w u rnnssovi. j?KCK.".hKK n fwli. 12 GAS IJCCIiiJS. FAUKver r On: Vk.ar! IIai'I'V New.Ykah!' "Don't forgot to writo How diJ you enjoy Christmas r ; , k Iho animal ".-.woai'iii on on na aaui in 1 1 -1 TJoffin tho now yoar ny r:i.M')0' 'your HubMcrinlioa to the JU oii!'. Dogwood, '0i- iinnio:: :i;:d lilc!;- fOr timuor watucu ai .no (8bati!o Mill. 1'ilt.sburo' St.on liorrowimr vur noiir'nboi' . jV. 'inner mid bi'-rili the IIOW year 'subscribing for tlio 1 1 K' r-. , The Legislature 'il ,noxt Wednesday, and tl will koei its rea'lo:s well -kii to its proceeding Many a rabbit will bo eaiudit in tho biiow, and our Kuleili li ionds ,will buvo an opiortuni.y o.l feiv-ii:: ,on their lavuiito !oi,JCI.:.lhain 'rabbits. -. - - - As you sit l,y your tirt'side read Jing this paper. k;n't yon think that it is well worth three cents? And jot that is tho prico td it. And by tlio way have Yui' paid that? t Dr. V. II. 1 ,lwards,ofV'.'iil;. Tor 9it, will vis it I'ilUl'oro on Monday, .Tuesday and Wednesday lollowiiijx 'tho third Suii'lay in every month, 'nd will l-e prepare.l to do ar.y kind of dental work, olheo with Chapin e. Ileadcn. : Any yoi.ii-- niai. or h-nly disir .UK to attend a oo-.l aoa lenne sctiooi land wishing l pay expenses by eachini; primary uradeor peiiinaii- ship or both, v.-oi'.ld do we'd to cor jroKpond, at iiiii ', with 1 I'. 'J ine- berry, Iijf shoe's ( M e, '. 0. v .. - - On laat Saturday, at Koanoke, Virginia, our former county man, Mr. Cornelius I' i il'.i n, v. as ma"ried to Miss Hannah Jaok-ni an,1 an i vel jat bis old heme .i:li hi:' l.ii'.e on ;iasl Monday. The ;!;.oi:, wislns tboni a lon li(e of wedde 1 hli.-s. iropir. yoii have had a merry 'Cliristaias W." L London A. S-n now .wish J"ou one and all a ''appy end j'roHporousNew 'ca:-and i:!.-o thank 'you for the libera! support you have jfiven them dm in:,' the past year and hope for a 'joiilinaaii' e ot tii; same. Our for.n.'i- county man, Capt ,Seo. M. I .e;'.;er, who is now a con ductor on lie- . . 1. . was napj ,ni7rried on the -M mst , ton, to Mi.-r. .'. r.i:i:. Ih e. at Little-i'" e'augblcr of Ii. J. Alhn. l'.- 'fh. UK' 'jOXtends its c. nigra1 illations to ha'pYc co" Tie. the aPp;- If yoH em p pot commence am ,W. L. London' ,v S Xo receive t he mm Call f lid : .". how V help it do loer '' ii' in eloiil. ,h, are now read v I Oil Ort l till p t Hettleu ake lon-ltivt'ds". Alli" rll e-:.y Jiie.s la;-, cover..,-; jopcii aecoiiuts inn aoino way at cm o. L'v. '-lo-ed i .1 j i One of tho most vigorous old won thr.l xve !. iow is Mr. Oliver Me Jtfath, ol Hickory M ', .nlaii. tov. n 'nhin. xvho iilthou.'h he is 7 years old is eine c.l the mo-l notoi: : :c ii un- tors in the h t.-.te. lb- can ride alt. r the bounds a! withont. auv lati gue, and break lioxvn any aian. e,-.;iti;,rv i I Tlio eiilerlr.inmont which xvasi to havo been he! I here, on hist Tues. j day nh'ht, was postponed en account of tbosiiowst .nil until lemon ow ; , L' ;,!,.-, ;,,: . ri,.. .. ,-, iii-l , house will ha well warmed rxt.d everybody will boeomfoi te.hle. A lare attend pjdoo ana r.r. eiovi:! ,.' o-oiision xpoeted. A St iioKN Dkatii. On lal Mon elay afternoon an old colored man, named Hubert Mitihcl!, suddenly dropped dea l in .his .yard, a'ooul three miles vest id this plate. He bad been in his usual itnod health, anel beat t dUease is snop ised to have Caused bis death. Le xvas ol ihehact that the feo for a laari ia-e li- "old issue ed free i.''i't --:', a carpen ter by trade, and I'.oru an e::ce ih'i't oharacter. Do had been a subscriber to the llKi'onc r.er.rly ever .-inca il wus established. Christmas Dv. (!ominon Sun dav this year Christmas was more ouietly obsei ve ! than ual. The tern ne rut lire xvas unite cold and crisp, and the sun shono brightly, a nieist Housonable day tor Christinas Tho streets of o-'.r l;:wn xvero alr.iost deserted, having do whatever of Christina:!, ipiiearaiice The Moth, odist and Lpiscpal churches xverejtv; Mr. Fr. d LreworanJ Mr. Bob- 1,1011 ''"''c n l" "'''vu 111 ope.) for service :, and after attend-lert 1'. Waltwis, of Wake r.,,r the ",0,1 c,.,, ,.enl and powerlu; ox er ns church nearly everybody re- est : Dr. Haughton Ihrie. of I'.alii- delivered -x r,nt nainetl intloorstiie rest )'flho .lav. nu.ro: Messrs. J. C, and Francis1. Smee lh:.l ii.gh. the doctor has i.r . 