fy Chatham jRccosrt THURSDAY, OCTOBKU 24, 1SM. H. A. LOUDON, Editor. A Home will wmu bo t-stabhshed la this State lor destitute ex Con federate soldiers. For sonic time jt mni-h has been s:iil :ml written trti Ibis subject, but ikniortiinnlcly Mothiug bail been done. .Now tho matter lias assumed a practical shape, and the establishment ot r.t leant one IMJ Soldier' Home i assured. Col. ; J. M. Jletk, ol Kaleigli, Has oileie.J the use of a comfortable brick buihl - ing at l'idirewav, which contains thirty rooms, and' this offer was ac ', . , i wr . eeptcd at a meeting ol the Mate Association ol Conk-dcrato ctorans held Ml j'alciu'h durnii: the reifiU State Fair. The association also decided to take active steps at once lor racing money sutlicieiit to pro Tide for as many old soldiers as the building vill aeeow module. Ol' eoorse thin nienev most bo raised bv , , . a ,1 1 iniiMn r .111 i-H'i t-i.inv-ii.-'i " :ui 11.1 mire w:ibl nuni lit- inu voluntary contributions, and the , (V blMVUU sl-,w tlmt lll0 ; street, ami R..inS to the j.iil. Kave the j t,t,!,.9 ftiul (liev si.aj.pea like wrapping nupport ol this "Home imut bo a , ,0.()l tnoil U) j thc South t,:lVl. . word to fall ui line. It was then about iiviuj under its tnormous po-.v, r. 'labor of love'' with the people of' in,, re than doubled since lsso. seveu o'clock. The crowd immediate- ; l h,. car. with its nine inmates lock IVorth Carolina. i l'"ov. Hill was warmlv preete.l by ' J.v took their positions in fiont of 'he ,, , w;thm. bei-in the descent of that , I,,,;,,., ,.,,. manv admirers during' the short Mop jail. A dt limud was ii;ade upon the f,i4; jfu! slope. What were the feel- i stanllv said and written noon tl.e heroism of the Coiile.lerate soldier; on every tenth of May the p raves ol pnr dead heroes aro bedecked with beautiful flowers and moistened with the tears of our sorrowing (ouutry women : and tin- cioirape, patriotism and fortitude ol the Confederate koldicr have been immortalized in sonpand story. All this isemiiu-i I ly ripht and prop, r, but it does not atisly the hunger or clothe the liakedness ol the I'finj heroes, who in raps and poverty have survived their more fort iinaii comrades, Thc hest way ol mai'.ilestiiip oisr venera tion and admiration l'-.r the .A...' heroes of the Confederacy, i l,y makinp a suitable rovision tor the liviii'j ones ! We are pleased to know that soa'.e ol the cnlerprisinp belies ,t this (Chatham county wiil t.'iiipht pive an ciitcrtaiiii':ent at Siier t "ity. f.r the purpose o mis' r.p some money to aid in ti e establishment .! the pro posed Home. They ai. i their lause deserve encouiapomeiit, and we hope that a liberal patronape will be extended them, and that Chatham will be one of the lirsi counties tn make a proper response to the appeal of tiie State Ass .eiation f.r the old soldiers' homo, 'J'n k t.l m it i Mi of Uerrier at I.ex iiipton last week is another ol those dispraceliil trapedies that are beeom- inp so alarininply tre.iient in this State. It is hiph time that the law- abidinp citizens of North Carolina were aroiisinp tiienisclves to a ense ol their pivat danper. If one ct ol men can with impunity unlawfully take the life ol a fellow-man. whv cannot another and another do like wise? At.d wlrre would it en. I? Whose l'fe won:.' be salt-? If the tfj'e ei.cn ies ol a prisoner e.-m lm-ak open a je.i' lor the purpose ot hanp inp him, why can i.