tfljattiam Hecor& $l)c tfljatljatu Rami). .11. A. 1-OIS lJOIV, EDlTOli AM) I'KOl'METUH. UATEt? A D V E R T 1 8 I NC TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 fe year Strictly In Advanci. One square, one insorfion Odo square, two insertions One square, one month tl. 1.69 For largar advertigetuenla 1:1 erl con raota will bo made. VOL. XV. 1MTTSIK)1U) CHATHAM CO.. N. C., MARCH. L ITO. NO. 27. rririlnsr Out. Evcrm -v o arciliiltiii'i'iit mththc cease less tide. Awl w .Ireum i'f (i hound I.) the ocean a tiotno mi tho other side, That somen here tin rt" is a li ill .id sweet with tin- helling ha'ill, Ami the -torm amy rage, hut Ihr rainbow is arched in t tu- skies i'f culm. Win, loth the river weary, through forests no ttl :i i hath triiil. Wlicre the daikucs is .-tint from the shiniiif- of III. Iiinii in thr w iii'lows of I. ml ; Hnt out from the gloom it tla-Iirs in the light of tlir .l:i to b And iiihi-lrs in lonely waters with tin' motlu'i' tiili s of tho sea. N'c :ir not hopeless, homeless -wherever our foi t may re. im. V r nxr (-..ini; like little children to the gates of ii lather'!1 lioin'r; An.) Hkii,1i dirk tic the way and dreary, ln n life with its storms Is past i- Mull rnii r in at the portals and re-l in tlir light at l ist ! ; Trunk I.. Stanton, in Atlanta I'oiislitu tloii. "Lovo Me, Love My Dog." 'I III' llll'il! boW-WOW took till iiu- inou-o iulo:e-t tn tin- at tii-l nielli, Ho was Mtrli a poor nil I ft iondloss m future, and it was mh'!i a e ld ami blustt Tin- night that 1 hail not tho heart to shul ihe tlnor in hi face, us ho blood wagging his tail in the stream ol' light front tin- opoti hull ami look ing upon mo appealing!)-, with big. in tin. cut brow n eye-, I'ioiii utnlor n silky fringe of hair tint appeared to bint ol Skyo- dr-cent. though rather mmo than less remote. Yes, In1 is certainly mongrel, this Artful K'dger of initio ; pcihaps if In' had broil of good honest .skye strain tins tali) coiiid never have boon told of hill. However, in he came Willi me that nigltl and out l,, went widi tno the next ov.niiig, foi iho lii nl of our mys terious walks alnoid. It was only round a couple of cor nets on an errand to tho green gro eer's about the motion's list which bud mo ( properly been ma le up; bin u In n I pnlli d my glove oil' at Iho h.Hili! door I i gr.ip; lo the beiter with the dill'n ill. i. s of the l.ileli Kev, I felt n eo!d tto-e llirit-t into my litimt liny, more i ban a cold no.-c--an apple, which, so led an I glossy as it was, I vrus quite sure my proviilent friend liiid selected from the very basket of iipples 1 bad just ordered lioino from tinder the fjireii f;fi r'. Minuter. That w.i'i exiitsable niouyli, per baps. I'.at what followed day by day evhau-tid all my stoek of apoloyiet. for my poor klepiomaniae. 1 of day by day theto win some lliinj,' of my net-hbors' i-oods laid til my door, due tnoinin.u it would be " pi into beefsteak Iresli from the blilelict's stall ; auot her it would be a dainty handkei ehlef tin list into my baud as we walked together along I'hcHuut Hfeet. I toon learncil to eM'hew the hoppiny iii!tr;er, liow ever, w hen wntwo iveni out together. Hut my An I ul Kidder was too mtieh for inc. ( iii. Miiowy day all Iho neihb us' doorm us were piled up in our VeftibiiW'.uiid my poor little fellow i rept out from aiuonj; ibein, wayiiii; his (ail wih a ilrli-liiod iMiielou iiess of met it, as I mame up the Sieps. onto Fain had trained him; there Mai not a doubt of that. Ii u:h ihe pail of a f'lu istiaii iuoralit to rcelaint hint, not to Illinium adrift in bis evil ways, 1 argued. I seemed, bow ever, lo be the only ('hri-iian in tho liotic; or indent, in liio whole block, i fancy they would have li ft my poor little feilow to ; to bad aliojreiber. in another neighborhood remote from theirs. Ihr. then bo never looked up at t lie in , with bis bi', iniiocut brown cjes bi iiiiiiiin with love and It list, as ho did at me. " 'l.ove me, lovo my do,' " I said lo Illicit one evening, as I stood willi hint in Ihe vestibule, and the Artful lioilijer whined so piteous!)