mm HATES ,1 II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PliOFRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER TEAR Strictly In Advanec. A World for Workers. Thi w.rl I In good enough for tbose who do lli.-ir nu t whi e in it, Who fliul the work they ought to do and cheerily begin I' ; It's far t o Ri cd for llio e who sppnd their diys in more compl-thiing, And tM.tter limn, unions they chans, the one they will he ga'nlng. The honest, earnest toiler gets his share of j iy and money; The lou I niouthed drones m -iy rant away 'tU work that wins the hon-y. Ilirtnn Hutlgrt. ELFRIDA'S PLACE. Old Sirs. Ualwny sat sorrowfully a' lur west window, watching tho apple gathering. AI)uvo tho hills hung a soft, yellow nii-t; the great chestnut (reo in tho lane whi turning to a bou quet of rustling gold ; the asten and dahlins nlong tho garden-walk were blossoming in gau ly profusion. "It's the year," said Mis. Gtl way, "I hut 1 havon't been ablo to help 'cm barrel up tho red sweets ami the ya'ler pippin?. And I'nr helpless with the rheumatics. O'i, dear, dear, to think it should coino to this! What's lint noic? I ll bet a tsiroway.secd it', tho cat among tho milk-pans! And it's time tii o kcttlo was over for lea, an I Sarah Super's forgot to omo nod soj to looked pitcoirdy up at the clock but just ai sin was about to lift up hei voice in shrill suni'iions, a footsie) creaked haavily on tho doorstep. "It's me,'' slid Sarah Mipor, a gray huired, sharp-feature I spinster, wh lived i:i the hotiso whoso yellow gibh end was just visible through tho map'e trees beyond, "i'm a liltle late, or account o' stoppin' to buy n paper o hair pins and two cnnh o' buttons of i. P'ddler that camo along." "I thought you never was c-ming ' said Mrs. (1 ilway. ctu'antly. Sarah looked slim ply at her. "I tell you what, Mrs. flilway," said she, "you made n gnat mislako when you set your fnco against Z nns' mar ryin' that jiro! ly fnctory gii I two ytai ago! If you'd a nice -stiri iti' daughter in law, now ' ' Instead of depending upon other folks to c omo and ho!p me yet," said Mrs. flalwny. ' 'I'm hcginniu lo th n't bo roysulf. lint if you haven't nothV letter to do, South Sqicr, than to in mind peoplo of their short-comings you'. I bctler go bark home again." "And time wasn't nothiu' against Funny Wallers ns ev -r 1 hicrd nn, " re fleclivel weut on S.irnh S iper, ns shu set a match lo tlio and kindling wood in th) cooking stove, "except her good looks. Yes, Almiru (ialwiiy, you mvlo n mislako tl.ero. Zimis ain't never been tho same man since.'' M. tlalwny moved uneasily in her chair. "Wherj is Z;nas, anyhow i" ques tioned tho merciless catcchist, ns she settled the shining tin tcakcttlo in its place, and slid tho dampers to let the sin ke go up Ihc. chimney. "Gouo lo town," curtly answered M s. tlalwny. ' F.h what fori" "To get a hired girl." Sarah Sopor opened her mouth aud eyes. 'Wei', I never," a:d sho. "You come to thai you, ns always said notliin' would induce you to keep a girl !" "That was before I had tho iniflnn mnlory rheumatism,'' sighed Mis. lid way. "Thcie iiin't no law against folks changing their mind', as I know on. 1 can't ho dependent on neighbor all tho lime." Mi-. S ipor chuckled softly. "The ideo of of Z-nns (la! way in one o' tl cm intelligent o rilico!'' said she. "1 would like to bo hid away and boar how ho manages ill ' "' iinss Tins can nianago as well ns ..nybody! ' sharply retorted Mr. 0 ilway. Hut she was nettled, nevertheless, nnd mo:o than onto whilo Sarah Sipcr was cutting tho brea I, bringing the butler from down cellar and opening a jirof preserved blackbcirioi f r tea, the said to hor-elf : "I 'most wish 1 hadn't mado surh a fuss over Zinas' notion for Fanny Wab ttr-!" Whilo iheso tlomntie preparations going on in thcli ilway fai in'iouse, Zona', llio son mid heir of tho estab lishment, was sitting, in a despairing Altitude, on a hard, unpAintel settee in Mr. Ciiimilingt' ' lleadquniter! for I)i meslic Aid," interviewing n long suc cession of