eccrr. THURSDAY, J UN :: 25, lb'Jl. LOCAL RECORDS. ARRIVALS and ftKCAKTl ttl.Sof MAILS mu.boroiieh m Wl-.r i.Hy. via K.vui.r, Klmi- lt..u mnl Ht. Lnwreiitf H tini.H h U: Tu.'.-.Ih)-, Hiumlay, balui'Uy. Lnnv.-H 11 u. iu-; uriivue 1.00 i. m. tlilurui:li Ui Ono Ciwk, vln Iln.ll.-y'ii Mills tint flui'k 3 UmrH a Kirk: Tiiiviiliiy, Tlium tfay. Hniurilny. Li-ii 0 n. in. ; nrrivm. 0 p. in. PttbiDuniugb l.i Hin mil, vln li.niuin.iiii, .vtnwm.,1 Huit IUvm' 1.'Iiiim-I 3 lln.ti a wi-i-k : Tnns-liiy, 1 taaiwiay, Haiurili. Lutivce 6 ... m.: uri ivtw ii p. to. HUiUiniU((li UiCIibwI Hill, via ltymini. Il.-nKnoy Mil HIkkIh hiii-o 3 ilmi'H a tii-i-ii : Tti.-y'tiiy, TkuroUuy, Shiiu Uy. aitivih 1j in : Iwiv.-s 1 n. m. MunliorouKli lu Raxnpnlmw. via Uw-. I'linstir, Hmiinlnl, . Li-mil iiuil l.n-y i Ilium u : luotHluy auU triauy. Luuvvu 5 a m : airivui I.Mp. in. tUUU4-i.uli InOutf. via IV.1h'. TywirV Mllh, IVOIar'o lllll 'i llllint a Winn : TilOMlay auil t ri day. loav.isCa. in.i arrlviw "i l in. Kll liooal Miilla: I.-uvo IMil k. in. K"lng ui.rih, atrlii-ll. 10 h. .moi'Uili, leniv li. m..g,.lii( wiuih; arrive 6.6:. p. in. If 'in unrili. SCHEDULE riTTSBOnO' It. It Ttaa paaunugcr train nu tlio l liUitNir '' r Itavea fltiaUiro' dally, t'liriil Sun.uj.-. . m. and .30 i, ni.t autJ arrlvin at liu.' Jl.lua. ni., and ii M , in., iiMkltiE 'i,.i-1 Uoo at Mtiucuro Willi Hie triUim mi Uii l & It. U. guiug m ami orulnt:fiiiin luilvlxli, l iitd.irt r J8 riuro to list your taxables, Mr Tlio days will now ueyin to grow (shorter. I6ylf volt w ant a i,iHil.'uii(' suit i of clothes at u low price, pi to Mc Iverri, .Saulord, N. C. Deff' Milk shakes, wateriuelnns, ice, bananas, oranges, Ac for sale at John li. Council's limhci shop. W Several men can pet employ nient witti ood waps at, the l'ilis bjro' Suuttlo Mill. Apply at once. P.. i .1 I li 1- ,,. ' tar Ti t- i In. i.... i.1...... ...;i i.i ;.. eia i i ti 1 1 if ni f i i ii 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i in. M. i i ii i lhi8 Jul, lor sale by, O. S. I'oe A ! ' " 1 Son. MirTho t.'laiiuuuls to the I'Mw ards ittato will meet at Moon's chapel next Monday, tlio I It , instead ol IhhI Motiil.'iv ns i neorrt'el I v Mluled lu our IhhI issue. " . . ! tOr Thi) first cotton blooms that j wo hnve seen this year were sent to! the Km ultii, on last TutH lay, b Mr j .1 l. Mooro, nit ape rear township., whosays that he has plenty ol iheln. i Tickets at reilueed rates will bo sold at this place oil the lird and 4tb tit July to r.ny station on any road ol tho Seaboard Air I.i 1,0 Sys tem and bo good returning until the titli inclusive, l-'-il- instance, Iron hero to Bulcigh and return SI f-0. Mir About two weeks ao Mr. Goorgo Billiard, of tiulf township, shot his gun and tho breech pm blow out, and, striking him 011 tiie forehead, fractured tho skull. It was thought at first that be would tlio, but at last accounts ho was gel ling well. Having taken tho agency "I fan Ik nor, Kcllani A Moon's ecluhra tail Crystal Lenses. W. L. London ti Son can now furnish you with the best Spectacles and Kvo (ilassws made. Can suit any one's eyes, as ; they have a very large slock on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed or money retunded. BSjySave your money! W. L London & Son have just joirchasc i Irum a drummer his notion samples, consisting of towels, handkerchief', gloves, lans, cravats, men's, halt hose, ladies' and children's hose, men's and ladies' gauze shirts, outing shir Ac, which they sell cheaper than you ever heard ot for tlio cash. - -- BfflyOu last I uesilav while two j nogro men wore cbojijnng cotton on the plantation ol .Mr. (i 1. Alston, in Hickory Mountain township, ihoy got into a iuarrt-I, ami one ol them (Miles Brewer) struck the other (Sam Fuhanks) on tho head with a hoc and fractured his skull. Br. W. B. Headed visited the wounded man