KATES "QCfie ' f)atl)am Record II. a . i-o rv o iv , EDITpR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advmci. Tenderness. lot unto every heart it God's good gift Of simple tenderness allowed; we meet With yo In mauy fashions when we lift First to dur Hps life's waters bitter-sweet. Love comes upon us with restless power Of curb'ess passion, and with headstrong v. 111 Jt plays around like April's breeze and slicwer. Orcnlui'y Slows a rapid stream and still. It ponies with blessedness unto the heart That welcomes it aright, or, bitter fate! Jt Wrluss the bosom with so tierce a smart. That love, wo cry, U crueler than hate. Aud then, ah me, when love bas ceased to bless Our broken hearts cry out for tenderness. We long for tenderness like that which hung About us, lying on our mother's breast 1 A eeltWu feeling, that no pen or tougue Can praise aright, since silence sings U best. A love, as far removed from passion's heat As from the chllloess of Its dying fire ; A love to lenn on when the falling feet Hegin to toller, and Ihe eyes to tire. In youth's bright beydey hottest love we seek. The reddest rose we grasp but when it dies Oort grant the latter blossoms, violets meek, May spring for us beneath lift's Autumn skies ! , God grant some loving one be near to bless Our weary wav with single tenderness. BEHIND THE CURTAIN. IV I.. W. KIN'?. He wondered as he rang the front door boll what Sophie wouUl be like. He bad met Belle Bradley on 23.1 street that morning, aud bad stopped to speak to her at ilia door of a large shop. As bo lifted bis but and bado lior (iu rcvoir eh said: "Oh, Sophie, the little sister you know, is home from school for good now. Como iu this aftemoou and I will introduco you to our 'baby!'" Sho laughed, and then be laughed, thinking a little girl in short frocks an odd pretense lor his calling so soon again. He wot a pretty good-looking fel low, as men go; big and athletic, but a trifle old; not blase youth, but really getting on iu years. Well, when bo rang tho Bradleys' door bell that afternoon, as 1 6aid, be wondered what little Sophie would be like. He was fond of children. Ho was shown to tho well-known parlor, whero the gathering afternoon shadows made the bright carpet aud pretty furnishing look more attractive than ever. As ho glanced toward the window be saw tented there, busily plying her nccdlo und unheeding all else, a littlo, slim, fair-naired girl, with serious biuc eyos and such soft, white bauds that be could not help noticing them. His tirst idc.t wai to retreat; bis lecoud lo cough aud await the result. The girl started, listened and stopped tewing. He coughed again, timidly and then she looked at him. As she rose she blushed a beautiful eriinsou from tho pretty throat right up to her forehead, whereon lay soft goldeu curls. I beg put don," ho stammered, quite as much embarrassed as this darnel whom he bad stumbled upon. "But 1 I came to see Miss Bradley. My name is Mat ley Jack Maileyl I'm leully an fully sorry 1 disturbed you." His contrition was so real, and he looked so miserable that tho girl trailod n smile that slowly parted the ted lips and lurked in her dimples. When she smiled like that, Jack smiled too, and after that the "inaiivuis tionte" of the meeting was over. "I havo heard of you,'' she told him naively, ''from my sistor. You kuow I am er Sophie." Really. Why, I thought." ho stain fhered, "I that is yon buve got on long dresses, haven't you?" She laughed merrily. Tid yon think I was (i little pil l ? Well, I'm not big, and I'm not very wise, but I'm quite grown up, I assure you. Oh, I sim afraid Hello forgot you were coming. Sho went out iu the carrlago with mamma. Will you wait for her, or?"- "Tliank you. I'll wait If I may." he hastened to say ; "if it won't dis turb you I" "Not at all," she assured him, as the sank into the dep'lis of a big rhair, where she looked smaller than ever. Somehow every now and then a tease of age oppressed him in contrast to ber youth ami girlishness, and made him more iineomfort ible in the thought than he had ever been before. After (en minuses he kuow she was glad to be at home, though It bad been a sorrow to leave the school where she had been very hnppy. "Really spoiled." tho said. "You tee I was to little, aud they made a pet of me," she laughed in a bright hr way. There came iho sound of opening doors and women' voices. The lets tvte'e was interrupted. Jack Mariej VOL. XV. roso aud shook hands with Miss Brad ley. At tho end of tho season Jack had seen a groat deal of Sophie. Ho was always n welcome visitor at her mother's house, and as he looked back over the days which had passed since their first meeting it worried him lo think how tho hmirt spent with her bud grown putt of his life. His friends had begun (o comment upon Barhc'.or Jack's" infntuuiion, aud bo uevcr even tried to hide it. To young Strange ho even confided his "foolishness" when in tho mood. He had iutioduued tho young iiitiu to his divinity aud often wondered at bis lack of enthusiasm on tho subject NTed Strange was In that period of cynicism common to tho youth and be laughed scornfully over tho fart of "old Marley being in love !" What could such a gravo and lcvoriied seiguor 6ee in a little, simple innocent girl. Ho (Siritun) thought it wrong to bring up a girl like that. This