FOB FARM AND GARDEN. AN EXPKlilMENT WITH nniT. You may su mo that because, your hens have the run of :i rutigc, t hey pro cure all the gravel the sicaiic, and so they can of round gravel but as the run inuy have boon searched over for months, and perhaps years, tho supply of sharp material may bescircc. To test this, break up sum s glass, old china, or other I'rittlo nittcrial, and notice the avidity with which the bonis will vat it. It H just as uecetssary to supply the hens w ith grit as it is to provide them with food. to make rvm.H Tiuiivr. Cattlo can thrive only by full feel ing, aud without thrift there can ! m profit. C milk be tho object short fee ling is succeeded inline liulo'y ly loss of product and loss of jxtwer to produce, li i, theief' it!, sli"rtsi;,'ht'il policy to depejd on the s.msoii of year, or without thought, to Mippo.s'j that cows with full sloin ichs mtiu give full yield of milk without regard to iiia'ilv of fee I. 1'rovidLtit dairymen, careful of their own interests, Irgin feeding grain early in autumn and lind profit in it, Farm, b'.e l and -,, I , MVK TIIK I-.CiK r.WII.KS. In nearly every garden Ih 're are nil merom vegetable, left in tho ground that cou'd be eaily tidied for winter u 0, thereby adding tr the profits of tl c garden as well as to the iuxiiries of tho table, ai, no meal is worth the namo unless vegetables foim a piomi- nent leirt. It is .1 slonU'i iiht ,i Inn ! much there is or may I c in the garden upon the approach of winter that is usually neglected vegetables that are difficult to obtain wlioa wanted. There is always a plenty of carrots, an in. lis. pcnsablo vegetable for soups, and a bmall quantity of which are sufficient for 'sinter Use. A few be ts arj desir able, and u iially there are sulVuif tit allowed to spoil in the ground to make many good dishes. Uardt-i. tnr. tow a a i iikefi m v-i ii Tho Jersey is coisilcred preemi nently as a but Icr cow, with her m :-t profitable u-o in that diiectiim, oi ac count of the large proportion of i loam contained in her milk, l oa-uni rs of cheese need not be tod that its excel lence depends almost wh lly en ti c quality of the milk from whiih it is prepared, a3 is further well indu-ated by the terms of c;e in cheese, skim cheese, etc. , according an the milk from which it was mid; in iy have been whole milk, or slvimiutl and robbed of its cream. If the n il I" poor in butter the chi c-e must I" equally so, i:nd will glade aiei.i'l ini; h ils richness or deficiency m ereain .Many persons are of the op ninti that cream which lt.H once been separate I can never be to well mixed aain the milk, that a portion of tin f i t matter will u ll nv out wi'h tie whey, thin rendering th- chie-e lu nch. This has given ri-e to some .li;. cussion as to whether riea ,l r-ey milk can be profitably ma-le into rlnto-.e without skimming. According to t lie late I'rofesror AmoM, while the Jersey is emphatically a butter cow In r mi k is rich in cheese matter nu I cai, with out tho waste of its buttery matter, be convertol into c'iw;e a- r.s.-'i as I', i glisli Stilton. Professor A mo I I was speaking of now, warm mi.k, a! mo t immediately from th" r-uvi, when tlit solids are in the most jerfect cmul s on and hrnec more of tlie, t;!,.liiiles (.f f it will bo lull by the r.-nii't. Huh mixed miik brought to a factory mi, . a day the cise would be dilT rent. IV-irti-cal homo cheese makers uuiver allv . agreo that tho sooner the milk is set for cheese-making after it ha I e n drawn from the cow the more of butter fat the cheese will contain. .V. '. 11, WfHts tN ll.'H-KS. Horses and celts which are mm pelled to git their livin-; whoilv up at fiost-bitten grass arc very liable in iiiffer from worms, t'dts shcu'd b locked after closely, as m nrr. u; ( , e rf death frrm this i ui e neur rvi-tt year. of tho symptom . of wi mis is on unthrifty c 'at an I In;, of ll, s!i. Another is the app-auani e of w i.rins in the. fnces. An ccc.a.ioiinl feed of pu' icri.el copperas and gentian given the animals in their grain is a pretty stne prevent! vo of most varieties of these troublesome pests. Tkn proportions should Lc equal parts by wci"h', of each, and tho close for a full, grown nnimal a tablespoon f til, whuh should bo given once ot twice a week. 8onv: of tbj best breed ers in Kentucky mix pulverized cnppei -as in tho salt which i; constantly kept within nach of their iin m lis. li lm better effect, l.owever, to mix it with