am JSJcm! " ! m THl'KSDAV. MAKl II '.), 1S-.M. H. A. LONDON. Editor. PT PV7FT rH UJATTF' iTflll I ; LLiiiYJybAriU lilAuUUilaliiilJ i ' i l.M'iis presence of thous.-r. Is upon . thousands ol his admiring country,:1'11'" -""" -', ., (. , i ..'his mother had tivcn i.ns wi:cn a men Urovor C levoland, on Sat urdav ; . , , .. , , bov. This was tho simpie ceremony last, was for the second lnnug-. ' ,, , . , r .: uratod President ct .1 . I ,.:.. . I I lllil'ii iStjttos. 1 1 was oar ;'oi-il lortuno to be present and in a most IVOCtblo V0iliou lor witncsinif Icis j;r;,tiJ l ' ocaasion, tho liko of which wo 1 never bai'oro seen. Xotwillilaiid im; tho very li.cleiv.ont wealher tlicigiat country passeo tiin tt.o nanus . .o t'.. ...... crowd was'", a danto t.ians ot one man to those ot another. slept at all. bn:. tl.o II-v.;. of lin-riaiiityaverywhero you looked ; A!Ur tho inauguration was se,.m v..A, he was c, it .- a,i.l i hut t lanra a'lho traud parade baan a.oi eonii;,- tha f. w who ui l.;s., i i. i i i' i ! crowu nau ntr ucio: iitii pcr.i mv .... - , in Washington, and yet many th.ous-1 was one of the most ni.H;,'nificaiit aver ands did not attend" because o! thoiseou in Vahhtntoi), iiotwith-uti.'.- ... . i . . , i i i . blinding and kenumbi.i'j blizzard that beat hih! bl-w so fierculy. Kijj'it ; vlvaiia Avanna. it. U ashnig'.on. i years a'o, when ,'dr. Cleolaud w;. ' probably tho most su;ub!o siivc; in 5rst iuauguratrd, the weather was : tho I'uitud State') for a -.-and parade, d-light.'ul, tboday balmy and bri-hl,! It ia perfectly s-traighl f'roif the and it was gonerally predicted that Capitol to the treasury building a "Clovalaiid'sluclc" would bung good distanfo of a and is almost as wentbar for his second inauguration. ' le-el and smooth as any fiaor, u:i But no such good luck was in store! is aboul foot wide. Stand and Iter him and the thousands who had plallorms with soa's lor t;."),0(Ki per corao to witnees his inauguration, sons had been erected at every a vail- lortne woatner was even r.orsa man it was four years ago, at J!arr!sor-s a::coin;tu!dlion of pevso'is wishing i'nauguaration, wkon llio rant poarJ ; to 6eo tho p:n ad;'. I'vury window down iu torrents. It hsd raioedjin every lioiJij ove rlooking the some on Friday, and during that j Ntrcot was filled with s;mi!.r sight iiight it began to turn solder and to faers, and tUa wide sMowa'ks on snow, and until after midday on ; both si Ics of the s'.veul all t hal d:s- Saturday it . jiitinuad to no-.v--a blindiug,baating,drivir.gsuow-and tha wind blew and blew with great riolancc each blast growing coldor and colder and freezing every thing it touched. And vet despite all this Jl.nnmr,...t 1 1, .