FOR FARM AM) HARDEN. Wool I'rom Kwi'h a ml Ycihor. While ii ewe is Iii-unii"; a l.imb ; it of her i.utritiuii ','(( In M'slainine; t . lcl'l!ecci is llicrcforc. nut soh'iivyus tlmt uf tlio wither, lluil lias no ile miind anil is ci'iialU' well ': 1. I i bun!" in;; time the cwt has usually si'inc fever Mhicli in jiiii'itt-ly alTir sihc ijiuiiiiy f tl-.c wool, by urn i'l-.r a weak place in that grow n ut thi- peri -I. I'-ut in 'irac licnl seline; the wool nop , miipaiat nclv few l.uycr-, can make-ucli ili tinctii.iis. They I'try low- iiH'.ii,'h -n that poor wool will pass muMcr mid leave I hem a proli tabic couiniiii'ti. JJi-nt Ci'''t' '.. Koiip hi I'uwl". ! The discipc ivliii Ii appeir a a (1N thii."e from th" ii".-tri, an. I eves of a fetid matter and a ihlliciil'y pf l.leat tinn: villi the oallu rini,' of iiK'Uikaiii'ii- ti-.-uc in the thioat. wliit'.i c.iis.s wl:vintr and i-oiuliiiiu' and a lait iin-r nai-.- in l'lealhino. is cihhk n'y called roup, ll has been i:iveliirale 1 by a French j'hy-i-ciau, ifi.ii timU in it, :i "then may d , many cliiinK'teti-ties of the .li-cpe known as iliplitlur.a. In Mh d -. a-es then is hill. munition of th- lii:i:i-j in- m'.'l me of the thleat with cva! iti- n of pundeiit matter, which beioines -..aliti.-. and form an adlmvnt ioati:e,' upo'i the inombi-iiic by wh'ch in I'm th- ', is c!o-ed and siilT-n .iii--n it--. a-.. It i iiicouip.Uiied by fev.-r. and i- . . . i 1 1 :i i: -lv coiitairioii- or :nt' rtio.i-. Tie- l- ni' dy for tin di-i a-1 in foul- i, t. "a h ill" throat in a - 'luti-n of i of l.i i. and poiu a lilt!" of the -ohiPoii mlo the throat to le a!'oii . -1. A'-" to lhoiou'!i ! i Ii in llu- li- ii-c. (b - coin all mid ilnuijit-, and lb! it "Hii fuiii' of tm pentine if Mi'iph .r by lurniii"; thee sloit K on a hot plate of iron or a bri( k without iittlainiii:,' th-iu. .V, . r-i r. oil Meal I'm- cm i ic The superior i i ei n'l'.-e of thi f" d lias been recently -In. nn j:i lie Jan. I in an i ..-t iim-nt of fait, ni'i-; .. .;! at Wiiburn. on th- e-.t ae ..f th-- I Pike of r.idfonl. na . itiiiitiii" the un i-n iifti r l.iii-;hli r. 'Ii'' mi i' of th.- lu a-t, ration- i . .alaia.'l a iie-i. i it" .. pi it ion of oil in. a! w i- l.-iiad t- I" riper than that --f th. !' 1 w it ii-.-r i itiiMiiu of oil una1, and of i -'ij.. i ia fpiality, and the fat w ,- Ic m!, in color. In a'l'liiioii to th it, tin IIU'IIIP' was i mi-idi rabiv ri.-her. Thi- -hotts the importance of ::i,lii.- a .lie io i01tion of eil ir.ial to tin. .1 l it teninu' aiiiini!-. and it i- a' " I'd with i.'iiat an aiila.'e to t..o 1- at ..f .'1. kind-, for it ai-i in i ii in tin .pii. k. i dud ni..-' i era .t ii:i-li'ii of ;!:r ether f--o.l, and keep- tit -t.'llliili and int.-: itu in tA'-iii-nti niiti-n. With -rrain, Indian in-a! . r i'-a i. ne i! may l-c from otic-eii-iith tu.-nc-f --tr:h tie iiiintity if the . t i - -1 1 t!i n .1 pi -ii. line; th" anii.i.i I an I i: . . i i I i r i . :i ( 'ott.-n eed lie ai i- 'll r in, ' v.-i in p'aeO el 1 1 II -ee I or ol! IIR i', but i- tie fe harsh in il acti. n out la i i -1 i v i i.r j.ans and n i hap-of I' viln.. i-i p.. dlleiiir; I'i'el. b'lt it- mall'lli ii v li-ii i enater. .1 -.'- - I ' ' ''. i:,irly (Lit . In a tu.i i' lily of . . i- j. :',n '. fat tliat . ii 11 ih I'. ti i :ii' in ijM in!it but ill ...I ii:f- i I- -t . id a . .-ii;ei' i'.Ii fr-ot w i-i- c ; i y t'- iti they will -tain til- i. . -- r-'j .(-, we so oft- n liav. in ,l'i v. m-i cp'ii iilv tn if lliey are i l-' iiiiiair " '(!- ' M: - and union are ta i n p- ti.. a- a ni!. , uilirht to be na-ly in the -;r uad just as -.-"U a-the i oiidir it r. ' f tin- soil will admit. If thi- i-d a. . i! w ,ii be (piite an itdii to niak" th.- t; . -,:ny Jim pantloll- ill adv ancc. th it a' the proper time the v. r.i f ill lie pu li'd iilonix a mpidiv a- po.-ii.'.-. Tai- -! (hould be si cur. d and I n hand, and the inipienienn a:l n idv r o t i ..rk. On land that h.n In en in i.-rn "r t' at ha lu'i'ii piowed in th' !'a I. the on . , ho sow n broidea-t. and th -n with a i nl livator they can be plow-- 1. or t a: In ! ( lilt i vat c 1 in very rapidly. A p", il h:ir luwini; will u-uallv line and 1. v. ! i).iwn the soil siiflieien'Iy. and at the iinc tune cover tii--i e 1. ,i .tu'.l.':-- land it will, of i "iiis., he n-ie .;'i".- I-. p..w an I tlien S(v the se" 1, harrow. n tin - m-jlt-lv to level dow n the surface ;i;ld (o. . r the seed. v..,,. . I'riitiiiiu I'riiii Trci-i. Fioni the in -Idle of Fel-i nai y until tlie bud swell fn-cly is a "oo I time to prune and plant frui' tie,-. Fruit tne. could h iv. be. n planted any time sin. e hist fall siicce-fully. Planted last fall the tool-of fruit tree, woli'd ban' a line start by Man h. F.niy waini -p 11 in winter ill thi- . innate where the ground s..:,l,eu free'e- a:i inch in depth i. lid si I loin remain- fr.