that night, and yesterday reported his condition as being very critical. Brewer lied as soon us he struck, Fkiisonal, Itksis. Among the last arrivals of mi tinner visitors to this p'acc are Ml. Joseph II. F-uiory rnd sou, of Charlotte: Miss Muggi- L Haugliton, of Asheville : Miss Mary Lou Brown, of Clinton: and Mrs It. W. Thompson, ol Ilalcig'. Miss Sally V. Thompson returned homo yesterday irom a visit to Jack son Springs. Mr. Thomas F. Bush has returned home Irom tho Bavotucrolt School, at Asheville, to spond bis vacation. The Lank Tax. The personsen titled to il will soon be paid the direct land tax which was cullected by the Foderal government just after the war, and which by act ot the last Congress is to he refunded. A list will be sent, in a lew clays, to the Clerk ot tho Miperior court, giv ing tho names of the persons in Chatham who paid this lax ami the amount paid by each. As soon as , tho list is received here, which may ha nexL week, tho KecoKD will pub i:i. i. (,... tl... i iii .,i- il,.,,. w hom li il for the hi it ma- concern -p.,. n i ).,,. i'.,....,n.. hiivn ab ut hashed harvesting! heir W'lieu: and oat, aixS will now wage war with nil their might against "(Jen oral Green", who has nearly over-j run their corn and cotton. Wo hear,' conflicting reports about the wheat j crop o this coiinty Some persons ; others say that it is about two thirds of a crop While there was not as much wheat sowed last tall as usual, yot tlio yield is generally good and tho grain well beaded and of good nualily. Tho oat crop is belter than the w heat and w ill help greatly in feeding stock. Both wheal and oats arc much bvttcr than last year. I A liVITI.E JKOCl!!KI. l loilf j ago, when the county sitpci intend i lit of public instruction ot a certain I coutil in this Stale, was examining I some applicants lor teachers oerlill- j elites, ho asked olio of them to write a description of tlio Battle ot (iuib I lord Court House. 1 hereupon the ' applicant wrote and handed lo I ho , supei intciiueni i lie lunow .n ... . t . . . . .i . i n deiliil production "They loulil on the water one (of cup) thought that the other had jjain but the commander of one ship sent bis men to the lower deck anil then the other came over to take the other one and the men ol other killed them with swords." Alter rendiiiir this the superin tendenl asked which side whipped, and tin; applicant promptly answer ed "Tlio other one whipped"! The above is a true incident that really occurred not lar from the centre ol Morlh Carolina. Chatham's 1'ost (ifKicEs. Han Inlpii is Iht! only county in North : Carolina that has more post offices than Chatham htm. In Knndolplt there are 72 and in Chatham there are till, and tlio hdlowing is a list ol them : Ascend, Beaumont, Bellevoir, Boa, Bray ville, Brush Creek, Bryant, By n ti :u, Calie Creek, ( 'oi'inlli, I'lietic.iT, IC.iypt lepot, Kim t i rove, Kvans, Fall Creek, ' a loon, tinll'. Lock vi'dc, Ma nu'lalf, Merry Oaks, M ili woud, Mom lire, Mill Lick, Nero, Ore Hill, Os-ood, I'atinos, Pedlar s Hill, lVeples, riltsbolo". 1'llK k, I'rovilcnce, liialto. l.'ii I. nioud, 1 Ii iei ic, l.'iUL'sliec's Store, Bives" Chalicl, St I.ilWI'ellet', Sandy Crove, SilerCiiy, Silk Hope, i, Simmon ' i rove, Sy I rosier, Truth, Tvsor's Mill. W'illiaiiis Mill, Worn ble. toldst'ill, Mioiii 1 i c. ,. ; 'T"f;. 