-.,. .. i.r.n., I !,,. ""-""""" i.....i..w. "i' amis of tnon and women patiently and good-humora llv braved these biting blasts and greatly rejoiced over Clora'.aud's inauguration. Far several hours, thousands ol persfii - sat on plallorms or boe! along tho streets w iiiitig t. eau h a ' glimpse of Mr. Ciovfland and to! witnoss tbo irrand liarade. a. id alii this timo the enow killing atiu the j riaga drawn by four mag. iifi.:eiit bay wiud blowing its icy blasts. In'o liero, C'oveian 1 on tha right a.;d drtiibt huudreils on that day e.vigHl i Hr.rri:.on on the. left. Just two their Uaatb-colds from such expos- j hours before they bad r'ddoii to the ura! jt.'apilo! iu the same r.rr.a and It was sWUy f.fter 12 o'clock I then it was President 13 arris.. u sit -when the Presidential party arrived ting on tho riarbt and Clovelavl o.i at the Capitol, where the inaugurn-i the left, the sent of honor on ihe tion was to take lace. They l'rst right each time liel.ig o.' i t y entered the Senate Chamber, where the President. Jino'ind this carriage Vice President;-. was in- i Vlea-President Stevenson t.u- c. dueted into o!'eo iu ihe prer.once -f . Vice-President Morto.i rod.; in a tha Senators and Representatives : carriage drawn ly lour be-uliltii and all tbo high dignitaries ot the, white horses, and then other car Federal governniout. After tho oalb ; risges folio wed filled with member of office had boon dulv administered ; ot tho Cabinet and other high oftic- and Vice President Stevenson had made a short speech, a procession was forinod and in a dignified march anil with stately steps these high officials proceeded from the Sonata Cbarnbor, two by two, down the main corridor af the Capitol to the j ally bowing and luting bis Ual, 0j Cabinet io.n.vrs wei e jirompi'-. c i. ratunda and thence turning to the j much so indeed that he rode nearly j, uy j jjP Senate, a. no '.ml t left through the eas'eru door to'all the time bareheadod, which in j v-i S 1 bu all of his n pp.i nut'iit A ft largo platform erected at the east- that freezing wiud was enough to j Viry p(1p0r resolution was ii.ti portico. This was the most notablo , give him his death cold. Harmon J ( 011 a.jt Moiolay. bv .v. i;:'i. i procession that wo ever saw, and wa looked decidedly dejected and as : Siiei'man to i xlond the l'rVsi.iur.tial were fortunate in being witl.iu a few j solemn as as if riding in a funnal l01.,a 0j ,jtj,.v i0 ii,t ;;ith of Apri.. feet of it where we could ili nly sre 1 procession ! lt7, and that tho iuaiiL'i raiiou all these distinguished men. 'Iherel After tho carriages camo the rnili-1 horsaiter be on ihe ::oth of vere Cloveland and Harrison, Su- taiy, ( omposi.! of the regulars of the , jj jriH, l,j ,,( tj i.u., :; venson and Morton, tho Chief Justice: United States army and the milii, a j ,',u.,. e.;1, Iiip Satu's and associate J nsticesof the Supi-oine ! or Statu guards of eevral States, : (jav.( wjltl.v ,, ljV v.t court, Cabinet oflicers, Sonators and ; infantry, cavalry and artillery. Sucli I thtrk that -varrl...dv wniid lav, r lUprosentatives, and tha Amb.i.'sii- a military parade has not boen seen in ; ti1(1 (i.-i.-i.. It wi; I,, dors from all civilized countries da, j Washington si nco the grand parade . votucinbere 1 ih.-.t V:. I , ; , ; T , , w,, zling and gorgeous in their attract-' t the I 'nion army in l:-ii."), a fuwj,.sr Ut.dU r..;,.,., r.n t;,,. j.i.j, ,p1v ,, iva eostumcs. Tiie distinguished procession marched out of U;o Capi ! tol t the elevated plr.ilorm a ij.i:.: ing, on which several hundred chairs j rode tho iovrnors of several Stales. 