Illiuois hone dorton, while in re cant lejsion in t'liirnj;", eettlcl a very important question of vr-teriiuiry pro fenioiml eiliir. ly llu mloption of clause lu tlifir ciMHtitntion. proviilin that no horse iluot"!' -hall fumi-li news, information or ine-ri iptions to the pre. Tlio rlmme hail ln-m the mibject of violent disiifirevineiil, Ir, aceonliiif; to the Chw-igo llei;i!;tii of tlio horso iloctom in utlciiiluiici' have been employed dnrinjr their in terval of rest in eilit'mg and prepar ing horso and cnltlc remedy columns lor weekly and daily newspaper. In a measure the growth of the country i illii-traV.l by tlio iinriac in its railway mileage. According to the animal statement of the Utiihvay Commission it appeals that i'";!0 miles were nddid to tlio system during the int year, making an aggregate of 10H,5!'7 miles in tin" I'niied Slater. It is likewise sigiiifi'-air of Southern progress, thinks the New York New-, that the group made up of the state of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia. Mississippi and Florida shows nn increased mileage of l:'-TO during the year. An idea of the rncrmou' amount of transportation of the I'niied Slates limy bo had from the fact that out of a total gro income of $l,0.)l77,f:'J. seventy-four compa nies have a gross income of .-:''7,ono,. 000, and folly of these corporation operate nearly onr-half of the total mileage. The number of ,..c..i?rr carried during the vo ir wu to;?. Jti5. The (l u Uc.-t part of the report is that ';0'-" .,.rson were killed and 2f,ot were woiituh'd. Tim liritish politician Balfour niado a speech thj oilier day in which .c spoko with lofty contempt of '-half, educated men." Now let him tell n of a few men of the whoily educa'ed kind, men whoc learning is broad as the domain and varied a the fields of ktituvlrdg". It is safe to gay that even the ni'-t learned men of tlicc times arc far les than ha f educaleil Hid are conversant with but fragments of the erudition of the w ui S-.l "-"inc of them wlm arc wrseil in the c'a -are ignoi nt "f 'he c;eii,.v ; 'ouie vli' arc scholars i'i "lie fieifc know Tiuihing of any "ihci ; -oinc a, talk of psychology whih t!:' v arc liitt K'i oli-ts in hisloiy: "Vit- arc !: n ivith 1 v-'i!otr wliile hic.ipabi- in in . Ii"-nt.iti'-s m inc-i-lnini.- or i'n i-pi nk'ti or politic-r. economy oi lle-olov. V Very spp' ia' i f . -ipt to how him-i ; ( mi iguoi-ini'i- n licit taken l.cvoad hi -specialty. F ife is too -hoi I usiil tin powers of miml arc ton limited to give any man the opp.u tuuity or !'!. ity of acfpiiiing iii-Mf than a mum Irr iii" of ediii-atioii in tu nc Ihiti a few of its branches. ! should like to jjei from Mr ltaifuur," says a critic, "tin name of any liviny man so far ail vanccd iu tlionrht and knowVdge as to deserve to l pmi-cd a- lialf edu cated " A practical'ratiou of the hrn tit to the farmer of the re .ntty pro posed system of freight service wiil coon be given in Marvland, where an electric railroad eighteen mile- long is being run throng . a first-das' f ai m iitij country that the steam railroads have not touch'':!. This road will not oily be used for pa-e!ii;iT traffic, but will be citiincd with freight cars that will have a capacity of live tons. Tli("f cars will ho used for the special handling A ..11 farm .in I mill pro ducts of t lie surrounding couuliy. This new nioilt) of rapid tni-porlat'oMi of industrial and ng'rieultural cot:: modules promises (so a cotrctupn rarv ihinksi - to become a factor of the utmost importance, in many dis tricts which have hido'ito had scant oporlunitics for tins development of tlieir resources m conspiiience of the wretched condition of their road In the winter months. Now. no matter how muddy the highways are r how stonny the weather, the motor trucks upon which the farm wagons aie wheeled will always If ready to ral ly their loads to the nearest market and f brine hack iheir return load when required. Hefiuo loi'o t ' i . . ct-tri.