hopeless imapablcs, of difl-r cut ages and nationalities. "Pretty hard to suit, ain't you? ' raid Mr. dimming, lifting his spectacled eyes above the line of his ledger at last. "It's no u-o," siid (Jdwi,-, in a di rected way. "I tlon't think m mother would have ouo of these women in tho liouso. ' ' "Wol. look here," paid Mr. Cum mins,, -hero' a gal just omo in. Jlebbo yet can cine to terms with ker." Ml VOL. XII. "But," (poke a soft Toico, "I want ed a place as companion." "Well, this is a place as companion," said Mr. dimming, doggedly, "to an old laly up country onlf she'll expect you to do the housework. " A silence followo I j apparently tho candidato was considering. "You've been cumin' nrter this com panion plnco for a wouk," utgxl Cum mings; "and you oiu't hail a cbancj yet, nor tho ghost of one. Ciniol bet ter take what you can get." A slight figure came out from behind tho curtained rail and confronted (i it way. Bho was a pretty, fair-haired girl, with timid, ha.ol eyes, ami a check Hudicd wiih nervous excitement. "Wliut wages do you give?" said she. "Eight dollars," nnswercd Zenas. "l'.l come," she dcciilcd, n'tcr a brief hesitation. "I mutt got somo sort of a situation." 'But I must take yju homo at one J," said tho you ig mau. "My wagon h w.iiting down I) -low." "1 must go homo after my clothes," aid Iho girl. "I'll bo back hero in half an hour. AYail ! ' And she vanished. "Now, "said Mr. C'ummings, turning over n new leaf in h's Iclger, "I call i hat a stroke o' business for l oth of ynu. They all want to In companions, or sec r.'tary, or somethin' o' that sort. It sounds moro high-toned, you know. But, nrlcr nil, good honest housework's the thlnr Mr. Cuinmings hero paused to talk wi'h a stout young man, who desircil a position at porter in a store. Z .Tias (Sal way nit staring at the check -eied reflection of the window panes on liio floor, ns they moved slowly along wilh tlio westering sun. And little Klfrida Howilt ll 1 swiftly down a n ir- j row sheet, up a winding stair to a close I little- apartment, whero lay a pile, ycu ig convalescent, tiying to whilo nwa the wenry hour with sewing cut-j'st beads ' on silken gimp for tho ncarott fancy , store. Sho looked up, her bright cyot all inqu ry. 'Well?" she said, eagerly. "I've got a place, darling, at last!' The invalid drew n long breath. "It's only eight dollars a month,"' pursued Ivfrida; "Intl'll send every r-nt of it to you, dear, uiril y.ui're well enough to ;ct back to th-i stoic. And it's quite a small family only one lady. And I'll try so hard tosuit hei !' It it, Fr da oh, dear Utile Kcida! what shall I tlo without you?" cricl the til con v.ilesccut, clasping her thin liandt. ' Wo mustn't think of that," said K frida, resoluloly. "You're going to get well, nnd then wo shall both tlo splendidly. KUs me, dear. I ve got I o pack my little bag, for the tho car ria;40 is woitinj nt the 'll"ii Iquarters. ' " "The cniriage! Th 'y must bo very giantl people," sail the elder filter. ' II it you haven't told nn tho address, Frida." ICi'frida stopped packing and reganled her sister with eyes of puzzled amuso ment. 'I forgot to ask it," faid she, "bu I'll send it bv mail. It will all le right, doar. Now one moro kiss, ( !" And Klfrida ran away, blinded by (he tears alio was to:) bravo to shed iu hor sister's presence. "It it very wicko.l, I wonder," she nsked hertelf, "to let her think I'm going lo be com pan ion ton sick lady! But something had to b) done, ov wo both should havo starved." It was twilight when Z:nas flalwny assisted his companion to nlight at Iho door of tho farmhouse under tho yel lowing in i pie boughs. "My mother is silting thero by tho window," said ho. "(io and speak to her; she can't como to you. Bho has no uo of her limbs." Klfrida Hiwitt advanced boldly to the kind faced lit le obi woman in tho cushioned nrji chair. Mn. (i ilway held out her hand with a smile. "Who are you?" taid she, pleasantly. I am iho new girl." "I am glad to sco you, my dear. What it your nnmoi" ' K frida Howitl." 