i v l apilal. l'.ogo a lb,.- c pilal of ' -iom da, is -i'.uai' d i i tie- - h" art of tie- Andes." -.un thi.er .01 r 7i' 1 f, et abioe the se 1 le-- - !. and link- a- ill thd i high ; city in tin- Wi I. in Hemisphere. 1'otosi mid iiiilto o'll-, I kin:: pie edeii, -. Ther 1 1 p- 1 '..it I 1 1:1 il! i II ..s tn the CM III l f it - f. un ii .g i i lo I .' It is leiat.-d ill it tins e Span at-l . .-i t out with the purp'-si of n'ei.ing a cipiin! f.-r the row vice r y al y nf Ni w t Ira-iada. One enti re ! the tirritniy tlimugh Veneii'-la, a -cc-m;d a-ceuded AI.igd.il -mi. while th-iiii-d s gatiwa,- was by the I'ae.tlc eoa-t. All tin eting ( ti the sji t vllere th" 1 ill 's now o, a'e 1 111 the same 1I.13 , wi'h , nc Spani-h siij.ei -ti iun ' he.- hailed it s an cnicii," and with great foruiiiliiy founded the -resent city under the n 11:1- -t" "Santa Ko de I'mgita." Later tl Saiita Fe" was dripped, and i' . ni diH simply Ilogota. Its population c-tiui n't-1 lit about fitUW. WOMHN GAMBLERS Scenes Witnessed at the Note rious Monte Carlo. A Duclioss Who Was a Vcr Heavy LotSef. o you se that little, white haired wciiiau at th: tretite-et .pnni ite iabl-, nitli piles of gn'd and bank not o n tcr.-1 around In 1 in such tonfii-i. 11 tli.l you wonder ho-.v she know which an lnr nnd whiih lur neighbors? S'e weilis th- biggest di inioiid-. in the r nin and p'nys th" most mklci-.lv, utidaiiiitnl by evil eyi c-r any ..th -r i y. -s. Sin-i- n .1 ch-s-. who la t yen- lo-t .ibi in one light. Tiii y, ar sji.- w ill lo-e a. mm h "i mo e, and n.-! year enme again, nu-1 keep on con ino a- Inn g as die ha- any inoni v lef- or c:'.-l l--r:"w ,-o.y cf he. hie d-. That hill at the table fa ir the ei 1. l-e of the lnniii. at whom the 1 rniipi-r-h --k Is ipp.r-vingi i . s if atiad -i will bnak the bmk." in-i-t 11. -w have a pleee of the h.-iiigiuan's r 'pe aiouiid Ini neck, although ii is -aid that i-.s year sh- lo-t -.i .ii-iii; but -he is ,-i h, and it dm- 11 T matti r a- mu. Ii to h- r a- to the :.:i 1 bcyon . who ri-k- , 1 1 1 and l.-c-. and ili.-n with a look ad t" -e upon so y. ung a face s arclios v.,inly in her u.sc f r aie-ther tivi frank pie, e with whi-h t.- tiy again. 'i!l -In- lenr.1 v.i-don, II-mi h. 1 defeat of ic-d iy' N--t nt 11 1. sin- has ta-ti ! 1 he p. is, .- w hieii i . w u k ing like in elm -s in hei br liu 1. id if -le 1 a:in--t I- To- v she w .11 I 111 j - p in 11 oliv ,f her . -welii or 1 In s. an I e -111.- ag -in t 1 111 .1 row r. ii, hoping to d-i In I er til 0.1 t. il.i .. hi re -li- a man she imh' at !a-l, when ii 1 1 1: i"vnbly mined, p s inly kill her- If. i'ett -In- i- ,1 w, 111,11. r.nd a- -mil h.-lds hi r lit' in r- s .en d. !.. 11 a: lie- 1 ud of the table is a worn II - ' ei-l 01 blind or bo h that -he d'-e- " 'I klmiv whin she ha- .,t or won, nod la- ! in- t 'on pto I by lur finnd. who I.'l- la 1 whereto pa: h-r in- ney and wheiit" I ike it up. Pitiable - ei I n le of woman- h 1, with bl- 10 I t 1 ' ' aiid shaking hand-, w hi. Il '. .nee , :,n 1;.. 1 I le g 'Id :e is -.j-i.m-b ring - want-'idi I 1? it to in.- h, i- 1 -t -o p'tial I- a ti nt fair you ig 11 i-di-h girl wh.-i-i I iiatih-d I--I 1 week and by whom I tn d when -In mile I.e. lir-t ViiCuie with a tile fra e pie e and io-tl Hut llere wen- m- re in b-i pur, and with ! lit i-vilii.i.r i 11. d I1111-: wuil'' she 1 111 I le 111 d'".i 11 .. .. a't- r an -liu r until -hill 1.1 a folluu il 1 1 u 1 1 1 e and go' ha k nil -he had In.t. iihil I could 11 ! In lp ihiukiog tint 11 would hi . e be n f.n be;; r f -r le-r if 1 v- r.- dr -p of tin- ball hid bin again-! lor. was so pr.-ily and swe- t to h- k at, in-1 app 1 111 ly so ftc-h an I inn nt th.i' 1 f 't irn -i tibly di-iwn to 'lard her. and wati I e I day aft- r diy a--he be, nine in.