tttn THUKSDAY, MAY 14, 1891. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Tub Forty Sixth annual session of the Southern Baptirtt Convention was hold at Birmingham, Alabama, beginning on lust Friday and ail jottmin yesterday. Judo Jona than II. iln'altioii, of Alabama, was Ice tod provident. A large nutiibor fT delcguten wore present. The report of the Board of Foreign Mis aioua Was read and was of a most ticouraging character. The receipts tor tho pastyvar were $113,522, and for the past ten years were $S12,(it2. Tliero ara missions in Italy, Brazil, Mexico, J up an, China aud Africa with 68 missionaries, 22 schools, S23 pupils, 67 churches and 2,377 mem ber. An appaal was mado to increase the endowment ot the Southern Theological Seminary at Louisville, and a sabscriptiou of over 20,000 was at onco raised. Tbo report ot the Homo Mission Board showed a great enlargement of the work, as follows: number ot missionaries, 401 ; baptisms 5,349, eburclies buiU 143, and admissions lo churches 9,087. A resolution was adoptod asking tbat the World's Fair at Chicago be tlaed on Sundays. The next meeting of the Conven tion will bo hell at Atlanta, Geor gia, on the first Friday before tho second Sunday in May. Tub Pknsios law of this State was amended and improved by tho Leg-. islaturo at its late session. Hereto- j fore only indigent widows, that is j ...oso who wero utterly destitute,! could have a pension, but now the i word ''indigent" is stricken out and 'wJows are placed on the same loot-1 ".g uSdoidiurs. Another amendment ; is the esiaoiishnient of a "County: Advisory Board of I'eusions" in each i y, which board consists of five .-., ,uernlo soidiers, to whom' nhil! be referred all rpvlications for ! pensions. V here an application tor a pennon has been allowed, it is not nocc iry for the pensioner to CJc . another application, but he or she' must obtain a certificate every year! Irom the clerk of the superior court, I endorsed by tbo county advisory! board, showing that tho applicai-t ' is the identical person named in tho original application on file in the' Auditor's office. All applications' Jbr pensions must bo mado on or before the first Monday in July. j Tub Soi.niEKs' Home at Kak-igb was formally opened, on last Mon day, with appropriate exercises. J n I the presence of a largo audiem e Gov. ' Holt niade an appropriate addressj formally oponing the Home, which ' is situated at the old fair grounds; near the eastern limits of Raleigh.; The last Legislature appropriated 1 1 3,000 a year for tho support of the I Home, but of course this sum is net' uff:cint for '.l;o purpose, and private I contributions must be mado from j time to A small amount con ! .ributed overy year by tho people ; of each county would baldly be: missed by the contributors, and yet1 would comfortably provido lor a; large number of infirm and impov erished ex Confederates. Italian immigrants are coming to this counlrj' in greater numbers than over before, notwithstanding the late lynching at Now Orleans. A'ship left Naples last week loaded with 1400 immigrants. And yet the Italian government complains that the American government does not protect Italians and that they are ot safe in this country ! Cleveland Invited to X. C. Nkw YonK, N. Y., March 12, 1S91. -Senator Hansom has come from North Carolina with an invitation signed by all the Democratic mem bers of Congress and all the judges, and tho leading citizens of the Slate to Mr. Cleveland to attend on edu cational convention to bo hold at Morehead ci' , the first week cf Jul1. The Senator, wbo is an ardent ad mirer of the cx President, was en thusiastic in his description of the concourse of people who would at tend. "Why, sir," ho said toali iend, "if Mr. Cleveland consents the whole State will turn out to do him honor." .Mr. Cleveland expressed