H. A. LONDON, Editor, Tbi Ckltivatios.'oI, ulwor Other graasea should V more cxtou ai,vely engaged, in by the farmers ol North Carolina. Wo have so trc- auenlly called attention to this mat J ,., Iiunib,,. U.UI in :uiy .cus m ,J ,. ,. , i , . . , ter that we dislike to wean ourCluss XM.o total number ot students Madera w ith a reiteration, of w hat : cll,.(ei during tho past y.;ar was ' baa been mo olU"i.s.i;d, ami yet me inipoivtanco -A tlie subject demands j it miw cmisiuntlv lilted and uii-l i .... (.......... The soil prasscd upon our iarmeis. inc sou fa ar'o iiorlion ot me .?iuie s : .. , . ., ..i.. ,j wen auapteu i,w iiiayivwi" v. (, -i ii. i ;.. i 'lint. ou esjitigittuy ' ; ham auauty. Our farmers as a tia ro not making money, wn urn. nontrary many are every ear I b. coming pixu'ei' It ls..'.:ugraiiy e"ii-i ceded, that there is v !itil-J money ill tlej eallivaliou of cotton. The experience ol ni"l oi our t hatliain laruiers wim tobacco lias not been jrotitabie. All v.:l a-imit that we cannot rai--: com and w heal for iie ill as low a pi n i- s i.i c:.a by brvigM, Iiere Iioi.i the Ui.-,t. What then must our larnicrs do e wotdd respect tally siigesi that they devote more lime ai'd attention to Hi- ..: tivalioli ol'cloVcv a'it other ;;' l vs, ml the raising t :-to, k and ca'lle. Nearly evn-y i.trn r admit the wisdom ot this .tJvuf, and yet o few will lake and app! it ! This .-ill i. c t l- s'.i.:.'re.-led to our mind just now by a recent u't b "Cloverdale". the 'ia'i;. farm vl 1':;. Ii. II. Lewis, about two and a hall miles Hum Waiuigh. This gentle yiuu, as our readers know, i one ibe iiio.-'. -killul and s ientitie ocu lists in the Nhi.1- and yet he funis time from Uie duties ot his piolet--ioii Vo HUpeviniyml the birgvt dii ;.. in tue State. Six eais ago he bought ovet ;(M) at. res ol latni near Jllalcigh, that was about worn out. jU it as rocky a lann as we have ever seen and the .'.oil by no means fertile. We nient'oii this lor the v. tourageinon'. ot our t'hathain tariu yrs whoso tarni-) are rocky and poor. On this f.irm are now 17j acres in s luxuriant clover as can be seen Biiywhere. I'relty lit'J c'over milch, is nt it? Nt wonder the farm ' is culled "Cloverdale"! The chiel product of this farm is u !.,.. , butter, ol which pounds were eold last veac u celt's a pouud. ... ... I The average yield ol l.utier ior ea. n cow last vear w as Il2 pounds, .; There are now .... cows v.n the ia. many ot them giving gabous ol t milk a tiny. They are ot the iin-. proved breeds, such us (i uernsevs ami Jerseys. Tbev are comtorlahl v ," M ! provided lor in cleaurof.n stalls in one largo stable, but are allowed to irraz-e in a pasiuro at certain iiours ol the tbiv. Thev ate milked twice tly every twelvo lumv-i. ! f . the mil m taUoft l;ui;i day, exact As soon us the tows it is weighed (.lor every, thing is carried on systematically.) uml carried to the dairy, where l y a most ingenious uiaeh'.ne iho '.ream and milk are at once sepaiiiled. Tho fresh milk is poured into this machine, which makes over T.nOO tevi lutions a minute, and Irom one aide pours thy other tho mid , .., 'Mill t'l'lllil thll i , Only too milk is tburnod about 20 gallons al a time and this makes 40 pounds ot butter ot a golden yellow color, w hich is put up in pound ami b:tlt pound cakes most artistically utamjied. lite suininit'ti intiK is jeti iu iuo i calves and hogs. So call is ever ! Mllowcl to suck its mother, but as ; : soon its born is sepaiulcd tloai its' luother uud led on milk. The -ah ol these o! s .,-t no hule to Ue profits ol toe- farm, and another c"i sulci aliio .source ol revenue isth;t' ttaio of p - of iho bent breeds. Dr. Lew is is an earnest believer in Lne vaiuo oi ensil.iL'e and Us nre- , MU V.'.tioi, ill siios, and i'i.iscs inor? cnsiliigo tliiiu any one ei.su in the State, last voar having packed in his silos about 37". tons. So much pleased is ho wii.li hi.i past eipe-i I'ience that this year ho hopes to pack away at least otit) ions ol en silage. His silos are cheaply eon tl'U';tcd, costing very little, and yet the ensilage packed therein is well . , . . . - , . - . . , , r...s. .v..., - ..s v.,. ..vsv and cheapest luod that cattle can feed on duriim the winter. When any ot our tar.i.o,- friends , . , , , go to Lale.gh we would suggest that they spare the tunc to visit jhis dairy furni and sec its practical work-, jngs for tU'insclvcs. It might be ! 