ttljc vCljatljam tttrori). r.nnon and mori'ivron. KATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ! t)nc siimre, one insprtioti ' One fipiiire, two insertions ! One s.unre, cue month . 1.5 2.60 $1.50 PEE YEAR Strictly in Advance. I K,,r .:rsr n in -rtisrmenbi libersl ecu ' riits wiil be niH'U'. VOL. XV. ITlTSIK)KO CHATHAM CO., N. C DKCKMHKIi 8, no. i;. I'usfiintr rmii. Winn tltelong, bright d.v i-'n;,e. An. I I lie ia-l rsy.s of tin' Mill With failing hsht li.t- hlll-top. f iir i.l.rn, !t i Mm t to lest awlii'c. Awl u ni'ji.ii'iit I" l'i mill'. In li-tcuing to tin" ru-iliug uf tlic corn. 'li, tliat tnu-lc sntt aii-l low. AVhfii t!.c Summer brer !'", lb niguiy l,uk tho happy m '.'in of child lininl's morn. Winn through a'l tli" summer dtV 1 li.Ho whilcl tin' hunts away I'- ijiiij,- and sock amid l!n rti't'iiif. corn '. Ttu'i'tigh tin dim. '.ittcertiin lijrU I c in ve tin- phantom bri-tht Of a loved one who, in childhood's rosy iii'irn, I ri 'in our liouu- as cal'tJ away, A: id krr slnut and kuighter "iv n:.-to robo tbro'( '!i tlie ru-ti'n. of thr nt:i. ailnalu those plea-uics lhtt, I'll l'i.- yi-ar- re' unit-i! anew .'e i:i. s witliiii my r-.itla-.i- hSrae wen ln.rii A'i 1 mire m ire I t.c :irl the luut. tin- r.iii'ilti.' in aii'l "lit. H ,p.y i!i:.lri n hiding in t lie ru'tling corn. Many yr t- li ie pint away, ii I my hair i ! i rn iiiir gray. !. aro ail tho K''td "ii.-s of life's r"y Hi Til. i'.ut I in' thi'ir prismce near, f'.'r.-itti II v.. in - he ir, M'liiY I n t.i tin- rn-t ill.' of th" corn. - Ilitniiah I'.. M'iiii. in I'urtlatid Tr .m-ci apt. TEMPTATION. t'.AMv i v-tm ns's sr"i;v. Our bunk w h ilio First National P ink of s .'on-villo, a town li iving a p ipu a: i. in of about ln.nnn, 'p: were two or iIiiti' private banks, I 1 1 1 no o.her institution having Iho capital t i 1 1 dignity tvi' cniied. Tin' stock lin d.T- numbered nearly thirty peop c. and nil ','. ci o i r.i'lcnts of the city and t 'im y. Among tlirtii wore four or live u Mow -, a. til ipii'.e n nttmbci of minor, anil orphans were also lopro tented. At linn' I was a ynnn man of and acting as cn-hier and h.iokki eper for a inaiiu faetin ing con cern. I h i I .i i"i in -;iti, niid with this I bought stock in tho few liank. I In1 or;.: in iiionli id been I'litniilcti'il, ami ll,c in-l:i in i )ii w.i t raily li open wlirn the U o-iili-M I sent for lie; an. I Mii.l: "tliiiitej, I Icivo known yen for the I'ist lit ! or "-.iir yi'ita-. Kvervhoily in tlie low ii siviii to ieak wi ll of yon. Y'Mi;- i'iii,ioyei !r!l ni" they h ive llie n'lii.'-t iniili leiii'.' in ynr integrity, and ee li one of our oxerii tive lioiiid has -jMiken i:i our favor. I have 1 1 u ri-i I -''"' worth of 'lock In yor.r nane: t Ininu your ho'.tliiiu' tip tc '.Vi io, ami am aiiihori.eil to c!li:r yon iho io-i'ion of e iUiei .'' Ye, I h.el many lii 'iid-. I w.i finiliitioii'i an 1 i.ehivrioiH. I n;.-o iii mii'-I. N-i in hi iveild -ay I had rvi:r wrm. Li d hint in an in. inner. 1 tl m'l mean lo l oiney tin- idea that. I was ail oxeepti ui. Their h:i- never liii'it any t-eaie ty of tli iiotielily i e li.ilile yoiiii- men, nor will lli 'ieover he. I iiiii pt'.d iii; ii.i-itioii with a fcrliii!; of eratit'iili! toward thou- who had lend reil il, :t nl 1 mad'.' tti my mini! to I'loVe lliv.-ell eoinpi'ieiil mid worlhy in evoiy pai I ii ono yiar ivii had rafd ha't the lni-iiii'- of the roilnlt. l i two j ears tlieic :u only ono pi i v. He hank left. We had any amount of money to h'li l on easy tmn, mi l whe'iever liny I'Xleii'ioii was wimii'd i', wi cln oi fully (.'ranted. 1 had done nioie than any oilier m ill to hiiii", uhoitl this sl.tle of idl'iirs I sav so ln'i'aii-e li'd the i tlle.'i - and stin kholders said (o. In two xeai's my Hilary win tel. laiiccil (hroe ilitli'ieiit liine-. So man coiilil hive boeu inoii" fully tnistvil 1 1 1 ii ii I was. My ml vice :i- 1 1 t'r ' il and invari libly folhiweil, and everyho ly compli mented the. hank i ll ils .s.ii(aiily in se iu. in lily sol viii's. I had lieonwnli tho bunk two veal's and four inoiiili when li s:ny;ii at' iiieidenl liapp oied. Olio evening an I sat rcailiii"; in my loom llie lhoue;ht uilL1 to mi) iiko a flash to rob the bunk mjiiI escape tn j forei;:!! rountry. I pledge yon my Moid was frinhlened for a iiiniueiit. win as if n voire hail whispered in my ears. l U llie bank! Why, I would chop ell a tinker sooner than niibezy.lo a penny ! What could have given birlh to surh u thought? I was tip.