ceo THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, lt;l. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Vance will be roeleciod l.'nited States .-'limit' r mi next Ttseaday. Tliii was decided on :it a inciting tit the ilemovralie Mi-embcrs ol l!;e I.e.:; ialature, i.L-I'.J yj.i !.it .M:iJay iiiht. when he was nominaied by a unan imous vote aiiiid great applause and ii't!i!!i-:as '). indeed iii man wu aver tk-lo-v 'K.-'i.iiui.. d in North t'uro lina. any ntlb-e '.viiii yreaior una mliiil;. :. il e..-: i' and no man aver livt ru more richly deserved ucb .1 iiomiu' i ion ! Instead of tm-ro Wuf.ii, ; any oppo sition from itiiv Alliance member i; the boi-eh'.! to his uominn'.i.ui. Yamjo'a wannest admiius wore A! liumjamon. speech after Mpeoch :' made by Allkiucetuon in oniony ol bim.eadi im.- acorn ing to try to say rcoro than n.-y oilier in hi;li praise ot him, whou al! dcehovd t bo tin' greatest North (.'.ii-uliu'.iii livisii or dead. And thua i- sai't'l) passed tlio rivk that at oiki time lliicuicned .such dimiiitei' to our good oM .-. i i j ofr.t.Uo, W, if Vanti nad boon deleinod hi delcat woiin! have greatly injured both the A 1 1 la lieu and iho dciiiocralic party, and li ivo .'-'ill a calamity to uur .Statu ! )N I.asT iirday the Ibuni- pas j ed by an aln ost unanimous vote li.e tiiutb tallied i t resolution ot ii:.-::-ue-tiont to S. ator Name. Tho reo lutio'i was viitiivly .-atislacl. ry to him and t- every democrat ia tiie Lgi'at lire, bi-eause it contained found denio.ralic- doctrine. It is in the word '.lowing . "KKxoi.Vf i, i!v the House of Uo) -rMOHtalivo . the Senate c. in.-ti it; :ir. that -'if St natol's in (he ,"lst u'Jnd coii.oss (I'ti.e 1'. l o. and they are hi ivby inslrilctod an i cir Jiepreselita os u ipiesu-d. to von for and us-.-.I homiral-h- means i secure the -d-ject the !i nancial re forms as c i tem;';at.v,l in li.e plat form adopt d I .-. i i.o i)i-a!a imv'.ii ot the Ma'. inal F.inm-is' Alliance belt! in )'-cm!ur. l-'.m. I' a eop' of the above rosointion be -co,l to our Sen.-'ois and li. pc.-enlatives in Cougrc i." Ail dein ciaU, whether they l c lon to ti Alliance or i.ot, w iii be in favor ot this icsoiuii.-... I it only ro ; inns the pl incip.r s of tho plalfoi n iinanimonsl v a lopic-l at our last -laic democratic onvei; tion. It is not Mil piisii: then 'hat very denn crat in the House voted for ii, nor is it at all .-nq ri;:;S ;l;t every member who vole-' against it was a rep. ican. bcc:.ue the re. puhlUan p ity is unailcrabiy op. posed to tin deniands ol U.o Alii unco ! TllK Gov v i 1 l ll.s in li.e 1,,'sla ture have all been apjiointc I and aro now busily ciipip-d ii. oonsid. r in the ti:in;eroiis bill- nferrcd to them. F -r the lb si lime in the history cl North Carolina i.;-;nla. a n.i'joriiy of the mem! . r-- ol t':0 Senate Judicial' l'ommi:l. e are l;. tl;w-e.-j. 1 ii all .ci.-lalive b'.;n s ; . judiciary committees areai.vay .-oiap. j.l ol lawyers. Put in onr Scii'i'.o inere are or;i- tlvo lawvcr. and the judiciary commiuce is io;n- d of !; -.rtcoti Sciiatuis. Tho ... : --on ct tl. cominillec- i:. both i ' .matt ar.d iloii-e .-. .-iii to have DC'-n judii-i Us.y .selected. Ill the Sc.-.r .' the i .lairmen of I he principal to .-. iltecs aro tho ioliowdr.r .In Uiciary, 'I' .'ner, ol h-edi. il : Finance. Morgan, of i'lirriuu U ; Kducation, Ardrey, u' Mecklenburg: t'orpora tiwiis, Beoainy, ol '.w Hanover; Internal Improroa.cnt, i'.uiier, ol Sampson. Agriculture, Williams, of l'itt: and i'ropositioiir and ilriev nnces, Aycock, ot Wayne. In iho House tb : chairmen of the prim ipal com in Utiles aro as follows j u liuary, Sutton, oi Cumberland: Finance, Ilolinan, f Iredell; F duei.tion. dii mer : of li.iy wo id : an I I'r ip .sitions and (irievani cs, l.'ay, i f .l;u -o:i. The c - nly ol Chatham has none f its members a chairman ot any eommiltc. Senator A iwate.