-. n more than a day ur two, tin- ro it of tree start to pr-i-.v, and the bud- sbt-htly w, 11, un til the warm sun t-inl warm in JI iK ll st ill Ihclll fieely for th" sea-on In sctli'it; cut fruit tie. 4 "ive the root jih ntv uf rich nu How earth, straighten nil tho littlo roon out. Never wad or double them, place Ihe earth mi Ihein carefully, press it down bard, water when ncces-ary. liiii-e the i-litis a little mound the body of the tree to keep the water from ftaiidiuu' llu're iu very wet weather. Common scn-e i a pind coimm dily in ntliti"; cut fmit lice, a in ail othn Industrie. Set the tree out about a deep in the earth as nature- planted it; mraiohti-n all of the mot so lliat they will be located ju tlie earth ah. mi as they lucre before they wa re t: aiiphiu:ed ; pru- tcct them from liat-l wind a.- tintiirc protects tlicin; cut ulT the tops o cor respond with the loss of loots left in llu earth: cut peach tree o lint a -t imp i. h ft like a bio(imtick, three ur b ur feet hiu'i, ii le pear lice the iiuc; cut luck other fruit Itecs and ornanu.ital treis fieely. Watch tiiein dailv during the season to see if 11 ev mcd a little help or protect ion. To keep rabiMI'iolu Utiiiwinjx the h;.rk of yoiin fruit live in win or. bind newspaper around tlem two thi. kt'.esses- nml let them n uiai:i until ;)lin.', i r r h bulcher' blood oi any other kind of blood on the bnlie. a little above the urinind. and on theb dy above. If rabbit balk tr.e. mix frch cow- dull-; with day and planter it en the M.mids and wrap with rao-. They will heal up nicely iu the sprinj. I'i.nyt 'if. Hoi-srslioo Wil limit iiils. The ordinary metho 1 of shoeiiie- hoi-. . i. under tin' iir.-t favorable ( ireuui stimcts a tedious operation, and one, niorcocr, which not unl're.pieiitiy re sults in tempo: ary or evi n pi iinaiient in jury to the foot. Indeed, it has bevtl a se ted by an eminent aiithmi'v that nit of every for y l;ori - -hoi aniiuaii) one (lie- IVOIII ill. l Mill i f piilkllio. M.'le oii', llu ci.linary .-In.;' att.K In d in tin or linir-' way i not ad lot. 1 t- let -i with h i. k'd or brink h .ot's. I'.,i l...r emp'oy- d bv -n armv i i thi lipid ill" hi'hcr:o piaiti. - I mode of r . tin lt a In i -e'- l.o-if i- part a ulai 'v un-ia'aba . owinti til" a;. p lanu s teiju red. a!:. I abue ail, th" tini" r .pur d. A i ivairy pat ru i- surround' d by host b parti---, and (an tidy a. eomj.l .!i hi- w..k and C-. ape iap:il!el" v-,.1 ill. and -pti'-l. The l.iiter i-m -a: iiy mm !i aiT-ct-l bv ll.e on. i i rial i a-'iiiL' "!' a h '-. w hn h t ike- t ii'ie. w hi. h ( a'IIl"t b, -pari I cr rep'aei i ; A "fill! i t.ain w i -;''! i- i it hi ' a .mpatni-i- a ( i. "ii a I. !, c 1 ii :'ii 'a I" 'le- fi'-nt. or l- rap'iliy I-all n' t ap i apt'" . Tin- ..- ,.f a -Ii". . r t .' In llu- lead r,-t.aii'-m.iv pr iba ' laiiiem . and tiler .1, lay the who', tiai'i or . iv til" ar ll' u'.ir team- an;..'i" win- 'i the i ( el. ot ... . ,u- t-i i'il m' ti- I in 1- i f ti: i n. nr,-. "i. i - ol . , it-. I' ll nt th- .it it. in-; ai 'I " pi op' ' 1 mi.. . :' a " t i-ai f tie -to,. p;, e;, ,-. , f ,..M !,.., in.-ill.- ic oi -- !'. I i !'!: i- av.'.d.'.l. ! I th. ...iiuhli i !! . :n,'. re,,, i:r, : .in am Mint of t::ti:im-; on lie p O' "I ia. h ill I- ion il . 1 1 . i , i , n ! lie- -I.". ;!u ,.p. '.,!',on ini 'li .-ei. i-ible i p ai 1. to;. , f tin a The ,lili, I, .li, - a a! . b 1 i : i .ti- i:oi n.o.ibl. : io n ;,i,y - f Ih. i i-i n;.',.'. :i o pa! a! ; 1 v f- It !o an i: ur oi lb I Th- ' - ! i i. d ! th-' -.-!- it tie oil- !.,!-' -hoe , ,:i;;,.ili'.. I'o lApl-ill the , VI. t I! o il' I I'.'.'' - -P 111 v ,. !i i i :i ! i III- : I ' o -:!', W . til- !' !'-!' ' II ' Hi . !-. I. - W I'll 1 I-!!- f t..i., i I-. ., . !..,:..! x- 1 , i ii m I .h !,.. f. . ;i !-... th-- i -I : a t , : I , an . ic . tetui'v "I tin' la 1 1 t . th- . li-. -, ."ti i I- lo p! in p -ilio'l in i no In p.ii ir h ia ; . ! Ho of the -1,. ,. H ' i 111, , . Ptle c ll.e . ti-I . T. i . ,r- ii- till' -!,. ,ii -t id Ilia, p. I ,"i - at ;,i to ,!! 1. 1.. at i ii i: I-i.-- v la- h -li.-h'lv in let , a the h," f a" 1 :.i I ii, k-ri'iii ! the -ho. in p. - ti it. . :.' tin- . , 1 1 1 a ' ; e c'aliu- -1 b- tiie I li i ' - 'i - in tie- I ho-.i in:;. A in., n a!'--! i t:, ii i-i.i.'ii I' i:.-'pi- Ipii ( .i-i i; h th - a d .-I 1. uu aa - i . . n . alii tin- -ll"" iu ai ' hn lii iril. a- ,c; iii- t in. i;f:. a . t-.v.