-motor will bring into many a way bark, sleepy old farm midi a shaking up of the dry bones as will mean a very apprei iahlo addition to the agri cultural prosperity of the couirry." Kirst Tolletl Mtes restate M'imps. The first statiiis issued were the de nominations of five and ton cent-'. These stamps are now obsolete, and would not be recognized by the po-t oflicojs I'll" tive-ccut stamp contained a portrait of Franklin., made after a painting by John b. l.ongacre. in which the tirst I'osttiiHSter.ieuci til is represented wearing a white, necker. chief and a co.t ui'h a fur collar The rolor of the stamp is a light brown, and llicre is a border of tint straight lino around the entire stamp The ten cent s amp continued a por Unit of AVasliiujjtiin made fr. ' Stuart'x paining. lis color wax black, and it had iu the upper corners t'tc letters S." These two t-tatup- were all that were used until when letter portage was reduced I threo cents and a new terien of stamp cauio in. Ilvninologists give lti',17 as the year in which I5ishop Ken wrote the "Dox ology" tot the last verse of his morn Jntf and evenintr hyuios. FOR FAHM AMI (iAHE. IN.-K' Is IN liUAIN HINS. There are two very distinct kinds of insects that infest stored grains in the South. One is a weevil and the other n small moth. Kiln drying the gram will destroy both kinds, but as this is rather an expensive operation it is seldom practiecd. If you store your grain in bins tiy lining tho bins with tar paper and lliioiv iu a few sheets of the same as the grain is put in the bins. The fumes of tar will usually repel such insect-, although they do not kill llicin. New York Sun. now nit-: Kv.i.tsii il l t moists. KnglUh agriculture is older than our own, and we may naturally look to it for some good lesions. Iu some matters, the feeding of live Ktock, for iu-taucc, we must admit they tue ahead of us. Here we give ordinarily one sort of feed ail the year round to all l:ies. There they feed i-als for speed and courage, com for ordinary work, and old beans ,-uid linseed meal for extra work. Hunting horses, which must have good wind and ureal endurance, are fed no hay that is !e?s Ujuii three years old. New Yoik 'o. server. Tilt: II W.I IV Mil K. A soon a- the mi'.k is drawn from the coiv's udder a change begins to take place, u hich is Im-tencd bv the sut Totindi ngs and conditions, inva i iab'.y ab.-orbing odors in the n : tn ple'ic surrounding it. Tin' foo I and water consiini d by a coiv alT'Cts both tlic blood and the milk Milk being sc. roie.l from the blood, pr iper f oo I and water must be given the cow, a the fl.ivoi s of impure water and ba.I fool "ill be imparted iu the uiiik, and materially allcet itj keeping iptaiilirs and injure the fjuality of but ter and cheese made from it. Should vou -ivc a cow food which will cause parly and e.cssivo fet 'mentation in hi r stomach, it wilt endanger the keeping cj iahtie.- of th" mi.k or but ter prod. let. All milk comiin a cer i ,i i tl p"rcciilagi' of sugar, il beiiis. the tit -l o , haugc, bci'.iuniiu -cm. U is knov. n a- a id and i" vab-.elc--I- food. When sweet It H carbon iccoii- and cluabl" as a food ' Ano i i an I ' iityio iu rii;i-U!' I m nn - "t rt s r In I ic- past tll'l hi- hee; .i ten. .'.eitcj to beli.:!-.' tic - -1 1 1 i t " woik of the I 'cpat tui' iit of Agi ictihuie, espe cially iu it- boating upon practical farming ami ft nil trowing. It is i ft. n ci i, me. I that much of the money xpt'udrd by ihis branch of the gov .i niiici'i ib.-e- lit lie towai .1 advancing liie cai.-i- of ll.o ti ler of the soil. I.el us then look .-u Ihi- matter of investi gating plant diseases from a ,lc':lar-and-ccii:s point of view The depart ment expend-, f ir woi k of this kind about '', ' annually. It is known. from caret, il ami iciiabb-da'a colle. '. d iu l-'11, thiil iibout .V'im jirnpf gi ii-is in this countiy treated their vims in a-co.-ilaiice with thediirc lions issue I bv the deparinr'nt. (if lhe-e o.ili ;o per cent, me; with ii'lilb-i out success. The rciiiaind.'r, or iihoat 4 ' , i -t i -mated the iiicieae in their it.ipa n a n':i!t .if th" tieatiacnt all the way from 1"' to -I' per cent. From a money joint of t lew this ineaTil for son,,,- aj high as whin' for others this amount was as low a' !'': the average, however, ii. about .'. b'tit let us put It the very lowest lim ine. say half Ihis amoutr, or f2A r -tit for each of the t'co who used the ri medics .'iccesf uily ; this will give us a toial prolit of 1 1 '.'," 11 ', or nearly six limes the amount expended by the department in the entire work. Il mu-t be remembered that this i only f,r one disease. Fully as good a showing could be ma le with other, -m li as potato rot, apple and pear seal), pear, plum and cherry leaf blight, etc The ' hanlmi'iu'in. I I'lV, I I'LFfi IV till . 