$l)c Il)cUl)nm tUcoru. 11. A. LONDON, EWTUlt AND 1'KOI M.1KTOU. HATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- fl.OIr One siuiirc, two ttiBertioun"- 1.66 One stpiure, uric month - 2.60 For larger advertisements liberal con met will be mailt'. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strlclly In Advance. VOL. MI. IMTTSIK)1.0 CHATHAM CO., N. C, ,ULY :i, 18.10. NO. 1 1. din Unit lien nnl Sisters. Protliii 1 (lively the ore, A nidiou, vo i. iiml nunc! Mm who arc ttii inu 'mid -un nml rain. Hi solulci cumuli on liill ami plum, lrawi r of water .'mil In n t -. nf weed liiiiiml in a cciniiinii briillicihiiod, Willi tin' heart unci hands to l:i r- and dtf I. Iff fiery funnier passing throiicji, ni. I'ri'tlirr-, I pray fur you. Anil shltr- have I. via. innro Than sand grains by tin' shore; Woint ii w ho vv.uk ami who know not pence. Sighing in vain fur lln' soul's n h asp; B .T ef trouble. In poverty's an. Tnilworn f in I sadly (.ran; Tin rump ami k ' ini'l are I t to view. Anil death -hill liimor ami fati' put-up. Oh ! sisters. I w 1 1 p for yon. - Krncst Mi f.air- y. SISTER DILLY'S BONNET. The Ladies' Society of no active lit- tli' i II 1 1 1 1 church met one I'ridny Itf trl noon tit tin' home of Mis. donas Wollm.;ii. livery member was prcs cnl. und u'l were in such a ploasanl. IIK'I I y inoii. I that Mis. ( '; i ih llodpe thought it n good lime to mention lonelhile; slic had lli in iiiiml for Fi'vcial days; so, ln i-i rtr ' momentary lull in tin' i 'iivi i -iitiini, .-In' said: ?iliT hilly 's wearing her oni win ter bonnet again iImk summer, ain't the.'" "Yes; I noiiri-il it Sunday, ntnl ii looked an I'u'ly 1 1 iiml lint for kih Ii :i w Ml in summer ilny. She's worn thai olio old fa-binned b'ack Velvet lioniiel Willi tilt III cheap bl.uk ostrich lips for four wins, ami ii's only a cotton vel vet nt Cat. I s I M iliink !-li might contrive some way in net her another, even if w e ilon'i pay In oilier hilly Inn three liiiinlr. il a y ear." I pot iiie a new bonnel every stnn mer wild my cpg money, anil Si-lot 1 i 1 1 v lias 1 1 1 1 - a a in' right along." Mid Mis. Wellmaii. "Yen inn get n reiil neat, Mark rough. aiid-teudy s'r.'iw bonnet in town n vy for forty. four cents," su'nl Mrs. rimniii. "Yes, but I ilon'i -upposp Sister hilly feel- that she ian spend even that much f"r a lionnet ami buy tin. 1 1 i hi in i n's too." ,. ai. Mrs. limine. "Yon know tliem three little orphan gl an' i hihh cii of hers was sh k most all winler and her and Hrolher Pill) hail medicine ami doctors to pay for, and Itrother hilly I'ilher hail to haven new suit this spring or Mop preachin'. nil' that eot oer twenty dollars. Thru they're paying oil" that mortgage of time I 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 oil dollars llinl's heen on their plare So lolly. " "Yes, that's ho," said Mr. Mli rnrry. "Si!er hilly told me the other day that they d pail it all off hut fifty dollars and hlio didn't feel thai ghe'il a rent to ipend fur ail) thing I lit lionie an' finiiii niisions till that mot lfiii;t was lifted an' she'd a rnll'nf her ow n over lu r head. I'd feel jin-i o if I was ii.ty years old, mid in i--lilare I dolll.t if Id fee I raited oil to fjive ten dollars a year to niis,.joris of liny kind as Si!er I'illy does." "Well, now, see hi'ie," said Mrs Jloilfo i online at onre to the point. "Sposin'we eliih tojielher and innke up n little pure and pet Si.-ter Mill) a bonnet for a birthday pift. She'll be ily fi week froin Sunday. I know 'canoe I'm lifty-nine the miiih' day and vie was both born in the i-iune eonniy, and on r names is Matildy, and both our husbands' names is Cyrus, and we've often talked about how ipteer that wu. "Now onr sonely's pot over fifteen dollars mi the treasury that we've no pperinl use for, and I vote that we take two dollars of that and e.n b member give ten eents etia beside. That'll make three tlolliir and ninety eent. and we ran pet a real neat d t.istv bonnet for thai. What do you all say '!" The proposition was readily apreed to, mid the next hour was spent in discusmiip the style and make of bon nels in penernl. Il was apieed upon thai Sister I iil