his grati fication for tho compliment tender ed him, and while not positively committing himself, intimated that H was not probable that his engago phiiements would permit him to ac cept tiio invitation. TbeMard of missions of the M. E Church Scuth, at its recent session in Wilmington, appropriated $250, 4103 for mission work in Japan, Mei ,-o. China, Indian Territory and the vV. sf 1 Lu grip is ravngiug London, nil business being more or less effected by if "he Italian Government hat r tlwti it Consul at New Oiloar.g. Washington Letter. I From our Resular Oorroapoinlwit.1 Washington, May 8, 1891. Well, well! can it bo that after all of Mr. Blaine's Jingoism as to our rights in Bel rin v. Sea that we are to tiiiuiidy bail; dvvn? That's the link hero now. According to my ttifurtralioii, Mr. Blaine lias discov ered that we have nothing to arbi trate and that Bussia never set up any such claims as he has done when she was the owner of Alaska, and does not now recoguize that the l'nited States has any such rights. As the stoiy goes, as soon as Mr. Blaine saw' that we had not the idightest under the proposed arbitration he began to search tor a hole lo crawl out of with as little loss of dignity as pcil'lo He be gan then to lay wires for a triple in ternational agreement between the l'nited States, Uussia and Kngland, for the prevention of ihe indiseriuii nate killing of seals in Bebring Sea, aud now, it is said, that pending further negotiations no seals are to be taken at all this season. OlKciuls at the State and Treasury depart ments refuse to either confirm or deny this story. A whole week has gone by with out a new and entirely different statement from l',o preceding one of the condition ol tho Treasury hav ing been given out Last week there wero three or four of them. Mum is the word now, whilo the Secretary and his expert accountants are pre paring the figures foi the presto veto change statement, which it'it meets with Mr. Harrison's approval, and of that there's little doubt, is to be given to the public on tho tirst of June. The intention is to follow re publican precedent by manipulating the trust funds in the monthly stale ment ot tho national debt in such a wav as to sho.v a large available surplus where practically none ex ists. The first muttering of a storm in tho ranks ol' tho republican party ore being heard lure. So far Mr Harrison has apparently had it all bis own way in his march toward. a second no-r.i nat ion, and none of his party have seen tit to attempt to make any organized opposition to him, I'lit'squaMs are ahead for him. This week Kcprescni.itive Farpihai of Now York, has openly stated here his belief lhal Harrison could not possibly be elected, and an Inuiaita republican of prominence has said that Harrison could not carry that Stale. These are straws showing the drill of republican sentiment. Tee. Blaine men cannot bo kept down ninth longer: they hate liar rison. and every time that Ku.-sell Harrison's newspaper in its siliy attempts to make g-ry for Harri son casts a slur upon Blaine that hatred is iiitensdiel. These men would rather see a democrat elected than have to Mat. 1 Harrison tor an other four years, and. mark tho pre diction, in six months they will be shouting that sentiment Irom the housetops. Mr. Blaii.e inav be per fectiv willing that Mr. Harrison should be renominated, although I have serious doubts ot it, but his friends lire not. They hope,ot course to nominate Hluino, whether be con rents: or rot, but they are determin ed, as will be seen belore lung, that in any event Harrison .