1LO. I hc changes which the fodder tin- 'II I goc- ill a s;o is a plece-i of f"f- tncnlat ion, which aids enu-tderab-y to the ii u 1 1 i i in n t that is coutaiucd in it. I1 is put in damp and iu a partly diie I -l iie. This deprives the fodder ofapartof if? water, which is not only unnecessary, but is injurious a r insing too much acidi'y in it. This i- picked lirtnly in the silo, and as the silo is in ide air-tight, the effect of the lir is avoided, and the fermentation is ii u lined from going further than to chance some of the cellular ti-siio int,, slari 'i, and some, of the starch into sot ar. nue part of the fodder is hanged into fatiy mailers have tin' -am,' result ill the feeding as fat it-elf would These changes go to iu-cica-e the digestibility of the feed and add to iu nutriincn'. Tho first irsuh is to produce heat which ri.-c- to I to degrees or i vru more, and this heal ki Is all the germs ef acidity and de--ti uciive fermentation, and causes tho i h inge ment ioned As the .silo is made air-tight, and the ensilage soon becomes enveloped in the carbonic acid resulting from fermentation, and which is heavier than tho air. this gas remains in it and thus assists iu preserving the ensilage from the air. This remains without fin I her change, and is thus safely pre served. The result of mauy aiialy has proved that the ensilage is ju) I untrilious than the original fodder I by reason of the changes mentioned. Thus it has been found a great econ omy, mid it is possible, under the best conditions, to feed one animal a fill' ', yesii on the piodin c of one lo re of ; laud. This is wle-ii com is groo. n ; for the purpose. The corn is plantnl ; in the usual manner as for a grain i clop, and, (he ears being ripemd, iho 1 ensilage is highly nutritious.- New : York Time-. km n; w im m XI I I I s. lu keeping winter apples, writes an ! ( tliio farmer, thev arc sometimes ion I i in bi'is under the tree- as last as they I are picked and covered with boards until cold weather, when they are sjrted and barrelled and stored ' where they will not frcee. Tie is 1 beiicr than spreading them out on the floor of a barn or pulling them in : piles or bins in any building during ; i ho changing tompora'.ure of fail weather, for 1 have never found cx , posing apples to ihe nir a g"jd way of j preserving them. Taking one ye ir with another I believe the be-t method is to barrel apples as f.i-t as ihey are gathered fi out the trees an I they , should he liglitiy pressed into the bai , I els by the use of a screw. For some . reason I have never seen explain'', they set in to keep bettor when lighlli ' pressed thai when laid in loosely , After they are barn-He I it is import ant to keep ho m cool an I w h"fe Ihey have good ventilation. 1 wou'd pre fer a damp cellar to a very dry one, but a tuiek wi'l'd r.iom, above ground whcie they won't free, i:t the Parrels, an I when- all the on i i ti ii wanted can be hud at will, is better than either. I "nc bought a lot of apples in the latter part of Nneinber. where each band lay tint on the ground, just win re il was filled. Theie they lay, scattered , aioiind with uo protection from tin' r'in or sun. except the litll- they ' might have from the shade of th-tree-, and they require. I no sorting to iiia.e t em ineivhaotsblc. There uu scarcely a rotten apple to be found in al' that were opened In tin- ci-e the fji mer claimed that the ciioinfss and dampness i f the g ton n 1 m ue th in . oiiipen-iiti d for Ihe disadvantages to l he hoops of the weather-beaten hat .'U. I don't know I wou'd iec ollm,.,, th,- pl.ui for gcioral ti-'. illhougli I belli ve .i.plc- may I,. 1 1. in ll.i- nay oeter tliiu hen the baneis air I i- ked ut nu"lcr the uccs i r four ban el h'h ' New Vol I. ".. Id. I r it l VP , Vl-I'KN V. i ! !'-. "-.-I :tp.