$l)c Cljatljam ttecori). II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND riiOPMETUK. CWtara RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One smiare. one iutertion- 1.00 .t One Biiiuc, two ititertioiia";- Ouu tenure, one inonui - $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. For larger advertisements liberal rou traces will be made. VOL. XII. IMTTSIJOIiO CHATHAM CO., N. C, DKCKMIJKIl 10, 18811. no. m;. The Nirrow Vi&j, Tell mi', ye taints A il l kin;: of old, Wlii'ii' ill. ill weluid l lio land of gold f 'J Im' heavenly lit in 1, Wit li i") s uiiliil 1 1 J l-'iir w h.it I lie Spirit ll.iili li) ay : ' It I i-ymi.J Tin' ,-alcsol'il.iy .In I at I In' end M I hi' n il inn u.iv. " I In y h Iiu shall i hon,-j To walk tlii i'.'in. MllM lll .ll lIllM pl-H, A 1 1 1 1 .nt nut i ii ; A il l lite i It i ml 'i In y Hu n i-liall win." 'I Ih ic ari' sharpest t It i ii9 In llti narrow win ; 'I'll I- am blackest i loud'i ' .. hide III.' .lav . I; it leur h h.il I In' Spoil I lath In say : ' "I i i i : f i lifi r up ! 1 Hi. til Ml I I 'f '.Ih.i ; I'.'l' I'UTV tll"lll t'hall M....111 Jr. llu- i:a... n i.l' li ..I, Whole I here is I I in. "A i r.-ivn lor h in Win. lav hy .lay, Willi p.llicilt feel Thai nr. r .-trav,' li ' i. Ih hi- i ". I n I h.' narrow w i " THE STRANGE El. It w.ii y.an ago, Hrsar, when I wai hut t ighli en, an I j 1st i iino I In Frank Fci'mi. If yuii w a it tu hear niiou! li, ail di.vuoi tli" .' I at in let, and im-;i.ii r In hi' li ir I. HY Iiil I. i'ii ,vn- thratli for a long i J ii . W nl In riuir'i ail singin; b Imnl tugothr: ; r d , liked, ilnn-il, Hil l IimiU Inn;; mwiull til" liver which ia:i n t in lath' r'.s hou.!. In fart, lh:s liaoj la. 'ii gn ng on fur su Inns' n lime Ilia' in: final y tin ih' I llinl c might ai we I In: alwayi 1 eg - -1 lie r, ami io tlio ni! iminai y in i.itigeiiirnt t wire begun, mil mir welding d ly tln.-w m nr. Wo live I i'ii tin- l aiil.i n a i hi one ul III- In -( s return in I. 111,11111:1 a iiiii't sp ' miiii:: ill I. line fi.nn any ;l anta ii n , I nl mi 11 a. oiii man inge look place wo you ig folks, ivnii In ie 11: In 11 itighborin.; parish, an I llii her F.au1. w nl, .-h.'illy In funi the we I I in,', to pivpue mir in. vi In-lit . II ) li'll mi' I II y as 11 In r Willi th I nun -rati atl.l ill I a-.igi 1111 ills lor the a IT. 11 1 , whirh was to be 11 141:111 I mir f..t th" country, im my fiitlur win 11 well In do phi 1 i ! an I I lli-j i nly child. Iiu h i. I lift 11 about about a fortnight, and I w is i xpci ling him back dadv, wil l nun d iv father run-', wall 11 In niili.'il fa. c, it; 10 the ro.-m wI im! ) was s ttni!;. Miir. mil li' l l.y In,, an I inn Iiu an I iltiniv not u .saiics of lui'it, Maic'iwuo just a, n.la li tho fashion thin :ii ll.ry an- m w, lli-sio, 'oiiilai it it t In ill.- 101 liaiy, liotwillislniiiliii',-. I. tli.'," :al 1 he, Inn ricllv, "I've got In n 1 i r lo H. lin: Il nt's In :-( iihmil 6. im- tnh's. I rami- nc.ir foi net ting tlie iii.iiin'iiimit, an 1 l'il have tu lim ly lifilit hi t to i( 1 ih,. 10 0:1 liin,'. Can you il.i witli.-ir in..'' 1 luihiil nil I noil lnl ; llu n mi hli nly till nni-:i-.v fi'i lin; In k io.. ,s un of 111;. I i. iiu iiilii ir.l thr 111 mi'y i nil- a l.trp sum Willi whirh I'raiik an. I I with ti "ho n'm tlio Wirl.l," a:..l wlurli lay siruruly lii.l Ir i awav in tin- hoin.', t ho nest egg nf our future fmiirie. I knew ilia' 1 was ileslincil to a lonely niglit of it, fur fath-r rouM not ioi Bihly'r.ttirn withi 1 twenly-fmir houis; the seivaitts lui'l ail ijoiiii to a ''linak down. " on a nriL;lihuriii plan'a'inn, cxe. pt ail :i',-f I 1 i on.', Aunt Onali hy name; niv nii'iher va, an inval il, weik ami ui-iv ii.; 1 felt tint, ii'.ini',' m I va, thj t'Utlnok was not very eiilivening. Futher ohniveil my trouhliil cxiros sioa. '1 il.ni't no In w 1 c:m lie! il, iliiuijliter," lin salil fjravely. "Tin, ii 11 v.-ry iniii'i aat milter, ami a-lmiti of 110 delay. It is the fuult of my tu'.uh t rom memory ; Im I I only reiin-iiilieie.1 the ciii;ag 11 n ut with tin' :. lire I wouhl have keil Mme of ilia seiv.u.ts at hoiiij Wi proteoli"ii fur you." Hut 1 was no i-award, and o 1 kisse I 11 1 111 and I. ill 'In? I away his anxiely, a'ld daw iiiui ile nt w th a-.sum 'd i ln erlul- U0'i Imt as he ro.lo dnwn tlio avenue I which led lo the outer fill's, 1 saw him turn in tin-m'i Id'c an I ;ui after mc anxiou ly um e muio. 1 let 111 tu;. I tu my liou ehul I duties ml my ilia-;nt task am d the hillowi of hire and mini in, an I so s:ni; and wi tkcd ihe 1.