- on the odiei side of Ihe closed door that 1 was obliged to lei bint out lo walk with us. Then I could feel myself blush Kli'ioiisly, for though t 'ousiu llitj;ll and I wero well, it is hard to ay what we were; but this unlucky speech of mine was certainly tho liri word of lovo tbat had parsed between us. 1 was j;lad to o down on tuv knee to tho little lellow leaping about im: to escape thi" cws of the big fel low (taiidiii1,' ovn in.-, for 1 fell tire (hero was a laitjb in I hem. "When your do i- as lioui M as you tf, Kitty,"' said llu-b, m iy per bspn be'in lo love Iti lit as" "As I do? ' I aii-uorcd, my do i md 1 spriu jiui; down the steps to gether (,' tyly. '-1 wouldn't advise i you to; evil communications corrupt ' good manner-, to ipiote still another provnb; mid my Artful l.dy;ei- may leuch mo as lunch a- 1 have failed in Ii-hi hinir him, poor boy!" A h.u i u t', i a weli I urn I d.iug you lulli to a poor quarter ef the eily," said ltuh. And indeed I fell thai the do inijz lit help to cheer the liltle crippled lad ho ih- taking mo to sec. It was not the Irst limo Pr. llu;;li had eirried me It lo see roiiio paiieut of his. J'ili.ahelh lull a malicious way of hintiujr that ho had mo on probation as a model doctor's wife. I'ut Cousin lluh and I had been comrades ever since I e utld remember; and when I was out of riiti-h of Kli.'.abeih's sharp tongue theie was seldom nnyihin to leiniud tr.e thai we had not been boys together, instead of yirl and boy, Tho one step I tout tho subliino to lite ridiculous is a short otic in my neighborhood, and we had taken it in a (urn round tho corner from the stately terraced slreel wliero was my home. Tho absurd little bsi in which tho people here wero housod tui;hl ho an iuiprovmciit on the great tenements of other fit !, but to take l liom seriously as homes was rather d flictilt. "Thai tU'e yonder i- n mere geranium pot," said 1, nodding with a gesture towards a tin. red bow. window tilled with those ;;real red and fjrccii piatils. U course, there wa "dressmakiii'' on the in. nlest pl.ii ard on the door: and equally, of i oui se, there was the dressmaker's Miia'l, pain face at the window, whero the fl nid round buuchi's of blossoms seemed to have drained all life and color from her. "It is a ease of U tppaceini' daugh ter reversed." I said. '-Instead of jiving her their bloom tho flowers hax o taken all lid s to them-elves. I never see a big coarse liede-row like that one without knowing that there a fadiui? lilv of a woman behind it -l reliing and stitching her heart out. Cannot you make an ev ti-e, I'r. Il'ih'i' Mi-take, the hoti-e, or some thiuu, and Id us knock and set! if our faded lily won't come out ' Hut just then the door opened ; Iho drcssinaskcr was letting out u custom er. Wliii or what that was I never heeded, lor from where we stood over the way my dog had da-hed across, up the lew htcps, and was fawning on the. liltle woman in i: tran-'oit of joy. .. M.e did nut sloop to meet those ea,; er care-se-; tho-o fcharp little canii. e ei ics of delighted recognition had no lesponse. "illy, as wo i aniu up, she made a hurried, groping movement for the handle of Ihe door us if she would have slut! it in our facis. 1Iui;1i was too quick for her. lie stepped in acro-s the threshold, where she stood leaning palo and quivering against the wal . "We owo it lo ourselves," lie said, "to mako sonio explanation. Of course the dog Is yours.'' She made a Inisty motion ol dis claimer; bill Hugh went on : Of course the dog in yours; we have had him so long in our keeping because he was louiid one nighl la-t w inter, and this lady kindly let him come indoors with her out of the bit ter weather. Hut we have no idea of keeping Iho little fellow from you unless, indeed, you would euro to part w ith him"- - This last tentatively, for it h i 1 not i -raped Hugh any more limn it had me, that as between dog and mistress the aU'eclton was eeriiiiuly all on one side. Tho little woman girl she .