f . .T jjfa (fjnalham Record THUKSDAY, JANUAltV 0, ISM. LOCAL RECORDS. fOAlrctidy the al'UTiioous arc growing perceptibly longer. ISA eomlortahlo dwelling for; rout. Apply nt Jiri'oiii) oliire. j WIT The next term of our (superior j court will biin lour weeks Irom Best Monday. iffl- F.aHtor ciimes tlm year on the j lasi Friday. 1 here was a very tall tUb tiny of April two weeks earlier j attendance, 44 onto! the 45 sub titan lal year. I alliance.-'- in this county being repro- jseiiteil. Messrs. i il. Scott, T. II. " Fitty cordH ol first cbiM Hick j all0y nn,j H. Soars were elected ory timber wanted at uu-' lit the j delegates to attend a meeting at hauls mill. None bill jirtt cln.. j Oxford yesterday to consult about wanted. tlm recent tobacco trust. It was . - 'decided to hold tho next quarterly wnyooay in ..ecu mh roonev can geni, oy at imicu iiituiiiig . 1 I. ..i:.. dogwtKtd and persimmon timber to - . - . - .... tho shuttle mill Mr Head the"ad."ot Wyatt Bros., nd when you go lo Ihu liani call on the in. They are as siptaro deuling morcliants as can bo found any where MT We congratulate oar esteemed couiityman, Mr. John M. Melver, upon bis happy niai-'iago, on l.-.st Tliuroday, to Miss Louise Anderson, ot Cltntou. JbJ"Vo Would iviniiitl persons who bold chattel mortgages, that the lasl Legislature passed an act rnpiiring all notices of sale to be posted at the court house door. MTMr.lt 1. Kogeis having re pur cb.-.'od the Durham Marble Work liaK iToally enlarged its business, ari't h prepared to do all kinds ot tombstone work in the best style, Iteitd his ''ad". i-At the last meeting of tho count1 commissioners they ordered a levy of 15 cents 011 1 ho ? 1 00 v:tlua tion of real estate to be mudo in the Huekhorne stmk law territory, tor the purposo ot repairing the lence aurrouuding it. MT ltev. X. J5. t'ohb will preach in tho Baptist church, at litis place, on next Su inlay, lie is one ol the best preachers and cleverest gentle men in tho State, and we hope that our liaptist brethren here will bo w fortunate as to secure him thcirl pastor. tf0 Farmers, you can find at W, L. London's a large slock of plows, consisting of Oliver Chilled, l'';irni- er'ii Friend, llicli inoinl Kentucky,! Dixie, Cotton I'low, lieorgia sioeks. 1 A'C, Castings Inr all km Is ot plows, II of which will be sold very low tor the cash. SUT Iteiiieuiher it you need any Ready made Clothing, Pant goods, Flannel Press goods, Suawls, Ladies' Wraps, that now is the lime to buy .them cheap for the cash. London in offering special inducements lor tho cash in these goods, He bus largo stock and they must be mid. ff W take pleasure in . t i i ti-r I Attention to the "ad." of the Pitts, j boro' Acade ny, ami in rceommend-i ing the principal, Mr. S. S Jacks m. I as one ot the niot competent and , faithful teachers in the Slate. Cl.il dren entrusted t. his care will he ; thoroughly i ns'.riu t"d. Wo upcak from personal knowledge. Stir Mien II lircver ret, lies tu us to tatcthat he has not advertised any land lor sale to pay luxes, as he had threatened lo do, because he has learned that the law Joes not now compel bint to sell tin tlio first -Mon-iiho day in February, as he bad thouirht. J). M. Bridges, for pork, &c, He will therefore give all tho indiil ,;r poor-house, pence ho can, mid will wail until j Umlloy A Hurke, for corn February court, before advertising! Jim hmu for poor house, any lanJ. iC. 1). Moore, lor lumber and tl" - - j DiiiMUMW AiiiMi - a neexirair-iSf dinar- weather ot this .. inter con- tin lies lo astonisli "Hie oldest llihan-1 itanl". Alter so tlclightltil a lo cemberit was expected that January would be unusually disagreeable, but thus lar this month has been as mild and iinsciisonablo as was last month. Tho tree; are actually he pinning to swell their buds, and many flowers are in bloom, such as buttercups, hyacinths, periwinkle and daisies, the like ol which wasnov er before known herent this season ol tho year. Yesterday tho thonnom etor indicated a temperature ol 75 degrees, hot cnmigli to make w inter clothing very iinconilortahlo. Ql'AHTKKl.r ('rNKFREMfK. TllOlirst quarterly meeting; lor this year mi tbo Piltsboro' circuit was held iu the Methodist clie en ut this place, on lust Monday. 