1U 11 J-"'01' "eighbnrhotnl almost intoH vt.,-ttj Lonscc ami barns were that ho even then allowed the .lis ftn object lesson tyoui which thev ; ''l:ll,Lv 'J 1,c ('n ,mv! l,e,'u '"'ii" i w.coled by the wind. No los of life ' hol-o.t gold-iuilh to buy the nugget could learn some valuable iulorma-1 '"ffed. ae.l their ftppe iranee excited ; M yo. UCL,n ,cl)01tcd. i ol him lor the paluy uum ol tt. Us tioti coiiipass."it as well as di.gust. Last, , .... . ' true value wuj i;seei lained lo bo not T..K TATdUdTs Assembly met in , . , . ,, Hnnual I session yesterdaj at More, head City. On tho 4th ot July a tarty of aboyt hundred of the teach- jrs(?) w ill sail jryin Sew York on a ... i. n- ... BI.WR, .r o. ntM. jioso tho present meeting ol tbo jiucbers w il be largely attended. Tijs (.'o.'isxi'ifiiHS oxereise at Wake Forest College last week were uiuisc.a!,!,).' interesting, and were a 'i.tting close to the most prosperous year in the history of thui institu tion. The annua!, IiteiT.;;y address wan delivered It; tjie Hon. W. 1 tW(( mmrod anj vinh',i.on. I he . ,M,jm nt t.itfltU;S decided to establish I ,i , ,,,. ,.,,h i,, ... . mm ' ,i0J,;n wjl)l ext m,,,,, TIiuh year ilV . -.,,. .hist e-rou s am I nt-os- . . . - . ... i pern and exleinls il sniiere o! Vruu ; 1 .... ' . '. . ness. .May it lln!.sr;o!:.',.u(,' mmuga 1 t))0 (.olnilu, yj, , '1'ti n : t v t'eilege a!s.ihi.-ld ilsatmual commencement exercises last week , , s,,llM,,s ,.!i(iiated. Tin N of all. factiltv, trusteen. "tu .l.-i.t. olio , d Vl-lt were ill lil with lit- reiitoval ot I'll '.:!..'n. Afier much ll .i..t...; i.,..t;. f. ion to an adjourned then t: lU"'-t'i.: Oil lilt i -le to !:.. h. 1. Ih of .tu! w ( i iwi.sboro" . I lie at la-l bee: .id .:.i,.,.n.g .vo f fon-nl t.. i;i. il. The -alary he e.timated te .fit ql'f :trJ" .tuiii. nl i I to .taneiro, in lira-i- ?d,nt!il a year, and s will make it s'nnn ...I-... At Ii.n tune, lio .-ever, small re said to l. so tliat tin' TV desirable. jt and yellow lever : racing a! that city, ;ii.i'i.itiee!it ii not so v If Ilariv-ou v.ttuM only apn.'Mtt al'. the l" l'ltb!iean I, .niis o "al" .Miito to toi'eirti i on nt rie, u bat a bh.-.-od rtddaiii" il would be 1 A 1. title llcioiito Ht-waiili'il. I - Mi ,.. s,.w -,.iffc jut. Ti.u l-ouit o'. A...l(-iits has nist d.; eitli d a e.t.H' whicu reea'd-i a icuark title in.-t .nice id hert'i-ui on the part 'ii; lu tl. Spooler, i, suuiiiier of 1M F.thc! A , a lo".eiy i hild of S year -. accompanied her parcis ami some li i'ials to Hast ( rnug . N. .!-, to spend the hot monlhs. The house at which they were visiting was loca toil a short distance from the tracks of the Delaware. Lackawana .V Wes tern Hailro.td. l)"e day litHe thcl w aiiikrei! iit-itr ihe tracks, and us she iiiuiioachcd she miw three little chil j dn u 1-l.iying on the tics. Loo'.ing ! l KM l;' 'i.bseivo a train spproticLing at l i-h r s, , . tiL. chihhcn. utteiitioii to her, mid ! i 1 ll . I.. 'ft' ,uie.;' nisiiauug a inmueni u... on c.o, litHo gu isieppci uoiwce.i ue uaeKs. .. 1i1UJi J, . , , , out of ,,.?. ; ir(,r , 11, (lMiu by that time wns within! a tpjiirtt-r of n mile of the children, '""I ihundet ingalongat a jreat speed Nothing daunted, r.thel again step-1 i ,( Mriro tho- ot1(.,. (.hi , i,llt ,IM H1C tH Sl) i.r f0(,t ; cail'-lit 111 a "irog , irom wuieu sm vaiulr tried lo release liorsolf, Fiiiil. i ' iwy&f u she called to I j tbu child, who reat;ze4 its dagor in ;, ' , nlY ,rt .rill.k ' Kthel, instead of fainting as many ! an older girl might havo tloue, shout ....... . : .i I I i i ed and waved her hands nt the engi neer of the oncoming train, but the latter paid no heetl. Nearer came tbo hum, ami at hci it wau jili'.ost upon hi r when the !iU',a ktroinc thiow her body out. dds of the rails i .... i ii... i .... t l i... ....... I.:.... tuuu n.ioi .ci.