-re and in--re a--i ii-lonn -1 I., the j i.-ii e. and. a la., Illnlc lli'in tolnid to the iinh-althy in T il at in-vph' n sh" II a s b.-f a ' h I it g . It s,., in, d ,, 1 ile ihe I' e-hm -s flol'l her fee, whi.li l..-iioe ihi-hi d and r.d 11 it t i-i. in tin-il. while In r yi - 1 i-t their -by. m-' h -t I -md l.c! lie- ell - 1 ! !, e al und le I Hu ll -itatingly. If'', I pitied her. f.-r 1 knew tha' 11" ei. 1 e oild -it it a g.-imbling I ibii , sid. by .i h 'Mid stl-ill 'l' , to -!; ii'd," with -em ,t M..- w r-l i:n n und ivonu n in th-1 w.-rld, an I I av.- th" phi. :i- p'. p- a- she 1 nti 1 . i. !.-!. b le I w is ba r moth r. wi'h -i fan- 111. -i'.- like a Ma 1 . 1 1 1:1 th.n a g. ni hil r at M."!'i I rlo-v. And tin n- tii 1 .e, day aft-r day. and ii:;'i' all.!' ii'ght. ln-i'ig and winti'ng. winning mol In-ing. and win n ti'.id.iy i.iiii- tlerewa 1 ot in church a m -iv .0 ."l w.-r-li.ppe lliatl that yi-iing girl w.,0111 f-.r dais '.' o'i I i k in ih tn lining rid 1 1 .."clock at high! hid f.,11 id at the gambling table, md, M.dd. -I o,' ali I hoard -h :, - lie I'-' log litl oil S-l id.IV aWi lilini". -i III. i,t bi lore lli" piay-'i- s had -a d i-i the iiioilihig ha 1 ill-' I upon her lip.. At M.-litc I alio tin 1 c :- lo. Sun. I 11 so f.n-a . the Ca ie,.. i- 1 o-a . i ii"-l . 'I he 1 eieirs, whii h are five, aid tie play gi mi a usual. TI, trains ( . in.- I adi 1 f 1 in N"i. . and M. ul-. I,. , aiel the table, a c ji-t as 1 r Hided with al.v . 1.- feni'-'i. t A. it. d pe 1; I a if I il' I' ' Mi 11 li 1 li'-il and irn 1 otiiina::.lnie:.t I.- kci p Ih- Sub bath holy. ; ' ' .V- '. V,-,,. The Hits of (he Interior It-parlnii-nt Not Ion-; ago a 111:1 1 with do-s, feip is andtiap: was paid '.' 'H 1.1 ar the i.its -,'iouitle ba-- u'lit if iln interior p.n Inn al. App .ier.l! ,' lie mi 1 oe h d, f-T -ilih a pile 1 f Indents a- le- calriid a-.iav wa- in vi r su a in any publii biiild ing; b'Uiule-s thin a 111 -nth a: h 1 his ileai-ue th-1 wire as nuuieii-us l.s ever. Dii' in g 1 u-i-ie le -u-s they -caloiii pu 11 all ap aianei , bo! as no!i as tln i loi k strikes four th -y c me i-ui in na'taiioiis nr. 1 travel- :. I th- ng. - iin-lopiii looms in se,nh of 1. nm, int- of lunehe.. fin- wat- hnien -!', ih--, an U'li'cnr.ibly impudent. I",' tln-y are go u -ea eiigevs and Id in. iruini'i c mpe.- H'-i'i i,-.. 1 Vnir. A Hoy's Heart on Ihe Higlit Side. A curi 01s case is ieiiiited from a Hei lin hospital. Tin- patient is a 1 oy f about twelve years of age, iiho was suf fering from a slight ii'llauim itioii of the windpipe. Hailing examined, il was found that h'. hear, was not in tin- . fl, hut in the right side of li s che.-t a fact of which his parents had been in entiti ignoiani -. The peculiarity docs in.t, however, interfere with the hny's (,r iliuary wvll-heiii"; Xctr JVei 7W. tiiK Arizona gicker. f'lfss , I;p:ic, fi-um tii" OI rton V'p t, 1 11 ti s;tt or. Ml. We o.lrnot the f. 11 ivjiif fi-j;n lajt issue of the .r.'ion 1 hicker; A wow to Veturning t ouroTic finm - lo Wid v, Suii-h's the othci eveninxiwe hi.e b n; arki'g th widow f,-r h v nil wo-l.s p!v, an I jusl 11 1 we 1 aueoppi sile the i:J Indian f. r , some pee-o 1 who. e niftiinorg e rlainly lio.'d i-ui siiiiig np. fiel four b.dleis at its from a n iolwr. Tho 11110:1', n d -.il)t, was to k 1' 11 1. It t 1 ! us nb o:t the millionth pur of a fee ml t 1 10 tdi.e this fnct a d then wo ( p -n d o it for 11 run nnd unt ie jre.o.l our cseap -. Wc don't chi'in t b." f:rfnt s'inVes ot: shoii ig, bi' if xv can't hi' tie el to, nu 1 proj ri.