THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1SS!. H. A.. LONDON, Editor. Today at Faycttevillo will occur tho grandest celebration ever hold in this State, l lie occasion being the one hundredth anniversary ol the ratification ol tho Federal Const'itu lion by North Carolina. In July, 1783, ft convention of tlio people ot North Carolina was held At MU boro', nnd by a vote of 1S3 to 84 de clined to ratily tho proponed consti tution. Tbo majority in that con vention feared that tho rights ot the States were not sufficiently prole-led in Iho proposed constitution, and were unwilling to enter the t'nioti unless certain amendment were nado to the constitution. Accord ingly when Congress convened cer tain amendments (known now as tho ten amendment) were pasted by that body and sti'1 r.ittod to Uioj everal Slates tor ratification. An other convention was then held in this State, assembling at Fayette Villo on the third Monday in No Vember, 17?t and on tho 2lsl day of that month lot malty ratified the Federal on:.!!tutiou ami -Nor. m. ai-: service ot thegovernn'".;t, he would o'.ilia at las. became a Male ot the: . soon discover to his sorrow whether Union. j ... . . NorthCiuvlinusdelayinratilyint;!110 as conductn- on -Mnctly Federal C,n:.'.itutiou and Noi ili Car- the Fe.tvral Co.isiiP.tion was the ; Ctnet cause ot mat iiisu uuiein oeinj; ... ... . . . ..,. ,,, i:,,.,.. ! Mini imr eil amenocd am! pcile. te.i. .iiu.oui cm eens have good irround to be proud j of that tact. Her i!:al ratilicaiion ; at Fayetleviile, iii the 211 ot No-1 Voniber, 17 was an event ot such great importance that its centennial anniversary is well worthy ot the grand celebration that today com- niomoiMtes it, and we wish thatj uverv citizen ol our good old Stale j could be present to join m its exor i. ioin in its !. ; cises. CllIKV .) l siu Ii S:uiih died at Ral eigh, on Tliursday ol last week, alter quite a short sic': n.-ss, in the seventy eighth year of his age. He whs : man of remarkable iiuritv of char acter, and his life may well be held ! up to the young men of our Slate as an example worthy ot i-nihuion. True to every trust an.! failhtsl in ; all things, he was a consistent Chris- I tian, ti "learned jurist, an upright j iudifo. and a most courteous -'ciillo i mtii in .1,1111, hi-v 1s?S. he vuh I appointed Chief J utice ol our State .Suprome Court by t.ov. Van..-, : "' till the vacancy occasioned by the! A most eloquent and able diseiis death of Chief Justice Pearson, and ; arifi "I""1 the report of the had been twice .'let ted by the pcopie j eommittee appointed lasl year ti to retail, that position which he had i thd " Baptist IV o much adorned. j mule College. The win m.Hee :veo:u It was our pleasure to become , endo.l the effort and .- nitii.tory personally acquainted with the do-1 endowment was . -T --l . . ! tho re ceased .luring the impchmcut trial Ji""'1 o1' thr tominittoo was unani ot Cov. Hohieii, and the favorable j mou-s'.v a-h'p'ed. impression then made on us has; been strenirt heiied b ol more intimate In that trial were engaged the ablest law yers probably ever employed in any case in this State, and nl the time we expressed the opinion that Mr. Smith made the ablent argument d them all. and that opinion has since beon expressed bv many of the most learned lawyer iu the Slate. Ol ail that able array ot' counsel only judge Merrimon now survives. President Harrison was publicly s. burned iu clligy, last week, at Jef forsonville, Jndiuiia. i course it might naturally bo supposed that this was done by some bitter "Botir- bon" democrats; but no, strange to tay, it was done by some ot the j lo..t.. 1 I" -I I. I l-l i.u.j iwyui lepnui.cans: x ucre bad been much disMittisfacttot) among j court judge a position that he has! 