-as railiei hud retreated, sinking down on the Meep hox-siairs that almost Itlleil up the tiny entry. The dog did not feel himself repulsed, as we did: but fell, dog-fashion, lo kissing the worn hands with which she covered her face. It was in thai same iusluut that we heart! a child' cry. Shu let her hands fall together, the wedding ling flashing out on tho worn linger, and linn for the I'n-t time noticing me with a swif. sign she led the way into the back room. The baby was just waking in bis cradle. She turned her white face round on us in the doorway, as she diopped down on her kmos be-ide him. The dog went uniHiug about Ihe cradle, round and round, as if he could not understand, then stood irn-solule, his brow n eyes Hashing iu quiiy from the woman lo me. 'Tor the child's sake,'" she sank I or the. child's sake' She caught her breath in a fright ened, gasping way that brought ihe doctor in, Hugh lo the fore. Mea ly," b" said gently. "We urn not burn to burl you, but to see w hal can be dune for you." She pointed lo I bo dog. "Only lake Hash away. Leave Us two alone. " At ihe sound of bis name the dog glanced round at her, but at lei Vehement lepollenl ges( iri) ho crept nearer to me, hit tail between his leg-. l'oor I'a-h! Mv ujor. uoor. Ait. i fill I i.lgor!" I whi.-pered, stooping to pat him. Hal Hugh was looking at the woman atlemively. "Iheg j our panlon, but I think 1 have seen j on brl'oie," he said. She tlnew up her bauds with a sharp cry. "I knew it! 1 knew thai dog would ruin me!'' " Then you tried to lose him, to gel rid of him; " She made Hugh no answer, only poked at hi ui half fearfully, half de fiantly. "Come, Kitty," he said to me, "since the dog's owner is willing l' part with him we will lake him lioiini with us." He laid a couple of bidi on the sew ing-iiiacliiuo as ho spoke, disTogai ding her gesture of refn-a'. "I : In rwise w i shall uol feel lint i l"ve right to keep the dog," lie said. "And we wiil keep hint; l.c shall never annoy you again, believe mo.'1 He bowed to her respectfully as w three went out, closing the door bis hind us, for sin: never moved frou her knees beside Iho cradle. (H'cmt-so I asked Hugh what tl all meant the moment we were out of cat'shol, and I am afraid I was not in a very amiable maud dm iug the waik home, because he would not aii-wer. The next day, however, he lo!d tne; for Ihe next day he went back to the llowei-pn! of a hoit-e, and found the little dressmaker had !o-l het -ci to Hash ii-ani. "And I hoping you would be here luukiiig your gown", Kitty, '' he -aid ruefully. "That was the i-msou I thought 1 had belter not tell you her story until yon had goiieu inlet isleil in the poor, young thing. Hut shi has vaui-hed without a clew; and I i.i you iviiicmbor cousin ( 'alliat lue's w riiiiig to mo here to look out for hei mmse .as, .-,,,:,, ..,,c , o.i ail out of I wwn?" "I lenietiiber liiamui i's being woi- ricd at hearing of so many burglaries it. (own of empty houses." "IVei inlv. There was a gang, tl was believed. At any rale, one ol 'the burglars was traced to his homo by means of his dog. Ho was not taken without obstinate rosislanco; ho got bad wound, and I win called m m Iho nearest doctor (o slop iho llow of blood before he could be ii uiov.l. lie bad a pretty little b.m-e; a pretty ! Utile wile of his own, who. with a , baby of a few weeks in her arm.