-t -r of tho prt nt and grow ing we, My nt il dot li.'O of Iweiity feel i -o in b ur fi'i.. 1 we will huxe Ari irona. AVo il n'l claim b be a Chest- r 1'i'ld, I ut ii 'on tninnc's oeruitt d 11 to hide away behind an otd s o ie wa I nnd b.'gin 1'opping al a g nth-man with o-.it warning, we'd e.poot to 1 c no n iiui-'d i-i the .-.ruo liu witii 11 hyena. in MI CH T.lt.K. 'Iher is idi eeilni- t o much tall, about, th it i- i t.iko of oar papular voiing ihuggi t of tiie I! 110 I'l ui' which (nu t I ! .Mm .'m-kson ti hi grave. ( .'. .1 ia asked f-r -inii i if nd (J t str.choii' h- mi.-t ike, lmi t'n re are a go '1 many 10 h ciiiitiiT b n turcs The I ' otn-1 was old. la.y, an. linmk half h s lime, nnd left no en t. 11. urn Iuh ! -s. The i.'i itggist in t v. -iing and o n ig.-tic mu 1, xih 1 so'd o- I ileoil-Mird : i ChiiMo to coine ll'Tt and go int--1 the dr g business, and il must b ' expected tha1 h n d I make it few iiuat.ik s in the g-i oil'. We end at tenlion tn his liberal tii iinurof ndier ti ir-g i the wrb-r, lie lia tissurei us t'oif sneh n mis'al.e cannot 1 ec 11 fig . in. a- ho bus pr.u eilv labeled thl b ' tl-i, AN !!H T. I tit N A 1 1 ft. ( ;r e-ticm -1 cou'emj-oravy dowi thestie t eha g.'s us t in wiekwid bull. I., i'i - tho bn -in -i m -n nf thi town 11 .1 advcit oi-nr with us. Wo nail that s'ab m -nt a a I p Our meth i ds of so,. in-, n -. advci t Is iik h no alway b- en p, i :',--y le .itoaaie. If a mall xih'ihil tr-iin Oh, i to eso.ipe Sta prison for arson opens a grocery here iv, dr ipaioon i f.o n fi i- ii lly ehnt ith him and we let him ki.o v tha we are o' e l on bun. 1 In n w c set fo.ih nm-o r culat i. oi an 1 in'bieiic -. givo him rat -s. and if h - says hod i jtti't xvant toa.'.v r ti" tha' ctnls it. While xvo liilvin- ai to a. Iia r'.i-e, wo never- b ildnze. us ul can t s'lfy. If b'ildoiiig woul-l se cure ad i rt-sii g tl e old chip triipu n Ci r.l down tin- street colored wi'h iiinrtgaip-s noiil I be v.ih- apt lo try il. M-m.'.i.l rt u . 1 :;ring - ur ..bsi n ela.t wi ck an item ciept ttiio the local c liinntis uh.eh has slill-e l Up C is;d--iable feeling. It w.e in rela1 e-n t.. t he .! p. h of .ludg( Handy i.nd Hi wniioi m it ;ti;-po:-iii : tinit.h'was d- in. .11 led. Ml d tile ih-o-as- , was nu ..hi ii'e.:'ci'. I ilumn-r. ilr inkii'-d and .h ad b a , an 1 t Ii.it In- Mas found dcid I. a jug of whisky. TI-, friend -oi ilia il.viii'i-l nr.- jn-.il .- n lig 11 itit at th s i vp i.e, .iltho if' i th-v .'n not ibspnt I i e i har-'i". We are ici v s'-rrv that a i-, t1 in-; nt tl-o -..rt shoiiid hupp-n. ai-1 are t ow pre; along an el il di- for tievt no i-k, in which th. llliU-p IS c I: pliillp ite I I.'l- h.H I 1 ! I- tl and 1 "ie of e .hl xvn'i-r praise ..r h.s hone-ty and iu'egrity e -nipl nienti -1 !'-r Irs piibii eh riti'-s. ami n-fei r--.l t -a 1 1 no of tii i io-t upright men wcit - I t'hi.n;.'. While all' kie-xv bett.-r. ind while the win!.- th.t.ir will be r. t.-ds. i nnd. wc sliiil! b ' . lli-l itliieg it ovei for Ids fri -nds. ! tr.i e .pi s. d ei" up read-, f ir mni in.-, mil i'r.- cents cac'.i '.'.h-inh '-o -,-.--s. An Old t.'n.ii'- in a Ibiuad.irj Tir.vii, Tin- tnwii of A;-:- e-i lira if. i-on the botunlarv lim i- tw---u .Vinton. i and M-xiiO. a f,l"t v il h i il ibli s the topel'9 tn Work all old ci..,,'. Thev st--l into it -ah " ul on the i:-m -id-- am! asf; I t a drink, h' :: .nw :i an Aiin ri an dollar. The el. : s are that lb bur tinder will glv. I, in a olox'lciu dollar in elian-je. ;t be ;, . only ,,- , iiii.,-e-Ills 'I I. en th ; -t ! ike a sah i-01 i n t h MeMc.ui side. :r 1 I n 1- r tho M.-xio in d dlar f. r a di i.. p -ttnig an Am. r e in d-.liar for eh o. . w h e i in c.sh i s w orih md'.- ni'i t . ' I I...-: Vm nil.- -.. ! :iiii i.-iii,..!i,-,,v-f,r,) ,". ' - ''. . . , " i a:-oi mi i.ar a. i. !.