'own increases, but unless the oppo the. republicans ot that town at sev i filled with so much honor to l iniselt "iili,''n u '', ia t!c:i1 "",lv eral of the l'resideut's recent up-! and benefit to our people. ; &"'r V"' .' 'l-,,a. 7 .'fl. .!'".' .nntinents, but tho immediate cause oi their violei:' outburst of indigna tion was Ins appointment ot the! postmaster, who obtained his ap pointment solely because he was a personal friend of the President. .. Tbe burning in ctliiy ol tlio FreH- I u,olr M,l's 01111 tr3' "H "' l'Tlnnes m iu, t .- ., ,' v, . , some oilier Stale. It is mini thai idsnt ot tlio tinted .Mnlos is uis- ,.....,.. u , i r,,a tliero were about l.i.'io entbiisiastie gracclul to all contomeJ, and if it ,..oiliistei-s" i tlio town. At t!. bad been done by any ISoutbern depot an inter -iin siiecia(l was democrats they would be bitterly donounced by every republican j.oli ' tieian and paper as boing disloyal to tli iiiitional govcriiinent. Alas! poor Harrison seems to have the peculiarly winning way of niuking .cweiiiies among tlio men wlio elected him, and when bis term expires he . ivrll bo respected cvon less tlian was tho jiifmljle Jlayes. Rr.vzii. has thrown oft' her mon arcbical torm oi government, as pub lished in another column, and will ixtcomo a republic like all the other governments in tbo Western Hem isphere Her late Fmperor, jiuni Pedro, was a wiso nnd progressive rnler, and te this is due the fact that .Brazil baa not sooner joined the sis terhood ol American Republics Brazil is an immense country in area and resources, and wo wish hc-r nnd her pivj.le a career of increased jroaj?rity. Tiix Mail service -of' the United ' States government is now worse mis nianagoti that) vo have ever before known, and is simply disgraeciui.' And yet that sanctimonious hypo erite.tho t'-ost master General, lms the audacity and mendacity to doHare publicly thnt bin department is man- aged on strictly business principle. ;,(js sh(UVHll0NV ho ,.,.,;,, ,, and without regard to politics. Tlnsi!(MV he keeps that popularity. He statement is so ridiculously lalse that ! has a lriend here who is in the toils no sane person believes it. Proofs ! ot Hie law. An application wan to . , ,.i i , . t : I , be made in his favor to one of the ot its lalsity abound on every side. ; , . . . . ., ... , . , " , ; local courts and -Joe JSIackburn, as and are of c.uily occurrence. l:.spe-j hi0 wov , 0, vvviy w horo cially is this the cas in North Oiuv- j t ;l iH, junior Senator "iroin Ken IPiia. We defy any man to show tucky, was asked to join several wbero or how the mail service has ' "tl,yr I'.vom in this move on behatt . t t t- i ! t tin1 prisoner, lie readilv eonaent- been improved vy Wanamakor in . . ,. 1 . . ed. but at the last minute it was dis this State. On tho contrary com- : t.V01Vl , Senator til.ickburn was IM.,,., vun.u seew.n, vn ; ()l t me;1, oer o, I - nr. 1 the State about the delays and irreg-! he aJlow that to Ireeze him oat ot ; ularitiesot the .nails, and tlw nef.;!l.l,M'",S1' , , 1 i "I ! ti.M.xwv nl tlio iwwlv H!iint( i.ust- ! .i ..i ...i. . . . i. :.. placo (Pittfslwro') our citizens mv'onlmil put to much inconvenience by the trcjueiit and provoking delay in the arrival ol letters and pap;rs; caused by the ignorance or careless n ess of nome route ugent. It Wanamaker sh-culd employ iu ! at Fhiladolphia such incompetent I men as ho lias ctnj'loyeil in the mail ; l I : ii ... ... . UK liAl'llST .lalO V OIIV0I.UOI) ,ts MlU "' '"eeting last week at tlendcrson, and the f'ilow ln. ouicers were elected, viz: 1 resi- , I. lent, Col. R. L. Polk: Vice Presi-, (i. W. Sanderlin, l. D., and lr. C. ; A. Rominger : Recording Secreta- j ries, . B. Brou-xbtiin and (ieo. W. I 1 ti-eene Greene: Treasurer. J. 1. B i;shail : t orrcsi spoudiug .'