- i- ap pointed a mc 'iber ol the fo'.lo in committi- s : K iucatioii, A;;rieuain o. Salaries t ad Fees. Iii-,i;;e A lunis and I'ci: d Institutions. ,d the COmmitU-s in ihe House are " it vel ap)oinlcu, but .Mr. Ferry is on tl Cotr.miu ; on i'ropositioi; an I G; ievai.e ;s. The to inty of Irudol! is more hon ored, at- 1 co!iseueuily will have more ii. luenco, than any other county. Senator Turner a chair mun of iho Senate J udieiary Cyiii luittee, aad IJeproseulali vo ltoiiaa;i a i '.. aim an of the H uisi. Kinante Committee, both from Iredell count v, will mo largely influcneo and ahupe l.--- Jegislelion of this (.'enora! Assemb tba the menibers (nun any oth r county. The people ol Iredell rhow their good sonae in sending ucli men to the Legislature, and do'-, vo tho honor i-ontcri cd on the in. I Gov. Fowi.k's Message to the Leg-! Gov. Fowi.e bus moved into the i iaiulure is quite a lengthy document j new I'.xocutive .Mumsioti at ludcigb, : and gives a dour and comprehensive j which at last him been finished, and tftateiuviit of the public atlairs of the ! held his first reception there on hist j State As it is too long to be pub (Tuesday night, which was attended : lished in the liEcouD, wo will briefly j by the men. bom of the Legislature 1 rel'tT to koim'j of it points. and is largo number ol private eiii- j lit! ways that the ustiiuuted value j mim. Ol course caption.- critics con ' of iho real and persona! property isii ileum this as savoring ol royalty and ; the State is t'liL'T.lHHl.iWU, a gain or i all such i-tuli', but we m-c uo i hi pro ! about $1 0,0110,000 in the past two j pricly i- l whaU-"or. IWIuro the ; years. The public debt oi lit State j war it h. i l -n cuKtoin.-.ry wilii lis 6:!.- HUUO, which is funded in I every tloveruor to bold public- re bonds that bear only 4 per cent, in I ceptions at iho "I'alate" (a the lerest. He urcrs a iircater uniti-rm ! tievc riH -'o reni.'enco was then call ity in iho valuation ol pro erty lor j mi l and to meet in a social way the taxation, and in order to secure thin, people oi the Slate, and nobody ewr he nluLe the Ii-lluiving suggestion : thought theu ot condem nimr the 'Tliero will boa new a.sHensineiit i i-tisloin. by holding such re . ' Itiif iho year lMU, and now is ; jla.i,l sessions ot the I.e.. the t:inc to remedy tins evil. It done al all, it must b dono by your nioi-abif l.-odv. 'l'ho siir.p lest plan would be to usw : the Oiitniy Coin in issioners as a t'oiiMy l'.o.iid and vs!abli.h a Stale Hoard tor the eipiaiizauon ot value ; bclwcc-ii the ditWrent counties of Hie ; w. , i , , : c .i . 'i-.... Mate, l.el it consist ol the 1 1 e: iirer and An !u ,-, who are thoio;ili ,v iosted in such matters, and one ' Stile assessor iroin each t'on-ress- ; looal t'l.'triol in me .-Mate, lo re elected l-V your body, v. ho sh;:!l mee' at some lime and place suiee'ed bv 'i ii and (iuali.e vaiuali.iu Ihi-ooiiout the State. tlive the I'm. aid the power h add to or to d-.-uin t IroMi the M.'g'.'e-i.iie valivj ol real properly of every eoiim u wbivh It shall believe lo be valued below or above its into value in money, s.ieh per con t uai as w o ri ise or rc.hiio (he :inie to its true vaiuo i'i ico!.;-;. an. I - iv- tl.en-i the farther po'.cr t-i i: i- . . leJino the vabia i i i'i i i' a-.v . i-op'rlv such per coui. a they sli.-ili bo. .eve will reduce or raise !i:e to its true value in mi io y. A svnirm similar to thi, I have been inh.rmed, has bo. n adojited in some . t the Slates ot' Ihe I'n.on and . is -.vol ;.,ng a.lmirably. il- sny.s that 7 Ks. '.''