-ct and imbgiiaut, it ml vet I roiild nut shake oil i he idea. To iiiy:,l iiin I fun ml iny-tlf begiiuiing to iea-on and speculate. It was as if I ha I a double, ami iho double siiiil lo me "You are winking iiko n slave to en rich others. Yo.i iiie getting a fair F.iiaiy, but it slionid In- double what it is. Why slave aui for year to got ii few t liou-aml alie id when you can lay your hind on a fortune any day? II woul'l be slciiling, but then we all steal. You are yoiing and full of energy and a:..'iti.:u. With .."hiiih to bark j on you ran g to hoiiio for eign t'ouiiiry and make million and bit "!" a nabob in a few veais." I s'.ie ,;.! have ti :;i:.jiie-i -il. U lli.-mlita nmler fool on i!ie ins;.;:i'. No in a irn-ted position '.itns thief in a day. Ji is only niter !.e has fet'-iit with temptation ;U.1 been overionii- allowed hlm-e'.t tj lie nveivom". I mado an ellort to lid my-eif :f tir ilicli-ht, an 1 it would have'-lied but for a siily ae'.iou on my pint. A i't later, as I smiled in contempt at the idea of in v turning robber. 1 al lowed myself to speenlate in ca-e I did. That i-. I wondered how mii'.'h 1 cottel get hilil of, wiiat enunlry 1 shot, Id go to, ami - forih and so on. When 1 -u.ldeii'y found myself great ly iuloii's ed 1 jumped up in sliamu ami eoiifu-ion, but half an hour 1 tti i was deep in iiii.igiiiatiou again. Ii seemed as if the evil one (li.l ( verythin.' in las power to ai I mo af ter 1 h;.l finally deformed on my course. I h i'l the. "lurk'" to inert an A iieiiean who bad ju-t relumed from tmidi Auinica. lie meirijued st.v cral s ire things in tin: way of sprtu la'.ion, ami painted surh a glowing pii f.ue of tlii C'Htii iy tiiat I as ex. ei'e.l ami imp i! ieu:. Tho l ank had large depo its t' f ill, an I on ill.' 1:1 h day of Sepiembrr we bad ne.'.rly 7n,i'oi of what was called otp-ii'.e money. 'I his wa 'a-h lemiorariiy depo-ited by the t'ouniy Tiea-ilier and by the r '.-biers of three or four nianufai !tu ing e-l ah isliaien'.s. I had biell waiting for -iteh all opportuni ty. 1 eoiild have taken from !n,o in to s:).",Oi'ii almo-t any day, leal I h id T 1 1 iiivl to praei ieal'y clean out the in-iituiioii. Iletween lite l:!i a i 1 llth of S;'n temhet' I planiie.l llie details of my llighl. 1 know the lime tables of the ilillerenl railto.uU I shoald pa-s over, Whal day I should take tin steamer, ami every detail ha 1 been e.nefiiliy woiked out. I miijit lu pui'iieil, bin 1 11 itteied i:iyself that I hml lai'V my plans loo wed to be etiiigh'. I planned to go the bmk at '. o'clock in the evening ail'1, fcruio Hdin!--ion. '1 he w ali hman would not he-iia'.e to l'i llie in. I would then aaii I ami ov-KMiiie lii'.n. II eo-.:l. I no! give the alarm bef.uv ui 'i nin ', and 1 woulil then be fai aivai. I pl i inei! lotuike tuy eoup on !h" nijiii of the e!l. At the clo-c of bii-ine-s on the afternoon of thai d.y we hid o7. ill greenback- in the vaults. Afier a bank ha eloped in door to the publie al li o'clock p. in there is woik to keep the foie! Ini-y for an hour or more. I'or a I had a win - b 'en the la-t one to leave, and mv lenir bad been ti o'clock. Theliu-ly day puiter Wa ihen l"ft alone il. iii1 s o'clock, wlieu he gave t-l-iro lo liie legitlar night waiehm.iii. At half p-iit .) o'elo-k tb it allei-n 'on, mi 1 j' the ii-: elnk hid d-par.e l, the lli-.'ht Willch iii:iii e uiie lo no: i fy m till' bis wife had died suddenly a id lo ask that a -iib-tinH" ho oiniilovo'l. II-' named a man, but I tol I him that 1 would make my own arrangements. H hen the w a!. Inn in hail dep uted I ii i ili'id tli" day porter that he migli. leave al i o'clock, I had woik whi. !i would detain in - nil .ihotlt s. live minute af i i ti I wa- alone in lie hank, and its funds were under mv thumb. Tin' train iiy which I sli mi i leave town w as not da i it. nil l".o", and I wa-. i here fore in no buiiy. 