-, shrank stricken with sh line mid hoi lor in the furthest corner of the room It scents sim never had so much a- dreamed of her husband's 'business, j widen took him so often away from her al nigh'. She appeared lo slninl, away from him as if he was an nb-o. I Into stranger lo her, as if he could uol be the man she had known. What she might have done furl her I don't know for the fellow died of his wound. "I. lore the bandage oil' on the (it -I opportunity I'd just bled his life! away. IVople were interested in ihe , poor young woman, and he would ( not have lacked kindness, but then, an ' now. she disappeared. There wa- a runt, ir that she was a shoplifter, so many incongruous things were found stored away in the liltle house. Hut I bclievo myself the Artful Dodger' was responsible. He inii-t have been trained unbeknown lo her bv i l-'agut of a hit-baud of hers. Now, what are we to do about your kleplo- . maniac. Kilty';" I put my hand under the Artful Oodger'si chin, and turned up his face, ' wiih its brown, innocent eyes. ! "I. ive me, love my dog," I -aid i again. 1 Thi- lime I l'd a right lo say it. ; The right had been mi no since yester. , day. f Philadelphia Times. The Original Hreakfasl ( luh. The original 1! e.ikfast Club of this city was formed mo e than ion jetr ago and when there were only thirteen slates in the l ain I. It was eouipo-ed of thirloe i III 'in'ie -s, each I epre-icn; iug a particular slate. " inoic than thirteen ever belonged to il at any one lime, and them is still a pretense of keeping up the o d ... gnnia' im. al ihe , p!ai - of its bii.h. in tin- old-fashioned j hostelry of Miller t-. Il e third genera, j tVu, nt lie comer of Mad,,..,, and : Moniii' stin-is, when" the cinb and its gue Ii bit ill Hie i i.iiini.ii w o i,!i ii ! arm i ha:.i -. with towels spread o n their l ip-, watching the coining of te.d.s and chop- in the ino.t prim live ' vie mi ti big gr.iluoii thrust ui i i the ; ihe live coals 1 III- Olll-f.lsl ipuu i- eal iron -to e. The steaks ami clucis air do , il as line a- t c bet ' e, ' admit, ci.t in small t ip-, lue':i- I butter, w hu Ii al-. Il llll'IICil art w ill '.lk" I ill -ssi i ate- I he I lasted biei,li":i Wnicll 'hcv arc -eicl to the i-xpeclaiit and b'.nii'ry thi-. ng, wboinu-l eat these delielc.'.in m i -i' w it o..l knifi. or fork "it Vo.k L'itncs. llll WHI N'S i MV. mm f ml- -. Ilil-lnil y! the eie.l of tin I'lupi into il.ii k. ami 'he ...,-. . , Hil l sonj's are silent , :iu I f.i..t,ti-.s hit lew, Nicht falls so soltly fm ins a " I to' yon. HVe(.'. Ilu-hal I tin lilv I ml ! Stmt ii tin ir se -rcli hi h.i I'liwii in the iiii'inl'iw tho :'.-' tc.l, Mlvnl tot;( tlier. sni i'l hi .'nl ai l i !Sln.: f nijii ho:e Iluslaby! tho hivok a- :ip.i tVhispei-iug ft story that inih. ilj i,n.cs Out of ttio inooiilljjlit the an-. !s t fall Ht'uutiful ilretimleia for htto u'.l -Here U , Aink. liri I Hut t s l n- Alt". Would yee ha -"pini'ed t tn'l : were dolls' hemes '.'' m-mis ago' 1 There were, indeed, and much fitilhor bark than that even. Very elaborate ones they were, too, ninl woudeiful v f itruished. In tin: sevenleent i ie i. (ttry N iiii'iulieig and An;;ster ,b' you know w In : these i itie- are . ; were famous foi the proline: ion ,,f e,.sly toy houses, which contained oil ' the dillereiit llaois minialiire imita ; tioiw of all the rooms in a dwelling, ' from t lie ba-rmen; lo the roof, inelud !' iug cellar. !St, l.ouis Star-aj ingn. l III I i N I ' I llf l.ui'M.V; i.i - M.tny years ago at a nilaiu f.iriu-hoii-c the hoii-eliolit cil win ob-ctve.l to culer a brlrenni in cour-e of spring i -Vaning. The,: gl.'-s being on the tle n . ill" cat on i ii'crli'g v:i- confrouicl w nh nsow n n ib lion and nalttrailv lou.iuded that h" s.nv j brfote him auoiie i cat. A liciicgn i was Iho re.-tilt, followcil bv a iii.-!i at the mirror, and tin n tneeling an eb i flticlo to hi-t veiieeauce, a fruitlc-s ,.ul ..y,,,,,! lo the icar. This was mure , 0lco ,.,.,,,.,,6,1 wUU, of cour-e, Cfllii, ,iK,,. of M1(.C(,s ,1111,,v ,,, ,, t. , v ,,, ihe looking ghtss, keeping its eye on ; (he image, ami then, when neat j enough to the edge to feel caiefuily ,,;v behind for the sttnpo-i d i intruder, while with its head twisud al.lmiii t,, t1(. f,onl. it ti.