should be kept in pro found ipuoraiire of Ihn niiion of the society, and il was further apreed that the bonnet should be Mark. "A blark bonnet is like a nire b'ai k dress: it's suitable for hIihosi any and every orcasion," said Mrs. Plt'inm "and nothin' eb is -nilable for fuio 'rals, and Sister hilly, bein' a prearh er'i wife, i bound to p to fun'iaU considerable." "I don't think it woman of Sister Dill)' fipe bud ort to wear flowers in her bunnil nohow," said old Craud inother I'eteis, Mrs. Wellman's mother and the oldest uieuiber of the soriely. "'So, not even wheat or oats artilishu's, bii when it i iuiies to n bip, llarin' red poppy, a-staudiii' sti aipht up an' a-bob-bin' around on top cf a body's head, like Clinieiiv fawker that's only six months an' three !as ounper'n mo wears, I think it's pei feell) s, an ions, an I nllow to tell climeny t'awker so the first rliatiic I pit," "Vow, now, itiotlier," said Mrs. Welliiian. It's only a mere matter of taste, I 'in sure I don't objeet to a little bmirli of ipii-'t-i oloieil nililirial i ii evivi an old heh's bonnet." "Well, I do," iii'iiiit.iiiied Mrs. Peters sharply. "You alius was a piddy thiup, Priseilly elliuaii, an Inov you ever expert to pit tn heaven with vonr idee about ai tili-hu'- an' llntiiiees an' year-bobs an' bilsllea i iiiorc'ii I kin tell." 1 shall leave all sm b ideas ainl sm h iiiiiameuts behind ni", mother," aid Mrs Wrllman with a little laiiiih. "You'll betler, for you'll lind your- self in coinp'ny that's above sieh van- ities. Priseilly Welliiian,'' retot ted (runny Peters, as she i-hook one of her fdiiniiip knittinp needles at her daiipbter iind frowned darkly. Mrs-. Iloilpe and Mrs. Welliiian- were appointed n eoinmiltee to pur- i hase the bonnet and attend to the piesentalion of it with any mes-apr from the soriety they niipht think appropriate. "My niece, M iry Carvi r, does all ihe triinini up in u millinery store in Hartford," said Mr. Ilo.lpe. "She nines out here for her VMe.it ion every siimtiier and knows Sister hill) , and I know she'd pet the bonnet up for nothiii'i for ii- if we'd write ami a-k her. I'll tell her we want amueihiup plain and neat and nice " "Without no poppys nor tin' ilub- be ies. mill I )ol, if ol epe,( al . dime front me," put in Mrs. Petei-i. It Will pioleihly he plain en nii:h ! ph a-o von. f I alldnn't tier, " replied Mr-, limine. ith no two of resell'. i it 1 1 1 in her voice, for ever) body kin-w thai rutin v I'et'is was oi f the kindest hearted old ladies in the woil.l. notw ith-lnr.iliiip the -harp tongue that coiiiiima Iv belied le r n al . harai ler. Mrs. Iloilpe kept siinnnor hoarders, and ainoiip them that summer Hie a '. yoiinp inarrieil man naiie' I Hill, w ho j went to Hartford every Saturday, re- I tlllliiiip Ihe fame day. lie was very i oblipinp and freiiicnly eei uted litl'e , commis-inns for Mrs. llodpe in the ; lily. Hi- wife was in tbe South with ' an iuv alid mother. Mrs. llodpe did not want to po to llatlford. mid wiote her niece in re ard to the bonnet, delei iniiiinp lo asl; Mr. Mill to call for it when he went to the city on the follow inp Saturday. "Certainly, eel tainly," said Mr. I Ml in bis kindly way w In u Mrs. Ib'dpo made her icipiesi known f hilll. "It won't be the le.l.t trouble. for, as il happens, I have to pu to lh it very milliner's today to pel a bonnet my wile has sent for and have it e-pie.-ed to her. She's poiim to some kind of a pinleii parly down in ieoipia and had to h ive a new bonnet from her ow n milliner, expressly for llie o.'c.isinii. I'll j'i-i kill two birds with one stone by peitinp your bonnet at the same lime I pel my wife'-." You are very kind," replied Mrs. llodpe. "and now if you'll in -1 leave the bonnet at Pa-tor hillv's house on vour iv:iv out here from the train, it will complete the whole tin hies-. 111 i pive y on a little note lo leave with it." J The mile road as follows: I "I'. ar i.er Hilly : Wi l plt i-r ai - i cept ihi. little cill we -rinl todav a- a hirth il iy reim-nihr un e and a slight t .-.