." wore ex pended last u- lor public schools, and l he average nmnnei ot childn'ii attending tho schools w-.s 2o:.lof, and the average .1 in .! ion ol the nclmol term was sixiy day s. He recon, men ds that iho Ki-liool.s l kept in cm i i ilisiriet lor at least lour months eV.TV V tiHV, .Hid that every township have ihe p .wer, up n the roe Mnmendal ion cd the coin. !y c.iiniuisin:or. by a voio il the people, to levy taxes su llu iont lot the eXleuMoii of the school term beyoii I how in o.lhs Ho ile-s tho establishment u! a li'aii.iln,' eehon'l tor m:ii ai .onalo U-aohrr.s. and very iruiy says toat ' li.e pr. per ed oatloii ot ,,.;i- c hii lrell depends m a great degree upo'.i iho ability of the teai her to impart instruct ion", lie sets t-ii lh the iii.portaui o ol li.e College, t Agriculture and Mochanio Ai ls, and roei iinm e i, is r it an up propria! i m . I sii.umi .,,f 1;M. -'-". mm for 1 s'.rj. ami clo u, hi lor evny i ar ti.e t coo r. i ! o s;;cs-.s t bat a committee be sent to the 1'i.iwrsiiy in oiier to as.c; lain not the very smai.esi mi:,i wnicii Will cnal'iu it I u sin.ggle alon', bill what sum is needed to make .1 as cllic, i.t as il oiiiii.t to be. and voie that Mini. ' ,, . I.., v. 1 own- has the proud sal:. laetioii and U isl; u - nishe.l honor ol heing the tir-t l lovernor lo be able to report that the IVi.Uentiarv is ,, ,,,, . ," , s-.-ll-scn lortini' 1 nis is certaiiily 1 1 ' P "' 'h-ws to tho tax-payors. In order lo make the penitentiary not . only sell siippor'.ii'i;, but aisnu si-ureo ... .....,,, , i ,, i or in. vet. uo, the Governor tvi.-oin im.-::-Is tho i-siiing o j. ill r pel- eel t. Iatc- bonds for the establishment ot a j.ile bagging factory au l the pur cliase ot larmi ng land for tho fin ; loy niei.t of the convicts, who may not otherwise bo omiib-vcl. He simgesls tho t-stab'.ishmoiit ot a re lormat.-ry deparnocut i.i tho peni lontiarv i r voiing c-mvii-ls ,, lie reports tin, cur.tub'o uistitu tions in goo cuudoioii and well' f,.r tl.em to ivouvh pvssos. or f.-reoi-lii:ii;n.'f I, : lid makes aomo Very poratioiia to wv ti.ui- Keici 1 1 .1 to proper am. practical suggestions Judicial y t oimml tt e. .. .,, ,t, : ,,,, Mr. McLm I V. a bill to HlUOlii 'bo aboi't t heir 1 11; ni-ii c-meii t. ,. l (mstn iiiion 1. 1 .ilii tn l aiohnii. Iiis lie repeats his lormer re. on. men- ,-, f,.rs to tl.. boniest, K.bietc. licU-itcd datum for the establishment nt a to J mbciai y Commit t. e. 1 comu.ission, and in ibiscm- Mr Green, of Hsinett, a bill iu re i.oction verv wis. lv says, "Tho raibaid to ebatti-l 11.01 i-ajjts. piovnhi g roads iiavo hue 11 o I'.-iilablo be- c.i'it to our ."-ato am) pe and me. 1 .i,,-, 1 1., in us, u linn hi , par d. 'liable nrido, ami no cinliarrasa I , ing rest rait. I upon their i-eich.pineiit J-'u'iaiy 'i'.miit. e. iii- iii Wm, a bi 1 to n-Kuiiiie tho feis nf or prosperiiy should bo impose 1 by 1 ., , 1. , 1 ' J ' c ' . s fi 1 oi. tu ens, s i.f ,a !-.:islaln b. dy. jc;. , ... ,l,.:ivtv. '; 1 1 11 rcn. --"d 10 iho high ways be says thuv .'or net ving originul pup. is 6.1 that as a 1 ule luey are 'abominable ". ' outs sh di ne . h.n o,.,i, al f,u takino For their improvement he rei-.-i ! l"r'I" "' l :" l" ll "i"'"1 . ,, , ,. r ... , . ot leepuio tbo lauie. lle.'eiicd to m o ls that Hie Lyu,!at,.r., levy -a a.lioijrv C n-.m.ttoe. tax lo bo paid over l. the Couuiy Atv.uter, a bill t.i ntn. n 1 tb.- CoinniissioncrH ot cacli county, w hen election law. by ad-ling at Ihe 1 ml id oollceled, to bo applied to the im '''c- t-'napter V.'H7, 'Mud I tint Ln provomcnt ol the public roads ot the " i"Sf iti t i-.w shall l, aho.ud 011 that ' . . . , , I ilav t oiiiorntioiis. t'wush.pspay.,igthetax,selitnw-,.. ;,ir. Tu,nVr, a bill lo pay S.Iicito, s ships as have already levied a lax ,lu annual mbny. This for this purpose to ha cxiorplod from a seal., of costs in eiitnitial casi s and this levy." that S'i'deilors shall to puid an an- J 1 ... . t 1 1 1 Ho ro:-otiimc ids ; , npp.oiu-iation ,U"V ." T i"u' ?8 u 'l"'"' 1 -.1- r,A,i ..1.0 s itiou. iu erred to Judieiary Coiu of -cJ j.OUO 111 or. r that our State m,tteo. ' may have a crod table exhibit al tIo ' Mr. Mc-Luty. a bill to regumta tb Columbian Kxp -silion, in I.V.IU, at P:ly of juror, by allowing liu-m jsi. 50 t'hieago. i f our State J. is ires to s: u'ul j"""' l." per . , -,i 1 ,- ' ; . .,1 iaika''o iu both cases, l-i- Ir.