-suied itself (hat Ihe other h id not escaped. Tim , result fully satisfied tliul he had been 1 tl0LcIvoil. jitnl noxor after would he condescend to notice n cut in a li-ok ing plass. New Yoik Advertiser. 'TIN-MONCt. "Hero is your pin- iuone , Maud, said Pudc Hugh, as lie handed his niece u bright silver dollar. "Thank you, uncle; I was just wish ing for some spare ihan;e," ami Maud's eyes fairly be.uund us she look the oil -red liionov. 'I'nelo Hugh, w hen oil give me money to spend just a- I plea-e, w by do you always call it 'piu-moueyi1' Maud tnked. "Well my dear, I will ted o,i the origin of the term 'piti-iu y.' I'ins were iulrediiciil into I ujl.ind by Cathciiuc, Ihe. tir-t win- 'I ll-niv lll. They were uol, however, the well-known siutdl-i oiutcl iii-truiie uis such as wo me, but were made of gold, silver, ivory and br.t-s, many of them weighing us much as six or eight ounce". Sii' h pins as those were worn in tho hair and med on dillercnl parts of Ihe clothing to fasten folds or drapery, Mini were quite ornamental. Thin, you sec, tho lies1 pins wero much more u-eful to ladies than gentlemen. The Spani-h inanii fai tin (rs were permitted to sell their pins only during tho Cin i.-ima- hod ilays, and in that way gentlemen be gan to give the ladies of their ieic. live families money at Chi i-lma-.iiine with which In buy pin-. At lir-t they i were very expen-ive, costing as much us we now luive to pay for u valuable piece of jewelry. However, after pins bad become common and cheap. gentlemen continued the practice of giving their wivc, daughters and si-, ters money lo bin pin; in that way Ihe term pin-mo: ' originated, ami and il is now applied lo an alio wane Hindu to a lady to buy hut small ai ii. ,.,,, m,iv I1C(., or aesirc." .., , ,. m. al)ou( i( . fc!lj(, M)ll; , f),(i ycry .,, LiA1.pel.v imug IVo. j,0 - - Lbunl Mill I lilicl. Lizard skin ha for the pus! tw sen tons or so been a very popular material for card cases, purses, iioek- el-books and nub nrliele-, and ft largo busiiie-4 litis s.irune (,i in meeting the demand fort he taw materia'. Over fiiiO.OOit haid skins weie imported from Iho .Mexican tale of Tabasco hIoho lull 'ir, and the local goverti n.ent's estimate puis tho number of liards killed in ihul slate dining the same year al full .r, 000, 000. Many of the skins went to Europe, and large ate marketed in Mexico I KID GLOYIiS. Majority of Tlirm arc I Mdtlc From Liiiilv-kiu. i i i i Pkk;033 of Mantif,.u;Un o I'ront i llido to Ftnishoil Artirlo. 'I he liiaiitigi r of a fashionable glove 1 l."P up low ii fell to talking l be other day about the making "I kid gloves, (lily tl small pi I ecu tiige el the gb-ves told us kid arc sin h," he said. ".'Ii lions of kid gloves aie ileinaiub d j while cinparal , ety only a few goals aie raised in Iho world, and of these a huge number mint Ir. kept until full grown for bleeding purpose-. "A Mib-litule for the genuine kid is found iii I uibskiu, u hieh iiialo's tin excellent grade of glow-, and is ea-ily sold for kid. tic inline kid gloves can, of cour-e. I- obtaitie I at a high priee. but th u -a ml- nl persons w ho think t hey are wearing I. id have only th' skin ol a I. null." i "Whoio tue the lies! goes mad, ?" "Will the I'li'inli excel all other nations in Ihe luanuf u liire of glove-. I They are remarkable for elii-ticily, j and give when prr-sirre i- put upon ' 1 1 it-1 it by the hand, and retain their j sbap.i for a long time. Hut an excel lent grade of gh ve is made in Ameri ca. The domestic glove sells well, j and. ompares favorably with Ihe im ; potted good-. tu till the tranches nl' : ! he glove-making industry a hi,:h de gree of skill i- requiied, .in-1 the woikineu gcncia'iy ie in their trade in I in ope. "Tin- laiuh-kitl- ,u e sell i ted w ilh great cue, and pui into '..itge tanks al the factory. Tho-e