ittt.nnffMirtiarfr ..m. CM lt!lf )'!l'! e-oivi TIIUJtSDAV, Al'KILZ, 1-S:M. LOCAL AlECCTvIirJ. AUKIVALSaiKl OKIMKTI JiKSof '.MILS. ttuabnmuyh to Slti-i- City. u I'v-uik. Klvii i"ii aiiiI St. l.iiMa'-iiii' :i nines n hi K: Tn.-. li.v, Ttimailiiy, bttiurtfay. I.eiv.-t n. ni.t nun.'. . in. t'liitlii.r.iuRli Im Cmio I'l-n-k. vln H:' ll"j '.- VIII ii'i I'lurk 'I linn, fi .--k-, Imt iiiy. Tlnns Uny, hattinuiy. UHtvrM i h. hi iiuio.s.. i ni HiulmmuKli loUruiilll, vin lh-4iui...iii, vi.iw... and Klies' rimpi-l-3 iIiii.h it lay. TOUriStM) Bttiuru.ty. lAimm'll. ni.....i. ritlab'iriiiir;i I" l'lin..'l Hlil. vtu ll' ii;i':i. II 0l "liaci IM'' I Mni-I1-;! Illlli'll v - . I m--- TtiurMl.iy, Siiiui'lKy. Arilti.ii 1- m-i l- 1 I ID. flimlioritUKli t'i SjiKHimltaw. vln l:.i--.i. chiv :'r iliuinilnl.'. l.i..innl l.iiy-'i !IMi- ii s TtiunlHy mid l-rMiiy. Ij-hvi b S in . milv-. 1.Mi in. I'll IK In ir HDtll InOlllt. Mil 1c. Jli-s'. Tyn.if'n VII:-I'iMIU'-'ii Hill -J IIIM.K k . rk : Tin- Inj : l-ll U.iy. jvillii in .iurHi-,; e i:i kill l'.mi MallH : I-kv,' '.i.l'.i . in. t -ms ;: i ll nlti II Hi ii. hi. If in unci!, Ii'iivi- ii.. i:i.. -ii., tuutti; nrilvi: ate i. in. Iniiii li. BCIIEDULE 1'iri'SlloIU) 11 Tli iKitwuiP'r trlu m tlio Mitetiu Imih 1'liit.liiiiii' dully. cxivii Kieulii in. (Nil 00 p, m., mill nrnvi.- nt Ii 11.10 a. in., Mini -16J . in., in k:e.a Uun t Muni-iiii' nun tli intliii hi. ::i : h II. filng In ami ruiiilni; ti'iii I: il. ii, -.ilil'nad .'. tl.illn. a?" New Crop Cuba Moe m' ami 'il-Uliulaled Su.-ar to arnvc l hi. Week, at O. S. Foe A Sun'.-, ith '.he tariff off. !" Iowood, !' . .:nii! hi ami Ilk'ktuy timber ami Cedar I'nsls wanted' at the .Shut lie Mi!!, at 1'itls boro'. Hair Mi-1 vers, Sauli-rd, N. '', wili nell Koad Cartsll and up. iJu.i-i-. $13 up, .1. F. Nisseii Wa;nii am! tieneriil Merehamlise. It On last Thursday su ce i cvi tilio olliccrs cut up n,i r : lili l!.:,t wun in lull blast on J'tnvl.'.s i r. cl;, in JiuMwiu IowiisImJi. UrJ' We would ca! il cur readers to the. Ward l-'asiiitch, one Ih F.d- ot Ih. ikil:. I jewellers and j:t i-i;i i :i tin hJiiu. .. Mr. Janus (irii'in. ti-.f- viwushiii. died on ia-l 1. 1 New dav. He " as line of the oldo-d i d z i..- oi Cbalham, havin;; been born in thi j ear I HIKl. Ssy- March w as n d. much i-l a tiintllh lol" innl'li '.tires, oniy ten m il' riaeje licenses having been is-.ii ' I in Ibis county, of which h whites ami six to blacks lo fcr" A hi:,' lot of Farmer l-ii-m! liny lixie, Chaltane i'a billed (ieori;ia Slocks and I nihle S.iovi' Flows just received al S Foe A Sou's. Also a lot o ('..:;oii li s Forks, Shovels, ,'vi.1. .i.w iio. li' mrivine; daily. frvT Dr. 1 S. Hal iin n. Im- F l-s ian opi iienn, is now bore, wi-h hi: otllee at Cipt. Fline's. and v. i:l re tnaiu until next We. i i.e. lav. !b eiimes hiuhly recnm !i n-ii-! . !, ,-;:' il lia necii from the editorial tn lois. lueiils published in another column tT Molasses! Mo'; iV. Ileadeu have on Molasses for the price tn thi- market : ." by the barrel and lit" in small ipianlitics. t ' tirass and 1 1 "i d I i ra- s ! llyiiui id liie be er bi-on di per e:,,;., over, -eel Mr. S. I,. Ilernd'.u, i.l Iii bee's Sloiv will have on t xhi hi; um in Til Isimi o', on I'r i'iiy ol'ncM wet k, Ml the County Alliance iiicetiug, oi c ot the groalest labor sa i iilT imple mentsol the aire. Como and see tin great I'ise. Fonder and Cotton Jloc combined. kT Wo take pleasure in (ailing Attention to the advertisement ol'lhu enterprising lirni of M. lice Mo-e ley. no ot their best sale-men is inn funnel coi n'yman, Mr. T. C I'cn moii, who w ui bo pleased t.i servo bis frii-mls iu Chathain eitiu r iu j't-r.-m, or by mail. U-Jr W. Ii. London one" moia on his liiends to call and setib' wlial they '' hint, llf hi. ii i.'ir ;:e.:e and is anxious to close up his oh: books. If you have an open acei. mil und have not the. nn -y to yi.i ir ctH and i7'Mi' it xjtltij if; lie wishe nil the old liilsini'ss sctlh-d, as it wili have nothing lo tb with llto new firm's books. S3T Mr. Joseph tiilmoic. id dak laud township, died yrster lay, aire I about 70 years, lie was one of tin first men in Chatham to volunteer nt the beginning ot the war and en lisied in the "C . tliam l.'ilh -'. At the baltlo ot Malvern Mi!, he wn woiintleil,aml i.flcrwar.iH dis eliartred Irom the army on account ol dis ability. Kir V. L. I.tuiibio A Son have this day opt'Hetl a large lot ..