(halhaiu 3$econ! Tlll'IWHAY ,J.Nl'Ai:Y 14 1J2. LOCAL RECOUPS. schkdulk i'iitsbouo' n. it. Tim MWeiivr irxln mi Ilia I'ltintmin' riilli'i iul fiMTm IHn.li-.ri' ilHlly i'X.-cii Miii.Iu), m V.lltH. a., ami w 1. ni. Hiitl iiritves nt liust-n"' ui It. tun. iu.,inl s. . iM luilOn i l-i.H.c-. lie at M'Hi.'urt- Uli l lie iriilim nnilii- K. A. l. II. II. p''Ut u ami mining l nmi Itiili-lgli, A tow more while fjirls wanted Ml tho I'iltsbnio' Kniiliii Mill, In whom good waus will he mid. Dogwood, IVi i in iik hi and Hick ory limber, nml cedar posts wauled At llio riltsbolo' Shuttle Mill. Work was rcBUtncd sevcrttl days i at tbo Kgypt in i to, and coal in being taken out in lm ,o ipiaulilitu. liii't bein 1 ceniiouii.o by CUttiaj; on" I lio pittance you pay youJj preacher, or by stopping your pnpor. ; - JTIliillcriinoii irain nij tlx' Pitta born' railroad leave here now ul 4 o'clock, iitaload ol 14 o'clock as Imre tttoru. Mr. V. A. Av.iil.i.l Capo Kcur tuwtmhip, kit U'll two Iton In-t week, each ol which had a common limn iiii In il maw. Tim tiff l Uaiicrly ciuiiVreiice fir this year n' i lie I'ittshi.r.i' circuit wiU bo field in I lie M :tl.odist church, Ml llns plate, mi S.iltilday of liexl weuk. A. i. Drake livl'eby notifies Ilik et,l. imers that he will no longer do their work on a credit All per onii indrlited I. him are I cijiieiiled t i pay at once. - -TIib ('on nty Alliance ineeti hern toilnV uinl loiiion ow. Several di le hIi's ami' here la.il Tlnirnlay, liaV injj been iiiiMiiloriuod :t to Hie cor ruet date ol iiiectiiig. Sherill' Taylor went to f J i I i-t lT 1 1 OU last Mond:iy mid settled in lull with the .State Treasurer lor '.he tsxeii due the State li um this -ii lit v. Tim ann um paid wan t'.K'l Ij..iJ. j --.Ml perioim indi lited to I'.ymnii, K rieudeu loi miano and all otlier; debt will please call and settle, lor thev must be closed up. .lust re ceived a Jar-'e lol ol New Crop Mo- UsoeH. l.i ii.. ..,..l.,t- Liu-m ivlil, ' (13 40 was lust in the load, in ew Hope low nsl. in, del ween J. A Thomas's and beaver creek. A re ward will be paid lor i's rei urn to I tuny Jones, at Johnson's bridge. If T'lH do lil sleep warm Von re leeling badly all ihe next day, mid sleep warm when you can buy idee Blankets or Comtorls us eheapi lis' they are now selling at W. I. London & Sou's. Now is your time to get II nice overcoat cheap, lid t he placo is . I. l.-'inluii ,V "suit s. . Keep your leet dry if you do Dot wish llu- crip. You inn tin I a l;tl'e assort meiit ul liubbur Siiues and Hoots at W. I, I. 'union Sun's lis well as a splendid line nt Shues and H tots. Thev have received this I Week a lot of heavy Shoes which tlipV are selling voiy inuih under tho market. A Tun1 Wsr Tiie editor ol the l!.coltl will start tmiiorrow lor Cin vinuali to attend a nipoluiif ul the i- ... : r.i... V...; 1 r.xecuiivc 0111 1111111-1-01 1 in- . .11 ii'ii, ii Editorial AssiK-ialion, when and wl.rr the time Ki.d place wd! be 1 cl.cted lor l.oUin- ti... u-xt .iiiniialj Convei.tion of the Ass,H-iatio... We ! :n .-, V' i,..;ii.. .. I,. I., 1, .. ... ; 1 1 ' NpCIld 1 ....... .l-.i s mi 1 1 in i i-nu 11 ; till 111' i.H'l. nr niiiiii in ji hii.i liearalt we canon ll.e trip mid write it up in Hie lh:inKH mi our return Onlv a lew venrs a-.. Ci,., iunali was coitsideril '.pole h.r West, but now 'it U only Iwo days' jounier Irom l.pre.nnd is the centre ol population j iii the United States - I WtTHT W'k.VIIIKII The pcop'e .il' 1 Lis si.i-t um :ii 11 miiv i iiirii-iii.'iiii' 1 .! . 1 it- . .. : n 1 :ll the discoinlorts and aiimy aitccs ! tit wintry weather and bad road This week has thus tar heeii tne Iliost disaereciiblo of the winter. It In'Kiui with a toiow siortii Suinlay Inoruintf, which covered ihe j;rotiinl Itlxillt three inches deep and the twpcmlure whs very rhill and raw. Sine Sondny the snow hu been i!6wly melting and ihe sidewalks, 'trccis Mild roitils have been slopny. ii'ilshy, muddy and miry, and every ilay bccoiniii worse. Nobody ues St Ixi ill unless il is neiessm l , fur not only is il very disamecalde toil il is Huiiiewhat tbiiuerous, as any impru dent exposure now is .