(El) Chatham lUcorft $l)c Chatham ttccoriu 11. -A. JOISlOIS, EDITOlt AND I'KoriUETOlt. KATES A DVERTISINC TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (Jin: Rciuite, one insertion One Fiiuare, two inscrtioiiH Ono Mijtiurv, one month - 11.0(1 1.60 2.6(1 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advanci. For larger advertisements liberal con facts will lie made. VOL. MI. IMTTSUOKO', (.'II ATI f AM CO., N. (, JLLV 17, IStlO. NO. K. torn 1 he Treasure Ship. We nro :y - 1'iiildiiiK c istles of I In' iltht-t, uramlcst kin. I. here no -way iiiciimir.l v:is-at In 111. curl mollis nf llie niimt ; And .h.vvn Hi;' Arcadian pathway of I lit' miii'l arc wont lu raiu Wlicio wctl tr:iy in ful-nnl fancy If mir treasure ship came liuine. And we Iiml II vitv pliusint In mi at in. .-! i. re of dreams Jmlc for-icHitl t.f llio ircsiiit- 'Id indulge l't'i:in Hiciius: We undid I'linili In higli niitliil ioti . H e would -Inn. I ii"in its d'Hiir, We wnii d claim cirlh's rero-iiiilinti If utir trei-'iri' ship came liomi'. ', wild hind mi l font inictivp, iMcaiiiv-evtd Mild la.y limbed. AW1 an tin I lifi- slPI uttradivt Wliili' uiir 1 imp n 111:11119 mil rimmed. And i' calculate t tic pleasure In 1 uiii-i . lion's laden tome e ll indnl-;.' in Inyiiiid measure In n our treasure ship conn's l..me. oh, tlie dm m int. sclti-ti -cln iiiIiik 1 i Hie I. Per cannot last ; 1 In iv will In- a truce !" .Ireanihi-; In 11 Hie 'ii"i lit i- the past ; And there'll ". me a 'lull awakum When he II Had thai lite ha- i;.uii. And hi- lr -1 1 r. -hip it brcakin-; I IT III' -.111.1- hi' hll'll Im I' mi. 'i'. ii. K ipi.t in liilrnil Kite Pre-. MISS MARTHA'S TRAMP. I'.v t II Mil I S II. IIII'I t Y. "1 le certainly i- 11 tramp. r 11 ped iller ! b eliever he is, I won't have liim iii-iile llie ".ale !" 'II'- looks tiled. Auntie." Mi-- Maillia Pile In r uTevvctl her lips 1 1 1 lightly, ami looked at lier ni ce and name-ike with ;i w ilheriii"; ex pression. " Now , Mallie," - ho said severely, I won't lene it. Lvery lime a tramp come- liy. ynii net liim milk. tr bread. hi- smnelliiiiL'. aii'l ns fur l'io-e horrid pr..lc. --" Here Mi-- Martha's lireatli fiavo out. I.illle Maitie. t-lii . 1 in ii I . Iilue-eveil and pretty 11s a wild ro-e, enltiretl 11 little, iiml then -aid : "I il'Ui'l think we are liny poorer, Aiiniie. I'.ii- die little vv e uive a way ." "Well, it i- uiir-: do n ymi 1,1.,,...." I'or litll" Mattie vvn- tlie owner nf the farm and a very -mall ilie.nne. iil tlintiuli a -lie wa- only 17, her aunt litana"..-.! the hou-chold, a- she liad w liih' her brother lived, iiml Mr. rot ter, 1 ln liwvcr of Arrowdale, wa f.11 iidim for lie' -mall properly Mat lie" I. tiller liad left lier. Il was 1 lie of Mi-s Martha's peru liaiilie. to lav .low 11 the law to Mattie WI) emphatically , a- to the eliilil -lie had I'l.'ii'jlil up fiom nhnhy.aud I'icii, suddenly 1 cineinberiiie; that the ..'ill m a- it-ally lie' ownt r of the plaro, to I. lif.it. a-ali 'Ve ilt--. rili.il. from her po-jiioii. And li'lle Ma'lie, siilunit lin in :i'l ihinK't to liff iiiint'N tlieta li'.n. took lie' m-i nii--ion cralel'ully . never a--.-ilin lieielf in owner or mi-t 1 1 lu llie present iil-laliee she said. isl fully : "Th. 'ii I may ejve liim some milk, if he H-k- for it ':" "l Mi. he'll ask fast enoui;h! lie is tipeiiiiij; the L'ate now. tiraeious. Mat lie, le looks like a lirian.l! Such a liear.l, for a eivilied eoitnlry It was a very handsome heard, if Mi-s Martha had only had the taste to admire it. The nose ahove it win liaii'lseine, too, so were the even, while teeth under the heavy mu-la. lie, mid the la.ee, drown eyes, half hidden by the broad slomh hat. lie was ihl'tv, but not razeed, mid his tlaiiind shirt had the foliar turned down over A loose hlil.'k lie, hidden, to be Mire, under the furling, auburn be ird. Mattie, Irippin;; lihlly down the fianlen path to the jiale, w as rather startled al the tone of the high bred voiee that a-ke.t: '('an I yel some biiielieoii here? I taiinol tind any tavern or hotel 011 the load." (h, no; I uie.'iii, e-, ' said Maitie. blu-liin:: I'm ioii-l under llie pii'.'f the -of', lu iiw 11 -. "I mean," she -aid, 1 i el inr her fOlllio-uie, "tin if 1- not iiiin hotel wiiIiiii I In it- mil.