-114. l.riuht day away. H was 11e.1i ly sun et. t had ier-ua.lod mother to lie up, n a c 'lull, wliuli 1 h id m h -d out upon tho viuc-eover d fjal'i-ry, and veititiy; myfelf li- ida lnr, I lie-in t rei I aloud sonic w.ll old tale of super rjH'iual lio-ioi-s, iipmi whl.li I had tumb!cd. 15 '(n:e I ha I hilt fnishe 1 1 ha t wurke I my-ilf mt a state of nervousne-si. an 1 in 1 uotte'.l t tie piling fine of 111 mother, 1 tossed the honk upi:i the lal.li", wi'h a e n!c in ituou-txpn-ssiuii, and aio.j to uiun Lei tea. At Um' mnnrnt tlio pito late'i r'irked, mid a I turned in iu dnm.-t ion I v mid not lepn-ss a rry of iilnrm. M ; ry :s fell upon a btratigu eilil. 'I'll : limine of a wi inati a v- ry dwarf in h , : an I stature clad in a fa 'ol hliu 'i . lire :i, w ill a liitl'Ted liunnet II idii her head, ..ml 11 (0111 shawl iiliuut her liny, stiiopinu; s lould n. hlowly and hi.-aitatinly tlm rrcalun mined up t lie walk, until bin; lunl rearhed the nailery. Hire she pained to pazo. rut inus'y upon us, with a pair of round, licad hku lilaik eyi.i. 'J'lu 11 she S oke, in a voire c'rar and well m ulu!;i(t' I : "I have lost my way, ladies," gho said, lefciehiiiuly, "may 1 nave a night's she'.tei ? ' Ifj'anr d al my mother. S!ie was pile and tii inli'i-l violeully. 1 had r mi l ived an 11 mi l ounl ili'e aversion to tin! Mnall slraiiijrr; lai; who nl I have Ihe heait t) turn a woman a way into Ihe pathless foie ;t, witlini'hl r iniii down, da-k and lliieatniiii, fur t!ie -I, win oveir.-is', aid thrie vi li: si:;:is of an :l pi arliill;; thiind 1 st. inn, an I t!ir wind lit i.uii-1 die inly in the linnijhs of 1 In; ptnii ticci. Si I Ic.l'l Iiit that she uiiuht remiin; hut I le-nlvi-d In knnw no sluiiilier that nii;lil, I. lit tu w.ilrli tho 1 11:1 j hours tlnoii;.;li. My iii.iihii m-nt not In i.larniel; fo si ti'liiv; tin: sta 1 -r tu Ihe kite u 1 with Aunt K.111'1 (:i .jet sunn- ii freshmeuts, I ciiixid mo ih. 1 In ia!,r her lea, an I i iiirii' I her nil In he I 111 ti iunip'i. It w.n I'l u'rl.K-'i Ii.-.iii- I I 'ft her v il l i 1 In p a 1 I , I'eulT Inthi! kill hen In tike an oh et V it I ill. Ill the t llie.s'i u d I pui rl, 111 hear! In: it ivihl y, my hriill -ii' 111" I on liie; I tielulilel su that I raiul se.ireeiy si ml; I pinhe.l I I.J duur.'. jii and ant e I in. What a siylit met lit y .ntniii hed i-ye-! The dwarf n ! indiai; 1 n i t, and young, and lithe; Ihe woiiuu's garments ha I liiin .lis. allied, 1111. 1 1 saw In tnl.) me a mail, stnill, hut mimiilar, and Willi a dtalmlir.il far-. Hi wai sin oping over tho fui in of Aunt I'm. ill, 111 one h ni l a vial, whirh he I. el I tn her nnsli is. I i ..mil'he eh: I the silti i'iuu at a i;laiu e. Aim II I. ah wa d ugeil , even the fiai piu irti'.a of h r pi semii win yine and the i.evl -ti p would he I. Ii'-riy. peili.ipi luutilei. 'I he villain iiplan d Ihe vial in his p. iket, with a gnu mi hit u ;'y fa "J. Then I" he ejarulated, "that will ivi'l'l. With lll'j nal Wiilll ill ill' of tho way, llio le-t is 1'i.y. I. iek th it 1 kimw wh 'ie In lu i't fur the 111 r.te: ; it's iu th. ul I waiiiaii'o 1.1. .111, I saiv ill - v; put it th:.e. l.'.t me see, light ll.rul cnirer, top draw er ill dressing lahli." Ii lla lied over me then, my own ran I ssne.i, when fatli r had g ven the p.-i k- lliiuk inl.i my keeping; the upon win low lie 11 in, and some gay words that I had ulti-iel, allra uu lurk tn 111 '. I win su fnghletie I, it si enud as if I should die. Tliea rainier lli iuli'.s suere.'de 1 ; tin I I resolved tn li;ht for tint money lo the deith. Snft'y 1 stnle away, and re-entered my 111 l hrr's aparlm-iit. Taking the pniketlinnk fi.Mii ll.e .li.nvi 1, I hid it in my Ims iiii, and then, p ining, to asiiira mvtelf that she still sl-pt, I lurni! 1 to tho hall w line our sin ill provision of tin-aim; were st n d. O I, heaven.! Tney were gutic! A low, h .n ihil! ilnii'kle fell iij-n:i my ens. Tim rulih t slnod at in side, a In k of triumph mi his ha'c ful laee. 