1 1 nu e, Cud. Hat V. ll.nbt v Harper MilU, X ltoa: ! I lav wo Kiinholton, l.ainhsville, Bcw ood, I, cola l .ir Urn fcKO. Ii. . iniiiuin ....... .,.1 . I'll rslioao', .1 line 1 J!n, KlUIolt: 0.1 Wcliicsdav even iht:. Jiiiiu I7lh, Mr. J. Millard Tur- tier, one ot the most talented young j men of Wake county, was married j lo .Mis Mary Alwater, t tie beaut ilul j and aeon m 1 lished dauL'hter of M r ' I 1-1. i in 11 1 1 il illwaier, o this county. I a ti lie bill fur ciiminnl libel nc.iinsl , which a negro na ind Bunou j The cci ioiiony was perioriiicl at the j Bv. .1. Wiley Hi!!, f Og len. Club. ! his throat cut bv a m -10 d-: iperado j resilience ol the bride's lather by j The oP.euso is writ intr and publishing I naiuitd John Wilson. '1 ho gnsii ex ! Kcv. L. I.. Johnson ot Haw Biver defamatory htti is clmrgii'tr ci iiniual j extended almost, ear to ear. j circuit. Tiie attendants were M r.i conduct upon i;PV ynlli Small in con- j Burton live,! until ti o'clock yestei d iy (Toiii Turner, of Wake county, and j nection with the funds of thf Utah : evening, w hen he died. : Miss S.jphi'oiiiii Atwatcr, the bride's 1 I'niversii v. Hid having failed toj : Mountain N'c.-s : A ni j sister j Mr. James B. Atwaler, ol make good any clinrge a:;aitifit B v. J v(.,i(. ' H,,' ,,f ,),,.. s Lewis, on 'Chatham couulv, and Miss Sudio I Sain Small in tlio recent Metboilist .. . 1, i,v iit't,.. ! Edam ndson, of.) i.slon county; Mr. j i U an t Leach, ol Johnston county, ; I .Miss Cornelia W. Bytitim. ol j ithr.m counts, and Miss Ki ty ! i a mi iChathr.m counts, ami Miss Ki'tv I Young, ol Johnston count v, and Mr ! I j nest r. Hyiiiim,n! Chatham. L'hc ocens was highly cnjoyatilo lo evrryuiio uml me pte euis 10 me briue were both numerous and ele gant. Tho following day the bridal party, al'ti r riding i.eai iy foi ty miles through the country, arrive. I at the groom's Inline where a iat'g" lulu, her oifriehds and relatives had ass bled to welcome the newly Wedded bri lij. A tier ivs!i"g over Friday ivc ii'iiictaiil ' v tiirio'l our laces hoinew ard leavin 'hill Us the I happy young couple, an I the third j young iady lli.-U t hall. am has lur jhished tin- this section ot tl.o State ii) tliu last low years Attics pan r. K.-r ihe KntXiHU- l.t'tlot- on I'.xtiTnit's. Simmon littovr., N. ('., J line 2.'!, l'.ll. Fhl toll: Sineo my letter Mil. some ol my neighbors have subseri i i . .. .),.. l I ii' I ... ocu ioi mu in.."... oo . ,. in.i.... l.i- llui ii ,vi.-le .,l olli. -iw lo ol corn ami cotton this season is almost an impossibility. Harvest is nearly over and wheat much better than was expected a tew tlays ago. Now, I set out to say something , about cxlrmiies and I don't want lo forget my subject. Yes, we moot a laruioi's "boy iu the road with the ' brill) o his hat so wide that wo must ride out to one si do in order that we fs" puss Th. -ii -. i. ic I the tin. In with the brim so narrow it will not suauo t- euiow s II s that are ah.e . tress as hue as nicy can uul ih.w.i Hint i-.i-.t iiooc ib-.-ss as tine as they are able and perhaps more so 'rhei-.ifoi-e il is exii-i-int s both ways 1 Jlen too get on extremes. At col- tain seasons of the year they have good business hut in .1 line there is not. enough money given in in our township lo buy ice cream for the comtneiicoinci.t. I don t say he ; men swear to lies but the devil or : some' bing else makes them swear j mighty -n.'Ai 7. Yes. one old larmer ; counts up his plows, pels, straw i bods flashed with a few feathers, j and a lew other oh! time things and I gives in ;,.i over the exemption Well, ho is on the. extreme ; but how about the others who live in lino J" -s." J . read it some others might to sub .shore. scribe, but then U is that inuchi "" ' TT""" . saved to ,10 o,: Peculiar U atpr. 1 have come to the com lusion For.T Donnr. In . June 1 '.. - -.Tnrpli that we are living in a day of ox j Meveers. while digging a wi ll nn his ircuies. And white many "relorms ! farm, two miles from Sexton, struck are being agitated thrmighoiil the I a flow of water at a depth of I'M feet, country this one should not bo over ; The li.pii. I at fust elear. but looked. In tl.e first place the woath- epiicklv changed lo a milkv white, er is loo cold or too hot. too wet or , It looked and tnsled like milk, and too dry. 1 w ill not say the weather ! Meyors