1 V 2($&aihara Record THURSDAY, FEBttl'ARY 0. ISM. LOCA1U XiXiCCIlDS. Uood iRinily flour only $4 00 u barrel at O. S. Too & Son's. Look out for tlio bluo X mark, and renew your subscription. Dogwood, persimmon and hicli ry timber wanted nt tlio rittHboro' k.tllo Mill. O. S. Too & Son will jrivo you M much for cotton sued as any mer chant in CIlttlllHIIl. A higher price iH ollered for cotton seed (27 cunts u bushel) than ever before known here. Seed potatoes, onion seta, black peas, seod oats, clover, timotlty and ore bard cru8 needs at O. S. l'oe & Sod's. T. B. Fowler will pay tlio higb est cash price for all kinds of fur. Bring him your pelts wlion youcouio to court next week. Mr. J. M. Stinson ban resigned his office of magistrate in (i alt' town skip, which bo bas most acceptably tltad for sevcrnl years. When you cmno to court next Weok, renew your subscription to tbe Record. It you uou t come, end it by some noigbbor. Tba llauglilou Holler Mill bus just been thoroughly repaired and is propared to do all Uio grinding that may be brought there. The bill to incorporate Moncure a town has been withdrawn, as some of the citizens ot that place objected to its being incorporated. The miigiNtratesol'Chatliam will meet here, on next Tuesday, to con sider the propriety of rebuilding the bridge acrosa Haw river at l'aco'e mill. The snow and sleet on hint Sun day would indicate that there is some truth in th old ground hog tradition, and that the winter is not yet gono. For monuments and tombstones of tlio latest und prettiest designs write to Kobt. I. JJogois & (Jo., pro- Erietord Durham Marble Works, arb(?, N. U. Mr.lt. I. Rogers, ot tho Durham Marble Works, will be bore next wouk and will be pleased to meet ar.y persons wishing anything in tho tombstone or monument lino. Tho polite barber, John L. Coiin cil, offers his services at tbe same old stand, and also a nice line ot truits, vegetables and all kinds of candy and canned goods. Polite attention to ladies. Dr. W. II. K.i wants, ut ako Kor Mt, will visit l'ittsboro' on Monday and Tuesday following the third Sunday in every month ; and will bo at Moncure on tho Udlowing Tburs day anil Friday, prepared to do an " kind ot dontal work. In order to givo an idea ol the Tast niimbor ol partridges and rab bits killed this winter in Chatham, we would mention that one firm at Siler City (Lain bo & Teague) bought and shipped sinco (,'hriftmns 2,ti32 rabbit skins and about 4,000 par tridges. The county commissioners, at their regular meeting on last Mont da', by a unanimous vote appointed Mr. Joseph P. Tinniti county treas urer to till the vacancy occasioned by the untimely death ot Mr. L. U, iiatch. There were several appli cants for the ofhVn. Spriiisj-lieeieu sours lor misses and children, oat meal, buckwheat flour, Orango (irovo flour, family flour $4 per barrel, good new crop molasses 25 cents pur gallon, coin; moil school books. Highest cash price paid for cotton sood for the next 10 days, at Kymun & I leaden V. When you come to court next week call at W. L. London & Son's and see the bargains thoy are offer ing. Cash will now go a loug way. They have a fino line of all kinds ot poods and farming implements. Will have on hand a low car loads of Acid Pnosphato. Make your compost at once. On last Saturday night a party of disguised men went to the house of a negro in Williams township, named Bill Taylor, and gave him a whipping, because, it is said, he sto'e some bogs. If guilty, he ought to have had a fair trial and been pun ished by the lawful authorities. j This lynchingnughtto bo denounce J by all good citizens. Small thing!! nbow tho way tho wind blows. You can now get nl W. ii. London & Son's one paper eold eve needles worth 10 cents, with Hnrniiirr neiftle. Iiiiilkins. .ti - tkrownin.torSconU. A No. 1 Mo drawers, grabbed what money he Unties lor 23 conts per gallon (1csr!W "'!, " ' l''1'" hutui.R the by barrel). A lur-;e lot of (irocerics '')or ran Irom the house throu-h the very choap. They pay tho bi-I.est ; flh' to the road. It all must have pr.ee. tor cotton ecu. Stop Hcntinu. Tho Lcci-slatiire l 2 ... 1. 