-hall not Li the nominee, if they can prevent it, and they think they tan. There's music ahead a sure as you are born, and with l'oo I management the democrats ca 1 u rcli to victory keep ii,g time vv iih it. i. the opinion of leading members of the party as expressed here lately have any influence with the demo (ratio caucus ot the House of I!ep rose illative the next speaker ot the House will certainly be a N.utiieni man. 1 nose gentlemen nave argueu that the South is entitled either to the Speakership or lo a plac e on the national ticket, and that il would lie better polities to give it the Speakership. It a Soutiit ni man is to bo Speaker it will .ohahly be eithel Ive l'ri.-p. of (ieor gia , Itepreseiitative Mills, of Texas, or Representative M Mdlun,ol Ten nessee, lather one uf them would suit mo, therefore I can speak ol their chances without prejudice. Mr. Mills was largely in the lead a month before ihe adjournment of Congress, but it now looks as if Mr. Crisp was ahead, and wero it not lor the li'iuor dealers national organ ization, which, it is stated here, will bitterly tight him, 1 should select bim as the winner. Mr. McMillan has surprise'1 a good many people by developing more strength than be had been credited with; but his only hope of winning is in the event of a protracted struggle between the two first named candidates, which many shrewd observers are now predicting as certain to occur. Government official Ooelino fo express any opinion for publication on the report of tho New Orleans grand jury on the lynching of tho Italians, but privately the universal verdict is ''just what I expected ', and many people have recalled the words ct Edmund Burke "A wholo people caii not be indicted '. Senators Brice, Vilas, Hill and Gordon will all sit in the rear row ot seats on tho democratic side when the Senate meets next December. Venezuela has accepted the recip rocity proposition made to her by this government. Chloroformed a Whole Family. St. Lena, May 9. Burglars enter ed the bouse of Justice of the Peace James II. Wyatt, of East Louis, last night, and chloroformed the entire family. When the family awoke this uiomiiig even- one complained of a headache, and the odor of the drug penetrated tho whole house. The thieves secured a gold watch, 150 worth ff jewelry find 23 in money. j Rules of (he U. IL Commissioners Kdli'lgti Correspoiirteut of Wllmli'tiitn Mium-iv r Tho rules of practice of the Kail j wuy Commission were published lo iday, and with the acts creating the I com mission and making it a board ' ot appraisers for railways, and with ' the standard Ircijht and p is-enger : tariffs tablished, form a pamphlet of fiil n. pages. In I his much of ; interest is to be found. Ti:o com ! mission will bol l sessionson W'cdiies ; days ol each week lor the hearing ' o. r pplications, receiving petuious ;aud matters other than contested leases. Special sessions will be held I as occasion requires at other places. ! lu cases of complaint the petitioner I or complainant o.usl always prove ! tho existence ot the tacts alleged to I constitute a violation ol the act tin j less tho railway eon. p ained ot -had : admit the same or fail to answer io ;tho complaint The Nets alleged in i the answer must alsu be proved by I tho railway, unless admitted by the petitioner. I n ca.-e ot' lai lire lo aii Iswer the co:n :i. i-.-ioti will take such prool ot tho charge as is deemed I pro :"id reasonable. Ivieh rail j va '.o'V doing business in th;1 jS'.ii . or, I. -rod to ti e wiih meio;:,- mis ui on or before the 'Jot li ot each I moii ii a report of its earning and I expem-vs tor the preceding month. The rules governing the iran-por I tatior. ot na-.-eiigeis are interesting. I Tho fare is .'( cent.- per mile lor tir-i ! class, 2 '. .its !or second cl:t-s ; chil I dren over. "land under 12 ynir.-, one i hall first oh;.'.- faro. E.ich p:i-sengcr j is allowed I. ")0 pound- ol luggage. ' No more than the -chid.tlo .