l)c Chatham tUcorb. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. S7 I I ADVERTISING On stiuarf, one insertion- One square, two lngenions"- 1.50 - l?.60 One Bipiari', one luontn - $1.50 PER iM Strictly in Advance. Ftr lnrirer ailvertisemfuta li'Rfi1 cot ,ratts will be ninde. VOL. XII. nTSIH)U() CHA THAM CO., N. C, MAKCII 20, I8IKI. NO. 20. The II si We Cm. TVIi n i i i lit il i.'l io to sn t ii', W Ii . sh ill 1 iv.' li.M our hand1, Ai il my, ".J i ui! i i tryii jr, r tr bailies a', mil- plans." I. el imt your c iiirai! fnl'c, Ki' J: f.ii Ii in ii 1 1 m il num. And in tliis Ii night be . a if st ".'II i!u tin' he-t I cm." If r'oinls li'nt ui 111' sunshine Alun tin' w ay you trend, 1 1 n't t hi Impel', ms fash'nn And s ;li for I'lightm-n Il il. I (void tin' 1 1 ii.i1- thr siinli.'lit Shin a in I he I It mal I'l Tru I that tin- ny w H hriiliten An. I ilu tli I test yun ran. A way with vi n repining; t ini; m.iu.'i uf hop' ami rhcer, 'lill n any a in :.irv comrade ( runs stroii.: '.f I cart to luar. lip Ii" sine;.; umt trouble Is ayi' t hi vi est man. I I ;i i" t Ii Ip what has happened. I'm --il. rs tin- lust he ran. i i; il' ihiiis won't go to suit us, let s ii. vi r fume utnl frvf, For Ii I tii fault with fort una J i i I inrii li il matters yet. Ma' c t In' hi -t uf whate'cr Imp ens; 1 r failure like a m in; A lei ill ": I ' T evil fortune 1'.. i't I ! . . l.,-t yun can. j ,". .' r (,,'. i.i .S'.ifm' .n .V'.7 IB SIORY OF BIP. "B p'.t :. o i. w II known in tl,. Cu.u b 1 1 and valley, where ho I. vol fu m i y yi an, aa 1 tin: 1 not long ngo,' ::i 1 S.:!it :! L of F.'unk'iti i.'Mm'y, Penh., tc i it is cue of tl;o un'M it lu.nkable nmriiiives of sh.vor tiuu tver lel.t il. 1 have heard the old ma', tell the s cry with tear in his eyes many nnil many a !iiii' an 1 no ono who evei knew hint . u 1 1 h.ivo tho alip;hl..-ii doubt I its truth, it p win born in Africa, whir, ns let I -curved, ho via the sun of a king oi a ohiif, fi r ho re inemherr I th it his filler mil mothei live J i.i a b .i I- !ri! tu'rounded by Fin illcr "ti 1, iv ii h tvrj rociipei h. in my i 'hum ti 1 i' i i .Iron, his fiiliei's lint ai ut ii iii ; :ipp:oi h ! by other in n in i'l-;'. r t:ti.n in in nor. II. 1:1 t!u-r w ii j iiimi'Vi M! go! 1 or brass hoops in her c.ir and haul of metal on her it mi. ilu f.it i-r vr.' a hi, yellow rin:; ia hi n .e. Winn 15: p ua, about ,"i yom ul 1. lit ho ;ifi'rwu I c.l -fulalel, li s fithri's hut.s .li.'lil mil many of th; ti hi wr: nv .Tpoiven.' I ! nhurleof stia:i-i; li!ac a ul taken enptive. Tic y were Ixunvl ti elher nml ilrivvi fur ilayi until the.7 rim; to the sc inhere. There they weio pur lionel 111110:14 a nunilnr of whito men, the fir ! t Jiip hail ever fe n. Tito tap tivei were tak 'ii away in boats. 1! p never f.-nv his father ajjain. He tin 1 liu in tin r weie 1 at ke 1 with liiiinlr.' U uf ctli n 'in 1'oai 1 a vessel, nn 1 they were ninny 'l.iyi tin ih t witer. Tho vesol at last l:i:i l.' I an 1 t'.'.o n ';r "'( ' that w te st ill a ive wir.' take 1 nshure, mi l Dip mil I.i mi th 1 wt ro Rileeteil ficin 1,1 1 h i by a whito man an I t i'vcn away. It wai not until at.er yens that l:ip know nnl up; Ter:a'cil the fait that he nnil his pnen'.i mi l their tulu ha 1 fiillt n virtiiiM to th" Afiiean slavo trail ers, nnil thai ho mi'l his mother hail been s.ll into shivery to a Cuban jrlnntrr. "At the n( of la 15ip, whieh n:'ine hfltl been gvvi li.m by his Cuban owner, wa? miM, wi h a lot of ot:; r young negiocs of buth i-..-., to a slaw trailer. l!:p' mother was at wnik in the su;;.r fal l wiieu ho w.n soM nntl taken away. II; never saw cr heard i l her nain. The her l of yoan negroes wai talcea to N w D.le.ni', where Ji.p was soM hi the auction bii'c t. Ho was put to wmk in tlio u;r-ir fi .