,-' '.' """! THURSDAY, JAXUAHY 16, 1890. LOCAL RECORDS. tWA comfortable 1 welling for raat. Apply ut 1!kioiu office. W Kilty crds ol first class Ilick rr timber wanted at once nt tho kattle mill. WftBtll. iono but Jint clatt IV Anybody . in need of some air cnii tfet it, by ulonce hauling 4irwnod and persimmon timber to ha ahuttlc mill. - lay Never bctore havo our public road been known to bo in as good condition, uiirin!? tuu iiiuiuii ui nary, as they now are. And yet in many pluece they are bad enough at that Mr Our former county mrn. Mr. K. J. Bell, who has resided in Mis aisippi for several years, showed hia appreciation of the Kki oro last wk by renewing bis (subscription for two years in advance. We would eOMiineud his example to all oursub cribers ! Wo would again call jour attention to the bargains that are being offered at W. L. London's. ?aah makes tho prices go down. You can now buy a 10 suit ol clothes forSS, and thesuit was cheap at flO. toiiio aud see how cheap you van gel a suit of clothwit or an overcoat WLadica' Shawls, Wraps, Jnck U, ic, for less than New York cost for the cash at W. L. London's. Come and see them. Ladies', Mn'& and Children's underwear cheaper tban you ever saw it. London has a large stock and tho winter has bean warm, you can now buy them at j-our own prices if you bring the money. A Kakmauk. Our lormer towns man, O. (!. Bynuiii. Esq., will be married today to Miss Cam J. At wator, a daughter of the late Carney C. At water, deceased. The cere mony will take place at 3 o'clock at the residence of the bridti's grand father, Joseph J. Baldwin, Esq., in Baldwin township, and will be per formed by Jii-v. V, A. Sharpe. To night an inlaro will be given the bridal party at tho residence of the groom's fa'.her, L. B. Bynuin, Esq., which will no doubt be a most enjoy able occasion. Tim J!kvrd extends it congratulations to tho h'lppy croom, ami wishes lor him am; lovely bride a long life of wedded blics. M r u 1 1 1: it l. l..iioi.pii. A man named Lemon was brutally murdi-r ed last wcok at liamsetir, in Ran dolph count)', y a man iiuniecl Wheeler. The latter had been a guard with the convicts, who are grading the railroad fro-.u Millhoro' to Ramseur, and had been discharg d bccaiiKC ot di nnUeiuic."?. II thought th;U l.eiuon, who was also a guard, had reported his being drunk, ami he j('rmined to wreak hia vengeance on him. Aceordingly lie slipped up behind Lemon aud with a pistol shot him in the head, from which wound Lemon died in a very short time. AHor shooting, Wheeler ran but was pursued and oon vaitght, and after a preliminary trial that night was carried to Ache boro' jail. A 5I.VH Moii. We arc inlbruied by llfwW. II. Brewer, ol Hear Creek township, that there was a consid erable vciiement caused by tt mad dog, (t i.i) last week, iu the neigh borbe.. ' there Chatham, Moore and lCaiil'Mi:- oin. The dog was lirsi seen )'. i't daybreak ut Lewis Cheek's, in Moore county, biting chickons and dni;.s. Thon ho went to Mr. Enoch Shields, in this county, And bit Mr. Shields on the thumb. Jlo went up Deep rivor into Ban dolph as far-!- '.Vaddill's ferry, bilinic hogs and .: and then turned back into Mooie county. By this timo there was a crowd ot men, armed with guns, hunting for tho dog, and about sundown be "was overtaken ut .lames Cavincss's, and was riddled with shot. Tub Wintkii of IS4a'4'.1. Our Vonerablecoiiiityniaii.Johii IS. I loud en, Es., infiirmed us 11 f.