1 locked it i an 1 wen; to my boardim; hoii-e to supper. At 7 o'clock 1 le til.ned lo llie bank, pulled down llie shades, lighted the gas, ami ill the o oir-e of twenty minutes hail packed every ilo l ir in l he vaults into a sa chcl provided for the pin p"s:. This satch el I p ace. I on a elriir oui-ide the railing, and had sal down lor a Binoke when there was a rap at the do. if. I knew i! was one of our force, l u' h oil y expected to nee the piesiib n: hiin-eif. "1 e;n'clcil il was you," he said, as ho entered. Always the la-t to go. You are worMug too hard mid mu-i lake a u -;. At a meeting of the hoard lo, lay il wa- derided In give yor. a mon I li - leave ami a gift of .-.'00 in ca-h. l ell have been faiiliful and cllieie'it, and Wc wish you lo know how thoroughly voii aie nppi ei'aled. " ,l d lift remember w Hat I sai l in ie pl , but I do rcumuih' r that Houiri hiug like horror eoied upon me at the idea of my oh ii ba-ene-s. IJiglit llieie in lenh of Ins bund was the uioiiey I in tended to He wit!:, and yel ho was lavi-h in his p ai-o- of my iniegii y. He remained only n brief time, and soon after bis departure I went out side to walk about mid plan aliiilc. I h.iiln'l aiven up the id .1 of lobliei v and li'gh!, bin a -lib, -mall voice wa w h -peril g to me. On I he til si - reel curlier 1 eurou n'e I a trump. I w as v i v much p -it'll '-ed, but I shall a! w m s reineiiiber wba: he -unl. When he a-hr I for alms I -uppo-e I .-t iled al him, for be n ld.-d: .. I'm a-h lined of invself. no own fault thai I'm down here. I let ti-mplauon gel tho bell- r of me." j That was another pink of ivn- science, but he iic.iially hint me when ! be said : j 'I hanky, old linn. May yon never know what ii is to ie e the re-; ect el lb" world." Within twelve hour- it would b kiioiu that I w a- a 'i cmlies" h'r and an ab-i oml'-r! Not only l ! i it, b it I wa ' robbing widows and orphan- and j bclp'ess old men! Il seemed to me tliat I could already heir tin- new --bo v- i j crying out the headline- of tin- allele , teiling of my sh iiiu and di-!i"iior. 1 j stood looking af t tie: ir.unp as he j walked away, w In n a hand v. i- laid I on my arm and I liirned to confront I the h a ling merchant of the tow n. I 1 knew him well and favorably, al i thorn: !i he had never been a patron f our instimtioii. ; heie,'' he fftid, OS be walked I along arm in a: in, "I've always dune j bu-iue-- w ilh iii'Msiiii bei au-e I found 1 everything till rinh:, but I'm going to ! In gin with you t' inoi row. fileaon 1 is a gold hi lli-l'i f , but I doll'1. fair y his lo -w ea-hicr. lie is a high 1 loih I . I hear, and ilav he may turn up mi ing w ith ail the b M.lie be lean cany. No fear of that in your ! case." And I had l"7,o'J(' aH packn!. ami was only waiting for train mno lo ln -! eome (he ineaae-t a i l mo-t con- templihle t "',b :r c er braid of in the stale : " I. very bi dy is speaking in your pi ai-e," he continue I. ".m l y".i ib' scivenll that is gak!. .ht-l keep ti h'Vel head and you'll the road to h jner and wealth. " Who'll he left me I had to lean against a dead wa'i f -r -uppoi I. i ir' sound of his footsteps wa sli 1 in m' cais w lien I Mtdd'Oile felt that I wa save.l. There had been a teitiuie s niggle of coii-ei'. iiee. but right h id ti iuuiplii'i' nl last. I wa- pulling my self together to return lo the bank when a woman nceo-lrd me by name ami said : 'Mow lucky I happened to see you 1 I was on my way down lo I'-ia'-k's to ee if you wouldn't take charge ot this l ackagij till to-morr iw. money I got i illy two hour- ago (i-J Hllll. ' "Come in ii-re mid I'll give you a receipt.-' 'Never mind that we ali know you and trust you."' Her prilling words gave me a shiver. How lin e lley knew mel A hun dred ro Is aw ay wa- evidence to mai.e mo an obj 'ct of contempt in the eye of every man, woman, and in the eoiiimiiuitv! I had one morn di d to undergo. Almost at the door of the bank I met two bii-ine-s men of high stat. ding w ho were holding an ani mated conversation. "lleMd the nervs?" a-ked one a- I came uji. "What is il "You leineiiiber liie (Ink in mv brother's olliee in I'nihi b-lphia who -kipped oin two years ago with n in;- Wcli, he'.