1 - Lad been placed, and Mr. Cleveland I The person who attracted moro at- (Jov. Cabh has appointed lion. A. standing in tbo middle and with i tcntion and received more cheers Leazcr, ol Iredell cun'.y, superiu bal off began his inaugural address ! than any other was Gen. Fitzbiigh j tendeut of the penitentiarv, a nit-l t tbo acres of poopla and sea if up j I-, of Virginia, who rode a mags 1 uxeelient appointment and yet. one tnroed faces that groetod him on j nificout borsn ami looked every i nch j that created considerable smpr-e very aide. Perfectly Falf-possessod ! tho gallant soldier that lie used to in curtain lirelcs. Tins is a new and with tha utmost composure, ka fore that vast assemblage, ho began bis address and continued for twenty-five minutes. He did not gestic ulate at all with his bands, holding his hat in one band and his other! thrust in his overcoat packet, bnt ! procession. Of course there ware 'tho penitentiary, and it is thought lie nodded and moved his head re- j innumerable bands' of music, inspir-; will be ot much benefit to that itisii paatadly in a moat earnest and im, ing everybody with their son! stir- i tution. We Mneerely hope that Col. pressiva manner, indicating that ho ' ring strains of martial melody. jilicks will be retained in sumo ra incerely meant all that he was I We cannot close this hurriedly parity although his office is abolish saying. Wa were fortunate in being I written sketch of tbo inauguration ed, tor tho penitentiary cannot a.loid uear him, where we could plainly : without acknowledging our grateful 1 to lose the services of o experienced, see his earnest feature nud hear his appreciation of tho courtesies ex- j faithful and ctlicicnl an otiicer. words so clearly enunciated and yet indistinctly heard at even a shert (Hstarictf. barn use. of the viwlciil wind, He ppoko withnut not as ar niauiiiS'.ript, us be did Kt l is first inauguration, and is tho only Prcsi dent who has aver dono ho, ail oilier l'1'0,i'l(!lts '!:ivihg 'n'1 ll,til' ill!iu;r- urn add reuse. V thought it high- i 1 V i "i prudoti t lor Mr. Cleveland to i leak as ha did, bareheaded in such ! a cold wind Indeed he was uracil to be sworn in and dwltver his ad dress in the. Senate Chamber, bo tauso it was really imperilling his life to axposa himself speaking in such a bliz.arJ, but lit! deemed il his duly to go l,u the presence ot the thousands who had assembled to ue and hear hint and ho would not dis- j appoint tliam. Altar delivering his; address ha turned around to Chief Jiistieo Puller and took his oath ol ;. - I J.I 1M.I.. Iljai IliSiailU'l UIO LlH'.rn I'l i""'S Air.erieana into tne hijjhest oilicc ol whom icieaiosi nuiiii i in iu ni'i world. iy Ibis sunpia ftel on rresidentquittly Miecmaded auothur, and tha CLicf Maivtraey ot this ,ivi.i-il lii.uis. 'I'll is oacde r.'g i" inc.Qii.eni. . .-fui. ii,.u-; amo pi'.