-, and ton in have Home Im . I,, "ii w oh pi a-uie. If you 1 .ill wail half an b we 1 ill eive "H dinner." I 01 llnl Ibis w a- no trump M illie aw al oiiie, Ihoimh "lie hid seen lit I It" of 1-1 nil. 11 in her life, Mi-- Maillia keeping all turn, evee pile: (he f tiiu hand-, al ie-pi . I fill di -taiin'e from her 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 doiuaiil. riiank": I will wait with pleus uie, if I in. iv le-l oil voiir pon h. I tun et Hi 1 d." lie - I. ppe.l nr.l ily and -lowly In the por.b, nnd -ank tlown upon the t hiul 1 o eie I. b j; anii-ehair willi 11 sij;l, of tel.. I'. Would oii like a e.as t)f :. ilk now .'" Mai lie aked. "I -'mill. I, indeed, very llill.h." lint when die miik . line, in a pretty (jla-s e.ili'i't. upon .1 dainty ehi-ia plaie, it vx.i da'-e, the seivant t, who broiieht il. .MaHie, suddenly shy, w us -ellin the diuner-lable with tveau el Ih an I napkins, and the be:it eliiiia. "( irmioiis, Maitie! whatever lire you iloin eried Mi-- Martha, eom iu"; in tlie room. "Mush. Auntie! he is a jje ntlenian, mid he is .oniinjr in to ti iiii.-i-."" I!ut when tli liner was tlaim ily served, the "ej'tillciunn" was found to have fainted. Mis-" Marlln, who reveled in siek 11 11 rsi 1 iir. win all energy. She the Ofaiiiphire" and -tnedin sails, loosened the tie. ktie, hi lped .lane ' t arry the invalid into the lare, eotd parlor, ami put him on the w ide. "Id fa-binned sofa. It was a l.nir insensi bility; so lonjr, that the women be came alarmed, ami sent Hiram, llie eow-boy. to Arrowtlale for the tloelor. I'ii'Io (. tin; thr.'i'-mile ride was ae eoiiiplished and the tloelor arrived, the uninvited Mie-i had pa-se. from in sensihility lo tleliiiiim. and the tlo.-lor pronouneed the ease a pirtial sitii slr.ke. Kor (wo weeks Mi-s Marlha nursed the stranger us faithful'v a- if he h i. I been o ie t-f her own kin. briiieinv; him buck from the very eonli f the t;rave. She serupulou-ly rel'raineil from any furious i..vf-tivatioii of his small hand satehel, and only searehe.l olio eoat po.ket till she found a letter tlileeled o Mr. Albert i lull liiiistm, liox '':'. Alloti, Mi.liieaii. Mallie w role a h tier to the lio, tle-.'i iliinu' .Mr. Albert lliili liin-ou'-sore -Mail. No au-wer eanie. and then oilier letters were taken from die po. kel and were found to he tliit-. t. d all over the country, always lo"Mr Albeit llulehin-"ii." who had evi dently been upon an exlended summer tour. 11 was impo itiie n j:iii' wheie. in all this variety of I ration, the home of the ivanderer mi".ht be, and so Mis Marlha put the letters back, sayimr: "If he dies. Mattie. 1 s'po.-e we'll have to read some of Ihn-e Idlers to Iiml his fks, hut I'm hot oiii-.' prv im.r into them until I can't help my self." Hut Mr. Albert Hutchinson .Ii I 11.. 1 die. Very s'owiy he won his way back lo health, and in hi- coiivale--ce 11. e opened it hew world to Mallie. lie was an urti-l, he told her, ami lie had been on a skeleliinu lour, seiidini; hi- papers by mail to his -indio, in New Vork, wheie a brother arti-t took rare of them, lie talked of books, of life in Switzerland, I'aris, London, Vienna, Koine, till llie irl felt stir ring in I earl and brain, 11 lom;iii so iiili ii-e as t be painful, for some knovvle ee of this hew world of nil and letter-, of vvlii.li she had novel heard. There was nothing spoken between the two of n seiitimi' 1I.1I naluie, but Mr. Ililtchin-ou, I'.ndini; Ibis eaer voillie iniellet l eiapini; all he put be fore it, talked a- be had never talked before. W ilh the keen plea-lire of im partiim kiiowle.lee where every nut. I was treasured and valued. It was a peat void when he wil fully reeov ered ami went away. lie paid Mi-s Martha liberally, willi tno-t earnest words of gratitude for hereare of liim, but when he was jrone. Mattie would not look al the loll of tfrec-n-Imek-, tlu-hiiiLT hotly as she said: "I urn sure he was poor. Aunt Martha. I'm the money aw av . I hale il !" Hut she was re-lies-, and craved hook- out of her reach, opporluiiilif l.i tttudy. ami the lift: of travel and i'ii It in t' dial seemed far removed from her. Il sfi'iiie.l to her only naiiir.l when a tie mendon- chanjre fame. There I ad loin; bet 11 a talk at Ar .i.vv.lale of coal in the vicinity, and about six months a tier Mr. Ilulchin miu's ih pal 1 ill e t n linn ills were mail thai proved I'il. her's Kami" to lie a ejeal coal bed. Mallie, who liv her falher- will wa- of iij;e a1 eighteen, found hcr-e!f an heiress' Her vuaidian. a man thoroughly I1011 esl, liccaum her nen:, and -niiled ap proval w hen "he proposed lo -ell the faun and move to N.