- been ovei h.iulrd. lb' Went to Peru, no doubt expecting to have grand time-. li seem- ever) body soon knew be wasaihief, and he was an e.biect of general con tempt. He wanderel about, alivav- a marked man, and at last wa- .-o over come with shame and degradation that lie a-ked to be aric-led and sent back, lie w a- despi-ed, in-uited, and p lllliiri ed, and did not h.ive one hour's -olid eoiufei i i ,t; of hi-st ii iiitid-. lie will go to pii-on for leu or lifkvit ye. ii-, and he might as well die then. say, i-n't a i in ions thing that men will so destroy thein-elvi'ii ' "Take your own ca-e," added the other a- he placed a hau l on my shoulder. "Von aiv young, Inti re--preted, (l'tsed ami honoii'd, and oil Hie mii o road to wealth. You might crib lm,nini from the bank and get awa, but would that e iinpciisaie you, for the saeritice? No! I'.ven a iiinliiili wouldn't. I tell you, the man w ho has got to outlaw Inn,., .If lo ru j iy his plunder mu-i see days when he would aim o-i n'w 13 his li fe lo be set back in the position ho once held." I pa-sed into the bank and carefully locked l he door behind tin'. Mr knees were so w eak thai I h id to rest for a good I wenly minute -. Ilvcu my hair w as sopping wet. with perspiration When I felt stiviig enoug h I car. led the s:iiehel to tho viiuil, opened the doors and replaced tli" money, mid il was mil until the iron doom were locked again that I fe t sure 1 had w on. There would be no watchman that night. I had planned il so. I took oft' my coal, kicked oil mv shoes, and made myself comforinhio in an arm chair. I did not feel sleepy, hut w hen ilia door porter cam" at 7 in the morn ing to lelieve the watchman I wa souiid ti-ieep. it got to the ears of the olli. eis that I had sacrilin'd I ,y nihl because of iho dentil of dm hmaii's wife, Mil 11.' I're-idcnt feelingly -aid : "'! ess the dear bi ! lie's a man otil of a miiiiou !'' Am I -lib ca-l.-ier; ''.',11, m-vr; iii 1 1 1 a! out thai. I am sti.l ii-j-mded a an 1 1 1 1 1 st man, a id I t - ; 1 5 . t il you make any of my i o-lt i ft inid-b-.-lieve thai I bad i v- i h. en ii iui ti d tor an in-taut. - New un. TIlCJ t'lib ll llml I'. Veil! Vicrille -. ny phy.-ieiaii witii the ; -1 smat p'ring of micro-e .pi.- Um v, . go wii! t. 11 you that hiindr. d-. t! 'ii-.itids or even in i liii'ii s ofdra.l.y m robe enter the hitman body every day by way of the n spii ati ry organ- an.l iheciopha-gu-. "Ibu why," you a-k, ".lie these d- adiy n.i.Lei i ouiparatively inn- n-ou-?' r.'iaii-e they are aitgiil. killed and i!c ourcd by mia-ito guardians placed at every value ab " point throughout the .-y-lcin. In one sen-" Of the Woid tie -i walclittl! gtllldi ills me simply bi o, I i ell-, but tlx' are called pliag i ytrs and .-rem to l.r I'll ilowed witii n'i I'M raordiiiin y .imeiril of reason. To. v hive independent power of la-'t.i.u and not I' wander in-ido ine v. in-, but often m ike tie ii' w ay oiit-lib i ii.' ti. -lies a. id parser, ileiiour si ii. 1 1 1 any bacilli, w le ther or-moil-or .'l:;eiii e witii which they c line in loutae', ."- long ii1 tilt -i' phagocytes leinaill on guild ill'! tiody is -ife i'. niu an but' s!t"ii il they relax their vigil. .nr.'. mil ioits of invading paia-itcs woi.ld p..-s into the liie, nl and des'ivy life, i-iilc-r by iiiiiu -iMii- Hi", li inic.ii le-tousor ll:. p .'.'-otls w iiii I; they neetfie. The di--covi iy of iir' u-r. if tie.' phagocyte-, which only tl b i. k to .'.iiiuary, I V.' 1, is on- of the mo-t ni'ii'v ciloii. l i-vcia! io:;- of modem nieiiee. Oetfo'U Pier l' Nciitl.t Memleil. Among the buslijiinen employed by u largt? .Market iireet clothing linn there is one who is a wonder in the repairing branch of the business. An example of In skill widi iho needle was furiil-ii.'il recentiy which aston ished even tbo-e fauii.i ir with his work. A gen-ieu; in ram-' into tho place wi'h a di'i -- cai. alnm-l new in appearance, but whi' li the moth- hail gotten into ami gutt.'l a hole as hugo iis a silver iiiarter in t i-' bark. Since there was not another .oat in the piaee which would lit iho owner, and In ' wa- exlremeiy anxious lo h i ve it by cvetiing, it '.is -cut to i he w n kro itiis and a eotisiiliation held. The work- i man in tite-iiou as-eric! that he i-jtild mend tli : place in a u u- t i .b fy de ihciion, and he wa. I old t i go .thead. lir-l cutting a pi .fe of "tti t" ti' the iiole be w cut to a hhn l.