&l)c I) at I) am ttccoro. II. .A. LOINDON, EDITOR AND ntOritlETOK. HATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Ono square, one insertion One Bquare, two insertions One square, one month H. oe I. 84 a.eo $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XV. riTTSH()KO CHATHAM CO., N. C, .1 ANITA II Y ID, ISM. For larger advertisements liberal oon racts will be made. NO. 2. ir v. Km v. There .-.re 1:1 in- nf iv..idr..i s l.rigtit ie Hi! imi. s 1 inr, -it (inr feet, Aii'l vi' pass tin in, walking thniig'-uiV-. li.u Hi" Ij n y, ' ri.'.viio.l strtot; 1 1 w hiit-w I'lir ; would s ui'kcn - Wi: Would M, V !l'."IYoft Willi I'ilIP, J.i t n!ii" inn I.if! u trc'iiling To lho i .i! l!i miiiu' y wcl rare. Jfwckncv,- what hearts iiro m ilium For the comfort wv might brlei:; If c km-tv what mt.i s :iii' vviuniii;; For tin' sunshine we entihl fling ; Jf we km w what Int wo wer.ry Waking i'.'lliU! iiiighly laid; We wi.i'.i' 1 oriel, y ha-lon forwiTd, Sin !( liili:; 1'nrlli ' bands to niil. )! vr I. in w wlmi hands around us I'i 1 1 a want t In v in vcr ti l! - 'find M'lllr v r 1 lh it we havr spoken l'iiined ur nmin led w In re it loll; "Ve Wi II !. H"; i, ill accents lender 'I'n i a' li !i i :i'l w c r.l tu n.ect We would gb.i t, ("i li imr fiu?!y Saii',-- ri' s nina!! -,- so9iv.- t. jiuiii'sir l!i',h:irili;ii. Mr, Thistledown's Courtship. '1 C ilaiuly shall try tin; ex peri ineal," quoth I to niy-t'lf. Anil then I covertly looked in the lass, so i'.s bettor In ca'culato my flumes matrimonial. It wiihi'i n very f-:il KfiU'tory sur vey. 1 am not a handsome man. llul there.. (".I.i advantage 1 pos.-es that is tvorth all tin.1 beamy in i-real ion, Toi ipiatus 'i'liU!l(lov 11, Km)., president ;if tlio Thistledown Petroleum t'om i'rusy, with tin; haud-ouiest yaclu in die luiy, ;rml money enough to freight with !i golden cargo! Youth liratit y what do they neigh in llio balance against Toiqiiato-. Thistledown ? Ami I patted my pockets with u chuckle Ilia! sounded like the chink of llollbloOIIS ! Til do h,' I exclaimed aloud, "llnire I ! ii lii'iilii'iii k glanced tnepny 1 1 1 irom u s iirinoliair in the j bay w indow, ami look the cigar out oC his liimr li. I!, lire liciuus to our .'litb iiioic's Uie pity a sii,eici,ious uiipy that ioi ks i..vn on a fellow fn in llio bright nf liis kix fict two in if noboily iiinlcr tint .-i.e lnul any biliiieK to exil. "Wliu'.'s that you'ie goin to do, Tlii-tlediiv u" a-!inl I.i nee. "To be ln.ii i i''il." I adileil hlowiy oiul diilinrli'y, "io Mis I'aimy (ior-doii.-' Hi'ine siatlt"!. I bad Known very well thai that wmiM di-ini b !iis serene M'lf-iHi--essi n. All the world wa 1 1 1 1 It.; tin are that iie va daii'lin;,' nf ler juvitv I'aiiny ( ii.rilon--as if a eiienlli'ss yoim r law yer h :il liny l ijr'ut to a-iiie to the hand if llio loveliest j:irl in New VorU, "Are you innyi'd to brr, .Mr. ThHlloihiwn''" la- ii-.!.i-il. 'N'o--i:n exavlly i ii;;:iL'ei!--lliat K not s m I ; Lin 1 ! i aii In be. I shall (oiiMilt Mr. ti 'iil ii this very nl i er loon an ilil liiind ol mine, .lid) tiordiin. 1 1..''. I i- ;'ii e me imt lunj;." Jtrtte ' II ir.h nbrouU m ule no redy. Ilo ii'snin.d his newspaper and liird to look indill'i'ieiic, with reiuaikably bad Mti eeis. S) I put on my bat arid strolled down to hotte-t ,!. ili ( i.ir.l la's eoiinlin li'iiise. "Thi-t'eibiwn, bow d'.ie do?" lie. ei'idiady said. "Wh.i: cm I do for you t u!." v ?" "A ur.'