-.t the Iriends of A prisoner brenk o-.rn a jail tor the juirpose ol setting him ine? And their what would 1 . e the use of h.iv rap a jail? This tj. irk ol mob law if persisted in niti-i produce a state ol anarchy, where n.iirht makes ripht and license lakes the place ol liber I v Tiik I'ot.i thai, campaipn in Xr pinia is pcttinp ,u, , oxeiled. Both parties an: doinp their utmost to carry the election, which will he held on the first Tuesday in Novem ber. Mahone, tho republican can 'liilalo lor (iovcrnor, is makinp des perate effort to restori: his pnwrr inilie State, lie is a very shrewd and unscrupulous campaipner and is makinp a closely contested cam paipn. ihe "color line has be loscdy drawn and it is tbotipht that the wlrito men ol Virginia wil together more solidly than I vote thev have in many years. In t )hio also the campaign is quite exiitinp, but as that is a republican State we suppose that the republi vans will carry it. While we would delight in the defeat ol Fol aker, vet we have no sympathy with the dominant taction of the Ohio demo crat s. (iov. Hill., of New lurk, made a big bid last week at tho Atlanta Fx- position for tho I'rcsidenev, but wo sincerely hope that he wilfneverpct t. Jleean.iot be compared tot leve- kind: '1 he difTerenco between them is r in ply this. Hill is a political trickster and Cleveland is a -M-eat stntesni-in ll'thedenioernle n-aiiin s ..Usn,..n. Jl tl,e,U . .o.at,c nation- al convention should be so unwise as to noininato Ilill insicai oM leve- land, our defeat yvould ho deserved, liill may bo popul ir with the saloon ,v v , i ,', . 'I1', . , '" , ','ul lu ,s not admired by Ihe best citizens ol any .Slate. J ho contrast between his class ol admirers and ClevclMiid's hows the true characters ul the two M'0". Our Washington Letter. Tvn r lleiular Oi-rruBpoodt-el.; the jail in this plu.e Monday mpht by HV1.8 and three others were seriously ashixcton, Oft. IS, 1SS'. a number of mined men, ami was wounded. Tho car became unmaii-Si-natf.r yuav has boon making hanged to the limb of a tree by tbe agoab:e at tbo top ot the ascent, and. ibin-siis livelvas possible for I'rosi- road-nde, about acpiaitcr of a mile like a meteor, d-isiied downward. It (l nt Harrison this week, lie ism., from the corporate hunts cf tin town. ; w.,s n tobosan to death. Thenar. derst.iod to hare reminded tin- I'rcsi tient of many fin.-, both ol nmi.-siou an. I commission, that lie would have in ix-li preferred forgetting .Mr-tjiiav if.ot tiu' ojii. lion that President llar- r-son 1 : t i i bi.f.ilv in need of a po lilicai mianlian, and it is inoiv tlian !''ol.ablotliat l hejuiiior Senator p..n ministration owes its existence to ,inlj ands reslly to accept the ; gnardiansliip. Mahone's friends here are cjiiietly i l.o.i -iii. Now they say that helm, bad no idea ol hemp elected I- it on ; v wpl jt( u ( t,i al.-olutc control ol the party ..niehinerv so that he could fix up the dcle-atiou to the next national : repub.ic.nireno:aii!atini;coi.ve!itioii. This is not a verv likeiv storv. and iU would he just :1s welftor the V ir- t;i;iian deinocruts to kit p up the ;iivelv lifrlit thev aro making until i election day. I c i I li. ......I I... ' .. I I.i.t ii. i ,...tl -d on Hon. Sauiu.d J. Uandall. and 'refused to do so. a f. w well directed ;..., ljnlliv I im iined. The crush spent ncarlv 1 n hour with hui. Mr. 