'What can you do?" Klfrida colored to tho rools of her glossy, chestnut-brown lmir. "1 tan sing," said she, "and paint a little in wator-colori and play the piano; I can real aloud and em broider " Kind alive child!" cried out Mrs. Oalway, "what on earth tlo you sup pose is the uso of nil tint? fan you churul I you know how to cook, and wash, and make soft soap, and '' "No," aid Kifrida, her fringed lashes drooping an 1 her lip iii vcring. "But I can loarn I'm suru I can learu. if only you'll show mo how. 1'leasc do try me !'' And Mrs. Gal way found herself cry ing for sympathy buforo sho got thru ugh. PriTSHORtr, "Do ycu think l'vo dono riglU Z:nasl"tnid she tho next day. "Tho chilil knows absolutely nothing about housework, but nhe's string and will ing. S le's brnkcn two of the bun willow-pattern cups already, and shi let the clam-soup burn this morning whilo sho stopped to play with tho kitten. But she's such a sunshiny bit of a thing, and sho i cully doci want to learn." "Itight? Of courso you nro ri ht,' said tho cheery Zmas. "Never mind the clam-soup nn I t'i3 willow-pattern c ipsi She'll do firtt-rato when she's learned tho A B C of tho thing." "And Z 'na " "Y'et, mothei?'' ' S'io told in'.1 so mueh about that invalid sister of hen in tlwi tenement ho uso down in tlio city tho ono that's hail typhoid fever, you know that I vo most a mind I os-inly mi to bring her herj. S'le'd get well a deal faster tin new milk and countiy breezes, nnd llii ik of the company she'd bu to Klfrida!" "It's a capital idea, mother," said Z;nas. "I ll go!" ' Because, you know,'1 said Mrs. flil way, laying hor hau l on her son's arm, "it's somehow borne iu on 1110 that I've been sort o' hnrd anil selfUli all my life, and haven't thought of other folks as much as I oug it. And mu'.ibu this fifll I'ti'iu'j been laid ou mo on that ac count." "Nonsense, mother!" "It's tru i! Z -na. l'vo been too set in my way. Things m'ght have been very different if I liadu't st iod up si obstinate naintt your lie in engaged to Funny Walters two yoirt ago. If 1 cou'd only uido that mi.c'iief now!'1 Her lips ipiivero I ; she looked up to his face Ihiough a iu st of le ns. "That's all past and gone, mother," said Z nas. "We won't frit about it now. Ti ll Klfrida to write lo hi-r sister that I'll drive into town for her next Tuesday with tin eny cirry.ill, an I she. must bp ready to coino back with me.'' When Zenas look the le lor to cury it to tho jwstolhVe, he gavo a little start of surprise. "Why, Klfiid i. " said he' "your sis tei's name is not tin fa ne as yourt!'' "No," sail Klfrida, iiiiiocjntly. "Wo lire only half sisters; didn't you know thai? But we l ive each other just Iho same." Zuias (iibvay drovj into town on tho following Tuesday, with Ihe easy caiiy all and plenty of wrapt and cushions. Once more, in the yellow glow of twi light, ho brought back a pastenger, nnd led her up to the arm-chair whero Mr.t. (i, ilway fat knitling with half-closed eye. "Here sho is, mother dear," ho sail exultantly. ' Klfriila's sister an I the daughter-in-law you aro linging for iu your secret henrl ! ' "Why, Fa:iny Waltois!" cried Mis. (ialwny. F.tuny burst into lean on tho old lady's shoulder. "But not unless you I i I nn wel come," sho subbed. ' I'm too proud for Init." "Yt u nro welcome a hundred times welcome my J-inyhter! ' solemnly spoko Mis. (i ilway. "But but I don't un derhand." Nor I either!' cried K frida, who Lad dancod j youly inio tho room. "Is it true? Is Zrnas lo I e my brother? mil are wo all to live hero together? Oh, Fanny, F.inny, I am so glad!" "And so am 1," murmured Fanny, hilling her faco on Kifiida's neck. Utttui'ltii Jiitlit. Bather Mixed. In an Kuglish country church tho curatn ha I to givo out two notices, Iho fu -t of whi, h was about baptisms a id the latter ha I to do wilh u new hymn book. Owing lo nn acci lent he in verted tho order and g ivo nut nt fol lows: "I am requested lo nnnouruc that tho new hymn book will In uso I for llio fust tim i in this church on Sunda nel, and I am aUo request c 1 to c ill alto it ion to tho delay which often ta'cet pi uc in luinging children to bo bali.ei; Ihey should bo brought on tin cailiest day pos-ible. This is pirlicu'aly press it on mother who h.