1 1: "... xv ,,r I'o.lvlil.. M ,.u xv a ! implicitly i'b; ve,t l!io orders ot n No doubt many irood dinners xvero ' . , I l' , L- .... ,1 I Oiijoveil, aii'l too oania x.iuis man' many young heart: v.-ry iiajpy xn i b his liuinerous gills. Pas' IMo A .. ay. At the cIopo of evory j'ear xvhen xve look over the llEfoiio's subscription lists we n:te with regret tho names ol those sub scribers, xvho have passe lawav, have died during the part year, llmake lis sad indeed as xro" i eo so imuiy names ora-.od, subscribers to xvhom bo li.;ciiin li.'i.l oe en sent tor several ; C.V.pt. b K !',line. xvhu for sev 'f j'oars and lia .c jiassed away, just as1 oral months past bas been employed wo all must do as tho years go by. I by a c iu! mining company in 'vet And as xve note the names of those ToiiiiCisee, is now vn iticg ids le.uiiiy aubscribers xvho have died drring i rt ibis p'uico. tho past your, we e iii.iu.l relraiu fi'om j M.r. 1 Ii. Hayes (iulf, has wondering v. lie x ill pass away dur- ! i.:ovci! to !'ershaw, S. ('., xvhero It ng the coiiii ,ig year II may be th's xvill eiig.';go in business. Wo rtirut on, or that ene, -r it may I..: toi , j ihal Chatlimn !o-c-: -e; . ".itsrprii.ing S-'?ad vea.b:". 'r vj,'. i.'mViI! ' "Iff! '.'i. i A Iloiuuiii.K Miiu.ku n.'Uvi'i u throe anil tour o'clock on last Friday afternoon Mr. Adam Silor and his - wife, xvero most brutally murdered at tl.,ir residence, Hbe-uttxvo and n - lu.lf miles i: irU. of -lilor City, in this cunty. About four o'clock that afternoon their little ran-lson, 'vim lived Willi tllOM, IV t! l'lICi! froo the neighborhood and j found thorn lying dead in the house, one in one room it'id llo other in ; another room. The little boy av l!;o alarm and souid o! tins ncigonorn ; fioon ...nivod there and loutid that ;. inio-t lioml'.o dor.hle murder hr.d , boon tonimittnd. Tho bodies ( I t no vii'inna v. oro ('.i-i warm, aim oai u : ,,vS iCL.H Kidihory was ovi- .,(, (l( liu. ,.,.,,,,.. iU,d ; Jroin the harriii'.mhn (ircu:n!ain.,s ; it i.-i bi'pnohcd tlii'.t the roLberontcivd the hc.r.Mi, domandod. Mi LIT S it a). inonov and Lo.ivfufiinir to f j -.ho r.d.bor foi :td Mr. Sil i that was in t io room, !'::: ve :i (,'tili, ; lim on i (the haok of the U'nd with il, knock' turn ilov.-n, r-lmt tno loaii oi oiuMii... i,,i. barrel into h oiiui! h, then drew Ins pistol end shut him tv.-ioe in lite heal - then rushing into the adjoin- in;1; room he shot ;rs. oiler twice In ilh his pistol, or.sj ball entering the loll ear and tho ether in the l.-u-e near the no.-e. lie then pulled out tho drawers in a bureau, took out a I : eiall lot of money (ten or lift ecu dulh'.i'v) that was in oi.e :i theiliaw ers and ran olf. lis track was dis covered ne.vt day in a small lield near th.! house, but he was not seen l:y r.ny one. Mr. Sder was about seventy five years old, his wile was a low years youuiror, and ho wa.-i a well -do mid thrilty larmer with money loan odeut. Tnis old couple had a yoiiu;r trtan i 'son hviiiir Willi mem, ami someol their married children livin in the :: ! o:'hood. .1 was lid known '.!:at he had an enemy in t!n f(lilti jos0 .Moo,,, Shii!,.-.l Moore, world, for he was a good citizen and AU. iJ,. Vt.,.t nu.,, Xci..bain, Ivi ::ind neighbor. Ills residence Wi4" ! t' IJi i.'i, J uuics '1'. Phillips, Mvr- bet ween ihe public dirt road and the ; (ij. , p,jjj,,., V. "''. i'owers. A. i'. C. F. Y. V. railroad, in each and abort two hundred yards distant. And I hi:- makes il sostrani,'e and start!!:';;, thr.t a man and hi.i wile s'ee'. l,; l.e shot down and cruelly nr.. rdered, in broad daylight, in their home in so jiublie a i!aiv, and the murderer escape without heii gscon. Tho cor.ir.er was notilied of the mfrJer, and, arriving thei oou .Sun day, siimmoiied a jury ot impiest, which ha--! been ililieiitly invi'M'..,a tinur tlio cae, but up to yesterday had not rendered any verdict. .Manv rip, lors have been alloat and scvei :d j j y -K,,js ..i;j,;in Fulls, llarri persons have been suspoclod, and j ' ',. i;1Mlll,r ' ' ' i!M,ri-. Allen M or.r la-.est information is that strong , ,irer.m ;ta".. es point out tho g-tiily , l-erson, in;i u is uo'.ueemeu p. ii..ei,i : p i. , ,,h ; . . 