gentian. Oac of the simplest and in xl effective remcaies for worms is super- carbo late of foda "iveu milk ami molasses', af;er prepiring tho an inm1 j with bran mishci. Kiel spirinly on hay and give a liberal bran mash al night. H"pcat thii tho following mcru iogiindttlso tho next n'ght. lijfore feeding or the next morning mix a tablcspionfu'. of super -carbannte of soda with a pint of mtU, an 1 ad 1 a half pint of good ma'ates made from cane syrup. Ho turo that it is not glu cose, largo quantities ( t' wh cH an palmed off for molasses. IN.ur this dow :i the animal's throa' from a hora or rub ber bottlo if on ) caa be obtai .el. plan bo' tie will anwa-, but as thero i lwa vj uiorti or loss danger of eerie v injury to the patient from tho break lag of the latter, it will bo raiich3afer t go a long distance to secure cither of tho others. Tho dose prescribed is for n full-growu animal. Tho doaa for a yearling should btj only about one-third, and that of a two-year-old one-half, the quantity given to a full-growu mutual. A s x-months-old foal will rcipiiro only about half that of tho ycarliug. Tho diicctions if followcl will produce a iimart operation of tho boweK, which will bring away most cf the wrm. After this has been accomplished give tho copperas anil gentian every night for one week, and there will bj but little to fear from worun for some timo to tome. American i'u' ir. KUIM AMI HMtPKN NOTKS. .Slow and careless driven milt'J la.y horses. O.ic worthless cur on a fa in is a nui saucr, two an abomination, throe or mote, a ra'antity to the entire neighbor hood. Keep the seed corn in a dry, well veutilakd place and keep it and all other seed where mice and la's cannot g:t. I' will bo better to liavj a nico lot of fodder near the barn when the li:st snow c imes thau to have it burn' I out in the field. Tho man who ran in debt during ihi early spring and summer is new etnl'iv oring to nri out again, but the chances are against him. The old idea that young tattle nnd colts mint winter at straw s'ar'is in oi en fields, to make them lou-li hi:.- pity lias gjne, mucu to in : c mi oi l oi the young animals. Tho ulrjiai an emblem of authority in the relations between driver and horse is by no means ooj -cti onab!e, but when it bceom-s a a authority itseif the driver is inferior to tho wh'p. Man is by Datura sympathetic and hence doesn't, cannot live for himself alone. s your life he'pfut cr hurtful to those with whom you sympithieJ The winter ovenng of s'ri vberr,' p'antations may be safely delay 1 1 until the ground has froz"n liar I, w liea a wagon can be driven over the b d ari l the coveung material m-jre easily di, irilu cl than if pu: on cr.rli'T. To keep nuts in good i ri l.t1. 'i store in a dry, cnnl plac . ( hestnuts r quuo imro care to keep tlum ficsli anl plump. Mitt he uuts with fre.-li (.and and pa kin boxoa, whii h in iv be phi'-c i in -i'iih e. ui . nation or baiii-d m the oi! i u of doi-ri. M"iiev is i;i't lost lhat is -p.-nt in li-aiitif , in,' a home. 'v ry tree plant' d on', is a monument to t ie "Jury of linn who plaiil'd it; and every ll cr is a wreath for i's grower, anl every Inppv le nie is a pirt naial soiuc,' oi prid and satisfaction t" it . pmsi'4,1 i and f' uader Tl etc ; i no .f lit in leaiin ; or keep illg I l! tl'', I i ept thlii;!l oond feeding in all -ea-"iis cf I h" year. No .irgu ne nt is leijuircl to pr oe the truth cf I his asMTl io;i, f it i v "i sli'h'est n tl t ion . -how , that pi Mil coin" ; clear y o ;ly I hrmigh lit i 1 .. i i n . f foil I beyond thr necessity for mainiea inee, AVhcii you k ill a f .wl hold its les and the haiv- ii athe.- of n winu'9 in yiir lift hand, aid no; the hntchtt . with tin r 'ii. iVmn the le i! is i.T hold firm th" i 1 . i. k -1 1 until it has lie c. no! stilt. I) 'ii't throw it d 'Wii and I t it kii k its. If to di iii. i The llitfliest (hiuitiey on Hurtli. At the t-iinlt ne; w. rks, in llaUbiiti-ke, Saxony, ll i r-: has hecn trie it e"l of a chiinie: si Hi iently htll t" c.irr,- t ic iioi m eiei mi fill above t h - sin f ic : of ti e pr Hind as in prevent iiiuii us e fleets fr in them; and la-tyeir the fonndati n ( r tho highest chiinir y in t he w j I I was laid thete. Tho i hiinti' y will n l-V.t feel high, with in ;uti i ir spac) of ii feet. ; is being crec'el oi the righ' Ivnk of the Ma de, on roiri I whie'l n l'.'T feet above the w rk so tii it m opening will be rial! ba t lusher tlinn t tic works. The base of the chimney is about .'