- pass- , ,engor rates shall be charge ! whore' I the ticket cilice at anv station s1...1! . I not have been open lor a iv:, -unable itimo before the depart lire from a j station ol tiie Iran, i.pun Ai:ih i: e i passenger intends lo i-o Ira I -po i u d. At junction points. Where the mem ; ing trains arrive so near the Icavi ng ; time ot the ou'guing t r.iin thai il i not practicable lor a p-icugi r t ' ; pro.-ure a tii ket. i.ii more than the Ischedll'c of pa oi'ger rales -'lail i e i charged. li.iliuavs are a u ' h. r. I j lu collect tt.o a--t ;e;;o bu p-i-! scnger tares if t.o y - in.: make ti. i noces-arv cl.-inge'.' i'.c.i lu ' do so ; but it no nu i: ore than the j next lowest amount ending in . or 0 snail be cm, ! I .ui;,p:,:; snail I'C a i.ow c i : ecu ! .- as :i!...i. ' I belweni i .. n'.-.r .-.a' :.-irge uVer i" :., or had ra'. ui - -, 1 1 e ' ngiilar rare u..-.. 1 be le- t :: . t.,M amount. r. M d, e. l.eio tl.c u'.- -Manee 'i f :. ;i!r 1 1 ai. - m i e- or ; under th -ia xim u -n c'.ui ge tor iVt class ticket- . !'' I'1 out- for senile! i la iei.:-. No ; than t..o st.-n 1 tr t a eng. r : shall bo el.alge I ' - - ' : ; Irom ll ig si a':- while tickets : v-p' oa - I vVlivrcpas-orgc:- ,. -''-: '' pr- j i' ' di.igvin e. to ; i' vi I- t' -with proper t !- b.-:ore v- i.g on the ll a. n. then loo-; I - ao-M nmal ; for each pa-sot g-r i-' ears "i-l r over may be d.-n.a:. I.- I an i coll,-, le i for all ili-taio i s inch r lo iiii'i-m o ; cents for (.v. r I" I h - K:,v ' miles : and :: os :- all d i.-t a i . - over 2" an i ba.f rx.- tor jiasseng'". .- ovi r an l ir:d-. r 12 1 years ot age From and : . t . r V.- la y . 1 1 e first day ot Apiii. l-'.'l. n ci.aog. of freiglit . r p:.--,i .r d. pot -or il ..; statonis Iron, tl,, : nor t he sn-p en . tickets, or the " . : ing ot Ireigiits !!' lis,' tor h p. ii j milted !.'.:: ' com n '--ion i wit i i;t V. .'. ' :" lion .. ,'.. .a . :.l ot ,!-; i'iii: :.n.- the ralli'i a i on ; a' I inf. rii.a! ion n proper under-'..:, to Lo affect c t iht a -i.iin o.4l-. w. ! I"r a Ml ' ol a,l lute; Aa Air-SIii-i ;it 1 In 1 lx p-i-Ii ion. Frt-m i!.o L.tlf!).-;. k I ."i - rur. 1 'f her" is ti e p' s.-ibiiii that ni the : Baieigi. I ixp.'.- t n Iht ie will !...: ' hontcd a s 1 .ii i ii.- ci, ii' pi"b leiil of eolil I oi.d' e in : i ti I. tl ':.i! i.u . Iilld t l.ilt V !.-. 1 1 1 . I : ' In l; 1 1 I :tl 1 .. ot I he ' coi Hit ry will see lb m !:-: i i.i t d hi I ' .: e . their eves the ! t !;. t i n ..f ih- ie.i,- .lllill C'te'ltS I f l ll'l.e M I it I'f Sill- guine -xj eiiVit-i.ta! s.-it a;.! t-hiii latui.s i!.-o''i' li.ul mii'ipi. A: i anv rate. Mr N. ihlmer, inventt.i. id " Vol k. pi omir eS Ii.-. Midi II Ml, I . '..- l.a.- pet in inly ia-l.iet ii.i i, si , i.f.'en-' i to .hi: .d in aii' slop. W 1 IS to be ill llC il -it 111 j t! " tie j Ulclllfl of the o-.ti 'li, I i l,e v I hil'itcd within ti.e t -i. closed Hp ice tor i a considera! imi, of eo,n -o Il ei.tims 1 to have perfect coi.trui bo'h over the ascent ami dt'-ceiit of iim i.nii'ioiie j WI.Hht i 0 Miecttss us lis.unr.g ti i i sufc and ct 1 1 nil. i.avie ; lot, of tin- a., ' is olio uestio'i ; but it ceil duly vw.i : bn an iiitt i est ing t-c h m if,.- novi ',t. even if it bo nothing nin e i hun a h,it e ! toy. i Teiiilii" l':iest Fins. j Detuoi r. M t'li.. May 12th. A i-pi j rial to the N vvs f, i.u! Now ng go, Mich.. I says : "Fort st lilt s are ruling in this county. The villages of Olia. i Fields and Park City, have bet n n : ti; f ly drstioVf-ti and the hi lel and tin j pot at Lilley are all that renrrii nl I that villnoc. A grt ut iniiuber of cms : belonging to the Chicago - West I Michigan Biiilvvny have also bet n burned. The idmv p i.amed places art ' villages of about 3H popuhttiou t u b ! S i far no repoits of loss of life have ! reached here. Mangled liy a Mail Stallion. i M.vs. ' Crrv. 1" May n.