THURSDAY, JULY 4, 18. LUCAX RECORDS. SCHEDULE PITTSBOKO- H. 11. w nuMUf tmlu on Uio lliinU"' railroad ...... rttut.Tu' daily, eioti.isun.uye.aie. (' l-wi,,m "'LU)', ton, Esq , of tins place, and became MMCMMdOli ihetuall train on tlioB- A. ' a tjiizctl ) t ,js county, liavini; bought 4-L.ft.B., wnleii arrive, at ,R j.. ,,.utt jon 'nea. ,'m.. So m4 I vq tta" at ' y m. , t r jjonliii0d bad bo become a u i i-i with our section, that at the break- rCoffoo at O. S. 1 oes tor IJ in,,(Mlt 0l-,l0 u.. ,o was one cllhe and 20 cents a pound. jfim to volunteer, and was elec ted . nU'npt:iinot the 't'hatham Rifles." the rWl.uat thresher . g fiJt mii(!n v company organized in best luacbino oil fAvy at Uiupiii A , , , - u tl)0 irr:,t,iat;.ii ot Ueadii'. B0-A favorable opportunity will be offered next week lor pet-tons to take a trip from hero to the seashore. Mr It h1 rained every day :ov a week, and has dono consnlerabie damage to wheat and oats that had been harvested and not hauled up. Mr Don't forget that the shuttle nil at 1'itlsboro isstiu ouying iog- wood and paying tush for it. Bring nm tnu j " ti " . ! a load whenever you come jtne 10 lowu. ; WT Great bargains at . S. Poc's in all auiaroer goods fr the r.ish. Ladies' and Gents' Straw Hals cheaper than you ever bought them. Mr Mr. S. J. Tally requests us to ; Btate that he voted against the reso lution to relieve the sheriff from his loan by the failuru ot the Stato Na tional Bank. M The ex Confederate ol Chat ham are reminded that tomorrow (Friday) is the day for them to meet hero, and organize a Confederate Veteran County Association. Jially ti pi fff f anybody does not believe that Chatham is a great grass county, let bim now visit our cornfield and cottou patches, and see how hard it i to keep the grass from capturing them I 9 Only lour marriage licenses were issued in this county last month, two to whites and two to blacks. Wonder if tho increase in the cost of a license is the cause ol this small number? MT A stock of fresh Turnip seed from I). Lain' ret h & Son, Philadel phia, will bo shipped about the l"ih of July to J. P. Siedman, Kgypt, N. C. Nothing pays better than tur nips, lie will have all varieties. tSF-T he enterprising editor of the Fayeltcvillo Oh.-.rnr published last week an illustrated trade issue, that watt not only creditable to him but to tho public spirit ot the citizens of that good old town, and we hope il will redound to the profit of all con cerned. I who' MOne of the colored men. went from here to deorgia lat win ter, has written us that it is a mis take about their being badly treated, as was told by one of their number who recently returned home, lie says that they are all well satisfied and receive their pay promptly. MCome and ice the bargains being offered at London's this week. A large lot of t 'bailies at lij i ts. J et yard; other dress goods as low. A lot of Salines at 8 cents per yard. These are cash prices. Ueinemher you can buy a Parasol lor less money at London's than anywhere else. ter We regret to learn that many of our farmers, who planted western corn, are very gloomy over the pros pect ot a crop. The stalks arc short and small and already beginning to tasst'l, nnd it is feared that tho ears ot corn will be small and lew. The corn seems not suited to our climate nnd soil. JqT-As onr women nligh' church, on I,' -out from u n : ll our fair county I from her buggy Ht Sunday, u hen Hew uealh the seat caik ' rate and crer.ling ling at a gu quite a commotion with the congre gation. 11 Hd laid an eg i" buggy while riding to church, a dis tance of about threo miles. tar Halt of ISS'J is now gone nnd looking back Loudon finds bis sales bave been larger than ever. He thinks this shows people appreciate bis large stock and low prices, lor which ho returns his thanks. Ho is now making further reductions in bis prices to cash buyers as ho wishes to reduco his stock iu linio for fall goods. M-Tho annual season has now arrived lor the publication of "Ibo first cotton bloom". The first sent to tho Recokii office was by Mr. W. Ii. J. Brown, ol Capo Fear township, and was plucked on the 20th of J tine. He has IS acres in cotton and L'O in corn, nil which has been