!'.) feet qanre, and on this u er-e'e 1 the richly ornameniel edes al, whith is 20 feet hih, an I fi' in which the round c d umn rises to a height of (.''.) feet, the transpoitation of the materials has been very i'.icult on account of tho hilly nni lire of the land. Puring the cour-e of const! net na it is to bo mounted by an elevator operate I by a poilable engine. Tue expense of building this gigantic .him ny will bo about $;t0, UtiO, nnd it w ill cost nearly as mi th to build the txhaust channel ft m the works to the c'linnyy, a dis tance of feet. It is carried across tho Mulde like a bridge, this part of the channel being t u It of lead end tho rest of bricks. rulpit Jokes. Thero have he ai man; rreachois whose rulpit iikos aro the onls; re nu mbered portions of lh"ir harangues. M cliel Alenot, reproving the ladies for being late at church, told them that it wool I take lcs tuno to cleanse the Augean sta 'lei than to stick in all a woman's p'ns. Tho story is told of Rowland Hid that he oncu begat a ser mon with the words, ' liok at m wife there, with a chest of drawers on :cr hea l." ongregation stared at 111" poor Indy thus pointe I out, but nljr pcrccivud that she wore anew boa .tut. "She has sold a elicit cf drawers .nd br light a new bonnet with the pro ceed!." Then l c went oq to inveigh t'uaiiul ieutaju love of dross. CATCHING RATS. Banishing the Pests With the Help of Ferrets. The Buildings Most Infested With the Rodents. "How do you clear rats out of a house i" asked a reporter of Louis Bos slo of Philadelphia, who calls him elf tho "champion rat catcher of tho l uited States." ' First," said he, "1 let my ferrets loose in the wal-s. T.ieu I set my traps and my dogs, and sometimes n net like this all around (show ing a long, loosely woven hanim ek like lie'). And then I'm there my elf. The trips tuo baited wi h a fluid having nu u iusuil odor, lut one which uever fails to attract ths rats. S.-e, here it i." Aud he held a tmal! bottle tin ler thi rep titer' a nose. 'What do you thiu's; it is.''' "Smells like peppermint.1' ' V , autl caniph r and many other hin -t. The lecip- for thai fluid I gol fiom an old I, verpool rat-catcher, and n i lift bit myself kticws what in'iu d tents theie aiv in it. Wei!, hi 1 was, the li-ips aro set, th fe.reH lie o e, and 1 atnl my little dogs aro watihug lei the ra'.s. I'resently they t fine, and, if Ih-y are nit attraited in to lb' lages b; tli" odor, the d gs au I 1 go lor tht i'.i. " ' 11 tw long will it takci'' That dc cuds, of course, en a good many things. 1 caught ti ty si vcti in two hour- -lug t liow they ware, too, eiety one ol Inm hi t winter lit I'va is s li ig .'.t i '. lint that was quick wc-r'v. W.ial bu.ldiu ; i are most, in fested n Hi rat .' litisiue-s Idiucs, miik It, r-s( mi cits anl part it iilai ly newspaper i 111 i s. 1 Toe lep jrter gave ti jirnp. 1. ni Ian ;he I. "I'liee aren't many professional tat j ta'ilo-s al tlii" c uit y. Siine people i s.a lluie tr i ihl, bit I thnk tlmt's ' i too many. I li-r-j aie two others, be ! sides my-c'.f, bete in I'.nla lelpln.i, but I'm I he i hamoion. " I Waal bee-'ine , of t 'io I at s th it you i itch I i the li ap .' " i ' 'ii, son"- .it fed to the ft rets atnl soni.. ate K ll'.d, a id -oni t are iisetl in the sh oii'i. pallet a--,, intead of I pigeii.. ia know the law is a.;,-iiiis slio.iin; pigeon', lor there isn't any ngatc ! Ii'o'ni ; cits. Tliese thai I h ue in this c I',,, going to give to Iho-e hungry f.-m-ts :n the win I w, so ll t-i -h" W i''l -in ftn. '' , cto 1 ha I g itht r- 1 alio at the Wiiil-iw, anl at I he r. p. trier wen sol s:d ' to C'V the 'd l'lg'l'il "I. Ill" oj e n I th- winl'.'.v from w.lhin aid sh-t k tint r it- "'it of the cage down to the fi ri -t'.. Iii aii in-taut the latter ma le :,,r th i c , and caught oae of ! them, the nihil est aping temporarily. , H iitniag lo the olh 'rend of the w indow lie m i le the in .st 1 r i 1 1 1 cllorts to ' climb its e.i-, -irfar', while the fi-rre's al ihi o'l.'-r i-il dm' 1 oil of hit Ull fori ii'iate i .tnr id '. Til'' nner window was slid a-. l", and n pi o 'd Mini f.ret was dr'pp I in, 'I ii" rat nu ie a jump at the fi iret, who retreilid, ' mill. ling i.l'oiit in a thor oughly iiliiid inanner. I! it tiied igaiii to climb the gl issy nit fa. and a he f II ba-'k th" ferret was on Th" rat .