- John Pen i field, a ; use imp oi lei of Clarion, was .leading two stallions through tin 'street when they began kicking and biting eae't other, l'enlield seized a club aud atfi-inptt d to separate them. 1 when one of the brutes grabbed him with his teeth. The horse woul ' not lelinqnibli his hold and bis I outh had to be pried open, l'o-.. - bl is I horribly mangled. No bot . ; i.j tertained of bis recovery. ! Weekly Weather Crop Hulletiu Of the N C. Ilxpeiiineut Station and Suite NVt atbt im i vice, cu oju r- 1 atiug with the U. S. Weather Bui rati, for the wctk ending Frid.iv, Jlav irftb, is:l. j Ci.Nrii.n. Offioi:, Bai i hih, N. C. I The weather dining the week cud ling 1'iid.iy, May S;h. i891, wa.- !. lenleiliv unf.ivondiie I'll th grow:! ! ol crops tiinf for (sua woik, aini ihe prosp. ct uio no! L'oud. Ihe i.trlv put of t be vv.i ;-: wa- w til m, with ol- l.l I -howi i - on the o h. which was foi i lowed by severe cul l weather with heavy fi oMs. i ll pi oti a. led oi he -.-ilia- pi. v. lile.l pl.o.liiig and eii.liv.t ing and r:k.-s t' o ctow.h ot oiop jveiv sl. ..v. l'lo.-I- eeeiliicl on ti e Olh. bill H"d Tt'.l. f. !! on t'.e li.h lie ' i:ig li e hc.M i.-r-l. I'ue only p u tn !iv 'of ii.o Sr-ile whi'ii iseaie.i ai e tin ; e.mnlii s -.long t : e. --I .I..1 ti.o ; -oiitl.oi n poi iiuii .-I ti.o 1 ti i n 1 'i , ; triit. The to-ii ,1 meg.' itporud is ci-.n-idci able. '! j1-. p oi- : b. ans. peas, o'e, v i..i:.-.i : c-U'-u was ii.j-.ned in il ' egid .r w-.y. ; ni - tly cm .w in' :-! ,', md or liel.U ' .-l.-ping towards :i N u lb. Jn -on c ; r':i' r co! "ii ii ' c ii'-" leplioiltd. .imp.-.- wi-re ci'i- ...'.! ibim.iii .!. but on the whvh i! is believed ll.-U . iijt.ef li nii o-ioaj t 1. and c !' ;;i - ci-tlly ii d ng -.: a-i-i b-oking veil. ' t Innh: li ;;'e;:t : V in in e ! of i -nm Tl "s plaining of to'o:e i-l.;t.ts pic'.i'i icd , oy diy'and cod v. '..:!.. r. Had in j.iu 1 crop.- I-' a coii-i .' ra'.'e' it.-,d i:i the s- 1.. ; n ; ! lion- oi t iie Fas - tt'M. Jitslliet. A Willi:'. C'pi-'IS lain I.- j.ii.n':y Ii. :.l d to i-ling i p clops : and ei able S o- n is lo ;e t lj ill fiio .' ii!'. n .1 :o :i ,iur phi!.' loliaeo". I 1 he v.. :i;i.' ' .i.-ricg It. I wtik w ill b. im.e!, .. b-it tbc.o is tn p.---p- ! t 'i ' i ;. '"i i a I ' a ' E ,-'.'i .:v I . -" .e r. Li,.'i:l nh(C.v-rs oe.'iiiii-! o .. o;- t'.i uliis, but it 1 veiy d.-y I a vou.a I .-in i-vci m. ieh i te, h i itu all e:op-, i -piCKthy Ii ,i, !,. I !.. trust t 'o i.-h d a far So il ti a-i i :i-soii connty. bill l.ot eg (he i-. -t-! ; li i ; ;t llv il .j'.i t 1 v. g ' p. as. j '... o, ... 1 -.i.- : s- ne- c.'ilu!. ,'.:o- i,o eti m i oV I hi.'t s. i t ' I :. I w .. I l:e d tin 1 . ' as l: j. . e .1 1:1 t I,... 1 1. ! 1 If!. Ii .d s'..:io'i o! i i l-y A o. 0.1...1 i: .11: ' oil - ; .,t,-i: ,.. .-. n i.a: . -. e :. :. i ; ; .. I I.. , .- i:..!t 1 : - Is" !! .: d ."0 ;:. !. ( '.!. l.avi i !.. . i. ).i:d i ' " i i ,. Toe i. -t - x t .. : !. .. ! ;' -..:.: He - - r. .in b.ii'.d.i'. -. tl :: :!: ii! 4 0' ! i: all I : il I :ki iv, but li oi .1 : c v in ' '.i liming' :'.. Ci". . :: 1 '-. . d ci - . I .. i i..-i !i !' ! : i.i.-.;,;w- -.a! e- Men. !:.- h. in, i 1 le; . : 1. ! , I i-.-l.i st- l!;:.t it wi I S.i t !. I W : .- w : i l a.r ' I . , . :., t . h.t. '.it o . t - a ;. v w t in r pi . . i t ' ! .11 ami t f m ' I 1. ii.,:-ji v. ..: ! by ihe I: iT'-O. ' i'l e lo'.'.. .1 '! 2d .1. i i-. i : . ; iiboiit ',.--.!. N D. I!.:- I '.It loo li on!.. ! o CO. i i ..-..t.iev-. W i i .- '.iii.i i ! c i'l 1 o ii ud V.'.l- he w. -t i .t. I VI- 'II, '. I.l.d 'e ..' '.en i-i-:;' f-ct ;- II. I .V I;. . .-,!. lo I. .;!- i'.d. tC..l! ..-id. ..ll.i. ; 1 ml- hull ! ill a,)... it .... y i.i i tin I'm D.. l...v i-i .i-t p:. . : t o i Sic ,-ol.i V.- . V ! .-.; il-ly i...t gi .lap. -. V. bieh :. . (. .'.!. n a- I i ! -,in c I ' I l.i- ! -!i el. 1 ." d I f. v...- i.t" il! " ' li: 11. J . P-,: C. T . :. Hum- . - or. A Word '.or .. .. .';:'j)dt!g:il.L I' A. Mel'..;:.: ii i lot- b. pl-ti- li.i.e 1 as l.avii g kiiied his uncle l :i on I 'elioiey I r .