-w Yolk with ' Aunt M iriha, who was very much I elated at Ih" idea. i "I .all have 11 I teachers there for !il vcar 01 two, and then I will U" i abroad," Maitie said, win 11 the plan ! was finally adopted . "I'll never cross the ocean," Aunt Marlha tic. -land, "but no doubt you'll tin. I company f.oin;:. and I'll keep -onie sort of a h-'ine warm for von til' V oil come back ." "Now, my dear Algernon," Mis, MoiitroM' said l inuidlv to her -.111, a he entered Iht "itpai Imeni -" in I'ari-, .lo show a little una' i 1. -I in Mi-s I I'il. her's pur-nil-. Ii wa- mi. Ii a j chance, her coii-f 'iiin;: lo .-.me .ibioa.l I with UK', and he i- -0 1 1. h." "Itut." tli awl.-. I A':;eii"n, caif-h j inj lus sitky lie 01-1. 1. he, ' fhe is o dren ll'ully en.-reli'-. She tires im to tleadi, rushin:; about. lain sure she aw ev cry thini; in London, am', mow -he i 'doiiie' I'. ai is at :1111.1st trtuieliil tuis rale! I'.y die way. where is sheV She went to a privn1.' exbihilion of Ainerii an nrli-ls willi Mrs. l ope and Carrie. Vui know I'arrie is tpiite 1111 arli-t, and she knows where all the best studios ami eyh'l'ili.ui-. ire."' "Ye-? Iicar tne, inollier, Iain del', cdly j:liul you it re not furet er riishin; almut as enls do now-n-.lays. It is 11 complete rest lo cine in here, after j Mallie rileher ami I ni l ie ( 'ope." While he spoke. I he two ladies 11 im. .1. w ith Mrs Cope us chaperon, were slautliiie; in a lai n.', ell-liiihled nailery, where a few painting hull", W ith wide spaces hi t w ecu llieui. itivil iii'iniratioii or crilici-m. "Hut Mattie," Mi Cope was say in::, "1111' face and Ibjine me 11 per fect portrait of vt""'-''"- '"" '"" ilillerilil. too, 111011' cliihllike. Tin! c pie. -ion is not 10 inii'llt-c tii.il, but I am -lire vou looked 111-I like that when you vv ere very ytuMiLT ! Now, mam ma, isn't it like Mallie?" "I think it is!" was tiie tpiiel reply. No. "'J. Why ( an ie, il is nue of Al lluichiiistiu'- pictures. I Wonder if he is in I'ai i-!" "CeiiM'lo wiiiiiler. Cnu 111 Mary," said a ina-ciiline voice c!o-e lie-iile die yronp. Mow an' y.ni ! Illi(a.l! what an alro.-ioii- hat !" "I wnn'l be calle.l Ca.l !" pouted Mi-s ( arrie. b' I will. Ion! You may call tne I ad for 'auld lane; syne.' Mattie. let me introduce my cousin -s'Nteen limes reliiovftl, my ileal' Mr. Hutchinson." Cut already Matlie's hand had 1 11 taken ir a linn cl.i-p. and Mr. Iluleb-iu-011 w as expres-iiio hi- delivlil at 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ir Mi-s I'il. In r, iiml iii.iiii itiur for Aunt Marlha. It was a ilelihlful ni.'ininjr. They sauut.'ied throiiLdi tlie tiallery, iidniir iuu llie works of their .-. unit i hi.-ii. cliaHiiii: of old times, planning a thoii-and e. iir-ioii-. until Mrs. ( ope cave a disinaveil exelanial ion over her wal.-h. and hurrictl tl.iwii to her rar riare. "The ( 'ope- have reallv take l po st ion of Matlie," -aid Mr-. Mont-ro-e. a iinuilli lir'er. ""-lie i never lu re. Il is fortunate tli.'ie i- no -on. Aleei noli." "Ye-: bill there is an arli-t fellow always with them n cnii-in, or -oiiie- thiti":. illetl -ay- be i- iuiiuen-ely 1 rich. 1111.I paint- for l.tveof il. I don't j know iny-ef w hcllier il is Mi-s Cope or Mi-s Kit. her thai i- the alii a.lioii, but he i- always ilauoiiiiv. a fli-r t hem." ( Hi. Algernon! !i"vv t an"ii Id -m il Ihius "o 011 Wliv don't you exert yourself, and make yourself ul tra. -live to Maitie? Ynii ar.' llie haml--oine-t man in I'aris at ibis minute." Well, Ihe truth is, mother, Mi- Maine to look iipni 1-about ue retnove from an idiot, hceaii-e 1 cannot talk nil or hooks m- 11111-i. ." Which la-t remark ci'ilainlv proved that Algernon M.uitr had ml . at all events, lo-l lis power-nf penet t at ion. Ml-. Molitro-e, however, niade one -irciiuoits cll'.rl lo 111 1 matters by pi opo-iut; 10 leave I'.uis at mice, and pro d to Italy . "I Ihilik." Matlie -aid. "thai I should like to stay a inotiili or tw o lousier in Pa: is. Hut I need nd detain v.'"' Mrs. Moulro-e. Mrs. Cope lias ino-t kindly invited me lo join Iht part;, . A letter cles-cd the n.