-lo ok h ni ' IT, an I, having tho a I van 'age if ..;ht, and seeming to rr iii' t'ms, m n. a jump at the f net. St it went i n lor .a good foil seiomls, j lirst theiat s ciuiiiglf ti iiiniphiint until li e fentt w Mil 1 make a (urn and a shako which f.r the moment gave hi in ' the vii tnr,-. .i latt the ral git sinh a hold that it -e nied as though tint fer ret' life wut'i't worth much, whi n sud . ; denly i.e male a spring and, winding : hi- loot; bidv nbou! I he I at , piocecdel ' to demolish li ni. A Tree's Itecoial of IU Life. j It is n .t known t i (very on) that a 1 tree keeps a tecoid within ils Mem cf tho i l.arai tcr of mca -uccestivj sn-on ; unco it brgan its growlh. It a peadi I tree, for instance, be examined after It has been cut dwn, the ring of wool I formed in each year will show b its biui ii it whither tho summer of that year was warm or dry, cr othnwi-e 1 favonible or adver-c; and by tho con dition of tho woo l the slnract'ir of the j winter will be denote I. t-t vero early j froot will leave, a layer of boft, d tcuy ing wood; and later frosts will be in- t dicated by a change of color, if noth- ; ing mne. If a tummi r has been so dry as to cause a total red between the growth i , of Juno and September, tho annual ring fot that year will be a double one, I and si metimes barely distinguishable as one, but liublc to lo taken by a not very closo observer, for two different ' years' growth. At a lato iieeting of tho Botanical 1 soi ii-ty of Kdinburgh, ISir It ibert j (.'hris! i-un gave tho results of nicasiire j menu of large trees of different spcclei niadu annua. ly on lines of girlh marked permanently with paint. In the very unfavorable season of lSTJ, tho deli cieucy in summer temperature wis nearly 10 degrees. Ia seven oak trees of different tqiecies the leti"i,,ne in an. nual incroise in girth was Id per cent. In eleven other deciduous trees it wat 4'i per cent., and in seventeen pines it was 20 per cent , diffireut specie i of the saiin f aiii.l giving very nearly similar remits. l'.r.V MontYy. Ciivi. r co i-i le. i it iirjb ililo that irhak-i jjiUstliiu.'s live 100 ) year i. qt'AIM AND CURIOUS. The town cf K kius, V. Va., h id no riicteuco last spring. It is now a thriving place. Kli.abeth Conkcrnous, who residn nearWavcrly, O, .lie! tho other .b.y. Bho was 45 years old aud weighc I 701) pounds. . Q nils are said to have boon tint used for pens A. D. ft..'!, although soni'J au- thoritios give the year fill 5 at tho dato of their introluctiou. The largo.-t ouran" yet shot in the Uland of H nneo stood four foe. ami iv incnos nign. i no average ii about four feet, MX inches. Seventy t holism I "phonograp'i dolls" are us ing m id i a'. S tnaeb.-rj', iti tho Oormtin toy country, to contain Ml K lisou's won lei fill appa'atus. In a revival meeting at Walla Walla, Oregon, a man coufe ed that he was a i , - i t . n muidetcr I i g.v.-ness. 1 Io 3 reliiscl to reveal th c.r. um staucei. Twelve hundre I years ag keioscae " . was known to the .1 .pamtse, but the method of r.rliitiigit so as to bp avail- ibio for tloiii.'itii iitt) ii bat a do ai year old. A New Yoik city min proposes to ic- live the ane i nt spar: of falconry at his country seat iu N- w ,1 r- -y, and hns gone to Kui-.p! to procure the birds 1 1 and traui'.r. Fiaak I'rb, of ( mnin -ham, Mo., ninety yeius ell, recently woi a jaari at a sh'iolin ma'eh, simtof the ho t maiksmeiiin the sta'o bein anting the conte-t tits. Nearly all tho inseits, i au-t. e.?ans, snails and the Use go itit ) wiutci .) in ti r s ; fregs anl all the icptile kind hi beinato by having th in e vei in the mil l or under stems. A .lipanes. pap'r topor's a ba'il-j of lu teilbos which w.h wi nessed by many of the villa ;ers. W hen tho tight wat finished the liel Is went coveied by the bodies of the slain. A Wisconsin man, wh"so wife ntid ono daughter are ahead ni'inbtrs of the legal b'rtn of which lie is th- hea l, has two daughters preparing for the bar at the state university. The long. -t bridge in the worl I is said to be at l.aagange, China, over an arm of the Cum Km. It is in much as five l"i'es I "iig, built entliely of stone, anl hi' I'i'l nic'i't', each seventy fool web'. Tue ri-adway n also seventy wi le. When a e'erg . 