'blows with an axe forced it open lb ,;lttlit. foot of tl.e plane was frightful. Ihuelall is much better, an I expects lefused to pive ll the keys: but win n ' J,,,,,) , f ,;,.t :iU,: t. tl,;lt l , i ,;0 to be ei.lirelv Weil belorc Congress : one of the patty tiled a islol shot, j r( l.!; fu,: m. vv for 11 moim i,t. bi.t meets. ' I be surrendered li.eiu. The prisoner i.v)l, j, d.sj.elh.1 the was The International Maritime Con-1 then taken out i f the cell. n.tl .,.k-tiiii-. Ti.e 110:1 atc- that form-leren-'c met here Wednesdax un l or- 1 w- is hurried down Main sirr.t to t he , IC .,.,-, f ,1,,. ,, iii '., 1 11 hi. h iranized bv eicctinp Admiral 1'iank : Mociisville road, and tin no-1 a tiact ;f.e t..u. 0,l .Vilri thrown si!v feet lin l're-i.ient. le!epates;.rc present ; of woodland belonpnip to lr. l'a.Mie. ,ilU,j the .-n Vi i. 1 he top of the car from everv maritime e.untrv in the; less than a mile from tl.e jail, where w;iS i,.,,,., t as far in the putter. world except I'ort n-'al. The forced return bv Senator Mandei-s,,!) of the moiiev drawn on : There they s nip and prayed with the an iilepal re ralinp o! 'his pension P' isoi.er duiinp the space of an hour has.reated a com motion in thc Pen- ami a half, except a short time that .ion Oliice. There are tort v or more ' was devoted to,iues!ioni"o bun in ro of the rim. loves in that o'tiiee that (faid to the min.hr. He admitted ave receive-1 unite laix'e tn ol 1 . . . I.ev asaricaraL'e on their re rate.l pensions, and all these are anxiously iu.iiiiriii whether 1 here is an v law to make them .hspore. an 1 in tiie event ol their relit pensii .us and salaries can 1. the iovefiiinelit '.' Talidei whet tier , .a! thcir held by t rotary .Nolile a blow Ihe shoulder when b. trai-'l.t troiii ailed atten- tion t.. the tact that tour davs belore he was;,, pointed tootlieede'u. Black, bv special reiiiest in wrilinp -.1 Sec- rct.ii v Noble re-raled the pi.sit f ien.'W. 11. Powell without a mcii : I'.tl e.tatiiinaiioii, trom ?T.n to .vr per month, and .luted it back to I-n.i ' Tanner has plenty of ammunition. ; it he once became convinced' that the administration intends to leave him out in the cold he will be L'iu lirinp ri'bt and left, llehasjiist tired a broadside ;nto 1! ss(--. ' ' A pi-ntleir.an just ret ..rr.ed trom an extensive inp thron ;n tne U est , sas he loiind the ' ! almost iniaiiiiroiislv in favor .l linpthe World s l-'xt.ositi, m o! in W ash-! intrtoti ("hicaL'o has opened head ' 'iiai ters lu re i to l.eat .New ork , than will, an hop,- ot s.-eiiririp t.ie.oe cuv icn-u. l.uin r tnati let a I'Apositii.n. u; nsinii-'loii is seeoiot ' :-"i. o.nu is.-.ioc, u,e peop.e i-.n i l oi- e w ith both Chic::"i and New j the law into tne;r own hands. '11. j York. law that furnished the prei. M f t : The nieiiibersof the cabinet arc all lvnchinp Her: ier should n.-t M ia:, u : quite busy preparing' their animal' on the statute hooks a d iv loi pi i reports, all ot which have to be in 'than is iiii'..wii v to repeal it whe: ; the hands ol thu l'resi. lent belore he toe next Lepi-'.al llie meets. i cal i t irn s I! iplele ln- ine- ape to Cn ard the iie's a .Iciiioi rat ie an Senator, liean. -Well' from Montana ?" Senator ol a re Yes" lepiie i the '. sai. toe deieo n. e mat veil fel- erat. it appears t. iii'e jiretty bard t" -atlsly. oni present indications lued not have the slightest .!',l!i.--ili v Will in bein i; e'ected Speaker oft he House, lie is -..pjiorted by the administra tion. The democrats in the House would probably prefer either of the o' her candidates to ll.