-iitl lo briio' on an ultack of Gn'i which is now s.t prevalent . ' Vim Wi:TH:a Ciiuistms Ji! von know what a -fair w eathcr" Christian is? Iid you eer see one? . II not, you have uever hewn tar Irmu lioitia ! In every coureation o , professinChristiiin. there ara many who no to church only when I'u- weather is lair, ami who hIw.ivs make some excuse (or staying; at ' home it the weather is at nil nu ploas.uil. And jot these same per oni in much in'Mi weather w.ml 1 jjo to a party or a public mnetin nt ny kind. U'nt this true? And why is it ? Thcu lines are nuejejested by an inciiUlit that lci urred liele lasi S in dsv. Tho pastor n mie nt mir fliUiche results in tSc iiuiiitiy m'i ral miles Irom hi-re, and, hist Sun tlity bi'iu iiis regular mouihly ap pnintuieiit here, hu drove through Hid cold and show a. id an veil promptly on lime -.ni'd prc.tched to just tiete-i j'ersons' r.ir Hi lltrnHn. 1 Law H(is. Mokhikyim.k, N. C , Jan. '., t2. I Chatham Uiaoitn: -You will j please give vpueu for a lew facts: .Mr. T. C. Seam of this place, killed I wo pi- lotirteen months old that weighed HI I lb. hey wel e iniiteH to the inn Dr. otteli killed last week, the lour weighing ITL'U tls. Who can beat this? Sears and Vol (eu are both Chatham men, but they have to lake Wake county bogs t. weinb well. From the (act that we have the otot k law wn will give u l.l-.VJ l.,,.l,f ,,., 111,.. V I I I Ill-fit till- ..iiuido the stock law. We not sh.tv on rabbits. There has been 1ST CMimlil in Ibc last days in sight oflVe mavors oll'.ce. Yot.r.s, Ac, J, II. .MoniNO. Statd News. " Indie and neuralgia, lie look Ihe UocUnghnm H-ieket: A young ,ON0 aill Mll t1(. n-snainder in his pcibigogiio who was reeei.tly Icaeb- j,,,,,., nll, liirl,.( ,. homo. When ing a public school lieur this pbiee, ll0 was a,u, three ijua, In-s ol a di eidnl to test h:s si bool's knowledge I Mjt, ,,.,,, ,1)W( ,(, w.,s lml iy j,1 of liistoiy. H-pi oei edi ilfts follows : lio ViHl.,,ian. near the residence ol Who was Ihe li st. I'n Ki.lent of Um j L'nelo Johnnie Johnson. As the I'nited Stales? No inmver. Who is,n(1 , . . ,,Wu..! each ot hi r and is (iovcruor of North Curolinit ? A; voice from the rmr "Mr. 1' tank M.'- Nelll. Cm tliilge I'.lu le: On S i'.nrdiiv last, the firm of A 0. Kelly A; Co . gencr- al iiierehniits mid tui'i oiitino opei a - tors, of tl.ii town, in ideiin iissiniiiKiil ! W, I' Dimylass, for Ihe beui lit. of iboir Ci'diloi s. --.Mr. l'etty expects to begin work on the extinsiou of II e Cai tbngi" J iilio:i.l in a lew ibt.vs Me hopes lo have ti itins ruiinii g lo ll.e bi'itwifstiiue ii'.i -ii i ies bv March .iiith. '1 hu i o.id will only (but 1 far. Moii'it llol'y News: On Tinsday i.t 'I it, l.'iih iiiil, Mr. and .Mis. Slnvi!- tcii' ehatliny; when Ch.nlev, Iheir i i . i . 1 1 in. ciiiu.i up una Minicii to mio'v .ow miPiV iiii'.iidents there bud been of I'u: I'liited St.it Ills f it!, it told him to tul.e ti.e hunp and i.d un ihei i in 'in and bun,; bun I;iui til- nmunc. 1 liuiue was retui i.ing wiun nil wi re slas tied bv ii ri-p-ut ii of a .'llll and C.nirlie ruln-il into Ibe iooui ' nivelop.-il ill ll-iiiies Ihe bi:i:i ex i ploib d. His fiilbei bravely spimi': ! loliimiill'l fo'l-ht tin lltine.t. Cmii iit I was so b d! bin in il that b' died thieo days nftei. Winston Sentinel: The p-iilicii-lal s t'f it highly l' m mlie ni..i i ia-' eiimes It mil I' tviilsoli county. i ne Iroitli ntiig pal I ics weic .Mis llultii ! I'lubr, ul Iji'XMigton, ai d Dr. J. C I Ciielinull, of A. kiln-as The ciiilph- bud never m en em h ither until I liiet .lays befile lh.il muriiiigi.'. Mi s liu'cr has an uncle bvit near llu home nf llie man whom she wi tided. It was at his house th il the D.ietoi mv a ph.'toiaph ul Ihe young lady. He was I'l.itimed al liis' fii.t and the result was he wrote a letter to Mt.ss Tinier. Ibe same leeiived a pi. imp! np'y and u leular Ciiil'es p uidelK'O riiMiied w hich i-lidi il ill 11:1 eiigiigi'liii'lit.. Dr. Clieimil.l llieiicifuie lo I.i-miiouii and in three days aftei linaiiivul Uie eeieinonv i.ai pel form The lulppv couple then left foi , Ihe houie uf tut- groom to ie.sidu. ; ,. , ,. ,,,, , iiistoit liepi.b.ic.n: At (.oHi-nds. adkm n.iinu, a little "ill of Mr. and Mis. S Ki.oit. wits liiirned fatailt Deci iubit 'JSih Theel.il. 1 wus kind ling n lii when her diem igniied. mid di'spite ll.e ell'.iits of her father .i;.d .1 eoloied mini, both fit woiL some dislauce a- ay, the inj.iiies received w-eiii ,,f M,. u ttatuic that deitli re lieved the bltle one siveial Iii'Uis lalr. In LjcingUMi township. Davidsuit county, Fiunk Kooi.l., a ivlilto I1IIU1 ill"! ie 1 aue, col., wcie .d luil I'.is ue ... 