'Weil,' he siui'iel l-o'.dlv, "whir is it!'' "What . In you m.-tii;" 1 g i-pe 1. "The money, of r.iiir e. I've jm h-eii to the old woman's room, h it 1 find you'vj hei-ii too in my for in-. Xow, gir! ' ho stepped rimer to mc arid rahc 1 0:1a han I threateniiigl ,-; his awful rye glared hit.) inini';lin lips, as they opin-1, re.iiuh d tlinso of some, huge wild animal. "I ku w you have the money; hind it o it!' With a low it; of fear I turned an 1 lied. Il.rttto th'i large, old kiti hen, my hem t surging an t bra in.; inally, I Ik'iv liko the wind. Old I i 11 ill still lay upon th - 11. or in hlesl u u-naseioii -lie-.. I sh'io't her and caltel til .iil and slit ieki! I for he p, Imt no other souil I luiike the st l.ness save th" low, dreadful laii;hnfthe rutWr, who hit followed in-. "Mnp that iwis-?' he grow'ol. ' You're wasting breith, you kn w. S e's drug-god, an 1 won't w a'se till I'm safe out ' this. I want ih.v inmey. (i vo it to 1111 tin I I prnm se to leave you in peace; lefu e, and 1 thought of Trail's an 1 on fu 11 e. "1 never wil.! ' 1 rrie I, ai h: ively a; 1 con! I. A :am, that liorr.l, 111 .1 k ing laugh. II; spring forwarl an I set.". I my nr. 11; one lull pis,e aroutid my h i: si and he'd 111 1 tightly, the other prop lie I l-n-l-t r ahuit in, throat. .It -t at th it iim ni at my ryei ti ll u;i m tlie hugo lui.-'i oven, snini'th ag 11:1 kno.Mi iu llie-e days, H-ssie; an im nine stnuture I'lvupyin oaesileof the klte'ie 1. I 110 it- I lliat t'.i" w de duoi had I ic 1 I'.-ft ope 1, aula uld-ii (bought 111 inspiration Luted into my min I. I1 w n w nth 11 king at all p vent 1. 'I'll-: v : 1 1 1 ri's hand w ai ro sing 1 loser 11I111U' my slender thro.i' ; I fell a di a I fnl, 1 linking H inuiion. I was sine that I th mid die. Mow or lirvel - I I'liuit one hurl, ijiikl.-, into tin: Itnsnin of my 1 1 re is, an I sn ilrhing tho pnrket I) ink lliurefr -in with a ipi :'t, 11 Id .11 movement, I threw itintilliu o vi 11 1 way in I c il'd hear it fall 1111111tl1rilmtl1.il), with a heavy llm I, for inn.. t of tin money wa. in gol I. With a horrilile im; 1 rat ion the wretch released hh hill, and, dirt ng forward, snuing into tin oven. 1 dnrlel toward the 1. 11 ;o door. I se'e l it in lioth hauls; w ill luperhuiii.iti 1 IT lis I pinli:. it shut and .slid ihe h '.iv ln.lt into its pi ir . I was laved! Then I sink iio'.ii tho Hour in lili- ful iiw ini lultty. 1 w n at'oti e I hy tin presiui ) of lipi upon my own; an I fn't 111 he id pi hnve I ii mm I) id ' sarins. Inpeiel 111 eyes. 1'iaiik was hulding 111: rinse to his heart, his fin e a'e mid anxiuin. II.: had ii-liimed niiex p-: 'te lly ; and s-e. i-galight liiirning iu the hone an iinu-iinl i-rriirretiei: at mi late 1111 hour, for it wai milnigh' ni l fearing that I wis ill- he hid veirir.-d to stup. told hint Ih - win I : story ; mil, old in 1 am, I have never forgotten the look on his face ai he rhnp: I nntohii hea t. It d.d not lake him I nig to ii Iu to tho newest town tin I summon Ih .1 sherilT with a posse of mi n. '',ie oven was opened ail I the wielr'i within, imi in si li.' .111 I half ileal, wis ill it; ;r. I filth and a w.i,- t j mire. II w.t proven In he an old 1 11 :.nh i, an I so 111 11 reived a Inn ; s: nleiii-e. J was ipii'e ia heroin'! o' the euunliy ar 'iind, fur a lung t hue. afterivar I ; I 11' lietoiri were not in my line, and 1 never widiedfnrn n pdit on of lint ni ghl's rp.. i ieiiro. A S(eiinidiii SloKer's Id ' The slnkeis 011 mi of III ! grcil ocein teamen work four hum at a sttetch, in a Iciiiji.'i 1! in i- ill; iug f r nil til In Hi I i iiri'1.4. I'.ie. .jiiil rs me rlos -, and they nun' lake cal- til it while feeding one I inn ice the rat m- tiie not Ii irned on Ihe one 1) hind lliem. Yfiitratiuit i 1 f.n in -h -1 t In . -i g ti a shaft rac'iii; I own In tin- mil I e of Iheir ipllllrr.. '. -v t sink.- Ie id 1 fo ur fir -meet, -piidn; p rh i;n two ur llir.e miiiu ci a' e ic'i, llieti d is'ic In the ail pipe lo lake h s tin 1 at con hi.; oil, and waits for an. ith -r t i l to his f 111 11:11 ns. When the walc'i is over, t ie nun go prr.piring lhrou;h long, cld pmig:, to the forr.is'l , wut-. t'.i" liira in fur eight huiin. On 1111:1, I w nl , -e ;;ht y -tirs oil, who wai iu'etvi-wel l.y a n p ricr, had lueu niipl-y. d at th. hi, ikci since he was fourteen y an old. II: we ghed I "ii p u 1 Is, an I w,n rild: and seeni iu;ly hippy. lir cuif.