1 Ml nM JUKI paVHOU U Ulll llinnill It Ull- lawtul to Hhool, trap or net any partridges, doves, robins, larks or wild lurkey in uiiauiiun, warren ai .n ciouti, ouhi;k, "'' . r..w r.ilwip i-nmiiiuH. tmfnra iha'antl L'ottinir otFat Miiiilv Hiienl that! 1st of nexl Novomber, This law ... ... , i J0 intO lOrCO 11118 WCOK, SOyOU IIIIU belterfltop hunting at once, it was passed in order "to save the tew birds that had survived tho severe weather ot last month, and prevent their entiro extermination. The law heretofore nllowed hunting un-,) til tbo 15th ot March. The Siler Mukdeh. Beyond any doubt the murderer of Mr. Adam Siler ami his wifo was Doc Ifa-, the same man who murdered Miss Mc Donald, in Moore county. Tho coroner's jury alter an ad journment of three weoks, on Wed ueday of lust week resumed its in vestigation ot tho murder ot Mr. and Mrs. ."Siler, and, alter examining two or three witnesses, rendered the fol lowing verdict : "That the said Adam Siler and Rebecca Siler came to their dealli at their residence in tho count' of Chat ham, on tho 23rd day of December, 1892, from pistol wounds inflictod by a negro man calling himself Phillips alias Williams, und whoso true iiiimo is to tho jurors unknown, said negro being described as a ginger cake colored, beardless man about 22 years old, weighing about 130 pounds, about 5 feet t! inches tall, and wild u hear or mark near the left cur". Tho description of this unknown negro having some resemblance to the rumored description of hoc Kay, the Moore county murderer, the jury of inquest after rendering their verdict authorized and requested tho coroner to go to Mooro county ul onto and ascertain if tho same man had com milted both murders. Accordingly tho coroner went to Mooro county, and, aflor a full and thorough examination, completely and fully idenliliod Dou Kay as the negro who had murdered Mr. und Mrs. Siler. We think that thoro can bo no doubt of this. Wo wero employed as an attorney to aid t he coroner's jury in their inves tigation, and, alter hearing all the case, wo have no doubt whatever that Doc Kay killed Mr. and Mis. Siler. The evide nco of all tho wit nesses is too much tor the liKcoisoto publish, but wo will herewith givou concise statement of tho facts in the case. Jletwoen 3 and 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon of Friday, tlio '.Mid of last December, Mr. Adam Siler and his wifo (ai aired couple) wore found lying dead in their dwelling, about two and a half miles north of Siler City. Tho first person to tind them was their grandson (about 12 years old, and who lived with them) uputi his return from a neighboring school, shortly boforo 4 o'clock of that niter noon. The house is situated liet ween the public road ami IhoC. F. V. V, railroad, about 200 yards oislaii1. Iroiii each and in full view of both. Alter tho alarm was given and the neighbors began to hunt for In. eta ol the murderer, a track was discov ered which whs undoubtedly made by tho murdorer. There was a cot ton field between tho house an. I dirt road, which had been lrozeii but had thawed during tho day, so that tho track of tho murderer was easily followed. Tho track was evidently made by a No. 8 shoe in good con dition, und was traced from the public road to the house, unci from the house through another part ol the field back to the road below tho house. A gooil citizen of that nuijrh borbood (Mr. K. W. York) testified that about .1 o'clock that alien. oon lio was returning Irom Siler CUV, and when driving past Mr. Adam Silcr's he mot in the road, about Till yards ahoto llio place where the murderer's track Irlt the road, a strange negro man whom he de kcribed as is set forth in the jury's verdict. It was proved that this unknown negro had left tho widow McLean's place (2 or 3 miles above Mr. Siler's) about 2 o'clock, and it was also proved that he staid tho night before at tho house ot an old colored man, named Enisly Siaith, about 2 miles this sido of liu'r.scur, j in Randolph ,, , . Ilo was also traced: back to other points, and be gave his name us Phillips at somo places and us Williams at other places. There could be no mistake about his identity, about his being the same person describod by tho different witnesses. Soveral of them bad no ticod particularly that ho wore a nico gaiter shoe, tho size aud shape ot which fitted exactly the murder er's tracks in Mr. Siler's field. They also