-,ii. s. a, i loie; ' t ---in s.. ia.ii ,- .. , ,,,1 .. ,,...,,..,,,,,- ,,,,, ,, ,,, ti e lie I.I. I OO ' CI.-, e. ., .,.,,, ., : "it' I' o.i i.a.1.1 '.,... l,,,'r. lint ' I,: is niel t.a . - - ., , ,., ;, . i;":.'."'.".' :.- '''.' .-i-iviiiS ! I. . v. el l.ik,- i. tir.illv t ) k rolling ' M'.'l 1 . ( liraaii-1 .-nail- mni i!il.. Mil :. lU'i-in . : ,- 'I' ,i.i it ci I l.-iiii.-s. -.in i'i . are I l.y tie of .-s, .,! Umi i.-i in e It . elit.lllis fh I l.i :,''ii." 1 I lie -el I l.il lavi r Il I nil ' ll e"ii oi-i- ' 111 111- ir I II 1. -I I mill. Is .1 I i-.i u; ! 1 11 If I' Hi 11 ii. I. . I till ill I- .is m k. is ill,;.-!. ... .il.il e ill ,e iki , I V 'ie l-.o-t lie le.rr. I'ei e Ira I; "1 ...!.- iler -ioITs It nu s:o:i I , I i ni ill illl - Ve.-I l-llee in I ir.i-ieu'iiiis .itel s. ,, ,,, ..it. i ti in-, I,, -ay li .ii.iin.' ul ... .i a i ri nil. Is nil I thrniii Una .I -." XV. It - i .iNSiu.1., .XI. t). M,ii i lit-sii-r. ii. s,i it ,,r I iter a ; .-tulo is L-ou:i.i lo ct its '-Is , l ifl. TJACOBSOJI WW Id lED'YPAIIM THE BHtsi For StalJit'inen and Stcckmen, CURES Con B-TPtgr.y. Hrni.?f. Prr'-tt:v Oi'll. Bkiftlm, I.t-I.IUH s'.fl'iM. Cr krd H.rO fiU.M, CoD'rctlin! tirfti W.i .nJ.. B-.r n,:!ii:, S t.--TC-o.-, !,i. Bpf. Clic. Wbit'o. P.sll E-.l. rut-al. Tj-.-:i. Fpll IIP. Ki-i.lHir. an-l Ctm-in U lUear.y &u,-tj L'lrclioni uili tath bollle. At I-ui ,.i.-is .nu Iikali-CH. THE CH.ttl.ES A. VQCELER CO., Ealtimore.MJ. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. AMI M I SI I 'X XI II I inn 1,1 I s srrn xn Itv-.i'. He n. s, u. IH..I-'-. II. mil i in N.1H aoii. I ! Iii-k i.n-tu-i'-e l.i In. s- .el i riletf I B - l a il.i V. ..:), mi.l ,li-.iei. . n'i . I..-I, iiil,r i ulilih'. . - To ii-i-. - nt- I I - I- r tc it i " i'l -.ii'. ef i'n' v mu rn if. rttt ' ' ' .'-... 1 f. in -In i,. y... ,',mt !' rn i"' ! -i ra.nr. The Cf dries A. Wrtcl.r (o, E all ntoie, Md E.hY:3.. Catarrh int Am DALIH ( 1 o n n s e s t Ii r I -r:'-m Drxw-i . Nasal rnssa','en, Uhiis rain nail 1 ii II a in in u 1 1 ii, Heal Ihe Sores, Ho si ores I li c Senses of Taste anil Smell. TRY the CURE Jjay-FEVER t-U Prtrn M-f. nt .Iri'mtK ttw m ttl. reH'Merrd. tt Trlckins Diujih f hi lie-. A f-'t. 1'atll i;eutleiiian, who mam years aeo v n n res', lent of Ciu innati, ' till.-) a stoiv c n online; rowei.s, th : lienlptnr, which li in jT, b.iblv tioxe . I eon in print. There were a! that time : in Cincinnati two or three connoisseur, ; in ai t xviio a ; uiim-d a mrt of );iii(ral ; cen-ioisliip i i ,'iich niattel'i, an-.l ev. rv- I th njt ilia' thev s. id conoeiniiiK inn' tors ; of i.r,' was Mi;iio.-od to "k11" J liev ' h d I nf ix oral d v erit i isdl wmi ' of I rowers' work, an I. us lie did lmt tak - : tii'leli ntoek In the.f il'lct itions aiivixav, j lie ilocidul to show them up to the alt j p op'e of the ety, lie was xi orkiii i ! in B inie wa, and iiiinoutio.il a reccp- ! tion nt XI I'i -It ho xvo M show h uiio oi ; he bites' pri'd lets of li s ecnliH. Amoi g the f jritn-s ft one rcprrscnt- j iii(I the .ilaxnr i f the city. It st o 1 in I a nil he bv itself, w idi the lipht ar : r.inet-,1 for' 111 b st elbvt. I he liifrh j iiiiickaniucl. of th ar! woil l cf (.'in i iimat i n'tenl d the reception. They, examined the liourc of tho Mayor, mi l niado ooiniii-lit on it "Tho hands," rcinaiLel one, "do not roved i:iy ana -"tny." " I he 1 pa are n trill - short," I sai 1 (inoii r. "but ctherwis.' I eniis-der ; it a very tino (te; r -. " Ami so the. . wont mi, tin 'of tli.-ni liually d si ov ; end that aim thin ; was w inept iibnu tho bridge i f the li :e, and raised his hand to poin' oat the dcf.'