-n- I tlm (he wmk wai Icnioly ha d hit "it rime haidi-.t on thus" wh) did not fillow it leg a'ar y. I!ut if we get p'en'y lue.it," he s ii.l, "and lake 1 r uof ourselves wo air all right. li re's a male of mine, neatly seven') years i l l, who Inn been a sinker all hii l.fe an I cm do as good work as I ran." Si. .ken never have the i-oinunip! ion, a id rarely r.ilrh cold. Their gro ha 1 li 'en kuorko I off 011 th-; KigU'i mil Aimririn limit li-cimc the men got drunk too of e 1, and the grog d.d them min h h'li 111. "Whe 1 1 11 id t tako my grog Id wo.k ju-l like a limi while the rtteit las id I'd tninw i:i my r al l.ko a giant, an I not m u 1 the heat a hit; I. a: uliei it worked olT, ai it .It 1 in a very few iiiinu'iM, 1 wis thr wva't tha' a rluld roii'd upn-1 nn. Take a man dead drunk I'i'forj tlo liies, and tho lie.it won d solie.' him olT in half an hour or give I iiu 1 str k 1 of apoplexy. '' Fffecl of (-real Alliliules 011 llog A foimer It s cniin who is now iu t'olmalo, in my tliuinau I feet above the fca li xcl, n in grief ov.:r the loss of two hand 01110 d gi whu 'i he took out there w ith him. Th y were, l.o w tites, the pride of ihe milling camp where he was located, and ll.cy seeni'd lo In in ex ediiit he.illh until the week beforn theii death. Kv ybo lv prnphes ed that the r-'a-i .In.m rnimliy would Hot hold Ilieui lung, hut 1 had began to d el pv fcitly safe about them. At first the rl a ige in the altitude did not seem 10 nlTect Iheni so billy ai it did me. Of late, how 'ver, they fell utiii iia ly sleepy an I languid, and be ;an to ex hibit sy 111 1' 0111 1 of an a! 1:1111 1 g n itme, an 1 they siaitled Ih.- tamp by rushing arou id an 1 snappta at the air in a 111 i'iiH'1 ipiile stigg s: ive of the i.ibiei.. They ctnle I i-y going into vicivatsioni an I wire shut by a badly ft u'llened 11111 er. I als an I dogs, as a i u e, live but ,1 short time wli-rt takei t. these 11 o 1 a'tilu 1-", win!.- men, on the nt her h rid, oft 11 liad them more healthy than the si a lev.'l. Way tin- man ran live win- e the m,l e. animiU cannot, i a m i!:rr w liriihi 11, v r y.'t li'ii) vx plaiac I. Lnit'.vH Adctrlwtr, i'lllilHtlN'S CiH.I JlN. nil lll:t:ol:. T ilth ' ho. si lins nil iinii-.l Thai m: li s Ih.- liny . hoi - en Mop," hat with hall tin- rim loin ..II. A linh' thai shu.is the curl-011 top. I'.ul then Ii. ui'iilli it fui' h a f.e t ' All muui'-liiie-s and hal.y glee, A ie I .hmpli's that play 1 1 l - ami seek Atuiiii.l the erimsuu mouth su wee. Ami linger- hut why try t . mil ul nl! the mi.-ehiil' lln'V iniitiiie.' The il.tggie ' mill. I a tale uufuM " An. I kiltie, if it were alive Ami is he wieket when h.'niuis Small 1 hi. kens iu lie pl.e e nfilueks; Or when hes t'le lunl. utifol.l, Iti l'oie the llowerc.mil'. ami pluck ; Or when he lakes his sister', i..lls Aiul pnl's the - criers ' in tli-ni out; Or rims a pin iu papa's wal"h . Tu -o-e lt.lt little tick's lihiHll ' O mnt her hearts, yu.ril i.ike'hiin in This l)iliij:hly "lerror" llulsi.io. jny; Jte.-an," iu him yuu will hut see Tin- pirl lire ul' i our uwn small hoy - ri,,-i.-H,i,, (..... w 1 1 v rli V I : I . I . V i.us- n is pi, 11 :;. Cculey was whirling a merry tunc a- he 1.1 um down die ruul, with l.ii haidi iu his p .ck t., his rip pu.hed huk on his Inad, an 1 a g neial air of gun I fellow. hip wi h the world. lie was 011 his way In tipp y fur a pu sh 11:1 in a stationer' 1 store, I h it he w n ; V'-iy tin x 11 is tu ol.l iiu, and in his puclt- i t w-rii tlm Inst ni reference, ruaceru I iug &, rharacler fur williiigti. ss nn I j hiinu.-ty. He feit .sine that I hem wuiild 1 not he inur'i duiihl uf his obi lining ;h' j Iiu- pl ice wh ni In- picionled I hetu cm i deiilials. A fewdiupi of rain fell, ni llu- bright .sky win uveir 1 I w.tlt rlnit li, and h' ! b-'gati tn wi t It that he had br nl ;hl an I umbrella. '',,,'u a hoini: j nl a 1 1 1 1 1 I way bel'nin him two lilllo rhiiilien wer.i rlartmg nut for si i 1 1, a t th : m .ther Honil 111 t!.e dour smiling approval as the buy raised Ih- umbrella mid lonlt l.c little sj,ter under ili shcl'er in ipii'.i, a manly f.