1 " I'duui hu.iti.if;, ith o ue, s on hristm.is d iy. In the eMut.-.m nt ol 'stive colt.ui tan. Koot.tz discharged hi, e .pon befo.e it lech ed las shoulder, an. I Payiu , stan.lui,',' soiniiiiiiiiu.r.i"ii 1 icci tied tin-load. - ...iii 1 'ns liteiuily spunked with s!,o , and 1 specially h.iii the i.uui idhis l.i.-.sl from llu e!b i ts uf Much he rill vivc.t "li-rt lime. Tin State lricillliir.il Such'tj . r,.,n -u-st.n.. i-i,r.ni-1. i'hc e.'i ii!ive cmiiiitlep met l'i i diy eveliilta and Hiucb inteiest was iho'.vn. Mr. li. il It it I Ic Oli.sidcd. nisiei 1 ui 1 lit: laoou. 11.1 mii It v,asde i led th:i! t i.t tiet fair shouhi ; Li 1.1 Ociober IS to -1. in.'lusiM I'll. -10 w is itn 1 vi. lent tb'ici lu iiat'.ou to i-jitke it 11 success. A commit te onsist inj of three nieii beis and the i-i 1 1 1 1 111.111 w as instructed to pi epaii .isi atlv as possible a list of premiums lor li.dd crops. 'Ihe 1:1 titer if em ploying a cm respoiidiii;; seereta' y wa 1 disetlHsed. but M is defi lied. It ap 1 p.Mis to be the idea that there should lie siieh a seoi el iry. to taLo charge ib. nit Juno I nt. 1 to tb vote his entire linte to that weik What is need"d in to ttroue intei st i.ver tiie S ih in the fair. It is nut a Ril. i''!i fail. eit a .Male f iir. A In hiiki c ia"i:t fee. Julius Lewis and W. S 1'iiiui'ose. wasupi'i-iufed It will -1:1 btulliii ui" .iti' I tin 1. isli plans for !uectii.' ti cm The tinanei.il bt.it em nt ma le w is '-' ceatiie lo Ihe direct. u s. as ,t sho.v ' l ""' money to pay ineia.e ui ihe blinds is 11. bank un 1 lltat n.l oilier ii ilnliiit s w ill b met, iuc'.utbu' tho tl ikti: deb'. The 1 .posii..n buihbn . aie ft I t!.e J 1'ipei ty of Ibe l -soeiui to 1 an 1 wili alVord au.ph -o. nil. ills pinhililo tint dm il.; ti.e Mar the thud s'oiy of the jjran.l vt m l wili !)' reiti'.ved. !o redtlcu thi weight upon I hut s'rut'tuif. i.uhy Iluth and H.itty Mr lift. Cllicv'in, Jan. II -Al the ba. nil latily brl.l in the Iluii Tiitnily pal ish there was a cmli-sl nr a prize between I'l-efci'letit 1 1 .1 rri s. : 11 era let i-'nitd and ex l'i ci,!et,i I 'le . i.tu l s it uiiHit.'r J i:ti I luiiocrut ie .ml I W ill, it li.e l.ill.i'A iny; vote .sl.nu . li-tl.y Mi lee rtceited 1.1 Iii v..i. s, Kulh ' 'icvchind l.liiiJ. t'l'e award nt the contest wa a ,old tiiC'l.tl, wut.u waiiicui to Mrs. Clev!u J. A Fatal BIMake. C'riorp.'ii'luoK "t hluiiivllli' I m iluiuik. Un last .Monday evenine;, Decern -lier 2H; li, just bohuo sun down, Wil liam I'ardew, who hud timidity been Hawing board timber tor Col. J. A. iimpion, Mcppcu into me. more oi " ' "w,,7 .iv , , ' ' mjsil in U, mime lie nun iliui (..ill '1 he wife and son 1 ol Mr. . S. (.oilL'll W.itO Wailing nn customers t lint evening while Mr. tiouu'li .ittuii'leil Hie .ila-onie lo.je ul Kale Mills, Iredell county. When Mr. I'ardew culled lor I lie ijiliuine Mrs. (iinih went to the part ol the stole lioti.il.' where the drill's are , kePl "l u m1,u thou.-hl, (not 1 .V '.',lllt' :rl icuiarly,; a ' "" " q.iMmii'. hhii.II and .banded it lo Mr. I'ardew, who look ill, not oiiHcrviug mi i inai it was tuc i medicine called lor. Thu bottle was j opened an I a lo'erab'y large vluse 'was propared lor I'ardew, who was lilt that time ul7criii'r from too'.h- iaiiiirtd iiliuiit cucli other's health I'ardew remarked that he was tool ing very bad ; that be had tiikon u i ib isu of uieJiciuu iust botoru he lelt l.ivvn. and taking the bottle Irom his : pocket handed it lo Mr. Wiseman ' u ml iisked him to see what il was. ;as he, I'ardew, could not read. Mr. Wiieinan looked at the bull le and toil id thai instead of its being ipl'i nine, Mr Tardcw had taken a dose ul slr i liniiie. When this was re Vealud to him he immediately lust 'all hope ul living, but still retained conscioiisuesh ami struggled up t the residenc! ul 1'ni-le Juliunie