-M-t capital and immigration a fin.- " ese.. A 4 j exhibit than would bo a aUvor- hui-se ck ncrnKstsr.vrtvtA i tiscmoiit. I Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland, intio- tare the Governor is boiler eua bli-d to become acijilainted with the Hep- reson tali ves ol thn people Horn all parts o! the State. - .. . l.t'Sllalivt' rruCfetlillUS. , . . . , . 1 his ar our legislators have liec-n eliietly ei;.'a,'e I in introducing bills. and i cmiI ution. 'J'lio tirl j'art ot' v .. v s.;,;,f tho l.v -iaial ure is biisv introdtuini.' bills an-l r.-solutioi , and iring the latter pur', is still u.sV in killing them. If on ihe bills that aio ii.M-o iiiied more bii hall oi'il ilit ) anv Legislature wore enacted i, no .aw Vol' would lo able inlo !au to roil. on; rr tl.em. even H no coiini lo road li.i-in .' F.vcii lh !,o ii, in e llie.-o i i.i.u is do not c xpei t, or i Veli .1 to be passed. Most of mo 11 i J met- .lesile them aio ii.liodileed mel -iv to sat isly some ei'mp.ainitig l oiistitiienl , without any h.-pe or oesiro i.t then be! i. g passed, in lact tho average his d h es l:ol think ho hits done has nol :;iven lii coi.stilll ents their money . once hoard ail old wni tu .us we oloied member s.-i ,- in. Ii-s ,e had made al least one speech and introduced a d--e;i or l w o t ii'.s and rc-iduiini.s ! Fhc I mbli.sii Ill;, oi;:- w id not aliouij t lo the i,. os ei all ihe biih and ons ure introduced, for .:;hi ! o dry ;inj ui.inlei e.t- lilil'i.'. but we will plildigil they i.-'.r e o a gei.t-ial interest and . s ol the in.-mlcrs iiilroduo- i o em. as I .,)o s -. is nir. ..i.N n:. ; Ilv Jb I'.iaier, of Sa.npsoa, that i. joint t e on Ii.iilioad t sioll Ifl Ole.lU-.l Oor.-i-l !'ig of live Seinilois .id ciht io i' Ad, pted. Mr. Lucas, of, tLr.l a joint ooinuiiliftj ot li.e Soiiatois and seven . Uepi c..i litalm n leapii ted to l e . d.sUl. t li.e Mn- Adopt -d ; Mi Lucas, iiiMitiotnig iLt- Secretary of Still? to filii.isli Seiialois u H h a copy of be Cod.-and Aelst f tho Leg is'iatuio of lss.").. h7. Ml, Adopied. Mr. McLaiiy. . f Monioo, u bill to l-llUisll l-eisol s W i.u lls(- liili'-u iL-t 1-l!e:ii..ied to e: cute u buaohef th i i- .o-. Mi. Pailor. an s.'t for ti.e relief of Judges. This bin pr. -pi :. in a-idi-I ii ill io tho sahirv. that actual ell n-es m tianaaollou ot piddle business aha . U(, j,aul l,y the Si.ito. l'i.i.-is !u d- uw iy w ;l h ii n' l ah v ,.v n-vs K !''"' ' ('oa.m;tiee on Mr. Aveoo!;. a l-iii :i: ie. ard to ti:-3 (ij ... .,,., v ,,y , ,.ulj, hy sti il.u.g out ee. 1 and nisei t m in iieu therc-f . enuotuieitt io ra;,,s '''!-lai Ul '" iuad ul'ln:-. .Ilei 20 ib.s l.oi.oe. , ,' , . , and I p! .si. an. 1 bv bon.t illitll ,,,. .mi , pi-vid.'-.l ilat u I. on 1 uids ai e n nt ed tm niu-ultiii id purposes l oud sl.uii not bo i.ipau.l I.tleile'l to Jii lioial v ou.uull-e. M; .' Laity, a I ill tu e:.en.j t fn in mill. '".. ai ta.-i'loii t he pi-i s.'l.m prop-(-1 1 v oi orphan chudi i ii. Ihf.- icdio J lid. -lary t ' iiumi'.i .-i1, Mr. l'urkcr. a lull to j . -t-gi.ilig ura.'.eplli g flee , .11,4 tiou o' 1 1 1 alii 0.1 I iaa s 111 M. C. i bis ai'!.liis to al! staio ofii.-i.iN. nil : tar ales Hoards, Jil U'-s. S.dieitoi. de! t.i Stale Conveii'ii.ns, meinbors o. Genond Assembly, all count; ollii eia. eiitois, piopri.-lois nad agents ot . llW,.,,. . . lui,h u unlawful ; that mi. 1 nr v r hulls Id and kitcli. 