worked by only himself and two daughters, 12 anil 1C years old. fTbo price of a round trip ticket li-rtin hero to Wriirhtsvillo during tho Aiimmnmeiit will bo Olilv"). It a sufficient number of persons wish to go from hero, an extra train will leavo hero nest Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, and arrive at Wilming ton in timo for breakfast nest inorn ir.g. If you wish to go, leave your banio at onto at tho Kn oiio office. IS-The new Baptist church at Merry Oaks was formally dedicated on Sunday, the J.'lrd of June. The services were conducted by the lie v. Messrs J. C. Wilson, G. P. Moore ana C Durham, the latter preaching tho dedicator' sermon. A large congregation was present. Much credit is dire those who contributed o liberally to the building of this church. Dr. Innir. IK.u lr. Hons II 1 hric ! t died at his residence at this place jon FriJny, .luno 28th, alter a pro j traded and painful sickness, iigcd ! sixty one venr. Ho was burn nnd j reared in tlic Slate of I'ennsvlvania. bis father having been one o the j paid 81a month for support of Patsy most prominent Riipresentnties injAusley. I Congress Iroin that State filly years '.ICO. In 154 he married the eldest .1 1.. l .1 .. II ll...,,r, "f;i "1 . .- the l.'th regiment, to which this com pany was at ' ached, be was elected Lieutenant Colonel. 'r. Ihrie never sought nor held any public office, but took a lively interest in all public matters and was one of the most public spirited cili rens of our Slate, alwa-. contribut ing liberally to any enterprise that would tend to promote the prosper! ty ot our people, lie was a man of .." - , - warm and trenerou imi'Ulses, ever ready to protect u.e opp., u. , .. : .i ,i. i,. .,,,,1 i, , I "-iv suttering. Jiunng the weary monllis 'of his painful sickness he was patient I in.. I v.ii.i.,ivivo !iiul viiiced the res ignation of a true ( 'hristian, to the will of 1 1 i m who ordereth all things well. Now that his sillferiiigs are j o'er, may he forever realize the Joys of those who dwell, "In ilifWM nvilmi. purv ami iiorfwl rem. Whore Viritio mumi'l1" au.J Ikt .UMirebli-ttl.' List ok .1 1 Holts. The county com miMoiiers at their last meeting drew the names of the following persons to serve as jurors at the next Win of our court, beginning on the il"th of September : Fikst Wkkk. V. A. Uiggsbee, VY. C. Lasater, J. It. Kii'sbce, H. A. Whitehead, W. N. Harris, 15. S. Kubauks, Isaac J. Bvniiin, -M. B. Cole, 11. A. Fields, IluV'h W. Dixon. Wilev (Joodwin, K. H. .Mc.Mauus, Ira Scott, J. II. Knight, A. I. Bur nett, W. A. I'mishe'e, .1. M. Jordan, A.J. Harrington, W. P. Limilcy, J. C. Causey. i. M. Cheek, T. W. Moses. II." C. Cotten, C. P. Stone, W. i 1 i m u i T . A. Ilarrinuton. J. C. Morgan, n. Henderson. 1. J. Scott. I. i. Lain m. I belli. M M. Ferry. Biillm Bell, Bicb ard Wcbsler and (i.-istou Kollins Sr.'iivii Wi i i.'- -A W. Brewer. W J. Lasater, S. I. Brewer, IIoIhtI Cotton, J. A Caviness, J. Bryant, L. II. Dixon, W. 11. Wicker, A. 11. Merrill. L. II. llarwaid. M. A, Cock innn, Daniel C. llilliar I, C. L. Wil liams, .loiin T. Faschall, William lleathcock. F. M, tinnier and T. W. Ilichardnou. Baptist Psion Mkktimi. A union meeting of the Baptist churches of Chatham union in ihc Sandy Creek Association was held, on last Satui- lav and Sunday, at Hives' Chapel, in Hickory Mountain township, Mr. James l. Morris, foreman of the Kkcouo otlice, was elected Modera tor, and Mr. J. A Dowd, secretary. The heavy rains prevented as large an attendance as there woul.f other wise have been. On Sunday a mass meeting of several Sunday schools was held which was well attended, and several .interesting addresses were made. The next union meeting will be held at May's Chapel, on Friday before the 5i'h Sunday iu September, and the introductory sermon will be preached by liev. Stephen Gilinore. Ai.i.iani k Mi:kiino. The regular quarterly meeting of the county alliance will he held nt this place tomorrow (Friday ), and we are re quested by the secretary to say thai the meeting will bo called to order promptly at 10 o clock, and it is Moped that the delegates will attend punctually. Among other business will be the annual election ofofliccrs, the