111 111 at I'elinsbnrg, IVnn., I hi., wif,. i;,. envelope whi. ll cont iiii'td tin.' cu.totnarir pr sent from a groi in, she f .an I il l onlaiiiel only six etuis. Til iiuui-ti'i had been called out of bo 1 t" pe.for.n the ccic mony. Ill Suwanee s i uity, I'la., rrirnlly, a -' miinsli rof a certain tit liomtn at nm was conierlel tin auigli t lie pr -achi.ig of a iniiii-ter of a ilitT'iciit deiioiniiiat ion, and all the men. her- cf (he ( .nviil.d ini'ii-ter' s ( hu i h chaii ;e i their faith mil fiillowid tin ir ol I shepherd. An exprc s traia iti Alabama g"in at full speed ssti iii k a woma i and threw h -r t unity fect iu tU; air, linding her i iitsi l.j the right nf way. Whua jiicked up slie was ilea l, b it theie win not a brui .e any whore na her body, vet the soles of her shots had been i it oil as smooth as if done by a cobbler. Old Men in Jails. A ret cut visitor to tint of the run -j iuli i I'tdiiii jads w as aiuaed to lind a remarkably large number of old men nmnn.r Mia nriennrr. ..ltii.,1 n ....n . 1 ' vict in five having a gray licirl. lie! jailer being asked for an ixplanation rr pi led: '"It is a emnm hi practice when a theft is l i. light li- me to a man by the polico for hun lo gel an old father or undo lo take the h'ainc en himself, cr he pit's up a young biother lo do so. II- fore the court they make full ami c 'iifcssion. They are convicte i and the real thieves get oil, ami it is for the family benefit that this shoul 1 In s... sturdy young man is able to do m a re for the family support by honest labor or thieving than an old man or a boy. The old man has lost nii-ny of the instinct! and appetites which make liberty so dear to the young man. He cannot be, put to any very hard labor, and will be will fed ami well looked after while he is in jitl. If a boy confesses ho will p oba -bly escape with a (1 gging. Tho con viction of nn ol I man or a boy will look quita as well i.i tho police returns as that of an able-Imilicl youiis. man. Sol long at they pet their convietinn tha polico. don't troubln thcni-clvcj very much about the muter." j Dangerous Hreath. ; The strange n.e of William .l.u kion, j whose breath was in flammable, enite.l I a great d nl of interest in me 1 1 enl an l scienlitic cirelei two years fj t. At tlmt lime Mr. Jui'tson wan a photograiher in rayrttev-illo, N. Y. Mora ireently he hnn been engaged in the tmiic le.isi ni" in Mid. I li-bury, V'. One evening at lOo'rlcik he lighteil a laiiip vsith a malt li. Then ssith n brcn Ii of air lc soiif-hl to ' li'.ow out the initeh.'1 In s'nntly till breitli took tire with a slight esplos on, ,lai kssm gapped svit'i flight, and tie limne i f too c 'inp n nil entoretl hit mmitU nn I li isli n il his tongue, lies lij'i ami face .Vies iiifl.Te I, nnd hit m us tat lie, eyibrmi and (lit hair above his eyebrom were singesl to a innr'ked decree J vk n i ttiil liv ing an I i b a- (lijiiy yy.ti oi l C'V- (VQQ Jlt fi'it, Tfce Author of "Nancy I,ff.M There is a man living quietly in Lon don who ia oup of the niont Huceessfcl writers of aot to music that are in Knttlanri to-duv, yet ho ia not very widely known by name' IHh Freder ick K. WVftthoi'lv. atnl ItA iu tins nllllutr I nf "Vonev I .... " o .n,n (),..( I ....... i fiUng in every -I'liarter o the globe, and has brought to the author nn amount ' ' fauie and money that makes him 1 jiractieallv liulcpcndctit. Tho Hong WM writteu at Oxford in an hour, AVeatherly hail made an appointment ; f,'r l'nl''j ' 1 caehiug for me Rnnnai iituimoiicouieiit. llui puial i fllii,,(, to j,,,,,,, his appointment, ami 1 i while waiting for him the piece cani I ( JK I things al Mint the song wan that it wna in the hevdav of its onularitv about the time of the PrincciM Alice dimmtcr. It wax bi-ing sung on deck junt befou; the vessel went ilown. That fact was printed in all th ' I'.nglisli tiowNpaperti, and the song m'fercd a temporary check in il i 0,'iiltirity, biit thoiiisniid s fi coi lies oi it are now mill, not onlviu ri-at ttntatn but Ihiongli Australia, i Canaila, a id in fact wherever the l-'.ng- i i, , ... . . ... 'r lish language is spoken. Mr. Wrath- crly is the author of scores of other tl'H not fo well know n. lit has been writing song.s ever since he j WM an Ul.,lei Kra.luate. twenty-liv , years ago. - I'hUadelph i I Time. Kept Muring. It is better tn be lxtrn luekv than rich, riolml'ly Mrs. Teepell, of Tei nill.iv ttrei.t w til ll.i. ... i.o.,.. Sit... j o,.,.,,',,,! a house on th- siteof the new ' City Hall, and of cmir-e her limiie wa-s ' c).r"prialed when the g oiind for tho i i...tia;.,.. .. I. ....a ii... : i t i IlllllllllfS " " '-' CM II Jliisillg l l'llglll lllg W US Si lt I'ti'it llltWIIg IhhiuIi n house Hiid lot as a Inline lesideiu e. (lie whs pieRciitlv lea e. to hear that it would fnriii part of the litefnrlho new slrill sbi-d. Her next venture was a house at 1'f.erley st reet. anrl low this will be explopliti'ed ill onliT that the street may be widened. The fourth attempt to sceur- a pel nnineiit resi dence nay, iti the course if assuror two, lind hoi an ob laelc in the way f some other cite iiiipioveutelit. 