Unk- ii,- p.ully tided wilh the yolk- of eggs and other soil, -t'cky substance-. I hen the skins are stibjecicd lo a llioroitgii ' poutiding wi'h a lieax y slick that is padded to ii, litre them. In some fail-- u with bare feet ; tictid on litem, their objei t being to I 'nouii-h1 the skin and make it strung ; and heallhv.' I he skins tiro kept in ( these tanks for a long or short period. according lo the judgment of the ' superintendent. If allowed to re. main loo long they become loo welt until t-hed and decay. " After lb,- work of nouri-hing is over then conn - the w ork of i leaning. I lie .-..ins tue Worked in tubs of fre-b water and washed ihorougVy until a I trace-, of the melcss suli-taiicc is re moved from the sin face. They now become soft and in color are a dull ; white. Then they are laid on a smooth stone slab, with the rough side dow n, and pressed and stretched until every wrinkle bin been smoothed out. i "The skim being cut remain in this stielched s ate and are then dyed, t The dye is laid on with a brush, and . the shade is alway- duiker than the . one dcsiieil, for the dripping and ' after treatment lighten it al least one ipiarler. I he greatest caie is taken to pren'nt siots of ilye Itoiii getting nil the in-ide of the sk.ii-, as ihi would pi, , do, -c a damaging liclcel in :. iiigh-pi iced g! ovc. "After the skins have been allowed to drip for seveial hours they aie . (liken lo the dning room, the air of which is kept til a nigh tcmpcriiliii v, . u-ually by steam heal. It doe- not , take long lor tho skins in dry out hard, si ill ami rough. Helore they can be used, however, they aie made j soft and pliable again by lying for several day- in damp sawdust. Then they tun placed on a machine woike.i by a screw, and by a h'tig and gentle pressure stretched io the ntiuo.i. Il there are any holes, tough -pot-. -racks in 'ho skin it is throw n awav, or should b . Hut not ail the glove, makers are hone-', and the b'eniishes are often covered up. This a. counts for the sudden giving on: of many gloves. 1 "The delie ue part of glove making Is ihe cutting, as ihe lea-l v .riation in : the lines will destroy the snnne:ry of the glove and make it- lit impel feet. I'atlcriis are used for eacu -j.-, Inn Vin with lhe-e mistake- aie oft,n made. In lir-!-, las- lactone-, whcie the -kin is not properly int. ii i dirow ii away or i ul up into gus-et-. I very skin i -ludicd by Ihe culler so ,n to make the greatest uiimhei of h'Vc- Ii" in II with 'be least was,-, , .tad It i- so guided that the lnigc-1 Hfs ate til -I maiked mil ami Ihe rest is Used for chihlicn's glove. : Modem 1 1. 0 tl t ii ill lias enabled Ihe cutler, when bio. kinc- out the glove, j to make small holes ill the skin for siiicbes. This insmes perfect regu larity and uniformity of stitching, 1 which are of great importance. If Ihe stitch i-. too tight an uneven pressure n im! on Ihe skin, which it break easily, and if (oo loose it leaves a bag in the glove. Linen and silk tlucad are used, and the stitching- is done ' v wo'.-en, who me fiiirlv well paid. When the gloves are fini-hed t lit v are thoroughly iii-pi-clod and. if accepted, ate lied up in bundles ready for th,- iii.-ii kei. - - ; New York Times. I.ithnr Strikes in ( hin.i. Thci e is mi impression in Am-'i iea ibtt! !! are liiikiiowu in China. My i-xperieiie i- quite io the coittriiiy. I In' ( h:i e invented Ihe m.'iii-m-i's i.'iiipi--, gunpowder, and sinkcs, but the only one of the thi. e w l,;,-ii ih'-y liav- ,lcve!oped firly is the nr; ol sinking. Whenever they wtint iinyihin- they a-k for it by an nouncing tl strike, 1 dot im' apptc ciale til lirst Ihe iiuporlauee of t licit fean day, and when the lir-t one came roirid they not oiry -'ril' k. bit'. of them e.mie up and utohhed my hoil-e. No violeii, e w a- utleliipled, liul the inlei -iiaiige of view- w a- like tin-chattering of I", iiionic y. I yielded. I he miners would sliike .1 they did uoi like their shjfi !.