-ed ; he is ratli- er too much ol a thick and thin par tisan to occupy the Speakers chair, i but that is the very reason that the influence of the administration is be- iliL' :'iven to him. .Secretary Husk de!: . n-d an ad dress at the Apricillt.irsl lair at ; Frederick. Marvland, this week .Mr. Iiandall (letiies that he revise.ljn thesprinpof 1S52, in Vn pmin. and 'iov. Hill's Atlanta speech when thc i was then thepioperlv of a Mr. Mmi'fi Governor called on him here laster. NVhen tiie war commi need .Mr. Monday, as has been allepd by eer- .Shafl'ter entered the aimv with his tain newspaper eorresp.,ndetits. ! lm,Pi nIj Vlh0 lUn ,in.(. yr.-s, wh, n Mr. Hallhrd the President's ).ri-1 Mr. s. and the mule were b. .th cap vat,. Secretary is much better and ' tutcd bv the Yankees. The mii:e expects to be back at his de-k next w ecK. j Fx Secretary r.-i:..d - mi sever-, ill days in Washinpton this week. The most of bis time w as devoted to his liaiice. Miss (ilviner. Ail Old ri oaeher. Wln-.ir.ri crr.--H.n.)M)i rurti.-im il..l,r. The oldest divine preaching the pospel in the l'iedinoiit i'l-etion of North Carolina, is doubtless Itev. Tames Needman, of Sntrv county Your correspondent learns tlno be is now in his "2d year nud ' is oeen a minister of the gosp 1 for sixty-nine years. ''Old Father" Neoduian is tbe n,u" ''-v wlli(,h ho is most fmuilialry. known au,l hia nameh legiou through. : out a larpe seojie of the country. A fpw (V8 0 tbo nRt,, ol1 ,,mll wak. e.l eight or nine miles to expound the work of Ood. During the pros- '"t y'"-he has traveled on an over-, ' K, tw';nt,v"five ",,1('s "vel'-' Wl'"k- ,.nd ,,reaehcd two sermons a week. ! l(,Mi..w has four regular appoint- nients and lias not nusseil a single the mouth when he saw water and' one of them since Apiil. ' Old Fath- during the time he yvas onsei..ns he i er pr'Jl"nn 8ft)'9 ,lmt ' addilion to beu'ued his 'iitiendaiils n.. in ,-t ,js to his preaching ho raisrs a crop family see him. Muhbiim suilered i every yoar; that on his Hist birthday great agon v. and half an horn-belore f Ibe preseut year, beset outa large bis death he yvas in spasms. crop of tobacco aud did all the work : ; that was to do to it with his own; Dr. W. I. VHllett, of fhnpcl Hill, i bands until cutting time. The above died quite suddrnly on the Kith inst., j tire authentic facta. 'aged about 75 yearn. The Lj iH liin' lit Lt'xiuston. Fr..mth.L.xa.e...nDis1.auh.i61ui,,.t. li.U-rt Demer. tba murderer of Mrs. Lhza Walser. was taken from Liitei t-iiniiiir fears of lvnchiii'r. th sheriff had sent Denier to (Ii'-ons-boro Sunday night, in chaijje if a deputy, with orders to bring him buck tbe next morning for a hearing. Mon day afternoon t two o'clock. 1 he pris on, r was i-ro.incc.1 in court, ami tliron-b his fOUllMd. Messrs. M. H. ritlliis and . 1'.. (Jleilli, waived ex 'iuuuou. unu was leiiMime.i io j.ui to await las trial at the March term phev are drawn bv two st.d wiie of the superior court. Capt. F. C. (.abh.s wound upon a arum at the lop Hobbins. who Appeared for (he state. I (,f tho n bv au ,,, located there, addiesse.ltlicmidieuceiuafow woi.ls. j XiD.' pucsengers had entered tbe car iirijinp tbe people to refiainfiom acts : lit ,i1H f.,ot Dt (he plane and several of violence and let tu law take its on the oilier c ir at the top. Th coarse. A considembie number of . 0f ..a,.,!;,,,, P:lr ws il people ioiiowcu tne .risoner back- to;n,.lt ulltji jt m,j ve.-iched the too. J'1"- inouyu comman.ie,! io iis - p rse. refused to do so. Decuiinp tL of the l'lisoti. r in dan-cr. the sberilTsummoiicl a number of eitii n- to j.'o to tbe jail at dark lo resist any attempt at violence. Uefoie any of "them arrived, however, a few men n:mvhf.l imo tnn ii I In hiimIi n luirl: ' no er to oneli tl.e iloor. ami win n lie ' they stopped under au oak that pro- 'J'"" bianclies ovei the load side. ine snoninp. out uenien 1 mil ne went . w . ' . 