-w days ago that the winter of 184i-V4!l wai as mild and unseasonable as the pies ent ono has been. He says that a great deal of pork was spoilt, more than this winter, and that vegetation of all kinds was very forward. On the morning of tho ltith ot April thero was a heavy frost and a con aiderr.blo frcc.o that dhftuuch dam age. The young leaves on all the trees were killed, aud turned black, und the growing corn was almost all destroyed. Ho remembers a field of wheat that was about a toot hiih, and which alter the freeze looked like a field ol broom sedge. All the fruit was killed. Wo sincerely hope that such will not be our Into this yoa r. liF.nisTKiiKn Don'ors. Iu pursu ance of an act of the last Legislature tho following persons in this county duly registered before tho 1st day ot January, ns ractising ph'c;uns vis: C Kobcrlson, T. C. Ltitter loli, Ilrantley Williams, O. B. Strowd, K, D. Man 11, J. C. Kirkman, Thomas Kirkma.i, J. M. O'Kclly, J. 1. Ed wards, D. II. Albright, 11. T. Chupin, N. B. Du.ilap, G. A. Smith, W. S. FMwards, V. D. Laster, 11. L. (ialtia, K II. Ward, L. A. Hanka and W. J). Young. According to section 5 of the same act, any person who aball attempt to practise medicine without having registered and ob tained the Clerk'a certificate shall be guilty of a inisdemcaiioi, and upon conviction may be fined not less than 25 nor more "than f 100, or be im -priaoued. An Involuntary Hath. On Inst! Saturday tbo colored mail-carrier j lotwccn hero and Ore Hill took an' involuntary and unexpected bath in j Lundrum'a creek. While tho nnilo j tliut he wbh riding was drinking in the ford of the creek, a small stump; fl.-...!.,,! .l..tii fit., wli'iulm mill Mlt'llflf i tho iniilo, which made it kick and throw tho rider, mail hair and I mtddle all in u heap into the water which was waist deep. A Fatal Runaway. Wo regret fo'' n husband, which led to a corres- to hear of the death of Mr. Isaac poudence with Mr. Day. An engage Philips, of Bear Creek township. 'uent followed, aud by agreement the Ho was driving n ono horse wagon, couple met here, tho young lady hav when the horse ran away and Air. "g u married sister hviug in Vance Philips was thrown out and his leg county, and were married. I broken. A week afterwards the leu ! 7as amputated, but it was too late, , , iU:, . 1 1... I it... nl.ri.t. Mit.- ,le Wu's ut,tll,t tliirty ix voars cM, was a son of Mr. Edward Philips, and leaves a widow and several children. Phenomenal Fog in Host on. Boston, Jan. 13. A phcnnmHiial fog shutdowDon Boston fir several hours this morning. Nothing like it has been seen boforo in this city. It was impossible to discern objects from iieroHS tho atrect. The vehicles crawled along to avoid collisions and blockades in the business streets. Ill the harbor crafts of all kind;) reduced the speed oi.o half. Crushed by it I hurt ll. New Yonu, Jan. !). An at palling lisaster occuned in Biooklyn this morning. The heavy winds of last night shook the new Presbytei inn church at 2fl(i Throop avenni.- to its foundation, aud at 4 110 this morning one of tho walls fell with a eiash on a three-story frame building adjoin- ing. and brought with it d ath and destruction. Tho mined building was tenanted bv tho Holt aud Purdy families. They numbered nine per sons. Five of Ikem aro reported dead. Two were carried out of tho; ruins so seiiously iiijuied that their death is only a question of a few hours. 1 oye iwwj,.s ' ' '" BiuMiNoiuM, Ala., Jan. 12 strange case caino up for trial tu ; justices couit here yesterday after - noon. John Buford, an old negro, had J. C. Thomas, nuother negro, arrested for abducting his daughter. The Buford family testified that Thomas went to their homo and scattered love powders all around. He did this sevnral limps and all the lainiiy leu iu love witn mm. me daughter was the last one affected, but when the powders finally asserted their influence on her she tan irvay with Thomas. All of theso facts were duly sworn to and the case wan dismissed. Thomas is forty-live years old and the girl lilti en. Delaware Fruit Crop. Lai UK.t., Del, Jan. ll'. The Pre-:,in vailin warm weather 1.1 caiismu; our. Iruit'-'rowcrs much uneasiness. : 1 eai u duos are sncning ami lineal- ' a ml I ureal-, oning to open. Many strawberry , patches are now in bloom. Should tho present weather continue fruit ot all kinds will put out, and then be! trai.tt0 uever again engage iu the subjected to death at any lime by a . tbacco nianulacturing business, slight change in temperature. 