-'ecretary. Rev. Iurhan:: and Auditor, V. N. Jones, The report of tho Board ol Mis sions wasot most encouraging char- aeier. Siuco the Inst uicotiug ot tl Convention thirlreii missi. maries hr.v i"ne from the Baptist of .North Cnrolii.a to the toreiirn lic,l!. " larger ..umber pivbahly thai trom all the other religious deiioii.i !" " ic commuci increase in the work of the ,..: i Mhw'ous is remarKable. I en year-, a- the number ot uiUsioiiai ics en- -:l-'ei1 ll,-' tiltl jii worn was The Mttn then eol,- .' trib'.uod lor Slate Missions was A Boanl ol 'J rusiees to b ated al iliiiingloii, was ap lilited to provide ways and for tl.. -ai ot tho aged and indigent Bapt: ministers ot Xortb Carolina. (i.'V. FoWI.E has i.jipointed .!.'e!" A. S. Merrimon Chiel .I'lisu.-.' ot o n- ! Suj.reinc Court to ! occasioned by the Ih vacancy Uh ot Chiel Justice Smith, aiol has iqqioiniel Judge Walter Clark Assoeiatr Jus tice in phee ot JteL'e .Mt-rrii!i,,n. j llo has also apiointed Spier Whit I akei, Esq., .1 udge of the superior court to till tbo vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Judge Clark. While we think that JmL'O Clark deserves bis promotion and will make an excellent Supreme Court Judge, yet we regret that the Sra's will lose Ins servieis as a supei I I lit' .xccro hxodtis. frm th N,w Hrrnc 'lurtihl. M-li lns(. I At KiiiHlon yesterday tho town was crowded with negroes aniimi to shake the North Carolina dusi oil' preseiueu in un nugo mass oi nig- gi'go piled ' .- be plailorui. ;,i meat boxes, ions other box--, barrels, triu. - :' all stoiccs m 1 sizes, were pik.i ten If-et high oi -he pliitiorm. The train coaid not ac comrnodate all who wanted to go. and even il thero had been iv.m I hero were many who would nt have been allowed to go. The gration agents are a little partieular about whom they take. One ro 1 cocked and over bis shoulder. H,u-! ln p1!1'1"""-' to your 3 oung cavg.. .juireincnt is that a man must be Mersou'a gun wns accidenUllv dis- jthc importance of c-.ulining th-in married. A strong man Mauds a i chaigtd and the load enteied Jones' i "t'lvtM ,0 ,!o truth except w.iei, btter cl anco than a weak I v fellow i head. sri((.rinir l,ri,,a i,r,,,i. i.A some fancied ad vniitajre luigbl be ob Marriages have taken placo at the depot in order that tho requirements : might be met and the 'dial-.. cou-l pie" be allowed to tako the waiting ! j,.ajn j T '. 1 I Jt is cMimated that about five hundred left Kinston yester- ay, . they having from Jones, Put and Lenoir counties, principally. j The exodus movement is getting : to be a serious matter with tho farm- era. It is reported that some white : pooplc in Lenoir county are leaving j also. Oiir Washington Letter, (Frum our F.-ranr Coinpcnileiit. Washington Nov. 15, Senator Blackburn is wio of the ; miost ponular, it not, the most poua !ar iiuin in public life, with the boys". . . ' ... . ! ' ; ' , , . ' in.l now the prisoner ikmii i This h;is been iv.ii wock ior our ; celebrated their eei.tei.inal in Bulti j more. Then on Wednesday they dedicated their big I'niversily here, i rhe dedication ccrentouirM cj-e at-! tended by the President, Vice Presi- j dent, the entire cabinet, several jus- j tiees t the npieine ( olirt and quite a num,0. 0nators and Repivsen- tatives. At the bampiet wnicl. lot , '. ; lowed the ceremonies fvcrctarj ! I'd-dne rcMonded to the 'cast tur i '"'"n t. ij i . u. .... ... . v i(oii!,!iv and our resident , in a j m;U,1K.