fud it lol ishogn, which d;-nn'c is on tho extremis but 1 do say the ': if with avidity. Chemists say that tho rain has caused the farmers to gel fluid it not lime water, but are unable extremely iu ll.e grass. A full cro to explain just what it is houses Wo thai is lii ! and l.iaiu lillod wiili ovcrv thing! lu rethor witli o.'guns :-l sa s i'25 w ill do me.i i He i- II ill.' c.l IVI..O, ton. Some I lines I tl.tiil; our I.ig.isia- i Inro tried to got on tho oxlrou.e. j They slopped tlio railroads Irom j giving the judges passes lo ride and I said let the people pay it. Yes, thev even thniiirhl (! the Clerk of ! sclioii commUtee, ami said one ilul I , ' . , . i uir a year win too ninen ami innu,, .. ... l . i.i,, i,...,, it off. 1 hut m what hurtu uie. but . .. , ,, ' ., ,,i ,i, w,, , , .. , est railroad in H"' wciM, tl,i i! it is not too much to allow one anil-: . . ., . . wi., i, ,i it . , . ., a , . i . liilliL'toil v Mie liad Ilit i ml dol are a week to those who!. . , , i ,-, .! i n , ,, . , ... , .,. ,, dontresi. plitiil; i -.ti I m toe v.o: d, tl.e attend the teachers Institute. Well, H ,. . i:,,..,.i. i ,. . ., ... , i r nvpttoville A .Mi. An : unit now sl.e 1 "tics Congress set the exair pie. . ; , ,, , , , , i. , spent and appropriated enough, money lo have paid one liana to i work on the iarni sixty dollars an i hour since the Declaration ol Inde pendence. So 1 put that down as beiiiL,' a little on the extreme. Now, I want lo say a word to our magistrates who 1 believe to be all riijht men, but some extremely ne lijUeiit. never having been known to be at l'itlsboro at u incctin except when they went to pet tlio lax list. I think they oupht to nttend or sipn. les, go una see how innl the public roads are and inuybo you will to able to vote with the filteen that made an appropriation of seventy live doliais lo build a bridge ai.d seven huiiilred and twenty five dol lars to worii I ii w road so ihe pcoji'.e jeiingetto it. I have always ueeii in llavor ot working the roails liv tax ation and il all sixty ol our magis trates wiil go nexl time I think we can m't an appropriation to lill up a few holts between Siler City and I'ittsboro or an order to cut a new road. Mr. I'M 1 tor. I am not criticisin but writing ot the extremes, and il I loien mis..MinisiM!l,.il miv i.aitv il is uiiinlulilional, but 1 musi !nso or! you will si y thii letter is e.Mremely i,,,, li, - . ...- ... - j Convicts Shot. ! Ciia 1 tanooa, Jiirit! 'J'2. A Pjicei tl to the Time fioui Cole City, On.. 'tvs: ''Seven convicts at Cuiu Citv 1 atteuipteil b t seaje from tl.e stock 'ade this morning. One of them. I niiiucd Largel! was killed, and I'aliner. (white. 1 and Jncks.m, (eoluip.l.) were wounded fatailv. They were ad I ariiiod. haviig overpowered fin guard I (,, t10 briiiie whil" th" !nne w! and sseured t heir guns, and in the rearing, mid il l'"il ov, r l ncl;w ltds. liyht killed 1'at Jtowlai.d and Lu li , Liniyii? l.i. niol.-.-i1. i ic was : j 11 It 1:11 kin. tru-inls, and woiindtd 'aj- : seriously and lir.;. to 1 rind I in I tatn Moielaiid, the foreiu.1.1 seriously. 1 I'l hree ol tho convicts escaped, hut 1 ! one has been nip lured. Those sit ; la: go are negroes. "7 " . j Sam Sltiall s SlitUtlfr Nil M. j l'mi.'.i n ris; , l'a . Junfl 22. The ; trrand iurv in t his citv lodav returned : Confi'rt nce investigation tf Mr. ! Small's olVcial enrrer. the latter now j seeks lo bring Ids accuser beforo the I ct imina! court. i A Young Murderer. P.MtKi t.srit r.i:, W. Y11.. .Tunc 22. Clarence N'rw, a l ov of IS rem s of 11 go, who Ville. I pis f'iSlirr when oi ly I i years old. Killed Charles Skidieore. lov if lo. fit Riverside. 