-liN, but when ho wai M yens old ho beeamo the proper!' ul in Aika-i&as rotton jtlunttir. Ilo wit. taken to the Ar!tan.n planta'ion, whieh was not far from Lit tle It c'. Huiimv muter proved to be a kin 1 onof but 15 felt that ho not hot 11 to be 11 si iv -, and he wis do termine 1 toceipo from bin la;e, even at tho ii'k of hii I'f . I.ato dii- nilit jn the fail of l.'l he ni ilo a break for libetty. Ho never know exactly the route he took, but ho turnel his lace as near northward ai ho could t iliul.ite anil blindly foi'o.vcl that course. lie triivclc 1 nil inijlit, swiiii'iiia' liverf snd floi.ndi r tiff through swampi. In the diytimo ho hid ninonc the dense brakoi, and satislicl Lis lumber liy i!i n; tuttli". from the mu I and citing tliei;- raw ni'at. Ho lrnvell ; 1 in that way for three nk-ht nnil jti-t befoio dull etc n-i iho morn ing of tiie third ho rain-j suddenly upon A clearing. II saw at once t!ia: it w is tho home of a "fic ranp r." In those days that part, uf Ark'inn was vild ami sparsely iuiiali:teil, an I s tt'ers from ctiicr Rt itci and othtr p.iitmiH of Arkinsns wem t:i-ii!i- up land and gradually clcanii;; th country into p'antations. TI.e set tiers iiiua'ly lived iluiiiii the 1"i r -1 yeir. of th -ir oe.-iijiatn v ii what was known :i f:i't imiiims, hi-ir ilrst crop e. a o'ia tic mi to put up luO tcr d welling'. The !nt i r cop iv.i, a rmlo I'oatd Imt or lantv i n lis'l 11 lut thre- .! . T:! id (.;( - ; -I eu:h left cj-en, the dl'tu'o. if:i in win'.ir, be mild enongH to keep a ai'y a linlitutioii ua 11 face camp en tile y cnifortablo. Thu shanty wa; niofod w.th hoard and, ai tin whol.' win built with slight, fiatnt! walls, it was not tho most sei uro duelling in the wnilil. Ti e in'eiii r of one of thes face eanipi war. severely s in ;ile. I' coil tiiined tlio 1 cltlrt's bed, a table nud a bench or two, nnd a loft for storin; varioui articles of In u eliold us. The I ed wis a ru hi boar I bunk in one coi ner, innile fa-t to the s;do on one end of the shnuty. TI.e In 1 1 wis a similar bunk, l.iult thtee cr It ur feet nbuve the bed. 'Tho face camper, clut incj his fir-t yenr as a settler, tl pen lc I, 1:1 a f.;rea: measure, 011 111110 fur tho t.u tcuancu if himself and fafuilj. The wooih were filled with deer, bears and ether wild animals. When 11 deer or other animil was killed tho dress d lattai.t wai suspended on a de in flu it of tho open end of the 11 mo, the po'o b ini: sup oiled by Inn ioili 'l sticks tl ivon in tho giounil. Tin: fai-o c.impei r:'to!y own.'d si 1 vim whiio they were miking their ileirmgi, lit. they a'.wiyi hiuk'd foi iv ar I to tho lay whoi they wou'.d bri'.nio maiieri. A; auto they weie lend, iic r nil poup'o, an I their lepulatii'ii u slave-holders w.n stirli tint evi n tho s'aves of III ! co'.to.i p'.iiittri on tht loivl ind.s pitio 1 the ii"i;r e uf a f oe ennp'r. S, n:it nr al ly, v l e i liip c ime sudle.il at tho homo of on! uf tliii cl 1 sj ho wis plccly a'aiine l, a id inade up hi; mind toi;itaw.iy fromtliil locility a soon as po..-iliio. Tho in i.m 1 1 sliini full and bright in tho shanty, mil Tup could sic th bunk nnd the iii'lincs of its si-fpino; in nut os, mui tho loft ab voit. Ash-stoil p:rii:; oit of the thicket, tal.iu;.i hinnd view of the 1 uri ni; M' oie, an 11 I y :ci I cininuU growl mine fiom the sh in ty. Snppo-e ingtlut h:s ptoi'iico hit boon ili-euv-1'iel by the 1 am e: '.s dogs, Iili was di. living balk I 1 1 lit'llv to enap; I r Olll 1 lies put, when he iliiroveied that it w us .uiii 'llnn ; 1 1 1 : th i' h i I aiiiii-ed tho does. t. n of 111 ' s!ii lows until'! op- o-,to si lo of the tp nia; i iini two d uk ubj'cts t nvir 1 4 I '10 leer, aid two liii'e bens were revolted 111 tho moon . light. Tin y did ii' t stop, lm". sluui-hc 1 im;ulent;y a.o.ig to s 1 are tho objeit i f their visit, the doer's t-uea-i. I!ip could not overt unio his 1 111 icsity tu watih nud -co what the resit t of thii inva-iun would be. As tht be in -.liuT-tied up to tho spot where tho do-T h iii.;, two d"gs ru-hel out uf Iho open camp. With Iti.ioiH balking and b u 1 yelping they sprang up 01 the bean. The no so awuko tho owner of the camp, a id U p .-aw li in pi ing Irom the 1'iiik. At tho same time tho wifo nnd Iho fare J of three wo I I ail startled lookin ; 1 !:i! lien lnv 111 1 1 tht bunk. The wviu 1 1 ail tho children begin to sireiman l cry. Ai ths s-.