- wn ie t,,in,oll .uuioi, , . ex e, . eo,,y . ot cvervbodv J m I o . ee .1 oo-i o u s out: i 'ns Three America's Congress !.:., k in Wnshiiu'tiin but owin.? to : , . , . - Mho tatiirne ot its members, regular ;;ttis' wi; ,., U,.jn unil nexl ; Week. The delegates arc cnthuj.ias tie over ttiey saw .luring their ''"'V l!is "!1' around thr country .ir. vvauan.auer noes no. iiie ine In.ltn.i it n.'l liifl-t" U'lli.'ll StMliltol' n-nll()11-N stin-in-lelicr has hunir to his coat tail for the rest of hi lite. 1 n view ol l he lact that Vice Presi i . . ii ... i. . 1 oi- aparunciu i.ouse in II. is city, or lil'ls lair to Iwiue a Nat ' isue, your cor r,'spi;iidci.l deems it only fair to say that there if no bar room, as such a place, is eoinnioiily known, in the , I I'liiei'.iig, but, in one end ol the caie , there :.i'o a nun, her .1 tubles at which you can s't and U- served with all the liqib-r xoii cure to pay lor. Senator .vlu i .nan has returned tr.iUi ( ' in t!,e best ol humors. He ti:i.l. it in:pi':ii!i' to hid-e l.iselation over I-"- cakei-s ., Here's what a',0 to a newspaper man : -We .Verc defeated, as everybody knows. but thp rej'iil'ocan party has been deleated in Old,) bet'.-re with the re suit ol iloing it good. "Could any ihiinr be plainer than that ? Assooii as Mr. -Sherman arrived here he weni to the vYhi'.e ll-use, presumably to or.grati.iaie Mr. Harrison on the strnntary ivuioul of what looked at ou- time like a dangerous rival ol Lis in 1 Hoiiht li'.s Presideot Harrison chu, k led as he t hough t that th i !.i , eie, lion re: loved two rivnls i n -tend ,,i em-as M r. Sherman hinks P-.r j'.ist ascertain as Sherman help ! ! remove 1" oraker iu l.s'.t will Foraker ,.eip to "down" Sherriian ill Is; li is:, t oilei. ti.Ht your cor : -:-!::. !,'. imltilges in making pre d:,tions, but thi paragraph to be !i;ii a) i r, . i.-i'o' I .-liould be put a Way :j!iti! tti- Sumirn-r ot I St2. i'residept llrri-oii'i ine5M:ri is complete, ll wiil not he printed be lore its !. livery to Coiiirrcss, as has been tl,--1 .ist.mi lor many years past. I'. i.ii'-L: (hat il r. ay be prematurely .ii 1 -! -'.."i President Harrison has .' .1 I -I l !i:it oi i t r. o or three type v. ,i 1 1-.- .-oi.i.'.ot it .-hull he made lor ihe press as.oeiat ions, and they are to be ii. a I,- in the While lloiiiteand not -riven out until il is known that li.e r :i lln' of it has been begun at the Capitol. li i-i gin- t" look as if there would he tiht over the speakership. The only andidr.te that does not appear to he afraid ol big Tom Peed'' as the Representative from Maine is gen era'ly call, o here, is Representative Cani;ini. He tried to get the other i an li, l.-tt, s to join him iu acombina lion against R I, but they all de clined. Tlomrs may crow more ex r citing as the r ,'.niber of inembers in ,',,. .,. ; ('1' '? "r , " l'r""" , 1 , ,. llo!,! I!. because "; V rm"u l pniii'"g 'u cei l- l.i . mi I n 1 ,'nl mi nilitofibe recent clei t.on, be trarr j aiUvrnvrrthc bu l.'tinc.l aiinoiin.e , O no bad noiiedenuieratie. 1 1 ilorno. rals: lu're are roi reellv in-i lornied the next democratic Senator Iroin 1 :iio Will U- eil her John R. McLean or Calvin S. Brice. A Shocking Accident. R vk. G:i..ovci..ber 10. A hock ir.gneeid. rt oeenrn d toJav. tun miles : j fnuu Vdartown. Rev. Mr. Henderson, ' I pastor of the P.iptist .Church st Vdar-' town, c.-ideutallv shot and killed Gabe i Jnc-s. Tbe uieii wore out bird hunt 1 emt-;ingin ar, open Ib id. Herdersou WB8; in advance of Jours, with bis cuii 1 ground. ; . A ria-riH' of Rinbt bci la. . , x, . ... , i r.isiMBT, Ind., Nov. 1C D:ph tbci ia bus become so prevalent bere ,al hJ1 tha Bl.ho(1.rt ,ave t,.n ,.icie(, several deaths have occurred. Mr. : aUll M,H. K. Bullock lost within ft w l1llV8 all (hoir chiMnUt osir in : number, and four other members of ; tbe same family have Ihe 8auie disease ! in a bad form. Tbe authoiitifa are. taking strong measures to stamp it , t,uL I A Involution in iiiiuil. I Stoo T,e Jankiiio, J5iu.ii., Nov, lii. j Tbo country is in the Jlhroos ot a J revolution, Dot only civil but mili - resignation o. mo ! -iiiiutl', tlw 4, .11 ... ,,Ui. Dom Podro. !,,, e llld lho En .,,ire : is now a thioir of the nasi. The going ovarii! a body ol tho Conserv alivo taction in tho House t-i the! l!cpublicns made it a possibility! and a certainty, '1 hrouglmut thei country the greatest excitement pie ' vails, and the news vi' the ivvidtiti)u spread over tho entire new born re- pulilie with inconceivable rapidity. ; From every city comes words ol en couragement and nppiMVal, and the spirit ut republicanism ban pcrmea- tod in its entirety. The prov -;iiice area unit in support of the incoming (iovernmeiit, andiu view , df the tact that the miiitarv forces the la lid are in li 1.0 W i til the IV VO- iolists u ,. ollv bo ft muV0 j ' r"" i I hoox Mtiiisirv lias irivtii IM Hi! hope ot a turn be.iiir uiaile in lavor , ;t ,0 0,.l,,lt,,,mt.1,'i u, ,Ml. Fmpire. 'and tl.ev admit that the pro.-pects .-,., .. i ; s.i i l.-i., .1., ..amero ol a republican torn, ot gov ernment. The co tree growers and exporters are unanimous in theii opposition to tlK old (Jovcriiment, and as a result huve rain I the price of green eottee. The Ivnperor i. closeted in the Palace l t Petropolis with the beads of tho Ministries t V. ar and ot the Interior, and absolute secrecy is maintained as to their plans lor tl.-' future. The L-spaU ! 's are sent and le.v'.v.'d in cipher by trust ed ollicials of th old and nothing whatever is to he learne I in regard to the F.mper-.r and bis household. It is likely, however, that ho will return to l'ortuiv.l. In any case both he and his whole lamily will leave the country asso oi j as possible. I bstes, Nov. Hi. But little fur- iher information has been iv.s-ivc I here concerning the revolution i,i ( Rio de Janeiro. A despatch received i this moi ning states tuat the Minister of Marine was not kiiled. as rt-ported j yesterday, but that be was shot and j seriously woiiieled by rebel soldiers j Another despatch says that the! question as In tho nature of the. tiiiure government will he submitted . to a plebiscite. ! A later dtspatch Iroin Rio del Janeiro reports that a republic has; been proclaimed, with Sei.i.or da j Fo.iseea as President The lmpe-j rial lliiii.-tcrs have been placed ni.-.ier ! arrest u.i-l are kept in elos.- conline ; iiiel.t. The Provisional llovcri.ment j has giiiiianteed protection to the j members ot tho Imp-rial lamily.: The l.n.peror is ut his Summer Pal--! ace at Pctropolis, twenty five miles I north ot liio de Janeiro. Ail biisi- ness in the city is suspended, but j there is no dangr to lite or prop- 1 erty. j Another dxspaieh Jrom Ri. ,ie Janeiro states that the garrison at that city has lormed a provisional j goveniineiit.conipri.sing Seuhoi' ( 'on j slant, a join nulls', uanud uiiitiie.i Bocaqlli Vit and i- n. d:i Poiiseca. j How WanaiHakcr J.icJ. CoIfMltlA, S. '.. Nov. VI. -K V ; Chiyton, ol tiiis city, was two . v i agoappoiiili'd I'osi .i.asierlor 'ol.ia.-1 bin. vice Wade Hampton (iiid-i-, a; g-'Htleniiiii ol high landing i': the '.".!e, Mr. I iayton is mi -indiq , n I ; eiit." l'ost inas'.cr t ii i.e. sl 'N i.i a : maker had pr.,...i-iT i.ot to re;c.,.e. Mr. (iibbes until his term exj ircd : The (oilowing letter iu relation to Mr tlibbes's 1'i'iiiovai, !ioi,: Senat'-ri Wade Hampt-.n. n 'W huntinir on t,. I plantation in M is-;-.sippi, w ;i! be pub j I.siicd iu the .es :! Courui ! t niorr-'W. Setiai-,r i I n : 1 1 j t . 1 1 writes Mr. Wanamaker :.- pn l i.i.'y :.o Postmaster (icr.cral ot the I'niud States w as ever u r.ttcii to beloro: Ci.r.N A I., .Nov. m, l,-.