-ean, lint lolii; afterward, to Miss Martha, stunt' sen tence of which may be here trcor.lc d : We vv ill .1. lay tin-wt . Mill.' until I coin.' home, dear Auntie, hut th.il w i'l lie ill a f. vv vvt.l.s. Ii may l" thai Allien and I will return In Kuroe 111 VI yiar.hiit are eotu iim hid. I" veil mnv. II.' i- anxious . -c veil, and he sure veil art" willing tor me to marry .. r li.-iinp.' I never I h.Miht.vv hen he left 11-. that in a slranuc cuinlry we -lenil'l nee' a.-aiii. aid I Inar fr.nn lii-nwn lip-llnl lie loved Hi" Imis' nu", and was Icall-lToki II when lie vv . at lo si i k llie lit Arr.'W.lale and f .iui'l only a vavvniii.' c. al pi: lliilili-al ri'lit now, Auntie, and I am tin Iiappit-t woman in tin- world." I New York Letl.'.'cr. SI ramie Micrn-cepif Anomalies. M ratine uiioiiialics exist in the mi croscopic world. Tlie moiiail, for iu slaii. e, repriiibi. es it - kiinl by tliv idine; itself, two pet fed iiuliv itllials 11'siill intr. thus Icadiii" Wie-maii lo infer that it i- pn-silile for the life of such an oryanisin lo be cuitiuiietl forever. The rotifer have a natural life-period ; of only about nineteen ibu s, ; ord- ' lo Lewes, yet lli.'V may exi-t as j dry and inanimate du-l lor months, to i be it-uric, led by a .Imp of water. j rientoii (V, d.) American. J Meteoi ie Pin Iron. A chunk ol 1 lie ni.'tc.ir thai fell in a j -hower in Ivo.-ndi and Winueb.iiro ', Counties, ova. aboul a week afio was : picked u m ar I.' un-cy nnd is the line-1 speeinidi yet I'oiiii.I. Il wci;;!m I an even H"i pound- and has the up. p.aiait.e of ineltod pii; iron. OiiiiiIis Neb. I'.ee. UIII.IHtKV.S CO 1. 1 MX. .mi.K Old- OX Mil- M 1.. Now- the dnv li-lit is dune, aiel the .-urt.iii. are .Iraw 11. And llie kal.Mli'ls -ing all ilnn.'.'ii tin' lawn. And niv liltle eiif t ries, 11--I mn's at iu;.4 .all. "i .tn'l I play Willi the little Wad. airl initl Willi." Tho' she's d .Mies that fry aiel a AA 'hat i .-.ii hark, A Manx cat mid a f nil y c.iii'pfl N. will's ark. What dell;liti'. her Hin t, tvir since she .mi 1.1 .-raw I. Has Lecn what she fill's the Mack L'irl oil llie wall. "l is Lull inn' and I'" liltle Intnl.. 1 'mm - hi. -!itiii!, "O, ui .nima. I'm loin Iv, I .-mi ! I've an hrother-nor silels- I've 1111 me at Cut llnl d. ar litll wall! larlini; li'.n-k ulrl .111 the "I tlnn'l her hv davlil . "le I"' dot-s I '.lit at tw 1 1 1 1 1 1 she f iws me imw to ami fro VVhi ii'v.-r I turn, and ir I p't iv fall. W'hv Ih. 11. tl'iw-n i-o. the li.lle hhe k Rirl in the wall ! " M una. what what .le. ml " hat il Ilinik: Now she'- lillli lues she eat and. o, w hat -hi 'hiiik, he .1" all day loiijz. tin y ' 1 1 like me and next minute -lie-- tall. Hut I never .an . an h thai l.la. k irl en Hit: wall:- So uiir pi t pralll. win 11 sh. '- In l"i' n With lier shadow chase! I nd -In tlan.f . t . isn't 'iff ju-t sued n like Iliad ilnvvn the lire- li.hlcl hall A-shi hunl. lor the little Idie k (jirl "ii th wall. A 1 in 1 1. n: MI A 111:111 in Iowa follows the cruel ti ade of a pi of. ional bird catcher for hi- living. He -ays the retlbiltl is Mcatly in il. 'Ulan. I. heinc; under eon. Ini't o deliver vt rv shortly r.no lo a v. hole.ale unlliiierv li.iu-e. Sentiment at one time -eeuied slronc. eiioii!;li In !.ill the fashion of u-iii"; birdi a-orna-iiienl- Il is n pitiful thin", that women should elieoliraue such cruelty . I I'icav line. SI I .-'.ilV im, 1:11:11s, It is ulin.i.-l iiu rclible the number of limes a robin-"e.llifea-l will come 1111. 