1 t " "'!" la nous.- n.ni inienuon 01 eomiuii tiur mui iicr. i lien me snip- inp and p-ainp went on. At linns. several men piay.-n aioit.l at . nee. ;,, iiV) ,. .,,s w. P was.e i : Denier jomii.p with players iil,t)., s-pteii.i-er 11. the same div moans, A preal in my people Iron, towu. who follow. .! the ivncheis. wi re pcriiiiiieii io ininpic in i iv wiiuiui-iu A 1 hlladelphia tlriimtiier who appear e.l upon tlie scene. a-U; ,1 pirniissim to pray for B.n er. After p.iayii.p. he sanp "Where is my w a::d, t inp bo-, lonipht." while the crowd pn-servid silence. Just b, f,.;e nine o'eb-rk. the rope was placed around IVrrier's in ck. t"e ou.er i l,.l was pass, a over u.e I hwb. 'he miserable wretch was hoist ) lroui ine und. ami died with scaicely astrupple. Thecioivd sho:t lj afterward dispersed. The lvnchinp of Homer is pivba blv due to the fact that his wite, wh( was the only w itn ess ot tue inuulei. j ( was lncompen ni loiosiuy inert was no .piestion of his puiit in the mind of the public but owinp to a ilettct in the law preeh.dm reeliolmp a w i e i ist her husband. f'" testilMii ti- le weie pra e ,i uo;s : i.at nc tvii!,i Beirier was twenty 1 ur j ears o! 1. He whs iitdiis; i r us and frupa'. Ii'.l ery ipnoruut and intntd.v ,b oid ol l iiu, inei.t J in1 basei elements i. his lli'.t !le was doilbtltss siron.'y .li'i lope,', and !,is face W'aj tii.it Ot :. vicious, hnila. in-ill. Citiei.s ot Lrxint.'U b id l.othi:-. to do with ihe lvnchinp of Ik-lii.:. 1 hey ejeally depiore the o,.,, iiru-!.ce. Lot tin ie aie lew. if any. who do not i .leve tlmt he richly desi red .1, ill. A law fill trial and a 1,-pal eicn:io!, would have Icon prefeircl by all citl.eiis of the tow n, and doulit h-s bv the men who particiiiateil in the lyncuing. All Aped Mill'. nm ilCartH'vti:-tii TrK-iiu". Mr. Y. J. A. t ioolsbv. of this conn fv. claims to be ll,i nw'n. r i,f thi .,M est mule in the State It was bom then served one year in ti.e I'nion ranks, when Lc was abandoned to live or die. but forlunatelv for him. Xlr. (Soobby inn across him and In ou ,ht him tn"(ti-o!-..iM l,..i.. I ., ln.s l, m. in active service ever since. Mr. ii was offered s2o(l for the mule at one time, but refused to sell l.iui. as it : seemed like p;,rt:np with one f the , failll.y to sell Nebil.-ha.!iie,o. Ur : is still id.lo to do as niiiel. woi s; as ' any mule, and could ka-kjtbe roof . ft. of the stable, but be has Mint such1 tricks and settled down to ipu, t life "" Died of II j diopliobia. rn.m iiw Now v..rk swr. James M uldoou, one ,.I lamp Man. I City-s oldest residents, died y ester- dav ol hvilioiihobia. ji,,,,!,,;,,, ww hau.u ,,v a iu ,,., last April. The ilop yvas altcrward killed, but not until it had bit'ten several othei persons. Last Monday Muldomi, who was well advanced in years, first showed symptoms of the disease. Ik- barked'and trothed at j A Hide to Death. I ! (Vxsatj. Oct. 1 . Bv an ncei- .lent on tbe Mount Auburn incline d i,i,m t,,luv nix i-r.,s.,n9 lost t,. w cnpeis wort! locked i:; and were he'p less to do aught bat await tho awful result. The c .'astiophe happened s'nutly after midday. Mount Auburn is an ui i. olai-p. what; ties at tin-In au ' 0r 5mi tr..Pt. nn.l r. n.-hi-s lo i b.-i.da 0f betw. en 'J.'.O uad :itH) feet in a space :,,f nrilnnw lAHM f. , I or less Two , ,... aie emi'loved one on each t nek. : !. to ,,s i,us;.