-h.i.ied voting woman, anil by hei p.-t :;ii -:o pulled several hair- from l'.-r '. a. I. With the-e he s il. h", I he e Ige- of the p. iich, and when Hi. w , 1. was done not a -aie-inaii in the e:.ibii-nii!"iit could detect th t meiid. l a- :i-ittin r wa-so much pha-cd in. ii la- -eiii the woi kiuau a n- at p; -"ii' ' Phil-i-ilclphia lift oril. Take- .liini'in"'. Place, Poor .linn'io. w lio-c ih p ii mi c f i om the '' loliigi.-.i! ( . ii b'it . in- Am -lit a, where he mot so ini.iim 'y a d- aiii nnil w a. at one l ime a ipii-iiou oi ing iiilerest. dii". I'a-h.i. lb" ele phant brought over by tin- Prince of Wale, wa-al on -1.111' a dwarf com pared with the declined f.iviiie. lb. ha- grown ml grown, !,. e ever, until the prest ir mom, m nieasui e i'lily three in lies In height ic- thim .lutiibo, ,11 inappifi i ih.i dilb'i en ". livery day t he 1 n :.(-s i . br.-i-t mav lie seen in the II gcir Park 1 t t -. waikitg with stitcly tic id romid llie ground-, carry ti: a full cumpleim ir cn his back of hill'- boys an I girl, and grown-up people. Alie, .Iambi's partner in captiviiy, died about live years ago". In tin -am - hon-r where .Inn : I'.isba h is hi- habitation i-ibe favorite rhiti "'etos, ho b is 1. f,u twenty-eight years in the 10. This is the longest lime an amiiiii! of this kind ha- lived in c iptivity, at ali evciils in Loudon. Tnere was one formerly in K 'eent's P.,rk for t w nil three years, -j I. union New s. i iimrl'.t a II. ibl lingle at Sea. A nil 11 i' which ai lived in New Yci k the other day, had on board a great bald eagi.', which alighted in the vcf-el - rigging moru than one bunded mi s ai -ec, after a westerly storm. l i.e binl meanures nine feet from tip to tip, and iis talon ate fully si inches in ieugth. Tmuigh it wa completely exhausted when it settled on llie t-hip, it made a savage tight with the saiiois who undertook to rapture it, striking one of tticiu ticmciidms blow with it- w ing-, nuii bising him through his heavy cloth ing iiint flesh to iho bone. The bird will lie carried to k-'wcilon ami (nil iiio a nni-eum. II Ston Transcript., ( iiii.imu:v ( 01.01 :. 1:11 to v t ro M i n 1 r.r r. 1 ! i'; ! I: il- an ai 'iv and hi ':.t'. It. : ." t" I" i iarl c.i. !i nirli-. 1 :.:': M. : 1 a: '! 1'. an, I lo i p dry ft ' I'.iini' -ti t't 11 iiacr In aitlifal tier n ai. I it -'"-ilt an I 1 ti....... th, -imi-ici I' ."I i r.-.p I. in' is .ia :.'-,' . ati'l lent ptnif aiel K""'l. I e'.n.n ht--I; -i' l in 1 1 r !'i w "rii loo light - II it- sli.'ii'.l alwa-.s :e iiiry iin-l lii'lit. 1 1 j " 1 it o'it'l ! r hi pv an I In all li aii'l 1: iy, 1 ;-t -t 1) m tin- -im-iiim tlie livi-'otig la. p j -:r i.. tr' ai r -eal y.nir n tup: I -m i '. t.i V' .In-- aialv 'i: Ir rue If !ivy "la i Ii iv - dit ! fr.Hii l::t I. of 1 1 1 r 1 ;cr. N" 1 ai ! ''.oi ki 1 p wi ll i ittruit i o!'l.uit i :rr. 'M fi.s an 1 u-.i-ti -li.'iiM niu-t Ii Kept I'l'i) t tl:tai P. st in a lioii.c well swept. V:'i''k I a-M l-roi.-s t.i li'.v- Had eiri- ll." I lit-- '.., I rhl 1 yt s. -in.t 1 hue ill- "!''' ' t": td. w a'r: j 1 1 ink i I ' !' ! titan ...tli. erf. j. I s-snre 1 a!', in to tj'Vrl.t lt:l.-!al,i ' . ' r. -a 1 .or tr..; !'. - l!i- often tliaUn y.':t''.: . i r;. d o .. i,. : j , , a- you ;in . x -i . i-t i.rik. s t!,.- .r..:ig i tn iii or inne " It taa'iil r:i'i. ! "! w-nli ! ' n 11 It . ;,r, - p.,- i , ; ,11 va '!. ", VI l'i I r: s, in nicfi.-an li :f i.'.r. V I 1 nnv rton r. ! mire saw a very funny i.iiuh.'it be lur. a a baby .i.ligator antl a liny -nake, 1; iiie a nuinl;ei' of both were in a g!a-s tank, provided With a small "'U ....I .'!.- and growing plants. You wen d have ihougM it a perfect iiins try for the I .li.iirs 10 grow and to be happy in. Ibu while ihi thought was pissing 1 In oiigh my mind 1 saw an alligator 111 ,ke a sudden snap :isa little snake w as pa-sing ovc" him. and in a mo ment the DKir btllc thing found lii-ii'.