consideration ot the question ot consolidating with tho Wheel, and the election of delegates to tho State alliance, which will meet at Fayette ville next month. A New Boad. At the last moot ing of the county commissioners, in pursuance to a petition, a new road was ordered to bo laid out in Gull township, as follows: beginning nt a point in the Gulf road near T. C. Beat's, thence west to the old Fay ettevilte road near T. II. Gaines'. Tho proposed road will be a great convenience to tho citizens of that section in going to (iulf and Gold ston. The expense of laying out the road is to bo paid by the peti tioncis. Commissioners' Meet ing. Tho county enmmi..uncrs held their regular monthly meeting on lant Monday ami Tuesday, and aud ited tho following accounts : O. S. Johnson, for conveying Peter Smith to jail, 8 2.15 1.00 Jesse Alston, as witness in inquest ot Willie Rrooks, V. M- -Martin, for making ballot boxes ut hark s pre cinct, W. K. Poe, tor milking ballot boxes for Loekvillo precinct, Albert Snipes, insolvent tees, W. I. London, lor supplies for pour-house, J. W. I'oe, cash paid for har vesting at poor-house, H. R. Hamlet, insolvent fees, L. J. Kirk man, for listing taxablcs in Matthews town hliip. J. V. Bridges, fur listing tax nbles iu New Hope town ship, Hen. Thompson, forhlack- 1.00 1.00 22,15 - 00 ' H-, ' ' 18.00 snnlh work, L. R. Kxline, as clerk to hoard, issuing notices, Ac, Hynum & lleaden, supplies liir poor house, Ir. L. A. Hanks, as superin tendent ol health, i. i.m 1C.CG Thomas Cross, jail fees, S2G.G2 A. (J. lleaden. services on finance conunitteo, 0.00 I j. 11. Hynnin, services on fniiinco committee, 0.00 Ouukked, That John Williams be CMii't.iiMi, Altai i iv. ui n j be exempt front poll tax on nccouut of poverty and infirmity. Tor the Rkvhd. Durham District Conference. The conference convened at Bur lington, N. C, on the 2Tih of June at iJ o'clock a in., Rev. J. T. Harris, l E, presiding. 1IH c all showed there was a goodly number of min isters and lay delegates present. Alter the opening services, the usual routine of business was entered into Hud preaching twice each day, 1 1 o'clock a. m. ami S o'clock p. in. more preaching than usual on such occasions. The condition of the Church seemed to bo good, both financially nnd spiritually. There was a much largor number of Pre siding 1'lilors in attendance than llM1!ii three, il fitctt'n and two ex.'s. (!. V. Anthony, W. 11. Branson, J. A. Johnson and A. II. Morn it were -- - - - , c ecieu uuUS,. . v . ... ( '.n i n - '2 he I on erence was - - --- - . very mispiiainy eiiuTiaineu nj ue citizens. I, with the l!ev. .V. E. ( 'oltrane. was domiciled at the ideas ant home of Joseph Holt, Esq., a ! prince among men, and with his j very kind wife gave us a royal etiter Uninmctil. H. Weekly Went her Crop bulletin. The reports of the correspondents of the Weekly Bulletin issued by jbe North Carolina Kxpoiiinent Statiou ami State Weather Service, eo opera ting with the United States Signal Service, show that there has been mi excess of rainfall, n deficiency of tem perature and sunshine for the week ending Friday, Juno '28th. For the saiuo week last year the reports indi cated an excess of rainfall anil tem perature and about the average amount of sunshine. An unusualh heavy rain storm set i" on Friday with prospect for continuance for several days. The effect upon crops is re ported ns favorable. There has prob ably been too much rain and too little sunshine for cotton, although that crop is repoiieu eue.uoy .u iliuou aua growioy nicci . . ui u uuu t tbseco are doing well, ino wcck has been iiufuvorablo to harvesting. Tho following rainfalls are reported, a comparison with the woekly iionual, which is about l '-Jo inches for this season will give the amount of excess in the localities where rain is report ed : KlizabPtb City, Pasquotank coun ty, '2.50 inches ; Hertford, Perquinmns county, .175 inches ; Kaleigh Wake county, 3.7'2 inches : Hickory, Cut aw ba couuty, 3 00 inches: Bit Cave. Henderson county, "2. 