1 ho stewards from every church on tho circuit, except Hickory Mountain church, weio present. The pastor's salary lor the ensuing year was fixed at $800, samel flo last vear. llio salary or the pro Aiding elder wan reduced 25. The ' assessments wuro imulo 85 less on very church, except Hickory Moun i sin church, arid thai was increased i'.O. Presiding Khler Harris wan I reient and rircached two very able. fsermoiiH. The next quarterly t-on-foronuio will be held f t Providence churcb. i'liKAr Jons An. Manv news- miners will nuhlinli the advertiso- moots of patent medicine, Ac, aC ruinous rates, merely to fill up their! Columns. They will publish tho ad- verlisementa oI'iumi residentu of our' ! n m,.,., I.,u-a,. 1 1, - tw,, I of our own citiotiH. Wo do not j rretond to dictnto what othor papers hould do, .but we are plumed lo state that lb HrroRti in not guilty of so great a fully and injiistico. Il any Javoru Jtre to bo aLowu to aoy I advertisers, if ho mo nro to have I lower ratCH ihnn otliors, tlio Uepoiid i in favor of our home lolks nguiimt OHidoiits oveiy time! Wo are nleaned to noto that fcv cral of our exchanges Mate that they 1 declined the "ad." ot the Alabama Xm-sory Company, beiuiiHO of the, riiliculously low price offered. The! IIki uuii ve'rv promptly rejected the ' oll'i'f when received somo weeks ai;o, mid we sincerely pity any paper that bad no inure profitable use of its en I umns than to accept it! ! Cor.vrr Ai.MANcr. Tlio regular iiiiurtorlv meeting of the County Alliance was held at thin place on I .,, ,... illht0Ul, , Illv : 1 1 1 Ol. 1 1 1 1 11 I " : .,,.,1,.,. ,,, tlliu U11V il ill-i;i"nii v, .i tv yi irtvo ruoiv tune tor 1:10 iruusncuon j J . ... . .. of the necessary business of tin one ot iinprceedenten nanism to the farmei, the laborer, and in deed to all classes ot the people. It will he neeess.iry this year for the tanner to give employment to tho laborer, and for the merchant to help the farmer and lor all classes to help each other. "-"."if- ' wiB rt'S",Ul,0,",i ii-Iuo!-; lli'inclHU-ber ' mZ I vi In S.ates w here , bey wer n ere nuoptej careful estimate puts the cost of wine b(1-"- U1'WII",S" H'' ''' .,1 . ; n, 1 ohe er Z consumer at 72,.;70,1M, and l'i 1hts..h l all ages, while that and the partia I a. 1 11 loot otu l. r!i L, (lis,ic(1 .j, ;!7,, .,; s ;() under ..cial eonsideration is made ' i i i . i i 12 . near v one b 'on dol hirs hoeiit ; 1,10 UiU0 marriage and mat o year upon which we have en ered I in . " ' '' ,X". I'livorce. The length ol married life II. That the credit system is the blind deaf mute, who gained sn.-h ro- the 1!).M per cent., and thus give the prime cause ot financial am! agricul-, torjely for the wonderful gift the probable percentage ol eases of mi tural depression, and so tar as nrac- possessed of ucquiiing knowledge ! gration to obtain divorce, but at ticablo it should be discouraged and , throuch hei only two faculties, niut !'n.Wi,i I wnn'.l .,iu ..i.;n. discontir.ued. To this end the mast rigid economy should be practiced and encouraged by all classes ol tho people till they aie al io to pay the cash lor whatever they buy. In this work of retrenchment and re form we .voulicspreinlly invoke the aid and co-operation of the fairer ami Delter portioixu tne eomminm) iter portion ot t tic community the women. I in-y win mo lu;r , leaf, d:imb, nml blind, sbo was ceonomically, as they ilid during tho,, ,t under the el.ntge of Miss Annie war, and n.ake everything in tnoi.M. Sullivan, who undeitck to in way of clothing, the country will j .stniet her in the touch alphabet, and "n".". j. i. ..