.i; deal. Mr. (ion! .n." I iv snoiiih'd. "I ani ei)nlein aliny ni'ili:- HlollV. I am lldiiLiiiir of ihe livu al bonds, i ir. and and I would !,!.? tlio w eilil of your in flu -lie with yo ur .lauyhSer l-'.uiiiy, I adore Fanny, sir I W.uhii her 1 .l oi'l niilld Ir'diii;; you that ii is i : 1 i 1 1 tici- ' I i. m at t his moment to beeuini: .Mm. Tonjiiii'u ThiitleiK.'W ii !" .Mi. (ionloii wriiii;.' in v hand henrli- !y- "Tol 'jll.illl-," he (inula i .. In-put I,. ussly, you re a lruiii'. .Me ilaiiiji- ; (er. Mi-. I'eli v'ruui (.'oiiii-.iuy, i . I don't iiP'aii thai. caei ly !u. - -bin 1 , ilily liop you areu'i too late." "Too bile!" I j,Mped, iu:kina eluteli i t my yellow silk i.uk."t hind- j ii 'iehicf and wipin;:' the drops awav j t roui Ihe liald spot on the crown of my j head. "There was a y oimjr fallow here this very iiioriiin," went on Mr. 1 n :loii, ryunplin hi-, hair about w i.h o.io hand in a dilraeli'd manner, "upjii !ho -i'i f-ame hn-iiies-, and" Nol ISrtiee 1 1 i rdenbi oi K ?" "Ve , l'.riii'e 11 irdenluvok I lie veiy poi son and 1 told him to I I pive him my oanrtion and I've j.ist Kent lip a note to Fanny, denn ing her to liavo no hesitation in pro. unity accept ing the ;eiitiemi;ii who would propose lo her this afternoon.' ! I gave a feeble gasp and rubbed my ' nose. ! Hi!'," alb'l thn (dd goal ioinaii, ; witli a suddi'ii inspiration, "l didn'i luentioii any names, thank goodness, i ind 1 don't, ro upon my word, why j the note shouldn't niiswer for you jil-t us weli as f r Il.iiee 11 irdenbroolc, if j you only get there a little ahead of ! i)im." : jumped up and made a ;;mp for my ba. t'otiUln't eoii'du't, you go with nil'?'' "Iinp'.v.iib!r;--l have two important appiiiiiiiiieiita but you wna'i need til' the nolo p.ives tins way. (iood evening, Toi'ijuaiit-i ; 1 wi-h ymi a 1 puHsiblc success !" As 1 liahod the nearest ouiuibtts and leaped in, lite iron tougtt.) of old Trinity tolled fi in deep bass mono syllables. 1'ei haps--pel haps 1 nii;;hl yet bo in time perhaps linn llardeiibri ok might be cucli .1 fool ns to be idling away the iieious mo ments in that big, ca-y chair al ihe club rooms. Il was barely possible and my heait gave a bound at I lit? idea. Fanny was at home, for in I rang (ho bell I Raw the flu! tor l her blue muslin dres from the French win dows that opened on the balcony and the next moment she admitted mo her self a tail, beautiful jiirl. with li;hi brown lair bnt-bed away from a low wbi e forehead, ami eyes like shady tvc'.ls of light. -1)0:11' mo, Mr. Thistledown, is ii really you?'' idio exclaimed, roquct lisli'.y. adjusting a ro-e in her hair. Kxciiso toy opening the door: 'llio s"i vauls tire gone to Michael S.mie hody'i) ttitko,' and I'm a I alone.'' Not entirely alone, for u man's ha' bung on I bo hall stand lark, speechless witness! My le-art stood si ill. At llio same in 'incut I caught a glimpse of my face in the oval mir ror tibovo. It couldn't have been red der or more shining if it had been oiled mahogany. However. I gave it a dab or two of my po ket handkerchief and boldly entered I ho parlor. Jil-t as I expected, Hruee llar.leu broi'k was there; but. then judging by hi nppearai e lie had only just ar rived. Now was my time; but how was :i fellow to make love with Hriice II :i denbrook's cold, critical eye full on him, and the amused curve of his lip. varying at every word 1 spope. "1 I was thinking of asking you. Fanny" "Vc., Mr. Tliislle.'own." llui my courairo failed me al this evivu f ul moment. "If you'ro mu.:li troubled with inosipii'oes in this neighborhood?" "Not nl nil; ltruee was laughing I knew he li i wis, but I seorned to look til. b in. I felt as I had been taking a ba:li in liquid lire.; was I to be trill, d at I bus ? Never ! "Fanny," I resumed resolutely, "I am in" Foil she jumped up with an agonized little scream. Hush ! wasn't that a man's step in t!ie basement hall? I am sure I hcaul i!. K 1 1 hi i o n has li ft the door un bolted, and llio hottsfl is full of rob bers and murderers! Oh, Me. Thistle .1 iw n, do- -d) run dow n mid sec" She shrank into a c orner witli the prettiest cowardice I hail ever seen. Now I'm not, as a general thing, pai ticuiat ly partial o the company of burglars and house breaker, hut what was a in in to do (bus charmingly ap pealed to? I -m"t be afraid, Fanny," said I, snatching up the guitar case valiantly and in King for the lower pari of the i.nu-e with that weapon of siggres-ioii. Come mi ll'irdenbrook we'd make 'em stir around pretty lively, or we'd kuMv the reason why!"' lliiilenbrook followed, rather un itary lo my expectations. 