Juhn son, nil. I iViiifsK'd t ' uclu Joliniiiu tu pray hr hun, lulling him he kad taken a duse ul' .ili'vchiiinn ll.i'oii.'L ! ini.itake an I thai he Would be dead in a lew iniiiiili-s. A 11 emetics that i could lie Ihuii'iit ol were given loin, lull nothing seemed to give anv re lief, lie jM'ew worse iind wire, iiaviug iol'.'iit cunviiNioiis, .itnd died within le-s liiaii an hour lioin the I hue he had taken (lie d-isn. M. ll.iinpio. viile, N. C., Jan. 2, 'U'J. (aiip nt (lie Sold ici s liniiie. I'l'.ilH SlVl I'hr .lllrl.i. Tlici uili e sad days at I hi-Soldiers' Home. Till' glippe. whleli itiv-idf i veiy liniiie, iiud eveiy publii iusli ' U : i'lil. is epidemic and nil of the Uli. 'V in. nates aie sick with il. It Is a very trying thieiM- in these old men thi) have eieliuel so tin toil and .ii.l be with sadness and not wu h Mlliuise that the news now told will " 'lid III six weeks ihe glij'pe uii taken nil lour uf the veterans : VVe!e lulled mi l 1 i-dit ii j ned : shvel I Wu of llu se John li inert of Il.nui.t' ',. 0 m,. l.titer i" li.aps talally. On' 1 .. ..: I I .. -i:. I I .... I 1 - . ; . . 1 .. 1 . 1 . 11.1...11. 11. mi- .n.ii i.-uin.iii, 111 11 ,1 , li 1 le.iiMS ul the i 1 h ief,uitelit. (In .! ; , .,;ibll-.hiiielit. hud his htiid blown oil. st lli. ir homes, w hen- ihey wt ie un i mtoi Iipi was killed by shock and bore rui-lough. Two week- ago II ! 1,0 out win il siuii of injury. '1 he boil S.tinlei fold died at the Ibuue. Early ' (.x was of Kite buiiili eit hoi so pour. S.mliiv iiioiiiiiig di-iilli cane, a ne r ; , j,,,, t v ju the nr-igl.boi liuuil .siift'L'l elhd ic.ief. to I! M C ileniaii. of Cft (1J c ,,,', ,Miible daiunge. It tri us. who sei ved in the ill rei i 1 11 1 1 1 . A wi 1 k Hon he was the hi n ! t liiesl and In ai tier-l of all Hi the ITiuup. :,l' l ''"i adiuipibl. sei vii e us u mute "f the sicli. Au I what a sn. I sieht jijs fl(..,ul XVlH w.slt.IlIai. tl(, ,,,, !lW : ,,, ii,,M1 , .. .. ,1,. i ;, i. i t piespi.ee of Mr W ( !. Si I oi.:i,-h ami other devoti d fl iftiiN, Mr. Coleiiinii u, is laid u! rest, iuthe Cub di nite ccinttery tinier the snow coven d i.-ioiiii 1 ,ind the col l and sombre sky. rhercuiral liltni,-; loom at ll.e ll 'im Inis liriu ctiiivi iti-d into 11 1 o-:p:ta'. in addition t i t'.H le.i'iir h-ispitnl. Mid cvi iy post!i!e alii nlinn is 'ivcu lite vt-ttriius. S inn- o! liu-iii an. very sii k and feeble iiud y i-stcl day's sail t'tsk may all to snon have to lie re j.eatcd Even the faithful colored si'iY-int, who wis himsi-if in the held In 1 in',' a',1 the i hi tune, has succuml eil to the fil ippe. Forty Kiilctl itnd Injured. CliAttriiltlisVii.il. I inl.. Jan. 11.- 1 The in. 1 lli hiiuii-l Mm on pass,-n...-1 irain Wis wr.-tked iti-rili ol this niy j this iittiiuo.iit by ;i broken rail. Two I piusi'iiui-i ivi-iv killed and thirty-j eiht iiijured, two t)t whom will j iirnb.-iblv the. " 1 The l.-ii iiii oiive and imc car re- ' ni.'iiiieil on ihe trai k, wiiilc huir ears I down a llu lnol eiiiliiiukuieiil. ' Tue til'st p.tsseiteer 1 iicii r.iileil ,oVer three lltr.es. It '.,s lull nt I passeneets and 1 uiihl lire, but all , eseapnl alive. 1 i.e naeae-i.' xj'ii s.s cms went over, hut no in vitltr was s' Vere'y hurt. I ladies' coach Mi l the parlor I were Illicitly turn : 11 pieces, Hardly a passenger tui the train' escaped injury. Help w.,s soon al liiir.d, ami lu a (ow iii.mteiits the fo.i'lway w- s hill nt the manucl : tneir wa V to town. I'cii iicsm'cN I'roti hies Kudfd. Nvsiivii i k. Tenu . Jan. ! Will i: j the in x' d .y ol two convicts wili be I ikeu III) iver Spl il e;-i aiul put to I .vork ill the mines. this seems ti 'lie the deiinito itn.lei siandile;. It is j also t;i:d. i sio id tint nu uy.recii.ei. I is 1 liiout io he Ills le i-eiup'!iej Ih ( 11 1 iiie, fni al! lime, finin cnit-.t.-l laluir, tie! lh.it 111 eoiisidoi ation i f this ll u miners will ilei larc 11 cess 1: ion i hos tilo fi ciim; .111. 1 allow the iuiitei.4 tit . t '. "li Cl e k slid I 'l t l' .""pi tnes 1.1 bi wviked III peace. I tie elfect of ti.i ty.1 . eiini.t would in "an the w ilhdntw a, nf the Statu tioopa aud curtailtiij of ll.e i'l II d . n. v a w. Miii. r. n. d. pusior of the I list li 1 !i tei in thiii.h if I 'tin i"!te. ill. I i' 1 1 lay at' tu no 11, af tei an iliu of f in wi eks A l i'l lets been intr 1 Im ed in the Vii'iu'a l..':;is itl uru fi..ikii.y; .l.m u.ev lMl'i. tieu I .ee w hirlli l.iy. ami line 'ii'd Cii.ti'der.