-t tier jil'lipe 1 nut tho bears 111:1 lo a rush fur the tlogs which retreated to tho shanty. T!i"y almost t 11: over tho mm as he :. p Oai In.' I. Ho 1 an lin k and helpcl hi, wifo iind ihil'in'1 Irom the be 1 to the bunk overheal. Tin; net mo 111 lit 111 in, dogs, an 1 I c ir weioclo-o 1 tu eetl.er 1:1 ore indiscriminate struggle. I'ee'iing that whatever the re-u'.t lu'giit b" I.i, torn safety lay in escaping from tho sicno without dela,,, Hp ha.tenol into th? ftre t. Hs hi 1 not 140110 far wlc n it eceu r I to himt'u; a fellow nun's lifo w u u 1 lo i'ote l y in pei i!, nnd that it was iU tlu'y to ni l h;in i-i prc'eiviog it, no matter what tho f tiisi ipieuces might be lo hi iniicll'. Without 1111 instant's further hesitation he tin ne 1 nnd dndiol back throii;li tho thiikot. lh cleared the opening at a boun I, nnd the ne.t -eeond had j iine 1 the settler and his dogs in their emtest with the beats. Toe settler was he ng pressed by the bears a ;a:nt the board wall at thn foot of tho bunks, nud tho fiall shanty w.h shaking and swaying threateningly. The man's wifo and clii -dren wore shrieking fiaat icnlly in the loft. One dog had been killed au 1 the other disable I. Hip closed with ono of the l)"nrs at once. His kmfo wai a keeo, long b'.ule l dirk, with two edges. Ho thrust it to the hilt in the bear's bieist a, the animal lung"d up against him. The blood followed tho blide in a stream The bear staggered luck. liefoio it ralliel Itip turned to the other one. It had knocked the sett'er to tho ground, where he lay stu ined. In a second more tho b ir wou'd have loin the man's thrt at lo strings. With one slash of his cIT.clivo weapon 15 p sev ered the bignrieiies in the heir's neck, and laid tho windpipe op-n. The bear raised up erjet on its feet and fell over backward with its w hole weight ng.iin't iho si It of the amp. The sin ck was more Uiaa thu stiuituie 1 mid stand, and the sh-tn'y ii.mo down with a crash, burl ing bears nn I nil be ieath a pile cf boards and scantling. Tne next ilia! liip k-ii-iv it was bio 1 1 thivl.g'it. II ii.-s lyiejr on the in i ur.d 1 11 a tb-erskin. II' wu .- r--and l..:u In", ii : .1 ii :i ! t.. ;i't to his fo.'". A big- wlii-iiotl' 1 mill, a pale, weepln; vvuinm, mil twi f i ig h t en C'l I in k I ti g da. drill wirnj gri uped near him. !!, the silo if a' rigged pilo t f bund i ha ha I le en the J face cam p, lay tho i a: i a ,-'S of twit huge bean. Tile I ig -v.hi.-ker. d 111 i'l j came forwatd, gi l p d Pip' ; hao I, n nl tuld him he h id sai" 1 his li'o. Tho in in, I his wile, and two of lie: c'lil Ilea ha I call d from th : wree'e uf llio sh tn! , "i with but slight iajnii'i, :;'l in:'oai it seenio I, bii!. the o:h i ilitld led been , killed. Hip felt that h ! w.oild bo safo j with these people, and bo tu'd tie in his ; story. Ho tin n Icani' d tin', tho faej ; cimpoi was Kr:e! V.r-vn, a notnl re- j lig.nn cnthuii h', w h h 1 1 so' t lei in iho v lidei r.ou to form inc lens of a color.' of his followeri. 15. p helped ii build Vawn's ramp, nnl whoa il was i time V.nvii midohnn proni o that ho j would remain a tho tamp tiotd ih- set- t'.er made a I u inots (tip to I.i'llo I tick I mil retinue I, Whei Viwn i i'ik bc:k I ho placed in 15 p'.s ban Is a bill of salt) for h i I .i I'll' fiom his m iter. Viwn had pun h i I the voting negro and given him his fro" l"in Tlio ovei ji I liip ri-ni'i i net ia V awn's tei vice, and was g.ven the icon- of Solomon Viwn. lsia"! Viwn ilu'd alioul tho time l!i i w.ir of the rebellion b 'gau. liip, or ts.ilnmuii Viwn, i.nue N nth and settle I hi the t'liin'ie'l i t I valley, whi le he w-niked as a farm Ii m 1 un'il he die 1 soino ni'iilh. a ;, nearly ! ) yean ol I. lie is bin i" I noar M eat Al'o, nnd hiio i iv! is on land, 1 b : pi iv, fi r il a ly i.tvii.d by Till Idem Stevens." -V. )'. .Ku. A I.eiiilun Doll Mm iv. A doll rhoiv on a gig ant e an 1 sune tvha! ri;;in i! pi i'i, wliicli has bo u or gan i.e 1 in ail uf tlio new hospital for women in K i-toi I' l l, Will bu opene 1 in t In: spi ing. The dili-niit seitions allow ed gieit v.niely III d ill dieising. l adles in the die,i id tin: pel in I moiniii;:, eveniii ", bridal i r coutl ; gen tii'in -o dulls ditto, little i;iri dulls, and the babe, in l..,ig mid M-iii.-Ii ng iluthos, dolls in th t g i, , ,,f p:u! -i-ors, prints, ollieia! rub"', i.i '.'.a e, p u I iani 'ii' at y, civic and leg il, mali iiiir, st ho'.a itie, masonic, doll, i.i nua', m.litary, p. s'al, ur poiue imifiii in, do!!:, m io.'i.ii.i i ul the p in! omnii ', sii.'in of tho billet, dollt in wuikl.u; tlie-s cl all kinds, artisan, douns io sc. vie ', or trade, aie !o bo in. lud 'l in tho virion, ilis.es. A special sitim mil bo foiiii'.' l by dnl'is, ladies and g 'litlemon, in sjiorl in d r ss, hunting, shooting, fishing, gulf, tennii and boating g.nb. Otlieii ngtin will repieseat heroes, heioiiies of history, tie!. on, tho dia i.a, asji'i'ial ilasi hoin ; is i:: c 1 to ihir aeters of nui soiy romance. For ''icle bril ic uf tod iy'1 a doa'do price is ulleied, and a section I' did!