11 fui nil iu 0 is coiiv. 1 d bv siioh 11101 1 - ;itH the .i ;.y ev.,iti:.!iiim.f niaiii.-d w-imeu Mian in 1 a Ken us pr. .-ntn-ij bv !uw in oth. r e-ises. li.-t.nid duoed the following resolution, which was r.soluliou No 1. lit.soiutiou to provide for tbe es tai'.isbuient of Slate JLiuuks with pow er lo issue bills. j lb soi.vki. By the Hoaae of Ilepre-soi-tatives of North Carolina, the Sin.ato fuueurriug. Tnat our Seualois in the Congress of urn L'nited States, be and arc here , by iiislructed.uuiloui Representatives r.ijiieste-d to use all honorable efforts to secure the passage of an act to re peal tlio leu per eon 1 tax iu tin- State l!a lis of issue, as it now exists under . the l uitod .Slates lutcrnal Uev. laws. t. tic . nd I hat Ihe tiliaiicial condition of our people be relieved, as soon uc It is possible to a. oomplish that le silit. III id that a Copy of resolu te lis bo sent lo . 11 eh of our St nalois uinl I'epriseiJi-ilives. Mr. Sutton dcui-md.d Iho ay. sand nays Mil Lis resolution. It was order ed. Ail tho Democrats and a fow lie publicuns voted in the i.iii: luuln e. li.e following Hcpublioina vol.-.' agnmsi Ihe re(..i!uli..u : Messrs. J, nei. P.i van. of Vinkes, and Ilei.iliiel.s three lb-publicans. The volt- sto. u : Ayes 10H ; nays 3 ! Mr. Hileinsn to am. ud l-.w in le g.i!.l i.-j.ia rr.iion of dee. is. Mr. l'lilobur I io pri v.-i.t the sale f deadly weapons Mr. Si. 11, ner, lo prevent farmeib, I'ioui iiu 1 lonoiivl I ben ciops lor sup piles. !t..r J-in. 1st. Hi. j Mr. Wood, ti appoint u joint com-' iniltic of I ao on the pint 1 f tbo S. 11 ; at ai d ll lec (11 the pa: t i f the Hou.-C to ie! . it I the public plit.Ulio tu the lowi st bidder. Mi. Il.i.iv, to r. liioo thfois of 11(11. eistei . , f Deeds and Ch ll.s of S . ; 1 1 1 1 ' I Co;.l ts a; d add I lie ) .11 1 of I he' fi e 1 id given lo the.-e vdlicua I to ihe Public School fund Mr. Nut ton. to prohibit tl.c sale of, oiaiefes lo minors. j Mr il- 1 i v. of llookine! "m o.amty. ; ii to duced.i 1 eiolulion insti uclingli e ; omui.titc on printing lo ii.piuo ifj the pi ice pai l was loo logo, and w hctbi 1 il was practical le lo ii,.w I be a oil; 1.1 io the low. st biddi !. 1 bo i.s,! ii 1..11 w us ndoj ted. Ms Nash. (,f Stanly, to amend The Cod-.- in ieiiiln n to fees of eonstabh-.-und o; ! 1 r county oliicus. Ueieiiid lo J ml icir.iy t'ouimitt. e. Mr. Sution. of t!u uibei in 1 ' -i, lojuo bibit ia! 1 aceut fiom 1 niieing la- boiers f: the Stuto. K. :ciicd 10 Ju lioiaiy l . iu.;.ii u - On i' Washington Letter. Ti.'t;- cur hirulkr Oorrri-onJeDt.l W v-iti.Ni.loN, Jam '.I, 1-01. Mr. lUnison now fully ii'ai.z- s the ui.oielit adaye "Tlieie's many a slip' etc. It would be bald to lin.i amors ei:.-l UI. I led illittl. Jllsl US 1.0 til.1 Ight li.e pu s vee-tc all set uj tor the pas sage file I'oice bill, by wbirll lie expel is lo edition another leim in Iho White IF use. presto, chill. go, and Lis hobby go.-s ghmmti ing and is n phu -id by a lii iincial moasuto which will pt.ibabiv, I iniftht sufily say c. iluinly include w lull Ml Han isnii lsiisutlol'jf iv opposed to us bo can bo lo uuy ll. Ug the fl ee . i d HI. limit) d Ooii.ajje ei nilei-r. To s iy ibat the radical le p blioan Sei.utois vv.-ii' du. .1 by the Hacking of the- I'oice bill but mildly expirees the situation ; li.iy Weill t omi lelely d' iuoahed. and ale biill iu that coiidiiion. in sp.te of con st.uil eonsall'ilci.-. w;tl, M.. iLon.-on and Speaker lb i-d. Th charge that lh K.-ull wa 1 ii'iigbt tibo.;; by a bargain belivi en i i,a dcmooiats and the Mlv. r n pub runs was too siliy to need the d I iuls ..iii.ii piomii.i nt o. -nth m. t. on l.oiu seh s have j. hell toll. Tin democrats .