(' Shoe fur men, ladies and children. They iill keep the larirest stock in llu enlinty, and v il einlcavof tn jivc tiatisfaetion in prices, style? and fiiinlitien. Would call your atlcnti. in to their lari;.' and cheap slock ol Spring (iiiigliams at milv ce ,t.- jier yard, worth li) cents in uuy market. On acoount of the 'dm,' ( on 'tnued wet weather t, which ii sceu y will never em!) the larmers arc ery much buhind with their .voik i mleed liltlti or nothing has been done iu jireparin,.; lo plant corn and cotton. Conscipieiitl v inauv farm ern are itiito ''blue'' over their pros juiftsi. ltutit ma v t urn mil ail i iitht vet. ly increased i-:'oit-, alter the iriotind does get dry eii"U:;h, and hard work goml crops oi corn and Cilton may yet b,s raised. It wa liilor than this, in l-ila, that our soldiers returned home uud made ; lvlidid (.lop-. t A Nkw Thi.w,. Tlio Supreme She hoisted tlio window ami threw miles from ( iriltiihs, by pinch:; an we ai e prepared to f uruish some uii Court him granted a now trial in the out tlio materials which Inn been obstruction on Ihetiae!;. 'J'1;.- m -ttc r irual values io India linens, sheard case nl the lown "l imiitiiiiii uifuinsi the It. .v 1). and N. C li. It (.'omi.a nics, which was tried at tliis place last October, and an appeal taken by the plaintili'. The case will pi obablv be tried here jii'itin dtirinir the r-ce- ond week ot our next tail term. It is a ciiiiieiiliiiii between the plainliil' ami deli'lidanl ithout a t-lri j of hind in I J ii? town of iHuliHtn culled IVa bod j- Street. Tln plaintili' claims as a street and the deli'ii'lanls cla . . .. . II a a pill I ion 1 1 l lie 1 11 1 bi-loiiitin" t,, i NJ. ( 1. J(. t. of w: Co. a i J ' : leased to the ii l. 1. It Co. i ? 'is a case nl'i-oiisilcrabie imjiorlanee. several ah;e lav.ycM beinu; employ eo ; mi each side. j FfcKSnNAI, I I KMs, Ignite a lilim- her ol visiinrs spmil the Kastor Imli i lasvilh rclalivts cud Iricmls al 'lids Jiiaco Amoll;; llii'lil We ale i pleased to hole the lulhitviliir : Mr. ! .lames '. U'uiiiin U, ol Keidsvi be : Mi.-s Fanny Wiliiainsoii, ul Winston: j M i s. Wiiiiani Zanders, ami F. W. ! Foil, Jr , iv-ij . and lamily. ol Siiiitli ; liehl : Mis Virii ia Tliomas. ol ! Mobile: .Mrs. Faltie Ware, ol Shell V: ' Mr. ami Mis Herbert W. Jackson, j Mrs li W Thompson, Jr . and Mr ;Sa:n l!a .i.hci i , of Ibccijh : and Mr. i.nnl Mr. 'l I. ri.'. it F. Ni.iiis.ol Apex I Io v. I r. .'Milton and wis-, of lial , eii;h. In l.t lat wick at '.his place ami icccivcd a warm Weicome Irom t heir iii.'tnv Iriomis. Fas i.ii I ,a-l Sundai' was Fas 1 or. tin! nay- Is ohscrvod hv a I majority ol 'iirislians in cominemo- j ration ol' the licsll II ec! ion of Jesii-, hrist and I ' called the ":ee liv:i It was ; , the sun .y. At 1 1 ' scfV IC IV hcaulilei; shiniui; in is p'ate t'i re held in ih opal cliiirc! al the Mell v -oh. ml ha lll'ieht clou ih :it-i:i! i im ;ii i : nin.r at the Ih.i-.. ml in (lie afiernoun !i.-t churcli the Siind Inn l'..i;-ler ct icM'.'il ion v. :l:i apjro ! pri.ile soii,-s an i by nn. s j The day alter F.a-ler is in. -re e,.. . lel-aliv oii.e! Vcd in ibis county than ! i'.i-lci- day ilscl.', and i;; a real i-ci a ; ii in lor picnics and i-hin frolics. ' A pleasant picnic al Jlaywood w;is much enjoyed by a bii i;e t rowd from I this place. 'I'hc-' weld thereon the train, in iiumber over lju, ainl tin ride I le.-ie aiel hack Was i;iv;dly en jo cd. The oclll'siol,isls Were o! aii iiees and si.-s, old ;ra' haireii men and infants iu their nurses arms. CuMilA'i's II i:, for. v. -Very (ow o readers know much about the early hi..:ory ol Chatham county. Indeed Hot In.'tuy know V. hen the coiinly as established. We aio reiniieled of lids iii :;l:i lici in; over Vol. 'I1I oi (he Colonial liccoriN. reeeid j.iu,,.! lo! Ihi ! Am.