-.vj young babies,'' "And for tho informa iou of t'loo wl.o have none," added the rector in gentle, kindly tonet, and win being ileaf had not Irani what had been pro-viou-ly sai I "and for Iho inf irm i lion of thoso who havo none, I may statu if wished they cm bo obtained on application in tho vastr inun ) liately after si rvico to day. I.'inp ones, oii j shilling each; with sit IT larki, two shillings." A Chance lo Hoeover. "Sniilh"rs m goin to m ury that rich M ss Bunker a million dollar cold." "Hooray!' "I'm surprise I t. heir you lejoiro. I thought you dislikol hun." I tlo; but be owei ui i a hu,udio4 dollars." Ixttir, CHATHAM CO., N. C., ( illl.BKK.VS f OU MN'. IK AMI J'F.lilIAITt. If every oii( were wise nu I svtut, And every one were jolly; If every heart in glarine lient, And nouo wero inelaneh ily; If ii 1 1 10 nhoul 1 grumlile or complain, And nobody hln uld lnlmr In evil work, I lit each w re fnin To love and help his nei)hlor Oil, what a happy world 'twould ba For you nnd me for you nnd me! And if, -primps, wo both -In. uM try Thatglori iu time to hurry; If you nn I I- just you nnd I Should laugh ii Ktend instnad of w. rry If we .-.lioul'l grow just ymi and I Kinder mill swe -tor hoai ti d I'ei h ps in soni) ncr by-nnil by That good tine! mi ht get started, f ' Tnen wh it a happy world 'Iwo.ild be. For you and mi-for you and m THE Ml K SWALLOW A FAULK. A swallow was very sick, and sent for the doctor. When the doct ir cam;, be examine 1 tho patient thoroughly, felt Irs puis", loo'cod at his tmgue, asked him a great many rjticttims, looked wise, mil gav.i him a prescription. Tin swallow had no appetite, no strength, no souring capacity. He could do iiuih ng but lie in hit ne t and watch the oilier swallow ns ll:cy were d irling here and there gelling their food, build ing their nests, nnd rearing their young. The parents of this swallow were wiser than l!ici:' fellows, and having often Buffered the pangs of hunger themselves, determined that their darlings should ha raised above any such possibility, Bo Ihey stored up si'i'dt and ins c s and worint iu a saf) place, so that when their children w?ro grown they would have no nee.l loslr.ig;lo and tire the n rclvoi out to get food. But tliey were a tlelic itu brood, nn I all but the sur viving sick swallow had li.lod an early giavv The doctor Inbl tho suffering pa-li'-iit lo get two swallow i to (oine every morning and exei is' hiin. They weieto pull his legs with their bills, to scralch his body w th their claws, !o punch his muscle. gently with their bills nnd thus icstoic the ciiculatimi li his body. They were to assist him to the ground and show him where ho might find n fre-h worm wilh I. ul little exertion. The c inne.l provis ions had beeomo stale an tasteless, nnd lost n ic h of their noui ishi . power. Privately, he advised the two ministering swallows to let the patient do all he possibly coul 1 for himself, and lo chargo nil they dared for their services, ns it wou'd bo tho greatest mercy to the patient to get rid of fo much canned provision, and bo obliged to serntch an I hunt for fi e li. In this he set them a worthy example. I'nder this iciino the pa tient got belter, and his liking for fresh provisions, together with tho wise treatment and high charges of li s physician and nurses, brought him iuto a C'.nifoilab'.e statu of health. TIIK TOIl.l'.T OF. TDK FLY. Tho toilet of the fly i as carefully at tended to ns that of the most frivolom of liiiman insects. With a contempt for tho looking-glass, he brushei him self up nnd wab'iles his little round heal, full of vanity, wherever ho hap pens to I o. Semi-times nfter n long day of dissipation and rliiling, with his six small lc,'S and littio round bo ly all soiled with syrup and butter and crea'n, he pnssestutpf tho