-j.. ....... 111. All the industries to which ur locality may tie adapted snouiu ; tie tiifii-rcil ami encouraged. Press ! making, tailoring, shoo making, ! !,,..., 1, 1. ...I.e., ill. in. r .(e I v,,QrUii tlH m.x ,Vs oinpoNiiii.r. dair nig. canning, sloe ruiMiiL'. sheet, husbandry, the tin proveiiieiii of the farm, the garden and the orchard. These industries flourish best in proximity to each 1 oilier, and together they constitute 1 J o: . is o, p,osr ..j . hv tvhich the -ro duels of the fertile j lands and improved machinery ol other sections are thrown upon our! local iiinrkt tsal a less cost than they ! can bo produced at home has brought j ii pon lis the necessity ot abandoning our lurms tir increaMng their pro diictiveness and lessening tho cost ol prod m l ion. V, That our Slate and county taxes are too higo lor tlio depressed omjition ol the fanners : that oilier modes ol taxation should be devised lor their relict, and that ail revenue" should be limited to tho necessaiy expenses ol the govoininentccoiiom icaily administered, VI. Thai a just and equitable tijuiiliun d be i staldi ;icd liv hi w bet ween t!.o wages of the laborer , Hid tbe ( Oililieiisations of ollite- holders and professional men Coiiiniissioneis' Meeting. The cou my coui'iiissioncrs held liuir regular tn.'intlily meeting last M onda v and Tuesday and audited lolfowiug accounts: i i?5!s.01 , 15.40 woidi on i'eaiM-ingtoirs bridge, IC 40 j ilm'ton, f,,r repairing Prince's hrid"e 1 t- ll,..i,..n lor ii.k ,ii, uud mucilage, V. L, London, for supplies, ir. J. A. Hanks, assupen'u. loiideul ol health, L. li. liyiiuiii.ns finance com mitteeman, A. F. Thomas, for bridgo across Sliaddox creek, II. U. Hamlet, insolvent fees, I). S. Johnson, tor conveying -Mary Ann Hums to Mor gantou asylum and return ing Ida MiT .vcr from same, (). S. Johnson, lor conveying; Adam Price to ji.il, Thomas Cross, jail tees, Thomas Cross, for conveying Tom r'arrstr to punilunliu rv, C K. Scott, insolvent fees and as finance' com mittccuian, I ). S. Poe, for supplies, lUiniio Si lieudeu, for sup lti.tlii I 11.00 3G 1 34.00 245 40.00 b.25 7. :ij 8. -15 plies. 5.50 Hen Thompson, for black- smith work, 1.30 i H. N'ooe, Jr., lor lumber lor Robertson's creek bridge, 2 32 j II. A. Loudon, fin-advertising ! and jirintiug blanks, 18.20 j Hdwards tv liroughton, for i blanks. II. Oil! S. M Holt, insolvent feci, 7.21 j (JuitK.RKU, That Duncan Thomp-I Hon bo allowed (I a mouth for sup port of Hannah Dismnkes Okdeukk. That J. IS. Carpenter j i be cKcinpt Irom poll tax on account i ' poverty and intinnit-. ' Ori-kiiku, That W. A. Kites bo 1 l inoulli lor support ot ; WH Kites, colored. ) OHOKRKO. That l. F. ('Klt bll allowed SI a month lor up.rt ol ihy Syrup ; it coutaiu nothing in- Isabella Johnson. iuiioiid. Ubukiiko, That V. L. Lendun be , allowed II a month lor upart nl For lame back, sido or chest, use Hetsy llolowny. i Shilob's Port.us Plaster, l'rice 25 Ouii:r..t, That Allied Brsy beieeuU. Caium tt HtAtcs. 'allowed 51 a month lor the support ot Jerry F. Si lor. Okdkkkd, That V. A. Foushoo bo ' nllowe.l ?1 u month lor support of - JNiiomi bmitli. Ohukhed, That Jones & Kelly have lieenwo to Nell spirituous liquors in town of Piitsboio'. OitiKin:i, That the sheriff select a jnrv to lav olf and condemn a stit- licient atnoiiut ot land on each hide of the river at A vent's ferry, with authority lo unw-nn and award dam ages to any party entitled, if there bo any such, ami report. Money Spent for Drinks. From IbxttHiKluxky (Oliln) ItOKlstor. The actual il-ni.unt of mnlt. lionnrs consumed in 1888 was 7o7,5S7,nr.o gallons. I his includes not (piilo three million gallons of imported fieer and ale. The manufacturer'!: price to the retailer is abovo rather than below 20 cents per gallon. At 20 cents the cost lo the dealers would bo $1 ":,.") 