-?. To ll.u. John :!.. i. maker. Sir: Theiuel'.'id extract from a South Carolina paper has caoc.l n.ej great surprise. Perhaps you may remember, it your memory is not treacherous, your assurance to tn a j few days ago'that Mr. C ;bbes shoul d not be remove 1 until the expiration ; tit his term in llw i,ary next, -i -1 j only did you do U'is, but you volun ' ariiv assured u,e that insiniieh as Columbia was my post ollUe you won Id. when a-i:eeesor to M r. i ivnes was to be appointed, consult me. j It is a matter "I suiall importance I to me who takes the place ot Mr j (iibhi-s, but i's I iiitoiine.l him in! paasii.g through Columbia luiiibia of the! promise, von had liiMile, VOU n ,1 I ,,M - 1 .Al'. . , , , ,,w v .action l.a. . 1 .. . I I ,, .. In u I lls., l.oxilloll lilll t i(1 fil.t ,.Uc ,,. Ill0 Ulilt Mr. C.ibbes wi knuW .,iit , ,a el,t ,,,, hilu tnlt t W.H ul.ioVl,,,.sl v ... . i i- ,. i. ., tt inc. I sbnii know Letter in lui-.ire : what ro'inni e to place on statement -emanating iV'-iu tin- wainc source. The i.ewspa-ers s'a'e thai besides j maiiRginu t he grc.'.t Depai tine nl over J which vou preside v--;i arc r.i ti ni n ii a s"dny s. lioo! in l'iiiladeljdiiii.aud 11 Wi ur ' "!e ",ftt '"-'i i j l"'ofit to you i--.-Ie select :-s tho most j Pl,rol'rli,!' "'ibjcct . I a let Hire to, y,ur P"I"Im t!-,! "I'stn-.- lory ot I AtianittKand Sapphirn. I !:-.. would ; g'voyou n fine field inryourcloqucu. e; taincd over a political opponent. am. votir iibeilient ierv:it,t. Wauk II ami'Tov. "m"", If tbe g( ntlema-i whoso bps pre s d Ihf lad.'sanowv brow and th is f.Boht a severe cold bad but uted D: Hull s Cough Su up. no .lector's bill would bavo been n' eessin v. Homo genius proposes to ir.tro lu-e paper shirts. Wearing a per si. ins means bearing rheumatism. Willi Salvation Oil, however, pupcr shiitn might still be a success. Trice tenia. $45,000 WORTH OP (JOODS TO Hi: .SOT.I) AT A SACRIFICE ! EVERVT (l.VKMKST IN OUR HOCSE MARKED DOWN ! 0;i Jamiai v. the lr.tL 1S;) our finu will disstlvo Co i,ii(in iship .y mutual consent. Our businoss ber li-.s u.eiejisc.l t.. muc.i Ih.-,! Hie two mana-aig partni rs here li-id it jio.-ess.u v to d v:to I lieir entire attention to it i n.l i! h tl.e Mime ,ii our Knoxvillo House, wheneo this dissolution lakes V. rt on .lanuarv 15lb, 1890. It'i no easy miiUer to two great Mocks of goods. In order to tcuke this dissolution prompt and to square up pwry .lo..;iis wortn ot goods by January 1, iu older to accomplish this we bfgoi la-t Monday cv. r imiagiiiatea iu this city or State and one that will sweep everything around it like a furious cvclone sod itX iu'i'ns m' t0 bU' 6Ud HUV0 ttt r""1 15 l 40 r"r el,t 011 1 Vcry l'l,,tU!l6- Wo ntion only FINEST MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SUITS That sold for S2S, $32.50, 833 un.l 835K50 are tnaiUd down to ?2t75. Ti. -is. is no better clolbinff made . ,, "V1 """ "K'"v "h" " U1,;1 s:,!C "i.sningioii. (-ieepl l.y us. iliousaiids of Rood lookin and . caring suns , Sr., S.i.f.O. 60. 87.BO and 8S. fit and mule ed same as in the bigboet grade. 1,1 11 l'rou' "'",' nt S3 to Si!) ..u every suit sold during this our OrcUst Reduction Sale. u'Xr';;; ?. lyzz!!:;,!' )V!X'''Tu-- rl y"1 ,lm ",,s ' -y ... ir .-em tm la,. I...... , ,i, . ,i ,, .,.s , . Vi... i ,"i k .111 J 1. ; K. , i' - "V.' !""; ' -rw .. M w.,- in nanekU. iin.M.h s si ns M t u w. u h to, H. r. m'. si-w l "i k ln.ri y il,Tf s'i'i'l'Cuvt'w:,;;,, XiVT.XVfot' tiu ''"r!,l,-T "' w J..I.I1 I.. Sil'..--. u i uin'e ,..,l - .vi'lll:., SHIMS nl ",.. :'-' ''"- '"''. " 'r't an I fa.-i : il . u r.vfi .Inn ail'. ,.,", .-it I.. . J-rs..,- m.,,.,! ,,, wna,-. s......,a,..K In ,..r -l.-a ,, ... r.M ,. u.'o'.'uoiv. y,'.'r. "'' "" ,n,,,' wr'"l, "'-""! tormrr .ue, hlQTlC 1 l,,'..!.'