dining-room mil wings his way to Ihc e'ean while rord nlong which Ihc morning gloiies climb, nn I in this retired spit, heedless of tho crafty spider that is practicing gym nasties n few feet above him, ho pro. ends to purify and sweeten himself for ' the refreshing reposo nnd soft dr 'ams j of the lu'my sumin r night so necess ry j so ono who is ftxpet-tc 1 to bo early at . breakfast. It is a wonderful toilet. Besting himself on his front nnd middle legs, ho throws hi bind limbs rapidly over his body, binding down his frail wings for an instant with the p'ossure, then raking them over with a backward motion, wh eh he r qieats until th-y nro I right nnd clean. Tii. u ho pushes tho two bm'is along his holy under Ihe wines, rrivinir th it u ierr strut turo a thorough currying, every now and then throwing the legs out an I rubbing them tegetlnr to ren-.ove what lie has cd ccted from his corporal service. Next hegocsjto work upon hit van. He', ing upon his bind and middle legs, be raises his two fore legs and commences n vigorous set aping of head and shoul ders, using hi! proboscis every littio whilo to push the it-cumulations from his limbs. AI times ho is so energetic that it seems at if ho wcro trying to pull his head oil j but no fly ever com mit led suicid i. Somo of his motions very niuih resemble those oi pussy at her toilot. It is plain to tj mked eyo that he does his work thoroughly, for wluu ho is tinishel ho Icoks like a new fly, so ck-i.n and neat hn lie made him self wilh n a few minuloi. The whilo cord i" defiled, but F oppy is himself gain, antl he biilt tho morning glories very goid evening. JVw t-IkmoeraL OCTOBER 31, 188!). BROKEN CARLES. Searcliing for the Severed Wires in Mif'o)an. How Injuries are Inflicted Upon Cables. The location of a cablo break is very accurately determine 1 by n process known to electricians and by an instru ment which disclose how far nn elec trical current, started on a given line of wiro, travels before it meets with inter ruption. Tlio calculation of tin dis tance to the bicak undo on this side thu At antic elTu In checked nnd continued by a similar calculation made on the other side, although such a confirmation is scarcely necessary. After hav'.ng found out how lar from land the break i', tiie only other thing the captain or navigator of the cable steamer wants (o know is iu what direction that distance is to be travele I; a id as tin course of the c ild: is perfectly welt known fnin Ihe fact that wh mi the cablo win laid accurato tbicrv iiions were tuk'ii by the cable layers, and records male, the cable s e inier starting out to do tho re paiis can steam direct! over tho spot where tho break is located. Of coursis when the statem-nt i made, it is not at a'l meint that the location can bo determin -d within a few inches or a few feel, but it can bo determined within a very limited nrca, so that the grappling for the cmK of the c ib'e do not usually extend in g' oil we.-itl' r -ver a peiio I greater than two or thieo days, and soinet inns does not la-l evn'i so long a that. The grappling irons nro immense nf fails a taclie 1 themsolves toe ibb-s inainp ulate l from the deck of I lm steamer, and are plunge t downward mil dragged over tin- bottom of llnocan. When the cable Is linilly grappled, th'! fact : u ,n'" clear a' win )i en t ni the lino b; reason of tho stinin to which tin fr ipi ling- iron i. subjected, precisely as a lisht imiii knows that he has a lish on his honk by Ihe in crea-e 1 tautness of Ihe line. The only difTi.'icm e is tint' in the rue of Ihe grappling iron I hi stiaiu is revelled by s'i instilment on board Hie ste.