- yimr flint U'-cs m, 1 wa-h them with soapsmF. Mnail fi'llil- me n. ea-iiy !;ron u ,i, aie any of the farm crop. Winier hydrangeas in a cool, light, cellar: keep ipiite dry at the mots. Keep all house plant- free from dii-l; iti-' i'- iMiely att.e k a c'cai plant. I'ruue wlicn the tree is dormant, if you ant to iinj ait vigor to it giowth. If j on want to ihcck the growth of a tree iriiu v. h.'ti in t ill leaf or ia-t before. The Jonotuu; tomato, after another season's niiil, coutiuues to be i las-ed with the loc! vai i, ties. Millet seed i au be u-ed to good ad vantage iu feeding chickens iu the brooder during the winter. .Wood protection for tender shrubs on the lawn i- afforded by covering with barrels stuffed w ith leave-. A ,1. 1' netting once said: Were I lo preach a soi moil on horticulture I would lake as my test, -Stir the oii.' " A fa-ier growth can be fcenied u ilh i hickens i aai-ed in ihe lucodei if they are tod on cooked food rather than raw. Ihe crumbs ami scraps from ilm table, as well as the parings from t1 o vegetables, can be boiled soft and b .1 to the pou try to advantage. Why not make the aero of gu un l around the countiy school hou-e a p;.iad:-oof trees, shrub-aud flown-. 1 it beautiful experimental garden. Die Innate Puimaeitr of Man, W are told in Seiiplure that if a 1 man Invites u to go a mile with him we are logo with him twain. Whyi' ! N 't for fear of him, rerl iliily ; but ! perhaps becau-e that is the wisest way in the long run. !f we run 1 again-' a post we don't beat it. how ever much il may have hurt n; but if a man runs up against its it makes us angry. The principle of re-inlnucn come, foia ibly into our minds. I ho I iinpiot of man against post is merely , a case of matte, opposed to matter: but when it is man against man the , opposition is of spirit to spirit, ( ' i i ' dren wi'l kick iho post that they have run ngRiiist ivagcs (lad uter f.r j blows in inridents which uviiied j people pasi easily ov-r. Kolitied . j pe, pie of Rood sense and good man I ners dodge with a bow and smilo j po-sibilities of difference in which j their neighbors of a less perfect philosophy find occasion for squab bling. Tho lend' iicy of progress is nil in the direction of peace. Perhaps, afier till, that remorse that follows I unimproved chances of self-assertion I ! is merely one of the throes of a savage instinct that dies bard. ' ,'Scribiiet'. (J VAI XT ASI ( V 1H0 VS. Chili extends "'ion miles on the Pa cilic coast. A New York society collects gar ment foi the poor. A faimnr at Mission H dlom, Ore gon, dug up a turnip in his patch that weighed fifteen pounds. A young man serving on a jury in Iowa reicived leave of absence long enough to get man jod. The longest and henvhst liaiii ever can ird over any road i ii this routitiy coii-isted of y.'-'i lo ided four-wheel coal cars on the I. '.'high Valley Hail way. Nirvcyors at work on the (lilaliiver in New Mexico claim thai they have discoveied a mountain of pure alum a mile square at the base and :b.'0n feet high. Colonel Will Watt- basjit-t put up n hatne-sti ing factory and is making list mi- strings of snake hides. It is a line two-story building situated at the low u of loo, (la., know it a the Igu liaine s. i ! j or fiietoiy. I 'wei'ty.oiie spe linens of fosi shells have been found in the Vicinity of IS. -ton. Mass, Some of the-e I'os. sils were found in the Muddy lliver, on the border of ISrookline; some have been found iu the dredging of the ( liarles K'vor near the Ive k Hay. Some ol the oyster shells are lo inches long. The follow ing are example-nf nine, syllabic word- iu the. Fuglish lan guage; nthi opoinetaiiioi pdiosis, mi. tisupernat in alt -it', anticoiistittitional. is, anhydi idic iterioii , iati om itlo ina. ti, i in. incomprehensibility, iudividu. aiiatiou, syiuategorainatica', ii'.con. siitiitiouality, iniiiileliigibl'ity , vnle-tiidiuaiiaiii-m and vici.s.siiitdinality. Ihe Treasury Department is in re ceipt of two l"o-bill, olio bill and one sy.'o-Wil, all counterfeit with a pen bv .lolui Itradley, nil inmate of the ' on 1 1' 1 1 Insane Asylum of Indian, apolis, In.l. They are all poor c.iun tet fcits. but tie SoO-nole his e:i p,is-ed ami ihe --.o-note has been in circulation long that it is a must w oi ii out. lime lord I'nslon has b m:ii dev. ci ii i- lo'ii'ial of New .'aland h" has had a son bom, to w hom he has given, among o'lici nam's, the Maori nano of "lliiln " I he Nealiallnii i tribe have formal,! received the child into kiiislop, tb.'