-nhiun. Charlry was .ig:eil tease, mil like m ist buys w hn iinl.i'gj! iu te.ning i-i rough pl.i. tied juk ., he always t m'i 1 a' r t o se led fur hi, viichu si me oik weaker or ymiagi-r th in liims'.d f. "I'll have some fu 1 w.lli the rail, dieil," In Slid lo li ; 111 elf, an I befnri they hid gniie very fin down ihe rui j he ncpt up behind I hem, and Miati lie i ' the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 illt mil of Ihe boy' s h and. I III V ii 1 I in: Into: fellow plea led will h m In return it. i: i:u'e took a m.ili I j r mi. d"lig!tl iu pre'.'ii lin ; 1h.1t Im w u : gmn In I, e ik ii over tin- leu-; and a ' ( the lain h ul . I, nut . I ho : I I,;,.,. I j self in this way f ir so :,.. distance, i making the children ru 1 al'it-r him and ! plead with hint tearfully for their 11111 I b ella. I 'I i ed of this -.port at I 1 .!, ho lelin. j ipi'she I the unibrel a :n a 1 uriagn ap j pruaclied, and, l--a i l g III ' ell. 1. lien Ic i di y their lea went ua ,.,nr Is tho 1 slure. i ) Mr. AI icet was nut in. .1 I'luuley sat I down on the steps to wait for him. Ai j old irray rat was busking 111 tho siiii.imi j f latley aiiiu-.-d liiimelf by pinching lh I poor annual's lad till sin mewed pit i I fully aid straggled to e-cipe. I While he was en j lying Ins spoi l, Mr. Mi ti er dt ov: up in In - carriag', and pa-sed l .i: r ey on his way into th store. The boy icl ined the rat, and, I followin; the gi iitlcin 1:1 in, I 'spcr fully presclilul his relereuee-. "The. ii do very w il,'' M". M.-rc-: said, returning the pi per. to Charley. "If I ha 1 not seen some of y uir ollu t ri feicnt-es 1 min!it have engaged you. '' Other reference-. Wl-.a' do yea mean, s.ri" asked Cliarley, in astouish limit. "I dtove pint yii.i this moruiug wher you were on your way lo re, 1111 I saw ! yon diverting yoitr-ill by Inniiig twi ' little child n n. A little later a do;; passed 1 11 and you cu'. linn with t I switch you hi I in your haul. Vol shir I a stone at a bird, utid just now yen weie di light .ng youru If in tor I menliii.' nnolhir defenceless animal.! j These tin- the icfcrenc -s thai have dc- : 'ridel me to hale 11 thing to do wit! I yo '. Id. n't wint a ri u 1 boy ubou i me." j J As Ciarley tuin d away, rri'stfaller I ou r h s .1 isappoin! m ul, he deter mined I that wanton 1 u Ity; even though it I se in -I to him to bo only "fim," , mm in 1 m i r si mm anot'icr goo I p in 0. m A riienoineiial I'l ace. Mr. (i .tham -"Live in On ;oulvilii K msis.' I'm - is it much of a town:" Western Mm "Wall, it ain't int. id for si.e yit; but it's a phenomena place, all the mihu." "l'lii'iioini nal, 1 '1.'" j ' Ycssiir-.-e. I i-.-ulv illo is the only j town we t of the lli o whit ain't mailt 1 a 1 laiin f. r the . lid's I'i -,i ,c llam Tuinl. - liiate somo rocked ham, add an egg well beaten, a mial! piece, of butter, an', a little cream, mix ' all together, and stir over a lire ua il hot: ft V she,, of held III little but-. Ur, and oi:r the mixture over then. ITiKSIAN I'HNALTIHS. Tlio liiiM-mit M-ihoiI'ihy Whirh Tlicy A 10 Carried Out. Tho Bastin.vlo, Mutilation, Im pribonnient and Donth. The r. mm uu-st form of punishment in I'. i da, mij i Tiimn is Mi vnis in Jm,, ,i, in ;t i4 . hnslinndo, 11 bia'i ig on th,! bme soles of (he feet with w illow st.cks. I sa'v this punishment inflicted 11,11111:1 p":i,:uit fur Buiin small c ITe is,-. The 1 ul j lit was laid on hit hao't, his feet Wire lashed together 1,11 I he';. I sulci ii, priiinm I.,- 1 ussing thioiigii a loop iu a Imriural pole. A buoiieuf ti ks that had V"ii rend -red pliant by su ik ligin w.-iler w.n brought and placed l In r at hand. All li -in ready, two farrashej seized c:c!i a sliik 1111 I pruieeded briskly tu In labor th" up'ur.ie I feel. Tlie p 11. l it': feet w.-i- hard and rail. nisi d from habitually w.ilki ig birdunl, and tinier these i oiidiiioas hii iu iishin. it wai .inl.ab,' less se vi ie than it seeineil. Tin: Il igcllatin 1 went ni -rrily on nn. til fifty :luk had been luo'ieii nv-r his feel. Now and thni the mm would ii iirm a id g vo a smrowfii! gn.aa of "AI I a'l!" hut it ivaseisy to s e I that lunch of this was hypocritical. When at length released, he In.-i' In his feci and limpe I siuiviy away, mn uf the failaliet f. Idling him a smart rill to lies the slum den tn acceb ia'ij hn jet. e. 1'illy slicki i. ruin id.