1'iid'iv iiif'lit. New hr.d 1 ltd n ouart!l with a bov leime 1 Ditsnn and after thv 1 ad been s'epat -lteil n short line N ov sl i.ltedont lo llml Ditsoi" with t ll intention of killing him. Ho mistook ;C,lll:iri' tor I'itsoll ll'lil. srepUH !) b. hin.l him, criishe 1 his si u'.l w itli n loaded whip N'.w has fled A Tornado. Omi;o, 111.. June 21 A tcrnado this nftemooii unroofed a groat many houses, lore ti trt fts bv the roofs. blew- cars off tho railroad (rck and knocked a'! the telrgrnpli wires down. L. M. Lass, of the ib trick bout, was blown from the bank across tho river j oe, to the Buiut ear. Ihe lei rvhoat jOwvnn. from rudueidi. will) an e 1 n, .v..!, ,ii o-iilt- f. . f'nirn t;isl liin.lin.r ....... tens llitjwil over to uoj ivt-okiui i Klllftl hy Lilitiiinir. r.-iten won 1. one Colt'Mlitv. S. (' . .Time 22 --Ab-uit the duo to the m l.ulf tvnul nne n'chiel; trsler-hiv (I d- i Mr. Jan)"- Saleil' n e-l,nir.,ru nn ,1,1 m',nriA I, .nil tvi.ul killed by lightning Ihe riislern (inburbs of the citv. Chaflors was tandiiig soino .lialnnoet from tho dom-wuv of his house ami waft in-. stantly killed while, a woman inside ho building was not Pf:ni"ly injur- ...1 ..Ithoiorh llm boiisrt sn inter-I ; i Tho Texas Sate Treasury contains! ' a surplus of S2.tMH).0lt0. j m,,.;o-.T IV ir.mler. nf T r.ncnsler. 1 c r..i.i.. ..:..i. ,,,.,,1 ,. ),;i ,.,ll0d John Polk, alias Foe, m , i1M.leubuvg ootmt y, on chin go of Lancaster 20 s : " ,,..".:,.,,.:,. fl( i.',.,.diran.l 1 J ,Mmah(01. M, , , , ", 0 i 1 1 o. . r.4.,.iv,.., , . .sf Otlice Ih-Pai tnient. Mr. Kelly lias been Postmaster at Ct-iitrerille filly I wo years, ot i Senator Culoom, of Illinois, a. Iniil himself a candidate f. r tlio Beptibh . can Presidential nomination in 1S'.)2. lie Mi.s the tariff wi bo tho p'omi lient issue, and that MeKililc will : tuioly viu Ohio. State Mews. Monrco l-'t-p r.:::i w.i. ii. 11. i.i, tin ii dor a fiw ! Jill,, ib'.i.g'iie! "I .1., , of Monroe tiowishi,'. was l.nttn .-n I tho foot by a sprt ading adder a f!tv days ago. SI.m huIVch-i! ,'( ally for n w.hilo but copious ii.. nights ot lii remedy used i'mm time iiumeniorial brought her thuiuuh all l i;:lit ' , . , Xr i Ititlciuli . w 1 Obst i vi r: N'oslli , ,, , A,uu,;,. , ltntheiford. a ttist ant c of 11 miles. Dm ham S in received iu J' n' fnfo' licit i' ill was I hist cwiiii;i to the cffetl that Mifis Susan .J mi s. of liightower tuwm,hij.. t.'aswill ty, couuuititd snifidn on Sunday last bv han-inj hcr.-n.f with p! tut bed cloth, twih'.td into a n pi;. She was foitv live vears of and we wt re unable to the in.uko lead- re-Mng to tho t-ii.inj of l.- r ow n lifo. j Winston Republican: A cloud t f sorrow cast its gloom over the home of 11 Mr. mid Mis. Co, r si iing near , ! his city, last Sat urd'iv miniiu;. A; blight littl'i three u-ai o'.l dallgii't-r. ! accident ally ptilie-l a vessel of boiling water from Die t die. I'm content..., falling upon I : .eis(.:i. inliifiing 1 painful iujuii's fr mi t::e ill'c: of , .vidch death icsultf.l in tl.o uftei- liOOH. Wilson Adviinro : S'-nc1 tvt t '.s i-o nil aged M liio ii: t ln'.irsit r, who i very bald, wis i' a- M. g n iniii'i il sermon at 11 chuiiii 1., il lio'.ix tM.m : j ly, and a had boy s. ad d in the t)f the fliUie'u fl ail.Usted :l ; :!lt t y wat c'h crystal us to settle the lijjit bo, 11 a ivindow on t. b :ld .;ite i f t''ic prruehor. Tin- i.ngre;!. it ion bi came wild wish enilnisiiism m.ii about broke up the serviros with t In ii .shoutings and mo nniii-s. Charlotte Chroni-ie: Solicitor Long, from S:a.esi;i. met. with 11 narrow escape fn ,:i d.-nt'i yesterday morning Just !" 1 : .Mounted hi: hoifio il became tri.'i Ii to d at b.iuh -thiuir inissi'iL' and i onuii'Miced rear- Mr Lmi - ir:i'.e a sudden i-) K 0I, n stietclur. ,ilt. ti.lHU.,. j,OM;( xia college. 1 1 hi- ri : ioel.t', of of the oil v, l.c.vond l' S i'.d .v morning a! '2 ..'ci. '. by shrieks and veils piocee.lii.g f.oai "Cidy s nv:s. a sctllt tcent ol' lem i.i. n: i t vis in thut pm t ot the ciiy. i he ct.i.s: of tlio excitement wits a cut iing aili.i.v, in ..