-.). 1 1"1 1 i II -I! ril !:eO I ': iiC- - e.i will' m '.- own eve- t he r.-'irii.ei policy !:'' o.ii'.e'. a ni it i . a h- payaido to .Margaret I'l t'.tiui-l.-y ...lei-oft noli- h.-red i:i!f .. iilni no o; e k now- et ;: n y "I lier i 1 1-lira lice f.'b, v on I if i'to i l I he dvc.i-cd. o thus I. lii- lirtht) gr.'Uii'l the charge Mclt.iug.dd hilled Cono l-y I'l' i ii -ii i .i in-.-. Mi I '"Ugnids tat In r -a v - I 'om dey first men l I I he in- U r.i n e Mil jet t to h' in. il ud Mcluii' did l.ot go lo Coin, i v and mid... a nroiiu-il inn lo have In- ' ofe in- nr.- i i. r hi- ben. I::. 'I'o t i i l l i ! a in pi ion id I "ieiy m.'. h' by a i i:t.- .n. do. it's il i.- in your pa pi r, aid m jii-l-ee lo -aid l A. Mi I'oilgaid. you will j :t use pub..-:, tin" and oiilige. Vuiirs iruiv. J. 'i lb s-v. ' La 'i rio on i N. C. -- A lteg'ilar Itacc for (Hilco. Cii i v. i . .:.!-. .iii:. Ii tl , May 7.--'n M lid iy his! i ecu 1 1', d l he city lift i- n ut W iviict I i.w u. Monlgoiiii iy eoiiii :y Win .'-iihiiih mid Frank lii- l ! iv til. tied lor I lie o'licti of : :t-i:r i , mi ii ot-'. I it in iii rei . ivii'.r H'-M V"l - : ft) tleeid' tin- tpl.-stioll a- to which , one sin. uid h ild i la oiVit'e, a font im e was In hi y i.-lei tit y b. ii thcln.i.. i be rai l was 1, huiidn d y ods d i-b, ami sevt nil thousand people hi ie on , the ground he; i ing t n I he outcome S.iuii.s t-t-i-iiif 1 ii 'ine vviiiti l ii is I i I bn ilrijptd and fin vvht ii within three (f the goal. Iloilowell fill (ivtrbim. but ciHvvliiigt ir the lino, i ivon tl.o nice i.mi I howls mi l eh. is of li e crowd. Ilullowi-ll wiib tb ly bw. i'U iu I fit eveiii'iL'. ' Ctillivalo Bliic'i.berrics. W. r. Vii.-tt-y, Hoiil.-mtiirl-l. N. C. K.x. Staiten. The wild bin. I; bellies are so plenti ful lllid good in Il.Obl. inlts of the country t'.o.t f.uiiitrs do not take re-.dily to the idea of cedtivatit g them. Wiien tuiei. tliey I'e.ide the i cp.-ri oi ity of a fine culiivuted icm t this notion soon viiniln-s '1 hero are iieiny n un' d ,-u! I - el':'- i . d By inirnny me:l. l"!l llltie ll,-' few M-cliom- of the com.tiv v i.i re there cannot he found wi'.! pho.ts of siipeiior t xei I Muk t'.icia' superior soils in f.'iit this Mimmer, ami n.'xt f .11 dig il.eiil lii uilb all their roots. Cut the I 'i g roots i:i pieces ll.ico; u.cht s ! ng. uid plan' t hem in rows.' fiie i vi.. wing st ason thiy wi'l imiki" line p. il.!.-. all 1 givt- :l good Crop of ' I.U:! '.to : i ing sea-. in. if plant; d at ! ho p: -per .!'-o:i! i o a first. But I the e.-mil i Ian is to gmw the plaids : from ti.e l .oi c.oiii: . in o't'st' io.vs j tilt' !::.-! se:' op. if., I (hell 1 1 nnsplaut , !' a pel ie. mi i;l hi'.ilioti -i by six j I.i "out. I';i. H i. rn'iis l i sialics.j in : j inch the t'j - v. li.-n about, four' .'fi t hu';.'. to canst' tin ni to brunch. ! !"he ! wii'liv sn. Is ln'-t vvhel: ' aiiowed I- tin'! on ;!" n'!-i 1'atal Mi.i.Ciii: A i!V:;y. T.oi i-M!.' r. Ky . M v 11 - A l'os- speoi.;! fi. -in Ml. ti!."i', Ky , s.iys: Ncir V.'.l he. ihis ei e:nl v. -.e-telllV lii'leri:..: n (J .-.).-.;. I'mjoi shot his j e.i.i.-!'-, ii-oi..., 1 1 ,i -. e-, loice Unas. fiOiu v. I l -ii the lat!' l ill.- I ihi- liio: ti- ' ing. Tie laiii.-.- i :. 1 I-." '., ut ouis i'l', 1 tl.C S' I t i iot'lit :.!. e.l! S !ii. eol '.l. : '.Vi I'll lot ! la bnii ad- j Vrt'lf. .1 on. and v. :.s i'.lt.l- ilo (5 I'go, ! ami lu-iiie a th ine!: -; ra' :ou u- it io .ii'iiiv n i 'i.:iii. A lin' wa- iii. d inn! 1 i'lill! lei. t o li e ;!!.!!! d .'.lid i.r-." it'ltl , nil :i::e.'d e.p ii Cic !;.. .-ay in.", "You j ii.lVt I. I I- ii ed Hit V' I " ' An t' tr -. ; f liowei ami Tom wi" t down 'i'. a i t'.gai'i b.e Muse I'.iiii lie . n'.ai!;. "Yo,i I .tviii'l got' nu- . i I ;: ni a .v:ir..-t . :. r.iiimiiu i '.J. oi.