-ied a very light pillll dilui-lil ; s. inn iiiu-i scM-r.tl hniulied are a I min i l te.l, m wh i h c 1 ,0 the punishment is, of cm ,,-, m Vci". Il it imt legal. I-1 in a dngiace in I'i r ia In have been haslina ,.ed. Must of tins stdeilt willi are simply men llii.il c l.i piy their d b s. , ,,,.. js rxi-inpl from the bntiaadn c ... . pi myal pet -ullages, ts 't.litei !ie S'i ill, diiplca-i d al one of hit mint .et 1 or high sla 0 of. licials, older, I. im In In bas.in idoed. Tin 1 llio al, pi'ihi.i a d ign ilied ol.l gelll lelll III, Willi .1 veil' lice, llovill;; li aid, living 111 .1 I u 111 i nis nal 11 in.is ti I of till V seiviiriul his n'Aii, liie kly 'i ce Ve . hi 1 j .1 1 11 1 s 1 1 11 -1 1 f nl the linn Is of the king', fill. 1. or. aii I ie. in , it mi ilt-oia.,-. N,,!i,.dv p .inn t'le liii.:er ul sc. a i at h s 11. 1 ;iil. 1. , h 1 1, 1 1 I a , n 1 1 1 1 . 1 -1 -rl, lor 11 .io- kiimv up. 111 wlimii the dnple 1,11c nl li mi l , that hi may next d -ic id 111 11 like :0.111m 11 y 111:111 it' 1 . !s:icik III, eve: tire punish nl by lull' ill tm:i. th" liis oil nee they air de- pine I of an car or lin: j nut .. tin fore linger. This is ii-mally a Milli e il warning, but if b ..light up a second lime, nil coiiici Ihe ii;hl ha i l. Tin hand i, lj.1 I on a b ock and clmppe I oil w.th a sword; the want is then p',iin;e I in a kell'i! of buhng tar to stop the bleed 111,'. Wheti tlio lido Tiiiropenn tehgr.ph line was buill tlnoiigh Tenia, the natives me I to nil mid s'nl tin: win for 1111k tug l'l ice .'in. Tins cniised so mm h annoyance to tho tr'o ;r iplt com p.iuy that the Sh.ih ordered the hind - of all pets. ills found weit ng teiegiap'i wire bracrlels In Ir rhop;.r 1 olT. This ti ll b e pu lishnietit soon put an end to the pract re of sir ding wii -. In trav -Li ig llirou ;h V 1 :a 1 saw many people with the light hand mi-s ino;they are generally fi ll 1 I begging on the street - of t!i 11 1 i s. 'I he punishment ofdeith ismlhctel for mil lor, liighw.i: 1 vbbrrv, lii:nou, and also for robbery fro 11 loyal pet sons. Di-sprta'c rrilllinils are soimt 111 s mule examples id by the most c.u ! punish ments. No female pi'notnrs we:e iu the jnl we visited. Women aierever inci rei nted in a public pimm , IVrsia. A few tl ays' forcible d tent: ci i i the h 11 e of a priest is then. ml pimislineat inlhc' ed upon llicin for smal, i ll n, es. When their crimes ate such as t merit c 1 pi t.d p inislim nt, however, 111 ineiey is shown them became the are women. Near the c.lv i f Shin is a deep well into which women u n Ity of cnlaiii climes areras: aliv. Tho womin is rnndiirted to the we I, seated 0:1 a don key, with her hue tinned toward Us tall. She islnllowe.l by a hooting in-.b, who fling mud at her and j -er a! her misery. Ariivin ; at the Weil, she is made to kneel down at its btink. A w ord er t wo is utteied by the priest, the executioner giv't tin wretched wo min a shove w.tli li s foot, and all is over. One Dark. ICI.it k Nklit. A long siience lnl fallen on the group atotiti I III" liltln stove in the back of the Oklahoma dry goods store. K iih of the rough citi..iu ha I told li s story or relate 1 sonv ex peri -nej w hich once befell him, and the silenco that f, . lowed an incredible yarn of the lion. J.m J -nks was intense. Tho strati cei fiom the Inst ha 1 lis tened thruueuout in a list out. wauder- ing manner, an I yawnod exr ledingly wh n tho iitlu ri laug'ie I. Tun si li no ihickeno l with the siimlid, aud ill they looked nt mn' another hi tho (flowing d ilknesi for eiicotiiagenieut to break it, Mi. iin bwijie, with a slight heai, -nil: "Wall, now, wo' ve nil lied on. tn. Lei I he h'i iiigor s-iy su hin." Ad eyiM were liiinc! t.iv.a d the stiaiiger, who had ruine (r..ui tho licit, lie p en. led igtiur ine : uf a gu l l slury, hut they pei isle I. Tin y wep-n' t par In ular. After u mumeut's v ibei.ilioii, during which all sangiy pi: I them. s Ivet in their lavuii:.: attitude , tin stranger r wis 'iited, 11 'id b'gia m a 1110 nutuiiuiis and sing-song vui.e as bil low : "One dark, bla. !f night a ban I of robbers g 1! lu red around a i imp lin: in the he ill of th II 11 . M m it lim, in tiriui iny. Tin y had ju t letiirnel from a pliiirh-iing expedition, and writ res'hig t lieiinelvei. T.m roup liri threw a llirk 'iiiig i'gat on the wmid sniin. The raprai 11 uf the haul Wa st ainliii' ill the shadow, h-a-iin ; n ;ain-l a lire, his hands n-stiii r 011 his gii'i. Ili-eei were heat on tin g-0.1 1 I, an I his hue bur" a tr m'll : I c Xjii imi. S id l :iily he tiirne 1, and w illung to wh I" Ins liciit. 