-up. inin-is - a' j , -I I- I.e. li. ! I til, -lloe ,,,.i w - i f fo'l . p lll-i. -It ' ' the I o -f. ,1 pc llli'- the iiaiui.i! or-.wt.i of t!i. l';. .r iloi- pr--ud-m j a !. am -ly ay.iii.-t - Ippi-i-; T I d: i'm ; it i- a- 'b.l ible all ! a- lldit w hii- It i- i liea pi r tli l i, tin- or.lii.a.',' -h !. Tlie , xter-p e pi i, t a .,! ;pil- to ulii, li -l,i- v.'l'lli hi- !" n -nbi.t.'l hue ei'au -atolai P ry p -ll'-. - -f' in ami (.ai-'l- n ,iii'. 1!. i ill ii"l.t iti ui ttin-r oat a-ma'.yif the A-iat ii i hn k- a p. ible. Tin- t'.r-t point in jjrapo eultun i; the fie, 1 1. .11 of iti el. Tile hill-id- -lop. ill"C to till- south is l! -.; be-1 , In pu puiiiL' ::r "iiei f a oiap, .. ib ;, pi wi-.i"; :- li I then f--!i- w in tie- - one fuipj-.v w illi a -ub -ml plow. The -l..a. la- It.,. I- '-f fowl- are ' in ni' ilk' Iv lo h i- l, o - than ih.- o'iiik til" vilio fowl- Ihll.e llioji- .ne -leu. id ! taken to pi x . t. Ai tivo bird-, if ( otilai.-.l !m. n., i ("I -i:.o. will p.lli f'.l' lo 1 -, but the I. :il. t 1 i- e i-ily a. eiiin d tpen anyone of th 1 t',..i k bv the i. tlier member- tin re. if. Tilde i- iiotl in-; tim r f. r the talile than a Wyiindulte fowl, if plump and f it. Th.".' leive icilo.v lo; and Ih-h, which add much I-. th" uppeaianee, ai,-l ; command lh- better pi i.c in maikct. i licet Susar in 1'iirope. The ti'--t b. i t suoar fa. lorv wa-e-iablphi d in l"'u i Sile-ia. m ill tin (lose of last leiitury, but wa iitou... .. fill. AY hat. win cilled the true tm lliod , of cxlractiii'; bed Miar was lahori -u-h I developed about the la iniiiii"; uflh s : century, but sia li improvements have ! -inoe I'd n made that forty p( r rent, lcs , lin t i liniv reipnred to produce a oiv.ii i .piaii'il of Mi-jar tl.iui in I sill!. iir i many, the chief pr.dii a r. now h,i ll i f.c lone, witli .'in'.iMltl acre muh r beet , i uilivati' n. ami tiiiui ui:t about a mil- lion ton -f bee: siiuar viarly. Fiance and .ii-t ia Iliiiieary jroduie about half a million tons each, ibis a and Poland alien .'laD.ilDO tun, and Iteliriuu. 90, 001 1 tous Tm.tvi (X.J.) Amur can. 1 lllj CllMlK "'it''- The Wonderful Mural Bulwark I 1 P . , I n,;, WllICll trotCCteU LlUna. A Miaciui Rimnnrt of Rln. " "''- 1 -' Brick and Masonry. 1 luxe iu-l reiurned Horn a t,ip lo the thin. -e wall, writ, s F k t!. (ai p. nt. t ii, .1, al.kito- Liter, mil t have .... . . ,i , ,l , ; ,, , .1 .,,' cuo. i"), to say that theic i- no il.-ubt o! it- (vi-'eui and It-"icatue . lhliit IT1" , . , .. , years I -el ok- An erica w:i ill-cu ( rnl, w liea inir am cstor ether wanileied tlili'il-rholl! Fl.'iMcc. loluniiy and Kno and ; w leai Koine was in the height of her I. pu'.li, an b un ,,f tn iie.nt. mid wh ii th. I! mi l linpi e ha I lot Vet b, "llll lo I c I hi -e tiMl--tiil i row n the pic.ip. '- and liie lih".' mi. i- of waii -till 't i'i'.l. ll i- a 'wo .1 n -' ltd.- bvdo'.k'V I':. in r-ki'i''. and , ni t lit . -u-h t ii - ii"i tin : n c Iu - , f tie- "ii at p ain oi t hi a and me- '- it in ll.. -real ihiin ol mountain- win, -i i Inn i f.o.ii M ui-oIm and M.h.i Uur i. M .m !.i:r a and M a.' - i i ia. . t! Holt 'l ' f I III- Ih' J ale boll ii'.;. , ' t.. and :o- neim d b I hi i: i . .in i '!... .,'..,; ill -. . ah .-ni I i.i : ! in- w p.,.', ti r: it a y .-f llu- I nit. d :--ti - .b .ve tin in Ii. vbeiii. in 1 south of th. i in -b i n ' i'.'i' i- Tl:.! i and lo. 1. a:c a! - I ids..--, ic- a . .-. e. v i i nice':'. All o - I. settled i M in. 'i i !:a- i' - than two pi -'. I i : i il- w h ' ti. in lb" i it i.iu la ha- t !.. 'h 1. 1 1 p-.p ' .liotl i- or, ;,',. ,. N' v. --,k. M in ix. Ulibi.!:- .1 .,"p!e hi, b th i un-.t . - an t ir 'ii- ie -av,o, !!. in th. I him - . and lie M n-o! ..!,. ! . l . iar.i !y ill bill-. Tie tt ol "i ' th- - " "pie. h .iveti, i -ti-i - n--:t h Ii. -ti P. kiui: nid a--. en r th. i:, .uatain, i d i lai--!.: tie -;r. i w , ! .,- the .'. h I i-:t" I. The w il! wa- btiilt . 1 1 r'.v to kc p tie M. -el. b'lt t!a y !. i(. -u iiiind ihioiioli in iaade- ii" i',n a-.l a-: on. ,t"l it i- i M na huiia'i m p. '. I III' 11 o.v -i'- t.p 11 lb ( hi' i - w . n I- fill -' r .i -'ip :' a , ti !, I m- P than h ilt' w n a. r-- Am. ri. a a-i'l i mi:-' h.v. . e i "i- ii t'liii-i k it. A- I -I - I up a P. t.llllpl't- I 'I'-i - ' - I ' I.IU "i I" till i i . ' i I a i ! , - i.i, I .1 .wa ti- '. i I' - I 0- ,- on ill I r. n h ll did t . I . 1 . ! 1 1 ' i - li in -ttiiu'lh n I -i" a' ti,, i nc ii oiut. I v.-it - -I and il- li 1. 1 -oi ri w ..i'.i hue I i en o,.. . w. ! k !' r th' An . t . ni Im Id, r- of t. . I iy P i- ',1 P-. aiv fix . I, . I h:;h an I at tie bp i' I- w id-- til l' t- ' i il I i i".' s , on', i .1: i-.i i-i- .i ! lio-i ; ll a- -I the hn' - ' ! - 'i' il ,'f .1 l.,l !"