-iti. me nni i il da . and ele. lion day s "eejal ho.'idiiys, an I Saturday iiltcrno'.iis in llie suniiiicr IUU'. L.IU hull i.i s. A l.iiruliirN lSoniauitif Cari'iT. Lomiox. Jan. 10. A notorious l i l..1.....llolw..lvxPr' im'iiiiI ki-i vittiiln heic Friday, who cut ' . . . ii V ... A" .... I a tlasliuio swell lu if' iiuk socieiy- i three, vein u HK succeeded, ,iirnuK'h bn,,ni a letters of iiilro.luetioii "in nun lying ft ncn iooKiyn gin ' ,..,,,.,. o ,,,. f,l I 1U IIIOKt 1111111111 ' :.. ,i. ,,.., nni.iiU of etii.ie j lt v j,j im!t) the New York news- , , 1,1 .1. f r; ..I iiiiir'liiiii.n. diir ,-ti riiisiiur..', N. i'., im BATl.ll- pnpeis eliri'iaele'l lue ui rnui in rirui. ,h ,,,. , -,.,rimr- tis tTM-i t Vi.ville Union. V. C It- 1'-. who vas ImiiI .li. rill In wiM Miiv.-yiiinv. i-piualiilii.' mi .MHIIIl ji.nioii. t., . ..ni-rmi. Mill aJJ-liiitu Hi" l.imls ..f A. 11. Ilrown repilleil to uuvii nun iiM.iiyiiiin u position as nu cllicer of Knginei-rs in llu- P.iitivh AiniV. He presented id- Iejed leltt's of liitroiluctlon fiomj distinguished military uien hero itnd j was corduliy rcceiveil. After a few weeks in America one of those !etlem eiiine back on him and he temporarily disappeui ed. He n-t ins to have vanished front New Yoik in the Autumn of lS'.tll, but luiiii d up thu l'olloniiig Mar in Urooklyu whero he presented tuoic b.igns lotlers of introduetion and kiic eecded in iugi iitiat ing himself into the good f;l'iie. H of Mrs. Miller, a lady of independent inciins with a hand some d,ai:.i.'.i i. l!.u ton played hit) catds chveily, m il ill March id hist year he was tuar iie.1 to a ,Mi:-s Miller. I'. 'ili iiclaiin ril to have :n isloeratie l datives, al Tunbiid;.:!' Wells, Ungland. and his uiotiiur in-law ured him to lake his wife and herself to tt.iglmul, tunl in tioibiee tl.nn to the swell set. Alter uiiieh solicitation Union brotiidit thrill here, ami look it hut looking villa at the village of liurgetH ' Mill, not f ir from Tunbridgo Wells It is only out! mile froui Mury Aiider sou Navano's pritly cottage. .Shnitly nftei- t!.i.i lime mvi-teiious burglui ies lu g.iu to be committed in lint neiuhboi hood, and though it giiemod nliai'St abs-urd in tl.o face ol his.il p.i ivialiet s.l lie police wi i e oblig ed by tin.' ciriMHUstiiiiees to stisprcl i!a;t'n or a f.ang of cimfi del ales wot king under liiui. A detcl live Irom Scotland Yard was sent down, who looked up Bur ton's record. It was tumid thai be was a tickcUot. leave ir.un, who had already dune two terms lor bur.da rics ol t he nio-t daring di-set ipt ion When I'artoii's house was searched ii iui.ii!iii!v uf slo'cn iiroiierlv was tutind. lie adiiotled bin gubt senten-cd to twilve years' penal servitude. His wileund her :l.er. whom be has rulihed and lelt almost destitute, will return tu America. Ihlllt' I'.XploslOII. Pa. Jin. 11 Noi:!:iiri.v.N. I boiler in the poll; picking establish iiteut ul A. M n oh. at i;. idg.'p..H. rt ij... liver frmu this lero.-i x-; i..i..,i...i ,1,; ,,.,.1 .r. The I 4 ,ls , n.h-telv Wl.vkcd. T.VO lu, .1 , Itlilll Willi WHS III Ills IIIMIliym me j Fertilizer Aioihsrs. i I'cllil.zer Analyses at ihe Expeii ' nu nt Station will be sent out at the ; vet v earln st moment dm iur the eon -' it o se isoii. A bull till will beissuti: in .) iiiiiitrv fjving the ii-siilts of all I analyses made Iitsl season, iin ludiiiy 'Ihe fall inspection Of the new aimi 'ws liuishcd titiiiiig Ihe 0 ming sea son, the results will be 11 ailed every II wo witks, 11 4 they ar- complete. I If mui di sire tb oe Bj'Ci itl l u lelnn. ! ipp!i.-a! 101 s inn st he iiud. to tic .Station ul llab igh for I hem. Tiny i Wld ultly l.'O 'flit U) Speei d ij p'iiltl'lf. A dispatch fiom Washiti-tn saisl hat Sei.aior 'ance lotil.s eteatlv im piovcd by his sev-n months' sojourn in r..iro e. Ue tells his fiieiids that i.e feels iinich younger in spii it sim ( ins had such a Ioiij; rest. He looks twenty percent better than ho did when he wmt awav Th. C...v. tin.r of Missouri has be- roiiie i. aloustif the utienlion irivi it to outlaws; but lr. still continue ! iicoiiiiiieiid the f.iinoiis Ir. Bulls Couijli Syrup for coii;;bs and cohls l'he proprietors 1 if Sub tit i-m Oil. he pi cutest cute 011 nutli for pail', will imv a liii"o reward if nnv eel t - tie.tte published bv them is fnuud 11 I j JJlllUIll'.'