11 1 1 1 sin id, sail 1. 1 him: " '-irudly, 1 1 y bay, tell 1111 a thril ling sl.ny. ' Si 11 I ly ?i tile I hitin-lf on a lug -eat, mid to'd lim follow-in j Ihrilling laic: tine dark, Midi tli ;'it a haul of r ohl.eis gather ' I ar 1 111 I a 1 anui lin in the In art of tin II 1:. M .ail tun, in ti.rminy. They had ji I i -tu n -l fiom a plllll b-riiig i-xp : litiun, tin I were re-lllig thennelves. Tm rimp li I threw n lin keiing light mi the well. I scene. The captain of tlm band w a stati liiig in tin shadow, lean Hg again-t a tree, Ins hands restin; ou hn gill. His eyes wire b nit oil tho grminl, all hit lac! boie a I rouble I expet ion. S id lenly he luinel, and walking lo where his Ib-ut n ant sin id, sat. I In h:m: "Si u I l , my Im;,-, ti ll 111 - a llu I'm r s!oiy." S. rldy settle I him e f on a I g seit and Iu. I the billowing tin. II 11 tale: " 11 n: d.nk, Mai k n.o'ul a band nl I ol.ber . r'lt hei rd ,r ti 1 I .1 1 am 1 li 1 1 in tin- I t ul lit.. II ii .'. M 0111 i'ii -, i n tu-imttiy. Tlie had ju t -' " A sudden click w it h ai I 111 Ih" st re, I'llllW '.l III j 1 1 1 1 !v Sll 'l'"sSI ii b Irto III lie click'. Siielli " aojlhl fell on III. gioup. Tin hub: nil lamp a hn h It ,d hitherto lighle I the sr-oni w -at mil, an I all was duk. S.iiucliuil , str art a light, and in tin glare il w is I . 1 id that I n stinnger ha I disnpp -are I. "Hull," inulteied the II 111. .bin .leaks, at ho ) n, keted Ins -di mini 1. iron. "lie save I his skin toil 'ere tllll.'.'' Anf Tec I .Sin. Japanese llahi.s. In ,1 ipau vo l inn te.l a bah, 's ig by Us ha r. 'l lu- fu,- Is slnve I ft. mi the v hp of I he ,1 ipau-se infui' aisei 1 a It Is I .-Hi; when II "1'iH'i to th.- ago ..f aieilain 1 iinbcr if in nths a t in ' ul hair n alluwe I lo n- o il 1 -.a r a. i-lia I he ball unis uf tl..- nowa. A n w iliontln Intel a httie lull 1 . bio. k- I 1 ul in the iciilii of ll.'s m i, and a piim Iree l.ke wisp g.ow. up n i'. I n. 11 1 tiler Utile wis,are a.h.wid toiuaii down under the. ear, and, al I nt. llu hair is grown till over t'n- In a I. Th shnxing if the li 1 I 111 11k et thehui v.iy st IT. and Ihe .I ipance ha- hi- j leal rovii' d with sti:T, 1-1 1. k wires. I lie looks as if his h-ad wer- one g.ga i- j f.r cowlick, and he has tins cop :. the j length of ah. ut one inch. Tue old fashion of shaving a slrip from fore heal to crown, and of weal in; the hut long, and doing it up on the ed ;e el th s bald stiip in tho shape of an id I kishimic I door ku m ki-r, i- hi in ; d im away Willi in the cities, aid 1. u ti ml II only iu the lee. coil l is, ail 111 thne who pride theinsc v s - n belonging tu the old leg. in". -(' nfiff-J.j'i 11', Cleanliness a Modern Virtue. The llig'.ish uppir c :isu s me il an, but 1 h'iiuliin si of any high degree is a vciy modern xirtue tun ni; them. It i an invention of the nim-ti enlli cent 11: y. .M. 11 and x omen bom nt th) close t l thr eighteenth 1 rutin y did as 1'ieiich people ilo today; they took 1 w inn hath occasional'. y for clcaaiiii.-s-, and lie y took shower baths when they were pie scribed by the phvsit an for In alth, and they bathe I 111 summer seas hn p c.asure, but they did nut wash them selves till over every morning. How ever, the new custom too'x de-p root in K igland became it became one of the signs td dats. It w is adopted at one of the habits td a gentleman. I'.t'.l V 1 I Iiu ' t. Itelalioiisliip. Little Hoy "Did you ever see my big 1 r ither John? II 's a distant rel.v t.ve of utit:e '' Ye-itor "A distant rela'ivc.'" Little I'ny ' Yes, in. lee I. II -lives in San lhauciico. " In nappy Days. Tlie hiirveat moon etumls 011 the -e, Her shining rim'.s a drip, fihe r.ihls the sheavt s on many a lea. 