-o auou; iiua su vi i. ii . ... ; ta:ie ware januul am. pacSe.t wiin J people. Iron ropes or cables weio ! stretched along both sidos of stroet to keep persons en the side j walks from crowding into the street. 1 ho buildings aM a, org llio street 1 wi.rn li.pnrr.tei! with ibl 'S iilid built- . -. ing, and prosetited a most auractive i appearance. A few minutes alter '2 o'clock the grand parade started ' from tha Capitol and il was ni.'ht , before th? las', ol the profm;,-,!, !)' ssed tl Vh:;o ilou.-j nead of t!.a procession rod dent Cleveland and cx-.!'i llarrii-on in an eletrar.t or.c I'lW.-i siJent, i cur- I iais. All along the street wi.enever 'the President's carriage appruached ; th3 man would cheer, and the 'adies j would wave and tl utter their hand kerchiefs, and iu acknowledgment : thereof Mr. Cleveland was continn- weeks aflor tho war ended. From t annsyivanis, a.ono u.oro vrcio near - ly 1'1,'tOO soldiers. With their troops j be, although now dressed in a civil- ian's suit of black. Gov. Russell, ot Massachusetts, also was repeatedly I cheered. North Carolina was rep-' resented by three military comna-iTho nies marching at tho tail-end of tho! tended by .Senator Kunsoni and Jtcpresentativo Humi,- botl.o! weem contributed so g.-eal !y to our enj oys menl and enuliliti-; us to v. itnoss tin inauguration from a nnui i .1 v i a-ah-ln position. Senator'i. promi- nonce and popularly was attested h' W ,-oill' '"-''""'i 'itii the cha:r- manship ol the Son a to cotitriiiiu-o in charge oi tbo inauguration o mo CU , and ha il was who e.v.-oyte I ryiaiid into the SiMiaUt t'lLi'iibe:1, aiul 110 ona in that auai as.v!! blao could have dono o inc-u jrarol'uliy. Ilia ir.ary a.iiniivrs v, i ! he ii'.cased to le;.ni t'.:.t hi. l.:;..:i;, has j.M'.'iitly improved i.N.1 1 e h:i almost ei;'. ii cly re; . 'Vf r.'d lr.v;i nrdnoiis service! rc:.ilc;vd 1.1 h:s wonderful eaeipa'gii : year, li was very gratifying to u-, as one ei (.'apt. Ilium's admiring co::;itfe n-.-, to ti :i;t him k.i highly esteem' I i y ..M.I. t( .li..,;.,....:Ll... 1 ' "" ot I oiil'IC-s. il:s prom' uto. ;a .",'fi , .. , . ,, n.;; aouee is not o:u V i. igi. . v ei e . 1 ..- . , , , , UI'.C l I I'l'll in . .. nil.. .1 c.n oi trict. lie wiehli ?n ir.- iliit-i! iiacmr mm'" i iu .i ' j.ihmm. .- lrom tho Niii'.o, miu is rc'iiarK i'. .y attenliv and dli'urcnl in the .i1- cuarge ol cvi-ry cuty. t i '. t h;s c-.l el ! -c!y wat.:.-. ' il.ti 1 .luiiv 'I ii;: !.r .: i.M! wr, w.'O.i ;'.i l:isi U Iny U-:. l ave r.!i re. u hunic-i and will .-.01 in tiiu iri'.ss el our n it v an I be no li 1 1'i'IUs. l M ci.ur.-u o.. ever pleased eve t b ; iinpo.-siole. aii I tin : ; c-xpee'ed that I j KK ,,Vii. I.C: -hitlill' cai t-'.r that is 1'. is to I e !:tt Ui o will ' sillier the fe.u as I ba fin. li censured. s;:r.' it !rr d.'i verv thii:..; 1 11. . , ., : , i'e i'l .'a ! . n-.l intire - ' I -t p, i" ;i i.g t ! . i 1 to politics :;t;lti iT' lut nr. . f ,.k:vi., i,;lt0 r,;0. l'i.e 'u,.'in., )irov.l; iUii -1,,,, ro, soo,h forJ, surprising in vnr.v oi ti;e very ; '. . . i a! cr.mpai this ;,....( c c;;r It to t fa r. eng :.d its.' .ul.cut tf.. ir S'.i.t', c.)i'-.'