-!' : co:nhlcd by lion. W. I. rs ami piib.ish d by eulboriiy Stale oj North the iejM'h'.live pui'-M-diiis 1 o! .1 :i 1 1 1! ;i i - ! I o:i p:i-'e lhi7. 1 1771. and published ilnd I he lollou ic."; : "A Full h-r esi.'ilili.-hinjj a new It' b-1'.veeu t'an phclion ami 1! ill ii-.i-. -tt rti by taking tin' son! hern i't of tie I i,:ih:talds i.l ('ran.;. ' l.' n ii t v and bv creel i nu tin- .-ume i :) a distinct Conn'.y by the nam. o! ( bali.'im C.niiii) and St. Ihu t'iol 'tiiil.W Parish On read li.e t:i rd li lie cligl'. Ou i'l'Vou s d i-.J. I );-.i,.red I Illi'V ot - a.'t a i, a--eot to lb! ii di.-a'. I' 0. 11cia! rat di.-a'. i. hi. no iv Faye1 te v die, : a! that time en, hi .ties o! . .1 I'hc i::uin' ol Si, ; 1. - h is si i . 1 c: :t; i;e,i f 'hiir.-ii al llu- piai d tl t'I'c.-eld'liell ':ooin ii,.-1; 'l or ; A ( enteiiai'i.ui. Smiw Cam e, N Miivli 7 lac C Albright township claims ! n ol. t am! ii.e.-d intelligent man or hi n in t 'bat ha Ui ee'.il.t V in t he I ef.-o :d Jonal ban Moon, who was horn i I -ai i towns1, ip ami rmiiily mi th i L'Uth day i-l' h. 17 ' I, makin mm lo! ear-oi l mi the Loth in.-t :i!i I on Ilia; lav inii.e a number i .. I his triei.ds n--ou.b!e, al bis hoi ..'- 1 hi. dinner 'IT' h lui-ui Is h ied with , and bad a ,'''.' - i7 . pit-id.-which ( he old ma II pa I'loo Icli.-li ol a boy. lie en iccasioii very much am yed tl. told it many tales oi I ho wo all iil'piecial den limes, wine i 1 more than the ;ood dinner. Ho bad lived seven veal under the ad miuisl ral ion o! licoiiM' Washington and well la inembi rs when he went out ol idiicc. Ill- lir.-t Vole wit-ca-l lor Fres'.lenl M.idi-on and In- ha- voted al every plc-idenlial clei Uon sil.ei- thai lime. His wile du d i.-vit years ao nnd he now resides with Iwo of I i- l:iii"Tilers in the edge oi Alamance county. T. C. 1. I !' tllf 111: A Tlirilliiti: Im idetit. An accident occurred reeen:! tint residence o ir A. '. I.i near I ,ock v ii Ic, w h ch but lor !y at add. the nipt Itave rar." presence nl' inilnl and pi ai '.nm t .Mrs liinl.l i i had a serious u-rmmaiio ( tiie l'r svho has l ecn t -landing iu I he lloor. an u'd n. She left .jiiite .-itk, I lurned lo 1 1 roe II l e s ine neede.l al l lei ,ui li.. assurance- leal there Mas no ihiisircr ol bis tatiieg Suddenly tin l'r. cried "look out 1 ' and 1,11 hack wards, knocking the ii;:l,le,i lamp Irom (til lable and breaking it iu pieces. A portion nl' the oil v. as L'liiled .ul the bulaue-i Maturated some pap-.'-ami other material tiiat were lying upon a trunk near a window. The ir. was l ing, unable l i move, with his head within six inches ol the Ma me. Mr, lliidd see ing his perilous condition, sci.ed linn by the clothing and with a strength, born of all'.-etion, dragnet him to a ol salclV. The Maine was now .-pleading rapidly and she saw al il glance that if it reached the ui ikies, upvn the trunk all wun luM .saiuraici wan on. inc iuitcui, in -air drove tlio flame upward and away from the curtnins. She imw .snaii-hed Irom the hed neveral Man kels, an extra nupply of tvnich ns Inrttiiiatcly lying there, and with the a.-isiaiice of hurt:' d, who at tliis iniant arrivoil, liuai.y hh cecd ed in Miioiherini; the fire. For cool t-oiiniiTO, e.trai)r'''.iarc ; it presence of mind, ipiicknos .1 pi miceptlnn and rapidilvi.t cxcciil iol . y 1 his incident is remarkable and just ly entitles it to be classed amongst the heroic, tlocdf) of wniiicu. 11. r. r -.1 A IMciisaiit Miiiiiiii; I I.'aMsM'H, N. C, M:.rch j ICiutok Fkcoiui : 1 . iil an account of a p!i asai.' n which took plan: on tin i.' at I his p!a u. ' J. ). Forrester, tornu rly . iham, ami Mlsn Fannie !', ), ':!. ml you :i!'l'ia:.;e :,.! nisi I (''eat I .alio, : d.iiltchter ot .1. It. and wile, j were married on the Jnd inst. nt I 'his place; T. I. ( 'hisholni o'.licia 'tin;;. Tin; lollowin couples were in attendance : Mr. I A. Slalhud and Miss Thaddie York, Mr. F. 15 Leonard and Miss li .1. C. Marsh and Mi v I, a i;!!a Miss ne. Mr. Mdtoe, Fin a. a .i r (i. W . I'.lioll Five. The bappy conp u i-hes of all thu Kam.-ciir urn e tie. ci:i:;' liest Stato Wswb. ! M uirof Jie'dsler v-. :l, 1 1 his inoinin;, I'lioeb" Fcr i n.