-i.ipr.'d the libt against .be Poo o I ill dt irrmiuod : i laktt adc-annoe oi anv oppoi I unity that might off r in li feat ll. and tiny v.ui. l.ntunate iiioiiohliol i niy to succeed iu having I hi lliOSt obllli.Moils IlletlsUlO . VC1 lie .cue Ce. gio-s ml aside. U is lo be hope d p- imai.e-iitly, but in vi t ting ui a bill, which, wh.-n will uf loid to) Cc.uriliv e.d.e!;cf. Il is hoped that lh float. c ial bill lli.-.v be disposed of ill ti.e hi little ill a iViv days, and il will be, unless- too republic. uis can snoot e l iu whipping enough of tliii.- Sm.atois into an o ii. g to take up tho Pence bill iiuin. or the iii.ti silver republicans, who aie now hatching up some mischief, unless all signs fail, shull resort to bhtli.istoiii'g lo pn v.-ut a volo. If it p.asses the Senate Speaker Ib-od uid Air. Hanisoii will have a b-.ird lauo to slop il ill the Ih'UO , and it is .liciiii-iy doubtful ttbetbir Mr. Huiri-cii.iu view of Lis candidacy for a leiioimaiitiun, will tlue to velo it. as be would otherwise hk'i to do. Dcmocia's aio feeling v.-iy jubilant over i Leir victory, as tb. y have it right tod ; it wns fairly earned by vigilance and const;, it attendance upon tba sts.ini.sof the Semite, no iii-i!ter what ihe inconvenience might lo- to ind. v i 1 u.i S n .too. H .w tin- u.igl fy Lave fallen! Lx S nuior M dione. who once posed as the C.ut ot tho United St-.tea Senate, is le.w dividing lis time between po'si r plav.ngand lobbying. He lias a p-ece of made' gnu., id. which he bought for a sol g. (bat ho wants to sell to the (iovein-.n. nt at an exoibi tant price us a bite for the new Gov oii in. nt I inting idtice. and bo is h bbvimr to curry i-ut bis .b sign. He ill Las another scheme that buH'm il lious in ii ', provided tbo I'oice bill ever become a law, in ihe si.spe of a pat) nt ballot box, ostensibly owned by bis son, whioU be caloulal-s to sell to the I iovei umeiit, to be used at evrry voting precinct in the I idled Stales. Ho will b .vx lo vvoik fas', as alter the i...urt 1 of m xt Much the name of Mahone will be all that vvi!. be in ided to kill any mi asuro that gets before tlio detuociati." House. 'I bo administration m cum to be uiaVing a.i big a mess of Indian mat ters as it lias of everything lse b has touched. A leaolution offered by Kepresentative MoAdoo, has been aJopted by the House, providing for au invostigaliou of the killing of Sit ting Bull, uud it is believed that tbe iiivestiguiiou will expose a bhauicful state of affair. The House is atill biunioei ing away ou Ihe Shipping bill, and its liiemls chuiu that its passage is assured, but this is not conec-ded by its opponents, who are nuiiieious and i ncigetie. At last the correspondence tu tbe lie-bring Sea matter, which was asked lor months ngo, at the lust session, has been laid before Congiess. I cannot given better id-a of what is thought of it than by quoting Rep itHuitHtive Met'ieaiy, who was chair man ii! House coiiniiitleo on l-'oreigu All'lirs iu the ia.-t House. He says: ihe lias arrived for Mr Jhiiu" to appiy bis -vigoions policy". Ti e miilt. r nnu-l be se-lile- l litii ween now ami Spiing. He must, adopt u moie vigorous policy or back down al together". I be eleinocrutic members of the Somite I' co:um:tii o Lave made aiuiiioiity iep.-rt on the Appoition iijei.t i :ll. f.ivoiu g mi iiincndnieiit giving Arkansas. Minn, sota and New Vol k o:.u iiieinl r each additional, because ol the huge liaclioij each id ihoso St a tea bis alter dividing' the population by the number r.ipiiicd per lb pies.nlal ivo. i'hls, if ad ij'te,-', wi'-.i. i inakf tlo' tol d .lii-Mio. isiup ol ti; iiousi .l.V.I. 1 be I wo new Senators from Ll dio. who cist tlo ii iu li b li vnti-a to lay ti.-: lo ihe l'orei- bill, h.ive aceoitling lo custom diawn lots lo de.