10 inches ; Mor tranton, Burke couuty, 2 05 inches: Mm shall. Madison county, 1 50 inches; Davidson College, Mecklenburg conn tv. 1.50 inches : Monroe, Union coun ty, 1 38 inches ; Greensboro, Guilford county, l.ItO inches. Kastkks District. Too much rain, too little sunshine, generally reported, with rather an unfavorable effect up on eotton. The wet weather has in terfered with the grain harvest. Grass L-rowiiiL' finely. (YxniAi. DisriiioT. An es.css of laiul'all, a deficiency of temperiiture and sunshine, r generally repotted in this district. Tho effect upon crops does not appear to have been unfav orable. Somo cotnidaint of chinch buns iu this district. Corn, tobacco mid cotton looking well. Wkstkos Distkict. Crops general Iv are reported as doing well in this district. There has probably been too much rain for cotton. Grain end fruit are excellent. Tobacco is grow ing nicely. The law forbiddin' fho sa!o of cigarettes to minors went into i fleet iu New York June the first. Queen Victoria is the richest woman in tho British Kingdom. Sho has accumulated a fortune of $-0,000,-000. Prof. Ralph Graves, of our State university, has becomo insane and on last Sunday attempted to cut bis throat. He is now iu tho Raleigh asylum. G. B. Stiidd, the rich Englishman who gave up cricket to go as a mis sionary to China, has introduced the game among his couvorts. be himself playing in native costuuio. A young man by the name of Claude M. Lockhart, a clerk at the Oiton House in Wilmington, was drowued lust Sunday afternoon while bathing iu tho surf'at Wrightsvillo Reach. Tho historic finds at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, are to be bought up for a Northern syndicate. Options have already been secured upon most of the desired property. Carriage manufacturers are predict- tiny that in the not distant future wooden wheels will bo dona away with, aud steel wheels substituted on account of the increasing scarcity of lumber for wheels. It is estimated at the Treasury De partment that there has been a de crease of about $15,000,000 in the public debt since June 1st. This will tn-ike tho debt reduction for the fiscal year ending June 30th, $88,182,200. A Local-Option bill passed by the I Legislature of Michigan, has been i sitriu'd bv the Governor. This, leav ing the decision to tho people of the localities, will insure practical Probi- 'localities bition, it is said, iu nioro thau half the counties in that State. ! . .... n t:.... t-i, a.. i ... i i...i..iif,ii,si.n.!l)r. Jiroiii'hton was , Hiwnuiy "ifi'u . UTltXZC - r " U ilr Srr l d nl Fc , a . He u '"4fi i tJXV.. narrmi ii.'iu.ifii. eiiiit-iuii . I Mori orer. State If ews. Stanly Observer : Mr. J. C. Riden hour, of Copal Grove, lost a borse last week that was 30 years old. Ho wns purchased from a member of Whcoler's cavalry at the close of the war, and the price paid was four dol lars in cash and a bushel of onions. Monroe Enquirer: From Tarious sec'. ions of the county we hear reports of the destructive work of the chinch bug. We had hoped that our county would be comparatively free from these pests this year, but in many sections of the couuty they are doing a i immense amount of dumngo. It looks as if they had come to stay, and the only way to prevent their ravages is to kill as many as possible of the troublesome insects Durham Sun: News was brought to Durham yesterday that Mr. Nathan Fox a farmer about CO years of age. living in Person couuty near Squire Hester, committed suicide by taking a dose of ''Rough on lists'' Tuesday morning about 10 o'clock, and dying the evening of the same day. It is reported that he was in the habit of taking periodical sprees and was re covering from one of these when ho was heard to remark Sunday that he intended to kill himself, but his family did not think he was in earnest. Weld. hi News: Mrs Richard Ne ville, sister of Mr. Buck Pittman, was killed by lightning nt her home about six miles west of Uufield, in the Hcathville neighborhood, ou Thurs day la-t. She had been out of doors ami seeing the storm nppioaehiag she went into tho house, followed hv lior nnn. ulin a n limit. tt.i vpflltf oid. Just as she entered the house I and was standing near tho fireplace, lightning struck the chimney and kill- j edher. tShe lived a short time after the j shoik but was unconscious until she died. Tho boy, who was only