testified aliko as to his clothing, and particularly about bis wearing under his coat a bluo blouse or jacket with brass buttons. The mark tin dor bis left ear was described by the witnesses who saw inoro of him as being a mole. The murdorer shot his pistol six times,' and the bslls found showed that the Hize of the pistol whs a .j- caiiuro. .urs. oneiv was shot in tho fare at almost the I identical spot at which MissMcDon I aid had been shot, rrom the siir rounding circumstances it is thought that tlio murderer entered tho bai k door of Mr. Siler's house nnd do maiideiJ his money, and that Air. Siler attempted to lake his llll ibiwn ' Irom the rack over the door outer inir into tlio next room nnd a Mrn I lK"" "'nv'- " '- Klo ensta-d between hi,., and u,r ro aware, the water power o! murderer lor the poH.essiot. of ,u, Doep ri verat l.i.ckv.llc is unsurpa-s Mi,, in w'liel. stru M-loll1(!int.rdercrlotl ""vwhere, and M all that any got tho i.i izzle against, Mr. Siler's nbdotnon and shot, one barrel into him Alter Air. Siler lell tlio tnur dorer then nhot him in thn bead twico with his pistol, and then went i ulo .'ia room to wliicu .Mrs. iMlcr had ti J and shot her in tho hea l ! Ilo then rilled the bureau ! . ......... .ilW'ICO I - . . (J ,'. , known, and bas been variously esti-1 ImmiMllnlnlv nllnr I l.. mill. I umi..',. - " -j . j ! der bo went to Siler City, got on tho ; ; south-bound train that pa.seil there j i night at a woman's house near there, ri.i.. .1 ..I' I.... llio ui-nilianai ui iiiuiuuii corresponds in every particular with Doc Ray, the mole near tbo ear, the ' gaiter shoes, the clothing, the blue jucket with brass buttons, the ago, size, complexion and everything being the same. Ray was shot and 'killed ou tho 3lh ol January, uour Keyser in Mooro count', while re sisting arrest, having shot bis pistol twice at the persona -attempting to capture him. He was certainly one of tho most, desperate and dangerous men that wo ever heard of. His murder ot Miss McDonald and ol Mr. and Mrs. Siler was very bold and very similar. The em-oner and bis jury descrvo much credit for tho diligent and in lolliieiit manner in which thoy con ducted their investigation. Toe jury was composed of (Joorgo W, Coble (foreman), T. A. (iilliland (secretary), W. L Poe, P. D. Smith, W. L. Hutsoii ami A. D. Jordan. They wore greatly assisted by Mr. D. ft. Fox, who acted as coroner until that officer arrived and then, by request, continued in tbe inves ligation. Pkrronai. Itk.ms. Our former townsmen, Messrs. W S. Jiamscy and A. D. Lippitt, woro here on a short busiuess trip, a few days ago. Mrs, M. A. Ihrio aud Miss Mattie Ihrie have gono on a visit toSmiih Gel.l. Miss Kmma Foushcc has returned from a visit to Sanford, accompanied by MissLillie Fousheo of that place. A party of students liom tho I'ni vorsily spent last Thursday night and Friday at this place. Superior Coiiit. The next term of the superior court of this county will begin next Monday, and all the business of tho term will probably be disposed of in four days, as there are not many cases for trial and none of much importance. On the criminal docket thcro aro .111 cases, most of them being small misde tueuui rs. On the civil issue docket are 2S cases, ol which only about half a do.im will require a jury trial. And on the appearance docket there aro only (! cases, which indicates that our county men arc not a litig ious people. The presiding judge, will be lion. Henry I' Hi-yan, of New Heme, and this will he the fiist court ever held by him in Chatham. A Slow Tei.eoiiam Wo recently experienced the inefficiency of the W-legraph service ol the Western Union. At 4.oT o'clock on Wednes day afternoon of last week we hand ed n telegram to the operator at Siler City to bo sen! immediately to Fuy. ottcvillo. At 5 o'clock wo boarded tho train for Fayetleville, and exact ly one hour alter our arrival there, tho telogram reached there! The operator at Siler City inlorms us (hat he could not get the operator at Fayctlevilio to receive tho telegram until lour hours after wo bad hand ed it to him. There is no excuse lor such a delay, and yet such delays aro of frequent occurrence, and .ire so annoying that the railroad commis sion should bo empowered by the Legislature