-,. .,,.s,H ll"MU l"t"l"ll.i" ,'- mass lt was found necessary to amputate as found necessary to amputate Hust below the kuee. Ur return to Uroo-dy,. A. W. .whowaseiigngcdasbereoun. her ll On Teiinv sel. I.egaii an action ngainst tlie roil-1 1 . "11 I Kill . 1 i uau ciKueTiii .... a-"-."" " n ioi.i s. , alleging negligence on tin. part ul the; engineer mm ot I no ttoinpany iu inr eomtructiou of the I'lanUiug at tho i ;roiK "kcro the acnde.it ocetured. 1 Iim cil-n w i., tried Liele'O Jinige ., ,. i ., -,. i. .,,.... .' i . -IU.1 .v in. . i ... ... ilo'iil i'i r.i'ooljyu iii J.sM and a' ; vvnltcl v.'.ts removed lor I ne piaini m , tor .;..( H i' l uud .,:)() additional cost , I . iu i 't mi - i in i ,1'in i -ii Wilson, of Weal Virginia, ana wail i i. , i...n y if Hiiiiuin eJ a,K' many others wounded, r torn and Av'-jnnsas, the crop conditio:;;. . ... - . i nroiiliet when lie Kii.nl tusL trier '. .moor remarkable ability and elo- chairman of the NAliospTlfcmovraiio oa? J1ers1,on 'l PPtt the; were Mr.pwd by the weather of tbo; uune. Uhere were twenty eight' committee, that Calvi Hrico would ; neighborhood wy.re the troub e oc-, present Week Corn is reported ap, numbers of the trraduatiti" "class ajbc elected to succeed bin. when tho a wlorei justice of the leace growing rapidly, but in some sections, ifMiilutis oi uiu i;iauii,ninn ii.i "i. . ... ...... . O. n.ifro j mill i pnlnril cnnsln. l T innm tm intn. i miiii ia rnivirtii.V Term, which afiii tucti the verdict, an- i,,, , ; j ri i'n' I here "no tbe ; the .1 -fi Uil.i'.lt lh 11 tol.i, tl.ll Cil.e t J . '. i.:,,.' ' wi,..,, i... in Is',; the Court cf Appt.ab, v, hiell has j.Ut ; u.iii'uic.i tne verdiel Now Liin l will get her damages, which wilt amount togither with the; iuteiest. to over !t-."),0i Id. The case, j outiii.lc of it i roniiii:tic inciiL'iits, is i ot interest, ftJ !!i,llCi) is ihe Lrgest uniouiit ev. r avartled for li.e Lss of I ! a leg, and it d, fun s the law r gard I I ing the proper eoiiiitructioii of pliuk-1 nig at liiilroiid crossings. Forcibly WasUoil. I mm y Olii. iiieh.. Juno K. Ii ! . , . , 7 , . a-uourn is a cuiirier nero. lie is a with '.ver ami lives with his two young daughters, whom ho refuses to ! ftllow. 8? T Hv'iwl fw 111,8 ')e"1 iiiuriii iv niiiy. iris 'lair waa long, llltte,r r.ml 'inwlcan ; his whisker.- j shaggy, his clothed ir. rags, when h vOuld wear Itettcr, a;.d ins presence il, ,M.., .,t .. I.:.. ...i. it with wuii.. soapsuds, bought a new suit of clothos for the man and cUma f,nnnP11,s f). ,ho ti,jU,.ri,, ftd ' going to Washburn's houso jave him a eleauing. He kit ked nn J souirniot', ' those uov 1 hite Cups compell - i ed una to submit. They cut his hr.ir ... , , . , ttniUo. k ra;,a. His childrtu wore treated like- wise by tie hdicc. but ucrc liudl). I .-ion s tor Connan was u ti ll0 i i committee met. Mr. isr.co mi ueen elected, and most dcjiioenun are Hat t!l(,u,,i, n.atu-of them would ,.uo ,rt.feri'ed to see the brainy Maryland Senator, take ep yi3 ;:y.ns. The Virginia rei;jui;-;-aii. Ma'ione anl anti-Mahone, have monopolized political attention thi .'Ultiv u,,.,,,,,,!, theiru week. 1 he anti's. throiiL'h their 1 1 mnvtiee head - .i i... i.-v ..,.,.. l.mr " ..terenec with nam non e- nes- .lay which wound up. in a row, hard h;jgh polite wor.U i,ng puMed vonierenee wim iiarri-uou euuen .i i.:. i I r,.L.- I,.,i-,i on nit i snles. llarns( n ciccuiieu to recogni.e the niiti's in the matter ol patronage, claiming that all up pointmeiits would be made without regard to which taction endorsed the applicant. One ol the committee at this stage very pertinently a.-l.cd ..'iy it was thjn tliut Harrison had leveled Assistant Post master t ,!ark :. :( to appoint a single ) s'nv-t--in irgiuia without Malioite's en doi-enit nt. This made Harrison mad, ami lit. di nied e el having given sin h an older in s'rong and lor' it!e lan guage. The l '.mi mi'. lee left in a very bad' humor, ai d il they ivi tiu! I...1.: iik.i.v . v-te . 