-ido npoli their lespt oiive terms. .Mr. ? lump gel ! ho long l.'l l.i which e .pi res Mai oil 4. lS'do and Mi. MoCoiuiell the shoi t lino, which ends vwth the ptcsent t'oiigless it la H-l looked UiOlO bks all extra session of the i iily second Ceuiyiei. luau it ible.s now. A ( heap ( oniplete Fori il izcr. 11. II. iiu: :, N. C. ui .-rlaa-ul S-.,i;rni. ll,i:,-:b. A lijiM nl e in acid phosihate, cot ton .-cod im a1, and L. w;i! inake i co nip; i i e ici I iii.t-r a .i oi model ai e COst if m e 1 !l -J;.- iolioWillg pl .-pol - Hems to f ii. i a t.n : 1,'JiM poiii.eis Acid I 'liosplialo. ti'l'l ' I'otloii Sceet M. al. o() " Kaimt. The acid phosphate should run l'J per ei lit. av.nlabie phosporie acid, the k.iiinl should contain 12 per c.-ul. potash, uud I in- meal should coiiia'.li H lo O per cent, of ammonia This ! .it ore will y i. Id S pi r cent ofphos I'l.olie acid, l.l!S p. i cent, of and 2 lis; pel- cent, of iiiuuioiiia, which is but lillle lower than Iho average coiiimercial leitili'.r selling for tf'iu ami .f.iil per Ion. Ihe ingredicnis mid the mixing- of the above foi inula ahould ci st not ia. uo than fjl'J pi i Ion, and posiubly less, if tho iiigro ilit i ts ale ciiefully piiiel.asi .1 You may Liti i; to ma. h up some lumps it; the k.init. but bolh acid pl.Dspli iteauil meal ate always iu tine condition for mixing. J mixing' with i l, ( Co mi a sum it ii flool I lie w hole may j be iiipi.ily ami . a- i.v inrved - - ; Col. il.dorl F. Weld, died at his I residence al I birham mi last Sunday, ued in! eais. lie Was a vclt-raii ol ; I be M- xieaii war, and was Ctdon.-I ;ol the lllb N. C. roiu.eul eiuiin; i Ihe lalo war. The throe Alliance members of ihe Illinois Legislature say I tint they jwiil not vote ..f (at it. Palmer. I ie I dc'inoei al ie candidate, lor I i.ll.'d Stales .senatol, becaiis,- eil his fiaau- I I la I v io ws, I "I simast ii- F..-i'.i tirst born, in ! whose Hail.'" Comes the damp twilight that I ling ! C1 h l ain. , Fo; h l e i of head, r.ei.r. lglii. cut and ' biuise. l'r v 1 S ilv ali ,n ' dl. these w i'l you loae I ' II -iv can Mis. Sai ih wiur sin h a , Inii'd s. no' velvet;'' -.iy ilear 'child, doiit v. u klnuv l.f.r biisbiind sav es doc tin s' lulls by using 1 )r Hull s tollolj Syiup for tb.U hildl eil " ! - - - i Iii! I oil by au A Val.iuclio. Yir.iNv. bun 1. New s has ai i ivetl : hoi e of a sol ions disaster w hich has ! oo. -in red at L.vno, in ISosiiu. An i nwiiiinciie clashed down fn-iu the iiioutilauis in ar ihal plao.i, destroy ing a number of In. uses, some i f which were bulled out ol sight be I in a. t ti the Miow. j As stiou us resO jiug pai ties could get ;o wmk tho removal of ihe im mense weight ot sno-.v which had rushed licovu - pun tho town was In -gun. Aliiady st-vei.l. en dead bodies ; have bet ii removed fioui the ruins, lu addition to tho .had a number of ' pel suns si vei ; ly iiijiir.-d have been I extlioiitcd from the debt is. j Weak eyes and inlbiuied lids iudi ; e-ite an impure condition of the blood. I The hos-trtme iv is Aver s S usapa liila. It the bkioil, regulates Ihe seen lions, au 1 rxpeb. all scrofu lous humors from the evtiem. Tiy it. riicefl. Worth 'o a bottle. ! A iiothcr North Carolina pa par has shared the I'aie that is so common to il.o papers ol' this Stale. Tho Tar 1 horn' banner, in its hist week s issue, . an uoum-rd its suspension. 'i lie same old caiue, want of patronage &alt ailOU C2 la il ! vail; ti. 3ANDSbK HY V1IITVK OF Hii'TltT'-r itm iiiwi."r ftturt .-f t Ij . h iin .un;v. I f- ii .'-r f-h "ii MOMUV. th :h. "f i 'lM u.ii y. iwi. a ihn I'.'.irt h -r. hi HUM-.!., u - i.'.'l. k m to Hit-iiUtLft I'l'M'-r, lit' f.-)ifi:. m Til'f I -.'!! -ri.'