1 had half li'-ired his n in lining behind lo com fort the frightened dove in llio blue in nsl in feathers. "Von look in llio kitchen, Thistle down, and I'd examine the cellar, ' he said and 1 promptly obeyed. I io. ked under the diessi-r, behind ihe tables, even beneath Ihu great bras k it.le in the corner, but there was no Iniiular there. Il must have been the ca', Harden. brook," bawled I, "foi The U-iii e how came ibis door blnu''" I ;ave the handle of the door an energetic turn it was fast kicked! Aad now lite truth began lo dawn iliin'y upon my perturbed brain. The ca-1 was clear and vie:ory belonged i Ib ucc II irdeubrook ! In vain I shoaled until my lungs were hoarse ji vain 1 I allied the re lentless door; noihini; but the echo n wiirdod my (illiirls. Nor was the ' iie of my involuntary eoiitiueiiieiil p i: lii'iilarly in v ting. It wan dark, .-lose and inlens-ly hot cirriiiu s ance easily accounted for by ihe fact o! a white-hot lire glowing away in range and no particular circulation . M-ept tli.it of (Yolon bugs across the a I sat down on the brass kettle ..i I wiped the streams of perspiration i in my foiehead -.i modern S . !' .1 lilololU' w. 1 gnashed my teeth an 1 upset a : "i colony of frying pain in dc- .. ail'. I sprang up and r.ltlli! i 111" do ",! etieo more, shouting at Ihe lop of my lungs; but .-ill to no avail. 1 h iked al. Ihe wail ,eal a ta'loo i n the bra- l.eliie cob Ihe guitar case. V.iin ell'ul-. 1 iiiihl as well have at icmpU'd lo in: k s ni -elf heaid fi.vn Ihe great di.ligni.i of the I'.usijle. All 1 then I I'cinb.'ied the piobabio tuii. nll'.iirs were taking lip :aii s, ;m 1 ut tered a l.ol'ow groan. "If I ever gel out of this fiery I'uriiaeu a'ivc!" mid 1 lo iny-clf, em i eeticilly, - -1 i t let girls and matrimony a'oae !" Sillieiimo crept i.w.iy, every mo mi nt seeming I kn an hour, and I heard Ine hh-irp little ki'cln u cleck st'iko eigiit, nine and ten. wi h a keen sen.sc of ihpiiir al every lime. Should I Itev.-rc-c ape? Win I doomed 10 be roasted a'ivc? Al length lb" uii'iiobir.y of silence was reiicvid I y ihe sound of fn ilslcps ii'iii'ii; down Mio iiarmw stair-, and (i-odi'ii's voice exchiimed : . i . : I - II .in di K ithlei II w here the lui-i hi. f ;m you ad? What's Ine kilehi n linn.' linked lor? I'd dis charge i very o ic of yo I o: - IlaKo! thieves! - iiiurd- r! oliec!" Aad ioiest ,loli tiled bis revolver aiiules-ly into ihe kitchen and filing a heavy hair after it. "(lordon! op ho'd on it's I, To.-qil alll 'l'lli-li"i!(iVll !" ThMle.hiw ii ill loy ki.i h' ii! I do a't beileve a wo del' il. I'o.i.e. I -ay!" Ibil if .is I and I'm u 'aiy de:i.l. S ii i our ban ling and listen lo tea o.i, I .-.lid rather vindictively, for Ihe slender thread of my puiier.ce was rapidly diniliil-hiug down In nodi ug at all. "Let me out where there's it bieal ii of fresh air and I'd explain tlrn-." Too astonished old gi n leiii'iii led me up Mail's in n the gas-lighted hall, ive.liiig iiittch ill Ihe wilted ap peal aneo that I pii'selllcd. "Now, then, wdl you be gi o I enough ii tcil me what a'l this is al ien. I cine honi; itt leno'cu k ami I'm 1 my I oilso open and empty. I ..n linw a iu:o my kitchen ;iud li ml tin: president of the I 'el i o eltlil t'oiu piiiiy mured up aiiioug lh t o.s and pin-.' A : u 1 asleep and dreaming? ( r have lien berel'l of my m ii cs?" F r-!." I interrupted, "where are 1 1 iidi id k :.nd F..iuiy ?" Where? How sl.oitM I know! Aim her iu :erv, 1 pressiiinc. " "No uis!eiy ill all, sir," said a well known vo'ee, iis i'.rnce Hurdelibi ook came quiet up ihe final steps i i.d in o the hail, w ith Fanny le.'.ien ; on his arin, the poliiee-:niat.: cheek'j a -l.iide leiblor than ever. : u I the bright hair it listening u oiuidlier face, "hero w e i n li ;a e" An I whole have oit beiii':" O i ; !" net married, sir." M irrieil '." cried I. Mar; ied I " idiot d Mr. (inrdou. You told mi! in o;tr noli!, papa (o aciojt tit in pionijly," faltered Fanny. Illli I didn't -lippose you we: ego. ill", t be as piniii: t as all this,'' said the dis, o ntiieil papa. 1 i i-iiiaiiit'.l t i bear no mole. Wh:t ilele lied mi n 'I'd cares t linger mil urey li e .