was at first, but by tho lime Sophio had made her debut, creating quite a furor with her charming face, young Straugo sircntly succumbed, aud, though ho never admitted it, in hit) heart be was ono of Sophie' lovers. One day Strange was sitting in the Bradley's parlor waiting, when Marley came iu. His gruve faco and a rest lessness iu his manlier told that some thing was "up.'' He flung himself down on tho sofa und began at once. "Ned, you and I havo always been friends, have we not? I did you a service once; I want something from you in return." He laughed some what constrainedly. "You'vo known from tho first that 1 loved Sophie Bradley. I told you when 1 brougb1 you here, old man. Yes, I know I'm loo old nud Bcrious, but il'ti just, this I lovo her so that I mutt know my fate. Whatever she decides I shall accept without a word. If she should euro only Heaven knows what it would mean to me! If not well, God help me! Ned, will you tell her for me? I'm a coward, man, when I think of this," and ho ran a hand to his gray hairs. "I have no right to ask ber, but Oh, you an plead my cause.. Tell her no younger man could love ber as I do. Ned, will you do this?'' Tho youtigcr man had grown livid. He did not look up, hut he muttered hoarsely, "Yes." Just then they heard Sophio singing us she tamo in from the hall. Jack escaped into the back room. 'How do you do, Mr. Strange?" sho said, and thcro was such a pretty flush in her cheeks, and such an odd light in her bluo eyes. She tat down near the window nud seemed to be waiting for something. He crossed the room to her side. Ho noticed bow quickly sho drew her breath. "Sophio, I have something to teli you, may 1?" "Surely," she said, her eyes fastened on her fingers playing nervously with tho folds of ber dress. "Dear, 1 want to talk of lore a man's love that bus beon growing until now it is too strong for silence. Sin. o that night when you wore my flowers to your drat ball I have thought only of you." He did not notico bow her fingers grew still aud the rod faded o il of her checks as she shrank away from him. 'Sophie, do you lovo me, and will you bo my wife?" Silence for a minute, and be could not understand the way sho for ked at him. Then, as she turned away and covered her faco with her hands, he thought il joy nud lost all foar of a refusal. Sophio" I think," the Interrupted, hesitat ingly, "that there is some one else' 'Oh, you mean old Marley ?" he laughed. "I always suspected it, but I don't suppose be ever means to tell you so."' One moment." she said suddenly, going lo the rioor of that backroom. Gently, but imperatively, sho called "Mr. Marley !'' and before she had got back to Strange' side Jack ap peared in the doorway. Ned grew wbilo and clenched hi hands. Then the girl spoke iu a clear voice : "Mr. Mai ley, 1 wish you to hear. This gentleman has just asked mo to marry him himself do you un derstand?" Straugo tried (3 stop her, and his ecs fell before one contemptuous look In Marley't. "This is my answer, Mr. Strange. You bave done me an honor which it is impossible for mo to, accept sinco I am going to marry some ono else." rrrrsuoRO', Chatham co., n. c, may 4, ism. Both men stal led. At length Strang laughed siiceriugly. So, you'vo tricked us both? May we know tho successful rival?" She blushed then, but bravely looked at them both and wont bravely over to tho man at tbo door. "Jack, if ho will havo me," she said simply, slipping her hand into hit. "Sophie" "Yes, Jack. I was there behind the curtain. I heard you aud you're not a bit old ; you're well, just the dear est muu iu the world!" When she reappeared from the em brace of those big, strong arms, f?trange was gone. N'cw York Rc c jrdcr. Hawaiian Names. The following names of our pro. posed new citizens were to be fouud a few years ngo on Ihe taxpayers' list at Honolulu : M. Scissors, The Thief, the Wan dering Ghost, The Fool, Tho Mau Who Washes His Dimples, Mrs. Oyster, Tho Tired Lizard, The Hus band of Kaneitt (a male deity). The Great Kettle, The First Nose, The Ailanlio Ocean, Tho Stomach, Poor Pussy, Mrs. Turkey, Tho Tenth Heaven. Tho same names are bestowe't in discriminately upon males acl fe male'. A man living upon Bertauia street, Honolulu, is called The Pretty Woman (Wahino Maikai); a male in fant was lately chriiteiiod Mrs. Tomp kins; one little girl is named Samson j ( Katnekona), another tho Man; Susan (Kukenn) is a boy, so are Polly Sarah, Jane Peter, and Henry Ann. A pretty little maid has been named by her fond parents The Pig Sty (Halo Pita). A relative hints at luxury in the diet of the coming man, calling the biy The Rut Kater (Kamea Oii Olc). An old servant in Dr. Wright's family, at Kohala, caused her grand child to bo baptized in tho church The Doctor (KaiiKii). This, as is the case with all the other names here men tioned, is the only designation. By way of compliment to the early phy sicians, many children were named artcr their drugs, as Joseph Squills, Miss Rhubarb, The Kinetic. Names of uncomplimentary purport are wil lingly borne by their owners, while others convey a pleasing and graceful sentiment, among the latter The Arch of Heaven (Ka Pia Laui), The River of Twilight (Ka Wia Liula), The Delicate Wreath (Ka Lei ina ka Lil.) The Rev. Dr. Coan of Hawaii pos sesses the love of his flock. Oue morning a child