( iiii"ii ial el the est cr ni ami ntln tion e "I'm l.vi'ii -' S... n i v." Mr. Hill said b" would see that the nolo was left w ith the bonnet ami pood Mrs. llodpe fell rejoiced thai her little plan hail been .allied tbroiiph -o sill'. !. fully. She felt, too, ihe satis faction one always feels over Ihe per formance of a kind deed. The next day was delipht fully cool and balmy f 'f mid -iinuner ami had il been less fair no doubt every member of the Ladies' Society would have pone to church lo ee the bonnet tow ard which they bad all coin i United. As it was. they were all there. The pretty little chin i h was full, many of the summer boarders in the neighbor hood liavinp come out for the lit-' time. "I am awfully nbid Sister hilly don't have to wear that old bonnet to day," w hi-percd Mrs. Ilndjp to Mi. Welliiian as they enleied the church porch -ide by side, "and I do hope the members: of the society will like the bonnet: but I hain't much doubt about that. My niece has splendid tinle." 'I he other tneiiii eis of the society had already arrived, and were sittinp in their pews starinp vei y haul at v i tor hillv's bonnet. Ml '. I lodpe's ey es at once snnpbt out the hilly pew sud her lips aliiio.t pave iitleram e to a dis.. t i lit t "My pood land ! " when she saw the bound. She let that the eyes of all the members of the society were turned toward her. some in reproach, some in in.iiii y and some in keen dis pleasure. Amoiip the latter were the shininp. keen black eyes of l.iaud mol erl'cleis The old lady's pew was diiectly behind Mis. Ilodpe's, and as that ladv look her seat Mis. paid i Matil .lane lloile. ain't ) ou.' Ymi shan't have any dime of mine to help pay fer ui i K i n ' our pa-ter's wife a di-prare lo llio iiriphlioi bo oil ! Look al her a-set- tiu' there with her h"ad lmn: down as if she w as 'shamed of hei self, she no doubt is, and oi ler be !" Mrs. hillv's ; i.iy head was indeed bow ed ilnu n . inl on it was a d iinlv : little white I bonnet with tie ' pink sat in ribbon and w bite tulh . f A !ri-tlinp pink pom pon stood bravely i up in front in a military sort of a way, and the prareful tail fialhers of a bird of pai adi-e lloaled jauntily out bebiinl over Sister I 'illy's uieapie lilile tw ist of may hair. A wreath of pink : and whito dai-es seemed try hip to hide in the nie-hes of la e and tulle, ' but every ollemliiip llower was seen iv t irannv Pelefs. Mrs. hilly looked vet v unconifot I able. iilthoiiph evidently try hip to ap pear calm and self-pos-essed. She was a pood woman. Inn one unlrav eled and umersed in the ways and l.ishions of the world. She pave no heed lo the fashions, but when sh" ha I taken the bonnet from its bo t e niirhl before she had held it Up "Ii Ihe I linpers of one toil-worn baud and -aid i to her hu-banil: Il looks awfully piv for me, don't i i'. 'litis? Thev say old ladies me: wearinp color- a p I deal now, and I ; know l hey dies, payi r'n they u-i d to: I and c -in h a bonnet as this don't; seem exactly appropriate for me;! lh"'- it, ( ' us. " Ml hilly hid meielv hinced from lie' -i i ui"ii he w as w l it inp and -a d : ; Well. well. Matihh , wear il, weal ; it. I ku The deal si-lei - w ho sent it likely i v belter than w e do w hat I In I Ivies me and vv hat's bei oininp to yon. i In-! wear il, and don't worry any' iboill it." I P.nl Mrs. hillv did worry about it. j "And w.'l." -he -aid. "I niii-t weat I , il. I can't oMetid the sisters by not ' l wearinp il." and so she wore it. to the j ' aiiiii-einent of Ihe -m i.-tv and the dis I I may of Mr. Ibnlye. ! "Whil on eai lh could M.iry Carveij have hi en thinkinp of, iv as Mis. ! IIoiIlc'- menial comment. - If sin i , I did il lor a jol.e. -he'll Iiml out w hat think of her ami her jokes hen I s I '"'r' I j li.uly the m day Mr-. Hndpn went : j away from home for a week and on j j her return Mr. Hill hu'nh'd her a lettet j with a rpieer little twinkle in his eye. J j The letter vva- from Mr-. Hill am!. ! read . I "Weil, Hone e Hill, what in this world wen. y ii thinkiiii; of to havi Mis. II- send me the horrid ohi praiiibuolher's bonnet thai came bv exple today. Itoth you and Mis I! tilll-l h IV e taken leave of yoin i-eiies. fiii aine me poinp to a pardei party wearinp a bip black silk boniie( with a ca lo