.:l lien It ivj yet ir .'111' l.iftt ile- 1I...V if our t ceded i State to cans I i C0i'i:l:.i :. Ufl l.t it w .... d par'y ;; i,. liming ovei e coiitr.d ot t:.o i p 'J'iik Skwtk ot the Coio'ii'ss w:o c;ille 1 t".t itysf r i n Ira session on last S.ii ur lay. :.i..l ihi ucwly elaeted seiiators v. ere . 1 1 1 1 in. Au extra s.-ssio:; ot the st .. is called in or lev io c-j: tirm :s 1 Lj, , , ap'i j'mt ments rc.sideiit. Ail ol if every i.e.'. Mi. C''c'..i'' i - Aju-il, ai I hat day by ail irfai s bsi'.itiiled fr the !; i: ol ),;,,,,, pu ! yij. j an J very imp'r'.iiut office established ; bv a bill passed last week, whuh j almost enliroiy changes tbo present management of the petiitentiarv. passage of tfcw imior(ant bill was favored by the late directors ol Ii"r. iu mil' U.'.-'.ur o. n..; ..aji"if.. , , As.;.n;.;,,n, Jii-n ... I'.-. Pre-;-:-!.-.! , i.-ve! iu-1. M. Clove- K'lni. f.i.i i-:d;- Jtut'j a-yesur- O'.y, j;;I, l.t ; i-i.i. -i.'.udi. ii'.-.o tel.;; l 1: p: vi": ! ,i ;.v pal r.' ..- -wiJ.-t; l'V ii.u I;i4.i. i . ;'. !. : - ;r i'l-. ; . v.t r- i . : e: i:.'. . I rm ..nd cm-, i -.-. !o 1 1.-.' ii.'t'.'l :.t io::. : u;up.'C::y o :.o' :.-. -1 t 1 b i e. ''- v;. ii.:'y iiiv.i-;. '. ii'r (;.!;! by ;. Me'i- o t-ne..; .':' . "t1!'.!..:.'..!''.' 0'!oi" it. 'ii -y ' : ii .;, -rf . .:.'. ' v . r i ilia eiCil i;iie in eoiep.:;.V .Ml'.i i:r. i w.'-n by '' ' c.'Mji uii to i . i ..; ii'i. onow i'l i.i u Mi c'.; -v. ... ; I . I-- ! i : in a-, i h:ii if iiv i" - i--.:Hg:i!:.l !-. . I. . :i Le Wi.i ... t . to i'.O 1 id ol's uim.d 1-. .!!.(. li-a Ui.ite i.i, i i , il I'.u w . :-e . 1 1' ie'.v ' : pliant i iit i.'i-i: ;.,c nv:.:"Ci'.'.... tl.ti i'.'-ou ...'... . t i fee i.i' Jt: if .i itj-oii'i. Oil :k : pi'Ci.l ll.U.i Wiit.C v.l.i I e ill v.iii...;; i. 1 bii.i. A .1 I ! Of ' i ' ' i 1 e ci...;..'1. . i X'. I pt ) il... ' l --i ' 1 ' I-, -t I V t..-r 1 l. .i.-t i:o n-'v ;- I i ; e t.'IUi'ftoe., I.:!, tl.f pii'O l!i.ji.,s lilt I i.;,'. le V...1 :i.i( i.ii.ij iiuiil ;. . : : ' ......o. I .' i i.-. ..-.ti ; r. t .:c'.' i.- '.'. !.i 1...1- ei. e'- . ; ' :i ;I.O. if t -I : :. ' i i -' I ' '.i . 11 i i .11 ' .. . t : ... Vic. :"..-u..;. t. .". t Mr. .I I.' ill. ' 1 1 1 i ' . . v ; ; ; '.. i 1 1. i.u 1 .. .. A m.-; 1 i .-ilii.e.icl 1. ui.' ia! Of lit yti. i .. i.t.a's tiisi ad.. . i ....le.'i. ; . . f. .i . i i i .. u-. i.j .. ( j'... iluii ia ii. .i v:., , tttto. i ..lii.'.lU,.. f . if. i . I ;. a . ".I i . .. .. ,v . . . . . . .' '. i '. K '. ' ' .. n ii. i' ;; a p:v; 11 l or tl.i.s thi ... : ot . !h- , so-.: 1 .'.' t j !" i .:'; rheiiks . t th Iiav.i.-ptcv.'ttc: .. tie t nth :i ' ' i r.-.y i -.'. to : . . the r. s. (;.,-.:; c mot i. ui of -I adf . !. v pre'jie t V.ui t. ' v ed that a ivp..h : ." A t.i .;;.. i (! i i e : i put m cl.i:i ;;-' ' . ' of a dene era:, .; i ic thrive l u ; iciiioei'.v.ic r.iioif.. a'i'.n. ' ' "ft-i a'-.-i .-i; :.. . '' ca- I'rominei't ici t.i it .- S : ! - ; ..h o- : in; it ol A;'it.i.ei-..i : if chargfd ;i h h.o ;. ' 'le'.: i t iv -i -1 loo it .if is o: pntwitaii.-ia -,hi u. .le!; oil tl: ir I ei'. e-. . .f- b Uf I. .u'i:t- ! rinl li:e t'ei let' ,.''