to correct and abate so great a public nuisance. Sii.kr Woi.i.Kit Mi u.s. In another column is published a notice of in corporation of tho "Farmers' Holler Miils Manufacturing Company", ol Siler City. It gives us much pica' uro to note tho organization ol such a company in our county, and we hope that its projectors will meet with t ho success which they so iniieii deserve. the company has liecn organized with liev. O. T. Ivl wards as president, and Mr. S. J. Tally a secretary and treasurer. It is the intention of the company to begin without delay the construction ol tho roller mill, which will have a capacity ol'ih) barrels a day, and will be operated by an cngino of 40 horso power, which will be ample for ope- .1.. i.: i.iiiii", .hirf mo uiuer iiaiTiiiiit'i i , . , . . ,. J which n iu ue iiuiicu i .lie I uir iiiaini- lacturing other products. The es tablishmeut of this mill at SilorCity will bo of great benefit not only to that place but also to all tho 8iir ro n n d i n g co u n t ry. Loricvii.i.K Cotton Mi u.s. The recent organization of a company in this county by the above namo has attiactcd considerable attontion among the business men and capi talists of this State, and tho success ol the company seems assured. Cot ton factories all over the country have been paying large dividends to their owners ami stock in them is considered very desirable. And il this be true as to factories that are operated by steam power (as a ma jority of them are), of course facto ries that are operated by water power must pay much more und stock in them must be especially 7 i ,,' ' i- 1,1 ..r,.. ! ............. i i........... !it uocuviae win cou mis crrui ad vantage ol having an iiniiaii.e and iint'aiiiii water power, which est i my ii'ii win nniKO a savisii; iol live pi!f cent nn-ler ll o col ol st.'.'ini riowi'iv Am iiiii.kI nl inr t nianiitactiirin ciitci' rises cuuld iiceo or iim. j Another very irreat advaiitnco and saving thai this now company! will have over other now man .ilai '. tn ri n enterprises is the fact that its! ..n:... i i ii ""', l' " " , A I'1'1 "" :l'ly aequainlcd w ul. every detail oi operandi; a niciory. i no presi dent, Mr V. !! Ode 1 1, is one ot the inofl siieeesslul and thoroughly j opiipped manufacturers in the I'ni-1 to t .Mates, and under bis manage mcnt we predict that tbo proposed ,iU lo,'y 'IK wi.i soon tako toe lead the most siicccsstul in the e .1 ouuu ro!Umissio;u.rH' lectins. . . Tho county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on l.wl Mn.,,l,i,. Tiij.iI-iv mul mill. ... ...v., .,.. ....v .u.,...v, iled the following accounts : Alo-es Clark, tor conveying Ruck llinonley to Homo lor Aged anti I ntirm, 8 1.00 L. T. Ilarward, for r p liring , bridu'e across New Hope, G7.2 L. F. W i lliaitif, lor couveying Washington Atwalerto jail, 83.S0 I C. tr. Sharpe, lor meat for I Home, j W. li. London & Son, lor sup plies, S W. Hrower, for beef, i O. S. I'oo & Son, for supplies, ' Francis Buchanan, lor servi ces at Aveut's ferry, 'J. D. Womblc, for lumber, : J. J. Johnson, lor conveying Samson Head en to jail, 37.30 27.5S 13 DO 3.7ti 3 .r)0 10.(10 4 50 J. II. Tvsor and others, for holding inquest on Adam Siler and wife, J. J. Jenkins, for summoning witnesses, &c. at coroner's 202 35 inquest, Dr. V. H. Ileaden, as county superintendent of health, S. M. Holt for duplicate re turns of magistrates, and 3.40 ig ot; ststioiiciy, A. J. lliggsbee, for rogmtcr- ing voters, Thomas Cross, jail fees, 4 1 101 35 23.10 llt.fto lS.flO S J. Tally, services as com missioner, A. T. Lambeth, services as commissioner, 7. 11. Hutch, services as com missioner, J. T. Paschal, services i.s clerk cd Hoard, Spence Taylor, insolvent fees 20.55 3.40 Ordered, That the petition for a public road in the town of Haywood lie irranted. 0Tf,That David Hayes, Louisa A vent and Fli.abelb Drako be cared for at the Homo for Aged aud I ntirm. Or.drrJ, that Mrs. Martha Fou slice bo cared for at the Home for Aged and 1 ntirm. Onlm'd, That V. V. Jackson he employed as lerrymaii at Avenl's ferry until January 1st, 111 1, at 12.25 per month. Ordered, That Hugh Womblo be allowed 82 per month lor the sup port ot Lewis Smith. Orden'd, That John Hell be allow cd c: per month for the support of Tompy Taylor. - - Di'vnsf at cil by Floods. Sydnky, N. S. W.. Feb. (!. The number of peoplo drowned by I he floods in Quei.