-efo woman who is i;:;i.e! : noeliirmil b ill'.H'iii.ttions. pi i j -.omhoim feat. She juinpi. : jiuiiiu: well noitb t a-1 ol ti : i.oil.-e and e.'ive the wat is ! -tirtiuir op as Ibt v l. uv h. ) u- ii n i Mlb .i n:c 1 a '" '"' '',',;l e 1:11 I he wcli is til) foi l tin p and i! i-i p .'. . i r it... i i n t i . I.. .c, , ,,,., t,,.: ,,,, !,' if.--o... ... i. ...c water. So.neliecrior -, aid I no coin nn lion in the weil mid into! n. "i lim niolit p 'lii:cim;:i. A nc. ro : im- I...I..1.. L...i.t .1... o.. .. i I mill nor waist autl slu 'a. drowned iiubui-., but "wi t rat.' I Caillinjri' Flade: V.r. Fl.i! Fiddle ! :i;ed about 21 years, died al hi- homo near Cameron, on Fi idav las!, of U.oi b a. lie. M' RiiU'eied inii i -e p un i'roin Sunday until Fiidiiy. wh' ti . tii ic- : !ioed his KillTel in;s. Vcii"Vei beaid 'of a di nth rosuiti'ic fioiii exactly sini ' iiar cnusi'S. Mr. J. Van !,i:n!! y. who iccciiily pin chased l.'J1).) in rc : of iaad in this eouid y, m ar l-loii'hcin Fines, for Iho inn poso of i fai l:m al nifce njisriy. tells us li.:-' ho will iu i shell time hi ejin clc.-ui:.,. il'.ih aercs of tiiis laud, ami put ii in c i-nblion I'm- piuiiliiij: fi."),"dd l;cc- this fall '.li'illl I leccinhcr. II" V. ll! lei! mil otl.l'lhl I'taeb and S.l'f''.1 p'. -I' '.leca. j Clial lotto News : Mi..-; Wold', tin ; It! yen- old daeefbtri- i f Mr. llol'int j S. We! b. of Foil's! ihilhel fo.-d j i- .iicl v. as shot and ir-tav. iy killed ia.-t I'hilisday at b. a' i'.i'i:' i s bou.c ' iiv the aecidouial di-ehai ; e . f a ; i-o in t i:e hands of her fiii:- in. a I i ar j o'd boy n lined Wi lib. ! he hi y had 'i.ieli.ised a new self a. I ii,..' nv ivci ' 0 d v.. as showii g i joung iady. lie lb. . li imliei s wf l't ( Inpl . cn.liidgc i'l elie ei : .be haiii'ner i aim- ' i ;-!'. sine. Tim l.n 01 l he young lad . 's in In r Iu aim She ii io Ih. ad i hi I d SiafeChroiiien v. her of coloied j-oo, . v ; FiTiny's to f pond t-1 ' I'l.ey arriid gin;.; to i :. I ing. (n returuii": " -.t-; riding in the .-igon i. -. f eo -it of him Tiie .:" :'-i : .Til l it discll liao ,', !;,- .; load went thioug'i his : him instant ly. - --Yi-.-'ei , about 11 o'clo.'Ic, I li i '.i'1'idciitTily by l;.i" i fin ties weit' col- !. .1. i ; llh) yards from ti . b llditnikalie road, i i ' -' I I le Was shot wil b . lio, 1 -ho! gnu. I'ciin;. v. ,.s :; I a cup ell' of Iho ;;lfi i.eo . , voloded .IllIII'S W'i - fI.i-I eo. t men .11 in ulliii;,. al tilt- killing ,'cuing ...t i'u ,---!:, : i:-!-. ai out i: i of t ' e : .en tin: ci: . .. hiiT. v,; ;. in g lo lake a-the gun oi Iho '.ii-art. . a- about -.0 Willi lhel;jv, Ki,isflltv. .1 , l i ars old and Fc:i al.-e.t; IS. ().!; Hill towi 1 wx.uiu uciige. ship must be u v. r healthy spot. Mr. II. Willi'im, w iui is an ni l bach elor, baa reached the a,,,- o! ,s.( Hi, I wo maiden si-Id s who l:ve v. ill, hiui have reached K2 and .-i" ! I here alfo bvi s cu I i.-.- pa old in gio v,f.:n-.n in le.-r --In Pel .Hon emit v pi' I tail. ,11 an M -t cur. I li a n vide line it l" wui in battle loi l, f inner and a slu :'. lv, ecu a :;4 Ca-h i: il as going u'o'i.: ! he r- :l j.lst ill front oi' !,:,u a : i 1 1 and fonmiiig a! I he leot. TiIO.-lcblilg the a:o:i: al al' ,,,..1 nn I'l'limv cd light. I he te.i . p tnl.-M d at Mr. I'a.-h in n 'in -j.'o in v. ho .1. f, nd ed himself the !..-! Ic eoeld until he ciumt ill reach oi a pn c ! b nee i-nl iihieli In' -e.i'd ni.d p.. undid the sheep liuli! I.r es i ; ! il Vi .-i th. property of .Mr. -loi n ii.gv.s and il is -upposed the uniio ai i ud b-. t n b; a rabid dog. I'liiiilotieClT. ouug inilil n il IViVlil sull.'. t l:ii g.,i;ig up lo I. he tit. Sevelid tiie fields. Im: -tally and di. . ic, into Mr. Slet 1 seen verv neon t wi eksao :i ele f.'oin oiigh here men ioad :l:i il ll tta und was i.,'e.s tc. seiiou.s one, um! I.i- !'. l.'.i.,es tt liot!!ic. of li:s : his family c nm them Sui gi ou ( the t'. S. Nate ir. nccesHiii y ".i kut o ci:', and v. later. - Ou tl Four if otiobt with lllliitoi;, ;. i:l..!l f.-T- .1 (l,:Ote the '!