1 liey pretend to. the democrats will have a Walkover in Virginia this tad. 1 don't know whetber llaiiis.oi tv. r gave t'lark sou thti onier n It i red to, I ut 1 haw it of. very good amhoi ity that I'lark soii -o . la led to tin' fi iciids of all lip j !:;!.!. t u ho di 1 not have tlieen lor-e-meiit ot Mnlioiio. The slarli'e.' up of the 1'. S. mint at Carson, .N cv.ela.al'er a long period fi-.il'. i. ::'-'-''h'd a a sign that the a In. iiii-'r.-a. ion is f.ivoiaiily d:.; j. is.-.I l )'.val.U the silver interests. It is iii.deislood that thi- a' lion ha"' be-ii taken :u'aii:.-t the w ill and over the neail ol Secretary Wmdoiii who i :ii"-thii-j else thaii a silver man. i.ep.l'....t.'li.-e'.;. S. ;S;iusor. for. w ho tool: - ii ii nr. at.tie j.illt i.i gel ling liio.ugli the legislation creating thi i. ,',- north w-.-'.ern Slates al the last - e... ion of ( 'ongre.ss, is going to l';ikot;l to make a speech in honor t-J its apl't'oaehii statehood. Ho oho.Jd Lo given a .o-.ing reception tor wiihout him the bill which enable l"akolato come in as two Slates this la'd would not have gotten through the House. Col. Ii. 1 Ht'ghes, In-pet tor lien era I l;. S. A. has been ordered to Savannah, iia., lo investigate ,IH charges recenlly made in the news- i s against Lieut. Carter, ot tin inui'i Corns, whc. is in 'di:irg,' i Fu; ' hi, bail.or lu.pri-.-oti.ents at Ibat j The charges are very ugly .; ami include downright stealing ol ( vo rM ,,.,, t mollt.v, ormal dl.u..,s ,i;kV0 lHVIt at -ho W'll': " , , l,'1!101 ! Vno- tiepaiiiiutit, bill lb.; new charires wert such that, (ien Held, w ho is acting .Secretary o; :,f, .ieciite.i to invesiigaie. : (rea.ni.'gami '!'aci;c.uga.e,a,i i Iv .bi'i'e.i.i.t. In L-'S.) the posl oll.ee I ati aiiiieii.tn iiio. waspirsioeotiy-, It V. 'Irs. Me l.u 1 1 11 tl l. lOsliiliiMCi lleneral Vilas removed her and ap r . . ' . -...I .. .1 ... I I ,,l (, li-ll 1 1. I I . r . . ... I I I 'Jill l '.l CIIISS. , III llril.ltal.il V. ieNt loi ii 'itwerlul" speech dc l.vercd uy lK-nj iiarr.son, uien V, , ,. it ,, i.I. iJV.h m7i ii, ..'.. V : ............ for appointment M her old posilM.,, ; and she wa- -,.,ii..what ..tun.ied a ; short li.nengt.lo learn that As.; s. . taut lS.,t.nastcr l larkson has ap tinted a man, Lacked by Ueprcsen- tative I'osey, t.i the position. Ihe appointment raited 'Uite a howl; the new-papers printed Harrison's speech in ls;, jmd siiccrii.gly ul bided to bis action in Isstt. llwuko , ,im lip UIl(1 ,,0 ,, ,UI ..xciis, by , L.vi,,,, ,,nt he tl , "lit ih" ot'ii , J . !d cfcs 1'nd! tha, ,,0 , ,,,,,,.,, M IIulll j lii t).( , , ttn-oii"ti some hocus) 1 ' ' . .M)1.ls (n.,,-1,,,, a,i,,tod I'tisev .- unm T(0 Commission has not been Sl,n V()j witlow niiiy .,tor a t,, j( 'n,(. ;:;u.,L Sl 1(..1U. (,-Ctiele .lerry ',.. i. ,,, -"' ' ' ..up bclotv Hie public is an u.e.,1 that he is engaged I mi.iioiiii lilan to re f.'gani.e tin ,1,., .1., c I .,..,., t . cnciill m t j(.n.v" .,ay ,,, H. a "bigger ' man ,h. iti 1 1 -.t-i-i-.ui, nut. w hen it i-oines -cheap John" Wai amaker, who it ! is pavs a man Iu.uimi a i to itiaiiage Ins adverli.-iug, w Hi pi on aldv ,'ie him a job. Mrs, Wanniiiiiki r is entertaining Mrs. iiiirri-.,:i; ai d her grand h:l dreii at !i;,r l'a;ie May cottage. De.striirthtt Stui n hi West Va. Cim v. June VI. A sroeial front i .Mavtinsbmg. West Viiguiii, s.iys: A) j heavy storm pass, ovor tho south j i u'int Hin t cf lli t klev eni'.iit.v last i . ti...i. :c i.. ... ...:.. i i, ,.i I ; lll,tll. A ll' LCIlilt J'll,' O. ..III,,. 11 ill , ; tl,(1 ,lv;lt ,i,,mt,,, Wim followed bv a tenibln thunder storm. Thid was . ; raiowod bv a hi aw hail storm that "'sdlod "reatlv to the destructivopess. I'-illi'il rtoues lay i l iduec threo or ' si four inches decn. Crpi and trees ! iare mined. Lite stock was b.tdlv - ... ' , , , . . . i -,i ; I ! "d lo.l greatly to the destructive, ; h, uiM, .1 an,i ju nomo instiuii.es killed, j A Calamity ill Mc.xii'O. ' Uum.-'ids, lex., June lu. City of Mexico advices Sr.y thut tho Merced ; market roof full in yesterday burying ' nearly fifty persons. Forty-two wain- i ; dod peoplo buve Ueen taseu Irom tho 1 wreck of the niii kot. and luanv of It)0ot., mo iiiimucr of dead, it is believed, will uot bo Uivru tiiau J3 or UO. Uitr Washington Letter. our Hcu1m Conondem.;. Washington, jaino 14, lOiii. 