15. Las.-iler, now to state who it is. Of course I .iyrt',,.i Lauivnce. Carnev Minis, so diabolic; a murder has created aj Ji;r', ,:d Minis. Joliii Mo! ris, A. .). en, great sensation throughout that j 'i-vullN Oldh.am, Lo;;au I'oe, A.J. iieighboit.ii.: I, and all the neighbors, j p1H.( Wri-hl I'ipkin. John J. Uiddle, f.-r miles around, huvo boon doinjjjp, jj Stedmaii, William Tnomas ail luey coiiio 10 ui!covor ino mur- r. This is tho third time, vilh ''IU l'a's'' ', w y'ill's' tiiat two oid j peraoos Imv been brutally murder e l al liieir lie-met in Uns county, aim it natuiaily cr ales iniu li oxciie i.'.eiil and considerable uneasiness. Snow fjroiiv. Oueoi th sever I '" ' k 111 t",''' :l'la ''''j i : ins county on last I iiusoay. 1 i,u Isno'-v l.eg:l:i to fall aller mi Inighl ' - I "'lOiS iieiiie.-.i snow fall Mneo the memorable snow in January, L")7. It xvas a very I ,,llslor of the Church of the Sirau ponetialing jiioxv, the faktfs creep- ' ,r(.VSi ; y,,.,.,.!- :ree!, is In be takei. ingin under windows and doors in j t,0 DilliSVi!c S.iiiaUu iuin, New drills, and it xvas also n very dry v,jrk, oilbcr tomorrow or next d.ix snow. The young folks here xvero ! f. u .,ient. The vonei kbh. di vi n". " .o --,"-. "..-.k having a merry tune, but xvita pvr- sous inu.iy cum or snori eu irci me sno'.v iiiv; tausou much suuerin.'. fee farmers ruv the I'lmi,' v, iil lyi-ealiv help their xvheat crotis. An I x.'i sX Tax A few days a-o a poor young man and his sxvcet'.iea rt walked here from their b mes, about tell IJI i lea d i.! i an t , fo. i.,e Mrios.: of j ootanni.j ;'u' mar d. Who.: thev went to! t ,i , i- .,,.., I,,.,. i, i ',,!.. ,....,! uoilars'land the price was'ot). N : l i : . .ii. ,. .1.. ... e,,.. o.'inf aenu io laise iiu. tii,er uiix . ., , i ,, , eeiC.s IheX- xvii ed hatoc hoiiit. oh - . ., , i , , l or t iree airs and made addresses laired the lacking lillv cents and ,, , , . , ii ii v . i , I and bv I' lldav vas tlnuo'iglilv won iiex-il.iv xxalked here U'.r cn ho'l-htj ' - ., , . ,. - i i , i Vet. Mrs. I eem ; lieg:;e.l him t., lue :ee!i53 and were duly married., , . . , . i ... i" i- , lake a rest, nut ho insisted til i .r,ne persons may think tins tiuiie , . .. 1 1 , , ,', i preparing his ,-entioii lor lue nex an auiu.sin,'' little incident, and make i, ', . . , , , ., , , ,. , . , -, , . . . ci I Sjiineiy v. lie had hurd.y taken ui ii;hto il I) ut it is suiriro-.ti VO ed the . . . .. ... . use is a very unjust and improper lax. It certainly does seem straii::e that, there should bo a tino or penal ty impnrKi! I;y laxv upon marriaires, and that any State should levy a tax on morality, for that is exactly what this marv:a're license, fee amounts to I'tHsoX.xi. Itkms ("ilile a mil. i I her ol visitors nave feen speiuiin:; their Christina:! holiday.-, at our an- I cient 'Jlorougti Among them xve j i are pleased to nolo th; following : J Miss Minnie Bryan, of Nexv Borno Mr. K. L. Ilangl.ton. of Jones conn - Woui.-o-k. of lieidsvill.. Mm U- A Nash, ol Saliford: Mr. James L. phy, ic.an, and last night ho was re .I,U;,P. Hobb; Iialdwin,ol Biehinond county : Dr P'Utod to boa ni-le improved. W hen j Polly Whit,., John 11. London and f-.mily, and,11 "'"'.'' reporter .a. led at the New j L uinie D.ws.'.n, Messrs. II. M Cowan, Frr.n!; 'pllin,' j 1!'ici to the :!c-tor ho sent j C nit Diwson, ton, and W. A. McClenahan of liai-' w'1'1' l',ial 1,0 was Kerry to say "no", 1 Lvla D.wson. eigh: Mr. David Smith, ol .'ehnslon hul that Mrs. Deems would speak , V.Mli.s Hobby, county' Mr. Herbert L Nmrisaiil: family and Miss Norris. of A ,cx. j Bov. Ii. 1'. ''ulanhs :;nd lamily bave boon spending Christmas at his; I old homo near bore" Ho has recent 1 ly aceepted a call at Columbia, S. 1 5. Chatham's J)kai Souukks. In 0,.,,,,. ,0 ,,1,;.,-, (l j .mil correct lir. ,.i -11 ,, ...... i..,,,,; KoUiei-s. vho xvero rut,.,! 