-.' ill. !! .:, ti.e i , u e. when tb. .-:!- t il: a p o ! in:.' si 't a- bo ran d'h.- .-'..ot tool. , .Vcci. T.v.. !...:: i lets 1 '!; o,-.l I.u. i ..w.-ls mid o;-.. 1 ,:.,.! i-:i'. 1 1 . i : i i.i s' . i ii- I g- . t-iy.-s -ililen i. : ! iy. 1 he dea l man .1 a. a v.-.!e o . i.i-. e ( eg, IVt ii'.i :i I lc, aid i hi Sli'.f'.s. ! t'is. .:.- v:-. M .v t'on.-f hold-' a'.ot.-t i.:i- ."! i'i i i I'l. iilnlivr !!e'.i't-, lie,! o! 1 .-' l c:l V li il'.. i.i eii iitil i, . l.ii i . i. 1 io i i lie- i l 1 ytai'. '; V. 1 :. .' i. .'li: - I . el:, d -i 1 oli ; W i . -u- !. ! he vv-.:,.. i: V. !.. i re s'. i on It. lit li.. ;oo;;i:l .:e ie.-oiv. d I i acl. At s i. in Mr- Ta; 1 h i: a; ; nr-; i d oil the cm i' a:, i .-! ( d !U!o llle i .-iie- t vai-.'.!i" a hiooni ll w.-ts a; sioil .;:: i ll. -tin ' " I ! i.;1! i;o- WO lll n ii:d el i d' ' o :.'e I o.:t vv th . bi'ot.iu.t. In- s. in',, s i i i . ':! ar - i nc. -t. S i .:i the m;- v..:s f .'! ..f tlii-t r.ild til; .vo-i. ;.;-:.: 1 vio: . y. I.i I! il ly loi'i'it"- tl .-re v i if i i ' - i.i 'ill! .:'.! dioiit. an 1 in. ; avin:r o. tlie lit. I O' " .:. lo sl.o . !..ii..,i;, h. tie . n. ..i.'o ; -. ' i i, 1 i.- In nil hour :ei . i - . i ' ;, : I t y c : t. N'. I -..i-.'.. i v i'i. el. . ll :. -!i. . t ti t no .:, : : :. a ! :o ! .; i! e f. :i: : . : s. 1 i. r o. !'..- .'.'. ti:- L'.tr.l "1 .'-! .lei n ',!.,. d-d ir'io fa .-..,:..l Mini .. .1.11. o io ; o-es. !';.t:.l ! -lifvt l-'iifs. M ' -.:-. ..I'l. -!.st!iie!ivo foil -I i ' ' - 1 : V ' I :'v f ir li e ; :-i I i ', it: I i'W VS.'lll !,; v t'-.tir ho ii, Ic.l.v I , .. tc ire haei" r i i:lt:.'l:.-d. (.'..n. 1- ill ..of l!..!V:.!o Wi he Mi - I d.I a vv.i: 1. t.' .iii .' !.!( S ll llt tl lV W . l-'I.'l .1 -.:. I ".is '.. e e I ', lie ii l..:.l : o'.viy T i ol i i ii e 1 -.1, i 1 1 or 'I.i:', mi : a: r. ; : ': i ten i sl : if i or ! ;'.v I : h I l.e !-;. no a .e.-ne .''.. a! S, :!''. ill- - I. e. ,h'l. I ol iheMil- heii...' V ii 1:. :': :d a- 1 ! 1 : i u oi i -ni oih.-i - ! in - -in io d "I i 1 ..-.:'.: t 1. iv.- i ei i-io 1 in li.- 1 -V-. Wit limit l.'.o) i'.ir Lis ii'itirs. !',. I-':: -.-.' :--,,. M.;y 7 ---TI..' -h-.-p. I' on'"-', v. I.h .1 h.'.'.iu a week a.' i v.i'h I vv.-.ity :'. lie-', i". del in V. t '. Y. o iioi-.l, I l . only contest VVo-.ii rell-.ti'.' i .llVii!.". .eilli '' V-1'." ,;.:.;';,',i',V(:,,.;Vl-eon td'".. !or''i":.- iio'm's'ai'.lVs1 mini.'--, and' when tinaily ..hli.'.-d 1 I v the n, liy !h" .hy - ' inn in -hii : r ot fo- j en. iii'' il niMiiae. lie I io,e Ihe I ret . i-.j ot 111 lioiiis and - luiioi:? t.-l i, I , . , '.. ,., t i..ii...;t U ',..., I , lord i-'i-eived'Hoo, and. lack-.. i, and Ifi. ri-. who iv.i-.a i,ed ..iviili, nvir ... ... . ii '.Hi li'oii -. .el ami .-a. I t-.-jiecu v eiy. : i Inili.oii a-, llciiiiliir Si.lilii-rs. '. i ,:,. May - -.J,,., U,.ryl roi l asii-ih ii'. ii-hiiiL'lon, ;.:i-s.-l t lifilloil ( 'iiiciit.'o i .-lerdliV ; mi i.i- wav Toe ' 'a)' lain or-i :;au i.- d on" ot t h ri.dian coin panics : !csi ie-' I I v Secretary 1'ioeior to; i t-e. .ine re" el i r .:l-niv soldier. lit'.; s i'd ii u a- her diili -ult to teach iht- J nd in ii to he a .-"Idler, i Ii.i- m lieh ' a-lew nl I hen: t a:, iiiider.-laiid I -7 1 i" h-h. and 'ii-eipiiiie does not meet Willi that heal IV aeet -pt n l.eo iiinon' Iheill that loretellt slicies. How ever the scheme ivn- only an expo-' i iiii. iil.aii'l had not l.een t hor.nuhly iried. and uiiodit i:i time prove a liiliiil liy ii t .il'-. Iiitt. 1. : i! - U' A'k ' ii ''' - A o-.t ,i ' , ,;, I,. J. i '. II..-' Old' . I. ho !:-.- :.i-.i ?.'; r. i t I wiih Py-diopho' ei on I ! :y hot li t !:' ol .: iii !' id i .'.. i n. a ley . f in f y. us. A - i-i " " .' I' I hi-I I i I ho vv.uiii ! mid ! i n hoy f' -I mi. d lo Ii" all ii"'d on-il 't- t' iday. wi.. ,, i etc. nil'! ill t I :' ! li" " o I ..I .u il h. ,ii to (oi !, i 'ip-idiy. 