-nsi-uiil i.s very large. At Ipscwich. twenty-five miles from Brisbane, tw nty two ere known to have perished, mid it is feared that tho loss of life is much greater, as tbe swollen river is covered with wriH-kage from w hich a Ij. -rt ible stench ariKes. doubtless ctt.i.-eil by the dead bodies of human be;ng nnd iniiniul- eriUtiuled m the ma:-.. At Isnsbane the water is twcnly feel deep in the lower putt of tbe town, and the iu hitbitimts arc crowding to the highest parts of the city. At Maryborough, in March county, thirty persons were drowned. Most of the town is under water. The Miiry river bi i lg the largest one iu tho colony, has been carried awnv. Tho town has been lesct ted by two thirds of its inhabi tants. J iiiro, another town ou tbe M.try. is ulso under water. Mrs. A. Mather, 1701 Madison Ave., New Voik City, thus speaks for her self and fiieiidd : "T have uacj Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup for the pa-t six or seven years, and always have found it a most excellent remedy. One or two bolt lea w ill cure my worst cough. I have recommended it to a iniciopr of friends, iio have used it aiwnjs with satisfactory roanUs." Hansom County. Spoclnl to I ho Musneufor. R.M.Eimi, 1'eb. G. Tho movement for the creation of another new coun ty took definite shape today. Tbe bill provides Unit it. shall be compos ed of three townships of Surry coun ty, three of Wilkes aud one of Yad kin, and that Mt. Airy slull bo tbe county Kent. Promoters of tho plau assert that tbe formation of a new county will nvike Wilkes Democratic. It is said that in compliment to Ni r.h Carolina's senior Senator tho name proposed for tbo new county will be Hansom, and persons who are manipu lating the matter here iu.m-i t that tee Senate committee will report the bill favorably. Mrs. Whitney Dead. Nkw Yoiik, Feb. 5 Mrs. William C. Whitney, wife of the ex Sec; eta y of the Navy, died at her home, N . 2 West Fil'iy-seventb street, at 3 o'clock this morning of heart disease. 0:dy Mr. Whitney and the nurses who at tended her during her illness w rn present at tbo death bod, tbe ei d comiug unexpectedly. A Itailroud Wrick. CoNNei.T.svil.l.K, ll , J;'i b. Ct. A wreek oreuried on the liallimore and Ohio railroad at. Willia'iis i-laiioii enr Iv this inoriiing. Two jtersous wrc killed and three fatally injured It is rr-poited tint the w:e' k is the nioi-l extensive that has ever opciji red 0!i the R!liinore and ( )hio road, and that the trucks will be blocked twenty-four hours at least. Judge V. V Allen, a populist, bus b-. i n elected I'ltitcd States Senator from Nebraska by tho combined vote of democrats and populists. The San Fr.ni'isco lawyers lor Florence Rlvlho, in the contest over '.lie iM'e.'it RIvthe estate, will receive 8' 0(1(1,000 out of tho total of i?:),(.0i,. Olio. A mad dot; rnn ainuek through! tho streets of ('hicngo Monday, s,nd- I in the crowds scattering in every j direction, ami biting live persons be- ; fore ho was killed by tho police. j William 11 I lech, late Populist candidate for Congress in the fourth district of Nebraska, took an over dose of morphine, on account, it is said, ot disappointment over lis de feat. A well known minister nnd bis wile, snvs the (ireenville News, were received at the iinnnc asylum, Cos lumbia, on Saturday. In the lal month both lost their minds Irom excessive excitement on the lulijn-t . of religion. Kvory citizen of Chatham ought to subscribe for the K'i'.cokii, the only paper published in the county. On ly three cents u week. Many women find great difficulty , in arranging their hair becomingly, because of its harsh and coaie tex ' lure. Bv tho 0;-o of Acer's Hair Vig or, tbe hair brc.nnicH soft, pliant, and glossy. I lie V igor is t he most clean ly of all Lair preparations. Now AdvPi tlsi'iiM'iits. MONEY TO LOAN. Monky to Loan upon approved real estate security at 2 per cent. For particular? apple to A. L. Ml N FILL, Attorney at Law, Feb, !, D-!'3. Saxkokh, N. C. RXECCTHORS' NOTICE. Hav- i ItiR tittitl I D.