.iiict' rubbiig no-is with him and the women singing the ciis tomui v a' c .inpauimeiil, and all the chiefs iii'ting iheir i-ffciings at his feet. HUai'iieariiig frniii the Fnrlli. The -ea'.iag ipic-lioti in iis various phu-es lonlinues to l e a piouiincot topic in the eoliiliuis of Ihe press. It is a ijiiostioii of international impor tance, and even danger, us, regards Ihe -ealing essi'ls of one nation follow iag tlieir fpiest in 1 1 , ' pri-prietoiy w.ite;- of ntiothei na'ion hi iohnioti ot iuii riiational n.iini.a. s. 'Ihis side id lie' iptustioli will im', it is to be hoped. g. any further it- present limits of nci anionic:,- i orrespoiidence In t w ecu the state ib partmeiKs t.f the Fiii'ed Mates and '.itiada. II i :h nntion owning -e.iling grounds liit-ls it in its iiiteie-t to put forth every possible effort lor the preven tion of killing young seals and of li-h-ing dm ii'g the bidding season. Al I'-ady, it is claimed, the seals of Iteh iing s,a have in Ih' .e ways been deci mated and mile-- h practices lire 1 1.. umvi.uied, the - . .id eventually he, a- the butlalo an I the beaver havo already become, an animal of ej-ea' en ity , seen only in the zoological garden- and the lit isl i ;n ite and secluded poi lion- of the Nor hwe-tcrn coast. W ith the loss of the seal will disap pear a commercial product nure valu able than the noble buffalo ever pro luce I iiioro valuable, perhaps, even thin the fur of the beaver w hich was iu -neb universal demand as to have rcsu'ted iu virtual extertniiiHiion. A i gosy. I lie (.low Worm Caves of Tnsniuiiia. V the meeting of the Koyal Society ot Tasmania an account of some line i n es that have been ilbcovcicd near Mntthport, Tasmania, was given by Mr. Morton, who hud visited thein. They are si.natcil Hbout four miles from Ida Hav. and a fairly good road load-to them. The cnU'aiiro is through a tiniest. iv formation. A strong stieatn tl oi - along tin floor of lie' chambers I he (irsl chamber readied by Mr. Morion and those who uiYjiii puttied blni - how ed some line -ta!;'i !: and :. -!!;: the fl nir some fine Mali'go. i'.es mcio sei n. t 'n the lights cm lied by the purly Lciug e.xtin. g'ti-hi d. the ceiling mid side, of the c iv - sc 'ir. 1 -tudded with diltliiotids, an i lb ei ,iii" lo miilionsof glow worms hanging i ' '!. sides of tho wail.- and from the ,. i i gs. Further on. several i h imb. i - w c , c explored, each reveal in . gi inder sitf, I he I Hie a' ,iip isal being limiled, ihe .ai ii, return after travel, ing a dis; nice of about three quartets ol a mile, but from what was ob s'nc, ihe ,acs evidently extended a d -t iiice of linee or four miles. Tho on y living e ratines seen were tho glow woinis. ThcsS caves, under proper -i ei i l-ioti, shotlUl become, M. M.'ii ii ihiiik, oiio of ihe great cii'ins of the s mill of Tasiiiaiiiii. o Ainericaii, TITLES OF NOVELS. Ths Iit(lit er Autlinrs In iunrrj- for Nei Similes In Toetry. The average novel, the otitsidei gathers, is a better-paving concern than lie ,iven!j5 poem, says tho St. James,' liu g,.t. And t bat. no -Cmi'if, Is. why there is ho mueh more fus hU.ui ptopi (etary rlyjlit In the titled Of liovi Is. If you fee! i I'.Cll tH'.t VO may Co on stinging nud sonneteering "ToDelht" iind "'I'o t'hloe'' to yoii heart's content, but if you desire to romance about some "not iuiposslblu he" yiiit w ill ho well inlvl-ed to a Void putting "Sli.-" up ,n ymir title-page. Vet there is a oriini iu thes.' mat. tei And per-onally oti is ineijnrd to think that l .lav was unwise to writ'' "The Wur-t "f 1 1 " ovc-r his line$ i,i I.ipp!iico(i'si M;iga.lm'. Tho plmt-e was all the world'? one. N"v joit shall bardiy bear It uttered in the most different- context without a wave of reminiscence if the passion ale -eif-atciiidoiiiiient of die guilty I of th.' wife in Krowtiing's Jioem. And III" Worst of K j, tl, it Mr. ,1 ay's ub;ect sei-tns to be the same. The right rf novelists, on the other h.iinl. to quarry for titles lu the (b in, iimio of ,oi try is well established by custom. A in povrM-t lti'ij' tako '1'ioii i Nlai-ie's" ti.iui In Mini or d'' giieb "ny Fairy 1 o.'ian'' int i s"ini "F.i-. I "t'eey i a i '! i ue" in throe tune- ot prose tr.tve-ty. Mr. diy is) well out i' I'd -by custom to write a tlirilling shilling book Mini (Mil it "Mesuo -ri-in, ' "i u ii" a ! of Hostoniati Introspect hii and call it "J," PoTiunb' N',,s .I., uis." or an et'otic stti'hurier Mr. -;!! n-s aiid call it "A ' Fight Wi .in in." Poets have i con known m prote-1, but tiny an- a little- old !'ashi"tied up on partiaos. When, In lu'i Imbilatioii. the loyal piimroso Dame is a-ke, If -he Iris read 1 Fudy. Ini il. " -ho n.i tit rally atiswers: ' Ves." Hut it is Keats poem that the title (leinUcs in the republic of biters still. Ml . McM Iisoti s,lo.. the t itle of oti "f his voliinies of cso frotn I .ten .Ion- S'iir-"l'ii'h rw I." and a very pieitv title it i. Mr. Mcwtison acknowl edge th" thft in the handsomest manner: l'f ull n y verse, like net n slim'. line; lint l'.Se niv title. f"r it 1- not icbie. 'Ili-it title fl a I'i-Ut i-iiii t st..'i. Al,, leci' imich I'l-n.-r Inel I -tol'n ini- hr.l" 1 - 1 au-e. "f e,,iirsi. tin 10 is no i-npy- light lii II, n d'oi-oti. I! is to bo f. nr. d that but few of Mr. Steven son's leaders tn-t.1 tntieh ,t h"r'd by reUlilll-Celn'cs of l!l!!e .' IV V I'lHi e fi.r llllll. Ftiti'i ten ic:ir or m ! ago th'i Ttxa Pan H.ind'e, through s teral nioiitb-' f e.-sili yer.r. a'b rd d p'lstur age f..r v.i ( hcnls of bt-ott. (-onniioiily known a- th" bulla. o. nn minnr,! w Inch, in its w jld stat... at t. he, nliiiosf i nt iieiv ani -h'd tnia Tri llin i.,-i-;isj..ii two g' til hini ti. prom Iticiit in To.x.i; poli'ie,, weie hutitiiu in th" buffalo region, and one of them, g.ttitig within range of a h, rd of th" riiinin.iiiis, brought ib-wn ;i largo l.. Knife 'ii band, th" btiii'' I ".is hi pr aching his quarry, when all at nice ii fo-o. hollowing and ready for hii-luess. Since the gun was einptv, flight was the sportsman's only re course, and ;tti in-tant later a wild ryed man seen tearing away. with a furious brut" closely following. Hunter number two, meanwhile, was watching Ihe peine from a hill top I..,, fur off to be of the --light--t a.-i-taiioe to his companion. tragic termination of the ehae seemed iintilalb', for the fleeing gent icman was :i heay weight, :inl already the space ittw.-.u pui-uor and piii'sued began tc, iiiiniiiish. Sud denly the fugitive w;s seep, to Strik off at an angl". titid th" brcathlc-i watcher b'.'iveii a sjop ,,f i lief when his frb'tnFi objective point wi- found to I " a rati' but a few tods away. Al th" very entrance to this seem ing place i.f sift tv, t;,.weer, the flee ing man till to d a-ide and d i-hed with Midi ftantio s,ced m'loss th" plain that :i marked gain was iiiado up 'ti his pii'sijor. Hut this could ii. ,t i.isi long, and'y. th" fiu.'it ive"- -I r- tigth uttctly filling him. b" fell eoinphte'v . x bnust'd. while th"". faint fr-un loss "f 11-od. dropjieil at nlnto-t the t-ame iii-tani. and within h -s than ! rod of the pro-! rate man. Hunter number tw-i mov eauie up, and hi- Hist que-tioii wa-: "Why didn't joit run int" the cave, Colonel';' That would have bhi'lded ji hi from the buffalo." 'Fuffalol" eauie the panting but contempt uoiis response; "why, Gen eral, there's a Fear in that cave as big us two buiTul".'' A Illtto I'eeni. lo- :i b.Hst vi'.ll'lit .1 t'l dlo, CHrt " wheel, love n l, i, " i i ii .- " " iai'1, i. i, t 1 I' m.'t.'ier, i, Lome " tlie. s , , ,i u .. r..ihlor, ' I.ui'ct etilre. - sf.c ; M .. Cilhllle, - knife " Ic.nille, . I. foi tl ilc. i ii d,. - ii i-ter. u s!, - -all. .. , ,.T .. .. l,,;.,.r, .. ., :.,;. n.i. . kii.i i.l ivcnpon, , .. (,,,,,1 u sill f i. ., life mm Ive, I t, .n " lf''- Vo.. fi "Wit kt make a woman marry?" r.sU- in nit' i'' in tho N'orlh A uiei icin I: i ,. e And w anstt' r. A .1 'trTTr ne .rlv tiTTjf '".'"!"" '"' vl it il.Ht.T-? '-i.'l o"l'H"1, 1'iiV." i-.r . .tc i y '.' ''' Tlie ifl'li ii mil nci ti-l ie. mill a cw Unit ivc uii'k. . lalana U Mir fmni I ol let' ml! b t--lui.,us iiiidsiii, arising f-,-ni ,l.--.iiM i-ifi-ut-'e ' .n.i h..i. l.i..ii,l hit . i.! llltn. enliT n-ntti r. Bn-1 b n 1 .-'-n it I.' bl -Ki l n-atnli.i eni l- ;ti'-Ii 1.- i Itr.. ,' If ,1 I'i .Clio o t-1 ,t t-of the .1 Mr imIoiiii l'-"-t r -..r-sirift'l". l.'e .. n,lir. ..ii I tl.-"i - M' I-urtila tin illf-l rr-co rtircvo .f Ill's .llslliu- ikj n,, ti, ii ,, ii in Hit - .lMiti.ol vi - "te" Ui Uirli le rl "In HI..1 fe'rr pn iiiili .l Ti II Hood's Sarsaparilla S.,d nil ilrnci-M. I'.. -U tr v ITrciifeil ' "It hi C. I II. HI' ,S l'- . l.llir,-Jrli-. I..V..1'. Mns. IIiiikI'i. Pill. K.. Hi- for mil I. xi ! m-t ' Hi y.l i, nu t .