-n'ln-s of Ins ii;tt and dis coinl'l in? Tuin'tiga deal ear to (inr-i!ou'-a oolnlc, an I ciit eit'e rc-isl. ing I'.i -lice's hvpiii'i ilieiil coiidnieiiee and FaiiuVs lie I lu' eyes, where hmgl tvr and ( oinpa-si. u bleu. I'd into bew teli n,' light-, I ut on 1 1 iv hiit and shook Pi ' ilu-t of thai maii-kii oil my feet at oliec and Id ever. in I t ial was in v !:i-l courtship. Alhiiuy Tim ' -I'aiou. 'Hie Sj inliolie Itarher I'ole. Of ail symbolic signs noiii; is bo an cient as the barbel's pole, and lew have been the e nise of so mtlcli iin i quai ini re-earch. Accor ling to the Vheiiiau Oracle,'' the ancient Ko mans were si boneliied by the. work of the lirsl barber ihat came to their ciiy thai they erected a statue to his iiieiiiory. Anciently barbers ncleil in ihe duil capacity of surgeons and hairdiusseis. In Koine, they hung out b sini nt lief end of poles, so that w ound d soldiers ami gladiators might obs i ve them al a distance and know exactly where to go to lind relief. The parii-co'.oted polo or stall' is said lo indicate that I ho barber did "bleed ing," ihe colored stripes syinholing ihe strings or ribbon thai were wound around the patient's arm while ho was ! being pblcbotoiui ',1, Two hundred years ago Kuglisli law compelled bar. j hers to display "a blood pot on a striped pole, the whole lo be sur mounted with a symbolical cloth of ' red material. . iufs l.Vpublie. j Immaterial to Him. Servant I've been everywhere Mr. i Smith, and 1 can't find a single ' goose. Mr. Smith Well, I don't, care auv- ' thing uboi.it its ma'riiiionial condition, j Uet a liiaiiicii goose then. ' im.!i'i:vs ( tin ms. i:i mi-.i ri r M' wa i ith. A I'liinlileli e yell iw a- C.-.M - il pel. In -I oil a I'd en i r U l.e.-i :i ;:i M-slnippcr. Wiary ,i:.il "'.I, '.Hue a'.oi. ; II !l a skip an 1 .i !i"'. (i 'i'l in rai.'ii.'," cri.'il le . ' M -. I'.iiin'ih.--h.-.-: Yuii sc. in to have cun.' ton s..j. :" 'I'lie ifi-assimpper p in-e I mi hi- w iv And tli" i;:h:fali liiinehe-l u j. I. knees "Why ti-niihlclliis sin .shiny ,1 o ." .,11'ith he. 'Willi -c!leetioli like Ikes, .' 1 Mlow Ihe tiii le f'U- v.lci !i I w:i ni.tde; W'cc.iu'l all l.e wise l-nnil lt i . . s." "Caly ins. els like yen. w lw have n. '. hit. .: lo ilo, ( in keep up a perp.-tii.il li-'i'l-"Tin-re's a tune lo l.-o sa l. Aii'l a lime tu la- cjail. Ami a time liolli Inr v! ki i .' : n '. -'..'i-pii'.;. For men to make liieie. . An. I i- i to make limn y. A ml lie- lo .lo not hln' I -u! Ii.'i'i'in ;. ' - ;Si. I .niiis lii -p'll-'ic. a st i. i: nt.i mi s. t w. There is a iit: e yiri down in nsmidl (own in (leu "in who aiiiui-'aes all Ihe pcoplo who kn-'W her by h'T wonder ful piiiao pl.ii:i. She i- only six years old utid sir h a tiny thing thai when she is sealed o:i I ho piano stool her feet do not toio b the floor. She is the ynii!i.:e-t of the family and has un brothels and s'fiei-s! This wonderful little musicians nam-' i-s Vivian Tluiiniii'i, and her falher, who is ;i well-know u railroad man, is very proud of li. r, you may In! sine. Vivian li.is brown eyes prclty, hiiighing eyes they ale and thi' k, yellow c,i:!s. .-ii can play any piece en the piano thai -ho has ever hcatd, and l hey .-ay mill I play for hours, always piayiug a different tun-;. I'oes it not seem bard, iilile f-'lk", tint seine of von have to pi act ire so ban! just to learn one pice ', and this prod, igy can plnv wonderfully without learning nl all? Hut d ui't be jealous. Wolidetflll childicll seldom glow Up to be wonder-. There have been many young people w hom everbody thought next to fairies, and who grew up to be very ordinary, c.