it and a w bite Ian frill in tic front '. Arevou crav. ot (iv inp lo plav a joke on mei' If the! latter, allow me to say lh.it your joke ' is in very bad taste and it will ens'! you the price of two bonuel.. for w ent i i L Ii t oil' ami toit me nnotlier. am: i I pave the one you sent to an old col. j orcd amity wh" vva-hes for u-." j X in 1 that wa- Si.ier hillv's boti- ; net. lid Mrs. llodpe. ! Poten leate d f rwmd aud i iip) : Now. vou've done it, Ye., hut I had your nieie inaki litllo while the Kmpe or. thinkinp the her another ju-l like il today,'' said Prime very ipiiet, lilted up the Inble Mr. ILII. nnd Ihe one she wore la-t 1 cloth and peeped limb rm alb. There Sunday is on its way to I n-orpiu.' j sat little Prince Mitel I'm undressed. And s-i-icr hilly looked very eon- Ilia father asked him w hat he meant tinted ami piali fill when she appeared by iiiidros.-inp himself Ihe child an. the ni'X' Sunday in the bonuel intern!- swered: "Little dops don't wear ed for her, ami liraiiny Peters said: : clothes; they only have skin."- t bi- "Tlml bunnil looks s iiicihiup like capo Mail, it. but 1 -hould think Ss'er hilly " would feel dreadful lo think of what a sbovv she made of herself lust Sun day. I wouldn't bea mile s'piised if the whole Ihiiii: pot into the papi rs." Ami so it h.s. The Housewife. (i ru w th of a l ine Pearl, The perfect pearl is found loose in ihe interior of the llesh, mid has it.i bepiiiiiiiiL! an animal pit ttt. The , ii) slot s annually pi mim e a number ot , epp which, as soon as they develop! into diminutive animal., are thrown1 out bv the mother. Oeea-ioiially, ' bow tv er, an ep pi oe. aborlive and: remain, behind. Ilis almost micro -i M iltic in sie ami is inclosed in a tiny ! i sp-ule. Thi-t ap-ltle now becomes t all intent ami pin po.es. a foreipn nh. lance. Hut it has certain powers akin to tho-e of the parent, out of vv hit h is that of niaiiiifactiirinp , throw . inp out and palhoriiip niouud il-elf tin t re. 'I he nacre t oinpletely envelops it. and the perm of an animal is mo n im-a-cil in a beautiful pri-on. ni'.iily ' spi.i i ical in form, but someii s pear ' -liupe.l. It sie. of coni -e, depeinh on l be Icnpih of time lo w hi, h the (ir i , ,.. j. . tmliiiiied. as the peat I is en larged b.- tini.tiiat dep. -it fiom year to V l' ar. ( HIM'KEVS tttl.l MN. r!SV M I 'I'lllN. Patsy, with her new unil n H i. Went t" lk one raim il.iv. Niver heciliiiL' wind ami wetmss. On fh- ) ,i.l. lied, blithe tuvl .. ay. Till she saw inn o!. hm-i i.. ! in I n il In grandpa's liit' lini:: p"-1 - And she said; mi pom n'd frllow. (iin ss ymi'ri' 'bow neO l " ih aih almost. "Why ilmi't folk- have h n-e unihrellas? 'Ii, I kreov w hat I can .. . ; While I p to si r my yraititiia. I u ill lend this nnr tn en. ' I'apa s:nS folk, don't H iiii n 'em. lint witi're inniest. Iinl.liui, r ; Here's a slrap tn tie it on lh, o I'll fasten it liht I -le." I'ol.il.in panl In f;rave aiMaenn nt At bis strange, uutis'ial plight, I n t he wnsn't mie hit :mi;l v l).ii-'s liearl he km w w is nht. And whntlier folk' were l nuhiiu Al the funny, liil.li.li .lei it. t'.ilil'in lhoiii;ht 'W. ll. let lli.'P.i tea." her, I 'ai-v knnws a h'T-e's m i 'l " - M 1 1 ! In rrMiriM.in lh Ii nit l-'r. p.. ... A Vol I Ml I I. I Ii V I I I Ii. A yonnp lady, n unlive of Pies.pii l-e, who recently made the journey from Michigan to Thornus'iui, Me., iin ttlemh'il, utlrni I' d much atiemioe all alotip Ihe mute. This vva- lareeh on account of her nee, she hi in but three and a half years old. he bar been livine; with her piaudinolber, und on Ihe removal of tnat lady tr f h epon it w as di t ided to M'lnl tin little lady to her mother. Mi -. Can ii A. lauery, ni riioinu-ion. o tin child was duly labeled, her fare paid, ntnl she Marled on le r way. One bidy who was on (he train near I'tica, X. Y , says when she lir-l saw the lit :e pirl she was oceiipvinp a -eat by herself with her doll and alaie pai kupe of i ra.