'I omit to Mil!. A I'l.KTTV sr(i.,FSill"N. They i.p,.re I nt 1-nr fn'lii -r .lour. The It.ttir whs Hlupiti ItrUtit, A lut tn tile i. i't " ei, Thf out Ii hu I msi.1 -il-i:), nt. Hill hI ill r IticMiit io ilep.irl. Hi r Iii. v lmii'1 lu- ini-h,-l, While nil th" line Hull rilli.l l-U lefl'l Hlf or-lelll leokH c llfennl'l. At lenittli Hie nini'lett llnblii-i Kiel fulnsl, A e.l unit In neei iii - l-U . "I !'iHt-. 1 tit John. i"l willni'l lt;t 'Io kii e ttif eie sou i." ' Why no -1 ll l.'.-" ' - nv. anil .-li;h hen luvinit ill -I her- fa'lr it'tit ilie. Ami leave 1 In- lilt e .It e. wh in' tut Tliey liu""l I" rfiii'l - in I'-itlt A synwee'. ll nis-it ant I.e in iti?iiy i.i-r. All ii'toul "s wouti'ii an-ils in: il itly w lio-e tlvi-, n leln luive Ims'ii avi'l. II --'iii t'. I. a we! -s.riM. ..ii.n Ihi III -it wleii a " in i -Ion Iv ta litis iiw.iy xitliilu' ei-i'-i-i"-h liieli foss i. nl nt li-inaa-w e.i It iif-ne a n . I 1 1 re rtl tura e s it.rtl tin re i- no liel. for ll"f. .-Ill I- il'iiilll'-.l to ileal''. Itllt ltii-i ll'.i It-tie. Iii. rn-ree's -',intiii' I 're I'ftt.tiii i 1. i-ini-lanl U re-lninm u.'int'iia! ii.. ... a ,.ii a, ...... . . i 1 1, i , , i.,. io 1. 1- cili ,n , I, i..ines,. Iti-H. i! mi- l i I ie for i'i.-ii ell lltil(. fl'O.'tl 111 ' 111 .IClf lellltlT'- Ll ll-:t I .is; silt l-sf nl 1' Ol in e.'i ..i-", ur li.itlea ..r il ivill It' ti-t.ei le I. Pr. I'ier.i''- I'el'i' . ill ' iiriu-ltui' an. I ni K'1-niiliH' lallle l.r.i i Ti.!-. i't ei Mi-n Mill; a ..i-e. 'I'lliie is . elily el renin limli-r. ri innl. limine I uit'i be I in-ril Pv local ii pi - i it-st 1 1 o i . iis Ihi'i en .net re.'ii-h IheillM-IL-s'il purl if lin ear. I le i i-only '.til- My to cure Prlllm , altil llilll I- to eou reiiu-illi-M. Ilitilt.i- I- i ail-til .' "" 't nl n inm;- linint "f the 1.11-liti limn I tlU'. V Inn 11,1-lull nils m- tlumtil jmi hm e a intnli , ur iici'cr i iieitriiiir. uii " ni'ii n i lllirely rliwi-il lieafiunss ! Ilie ri -nil, nnil iinliss it,,- ii.tlain li in I inn can Is- ink en mil itiul thi- ttiln-1 1 -ii-ri-il lolls normal eniiiliii.ui. I.i iiritur ill lis ile-rlruii-il fi'iest-r; linn in.'.-.- fill of ln lira i .'ni-i-l . nstiurti. u tiii-h is notliiinr Iml it 1 1 iti- I'.lttm-il colliltl lol. of I lie lltllei'iis -llllitifs. Wf w III kiss- line lliiniliiil Ii Itars Inr any rnss'i.f li Hfne-s ii ati-tt ly l atiirrlii lhat tsu i nun. .1 t ine I.) inking llnll'n I ul iii i Ii l ure. sm'I.iI forcir ulit -, .ree. V. .1. i IIISKV I'll, Ti.le.t i, O. ir .sii.i i.) l'nik.-tji. is. ;.v. j Mules nr.-sin'. Isirn fai ls. I nlilli il io l In- Ilex. ! Allsrn eiil.llt-il In Hie I i's ih it t h elr mo-iev i will huy, snesery family houM ,B-.i', nt i.t.i .i Mile of the li-l fainilj re. in- ly, Snip i.f i t'u.-s. to cleanse lie- sy-tt-ni when cwtln nr ml. i i"tis. For sale In io,-. an, I Mile hy all ; It aillliS dl lieei-lM. A ntiliiii;-.ln tnil.rr- no nion.. Tlif 'avlne in i leihim: nhere ll. I.hins s Kl r- ! trie Kmtp is used. I- t.'i'liiii thesi np lull. I It Is ho UCW PI D. rl illl'nt . lilt 24 ywsr-s. To-iln ui as iiren-iii KiV. Try nut hns in ei. snia iiir Vour Krurcr Iihm ii . r will ontfr it. A run in Inn nisy have Itu- nine. flrn. Ih I'araillan al l'rm, Mlltl, esjualile cllnia'.criiii ami aliamUnt rroiw. Het trull, (rnilii, uruss an I lm' e.itm try In the worlil. Full infiirmaiiiiii frn. A.t ilreas Ortwon Iin'lirmt'ii llnaril. I'urllaml. Ore. Il'snn mi w aul lhat does lint li'nw at ni'. lnflVctetl w llh sisireeypH u- tlrl-aae Tlntinii. icii'i Kj eWnti r Itriik-stisissell nl ! Imiiii Honor allium.' riii in. It "ware of nniisl iocs " lai si fit I'uin h." Neeitssay Is the mill tier of C"ll vent i oil -. Cold Waves Ait i-rl.ctM with rrliatlo accjracr anl pvi. Itahlc lo Uif ia)D aort Ai'tin of rhcumnilsnt lr rvrry ebanRol'i datnpnrttnrmy wiattiTr Alttmtia w do nt cUlm Mri(iurlll i v i-wltH ojttlc for rhrumailsm, the rcmarkat'le cufm baa eftceltMi thow tltut U may takeu f ir rbaama tUni Willi raaotiahl cerialnty of bt will. It ac tion tn iiik lltly of Hit bluol. wlid-li it lb (-um if rhrumat nni, imMHm-' th( mt- tif thtf luri-iw of HikkI NsnaiNU-ilU tn ruiitig tti xiniplaint. If ou iufftT fr-mi rhuin tiUm glv i HimhI h SarBai-arllla a fair trial, wr lifllvo tt v do you Hood's Sarsaparilla inuai"U Hrif..r. t7 C 1. UiaiU est , Apothat-arlan, Prapara I i' Lowall, Mast I OO Doses On Dollar Ely's Cream Balm Oibst rfin Uy ( rhii ilrrn Buffer fmm COLD in HEAD CATARRH. Appl) Built) Iutorarli no it rll Pai.ii m-A. coi i.r.;. rhtiartaiphia, rt B. hoianiaH y a ad y -i tU f HI W rt f fof oiHmlafc Vi oh want mir l R fr' A II Haak and friM.H Tell it. i&i imi;-, n Hy iiirtil to' 'JS tn m tin y or t,mid, Ha-i.T At' il N. HfvrnUi Hulln i.