two or threo feet bebiud her, was uninjur ed. Winston Sentinel: The latest dis- graceru! appoint incut w as tuat ot a, negro who lived in one of the La .tern , c.unlies. Ho pphd for a route ( agent s place. Soon after making ap-; plication ho was tried for stealing, J was sentenced to the penitentiary and j was sent to work on the Roanoke tc soiuiicru iv. iv. iu ttuium, iuic. .i few ;ays ago a letter from the post ofiice depart raeut was forwarded from the ucgro'.s old homo to Walnut Cove telling him to get up his bond, that ho world bo appointed ! This shows how tho Republican officials disre garded tho convenience of the South ern rcoiilo. Tho mealiest aud most incompetent man may get uu otlice under Radical rule if ho is a strong ; party worker. Joiiesboro' Leader: The new ma chinery for the j inesboro' Cottou Mills has about till arrived, and work men are putting it iu place ns fast as possible. Secretary Webb tells us that the addition of the Lew machin ery will give the mill three times its former capacity. About three bales of cottou will be worked daily, which is equal to fifteen hundred pounds of yarn as the lesult of twelve hours work. Forty or more hands will be required to do this work, nnd Mr. Webb idso informs ns that a night f.rce will bo added in the fall. It will bo observed from this that over SO possibly 100 persons will be em ployed iu this factory before Christ mas. Regular work will bo resumed ;it as early a day as possible. Shrlby Aurora: At Cowpens. South Carolina. Mrs. Goforth was en snared iido matrimony by a tramp painter, Fid. Williams, who had been iu North Caroliua penitcutiary for several years for stealiug a watch. At first "everything was lovely aud tbe ex-convict boasted of his property located in Charlotteand soon swindled a merchant at Cowpens. And then left his wife, who discovered last week that her husband No. 2 had deserted his lawful wife now living in Charlotte, aud that her marriage to Williams was null and void. Williams has not been captured and does uot wish to revisit tho pen itentiary. It appears that credulous aud loving women continue to many in haste strangers and repent when it is too late. Ashcboro Courier: There has not been the same amount of building going on in Asheboro in many years perhaps never. Mr. Thos. .' Cagle, of this county, takes the cako, so far as heard from, on wheat har vesting. Our informant says he cut 131 jj dozen good size binds in oue day. Who can beat it T Tbe pros pects are that Deep river is to have two railroads at an early day. Ran dolph is coming out in the matter of railroads, and it is only a matter of time when she will have outlets iu all directions. The South in general and North Carolina iu particular ara reaping a harvest of delays aud losses from the careless, ignorant manage ment of those creatures of Harrison production. It is almost impossible to get the mails across the State with any itcgrce ot speed ana regularity Reidsvillo Review: Mr. Ab.aui Jackson, a worthy man, about t's) years of ace, who lives in the nortl em end of town, was killed by the Fouthern bound train as it was com ing into town Friday about 8 a. in He had been plowing and had gone to tho house to gel a drink ot wir Hearing the approaching train and wishing to securo his horse, be au out and tried to cross tho track in front of tho engine to his field Ou tin- other side. 1 he eugiuo was tooc lose ! UpOI1 uim, and as he jumped the boil cr struck him in the side, knot-king . iiim down. His arm was bit. ken. suminoiK-d in , . , " ..ii t. ...,r.i. : f-r about an hour in the most acuta i agony he died. He leaves a la. ge - Rockingham Rocket : Thero is one well authenticated caso of lon gevity iu North Carolina, that of Mr. Whitley, of Stanly county. He is now in his 117th year and is still bale and hoatty. It is claimed that be has cut three sets of teeth, that be never bad a case in court, and that he has never taken a dose of medi cine iu his life. Raleigh News nnd Observer: News was received here yesterday of a nar row escape from drowning. Miss Martha Pool, sister of Mr. S. C. Tool, of the city, who lives about 16 miles from this city, was on the way here to attend the funeral