0r e'h'd dtiriu" the hi'.., Wiir, J b',? Vv, t .. j v 1,- js ,,y ,. ,..lln(.s J a! wl,o,n'wo t-oul.1 .,!,: ;., n:.v i.iib.- ination. c now oi,I V Ol 'inc. li.e 1 1 ; -V '..'ii ii ' Tho (i,.,,!,,,.,, (j7vvs- anii win iv.', ii i : 1 1 - he.-: nic t (J, p.jlli X. (I. rmnnu'iit. In ttir.t coil" ))ajy t10 f0n0V,i,llX ..Vere killed : . lJitlJ . j (. Albright. Wilil.-.m All- ,..;,i xi i ...,i,.,, !!;..i,:,.' 1 1'mcIi. j T1 t.,r" .I a rlj 1 1 brown.' D. II. M-i wards, . M , ,V .lH.tl,.,s Andivw i. l-ox. ', i,. i, i.-,.-, u- c,,.,.,.!! Mcnrv II. (iarreti. D.n.lol Ilii !cn,aii .'-!, Ilobsoa, II. V. Kirhman. W. V. Kirk- , man, John II Marh-v, John I'.. Mal-i .how.-, Al: i":i M-C.v, .'. A. Mo ! ran, ,'al liani; I 'nrwo-.id, V,'. il. IVovo;. James M. Niic:i,!:.n, H. F. j S.lor, i. V. .Viler, Jmnos M. Si '.or, '.owis Wiokor nd Anderson Wny. , in ''the Haw Jiivor boys , wine.: i i ,v v.as Co. i). reiriUicnt were Killed i. died ii bright service. V. S. bono. !-a !.,,;.,, Pryant, J cifu.;i yA ' .e n.iii.iid. :i. ii. g, W. Ii. t..:i:i-il, ll.tl. l'l!itcht:ei. James i,iuca!i. W. J. I'.irrar, A. J. (i ui.ter, !'. (.'. (iuu- tor, I. Ci. Hatch, . Ji. unit, .lohn II. Jiihnson, Thomas J. Johnson, Hardy J. Lassiti'i-, James 0. Marks, lieiiiiett JNewmaii, i.ulus 1 eiioer- u'rass, V. M. rendi'i'rass, AMred C. 'oo, V. I.'. .StiMiigiian, W. IL Worn do. P.M. Woniblo. W. J. Varboroiu'li and ('. M. Vales In Co. i:. !Hh N. C. reg'ur.ut the following were killed or died : Wil liam lii'all'ord, James Ilraliord. M. l U'Vl- JusUO PilMMSOII lll'lll'V ('ititeb- j (. )isu,;t..s H. Dis- iH.jl Ji A 1 (ismukes. J. F. Kliirg- i,ni, (i. i. 1 o'.-shee, V. . S. Hilliard, IJohorl .1 Hutch, t J. T. Lambert. I l).,i,iel Jones. Daniel .laekson. M. 1. I'hillip I'iehardson, Koherl A. I'oia l s m, .. A. lingers, Lemuel Smith, Calvin Smith, Mai tin Smith, Charles Smith, Uediord Smith. ('. W. S-gir. Jo.-cpli Thaganl, W. 'J'. Tiliisi.;;-, Anderson West and .lohn Williams. i'ini tollowing members i.f Co. !. IS JV. C, regiment were ' illevl or died in ;.ei". ;ee . C. II. A bernat ii y, .'ames .1. Allen, William Ileal, llol'cit Leal. 11 ll.liui i's. Alexander liori.s.Liisl-.i. Iliirns, W. .15. i 'iodh lu :-, Mobcri 11 Dowdy, T. W. !w.U-. J. M. F.m snee. . ames ! oe er. t aivin I' ice. jp,.,v.l.ji j. (; Howard, .1. J. llill.J.j ; n ,; -. L Jones, ''.. M. Join, son, V..!,..,, V.-sta . .1 r . Walson. beri SOU, I. Womack, A. Whitaker, William U aid, W. II. West. II there are any corrections or additions to be mreie to the aier.'i li.,t, the I; ie.ol i or ti.L: deceased are reipiosleil to solid the name to liu iii.coi.n at once, so that the list max be lull and accurate. I n subse oueiu issues xv e will pii:,li:h the lists of liu oilier co'i. panics lioiu Call, a In. Dr. Pin-ais Iiirtiallj- lir.y2cI lr,'ir. tlio N.nv '. ,r': W ", V-.1' I',--'. Tim llov. Dr. Charles F. Deems is a victim to nervo'is iirosti uiion broughl on iy excessive labor, lb j ol the right hand, with wniiii lu has written so many aide sC'emes j as well as e-ont r.iiti:io: s i Uc iress. ! Dr. D'.ouis is jus i a few weeks ox'ei ! seventy three years old. Notwithstanding his advanced ai'c he rii.'ely tailed to preach bis uu.. Sunday sermon until vei-ier. lay. lo cunts'.ay n,; i, lae I Hii msl I the fair at Hope the) tlOClol- Opel j '" Kul illiiT the same wee rtii .fee!. Dec ; ho delivered ; : , ..... ! soeceu on .t) ii I In t mil, nlli': , 1 ' . I twt Ilia "fli urn nu ',"""',,1', iu.iv ,,, I lingers relilsed lo pel lonn ibeii j I unctions. Dr. Le Fevre ihofamiiX jil.ysieian, was sumiieuieii. He jco iiouncod it a ea::e ot yiapa! belie pa I mix sis, induced by bodily cxhaus I lien, and urged Dr J'l.)iis to give I up his pastoral woi !: lor a iimo a, , least. Still the do .-tor hegod to hi j pe'.'iuitted to deliver mot her sermon to his eoiigrcj.