-imei kmwn ns Ihe dynamometer. Wile i this in-st riim -nl reveals t In presence el such n strmi as iho gia;iplin; of Ih t-.ibl'i would bring about, Hie iron hauled up with the cable at I he cud "f it. Tho repirevs always ciU'Uia'.o to gnpplo the cib'e about ten miles away from the lioinl at wh't-l tin bleak has (c uired. If Ihe irons grappled tlx table ti n near tin end. ihe cible would slip away long before it rc.irVd 111 ilick of ill i sic iiner. I.I soul- in-d incr no break has on- ured at a'l. an I elec trical communication hai b eu inter rupled peilnptby Ihe destruct ion of (lit insulate I covering of Ih - cible, or by st nio defect of n similar character, that when the grappling-iron appears at the sin face of the w ater I he entire length of cable conns in with it. The break is then split--A, or tho defec'.srcin lied. nnd ihc rehabilitated cable is consigned onco morn to the b isom of the mighty deep. ():' t-nine many times it is not possible to di.'leiiiiiiie exactly what the tnuso of a cable break has been, but usually the trouble is that the cable has been laid Uo taut, and it has I.. okcii or been damaged iu a seiiou way I y reason of tho immense strain resulting on this t xct-ssivo tautness. Tho eonsi'qiienca is that, whenever a re pair is made iu mi loec.ri, the repairer cut away all tho twisted and strained cable in the imnndiato neighborhood of tho break, nnd do away with all possi bility t f tautnets b pulling in twenty fiv." to fifty lil ies of new cnb'o. This may meander down tho side of n sub merged Mount Washington, or max curl quietly up in (In ba in of a Mohawk Y.iHey, but, whatever il d iei, then is no chance of the i abl b.'-aking in that particular spot again trom b big drawn too light. Outside of this, cables nro frequently damaged by tin anchors of vessels, fishia ' vessels chietlv, which a ic'mr fir , ,llB ln"K" (,f carrying on their lisliin Act i Icnts of this kind occur of omir-i' near llio shore or on tho banks of New b u dinnd. Tho anclior becomes in t ingled with tlie table, an I. rather than spend the lime necetsary to g-t it free, the cable is dragged up and c it and the vessel procee Is on its w iy. Simply lo avoid n littio Irou'i'o llio captain of a fishing vcs I w.ll put a t able cuiipany in for t'n il sands of dollo'S of expense. The liluition is by the table t- uiipmies, and Ihoy havo a stand in offer to indemnify any vessel for the loss of nn anch ir, an I they p iy out large su ns of money eve-y year on (his icoie. It will be seen thai, there is no po-s: I ility of verifying such c nuns, and Ihe c nscqii -nco is that fabe t lninufor damages havo inuloubledly been put in till unscrupulous captains havo c'l Iccle I money for anchors which were m-YU lost. NO. 0. Another source of Iron lo to the ciblos are tho icebergs. These iceberg! floating down from tho nrctic scat fro- jueutly extend b-jiiciith the surface of the ocean for many hun lieds of fa'h- oms, and tho b.vso of tho pissing ice berg catching the cablo bean it ouwurd ami liually snaps it in two. The bot tom of the ocean varies iu depth in a very mnrvellou way, i i lit il tho path these iceberg! usually take. Oil the banks of Newfoundland tin boltorc is reached sometimes at so iuc onsldeniblo a depth as 7 to l'JO fmhomt. What thit distar.c it may bo estimated when it i staled tnat, roughly spc iking, there nro 1UO0 falhomttolho mile. Bit from tho point whe o the depth is 100 fathoms the ocean bottom goes down the side r.f a mountain to 2 '!) fathoms, or two miles and n half, within a very short dista ice. l'erhaps Iho bottom rises up again and Ihe cabb) hangs In I ween the two sub merge 1 inoiinl iin tops, and this ic:berg coming along ou'etlv p c'ts up the loop thus forme 1 nnd carries it onward until j tl o -st r i in results in an absolute rupture. Acta Yor'i Wnl.l. A (.'liinpse of .Mikmlo l.nml. There is a distingiiishi.