of Mr. Pool's little daughter Bessie. She was ac companied by Mr. W. C. Newcotnb and they were travelling ;n a buggy. While crossing a branch on the Rock Quarry road which had been very much swollen by the heavy rains, the horso and buggy were washed down the stream. Tliey managed to jump out in time to save their lives. The buggy was torn to pieces and all the contents washed down the stream. The borse swam out. The stream was not much swollen when they en tered it, but a sudden current rushed down upon them almost in an instant and came near sweeping them away. It was a narrow escape. News was received yesterday of another narrow escape from drowning at Rock Branch at the bridge about a quarter of a mile cast of the city. A man was coming in from the country nnd on reaching the bridge his mule becnuie frighten ed nnd refused to come across upon the bii lge. lie thru attempted to ford the stream, which was swollen to a high point, when the bed of the wagon was washed away taking tho driver with it. He was washed down the stream for some distance and was ""ally hauled out iu on almost lifeless rendition by some one ou shore who threw hiiu a rope. I T I' ilia I'.n-morv' Alllnnre men of Chatham, iu their fight agaiust high prices and monopolies, instead of fdhnij then wool ami buying shoa dy goods, would have it manufactur Je(1)8 nn(1 Flaimej8 , h th(jy wM bfi imieI,PuJent of b,int;a. higll rrices iu tbe woolcn u ,ine Supp(we tbe ollillu.e meu UlU ,un tb8 w & T;IOs c 'I)lX()N tbo proprietors of the Snow Cam Woo,en th cail ! work ui your wool into goods that ! look as well and wear better than that I you buy out of the stores, aud at a jmucb less cost. Hitch up your wag I ou 6on. u day and take your wool up j to Siiov.- Camp and see for yourself. I Take your wife with you too. She ' oan tull you what style to bave it made ....1 ..l,..ll.n. il n.ill nnu rf -f too busy now. send to , nmnoR o ihvl, work. Tlu v will take pleasure in mailing them to you. FOR DYhPEi'SIA and Liver Com plaint you have a printed guarantee mi i very liottlo of buiiuu 8 It never fails to cure. Cuapin Hka- L.KN. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Ciiapix & Hea DEN'. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Rombou. lnd.. savs: "Roth mvself und wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Chapik & HkaI'ES. SUILOH'S CUKE will immediate- K- relievo Croun. Wbooniinr Coii"h and Bronchitis. Cuapin & Huntu "IIACKMETACK,'' a lasting nnd frno-fiint nerfumo. Price 2.i aud SO o cents. Chui'is & IlE.uiEjt. ARE YOU MADE miserable by In digestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shi lob's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Cm riN & Heai'KS. WHY WILL YOU couidi when Shiloh's Cure will cive immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., aud $1. Chaws A; Heauks. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh. Diph thoria and Canker-Mouth. Chai ix & New Advert iseinents. ORTH CAROLINA Chatham CoOSTY. Iu iho Superior Court. I'lilllp Taylor, asslaueo ol A, L Jonea, vs. M. T. Korrls k nro., and all oth.r crwlltora of A. I jotiiw, aiKi oiners. Ti.ts Is a stNs-lal nro.w.llnB for a settlement of the trust of ihc plaint Iff as trustee of A. I.. Jones, nu.l tlio eriilliors of the aald A. I, Jones Is-liic a nunier..iis class and mm-residents of Hie ..f N..rih tirolina and atier unigeuce nnm f..uu.l therein, nollm. is hereby iiirrn to Is. piesetit nt llieom. t tho elerk nf t til curt on the and dn of, Is.', an I .l. ad. answer or demur to liie complaint now on tile lo this pro ceodlni: or Judgment will Ik m-auii-l as therein demanded. S. M. n.I.T.r.S.C. T. II. WojurK, Attorney Mr naiutin. June 51. Im. rgtice m mmmmi Notice is hereby 1,'ivrn. that upon the ai'Plicatum of T. Ii. onmik, at torm v for S. P.Teainie, Win. M. Har per, O. T. Edwards und cithers, I hare this day bv, virtue of authoiity vestotl in me by ihaptir 1, volume 1, of The Code. srantoil to the saitl parties, thoir aoKoeiates, aud successors, articles of incorporation, a follows : 1. Corporate name, Tho Farmers Alliance Co operative Association al Siler Citv, N. (J. '2. Tho corporate businpsfl shall hr a general uicrcantilo business, and such other businesses as are incidental thereto. 