17,41 1. The retailers get an average of CO t ents per trillion. I wnien iiiiiKck I in cost, tn I in i-ioiuii 1 , . . , , . mers 84iJi,!i22,2.TI, which tho Amei i v tor 1 niior dv ine Ilic I'nited Stales. How few neonle reali.e the enormous expense tiie use of liipior entails on the people. A lilitiil Mutt Kilucatn). From llio Hi'luUn: Aiuei l :nu. Laura ilridgeniaii, the celebrated whose death wan so much lamented in tbo scientific world a Hhort time ago, bus a youthful and very worthy suecHssor i:i Miss Hellen A. Keller, who is ut, present an innmto of the ji-cihins xusTiiuLo ror tne isiina m ; Boston. SIih was deprived of her j sight and hearing at the age of eigh - , teou uu.ntiis. At the ago of six, be so eager wus ner pupil tor Kuowieitge, mjj h0 quick of poreej.fion, that she ,uovv is nhlo to read and write with p;-ifect facility. Miiiilei cd his Daughter. lta oili l'rriHHn.lput nf Wlliiili.giou Mrwruyrr, itev. C. L. Poweil, a baptist preach er, who, as an imlepondout mission my, went to Algiers, North Africa, from North Carolina, La3 in a tit of infinity murdered bis youngest ting her throat with a pocket knife " allaeH on bis wife, who ,1-'l ,,lul thereby saved her life. He '"ad been in an asylum in Algiers, but having improved. w:is allowed to go 1101110 nu,l l'1" made this mur- -"- ut- .i. iu u v- him iu Algiers. His wife anil four ehildrtm are very anxious to gel back to North Carolina. Itev. Mr. Powell : was for a mouth some years ago. m .11. iV .-e.j;.,. iUU . , a very teriiiilo one and will uttract much attention al! over the state. Fret' Fight on a Car. Li AVENWoiu'it, Ivan , Jin. G Late Saturday night two partii s of i'nited Stiles soldiers, one colored, f the Ninth Cavalrv, uud the oilier .vhile, w,.,w returning In the fort from Lin v j " 'in worth, when Charles Harrison, ono : I of tlio colore.) men, insulted one of1'"1 'Ibursdny night I the white soldiers. A free light e,i- j ,J,,i," 11V' isu.-d, the white men using the euspi- i bndhers nan.od lye ...is .in, t ik ti-ri-ru.. i.. r n r.iu Two negroes wh ise names are not .known, were severely injured and were sent to tho hospital. Nono id tbe wLiies were injured The ear in which tbe light oecuired was totally wrecked. .- Fatal Lxnlosion. S)C.(ll tl, ,)lC j,PWS n)lj oiworvcr. I tiiiKr.Nvii.i.i;, X. C, Jan. 4. A ter 10.00 j i t i t boiler explosion oecuired atSam . I tiel Quincrly's mills, Belis i'ei ry, yes , "7- j t(!rt''l.v evening, killing a man named -"-! Itichard Units uud wounding four others. Tho report sound, d like a tremendous gun and was d'n-tiiidly htard for more tbau eight miles. Killed With Scissors. Akuon, Onto, Jau. 2. Uo.a lf:.k", th little daughter of a tin en town ship farmer, fell on the points of a pair of shears Tuesday evening, the biudo piercing her heart. She pulled it out, and tho blood gushed out in a stream, and iu an instant tbe little one was dead. An interesting case has been re ceived at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The patient has animals in tho shape of snakes living in his blood. He is from Charleston, S. (.'., and has suf fered from his peculiar disease more or less tor t we. ny years. Many times bis blood has been examined under the microscope, and the stiako-shup-ed parasites have always been found present. The blood for examination has generally been drawn Irom a tingt" tip. 1 Ins is tho first caso ol the kind at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and lew doctors in the I'liiled States have personal knowledge of the dis easo. Travelcra aro subject to other dan i l'its tliau tuoso ot vessel and car. Imnrooer catiner at the various hotels hev visit demands the nrorer use of lunt reliable regulator of tho human HVslem, Laiador. Jt j,, rot nlwaye perfectly ssfo to! soothe the baby with opium piepan-1 ll I.ul .m. ...n nlc frn llr TtullV I Statistics of IHvorce. From Present Day Paper in the j.lnu.irv ..,.,,, ' "p,.,, ...niH l)t ,l0 i.v':iv. i... ilv SllI11. ucl W. Dike, we miiile followim.r "Out of tho total ot':t2H,7IO divorces granted in the Tinted States in the twenty yearsjrom to lS8t!, in - elusive, 28tt,51(i were granted to couples who had been married in this fiinntre mid null' TTM'l with Iron, marriages celebrated in foreign countries, lne place of the -),- of HI. 