-if,. y , ,, i, ,,i iiii:,i 1 diern' ((st,s nf xvii: ,.v weie a imiuistc; d j. j j ;,jt.K ;v s,.;!; for VI en b' rt'aclit'.l Vo bt'.v Dr. Mc When be renebcl le boy Dr j Kay found linn t h"i under ) the iniliu nee of whiskey :.nd it-siing ; well. We ic.;i t to hmi! of the i ci it illness, in S hi couui . of M 1 I F,li.'.bo;l' B-iI.ei . wile if Mi. Aih-n ; Baker, of t ids pine;'. i'. f'.tn ;. ago Mrs B'ikcr was bitten by .. ; .i sii,i!;e and c.i'i.;- nc'ir dyim; at I-.- time, i'lveiy yi ir siiici; sh'H . 1 s ' .it :'. et itai'i :-ei. -):i SidVer. d (' ' . ''; . efl'ects of ti'.- pi :-o!.. i r ihul-s ami body swelling Ki"! mo'l'dy. 'fni-yeai she lias s.ulVcr. d nuCf 1 hai: 1 vr 1. 1 otii ; limbshaviiig :-v. oili-ti ini! 11 tmy busi.t- I. en mi' . s ib.'Vl!. : Oil' ;;v ail. : ' e.l from t lie I.le ' Stale C: ih l slorui ll.e I nil ai t i.e th-.l'i 1. while :tsipiota -.... plat ing i.i ii John ui a In 110 ' ii a ballj chimney . lie was en . no I ;i , .-.',.:'.! ot ; LIVJITCll ; wit:.' whs do:!!; ':I tlamiige. itgi-inu.g was ;.. tli. wihl. A coeui .1 man m, Mnlone waslayii.g ali'. tr'h on Fa.-.t li n;.elt slice! w h of ii,;h'i ing ran.". 'bv. n I.i, kno. liing l.i.n senai le;.-. i dead for an hull.' l ot i'im-,1 1 his senses nr. 1 is vci v lo1 (1,,. ..eci.icnt. A ! unaw : Kit VI s loll .McUov.eli ten! iy. A'gill..' : the ho:s-, the id. alt ' I ihocort t r i colored tnaii tin- in a dm j lo the dill round. y, hi ' h. came he d. hi ok ; and the wi.v hi tilit d.troii: ,of Martin street The. . i for bis lite and struck I injuring himself internal I horse ran the wagon aga ! tiie light post a! the p.h biver hi e.l. il his Mile, ! ,-, while the j l:st the elee- I llieo corner I .iv In-.. !. ch , tearing it to p;c ' s. ! t).r.i.lL ! ef: O ' Kii-!.' ; lit. c'iii i in, a i .m c -'d ii.,- M...srs. -lis. and bb ums f .iii.d So d:' or.!. e-.!s ui.d ; I. un'S g- e , bin ;rd in -i i s-.-u: haightt r that I'lmlaa O'lIiVtlll. it I.e. I" . in i Ihe lu ighhn! I.o-. I. In..! given li.ltt. t a cl ikl. ami it t. i - s'.-. c.-n.e i uiai ; j she had mad ' w v wit h it. AhCirih; t liable! I hem to lii. d it a.- slated above. ; , with a stout rag sti ,i ;r tied lO'! ' , its neck, nn I ol her s gis ol' violence. causi d liv toe .-I its niiMitiia.i jinotlie.. Sl.ew.i. I e.l. - -Tht! I ri-i ! b;- l.tSemp'.e.i lapo '.y i.r n. .v. a;i.-i on the pfisou ol .'lies Se.sio Ooss ' some v.t eks ago, o in e oil" lit Lyon i 1,11 Siturdny hist, S.piiic st, hi t'-'i e Squirt s W. ; 1- A lain M. 1. Coiey and iv L. , 1 Lvon on a Si-it.- v.-'iiiiit.!. Thetria! j lasted from 1 1 o'i k a m. until 7 P ; l-our w .t ,. ..m s weie examine,, on l!io part of the Sl.ito. IV. Na. h. ol't' iing no i siimony, was bound over in tho sum of -?". t'll.l for Lis arpearancn at di-tiiMlle Supeliol l 'mil t, which i r.t n. s Julv ""ill. sT, I .X N'liu' if .Ins. Indiana, died d 71 y oais. 11 II. McDonald i hist Sunday was one ol lie ilemoi rats ii most tlistiiigui-'iii Anierica. '. ( t . V 1'iltiS .11 v. !ofd !' e C'.iiipu: sn.y t bid pa.ssed by Ihe LeghJ.tUuu ti l'lunnylvauia. Tin IVrlVction of Kuihvuy SIMVCI I i .x-iiii1i.1-! in the. K.vynl Liu- Line , i rains now- 1 iiij.-iicr hetwicn Wash-! il!, i .a'tinio.i!, riiiiuilcij hill, and X.-w Yo. L. via t ho I! Tl.o ! trains ar vestibulcd from otil to end. . heated by steam, lighted by I'ihtseh pun, and all the cars mo further pio tifled bv 1'illlnit"' anfi tclesi oiiiiitf ' ih viee. Aioiu'il tbo o; 1 1 : ry iravi ler ; .lidiup in tlio l.iy eoai ,. ., I hei .ore i till own I he s:u. . di ,,'n-e .1 saf.-ty that . pnaiils Cic more exclusive i i.-seni r ' oeoiipyiiiji the pai lor or sleeping cars. ! Tim comforts of Ihe coach passenpi-r are fmtht r piovi led for throujdi thej ini paiaic rivun'i icr joi pt niieuu n anil I Indies i:i tneli cur. A smoking com ! put i nu nl iu eacii car is alto a ntw feiillile that will coiuuiphd iL.