(- Ill- I - .! b 111 HI b an at tl n-l'I v. an m i-in to wi ci thu C. C S- A. ti.i u ul a i".iut u kw was piaceu in uiv. nanus im .i.uit. me It. i!c 1). detective of t Lo ('. ' k A. divbsiou. wLo nfier a few da-s scutch, discovered eviduiiee Hiithcn n- in war- raut the arret of t'.to whim men, named re-pei:ivclf Mr. iWis and Xuos. Moitoit, of 0:!.!ii'.is. as the tjuilty party. . ., it;, ., r,.,u i. ,. c,il'v, a',,;, icJmnt. rV;.;.,,r,l. ui.i.t l r.'.i.., ;.. . , i' orcllv lad. km) a' '2 oVIock landed i.t IWs Mdi. iast 11 miVH i,,,,., own. When i i'.l bevord the mill, unit tifar Si . i ion s chin ft', ne drove into a place i.i-enn d c.- per I ban the ot Ler pMiti'i i'.r I'.'.n-l liisinue I'nnt down ui;l il his 1 a-: was coveie 1 w.'b in :i I and i.ti.c, uixl biie,',' lloai d i n top of ihe mivnre in spite of aii bo could do il i 'oic 1 like the lull would droiMi ; be man ip'.llh d " Lclld to die : ide .) keep I I 'im fioi.i . i:.';.:ii.'. hi.h tuen vn' d for help. acu iis.-is. i lived tht y und d i .e lui.'.'.'V up. :ii;. pi ie l the hoit.1! mil lie w:ii tut ii lakcii to a biancb in. I t'.iisbij.) oil. but the strung' st pal t of it ,iil in thai notliiu was biokou. iittiloil i Ml' ike: : I'll IS ;l ,;i,, M to the . il s . i - o ullai ke.l Fr:ck' Mure'.M'-.i'l a'. ".! o l'i:c! . railway Irm i;. b ill scVcr:d hi.lisi raiders were hit. ii !, M i.- -Strikers neviv a thoiand coke Works at I . ic K this n 1 1 n r i lis .-on! 1 nn ,'i kc o the wuidov. .-. Seveii.l ol the I and laken to the (Ireonshi'i'-- i .il licit a. s. reported al lenseiiriii;.' and l.eith.j and eoiisideralde properly has heeii deslrove I. I here i i;rcal excite ! I mcul t hrouj hi ul I he Coke coll ol I land seii,i liie.ilile is apprehended I flic coke troubles have, assumed : I new phase, am! now threaten devt I ; npnieiil to war bcl.veeu the op. i a tor and lal or i ions. Mr. thiit hci'etoiore m:.i d labor, bill I not piojio.-c to s-.'e bis property n..- that I he men ,e -cile ol, leaders will not turn to work as la nd III on the rick j,,, h;l,l .Ull., , jj,, ,a, j,,,.,,. j,,. , j v..u,, j,jjv v u , i ,jt .',.,iv,.,j" jjeer I ... ' .-all-tie. 1 V. ,1,1 I I but thai the labor peri. ill tie in l.i r i liicir p. sii ions il. Sill oi.i I the sitile-. The lihi froui lime out wiil bo biltei Tarre-.l and F.-alitcn i!. Livixii sToNr. Mi.'.il , March US - Win. O. ilnt. a M.tehiiu'n tii th' Northern IV: di- ;rds. Tiinvs-lay night i-a.v t wo lea i nri.r a 1 1! i f ca; ami sl.utid lov.'ud t'lcm. A- he did so three (ilbeis placed pistols Iii l:is head, took oil' his clothes, V tiiiie.l l.iui I'rniii head to foot t o end du-ii-.l him with 1'i-al hi'rs. lie wt.i given bi.i clothil.g uml ordered to -gil.' He walked a iniio down lie' liver und 10 lluilic.l. j Io is in a ci it l I O'loitum. I Oiie am i.t lies I:" n mini". Tlie iiiiv.init Optician. Dr. 1). S 1 ii'.ijiion now at Springs expect.- to be here soon lieti per tiiau Imps next !.. II. i .--ei. I. till-' Op! h-.iii!e 1 is a net a sp"il.i"h e:;ii! the o;. i.s p ! Iit-v n t 1'A i.t r ! 'l-.l. nnd m-i'.e gl-: ..-i .J ! I'l'.'c:-.- ic-, ,-! ii each I'V. ii,i- an. 11. ,1,-r. He see v. hat -e alike or uv.-et tin N .cbaig li' you .! is-i-s i ti n change I have any uid haw The news ik win-re -,M.u..b ci iaii i-p :. n ,n on! was.juiic obiainiug 'ion. He ol'diiiary for il!. l.a t: i l'l -ill 10 gl 111!-; t Oil l.'O id .y or it j eytS you our t yi s v.-d oi' i.i S.'c -', .. .-nit. v -u , r g!:...-;, h-.pi, deb CI, of I :i. I im lo eu ;n.ii lie!el.-bl l.'dh. I. !I.,!' lb. itlli id I' !' , i .oi ii, n i ! ii. .-iicTvsfni ! wi-ik mi. I I cannot b: i j spectacle p . i: fislcl ihi : i.,l!ill:iV. ,.-!,', l.oi'l i giving sdi-; as.- ed wilh I .he,::. ii.:i I. ive si long i weii up u iii-reii ("lUtlll'V. ilo ,e ,.!. i.e.-. ,-:.d in op: !. ii-. in li.iiiti u:g a scion ver, whole miii.-nd Dr. b t-ood ..',... Co'.7 l.'.ed' e i.-l.T!il. Vv ' .!. i bis ic! .-'pii:i.,ti . U irniiii!, t'"i iall h.l- I" t t. i iHiee. :,-f.,;iy p t p'c i:: !.: i ch n t.d Fus- M.i'.tou i'oi :,-..U'-g the vi. :i:-l-. , bv m:,:, v 11 two Vi 1 VI: ion I. ' m-ti.ii'g t After a -Hit, id ha, I n: bv ihu due! Jf with U I cf glasses he i ai ly the ben l elll . 'Ill-lit. Iu I "1, I int. bled y ca .