-iiiiiiom-plac'i men and w'oiii 'ii. New York Advei'ti-er. w vr mi. hi i n w i. ci t . "1 know who bis a ho. e in her pocket," said da -U. "How did y oil i-.ii -w ii?" exclaimed F hel, il ashing. "AN'hat's ibis?" and d-o'k held tip a crumpled handkerchief. ' fi-und il j.isi inside llio from door. Then I siepped on a slale-peiicil in the. hall, nnd I picked up a penny on me stairs, and " "Why, I thought I pinned up the hole light," intei rtiple.l II ln-1. "l-i:iei lhueisoi: .' I'li:ii.-d up a hole in your pocket!" sil l ! r mo'.her. "I it : .1 iishamed of yon! Y- e had beiler g. 1. 1 your ionui at .-:i. and mend il. You'd have time holme lane-..'' "O lllnlhl l-, I'lll ill : ee I :.il itiiciesf ing place ill ibis story ! Can't I doit by and by ? ' and II hel looked lo see how Many pages tu. ie Wele ill the chapter. As Mrs. Fniei-soii mule :u rep y, F.t l.e! siitit her book, bin took it wiih her lo her room. Her linger was in the place where she had been readiii", and -be sai l lo herself, "1 must read jn-1 ii Utile further, am! see if Mi died linds hel tickets. It will be too bad if she c.in'l go lo the co.icert. "' Then sh hhul llio bo ik with a t.:i:tp. "I'm careless enoiiL'h, I 1 1 1 I won't lift di-ohedicnl, too. I won. lor what's lo t in my pocket, any way. ..odnsg me! how near letmelo forgetting this," anil she (ook mil an envelope. "Mother," she said, as Mrs. Finer sou fit mo into the room, "1 saw L'ncle dohn this nun iiiu j, and he told lue to be sure to give you this note. It's lucky 1 was going to ineml my pock et.' Ye-," replied her uioiher, after she had read the note. "We should both have io-t a treat i. you had for gotten il. Ib wairs us to meet him lown-lown, and go to the Musical Festival wi:li him this afternoon. "dii-t think!" sai.l F hel; "waal if I'd lot that mite mil of inv pocket! And. O mother ! what if I'd kept tin reading and hadn't minded you!" " Yes," repli-.I Mr. Fmerson, "(here were two chances of losing Ihe concert." Voul h's ( Vmpaiiioii. A Serious O. fei t. Trivvet Why don't you marry Mis- Kitti-h, if you arc so much in love with her? D.cer I would were it not for an iinforliltiao i in j ediiiieni. in her speech. Trivvet What sort of an impedi ment ? llicer She is unable lo say, ''Ye." Harper's I'.a.ir. F.picures are excibd by hearing that i in- supply of terrapin will be ihe Slllailost for yCilia. inn ri(.(;i:si mhn. Alll.. rii'.llis Will) Al'C Mtlt'l) Tllilop Tlblll !ll. AVlM-f. Tl:.-i iloavio:.! Man in the Work is in Inrli.i. 1 .... ,. , ... ,, I tie bMget man i'i Ihe v. oi hi, a.-- 1 ,. ' . ... . i. i-.ii .lni!.: lo ihe until. u iiims at J.i-.ih- ...'.. . , , , ,, . f I '.iu lile, lud., who wcirihs "i;n k. and iaol teii s. en bv I bo di.cii .. , .. ". ,. ., .. I iiirccr ill that peaeeliil Utile ii - !a-.o wl.ei'liiig his riviuoii; boM baby ; along the siiaets in a i cmmhulalor. This pruci ssion of Craig .luu'.nr nnd Senior ihu Ira'es one of ihe rem n ka b e (plaiil i"s of the couli-iopni ;u v i nits he is neither the fa ll. r li"l' the -on of gi nils. ,1 ihiiny Crai", dr., nl' I'.inville, is n.'t above the .. verage -ie of i hildu li nf hi- age, and il is said thai this ict eau-i's his fal her liilteh . : secret sorrow. The bwesi mail in N-w Y,-,k. and in other respects one of the luo-l in- j te,e-.i,.g. is ,ol, A. Scatoii, I h- col- oied watchman ill (he Kqititahlc linild- ingot, Lower Itroa-lwav. M -. S.-aton is i'i feel 7 !- inches in h' ii'ili, and is ! So s; in 'l: ici ly piopoilioued llia'hi j.'.ii pounds give him, if anylhi.ig ii slii'.ii.-sq-ie, not to .-:iy slender appear i ance. lie is quiet an I minliiru-i e in hi- demeanor and partakes of that eo.-u nature wmcii i- su i . be :;en- , cr illy characlcri-tie of giant thai is. '.-i. i n Is of today ; in oid l.'nu-s I he giaiil s : sc-med to spend lii '-l of their lime r-'iiiuiiig widi larg" clubs throng n dense forests in a bad !iuiur. and : huugrriiig greatly alier human f....d. j '''I"' biggest ilciiii-l in the world, ; who i.-, in all probability the uio-i gl- ; profe-sional man of the lime, and who is said by people w ho oaghl to know to be by all odds tin- hi; , man in I'.iri.