--. strike if tle y hid u h id dinner in the ,iini;auy kitchen, strike foi any rea son. (line when mine, mid, ami I'lHiiac weie in fall bla-i, the iiilueis all si i nek for some insignificant cause. I ireil of ex pos'iitai ion, 1 sent for the bead men and told I hem grave y that I had no obic-iiou to the strike if the men wished it. but the mill ami fur. naec could not -tup They had to go right on ami il was very co-t:v lo keep (hem at woik without ore. I said that I did not think il u i-right to make Iti" company pay ilia loss and that I should tine the woikineu tin cf days' pay for i-vcrv day they weie oil duty. The niiiiers came lo know if what the head man told them was line. They went to work Ihe next day, and striking was fiec tu that mine tYcr after, bt.t each man paid for lii-; own fun. In ihe end, how ever, they devised a more poioni mode of war fine. They went into t he mine wi.h delightful regularity. They put in their time, but did not put out their oi e. and our product fell oil 75 per cent, j -.i,giiieei'iiig Magalne. lie Whs llissiilisfleit. C'liildjou give me soinet hiug lo cat, ma ami'' a-ked a tramp at a house on I.afiiyelle avenue. ".No," answered ibc wnuatl at the do, ii j "we've noiliiiig fur tramps. " Thank yon. ma'am. " and be turned meekly ii way, drawing the skirt of tl wrclilicd coat about him !o keep out thi- cold, blinding Sturm. '1 nrghl give you some old choiu-s it you wail until I can pick them out,'" said die woman, moved by Ihe appearance of the foi lorn figure. lie ivuiled ouiside, wilh the ther mometer near zero, waited a long lime and whistled "Annie I., uric" for company. Then the woman of the lum-e re turned, opened the door a i i in k and handed him out a linen d,i-ter and a straw bat. "Thank ynii, iiia'iiin, " aid the I ramp, gitilel uil v ; 'there is just one thing tuo'.'i " Wo haven't aiiv drinking w utei , ihe pipe- arc fre.-n,'' she iuteiiup cd. "No, iiia'iiin, but if I inighi luikeso bold a- to a-k f .r an old fan. It would go so beautifully with tin- suit of clothes." 1'tiit p'no said that she drew the .iac at laes, and shut lb" d"or in bis line. leitoii I'rce Press. V IVrfect r.oiik. Having rt ut'y ' ome across a pua- gi.ipliiu " I ln' Stationer" to die ell-, i tha' a pel feet book ha- neci yi I h-i-n piiilled, I should be i; lad to bear what the readers of "N. .V J " have to s.iy upon Ihe Mtbject. Hy pel feel n in, ml flee I'ioiii any mistake. The notice I ira-l went oi in ny that a Spanish linn of publisher- once produced a work in which one loiter only got misplaced Ihrougb accident, and thi- is believed lo have been the approach to perfection that has ever been attained in a book. Il fm thel slated that an I nglisb house bad made a gloat i llorl to Ihe ann elid, and i-siied proof -heels lo the universities with an oiler el S'.' "'ll tuiv i-rior was disoi'cicd in ibein. but j in spite of tin- prccauli'.ii sennal I b'liiiib'r- rcmaineil nnilejec'.ed uiiiil i I i ho work issued lioui the pic--. - , Notes and (, n-1 1 -. Hlllier's I cceiiti icities. A I '..i 1 1 1 1 1 no fiicnd of the lain den. Hill cr -avs : "Ad the e, centi ii iucs he possessed .-Hi h as chew ing on th slump of a cigar in open court, pulling and bowing during the examination of witnesses, striding up and down in f I of the jury, wearing l.'o'.ronnicrcs on ail oc casions, and making a great slew when ho eu'ered any assembly all these were originally done for ell i t. bill as b, aged they heenme i part of his nature. When Uu Are Old. Wlion you are old. and I uni passed aws 1,11 .1, aiid your face, your golden face Hi gray - I think, nl.ale'i r the i lid, this dream of mil',. "iiif, it tin;: you, a I'rii inlly st ir will shine li.nvn the dim slope while still yon stuiilbl ami si i ay. f-oinav it he- that so dead i -It rda . No Mid i )e,l Khosl. but generous ami j guy ' May s'Tie jour