2sJy Affray In Tqxas. j Ch.i'ac.o, June li. A dispatch from j Auit in Texas, eavs: Therer.ro con j llietiug reports about the euiise ci tLe iblo.vy tdiiAitii'.g t.fft ay which oer - iieJ viiili toon tuil-.'P southeast of this city litursday evening, in which lout . wuuo men ami live negroes wore liu- j ble, Lsnac Wilson, were recnutly elect- ; ed The justice had issued awar- rant for one A. D. Lit ten, white, and it was put into the Lands of Wilson, Soou after the latter met Littu find ; informed him he had a wana:;t for Ids j t 1 1.. 1 .. ..--.1 ;t uiiini aim jinatruiii iiiv,,i, ii. Litton remarked that it wag no' to reao, Liie warrant, lor no wouni oi . " UO arrested lv a dd lugger. ymte ft rroml LftJ lU)CnlK alu, Wilson's f.iellliajviM,, tljat le ,,llK.0 Ul0 war-1 mn in tllo h(llllIs of a while countablo. Tl'.v: L did and I.iHea vt-aa rj-rested, bnt Uelaretl 1 , oiihl t:c.t Lo tried be - fore a colored justice. . V,i u iili.il .. lim-lii-i mnLri.t he was -' ' , , . ........ , uuiuj, in "i om oij iiuiiui,, in cat li. d in foie .fustieo Wiel.es. whoHO !ueedvl for euitivation. court was. in ;-e;sion. The room was j ltcpoi ts from Noi lb Curowiia. Hunt h ciov.ded with l-'.e ks and whites. Iu ; Carolina, Alabaiaa and k.niiniana in the comt rou: Lit ten was very alius- ' dieate that the wealb. r was favorable iveaml fniaHv to tu.i iuo o : Is !.!,1 to blows, then , at t nis mid Win- ehestci s. Jn -lice Wieke-. ami Lit ten wi:' i.i dh it w:Ll. b liitit-ami tiled iinuic-.li de le. The ..t.i'.'c.l e..!is!.'ibie whs a'.-o killed a- -VH a ne; to :i uued lh'il. A pt el a; or was liih-.f wil !s hail idled so m after. Houston Moote. a color e 1 boy. v, is also l.i'dcd by astray bul let. Alevuider Nolun and tlcorge Se! a:?', b.'tli white men, were sl.ol down and iustautlv ' '!bd was ati- oilur while man wlnse i.u'e could I not i e !ian;e,t. in- u.i.ui I'leaieu in- ; ;;;n Jan ercps. inclinling col n, n.ipiov tciiM' ecin iiie'.l in thi neighboihood. ' 0d ant ate giowu.g inpidlv. a;.d it i t .-.in I that al least UK) aimed C,,,,;,, t-lieiit' the weather has men gatl ;! on the giound lemly to .c sjiecialiy favorable lor the to- 1 renew tlie ngiit, nut an lias Keen tpaei ; :-o far a;-I n-nvn here. ; hbeii!!' White, it (Lis Jfv, sold a; al rung foi'e to thn seen.' of the trouble Vest": tlav a.'.tl Ll- anticipates UJ fill'th- lo'lltill.! t 'I own Flooded. S.. L... i.:, io., June IT.--Advices ' whit It came on her suddenl y, was about the disaster in Kansas fioni . beyond the com preheiisinu of the the wind and tain stoun me tied 'medical piole-si, La-t Thiir-day. I I'nioi t 'w:i, about 1 5 miles west of . w hi!-- working lie' ;-.,r b n, tie : Foil Scott, on the Wichita in. tl Wcs-' experience I a !.,..: p.'t nil-ir s,.,Vi- I tern l;;ii!'v:t. was suipt away. aiiiL I i"ii I h al s!n 'ok l.cr v. hole Ii :i me and that two wi-tneu ami tour cbiUlifn ! her partially paraly.e 1. llorri -1 v.-e'.-e !;; '.ti:i".!. rn.i.'i.lf n, vhiell ' lietl at I he shm Ii, .she managed alter i.; a pLce ..i sis l.iiudred inhabitants. ;a e-uisi d, ruble timo lo t!;ag h"r.sc!l j is in the mulstof a thicklv setl.ed I" the house. She was coiiti onto-l country, ami il is feaied that the loss ; of life is t ven heavier than repcrled. j As the wins aie down for la miles , nil either side, nothing definite euu j J.,. l,.uni,.,l. , ..... ........ ,Vost.n. nart of louile c..utv, cow,in,: from li;o 'iii'st. where if. tihivc.l "rent hnvoe. . . ,.t,..,,i n,,,., UUl h,,,,,,,!, ...-, n,,,,,. ,i,,,7i obi,'.;,, , ',..,. ,, ,,, i, n . J . .... uu.v. tain at pi esc; t At J'oi't LjeL.lt it commenced raining . , .. u ... i ..... . ,.. j.,, sav lt w.w tbo i,..(1..t r!lill ; il.'uili f o ll' 'I ii .sh III i:i run III":', will in the eit v f i year-. Water com , , . .. . ,. ... ... n , i .....i, , '.....f ,ilim u!) sjx(i ,,.,,,,,,,, j,) a. in., tattsit. tht wati'i iu Jbick llun ; . : i i ..t ..i... ..i 1 1 i... i i Ivl If.-1 UL ll.