'AH9 is uiikiiown. Oiic-lintrlli ' of II: 'se latter are reported from! rcipr.ro a tlisclosttro tne jilace of. marriage '11 its libels for divorce. ! -1OW tlio IVpOI't shows that OUt ol ; ! -S'J.i") IG i!ivori-e.s v. ho.se place marrmi'U WHS In n i-oinil i v nn. " . . ' was ascert allien, 2M ,Mii , or H. 1 per iu.nl ,.,..; I ,1;..,,,...., :,. .. ,, , 1 Mate. I he migration from Si-it,,1 ' '"t" i to .Slate to obtain divorce must there tore be included within this HI.!! per fen I. Hut it cannot he even any thing like the whole ot it. Tor tu 187(1 there were 2:1.2 per rent., mid in 1SS0, 22 1 per cent., of the native. horn nopiilalion ol tins i '"'loro iivorce in the 1'nited States svt,,ages it 1 7 year s, which, I think, lloin one third to one-hall the average continuation ot a marriage in those instances where divorce does not occur. Careful study may lead to a reasonably correct approxi illation to the proper red action Irom ! ion on the point. It certainlv is n j very small part of all the divorces of tho counlrv, though varying in I different States. Hut the necessity ltd' such investigation is ihe point i"t illustrates. The distovrry of these facts alone justifies tho cost of the 1 invaluable report of the Department ,,f Labor. It can hardly tail to com I ,,el the slu.lv ofthe problem ol uni I tomtit v froin almost entirely nw I points'of view as to its real nature ! mid idaec in the treneral uucstion" - - Imagine A store 60 feet wide and 80 feci long ,nl everv available foot of room 1 on two floors and a basement erowd j ed with the choicest bargains to be found in North Carolina in lino dress i .m.i.lj .f .1.-...V ul.u,i ,.ii, .lit.- ,,,,.1 i erv shad.', tiualitv uud ! inice. Men's s. youth's and children's suits of tho line.it make and materials sold 20 per cent under tbo cheapest house iu the Stale. Ladies line wraps of all tbe latefrt designs at lower prices thai you have ever been common good.) sold for. Shots in an endless variety from the liuecit French kid button d iwn to the heavy work shoes for every day ami all sold ut prices which hi o iiKiivelous. I tsay, imagine tin , f il,ij i'.iivsii ,"..,.1 r.ii...i .:,!, i ii,.,i,,(V,.i.,u ,...,1 ...... ,v.. fllil)t ()f ,vlml th(! J5i 1Ul.k,.t storo mnv u 0ur bl)VPr j8 llow iu N. y. alldyou umv j(,o!; rHomothing , j k , , :,. you pleasure at the Jjig Hc.eket Store, cor. Martin & Wiheinj ton streets, llal-c-igh, X. V.. Four Men Jiurned. Paih i'aii, Kv., .I.iniiarv d Four loggers were huriieil to death at be's camp, up t In Tennessee riv- i from I'aducah, '. by their cabin 1 ..I them were and t he others : Sinners. It is cr, sevenly-ll VO mih" iiittiie-i xi.iiijii mi I 'supiiosed that they were nil intoxi ill : ealed. 1 he cabin i. 1 chininev. niled from th . leruoio tracui iook place nil .uiteiM it eouiify, t ., twelve nines from.' korsville, the county seat. In i a drunk 'U row Christ mas day, tin oo men we e killed. Friday, Monroe G.irlaml, brother of one of the mur dered men, rode up lo a crowd in tbe same ph.i'e and fin d into them, kill ing thiee and woun loig twelve. . - THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Sliiiob Cure. Wo guarantee it. Chamn A Heaiikx. A telegram to tho Atlanta Constitu tion from Chattanooga, Tenn , says : J ho people of Missionary nidge are enjoying fresh ripe straw berries grown in their gardens uud ripened during the Into spell of dry weather. The eilifins of the ridge met ami united in having it strawberry festivul on New Year's day. SLKEPLEsS NIGHTS, made mis erable by that terrible couth. Shilob's Core is tbo remedy for you. Ciiam.n A H Ell' EN. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilob's Curo. Cuai-in & IIkahfx The Stanly Observer says that R M. Jeffrey, of Mecklenburg county. sold 800 pounds of tobacco for 800, and says helms sixty-five barns of the saiuo kind. j CATAHUH ClTil'T), health and j tweet breath secure!, by Shilob's I Citarrh Ilemedy. P.iee 50 cents! Nasal Injector free. CiurisA HE.wrN Tho grand total of money embez ! .led from corporations, private firms' .n,' il.n I'liiicl Stales Gov. i iimeiit 1 durin" the year lfH'. was $S,552,7.ri3. i - ! SHILOH SCOl GHandConsmnp-i tion Cure is sold by us on a piiarau-1 ton It eilllS CollSIl Hint i.lll. ClUI'lN , A. IIeaken. ! WILL OU Si Fl' KH with Dys- ' popsia and Liver Complaint T Shiloh'8 1 Vitahzer is guaranteed to cure you. ' Cuahn A Heam-N. SHILOH'S VITALI4ER ia what -vml ,'.f,e1 ror onalipation, Lohh of Appelite, Dizziness, ami oil Hvniptoius . of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents Pr ottle. Chaws .V Hcadkk. - 1 - - - - - SCHEDULE PITTSHOUO' It. It. ! Tii iiuw-tigpr inil.i ,, ti,0 1 ;:iei,n' railroad ; lnuwi i'tti.ii-ri' duliy. i..niii sum.Ujh, am .. : '" nl111 rrivi m I'lnni)...' m 5 tu p. m., nulling ' ',",") t''i"J'U"n Willi Hie mull train i.u ilit It. & A. , w lil. a 111 livrtn m HuK'ltli tu 11. ai n. ni. m 3.4.1 1. m. i,vickii:i.. Ohlllit.rlHM iJ.uri-nii movxii im.tM m lli.n I , "'f TrU!,nT,!:Y7,,1 "' i'"' i W..W. Amlck, Mr. euAUi.Ks T. IIkm.ki m Mlaa ! 0 j I LuKl SI. l.l).ol.KV,ilnuliu:rc.tMr. J. M. Lludloy. i . n"-i".""J,- 'i rrnijnc! in in 1 iTIilc s rmlirr, by K. M. liiirnn, i. K, lKinlnr , 'ismii, ihto, .nr. euiiiLit it. ioe m um akah i ASS ItiUILTiS. ! '"'o ti.i.in. ai in robiiin nr m noy Mim, ,y II. M. liuiiis, J. v.. IH"iiiiir mill. lbS'J. .Mr. JlJUn UKS U Mini) A.N.NIK 1XU8. tVCOKS EiX-WKIIhTK.U.-Oii Juieuiry Ul. 1SU0. I'y It M. Ilurim, J. V , Mr. Jauts 1. O osell mi 4 Minn J HiK O. Wkiwikii. N r w A (I v or t ise in en t s. Tho uiidoralKiipil hnrlng opeuotl 1111 VNDKlt TAK Kit's e.'Hh.laliiM'ul, lit ireiarel lu InruUli miy mjio ur pUh ut L'orFIN'S, SPENCE TAYLOR. Jiinuury S. lulM. tin. S. S. JACKSON, Principal. Tbe Spring Term will begin on Mon day, January 13th, 181M), and eon t iti tit: twenty weeks. Tbo climate of PitUboro' is 6ftln brious, and indeed there is Dot a more healthy locality in North Carolina. Its people are renowned for their hos pitttlity and their social, intellectual and moral virtues. Board can bo bad in and around tbo village at moderate prices. The Academy building is convo uiently arranged and fitted for school purpo es. 'J hose dctniing inst ruct ion in Music or Crayon work, and Painting in Ken sington, or in Oil, or Water C .lots, will bo directed to cxpei ieuced and skilled instructors. Parents may bo rmsuitiI that every effort will be made for the thorough instruction of their children. Their iimral as well as their ititclleetual training will be carefully looked to. II irt lu,rt(l t!int Lot only Chatlmm, 1)1,1 0,h,'r counties also, will favor the ,'l,ul,oro Academy with a hbeial patronage. . '.. I 1 rinitrv r.iiglisli IJriineheH S?l().tHI I'1'1'1 ' Knglish Uriim lies 1(). I.lm'medmle Lngn.sh branches 12110 in'iiei r.niisn o: iiuerieri i;).oo Latin. (5;ei k. French, German. Sur veying and Stenography, each, 5 extra. Contingent Fee, 50 centa. Miniateru' children will be instruct ed at half rates. Fur further inhu mation, npplv to S. S. JACKSON', Principal. icipul. , Durham, H. C. OUPt STOCK OF Heavy Groceries j AND FEED STUFFS I is larger t him ever before and never ! w i re CllKA PKI1 and cei tuinlv ot:r is 'the pl.ico you are looking for libt now, ti. en money is never tnirder to get bold of. We now Lave it. stork sevenil ear loads of CORN, ERAIi SHI? STUFF .A.:isr:D CHOPS, LISSEEB ASS CQTTDS SEED MEAL jtjjjoK x.