-, in a gro le.ipie, silf;ge .live or eie.l'l'in '.lie tlie'3 of any kind ulTtn a wi lo li. I I to the fanciful. A -p.'cial nur e,' sn 'ioa will coinpri-e dolls dre; o I as pa'ienis mil nurses, and others are cxe! u ovei y limit ed to children a id pupils of board, charity cod industrial schools. Fir tho Instil"!! of nil a pi'i of fie guineas is rlTered. hM Mi l !.i:': A Mnrlciiiu'i Story. 'Whi-e i i Itdii," siil the inar;ri.i.i Keller recently, "1 saw many things done by the tntivo nr. its of iogtrde inain that completely 'si u::',p?d' mo and .som-! ic.e it die gentL'iu u th i-wi 10 With in'. The mo-t wend ;i lul pei formtnecs weie in hypnotism. l'liiiiij. f Cowa-j-e J ! jocblny, a millionii.re I'.usee inert hint, sou i f Fi am j' i! Cowa-ji o, the numb r i f tho ISombay I'l -tit tl' 13 of riiy-icd Impiiry bearing his niune, gave me hii word fur this rem irk able story : "In the north of India wis a famous hypnotist who possessed tho power of hypnotizing himself. H s wife, who knew his scire', was tn i ii-tumed to re vive him when 'ier he ovcic.m iI his ex ceptional power. II-' killed a man and was H'lileiuel to cxetution. Several days before tho time fur the cvciitioei he hypiioli d !nm self, passing into a condition which, to ad nppe u anc , wu death. So ported was tho semblance that tho K iglish (iovernm 'ii! physicians who wero called in olliei.-illy citified that he was deal mil orl 'rel his body cremate 1. 1 tit at this point his wife appeared. She was stii, hen wilh-grief, moaned nnd wept until tl.o hearts of the authorities wero touched. S ae was permitted to take nwa, the body for private cremition. Then she revived her hud'an I, mid log "ther they es caped.'' l'hi'-iij Ti i'mi-e. Hit That was Approi ialcil. Tompkins Pshaw! Brown's no wit. I There must be nn c'einent of surprise in what a man savs to innko it wi. Iton't veil agree with me? Wilson Perfectly. That wis a c'.i v -' er witticism you gut o!T tic other dav. J Tompkins I forget. What, .d d I Wi srn Yo i sa d, I borrowed from Imih ', lir e's that (Iv y ;i " - f' i j 'r tillLIIKE.VS I til A .M.S'. i ini.e in; v. I have a little kilty ', l it) vei v fund of i. :. Ate.l tilt! for sin h a ijnv .s. She lee the bs;'-s: ' i r r in a s:iMig.;l ildo Mi i. poii my I.H., 'r in an ea'-y eh.io , .'tn- pun., so luial. yo , d ;.-.il y think 'I hiei- i.U.s were pno iiig there. And. ii In n uld wn : r cine-. ;i I. Hi ,ti I sn.o.iy wt'.tl' ' 1 leti'i's. 1 ll-li II tu I,.'!' '1'ud . . '.Ill- , Am! d eaiu ul' liter tlim -' - (if I. ml. up tlyiii;'. li. '.i Ilu- i:-I I ' i U 1111111, w ith I ii -1' and M 1 1 1 r . ( if br uvu-vvini'ged I ll-l.llkllll. to '1 he 11 livers, with ( ;:! nit lm t r. Of rills and hroukie'- nimhlim d jivn The lulls with no 'rv stir; All lliese I die.im '.' i- I :,t!"!;e 'I lie p elly, i fl eray fur OI'To.MleUins. ihai -mallAui'iil cat With .on h a real bij." pui r. A r. in-: hn Aim tout. A M nk of the Alpi.ie Mma-tery of the f iiaad L'harlreiis , in t oinpinie 1 by his faithful St. It marl dog, was on Ins v.ay liuii.e up the ino'.l'i' inn oneu.i), wli-ii, by a md len mischiu.i", he slipp'd i vera steep p': ce, mid fell into the snow many le-l telow. Ilu dog ( .uld not le lp h in lm! by g'dt'g J in tne to fetch th iin.i.ks, mil this li J tli I, plainly lel'.in.; I h-in a! ti.e in'Oias- j levy by ho barki.ig nnl gi-Ouioi tii.it i Ihev sh'OI d f .llo'.v him. S.eiug that ; Father Ni'liol is . i not with his do", they set out u Ih toe f:iiii;f.i: riei'ure, wl.iihiet tle'n v.ilh j .;, ins gillll".!? stinpdittoMi.il ' tne monk I y haif Iniiiel in (lie n-'.i , mil ho wi leea-d fiom what would l.i.vn ben certain dtalh. Tiir. i t in. t. I 'd'!: vwi K-ii. A gieat iiintiy ye u mo in it than half a lentiiiy, in liut a Iain:! of I'leinh at rul.ats ttnveled ti.i' iedi Kiiiup; nn 1 in ide tie. ir living by giiing rnteiti.iniii. nits in tin; village-. l!iriui;h whi, h they p s- I. All tho men, I', u ef tho f nnil w-ro icrolnit.--, and ih -ir pa'inU b-foro tin tu had been ac. ub. its, to j nu neyiug I ruin one vnla ;o to another, nn l buying Ihtirbieal wilii llio p.