-;- a til oe ,.f the ..lie p b -. i ti r w ill-.-'( I -be lei.', ..f -u h :, - . th.- Ih". I - k lik - mi-i-in -'on. .. -t .1 i!., - :,r lii'e I in wall i mil I p., -i ii ; ii bra k it l!a top. I'll -i ,-- I III ll,. I' - h ll. 11 A . 11 111 : t i.. t. p ot ll:.- - , ,! m . ! x- , :,r, !,, i- :,. ,i .. ...I-I f th. !-. a-. I ll taa-l- ai'.' I "a y I'e -'.iil.-i 'i: - a In- mum- ;;t .In. 'lid y - I 'in n nil - li" . two d v- at - a .'hi t pi I do ir .1 th i .-. ir d ad ,ii- : i I-, . I i' . " oil , all -I iti i .- 1 am o i' i - of til'- -'ne I I'' and mpr. --i 1 c i i i tli--- l' ' .tn, -- o in -i in! i- u. 1' i- a ''!. i n, ;i t I-i ..m- lit t: h- pipu.ii i- o! lloM,- bud by - ':'-'. kill,'- f- r t i t- tnl- . an i its p-.lip-. i i'-'':-r. It i- a lii"'!':iii' ll! -,l-o of ti;l or, truth th it while Ui:in ,1:, . hi- w rl; Piii iin-, an 1 tha the lii. - b .''ic. I ii,. In I- '.'I iciitu.ic n-" x.-t d ii . i-i,. - i!i" hind that , ai i e. the Y- l: i.- -il M- di. . tip p.' 'I tii.l u p.'. M.ak- -p-ar- and the 1". id. aici in a liiiiul ! r tho'i-h a , 1,-, ill-i'i', way. ih- mil ! 1, ,' I i; .".il th- tiiob',. !i :u I .i' miio -, of w liii h llio I u Id -t - o d nil ill!. I t- ( ll 'IU i d the III ''l- t iti.l ha! "I M i .i.. Why Polly ilnmirlil lie Mole Phkle 'Ih" pl.-i-in.' -I"!'.' of ! i, -i Mapl -' nr. .a i . I . ;ii;. , . a. in IJn-t"!! ii "i i I.i;. I l..e il IV V. hen t'l ' -I- I. i ll' . -A ife W a- do in-' up pit k'i , the parrot, when her Inn li wa- lunod, -toha phkh from I lie li -li All- "-i .ph - turn- d in t me to -,' the tin ft. u "I tl... A a knife at the parrot iili --.n h I'.-r. and .- . u.-i y t'. ,' It t. "k '.il 111 ' 1 a ll' '- -to'-olh y , If ihe ! inl'- laa I. F-r d iy- Ih" pur ( wa, di-i ot ,'.:iti ,,t th- lo- .,f hi, topkn t, b it l. , oi i a, , in i ,uir- of ,im.-. t ;,lli m. nd a i li i jiuian . iiiue to -jiul Mm hp il I' a on Maple-' und tin par rot na- iu tin' diaiiivr loom ".'.in tl--" i n -1 i .iiu" in t l-ic ikt'a '. Tli'p,:- n wa- bill: li. I.i , '.ia.,'1. -iiio.t'a a- a d'.r kl"b. The pane . k.-l al him Willi niPr. - and then, a I a id-i.i-ti b.w.d whi- the n ini, tor ,ald L'i ii e, the bail -. : inn 1 wilh ili-tiiut-n. -s: ' II il ve o d imi'' I? en stea'.in' ' llahe l hy u Shark. An a- .j'l lil.ta::. told n. th e -i.i.i" . 1 . ar- i'-l " he ll a- I V I I ',' in a !"litell lie 11 ha. To', a. d. it b-in;;, th" i-at'li want in sw.miiiiii.j. I ';.. m, veil! tile! - ii-taio a a a;., and wha liny wa 1-; hi'n "i.ii.- en' -p.v the lii of ,i -link iti'ii-ii; him. N 't lo alii'm the swiniui"r he wa- ol doled back to ill"' ship, and a bolt w a- X it oil to IIK 't Illlll. Tile men I e it lo i ili. 'r oa and my informant -to.-d i:i the hew with a bn:,t!iook r-a iy I ' bail' , him in. l-ul !h' slunk had sjoPtid hi:a, ' nn. I jift Ih I'.-ri-the boat K a. led him ho ! nave a terrible i re un a id went n.i. ' A the cutler dailcd over ih- sp ,t my iufottua-it pecriny; down, nnv that llu nuin had been completely sev 'red in two. r Hun Fitiiicitcv I pvnVi't'. a piuiu notii ('otui'iiiau u-iia tno 101 ldwuiH ,-tory on l.uw ri'iiee I Hiro'.t, ninl ndd-it'iat it in vo -v cvi(h ut the pop dar draws ii.,. hue ,.t i-ei,,o ,.. " l"" '''Url " l'.1'0"' '"' 1 1 he .-t..y goes that Mr. l'arrett, title ilu-h of a su '.- sfel .nr,., .r. conela, led .1... ..i i. .... i ...i.e. ... . i . 1:.. .... me uuiiiun i;i,',. i- 111 ,ir nun p ay ".hilii:. (ii-e.r." "I! -h i d 111 , 1 or. m fu t. nnv cha i.c'' r in h:s r 'pel ion . . lue tin,.' u:o. I , f...o th" J e t . and fn.rrott comluie. wh I- ,h.- lutt-r wet. iUK H " hi- out h oi., ho foind himself booko.l 'or New lir.lain, a ,, . ,,,,, ,,, a,ul, . i . i .i c, ,. . a-rc:i: . u . m ilottbl . th.- 1c"lllal' 1 ri (' ot alio.. i ll wti to lo hamo I .i the .':;lit of the s' o.v a , r , .... ,. . f ,i, . . b , , , , , i thcicf b b'.e v. ho wolill Ik- to It . iti illi t pay -I. "i" t i s o an u t V, i and thoi.h tir woo hi ii iv o ;t Mdc. the -roil-" pinned out jreltv ,. , f , , , .I , j well al. . fur Ihe h no wu I alf mil, u tba thole wa- ab Ut the sain ' anion it of Hn ti I c inl ft then ,, , ... I I. 1 , i ,1 . 1, . ,. .,f A I. w.11,.1 I V. .....I .11 m . uUI loi-s o.i In on tlie ;. . ! ill -. 11,1 wu . X e. it t , in lu the aetor; h. adh r'(i to h liulioii u hi:, van a mi m i l:;ou ' all t ti l and had 1.. t ti - il li' as iv. I II d lit f ii and mad it i t io ko. ll -t p Pim a m.--t s, t'u'hii- a ;t't I -t.ed lidivililal. w.l. -ttlitf'ii hi' .1 ic. Hi; r.'"i:i p;-. I- :lt:iii oil what a e:t m ill ho V i . a d o lupin 'i llllv a ili, 1 Itu It Iti- 1 . 