-atioii, a!:d the I'uliow ing t'uiida; eveioug l.e a'!.!resed il for tlio la- t time in perhaps many months. ib was o weal; that, ; l-.e onke, be xvas comp'olled to sit in ;" -"''" . lu:'- 10 11,0 Sl'''- impliciliy c.u'X en lue on.ors ot iiim lor iiim. .1 1 s. i'eems is a inoii.e riy lilllo xvoniiui, with may huirniuian e.'Xeeediiig'y sweui lave. "My bus- jaud," sa d she, ''is n liille improved' ! '-,"1:1-v' 1,111 5 i;'al' il l ' " boloie l.o run resume his pastoral labors. Yi'u shall gj lo i'ai.sville ihe eoir.iiig xvieU. tl-l as he is, he ihinhs liial he can perlortii as u,ueh brain and physical labor ar xvhui ho i'lbl enlered the miuiv.rv. . Tlio V.'iiiln IToUro i.j c-.v in astate c.f quai un'.u.e. bi e' iusea graiuleliild of Hip Preoideiit is eku x.ith fcC.illel vr. A masterly pnlii-cuvo. Air. T. C. Wtgmn, L71 Prospect St., J'.vookl.vii. X V.. s. a i his: "Yv'hila at, vcrk I np lined iiiv ni,i;!o and vi c on'. a')lo with th? prW .I JOB c,,,!v f c.,,-lt f;- x no, tie of Salvo . -onOi! and w . y auk!, r.thoroi-gh rui.tii: , I ao, wiueii tuo p'tni l-UDSia-m eoiiH i ; 1 1'eatioa l"C j'.ii:: oi M1 - -V tl Uiiawiiy Coll pit CuHgilt l'.v. a i wr.ion remii.rt s:t.. Thoi'j was a fetisation at alnut j Covo yesb n hiy afternoon. TUo l'aities ronneeio 1 v.ith tho af- fair V.a- Miss Mary fiibson, nged ' nl-.out li:'to n, r.-.-.d iinii'ou, of j rb,...Uv:i:.r..mvt...u!itv. Thevhadl o!o',cd and fono to aliml. ('ovo on f It.kiug the iiTiiu ii r V;nston, v.heic they pro- pr.sf d !o bit iniil'l i( '. t"ij!o!ln;-ii(:lv for Ihe young cow p!e th-'V v.ero met at 'he depot by tin. pi vT-peetive bride's .:nc!e, Frank ('..b.-oii. who inteirnptfd tho mt'di. Ho r.ibade llnirstoii taking ibe girl any f.u'thcr. A lulled ilicusidou over l!ie n,.itl( r resolic",' in a fi; ht In-twcT-n Gibiion and I I '.i' .-.ton. Duriuu' the Int'le Miss (Silison clung to Jiuk ,iii,l declari ii I'.e.tt the .:y.:k' isovcr i reluru hoiin;. Alter t he i.n lee the slo rilV's depu jiy win eallei in ami look elmrgo of' j t!io alt 1, in ii eh'.iig he:-up tov n. oung llaiistoi: bud lo lvf.'.i u homo trreit!v j disapre'':il::d. ! - - -o- Tha jursiioti is fit iM"titly asked, 'Why in Aycr's Cherry l'eetoral so nueli moro i in ctive than othereoi!i;li remedies'' The nu-ovr is, simply because il is the u:os'. td:illft:l cniubi- ur.tioii of anoelyne.i and expeetoianls kuowu to niedica! science. For tlio Conl'i ilei att' .tlomsint'iiL The I i Ki 'i ilt l will jmblish from weed; to week" a list of tno contrihu tors and "w contvihuted for Chat iiam's block in monument ! be erected at IhilcL'h iii nijm'K'y oi North Carolina's soldiers, v.dio were killed or died daring the late war. I'hi:s far the li-t is as follows; Mrs. John A. McDonald, C. ('. Me' oi:"':' .Miss Anna Mi i l it!, Mrs. b. I'l. Molliit. ''...'Hi .50 1.00 .i.vi:ii:ii:5 kjt s..i!,-- . f .' .!' i(i;4i-f lusu'lcd nih h la.r. I, , l.ox.t - r.iii ; !!-."es' ! . I -' ' 1 1 ' I. ': ill. IV. lril:i. 'LI, Ins!., HI tlji- It' A. 4. V.lls. i,, .1. 1 iv.in.iy, M VI. Ir. :. M L".-!.l.'.v, A'lvci 5 i-.e ttieiils. H' p ,!'l oi' S. Supoi lee. .ill t 1. Holt, Cleik of tilt ' C::al hum eoillily, eif ccilc-'U :'. uiMca last t' ii. c i i Ci. c 'otll't. '.., ( tt'ln ni'tii i 'uillitlj t 'j;;Ul..v. in' lnjillil ot - ,' Clmtlttim ' ''I'iti'll ' Jn c!.n:;i:i:,.:i;.'! xxitli an net of He b'l.e r.ii Assembly of North Carolina 1 ht rd y b. :r 1 ."'". "0 io submit tbel'ol ;ovxieg n-pori. i f lim Taxes colleetnl -iuce my iast leturn : Prom Kgypt Coal Cemijiany, 00 Proiu lV.m. is' AUiancoeos t,,erativi' fiiore. 25.00 Jud-iiient doel'e! K,N,. '.ICS, Job ii.-on vs. K i.ilroad (!.;., 0 0(1 bi'Igmct liiockcl M, ..o. il7, l'et iy va. 1 ox, Wrcuu i. Co., G 00 Aniouii! &ti2 (H; A hii'h nmouni, le&a Ch rk.'s eommi's-. ii ns of iii r cent (S.5 10). has been uitl over to tuo Ireasiucr ed Chut liiai e'ouniy. . M. Hull. C. S. C, to the followii pe 1 son ', lioblor: j. W. Brewer, wljcrii1' i O. b.iakk!;" I). S., ).'.vi I Thomas, D S , ;. F. M e gan, i. S., :5. SI:, i ls, D. S., . Ii. lh-gus, IV f? , t i. W. B' '.-wi r, f heriiT, -1. W. Brewer, she ri f r, William l'ooi, witness, ii. .1. Boiin.:, e'limmissioiiei' l:,b'l son ib'hll-.yn, tlom'r, ', ii. Mel.e.iii, x.i;'-:ers I o-eph 5'vM.r, wit ii: -::. i;i':i,v '1 .lyloi, sbei ill', -.pence 'fax h r, hboniV, spenco i a-- lor, J lu ''it'1', losi ph "1 ysor, . S., V.. Snip, s, 1. S., I. M. 1 etisl. -ipf iice Taylor, s' orilT, I'. T. Brooks, juror, I. J. (oldto!i. suiveyeU'. I. (V (i:lb"i:. S .01 ' 1 SO .00 .CO .tip .00 ..'111 .00 1 tit) 1 ;c 1..0 J.IH) 7.