. Ci'l'fil-t Hi" hi.h'p . -t I b" the I'.fi:.'- ; t 1 ',:'! 'ha- 'vin.o "eoi if :....: ' this v.i- . ..; y !;,;,;. iv i.e tf f : 'I fC l.iiiy is-:, , . . tiej )Jv K'fie'. i'O i'i ' av vha'f lie- ,-; iv. i .. :.;: I, iii i'.f.e' . ... i it. adf'.i'! c.-fts A .It-.l j f '. U- i I ..' ; ; . t o! t i, . p :e. ,e. i.nV'. y"y-, ' . V' ,''': ' l-.V- ('';!.' . ,.s I I; " . o! tf. il i V - if el " A" : . ' 't . . . ef ie : . ;: th' . . , !:,;(!. i i'i;. :i--'!if.l bv !. h: : ' ' . h" 1 i ' I o! A ', . i :: i i off i i f , i:tni -,c .ts :!..! '.' 'If y -a. . i ' ' .'. 1" J i : : ''..( i I'i'i'ii i' l.- iill. ; jut the '.a.': 1 ! :'.".. b .e H .... f i- .if.h . ia v .iel: ;i.;v have ;.e m....i.,I be j : .!- ! I.y t!f - S .!. ..-..; " -i m vt.uu tl..; l.'li v '' 1 t'.o !'... ! !; is !.') . .) f : t ':.:: '; -fi: g- . f . i on .!.:.:"" oti i'li.aife. be r. far: f- 'I i i.i i.h I oi. cm i ...l.ii'.i i v te. t t'f -''! to f.' U re. . .. i ii t.i t .... f ..i 'Li ie. . , leap.- li . ! ....:.l-s of (,'..;! aaif.eti nl k..'.r.-.i:ig Ha! t:.i: ' alf I ' ! '. ' s to v!.-,...;i- f .-. :. lac tviii hfi'.'a.' .p i:.o: o ac'.'-.i'ilif;.' to'pc.'; c'-. a of .p; .in. : if i:.-r.i.;-i.up.ih--. d. If OCIIttie i he,;'. i to aei li.o-i di-aif ,1 ;a I ie ;' eff l:'l . t !.-.;.-;o. J.e'V i il: e.-'e ! .ll .w.iii ': iiMI'.-t If?. i!i '.Vilsl'.iillf'.l. c oi lefe. iv; - th. ,:,...; o O: :. V.-h.. Me.t.b ;t.--!5.-i. e '-''. tf- 1 . i.Of,(i . I :' e . Vla'dt'e ! eve ;a " l!' I'1 !'. ' I ' ' ':- ' I iii niaiff ' it o.;ls-.vf'!l ii. thi.' 'x :': cee.e ;.,y vif o jo.tH.:.. ::.. lt:v. e!!. Siio ff.vv,!-l' u;:,',i "J '" ofi..w. or have iacn. :- p. .sU-siof ci n. ct tos. U':"il!' ':'."i l''U 1 ri 1-4 ovri "nr;'h.r ,:vn. . ihe u.-ic o, ;fe ptoph' , '.i. e. y by ' ... lii-f Ci . -. 11 Si. ! l..l.t:-. ill d l li'.Ce.liii,;! Tbe ran-ie :! i 'feet of S'.lv iiinn )i' pi- '.-.".. ny a..d eatiiii -'gafcu i:i Li ' in bati;-lnie; ;.;., "-fane's nirvui h"i.e l fe of ot.r cncltyj.s.-a. Mr. J"v. .!-;, .:-t r.,i. fill W. V.'.t,i,. 1 I'mli-r : vi oi f.uri'i.fiil, in'K'ii 5ii., i'.;( n,.f.. I!U.. v. r te a f v '- v " l' '!'i.c moti-.y is r. days pi!. re: "I had i r-evt to pain in , ibf citien, amUvntfmpt oi .one of ii.v and ootild luu.llv i -" people tor cconoinv and i'i o-.ih.v ' vr!k for t'-.-o ibvs. When taken, 1 1 " tl-erir pci. omd nfiitiis ('. plo. r.blv 'tried 4:tv.'rer: I'n'iment bt:t 'Ut!e ".;f: ."p-! t'-o t rc:o. . L mid . ; i U.U' sa ff ' iV Jffef in til I tried ,S:!v:..t '.i'. OH ' nr 'i'"'i't vi.ii-r.c'-r. 'I rub!" 1 l! a llm't thcroi-ghlv wtl. : -It. :. tho .Um .lielatr rf Ho Oil, an 1 v.'.'f It f e..vol I.OXt Uioltl .'e'd :f ' tf.enii.leiil tint p.'.'ie.i iig 'o lnv napii-'o the fliu ha I !ts- 1- in ..:.i.:ti. be limited i.y p.ii; H poarail I always keep it." ; lw f 'efei-i-y. and tj, it t!iw r.Uotikl b. t t o vcK:i.;'"s ii..r.: i:J .', .! '. ; . : My Fellow t'i.iA'..s r In iibcdiei'ceio the ivan.l".te o! my coiinl rv.'ic-ii, I am !.lo::t i.i .!e irato mv.-tell to t .! servio under the !...-.