-keis and cheese, and I'iparilk'HS of dancer, -.coined Ihoroiiph ly nccii-lumed to her surroiindinps. She and her hu-band w ere so interested in the small traveler that they wrote to Tlmmaston to'ce if she arrived safely. Another hulv w ho came to Tlimiiastoii i became so allai hod to the child thai she I shod teats at parting; with her. At j Peadiii";, Mass.. she hud to stay over J nipht, and a pas-enper took her to bis home ami returned her to the Haiti in the iiiorninp. The baby is now the IHI oine of Thomasioii, and is kept busy tellinp about her journey. I l.evvistou (Me.) dournil. I'liiM-t: uti i i i n. Amoiip the stories of ihe tJerniati Kmpeior's domestic life i- one nbim' his second son, Prime latel The Kmperor is exteeihnply about hi- son's behavioral tabh other day little Prime Mitel usinp his linpers instead of hi I'rii. strict , The l'rit, k n ile and folk, was corrected by hi- father soNeral times to no put pose. At hist the Miii;'oror' patience was exhausted, and he said: "Children who eat with their fmpers are like little dops that hold their food w ith their paws. If volt ue vour linpers imain vou tr. n t pounder the table, the proper phe n for little tlops " The little prince did hi-utmost iml to forpet llii- lime, ami u-ed hi- knife and fork like a man. Iml all at once ho forpol apiiiii and hep an n-iiiL his tin. pers. "March under the table," said his father. Prime l.ilcl l-'rttz crept under the table as hidden. After a SI l.'t'W. One of several inlei e-titip pets nod by Herman firaves. a Sptinp I'.rook woodsman, is a tame crow uauii d Si. Ile is two years old. Mr. tiraves' boy s captured Si from a ne-t beforo he was ohleiiouphto llv.ai d for twen ty m tilths the crow had been perfectly at home and made lots of fun around ti c premises. Wild crows have tried time and apain to entice Si from his comfortable surroundings, but he has stuck to his raptors throiipli thick and thin, for they have always treated aud fed him well. Once be sailed away and temahied absent three day-, but ju-t a- the chil dren were bopinuiiip to mourn fur him as a dead pet. ho flow hack again, and suchaenwinp and Ihittei iug a- be went tbroiiph to expre-s hi, joy a beinp h mo once more, Mr. lirnvos declared he had never seen The children like the uuiiinp black bin. becau-e be is tri. ky and tui-i hievoiis ami allhoiipli be often t uts up capers ronml the hoii-J ami vexes Mn. t.ravesby hooking spools of thread and slicking his bill into pans of milk, the youngster, lamrli at every funny and provoking thing he i' )cs. . Yankee lilude. VIRTUHS OF COCAIXH. ITS fMl UV I, IMMM'KIt I ll AS A LOCAL A N . !" s I lll-.l .'. FIo7 It Was Discovered By a You up Austrian Doctor. ft is probable that to no living tiiau il"cs humanity ow e a greater debt of gralilude than In lr. Carl holler, the dist overer of the application of bydro ihloi alo of iiiiailie as a lot al illi.es thelic. 'f ihi-imporl nil event one of the most distinguished American ephtbal mic surpeoiis. the l ite Profcs-or C. II. Apnew , -lli'l he would lather I"' the discoverer of i oi tine ana -Iht-i a than Pi'iictii of the I niletl Mai.'-. ' In .act. il mark- an epoch in urpery only sc. o, ,. J lie i lit o 1 1. 1 1 Ml o clher nml cblorol .r.ii. It i- dilli. f it lor one not in daily eotil ;e I wiih those -iillt'iinp from iniiiiy oi di-e -e to fully coinpieheml and appro iaie ihe bi'lielit re.iliei ill ihe pu Veltlioll of pain by ihe eiup!oy tneiit of this ..i dtlflll icnieily. A ft w ihops of a weak solution tlvvop. font per cent hopped inl" ihe eye robs il of .en.il.'! ilv lo -m h an extent that opei ali'tii otheiwi-e ciiu-inp iint-i ex. I m ial inp agony are iml in the lei-l painful. The ptiin i :iu-i" b) ih" pro-em e of a foreign bod) in the eve di-appeal -lindi r il- local u-e. and I he lemoval of the fi'teipn -ub-lau' c is ere-iil) facili tated. I he inil-i lo- of the eve ni l) be ex- d and divided, a- in i .iitittiip s.iiint or "i in-, cv e. ' and the xlra. tiotl of t .Itaiact no longer e.Uies ihe employ incut of general ana -ihe-ia with el In r or chloroform. Cm mm Iitti'tn purilied by l.oilinp ha- even I n sue. r.