1 eo after berries, always willi a ureal ril-lliti;; if leaves, and his aliulitiuo mid ilepariuio usually fol l.ivve.l li a liberal scai i. i'ili"; of fruit 011 Ihe eroiiu.l, v hii h be in vet seeiiis ,, think of pi ni.11 111 er. nol .ill", up wa-tefiil 1 1 1 V takiii", all he vvanl-, bill actually . p.'iiiii"; as min h 11- he lakes away. Hiid- are probably 1. -p"i -il.lc for llie ei-i.ui. e of many of ihe -eed beariuv: -in id'- and In l bs. They a -..I tli-lril'Ui"i -. lonvtyiii", seed- fin 1 lo t' Ih. ill Ihe w iihl can - dial j., nf ihr kind- tl.it foim li.ii- f.lV.'lile food. Til. y s.'W "al'L'cl where il i- not Wei. . nie. Carherries t v imw. -eat tcred liioad.-a-l about I Ii. ir ncivlib..rboo. that to be set ib.vv 11 in llieir favor and I su-pei I I belli o III" the In i.-r i-. line. ' the I 1 1 II til I " -c. the id" V t l v .-el V i f I- ..f I'M-lll'l- I SW t 'I I'l I. I . Ol vv:ike wild liIiiii- III VV I I IIIN III. 'lite of the t d i- so keen II np to r h-r it, iii iii"ii vv ith mo-t li-hc, a cannibal. Il i- said that eel Ii - he 1 - on placing .1 1 nje tad in the l-a-l.i l anion:: oilier-, .'-. 1 ved it oinK al on..' lo ...hide up a -mailer fellovv cilplivc. in-lead of abandotiinu; 'telf In ilc-piiir oyer il- ow 11 ini-fot 1 nue. lii-lan. f - of tl.i- iiim line-- are ;:iyen in "Tii.' Cook of the x." A few v cat - airo I vv o I.11 i;e 11 I- wtif) found .lead l die side "f a p I ( hie bad evidently alletupt.d to swallow llie nllicl . but had been choked in the I'll.'il. Tin! "swallow ft'" Wll- stuck fast ill the would bo sw nllovy ft's ' Ihroal. out of vv Iik Ii it vv a vv it h di lli i iiilv tli aw ti. I once saw a pike of f..in teen pounds t-linked w ilh a ii"l In' I pike of six poiiu.b, w he'll wa- -luck le ad forcino-l in its I llirnal, cau-ini: the ilf.alb of both. 1 A second e.'l slnrv i- still iiioik 'curious, lu the -uinoier of l,la lishcriiiau . auehl in a net an eel w hi. h weirdici about two pound- and a half. While be wa killhi", il auo'h. i fel v fihiim iiiile a .piailfr of a pound was ejected from its stoma' Ii, and, straino" to -ay, out of the sioiu ich of ill.- second eel came a tbii.l, vv eii; hi ni; a little over 1111 ounce. The three -edited to til sotiiel hint; after the manner ol the ball- which the 'liince enrve out of solid iv orj , i.o nflersie, within one another. And now, aim. .nnc.' the New Y'ork 'ie--. they are t iiitinvr the tendons of fbilih en's tliii.l tinutr- lo iiiercn-8 llieir power of piano playinj-'. Tip's i, the .:ieatc-t cruelly to the lifealcst 11 11 111 In-r. There would be only tho same ci ut Ily to the child, and less tiueilv totyervbo.lv el-e, if it ten- (i,.n- were cut so that it could not play tin) piano. OUR V0LCAX0HS. Underground Forces Which arc Not Down on the Maps. Although Quiet Now, They May Become Active Again. Laiiiinali"ii of a et oloLrical map of Ihe l.'ock . Moiintaiu and ierra Ne- j vada region shows Ihe entire country 1 to he .lolled with -pla-h.'R and sucak of red, ilen titur Ihe rocky reinains of former vulcanic vent. No net iv e vol canoes arc know n to ei-l within the boundaries of the I nitial S'ales at present: but 11 number of invi stina Itirs believe that I hey have tliseov t'lfd si"lis that there have been eiiuint: vol caiiie erupliotis al several points in that region since man first took up hi alindi! on the Pneilic slope. In fuel, at one place in Klunia ctiiiiily, ( 'al. , -nine sixteen years a".., tliseovel it's of pumice stone ami lava wcie niade near an extinct volcano ciiiie, so sil 11.1l oil in connection with Ihe trees then existing in th i"hbor- hooil as to "ivc ev idence that all el up lion had taken place within less than lil'ty year-. Traditions of die irappci s al-o -eeuied to hear out (hi- ihlere-liliL: sitppo-itioli. Ill (lii'tfon and Wiishinutoii tletf are im 1 . . 1 1 iant volcanic tuoiin- Inin-, anion"; 1 In in Mount Mui-'ii. Mount Hood and Mount SI. Helens. The-e have never been iii eruption within recent time-. Hut both mulli and south of the I'litletl Stale- du re III'.' V cry active eelill t's of V oca llie d is lurbanee willi which the California and ( Ireiioti wileanoe-. tliouiih they lire -uppo-ed to be ewiucl, are con nected almost uniiiiiT. tlple.lly . Ala-k:i has a number of vol. au.ie-. the "teal e-l of whidi i- Mount M. Klia-. The Aleutian l-latuls are al-o entirely vol canic, aad there have been a number of eruption- in llieir area duriii". die present century. i ho i-ian.l- join tne volcanoes m America with those of die (lid World in Kamtelialka. dapau, the Khillipiiic-. Ihe Indian Arcltipelaiio and Au-lral-a-'ui. South o!" the I nitial t,itc-. loo, lie Ihe "real volcanic lu lls . f Mexi.