-. c .iiseil t lint since ll-.l.'s i.l.i- st s I "; s 'V' -Ui!itrnil " I one m-i at-i e a j w il !i he-ida 'I ; i bv -.are .1. !'i e! ' u-:n,: pair . ! (T l ..' V-v 1 1 is i-i:!:- e. i , . , as pat, ,:,i,,,l ut au-i It-i, he i i t I i i.i- il ,. o I. l.t- hi-IC , o-.r acsl iniel ei: o . :e. and tt e a ? i - vi'- c.i-e of il the ti ll! Il of t he t n-i ly t h al be e C i i he'll lil ou 0 it. if mil he tt iii 1 i-t ir, I ile be !di-Mii"f.i- ;;o .,. 1 i btisitii I- do. jf.-ou.s I :-! ! I in .my :-:y ue '.t ill I t i voil so. 'i le lee-, not a": th !'n,''i-h laiigiinge nn ol ii l.i laeei a.t a mil it e : t- liie i eiel.; e of vitdon m as I ou!i-1 -ni. o A cut i-'ii n. hi- I do.t n to t t'.i.e li-l'-f ti I, at to d, t, i i i I. I I II. Hi 1 lol' I i.' 1 V. for l'l" I':'!': . !0;t 'i.e.;.. .:. I. I ami Knows ex '; b it hi-iti yes-1 i ii li v. In n. he will i Till- ti e I ite I mi n u dels. J.i.l- hy w;t S ? u Vi '.ii Spl ine; Umnh at .vv;iiit!c!l .' 'iii. re la !-o e,i,.,l ic ti-cii why- you s at uud In ' si iitil-.l nor bay t a S-t ii.ii.-ir:.. tt Inle I: -p! I! ' ooo i an- in ii. v "il slniuid :v,- tie. !a I I.! 1. I- t I, iii:' ; 1 lie uli.e ao. tl. .1- i it t hi lu ll t .ii r .ii- on ll- nt w and beaitlifnl . -:l i i ami -.1 i-ei bi aids :d;., and then wo well lb. u bw iu prii't, and iu wLileouds jiiwuk. wuue uouuciugs, uiaeK limine- ing, &c. and hundreds of offf white. toods, in fact, nny kind of tvhiieoods and eui'.iroidciieti otio may wunt. A word for our tiboe stock. J:i nice shoea we are beadiiuaite'. p. both for in lies uud gentlemen. Ouo of the nio-t complete stocks of shoes iu tiie i Mtule can be found in our nlore. Our ci;l,('t tnmit is very complete "' 1 m-yoi: t i nnd as foi' our Ciol hinir 1 mm 11 " uuoui u puiauc. m una v, ..! last uut not least wo w-ii i ,l'V"r U'8.8 ,U''"; .' n,,v i i--"r sen j'ou in our Bitire mis horintr woihv i on or ix-iuro i.e iju. lay Mnrca ,..; ,, It T .iwuniell, cor. of .Martin nnd W lbnin; . Ion Stnels, Italcic;!). N. C. Tbrco new North Carolina papers make a Mart this week, one al Asbe iille. one ut Houthiini t und one nt Fi a iik tin ton. J)iii'iur the liast twelve . inontliH not as iniiiiv liancis kiishcii.I . , ,, . eo j'ii;iiuuuu tin unuui iiuiiiicj iiiai period. For Thirty Days Only. For the next thirty d'lys. in order to put the Weekly Statu Chronicle within li.o reach of every thoughtful Poiiinernl iu t lie Stale, I will agree to sen I it to any address for oi.n your for One Dollar, cash iu advance. I intend to publish all the news iu con don.-ed form ; to give a bird a eye view of the political situation in every i Slate and county; to have coininuni icdioiis from the best writers iu the Sla'o upon ciinci.l topics; to give a j solid ptige of editorial comments upon public questions, atid to givb tue full est nummary of industrial progress in the State. Iiiiproveineiits will be made which will make the Vh'umc'r a valuable nnd inteirsting visitor to every family in the Stale. .Simphi Ropies wili bo sunt frco ou application. Sub iiiho to your locai paper first., and then setitl !1 for the '. 'iiioiiiele, which is n! ve State ' ipc, ono year; 7-i cents for six ineiiths. Addiosrt the editor, Josieiii.s D.vNiKi.i. Raleigh. . C v Advert isenifiits. All ti'Ti-.n.-. Am luT'-ny irnrnft.l not to emiilny B. W. CIIIIES . vli'i lias uiilHwiully Intt my h-tvI -a. icon, ihvi. in iiit CMfrcm iCMi. 'jgOUTfJAC.F, S. LI', MV '.: TO. tuft'tf h ni'ripi:tM'xiH'nln't lo ihm h . :-:: tlrni'if r.trlnim x MinmiyJ. W. I.uwram. :til Vr, Hihl i.-.-l-icr.-I In tb' k IU'.. "it I'Wi't Ucttli'l U Iii Iho um l ln KuiNiir of lw-ijt -r i lin- Lrun .-..11111)', I w ill b.-lt i ti- c.iMli lit l.t H K ll.I.K. at- l i in, I'll Wi;i)Ml W, 'It.- Nt ilny -l July, 1MU, Um riTiiln hi tai rar t-wn- nti riMilHtuliic 'i't rti-r'!, mi t I 'ijf aliiii't; v3 H'Ti'.i, rarii, uii.l ! r it iii"p, i ir; lciiir i:r-M'iii-tt.ift ..r whlii rt:cin.-o ii inii"lf H'.I iin'riigu;. April 2, lHJl. J A. ! '(IIAM. ABTJ-; LNi FOIl SAL P.. V -r.y vl vlriuo "f an or l.T "f Uii' Sii,i'i'li i iri .! Hi" .'..iiii'y .r ci.'