'lull a lie .-sel'R r f.ill.e Willi v..! I !.i' t ! I- tiiaaliel' ot ib. lb a-, i w,.'i! 1 hk tisii ak til. im In ll. pi.-e (jo 111 1 ,l: o!u sj.ii th at t'le U-'i'--- t t.ito o. m lid, th -ttti' 11 . p d I - t 1" (Om ltl- l n i l", r was ovoroyoil " tin- i n oi.-eiii' n' and w a- o.i ii ii..- I - i. ak" : i rai it!i h id f.-r a ret .in -' -'ll N' t du'l' t tif.' f"i' ,i in :i t : - i s t Ii i r . d. s l- . ho . id i- d h.lil I . be icPlilltcl. I h t- a' i o i a '" n an I. it''oiit li. api o Hi 'I' i at Tut . n -. as 1 1 , mil. e,i.. e! ,1. saal , "Mr I'lirrett. I -1," hi I. I 'oh i.b.;,,l ii. y,,il f i-li.u ; tin' p' ' '"I' i ace "U I :-t p I., th .. 'i ;hl an i a'ii o itn i 'o i:.e t! a' t'u i, , ultra t a at t1 I h -u , c ih b.- mi ah". 'I : ni"ht lieM, and i.l I" He Ih: : Tab..-" Ink 11 Mieep. Tin '. e i- a i ei I'm lit I. im critic b'.i. '.! Ill ti.' t'i',1' .; ane- d '.-', A f ir 1 a maun man t-- 1 ,bo- upon hi ', ll'IU With.. -It ktiowiti:; ' ririt'u.'i: ' t hi- luihi's. All .i somi " th.fpi.ii !" m l tha' hi la ii hand was 1 addiel.- l t or uk.n ah' h 'lie- an I hi l.ab.t I'.bi:'. r a witl. In u-i fuln. . ".I, ha." -ai I Ihe fanner P tho n an , 1 H e.v o . ;.- ,' in v I-,-.-' .- lit-.- if 1 1 11 p-ne u). il'i' ia' while yo noil, tor ' I- - a 1 .-r... A r ' n - i rn; tin- :i"r a Kid I'a. -i t..,.. it I u:'l le '," ih-. hired th" num. of the I una i. ov. ri i :,- a,- if. I - 'h-d no and 11 i.i i or..- tie- i sh . u. 1 dl lllli I hp -e:l- 11 .' ' 'I.... I-, p I th- fath r. a in.l. haie 11 h I '-. al-i The,, il. Ion I- Pa w :ll v. a no will -. -t .iii'd. ' "Y--. -oi,. . i :,l-o " -poke up an I :a d : c a -h- p. '.-. if I ill I a.. hp, lt- r a la :.. n' - iMl .- lii-'a 1,.e. tri ll. .1 P. h' I .'li- .'1 I -ai I : Pa. hail i t ;.o'l b- " i take a -; too ' "I .I'll::. o. I .i. lino." the tanner r.' p i d .h.'tl t all , and th.-n u,,h nl'. , Mi le I. I .'".'I n', I ll It-,- it nn. I TI 11 ". uih'i . war I t h ehuv t Itn e-t nn nt ni si: ni t itu 1" in hi- 1 ' i .a- li ar.l after- he U....I-- the 1.-st p la.,' sea "ll ho I'I I II ' ' t li- mo t ci',1'1 .us I'atliile ti in t! o araiv ' th V r.i.- 'ia'l c -ips of -kat. r- Thia c I - 1- (-oinpu., d of p ei ,- I i.i, ti w ii h . '! -.which they use w.thp.'ea' pte-i-l :i. '1 h s u a , ;tl',- olnoial'ly il l..! ' ( f ! t l av. Im;.' ,.i r r- in-'h and la '.-n ! and Ir- - n i:a.-.i. b. i:i'.' six t: io I r al .pal be-pa,-. -, li i.c and t. :, ,n 1,. 'oi,o, T. ...lai.-r-i can be ta : p. r. d upon tlie i oi -rt in- ... i a" ' . ! i . or : h . n.uiui- tain, v.ith a rapid t e to th ,t of the b t-l c A an in s nn ( "f the SJHM d they nlbim-al. it )s stibd lii.t a in. -el,. .'i'i' :.t ached lo t'i" c '1'p has lie : ii-h -d l'J'' loll. in (i iht en a: d a half hours ovra luout.taiinms o man , 1. 1 -- .11. II- 1 A ml I'urr Inr KpHrpilr Klm. T.. 'H' t ' !"a a-. .i,; : :n i. n.ldr tlit I I. live a -..-itlie ii..... .lv tar Hn- ai. e.-o Aineil (ii-ea-e 11 l.i' li 1 currant to ure tli n ,.,; i'fi-i'S. Si. Mrot : - Inv lalth In 11- vir- ,:.- t ul I mil sea. 1 I .'., -ami,:.-Is-iue 1 ii.aali.e tri-'.ii-e t :u 1 -' .:. r. r ivl.oiil 1 Kit air !.: 1' .1 nlal K'i r --a 1 ires. lo-l . 11. U. i;uuT. M. L. , 1 o 1 t.ul bu. New tort. I aa 1 .. .a !.:, ni Ki I 1 etll I , ki t. i-r the .a-t .l.llir fll'linnle In.liiii'Mluiti. I'I -t'ii II, , -I :', .U'. -I !..',. ,.t.-.i"lti,.l. 1' - 1 I 111 1 I t .-ti'l.'. lit. ;.'-.- . le-ill 1 :.r. .1 I.l n '111 il.iu.l.i.rc l-i.-'. i, .. .11 he ( nil nl -mull n-l I.', i.-i.l-. , ,-. ,,:ie I i. Mi" k I '1 II" 1 "., i-al- 11 irae-r tlliitl tho . 1111. In l i'i'. Pi at I-i" -T- im. In i' rt'. iHt CHtRLES A VOGELER CO-. Diittmof), DIAMOND YFRA-CURA FOR DYSPEPSIA. ATf'SlTIM . a I.l t'l: lMUi.1 s I n 'N M-AI.I, a I l-iln: I If r Ireii.. 1 our '.-e...t nl I a,.., nl: .1.1 l.'.(l- l.-l. 1 ... II .. ,1 f. ,.i h,.r.. tl ,l,i lit 'I - ' i' Tt Charles .. Vogelrr Co.. Ball more. MJ. rArtu QtAtTO -i .... i r.v -,., , ?a2R f.'-.'' - v....... .''.-. Mf-ftVtRfSfJ ,, .. ar,., JJ?tm I ..,.-,!. l.r I. tint ,1 f53 '""''"" .''"' " s"'""i Ltsr.r'.l '. inimi. 111 niiitsair 1.111 K(..'. rl I I'.I r,.mt ttrnt, .Vr,c -" a .a. I I , C 'j',1" ei. vatof bo ! s !iis sh are '.. it r.lJ " til el. i.ntioii "t l .- 111.'., ." I!-. i..'.i. '.'.-il il. ..i,.-,i"tii on hi- In. . l.-e - Pali . -liii'luti'. . . iiiiMii-. iti..-.o-I'i-ii . i l '.. iut.-t mi 'On, tie, , ,.. , -, tn: I. tn- i- li.-snf -i .,. unci ..-il l.i--i en-, in-. el .h-ci-e.t. ' .'.a.l. ailiP linr ... . ,1 a i'i:,. ,. I. -, i.ii, !.., , f .ni. c a -tuiictl, , . ii tiei, alt ; ti-l. ',.-:, P " a ( I exel l ."', i...-ei,.i ni , ,.. .