( ,,., (l! ., ;...K.!r.u J ;:;.! moved by (lie c; ''' ,,, t.,,. ',.MV an. ; ;.; i isicii he.s ,-,i;....l ;.; ,o - ,s. rvivC. I :.!! m;iV l-.v s'.'i. ll. ; ' . :. i ria:-e i.i 1 I'.iri' i ; ; t .h'i;. ::' ph 1 now givi' ''! ; tJuM. wi!ii-ks-, id 1:1. ! . .; '. . I r...; . . u i ! . i . .'.'u:ii'ii !o ; he i. .'.: t'-.o v. v! '.;;v oi il;. . . v.;,. . i!(..t. ! n ;'. ! .. .. in it i.'.-';: ; on t' I . . i.:. ;.,e ; '. v. iili'il MVH i.i tilvl li.'.' tho t-.-H : '.'y ;-.! ::r; ;:' ; . .:. ! i .... r ; .. . ' i tvci v A '..e..'... i . ::: : :;!,.'.,'.;. r... j.i' ', w i-:i ... '. j !,. ;. ,;. i ; . ; i, ,. -. ...'. : ;;.,.. x- : .'i.i!, .1 ;;:.:"!'.. 'i.'. ! '. itv; ! ;' y ..( .;:r ;. ,:- tin, ! :; a'.' -t t' r . ; ; im-h:, h fcln.; ve.. u- t-. i v. aleh K.f i-v-r f. ; ! I; - . i . ; 1 1 . :! : :;. i 1 y t: ... . . :.:.!.'- I'M' ....!:..;!: . :. v. . ; i'. .. ; i.iju;, v.-h-, :o 'e-- ' v :i h e ' ; ! i. rd V !.i:.n i, i- ;.tr - iii.' ..'.I , :.. t: vitn.K ! ii:c an i 1 e - ::, li. I. . i : . . I o! c-:is'.;t : a: r : !.... ',!.:!.!!. : . ;.r ' : .' !.- 'I l. :.l i: ... :. I.'..' ' . .-e. ;,: to a . i.'t ! :',..!(..: : 1. :-. -i r h' M. ! . '' t ' '''' ' ' ' - . 't'.'.ei- . ;pyjio:i.v,c . lice f I-.--. -I ii;l. 'elS'.i-f . I (' l lata ..s ;;f i ihe i . : ii.- . ' ' . ...le.. i . .i" ;'.":, l:.c i-t.i .'-!. leii-e up.m ,, v.: i ii i.i .; . : i.e. - L Oi' iiUi j : 1 -fi- .it .s.:.. .. lid by tho nil t of s'.ritt -. u. ui it. i.i to'.i.iily clear ih-tt i f j Mii'.fg the pii'plo l'- tho beat nl e.-i e f.'.f;l,kiroi sa; fff. : n ol tb I'oi.-e 1 U;. .1 on this o'av i ' .'.C O ',. . V.)' i:. . I..,- ! I 'i e i a-, fo.l ..1 '..'' le' ' I ". i i. ....... ....... -,,'1 ei i-..i: iv;:i"!;::fV'.:.;.iii; I'i!;.';:: ' -, I f.ier ;: ;:!;:!;(;';: "Jjiici :'. :- ' ' v . it '.': 1 1. V. I... i. . I, . :i ( I. u.i ; r.;e i'.t . . f.'.ct I - i li ..! .' : ii i . . .'.'. Ke .. , ie..- aii u 'i.-.. n-y, v.f li 1 i:-t: i'af. ciirreiii y j i vol. ia eoj.i'ioi.i- i h g li e cf a :ti;.', ,.t..l , ita i.ixt.s and : . .i-.-i...i.iu.s m.iu i... . i-.-.s.-.i. ji.m, a ff.l II e .:. ff-.cfi V :-, ea'il.ot fe ! f , il I ie. .,.... ,1-. i. Ut. ,e , M a. e t. . f. .fe a ii. : . a c:: .,f .; , .c ,, " j , . a, t tf,. ( : 1 , ! .p..: ,; .i i . ", , ... i ... - . ti -.- f'-v..U'.t : . o.-vtni-1 e veiled i's oxeiiditura8 M : 1 ':."), .Siht,li;:i,771; 1886, ;l;s7.sltK.171,097;1888, i' Tiia public debt wa I ! v s:hho.l 7.-1,514, and the ..'.i.'.-eel .1 of Much 1st, 1889, 1 a .-.ii bum. cu in tho Treas o.i , ir,s. -'i t.i if.'' Treasury on tha .' la:' .. a. 1S;, by Mr. Foster's I i.r l-e.-'iliecpitig, was S1G6, I. i c ''iihiocos of disbursing v . if '" i.'iiJ..127, making a t ' : -1 h witldn the com . ;h .. i.tniy oUJ24.G21,108. . .,"'. ;..!, at the present writ .: .'. ' : ...-.ii ).i.;)i.l;K and thodia r o: '.'.I ..' ba'tiiiees amount to '.if.'). 1.) doetif g this $38, i i'l-oi a t ie tola! of cash withiu t .'.;,';. .!. i n iii.l four yeara o b.-.v'.- sis,i.t;21.108 as tha t "i . c'.f .tl ea.sli which has beea 1 1 i i :.:tury duriug Mr. Har- Vdfii'.i Ifitioii. I '.i a' Adiuiiiistralion ra- !':o. ; i. i ic v lecri-sor gold to i '. ' '.',('00 and leaves . ..