3. Tho principal plnre of business nhall bo at Silor City, N. C. i.. The term of incorporation is thii tv rears. 5. The stock shall bo $2,000 with the privilege of increasing the lams UnciniMi parties incorporated are those above named, and others, then associates, successors and assigns. PinSBORO' ACADEMY, S. S. JACKSOS, Principal; Tho Fall Torm lll Wga on Monday, Aligns! Kh; 1SW, und ffnmiuue twenty wki. The climate of ritlubnro' t tulubrtniiH, nd In dwl Uior Is n'.t s more hecilihf locality III Hcmti Carolina. Il pooplo are mmwnod for thlr h. plialliy and their soclil, intellectual and moral vlriUfH, liuard ran bo had In and around tho Tillage at liberate j.rtcea. The Ai-ademy l.ulldlne In er.nTen!ut!y arranged and Oiled InrrCiiuul piiriKea, The serviette ot MIhr FAXSIE E. THcmrsoH as Aiuilsiant In tho ademleal department, and of lls CASHir M. J.icKSuN as Toarlier of Music, hae liven seuted both known to ba eoeomptMif Instructor. Th. dtwtrluc Instruction In Crayon work, and Palnitug In Kenlnguu, or iu oil or Water (Viol, will bo dlroctod to an experienced and tklllod Instructor. Parent may lw ausurod that eery eflrt will be made for the thorough Instruction of their chil dren. Their moral a woll a their Intellectual training will be carefully looked to. It 14 hoiied that not only Chatham, but oihor counties also, will favor tb rinsboro' Academy with a liberal pairoua;o. Terms, per session of twenty weeks: Primary KucMsh llraiich" llO.OO Intermediate Lditll.'h Uranchea It M Higher Lugllrh brandies It Latin, Creek, French. German, SurTeylng and Sienograpby, each, so eitra. Contingent roe, H conta. Mlnlstoro' children wilt bo Instructed at ball rates. For furiher Information, apply to SAMl'ELB. JACKSOR, Principal. June 20, lew. Sis. A DMT SISTR ATORS' NOTICE. Nolle.. Is hereby given that o have Oils day qunllfU'.l as a.linhit'rnior iii iho estate of de..rge Ouilirte. an.t nil cwllmrs will present their I'Jahnn to us or our aitorney, T. II. Woniaek, on or tho .lav . f Mny. 1K, r this notice will lie i.l.iwl In liar of their riwvorr. All perwns ln.iolniKt lo the esiaio will l ro.iilred to make prompt settlement. AI.niKii I.. mkkt, way i. issa. di. jamm si.nuA.Ti. NOTICE! The board of County Cmmlssloners of Chatham eouuly will meet at their offl.. on the geennd Monday In July, for the purpose of rerlslug the tax IWe aud hearing all persons, who may object the valuation of their property, as prescribed l.y soetlun i" of the Marhluery Ad- L. l:. EX LINK, June 5T, 18S9. Clerk of Board. if. . noviL,as $3 SHOE 01.. n S1I0K FOK LAUIKH. llewt In the world. Examine his . ui or.Nt iNr. iian shoe. H.Oll UASD SE ALIl W1.1.T SHO. CI SO IMMCi: ANH I AllMl'.llS' SHOE. Ii 5ft EXTHA VAI.l'K CA LK SHOB. i 2 WOliKlNrtMAX S SHOK. J Oi) and ll.ii BOW S Hi IOI. snOHS. Kriiiidiilent when my name and price are net stain jwd ou bntu.m- v. l iJini..e, itriMK'M, Mrwr. FOB SALE BY W. L. LONDON, riTT.-nor.o', R. c. April IS, iss'.i. 1 1 It L S. HALEiail, N. c, IMPORTERS ii RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. THE GREAT NORTH CAROLINA Dry Goods House Thirty-nine Deportments, CnrrylhK assortments excelled tiy few housee In the larger eSles, and none In the South; Imught from lini'ortors, maaufacturcre ond si'lllng agonis flist hands In every lustauce for cash, and BUsrantiMid to be eorr:t as to style, quality and prlco. Why should iho ofjiorth Carolina (end money Mortli tor Dry Ooods a lien they nave such a house in their own State? o good reason exists Complete Mail OrJerleparlieflt with all tlio machinery fuf fllllnR orders by com- M'leiil men. K. It On all orders nmountlni; tn M M or more. wo t I'l dollter eooJs I'J wall, or to the nearest Kip roes offhe. Free of Charge. W H. & R. S. TUCKER k CO., ItAl.EIOII, N. C. RiLEIGH fiARBLE VORKS, 417 and 410 Fsyetteville Street, 'i- i m;i it i f r lit A. 