-V T... ,,,., ...... , v(.rineo enn- viuces ns, is conducive to the good health of STOCK and CAT 1 LE. We carry a A HEAVY STOCK OF and can offer epeei.il prices lo thf wholesale frdo. Examine our stock of CANDIES both Plain and Fancy. Piiuny Nuts, Apples, Ac, Ac. whole sale and rt tail. We ask you to come and see us whcti in Durham. Jan. !, 18'Jt). (Jms. NEW YEAR'S We w ish you all a bright and happy New Year and hope you will have a prosperous one. We would iike to make tbe follow ing announcement now, end that i that wo will keep Our Stock Complete during tho year, and will continue to add new lines of goods to our already varied stock. We are going to con tinue our old policy of doing our business for cash and at O " PjICI- I i e it iiii u inaiiKs ior ia . . snowu . ,,s tho V- n",1 R!,k or jf t'l i tlunng tlie eoniiug year. xo are anxious to close out out H,,,, k o "u "'fl Mu l,ovs' clothing and will ofler them from 10 to 20 per cent, below tlitir prue. . f iiv 1 ' ' WQQLLGOn & SCI. 14 East IVIartin Street, JtAI.lUC.II, iv. c. PITT WHY, 'k ?ls TOMESTC1TE9, TABLETS, ;. Erown stone for Door anl Winflow Sills, (Mil and hmi CEMETERY VORK NEATLY EXECUTED. MM.'XSAXI) JJ.STLUA TEH FUHX1XH 1CD ON APPLICATION. 1. Nt'v Advcrlisenieiits. X K ' I .'T( ) I IS' X OTU'lv- - II A V- A injf UfiliH-l nft i jtci-iit'irH of J. A. .T'idph, lo rcnf-tJ, w Jirivljy iHtilty nil 'ri(.nH lioldtnt t'i)t niH hizaiitM iM iltv tijt'iit I'tfJthlMt llm SHinr tn uh fiu ir l-efoio th VUt -Uy r Jumiarv. IIKMiV L. 4()NKS JnmiAry 9, li OltAtJKg. JUr. Engins for Sale. By TIrluo nf a ni'iriu.lt'p fioeuto.l to uh hhJ reg- IrliiisU on iiutlux auit i'.l .it lur k "!(X." Id Hie ufltrn or ihn UeiHinr nf DiMitrt nf tliatliitm couuty, Wtj will hull for ctIi ai. llio c-um-Uiuho dtor In I'lttalKiro', '.n MUD AY. llm Jim dnyut JANUARY, it J'i linrn i.w)r Ksiiisk, tlini.KU ami Ox mine, uuw at M'or'a Dilll tu tbo uma ot Mus-lK.ro-. ALlF.M k CHAW. January 9ia, Hi JO. Its. CAUTION Take no -ahnea nnleia W. It, oua:lae' name an iiarlae' name ana Mumneil on thtt eml direct tu favt.iry, ncloslug I privo. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. fine f'nir, llnjr 1-nveU ttriilu antl Creed moor VVultTproof. Ilt-Hf iti lh world. 1'xnmlno Ills H.O.I IIKNI'I VK II ANII SKttKI) SHOB. si.oo ii imi-m:vkii hu t mioe. :!..-,.) i iii ii i: nil FAli.Ml.Its' SHOE. i:tica v.ti.i i: ai r shoe. Ht.-ir S-i WOltK 1 Nti.M l:'S SI.MIPS, i.uo mi.i fti.7.r. noi s' seiiooi. suoas. All ii.j. In C'.njrips. tinlton ami I.rc. $3&$2SHOESlafd0i8. 01.75 S1IOK K)K MISSF.B. I1l.t l:tt-riitl. Ural Slylr. llcat Flttlna. W. 1.. Doui;lrt, Brorktou, Man, Soli If PITTSBORO'. N. C, Jmiuury 'i. 1 S'.s). 33is"g:3r for Sale, on MONDAY. Hi.- Wli dny of Jitnunry. IPSO. I will boll Iff- .'H-xli in Hi.' if "in 1i'Uh il.w.r. hi Htfi-l-if'. ft iiliin lliiifk-y lM'l....t!liiif if. Oo.rue 1 ll.'wl.'ii i.-..ii.re.li hu.I (I..H i. iy t..r rfimlrini It. Jau. -i, li-'JO. Vb C. M, UAllUKN. aoitTtJAOl' SALE BY VIU-; TI'K i.f a tiTiiin mrirtftfro J(ifi given hf .ill. li ilHi-ri I.. V h. n.trk, ilts'f.rf,l, anit by lit i .'.'iii"r t-tnui"l t mr, rtn'i.rilra In the ' ilio U'-alMt-r tt Hf-oiN ..f eiiftil.ain couiiiy. ! In iH.k l!M. ..iK s tsui'j I win n.-lt rur utHli tu the ' liihtLsl lit.l.lrr at lit.. I'l.url-li'.i. rt.Nir In sitld 1 ...iii.iy . .u iii nth .lit,- ut Miir 'h, lifJO, Oil" towH of ; liui.l lli.'rvlli .l.'1'.'rlt.r..l. kll.. ll fin llin MIlfttKjltl lliirrlh phi's. Mnmtit In Uleki.i'y Mt.uiiialn uiwn i -lili. a ';, lulnt: Uik iiii : II H Hkcna ulbem, ; C'.uiHiii;iie em ticrur.,n.'.ru or lem. I !. 1J iM. M I!Y J. I)A!IR. ! 3 X K( T'T( I II'S N't )TI C K.-N otick j i i U hur.'i.y ylv. n th ii I Imvo Uils .lay iuall- ' I!.-1 ns i'..-. 'it'.. r i, ( J'tlti.'i. . Mhi:h. itc'cuseit, rtn.I , .-i o. 1 i:--i'rt -i!'l lr.'oiil ll.oT rlitlllm In mf i.r llif l rn.y, T. II .'int. k. .ill '.r U..ri Hie Jfilhdiy ; ..I i.'i'i.iiil,..r iMHi, .r iiiIh n.iili'e will Ins phut.! In ' tur '! u.hIi- re. ..v. rv J. O, COOK, i il.'