-cif lo the lovfi s of t l.ti wt etl. Co'leci ions "I internal revenue dur irg the (list eltnen luontus of the ii'.-iil mui July 1 lu x!, are tfbil.SST, mi incieaseof jl.'.ti.,- .14. 1 OViT lect 1 1 t St lUll'lIJir till! c.uies. , j o idiiig i-tuiud of tho previous li-cul yenr. New Ail vci I isciiit'lils. I a ISiiAMlY STILI.KKS. 1' hi' the purpose of taking bonds. ff. i 1 Bi'u'.dy Sliilors I will a'tei.d a! the foliouiiig tiini' Hid places: As I'ittsboro". July Ith. At ' iciry O.iks. Julv 7th. At Si!, r Vil v. Julv !ih. Aii pel s.iii 1 wisliingto in.ikf- b will j'lt-u-e nit et me. S. M l- Deputy ' J me 1-th lS'.ll. iMIih PinSBOBO'iCiDtfi!!. S. S. JACKSON, A. E. Prin. The Fill trim will o en Aug. lirtl. and continue Iwehty weeks. I The Aeudeiny is well cijllippril fill work. Young ladii.s and youPg gen tlenieti are itMreil for college or f ir business iif.-; and parents may be v.el! iii'-uied that cv: ry 1 f,'; ! t will be , male for tic thorough training of tl.tir children, both and i.'.i:,l!y. T; niis. 1 er si -sioii of twt tdy wei l.s: I'liiu'iiy ll.-dsh Biancln: ! J.Otl ! , luti Mui tli.tsi! ' .-itiol llijur .-slj.ilil C iidiig:-:, I'.-.-' tl .") J.'lCg I !;.VS. S'lrveyiln. ll.l Sl.'ll'.lg i.ij '.v. 1 iich, .-. C i ei Miu' icrs' eh ' n e in.-l rue! t d at n:di' th . above I'll" r:. I 'ma id be iili.' in and arollhd tin town nl "'!) per mo; Hi. (Jnod si.oiiis for rent a: ciy nioderile rate:, f.-r of bios who wish to b: i:g their i'i .virii ins from home, l'it's I nro is m i'.e'i for its healthful climate, e.tid !or tl c vii tiie. hospitality ami in !e;l'.;. once i.i lis people. 1 inlet-. I ! Iiei e 1 is ho I 1 l;'.'- in the staSe wleie ti t-p:-.r, lit m.iy n-lun 1 his chi! 1 wilii 1. ss :-l;iey lis lo onti-ide inllucllce than in I'lii ,l,oio. It is hopi d lii d V.ri only Chatham but other counties .-.Iso will favor the Ae.nlemv Willi a libel il l or fm (her ii formation, apply b) .s N. -.I rfrso .V. Pnu.'.il. June 1. l-'.'l. p , ... f, F;; ; 1, ' J V II'. r. i. : or r,w. Y: i.t -nv Pint cm ; I i i : MSh-m. Ni iliulgi:i, Lame- s. S.vtilitigs. Bruises. . lot's",! V. ill .V lb' ..'.,. (;,., : . li . I'.! . i. I'l 1 B ii.ii-'. i: in Cli iM :t:ii ld-'f. i'i-!.'! i.e. i'.'vi.f. '. Ci'i lii:-'. ( '. I" l'iuii' W. T. i i! !:'. ; i', i A:0i .a a r- Mi Odi I Till don B Ssrowil, On F. B. .'v B N. M inn. Sih-r City. M. .'. McB.-n Mitjiiid a't'. tf. Henderson. Dudleys Mil! I ia i.i I I. M. Bane. Lent.., !', U. (lot hi ic KiiuboliiUi. I 'ni l.e .S. I (.son. Kvaiis. J. M. Od-.-!l M'fg Co- Bvinsm. A.J. Biggsh. e. Higgshei ',. Stoic. W. A. l'o.isi:. -. I biohnov's. Sliir.h vru.l A B ild w in. d: .-ve. I'.irr-ir. Wilson .V Co., .Wend. II. F. Stone. Ibal'.o. April ;M, 1MH. I'.ii- DURHAM AND OXFOKD ut3 J"4ti pno!;n h'iuiislu), I luyiiulill, - -l l-Ai .ni: IN (V1AR8LE IM GOAKITE TCBBSTOHho, ; nSLETS. (km i:ti:hy iro.-.v m:atl .'.'. .( v ;(. IVsigno ami estimates furnished on application. Oi'liee : Mux Sriu i t, in .'.i M, .v. c , I'd. 2(1. IS'.) I 1 Edward Fasnacli, ! j II ALEIGII, N. C, ; jEWELRV STORE, ai, . Practical Optician- Apiil 2, lbOl. FURNITURE. "Out; of 1 lie vt'ty lu st Uso.s man can ninko of hhhh'V i.s Id i'XJkmkI it in 1 -: 1 1 1 i l' ino Iiis llOlllt'.'" no i OlILJjO, ill Li! : t i i 111:1 AND CHOICE NOVELTIES THAN EVER BF.FORE. Piidi fitiii roods yoti iit'voi' saw sold (-o low. The very best iu Artistic Styles at fair figures. 3Pa,rlcr S-uitc, Clan.m.'bor s, Dining-Koom Fumitur-3, XjiTsrarr Pumiturs, iritolvc-rL, And Misct llaucoUH Fin niturc of ail kinds. You people who know whnt a bar gain is, come iu and we will surprise vou. A. G. Ixodes & Co., !) E. Martin ami I t Hxchai.L-e I 'lace. April i. W. T. Mcoi r.. K !3 ill DRY GOODS AHD PTI0H3, ! (New and Lxclnsivc : vies.) 1 im & M&i 1891.1 KveiytLiug that fancy dictittcs 01 ! fashion tleoiaiels in J m m m 1 sun in lira tiihmuhj Ilagk Oress Goods1 that arc thoiou Bcaulifiii neiv y i'. k in.'