-. ... . l'l .ll.Otll- I 111 III' H l-l i c-lt.er hour, eanyini' away nereral i t eanying away nereral bouses am! tin) britlgo across Sisth I street. The nart of Fort Scott known I as lj(,lllo,vn) ls ontirely under water. ailanlhus trees cut j. lL jiormatnii river. u peopio ww.f puf .velr.l J ,t w.u,:... J ,.t. .l trftillK ! - K,a Si itt in n II ot in fit, in river. 1 i neon o tbo Mormatuii river. I Tho Kansas-. Nebraska and D.tUota i track is under watiM- for about nine! ; miles out. 'fho Memphis road it" badly damaged for iibout l.iilH) feel, ; ten "miles imith of Fort Scott. All " " A , 1 " ' , ' StoU ,uovt 1 ,u:' At hist aeco.iuts ,l,o w "'. J' the people in t!et hot tot; iu ctj!,t Foil atcr had stop- more lain falls. I thn Hood wilhapidly subtitle, livery efl'oit is being made to obtain infer i uiatiou from ( nioiitowu. First ((dd in Nin th ( iiniliiu. Kr M" tt.nSt. l..".:'-i ,1..'., e-iiioen,!. . , '"" '"-v iy oi Kon, "' 'n'lhLaivl.iuiMsyimowh.it eurioHs. .v-ar iiiou.'siini uiei.ist contiitv the child of a poo: s -t tier, while io.un nig alt U,j the t;..ak.. ot a .small sttcam iln-e.Aereil ii bii-l.t yellow stotie, which, with the !:.!;. ol'iiia pi.i net In: pi. I' d ;:p nnd brought iiomc to bia father. The old man, who had ! ovi.U tr.lv !'0 l- iu',vledi;e of tbe:iiti,eai ni.ee u! i;..'ld ia its native slate, saw ; ni'lhing piii itculai ly r: marliablc in thestoiie. but, not tt) tl;;!ilitioilit lb child, bade him place it item th , euL.i. i ...I ; ,i. :. t i.i ... i iioin, i. u.i ii lb iioiii.i i-i-i . , in ,-c: ... i. . .,i r . la .1 .. 1 " ' "."""ii' stoi.o was tplito heavy, weighing ileal' iy tiltccn pound-, if was found of cou MilcraWo use for iUl purpose Several cars elapsed hcfMre tiny one llemght of tho stone's being iios-ul lv a mineral of valuu. a'thotii-'h . l,..,.u , . ft.. ul. ...... 1 It (.sl.lu ...... , I. .' v, i," -. '.-..-.. .v .' ...I ... .f, in murk its unusual he was imluectl by it to -i "ohUmitli in bots, bhbi,g (Usui weight. Finally be .' -some one to tak the mighl.oting ti)wn or F.ivetttville. who upou lusting it at once proiiouue- ed it to be. gold. ;io simple, however, and no ignovantof the value of the . i ,t ,i. . t i I .. . .. j precious metal waa the old farmer h-sj ti.uu -vLC'i'l, and the locality in I - t. . l I : l. , 11 ll nu.iu ll wii.s loiinii biHJii oeeauitia field for gold-liUiitei s. This is claim - ed tt have been tho hist ditcovoiy of gold over made in the United States. - - t: n r . : I ... ,.,;..i;. o . . l,: .u..it ui i.u.......v.v ... oi iuv Military Ac idem t shows that eudet ...... . . . . . .: lt g, oi i.iuo, i ne out y eoiorcu canet. at Wet l'oint, fi-ilud tw l Oi.s tho linul 1 1 x ivilu ,V m. The We.it Iut ain Crops. ! j Wakui.notox, June 1C, The weath er crop bulletin for the week ending: Sat unlay Hays that the weather f j , iiho week wns unfavorable for squill grains, in Minnesota and Dakota oiv- j uig to the suiall auiount of ruin. i ;ji jwo, Illinois, iiirs niri, ftansnH Wheat harvest is in progress in Ceil trul Kansas and will couiiiilI cc Illinois this week. A short crop o; timothy and closer is now being cut j in Iowa. 1 In Ohio, Indiana and Michigan nil ! I : l l ... I :ciis uiivu iiiiiuC'i. I'ui e.n'hsivti jains interrupted ciil,i .;uiiuu and bar- vest woik. Crop.i were general) v retarded in Kentucky and Tenueas. owing I heavy daily rains and little sun.slnn i s;.uu; sections of these States whe to uno. heat Lao been damai'i-d bv insects ami in- ijiii cd by excessive rains, although j i coin, cotton ami tobacco are reported I , .. .1, .....tl !.., .1 I.... :.. ! for all el-ops, which showed derided liiiprovemt nt st.iee the ri cct t rains, j la Mississippi mill Texas II e rain- I fall was I'xci.-s've, and crops have' been i:i:ie or lc-s i-j trt d in seine m c- j tions, ij-piii'lly if. Tisi.-. iheie the! w ith"!' I..i b.'ii In,, eo.J tor cotton. , 'Jiit; c .ecssive lains whitli have oe ett! rod uxer the gi cater po! lion of the Middle States and New Jiocdaud hiive been aitcndeil by weather conditions which have generally improved all 'crops, iillu iii'di farm tun k ii'i.l cult i itloi: v.a.: t.iti it . l-t.Hl. lu .sew rati; bacco croji. wl u h ;s n.