-. i.. I i.. -,-ei, ii I : ... , ... He liii it.!., 'r. ...ti.. i u.c told--, i : - l"'ti Pip, i . ll .-; . ' a -hii o 'i ' . , . .iip. . feit. r i i- '..'i l- -till in hit , 'A I; -1 1 i I ! ' ! .1 .l l mi Hit ! ..'if. ! Ul H 1 Illl Ht, Vl..t 1 . 1 4' fit M it t - ' i :i-'f I.r ( i.,i-HMij'l inr ur- - I. i t 1 ti.i r it im-tin t-i 1 . Iiil...'u u iif - :il n nn" 't vo " r i.i h. V I .i' ' 1 1 1 I i' i : h i u in it a rures I i"M......i' li.xli. (ir.limiry License in- to ill -, l eniai-ii-1 ono or our ,.,.i..,.n: n.,. . ,i ,y. -t-.ui, nliyniciam n :i ut. eir.i-r 'I uirv liciiso in tin in numr in which th-v .,u-'sl" ith wellmu ... , ,. wIl w Mr. - up toll..' line- of In le tr -i.t.-.l l.Iei foro-.u l!i.n he u wi alt 'ii'lin; illl atlllfli' tio itc t him oi.' a .! ;i .lull-rent .li-oolers. I let 111 ilo 'lo.' .1 i. iu imii-iii-t .n Ilic llwn ll n ii-inneti 11. 'J Ic-n th eiitient iloi't i,,.,,,:, t,, i,!,, ,, so oil until inl bebir.- i. : i u a a- c. n miw-.I tint l n t , I.i ln.-v n Hie ical tr-'iil-lc. iui-1 ill u 'i I' '.,-l I.e.. at Ih-; l.vutv,l l'';;';' :,;;,';;" 7uin ' " , ,t ,,( lot - I ins i; onlv oic-ease ei a him lr' I, mi l I a.i, U-khiihi.;; t-. In- faill. in tl.. .lo-Un u ! . -1 her. a fact 1 haven anv ut'-l fn-ir s, i ( .-..iie.' I lierf.iu t ko-p Wnr ,NS Safe l;i. in inv Ii uo. a lit'.le over tlno a-.. Wli.-n'v.'r 1 Ij-I a littlo lfl), ,, .i I, i take u tow ilmin of if, eonli ilrnt tlat ihe s iui -e of nil ib.-oas.i is in tin .,,,,., ..,:, i e,,,,,,.'i'i. Saf,. I.ur.i , ,, in ,; vi,W aa I wall era-lie it - nnv u a Ilia in iv I e lie l.iii;; tie i- nai Mr. f,.-.l a .s.iiulm- curs.., I m ih ..I t that lio winil-l U- a H i- tn .lay; , , lU ,.,.,., ,, ,,,,. ,, , ., uilke ' i -lie llr.ii; is eeitnii. liovev.r, ami that is ll o .'o lor are all-tne-l a liitle toi mull frei'iloiu in lie-av tb.'V luiv.- "I pi eteieluu t.II(,,,.t ,vhic!i ll.ev re.illv Un.ov notli.iu tll f ,..v .l,,n t Know w lint i tli - r ..I iroul-ii- witliihc pati nt. Ii a-v sli.uil.l o.innl it ami not no en an I ox J ut ut tho . ''. "l '"""I" '."' . la" I' i.ik-'ii lo a ii'iliiu ' ' '""v- . ,, ..,.. in a,.-.-el' to main lei'aii - r p.iol'....; 'la- j e.iua-.. riev .a' i u . - ,-.,u'.it lo i .1 ,u 1 1. 1 t.mli e!i i-'.l.i.e '.'ii ail".. In- I"--!. -l'f. 'Ii, a1 l i .ila 1 .a mail .- I I" u. . 'lie I. b."- int s.'.v,. a-.l lll.i-l exei !, a. ruiuil-l l-n the Bieic -i-iiii'ti iu-l! - in-n-mine l- a ..1 -vine item' l a I'l-rm-ineai ea." Ibiii'liC'I h'lest,l,.'. t" I sinie . ,1'e. . Mr. .1. i: IMhhII, l'riitlai,i..'avi . N." HI" nnlieal, 1". rn I ".. J'.i. in If'l wa-- I' liiiJiiinilv i"UijI hi ili.'-ini.-.'.s.ii l'.'-ii -lie ;-'' I I'- '' l.iil'"ii .ll . ,,i. la- hal -lilT.'lv-l .cue'.- ill il-,'- '"l.. ll,e iliea I (b- ,' anil ni thi- lit '-I'd'..'..' 1. i.r v h- J' i la. ll. ell. i( e'lio i l,v M. .I.l 'oli. (i.l ti. pr--". ol .Id . I.,- rile-in I'- Pat li- lio l ""I.-, i '.' 0 of 1 1 e.ltual 1 -al . I .ie Ii .- i'i l.el ... P-l. Aiaii.i . .,nl I he urn I. .!!..- -Mil,i.i;,i iiiiuii- v-"il. n-i- leiui.f p. .im,.. i-iii-i.i.i' l-'l ii le n '..'( -I 1 i .-I. ,'a - I - Op I lo .'in l. i cr- ir.-n. .ill ail le t. atii.'ll in li. ion ai". I- i lll-' a t'' . a.-.-.m'.., i.u- ' II, ...e ii.. ..ih .-rein-.Ii eiali III,! ea" -I"'" Ilk.- li -111.-. .111.1 lllu'll. i- I.e. on. th.l .I.e.' ,.,',' Ion, ill-' I- "I -'let. 111. - el the I 1 -1 II I I' . 1 1 "III I le Wh.ill.lle II I l.r .11.1. 11. i-r -1 1 I'.'.ll llli'lil -1 I nml null ... the hi,-! re, urn le e. Ih re no II .III Hi ! 1,1- lal,' ilalc nil" I'lM ilelo 1-- nil! 1 , ,!, ,,. , ,. , illl a . i 1 In i In l.enel-iil 1'i'lnlili. I litiii'inlutlt e-i:in l ee. in U W .o! IP- I ill l -o x "I l et i. i ,,ii-!r. i . i.d b.ur in. v l 11 i'.i.' I- -I l. li 111 ; . I" .- 1 :. I' -. l ll" a f i : - - 'lie lor ',.".!. -1 tell., .lii, I i II .!- i 'I ir.l -. of.. ii I,, in I I on no l ai . h t I tm - '.ii. i-i - ' i" 1 -'ii ' 1 1,.- I'm ii - i ' i"i ;h I. .-I'-. 'I. : 1 il 1 1 i,li, I -'l-.-i. -l h. al. 1 IP", i a . ...pi'i iii in. .--l. s :.!.. n i 1 P- i".. ,!.. . ! in on i c.i- " I.I.N simp is. 1 1 . - -1 : 1 .- I Mi ,i..'. Ma i -.... -. I a. 1 i'. I a . I ''! 1 I" . I 1 1 - Mother Strong "I .tmln rei f.lih n o II .v -l i. ,'t't t.a ti k.-,. a-:! v. iy- lite., a .. hell:" !': "i". I:., e.i'.r.l -. I n o.'ll'.t-. I -tell '1 1 I'.ihle - . ei. I I (.-.lili.l. II. el tell I' II I Ic i lli-'ilitr.l U ' :-lt. I a it..' ll. I l xv I, o ., .. .. .:' ,.. Hi --. e "e'l. P I't I'" 'I'I , o il., ate al 'r - I P. I a l ..: Hi .. ' .-. P. hi., If. I- I' ...":,' . - I.i. ff'aine's Celery Compound STetl-lh. II-ate! I'aU.b tip l- "M. o.'l miol tli Ii lali'inl'i. - la.' a" ni- ' lii'iiK- -'I -n '. -I ... ri, .a.