-.piiu. .4rHla H aiiird fcf Nt oyitfin ( nlllllIHI Inmrrwar rn i k-irHv-it frm Ji4iul. tf u i; iirr Ht.l. hmt ff nr iilar. C . NTfc RrH .t St. Umu. I t VtmT Mi.lilt nt.;tn a "II lit Tl . nil a HT.II mn t ! iwrivK'! I'V romrnn MiipariMMii, ihi i imsi taril-k inHi'arttl. laorotwa Uasl.1 lT KAIL, avriiii rrn. fcrraat'af llaa. 4t Maf 1 B..tta, W. . finlf Ifft n A BIT. Oalr Carlala aa4 II EC blr. THi Vlataalle OltilairBI riLttl I Kaowa ar m f aara orstaiuu - ll Cnar,a or win asall ou a bull Itx M cassa if, RJIVM. KX W'. HUM If THE FASTEST TIME OX RECORD, In the direction of tie' nearest ilrng-stoie. is not too fast for a person to make who is troubled with tiny of the myriad forms of di-oae resulting from a torpid or deranged liver ami its attendant Impure blood, and in, therefore, in need of that U'Ul.l-laini'.l and oit iiinranli rj blnotl-pui ilicr and liver invigorntor known aslr. Tierce's I olden Medical Hi-n'ovcry. Ksciy form of Scrofulous. Skin end Scalp I)lsease, Keeiiiii, Krysipelas, i' It - rheum,' Tetter, scaly, crusty, itching, burning ami tormenting forms of skin disease, arc cured by this wonderful remedy as if by magic. Sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee of benefit or cure, or money refund) d. All Scrofulous allectioiis. as Fever-sores, White Swellings, Hip-joint Iiscase. Old Sous ami I'lcers. yield to ils wonderful cura tive properties. It promptly conquers Imlige-lion ami lyspepsi;i. It is a con cern ruled vegetable fluid extract. l..-e small ami pleasant to taste. Contain no alcohol, dona" inebriate c manufacture topers: is Ire- from syrup or sugar, and. therefore, don't sour or fi t ment in tin- stomach, interfering with digestion ; as peculiar iu ils womlertiil curative effects as Iu its composition. There is no other medicine nl all like it. either iu composition or cfloi t. Therefore, don't be fooled Into accepting something Instead, saiil to be " ju-l ,as good.-' If substituted arc "just as good," why don't their vendors ijuarantu' them to do what Ihey arc recommended to. or refund money paid for them, as we tin with all who buy "olden Medical I i -covery ? " For the very good reason lhat Mich a plan of sale would bankrupt tin; mtiniifacl urers ol' any but an extraordinary remedy like the " I icovery." To purify the blood, invigorate the liver, promote digestion, ami build up both lle-Oi aiid .strength, it is nncqualcd. whether for adults or children. W''e Pisi'knsary Mepical Association, Proprietors, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. $500 HIWlDHIS III-' f ATAKRII. II. -ti. la. lie, 0M1 ueiii.n ot nose, dinelinriun fnlliiur nilo throat, sniiietinn-c I'rofuw. watery, and neriil. al others, thick, tentii'ioii. itttici us, ttiirulciit, t.liMxly, fuf i ii anil olTensive; e3'-s weak, ring mi! in em's, .Icufni hn; offensive lintilh: stiiell nnil timie impnircd. and (r'n ernl tlelnliiv. Only a few nt these e iiiii .m likely lo l pnnrnl st once. Dr. Paire's lli iinily etm-s the worst tnt'-a. Only NEWs! AGENTS WANTED! V N j ' !.!. '-'Lot'H I.NVKNlloN. vjj-) f llni-iriiie't I'nmpalel Free. JtlLf . Wonlonut Cars s-xolainej, Cj "-- 1 if R . --- MAGHETIP -4P0BIZEH It .si-ir- :.-Unl cm , Ill-ill' If, ( .11 I'll Neli-llsll . Hei I ll he.' " f ll ll III I I Kyi-s .if l.l'ls. '- i ill--, -t.t .s lit iti'tiiess fti enee .tii'l iv n tn etin-. II i the use ! le ,v.'rv i.r me A-tr:r A'l It O il A I. N fcTM ' I'll., PS n i Knll.. ,x. . a"rlts) aoflr; this ni.iy u . iiiai-isr astn. PNE. DOLLAR w wttti cm in rni n ujitpu un0ULiu uulu nniun iTct.'ii,eLC'sr3Ti:ii. waul ron wici'uit o"trtfuusa 9 i& R.HARRIS vHO. IM t. f.yetto St. Ballimore. Mrf. J'oprrislit M'nlfnn lliii nnnr wtin writifia; AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT ! DR. LOBB JliM Krih I'iliff nth M.. rhllffl. lphia. Ta., for Ui treatment it IMoo-1 rntwniH, skin riiitloni, Krvnun r-miIilnt. Uriaiht liimu, KirlrfiinM, lmt'iM'y ami kiH.lrfl tlii.. ;i.n. im matter of how km tnndltiir fntm wlutt uimc nriuhiaf lm. t1n itajt Dipf1i ln. furiiNh' uy moll pgrr Brail for Booh on MI'M'I A I. It.