--f ally iiiiille. into the anterior 1 1 a II i be r of the eyeball, in older to einnplelely deadeti -en-ibilitv in the ii i-, if en 1 1 a i ii w bii h ("ill ai its tin- pu pil in its ceiii re. In painful alllii t'oii-of the throal. limn' h, iio-o ami larynx, and in all iniii'ti' siiigit al opera' ions upon thc-e portions of the I io. p. , i ,,1'nino. properly applied, prodm i s in-cn-ibilii y and pives relief fr pain. Injei ted ililo and beneath the -kin. anv -mall opera lion, -iidi a- the ampiitalioii of tin lingers or toes, or the lemoval ot -in ill Illinois, elc. may bo painles-ly per fol'llleil Willi ihe perfect ciim.cioisuess, ami even with Ihe u-si-lame of the patient. Such i the drcid of ether or t hln o forin I hat maiiv will bear with m-conceal siirphal maladic. ea-i!v cuiable in e-irlv dcvi lopnn irt. until, afl' i nioiitbs or year- of -nlb i ine, tin y submit loo lale lo a heroic operation. One of I e picatest bein lit. to be de rived from this woinieil'ul iiineily i tin' illdtu emeut it willotbi to caih operative inlei fet om o. It may b" of interest In know how near others came to w innine the laurels so jully yielded to l'r. holler. A re cent siirpical writer -ay-: "It i-iine that the .'tit a -thclio ctlec's oft oeaitie hail been disc, iv t'l oil before lxo!e's I c sea.cbes see n e.l its w ide upplicil it'll. la 1 fs.'i.i an alkaloid had been extracted by itadoike fioin the leave ofrrv tln oxy Ion .-oi a. Two year later, ami hide m inleiuly . hi. Samuel l; Pircv, of New ik. exhibited an alkaloid be had i-o ile.: und a- far bat k a. I " . hioll' h id disco ve 1 1 1 1 that etnaiiie produ. e. in senibility of the tongue when held in the mouth: while Moreiia v Mia dis covered, by by poih i inic injections of the acetate, di.tiin t los of euibiliiv over a cii't iiiii-i ribcil area. Ami m i it was left lo the hi ill ant y oiinp Au Irian to make the application .aid win iinuioi Ial 1 1 now n ." f.ti in epii inher. ISM, at Ihe l tplith.i'inoloL n al I oiipi e in lleiilclbci g, a vming man hilhcilo unknown, boiuin P.obemian AilIii.-i ill l't', who had lilil-hcd hi coni'se of study al the ioniia I . v miiasiiiiu in I , prad iiatotl from the Meilit al hi parlmciit of the I 'iiiver-ily of iciina in Issj, .,,h scrveti for two year- a- interne al the Cciicrul Hospital, announced In. im portant discovery. It -nmi bee me known thai in experimenting upon hi owil poison as tn ihe ionsliliitini.i elici t of various alkaloid, he notice I that cocaine taken into the month pro dueoii loss of sensation wherever il touched the olgleor luil'-oiis -III. fines. He al otic. n. hitled lhai tin' sensory nerw in other pail-of the body would in like manner be allot led. ami within two weeks his results, which were to be of incalculable bene fit to mankind and win for him undy ing fame, were piven to the woihl. Harper' Weekly. Tak'' lime; it i- tin use to foam or fret, or do as the angt v housekeeper who ha pot hold of the wrong key, mid pii-he. shake nml runleii about Ihe lock until both are broken und the door in still unopened. "Icdu'iil Superstitious. There is a popular supp silimi of w id" range, based upon I know not what, that il is very healthful for chil dren to play with tings. A weal; child, it is tboitpht. may pain streiiplli by being with a doe. if dieaed, tin' hild may bo cured by having the ani mal "lake the disease" for example, iulluined eves or anv disorder of the -kin. ithin a year a college gradu ate Inld me. in perfect go -d faith, of ai iiiainl.iiii es, a Pei.ton doctor and lli'l wile, whoso linlegiil had been pretitly alllii toil w ilh some foi in of eeoina vv li'n h they all hoped would disappear, a- Ihe pai em had purchased a tine dop lo play w ilh the child. H ben a dog is teelh'tie, the upper in. i-o-s, according to a New Mnplaud -'tpeisiitinn. inn-! be icni'ived ns sum is thev In me lon-p, or In- niav s ill ivv ihem and h iv e Ii'." Per haps even more pom rail, iecei.. i I tn f nieioil dnipi r of allow inp a hi'd'- milk-t'tiiih after extraction to fall into ihe po c.-ioti of a i..p or t at I. -I the it i i in -1 1 swallow il, and the . hild h ive a dog's or .-it' tooth gioiv in pl.e e of the ot one. Tic; Mcj. an and Indians in Texas say that every :t 1 1 1 1 1 1 d has brains enough to tan its ovi n -kin : ami so ihe latter, in the ea-e of llie wolf, panlhel. Wild till, illl'l . inn' o her animals, is mainly ptc p itcil by tubhinp into ihe lh -h side "f it the brain- of it- former wearer. -oiiievv hat i omnii'ii fain ) tun utp hiidreii, pel Imp- t"o. ainoiip a. lull n xx . 