. t. "ibunti nil, tin n't you pinch my n-v-e," cried the alle' ' I xmi "f'urc," to their as t iiisliment, dismay, atid eninplete ovci tliiow as ni l er tics. Tho M-ulptni- : ha I indue nl t'n r al live Mayor to li. lp him ii his b'tle .scheme. i, l',u-l I'ivnu f lit. fninrilt f'lirrit. A rleruvm.nl. .ifi.-i ).-ur of -arTertnn from It, .11 l.iiidi-..iin- ili-c.ise. I alar-'li. aiel i.xinty lrlntf i-M-ry kn-nii reiunli . ,-ir last l eitiit a iii-Vsri-ipl ni'i ii liieh i-iiiiii'ii-ii-li . iiri-U o rut -a ,.,( hi in from il. al h. A liv - nit. rer fnnn tlu-.lri-a.. fill ill-, nsi- siliilliii.-ii M-0.:i.l.iesi'. l.'iaijv.t l-l.veioie In I'n.f. . I. A. Lawrence. M8 War ell M.. M. V.. will uctiiie the iLciiiefiiiof cliiu-t'i- 4i nu 111 -in ei'i". 11, r. f -., t II,,;! , r . i . -,- ite a ini ill.-i la- ,-i na-i'iii .ii- ei .-I. La- ' !. oe; 1 . til it- en ii ,s .ein.i'ni'.i - I- na-c. until I la., it ..ii: I l.;- in n- I:-, .n .-n l ! .leaia- en.lM Ink. II- .V e. . li. 1 ..ie--I-.i. ell. -an. I .'liil.lr.il lake H on mni: f ii.-- 1 iil-e t heiii . :;. i. i.is. i..-,.iii, I !-. M i- k In. a, i .... N. Y. AS', r.v.r-.at ir--i I !.). n inner tliutt lb i ill let a kit :nl .1 ' il--' 1 I III in - il o: e. A Und ml Cure fur Fpilepllr Fl:. Tn tlir t. iilnr Pare-., iiitenu l..ar ir.-ulers Hint I lie.-.i-n ..sii:ve ii.im-.li f.-r llio ..l-ive imiiuil ill-, a-e liu li Imuran! l.i.nre (1 n, .rst rases, m mi.e - is my l.ntli in it -r laes t on I will s.-ii.l f i-.-n saiiipli-li- i:!'- ami va'n.ali'n- Irr.-.ii-- ii.iii.y -utli r.-r n 1m v. it! t,'im Oiv bin I' i leal Kxiaes. a.l.h.s.s. p. si, 11. U. It'JUl, M. C.J:J fcaiJSt.. r otk- T c i. iiaf ifril- r i.e.. r .-t.nais s'i I m lo-l-i. f -ni, lie i am n - lorni: a In: nl. If i. CI i tr l u oh -oil-1 1 r- in i)rl '1 linm: -n.e c Ilj.-W hii r. Iir.iuti-t- -ell ul -" -!' !' I n: in- A Perfect Laxative f'l -'.I I ! - n il I. i it. ii-il il.as.iio. nin, ne I'l -ii.ll .' nr .i.r. -alive . I ; . ! .. a. iti -nl.l ..I--. ln i a-- in- li wa r I., a. u -t). i.i 1 .U-.-tn-.i. aii.l --- J li. -.- Lie kl.lne-.,-. i -i -A i 'lii-.iil:l Is a ji-Ti'ci t l.iai:ve. an. I cures cen-ilpiil-.il wll- re ail el In r IT-melleK I. ill. ' i a pintle iix.i'lr", l alii- 's (' ti rv ('nni-p-.ii'i.l Hs'in ly wulioiii ape.r. Iltilt-.1: 1 ou--tit to '.ii.iw, :.a, (. 1 1 iii. . reini rti r.f-r rem--il.i f-r at'-mt It'i-i-rx - ears, an-1 lu.vc f. ini-l 1- -th'oig I '.l..t .' U .l.t' llilll.i'i':is el. ol In .1- ss" J. li. Ji-SKIV,. l ea- !i- r. I lox.i'n i reel,, 1. nr. " I' -ti.' s i . 1 ry Co'iiii..':'!'! 1 proinp" aiul ple.i-uit. Is a 1 lxatr.e ii I :'ics iuMe i,. ! ije. hU--'il, I llll" peat l( l.tl.l. Il-'e Hi I'l llllTils, ' Al.lltUI l.i.liNlKII. .t.. k'I.O (a lor. J. 'ii ...e' ,- f-i ;f.. Atrji Hi. Onl-'i. Fur two or ilnsi-.v.-.irs I sefi, re.l tnt-a - ly evi rvii tht xi till s i re pains In la.v l !. H'illeii w-rr liiliitii.it: eotistljii.leil. Mi iiovils aie 1- ei ic-nlir. aiul I line lia.l no return o. lU'i-.e i'.lll!.sslu. icliiu' one l.-.ltl--of Paine's Celery Compound V. ii. srn kn.i.v. I'm --"rt--' . Iia . .mi. Ala. M--r.il: I r..tn-'.!.- icpf-'an.-l .m-J s.t"i rumui-r I iie inie-iiiial ira. I witti t:,n -'i pin ; i llie pilis'. i .in. six .. f.x im. l .ie,-:. tt'M.I., till 11 AHPS'IN .V III, I'.llllUlut. II. Vt. BABIES ''J.J.I'uiM'iinift V''Vi-nVl.'. '( Tin i.t.-thrr r f a . il r "f i;r f t tn h i' !! :ui J f-f a i'.in-r'ii, - r li -r f f r-"ity v. ai" MAii.liirr l-v s. ?. 't t n, Vf v. tc ill rr ! TKiTk'i'-l'-. I ;n im-r- "Mi', l x K ,1'f p-r.ii r-i el i ur wln i ( tn .vi-tv n-up tu n i-.-.il' il IV rut M.-rl!i -1 .!.-! pr. w f -:"MS La I f..m l. dial i h-- ! n ii-iv ,:t t . I! 1 sii.i'i, tti- h Mil j. L' n i f. r nr wp . m P.,.. ; 4ii1 n '.... in.t ili.