- 1 .lananesn gentleman visiting in New York. His name is I'lince Torn Ilodii of Tokio. lie is visiting this country looking up consliiii!ional government, for .liau will have one of its own next year, com posed of fi'K) nninbers, .'I'M in the As sembly ind 'I HI in t'io S n.nte, and I'lince II 'shi will be the Senator from Tokio. wants to bo able to explain bow a goveriinmit for the pe qile should be run. Too m-imbers of tin ' t' ui gie) of .1 q in," as the l'lini-: calls it, will be e'ec ed for bull' yean each at a salary of $'i MO. p-oplo who will get inio that Cmgiesi will all be rich iinn like (be I'riniv, who is a banister in Tokio, gra in lie I fi-ni K'n C'lhg', and speaks I-. ig ish lla-nt.y. lie says iho M k ado had to s net u ub 1 1 it con ti ll ioual foini of ft ivcriiiii -ni by th" forte of public opinion, an I .Iqini will : be a S'liind V iiikt-o nn 'ion belue I ng. The I'. int i- has tiaveit'd p e((y linn !l i a'l over this couo'ry, lin sent, le in- 1 copies oi all ii it iii i) il a el S at" dcp-iit- i mental lepol Is, I' i in wlileh ilen Mil leilelivel lo illlll nir.'ll'- s I'll ll 'II dep.l-t incuts in .l.ipin. The ( ', ui,l is -inali in .sliil lire, weli do-siel, di'.n'is b-er l.kt-a flerinnn, an I says then- is not a Yankee hi .lipiu I'll! is giituix rieli. Yankee Ihere he say-, are looked upon in peo ple of digu it y, and res etc I an I en i-ourrg "I accordingly. The fount is p.u I ii ularly inl -lestel in tin- method of woiki ig prisoners of State, and death by cb'cti icily, for, he snys, iu-tea I t f hanging now. .1 ipin will u-e wire next, year. Tut- M kalo, In; s.ys, hu a great alTi-i'tion f ir Aineticans, and even thing AiuiTicau -c-pt our popu'iir (ioveni inent. The d n il has seen the oldest history of any ct ii itry in the world Unit o I .1 ipan which is ll.i -o thousand years old. It is complete for twenty live bundled y.-ars, 11 -nvs it is a great history, nn I all it w.i us is'j Yankee t'ditir to "boil it down" lo m ike it a thrilling book. V iC 1 ". '. Medical ill lies of Onions. On" day 1 was tak 'ii with chills and h-nd tcln, signs thai my old enemy, ma laria, was nu hand. M ' qiiiuiin) box was empty, and I was looking forward to a reslless, sleepless night. In des perado I I peeled a raw onioi and ate il, and then went to be I, wiih warm feet and an extra comforter, when, presto! 1 was asleep in live minutes, a id awake I in the mor.iiug fie; from ma laria and rea ly fi r the day's duties. homely but strong friend will bo appicciatc I in lime as a medicine, and if agriculturists would turn their atten tion to raising a model onion, wi:h ihc strong scent taken out (hat taints the bicalh so linplc.tsiut J, families w id In putting Ihc r "pills'' in Ihe cellar by Ihe barrel, and iln doctor would la e to onion fa-inin ;. Tin onion acts as a rarlhatie irid diuretic, and liny help to break up a cold or lessen the bad symp toms. Slid a doctor : "1 always store a bairel of onions in my cdlar during tho fall. Wo hnvi-ibem looked tw.ei n week, and whoever of the family is Ihrcaleiiel with a told cats sonio onion raw. If this vegetable woe genein ly eaten, Iheie won d bo no diphtheria, rheiimati-in, gout, kidney or stoninch trouble. Bui bless you! Ihc young nnn nnd women are afiaid lo eat them. O io young man went so far a to siy to me: 'If my wife ate onions I would get n bill of divorce.' ''--.Iiito-iii (iiriUii. The Afro for Consumption. Cojisumption is raie in childhood, but increases rapidly afle.- the a ;n of 15, and is mi'st c iniinoi between tho aget of 25 .riil ii". Those who escape it till the latter age nro less ami l-ss proiio to it ns they ad-aiivc ia years, an. I may ci capo it cut. rely, eves thou di may have a heroditury predisposition, to it. ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- One square, two niaertiong. One square, one month - 1.00 1.60 2.60 For larger advertisement liberal con tract will be made. The Spinning Wheel. I would I enulil a wooing go, Quick would I fare unto the hall Wli-i-..- Bessie, with her t in eks aglow, Hums with Ihe wh el ogiiinst tho wa'li And down Li-fcre the feet I d kn's-l Of ll-ssient spiiininx whe-l. I'lie Minlighl gleams tho hillside athwart, To color loses, wlmat and wine; Soduivn the vnll -ysof my heart, J) i bounie lies-ie's bin eyes shino; They hine on in - unlil I reel l.ikti her own restless spbiniiig-wheel. Ih" shuck upon Iho spindle ti-d Toereto the snowy r 'II is liouud: Then 1 .nek word with n graeo'ul Miide, While - Mil, anil, io.