-imioi anl-.i-pi iic:s that tho lu'iotiy p'ople tiit. vv into the father'. i: i'. I ? aid licit i.ll 1,'U' mem nor , ol in..- I uu ly weie .n :o- , bad, but 1 had tui ;,,ti,a little II .n, j who was only fi n: jn'i old, and loo j young, tlur. f oe, to do hi shu.j pi I iiiiiu ing the public. Si little Iloniil i went abo'i'. wit'i his father a i I ! inuthor ail sl.,te.- ail bi ; broth I and slept in the wag. .a at night and j laved will tho hi; dig or toddle I ' lib nit tho village gie oi while his elder, i vvre dancing i n tho long r pe. It was 1 hi- sister .lee.ntii! who tuo!; iaro of hint, ; washed and die-se I him in t!:e morn- I ill", put him to bid a', night, an 1 : taught him to say his players hcloto ho went to sleep. She vv i , a km I, good; girl, mi l l.ttlell ori lov-.'l lei more than any one in tho w.uid, and when ho saw Ii'T tik herlo-ig po'o in her hand t an I d am e gr.ii etiilly up tlio lung lope towaid iho tup nf tlio -t.u pi while the I people lot ked on nu I i lapped their -bauds, he though III ar v. n no one in the vvuil. I as lovely a. 1 ih iiiuing ai I his sisler .leant. e. Ono day they stopp -l in a beautiful ; old-fashioned village on Iho banks of I the li nee. Tl.ey i.tre'i he 1 their lung' rope from the gn und t the top of the j steeple, an I .teaune l.m'i her pole in ; her hand, boiiel an I mule I to the I pcoph and dinned light!.' nnd gi.ne- j fill Iv Up toward the tip. And little j Henri, Mi nd ng t n the uiuund, with his falhei f ane in In. chubby hands, wntelie I her with as much delight as i ho had in V T seen her do ,t bef. ie. Ii.it when .-he had gum: about hall the d s tanre a go ! (f wind -hoik the ropei she tuniliie I, almost lost her balance, nnd 1 1 ed out n lenor. ' I'm t ining," seieaiiio 1 btt'o Hoi r', ail while hii mother 'inned away hei line, nnd Ins I it It r linploti d hm to return, he l.ilinn l his cane ;ii iiii si-tor balmit e I Inn p do an I i nil up the ripe to hel p her. It was the 1; l -1 time he had ever be n on a shirk rope in hi life, but ho was no! alriid, nor did it make him diy. lb' tan up to wl.ete Jeanne wa clinging and tlucw him- If into her nrnis. Sic' held him tight un til Ins t il n r ("lino and rami'd him down. ' lb: will in il.e a p.reat rop wa'k r," sail his mother, as she rlaspd the little b.y in hot arm. "lie t.-.kei to it a a 'ill' k t fie: to water. It must be in hi ' bl. od," '-a d the father: and fiom that day little lbori's rdiu.it ion lis a tight -ropo ii I'kei begin. Years afterwi.i I tins sain" little b iy stretehela rope mioss Niagara Fid n tl wa ked nrp'.s it as e:i-ily as if it hi 1 bem n bain t!"or, nnd then tie wide v.. rid te-oundtd with the fame i f l luiidin. And rue day, after he had et foi mod in Tali in tht pie cue uf thoisaudsof 1 rople, l e fat In his tent nnl t' Id me the story of low lie hid run up the beg rope to save li s sister. '.N'.'r.j .synsY.l. The I :i lun m ilk t is largely over stoiUo i with diamonds. N1 TI'Ii( flK 1 k' ! Fads About t lie Tcoplc of the Dig Torrilory. Not Hanclsom', Cut Possessed of Good Qualities. In npp'.'i mie the unlive? tf the io t'Tiur ol A'a ka are generally wry dark i uir.pl i .i o e 1, v. I'll I n g" t h ! . k boll'. , I ii "e mien I.'- a ol a sh it p i Inn. "Thi-,'' say- Lieutenant Can' Will ill Ins no'i s obtaiue I while cxphuing th" KoHllli I i V T, "gives til'.! f III 0 H VTJ' I I inn ;' u! ar iipptaianre, vei y dill i'-:iil f : in lie: n und faeo of tin; lvapiiiiiMI. Ttii ir hair is bS.it k, i.nd the hair is '.vol n iong, except in front, where il is tr iiiii.e l across the forehead on a lm i with the eyebrow, 'liny are opih k in their in"V: inon's, net i V i mid stt oig in youth, but gio.v nged-lo diitig i ipi Ly." Veiy few nun of middle age ami' obseiv.': I. The faces of the vo tn II a'o iiioieoval thin the. men's, mil tleir tdur is lighter. Their hair is purtt d in the inldd o and Worn in two hi mis hanging in front of tins cars. Tie; in terior native; ar; r' forel to as better tnoially and in points of hone ly nud snhliity Ihui the je pie of lh" ca' t. They have no laws ixn pt to tl ) b (it In 1). is they wind h.ive t tin u do tu them. 