'id e th i tor si- - I... i -i'i-.' t eovi r. (1 u.liitoi.e is said lo be neiioiisly IIS ISSHIM fill If III! Mil 't'i' no v.- I;;ivi tho siock that i Ms the expectations ami gti'iiiios (in- lasies. I'm-is aini liviin-.-i convince all comers thai wo olii'r tin- ojijioiitii it v ol'ilu' .i-iij-on IN SMS, PRICES. PUN 10 fllTIT, o ef a o obn 1 1 CU3 FRICES LOW!!! F.Vl'm' I 'KPAK rn i:x r it i.l of nkw NOVKLTIKS! xi.-jzz .i.3-zi-T3 srcL7 seek: WILL Gi FCUWD A!ViOG CUf? fviV AND STYLISH mix r Do D'i, .vvoauo.vv:-,, J...V.7.' y, ?noi-:. '.' -. I7-.7; yhody, HATS for M, u. Lnlie- ai d Chihlri n. 111'. A I ) Y M A I M CLOTH INll to fit uny one, riTi.NLSIilNi; (iODJlS. in d any tiling you wish. A hii,' stock to he turned tjuiel;. on elos.' iiiiirpius. Y. ii j vvl o I t -uvv what u liaioaiu i.-. come iu, Lu ir.g the money and ' w li, sill pi l.-e on ut Apii! I'l. lS'.U. i'iAA' AX!) OIKJAN.S. OI.F. P Wil& .! I 1 .1.1 I-.". '.'; .v 1 i" i . I ' ' -i:;m;.a!.i.", --i i T i , i 1 1 . ij. i It i.L'e;t.'l l.i.d I ic-.J - lU.d e;.l iy t i i Iii idl i't : li civ. Ai-o li! e ill I MIS. VICLINS. -A..i(;S. ,..'., AC. 1'ii.fs the !.-. c.-t B-..1 i vi v i; st 1 1 ii i :! 'i:a. aiiin d We f.uT frtichts aid j .t Tses-viz f.rr,.?rr. wivzic cc, to. 1.1, S .-.)... I'. (. SION'', ft Hnnper, .'.I l.l.l G II, N. C. II. Ys A Ii L EIJ, Tv T T i- - T ?. T '1 i"i ' J - 1- J '- -'! i. - , 1 O. Visk'hes, JcMveh'y, Dlasuoiids, STEUI.iSd I 17.'.'. .t. .''. I7A' 7..1 ITU ir.illLS, ( L(lt KN, !;i50Ni:-i and N(it 1 LTii-.S KOI! I .'IK TALL TUADR. A Sri't iAI.T'i any if .-i;,!i. i oi We i i: J . ol 1 1 i 1 Watches ojicI Jcwclt) Froir.ptiy Carefully Ropalred Fee. U .. I."''. MA MlJlH,; ni:w (;H)i)s: -j sr t r R " " ' v' W v C 1 1 i:. C j. t e .t iwj i 1 i.i Malo- iiin S, 1 1 i ! ,-, Ci R T) A -f E t vt r i .v C0HFEGTI0KEBIE3, CIlOl'KJ-M'tV, CAMMED CCCD3,'aH Kinds of LllJJU-.l'iforfinlenttha F-ITTSCORO SHUTTLE MILL TCCClCCO, W-' ThPR-nARniHG tM:,a:,ce 1 1 1, u o a t . ally 1. . r.Vr - 9 v A'j 1 T T , rrl LaiTC iiOL Ol OUUUS. a I'll). UC. 1S!H. - J BlTCCt T?iX Nil Oil M in 1866 saa 1E67 EeKiEttcd. JAMES 0. KASCH, Attcm:y at X-a"Tr, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, Will'.eet li is ta for " ClM'.- nil the l l i mi. S.-iul voiii- Kef i t to him. ll l"-t. vvilie idlii tin- I'i;oIh. 15 -t l"f' HM'i . oiVl n. Apiil 1MH. yJ- I vU) nr. ts . ' -.1.1-1 liiAri,.. m I' :.j.:i r , i n'i--" .'';.-,.M...'..1".', ''. '' . ron si.f iy 13. IP. THOMAS,, N. c 3M w iiA Ii ', 'Al.i. M.v N '. -;. 1 M i : . ; !.", r.La Hew ncme km Kacliines. l.'i - ;: a ie to order in i ii 1 t a I'liient rinj,' card. s.i- i - vi. ldoOclas 4- T". S R tf-K. t" mil t.tlur unrrUil- I-. " ir J'J (L fe o, - f..r iitmilmin.. V- WI lWJ l.'.vilc..iinirtf. 1C..I.-1. i i..i r. I ..:i Ih.ii.uii. Ad.truM V. .. I..V-, Ii.kL.hiu, .Hint., bold fay 7. Li L8ND0N. LUMBER! ( Qljg HD FLOORING, !' i '.v' i avii Iv.ii.n- I'ltn ii. or uoroo. ....! Cei'-inrf an.l noorii.fflraay ui oniy ?i.:iirm.w.fc 3. L-Tcc:nt Jr. .Sejit. d, hWX Cm -I..V-, IU..1 Tr!f -Marks o!nliil. and all PM ria l..i iiii-i-ii c iii!ut-it-tl fur modcratc Fees. Oun Orntt IS Ot-POSITC U S. fTCT Off ICC kiid ii i' ic. - -i-'irii .a iii In 1cm time tM Inof lt-::i,'l.. I ln- .if .-l .11. Sli.J i.hi.I.-I ilisiu.i. or iihntn., with AMCttyr linn. Wc ud.:-. ii ruli'iiuiilf nr no1 free at cimTf. Our iff ii..' due lill ralnii U wcured. A F'AMFHLtT, "11.. Ii.ol.eiiii ralcnu," wit ii u ii i' '( t f a. -itul ci . in iu y.iur Utatu, euuiJl, a t.i.iu, nui fri-u. A'lates, Cl-F. PAT CM O' .ICC. WASHINOTON. D. C. C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Conilonscd Schedule. In tlVt-ft Apiil li), 1891. Mil V lAi-HT SI SIVW. I ruin iVlug fouitt .. . N ' m ,r v c ... . i VI a 11 k I'aAaecger. c. . II, I If. i . : . m. .r.'.-,o.l...l.i, l " lu1. Ali o,' .'. " '"" , " A,!'- vv r Mir, l'rc'1 I'm ii-- si-i l.