-, w as observed not .ia;; a strolling al .ng I'. fib avenue in New York. lie i- II,-. (i. (-. Daboli. ' who used to live in I'.nlh.lo, bat emi- itraled lo the French capital lirod by . the bril.iai'l professional success of I'r. I'.Viiiis, who is siii 1 to have j-m goal iuo halt the crow lie I head- in liiropi'. It is darkly w b'.spered about llie I'.i! is biiuleeai-.N Ilia; r. I .,b,i does mil need forceps m pu'i tcein Willi, I'll! is able In s.-i. li Il'i'lldillg molar between hi- tlagi'i s and 1 Ii ll in I alio ne ierois,y nil ii limn n sm-hi", I'nis may be only a cana:d. I'm; it. is ll mailer of history that Dr. I ) dmll was Clio, sen for to come I'mm Wit-h- itigton ami give dental alleiiiion t a picsident of the Failed S ates. II is I', feel in inches high and I I'liliU'kilbly In nad- -houi Icred lor iii- heigh!. ( l.e of the taile-l iii--ii in this on Hi ll -v : and. u nil further iviueu. e, ii, tiiile-t. is .(.nil. 4 Murpliv ,.f Itri-k'e i reei., i oopiiii i 'iiroy. (..i .com! .llnWII as I .l.m." He stands 7 feel high in h:- sioeking feel I and weigh ''iin pounds. Mr. Murphy I wea-s a No. lo shoe and. as he is said lohaveawi.l of his nw ,., no doubt , iiccoinpiishes something when he puis , bis font down. ! The strongest man in the Northwest ! is F. F. Kendall of Seal tie. On ihe occasion of a recent te-t of his ext ra : ordinary power Mi. I endall agree I lo put troui shoulder lo arm's length a I Ill-pound dumbbell oft Mier than eight . strong men could do it. Fight of Ihe lii'ist igorous looking laborers at I work g! M. ling ahoill : be ( 'on my Cm t house were matched again. him. ken. lad kept lime witbeach of ihcm, , and after the ei-ghlh h:id given up from sheer exhaits'inii smiled plea aiilly and r:iu his score up to an eve i thousand. He has a brother w Ii . holds llio world's I'hampioii-hip ai pui l ing up dumbbells. j S. lauiis I,' - .ii i: i.-. . . , . .... ... . Il K ksol I lueies in ( it v Stores. "Th-i babe trick," said a detective connected with a big New York store - to a sun i-eporter, "i, a, old as civiil- ,M" " if Mi" "' lf '"' ; weie to eoinc in here iule.iding m rob ihe store, or any male person dtc-ed in ordinary man's eostuuie, you w ould have a poor chance, because you bale nothing about you lo conceal 'goods in. Y.'iir clothes are too snug. You might drop a knife into your pocket, or a ring, or some other small article ; ' but wbal could yo'i do wiih a piece of ) silk? The lir. t requisites is flowing di apery, and in t Iin baby n ick the baby carries the drapery. Small babies usually wear long I clothes and in their shirts stolen arti cles are concealed. Here is a curious thing that I often think of; There are ' pinh.tbly a thousand grown-up people I walking the si reels of this city who ! when ibey were infants were carried ; into the big stores to be receptacles j for stolen good-. !tv their ninlhei.? j Not nece-sai ily. 1! ibics a.e fien j borrowed or rented for this p,irpo-e. j Tin? bahv nick is nothing more than ...-. ii.g tin li.iael in:.- .i ln: c l "i' llm i x.ui-ss purpo-i; of cone -alia sinleii I .jo. i. Is in lis n:-- shirt... '! ui.b-.!. irick i- miteb niori; ;.'-;..l....n. lis none :-!..,--! -MlaiiiS i I !.se... .!' a l.-abv I he W '-III ill eal i i -s ,.:i I'iniiiel'.i. and the --..i n a: . : r tiling tu. ic lie ''iiri'-d oil in ih.s v :n il.a'l Mll would tlil.i::i::e. I he "IIIHiIIm tii. I, is II devic" for I;e UO!- ll.lieul oi ll:-.' Ji-Welry coui'ler-. 'lie..' till- I in this e ii ri'-s a mug ;. t" it' valuable article I iin. slll.ll I drop-, iir.o ii aeei.h nl.iilv, nf c. Ill's. t i li'. sua w I t :! t c-p.ii i ' - -o inn. lie: ve and -kill ih.it it i . .'!. loin It -i-i. exi";. by cvp'-ll-. A e iio-i- hill shawl i- the fav n it", f. r ;l. : : air of ic-p' etnl'ii.iy ab ca:ii. -T l.-.ir. Will i' the i I. .I-.', ii ..-: I- tlii'liei W i: hi n the f.iids of I ,1, . '.- I . Tin -tii-p.l I t"i '.- bag was one,. :, m ,-..., f i "fie Willi w-'lll II ti.l'-v.