inelinii ie-1, like Highly wine VV Inn you are old. Pear heart, it shall lie so. I niler the sway "I death the pa-t's enormous di-array lac hushed and dark. Yet tlioiigh Ibeis conic no sign. Live on well pli a-c I I Imuiortal and h inc. ,.e -hall -ti'l leii.l yno. ' .,i I - ,'iuj; Ii may. In n jeu ire old. ,V. I. Ilelil-J . A kyitgii. The moon. I 'lease hold Iln: wire," as the pn tine said to the nail. It may have its drawbacks, but tho mutes' mode of conversing is certainly handy. A giil give- her iover a iiultcn, wo suppose, because a pair is out of Iho question. Cora de-sie's hair is lovely, isn't ii? Horn Indeed'; I liavn't seen lier since she bought it. I igs .ii says that our boon companion- cm In iclicd upon because lliey are our fast friends. "You liltle rascal, what you vvunt is a good ,i, king!'' "No, pop, 1 don't waul it. but no doubt I'll gel it all tho same." H hi i: a joiiug man goes home from el, in ,1, wiih his sweetheart, he is only going from one house of worship to another. ".leuks, why don't you give up w riling and make tombstones for u living!'" "Toiubsione.';'' "Yes i In-y pay so much uiore per column.'' White Hangs is u most interest ing talker: he is never ut a loss r-r ii sit jjcI. G.ay II" in! Dues he keep a dog or is or is he possessed of a (.hioiik- ailment Tanner Sparrowgruss (.looking up from his paper Here's ati account of a do, lor in New York who has set a broken neck. Mrs. Sparrowgrass lb- th'nks he riiiui i, I suppose! Xow, I'd like lose,- him set a I'lie Oiiiinerciiil Traveller. In home respects I be Americau commercial t-avel!er is a potent !d llience. II- carries with him the latest cil) chit-chat, ami if be be a young man, perhaps the latest slang or the ucw'i'si 1 tin n y story. It has been said thai a noted American aftcr diiilMT speaker depends largely on that elasss for most of his humorous stories: nt all events ihe commercial ; traveller h is studied the art of pleas ing, and In is a welcome figure at the I dreary country hotels where he pauses l for a lilt o while in his rapid flight Ihiotigh the seilioiis remote from the oily influences. In some te J spoi ls he is an oracle on mooted point-, tliul his dictum on many phases j of business or politic carries much ! weight. If. for instance, the com- iner. ia! travellers of the country were unanimously to ftivor tho repeal of 'the si: ,! --purchase law and t he pit Isige of th- pioposed bankruptcy act, and wore lo back llie;r opinions ! with coiiiinoii-sen-c arguments whete I eer they -hotild go, it is hardly too , much to siv that in a short while the i demand for the favored action would j -oou -how itself strongly in all sec tions of the country, shrewd poli ! liciaiis of national fame have In Iho j recent pint declared that popular j pinion in the West iio I public iptestions like the tariff has been large i ly allocied by the commercial travel lers wh i have past through that sec i .ion, and there is a strong ground for j such belief, -d'oston Advertiser. j When Here Steel Pons Im ciiteil.' Ml standard works of reference; (-,.y: "At about the opening of tho present eei.tiiry pens were lirst inado of im tul,'' o. w ord to that cU'cel. In ; iho "Autobiography of Hoger North' I find -I'lin thing which makes am ' iliink ll' re is something wrong in tho history of the steel pen as there is in nearly cvci j thing else. Writing K Mr-, l-'oley lrom Loudon on Match 8, 1.0", he says: "Vim will hardly tell by w hat van re that i write with a s i-i I i-:i. It is a device but rocon tly troui l iai'.ec. When they get the km., k of making them exactly I do m i doubt i liu t '.ho use of goose quill will end. for ni e lUut can hare I the c will use others." j Here is a clear mention of a uso'ul j device a full hundred yeais before so t called "history" finds out that such a I tldug csi-u S.L i-ouii Ueyoblle.

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