-'.!,.. x. '' 1 1 : tiiMtt S:98.000,. . h ' ' . -'ei lil.citO gold re- ' ' i'.i- tho country 1 e. - :. . outlook. V-.i-i y. .: . to Mr. Clave - I . i. --k. It is to restore . vj ', to i. i .ir ibo breaches ia .-.ii v. to n i.-ifi the currency, ii t.uuii.'ii mt.l to roduce exi ( . .;:, t?:.l''.'. ;i:!tft Meets. V .- : ; :. !' :r..-b 7. Tho first . i-i t i. . hi 1,.1's Cabinet was : ;.!:!! f.f.i at tho unusual :'. .'(! :a l il lasted Homo .ic t fun v'o hours. All tho c; were present. Just prior . 'iil.lii ; oi' the new ofliccra t . ... .lie; it -ii, .Secretary Cars ! "I a lull, iili the President ..,!; th-- I -f.l ijiiestioii and '. f ..' I. o. r of the Cabinet a. . . . .t Wi.ite House. Post- , i ..-a. : i.i 1 ell c;imo early : - , ' ii ! i ; t ci t and Gres v. . iiv: ;., ! The others . .ii .!! r, '. lib the exception e. i '.'.'. 'y .M.'it.'ii, who tlid not ... .: -: iff early -1 o'clock. There Mia'.ey or ceremony obs '. i ::, ;!:..; t-.t- ii.icting. .'. . . '. . I. .'tui'.; at the head t; i '. ;. si;.:'.' i 'i.c business in : : l e. i : i'..' . i Tlie sessioil , toad1- -u-.-i'iii ot iiiattora i : a-. .: i uliiic inipiiriaiiee.iiiclud. I1 ;. .' if ian's ai. fi xation and the .: ..,!.; .!; ua i i on. v. i.ich wen) totich 'I ; i e.'tcr part of the timo was . t. cp 'ilh t of the :.:: ot iipj ! o t U'.c I, Is, particll t !,.'- ol u- -i:,t.-ui ts to the various i. e; ( tltcers, The necessity for ifit thv-e positions without delay . fleoi r.s a se1! evident fact, but r. I'f v.iaii l impressed upon his ; 'el i.'.'-i;; the necessity forgoing i'i y in I'litking selections. 'i Ia- N:iv. CuimresH. v. ve:. Match C Thopras . . ;!' the Seiii.t'i shows 44 -. ':' K.'i..:i.. beans, 1 l'opu .. I : ; .-tide!.:. 1 Farmers' Alii '; '. '.. . '. '.. Tho vacancies ..i i'l : tana. Washiugtou i '.; f.i"'. A, point incuts have . tii !.. i nor of Wyotn ...i.n. j-.. in.'i'.iit. undMau . I ' ' l., by the Oovi-nior of . i . ! ;! ii. . ' m o subject to be i : i whf u tf" 1-fgi.sla tares of -''it. s ii.ft :,g:.iu and elect. ' . t . il. peh'a aiis fillall of these . . . : v ,.i 1 !jio them forty- ll: i ;.ii l party Sena !! " ." wii h tho Itepubli-- ' 1 ff.'...'. iy supi'osilionHhe . ! . till h tic with Vice t'.'e.'vc:. Loiuiiig thecon- : ". i y..' of tho House, as . .. il i . i :n in is : Demo .: .. i : K ,e;!..:.',;i;s. 128 ; Third : . a: .i v ....fcic's, 2 The Dero . ;. :...vo a i.e.; oi!.y of hO over all. (' v. Cuir :.; ointod Mr. Ben. ' i f l: . . :' j.. C timiijs.toucr of ' ? $2 horn, iho system, ' ''' ). ' 'S y R'A i iho jilandard blood-mirifier and tonic. It Qisrcs Others vciil cure you. 'rr- ";.'.-.-.-- .. frr- rttry. l ".u5:l itlfS3. l.uVuti.vluUj'i.jiuiaiiir4c C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY . Condfr.God Schedule. l;i tif. et Mai e'a 12th, 1S03. I'Wi.v ;i a a r sr;:n.v. " yU j ,?..'', t :i1.r. ,u liuii,..iiiK Smith NO. 1. Mall l'ntwen . ,. . ,, , rryy,; .. :...' ' ,,.,:, ,ih.' I.,.,.,,.. i'i,f '.. ' " V.tS s ,,:..,. r. ml 1 5,il Ar.f- c i". c. i.-.. ..r.-.-n .'.. re. , " a.ts " 1 ' -f . Af;. is.uobooo. v. i. tiw.r, oiii'll'iuw 4g-u, ,i.-..-. i:.,-, ate..