-IT -train- I'rh-e. -'' ,1 KVV1 t'TIOi I ti- tmr. rVft J Utilitv. I i tl.-uU-MI-ol. S. t- $65 kTtuLtttVlo..p.u-.,r Tnrll, WhtUer on rlsasre lritor rxinlnMM, shou'.J tskeon Try lilp a Is.ltle nf Syrup of Kltrs, it Il acts mopt plsaantlj- nti.l (Trctimlly on ths kidneys, liver and bnwets. pn-ri-ntlnu fevrn, tfailachcB and etlier furui-i of skkiu-w. l'r ! tale In 80c. and tl bottle by all leaUlug drur j Where the love Ii little the trust Is little. There ts more cstsrrh In tlits serfion at the country tlinii all pIIht diw'asi-s put toKeilicr, aiel until II.elMst few jr nt hm-,1 le 1 Int uuilils. r'or a KreHt umnv vfiirs ilo, ie( i rriiiieiiiu ril It a IochI iIisiubiv si.i piesci -; .1 I.m al ri'iiieUips, am! liy eeustanlty Imtini: lo cms wit li lorn! treHtmenl. pientejnei il It o,. cuiiili!". i-i ini'-e lia previ a iiin h to I e a 1 ceietitutioiifll ilissnse. in I ' liiTciiire reruns roiirtiniiio'inl tri'iitnirnt. Hull's lOarih mi', ic.itu'ifai-tui'H t y K .1 'le iiey i.'e . J..I.-.I.,, ( ('lite. Is the oiil v t on-i ii iu IoiihI cure nn the , mioki'i Itlsinkcn lut-inaiiy t ,,-., . fr,,, 1" .Irons lo II 'IISnHlllflll. 1 1 iu Is 1 Ill-el ly lip., II the ll,,l1 Hll.i noicous sttrfie t-s ,f l,e s' sli-ln. ' Tlirv otter Ifl 'i lor any issell fnils lo e.ns. Isi-nil fur i in iiLsis nn, t --t i m.iii ih in. A .1 . 1 1 c-a I K .1 CiiKM.v .1- t'n., leleao, O. I T .Se,l l.y Dn .-cists, ;:-. i No innii ran go rii;ht hIio doen not leek ! rich;. MAit person nre broken dnivii fmm i.v. r work or t oil e h'I'I i'ii' i'-. Prawn's Jinn Ur iels! ,. Hie sisleni, all- ilik'.'rlii'n. le aenvs eti -'sa of bile, nnVl cures malaria. A tpenilil uu lc for mnnea and childro. 1 lie worst rnhliera are not llioe who c irry el'ila. ITTSa'oppMii free by Pit. Kmnr's Ohi; t f Nlivi: I', i -s hi in ii. No 'its ifter rtrl l iv's lor. M ir 1 1. mis curio, I're ni-s an I s ! tri i! bell le tree. l'i.Kliiie,L3IAt,'liSt.. I'nili., Pi. Too ninny people worktop a pi'1 of their eln neiki'iL-. I.Aiors iisp tin r a tnn! nr clttt,!t..n !ir V.-Hil leiloiilitf l.. T-llO'l I. like Ht'iM n's I'eil r-t'ict-. I i- t lens to liise. eiin- Mal.iri i. 1 it ii..i s: ton, ll.lio ,s...s nn I I. ver Coin 1 la i. ts, m ike I tit liioo.l i i,-li niiif pure. I'mple y-ry often p I ri. li by litiu.lln llu ir on ii I itsines-i ;.ss..u?;:.'j..;, LOOK OUT! ton ate cxpoeed to au.lilen rban.ea of temperature, ami to Injuria ST. JACOBS OIL. cures RHEUMATISM, 8PRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS. WOUNOS, SOREMESS, STIFFNESS, SWELUINCS, BACKACHE NtURALCIA, SCIATICA, BURNS. A PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE. August Flower" This is the quciy per petually rut yi'tll' little 1'oy's lips. Atld lie i 1111 Wlif-C 111. in the I'i.i i. i r, .ild' l . I' il'h'i' l'.eaii What h It For? edbo. Lite is nu iuteri"K;iti''ii point. " What is it foi?-' we con tinti.ill v i ty fti'tu t!ie ci nlle to tin ot.ue. ' So with tlti- little ititir-ilnc tory sorni'iu we turn an ! n-k; "W is Aff.rsr Fum i k i on ?'- A-ca-ih answttvd as a-kcl : It is f. rliys-pep-i.i. It is a -pii nnieily tin the Stoun. h aiid I.iver. Nothinn more than tliis : hut this I'tinifitl. We ln-lieve Auu;ii-t l'lower tuns 1 lysp'. psi.t. We kt".'W i! w ill. We have reasoim foi kiiow iiiit. Twenty veaisa.nit -t.irtt-d in a stindl country town. Th day it h i- an hoiioied place in evei v city and countty stnte, jmsses-es, i. tie of ' the lt:;,e-t f.l.tllll factuiiti pi. itits in th" coi'titiy and svllsiviywlu'ii-. Why Is this." Tlio iwason is ;i- sittipile its a child's thought. It is l'.oue-t. 'h't-i one tiling, and does it ri.-ht ah'tv;- it ettrc's liv-pepe-ia. r,.i;.f,k!T ' M o. ". v - DONALD KENNEDY Of Roxbury, Mass,, says Kcnncly'H Mi-Iioal l)i-covory cure.s Horrid Old Sire.', Poop Seated UIltm of 40 vcurs' Ftainliiir, Inward Tuinon, and every dist'itse of the skin, ox ceit TIuiii ler Kiim it, nnd C'aiurr tliat h;s taken root, Price, jfl.oO. Sold by every in the United States and Canada. catarrh! TtHE S.'AALLCSl" PHI IU TIICViOHLO! 0 TIJTX'S TINY LIVER PILLS Imveiillttievlrlileso! ; lie tin e.Ti.i..-: e.,ullf -.r. .!..: ....l.ltil.-.UP :l. l Ue ll.i'll In II. s l.iiiucr. 