'J be L llH tl.UlPj if consummated, would outlook is a gloomy one. Many ; uwc-ssarily miuso to bo invested iu our fanners lost all they had lat ,our ,mvn turt;,. million of dollars and year and haw mortgaged their luiel I: wi)M bo the biggest of the kind lor inonev to run llnon another vear' m...i ;M our Slate pronii.Mii viehl. to pav from their fruit ( j . . A Wholesale Hatigiiii I'okt Smi r 11, Ark., Jan. Ll Th largest legal execution that ever occurred iu the L'nitcd States is billed for this place next Thursday, when, nine men are to bo handed at one time seven Indians and two iiojrroes. The hangman I ieori,'e 1 liutiuii, nn oeen preniirinL' lor i n in i , . ... . i . extnior-Iinary job for several day v lie has the nine ropes all pre,n?d, , una ne nassire.cno. mem eaen ,.j ; with dunim.es. 1 ho trap is lo fi . enoi -n uiaceon moo.ue it o 1 ,r conueinne 1, aim inev win an lie , , ,. ' , , dropped through nt once. ..'i ... Iho lirisnuers are 111 the best sinr-1 ., , - - ; its, ami talk ol their impending ' doom in tho most unconcerned man- 1 mir. K11 an . one 01 lie neirroes. : .. . .. .. still entertains hopes of n eomniiila tionfrom the President. tut . J he others have never entertained any hope, Movins Her Chickens. From ilm CLurlotta Chrulrlf. Thero wits n novel siht at tho Air Line depot Sunday. The freight train w hich was siile-lraeked on the van! duriinr the 'av was visited bv I n ti tubers ol people. ( no of tho cars contained an old ladv who was trav- elini,' from West Point, Mississippi.) mat is very damainto winter wheat to Kedoralsbur:.', Maryland, with a land oats, is very thick in bU oats. Ho ronertil collection id ilomcstic aiii-i heard that in Steele Creek the fly has inals and household uri it lire. She! already done much damngo to tie was interview. -d hy a Chronicle re porter, and found lo he a vnrv ilitel- iieitt English huly. Iter property consisted ol a hor :. thrt-i' cows nnd two calves, t ii ike -, ;eir, 13 chick ens, two canary birds, and a lot ot furniture. She said that she had t.ecn living in .Mississippi lor two , mci ease aua mat mauy mure wu . years, bein driven away by ihejhoon leave that State A crowd j chills. Her husband who, she said, . of neKrot B were out huntinR one day is a very old man ami afflicted with , lust week, on Capt. ill.am LalrfweU h rlieuinatiam, had frone on abend in I place. John Kausoui saw -i labbit j a nasaencr ear. Mio saui inai inev had left a larire larm in Missisiippi but had purchased a house at i fO-land peppering ine wnole Jei gtn ol eriilsbury. and that Ihey would i ave! bis body with shot. The negro : nothing to do but unload when I tey ; painfully though not seriously injured, 1 reached their destination, She g vc' as the shot were small. Ho sus he , as her reason for undertaking the inn. t hat no olio rniii.J lie seeurcil : who would look aiier Iter stock ami poultry as carefnll- h herself. She t Hi.nl that she nnlkcil her cows every I day anil tod and WKtcred all her pels, j Seven days will be required to make the Irin. nnd she said that when she arrives, she will so completely cover ; the new 150 acre larm with stuck , ntul rvoultrv tht the old man will ! not have room lor 'urdou. State News. Henderson Gold Leaf: Married,? V lust ni-litand jailed by Justice S. H. Alleu, at Massen burgs Hotel, Monday night, jjr ChirlesC. Day, of Philadelphia, and Miss Belle Newton, of Red Bank, "Pji"'" T,!,Z'ul each other lefore the expectant I groom eame on bare, it la said. jSomo time ago the lady advertised Monroe Register: We bear of a good deal of duiung being done to small gi uiu by the Hessian fly, and it is said that the chinch bugs are put ting iu their appearance in some local ites. A Son of Steve Stewart, col ored, aged about 12 or 14 years, while fooling with a pistol Monday iiiht, shot himself in tiie baud. The wound, while painful is not serious. We heard of a mau the other day who was growling because ho hail to pay eleven cents for a school book for his child, aud at the same time the man's breath swelled like a whisky barrel. Sanford Express : Jones & Kelly, liquor dealers of this place, had a preliminary hearing before