--. I v i - Iv a hii'ijc Im ispi:i,!".l i'i -!:; tin I ",:'- '"" uilh :l ' ill l,:. :.ll. -i j '' u lli'-h 11 ' 1 1'1""' 1 "r "r" . '' " i ' -in'i.'.l i li.-' 1 """. Many a .Unable a'M.I- I.:;- ';' l:,':n'"1 in :l ,,,,!'i 1 "''' '" : ( .ivi ynm el ii. a a ha l a li. e:i u: i n a ci iliiln.il . ll :i. " in .I: is -.a'.'. a::t li. o t o - in i : ;.'i- Ii.ig. , , n- : - : sid", :::.' -'ili-tiiiite 1 for b . ' c ! si e now why lie -'ore die:' i.- :i -! have eyes not ..,,'y a. I a. . : i In :t I, bill ill bis (,! s, V, s, ... e i and tec !: i ol 1..- :. N -"A '' I'I- an. '! he i.'iuv i'iel er-o! T. ci-. j !'!. iiiuuoer of i a:: pl.-ke: - .. ; v.oil. j ,.v,. r m.u nin iti I 'ai is is al l l- be ; .i(i.i-..; i,,.ay ihat ni.iny ne n ami j w.,ii,.,i uy' go.liiiu' a living out of the i ,,.(...,. i-nbi,;.!, :at is :i:rowt: ! ,lW.lv . n;, ,v .-, i ia,.,':-i- ,.,,,. ( t .,Vri!, s Homy - Ha.-nie, thai ihe wei.:h: of h.-,:r w i.'.cii i .-.j,,, eomh-. an I w iiich iie , iiif- : ;', -nniers e.,, ,-: each m...-iiin j. is . ! i,.,,.,,,!-. This s..'., ,; o cuts pel j p,.lti j ,',.. hai i' in .ike: : t!," .-al" ol ! won.icn shreds or that ( ' i. .- -trl!-, ! ,,.., .. , V1, ,r . ' , . , t ,,,. ,,..( ,., .,,,.,,;, !l( ,v, , .,. ,.ui,.;.. ! ,... f il,,.... ,-,,;i!-.;;it:--i - a - '.iii'-s I ( p'.-kefs. 1 .xu-t ,. a V sun! f.-i Mi ; : . i j i - boxc- j Vunlhei l's j ro,i-ie!o I Ju, u -o s in i hi I'limips i oiean lo It I: i ,tlj ,,li n-- i III tllat al l , 1 1 1 : j ti j i ,,-1 ..,0l I,,,, oi;,. , , !, : Caa , j,,,,,.,, ,;,. n;!lbN, .,,, s. , ! .... , .-, . ... i, ...... , . , ; ,i , ciiled (hiH'.'i Inns." preiitle.'s aail are p. A - lire ii as li l'i.-i-: , . In si-tue nf i'n'!ll. all 1 led to eel w le t : I in-r are I.i': y V. a ii..-- i v ale " -i ! ;., ( ll'il il lb ,- iitd I ii. v -tarve b ! . I: I: i I -!') I -ll.ileii ll-. ! oVelprnll al. : I . til ! 1 1 s v licit la j I icio r, i:i , betii .,., ., ,,,,,;. ,il V ,i:iVl. . Kiy ll0lUll!. , . ,,.,, .ilV..'. :;.v ,,.lV(. , ,,.1V ,.,;,, their mi-.-ralde j, .,,,,;., y,,,, , ,, ,.hi in the rag picki I's' niiaii'-r liiiiiyoil w id in any ol her quarter of I'.n is, tli.it is to say in proportion ! tie .. iiiitit ber. rNew Orleans l'iea iiae. Into the 1'liie llliipi let'!. Algei ii. ii wa- w iii-pei ing ;o-. t-ithe ;irl in il'." gail. y gliintii.v .'!' lace an, She h.s er .m . ! v v wan : ! m-.-k to eaieli hi-- w .o .1 i. M u iiiiii-im-.y t h.-v lloat.-,! ....in a r.l and fell upon lite perk. ; In!, white J , ar. cr stal dro;s touch - , ! ,- -i ,1., and w akeu swcci..; mu-i, s ,., j i he i e. ! "You are so much to me." he -ai i j "In all the do.'-u oars slu- e li -t m -. he. nl res iniisive grew ;o woi.iio's ! sweet solicilude. th.-re has bi, i e w ho-e lingers spat, lie. ! the octave ol i i i . ., , , 1,,. ,,.,, ;,., "I;vi N ,,. ,,. ,, , , ,,,, " to ,.. ll,e fa, ' a is, fan- ...i j ,u.i (.Viim, ,, .k., ,,,, ,t ,,. ,-,,. .. -, . rdi.l ih.etjh!-. its m i . , eli ng- cares. Us in ! ive!e-s mat' i ia'i-tu. la vol. 'on enllii'e.l aii nr. dreaiiis a:e ie:,l i.ed. i. iy hope- !" fit'! fruition eoulo, in v de.iresl wishes made niv own.'' S'owly she lit', ed that fair, sweet face Ii niil he;- -efi blue eyes looked into bis. Then she lai I her Utile hand upon his arm. "Algernon," she niurtii'ireil, "won't you p ease come oil' Ihe roof.'" And us Algernon elamored down be. recalled the fact (hat he had tackled a Cstcrn girl. Another lictk. Frond Parent I've g.i a mighty sniar; boy, remarkably smart, temark ab y. t'uidid Friend Yes. il certainly is remarkable, verv, rk-.-il News. -.'One, 'J wo, Uiree." I. -v.-.!, na fihi. ol.!. ohi, "hi holy. .'.oil a I. iv who was half-past I href t Mi l tie way that liny played Ingi'tlicr ''.--e liea'ililiil (" see. h. ceil.ln'l ,0 riiiiiiini; and .iiuiipint;. iel '.In- boy, ii" more eoiil.l In.'. '-I l.e wa- a thin little fellow, i'li :i thin, little, twisted kui'O. I'tlcV s-i! in tile yellow sunlight. ( i it under the maple live; .'. I iin- -:,iiielhal they played I'll tell you, '.is! us it wa.- lol.l In mc. t w.i- I li.!. -:.ii'l ( io-S. tk they were plnylns. 