-l'l lie:. I light between the needle ike le, ih of the rlligiitor. W' iggle and tw i-: a-be might, he .011M not get away. In vain ho tried to 1 hokc bis enemy by closely ciieir liiig hi- in cU ; the alligator held hi head p-rfeetly tigid, and lina.liy shut hi. cu'i with an air of sclf-a'i-fae-lion, a- if il wcie a most ordinary tiling for him lo have a -na ,e lying double how knot abound hismck. Afier a long time, either because he forgot his p: i.o ami yielded to a do. sin- lo yaw n, or b-catise ho thought the pii'-iiinplioii of tiiesnako in c, awl ing ovt r him had b en siilliri-iitly pun. isiii d, the baby ai.igator opened his jaws, and away went the .nake. "ceiuiiigly none the worse for hi A-oinid. I Ailanli! doiirnal. vx IVi -INi, III. l Wa- llie Mil il.c-l w.'i' li hiii k I had ever seen, no: ii.iirh bug.-r than a urge l it. b- he.i.i .-nnl shoulders were - 1 I .rge in prop u 1 ion to the body us to give it a ioiiio v look. It could not waik about yet, ami ha l never befort. bet 1: lib n" gr.-iind. I very moment ortwoii woiii'l whi-il" cheerily, in. th. old 1 i s w hen mfe in iis din and the la: 1:1 d ig is li. .-cely haying outside. Wc tut i. tie! yonug-ter home, niid my ii'Me ho,- was dclighled over t he H'i ol having a tame wood- 1 '1 nek. We i.ipiiicl lie 111 al:. and llie young f.niiilv ua- ..g un tniilcd. How thc-e pool, h.ilt-l ami-bed eieature did lay In d of the spoon when they jot a las! of the milk! One eiuiid not help itiiighiug. 'I heir little shining black paw. were so handy and so siiioolh, ll.ey seemed a- if ciirlosed in kidglivie. They ibiovi! well upon mid., ae lh'':i upon milk ami clover ibit al'or ihe mucin of the thing had worn oil', the boy found he linden, cumbered liiin-eit with .-ei bun dntie in a--inning llie pi'shiun of fostei mothcr to thi- 1 nge fauiiiy; .-o he give Ihein all awav hut one, ihe lir-l one 1 wlii- l. had oiu-lripped ail ihe oilier- iii growth. This soon lu'iaiiic a i iy ainii-ing pel, bill it al-a- piole-liil when handled, and aiwai- objected to co'itinement. I -hoiil l iiii iitioii that the eat had a I.Uii n alioiii the age of the chuck, ami she h.ot mole 1111,!. than llie kiiteu could di-po-c of; the chiii k, when we Iii -1 gol him, was often placed in the iie-l wiih the kiltrn, and w as regarded by thecal a-Icndcrlv as her own, and a lowed lo i.iti -e freely, I bu- a n icml-biii -prang up between the kit n 11 and 'he w ooilchiick, w hich lasted :is long a- the latter lived. They Would play iogei her preri-e ly Iiko two kittens ; 1 .inch and I limbic about and roll upon tiiegias. in ,1 very amusing manner. I'.iial y tho wotidchu'-k took tip hi abode under ihe floor of the kitchen, and gradually relapsed into 11 half-wild stale. lie would prrinil no familiar ily from nnv one save ihe kitten, but each ilav tlii-v would have a turn or two at their old gum s of rougli-and-tumble. The chuck was now over half grown, mid procured his own liv ing. One d iy the dog, W ho had a I along looked upon him wiih a jealous eve, encountered him too far from rover, and his career end '.I I hf 11 and there. New Yoik Adverii-er. 1 A 0YR mix. ' It-li i 1 . to hi' S!e,i'!iri! .'ii S'-t to Pn-vcnt Si-d'siclvb'' Im'.ofrcjiits Apparat us f 'c? 1 hy a Torpedo forlH, 1 . Tie l of ships ill hi a y 1 1 . now thai sail- have l-'-fil !.-ig" c '1 p'.n : d bi -! ,-nn. 1. 1- Ivi-i'iiii- a - ! ' ol illi li a-. tig il,., ole loit 'i.i -.gel, says ihe I .otid' 11 Tnio--. ' i li I 'h -peed-wen the l.ngisl -h'.ps m.'V t" l h'.iiviiv, an angle ol rod of b way having ban 1:11 ;,-ui . I .-a l.r.-.' I ' : 1 1 ! t i 0 -te.illiei -. M: . 1.1' I I: ' I i 1 ' . !l,e lli'ii-I.M iw 11 t'-l pi :o i n . It r. ii i ,! vised an ippiit a: its l a - v .'. I .: bi'S at oe.i. and has i a ; ' v ..!, p 'ted an imeir. ting -i : - of x, i uie.'