-.1 ai fJWUlnW l'f lllO lllKt will ftii-l ii-HiiiiiH-m nf A'lam MUM-. limiHi,l, wf Iweliy nil1 Ify ret pi-rnn- li.'Mlna Htfalnru nnit .livi'ilt-nl in rxhlhtl Mm Hanif in us, ur t.i Mir nei rii"y II. A. I.nujtn, mi or tn'l"ru llio Dili nf Ki'lirunry. Is'.u. All iJi-r.nM liile!t-il 10 halit !'cO'li'nt nro nnil llril tn my Willi. mi ili-li-.y. 1'. 11. stl.rit. Fcl.'y li, IK'J. MATTHIAS StI.Elt. NOTICK OF INCOIiPOU ATION. CTTKIFNOl:TUC.r.Ol.lNA, (Oltl-Kiif Iii-Sii ' CiivniAM Cui'NTV. I rli'i-CuiirHTiM-k Xnilcn Is Iwroliy clvenof llin liu-rpnr.HIiuf tlio FAHMEUS UOll.Ht Ml MANKAcn'HIMl OOVIWNY nf sii.t eiiy. N. Tl-u ilm wimcn nf II111 li 1 pnnUnM aiv sum y J. T illy, Oivm T. IM wind-, ('ran WH' li, IIjiiiit Kux, I'minn-I .1. I'l-i ry, I.11 Inyeltn H. Wr-nn 1111,1 .l.um m Y. i llllt:ltil . nil nf flilM i-. lllily ff I lull l:n III, tiy.ll.T Willi Uli-li ntliiTH it-. Ilii-y !..;iy 11- ..t.-l-i:.- with ih.-iii : I lit! ilu l-r liit-lf.tl .iw. iii luil H.-lcill i.i- ,e. Sll-i- L'lly, in wilil tM'eiiy Oi.c Cm- .'iimii.in ,. .-.-iM i-"i.-.i '.lull Rlinll In- :vl y Unit tin. .-:iilnl fl.ii-k lii f.liii wlili aiii!".r -y : Iih-vi-im- I' m i'liijiilf, ill -.l.li-1 Inin (.ii.-if.v !' f' "1 i-'i'-li : iiml Hue tin- Im.I. nt'M-. ir H-il'l C"r;'riCti,n .lii,ll In- the iii'.iiiit.-iriuio nf llmir, mniil. Ci ll". rlii'i-, Mul any iin nil mln'r piiiiluriM nf wlirni , i-,.i n, ".iii-i.r Hut ilu- !ij- tin-n.llri- mill in" 'IIht inlill'i ,ir.i-,--H, '.,i;- 'l i-i- u:li Mil'i-m;, !-.- li utfl i-'-ii.iii-- '! i.u ,t jii.tt'ii nuil Oi'-li- 'i-' iliii';s, fiti-l !i-r Hi.- i-n-Mri!:, n.-iwiinr iiuil Mil- nf nil I. ''i Is n 1 11 111 r. ;:imI 11 iiciniir i - Ultv nf wmi li 11 war,' a,i I nn li-n i':i.!i ih-hih, II. i inai-iiiiu i it' in i'l It .-clii r iin.i liaiii-r li." l-i. -in-l ilIhii r-ir tin- pa r 1 -iM-"l ili-filla-' In -i-iHT'i'i ni'Ti-lcm IMn. S. SI. IIO'.T, -'. . C. A. p. o:i.r.i;iiT. .v.n.rin-:-. ivc. n im. Cr.Bu!i3 Ccu2h: LAND SALi: Y VHMT'E OF ft mol ten;., ( x"i t:tr! by Jclm K. Urat n uikI wile, fin l it-t. mli'-l Iu Hi'-'.,, ' ..f tlm HtcisU'i' n( lcc-ls for chJ'Umtn county, In b-M-k Oi. w 4M, 1 vhl K(It h-r cnwh, at tin1 ffiiri lioimt' ilmir In ruirtl.r. at 12 m i I'm k 11., ! 'I t 1-Y, Iti Hill lay nt I rbrtiiiry, tin l.-m.lH, l-'Wii : 11 iit.-'I ly!i;j.T lit iui c-'iir'y ir t 'Iih tuim. rnirt tcwiililt', iii-.tr IL"' w;ii f.-. " l!iiw nvi-r, b't;lmiitirf at a b!;ti-k "uli 'ump, Hit- :th- VitU;iitiu t'i";-rr Cil'IHT, lllt'll IH'I'tll ih mi.'S t I'M Ml' . '"tt -r, llH'tl'-f t't:tl H.t l If rni'luf 111 t lilir llluS lll'-licf 1 1 t 1 1 V2 lit :t P"M "tk I'M-ll nil l"H'l UUt lhi'ii- tt'inl IT lit.lri t" I f.-l ( .!, IliftH't' ..tilli I'.s ..li 1.1 11 tinki' lii t'tiiHT'i Win-. Un it-- 'ilM pi'li.f In IIm bfllllili't; : i-Miliili-hn: v. IliTfS. .MAI I.HJN ItMtilJT. January V2, l'j'l. T()T1CK V.Y VJIM'CE OF A i 3 ni'iriciii;.' iii-i-1 i-sii-iiii- l 111 On-H li ii.-iy nf January. M'.hi. Iiy . I'. ha-Mi'i-H iiiii) wlfn Cailiii rini' IIiii.i-i, in lit- lin r.ii.-ui mul ri-t--lici'i-il !n ! hriKli'l-'s nllli-c nf . 'Inn III Mi itMiiily, nil llio I ilav nl l-i l-t Mill , . Ir'.'i. in I k I'K. (i'ICi' in:, iiii.li.ixifiu' I will, a- a-.l':iiivnf I liry.-ui, II 1.1 On- Iii!iimI li;.'!i'!- it i-a.-li at tlic i.'..il III i' Imwh n lf.'i' 'il, I'lia lrun llity. N. C, nil k -ih ilav ni IT. 1.1, 1 AKV, iv:i, .'!wi n (In-nr.-. i.r in ni. l 1 i.v:...-i.. ..in- i-i in On- ii'win't (vjt'H, 1, t ini-li e inn , N . i '. . j.M.itij Hi" rail-, ilii'I mi I invihiilii-: a J. T. !.'.' -mil's -. 1.1 j Hi" rallro i'l i ii-.:i wen Hie i-UIimuiI i !i-i-t, tin-n Nm-ili 1 W. lC.il h i-i in a sink Hi.. i luivilii'! Willi :li. i-allti'.lil ti- a t-lak .1 'I' K..mliill'a Uli.' ti Hi" ln'iiiiiiilr.. I hi! null ilav "i .1,-iiiuiiry, Ikm. i. o. liliVAN, Aarijjiuiu. lly A. A. K. S.-.IW.1I, Any. January ai, :A, 3 AND SALF,. UNDER AN OR iltT In a spr.-I'il .r "'rn 1 1 ti In rlintliiiiu Mip'Tl'-r onu-t. ftiiltlcil A .1. Hii-himlMMti vh. Wm. Mi l hi-rsnii aii-l .tiling, 1 will - H, on HVITKliAY, Kt-tnuary Citi, iK'.t, at pniit atii-iluu mt iho I'UL.mi.-i.-. l"i tinl..h. ni" J.-llwIn laifn. In AU'flhi itwti-!iip, a-lj'-lnliitf hiitmif-l Ml h-i nn ittil niiii'i'M, Iti-ini: ilu- lhMit"-.-ttal r Mio laio4 C. Mann, am) :i ihri'-ti h-htm r an inm trw't t:riin:tl in sai l t. Mann ly tli sialic "n .lim I'.Mli. lS'JI. 'IVrni: ' in- l ull iuMi, H;i rt-maliuiiT In hlx uioiilhH, I .nl with appr-iVt-l Bi-iMirliy ro I'iIiimI, niil i i ll- rtwrwil ,inill tin- tmyitp nl nf nil ilm pmvh.