.'"!llth'l- Jlrtl. iS'J ftl. ! .11 oUTtiAiil-; SA l.K. II V VIK 'I'l'K r ft ni"i't..L'i i'x.'"ui.-il t.i m un tlm ! vj-H i.f Ji.ii.i ii-, sMi. i.v o. l' Siii:ih and wlfo, I i .,1 .-..-ll i..r .'.ii.li hi i.iilill.'.'iiu'li iti oS 'I'll K I'HKM- j : '. sn..;i-,i,iv, ii,.' is ii .Inv ..r .liuiimry, luwo. '.'-'.'in tr.-t.'t i IuikI Ii. Nt.w lt..o It.nriinlilp, i ..h.tlil .-.iiiiily. l.-lj"llilm: lli. I.ul.lt,.. I A. O. W II- I ..'II, I.HH l-ltll.'.. HII'I ...ll.'l- HU.I IMIllHllllllg H'i . iiiT'i, r.i re i i' lena. W. 11. lirUKWlTH. li. c. r... :s-j. All kinds of LT Mlihlt for sale at the j PITTSBORO SHUTTLE MILL. W-ATHER-BOARDING, CEILING AND FLOORING, Pl.t.NKD AND KlI.K-DllIfeli, OR Itol'l.H. j lil!s saw i d to older at short notice. Good Ceiling and Flooring already Di.Essto at only f?l per 100 feet. jb! nooe, dt. Sept. 20, 1SD. CLO'rUING! T. J. LAMBE, DXTZSIX.v, 2T. C, LEADING CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. LATEST STYLUS IX HATS. Men's baud and machine made Shoes. Nov. 21. 18K. C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule. In t I'fect December 1 OAll.V JACH'T St'NIiAV. Triu.i..iiiB.iriii Vrnlri Ui.ln( StmtL SO.. Mull ft rfWHfllKrr Lhv 1 III. I -kiinllKVlllfi. Arrltn, 1.25 p. in. I II 4.) tlFtI..t, I4f, 19 ' .hi Kftyoiu-rlllo, ' ' i III p. m l.iio SHiifii., ' l.m I in. 4i i.iiir, " i.m litnit. m slier. " It. 10 a.m. I Artlto, l.tfrt je in. fin-oi.Hlx.rn, ' 10 ut b.M Mi. All y. ' " a.M . m. 1 N . 1 -l.rmkfiutt nl l-'iijvepvllle, dfunor il (ii-.'cii.tH.ri.. fnrj j lUy. I.f'nkrnnt nl Or.-i'iiol..l.., illuuiir at Han- hwiisit ami Mini irHiiiruiiiaii cxi-.'piHull- I'mlL'lil nn.l A--.--.tn m... lull. m Train ruai trm It. iiuniihviil.. n. Kny.tt.vlllr In. rriuru.j f Kli'l Htttunlityi, U..III Kit!lvilln U. (I m-lllK,ni' ,.ii M ,ii,i.., .-u.. , ii.yn ftii.l Krl.l.tyi trxinjlm. ittJSfcWIHJU UUUl AJU UASa-5, . tr.t-nwiH.r" mi .i. ...rj .' mil) , r.i-airrwiiti r?' 'i.'"'ri-i'iil u.r.iy ; ip.mi. nn.l lu.lHvi., ti"in Ml. lrr Tii.-iIhv. TliiirvlnyH mill KMiiirilftyi. HHlunlyn. ftn.1 tmni t'avKilcvlllx l. llmuMlavult: tin H.ni.layH. tt..ili.i-f.iliti h miiU lrilji. Trulun mi lanuiir llnnu Ii run ilullv nmitttun day. k i i.r;, unu i ihm acnul, j. W. 1 liVa. u , u,.i. DURHAM MARBLE VIORKS. ROBERT I. ROGERS, DEALER IN- EVERY CITIZEN OF Chatham County Ought to Subscribe TO THE RECORD And keep posted as to everything that happens in the State and County. LESS THAN THREE CENTS A WEEK will pay for it! :- Chatham Record is ?x: OLD RELIABLE Other Papers May Suspend, But the RECORD Continues Year After Vear Its Weekly Visits To Its Many Readers. SUSTAIN ITI SUBSCRIBE FOR III! Advertise in it!! Report of Finance Coinittee. Tho UnitinfMV.iiimllK'.il Chatham cminly mrt IimfmU-r 1. Kn.1 l.iuml Hi" following1 as KIHl.'iiK'Ul nl Uii Onaiii'lal raunlltlnD (it Die cnuntr. T..1AI. INPtlH LDMtHB. O'lminii.tlnR ..r.li i". 1.1 1 Curl IIiilbk iH.i.itcl ilcl'l. 3.11s M Fitii.llng II. 'lifts ami Inl.-ri'Bt, 6.30 M AHMfin for g..uoril county purposw. Tain, li".'. fl0,M H Letts comnilM'I'.nK ami Inm.lvMilfi. lu the liHn.lt) of Uh' SlwrltTon Curt nouw ilKl.t, 1.0 On M.iiifli-.l .li'lil, 1.8M.I0 Hui- mi Uniiiln of Centre towiiHbli, ttjDM) M Inurnwt n wtnie. In tbe I.u0. i.t HIinrllT un litis deM, l.tU H HcIvkH Fun4. Prfpirtylitx. M If Ituilri'KJ t. til'r. i Ltiiunr Lleeu!, kc , tl Wlilta Hulls, '.'X Black VolU. I4 J uma IniMilvenlH, A. O. HKAPFN, Cb'n. I I.. 0. IIVNI'M, itVw . C. K, BtlOTT. I wm mi mil ziAzxxan, 2t . o., Pelivem CoIThib freo o( cburg at any depot in State. Orders attended any Of nigtlt. III HtOCIt Jut. 1 ALilU KAJt X IKST' Ot ii ,rrH,l11R WALNUT ('OFFINS "ll KrtlU. AL.I7II V I VAJJT ! pino and poplar, f il utylen, sie ami j priee. Dunul RoIioh of all sradeu a lid pi iw.. L. C. lUQWELL, It.t tmu V f I luumm, r. v.. Corner of Ulount and Martiu btrcctc I Oct. io, im. 3aif. 1890.