1 -l&J' ASEKTS i';.;-;.'Ji::s:'.';.f'., liMVVl' UOIN-. A,..., ,'h Se, Nc Vmk. oney in MCNLY IS CHICKENS IF YOl' KNOW HOW ? To t-p tb'tn. hat 't ! I erorn loin ih pir ih ig ' flitter nn mr ui t.lii'. M:l'tie hl. 1' ilt'fj Hu m (it'll In nii."i'i " rtn- 1'iiie inn I"' turn eltnUd bl tie- "" IKpeMcil Iiuk Wn.i -Id?e. inch cn be ri cured from ibe ONE HUNDRED PAGE BOOK n iffr. enil.rcit '!' tiTKil, ursuimu lri.C....')iiiiiii mm mmn I cs-rvaii.tif isii All the year round is tho time when I)r. I'ieree's Golden Jledieal I'iscuvory works tbo best. Jt iurifies! the blood. It's not like tho Mrsaparillas, which eliiini to do pood in March, April, ami May; vou can depend upon it alirnig. ''r.'n why it is (iititniittt cil. If it doesn't benefit or euro, in every ease for which it's recommended', vou have vour money back. No other medicine of iti kind cuts ns much but no other don ns' much. It cleanses., renews and invisjoMtcs the entire system. For nil skin, si'a'p and lions. :ih Medina, Tetter, Salt-rheum, White SweHinof-i, Jlip-joint Disease, and kindred ailment-, it's a iuulivt cure. The proprietors of Dr. Page's Catarrh Kciin dy olTor $,U0 for an incurable c;p f C.itarrli. It isn't mere ta!!;- it's but! tuts. They tiioaii to pay you, if they can't euro you. lint you'll find that the, eaii. CnArEi;UL-co,vn-U'i n.'.o. EPPseeoooA BREAKFAST, "t'v ii tt'iicvgli kic.wlf.Ve i t the tiitnrll tint mil l n-.-rn li,. -'., ,i ..f i'.is.-iioii uil U'.lrt ll i..l I ) e .-.. f u; , !' -o-.-ii i,e f.-ic pr.,wr ll,-s iv.-li .-1.-,'.. --1 i '. ; i'i 1-5 Its (jiuvHifil our t.u-,itl ol l i'.l. - li) , '. I! . It fl...,:iif.; tiet. er.B 'i m o ..o-.- ii- ii,rtc. l.o ? ! --ro. i I i.l.. m Iv ilif J ill- Lois !- if ;i u: !! ef !lr Ih.c ,i i-,.iUn;l,,n lei- ' . tln-tlv limit n,. nutll nc n . li 'i, tl I , ren-e ..; i. l'.-.-r In dire llim.lrMi. .-( icC !l' e, .i'.. I :c -.i.'ir. annul'! u r-tr '- -..- h. i:.. ie I .( lt Intnl. Wi, i-ni , ,, nun i -i ti'.l l -(' ly fcr-iK eur Jtifsiol' f 1 10- i, eh rurc I li -t me! profit ncio-c i .--teii.-' - -' tt M-ti r ;,.kiv. H,e- l,n.i- nnh ( -iii.iK wi, i- .-r milk. Sold eniv I-. Ii.,lf ; Ml. I M- I-: or- re.,i.-,l I..US: JAIIIM ll'I'rtiV t.,''. liUU, l..'SC.. I Sjt AND. BFAufYof Polish'.- SAVING L;-r.'Jii. CLEANLINESS. DUBAlil I JTYtt. Ci i? fiOCCullWiCMHETED, II .N L' h7: khTS f . f" 5 IKusfiated, wlUt r-.i ik,-uji '' ' i .'en i ii' ' f'nr.THi-";.N U Piolrll! R, R. gj Ut ; !l,.'',"r.'!tt;."-.'" j...:,.i riiF.g. it) iL. .. !-Ui..i ' I'V r. Mlior. Uutfl". T a j m 5i'C W, T. Kllrera'4, . til A-oaHEOrvir'tf olil'fe I i:n5.:ft 5."v$.M.': ,ii.h4.i.ii.i.r ntc iT..' r luniilmaiia, U.i. Ol?!' JcVJi Vj .'' i-.-. j.iiirllltrr.. S j'JJilKi Drt. J.rteHti.3, Ltl.4r.on.OhiQ. i.r i Ik i l.'n" Ii'i'iit nren in i" I ; p.' I :.:ie nil MII.III I' J t ' f.i-i- yrlf el- - 1 u. A W M' I HHHII K 1 l . Ji 1 11' IN.-ATI. O. -Here St Ss! ' w i ' ' . m '. I 'm" At , I. "'' ,,,,VNi I u I 1,. ' Kno" ,ln,rll,' ve'V f W o, Ii. i- I 1" ll lllllM Ir.i. 1 1 ,l-,t luHVilll XX"-TT -f.i 1 me i.Uen uuietl y I'V ..lie- ll.e j. Lf I ,., i.-.i , ' i',,c.l t.i.nU th.- ll.VrcDl VlU of Ui , A im i- II. 1.1 li v a lli.rte IT. psrl AU Nil ' .i,. 11, i in tl.i i liif. ii. litlcn can lohtl4 b.l .e.',,. ,r 1('l.'At:ii ll.l.rHTTKI llcli-l. IllilUk. !i' 1 "HI fCTWMSi, iti Vi. 11 icii t. f 11I1 i " icr.te In tlHM. 1 LOOK TUB. U0USE, 134 I eonarcl St.. Now York Olt. keiis. I in hi uti.i ilti-oted J1r ci ir- Me liiCONDVCTIN-l A ' "I t 1 It V VAtOJAS l.t'-iNh nut u t' tut.. . A the living of bun- If and famllr dr,eixlnl t i il. he q-i' lb tubieit hi li atiFiinun aniy n-nl nl biend wtil into- in- .1 m il tlie reanll grwt. 1 mi'' i's. after he ti'id l-: t in"! ti nionf f Mtid li4 it c.ili ,-iif valuaBU elii' li e. .'n, ti,etimeniii,f h ',.-t: i il lu mi Ibeie Tra-i 1. 1 ti liu l fd In thlt bin-bin tc h ue fH-nd ,al l aid loe 25 cer.t l rtnf. U I.;,, I... iu.i hew teDvteri ami 1' .re biMawe. heir 'o l-.-'il lur Kst aiida'anfof Y ci'-nifr. wbl. h Font 19 no' tilt' IIo-hIiih 1'iiri ee a, .1 , 0 t ili:t,c. tndred. vim ali c.'d Win iv nn ttuaanliieeW nuoK rvti- iiojlsk OWT.'- Willi 1 W ft . .ku:M.'.o l'itCmer 1 Ugr. ,i'iii i'' It 19 cured I j (!. am !. It )in n' t injur- 3 3 n Aim Cluic 1$ 1

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