- v.:U'd ;u fua , cii.iiiioii. j - I V uiiiltri ul Ki'coviTy of (iicc. i M"i ;. r I'ikm ii In., ,1 une Hi. ii.-s tn Setloi. w;.s devoid ul the! .,.u..i- ,,i h i 1.,,;.,,-! ,.,,,;,,.iv (',"f ' .,.'.,i I, ' icreli, by her' mother, w hoasketl il she had dug enough potatoes. Tic girl. w dh great beads ol perspiration t rirkling t'.own her ( heel.-, and her arms Irtgldl'illv bent, l.-red wildlv .;l h.i' ;i...il. ; 1- r i-t .er.ii hitnutc.s. and li..ii liplii. i in a lino voice. ' Ves". That simple word, the lirst she had uttered lor it long time, so n tiiiliiibul ami bewildered the mother anil 'laughter ;!..,t hotu h-u upon i ,hi o' knees and I hanked ( bid Iromj I he bottom ol their hearts. Today' the voiing ladv's voice is as linn; and ti ling as ever, and her ol her j tv s'ca1 a''ni"iils biive tb-iiippcared. . IlurriMiii Dismisses t'oloi I'd SlT- .tills. W.wi'v.i.iN. .!..;.' li;. rresident 1 1 i., ...i. i i; . i., i,.. v i. .. .. i i - ',, ',.',-. , ... . servants altout lum anv luore than be bki nihil. I h to have tree in ll; the malodorous ' egioti'iils aroiiutl The President j the White Fo.isc tiown iimnitui'ii away irom ineiawn,) h.mI bis environment is so,,,, . be as ch-ir of ,,,o,v,l p.r;u. The - j ,,.,, ,,.,; a!11, lost , ,.. colored! serv;ii, s win, used to be iiround the i now u : uutitKi'il a Wit V irom I ne a wn. I Idle Ib'usc time have been Mr. Cleveland.- ipeiise,l w ith, and the lew that !'e inn in v. ill be g'veiij iheir liii.rly daring the ijiimmcr 1 season when i in" i residential !-o;;se lh.id iv away ;it Oecr l-iUH.iii.d wili not be invited lo return when the Summer sea -on is over. While men and women wid take I hen places. Fven pound. Hawkins -the historic spared. A Jlav, kin I white man i. thy Inv "I th." I ,",n.l a.) lii.i ri., I man. which 'did, the wiii I reiiiti.rccd by t : lit : hei.t el irlli to sit mi White lb,'; ,e (;,,, j.jg,.. i, insists upon ,i toot M r. ('Icvelainl never : co.ieliinaii will be A white lootuiitti. I All I iin i.i n til warded I I inn, n.,- .v-i'i:l cc, .!!. I In the war waged iin-lei l,i i.l "fks,,ti to sul ;''.tle ;hc Creek n ;ii;ae.s ii, t' . I in ;i !i',li':u a ii rrltory he had t. .1 i :.t;n son " ol lit.' liet'o 1 1, ci . n. lit i, s 1 1 oni Nori I, ( 'acolina a: aili.' Al ihe battle ot the Horse , Shoe bend, in tlie , chin-itla of v, hi h I the ( 'r. . .ii'.. r i-rossin ti. i ' anne- i.a.i i t reive... .Hina t:..l.cc, i lll.ed them- .. ., , ' It H'l.'ilV lici okees, swain river . .. i . ... ,i... i..;c. 'i'i... Creeks, pressed in the rear llu J whiles, tied to the rivet ..ml Annul I Liu ir .., aw iut oft and .surrendered j after a gre:.t : .' i'u' liter. This ended 1 tin- war. As a iv ward the govern j mcnl iavo .1 uiiiiluskee a tine bmlv '", lal"1 '" .'irlh faro.ma near w ni.li !,hl' ''V!'1, !"" l.-v , MVl1 l'""lt bob l 1 1 1 sy 1 1 !c, i situated. ,1 ''alv Vi'1"!''1" " " j 1,1 ,"M:I"','S "fftf j Wi' 'V'.1' u' ""' .,,,,;'!; '' , f!V'"f ,:lK"! :a' ,,4H '-f'1', oiii 'K to aim. (ienrge W. Wiuiiiis, Siate Si, pel in - tintk-nt of the 1'uhlie Seho dsof Kan- sa.s. t went v- ate years ago woiked as a e'lnni.oii Inbon r iu wte.-iv-itiug for .,, I" the foiiudation of tho bui'tltug iu ,- i 1 , t ii , it-, ! n. "? ; Mr Hetty Own of Wow oik on- : iova an income ot .I.IMH) a day. auci i .. ...I ..,..'., ...,..... ...... . .: i t.i i in . woi J1...J .,,,..-,---...-. " bo loss I nan S -!.(' Hi. Her foi l uno t .. presoni is tsiiaiiic. i hi f-iu,uti,uuj. ttud it is elimbing at the late of uioro ' thin & uiUlica u yvar I WORTH LISTENING T0S litittssl It In. Tho sl.iry In InMng u,l,l ai.ut Hi" csnipln, ness ami rlmnimcbi ol nur . BEAUTIFUL SPRING STOCK FuilhunUnin avi-r It knows no Ihiuii-Ih. H 1 1 i- iivcrylx.!? SCSTATIC PCLAMATI.ONS GREET THE.EAR A'J.l.al'. ore wuv-r lu iirorlu:,,, tho 'mit that luo Qq A LIT Yf ST YLES and PRICES lite.'.. e,, Vc anil fpo of u r,. X,.M , itii h t l M ur I tuiilnmill) ll.,fiicl.i:y. f.,11 ami si o uh li.-f.iro yi,u Utiy Dry Guons, Glothing, Boots, Shoe Or niiyllilnc Inuur iliid. We ItifW UiM u , ,-!UIfy y.