. iio:t:e It costs 1'iiiv 2't cents 111 Ji i tla ! f"s ;-.si. c r ! ECC tons NOT ('K ... 11 V I -J t I s. , . !., v,-' '.'- is. f j. i n s. s r.., I .i'i ,-,-,!, 1..' Ii ,1- 1V , .-.. !,, :i,i; I I l.tllF. HE I 'list M. 'In ' -l.-H L. fXlilH- llif , -i ,, ..1 1 ,.. tin- In ii ,lm- ui Iks-, inl-wr. I :!.' Ml ..-ts. lis tl:.!. i.'.il .1:. li"illi.-.l .... (.r .n,.l si I il, W l.siN 1(1. ls-.ll. A. . l ! i:l' NOTICE -HAY- iv -.".'!ltlt nf .lH'ie" N .1 i - irv ..t."P- li I I SH 1 ,ni'r; in . Mill It I. r- ;!,.. il It , ,v ,.f S. KM M l I i.l.Kl ).. 3 j iu Watscn A FrTTos, Attem"Tsiit t Jin, I Winston, N.l'., Snii't In, it. ( J i. IT. AXbi.ii, sn 'y, Vasbtnittiin. 11. ls U'-lR ir- I h.oe Iss o nsiniU'tU' of yrntr Fl' 1 ire,. f.-r f. tir yi-ars. niam link' in vali't iii. 1. l"-i b-is ts-ca ntllirt.-.! with -.tl-m-'nurv cptiititi' ti 1 11 itn'psi' iltrtslrai y. I b.ivr f iiiiiil er at r.-li -f fur him In the u.-- of Ihu KliH-imiH't., n li.-ti the d'H-ti-rs li.i-i t.ul.'.! 10 K'nr bitu i.i'.y f-r'tiimimt reli. sii'l I iu nti-rtft tli.it but ferlts uso sh.ml I bn-o liithitn. 1 tii:ve n-vvr iti-a il f.iil In riil-i.-,, bis fi.-r, t-r i-i brlittj l.itin.1 iwii't st-i.'ii. I .)iiil nut Is wlthftt It fer munv tims. in cis-t. Your, truly. J. C. 1H XTON'. Mr. r'oiMn. Is rrwsidrrit ef Ktrt Ni. li'inil 1 ..iult. w ins'nii, N. l- H1.U i 0i.c u( tlio fen iii"-l nifn i.f tliSuah. t or nil ll.fi rmaitoo nHr 1 ATLANTIC CtCCTROPOISC CO., j He iCr? fit v-:ii v , WUHinaros. P C, k lil Hiss Sr.. Chhti , 1 uiwty N ' tv A il v ' r t Isc iii c li 1 s . 4 J 'M N IS llfA I Uli h MITK fi. riiii-,.'.'." .-htlm ... 11n v'iiitf iiuul 1 111 a.- ii.lrti IIjIm: mi'.i' ir I'ntfe.ri'y 1, I In li'i.y li-.1 try Kll 1HH-H..I1H l:ffllti,r lalm njf ilitAr t.u. ..vi.lt-nt m ehllili iho hhiiii' ii iim Ik-i.h i. i In-1 uli .lay ul Jaui.iirv, IM:I. i J ii ti y It, lh?J. J, A. tVUM.VCK. OIM'dAOK S.LE.I5Y VIR- urn mill lt mi Um :inl iliiy r IVlirmiry. IB), unit rlr.LM'1-il mi pni;ii.-4 lit.', in 40 In lunik ri, in ll.o .illl-'ll of III.' lU-h'lxli-r nt DihiIk ul l lnllliiilll iiimy. I will iivll I rm-li nl iiubll.'uui-ll'ili. ul lin , ami ,,ini r.i. A' L"NI,H,'l;;,,l,.y j Junuiry n, OltTCACK SLK - 1JY VIR- Tf'l: ul a lll.tl'IHi. cim-uli-.l lu Jnalii-r il'Hlll, Aln-.-.l III s,. in..; I lir. 1 l.y W. M. M t. w. liii.rni-n nii.l r r.il In the ..M- i' uf Um i. jl- i.-r ul (lm-.N r-.r I'tin'li.-un i-"iiniy In l.k CO. imtfr W. In Mll In .iniill luli-ly II luil ill! Imtlmln Slliol.ir t'ouit. I will nT i l-T s.lU' in Um lUi-lii-H MJ4i f..r fimk in Um i'nii i II. ui-" iK.r In I'lim- ln-rn. "li MiHi'lay thn IHIi il.iy ol 1 IJi'lUMUY. isya, ibe fiilliiwlni; tr.it t I'l Hllllllli. ID Cliailiuin rouiiiy, huti nf tb i'i liiK lta Inn Ik ill JmIiii li. I.ni-.. ul thw pull.- .h-vl-i-.l li. tin- a.itl-1 ' M-O liv II..- Will ..I i... ;iln ): t eri. and coiiiHiniujj l.'ii in-u-s, . - i Inn. II, IH'.'J. 111. 11.IJ.1ln .i.ri, loliii ' IV UI-W-n, ilMi--a- , l' 8. I'. 4 DM I Nls TU -T K S NOTICK - Jlavlin: iliilllli-il n .1 1 m 1 1 1 1 -l r.n r uf l:il. u.ili rm-irs iT. ill-. iui-i. I, I iiurvii) aiiiu nil .r buns lifivUtf: I'lHlllli .'.Kallin; n;il J tli-i-iuli'lil to wkiiltill Un- halne In Hi" i-r ti- ley ilUnrny, Ctiiirlm K. M -I.eii!i, nil iir I.i'I'ib lliu 17lU .litv "I In luli.-r. '.'-'. i. ). Will IE Iw. unii.i r !T, IkiI. 8 AND SALK -JiY VIRTUE 01 i un iir-l.-r "f Un- Mi.--rl..- i-iuri ol riniiletin i-iMiii!y I mill i.i-ll iiii.il . 11 in Hie ,s,iirl Iniieii-ili-.l- in llil-l). .i , in I.' in mi SATI IlliAY. Hu-:'"-li Uiiy nr laniiHi-.v , i. Iluii v tliiiinli. riirm In CIlftlliHItl .--.Hilly, i-iit.lHIIllli lilmllt 31"li ili-if-n, ni J.'iiilni: llie luii.lx ..I K..l..-rt M. Iliirim. llullln M. -I-Mii'n nii.l nun . .. nml tits Hi" Mini" i-n wlili-li llii; Lite lleiu y c. r.iirns riM. Icil nt Hi" Ui f lil .1- n'.n. Ti-t ins uli,. li.-i'I en-li. nml l iil.