Justices 1. N. Campbell und J. L. Mclver nn vest ni (hi v and wore bouued over , the Supeiior Court in seven eases "" violation of the Jaw prohibiting le ot liquor witliiu two miles ot tho j aanioru aiciuouisi uurcu. -on I last Saturday two mischievous hoys j Mll,,t b"'09 through the window of I tbn passenger train on the C. P. A I Y. V. road while, on its way from t. A "7 to Oroensboro. The shots struck tho window not more than a foot above tha heads of tho pu .sengcrs. j t bo boys were caught. Salisbury Watchman: A colored man, by the uauic of Lee Graham, was gored uud disemboweled by uu in furiated bull last Friday. Oiahaui accompanied by two or three others, .vas takiur a bull, belongm-; to Mr. ' 'auiea to tho butcher peu, when it j I ecaiue infuriated aud attacked Gra A'hrini, disomboweliug biui, throwing him over his back, and then goring Uu J pawiug him. Tho bull then j started for tho couutry, pursued by j quite a number with shot guns, rifles aud pistols, and after a l ng and I exciting chase, it was killed about two miles from town.' Graham was carried home, aud Drs. Council aud ! Campbell called iu, who attended to his injures. At last accounts it was thought that he would get well. Twin City Daily: We were in formed today by a large tobacco mau ufactuicr of Winston that negotia tions were pciidiug but ween a wealth v v.u v,,i, c,-,,.i:,.i,. n.i.i uu.-u-..i Ar J , . . oar tobacco mauutaclurers tor tue purchase of their plants. It seems that they have oQ'eml to buy five of largest factories i s ill Winston, for to pay full value hineiy etc ai d it,,,.. ni,-.,,i fr lniil.liM.ra. tiincliiimtv l.p,. , ... t,..li. nn Im rirl i-f.l ,i.PI1 ..... p..,.!, nno Imnrlr...! ..1 twenty-five thousand dollars for tho ! 111,11 klti" us th 'l1"''')' excellent u.;UUH nnmn .if thn funis. m...!1" tlo early stages of growth or "uu- ,..-;.,D cio.. ...... Slatesvillo Landmark: llr. J. C. ;SiceIofl, of Oiin township, was ot.t j hunting with a parly Chi istmas day. : A bird rose between him and aiiolh r ; :one of the hunters, who blazed away at it. Mr. SieelolT received u part of the loud of ibot but was not much hurt. Mr. C. C 15arrier, of Chani j bor.sbui'f; township, killed, lust wc k, i i. i.., ii.,.t i.nJ i.nn, .,i..,, ..i. ...i .,, ,., .i .lt, rJ-., : ,... , . n-i iu inu ivnuiv una cdiiiiiu nu im i dwei ht.d 55s 11. Mr. Uarri.'r ' f A . - j L k b- . - I f ,t j t , n,M.M t,lin uuv t 1 ., , r .1 1 other hog. A firm m this plaeo 10-1 , . , t :r.iiivfil. h iovr rliiva Ai.n. Ii-iitn ti run. , r. .1 ; 1 0 , tonier 111 Hutherford count v 11 rcL'ts- . , ... 'i.i.i 1 , r: , !,' b , , L llltll L.Ul-ll BII1I1I.-II 1LI1 II I M-IJIMMI1 : cheek for $17 and ten leu-dollar billd . . . - . .... :.. :i ti... i,..i. .i....,....t. n ii iv. xuo uuui ft umua lui vjtiirii nil . , . , . ., i i t i UK"1- uui tue uiuuty nun neiMi nu siracted from tho letter. Tho envel ope gnvo plain itidicuiiouH of having been tampered with. Charlotte Chronicle: Geo. Todd, a young man of Paw Creek, is iu his '24th vear, weijdiH 1(55 -pounds, anil bus uever tasted flesh of any kind in his life. Capt. S. 13. Alexander told a Chronicle reporter that a fly or bug, wheat and oats. The captain thinkB that tho presence of the insect is due to me veiy warm winier. auoui : u.ijr rS..- upi.uiu Minns-; uuiii, ki. x-uuujr cvuiuii, vin biii'ir , way to Aikaneas. They say that the ', exodus from South Carolina iH on the will jump up unit no buci ai inu, whole load striking Virgil Alexum don t iniud this accident, us he Iibh , liaa iorty duck suoi area into linn at i ono nine. joe ivouso, jr., 01 mir. city, has a very lutellieiit coll. The coilisi Douingiu uiontnsoui, anu win jump through a hoop, roll a liairel, sit up like a dog, kiss its uiusttr, can dis-, tiuguish colors, nnd-hajtbeen taught to do many other things. Mr. Klouse brought tbecolt on the streets jester- I dav. and its wonderful inteliieuce ! allt acted quite a crowd. A Young Desperado Jailed. liBiii.mAM, A In., Jan. 12. A baud of Deputy Sheriffs brought in- - "empscy ,nuos