-.t- w ah il. Th-' 1 1 - i.t- - :u I" ao'.v c..!!v lusiv iy tlia' th- i- : i ; "l hip- may be laigeiy to in ed w to .. ii i.ibio CM peiiditui c t-n lit t'l hi !. i a: go space. The i im ijile by '.in- -ompil-iied is .1.:''. t J ,i slutting I. hi moved by byibatlli. ponrr and i ii li olled by Ihe c-eiHal ion of -in I I an I long prrii d pendulum-, which .in-'ier . i the motion t.i ihe w -vi - a'nl -m--" liie weight 10 aniloip : and it a t i -let their tendency to 10.'. tl - - , I lie I umla'iienlii! it ini: i iii''1' ; - ' I : i i appaiatti- are tint it in 1-1 b . no I ! of auiiclpaiiug and b.i..i.o ifg 'be i " 1 1 i i.g i till ' of a wave w t ; . 1 1 1 :.ny "i--:i)iii : ics of .-ii'-'i ileraiigt in in th ''. ii w ill increas:' ia-t.- i i of iliin.ii,.'. theioil. To clii-e, this l -. Ti .-ii'ft use-, as aire nly -tatc l. a lioliing nil I ii It :l i Ml of a long .:::! holt period j'Ciidititiui. lie . "t : pelidll'um follow- ae til'i'.' l wi.h piacih aliy no loss of inti''. ih" 'i.o go iti the '.(jipar'-ni dirci'iioii i f v : ilue to any alteration of the wave slope. Tne iong peii iulinii op, o e th" short pendulum lln.iii.h !.." -in ill -iigie, during whit Ii it w ;i ' I a r -w i-c balance I he -! a iii Iv "I to. 'io. T! e Uit'li ia of I In.' -o )' -ida W i lk liie ya'Ve- of il In d: .1,1. :e l .!; .1. i- tin ougii an itigi'iiioii ly at t.m.c.i s 'lie. of pnwet till c.C' to in g-e't . A heavy ba ia-t w. igli I- ibu- -vvuit -. loll nl iiii'il il- luoveliient i- -::tli .e.:t . lo balance llie roiling m . ''. 1 1 1 in ! the wave. 1 lie vcs-el on w ho b . '. meiils w i h thi- gear weicniad' i - i in ileum yacht 'ccne. of .'.''' t m- d.--plaremeii'. Pun. iriforiun .te'.v I", the ill:po..e ill h.i'id. -tie p,i-.,'--i-lli i it - II il 1 1 large -tiiciby. -' to.' with a weight of eight ton-, i r : pi i'ceul. of her ili-j ho i m n, -I r . oun! only be iiiehu. d iuo ti. ,, -each - ay fi'"iii the vn i e. i : ii ino-l ;.' our huge Itm-t's a iu:: ii -ma I CI' plopoi't'.OII of ibe.l total !:-; ' - meiit wotih! ''.- i-ctuii i .1. Tiie I ni--t :nig:e of ''oit i- I'todii e l w hen the w . r , i i e-poiiii-. w i t li the mii in a! p-u "I rolling of the ship, a'n! i i : : i in shawoil that Willi a heavy and ,ai l-igle of roll W in-Il llie j I i ' w a - out ot gear ot Is d-.-gio, - , .. 'i n n the appiii-ali'Ui of the g a. n o : : -dm ed the angle to uiu-' .legi t'-. T , i a Miikiiie re-n't when in i:ll:ie- - Ol' liie V iCill i- !.lk''ll into ac ,- i ll. ciicle was tin unl to iita.o' -in-e t .a ihe iiiijirovcuirnt was inn inn ,o .', change of t oilie, and tie' .'iii'oin.i : reroid- -h iw that t:,e 1 1 ,i -.;.:: m ol roll w is ii.aiiitaineil lliio. jo u'. Wiien ii is it ii'etnbi'i ,.l t :, w . h less --ill' ship- t ae turning uu-in - .i i - ipiiied hi pievent ro.iiug i ' li r the lilil'1 available f-o ui'-vio; -ii -i'i. I .i-l i- greater, th:- tv.'.t.t is iiie n. ue reinai kable, and -e.-iu- lo sum ,, we are wi bin me i nra'.ic ili-t ia , curing one of the ino-l 1 ft i 1 1 f i : .,, . ui paiiimenis of a -e i v age Vveraire i" of I ba An inn b"i i' y in ;i va ii 'd v. I, i ii . put 1 he average 'lil, i ll '. l, a; i.j , of I ,e tl -ck- of M .ciiigan oii.v :i. It is i-1 1 1 lo look t o t In' - ,, : ai Male- to liud eii"i inoii- slim ilitei ol she -p and slai lliiig d"g -toll-: it -. i lit N o- icbu-clt- has ,,'i u r, p u 'ed, and wiihoul w. ii iuo ,i la-ii li 'ni tl,,, ,,. giou-, we give thai -i-re Ihe li'-l :e. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 on dog-. Ma- a.-!, i.r!. ha hS. nun dogs and .'."' 1 -c p. The Ceil-U- give. Ill'- tl"g- a v an-' of -in Cilcll. Tin- rnlled ale. I m , o t oo nl of Agriculinre g r. the vaiue of sheep per head under one nin oid, fc:5. t.'; nil r one ye n "hi, I 1 It anybody doubt wlieih-r ii.lriiigenre ' Hlld d"g- lack allinnv lin y in e l no more. ; Aiium ic in laiiini. Not vi Iml llie wits Intcmb'il fur. "o on -ee thai i -mai kaltiy lall young man over there. Mi h" nwii. . Well, he was originally intended tor : the church." J "Indeed! I should have n,; I him to have been iulciuh',1 for the J steeple." llxehange. II tint VHrr Here. !. ieu were h. f how pa a. ant lib' untie! . ,-.w -will 1!: i a l lw:'i;:hl i't "i- ciotn3 'iV !.- !.. a ii nni .on! Iti.'lo. my In ut I. l"C. M v. :: in rt h' re. v. ii I'c : fit t I " "i;i, I'..! sht-l a -o I j-.:.