-u .-o In Ul ill. -lull.. llli In "i i-Ht iilH iri i i nt It "III .In v i r-mle. 11 A. ;.uVoN, II" -. 31, IS'.ll. C.illllllHlelier. AVf lime tliis i;i ;;.liiiittt'il .Mr. I'ri'il. Wiiullcdt t as a iuimh-Iil'I- of iiir lii ui ami will contin ue T.u.s i tii-ss as " Wocllcott & Sens." Very iv.sju'ctfully, WO0LLC0TT&S0N. I i llaieigh, N. ('. Januni v 1, 'I'i. We the uiiilersio'iicil, doino btisiiii'.ss on ami ul'ier today as "WooUoott .V Sons," cxti.'iid o'lvel ing- to all our lrii'inls ami a conlinu iairoita,Lri' in llu- jutst. tCullv. ' "s' ' s !l ii net of llf liberal iavc oivi'ti us ! lln'v Yen- re W00I.LCOTT, V UH .R V 00 1. I.t 0TT, I RE!) IVdl'I.MlllT. r wuii.in i.l.u'l I III !lm I 4 I..r li S K iy nli'I 1 II.-. ! i'IIi- ., .-in- "tli ) c.-iirl. r.-ti i.ii'. 1-... r .1 in -lull'. ii-.-i.iu.isi : l il,.- li-.. I f. 11,.,: ill.. ,l,ii, in tu llu- HU.1I11 till Iii"l .-i.-l i--ti will. ..11 I'iMi-s l..y. tin- -.".'Ii.l-n ul J'Hi 11 11, Imi.'. l.i'.-.-i.. s i l,. . l l. tk ii.k I'T 11 lilt II .1'' '"lit.. I. IJ lit. -I .'111 1,11 II 1114" -I Hll 1 l.lilllS 111,-llll.M' Cm- f-l.l IV, .li II I ri! I-. -i tlilll til.' sillltf I" Cn'lt- l-f" I..t I -hilt.- Ill 'hi- lutein -r sll'l i-Millc, 1: 111V Ml- Il ilil-n- hli'lll l III- liillllil t 1 Ii... .1. T wi;illlT. .1. li. Hi Vi ioii, A lm r ..t T. J. Wrlnlti I'niiii- ;it Ati'-iiti-' . .I.imi.ir, 1.. is-.l. 5o;tc sir.. r.Y vir IB ui- ..f n .-..fi.iin m-.rt(su .1...-1 .- -mo. 1 1. l I! I'...' liiui In Ii I .i.....l II Minn an III.- ll I I.V ..f Ha.. Isnil. tw Hsi-liiHt-.l l'i- s'l!'l Mtlllli n I 11 v. I sill. 'Hi li.- .'ill .Lli-"I l-KltlM l.. ls'.-l i.t.1.- I tu .-.-II ,'U .il.i.- Hit--II. .11. iiih-ii th Mil .11 I l-l .-, tl .itImIii Lit .1 I .1 ! III till- I"S It . I ltii !. I i lichkni .s.l.tilv. N I' . ,1. 1 'miti-l UB..U the lilHI , nts.il-l 1. .wu 11. ..i N... l..;;.-ll,.-r With nt,"- l,l' I 11. -.-,.f .. S.i Ilut.r el sim', I-' ii-.m." k Tl- mi i l'.-l mi. : ,-,.,. A. i:. 1 Alllltl.t., Jnu. '.. :m WHY 13 THE L. DOUGLAS I S3 SHOE CENiVIEN Tl' BEST .HOE IN THE ftitflO ICR THE KONtY? II U a i. .. ul. -1 '.".-, i : Hi ... lu. k-. er i .1 llirii.1 1 I" l'i.rl lie- t" ; 111 ..' f f Iii In .1 lltu I ilf, H Hull 1 li.nl . u-i . at.. I I.. - 1 .. w ii - K '-r.' '.. .1- fl.il , l-r.-if ti, 'i mini e'l. '' '1. In"' i'. fi rei-. it Ciiuuls liLil- . I K.-IV..I ...... I:i. lr.,-.i fl...it..f. .k 1 .Se I'U liri.itii.f ll.iii.l-sr.n J. S.-fln'rilf 9m lino . 1. r ..IT r. I f t M'i; i-ii'i'i triu.-n I liiiP'.rl. l -.li."". i' In. 'I .. fi itn - I. .$i;.ii. I QA Hit lliini!.-.iii-l Well Mine tlrn r.ilf. ' I ! .t!i-li.. i-il-.rt.tlil" mnl ili.rul.l-. Il,,-!i.i , rli.i i-.i-i- I'tT-1. .1 i.l I.e. .ri.-. i .u..i. nr.i'lc cu.' . .,tn tt-.'il ".n- i- -vi tii fr itn '11 1- $ '.1. t CO ,ll rolli-p se.u.rM I rtti.-rs, Kntlmai Mn ; W ai -! I ri .1 ri." -iftll ,.r tit. in: r.i-r.iir, 1 frii.n:. 1.111 -.in ii : ; . 1,. .i.y ihr- o ..1.'S, i-xin- t I'.n.U". I -ih pt-r ill 1, -r ill.' ir. fQ 5ll line i-nlli rt-i I-it 1 .TTi.r nff T-iI it I Int. -ri. i ell.' I-I..I V III .- .iviuci) ti.ufct ' wl,.m.tnti.i'v.-l n f f :ili'l .-. r 1 .. ! G" O ntiil J.IIII l rl it.K.iiiin llt-wsj f J1! .ir- 1. r , 'r .,. . .. I .. ir e.. I.i. v Him i..it 1:11 'i Hi- -a ft tr...'. i :i . if r ... It. i.i.,k.. Davc' H IM ni"l S"!.1 't .'ti t.t 1-nirrlt 111 :!.. 1.1. -. . I. . -h i v. 1 I rllaefl,l ll.i-'ii-.reil ; . nml ls.cl(ltC? 1 1. 1... lul'rei.cli ! Imi irl.-.l Uis iis..iiM.'rr.i-i. I ... I l.lldif-a' Vt.-'.l. .'.lll -.! l..1 limn f Jll.s.'S.iri' Ihv ' t llr -L." .;. .. v li-li .11, i .lnr.it, I.-. 1 I'-iMliun.-I .1 W. I.. I- iiin.a ojii I pr,c aru I.vtiiK-il -.-a tbo ti tllelit ..I 'M.'ti lUwj. I Fr TAKE Ml rl'nHTITl TK.M ' In:. 1. -n i"' ii ...In ril.-. .1. ..w ip.i- iai y.sn. 1 TV. i UOfliLAfS llrsckian. Man. i.-.,:4lrf : W. L LONDON & SON, C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY Con Umsed Schdulr lu . fi'e.-t i'-c i..!.. i is:u. li 11! V lA'TIT sr 1. 1 . M.el IV .v M.it' K ls-f.