-:ikable honor the ' ,.i-ii!i ( r found that the machiiierv , ,.:. ,,t respond, und that heemihl ,'. Nt..j, thccr.pii-e. Only one usult ; w.ls ,,(,sji,;e J ,, . ai was an. .-ltd . iv htlonp bumper whi. h stops its ; ,Mo-r. s. and a- tin- .n-ine e. iitinucd . ..11 . t .1 i :...J .... 1 , i, .,,.lo r il.., i 1 . j ,0 ,,,.. i,s, if aud the lloor and seats of tl.e ear formed a shapeless wreck, mingled with tbe bleedmp and manpied bo -lies of the nine pa.-s,iipi 1 s Kiplit Hundred Lives Lost. SwFi.AN is. .,. Oct. l'.l Tbe at cam- j ('i)v ,,f 1', Kin-' ariivcl last i.h . . . ' . .' it , and .laoaii. S ic 1)11! .... ...., , .. f ,,i,.i ., .,, hid , ,.,!, soil cs. us lo-t th. ir iivi ,d V iv Vo- koii.im.j was s . s.-verly ila.u i,:- .1 bv a 1 jiij, o i. a io! id w ii'.d and ! :i:u rtorin set in at If. pun and Ai. i. l.eii. I'.y 2 o'clock the s.i had !! :; s, v,-ral feci above .-id. i ary high 1 :. ir. .-md j ,it att 'i ni-bt fill the waves mounted to i pi "at l.t i.:i t. , :ishii:p away the em h iLik;:ien;.s m... leveling the buildiups in ar the shore Shoi t Iv ill 1 1 rv. n,l a w ave lifte.u f it nj.i,,.,. ti,,lU ,i. ; .iLest of those that .ttl ,,,-eceded it rolled in with a "rent roa'", wasuinpuv ::y the renciininp por ' ions of th-' cmbaid.iii.-nt and carryinp witli it ln aily all the houses of the vai' ous iilaes aloiip the bi ii' li. Th;i. done .-o suddenly and isnexpe.-t that the inhabitants bad not time to escape. At Ikiiia-.Miu.i. 12.t houses were wasued a.vav. about tw. ntv broken ,, all ntollt f,)tv f ,i. i ti ,ii ai t !;il!oiIi A Yoshida-Mura. Ilo'.l out i f t ,,,n,es weie wash. aw.iv, ate I :i.2liH we:i .1 si ... . nine id tie i ar ,,f til0 j,,, j illation . M,.,..i. i lu et Land: e. 1 and si .. , , :.(ilt s have bet foiusl aid tin v,.t 2 p.-rsons mi.ii,p. Tn- j,,,.,,,. fli,,i ,, K,,, press liave . j -,(i( :.. in, i . spe.tiv ei v (llL ri hef (.f the suilY-i , i s. .. . ". sent for ' A .Moiistt r C.iuniiii. i HKI.I !V. O. t. f.. A Cast steel run. j " ( plot ; '-.'s.'i tolls, WHS todaN shipped !'!.. ii the Krupp works lit Ilaiubilip ; 'o Ki oiistaiit. The t-iiiibi e of ihepii'i i is l;; I mi hc-s. tl.e band is -I'l f,-e' in Vnptn. its pn uttst u. iiao'ict' beinp 111 feet 1'Le lanpo of the pun is evi r 11 iniies, and it v.:il fne two shots pi r I iiiiuute, each costing bit.ii:i 1,2.10 laud .-'Lotit.1. j At the Ilia's of the .i.i !.- Id in !he pli since i," lo.iss-iaii oi: l's. ti.e pi-i I jeetile I feel h up and W ei- bti p 10H I pounds, and propelieii iy ai haipe f ) l.TOt' pounds ofpow'.li-r, pelietlat.-d 12A inches of armor and weut 1,!U2 J arils beyond the t.i'p.t. I '1 iir pur. which is ;ii(. larpett in I existence, and the l.t aviest ji t e. ;i.ortd bv Krupp. hud Io be cailied from Fsm-ii Io lbnuburp on a car sprcially eoiistructed foi thepuipobC. Soc ial Liiuaiily lit Harv.uil Col lee. Hosr iN, Oct. 19 The senior class of Ilirvard C -liege has t h cted Clem ent Ctanett Morgan, a coloied man, as class orator. The election wi-8 hotly contested, but Morgan received a substantial majority, about 270 men votii g Ho entered coilego with little means and during bis freshman year be worked in odd liom-s in ii h.ii lirr sfio.i Kmc.. Ifn.ii hu ltik ,M Mj, ,,t i,:ls!,ioa,.t hitu i,,,,,,.,; .., ,,,,,,.,. fr(1I11 ,ho (.t)l:(.gf.. Lftst V(.(ll-'lU theVompehtioli for the n ,v, ,,, i:,:o h,,,, , ird ',is a idience i,v " t , Ilt a,al woll til.t ,);;l(.0. " . ... liit in -! to Death. ; V an W Hit. dhio. (let. 21 A dis ! trcssing accident iii a tire six miles ; soul h of here occurred today. Th , hai'.ds.iuu- ivsidcne of (i.