-o. Central America and the South Ameri can Paeilic -lope. There have been a number of in stances where 11 volcanic region has remained dormant and tin- -ub.-r. raic'iiu forces had become eylinel. ap parently, for itniiien-e periods of time: and then, with scarcely a warn i lit; beyond a I iiuibiiii". ciirih.piak.' or two. the rlater ha- -ll.l.l.'lllv hr I 0 forth into ai liy ity . overw hcbuiii" tie coiiulrv for (.'real ili-lau.-e- around with ruin and death. Tiu-ilwa-willi Mount Vesuvius, which was ap parently dead for aue- previous to the "leal eruption which destroyed Pom peii and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 .-1 1 m . Within the pa-t week of t W o i". port- have h recei v e.l that the "i. at I -acred tiiouiiiain of .1 apan. Ku-i vama. j which ha-exbibiled no si"tis ..f adiv - 1 ity for ov er a celillii y has a:;aiii star:. I ed in on at. t-riiplioii, caiisiiiu ureal : consiernati'iii tlirouehoiil all .lapnn. I With the xainple- in min i il . an- , not be said delinilely that die v ol, .ni nes of the Kniti'd Mate- K.i. ilie -lope ( are extinct. The -ubleriaiicaii force 1 are. -till alive, I In h";1i they may sleep lone;. That Ihe) t-xi-l is proved by the -ci-lilic di-llirban. es so often r. -polled from the Paeilic . ..a-l. When I they w ill break forth terribly nu.i i 11 . I or whether they ever will do -o, is a j ipic-lion which nobody can au-wcr. -: New 'ork Sun. i A 1 11.lv nml n Ibu I. ir l iulit. ! A ientia l.-Per lo the London Tcle j;rapli savs; A recent duel bilwceti a ' youii',' lad) and a lne.li. al pt ad il i.mci . I resiiitiii; in the killer's receiviui; a w mid in the ai 111 which in. apacital.-.l , 1 him for furthfi- c.'in'.ai. avi.aiii briny- forward the of'-di-. ll ed "duel .pie- ti n" a problem i f iunn. dialt 11- c, i 11 to society both in thi- coin-try a:.. I 1 1 11 111: ti 1 . Ill llie pic-t lit instance the . I.i.ly ducli-t had e-poii-cd lb" eau-c of a Iii. lid, wll", il appear-, believed -he had 1 all-f t "inpl.till of the c.ciill--; man. 'Ihelallei vv a- 1: i v en t he 1 hoi, e I I between a hor-ew hippiini and a sword i tlllcl. lie prcfciii'd Ihe ilucl. Weill j 'out, and, after ".nllaiilly il.-fendin;; himself to defensive warfare, was j , wounded badly cm uli for ihe eti ' counter lo be slopped by the seconds, j - l-'roui the parli.-ular- thai have I transpired evert Ihiiij; set-ins to have! passed oil' in a manner luuhly cre.lila- j bit! to ali purl ies collect ncd : but many j people are a-kinn today whether llie j time has not conic to put such Iciial j , restrictions 011 siii"le cotnbfits c,eucr- , ' ally as lo lender them, if not inipo-i- ! ble. at all events much more .iillicult I llilltl lit pi'fsfl.l. The l.io-l trifiine; j eiVen.e, a word spoken thouhilessly 1 after dinner, or an insittiilicant breach 1.1 1 1 lipid le is ijuitc siith. lent to In itio; mi a duel. A sliiirl-iuhte. frietnl of mine received a ch.illeii".c for in (, Im wine In an 11. .piainlaiice whom lie did not 1 L'lii 1 the oppn-ile side of a crowded -Ir. el. Ate. tin t- friend wa- crippled for life in a dud oecii--ioired l.y an 11 11 i in l t mil t , llci fiice of opinion at a .lit r table. A hnl- i'lli;e, w I10III-01V t-r il comes 11 III. inil-l be il. eep'e.l, prov idiil" ihe mall who send- it is -ati-l'aktion-faliiir thai is to say, of unhleiui'die.l charac ter. A cobbler may call out a irlier, and there i- sure to be a tin. I unies llie -hoeliiaker has a blot on his tepii latioti. A re fus I to ad as second to a friend, unit sumo very special pre text can be invoked, is in il-ell'a cau-e for tlncliii";. A man who refu-.es a .'m l vv iih any iudiv idual admitted to he saii-fakl'mii-falii;: at once loses hi position in sii.-ielv , and i- . inked upon as a eiiw aid. The propoi t ion nf dis putes f .llowed hv a eh illcii".' that are amicably nrrnup'il is very -mall, and coii-e.picntly the number of duels i, I'orre-pou.liii'rly lai';.'