'J le. y weie lm i vol snl ly kind to the aged and lo-lple a, vi r ho pitald i, t Hii 'tli lo II dejlte. lei' never illtlll IVO. In tiie inleiiui l!ie le 'lit IIO tol- low in-tliiid i of the lls.piiuviti (ua t tribe in e ioo'iiu; an o eaiuk, or t hie! tiader and goueia In in-'ss a; 'nt. In all d.s, ui-ioni reg irdiug the well.no tif Iho ( uiniiiiiiity, iho Muiii 'ii and the ! b r oi.e- in pa 1 1 it'ii I ir, j one I, i nu I I li" men ici iv I tli. r upmioiii with ie spit.!. Tiie w le geiii'ia'l guided by a km I o in o il m le, m L euten i'it Cant well :-a;. s, in nil matters It gild ing lie another w-'liu'. No putii -imient wns ri t ogn..o ,,r tin. 1 1 on in i-s ion id riinie, but on tho ..ther ha. id then Was seldom any r in nit'e I. As to di e I I-" :i piilnionaiy ( n'lip'aiut. i and very ( iiiiiiiniii i in mg I in' well a s iieik ni l lut! I ilemii: disiao's very t..ielv u.iiil foim I I hi II 111. ll I sin mil I l'e , II s j eye;. I'.p... ! n i ol, tin ll ;h , smallpox som-iinie, rent lies tle'.o p-o-pie tin. mgh Ih" iiit.vin living on (he Koyukuk nv i. lieiond the siiiipli; l.cili know n and u o I b I In; "diam in, " in Undo .ne m hi, in his i a it alio i i, but i;ti' is know a i. f lie- ml o I hulling. No Inintal 1 iinei a! r-': fuiotin: i me p r fuii:i"d by tin; inland triboi over their dead. Tim body i. "em i ihy taken In sun.es liiele.l -.pot, ii ,u:,!i in a b i.lf ! ovei looking a rieei, mid laid on the; gioui.il. A i "nn .il ,h io : I ill in luro uf spi ie e he. , i. I n ii i vo t he n ni i ins ! nnd a life n. ,r by is '.I tipped ol j biaiii hes an I a Mo i l pin e ul riot I lie I to it marks I ho .mho, near width nie lefi I ho s'c , nud sum'; uf the v ceased. No cue e theieafirr. Il is I h u -.eliul I iit -ii . il I '.pons of tho ile er vi-i'i li,.; sp .t 'lie- natives patt iko cagtily , , l ell I. u i d at til It's in llour, . a, i milk an 1 other di-hrs bin they i salt p"ik and wmii-l ratiier si.nie li t u li it. In addition In the tein I , ,i , ,i -it t .i i t ', 'ii-. i ii lie: ii ui" i.e. n, 1"X, ' lh" b.-.n. f. wolf, iiuiskrat, beaii'i ii'ol nioiint n.i ih'-ep. In the summer s ihiiiii is al most the sole fond. The l!o-!l of the seal mid white whale ii eaten by the summer sojourner, ;il the u.iol. Wild ( uirniiti nie lonn I in .'ibimdani e ami the enlun, lel. iy mid pin-nip groiis wild in iibuiiil uii o, as well in a speeiis of wild ihlliiiili. T:o: tell Ier luel iif tho willow weie also mole I in oil when the natives wero itv.n h in reel ol fond. The miner -,'oi .,f the !..,,... i, , . ' ' ' niioii'i i in wi.ii .iiiiii, geese met swi-n, nnd (lanes also cul l be f mn I. Tin birds are boiled and ast' iii-h.: an 1 inted a 'i ( huieo m or el i. these lidl.d w after Icing skinned, o ii de, ilie head, f,., were i .in; b ie I 1 lie Tlio I, e ile-iinit s-,y, e l iin ueioie 1 1 1 1 ii Ail tho tribei dies. v, i v ,,, ;,!,i P Thei: at I no ( on lists if inner t i it or ' 'pai k.i' 1 ghl li I ng ti .oi-i is o and boi t ; s-.ipp,;t w t; J '"'r mil tl .1 -km, i'l-kni mo I gn". , I lie . I . being of n ih u, i i wh to whale skin. '1 h mnr :; n men Is ok- woin with the U t" xt In .!ie body an I the cuter on" w.th Ih (ur unt-i le. Hals or r ip. ate not in l y rith rsex, but tiie outer gai ui.-nt has a h.. ., wlmh can bodriivn ovei th: head. A piei c tf Rome long h.iire 1 fur h tewnl niolind the ed ;, rf i!ie hood to pi uteri the eyes from tl.'ing paitnlss of snow. A 1 1 It is woin by tie weiuoii to c inline t lii i r cuter gatni'tits or "parkas" ntutin I the waist, mil this enable, the lint vo mother to carry her iT-inin" in b inea'li iho folds of h r ' j ni vi. ' S ( hs not le o f soft ta trie 1 skins w. in, nn I mittens ot I' in let-r ski wil'.i the h ur turned in. nr.; i wiu'T in; 1 si'iiti'.". T:ir"a 1 is m of tlei.-r si ew, mil tie woona, ii'H't'otl to their other ar lil'iH tbllles, ord-r. A I'urn Musician. A t! ay or two ng a natural-hr r i ni't- ! s, ;an cam ! in on the (i ti.ig a ro ,d. lbs ' ! " ! ha I w.th him a haud-m a i i y:..pln.ne, . a- li ugh and tia.y ml m-d i tii.n n ! as .1 musician ever tried to play, I ill th" inn s e was woii lerfiil. The ban, cxiept two, wir; made of c uninon yell'-w p p lar, v. hitfltd into pt" i r iliiut nsloiis with a pocket knife. Two bars Hereof walnut. All the hats wore con n i t-d by a cotton string. The Iter of the in stilment wa. a f. ar e, pino plank, and belw eon thi board and tiio ban, funn ing a cushion for th ' bats was an inch thick padding id jute, or oil roje 3 thieaded out. The musician li i'l two mi lots little