-. i.'Miim-i-. ii'.Ti.ilfii'i-. i I tlt: srt 11 1 M M I H' .. iTart.ri, Atlaiii-'., .. ere St Is! Want to Irnru all ni-o". x Af li. n-r ? How in I'i. a t i A s. II. n aa. I m ie.nr I u'-ninsi I iMinl I'rtn-I l-x-u-r an I 1 ITri-l a I'lirr w lira sainr 1 1 . -.I.U .' Ti ll Hi" Pi- I v li -'Irrlli' ll I..-0 lo ' ail . h Ii r!(r.li! I' r! .Miin.ai.' lien -I., -li .,- a lie s lr.p -ry All ci.il nhrr X'a il il, r H' iii.'i'h-.i i an 1 1- ol lt-n.-twilnir nur lOIM'tliK I I. l.t Tll T llolt-K HOOK, mil i n II t.riorl. I a ti. en rrc. Iil nf i.n.T -i. t rill ftlilini. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. New York City. DETECTIVES n .n-M -n -i-i. n isi. S'i s 1 ra.-. -n i ,,!.. in. i-,,-ti. ia llMiAt'Hin.. ll'.-, -jru.-uir.!r. -onau Ui-trrtlvv llur. cu t o. 11 AtHls.Ciaritrjti.S. Uiall S I lIlS Hheumadc Ram.ilf, WbI Baa. 4i raa4. 1 nila. t-'iVjl ., ...ln.-,l.- iS - e I I -.Vf - I I., a. Im... ii... Ali...-, mil i .. , u. ....... H.m. Foe. :rJ:rTr.v::"' zr:-;.";:v?! ...l.a... 1-rp.e. - ... r I . I .' H I S. - e fc. Vciitiiwii'.sl. if !.i:i :i ' ir. . n rin'!.- l 'ln n.Is.m,,..,slr.-. n I. ill .lull l..o.J.t. If ti.vt nr. oi i.F.i.E. rintjir riiia. ra. s. Ii..:ais.ii. ,'n.l i-'.ii. n.sljll xv rt n- t.-r."r.'uUr. Ca- it.r ,.iv -T m n .r-r-f ia I-! ; ii.rtcllirs f .r tJ, am: A rKI.N'S. Sail is It ,1lr -.i jn.N Y. (tnllVil 'S1'!!"- i '. Iiflil. .l IIS il n,l:lr..B i.'ll.W MI,M. S.N V PEERLESS DYES An thn RrT. SkLOXPUimii. t., liu, ii pu o t Purify Your Blood r. lii-n ii-ri!i;.- m'?. -t m v'i nn: -r'ani in 41 : Ui,.I.t..i.l n' t lie tfiu-'it.u nl Un- win. no- llir.l ml-In I: ill r Hi-i ll 'Hiei.li H-- e" u. -.i ... 1 , n.iinf.-si ti.ei.1 s-li.-" .1" I iri .iu -iy :i!,o I i l.c- Ii j'lh ilel's sisii ai-.lii m il c -n'-nl' V. 11 mil ll-i-l il to Ii -Id 100 ICMP0n iin leiii.ir l'v ihcU-i-ii.le.-t . iriii.-r ll f .n -I" wry j fuK N'eiv ir-.-II'.'-il!i-.":i"ii. :,n ' you wiil Unit iht I . n! drive, mil .r..fMi.i humr. i t k i- n th vv-e t..s- fo- p r.im of iliff.-wnt a r m los Ih- I. a si Un .,,,i,.y i.'i-l tone e enlm: I-' K"'l th.n a t a r-.-ilnl Hi i e. n niy eliatv 1,11, j rv..'.p'i--- .a ill- e---u.i a utr.mrib and economj of I'.i-Sii-y rs 1 iv.v n-U -v.-r, .em c. tell 1-M ' ll' i's s.ir.'Ki-a ilU. nm I. en! in 1 - nicy . i ai-- Il-i -I sai ,;-.pvi.l :. I "Hon 1 s Siiisx aviiu ! inD.-.l my tijno'. gave m I a r.l n.e u.l. i.-i I li i tn' s-ia ' iiiiv r-l TCiainl vr- lii ' i'.r h-i-'.a li' unit ilOa-nrw, Mii. r - ii XV to .iivM-l ni Ma I r Ilia! n't I am Me lo nmrk awn I rreommenit " I iti.nl. lie a -h' i:-i iiii in I Hi - miV in- II '-"iv s.ii',ai'irilla tnnili r.i irh.-r IiI.huI ia Ibio or f r ii .in u -i' iiic-in i' I' - In ln-1 iil-vnl ' Jus-sin ! nnpiir-, mil nb" f"0 oin out or run down.' I' Hi! Ill, li I'l Ur,-, I T I-. fa. l.iTiir. N.i'os-. U'- ll. Ma. Hood's Sarsaparilla I el.l I'V jt' Ulll'.V,-!' Jl. Ml I-T f. Ill I tliiul' ,x i o . XI'. tii rariia I.. niy I M iss 105 Corc5 0:i3 Dollar MAY TO iVlt- V- ": I il v-T-'e V,-'l a : h.'H 1- II. f 'I'.. Pm -.....:' ! to.:., t.-tt. r: 11 . v. 1 1 . 1 1 e i ; 1 1 -1 , 1 1 1 . . " i i you .-.:: lit t-i iinow, X. in - -av :-:.- ju-1 .1.. lei.nl ti ::"i 'l inn, nei vol.-.--, in mil. ii Inie v ' l-aih, A 'III 'St ton m-lk I. ' lre;l e i.r t.Oi. ; Iii ml liii I l iiie, a: li Iii l-I r-alon, A i. : ary, i v. r-presi nl aelnii,:. lis a pcw-;r?u!, InvljcirnCinn tonic, lr. Pierce's l avoriie presciijitioii inii:ivts s!i irrtli tn the whole syoti in. 1'nr oii-rii nl kcl. ' iv-iiti-oii:," ' run dow e." dehilitat-d tcavheis. inilliii'Ts. ilre.i-iiiakers. s-.:ntin ., hop-pirls," Iioi.-cUci n i-s. tiiii -iiiu' iiii'ihcis, an.l 1'eeMe xvoini a tjeiieridly. it h the jiroiucst 'iir!hlv hni-i!. le iittr uui-U:.lcd a un nppeiiiiier ecidial and n -ti-raiixe tonic. "F"8virittf FrCSCripl:oa " is th - only I'lcdie'tic I'm- ivnuu-n, snhl hy lirusr-pi-ts, under ; fo8''-'.';? r-HaeanlCO, ftuni tie.