( ') :.o : l.tlp ( 0 A l;. 1 ffl '-! OiJ no 1 s, 2(0 2.00 2 po 1 OP I eo I I (i L'JO :!.' :. W. Liiillip I. I. Tiiiuen, J. 1'. Tinu-.S, i V. Council, Spenee Tax lor, si, n il!', Spcnei) Taylor, sio i il':'. Spei.ee Tax lor. shciili" .lose-i ll Tvsor. 1). (S , D. W. Tid'.v, K. D Na h' r T. Brooi:s. ,T. V . Oliver McM'ith. xii!Ks;i, W. 11. .loiies, wilne-s, Ii W. White, witness. It. M (i ii'iell, xvitnes-i, in 2 1 io '1 : 0 ii '. 0 210 2. mi r 5 ;i:t ' .:)-) d "5 .!.o d :t;! .'.1 1 1 4s .75 J. ( i. 11 -.i.ner, xx :t-ess 1 i-.m-tv t rump s I:. r;', J. B. Out'irio. Hoibert W, .Ticks, n. Heirs of N. M. Abton. Keport e-f S. M. Holt, Clerk of the Superior Coati as zeceivdr of Wli- ; liam Wil'iauis: ; A-imuiut. i'u3 said xvarel, Sept. 17iii, IS'...', !l(i3 M2 Bv cr.sh paid to Wil'i im V'il 'liams, ;-!pt. 17th, ld.)2, 1 (5.182. P.eporl of S. M Holt, Clerk of the Sapei ior Court a -iec( Ivor of Ei zn , O.Kljia : j Tu "H'oi'tit duo xvr.r.l. Oetobo.': 1st, 18T2, ?110.08 By amount p.ii-.l L "E'l.n Old- . j 'ham. 110.C8' . -,... , 1 , 1 ';' ' 0 amounts. to" lu.o J1'" ' I':"1 1 " JudaiiiM6 of rttLj :j)ji :-. ol S. IL Ifolt. C S. V , ob iec if'r for jtla KniK!.t : llior.iionnt elite ward Oelobcr 1st. 1.72, 5r 1.1,1V Thi'i us.irtiint !:iinv(tf d in bond bear- Jny iutca-sl at iscr cent. . . f Rejiort oi S. M. Fol. C. b. C, as ! .'?r of oin Ktii-r'it : To iiiwint, due ward October UL 1 ;., SJ3.17 TLa :dove iinioiinl ,i invested m bonds boiiiiii;; interest at G per cent. K 'poil of S. M. Ho'it. C S. V., as K.'eiver oi Mil'iiio Hoflitt : To 'iiisoiiid due v.'r.nl C'e'.ober l,t. IS',1, T,32.7S By amount alw,u-w.l, i'i" 00 .Vilowatu'O to receive!-, P.H.'lO AllcwiiLco to Solicitor, U'.'.tO oO.OO Repoit of S. M. Holt, 0. S. C. a receiver for iMficd ami J pr UH-"on nmooiit dun ward Oelnber 1st. ls:i'.'. S70(! 81 .oo'O (ill of this amount i-i invested in interest be-i i'iig !;onds secured by appro fi iii,"rig.t;e (n re al ostale. Keport. of S. M. Holt. C. S. C , ns receive r for Vance Clark and Lu e.ir.n ('Ink 'To aninoiit in hand duo wciel October 1st Us')::, COi.lO Tho above amount n not invested. ! nr,:t e,f S. i. IIo'.l, ('. S. C, as l i ci iver (,f Willie, Jesse and E. 15. Turk : To amount di'O ward October ls, isp . .r .iSC 85 .M'.O 00 .-f l':,:.i :.i,.i-,,.d( is inve.-fed in ititere..! bcaiin;; bond stcuieel by inoit("i''ft i"i leal t.-t:,i'. 'The f,r.-'"iiig act omits xvero ap proved bv au .ov.hr o: the Superioi Court, at I-'a'.i 'icltn, All of which is respf cl fully fub milted. S. II. HOLT, O. S. O. 1898. for nmm veaiis IHE tmm RICOttD; Hits l.oi'ii piililislieil l'V its pros e:nt I'.ilitor ami 1'ioin-ielor. It is tin.- ' OM KeliuLlo" that no . er b'.i'Is fo; lUlk 1 s. ()ll.A! papers limy .ii'iiig up iiinl lUtle iiwiiy. but the f3.CC Crd 's here te sttiv. Tlio RcCCrd las always il oi; It; lr st to promote the prosperity of the people, ami In ailxame ihe best interests of Chulham county. The R-CCCrd deserves ami should receive the support of cverv eilizen of ' h'.itlin.in. It j ought to be read by every 1am- ily iu the county. Now is ihe time' to sub s.'i'ibe ! On!v Three Outs Week. T AND SAL I-i VNDF.K AN OIV, 1 il.T'.r i'..uri In list.... ,i. w .,:.sl,,e .; In, v ,:. I :i 'tl :ii i,,i:'M,' ati.'il'-n ,n :l I l: I Y. .Iiuiirnv r-:li l-'.-J, . . . il i,r. i..llna .ml:lii 1 III l i:r.n-!:s, s r ir ll;tel nf laml. t r,i',,'.-lv ( nsii,.-1,, sin I II rutiii., nn-1 , ,1 'I L'- 1 .l-'lm.-n l,,i, (,iiiHlnln .. 'J ili. Ill ! M ir I lut-v,' !,,(, e i.nlna I Js 11, ti in 1!,,- '. r,i r .iisi: !ol, , .l. 'Llia :i !,u: I .1. i-, 11.: - ,i.-i, r. '!', :'fi; '-l s'u,. . ..)i,..,,tif ,-:i I .'!,.,'. llj.li'i' ill IWf'.v,' Ti . '1 0 Ii-. wt:t 1 1, 1.-I-. I ll-i..o,ll : IV.-l 1. u II ,H Ml, 111 .ir r:i.-' ii.- 1','y : . " 1, n-i.-i. 0. '.v. 1 01 siii.i;, c,-!,.-.: i,,niT I! W'U, ,v;i .r,.,-v. -me,--!- a:i.. IN,-.'. SP'U.'blio 1 v. 1 1 1 s,- 1 at ,'.,l-i:. ;i'UiMSII,..n 1'ONli l - 'ii, .