. A uuOaJo i AM i SJiU'Lf.V (Ikki? EMM' WASH i. !:i:!CS A.f) 'A'.YyX ; CLOVES;, CCR&ETS, j liosmiiiv. liltllsoM?-.. j SHOE CF.PAP,Tf1J:f.T, MF.N and HOYS 1 I'KNISll.l.NOS ! Vf A ct.'tu J lett- mail 01 del 1 t,lui t j I mi nt. ! Impress irejai.l on all cash oitleis j o S.i 0(1 alio "Vi T. ! 12',) and L'.I F tvetb v lllo Street, j "Kill. N C. j ITwur all. " (Net lo pod fflioe). i Wo 1. live stock of il tl.e. fit..-' Glo thing t. -v-- UIJ1 i j over brought to Durhatu. ttsiil you wiii ! say so ai'ier carei'iilly cvaminii:,;' it. Our Sit. ks. Cutaways isn.l 1'iii.o '. A Hints an in the n w-i :! styles, d-sii!.-:, patl-.'ii.sal.ilt int. I -- They an in Ihi.-ir liesiiiii . . lile ll.e liist iim! I that aniiouner.'S liio approach t l Spring, ai. I; wiu the a luiirali-m j of the iiobbv dresser. Then take in i our j Buys' aiil Chililres's Benartisseiit. land you will i'nd it licks nothing in j coniploti'tic-s. I ESI lilli! STBGK IS III. N't) Old) (b )OlS. ALL MIW a n i LATF.S'C STYLUS! April otn- ()KT(L(?r. SLF. I'l P ,.l :i !..,! I.-.'.;-,- C Hi. BY YIB i- .n.- i.y r r. I lillini.'. .-I; -ii' I ii.'. "H Hi.- .eh . I Ill-I I'XFCF I'OK.V NO I'll"! 11 Y VI, is. I. Ob' l : M : I il I-. lor. SFF, !Y MB ; ,1 ! ! I.i,- nil 1 i n i v I w ,, rni., .'..I Ad 1 in in ,,.f I v. js-.-l. -I. A. I A li 11 ' C. F. to Y. V. RAILWAY C o vi 0 o n s c tl S c : : c .It : 1 0 111 eli'ect June 1 i lVel. 1 O.-iii' W. I l,M 1 , fi u'l 1 i . w. HV. ti.iii l m i. MMM!!, ; KiLLEI' ' . , C. ; Branch Yard . Lt'iiEit'ei O am- j MANFFATL Blilt t j am. kisus or Marble or Cauite, Also contiactor f'r all kin 1 - t f j-osrs, stj:i ,', .sills, t-c. Designs of all tie.- .i-iptioiis kept oa hand and scut, lo any uddror. upoa application. CHAS. A GOODWIN, Feb. 2'i, 111. 1'ropriotor. N-E-VV! A nice quality of .adies' ami nii&sea KIBBF.D VESTS at iflo. ouch. CT1INKLLE TABLE COVERS ut !1 7." each. C.O.J and si. (I'l. Smyrna rugs Si . s00. 83.00, SIl.To : good i - Irs troiu tho famous -Tin rial Mills.'1 We keep on hand t, , all limes a com plctc assortnie-.l of notions and h icry. Our new stock of t ibroideiits in all tiie ne.v styles (1 'aek "lid white) is very pn-tt' . Uwing to the largo lot wo have sve m o sob tig them cry c. cap. We will .o thii '-ad ' by cf g your attention 1 tho large L. of milliiitry. 'e carry all tiie new things iu bou-net.-t. (nil i-grhr i8, and on -ilrgai i ns soiluient of lit, 'crs, wreathe, uud ri bona. MlKSOKE'lIfSR USL Woolleoti;& S'; ; 11 F.. Martin St., il'LEICJ, N. C. our w nor. us: :.i; :.s tho largest in 11. c i i.y. and fchr- Is cau Bava mutiev bv buving -if us. T. !!. .-'AH'ntl.N.'. H. I.. Dl'KE. raithiiig & Duke, Wi.olc-sulc and t.-tail DealerB in dry ocor. 3, r.ours a :i shoes, HATS AI iD CAPS, Br.Al) V MAI; : CLOTlilXG, Gems' Furhsliiii Goods, AYOOD AND V : LLOW-WArtE, CBO liKBY, TBFNKS. NT") VALISES, Ni.ILS, I 'LOWS AND 1 LOW CASTINGS, - Or... Hi, ;,.", am. I'ii- r W.'.v::3, tipcn in: 1 Top .'gies, A'O.. i CA i, ,V, ViXDOY.-f-L.;S ' T : , L1M il. L . iT.S AT LES. In fact every thing usn. '.tin a general m. rohaudise htoro. Wt cm" : pc.V i;1 i.tion to a full line -if Mop.'-. I, ,p, s 1 1- l Chi. u. W. fi. Doughi!.' :,ne Shot f:-u Special pticf s to V'tircb ' '.: Apiil il. 1MH. 3..1. TiARDWARE! STOVES TIHWiRE! Vagon Material ! : siss, m, ins i I LIKli, PIASTER. CEMENT! I -VTl BCUSEKEEflS G003S GEKCEALlY! , TOOLS Fi CUTLERY. BARBED WIHE FENCING El l, ETC. LOADID olIEJ LS, 2 CEr TS BACL Prices ii) Suit oil! : TH03, H. BR1G5S & SOUS. ; KALi-XGlI, W. C, i A '.'Ai;!!!) I 6EUD1 HEW CR8P ('(''..A 31LASSES just icceivtt! tntl itnpcfteil by C. C. COYINOTON k CO., Wll.MINOTON, N. 0. pJ),.Co!it londeneo solicited. I ai g h t t (lour ou hand. ; March 12, D-Ul. ST. -.- :e!-.m-