.''8?'''V.6''V''v,?'lMl,'V '"u,'"uu"' ,l'""l"1',"','v'"r' m"n i.-JksV 1 J. W - ,;ir i. Ki, ilnn l,f,liif;l .l.w,. ,ll farUw Indubnu Hi thin :xtA y:i 5 iporaiss Cfl fllt I ' W.J "nit. niMi.i-Mi:N. i Mi .siifiii: km; i.tbii.s. r.-.-i Im :: u i. i:aii.iin- i.ts r ,e i;v : i . i: :i m. si m siioi:. j u ' if Aso -:-.w ; n wn.r s;,,i . , M;i!"IJ-r..lM'l'l,lll 11 .-III)-. I J - ! Ml l Vl.,-V i-A I Silo-.-:. ! U : v.oiii; ., v ' s SiM.K. U i.l mi I H ... , S iiooi. VilIoE1!. ! 1 .i.n;i' ,:. m'.'-ii n i'ii,. A.i'l pvli-A art fi-'.l w i. i,oioi.As.::r,K-uin. muss. l-.'H sai.k i:v 1 ! i i v.liSu', N. 0. a; r.l r:. C. 5g. V. RAILWAY. Coih'.cusclI Sehertulu Im'o. 11. T.ikiu-- . l.'.vi June 12, 1S8:J. mm v i , i ; r srvniv. 1 1 hi, , ( ..uil vT'V, Mull k l-iK,'nK.r K.'i.-i!M!i,. Airiv. 7 mu i. m Kiiv. l',.IIL, : C :.; p. lil s!i..-.r,l. " IS ! iv :,5 - ll ( i n. A, n a. I.l - j. n c :.j ,,,iir, l oo , " li xm.m.: !-r. '' I Mry. 3 li n in. 1 : rt'.ir.'if-. ii: lnji,'i,ll. j:i,n,-r il.wt.--, i-.. N '; - ,!.-, eit.-i-i a: iir!'i-n-l,,,r,,, dliini-r nl Shu f.,.-1 I -, -i.'-rfli 1 i-.,.: ri-:ili,.- ran ,l,illv x.-,' lit Sun h. ' ll-l-'.i :i".l urn ,-l a. ! -I. Tniln ri,!i fr. - n - u -l. i ,. i . : :o-' ,..i:i,- i -.j..-! his. vi.'iiv.i,-..,-, r.i li.: . :r .;:i I -o..'--, iill,- I llf.-ll;.l - T"' ii v.-si iv-. i:,.- .! ih.-i Kn.iio-; ii-ir. ,.r,...i ,- l,. M- am-, M.-i-,l,i. W,..!i-,--.luv!- I n : M 1,1 ':,)-. II. ,,--: -y.l" S,-,T -'O - tr.-ll, Oris-I -, t- -I - , -, , -i , . I. I il. - .1 l . -.. 1 1"; I .:i,i - ' s 1 I' I i - ,'. . . : -i. I ;. - I'.',- I , W:,-i:sWI i . n M .i, ... I, .- I.o- .-it .1 I ri-l oi.. ; i r.:i.s i :, ...) i , .H..-1, 1 1 . ,,t;l fx '-"l '-s.i. O.i-B. v.' I- hl.V.. 0,'u'l I'a.,1. Au nl. 4. w. I i:v,.,-n'l s.i.i. BEAUTIFUL, GOOD s CHEAP. i EfJSE MADE CGMFEBTAEL1 v.- s.i,.,. ia.jnKy GOODS, A. nilCSES Si. CO., RALEIGH, N. C, lrrtlrn If. iy u Ur r.-u 'dh i.f UioCUA ratu n&' )iM i!ftt Wif.v ir i-.iii"! In mim1) tit wmhb ':i-h r.'. 1 nil wti i ..'rf t-i mtik h- int m-'i r in fni tul-lt nnd t i i.'t.i y 11 titling t ihir Tut uliurf lgDSei3E P&RLQR SUIT. Sid.3-"ccx,rd., or in tbe line of FURNITURE. We arc lenders in our line iu N'eitb Ciroliua. and respectfully ak au in spertioU f rt-'tk and piiees. IaESsso Fall Stock Now Arriviiis A. tl. KIIODKS & Ci)., H E. M il tin and lil Kwbango Place. . U f 1011, N. 0. 12, 1-si). ;j.. A DM I S I S I PU l.TX NOTICR- .A .t -,i .j,:,.!' -i- ,ie tv - ir. litis, rut r- s ,,f iUiiy l-i,--,,e. ., I h.-r.-i'V n-.tlf- nil -t- 'Ks I,- M.I.J 1.1. lis ,1 I.l ,s( s -1 1 li'. l-.l.y'll! . fx 1. 11,-, 'In- - oi,,' :, niu;:! "r U-d-r,' il il'h ,Ihi f Ik-'.- 1,-r, lsi. . 3. I.. Dl'llUAM. Ik-L l.,T J4. l-t-). rvei'i.. :! Tr.t -MiTk ot.t:nc-d. and alirAteaS buJii,.s..,.-i.t.,ii f.-.- Mi-kriioii- dtp,tt. li:i,-tt fan lr.ii:ij--t 1 iter' I liwuifrt in Wm bmr awl at I, iui ll o 1 ! rriuol frma ttl,lnL'l.,l, rs'Uil r.i' ,1,-1. drawl t rl-nto . trlth rlrrrt&- tkn. We : if IJ,:i-llf or t.l, frre of 0U.I i Wk. " H- ! -bi.n f-.lfi.t..- ltl Htm Dint to ii-..i,. cll,nn in u blklc, co"-lJ m lown, wui Irva. AJJrpj, J taXM J Y OO VW mmmIU rlot Offlc. WMkUftM, . C 'Wilkin HUM US Ml rH sn mxl upwiu.l hoys' ,,r:li f,'J,.. ,.n - . l . v.. i.i, ...... SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO, Greensboro, JT. O. MANcm ruiti of FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND KtATlWC STOVES, Saw Mills, Cans Mills, Horss Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, Ami Castings ot Every Description. fiti'Scnd for Frlcc-Lj6U mm i j. u. nil i cum mmi mm IA.SGII, Iff. C, CALL AT THE (IRN'RRAl, F.XHIP.rnoN 'K KAI.I. , IMPORTATIONS I'CKCH AsE-i i VR A RR RF.VDY FOR A LAR01 B SiNK.s;-'. Rv fur the most ; ATiin.'ii'.c i or ir rev noojia j ti,'rs ,-u l:l:iii , wall?. j IN r.Vi:,:V lO I'Ai: I VVN I- ,.r .