1 1 . i- that every part tt enpi Inns a pari" thai i-, licit the liver, bean, brain, ami .t en of aiiitua!-. when i .alt n. go tliie. tlv tiivvaiil iioui ishinp III. ,.. I, .poiiie olpall- of the eater. V sitndar dm ti ine vv s w ot ked out in pleat tli 'ail by the Ameiirau Indian, ami i-. I believe, held by iminy other -uvtipe tribes. It seems altogether probable thai mii It beliefs, wlieievir found among t ivilied people, old or yotiiig. are -iirviva's from leiuoie an li.iiily. ami that tin", are t lo-cly akin in their nature ami origin to the well known doctrine "f -ipmilnie which ha play oil so gloat a pot in tin- sy lent-of medicine for primitive p pie. Popular i ieiiei Monthly. The threat African l iiles's. The great foro-i through vvbiih taiiley recently pa-et, which he es timated to cover a iiiarlt'!' of a million itiare mile-, i- only a sin ail pa I of the gn al Afrit an forest which extend-, almost linbiokeiily from the West eoa-l of the I aboon and llgnvve region-, vvilh a width of several bun died miles to the groat lake- This , boll of limbo:-. Irendiiip away to the heart of the com itient in a direction a I little -mi h and ca-t. I- pel haps, the I preale-t foe-l region in the world, j A part of it -H ike- south of ihe i 'oiigo I at the gl i al ll"l thei u bond of t lie I iv or, I ami the country embraced vv ithin the bigftltvci covieed with a toiupatl j foe-t. -hutting out a la rue part of the i -uuliplii. Ill thee fore-Is, completely shut out from tin" te-t of tbe Hollil. iive hmi- thi ds ot thousand of people w ho are j altno-t iiiikitow ii I" the ti ihe i inp in Ihe savanna legion- out ide. Nat I leic.l tin otlp h ihe big wood- within . ihe I 'ongo bend are little commit n it if of I'iUIVV a dvv arf-, of vv ho-e exislein c the ti ivt l'cr ha no inkling until ho -ud'li'iily conies upon ihem lleie ; al-o al.'lip the "-aikuiu h'lvei' ate the ' In o habilalion- ih -. i ibt , bv I r. j Wolf, where t'nc native 'ive in hut. I huiit iinioop llie branches to escape ihe rivei 11. tod. Il w a- in great clearing, made in lhe-e fore.i. ih.it hiiml and l appellbc, k th-t'ovoleil some of the ino-t nolahle xillagc- vol found ill A Ilea, when- we l-buill hut-, Willi gable ' roof-, lined both -hies ol ancatlv kept street that -In t. he- avvav for eight or nine mile-. Thee vtlhipis at even I iii"ic inlei i-l nig I dun the lreel town j in tin m.'ie -p'li-ely liinberctl lepi.in--otilh of them, which w ere regarded a- via v wonderful when thev were litsl di-cov ciiil by Wi-nianti. I 'slcHiiisliip on Kollers. An Lngli-li bairisiet has paictited a novel foim of sleninship, in w lib h tour hollow steel roller- .are made lo support mi their journals above the water a slroup steel framcvv tu k. This framework bears the nun hinei y and all that is nei essary to lit the ship a a carrier of passengers, pleasure y i hi, marine icsidcncp, sanitarium, or hotel. I'ai h roller i provided with paddles, nml is totaled by a sleain engine at cn Ii end. The ship's floor being up poileil oh lv on the journals of the lloatinp roller--, pitchinp- and rolling can bo reduced and made even imper ceptible by increasing the i,e ,,f the rollei s and their distance iipn-t. The ois mav be made of almost anv size, and when very large should give preati-i .peed, as well as steadiness, than can now be attained. Trvi'.-Jii (X. .1.) American, My Bird. A beautiful hirl, a limine white Mid. Kl. vv over the siltui-c -t a : His vv ing were a-glint with the snnrisf glow , Ami I tlnill'-l with a iov I may iicvrriinrt kienv. A- he w inpi .1 hi- i oiir.se to mc. Hi- - w ill. si rail; lit ' mii'se In me. lb fe.t. his pinions iip.'ii my breast. And I liiM him close in my In Hit; I lb sum' iih- a s"ti- that t wept to hour, j A -on-.' n rapt uroii-, low nml clear' ! Ami I s',i, : .- n I, ill never depart! l o'i-i my fiiml arm- m-v el ! pill'!!" I fashioned a m-t for my bonnie w bite bird In tin -hi-ll'-i -lug . safe home-' roft : t. I made him a m.