-u. We yyihh unmy you fojinuAr.LT. Au i i...r..,l, yu to ffiHkenfrUkttlrw,,,,,, , .,: u .... ., ,, ..., hmUw buying. V. L. LONDON. l'ittsboro', N. ('., May 2.1, lSSP Jiauc minus iim-i iat VvUt s , x ... C J Everybody well pleased ! The farmers say they are going t aud by li.I. I'uiiish'nnd Ba; Lea. 'l imy ato cevtaiuly wo.kiue; for the h.Hmirs' inlerest. T!-v buyers say they will stand by I hen (,,, and w ill guarantee 1 1 Kilt MUCKS for all tohii.vo they st.il aa can be paid ::i uuy Wurebousa iu Xoith Caroling pi- Viv-i:i;:v "' Dniii iistea id false if jK.it.,. Diiw ii; l.t J.i l'anit.l.-M Vrcbous. i LiiX i'V OF MONFiY to pay yo for all the tob.u et. you can bring. f-iim- r ever failed to get n..;ey at I'.uri .li's Win i house. i.iig.il nmokeih, lnl.is, Cutttis uml Wiaptls sS hj. saw them. Tl Common Qiiiiioa Wc liavo the biggest nort of Ltittc is ami Wiiippers. Can place one million pony, la Come on to PAHKISH'S Sergeant Horse Power, Strong. Simple, for is o ao yc: :hcy feaye P.jn cnU for riice Ut. bEKGKAxNT tir r i rnm trrr-t W V A TT 11 R f) i i A 1 L 4 1 tUO.. I DURHAM, N. C, i; : vj.j:it.-i i. Heavy Groceries, MP itU Feed Stuffs, l'"r nil nt.. in Cbath.m are c ,i 1 ,11, .11,. :.,..;i.,.l ... li ., ...1 ., tl j v''t ''"ih inj. Ii") ,etiii)er that om si ore is bc.ii i i ii Die Alliance uin hi kiln, Ts warehouses. wy.vtt r.nos. Apiil IS. lSrili. VIZ? $JOT DZ22 ! And is at work again, and, as before. :n ...... I. : 1 H'.i.... . wi j-uHianleo bis wort on Wntehcs. I Clocksund Jflweirye.p.al toanvin this . State. S. nd to hioi ot once and get your work done right. Send fit .Spec- tncleH, WatehtiS, pioi-kM, Jtwplry and lb idle l'reseu's. Wedding i ings en graved. W. 1. FAHUAIJ. 'O. i, e,,..ri,il mi.-s-, UUM'Nu-iio , N. C. I g j AM, SAL';..- -IfV VIIIYC F.uF 1 r.tt.ir'li-r "I U" .s,...rl"r r.n.,-1 ,.r (.h-iii.nii. ,- .miu t will m .-f i rkIi st 'lii'-s-tirt I- I..-,: . , In tin- u.wu ..f l'tt!-,ep , ed Mi.SI'A -. tl.;. Ul ! ot .liiiv, ts- ,. h Until ll, .,'1 4 iiiNi.; KluiHie I" ' 1 !,wt',Vw,Li,,V.nMh',,'r,"'.;l''.5 ' s'liitilnlt.." " f iml I" 'Ity ll" '' ''it Ui-tt i ; " ' u. A. If,'Iwic:l.lli.a.s.i.'u,r. M y SC. 111. IlOliniAOE -15Y VI It llnmj ii ,i. tl. i-nrk. i.,r ir-.l,.rr.-, I" inn. I will SI tr .n.-l, ..i tl,.' ' inuri ii..s , ,i..,r in ininuiin1 mi mcmuv. i 1,i .1,.. .., ul Immi 1 1, iru,4 ,f 1m i til la. 111. 1. .. Muiuihiii i.,i,-,i,I', kn.iwn -tw tl hik ii ic. lr,'",r;,'I "yt-Jii uiitiiiini: nn wrtn. i"lniiii th,- uii'i.- Ikvn. ll. iAlik. and., low. ill . - - - ' Km IT X went home iiaptis sS lngii us' you ever sell higher in Indium thtm auy vic denial:,! for Flight Siuokeis. Filler. al b,g pi ices, nest lill Jays. WASiElIOUSE! Durable qnd Chean, Well, V.,o iVcll, and Gave Batu,fctioa. and Gave 6atulacUoai MF'G CO., Gt coiluro, I. O- ....... ..tur V V 1 i i & fV'iV f J l 1 1 1 V 1 Commission Mcrdtastssii Cotton Sellers ! Wc 1 avc en hair.1, a full Iin cfl I HF.AVV (iliOCELlKS, FEEfl Jo evc-ry deseiiption, nlso A.N I) TILS, ! which we oiler to the public at bo; j torn pricus. j W.il in,.ic i asli udvaiicos oij Cottpj joii Land, when desftc.l. C:v i ti - '.rial and not what wCf WVATT .V TAYLOR, l; ! Ji-'. t e llii iliJ I 'i Kii-limigB Hm, li.vuiic.n, N. (X OliAFiif k liliADEN, it rxsr.oKO. x. o, DEALERS IN DRUG Ave so!, A,,'' iits for Chatham county for Dr. Allen's Liumond Oil aud Dia, ! inoinl I'owdcrs I 1 be 1 ir.i..''i'd ( .l wiil euro all f liff ! and minis, deafness and catarrah. ! The iiw ilnis are for till liver aad . ii i .-. - 1 : kidney f-oublo. rhcurnitisi ; hiMH dyspepsia. Ac , ite. ,,r ,.. d, rs makes a i.iiitof aiism. iinpurij Una IfOf medicina. t ..ko wiiitfiasK full night and id p,,r. y0u will get bih oil and dcts !; .'.0 eintt, au a,o uiomy .i. !:.. ...... - - ight and morn; ainf imm clptkihgii lull uli'l i ,1,11.1,'ls llrwor MtS's. iV'Vs' VN.tCllll tUXN's(1.OTIIISa .',.1 i-v twl noialrnl niylr. HATS! HATS! Tin- nicest lint" ( s.'H nil UIT hi lo k n,,f whi're. Also. full II m. ,4 GENTS FURNISHLNG GOODS! tlLOSS & LIXEliAX. l.-.i tity-Sti'VlUc t'lcwl, I ALUUU, X. tt il-Ill U. Iltw. n ssss nil - s.- ri-n-fc

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