a iioiono,.B e. i. ,- I mil. Anion Killed a man by tho j "" of .Jlive,! " tl county last and OHcaptui to U,o In k ' i W'estern Alabama, where he joined Burrows gang. Last night a iiwwiivi , ,. . , '.' .... ,1,.. i;.,r. ;,.. m inis anu jurniiiigiuim naiiioini was held up near Berry station by a part)" of Ainos's friends, ai med j with Winchesters, who werebiutj on rescuing him. Later in the nignt i a freight was inspected in the same way. Amos was, however, safe in the count- jail hero at the time. He is only twenty years of age and is well connected. Vi'litit Ails Them. We have this day bought nil of J) S. Waitt's Shoe Stock and shall sell them at exucfly what they cost Mr. Wuitt. Now this is a grand opportu nity for all who wear lino Shot's to get good and substantial bargains Mr. Waitt kept, fho very finest slock of Hand made Shoes for men au l boy. This is one of our land slides, when the price is smashed aud the goods unhurt. Now our store is full of bar gains gotten in this way: hence it is wearcnble to soil goods cheaper than anybody else in Raleigh. We now have the largest store iu the State, none excepted ; no not 0110. We now occupy tho cnliie Adams building, first and second floors, and c 'llars, and wo will show 3-011 sights befoio the present year is out. Big Uccket Store, cor. Mai tin & Wilmington streets, Raleigh, N. C. If, "a numerous household is the safely of tho Republic, ' it milit as well be proclaimed at once, tli.it the remedy upon which such household should be reared is Dr. Bull 3 Buby Syrup. A good cathartic is worth its weight jiu gold, yet. Laxador, tho infallible regulator of the human system, 13 sold 1. r only 25 cents a package. A Fatal Mistake. Dk.ui notis. Mich , January 11. A terrible) miMako was made iu tho fam ily of Morrill Griffin here to ui'ut. Tho family all had the iullueii.a and took hlnchiiiue iuslead of quinine. Grifuii, his wife, daughter 11 u thir teen, and kou aged nine were victims. Tho daughter died at 2 o'clock lliis morning :- d there is 110 hope, for Gritliu. Mr.-,. Gri'lin and son have a bare chance to ;-ull through. Yieli's Floral Uuide is ono of the ban Isomest catalogues published. Tho -II Hht rut ions are in tended to give ! 10 reader a correct idea of the plant r flower ilhutrated. Tho grossly exaggerated, absurd pic tures which (lei'aco so inuiiv cata I li,,rii..c nn, 1 ,-.!!. ...I iii,iii flin in I I v I of tll.l's; J1'1'0 '?1hU.l'u,", dl) "ot "l'" I Pe,,r.,M tb,11' 1 1'" llst ,.f j'"'0 . : . i n--v i'S?03' a"d 8(!V,('luI M7 H',"1"!'0 !T'"' ied' amonS tlu l" the Early .iarkef. ' 'd Kn'd ','10 t-''ass and is especially recommended for early ripe "conditiou. Tiie entire catalogue ipe. is ono that the 11. N. Y. greatly com mends to the exam iu.i! ion of its rea ders. Bund New Yorker, New York. N. Y. Scud 10 cents (which amount may bo deducted from first order) to Jamks Vick, se- d .man, Rochester, N. Y., for a copy of (inm:. SIH LOU'S L'l'KE will iniiiirdiati- ly relievo Croup, Whooping Couyh and Uroncliitis. Cutin t Hr.iEX- Belva Lock wood has announced that sum will agniii ruu for IVesident in FOB DYSPEl'SI V and Liver Com- ill-lint voil havo u nriiited 0U"rnnteo ion everv bott e of Sh oh h Vit i er. . i r- 11 ,lovt' t'liAns & Uea- I)KN. , , "HACKMr.i AUK. a lst.i,K and . irttgwui peiiuu.e i rice m nun iu 'ci'is. t ihpin .V Iicaden. - .. ........ . . 1 ornelius ioul.'i biit lms uougiii t.,.., , .. . f..,. .,., ,,i.i.... it.. I timer famous ineture, "On the Grsinl Canal, enice, from Lord una lev ior 100 imi. ,l . ....... THE ItEV. CEO. II. THAYEK, of Jloui boit, Ind , says : "Doth myself and wife owe our lives to SHI LOU'S CONSUMlTuNCVUE." Ciiacin & IlK.vntN. The stnbleB of Macy Urotherg, in Versailles, Ky., were burned Saturday tiiorniuj;, together with thirty live horses; one of tho horses was I he cele brated licit Jioy, valued at 100,1)00. WHY WILL YOU coi.Kh when Sliiloh'H Cin e will give ittiiiu dntto re lief, l'lic.t 10 cts., 50 tU., and SI. ClIAMH ItAllKN. A NASAL INJECTOtl free with CM.h b()tUo of Kllilob'8 t.BUl.r