-" :nvo - .l-.n lr,- Mi-: r.ill I V,:,i: r ,. ..-.:.!. lo.r, il.,-i: k:.I ' .iVs i .i. r.-.-.-r- iM .... ... iii,i I 1- I'Mlii? III., I I 1 1. I, III- I - 111! I n-iviliH 'll:,! ! s-'.-ie.-si --.itn I- I" :-. I li, li.e .:.--i.-u X nil j Tl'i :: l-Al.l.M (s.iN or I-:,, H-n,...- l Jr c, j,, j loin i.iis',.ii an r.i. i ii- ii, , ''' ? N A i'.rri. suns. ! .riinir,,. ,,i.. i.l no.-,.i, I 1 Ih. I, ..:. V ;i,. N. ,', I , .;,. I..- ..H :n i.. -,i , ,1, -,.,1 ,,, .,.4i,. s-,iiu i 1.,-t l'.r.--ft.c :. I it UM i.f y -- ! ; i -it i-tr "i.,- rl !.. ,.,.! ... ' r ' : w.xtM- T i 1 ... r,.,:ri i,.,-ii Ik.. ! i. i .r :i, , . .,!-.! i i i.,. r.. i-i pr..r-i. I,,.. ;.- ... ,i: i i r - in.-- ',.''.'..'.'.' !'.'' '.T'ri..'-'' . 1 ,!--r-v ! u-::.- ,. , : - ' -I ..I-! j :,, , .', 1. ' ; '1,,4T ! 1 "" . I " I-. ,i.-..i. ,i ,1'.;:L'-. II; llr1 i r. .n ii i in ii.. r,':i,,-r :., 1". -.- 1 iV - 1 Xl ; i ' lv 4jlviUi j DURHAM, M.C. I Dress Sgobs, LOOTS, SUCKS, HATS, kV. Tiin i.-nift iii,-, -ii-- Oii,'-i in nnsi'.iy. ": ,11111 l In liirl.i'.y liuvit l,t , ..mlilli'sl l.y us l.i One ML'lity Lil'ort for Ti a:lt'. Our Fall and Winter nllViings will not and canuot be surpassed. There is a limit below which l.on st goods cannot bo sold. We iaee -urn ii.i .1 at thk- Low wat; u map.: for Biifo and reliable goods sold under guarantee. Inspect us. criticise us. know us, :,i v.,,, .m n.i . .i,-.i .'.l Two Stores Mailt St reel, W.9.1 1V,.ii,.X.0. B MFM MISE, . it..UU, fM. W., : Delivers Collins free of charge ul ,;-iv ! put in Stale. Orders attended 0, ,1'TINS , ill --,!cs. W.VLXl'T COITTNS, Im. KOSKWOOD itl'LIAl. CA.-.JjS, ; Pine and poplar, all sl,l. .. s .md j ;, t iers, lirji i il liob.-s of all .ii- I-j. and prices. I, C. I1U i K l-i .. P.M.H'iii. ., Coi uer of lilount and Miiitiu Slice: a Oct. 10, ISS'.I. 3uif. acHl'OACF. SAI.K P.Y V. Tri: ,,f iw-i ni'-rifii:,' ,1, ,. lpxr.-: in I'ti'C.lifim ail v. k l', -Cj i,i. J -.i.e. I'.n i " ' M" -. '' i--.'.t l ncv ,'. .- ,T. ; I"1.' I-- il 'i. 'T''.li ;.I.M..-U ii- .i-s.-r.. . - . i i I'min - 'cmraww i . u,i, i-ir,:,s ,e,. ,m , i I . . . n, " . .. .. . . ,. .. .. I ,,..N..V :. J. n.sMiiu. M,'i.ti.i;ci. I A. I'. oiuiLkr. AUi.4ut7. mmwm sr. is ai j 4, i.50. is, fs uj iipwsrJ, ...... . . m "l .e, r oi'r H itW Jul? imr'nS Ll w 'nl, V' :i ll - U.ZillprZSiu. hi l ro.l,.,ii,u win cuvice joa ai ct '.o. n l -urlorrai from now unUI r.r.n will iiluura .tie. RALEICH, N, C. OAS II STORE -OF- W. 8, SEPARK, ' '''rnl ' I 08 & WilmiDgto MreeiB, RALEIGH, N, C., H lir-re voij will l:ml cvrrytulDfl f0 inuv i I in J ). v floods, Drets Goock, Notion.--, ?l) illinciV Ac ' ' We luive a bountiful line of LAM- P.RFtH INS in PIumIi, VelTt (id iv:. 1 h'..;- Comi-, MhIk, vunk ... hrai N, Ve. iin-ifl ooJh r th j : i- i cv. r slio-vu in tbia inarki v'.ni mi. t-eeiiie ibe. cboiee. ' c!i-ji-l mill li'iiitlnntuHt lia t,-. ii- ami mwsos sboM t l i, Hiil ! an J v. i;re. A eomol.-U- - - . ' luiiiii iu ;. . it; O. Iob.1 ll). .i - ;jm. II, m3 14 l:a:,t IVIartin Streat, kai.i:h;ii, iv. c. For Early Fall Mi Canton Flannel, . 7$, Sj, Id and 12J cents per TateV KEW PRINTS, 2 j?i AtHH GOODSe, j ?--i , NiCLXSellB, ': t),ir sli-ck of SHOES for ehilirei 'ciinsi.ts of all sizes aud qualitiee sal (arc cheap and good. j ! I RUBBER SHOES. j -iv0i.avl,...l!,t.d,i. -.XKW STYLES 1S- laeies; and misses' hats, j Ladicb' and Misses' Undnrwear v-1! .23 ttUi r;)c vifKtt IU THE III m II illlJ- ., , .-- GREAT SAROAZ2f0 tit M ,,N S AN) B0YS. CL0THIKO. ' of!) Mcn'a and Boys' llats 35 aad ID. f: 0 i'ovs ('ins 10c ecb. WM MAHBLE WQMS, 15 U AVlIiLCI. Iff. O. , ,, . TriMtt. ...n,,.., ....... ,v.'..", .C, apply 10 kDOf -. , , ,, ,K. , H. Jr.

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