-r--r. w y kiir, IJ.V, i.ii i tujl. -f. I Tim at , 1 1 J. J. Thdm.vh, Presi lent. Ai.f. A. Thomiwis, Vice-President, The Commercial and MarmrrK' Hank OP lAT.i:iiII, IV. o. 1'nitl up oapitul $1 00,001). (H). Authorized cnpilal ("00.000.00'. f'iriin lj III,- f.riisf.t(nrf of Xorlh Cnliiui, l' rnanj I.f DIRECTORS: J. J. Thomas, (. W. Watts, J. li. Hill. A. A. Thompson. IS. X. Duke, II. B IJltf le, F. U. Dancev, T. II. U.igg's. OUR CARDINAL POINTS: SAFin'Y, J'HOMI'TXKSS, L Nil '.HA LIT Y, roi'liTKXY. ApcouiiIh of Fin-morn. Punks, C01 porftl ions, AilmiisliRtoT!i anil laili vidnals Moliciterl on favorable terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to neeonil!i of Country MiercLrtutu aui iudividuuls. COLLECTIONS mndo promptly on nil noccHsible poinfi. Our large URGE STEEL AND GRAKITE FIRE-PHOOF VAUL7 in fitlotl with Time Lock Burglar Proof Safe an3 Safety Bejjosii Bsies. . THE ONLY DANK IN KALEIOII YHEHE CUSTOMERS HAVE THEIR OWN SAFETY DEl'O.Sll' liOXKS A l'LACE WHERE MONEY. JEWELRY and VALUABLE l'Al'ERS am nbnolntely unfe. Coriespoiideneo solicited. ' Sept. 'J4 JS'.tl. liuis. FIRE! FIRE! ok; 1 n Y0 UE PROPERTY IN THE i his mimi ii This is 0 Homo company mid do- ieivos the patronage of all North Caioliniatis. It whs organized in 1SHS and Inn mid over half a million dollars in1 osses nutl there is not one contested ' claim against it ! All losses paid promptly. Eveiy. prudent man ouedit to insure hia 1 ptopeity. 1 For terms, e.. Bpjily to ! H. A. LONDON, AGENT. VV. S l'lilMRO.sE, l'lcsident. Janua' v 7. IK'.I'J. ; Edward Fasimch, RALEI0H, N. C, TIIE I,E.T3II3- JEWELRY STORE, ALSO Practical Optician. April 'J. lS'.tl. W. i. SLATER & ii, DURHAM. Ni C. OUR ope mm; Moots our ftit ito Mit ii'in-iioti. -1 ml slinw.s wo :iv llu' li'si'lors in FINE CLOTHING. In' t'.ill in llu nioiviirv in lotiiit ii'iiiiinls ymi that vim i.tTil u witiler nut lit in t 'lotliiii":. I iii'.i'rwi'ar. Iliti.s aiul Sinn's. Wt tnuki' a ialt V nf fin w mi Our !- in fVi-rv line t.i l'"' l'liui. is I'ul Olllll Ml' 11.11ft' 1 inn1. nit liiivcli co Mi-; o, t. :: To SKI'. I S. 1 'UTtiA't I I I : 1 n-. svi.k -p.v v?n 1 ..' .1 ti. 111 r k Sli t'. -A I I 1 I v . Oi" s. t. WnMhl.I . -HV VliiTfT'. Ol AN! 1 su t; r-.-iirl "I Ciui'l.tit 11 i.-r ii-.: 1. tl. "lt -liy .. .l:ii .til,, it. 1 .W!.sritt !.. sntii- Init. ri I. 11" iti.- u . r Ui "II. sv 11 11 1 i:in v. ii... r-i t "I l- i .1 In ti, ti-.- - ,i.-r. nu I li 11, tl i .i::.-rti r is r.. ' I'. I ; Ir .i k I -irrti. .!r. i-v I. Oll.l.ll HSV t'Ju.iife.-t' bi- 3 I .1 stj- 1J. S. Jrioun, CrVslnVr, II. W. J.uRsok, Ass't Cttr-nirfv II. A. Ijoiidoti, Ashlev lluiiie, R. li. Raney, .1. N, Holding. A. F. I'.ige, Fred. Philip. Win. Doyhtu, Jr. IIAII-DWAIMi! STOVES AHD TIHtYARE f Wagon Material; LIME, PLASTER CEMENT! I TOOLS Bll CUTLERY. BARBEO WIKE FENCING ETC.. ETC. LOADED SHELLS, 2 cents each: Prims to Su You! TM I BElaGf! i m Fl J I vN J Ti IKE! The displny of (''uimber Suils, l'i and D.nino ; n EurniUit . Eula j I'lush Seat um! Rut tun Chairs, umit Old l'iueeH is the j;t it'iilest ever shown in this city and not surpass ed in this. State-. A 'Enriior ART EMPORIUM. Vou can gi t lnif.e l'ii tints from cents to nr v price you wish. m MEAH WHAT WE SHI! Ve me winking to sell gcodrl Uln) hope to nu nt a i-Inn i' of 3 our trade. Come to see us. If you come we will con vince ;, if 1 tlsut you can save the I Xpi-llHU cf a iiindreti mile nip iu spending only few dollnrt. It UI 11 IIU SATISFY III. i'HE CHEEK FURNITURE CO. Bunr.? yi, ij. v. Iec IT. - THREE AftM CHAIRS. Have ou liefti.l the news? If you ..urn'! it will ( . rt airily make you open our eyes. We hove just iedurd nr If jliOrt sniiH to lrS.oii. Yot nrpiise would bp nil tbo irreuttr if mi ui.d'istoo i tin if icul va ue s veil us we do. I hey me. be tiitiful i-. iis'u. 1 e: '1 et iii finish iiul i!uinc, tioilh lo be l.iiiuled flow 11 to y iil.lnii's ii i' '.en. Thrre is only nr wit to rb-r; il.e hilch 1111 oCVr it s rx'ian thu 1. ! He i.my regut ellilier III rll.ll H fiMIIC i'llt .VOU 11 'put b siMrv Im bnyinjr at such rice M niieiiei ui 1 1 s rutca doi.'l 'iu tn h.iiil ii cunilleb.it. Ileiu e s.iiii,. C-.jr ., tl.ut mi- (ijuiiDt if:iiii: Ae uli Wool 1'IhhIi I'nrlcr nt fi r ::,2 "i'l in Wiib.nl flume. I'm tin- s. t ::n daiM i' win tt lit I til ire Mm !. ui tile i',n , it ill, ftnii it Isli t ii ui s e --. Wi in- f . 11 nt 'i i A. G. Rliodes Sc Ce., ) E. Mot Iii in 1 II Ktehanee i'Uc KALI hill, N. (.'.