-1 Hi,- ri-: i,k:i, , 111 I'llt-.l...!.,-, I'., in- I ,-.-iil-.-ri'.' -1.. ,. Ilirt liiuh.'M'. l.l.tlsr, Va-1 .l.iy..( JAM .XI. Y, 1,-c.e Mis. 1'.. A. Lphi-Ii M.-.itr,'! ,1 M.-ii. , 1 1 r. I',. in- Tul i,-s, Tw,, XV.-ilmai :,l:i. 'l'LI-,-1. Ulll' lll's, Tl,i',-,. U --k.-r l i.iirs Tw.. W.-il- Ii-.,!.,'.-,, 1 Hi,- S I I ! !. I M-,-r e hum On,' .' U r,i-i, 11: I - ;!i. f :..il.-!. - ,! ! - ,i- l !,1 till ..II'., IV. t. i.r. veu, a imV. NOTICE. A I ;T. .ii v:lil 1 . 11111 1 I" Oi-' i-.,-iii':al Anm l.iy . r X. rlli 1 'nil a: U im-m .'-.-,i nili-li 1 ii,,-,-:-:u t,-v i: ,' ,,r-n '--ii un i-i'tiif M'.-iin;: mil !rii!,il.-!-o -rli.JC-llil.il.iy. Jl UN V I.l'.XlNcI, l'.-,;. Uia.l.vJ. IT. sl.lellt. SjXrCC I'liiX' N )T I OK. 1 Iavino M,, ,:;f,-i a- tl- rwnoix ,,( Hi., l.-wit will r.-, l li s:,., i :.t '. ' a I . .ii. ,H-i-:ik.-., 1 i:,-i-..i.y i, r;r r.. ., ,... ii..: vI.i.i.m ni;.iii,ni s.ii ,!' -.--i' ., i" ,-'.,i-i! in-, s.iii,.' in in,. ,.n ,.r 1,1 - .1-.- III-. -.".11.1 (I.-IJ-..1 l)l-..'llll.,'l-. I'l'l. U. I -M. IKIKX XXU.SON. Pen doused Sehedulp I i . 'i t Noxe tube r 57tb, 1802. ivxn.Y i xexrr r.r .spay. "lia: ! Ml. 1. xtnil ,x I'a ..'ii8',i 'M I, ill V,lni!n.'l,, S.J7 i'.i-::.mi Xrrlv.. n.m p. m . is ii,;-,rl. " ',.ii " " M s,i--r, ft,(H) ' '.'I'.p.lll I ll, - il:-S T.', " It " Mi. Al:y. " II ui u m -, XJ'. y. kLL, um'l 1'um A-'ul. 1 i.y ii..u j . . W. A. SLATE Ii & CO,, "To'.v on band Ibe best stock of CLOTiilNG IB BENTS" IIHEISKIIi MODS cor Lrcugl.t to Div'iaii:. Latest Styles and Lowen Pi'ieeA. Gent's Clothing, Boys' Clothing, all sizes anel fctyles. Our Chatham frlou'Ja pre iuvitod to call, and o,-ders by mail will rccoiva prompt r.tteiitio::. Nov. 'i-i. Ot... ilia- pippi M ac Ppi I & A CHEERFUL CALI !! it! lis! Christmas presnuls for fntl i r and mother. Christmas piesf and xvi;'e. Christmas presents for son and diughtei. C: cuts for broi her and sister, Chi i Uiu-i-. presents for u . . Cm istmas pieseuts for your sweet heart, Christ nms ftn cousin, in iohbor. and iiieiid. I urislmas prevent i- i.a cverybeidy and yoin selx es. Christmas ,m-k i.t s i f fvcrv kind and juices are now readv nt x-j, Torx:o2sr soar's. OLD SANTA VI.MS' HF.ABOl AHTLiiS. Also, all kinds of iii.'.j things to eat : lVem-h and plaiu on li;-, f'urrnnts, laisins. citron, coeoanuts, 'irange?, leiuons, nuts, uppit al! kinds of canned goods, buckwheat llour. In-avy f,'ioeei it.s. Al-o. a fid! block of rnadyiuade clothing, diy goods, licticii.-, fin ;( ui e fane"' c'r.uirs, -C, .-c. The !orge;-t and cheapest i t-.-e k in Ibe countv can be found at "W. Iu LOIsTXDCsr 6Z GOVT'S. Deccuiber 1, 1S02. J. J. Thomas, President, B. S. Jr:tM.-.-. Cashier, Ai r. A. TnoML o..'. Vice-l'rctid. nt, H. W. Jack- ,-.'. A.--- t ( "shier. The 4'GiUtd'rrs(i! ft iff I i'si'i's' ttZanK, Paid up capital !?0'y.h)0.U0. Autb.e.'i.ed cipd..! .."'0,,:00.00. DiRtcrons- . J. J. Thomas, B. N. Duke, 11. A. Loiid .a. I . Pago, C, W. Watts, H. B. Battle, A:,!.ley liorue, J ic-d. Philips,- J. 15. Hil', F. P. IV.nccy, B B. lianey, John W. Scott. A. A. Tbo'ir.HOS, T. II. Pugg's, J. N, Holding. Accounts of Fanners, Banks, Corporal tout:, Adiniuisbpfois niul Indi vidu ds solicited on favorable te rms. SPF,(TL ATIENIION giveu to accounts of Country Me.roL.uuts and iiidiviuuuls. . Aim p'iiT'pp'i mwi QuR CrilTmiatfiltfluyl; We havo iu stoe-k a full line of b' WW K'P f ' if b'S V -Vt I i.U I -1A Ba pan- and Tics, ww Which v ready to fuiuisb rt low p.riccs. G1VU US A U ALL Consi'.'iimotits of COTTON aud PRODUCE solicited. JOB P. tSJYATT & BHOS., B.-LEIOII, N. C, .Sucufsors to Wyatt a Tay.'.c.i; Oei. Hi, i's'.):'. :tui J AND SALE BY VIlilTE OF t mi ,,r,I.T ; Hi.' ii'. i"l' r .-.nit ,f eiriii.iih. ,-iuiiv in .ivl .1 ,i ,'. i -i.iiu- nlM-ri'in s. .x e. il .It, r.XIH'lllrlX M -llll,lllf. Hll 1 I'. A. Il.'ll, I". 111:. II 111 ..;.i,lniiis 1 'I w-.l "i ...l.l:-- :iii--i..i !' l'hKXIll.s..ii SX i'l KHXX. in- 70, -lay . 1 -I N -AliY, I !'.:. .'il 1-' .,',-."-k in., Kl-.-i! U Jii.-i-:. "I In: ,4 ..r ili !.! la--liar-l H..:i. .l.-.'-.i--1. Ii i-li,- tl. ti-.tuts loi-i ,i( ..itl ill New II' I- i. wi-siile '-':-.i tiRin iiii, ii.ij,-iiiin il,- litvl.