pieIu. ! pi, 1', 50 cents. ClIAl'lN ii li E.V i Mr. E. C. Hedilinylield. a member ((f ,Lt, ,aat Ij4.gi.,aUue froln WLc C0UCtVi ims i,et,u elected socn turv of tho satp Alliance, to fill the vacancy OWMMlcd by tho iilti.IMUoo of Coi. SHILOII S CATA1UUI REMEDY i ft punitive cure for Catauh. Diph tlieria nnd CauktrMoutb. Cum in X uuex. - The town of New Dome voted, at an c oction telil there laot wi ek, tue buiii of yod.UlKJ for tue extension to that jilaee of the railroad now being j toustructeiirrota Wilmington tbrougu Ousi w county. j - Ai.i. OU AIADEiiiiseraMe by Iu digestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Losb of A) nctite, Yellow Skin 1 Shi IoIi'b Vitali':r is a positive cure. Cnx- MAH1HKU. NntltvBnf ilmihfl nnti nrnrrlituitt limi-rlod free. Otjlui&iiee cliftrgiMl reveti ounti. u lluo. HAUMON-OOOpWIN At the i-ralili-nre of Kr. J. U. Uuoilwtli, In Xr Hupp t'iwnMil , mi tint hli Inn., Iiy w, T Eiiwnnla, J. 1'., Mr. iMlts UauHu.v lu lllaa FlNNIK O -liwitt. . SCHEDULE PITTSI30RO' It R i 1I ""llit ' The paBsriifter trulu a Ilia I'ltleliuru' rillrmid irp llttnborii' dHlly. excv.l HiiuIh)'h. nl V.'iia. in. mil nrrlvrs itl I'lttnljuru' nt 5 411 p. 111., making i-liwe cnnl.cl,.l with llic llillll trHln on UiKlC. 4 A : a-l. it. k., wui.h iriv,ni liaMgh i u so . m ' ami imvw Raieigii m 3.4s p. """w"" ?- New Advertisements, - - - -- j aoKTOAliE SALE BV VM j if a 1'v y. ot ft in'-rtiriiKiTXiN-uieii f np bv J. W. j rnnhion aut wlff, nm rrKlttirar1 on jtai;' 111 i ami lu i.f lrtH.lt "s " in iw i-m -w di" Mip luifl-ur iif riAfMlM f,t ChAtlnim iw.intlr I u III 11 t, ui Uih fnurt li"ur 1.r hi i'litrtl-irn, mi Msi.v, ihi laid tiuv ..r fViiriiHi'y, IHW. a rrtiiin tnift uf Inrnl In Ouirrt ImwhhmI, OhAthftm iMuiuy, f .n lain 1 1 it; H'Ti'H, iiivt hfinjf uw Biinif "n whl.h ttfthl ronnliiiftoii imw I'ohI'Uw. T. WuMliLK. JimitHiy ID, Ihvo. JjOltTtJAflE SALE. BY V I li .TB Tl'I.of n miiricacnoxiK'uiMl Vj m.- Iv A. .'. Ciiiulle jiuil wlfi', ntul rffl,s:t'ri'd mi pi.no aooi.f i'o..n --in. 111 iiip nni'-o ni mo a,.i!hiir nr ii'-m 1 iiiuia'11 rmiii-y, I will nrii r-ir cftf.lt ai uu1 coi.rt- Iioiim' ilimr In 1'IMnln r..' on Mi.ndav, iho IUOi iU ot llirimry. Ikjii. avriain irn.-t it Inn.) In onus li'Wimlilp, l.'llinlmm ii.iiicy, rnntalliliiK hIhuii 4 ni-l-iw, K'lJ.'lulilK III' lnn l. iif Srlnini Karrrll liMii'I'i II11IM..11 ami oiliera. S. T. WoMHI.K. JittiuHiy loih, lK.'O. cor'irinsrs. Tb uudBlKiiwl liavlng owuo.l nn t NOr.K TAK Kit's iKiKlillnhnioiit, Ih iri-inrvil Ui furuli.li Miiy Rlyle ur His.- "f i.'OrKINS. SPENCE TAYLOR. JnuuaryV, 18S(i. Im. PITTSBORO' ACADEMY. S. S. JACKSON, Principal. Tho Spring Term will beiu 011 Holi day, January Lkh, hVJO, and con linue twenty weeks. The climate of Bittsboro' is talu hi ious, and indeed there is not a more healthy locality in North Carolina. Its people are renowned for their hos pitality and their social, intellectual and moral virtues. Boavd can bo had in and around the villagu at moderate prices. The Academy building is conve niently arrunged and lilted for school put poses. Those desiring instruction in Music or Crayon work, aud Painting in Ken singlon, or in Oil. or Water Colors, will be directed to experienced and skilled instructors. Barents may bo assured that every effort will he made for the thorough instruction of their children. Their moral as well as their intellectual training will bo carefully looked to. It is hoped that not only Chatham, but other counties also, will favor the I'itfsboro' Academy with a liberal pa Iron ago. Terms, per session of twenty wepks: Primary English Blanches $10.00 Intermediate English Branches 12 00 llihei English Brandies l.'