.iiii.iii. in nn- in .' ..I i-.ii7.ii n. n.iitiM J W. 1'i.irnr ilnU .itl.i-r.., I W '' mi tlur 1 KF."Isi:s i n sii'.iii I.e . um iu.i .Iny . r M .v. 1H:U. in Ii in , Trto IU'M'l:i:ii ai I I - ol I in, inftri-nr lyioir i.-.rTy In 0 i! "f t r.n'tiiuii Aii-i i-.-iitiy ia Un i-nniiiy M-i.!i. .'. ! J II. III:.- Ih" lllll.l- ul lli-iru" ni I u i-Al-.. v" a'-r.-s H.ll"llllll Ui.-.- itu. Hlll.Jl- : i.i Ui. I willow' .i.wr. All "f .-ill I 1 11. 1 lirl-n KllIK I" I Ui'i ...-talo nl tiiisl'ia I .iri-np. iI.--.-iih. .1. Ii'i-iii.-..f I Mil, i.lii'-llilel i-a.-li. l.-.liiiii o .11 -l m .ii h-, ri-itcl imyiii.'iit id I ii .r " .i-r i niit liiion-ii. nn.l I ml. iiwrvi-l unill tin.- iiiyin. i-.t nt all Um r- j dun. nmnny. A. 1. li . I.l' t 1 . Ai'iil,!, If'Jl. Ci.iiiinl l amr Edward Fasiiacli, RALEIGH, It. C, the xJnz;.r:'i3sr: 6 il.BSi 3 UlWIilb ALSO Practical Optician- April 2, lfV.U. IV. T. Menu; A. Most 1.1. V mil ui mm, Staple amS Ftnut? (Now and Exclusive nfylen,) Sum ai Samasp. 1831, Everything that fancy dictates or fashion demands in mm mil mi Black Dhess Good that arc thoioughly reliible. IScuutifnl new j.vyvyjL'1. ANT) ; EMBROIDERIES, j ff,htcts t s nit Itfsccuy IIM.S7 '.I .7.7CW .1 A7 '.7.V TS, CLOVES. COSSETS, j IIOSIKKV. lMMilo.VS, . SHOE DEPARTMENT, i MEN and HOY'S IT IiNIsmNUS tor A complete mad ol'dn lep iit ! mi lit. F'l'0i pre, id o?i lili I tb 1: of $t ('It and ntcr. 12i) and lftl Futettetii;.. Site UALUCIl. N C. JOQ P. VVYATT Ct BROS. VYrr .t i 'T.on, Nj l.t fiim Jlnr'.tii M m:.l l; I xi h.u ;. Mi '.. I. llil- ,! ii....i---. !.-,-t lt- linn nun..- "I J.-l. T. tvnlt.' . mnl will Ua. i.ii-iti'i. i.r Or-K-i'i i'..niinlHi.,ii tii-r. .iu.i il. i.lrrs iii liny. Mill 1.-.-.1 mnl nil kili-li "f t.'.'.l HI I.IT-. .tl.'1-l.-llltlll-ill Inii!.-nn-!llfl, dr., UI..1 s .lirll tin- I'-iU'-naur (.( tlio . lll-Iti-. .loll 1'. WY tTT. K. S. ttVATT. 1'. T. WY.tTT. Ju. I.' UJl. 0'4 IDZSSOI-.XJTIOlSr ! Notli 1h hwrfby lvi,u ihut tins ivi parincrblilji '; iierru.frw oxIhiihk lu-iw.-i-n u.- tmi.r Uu-nanio "i tyi'f oittwri.uij mbuwu, im i n .n- '""""""'y "ut.ii iv n- I llUflKfbM Kill 1m' coutliiuJ liy M, V. f'r.-.lft' r i, wli'i '3 uuilu'ilx- ij t collect all clHlnie illiu the - 1 lirm. M. V. Cl.AWRJIin. Marli 2C. W.. H h HTllottli. xkc iiT( ) ifs noih: i: v- liieniiHllllinl Hi vxci'iiturnr Hit-liirt will a'i'l tcHlnilifili.r.l..inl;HI.. hhi.i-1, 1 I i ri-iiys.f'iliy J ur Munii, lilllJ'.' I'lllllllr mtiill i-l't ili-rl'itl-llt MilUO 1. 1 Ibi: nil r Ijl-iiil'- I In- "I'll iliiy a. M. UuL'l Mnruii a, iKji. A DMINISTUATOK SNOTICK I -f "vii. , ,.i... .... aurRiimt hhm iii-c- i.-ut t" iiiiiiiii iii J. a. lMlNIVriiAlOli'SNO'lTClv Ilk T'uvliih' .iinllili..t wilii- inlii'iiilHlrHi. r with (111) : . Illllji-il"! i.r Mrs l.lizi Vil.-llll, ilm-i'll.-'-a. I lii-n-i-y uutlly all .crn'.n.- h"l nni; i-IKlinri uutiiSt lllt-A'll.l .leis-lclit In I'nli'l'II tin' b.llliC lo mo "Il or tn-sri- On- .'n!! -i.iy ot Jlnri'li, l.-.u. Mil- Ii 5, IB-Jl. J. A. M'OH. 2 AND SALF. IN OJJFDIFN t.ii.n i.r.lcriil tl.i' i'.. ni t, I will -ell at e.nroli"UM." ..H,r. In l e.i-i ..,'.' .-ii i.r A n T-: ni..' I c t; i.r April next, nil of Itinl liai'i "I lmi I t..-it'"li Siiiuin-l (i.rri-M'T ri.-i.ii'.l m U.i in t ill. il ieh. i'i. ci tin- uiiinw'.- .Icm-r, niij.-iiiiiii; .i.iim.. (lilhrri mi J ntlii-ri, i.tiiniil'l nt ul.. ul l.'.a .cr.-... Ti-rni.-, m..-- half OiBIl, tin; WUim n ii i lclll "I MI in, 'lillis. J. A. WoM.U E, C"iiiUile.i..iiuT. Mnruli IU, 1871. OliTOAC.K SFF liY VIH f A m.-rcfiitf- ex I in im- 1'V K. hi. Tally .in, I ii,i.iin.. Jiilii.i, :i. nt., ri'isicri'J In "li!l"' on .h:t- :,t'.:i mi. I in tin. . ni l- "i ni.- K..-ir'1'i- i n.i i- "i i ii.i'ii'ini i-.un:y, 1 lll i-i ll I H i'.i-Ii "li ih" I, KATI'lili'.V, Itli" l":li i!a . 1 A . -: I . ;... . : l III . 11 ir.'i.-t ..f luii-l In I'.ciir I'Hik i.. i.-l.i.. ielj"liilii' the IhuUh . J.ilill lliil:.'- mi 1 lli'T mnl kll'ilvn hh tlio A. lull! .Millllli flit1 Ali'Jllir. AMllil vs. llurch lv. lf'Jl. lOllTOACiKSM.!' CA'TFKS Il.l Till .I..V i.l A. I ls.'l. rc, II,.- curl limisii In I'liisl.-.i-..'. 1 will .-.-tl l . Un-;,llii..-l l i l il.i- for i-i.-li a: li.r.i -k ..I in. il.iy. iiu-ler until. ir tiv lawn in ii i-i-i'iiilii .1.