-or:;r Kes i Iri' yvas burned and in it his beauti ful little daiiphter, aped ti years, 'llis sister in law, a" young holy, 1 escaped peiisliinp in 'he flames to die a more horrible de,,lh when res cued Her burns proved ot such a ' serious nature that alter lingering in suilei'ing lor a short while she , died. - . Pleasant to the taste ami snrpris- inply (pud; in reiieyinp coupbs ai d colds it is net Ht all strange that IV. Hulls Couch Syrup aiw-.xs succeeds, Salvation Oil. the greatest pain cure ou eaith, is guaranteed toeliVct a cure, whrreit is possible for tho seat of the disease tjba reached by a liniment. 1'iice 25 scuts a bottle. " THEY HATE And wo desire to tha:dc ihe hundreds vbo have visited our Clothinp KstHMishnn-nt e.nd provided thiiustix s with Fall and Winter Clothing. Our Sales For The Week H ive been much larger than we xp.-ctcd and vn dreds of those w ho attend,-,! the Fair took advat.t ae of Ihtir tiip nud jmii based gr.ods of u. 77:r .i,7; sTTi:ni:i niuwixwr o r.u .v . ' ci mil. y.i. and we hope whin they are shown at b me bv tho pmchai-e,- it will ind-ov 'h; 1.: to s. n 1 in th, ir orders, for we want all to to;. h i -! u", (hat our :...!es are not eonlinr-d to the eifv of Kaleipb. but the whole Stale and we 111,. prepared Io p;ve i orders bv mail our proiiij-.f attention, and can fu ami .-a'isfv th,. iii.-st fastidious. Apain Ihnnkiii; liberal putroii.ipe. the pui-'ip pcner.illy for their 15 E Ii. S3 SHOfc i.KN I !.l Ml X. S!iK ! ;!! I. :iil. ll.-l hi : ' ..I'M IM- II VNO ' II.W l'-! '. ! 1- V, ; . lul.t. i V I i I I V. M.I I . :. o ..M'..,M w -i .1. 1 ;1 ... .;. Vs s .l.liil. te v , . ii i - J -( i. :. a W I.. I. i Oil h l.'l s, mi i;-' o.t so, A; -rl! I G. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule? No. II. Takinp effect .iune 12. An iv... l r- . in ...I .,i l.i . ni l I ii Ce BEADIirOL, (iliOD CHEAP AT s.M.il,). a. a. lUiDr-rj it co., ..-s-. ..hi. u fn.-li ii f..riil. ii ... r. .-. : r ' :!. . lanaM r.: l " r-1'"1 -tl'-i ':.-'i- i.i in.j; I., iii.-ii'iiu i. i : n ' -t.b tit Us, iib"f:mn Wtit Cid.c-"bcarcl., or aiivthing in tbo lin.- of F U E XT I T UE E . We are lea-b-rs in our lire in Ncrth ( '.iroiina. nud l espcot fully ask au in spection ..'1' l.vk ami prices. mm Fall Stock Now Mm. A. (1. JUIODKS ,V C )., '.I F. Martin und M Friange l'lace. l: M.no.i. s. o. Sept. 12. lo-.i. :hu. lMINlsi n VfOL SNOTiCK 11- tll.' r I.. S.-.-.. J M. IOI'sT. ('vi-nn . iin-l Tru.l-Mi.loi.hLiincl. n:nl all 1'atcot bm.liicfi. ....int.i. i.J f-.r ioirnt.- 1 'I. our mil. i- Is 0;.-,..ii,. . s. I'.ilrnt Ot' tivr. We l.:ive p,i ili fl.-:.ri... nil biminAaa flin-cf. li.-iic. t-nTi ii..n.-.ict i-rti-if b ii-iiu-M in ks bin,- pii.l at Ii . in. i tl.uii tl..o rt-iuote from '..Hliair''"ii. h. iid i i. a.-', itrniii-i or i ,..!... niili drwrlp llon. y't- n Ivim. If l 1.--.M.. or u... fns? of CbarL-r our fc- p..t e n- I l- c.'i ' Hniri-l. A IKiok. lU-iv I , I'li-.un 1 .ia ::if. " ttith n-fs nr,- lo iiciinl -ii.'!i.! iii j-iur uati, cu-wiy Of ftowu, ttt-iil Inc. A.i.ircMi. C. A. SNOW 5s CO. . OviivuU 1'aU-nl Olllct. WulitKtlgi, D. U . 'J .Af V A N G E 11 ) Saw Mills, Plows, And y-Send fur Hi ill iii y( ikiiilu i u (ii:Ni:i;i. r.xmninox iMrgKr.vii'tNs ,v rruciiAsKs WV. AIM". 1M".DV VOW A LA IIC. I". iu s;ms. the most 'I I !.V ,!iln --.ir w:l: IN ' i. ,' '. M'ir,-- I.. ,.u .ere sti . s. !!: 1.1. i '.-.n..-..i, I w i.e.. (mm la,. ". ; . rT M 'I IS IK A OA. . j i i N DURHAI.I, H. C. 1) I7 GOODS. r , i fs I'.OiVIS. SliOKS, if ATS. k( : IIt 111.. st l:i 1tia!ltv, tltf nr-iin -i ly us in tiiiti i lu vti:..'