'I he i-.iils on many a ship. (Milter sweet ipiccn, upon the ipray, And glimmer on the healln r, l.'iht lair thy rnvs to show the wait Where lovers walk together. The red vvlnil rustles', ninl Ihe vine Are purple to Ihe ruul, And line luvr, xx nil i 11;; patient, wilts Its blessed time ,,f iruil: I ..imp ..I all In-, i-i-, lady moon, I rlil these eln-l lip- tunelher. Whn h reap aloii" a harve-t su-.mi I mg ere September weal her. ... .1 ,.. Ill Ml HOI S. Of intercs' - A pawn ticket. I'oo I for the hliud Sea biscuit. S,uot hing-syi ap man iifaelurrrs are paid cutis! leiahlo hush im nicy. The uvcrige rul ege onrsiii an is inj chicken; no, nil wlnu he ii iu Ids bin 1. "I've had 11 gnat ninny trials in my time," riiii.-iikeil the veteran criminal f.e lly. (Y.n!y Hi ran-ful, waiter, your thumb is in llio suiip. Wail. 1 I don't loin I i', sir, I'm us: I to it. ' I will Iota rip;nri wi.h yu," r 1 -mark'!.! one s1 eer lo a inlhe' as tin y 111 id-! for a couple of puliceni n. lie (foiulliii-r her hind 1 Vmir lit tin html is neir rl.app-.l, is ill Mm (coyly 1 No; I with it might, ho. And then In- popp : I. The burglar who was Vanghl in a shoe sti le aftri midni ;hl aiki-tl In bo ibsi h 11 grd by the .i'ldg't on tlm gimi id that it iv is a lilting plneo fur rveiybi.'ly. Tin- 'l oioiitu (i'vhi (ells of a man who has rnnked his own lurakhrl forflltre i yean. Anpa'cnlly lu-hai no regard I .r Shnkespeai :'t f Ulloiis receipt: "If it Were done when 'lis do-ie, th. 'i 'tw.-ru Wi ll il Well- dour , i"kly. " t 11 crowd -d. All f it. people, vi-i f fat. Cu s'ops, very thin 111 ill gets in. II is great dili il ly in sipice.ing hinnrlf into n l it ol a seal. II .- gets angry mid sas, people ought lo pay f.u :s in i-urduig to weight." Fat tirighb n itnsweit, "If Ih -y di I, tin car wouldn't, stop r.o y ni." 'I h.-.' I e ;g -I him tn play a liltle. II" s . - m-d lo led l inhfiill nt liisl, but all" a while lerui lo pr,v Ihe ivo ries vigoiinly. "What power!' .-nid a li-le-i 1 to tin an ins of the pia in. ''Yes," cxi Inline I Ihe latter, in iiliuin; "he M'-ms tn have 1 niisidri iihln inu.i le; but he ought In knnw that tlm 1. 11 t a gymnasium " Sales of Cits. As to the t it ns an iiiiiinal iinihiin ism, it is perfect, nud I ui!t especially fur I it. in ess. I'onsil.red in a u eful Bi-nse only, the. 1 at really lines morn service lo mankind than the dog, mid if there were m l minium of ruts them "would be lilhmis of vermin." Ill .judging lilts, the total points being III I, ihe cudils ale given for head, evts, lur, color, form, tail, sie, and coll. I llloll, hut II. thing for I ti ll ivior. It rrnll) is h n had, not iu keeping Willi tin- 11 ;e in which we live in, lo tirkon fur nothing the moia's of the c.t. Tails in ensure of d . IT rent st 111. lards. Some should In thick, s. 111 thin, bat t tils ought always to be. pin in a massive way, like a well lord lady's linger, iii.d taper down lo noth ing. As to "markings," only 1111 ex port t an iletri iiiine the mysteries of thrin, If thru is an Aiui-t icau rat. lotcr who can -how a hiae'i ami xh tn tat with "white tip mi a huk tail" let hi 11 rej 'ice, f r Im has a t at of c ,t Something we all know, or ought t kuov, , is this, that tho white ca's Willi blue ens aie invariably tl.-af, ami a deaf rit is a nuisance, because she or he dots 11 t kimw how to regulate hrr or hit x.cal powers. These iiufortuii tilt"! m ver are con cious thai the 11111.it: they make is foi lis-11110 and Wigneihii nil the i 1111 . There 1110 rccasioiril white Prr-i tus Willi blue eyes not deaf. A good Angora, xxith line manners, is wtii th f ."-". Their me many n u-o Pcrdins in tho I'nit'. d Stales, an I Cini iiuiati is hcad ipiaiters for this bieel. Wo cannot say that I'ersiai cats or Persian men have very reliable tempers. We h ivo had personal atipiaiiitnnrn with somo Persian tats of a most gentle and lova ble disposition, while others hnvo be haved in a very vni nis manner. (.'. miles Janus Fox, who kept Ins eyes open, onto made a wager with that scapegrace, the Princo of W'.ilei, that ho ( Fox 1 could seo more cits 011 his side of the street than could his gracious prince. Fox CounC'd thirteen cats, antl tho princo but one. Tha royal personage asked for an explana tion of this apparent miracle. Mr. Fox said: "Your royal highueis took, of i nurse, tho shady side of the way, asm-at agreeable; I knew the tunny side would be left 1110, and cats alway prefer tho sunshiuc. "

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