-iMn inunry. T. li. WO.HrK, January IM , H'.'.f. l'uinnil.-Hluii-r. Going to Buy A Dictionary? t GET THE BEST, I Webster's Internation al. J A Choice Gift V V V V A Grand Family Educator v I A Library in Itself v V The Standard Authority Us SOLD BY AI L BOOKSELLERS, t $ Tho lateinatloiiat l now bil? from T T cover to cover. I ully aUrraat of tlio tiiiip, T anil la t!,o iiucci's.soi- of the Rutlu-ntlcT T " UnahrKttfPcl." Ti-n yt'.irn wcro tper.t In T T revising, 100 ertltors employed mid ovor T T $3iM),OdO expended boforo the Urst copy T T was prlntriL T T Do not buy reprints of cbsolote and T T comuarptlvely wort!ileti8 editinna. T T 3end for frco pmtihli t containing T X specimen pages aud full particulars. j G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, S SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U. 3. A. X C. F. & Y. T. RAILWAY . Van :'.o'.isol Fchodi: ! lu eir.rt daniiai y 2Jiid, is;i:i. ll.MI.V I XC VT St NliAY. ira,ni..'li v.fil, ' I' i'ni ciliii; vnnl No. a. i NO. 1. Mull I'lioKi'iiC'r.: Mall .V ritM'iiEr Uvi 6 01 . ni. w ill. iliifii'ii, Aiiiir II im p. m. S.-il l iiyi II.--. Uli', I-iii, 7 ii . IS ni.i.r.. " Hill " IH ..I hlliT. , ' .-l.l 'l " Arriv,- i.i i. in. .nr. . i-.hlH rn, H i"- " 4. .'.' V.l. Al:y. ' lJ.imu .on : W. I M l I , Oi u'l I'.-isw Aoui. 4. W. I l.V, i.ou'l tutii. EDWARD FASiVAOH. JEWELLER AMD OPTICIAN, -Aterii tiff Sitrer itoffcrs 5?V A tvarci SOLID l'LAIN GOLD ENU.UiEMENT AND WEDPlNd lSd9 Send or Itinp Sie. WBOur SyBtcin for I)iiifiiosiiip for tbe correction of IVr'rfs f?f Ilefrfld tiou in tbe Hiunens used iu lOyo Inli mnrios N jitii mul Soi l'i. Jnnuirv 2G, 1S!)3. Will commence (his new year hy Hiililmx SPECIAL BARGAINS TO C-Au3XS: CSTOMBBS. They will conli.Mic to kcrp llio iiii;;s!, nei in tba coirily un-1 you wilt iiEsriJino viyo wu vv vnr want at tiah siokgi Come nud tip tl. so lit'liuc yon pnu 'i i-'-. Tbcy 1110 now ofK-rinij si'E( ial i:.i;i;.i.s is i;i:m mmi: a nrmxa They buvc n Steels cf ?.3.?.c3 on Land wbieli tbcy arc selling vory low f. ! tbe crush. Tboy would cull your uttcuiioii to their ; -lock of P.ed..le uli. C'lcura, Sat, They bavo nil kinds of Faiiiiiii' Imjileun nls. Ji vu Imve nvt tried our OLIVER CHILL FLOW try one. They nro ;t "w. Xj, LcnsmcnM a; soar's. January 5, 1S!)3. J. J. Thomas, Prcfideiit, J. S. .Ji;i:m.w. ('fi:diii-r. An-. A. Tiiomi'son, Vicc-FrcHideiit. 11. W.-l ,. i Acs't ('aHbior The (toMMerrifif ftiff? Bi' wens' Eianki or i e, l'aid up capital 6l(M,U0(Ulli. Autboi i '.ed c:'.pit:il .Y.'Otl.OOO.OO. DIRECTORS: J. J. Thomas, 1'.. N. Duke, li. A. London, A. F. IVpo, G. W. Watts, II. D. LaUie, Ashlcv H.-nc, Fied. I'Inlipg, J. U. Hill, F. II. Diuicpy, 11. Ji. Ibiiicy, Join V. Scott. A. A. Thompson, T. II. Liis, J. N. Hohlii p. Accounts of Fanners. Dunks, Corporations, Adiuinislrntors and Indi VlJnala soliciUd on favorable terms. SPECIAL ATTUN 1 ION "ivcii to accounts of Count ry Meicbanta nnd ndividuals. W. A. SLATE I & CO., MH iin.i.n. .v. : Now on hand tho best stock of CLOTHING AND RENTS' FUKiiMIIffi GOODS ever brought to Durlmiii. Satest Styles and Lowest Prices. Gent's Clothing, Boys' Cloihing, nil (iizes and stj lcs. Our Chnthnni friends are invited to call, find orders by mail will reoeivt prompt attention. All kinds of LL'MIJEU for sale nl the ; PITTSBORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, ! CEILING AND FL0GR1MC, Pl.VNK.D AND KlI.X-DllIhll, OU litirou. Dills sawed to order nt short notice, Good Coiling nnd Flooriiid already DiiEsstu at only 81. "JO per 100 feet. B. OSTOCE, Jr. Sept. 17, 1SSU. W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE cehW Am. nlhiT M i-i'ialiii f'T CpiiiIi'iih'ii. I.nlllll,. CojhpihI Missus aro tlio Best in the World. F.'fl drti-rlptivn ailiTil-i-mcnt w'.iioh will fipiM iir ui ttiU paser. Tako no Substitute, lint lasiiif on lutiliu W L. liai i.l.iv si!oi,wim tinnm uud tTli-o sUau;K.d od lji)Ur.u Pi.M Ly W. L. UOWLC II & SCN. rittslmro", N. yin ici: or ixcof.'on.i riox 'FN"I.HI CXCi'l.lN." i.r i;.. I si: i.i i,.i i li-rk. N.ll.-i. h.:rli-L-ivi... Hi- Ii..-..l. r .'l-.n ..till t'lriili.iiit Mli.li a i it! !! fl.ielMtn -ii'.'y In 1 li- S.nii- nl Ni.l 'li Ciilnllli l Til ii Ilu- mil i - !' ; Uir I riratr urr. Itv.