- :n:iiiiil':u ; nrot s. tlia i ii will jriv sati-f.-lctinii in evi ry ca.-e, or nmni y v ill h- r. l iiided. Thi- L'Unrautci- htia bt-t-li J iititcd mi the nntih xviappei's, and faithfully i allied out f.-r inany years. np i-.'.-O le.l 1-.--. In V.'.-iii n's u.-i't N. - "ittl-TSfc tivfiaVixin Purely I'm mi, il.-. I 1 1 i-i'ie. iinv tliiv. .'sii.r-coated t'ellct (1 &-. r ; SieU ei'- nlo. lie, llillo.i II.-ikPi. lie. tiiixliiatioii, Biiillccsllcn. I'll, una Aliui lis, au.J uU d' lai. rem. 1-1 i ii, 1 i.-ii.ai li ami liiiiveis. i'i mite, l-j drnir t-ls. $3 w. S3 t CAUTION If ,1111 -i. il, r .in- I.- lia-IM- ,C ! 111'!.-.-. M - .l - . . ! i I i I..I .!,a.ii rl FOR II I II C'.RATEI UL- COM PORTING. BREAKFAST. Ty alti'-ri'MKli H-. ii',-, i f lh ralnrallawt wlii 1. .''i. n; Hi. i- '..!. ' - i -liu -I-' a un 1 icilrl ti. li. an. I I i ,-.,'. l-.l .a 't . I, I ll. lie- i-r.-isT. I., h . , ii. ii v i,.-:..l I., ..i. X'- li'- Ins .iov il'-d un I r. :tl,f;i.-l lai I'- lull ii ,1. i,..o. n 1'iofeiii-. ,1 ln-v-rifc-- i- le. li n i.i f.n. ; - n .-.;-. Ii.au- .1. . l.irS I.iIa It i- I.i Un in .1. i. ii. e-r . ! -'.- Ii inn. I. ef .1!, I ll,. a el.'t.l!:el 11 i,l I , .'l..'t!.l,iil I III I .il'lltltlistl. 11 ra ut !i I., r. .-.-I . i. ii lu-aei le.t-.-. Ilutl it ' ,. el P Ot. I. il. - in. I., .0 IK- HI ei.n I lis ! .1.! V .. ,!,,, ., ii le I. i. :- lli. i. i- a in . Ii - .1.1 Ur lnsv r-i-ai" main , !'..tiii linf I l-y 1 1. j. i. em- cl rs ne.l fei-t ! .1 n uli call-1 1. .1 nan i, I'li-i-iiy nuiirU-il II J' -mi. ii llll I eilaie ! ni Ik MA ' . II. .1 lhn J in I f Ml'! A I ll.. II -i-i a in.- Phi uiuta. 1 ee. I. n. I :i--l; l ' 10 S 1 OA DAY! AM-fcU! I r.n rm.r. .'- sl.4l,.tv l:..ln lellT-lill I N XXV X X Li il.tr.-Iu.i- Hi- in. I x.n Ii -i e in-i li-in f I JUgl f..l s, i, ', .;,, 1. in I ,!; - icea) I- -I; Off I !' !-' "I'1 l-kili lev N : - k. 1 . fat'-l i-f tf II sail '.-Out -nil-1 li.-i.nis. A.l.li.ai At, ...VI Brews'er Mlj. Co., Holly, Mich. CONSUM ill e, .usan.laaf r.i-s . f ei -mir I km 1 ;e,a ..: l.,i:Mn Ho. I, ,v. b.s-,i r..r-.i. I - -linn i- ii i i.nii, m a - all- a.- timl I .-i.i ,.-n. tj is.u a. Iimi. 1'.- err o. a ..i.v-ia IfafK-'.ntliia.t.ttx. ".-'"1 ' lil'i-"" ""I I- u tlJrak T. A. SI... i I at. IL Cm I I l .n.st.. N- X CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS vtlX.k . Dta.n.sn.l Brar.il. s -A..; . ll llrn-al.lv Xr.rpC ,jf i l. I- , -l I : tl -it.. il4HIC'r. If oi.. uM..l,rr. II. s-l P. i... i- ,i. , .1 lirll.-rr. r I a.lln.'ia -r i r.i.v rHHri II1.IIVII l.atl. aynlaiai-'-n MtltS - , . . . 1 1, ... s...... rir. t lii. lirsti i ( Ui ali al ,.. 11 ail iai n -.. Pill Va. I rrr'rrlli" and fully rn- (1 us lli only v'i-eliie lei ill. i-.-rlaiD euia ,.f lias i!i- .-ns.-. li. U.l.Niill.X II XM.M n, Anihli lUalii, Ti. Y. XX'e linvr .,lil niB J tar niniiv yi-ars. unit ti bn (Sell. Ul. K. ii. )Ycn : co.. fl.OO. field ti)-Pluvial. 1 JSS ifcf .4-: k II Rl Ba H UH-TCHIO II E9 Hjff.. -V IJ 1 tVyiJ iiilii.iiraiiaiJoymwxaMWiiBaM ' i J i 2 '1 t I I 1 V V V V I '1 I V "i 'fc 1 ! :u, ,,. i, ei a l.i.bl. r i - l. .nil tT (i.-'Im-.,.) an, in,,-.! ii. a iiilik.-.-p ri li - in-1 I .a I hi m- i ''' ' n mm mXB "" : i'i' I- .nl' -t -i-nn. It r --...in i, ,-- i . I - ...t-.-.i n n a is XtSKB 1- a .ii.i 'I.hu.k'.s I i.-ii I'.t.ilii I,., .. i it.. I..: r 1, l i i i i-i.. WW KZ, - si ICKI.K. 'n I..u.!.r !...-. .,. 11 I..'. 1. I en i I-. . ...... ar .1 " U l'..ii I.- ., lev, ,1 , a...l. IV 111 li.,-111 ie I, m I-..- i ... i i i. I...1 ii.... ft a MM am a I i p. ri, , i v. .i ! xv a. oa.