-nnra. f flCCt DETECTIVES WuM4 bn"i aire nn4tr lotirtxttnn- ti tonri nrvk' work iinwmlW rtcrtt fh lnWrn.U.n! I OrtfiM t Tuulif AtiBt rrwt, (rt HM Oiitml Ts tiiri lo 4'ti Pawkai OtUtrrr rl FRAZER KtsT THF. WMI.B w a laf-Oat tUaGanulrie. B ild UTrjwhara. I - INFORMATION ,rj ntna cllinali-, - tartalv f iT".s. ln.i-anil lit. TIIO. t: Land I'am'r, I.IiiIh II oi It. Arkanaai m 1 Mil P ISO'S KKMKDY F(n CATAUKH.-llest. KHirt li ( lieaiHKit. li-elief is iiuiiuiliuUt. A cure IS eertJiin. Knr ( old in the llinsl it has no equal. Ointment, of wltis - .tr.u 1'ri.vs cue. to the no :-T , by until. Addrcsa, K. EVERYMAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. By J. HAMILTON AYERS, A. M., H. D. This is a most Valuable Book for tha Household, teaching as it does tha easily-distinguished Symptoms of different Diseases, the Causes and Means of Preventing such Diseases, and the Simplest Remedies which will Alleviate or Cure. 598 PACES PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. Th- Took is whiten in plain, every -day Km,-lith, and is free from the Is hnieal lerrni wliit h render most lioiloi-11 io ta so valiifl. s to tlm K 'liei'iilil v of readeri ihi ''"' " i nil-it. i lo t or A' i t ii in fie ian'itu, and Is as nordesl i t.) li- readily uiidrratiiotl by all. ONLY 60 CENTS, POSTPAID. it he lt. Tli f nul) liellia llll'le tssl. liylhn inililfUV lilll..n irlllti' I I Not only does tliis l!o. k contain si mneh Inf rnutinn llolntiva to liiwatw, but very proi i ly givei a LVi I'lletti Anal visits oi ' evprylliuiic ii-rtoiniii t finirt-ihip, Marns and tho rruiuetinu and Unarm.; o.' Healthy Faniitiea; together with Viilutttslt- It--lH" suit! Pi-i-.eiiiilliiiiH, 1 : lln mi I Ismi f lloliniU'nl I'riK't ls-s-, ( iM'i'ei't '. tt rsllntiry Ilcrbst New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Complete Index. W ith tints I!oo!i ill Ihe li"UJ tltere i noexeasj for not lnvwinj wlmt to dn in an nifri;eiiey. Iion'txait mi ll you hare illu,ai in your family ttefora you order, but sen 1 at ouie (or tLi vahiatilu votutiun. ONliY OO OBNTa, POSTPAID. Pcnd postal note or po.tixe tnnp of any denominate a not lare- tb in cent 13QOK I'yBLIIiUNU UUUi; m Uyuaid St., N. Y. City, OITEFt XJD f"r no Inrurnhle esse of t-mm i Cilirrh in Itte Hd by the proprietors of DR. SAGE S CATARRH REMEDY. Wivnln. stcld t.y ilriutb-isid, everywhere. : QUArEFUL-CJMFORTINU. EPPS'S GOGOA BREAKFAST. "II) -a lit .roiis'i kit mli-lj.- .it l. ir aatur! law wtilcj nes-iTii tb "' ,.f .lui-itl.Hi au.l ntitrl linn, ao-1 b a eafrui ai.t'tl.' l.m or lha rtne prnpsr- ttnet n. ll -lp.-le I i ti. sir l .i.shn prerMfi ear lin-3kfa,l Lil.tes w in. .leU'-iui-ly navoiir-.! if arai. w liteh nut.- -nv,. ii- in ni v lie.o v .Inet'ir.' al la. II Is I ) tl... jh ll. I .... lie "f Ii Hilli'lrs nf dial lieu ii e..i. .illnil. .ii mat lie isra I a ills milt up until aln.lii: t"..iih I.i tr-l-l i-.i-rv I leu.';.- I.i Jits-asa. . ,.f ..lied- in.,1 el., s ,-re It'inllli'.- att id ill ri-ielv li atl.ielt ttli.-i-eier liire ! a svr'ik a.-litl. IV" , .., ,i..- iinm. i f i. t il I hv t.i . ll mir ai'ln it all r n-i ivith p. i. e iiiti.ui ami a prjpml Umirl-ti.-tl frisiin ." -"I'leil vr. i -r i,-.itrf. Mu le -Imi'li .villi Imllini! is m i- "r milk. 'Solil onl III liiill i. iii -I tin , tit ilr s-M, In'iaMi-l Itiaa J l ilts tii'l' .V I'll.. Il n ClsamUU, I..jMjo, m JUt liMrtont prim tad fthto cuull Ui bo Mtd h am d4lvrr. EmwI atuBD lor OaU TO HIBL arm t rus f lORTHERff PACIFIC. ll LOW PRICE RAILROAD LAUDS k FREE Government LANDS. M 1 1. 1. Ill a or Al HKi in Kolth M.mlaua. Iitulie. VI at-hUiKi"u "' Oragon. sFiin far t"i;ir.:,r.!5.n:r Iht l i kiits. rriii irrr. s - CHAS. B. LAMBORN, 11)1 Ci'DlllllMUwr. pt. rnnl. Itu iarlai-sHl" uf tltm di-aae li.U.INi'HVMAM.M P. Alintlerttuni, N. Y. Wa hava K.lil in f tor m,uiT yaars, and It n iaU.R'1'pitaenriii. ,,. Ohio. VTS "".. Vu. 1 9 1.00. Ki.lrl by timitgisti. h it Binall partiele is applies Sold bv drnciriitlss or s-snt T. ILAZJtLTtn k, AViirron, l'a. j Ft he wonoYh r T f i c J , t. 'V pBUBGCHAIR.lSiWM 1 rim I fSfBB rt'ri F fTt TO Dlrt.sW i jlawastt4 aul Bj aaoaa asrtrtara, v I nt....1CtuikalrB. Oh, I II N I n

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