halis of n nilar on ban- .1 in of convenient length. Aioiiud t nih "id! wai a band of n.tnnel clot!i , to soften tin note. Hi inn do tho xylo - ph me hiimelf, and sai l he had m ado four otheis and sold them. Too nlli- tun of tho waliint hirs wn a vory ro- flit itnprovemen', nnd ho sceiiul to bo pnitu ul.iily proud of that pa't. 1 he miii-ician, dressed like a cowboy w '''i bi ad-strung sombrero mil big yellow b oils, lO'diod in liitlo a midi i in as Ins ' in-triitneiits a xylophoa". Hi na-'i ' 1 1 alto'iether by nir. He whittle s i-u' hi J i' il s vv il iiout mil' ru'e. whatever, i .d , , ing t iitnely 1 y the souti'l. , . ,,. , "I.u' tune, le; nays, "lopotnn on . ,, , ,i ilu: kind nf wood, on tho length nnd 'll.ci.nes-. nil' lll'llll ll.e Uljf 1 li'll.: to do wilh it. Poplar ha n nice, i niello. v sou.i I, mil g' Ci throi:!h nnaily I the wholo s",'e. Then nnolhor thing that t hange: tho n ,le is tho way the j giain run, in the bm." I lie played "Dix e," "Climbing l'p 1 the (u)ldt:u Sla.is," mid a nunib'T of other familiar tuuos. II i won lerltil- ly apt al ratrhiii' anew tune, b.lioiv one . whistling a'ni t f an ! lies. ly. N'.l onlv thai, but ho whistle beatiti- tally. II" I, ai a knack of whistling like thiee or four neei at one., lanyiio; the air .'nil Ions nil at o ic ', or w.iil.ling like '! nn. in full (f lunikni,' bud.. Ilo kepi a crowded i n well enti rtaiuod I't - I ween Covington .ml A'lcita and gathered in a liberal 1)1 of dltuiM nnd ipiirlers when tho ha1 via pitied aruiiud. .1:1, in 1 1 I 'instihtli.'it. Curious Mveilisli ( iisloiu. A curious ru tiim of the S vede;, a i 1 ! one ul. li h a pj .eais e-pecially peculiar In Aiuei nam, ii tho adoption ol a m w naiiio upon renrhing inaj nity. 'J hii i not always, peiiiiipi lie t geiiei a I ly, liom-, i but the young S.irdo Itel.i that he h is . iiiurii riglii to do il a. In seiei t Ins wn I'll' or oi.eiipa'ion. li the n into his faili 'i gave him o i ins ten nilgai or I not leiiiaiitic fii i u :!i, ho l imply ill..; it anil lakes aoutiu r in. no to hu t;i do. ! It is apt to b eonf.iMug tn heir it la j ther addle o l in N.I -on, mid tho-.m in i lierg-t imii ui .liint-n, vet sin !i is tic- ijticntly theia-e, and no nuue is thonghl id it. than if a dilleieiuo in Ciiiistim iinines among other people. Uin' es tub I-he I In tho I'nited S.a'e,', hoiii-ver, I tiie lend, my among ( .in.i.n.iv.iins : lo : : I ,i: . ... . .. r i... i j ' " -' ' i ! iiete to t !i e n iter u a. Itani", which, Itn leed, under our laws, cann it be g. veil 11 . oil liuuinci wiiiioin. teri.iia ieg.ii I'm ii'.nU ties. .Yt'ifl Wl $',ir. Mill Miiliheil. Throe, nro now living in Washington a in. nt ed i.-iiplc, Paul niid Albina lb. Iliiiiith, who wen: born at l'. eli n, . (lei niiiu i', within four inilei cf cieh I oilier. Kven thiouh their childhoi.l, ! playing in t!ie street if ihe saino tuna, I they were strangers to cm h other. Ill 'the ruilise ol events tney raino acmss 1 Iheueeun tn the land of promise, at d ll. rent tun nnl by dilleient iths theydtiftel to Wa-hngton, where ! hey met and love I mil welled. I'pon emu pal in g notes to tine mil their mar- i.lge I i "II to the,' d SfoVl to their mu iial sot pice and gralilii it ion, that I they wite not only nativtsnl the same " i plac ', but icjoiced in exactly tho saiiu ; to a d i ! l.hrlv hi ml of Slick. J ,I..i:i 11,11 ., Hopkiinville was out en I a Ini tmg ecuiiiin yestrid iy, when he nth nipt. ,1 p, , l'on 1 I;.'.,. , ivho h wa-; -t I'li.y swollen ho slo p.'.I to gather up a stick to nice in., the d pill of the wilier. II" sudlenl,- bii.inio aw no that he had pia"pcd a huge blai k snake inste.il of a stick, and ere lie could drop the serpent itstiuek nt him, and onlv his pres-moo of mill 1 saved htm from being bitten. Alter a sharp battle be killed the snake and brought it home with h'm. It is neaily a yard in 'on -tli. V.u'tr'.Vc A t i i. His Share oT the lliinb n. l iMge," said Mrs. Ij i.lrf, re. iproaclihl.lv, "befoicwc were married mu always in isteJ on carrying my pat kngos for me. " e ," replied Geotge, "but I didn't to j iy for them then."' A. 1'. From Nhrlit lo Muht. I'r'ienil, yuu tire sad. ymi say' Vo ir criel ole e in ll." p.i.-l, All siiall be clear to yum l'li" sorrow rdiall H"t ln-t, Ion i lien he dear to ymi Smiie euini.'ig iiny. So eniuolat ion liud: Vie'd not thus to do-pair, J.eiieVe ju.V H'J'I ' for J'"1!. And, in the Inline, then' Open her cate.s h.r ymi. I;.. Ihc.'i resigned' Ill MttltOt S. 