. I:i Au-tria the -w ord is chielly ii-e.i. lull 111 1 1 lineal v ihev prefer the pis'ol. and it is very -ehlom that the i II"' i- ttol fatal to one ol the t n 1 1 01 1 .1 11 1 s . Our I'elei'lives. This world is eelliu"; too -mall to hold certain kind-ol had people. Two vears a"o a bank me etieer in New York stole a paekane of hank notes woilh fori v -one tin 'ii -mi. I dollars, lie ! nninlv kept ouvvi'h wort 11-iial f.-r a year, and llieli removed vv ith hi- stolen iimney to Honduras, vv here Im liv e I ipiidlv and in miieli eonli. lence, bc. au-c there is 110 cxtra- diiion 1 real y between II Inra- and iln' I iiilctl Stale-: bin all thi- time a detective wa- -hadowiiii; him. ami fnui'lv "...l the 1 y from him. and w ill probably nel lb" man. Las' year a thief vv as nrie-l.-.l in South 111eri. a. einbl ; ear after the i-oniinission of a lobbei v in the Knit. . I S a'es. There i now a secret under--laii.liii'j iiiu.ui tne police mil hot it ie- ! and del over Hie ul'elll- cr pai l of die ; lobe. Tin y a--i-l one another in siu li ways a-to lender it all but iiiipn-sihif for a criminal ! e cape, into wh ilever part of the earth he 111:11 0.0. N'olhiii"; can out.-lrip the ele.lrie current, which now passes over nearly all land- and under ti.-ai Iv all -ea-. W e olleii hear novvail av - of default, er- ruiiiiiin: away, with or without their booty , and vv e .1" not nlw ay - hear of their nrre-l. ( .en.rally . however, ll.ov an- arn -ted. Ib'.Uli - -I n t itne lln-v . -'-ape tin- penally due llieir 1 iine by -urieinlerinv: a iireal pari of their plunder The -v -1.111 i- not v el per I'., ted. and it- wotkiii': 1- aiidi.b il vv Ilh too 111 11. h epen-e The liinei liot ili-latil when the chief of police in New York or Co-ton will be able to arret a 111 111 in An-iralia ju-t a- eai j N llli,.j .,, ,.)..,,, j ,. lA, -1, ,.,.(.. a it lie w ere Youth'- Com. . , 1 1 . 1 1 . j I ' The Sp.in.'f. .ine of Ihe illtef.'-l illil c X pell nielli -on the phv-iolo'jy of -p-ili-. - lave b cu rec.'u'lv made bv I M-. I., udenf. Id. of lun-bruck. Au-tiia. lie ..p.-rat.-.l With . -iilllleeu dill'-lelit -.ecie. pu'lillLI carmine, -larch or milk, in die walcr of I he a.pl 11 iiliu, and al-o tryiiur the dlc.-l of various p..i-on tuorphiiie, -It y.-hiiiiic, etc. The follow in- aie -onic of hi- ti-iili-: Ab-01 pti'.n of food doe- ti"l take place at I titer -iirfa.-e. but in the interior: oiily for. .in 11 -iib-taiiees ii-ed for buildilli; up ihe skeleton enter the sp,.),,. with. ml pa--iiie imo the canal--) -teiu. The -potiLte contra' I- its pore, yy hen poi-ou .lie put into the wnlcr: and die act ton is wry bke that of poisons on tun- Ies of the hi-th.-l animal-. L-pc. iallv le tmukable is the clamp of -pmiue-under -try. liinne: aii'l the lelliniL') 1 1" ber -1 imiili 1 id sponge eo.-ain. A- the-e poi-011 er animal-, act indirect I. clcs thfoiiLth the m i vi s. w itlmut vv arrant i . Healed yy ith , in the Milli on die unl it -cfiiis not llppose '-al .pout' also b au-e muscular if iieiye-c-mtra. lion. Hii-incss Neil's W itl.iws. ( Ine day re. eiitly six -islet- in, 1 in reiini 11 near Philadelphia, the ol.lo-l eiyhiv -f.uu , thi' v onnne.-l sevcuty I'our. 1 ivc w ere w idow - : nf the s x.h the I u-l'iind is livinn. And this sit";-ee-s -omeiliitie; el-e of similiar i 111 potl. Sonic years ii"o sixteen city men, all in active life and nil married, built as many country places in a cer tain locality. Today only four of tho -ixleeu tii'-n survive. There- are nine Ktirv iv in"; wi. lows no widower. If there is any moral to this story, il vv"' " ,s wt.nn w '"-' ; bu-int man's wife rather Ihati ; " hu-ili.-s m.tn'( self. The attention l!' "loiiucts is inviletl to the "s"" ''' i-'lmtt'on they imply. atiin''s les-in. Oh. yrtliat hve, anil ileein love returiit-d Is in -nstire .a-t away, The It 1 ye have never truly learned Ily Nature's t:ni-'li1 each "lav . , I'm-see llielli.vver- that have iirii.'ioils hlnont In fore-Is l.me nnd far, Yielilin iin-linte.l larj. ent perfume, W h. re 11. 'lie In love them are. They an . lent with nivinj: ; fall ami frf An I mvally tln v iivi . Tliej l.mk m. 1 for mvanl: oh: tliusd" e I iiLived, who ..viiin live! iimoitors. 1 -Live Its a rest"- ( Ip'illes. I b'V erneil .slaiionei y I 11 It'd paper. 