-! I M.I !id tuy g't la luiin-trv On vo . i. .T.i 'hath Iciili tlisi'l" ra-s-e? i . , ; . i r Pi. '10 t' f l' i-' Sll'l think of A .- I ...',! i-..i tietd lev Ik an i" ' l.n r W ' a i !',, i rn ii"i' IrMU !: 'In am I :' i . it -u, w, re In re M niior. .'..:', i;.g 1..- it- up.- mi l downs like .a limbic.! . oi monkey oa ti riiek. i: ih iir, w hat ha- ihe old man to n . . ;o ,, .:.! Iiim-i.,!' a-itle fiom l)i 'im! "ol, s'l kv." - ll I ihe hievil ( t. e :,o';;iig wagon. And yen - - in!. ' w ;i- ihe lc'!y . II . . ni l a g'n 1 get mad if oil N- : : o i i i I .,- if i o.t a-ked her wiih- O't t I. ! -- ' tig il"! ' i (oi r.ipii'.tf-i i you will :r:i;iy im-' I'c. I me. do you love me? i ,al. - 'm . I d.U'.'l. bu' A::m. Mur. i ,ij do.-., .nnl I hate her. I : n . i - li vou think youi father ,,i'. "i gir i v, do mi) thing for us w h' is we .;' married.- Angeiim.' f hoy Im piomi-cd io coiiij ami I iv o w i 'l l' -. 'd ... ' M... I nt is to be mat ried in gi eat v ; 'I .:i'-d :y night. Ague 'Alio i- liie 1 1 - - K ina'i.' "I etiu't i'i-t i" tli h:s name, hut il is the out? -le' i-n'l goi-'g to ii.-::i ry." "io. w l.e ii i i' v tt i t i ti uk a man weigh- 1 1 1 1 -1 .-" " .l-ked .i p.itici.t who V it- Uioiri going a 'I'l .-rof di'.tat y t;i :r :it. " .ifii he s;ep- on my corn-." ti ii - v. oi i- I lie' ib.'cior. "Ma," s;i . i :i i:r ', - pa t r 1 1 mi's son, "1 I, 'f'W w hv c.tiioi- r i'l t ir iii-"i ves wc' ' "Wl.v!-" '-tin- lliat , e-u'i : .- ; i..' ' w i .: think i here ::,. i o i,. : iv p" ' p lor him to I ,:i - I 'i ti i ." o i iiie board- r to ihe ..lil.o.i l. "l-rilll . i tile of Olli- i iiii; i.' ii 'W i. Ih.i!-'" -l.e a-ked. l'.'.-..ii-r o-ii- . "tnnry i- t he union. Weii i" " ad iii unto, i there is -ti-eiigih." Pi u 1 1 . .' i i - 1 ) i vou lei vour beans t' 1 1 w o ot o i g:i -.' Piis'ilhi (Ml, ' c-. tin c-- t!e arc good looking. I. -aw i.e. and .I.i. k log-ther last night, bu'. i- I io, i him i hi niorn ing, I i! ,1 i , in nd. M.o In r T iioiiv, w hat do vou mean I v -tai ing oil! -o late. Iton't. v i,i do - i i i ,:i I "tinny -That's i t-i i ke vn. 01 i. ' ' 1 1 v ,i few days a ;o . ",i -a'.l it p,' a-, d nil lots to sen tliat I i- 1.' ! nig - 1 m, i' i l" be like, my ; a. V vraiigo iim rai !i i' . M ' T. , Ii. I nil ::: ,"-'': im - were Worn .! b. f.iu-oa ot I, ad l.-oliv-o-.. Of ii, - i . ..i of ; la i" m m", - ami t ricii'l- :,.d ih' I . w in.- biiivk, atnl bii.i,: ii o;- w c a!-o n voided I: m ot ll" ia.n. - ottl-ide. -fl. i,, . . and gray- ol aiuui-t cvere in. i.iiial .e a i o- w i ;' w o; ti . V rivet ;,an:e- md !; orn .it.-tii- in hat- ami I,., 'ii 1-. a i I II"! -i -i eg "fa-l" or stai : 'in: . o.-!iniie. I'ai, - ai in- I- l "t .piltc i ,'i ri rl, for did It, i" i: 't -a i tiii.'iigi: the -llb-,1'ietl '"id ioiv.ii, 1 lie I 'iioi'iikinent a won, a i w 1; ,-t u h w ..- a -lallling i. ;-:i., i, I "ii-W ll-l !" die-., tlllll, ,il.o. an. !i ui it.. i lo tin on net n--ion- -m il as ih n v. i,n h made the , os ail or a t of I tf- w otil turn i.e. aid U t -i oiiii-li i 'C'i- at noon;' 1 i.o ,1 i n e ol I In' pel -oil ill i jiu -iiotl wa- a- I .: I Igiil gray nailing -kiit. b' i" r at iiin I w ith a loud i .n, op-'ii 1 1 .till throw ii buk be loud iho -1 1. ii i If ; -; a Impi'-oi bright i -; -c n i i -im k at lie hark "f her, at;.: ii-ieg fiom i;- front a bun, h of -till biat k nuii!-, -ix itiohel and p'.itilmg -traigl:! towant tlw - i . t.lllss I.JC-. tila.-eyc- cm m w be pint lia-nl fit !e-s thin-' each, although at (iii price then! i- not 1 1 1 il i -1 1 choice in the nailer ol -hade. I he i.heape-t grade an' iiiaiiul.n lined in O, iiiinii, but in Soinr pari- of lluglainl lin y are pro diititl.u verv tiitUiig c.xp-iisi'. Thfl liighc-'-pi iced gt ad'- arc made in Puis, whither very sensitive peoplfl who waul to avoid deleciion of their loss li, vol n known to navel from great disiain ei in order lo insure thd grcate-1 variety to -elect from. There me hilli'li-cd- of shades, both in the while and the dark portion-, and lie. I (Opium i- iiii',e i ay. A cus'lv ghiM eve wili la-t nearly a life. lime, epee,. iaby if ii is tin, en good can: of and : not w "i n dav and night.