-. -I ..I ic- i'i.-i:'i' fx.-'-iii.l I. .. -.Mm w.'li.iiM-iH un, I .ai. mil ri.i-i.riii-l In II. . n, milv ..t .'.'i:.,i,ii i. -:il '. . ia. i- In li..k "C, ' , l:i'.' In 4 Un- l-.i.. n-it I ruelf "I III sul'l ."iniiy, t"e. Un- .!. It. Il" ll-'lii.' lini-l i-"iituliilu lim iiiT.-s iii'-rc "r l -mi . 'ml li.-t, Un- tii.iiii lii.i il .l.-l.ii W. Iii'ioi-i.-i ciiiiiliitnif li.y If 4 ivi-l-i-.. : :ir.l llii.-l. .i.i .-.iiei.f Un-ii '1 lri.-l, -'iiii:iliit.i in ii'-i-.H. iin.rtf r l.'-s. Km-ii ira.-t iirii?ulinay ili-Fi-ril-.i In -at-! -l.-.-.l. s II lloli.M:, .Mnr!(;.i(uo. .1. S. MSNIV.l, Al,,riii-y, Miircli i, ls-. l. XH. J. ILiCTIDOl'T, ATTORNS V AT LAV, Ishoi-o', IN', Special attention given to the Bet tleiiient of estates of decedents. DURHAM AID OXFORD MARBLE WORKS, KOB'T I. ROGERS, Proprietor, l'K'.i i n i:-' Garble ad gbanite TOfilBoTOHES, TABLETS. t'EM ETI'.ll yoi:k y j: tj. j:.i:rrri:iK IVsigi s and tstiiiiides furnished on iipjilicalion. Ollioe : Main HrnT.T. K Ull AM, X C Tcb. 'JO, lS'.tl ilAiii)WAiiH! Wiiiil! iWAGefj limML LIME. FLATTER. CEHEilT! AM) mm tools ai CUTLERY. 8AR2HQ V!E FEHG1NG ETC., ETC. LOADED SHELLS, 2 CENTS EACH! Prices lo Suit You! THOS. H. mm & SONS, eialkssx:, it. a, AYEE'S Sarsaparilla l a Mglily rtmi'fiilruUsl extract ol S:ira.uvili nn.l olhiT lonik. i.mitiiiinl with lutltiltf of l'uta- luiii Hiul li-iiu, att tl- fcfit, mwt r.ilt Hint I'Ci'iiwtiuiail li'.ooil-i'urili.-r thai r.iti li.- iivd. It alily i ii.-l ull blood l-'i..ii.. Ii.itii tbo s.-.. nt,. -nt i.-lii' ami tin t-i.-.Ki, :mJ r. l'.r-s iii ilniitii, tl i.- luo Km kiiei. ii r.-iiu-ily li.r SitoIhI mid nil CimilUalilt", :rjrsl rlaJ, i:.j.-iiin, lliiicw.iiiii, l)lolrh-, Surt-S, IIiiIIm, Timmrii. it KriliUou of llu- .-klo, n.-. ii!-" (-r nil ilii.nnli-r r.ue.l t.y a tii. a ami iiu -..fcriiiUi.t, nr c.-rruptej. j'lti liii 'iK'i i!:' li!,'o.l,.-iiil:.s I.l.i uiiiBllnn, V.-in i.iKl". Iili.'iniiKt:fl 4out, tii-uorml Di-I.IUt.v, .lu.t .riufulous Calarrb. InJIarnn-iatcr Rhcumslism Cured. "Avi li s t A Ims cur.-l mo nf th " tiii!ii.iiiieii.i v lllii-iinmttHiii. tilth wll.i'U I L.llr Milii-l.-il fer Ill.ll'V yniirn. tt . 11. JlOOItK." l)Hil..iiii, 1.1. , M:ini '.', 1-:!. n tiv Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. bM l.-.ttl lau,ut'i ;t,t:l-uk for JUST AREIVED. A VAIiUL GENUINE NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES in. nivfd ftnd llllliot (fill IlV ' ' ' C. C. COVINGTON k CO, WlJ.MlNUTON, N. Con espoiiilcuee solicited. LurgR lot of Hour on band. March 12, lc'91. Pretty Fub TORE MAKES COSY HOMES ! COSY HOMES MAKE HAPPY PEOPLE ! "-AND A. G. RHODES & COHPAHT, KALEIOU, N. C, Are making people biippy every day by the liberal terma they oii'tu ou all kinds of Fancy G hairs I Zlall Racks! Book Cases! Dressers! Wardrobes ! Everything ! Chamber Suits, complete, in grea variety. Broken Suits provided if desired. We will accommodate you ami pleat . you if you will let ua. We have too many things to talk about. Come and see them ! It will bo like going to a fair. A. O. EHOPES .V CO . 9 E. Martin and It) Ex-hanco Aug. 28, 1800. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! (113 Matgu Sliced), -tiL.W.EK IS HEAVY AND FANCY CONFECTIGNFRiilS, CROCK K II V, CANNED GOODS, 1Co"ba.cco, (Alliance Tobacco v . i..'!y Vnfy; Fruits, ie Large Lot of Short . Feb '-III, 1891. BA R 0 A I n g A R g a i ry Received ni on Sale 0',-n -rr W oollcott arid Son's 11 E. MARTIN S!1iT.I:T, Raleigh, m. c. A LI Mi OF LA Dills' Ml'SLlN I'liderweur 'Joami fv'e enc'u. OQQ LAMPS OSc, wuish V1 30. J r I.nifre hizes lOe. iinit e... )J INCH F.LAl'K Hl'.NKlL'TTA t)U Al 'i.'. o(,od value ut 35c. p r vaid. :!()() rot' K FT lb )0KS-ltie. ca. ' ,).0(l(t Fi.s. S t:Mi.rss HALF lit)!-'! 0(1(1 i(Tfect gotds ai il.e pan .000 l'AIIbS HALF SCLlio 1 ,000 pan . New Things in Crockery Glass, Tin and WoocLtu rnn cfdaii waif.u v ?)'r brass hoop a! '.U to -v. 100 WASHTULSS CLi u-.. All goods nun le .1 in plain ud one pi in- to ull. TiiRr-ST' fir-8:' wosl. tawejtwris Mae; :t: kdicau II lmOII S0UAKC H. Y. Z. . li'. toi.imi. ,.. . rOR SALC. 8Y jb. r rriici joNtfeiioi;.', . 1 'S