- l I, . '. a 1., u s . i i ., k , n, in ik- BnltVl i .'.il i-" i -i. i - I - . lien-.! -...k-r.-A.s :... I I'll In: l s li " S: ii hi i! idi imll iei,l ut.' l'-r.' ll v i.r.iei. :,.-.. r ll - - ' : I I. II I ! ' 1 ! ! - '1 .'.! I S I ', . - .11 ,-llOrillll.V,-. MUl..-H.. X . .1 . I --H .'-..'"-: -I I i -le'L H -. J "-J J' J" J J- I J Ji J J- J J J Ja J -J - J e-J sOJ 'i I I "I" 'i EPF ' k i. , . w il n .r i j CI Krl jU li I W" 1 trial Cilal Ml Ca. j OaaelnaaaOTa i baaaaaSaaaarkl l in rae e-snomv io buy Ilii--.- F.sri r.llt, oi 'liu 11 i.-s Di- ietl.r"in n-iir nil wi'h ana tra n y i f I n. 1 si. uUr m- ll .m- If ou ,1 Uli tu pt . Pit'. I' ll 1 ii'II-ii U-vsPKrs ir lltao I m -Mara Hood's Sarsaparilla S. M i.i alt ilnu-i-i t l: six f. r t'. Pr.-pari-il only I I y i' 1 UO JD ft (W, An .tlie. ar.c-. Umoll. Maaa. 100 Doses One Dollar BELL. lill! Iini,- life ipen-ji r, lilffeirnt thlnr-' I f. 1 1 as r-l..-.'. nr. t-ir I "li v:.u;'. I ...-', an l f- ::r v.- -i.traiiieli -n, 'j tut i'i'Tec's r.iv.-.iie Pi. script on Isriui't: . ay. P-l l.axo.linl wiitio-it it! Ma ili'iikr Hi- p '.'i no inistnke iiliout o. It's ill . v. n ail niy ills nv--.ii : .Inn eot.-e u i-i , no ! Voiirnev.r, Mat. 1 nv Mraui .11. Ass- a . Pmpri. t'Tf. TII23 OXlICrlWAIj Vcnetaiilo nnd Perfectly Harmless. as n S lier IMS'. Small. -st. eh. -nit. ensa.-st . L. DOUCLAS SHOE r.FtiVf LEMKN. l ... .1... -v., 1 1.1 ! .iiii.io l is H.,-,.1111 (, M III: II XMI si ll 1 11 sIOE". M.00 IIAM1-S.I.XX .l XX I I.r stKirt. Dil. .11) POI 11 ti .M I .MIXII Its' SIlllIJ. IH .-. .Ml ll l II t it Al l' SIIOK, K.-. I- VIII.MM.i XN'S SHOP, a-Miiiuml wi.;.. Iiur.v si lioul. ..i()E3b A ,1 it, .I'le 111 1 -i.i.-ri'i.-. Iini!.. ami I n-.e. L. DOUGLAS SHOE POR I. A D I 9 . I. rial. III..! .--)., le. Itesl FllllnC. Im. Ih.- . 1. Illlll.l AS SHOPS ..llli..,t - t ,1.1 I -.!...,! I . I, I ,,;.-.. I . lollj. Ifll., - XV. I . Il)l J.I, s .i;o; I. ION, ruA-iS iii awi ti aiin SO! CHEAPEST -:- FAMILY -:-ATLAS KNOWN. OINTT-iV tJG CENTS1 191 Pages. 01 Full-Page Maps. i i T- ii V.i? f i s' li Sta'.- .:'t-l T riiiT.- tn th 1 ii,!t'Mit-H Al-n M.ti'" -f -.-rv t'oimtry III the W. r!.l 1 ft r pi.!.- tfiviM ih- npi.ih- iuiltS'f ia h ilni . turn ! eeitVmt tit . ii'ulut rt. rlii- f (iti. t-r. tiiit rjtiir . Hilary f t-jh ml an-l th I'Tiii irl i -iiu.v-tt i iii Mut--. i.iiiuU r i'f f.'t ins-, ith t!iir i-i hi tn liMiii-l tltf .ilui- lU' n-nf ; (I lir t iii.nitifH' tun in I liiiii'tx't- nf , tu; Ihm-, t- t-tr. nlt'i if crv-li I'.'lf n i ontitry ; fi ttf .vf-ii!).. lit; - I'.ilHiii n i r il. ii-ttl I'liKiii-tf i n.Mli.'.r in i.i- vi-i.-. inn.. it-it i n-4.li'. r li. i; tit rf ;,tt.,y : rl' t- f tailr".:.! uti'l t- nr h. iimiu- i r ' f h"i t i-utili , hU" I1. i i-l M rtiii.':in' "f m f; in .t c:i v.t In -i' I' ,li r- i pnnl lur A . I.ihiK i l 1MM"M'.. i n I.- iii'.ii-l , S t ny. RATER AXLE II UltbHUI. SOLDIERS ii.i. ;:t I'Knsiokbii i..li.ai'lii 1-.-II..I.- . Pwrvt rl Irll. ir.l. I a lur. A XV. iNn.liuitil. n. I' 4' X I in. e.inali.lX I J-OHOLeHA PROOF, on Ohio tMPROVfoaxV, y JjSoHFatta Hon. i)i'.ti.,.iii olBioi.l 4 I ha V. It. Sllva. ( Cle t tlaud. U.laT' LOOK AT THIS ! liftisst an.l isii;i rn-rnt. A in.'i i. ii n III.-iUhiiii y At li-- i.nt-l" .1. III. 'llv 1' ii 1 11- ' . K l Ii i I li ii I-' ni. I'm--. I I !' I '!. ! ..' I'l.-lll. I llViell . r.l, mill li. linaii ...ei,i- j ,.'in.ai'i' il.'.'s "Uli H.-I -h .ri u.ii. lis. s.. II, al if ii le ir a ii.int.ui unit ami iuh! la lee i il .11 I iiKi'sll. S' u o. k n . i.i- i art i f lie l"i-k. li I" i( en a t tu trantlal.- ah I iu- lie.nan lli. r l art ril'i.i l. II. 7ll J- r JlOUK fill ll'Hsli, 131 l..n!ianl 1st,. N, X. J!t, I've Cot It! 1 r

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