-t. that glad .Iiiiip vvi at tier. "wort a- tin' Wits ami while a- the heather And - .rt a- the ro-.-s sell A' the lair ro.-t-pi lals soli. ! 'I Inn- .lulu - Slid a d o vvel-a-l j" . all joy ! 'I lie son. in my In .mi -' 'II ring ! it Ii I. or hi ! I inn -n . .ni' I M --vv el - a blow inp I I'.rp.-t Intw swiltly tl" 'l-.y- wen- pning. I lo'-g' t hal no b'td Ii el v. inp-' '1 hat my l.'.iiiot w I, ile Pit ! had vv ing ' i nh. I' l II".. ,1-n- thai lit . I ...llie l.U' k'. A l.l- l"l Ihe -tlx - III M I" : I-or my biid. mv hi auiilul bird, i- lo t ! j Tin uel.lfii siin-e' - a In . rn 'l. I And In fin. - not H-'iin to nie! j N-. r :.teiin lo en! i i 'Ii. -w ill w a h'- Itighl. an I -w. i t his snnir! i Tin -.lo.' thai I i.evt r In I henrd ' 1 lli-win--. wti" a-gii am wiili Ihe sunset j glolV. Ami I thriMed vvi"h 'in an-ui-h I iilway. -hall know Till I ' l:l-p oil' f lll 'lc HIV I'll 'l ' i Hi. c ui,.rr my I - i it whin bird ! 'I.tiinci i . I'owd in til" lb. u-i wife III MOH-H Maid to oi-tlcr- Tlte vv aitre-s. i oiiiethiiig nlwav- on band ---YoiH' thumb. I Tin- potato digger alvvav s endeavors j In get at the loot of the Ihilig. ! liven when a mail weigh- bis word he often lind- tiiev have no weight. I . . ...1... .. I :.. t t 1 : gill Willi 11 nillip'e in nei ciicch. iiever lets it sutler from i.-k of e.xer- ei-e. A man in uartow if. uiu-'aiicos caji not i i'ii-i-leiilly expect a vv ide appro oial oni. i.iMtf s I'.hi' kney mm h attached to his wife? Wife is, by hot , apron -iiinps j "Pu. what soil of a tune do thev I play on a barrel organ?" Taps, my 1 S'.n. I I ikon l.i-t nei are mil after the good hev ; vv ill be n of Ihem-elvi -, but ihe bin; . they vv U1 In ar of others, j I'.opps Slanh v remind one of a j pokel." "I'ogg- "liuhed.-" Hoggs 'Ye-; n urate explorer, you know.'' i The engagement ring is symbolical I of how. afiei marriage, the wife will ; wind the hu-baml around her pith j Ii per. I hi- mall vv In- i able to travel e- teu-ive'y i an genera II) h-ain enough 1 in a v car to make a bore of l:ini-elt ! for ihe te.t of hi- life. I To a lover the peopiaphy of thi : world resolve- it -.-If into two localities j - Ihe pi. ice where lli- -VV eel belt is. 1 ,'ilnl the place w lu re -he isn't I t ti i v o i lie- ml now. dear, w hat tan yon tell uu- about Miiieivar' Pupil -he wa the limbics, of W is dom, and and she u ver married. I Lilly - How tar have vou go: or vour graduation esa r Nellie ( Mi. I haven't begun to think nbo-n writing it yet. Why, I haven't i vi'li selected the color of i ihboti to lit il vv ith ! A toll Hint .Iniiieil a llenl nf Dior. William Ni.-h.d- of Milton. Ire , when galheiitig hi- In-i-e. t roin the ' range hi-l fall foiiinl that a favorite ' I'eri In roil coll wa mis.iug. iiml all ', etlorl lo Iiml him pioving uiiav nilinp, the animal w a abandoned lo its fate, 1 w hi'b no one doubled w mild be that of lh. va-l iniiiibei that have found theii way inl" the fipiine paradise tbi-oiiph the in. It-men. y of ihe present 1 IIIIU-ll lllv severe vv inter. ! hiiiinp lln-present week Mr. Nioh. 1 ns, ac. . ti 1 1 ..t 1 1 n 1 1 by anolber penile I man. while huntinp deer unioiip the i iiioinlnins thai foim the nuiri e of the j W alla W ulla 1 1 v cr. -t:,i t, .1 a baud of ; 17 bin. k-lail- from : d 'ei. , any on, am! ! to then surprise ohi.uvnl n yearling , coll speeding away ,it'i band, up ; p'irciitiv a Ii iplilei; m! tlio i!ei-r , themselves. j Although the oil bfl.l n' pj.i fd heir : xvildne-s by a m ialii-ii, he I n ked the I Speed of tho-e iiollii!,ili "l,ienei- and wa- soon left far hebititl in the mail scramble over the nipped lulls. The) I gentlemen, who wen- well mounted, pursue.! ami overtook l-'io full, which . proved lo be Mr. Xii hol-'s I ei. heron, I 'nun Ihe fact that track-of the colt follow inp the trail of tin- dee.' worn seen in several instances, rod other iilen.'.'S that were to be te.-n, it it believ etl thai it had spen! th util e w inlei with ils slranpe con paiions, and prolonped ils existence by fn low ing the piiiilanee of the exco leid in stinet of the deer in search of fooij w hen llie snow was deep.

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