-ii. - ' I- I I u'lii i.ii i.. t'i" a: .t-.i- p- 'i. r .a I'ltU" s ' ) rv . ,.i,,. "lll'l. A Perloct Tonic unit l.ivlucrat ir. It CIV5S NEW LIFE ' I .1,1 II. .v. ,- i v It - Oi l .Pill h 'V. I'I -!-. ieill rel'ie.ll, I. .It , .l. I. i I .'III etli el . ,.!,! i; . , f ,1,,. , , . I,- 1 .!,). "!', I .ei-.i. "H ell.'lt f. T II. ' - I.c' I It'll'' I III!'.' I- i It I I. Ol U.I.K lie III! -I III -IP . si- -'. -.'lll'l o. I -ll. "..I (-.I :, !,.!. ii I.',". - ii ,.. 1,- A lit' ..l l ' a- r .1 . mi, la- int., mi i' I '!" - li Mini :1 I' l- .liie , . 1 ri- t . -' 'la l I "f une i..l" I i. Pi.. lo ...,.....i. I' -: I', te." h' I.- lit :.. i'..-, r-:v:.i-,".' 1.1H..1- I h e . !: i"',..l i- o-r ii, I..-H." !,.i' mi --iii'i. iiiii.i. i" eii -i; ;:''. .UT' r. 1 p. r I n'Pe. : ix f, 1- ,- iv i.- 'l-ls. Vi in-. 1:1 I' i:i'.- . ph . lii.illiii.n Vt.. DIAMOND OYES YOUR DABY ' ."' ...lie, ,1 II" Hlii. I. tel.... "1.1 ll. Ill- 1,1-1 .1. -s.l 11 l t M'I'i ! al l- iu-l,. ra 1 Lai ,0 . KID GLOVES FREE! 10,000 PAIRS GIVEN AWAY I I . pvi-'i t'-ftipli rif mjv T.'V'r Ftirr Kit! iloe. T o -t t. .!,..! i i kMt B ,.- mtu P a1'T I ' I l'l . il'1'.ttl.rfP I I.. ,. I. I. .1 ul. ,.,.-'1 lull uu.--. .m.1 ll ... 1. 1". en I' "if 1 ll.....:.r, ..,.' i r..,.l.-in!l.llit -ill' 1" l.-r .if Kl,,l i.illll-,1. 1" riie , -I ii," '-o-Y. r in. ,m r-.i-t .,:-:n. a-t,. -i :i 1 -ir. i-rilla. i it I -lilt"-'''"'eii- frr frrr. 'I In "rt-T i - .. "I" t" 1-."-r ...'r i'i '..... ..illlnlc, ...ii ". t at .Mic, ili.".'.-.' " "r . 'I--, THK I. .i !"- H V.AIi. I.ynn, Milaa. ub' II Mill K III II II. IK III II. HIM. . Made :c - ... T!,- r .11 "n th Ml le" VI. .n-r. !'. stl 1.1 ! si. ,., .ne'.i II, ion-,. - hi. h 1 a-i.. I Ii - .P. I,, a ..1 A .-si. Ii e. a.- 1 .1: , .1 1 le -m.1 :-:' . I.' - a- 1 ..-I : 1. i- s" oi- -.. 1. ut. - . l -K,.l--" ' . ," I- J?.9J9LMlNFRfiZEB6sE I., .1,, r i-'t, Ao'ir 1 . t n-iv lN-.' V-W iiut. A.M.." ..ItNMIN l'HNA.ll,lUl'lfe,NV. Are tha IlrsT. 6uLOBY UaLt.U!stfc whn hv( tH !lo ( urf fcr I'tm-untiiM'-ii Mtvll tl'KM l Ol'Al I.. akes the Weak Strong II yew He rim .:own el nnv th.1t t i'.i f.-diii-' ar a Ii- il to' m.l-.i.Hd 111- i H-'.'l e( Ml lul "i ' ""I I m " "i '' ui"'i- "I 1 laisl innili !: -"I s ir-t- r c.j n l'" il ' jn.l inn. li' 'I -' ' I I. '""- ,T-' i' in"'ti. r. n . t I n.a -u l k,.lu. . . u n- i. um-!' n l l-'ol I' i e He- -j I Ii iimis h mo.- tik.11 n ah .. Ill, l.rlll.V )l 0 SHOaearill. 't.ial..-- I'.i w ak vIimhk ' It iivIV ..v..'i!liil, . ur .1 mi- ef lilen.t l- u. u.iv oi.- a la l'l- ..:';' li'e. i.'i- a Ii-'j.lj.-ii. i.n-l il'zill i.-, s lint ii. I ii.ii 1.1 I" t i w..rk r..lll." la no it Ns . l( leee'i st . I.n-11. Mum. oocFs SarsapariBIa ,.v...,i n.-il.r.. I'r.a..i"baiiy ' i".! I !' 1 1 , -1 lor t'. 1 1. nr. rt only S. 1,1 1, a I ,. i by I I Hi a l ., ,l I.... I ... i ICO Doses Ono Dollar fim,th "I Know "lis n 'i to, Put I'm lu nl nn tho notion, I'll throw iiiy-elf into The deep. 'briny ocean. ' ?.".n;- " T o', lie. inv food friend, don't i.-iio v. 'iv t.x vour aiitii''t t.1 so racily, nml -etlh .loivu iiiio iioh rl. i and nev. I In p '- no i"ns.i lor Midi conihii i, w in ii it's ... well-know n jiii-t that ,, ..ur bad eliiiL'-. le t able l.i att ache, poor .u.pi tito. cti-o r.i fath'iio. and la -iludo, .c,v-pit ii. ni ! Ip, poeluin ili iaeal coiiiiitioii aie due to torpid li'.a r and coti-.-ipi.-nt iutit'i - lion, ami debility, w will all iive way and di-app. nr. a Ih. ih W before the luol'liit .' s'tii, it oi lull Utah a ..I thai' wpt-lil-faiii. il ant i-hilioip. tonie u: dieine kn-wn a lr. Pi. no I.. .Men b bcul ) nn. It i : 'iiaiiiutec:l m bemiu .u cine in nil li.-i.i-i-- l"i -hi.-h ii i- i. coin I.d. -! motiev paid for it will be .( fuit'l-d. It eut.'l in. wl.. :i ii:,- in a much wor-o ( t.-i.titi ni llum you .'ic, am! f Muiwill cnly tiy it. i"'i '-ill -non b-- -lUiny-- P it in;.- spirit shall w.ii.d- r 'I'hn iil'Ii 'j- iy coral bow or-. A ml I i i-k w iili the mermaids, il -11111. bv th I'mvi f'ot . ,1 -1 a I I I-'.' IUsi'ix - tuaaeuily in- .1 l.y DR. SAGE'S CATARRH loney in HCNLT IN CHICKENS KNOW HOW t .1 4 ONE HUNDRED PAGE ECCK IK V"P "l-'l . "-' .. it Him.v i it k - i - y inn-- 'ii- on- tl " i ' . Ii sltlilt .-, u.--o -.c- in..- I ! t -., ,( ,. I tttK 1 1 , r n .i a a I i t - . : I ' 4, I Jr-' ; "'; ', 1 ." , , --: .. VUL ',',",..' : .. . 'Pa.. 1 . 1 -uu-. I- It mi 1 1 i i- 1 . t k ... o. I r lint-1, . H1..1.-I1 ) 1 u-l-ii itn iiicla 1 ill..- nt. h 1.. .. . . .. I. ' ..a , . .: I .1 .. - i !: sM! I II " II lie I tv-"l,i V--.I- '..'-'- .','''.',' f I ! nt.