'I t Vi, .;,l Ax-in BRANCn YARD, Lai iikh's Oi.n Stanp, FAI KITE VILLE, X. MAN I" FACTUREU OF all kinds of MONUMENTS s TOMBSTONES IX MAUItl.i: OH GRANITE. Also contractor for all kinds of Building Work, CURBING, POSTS, STEPS, SILLS, &C. Des'gns of all descriptions kept on hand ami sent to any otldress upon applications' CH.ifl. A. GOODWIN, June 27, 1889. Proprietor. FIRE! FIRE 11 ltfSM nU PROPERTY 1 THE- i i this ii fioine tompany atttl 4t serves the pntronage of all IfartM Carolinians. It was organized in 18C8 and hu paid over half a million dollar in losses and there is Col one contested claim agaiust it ! All losses paid" promptly. Ererjr prudent man ooRht to insurs hi property; For terms, Ac apply to H. A. LONDON, Agent W. S. PRIMROSE, President- Sept. Cth,- 188ft. THE GtiSER THRESHER I GET THE EESff If voa aro thiDkinf of buying el THRESHIHG MACHINE. H0K8E-P0WER, SAW-WILL or ENGINE, send la the D MKiiKI CD., WAYNESBORO', PA., or to w. l. x.o2wT)Ory, PlTTSlloRo', N. G.i for complete catalogues. The Oelset Thresher has been used in Chatham county for ten years, and gires the best satisfaction. April 4, 1889. AJMtNISTRAT(ll-S NOTICE. navlnp qnallfle.1 ns toe acliri il-irator of Kjnniet M. IMrk. ileeeaseil. I liereliy te-tlfy all wr sons liohiine rUlm aualnst sal.i i!.-i-e.lent to ex hibit the smo ui me, on or before the jntn .Iny of June, 1"!). .' A. WOMACK. Junew. IXHCrroRS NOTK'i:.-D K, -i I Er.KFfTaetsentornf Jonathan MarsbaH, el parte. Nolle" Is Imrel.y plven lo ll partiaatd tmerest that on Dai unlay the wth Usy of Juno I will Hie my flnal nomiu with the clerk of tho perlor court of Choi (mm county and a.- It lo bo JJ' charged fmm my Irusl, . K. l'KKliK IT, Mny Mb, 1W. K- iTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COfHTY OF CHATHAM--! Till St T'lllofi :oi-hty OllfUT. J.ilitt KarrlniTsr. A.lmlnfstr.itor of n. I.. SnliM-r, Against W. W. W. kard and other". This Is a upeial riroceedltic f.r Hie flnal settle ment of the plaintiff's administration of the estata of It. 1,. Snlws, ds'ase.l, and li ap-ailriK that Oscar A. Snipes, one of the defeudauis. Is an heir at law of said Intestate and A lie.-..ssry .art7 u this iiroceodlnn and is a pen resi. tent, lie Is hereby iiotltle.1 to appear at my ofll"c In the lown af' on tho SMh day of July. 1M!. and onsweror demur to the pliil.itilTs niniplaliit, Jii.lument will 1 taken i emitee'. Juue 1, im. f. M. Ht'l.T, c,'. . S. C, C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule No. 11. Taking effort May 2", 1889. AII.T KXCnr-T Sl'NtiAV. train ooins iwrtn. t'rnln Using I 7 Mo. I. Malllll'aHeoBKor. Lohto, 4 31a. m.'BenncttsTllle Mail k I'aeeenfer Arrive, 1.00 p. i U'iivm, & T :t.-. p. t 1.55 I l. t 11.69 a. I 55 I ' i 4S a I 0.4 isiaxo.ii. S OD iKayetlerllle, 10?0 Ikanford, Itl.U i"H, ' 11. 60 a. m. 'Slier. Arrive, 1.45 p- m.;Hrcnsl.oro, " O.W airy. No. I broaktaat at Koyettcvtlle. .Honor ol flreonslioro. -t No. breakfast at troenisro, ainner at oan- 'o'd. , ., rassentfor and Mail tTBins run nan j cicepi oou- T- . . . rrelRnt ana'.. ....... floiineiui-llle tnPatollevtlle Tuesdays. Thursday and aaturdays; from Fayeltevllbi to Oreensboro' on Mendavs, Weilnetelays and Fridays; from Oroen-iioro' to Ml. Airy Mondays, Wnluoodayn and Friday; from Mt. Airy to reensisiro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sal n r.laye f r. .m i een Is.pC tn 1 Byellevllloon Tnes.llt) Tlrilllays and kalurdaTK. and tr-m Fayeltuvlllo lo HeniiouvU on Mn.iiys, Wednewlays and Frldns. Trains on ractory Branch run dully except Sut- 1nJ"- W. 1!. KTLE, Oeu'l lass Agent, J. W. TltlOen'lSiipl. How Ready. A NEW BOOlt ron NdUTIl CARiH.INA CHILWtEM. First Steps in North Carolina History TiT MRS. r. r. srnvi'FB. ana naces, hands-unety primed and hound, afut lieaiiilfully written. I'rlca 'ii cents s-r copy. Should Wo read hv every ihtsi.ii In thoHinto, and It outriil to rie In trvet y selnol. Fnhllslwl .y ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., Raleigh., TI. O. raveatt. and Trado-Mtrks ohtaroed. and all ratcnl iMHtneM cnndncled lot Moderate, rsw. Our Ilium In Opposlto Ii. S. I"nt lies. Wo Hv no sub nuncio, all bnln (irett, hence can transact ient biitineso tn Jrm me and al less cost tlion Uicoe reuxiui non shlrsjton. tend nlel, dnwlnc. or ptioto., lt noe rjoo. Wo aovise II ite.ilfcWe or not, frro df Chare. Onr ft not due till rateM Is curt!d. A Tiook, " How to OMin f'steiits." viitli nf. (cr to actual rlloni in )iair but, cu"Ay V laws, Mirl ina. AddreM, , C. A. SNOW & CO. w miioruaiomot,tiait, . j