.OO Latin, Greek. French, German, .Sur veying aud Stenography, each, .?.") extra. Coutincent Fee, 50 conic. Ministers' children will be instruct ed at half rates. For further infor mation, apply to S. H. JACKSON, Principal. wWOroSjT Durham, N. C. OUlt STOCK OF Heavy Groceries AND FEED STUFFS is larger lhan ever before nnd Iicvm were 'II KA 1'Eli and certainly ours is thr place you nre looking for n-ht , when money was never liaiile; now to L'et hold of. We now have in stock Hi-vcial cur loads of CORN, BEAN, SHIP STUFF .u!IT:D CET02PS, mm m mm im eh KtKMt SALT, Tho lalter our own experience cn... riucPB is COfllllll.ivo 'lo ,e -00,. health of STOCK and CATTLE. Ye carry a A HEAVY STOCK OF and can offer sp'cial prices to Ih' wholini'o trade. Examine our slock of CANDIES both Plain uud Fauey. Puiiliy Nut:i, Apples, .Ve., Vts., whole sale and retail. We ask you to come and see us when in Durham. Jan It, 1S1KI. (hns. aiiijiyri.va. Wo wish von all a bright and hapnv v. v 1 i .. .. ...in l...., '.. ! i.iiii unfit, j i.ii ,,iii mim il pi o.-perous one. j We would like to make tho follow-1 ing n.iiionnce.nont now. ami that i that WO Will keep Our Stock Completej during the year, aud will continue to add new hues of goods to our already varied "'oik. We are going to con- tiinie our old policy of doing pur j DI1S1U0BS ior casu aua at OISTEPEICS i Ve return thanks for favors shown j us in tho past aud ask f r your trade during the coining year. i We are anxious to close out our stock of men s ami liovs cOtlini" amJ will oiler tliem from 10 to iO iR'r cent. below their price. , "espetfully, iiia AI I A ATT A AAli WUULLLU1I St MM, 11 East EI art in Street, halkiuii, w. o. aroissToasrES, tablets, Brown Stone for Door ani Winflcw Sills, Gartinn and Fawn. CEMETERY WORK NEATLY EXECUTED. nsia .xs .yn est im. ri:s rvnyisiiEi) on applicmion. MAI.N H'l'llKl-rr, UlfllHAM, IS- o. New Advertisements. X El ' V Tt ) I IS' N OT I ( ' E.- -1 1 A V - A llitf .jUHlini ! llff l-M-rlll-il-H uf .1. A. J.illl-H. ilr 'I'HXMI, W lii-riliy imllfy nil pi-l'M'L- I, '.Mini llil IIIH HKnlliHl h it. I tM.-r.lt.nl lucxhlhi! Dim H-illlii tu u uu ur lflnro thn Dili ilv ..I .l.nm.u i . 1 mil I III'NIIV I.. .IONKS, JiKiunry 9, 18'iu n ilui.'Uii JoM'-S. ; JZ:iglzi2 for Sale. Uy vlrtuuura DViriK'i! fiui-ii. tn us nil rug liarrtKl nn Miifos 'J7: mi I cr liuf.k "I'.X." tn tin nfflru ol the Ili-Rlstcr uf IVi'.lx ur Chilim unty, wo will ni'll fur i-a-Ii at (lie -"uri-lnii iluurln l1tulK.ru', on FltlOAV. lln nut liny i.f JANUARY, lao, a 33 liurn-iuwnr I'.Miiink, 1I.i1I.kh ami Hi nirns, now ut Muurc'a mill lu thn unvu rf 1'lun l"ru'. Al.l.r.K k CRAM. Jnnuary '.Uh, !'0. -tin. CAUTION J""'" lK..?nVr"l?J Ww lAUal price mt HfHiiipt'd on lit bottom. If I In cliiltr rumiot ktipuly vuu. iit illrcvt to fm-lory, ciivlotios kuverflsca W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Flni. i.f, ifi'itry I.nml Urnin nnd rcrrt. moor .t..,,t-,irriuf. II. -.: In tli. world. Flmln bin mn.or. i'kncim; ihmi-m h kh miob. 4.0D li M!-si: 1 i wi l l mkii:. :!..-. 1 .11. II V. AM) KAIIMK1IS' MICE. 'S.3H K V II.I'K 11.1 mioi:. 3.3A v Hi woim s; i i:n's kiiiifm. .iio mill Ki.;r Itovs- M lKiiil. SHOKS. All intitr lu ('unirrf-riK, ltuttun nuU l.ucr. $3&$S SHOES l acme's. l.,5 SHOIC I'Olt MISSKS. Itrot Mntrrlnl. Ilml Slrli- Ili-.t FltMa. V, I.. Douiclart, Brockton. Mas. &u!4 ! PITTSBORO'. N. C, January 2, Ikm. SvLErs: for Sale, 1 MuMMY. Up.- iOiliiliivut Jnnimrv. imiii. I will wll fur rii)i ai ilm iiuiri-h..ii!i. dunr. In l lits- ru', u jiliiim liui liiiMy Ih-IuiikIiik !.. Oi.ii;.- r.ll l.h.l.TI' I) Hint tlul.l tu lilij- r..r ri.Hll'IUI ll. 1 Jan. '2, 1KVU. SIS 0. M, llAUlli:.N. ORTOAOl . SALE BY VI K- Tl'K u? IV ii-rlHln niurtcilirp ilof il i;lvrn l.v Nunli It. UhitIk tu A. II. liHik, il hm-,1, Hinl iiy ; hi?, pxiii-iitors ali.'ll'll lu 1111., rorurtluil In II... i.ni.-i-ul tin- Ht-xlMi-r i.f 1 .m ul tliBil.nm count,. ' In Ixiok IIM, ihp c 4sti'j, I will m il lor i-.mli tu Hi hljlul 10.:. l.-i- nt Hi.- riiiirl-liuuKi' iluur In f nlil 1 i-uiilitj- uu tin. nii ii.-iv u( Man-It. 1SIUI tin tii-l uf IhihI ihiTi'lii ili-i-.-i H:r.l. kiniwii iim ilu l.lixitUMh Ilnri lD iliii i. blniHiK In llli koiy Muuittnlii Iuk n kliti. n. I J. .tul ui: Uu-luui! ur 11. H 1'IV.i-ruJ oilivrn, -"niuliiliiK I ihi wrrii.niori! ur li-Mt. 1H'C.1'2. lh!"J. MARY J. IlAKK. EXECFTOirs NOTK'H.-Noin i; In lii'n-tiy giv.