1- a leli'prapli operator who read by soiinil an i'iir--i".hlt'. fellow ? Cotloti may be kin lu its nativo Soulhlaml. but when it eels into Noi l hern dry a U stores il is only prints. !-: lit 1 1 ( who ha- been eiyeu tineof tint Ldi-011 pli.'iioiiraphic doll-)--I am so -leepv . ti'.auinia ! Can't Holly say my prat er- for me? 1 . p al ,. -ar en. id the liiil.it on. ; A river -mall. HhhiuIi vv. i ; i.i-.-.-it 1 a--ar now is ileii'l an. I -ion.-, Hie liul. icii'- there vt t. Ae.piaiiiiauct' You -ay your liltbt -it i- a prodiey ainoiicf thildrenf Parent 1 is. "In what way?' "There are several things he can't lir-t Trunk Say, Sarat"i'i, Km full, and want lo pi home to 'hieajro. Lend me a ilolhir, will y ou? S roud Trunk I W-ollhl. old Sole-leather, but. yon see I'm si rapped. Croiioii: What a heavy shower! Il is rainin:: eats ami tli-j-! Amy ( .piiviii". Iv 1 : W hat kind of tloos does it rain. Mr. Cron-oii? P.roiis n : k) e It'l l iel s. pi ob.ibl v. Maria, ton will pha-e -tart tlnv him." called out the pat -mi from tli" stairway at eleven p. 111. .and voting l Id, who had accompanied the parson'- .lauebicr bout" from church, took the hint and If I'l. Ihnyy 11 inir 11 llerriiirr. i'oic-i and -t ifii 111 i- iu-l now circii" laiinu a l''"eii. of the sen, which may or niav nol be true. loaders uiil-l ju.le for ih. iii-clv i s. The lee-end is a follows: Hem-ik I laid of Aalesuntl, N'orwav. wa a reader and follower of I larw in. U i-hiii"- to apply hi- theory of the limit of adaptability of a species lo il-environment, he procured a lu'i rinu from a ucihhoi i.i-: fjord ami earricl it Ii ti i- in a tub of sea water. II" 1. uew.-'l the waier daily for son 10 lime, and itr.i.lua'l) reduced the tpiaii til y . with -o little incotiy etiieiice to tho hen inn that If con. In. led that the till in eh . in lime. Icon to breath" air tin. muled with water, like the .-at ami lie- man. It nu m . I out as he expected, nil. I Ihe wale,- wa- tin ail) lutin-.l out of the tub of the hel l ing, never lo be re pined, even for l.ilhin. Ilentik in- t i. tnoved tin li-h fr.'iu it- tub ami , placed it on the ".round, where it Mopped al I very awkwardly at tir-t, but -..on learned to move freclv and rapidly, lu a lin le vv Idle the licrriii wa-able to follow ii- nii-ter without ' dilli lilt) , and then ii became hi-constant C'tuipanioti about the sttccl of the citv. I'll a ii'ilnin uufoi'lumite .lav lleiirik had 0. ea-ioti to cross a ile lai.i.laled bridt:.' which -pami.il all at 111 of the harbor. The hei riii!.' com inu graceful ) alone, heedless of tlan e. r. now and aain -prmiiiiie; at tlin cpli.'Uera, for which it had ac.piire.l a special f"lldne--, mi ed il- footing, slipped throne. It a crack into the water i bi nt alii and W I- drew 'led. ! lliiliiit-li riaiilall.ui. j The work of ralheriiief and diyiiiff ' the hit a. h blo--oms i- in full bla-t at. ! the bulia. Ii pialilal ion. say- the Merced ! (Cal.i iar. About one huudied men j are s. altered tliroii"h the li. l.l-pickine; I the hlo--oiiis. A- fa-t as they ato j picked tiny lite stowed .iwav about ' two in. In - deep in wooden boxes, the, boxc- belli", tw. si-mire. W uyoi llnl on.- half feet lire employed in haulm", tlie boxes to the di v ine; house. Probably ii i- called a .Irvine, housn bfcaii-e it i- aloiiLt-ide of the spot where the ill v ill": is done. ( 'eilniiily 110 art Hi. i.il heal i needed at the Lu bach plantation to drv :wi v I hi im at (bin I itne of the v car. The sun's ravs c.tne down within the iii.-. -uie of bie; poplar tree- w ith a force dint make- it pleasant to stand from under. The tra)- are allowed to lie there, the blossoms bciti". stirred up by a force of men until Ihev, the blos soms, aie fairly cured Afterward Ihev are pla. ed on a lat jie plat form about I"1 feet s.piare, where they re main until dry . and ill. -ii are M-iil to Ihe rt'tl ii. lion works, where lin y are ground inio du-t. This is done by tneil who are ptoof atiain-t -uee.iUK, olhcrw f il cnui. 1 mil be d uie al all. W hether or not it makes Mies and 1110s ipiitoes slice'! w e don't know, b it it is certainly the be.-l prey enl ivc in usu lo keep those insects at a distance. 1