-. -: u. A. M,is -ii, J. II. la ti .r.l.u.u i.a 1 " li.-.. T.- -i,, ,,; . ,' : oi,,- !, ,!? , ., -1; 1 - -.I'lll-.- Ill -i X rt'-l.-l.:. ' 'O, in' l'-t I l.h; !::. it" -i Uli.ll I-,,, - nuri Ii if n i'.i.'I.-;. I- I'-il-l- S A. II 1 .. I A'll'X ..11.1 i -111. II. K. N-rrir", Ally. 1 -..'.',, I-'.'-. lOii I'CACE SALE. 15 Y Yili .1U tii,. ..tit in. -ri i-if ,'i'"-iiii"l I" W. t". XX lis. ii l,v l-'nink I'luiil-, n il.- '.u i 'I n 1 t April, l-'1 itilil l-VI'lfl 111 I -' -U I'l'.i-.l.-,.- 4-S:lll it., IP I'l' ..f Hi- iVii-i.-i -r ,-i i ii ,.1,-uii - l Will S.'ll !"l' ''.I-i. Ol" "'"' I-""'" ' l'illsl','l'',',,,lis II I'll -V.l I .Iiiv ..'.IXN -. is-.,:i. ii ,--i-:iiiii i' -i.-. 'i toil ' ' 'i "' l.,':t-iO-. ,-..l:',,leil-i; .! .1. I -- . -."I l - II' '.k , .1 IW li.ni,-lnp, u,IJ.,illllia Uni la,, i.., I .il--, .u,i.l at,.ltl.w-. OOUA WII.So.N. U,v. t ls..:i. I.M-i'ii'.iix. COM II ISS10N EX 1K.N T.S , ii-i-r.U.,',-xv,... s,-.,i":i. '"'l'!.-.. '.!', 1. I), fi. .Xlaisll, Cli'lk ''I Ua- U-al' l .r C. il:i:y till rl !,,,' I't.llili.lIU o IllllJ, '1" l'''- ,-ir,Uy line Un- "V.i,,- I- r. :ni - .i. I -v ou.-x-u: l- r ii-- y-'ii' -u,:i-u v-v a.'i'i. l."i. til,, mii'.iaiis, li.'ii. s an 1 n. :i.o: ..'1 ,--ii'-n :,,ii nl!.-- I I-.' Hit- li-'.'ir.l t- IP,' ni,:tnl-r. l: r r sp". .0 . 1.. : Hi- t.iiiiil-i' ,,1 ,!a.- tl,.- l-.iu.l n.is lU0.-..,l.,uml'(.l,".llM... ..av-H-lbyc. l.-uo. --....at,,, lli ilnys ft C ...inls-!..r.T, s- 1 U iliiyx rxiia -,rk al ' I -, ,J1 Ni) nn.l t xp-! .-i-' J' lleeioi.; La. k s-ti.tr- Inrvj. ls 11,11m ir e . 'I- ', I'.iiiiputitii: lux-s, l'tiniiixiiie tis'-iu t ,i' ' "in' tf A- '- I-, txtta w,.r'i as e'.'iiiiiils.-.l"!i"r, .', . .'. i. nniu.-a. 2i', iI.ivh i-i c-mv.i...-1-ii-t', S -Ihv ' rx'.ra tv-rk as r.-miinul-iic; liluy v,,rk ,,i l.ri.lgt.4, ii'.H iiil!i- Irav, Uni, eouipui.i, ihxv r,.on IK (o ,.,T LAHIXTU. J4 ,lnys i-.s ..'-mr ils.-l, cr, I ,-iy i-xti-a "i k n L'. iniiil -.l,uer. :14H mil. s iritvi'll-l, eViiiipu.it.c; ...xit, ' -.- n.i " '' v Sim 17in . "' T, '' The H,,or I w.a ss. -:,n ar, .lavs. l. u. ft-fl. lt,iirti-r ..ri.-.irt, i- i ou'.cO CivO: le b'.-aul. -A 'T 'X'O ( H VP? s for l.usbatiel ! .: ni'l" pi'PB ea,.d :::Olt, pie elltS GyHCEMlHT: , , j As usual, we xxi'd -It' - fbo loresl stock of toys in liu. Slato j this Xmas. ! Wo ,,U-V (ur B,i,,'k !'irins tLo Suiiunrr and Spring ami get thebes.t I rt'nc..i m..i the lowoi y-kn tbet j are pos&ible. 1 Wo u.iU bo a,ik, ,0 h,i0.v our biocc , bct'.-jr '.his year than oxer aud bavi the largest f lock. As everybody '..e.i.v.'.t our Toy frad is immense and xve l ave Dbd to get xvhat every ouc wants this x ear. Out .'".vialiy iu leys is UoFsaud Wagons, I We would be pleased to ha-" ycu all come (xs early as p"i- .Mo this ycrtj .telset your presents r.s the icscrt is WGOLLCOTT S Ml , u e. M.uuu si . 1 -t..:i., :;. o. rcv(--;-.l.;ri-:. P'-tO. h w n tf p f 'J i'-.n tsS i3 Li a All hinds of LFMBLli for sale at the PiVTSECnO shuttle; mill WEATrtER-BGAltOiNG, nni inn R v. n r nomun i cuuiunu,.. " h.iy IMiUli. e-n Kotroa. Lils sa. i d to (,i di ret sboit notico ed Ce-.'di::; and ! ''. o; i i : g idread J P: ..st !.' ai i -til-, 1 :'.:5 1 1 1 100 feet. ncci:, jr. Sepl. 17. l.-'.O.. (TpfinJ ! ! f, Dll f; ! fjDIl)Pl ubbitifJii d hhtmum ' ,J l'BirpiHETOBS OP ": EALEiSH ailJ FAYET TEVILLE i Mills d mm mi: lUUittlUtlilJiJ UiSU J-iHUH'i a specialty! Sept. 22. 189?. ''in". alBn'OAfiH SALE.-BY VIRJ '''" ' au'l.'-rl'" i'',!i:all'.r,l I,. .1 r,l'-rl' m -,-i, -l i y w. 1.. ,i,,i 1st., u nn-1 r. 1--1,,iIk l I. H, il, i, h ...... , u i i 1 Pi it. 4 :., ell. imiHi ,i'li-..ii :'.-.:.! '-r-'f l : ,! hnthnitf r,.,i,iiy. w- m il set hi in at -:, i. - (1.,r lu lli l,,v.n -I l ii!M,.-i-,,. .in ,l,--.,e,ry iln . Inr raoh II.- i ' -I- I, mi I I-i in .In- vlllnc.--I ll"iilm, ii , .v e.-, -tu ! I y XV. Ii o 11-ti.n .v ... iI)"Iii(iik U i! c.ki.V II. l:., J. .1. o .11. t-1,. ,i.l T. H. ...lie, H'SiHIIIj UIUNH.I i:i"i i.-ii,-, . m I,. 11. lil'I.'l' K Ttl , t c. Jn'l, 1 w. ,y 1. 11. V.um .": i'tf- I:

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