-n tliHt I imvi. thin il.iy .ii ill n. a as i Ai'i-':i.r uf .Ihiiu'hi.. Mhhii, uVri-iuu-il, nml i-r.-.j'..i will .ri'i. ut tin. r i'UIihh iu mi.- ..r my nn -ru.-v, T. it. WuiiiHi-k, "ii ur twiuiu tin. 2r.U1 'lay ul !i Kiiitu-r. 1mi, ur iIiIn luitltw will In-1 l. I in i.ar .-I tin-it- i-i-.i.vi-ry J. u, t.KiK I l'IIIUl'1 'jlst, iti t. viu rsoiri'i.'Adi-; s. i.e.- IS V i a Tl l'i f I1I..I-IK-11.-I- i'v.-ii!i .1 tu mi- un Hie ; -".'tli ui .Iritimil y. lVi'.. l-y O. 1 sni;i:i hii.1 wITm, 1 will si-ll r..rrii.-.li nl (.iit.lt.- aii.-l ON Till: i'HK.M ISI'-S. , 11 Sinm-iliix, tli-18 li .liiy ..r .1-nmnry, Imik) i a i-fMiitn tnu't ui I.11.1I In Nnw 1Ii)ii. w . wiimIiI i, i I'liiiili.-.ni I'liunty, niJtiihi2 inu Inii-lh i.r A. O. Wil- i Mil, .V l-.111.-11 iili'l uliiiTi. uti'l fuilHliiliitf 11'2 I r li- W. II. IIIXKVM IU Ail kinds of LUMBER for sale nt the : VITTSGORO SHUTTLE MILL. I WEATHER-BOARDING, i CEILING AND FLGORIHG, ! P'.ANE!) AM Kll.N DlUi-P. Oil Koroii. Hills sawed to order et short notice. (lood Ci-ilinr and Flooiiit(,'nlieadv , DliL.,sn at oi.lv 1 per 100 fe t. " . Si IfcTGOin, JT. ; Sept. 20, INS'.). CLOTHING! T. J. LAMBE, LEADING CLOTHIER AND MERCrlANT TAILOR. GHTS' FUKNISHiNGS. LA TES T S T YL -.'.s' .V 11 A TS. . , , , ,- , .., Men s hand nnd iiiiu lnno made Shoes. M-.v. Ul, LSSl). "c f. & v. v. ra!lway7 Condensed Schedule. In effect Dee. mlier ;), 1 I'M! fM'KI'T SI'MIAV 9. 'I'ratn Oi.inii SuuiL i. no. a MnUfciM--nK"t-- Mnii k I'mmwipir L.vo, t von. m. ii-'in':i:villr. An-lvn, T.asp. ni. ! " .VI.I MUM. 'II. .l,rnv. MllXtull. ' S mi Khj'.-ui'iIIIk, ' Mill SaiiiurO, " io.i.'i unit. 11 11.411 a. tu --lii-r, Arrive, 12i p ni. orfuiit-liuru, Ii 50 MU Airy. 4 1 p. 2.IHI 1 'JO 12 iH ft. m 3.4i ft. ID. ; trakrnpt at Kayniievlllo, Ufnnor at urttakfaHt at (iriH-tib-iro, dliiitor at fcm- 1 . ,irt. ' luhl mnl Aivunimu.lai..n Train rung frum uu Mi.ii.lHr. Wf Ju.lH-. nu.! Krl.lny-; Irum On r-iinn" tn Ml. Airy M.nutuvH, W, iliiewlnvM i ni ! i-i-liUy-,, fp.ni sli. Airy tu oi-(M'iir.u.ru' un i 1 i...-lnyH,'riiiiiiliiimnil Kiitur.liiVH n-utn Ot'erini- li..i'o'iu KiootievlllHun 'Ciini'litv. 'I'liurniliivi mnl Riniril iyrt. aii'I Irum Knyel'HVIIlH lu n..,iu:ilvli;; un Mun.lnyi. Wuiliiis'liiyi. mtil 1-rlilHyn. l'ratim un tw-iui-y lli-iiin-li run ili.tly t-xi-ppl Suu ' llilJH. I W. K. RVLK, Oou'l l'lls AVut. j. w. rnviiuu'i sujit. DURHAM MARBLE WORKS, ROBERT I. ROGERS, -DEALER IN' EVERY CITIZEN OF., Chatham County Ought to Subscribe TO THE And keep posted as to everything that happens in the State and County. LESS THAN THREE CENTS A WEEK will pay for il! Chatham Keeord IS THE OLD RELIABLE Other Papers May Suspend, But the RECORD Ornithines Year After Year Its Weekly Visits To lt Ma n v Readers. SUSTAIN IT I SUBSCRIBE FGR II!! Advertise in it ! PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM favorite for Jrcu KctoriiiK the cntor ml preventing Din- s(mi- the hair fulling, nii u nnl ft. xtr nt Iruigiti. Tha Boat Cough Curo you can arvlihcl .tkio'wn vent -- of Cinumpiinn. JVM'i.ni- s i-'.-jic kl, . tu a li"W ti a tentuici I- kei't ;.i :ktu- 4-111. I ' vd t!i .ii:elly H keep Ihv blo' il 1'tir ;n!ii the Siut.tath, l.iTer ami Kmnei itiLinr unK-r. C'uu.hk .uid Cuius wmh m- ft rc it. It 1 uiliU tip ihir hrilth. If vm Mi!it:r frn: ! cUlitv, Skin Eruptoni, Cou;lt, A' -i.n:t, Hvv'iM. Kitlitcy, I'riiufjf t I ipi nnl, fr any tliortler of the I, ting', S'imijch, r.'twti , I'l-'i' l f Nerves, d'xi't w..' tit) yii ur.- U I: in ben, Lnl liw I'akkro' TjkIC t.-0-y I it il uivc yuii new life and vi,ror. HISCOX A CO.. N. V. So. a hy Tit liiti.s, Ljrc saving buying $1 iif. mm corns mil, nAXEian, 19. o., Delivers CofiiiiH free of charge at , any oepni m .-aium. wrutrs atieuueu 10 tiay or m; 01 : lU BlOCK MI'.l ALilU UUM JflN Ot , 1 grades. WALNUT COFFINS, , I,n. KOSF.WOOD BURIAL CASKS. . , , ,, . , . iliu HUU lli'll, nil itrs, nii-.(3n IUI prices. i.uiiHl Hones ot all gradea and prices. L. C. IUOWELL, rUi nou, N. C..' Corner of lil unt and Mai tin Streetg. Oct. 10, 1889. atnf. " . rull. ll

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