.y li.ivtt l'tcii ci-ni'-i One Mighty Klfort lor TnuJo. Our Fail and W inter of.'erings will not aid eimiiot l e.snipa.sed. There is a limit Im-I-ov yvhi-li lion- est goods cannot be sold. We place on: l !:t.'::.s at viik LOW" WATFU .MAltK for safe and reliable goods sold under glial abler. Inspect i:s. cntieii-e us. know us. and you v. ill find we 1 al fair ai.,1 pu'.o you dollars. JON1..S iv LYON. Tyo Stort-d Main Street, Orb :(. l.V.t. l); ;:,i'.M. X. C. JoiicG Grove Trrict OF 1 1 .0 ACKLS. LAND FOll SALF. rt. f l'lln 'J.,li,i,;;,. ( ill lllhi 'Yillill f 7,(Ooa ii l'.tu l rns. , ui ,f'!'- . ..a Tli-iia.l-'fsli:n.-1 is-ninilll f Hi.. Trnf 111.-ri.lvcr.'ity "f S.-llli c.lr.-lliiH, -n i-lii 111 - Milt -l.i.v i.f N-.ven,l..-r li.-xl. I -'..'.-l. In- .i-t-iiiisi n, mi; i,(T,-r f..r s.- at nu--:i I. ii.-.. Or.-v.- ir.u-l .-I l.i.'io n.n, i.iuciii .1 ei,a., l mil mi. I I'litcl...!-.. I-..U.I. 1; .:l 1..-.I ..ti ii.. ii.-., irn.-iH ..t'..-iit i.ma. r, s.-.i. ii. n is n..ii-,i .1.1 ..I llii llll.-sl fKrins 111 ll:- S1H'.-. I..-I111: 10 II l,-i.- I i lirlt-in T.-I.i.--.-.-, i'..ti .u mil liiain. TI..- Mil.' lll I-.' l-v Un-ni-i- Hi n l.l nli-rnl.- uiwl .tl .-, T.lOi 11.. I -M.Mi-r ..i.-l Unit. Hi.- Ier:! 1. nr.- ..it.--!l.lr.l rnsli, Ui.- r.-iliiiui lr In :n- 1:1. -I lie..- ictitd Willi H 1 i-r .-.-ui Inl.-r.-s: ri-.-in -'V.-. " -. yv : r.'k iii:.-iii, wli'.i- .i..n'. -i- Ik .'ln-.. l li.il. N c., .ta miK. r .ill ..i.-sit-.iih iii.il h 111 Li on lc- I-111 I i-vi-ry yv. ...i K.liiy. 11111II snu-t..i ll,i t-li I'l" -.1 ll.. Will; H. kf.mi- r. ncrn.i'. JOU.N MANMSo, a. n. Minaarr. Lliae-1 liill. N. t'., St id. n,.L, Ic-e.i. Ami to those who have not purchnsfid their Winter and Fill poods. Yo des-i e to say that our t-toek is very lai pe atid has not in the least been im aired. We have Men's Clothing, Boys' Cio thing, Youths' ClOLhing, .... In larpe ipi- tit i ies. in many prades. aiul of tho best"' tptaiititv, all sizes and t;b ipus to lit auv and every bi dy. A la: pe slock of Full and Winter Hats ill e of tho. , latest di.-ipns. of 7 ,s ro 'K or (ucxfj i ri;ysnixa cannot l c excelled. -As ihe w inter approaches you will nerd au outfit. D not wait until ti.e sin k has been picked over. Call dm in;; (his week mid we will be certain to please- you, both in tpiality ai.d pi iocs. R OS., CLOTH SERGEANT MANUFACTURIi- CO.;. Greensboro, KT. O. FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Cans Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Andirons, Castings of livery Description. Frice - Liit. u 2 East Llartin Street, Canton Flannel, 7i, S. 1U at.d 12A cents per Yard. KSW PRIITTS, Our ttock of SIKU'.S for children eoiisi-ts of all sizes and cpialities and a: e cheap and p 1. RUBBER SHOES. W .- l ave mi Iiiiineiise Umpniu ill Ni'.W ! '- Si YI.K IN 3 mm HATS. "' sm s l iidcrneiir 1 "i ic i. piece. T ' " IP''' li:..:liO l.i-hts '' IN Mi'.N'S AND liOY.S' CLOTHISO. ."'Ill Men's and J" . h' Hals Ho and SO. .ri"li l!.)ys Cips li'e each. wm m toT "or desiu'iis and teiuis for TOMB STONES, c., apply to above d- die- March 11. 1S89. ly. gQJJg DINNERS OUGHT TO INSURE THEIR GINS in ; I i. mum co. This is a Homo company and d- serves tbe patronage of all North Carolinians. !' was i-rpanixed iu 1808 and hu i ti l over half a million dollars in losses and I hero is not one contested claim apainst it ! All losses paid promptly. Krery prudent, man cnil.t to insura hi prop. ity. For terms, &c, apjily to II. A. LONDON, Agnt W. S. I'KIMHOSE, Prosideut. ;s. pt. t :Lb, ish'J.

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