1 h ii-h vi'iiM never have known it lo I .- r itli .i.i iii.l. n'.l. old. ol 1 lady A ii I a Ley with a lw i-tei! kr.ee. i h. I-...V w.eiM lend his face down i ' i hei nl. c Intl.- ..j'lnd rih! knee. . o In 'd ijuess wk. re she was liidilij. 1 a . iie- es i me, Two. TillYe ! 'i .-:: .-. r. it- lie eliem ('!"; I ! ' H '.vi.al.l cry. and hiurh with ;.''co I- w - ;'! II .- riiiua ei-'set : l: :t !,.- -iill h el Two an I 1'hrcc. i .a i.- up :ii p-ipa's !.i"f br-di-DDiii. I II lie eh- -! w i ll Ihe ipll-IT old key !"' i'.i fhe -:.i I : -'V'ii are w.irm mil warmer, ' I'- .: vei reiint iiiit'. ri;.'hl." she said. I: in'i '" tin' little eti.ihi.ard ! . : "i neaia's things used to be - S" i: a.'.-' I ,- tin . -lot'i.-s pre-s, -rnn'ina I" Am! le i"'.:i-l ! r with his Tlirce. I'I . i, -le . - , . .1 l:.-r face with her linger I'i, i w : w liakled and white and wee, Aiel ie ii- -" d where the buy was liidiiiK, V. en a . :,e and a Two and it Three. Ve! t'.ey i.ev.-r li:id st 1 i rei! f nun t Unr places, lie 1,1 ami' r the III il'le tree--1 ! ..:-!. i. '. old. old lady, :m : he i-.y w ith the lame little knee P :- ' ,'.-;r, 'I :n' ol i lady, ii.-l :i ' I y who was lialf-pust three. ! II. .'. Hunncr. in Serihncr II! MtHllH S. Working for edioi'tcr hours A fast A i .institution d ::ui udiiicnt Ini proved health. The in .ii who borrows imiibln finds ..ini-eli' ia the h;"i.s of a hard oredi '.or. I '. i I boys are very promising young. Mei':- iu-t before being laid over tho . i.i li-:i : .i i knee. Alihotigli we are !i fiiii-loving na i n. cv.-ry man draws tin' line at tho play fulness of :i ho-e. Ibirg'ars wear masks, itis prosumod, 'o hide their i'lii-hes while engaged in 'heir nefaiioiis i.ei-iipation. I. u nee a i-, .', en -llnw to "' t IJicli," iii. Ii re illy wa- a snorter, !. .-: . 1 1 k he met ii on the .street. At.. I wantc! In i errow n quarter. "I.k 'iiiiitiy another popular rare," iciii :i: kc I the I'oricr-linuso steak, 'I -icni In be in everybody's mouth." i i- .Hi i i Iii;.) a well-cut suit of l.e 'a - of tiri-.-v l.iat'tia!. It seems ' . ...oi. Vi iy :,"o.l tt'.ilil you ti y tc II I bo. t yen thins thai coeiluca- i , : i I-.- !- io a good many uiarriiigcs ? s,,o-- We:!, wliiit is mai l inge itself but i species of coi ducal ioi: ? I low are you .getting along?" n-kel ihe cuiiductm. "J'ni doing ft I iving business," replied llio nia'i who handled the lines. Pay i about lowed! I suppose it is pro; er io k: one's wife have her iw n way in everything. Weeks i'ou'l you go bothering your head: he wi.l alb ti.l to ib il. .o to the Ant. In ihe chapter on cniiimunilies In his ia-l work sir .1 - Iin l.ubbock re peats in a pleasantly understandable way his own reseat. 'lies widi nuts and b. es. Wiih not less than loo species fan!-, there are no two having the -.Hue habiis. We are just lindiug out .ion long-lived ants are. He has had -,voi king atits seven icais old, alid a pteen ant lived in one of his nests for lifiecn vear-. I lo is certain that tho nits of each couitnuiiiiy recognizo -.ii h oilier. r.lolin divided one com munity and kepi t in-ti i apail for a i v eer and nine months, and the cud -i - 1 1 they at ouee leeegni.ed each o. i ' . , and were p rloetly friendly, e ,ih- ihey iiliacked mils of a d H'creilt i . -I, a'lh nigh "f the siime species." ic .1 tin mad his anis diunl; with v 1-m y and l-fl them together fiiends. I'l.e tip-y nes had nothing to say, on their friends knew ibem anil dragged them nil to their homes, where the besotted ones were watched iniii ihey were sober. There were ranger a nls among the inebriates, and Ihe coiniuuiiily took thcuo nnd pitched thi-iii into the water. Thus it II is evident thiii they "know Iheii" fi iends even w lieu incapable of giv lug any sign or pa-sword." Boston Tran scrip i. A Sew YVav of Pullins It. 1'enelo o Do you notice anything1 striking in Ibis room? Stay late No. D.d I look as thougli 1 did? Pcne'ope -1 didn't know but that) you might have heard llio clock. ,