-il, th') who -1 go-i r 'iin l Tims Il.ii.sie, to her labor leal, Ilt-L-iiiK lo work her spiiining-wlirel. Now foster die, Ih .- wliiml around, And li'it-kwnrd g le r slip'reil f'-ot. Then forward till'the yarn is wound. And Ini'g'iig i nil !. the hroiu h complete, Coiuiil -te upon tin- ointod stt-ul Of Bessie's busy spinning wheel. Fa r I'. -.ssie with the golden hair, iSne.t liessie with tin; d ep lillle eyes, Is , wiMing f' r mr heart a snortt Kin-h tiui" th" slen h-r spindl (lies. A s- uiv for m winch I shall feci. Caught by Hie I'a'e Hint turns tlio who .'I. Ai.d so I must a wooing go, Anil quick betake nn- to the hall Where ivy civ -ps nu I r ises blow-, And Sol lliiiiis kisseso'er the will, And at lie-dainty feet must kneel (If Ii ssje nt her spiniiin; wheel. Wil t mi T. Dfiii'is in Alhiiiln I'nnslil linn. Ill MOKOI S. The cane manufnet uier sticks to lis business. Internal r-ven uc The le'ciptsof n rc'sl :i ii ant keeper. The balloon is never nnetled; nnd yet is without visib e in -a n of support. When I ho bub t talk loo much his stories mi: geneially illustrated w.l'i cuts. A sister's lovo is very sweet mi l hoi ,-, but il ,s'i'l nt all salidi-ig if sin is your on n sls'er. AHi- a nun has been married a few yeais he in ver dodges wln-il his Wlfo throws anything at him. Another iinii In. invented an airship which be dei 'aies is "boon I to sue teed." It tan b- depended up m to . ii 'i ecil - in kill n ; the inventor. When a linn leels g, iu ; aim! her man a pii ' ' ol bis in il I li duuil I think aboiii it, A man slioiil I k. e i liiimiii l logi:' b"- if In wa its to be c in foriablu. I'lilic. iu in : "l) yo'i la's - c ire of the do-.'' .ii:s'.' gir ; -No. Tho mis-is soys I'm to i J'oing an 1 l:n ii-ri -j eac'.-il. I only loo'. nl';c tin- child c i. " j A banker, comphii nin ; I hut lie news seal luin per coble by his correspond -nt iu Is hi b America was not fresh, the bit-lir.-is'icl, --lbi. can you expect news I that conies lliiuii ;li si much sall Walel ' to In fri-h; ' ! The unit her of a family was saying j thai as so.ui as the youiigct child reached a certain n :: she should break iiji the mn seiy. "(Hi, Inanimn," said one of tie chil I ieu, "thai will In lino sport. 1 will bicak up the cl.a U nnd .loliu si, ,11 h.-eak up the tables." j The Tiii-lle-fiitchlug liulii-tiy. I Cedar lvy, Fla., maybe t: -1 i the bcailiiiiarlers of the business iu Fror 1 j iila, its sa e i f green lut 'les niiioiiut ing j to uboii' sf'.'o.OiM a year, withap-oi- peel ,oi increasing n amount ra l liy, now that iii-an of transportation to tho north are beiomin more convenienl. This town scuds oil' over l-UI tuilling vessels, and has iiimu m-n and money employed than aim ist all iho ol het scnt'icm n u-is c nubim-d. Few indut- tries pa v bel ler inteicst on tlio capi'iil invested, hence one rarely bears Iho turtle veiideis c nupluiu of dull luu kets nnd bird tini-s, ibeir cust nien being persons who en i afford lo pa, for the costliest luxuries. Tiiillcs are capture I either with seines or ' pegs'' er b ith, usually in fioin two lo six fa boms of wat.-r. The men engaged in tin InmirMs nn largely compiMi! of na ivct of the Bihama islands, who are known I ci'ly as conks, lesidents of the Florida leefs, a few "maiolaiiders, and an occasional negro. This is probably tho b -st paid labor iu tin: South if Ihe ttea-oo i. f.avoriblo. it bin; nolhing mi usual fur them to cam from l)1''0 ssluil a week, though ihe,- bel lit I l-i like grumbling if it doc! not a iioiml lo over :i I. - CA cn j Ti ni' ... A Peculiar Aiiniveisnry. A t nri'iiis e lo i occurred ccent ly in the Cuy of Mexico. It was tho ;S h iinniver arr of Ihn punishment in lliclcd upon K npertir Cuau'i'ein i: by Colli, to induce him to reveal tin hid ing p'ac! of the Montezuma treasure. The nceling was held mound the statue of Cuauhtemoc, nnd was alien led by Indian li fin thn most distant villages, Ii -sscd in the line. cut droit, who exo-:-iile I dance of Iho time, of tha con -ipicd. An a hire -s iu tho Indian lun Luage was delivered by tho govoioor ot TliHiala. i'hicayj Jhra'ik