- It, 1 111. Lii.i'".."' '! " ; 1,11 lonie..,. I.... .... - - , : ... .1 -ir ' l.r. una .: I. 1 11 .01 "I" - 'I a- l! I- tn. ,,:.'.,. smith .v wr.ssoN, rtrM.-nt on He 1 a-, tlii t M lit. I I" i.i " I o:.:v." I 11.1 I...! .Mailt.:., -...m.: . -, in. hAi I 1. lie s It. IIS 'lOPJS'iERij PACIFIC. 1 LOW PRICE IIAILRUAD LANDS & FREE Covornment LANDS VII i !i.- t Ii I.l - I - " I "i -I. i. a.- I.i. v...h i.:,k..i... in t,t"ii. i pif. v :-i ''.". i'.'.tTi'!: i .ti. M . I,, -i i- i.i " ' I l mi I- M-iil lll'l-. I ' lt'll i-1. 1 HSlI-""""- '- " Here it is i Want t.i 1iit:i nit t A ,.nr Pelt -i.i I'l. S Ci.t A i li,..,tcnr' 111. i. ii . i . t-.-i-r. -v lien' nml " "i iu-l a-:uti-' ; I'rl-i" l .-.-acin I J I fTri'i A 1 ur- Winn, iiini" n !.... I.l- l. il Hi- Hf l v ' Vm in I'.rt- -f la li'irrlh' ll lial tn i all; ll llllK!K illl'. -I II ''I'"1' I1 laU.-.n mill', ef eii!) VS rrnlt in l.imi. BOOK rUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. New York City B.,1.1 fv. nwhenl. ()K'Vr('KS::'yg.,l 'Air.'"."! oluu saw tfML.h 1 j. 1 r .,1-m V -. ii r:t. 1. : liar , jlii-mii. Alhin:i uic ,,t" '"" I I riil!r"'i t'dUtaranri "t "'JT5 " i .Vn.'i t Io1. 'i 1 1 I jr.'li'r.eTpnis'y''a ' 1 I. vp t-jktn thr iK.tll" oi i.o kI h4ll -.,,1.1 nn I coiii-i'l- r ll tli l i-. t li .-.l in ili.'.nn t h lie ev.--Uki n It I nil'l ..." tip. luake n.c rtt! 1, t.-r,'H inc a k - .1 il C--IH'' ali.l iniprovi l) Ii .1 til k. n-rallj ' Mils A. I' I.' t.nrto. J'ol'CHl'l. Me. " t tine I' i n troui.i.. !..l num ,veir witbvirv lent Ii .i l.., !.'- II. o,i i. s i-ai'iril . i 1 in- "o miu h I ai.i .mi.e-i lvh.iih i-uiei I i'ariir-tly V, .nili!, ...! II"-!-- i;;u -...,.rl la I" nil "I.o fllffi-r will. Ii ala-Ii ' M- ' siAi. nc.l.l..'K Af.-UUf, IT""' I ll. N V. N. II. I'c fun te e-t only l,o' I lllll.-(H ! nllliTirc . !.'' "I. iai". . I0O Doses Ono Dollar :iv Mi. nn ai. Ass'ici xTI'.N, ri-pra tots. IVS THE HEAB. no mailer of how lonir ht.u.dini:, ia ,. p REMCQV. 50 .tutu, t y .!ru: akt.s. Y.JT A i.i in ii I." il.-i .... tl i-rnr 1. 1 li-..,..-. MH l-INti A I'. a I ll: V Al.ll I I -INI -s i,.,t a- n .. tu n A. ih' ion," "I 1. in- ll .1. .! I..,a.- .1- '"l. l' -I en -t. le I i .1 li.. nil - ii, .1 . I Ic 1.1-1 !.! I,,,.- !, II... II. Villi, I l.l-t .!.-.- ei 1 C ' ll-'e . I... k- a. . ..i-.-r't... . hit .o . .1 .n tl . III" -.' ll HM , ul ... He- 1 k. , a ,. - , il t .-:, .1.1 i'ir ca uls in -I""l'- H i Ii. le :,,i c in u - .i !i.. l, !..r i. - - :.. ll Mir.. 1.T I ,i. V I-i. I: I " i f tr-.., !..' ho-i I.C r.iri.i.s.- , ,i. Ol,.!';-. I... -.I um tlie-l '! I.l" - I'll II. , Mll'H" U lli.i'K 11 H Mill sH. i aiy. I pro, r. he ind (nllTrn. ;..!,. In.: C 10 11 nlc .-il:- i .i : in-. ( ure l, 'l Mil':' 11! A M M D . Ainst'Olil'.. N. V. V. Inn- -..'hi I'-u i l-r nini.i' n-.ifs. ..'I'I I l'!', l-iv.i Ui" t-i I ('. mi's- .IV' IIF '. ' I l, IK". 111. n.iilHI.OO. r 11 hy lai.emsii. TC S 1 O A DAY! tlillVTst WAN TKUt lr?",iB"ei.ii:4 rnrr ' AfSS TT W -.ntl'ty IIMtl H. I I-r, ti I II.N AW t 'n""; I if TI f. .1 u, n-.r l'i -f n-r My , ff Ml ir It"-. I a-- n-f r -in.l.T ll "r M T'JlV"' ir Brcvtsler MI9. Co., Holly, Mich. JONES 1 1 1 : PAYS THE FREICHT. . Ti 11 iiuon s-.-iili'n. Ir-'nl'-M-' .'-I...T I'.-rlni, lirAM 1.11.- in... m a i l lira. II , 1 fur uo. F.i-rri -I-I it'STrlri-IL-t ,. . ne.-ii ll.-- .a- r n-l .i-i ai-a JONES OF BINGHAMTON, 111 .1 i.ii 1 11 1 1. 1 1 :. 1 . GONSUM C ,1. .i-.ti. . 1,1 It, II. ,',U "I i' k.i.l I..n:.nt.ill0! ,.iir..,L i.iiii f,t.i ., ,l-' a''via..l oil --.I.l lo H- (iis, leu. al - ..nllm ,,.r.i i ' tadim I A HI" . C K. U. C 111 I'airlst. N. V CUKtS WHtHt All !. Heal ('li t-j ru.. ii.-ii in linn', s. 'Ll I f ur. FLORIDA! Frealnformaiion. sin- In.lli un i-tna'.... haini-ia It ..,.' v. ' -vni't, a ;ru rr -j . i te! He. Il '. '"' .1 !.. Ill pa,-. .VI.-! .-in f .' ' . I n - tal.lHlilr. 1 1. It. cU'.shI, JIJI r ne lam S.I.. N Blair's Pills. w tlTBr. 31 I Great English Coul ant Hheumatc. HmU. r4. 14 nil. CHEAPEST AND BEST GERMAN DICTIONARY m OF 024 PACE9 enn nm v ftKE DQLLiR.iw iriBSTCUDICTIOHAET ATtkKV b .11 A 1. 1. IMtlt'K. l n-i ll ultra l"n.-ll h Wnr It mill P. cii-rmiin Tl.ilrv . Dl. .t' .1 l'r..i'...nelll"n ml Prrniaii ICr l, ll-l tdelUI. I'cUll'a. . Ut. b. llll".atl' ll(l t-i. r i i l t'l I lit A I) W II AT Till! MAI HA YH- Fl.r Mi-., Mar n. int. f:wit fNih rr,.ar. ft. I renur l SI T ...Mian I.l. Il-'i'ii I, r.-criiiHt anl I am mii.-li flvi.-nl ii.lll II 1 .IU l."t i tint tonn l ... h . leal I tin. In ao. hran I-". I'l'-M "l' l' ajirt incl. -sl lluU tl (or s.i,iio. U. . lUskKLi. r-t a l min 134 Leonard Street, New York Cit?. 1'jri TO C. l I kl 7UBirki:lM 0' I MB I TTV cmutt t incuirt. I tir d-.oij h 1 Ml'Bl Citalttl S- :,,r WW ! I