-r-I. M.-l !. ; fli:i:li.'.!'i ni m y . .It I-ui T. M.-Iv.-r, Vli li u l i'1-. iily, -l"lin I.. 11 i' wrlitlit. lei l iik. .- il--ri 1", n v H vrr i-"iiti!y. In i tit- sinte , ( VtIi ('n'-!:ii.'i. ii-rl miii-Ii n'lifi-s n ll'..-y mny ir t i:i!- wrl- llin.'; Iiml Oio i Ttin-lii.il JT ' I I'li-i'ii-m i-lml! Ur In rh.iili mi fi'iiu'y, .ui'l fii -li .mI.iT i.hih:i it' n ' prnvnii-d l- r tu Ilm fliiir'.ir trnliin Hit- sin r nl Nnl'tll t'llptlllin. 'Hint I lit- prliirlpiil -m it' iu i I.r i-iiyiif Wllnilnuinii, In tin- . i.niii j ! t Min-'Vrr mi l Sin'c nl Norih Chi-IIiiii. .Mid I!" Bfiirrnl m: p. Ih Orni'ial .Vri-.-li.-ui.tii.ini:. Hi" purfliii.-r "1 liiiiluT, mul tlml'i-r rvl-ts, Mirl I'ni'!.", ami ! i.ilm t . .1 nl, M:ili', "iip M' lir. nli'l u'.i t' lirr inin.T lllf, .'. Tl.nt the tlieuili ii nf llio iiirpr.-cliii rii.ill '" lliirly years. Tli" r ll.'il Hinrk 1- tw Inn: In d and liny itimii-Hii'l ilull U". Midi i-rMlec" in t rr.iM- It. live lilllldn-l Mi-l-.tll:-l Ilu l-.. til 1 1 l.-.l In!,, .haroi- nt tin' pm valur id "iir huiidrt I !' llnfi. nu ll H. M. lltd-T. t:. s. c. Jituuary l'.'di, U-.". ! mionTfiAfii-: sale. r.Y vin .f tno nl a iui.r:iW' i ri-iiii'il l i in liy An. tirtst sin hit .iiid ii.-.'1-.litl in lliN-k CI. 'ii(.t.i y, .v .M-! la Or' ni.'i- "I On- Ctvl-l'T .d II In ! I'hitl- Ii.iiii i-nuiiiy. I will m-ii i.ir t-a-li. in t in iiiiSmi u niv. iltr l.'nd.iy ..I Mm-.-li, Iswi. in u. pn V t i It ail-., Un- lt ii-l "r luitil dtfti-i-llii'il In wild in. .i-i-if.i-t', t'ltnmliunir iiifin loo arrra, iiml iidj-ilnlui; llt lal-ilH ..t e. . iMilvbla Olid ulll i-.. i Ccll.lt.tb-M. VI. 0. I llll.il. N01K i: OF INCOlirOKATIUN. JC'iili'i' Im licTi liy nl vi n tlml viti-r if lnmrior II. HI liiivr lllin '.lily .--! L-niiei-l li TilK IjiK'ltvILLK C'liTi-N Mii.i.4, ui" ii iu-iIi-Ii :i nr arcrmi'iit Oleil and ni'' I'lod In IIiIm fllcv. ll' Milwiiiniw f which Is iin I..1..w.h: (1). Knmo: !,.'i-kvilio Oillon Ullln. :'.). l'.ii.li.i-K. : (Viiiilin'tlhi; In nil lis Ijniui'lios Uit iuiikiCiii". iivo iii i-iiiiun, n'iMl, t-llk, llnpii, luta, il- ur, ini'iii i:;i 1 '.'tier rrndiii'iM nr itraln mllllaf, il,' I'liiniH.-i.-iiiri' or luinln-r. Iiit-iilhlilni; Hwer W .:Ii.tk l.y u n:, livu-o, liln-. unlr nr i lliorwlso, gln iilM- i-'iuiui, I. iij In).', -i'IIIiik Mul ili'.iling In g'KKln, w.ii i i. ami iiii-irli.-iii !Im-nt curry dciii'i-lill"U. H). !'i.-i,-.- ..I l.iiii, -. : l.i.i kvtllr, N C , wltli ;.rlvlli'gi in Inl l . liii'.-t -I.-- n-.i imIi-ck ni nullum. Itnlolkli, I'ui lnm, Or.-i "ir-l'i'iH, CiiiumviI ,u d Cli.-irtollo. (4). t'i'i-!i:l'ii -. Turly yr.-n--;, i.-i,. i',.( Hirninrn : J. M, o.:.-ii, w. l:, (M.-ii, i, il. vt.-i"r. o o. itynum. Win. v. I.. I. l. ll, .1. M. lin k i n I Jii. C. Wludor. H':. i',i.i;. J k . ; '..".ii.iKhi, v. l !, ...rr t.i Increano i.i il .1 ,'H-", ; I,.;! i ; iii ,.. S. M n- I.T, f .-ui . r:..i- C. 1 1 tt t !i-.: l-.-itn ('(niity, T. It. W 'M.i.'u, iii..rni'y. ,1 ilii. lty -.'n. l'".i:i. Cr.'c.K, nn J Tra In-Ynrks p;ni!ieti. ami all rut t".i"iii"r- ciiiiui't'M i".r Moocratc Fees. Cu-- Orr ct tn Oppositc U. C. Patcwt Orrtew :.. in !,. rr.Kit V, ..'iltii;.i!i. iiiod. I. liri-.tiri; or pVeo., it-llh tleterliv '. i'. !vi-r, if i i-iii.'ii le ir nut. freo of O .r :.v tin: i!bo ti'l i i:nt I m cured. CU PAR-PHi.rT, .li'-v !o td, '. mi r.itoiiiH, mtii ri r ': nr. . il tlii ti- i.i jta.i- tta'.f, touuty, or Or,'. Iatii.t Otfii.':. Washington. D. C t . . ! - --4 Af'tT l-'art'-tfoar,'' IV- .!. ttt in T,,1 I t of Ui' hii'ntiiid tu ft't p i .Uioilot I r .tii -i.if vkn. crtpr 1 1. I .u'l if l. 1 rttneft, i nitri- Th-iri"t;ri- iht-.r (.-.cditit'4 era uiiaur ritii tirfpuri'-i nn-l flll .mi ti.-i.. ii very t,i-i'intlon ul niotlula iv-l, M -it i irtnntirdHl .,(:;ut ','-..l. tt im-t n.i'l t- tti- i't-i iiit)intinl I titl:'-;i .1 in tiir worli. , li a ii 't. je swtv i;4tnte !' iTVviTT.V t t;r-.rr-rp wt.V .!, (,i)frir, nni! it - j.M.-r.Wti I ..mc-i. r-,nt--i!!ir 'v-ftii nil ,'(..; -l-v, It CimlHll! '! 'Il- 'l' flf 1. t II. f , Virv lUVt-T Im.Ii p-4tl'lttffl r,Htii tit for uut ittiiir i.m I't jii-t-i'iv-i. Fit II- , j 1 -' i -1 , k i . .-.'! Ol1-.. f .- ,. in..-. id i I , . ...I nr, ,.n.t.t '! '.f- IS 111" -..-ffM!!i.-, l..i l 1 r:'f:- -K, T -r il ' :

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