'Tt is time tn n ". " n i tie: bi p'Vi'b'i : ai l to the bi. ctli!. If cxp'-rt'OK e i si gn at n te'ieie nil,' do wu nk of "?''' I F.rt Little O r! Ii your d .11 , Fieii' h iloii? Str.nl Little (i.i. I ' don't know, bhe c in' t talk, ! No wonder the toy pi-lol ciiinot 1 - u cx'.i i uilnaicd. Pti-tplo iT3 ni'.v iy ' fiirliii:; the young idv iiw to. .hoot, I ( ,,::, no i How is ven i !i no v ;.,i..., r ',noii i-u'l il !, now. u -.- t,.r Tiial's w hat I li.oti .dit. tlv; ' ni,. ,,,c vr- d. I , , , , i S. ine men will get up o it ol bit at. i ... . , ' , ,. , , ., ,,.,,, .,, rsi'dil in the colde-t ul went lie; lo g i tu , . i i 1 , . , , ,, I a l ie who i.inii"! b" indiucl t.i pet i.p . , . at i lo start ono m l..o sto'. o. M' '. 11. I mi -Whit 1 - I'm in: .u.r a st .vt in tie . ' 'li'.-i lour fa'. h r m nui i n- I . . ll'.l.. II n ( J e;i . I llov.' - W.ii m , "" "J "'"' A deli-upienf. wilh into t I ; rai-ytug Ins ii a I 1-i ;li :.n I with a : j loin p;.' i -n..'. u.; air. I'-iotni; to tl..: j ci. ! !: who is lead n ; him iy the i a: m. I.e -a.. ' : "Allow hmi to pa , ; he j is w .t h In -" i "'II. at i; imt more than halt the coin- p " It lull, si. it tumid o: .!. I play tin ltd. ah, I fact i d ; i,e piano .s'uol. ' u . ' "Yts," !y, "pi .y the rest by all me in ; p.uy nil I ho lets v i u r in I'm J." Jli-.. N , how reiil.l you think tin'. 1 ha I i v el said ni ion. puny that mu mi" stupid, .pile the coi'i.r., u l.eiiev i y our li uu : w.iS tic oi I lone I I in a'vvay.i the only out; who didn't say I An agricultural jiirini io.:vi.-"-: ! "il.ii.d your uwn bimes." When n man I i in siii-li a coiiditi oi that lie ho has no IniihiT ii-c for his bin"-, ho is alto, ig'ther tuo cxhauste I to jg t i n . I them, t 1 Ie sniiad line "guilds his 1,-eti,," but ! theie he draws tlio lino in lb; iniilel' "f i si if- l.'Oio gi il.diiio. A ( ..n's ( lire lor 0!i-d!y. I"i 1 1 r Ihe t.nal was oi.cu li.n!iiig ini o"iii! o in a alt id Fin bind, i i--t loll'pl' led, whell' ll" II I leilt.cr. Soiiie naval ii.nk. lb nu t mi ovii-lal man who told him I." wi, going to S'. I'elersl.iiig. "Wh..t f"' ." Slid Iho (Var. "fo r oi-u't a do. Our iihuiit my fit, which hn bc-oni' very oppifssive." "Iti yoii know any duc loi there!" "No.'' " T ien I w .11 g!V" ymi a word to my fn.'.n 1, lhi.:iM MeinclnkolT, mid ho wn! iitrolu.-o ymi lu one of the F.mper.'r's physicians." The tiaveler went to the Piiuee'.s hoiisn with a hoc '. The answer vi as not do. laved. The next day, lied hands uu I feel, the p -or man wasdiagged oil' on a cull to the mines. Two years alter, Peter the (treat was visiting tho iu nc; he had forgotten tho nlvontura ol tho ov r- fat man, when suddenly a miner tliiew down his ph k, rushed up lo him, mid b'il iit Ins feel crying: "Ol u e, glilirl what is it I have door!'' Peter lookc I nt him asUmislied, until he re. tiiembrrcd the story, and Slid: "Oh, I so I lint is you? I hope yuu are plea-ed w"" "" "I" II nv thin nnd slight you have bee t Y"'.i m e ipl to delivered of your ovei Lit; it ii a !iit rate cu e. (!, an 1 lemoml'i i that i. ...I.. I.... . .,,.', I. o, Ml ...ni. I ' J 1 Coinpl i in t . A ( 'MM' Plea tn a King. King L". pold of ll jgiiru is lh" hero cf a pt ell -, story. Son" six veant ago n seam ui named Frank .Mn.no ib sin iiil from iht! steamer lihiiilaul a! Pa in, dolphin. lie was lately arr-ited nt A'lttveiplot 'hii oll.'iie', ,'i'id heavily senten. el, v hereupon his In lie niece, l!:ssi,. K nil, wioie to the 1 n ', be seeching Ier mule's r lea .-. This, lelttr relate I (hit six yetrs a ;o In r aunt wis dying, and that her only prayer was that tho might livo to fro her biotlier Frank, who, on nrrivinrr an 1 he.uiiig this, entroate I of his rap. tain per miss ion to visit Iut, which bring denied him, he tleserle I. Liitlo H'ssio gnivcly conclude I : "Your Mijosty, it yoiih.nl been in liis plm-o, would not you have tbuie the siiiii'? I hope you will pardon I'ue'o Fiauk fir le. citing nnl nie fur wn! ng. ' Not oig nft 'i war 1 the child riceived a i er fi. in a high ollicid, saing that i.e offender ha I b -eu rel".a I, " nit of i oinplimeiit to his Majesty's lit 1 13 friend,

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