-riv, 'i tiiv't r n t hUi In sh-MNiuii'v ''f ' N tUiHiii iu h -r (n rk tf Hf tiljt. Kij'-ilili.jC It.o Uh'U "I A. H EllM, .Jnf.t"- t.i hi ll fill' I t'lhrt. It l-f Itltf rt ll'I' l I'll thett.tiili i f tliv lauilhitt Kh'i.ui'I Viriiur ni,,t a Mri ol ihe fcitinu aii'l cmiulititirt ity j-utvoy PIANOS AND ORGANS. WRITE OS FOR SPECIAL CASH AND TIME PRICES. We are SOLE agents for PUS MILLl'.n", WATJOitLOO", KIM P. ALL". COTl AGi: QULEN" Wteler aul Wilson Ho. 9. uud cany tlum all in stock. Also liuo GUI I' AUS, VIOLINS. HAXJOS, eic., It. Piices Ihe lowest and evoi v instrument guaranteed. We pay freight and put in atool, scarf, book, ;c, free. WORTH STATE MUSIC CO., Su0OC8Olb to J. II. SlOM.-. 1653. II. MA II L E It , RALEIGH, N. C. Walclies, Jewelry, Diamonds, fiTMll..XU Slt.VKl! A.M. ,s A f 7.7.' 'L.lTKl) WARES, CLOCKS, lUMLNZIISaiid NOVl.M'IKS tOU THE FALL T1UDR. A Sri-'.C'IALTV Wedding uud neap, mi nt Iiiujas made to order in any ib idu. i'or .blan.ii eoi i ect 'i.e for linf aend for patent ling ear. Watches and JcwcL j Fromptly and Curofully Repaired Dec. i"). IS. it). IfSylT IS ay Mil Durham, N. C. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES ! My old frit nda in Clmihuui aro invited to cull on ine when they via )urhniu and I will giuoanteo tu satisfy tin in in evirytbing iu Staple and Fancy (Groceries : srtiAit., HM'l V, siior.s, molassi;s, 1'L.oru, ( kacki:hs, i)i;" GOOD3, TIN WALK, AC. j" Special Inducements to Country Eficrchanti ! My two htiuos iu n;;ihaui . ipposito l'uiiinh'u Warebouaa tad ti comer l'eiihody and M inyuiu meets. Nov. 27. lS'.M). H.n. 11AHDWAI i; i t n ; ST0VES4HD TIHWIP.E! Wason Material I villi, EiuiS, ELlSS'l HIE, PIASTER, CEHEST! fl TOOLS anfl CUTLERY. BARSD ViKE FENCING, etc., etc. LOADED SHELLS, 2 CENTS EACH! Prices to Suit You! THOS. H. BB1CGS & SONS, n ale i g ii, rj. c, 1 , 2, 3 and Year-Old Gocd3 on hand ull the time. run a jffle imbt. thnt ia made by ua is the best and olde.-t in North t'urohna. Wiitolur 1'iioo Lit as we bl.ip any ipiantily d. -aired. OLD MCK WJIIS KEY CO. (Kiici'ObW-ra lu J.K. W 1 1 ll.iiitf I. l'ANTIIt u Ci.L':k, Yadkiu couuiy, N. C March 0. bS'.IO. iHOintatiF, SUE -liY VI 'HE . f ilif u-rnn i.( h .-c-rinln in- tlKKt.-" ,.,-u:.-.l l y I r iicr i.i M..- M..-t. ,. ailiii ,l,.v ..r l..l.rurv. .u.-l r-L- -o I l i--i.-l. r .- ..r i .it) .H.n , . in u li T, i Hi;.- :i-l i. . Mi. will m-ll hi im. U -u ul I tl,.. . ..iirt li-. I..--.! lu iiu'"i . " "" .,.,1 ,iny ..I i iii ruiiry. im'i, M liVi.-fc, U I 1iIwiii Ui.'l I i . haUutm ri.unly : n-lj-liilii4 nn ' Inn. In il Hurl i. Win. lluriLt. J A. I u,Ui. hii.1 ; Mi,.ra ftixl ni'.i.. fully il.ii 1 1 Ih-U tu rji.ii :.'iib'.-. 'r.-rum ul pul", i na. ! Ml.S. 3. . UOC'lli:. Ju. I. H'.'l. I 'KNAiJK', KKANICH & BACH ", "WKti.MAN ', "KIMUALL", 0 US A If Si and New Home km MM t, G. iSTciNE. Uauflgsr, U A LEIGH, N. C, l'LSlf, TOHACCO, bYKL'P, MEAT, COPFEB, SODA, NOTIONS. CROCKERY, HEADQUARTERS jii low prices! ! A full and Doiiiplcte line of . takt giieehes. cuiei bhul ; confectioneries, j rr"its" a"s- i inn a t.u i , f. SNUri-'. TOHACCO asuCIQIRJI at factory prleai. ! Flour, Meal. Corn. Oats, 4c PLOWS, FARMING TOOL?, I cliris;mas Goods! All (ooil.s Buhl at lowest cash pricM, If ynu with to cava mooay, torn i to t-rc me w hen yon visit Durlara a4 you Mill be cuuvinctu. W. II. Proctor, iJoliu I.. MrkliiD'a old Hull, DURHAM, 17. 0, i Nov. 27, IS',10. 3m. LUMBER! AU kind of LUMliLU for aula at ih P1TTSB0R0 SHUTTLE MILL I WEATHER-BOARDING, . , CEILING AND FLOORING, ' I'l.ANEI ANP KlLS PltltD, OB ROVM. lb I Ik mi wed to order at abort notie, (h.od Coiling and FlooriD already Dia-isto at onlv fl .20 pur 100 feat. 13. NOw, Sept. 26. UKO. TF. &Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule. Iu effect January 11, 1881, Ii.All.Y KXCFI'T 80S0AV, . Triiiii.liiiiN.rUi . ,n.;. . M.. yall k rmiii'li L,,B wiimlimi..n, IaitIt.. .. , . ,-,ii,.tII1o. Lv, IM i .. u Knnr..ra, sii.t, iiii-.iirtUirn, Mi. Air jr. Aitivu, 10 M W. K. a VLK, Ura'l It 4(al 1. W. I I.I, Oi-u'l ui-l. HIKHAl.