was presouted for baptism, whose name was given by tho parents, Mikia. The ceremony finished, the parents assured the doc tor that they had named the baby for him. "But my name is not Michael," said the doctor, supposing Mikla to be aimed thereat. "We always hear your wife call you mikia," answered the mother. She had mistaken Mrs.Coan's familiar "my dear" for her husband's piopcr appellation. Boston Gazette. Malleable Glass a Possibility. Among the stories which have floated down to us from antiquity is one told by Tacitus as occurring iu the reign of Tiberius, An artificer, it is said, discovered the art of temper jug glass so as to render it malleable, and made a largo vase which he took to the court aud exhibited before the emperor, expecting to receive a) hand some reward for his ingenuity. He proved the temper of his vase by throwing it violeutly on tho stone Door, then taking out his hammer, beat it into tho former shape. Instead of bestowing a reward, tho emperor ordered him to be put to death, allcg ing that tmzh a discovery would dim inish tho value of precious uictult. The story is probubly apocryphal, as perhaps is that other of six malleable glass mirrors sent from the Shah of I'ersia to Spain iu 1610, but both are indications that the subject of glass tcmporiug has long cugaged the atten tion of inventors. During tho last half century much progress has been mado iu tempering glass, and, when desired, it is now made much tougher than tho glass makers of former times were able to produce. So there is no reason to doubt that mailable glass is among the possibilities of the near future. Amcricau Carpet and Upholstery Trade. Enormous Consumption of Explosives. Even in time of peace enormous quantities of explosives are consumed annually for mining, etc. To tire sunrise and sunset guns alone costs I'ncl Sum $1000 a day. The ordin ary rifle practice of tho army is an expense to the government of bun. died s of thousands of dollars yearly, and the target practice aud experi ments with guns and explosives pur sued by the navy represent an ex penditure of hundreds of Ikeittf til more every twelvc-monlu, -t (HIMrREVS (OLl MX. JIN'.iLF. My father makes our daily bread. My clothes nay another makes. Put eook Is far ahead of both, For the makes ptes and cakes. - St. ImiIj Republic BOV SPIPKI1'. A Frenchman has been cxpeiiiueut lug with spidors as a sulxtiiute foi silkworms in tho production of the valuable fabric. Hit experiment, so far as it went, was successful, for in less than a mouth he obtained ovet 1,000 yards of silk from a certain tpecios of spider iu Madagascar. But to be of real commercial value, a great number of sliders must be made to work iu unison, and this it where the Frenchman's idea reaches it? weak point spiders havo uo liking for ono anothci's society, and theii propensity to devour each other nat urally has a chilling crT-ei on the silk industry. As we read of this attempt wo were irresistibly icminded of some boys, who arc low spoken, well behaved little gentlemen when by thein-oivcs or with their elders, but who. when thrown with others of their kind, pro cecd to ruiso pandemonium generally. Is it not . so? Have not you, reader, seen just such boy spiders i' The Argosy. II Mil it 's 1 A,J.I i . The men were building a new rail road along the riv.v bank of Hai lie", homo. One day, ns they wero eating their dinners, they noticed mi ra;le leaving a rocky point opposite them, and tailing uwny out of sight. "I'll bet there's a nest of young eagles over there," said one of the men, and threw of his coal aud swam across to see. In a little while be came back w'nh a young englo iu his arms. The o i lie i one had been drowned iu crossing. The mou,who boarded with llarlic's futher, made a pen of slabs, und caged the baby king of birds iu It. By and by the old eagles came back, and when they found their young ones missing, they cried and acted ns much like human fathers aud mothers as it was possible for eagles to act. When at lust they found where the little pris oner wa what did they do but circle around and around above it, coming as near as they dared to the men's rifles, aud shrieking lo their baby, tell ing it, I suppose, to get away it il could, but if it couldn't, to keep up its courage aud they would tee that it did not suffer. Anyway, they went oil and 60on came back with fishes in their bills, which they dropped so straight that not one misted going through the cracks in the pen. l'his kept up foi several days, and niight have done so for weeks, but it was more than the tender heart of little Harlic could en dure to see the eaglet pinning and drooping iu the close Utile coop, and its patents so anxious about it, and afraid tc come to it. So, one day when the men were working in a cut around a bend, be took an axe which was about All he could lug, and trudged manfully off to tho coup with a big resolve iu bis heart. The axe was of no nc to him, because of its weight, after he had lugged it there, but finding n loose slab, bo lifted nl it until his bands were full of spl liters; but he made an opening large enough lo squeeze through. It took but a second to throw his arms around the surprised bird, and ding it from its confinement. Then Hurl io trudged down to tho liver on bis errand of mercy. 1 do not know bow ho expected to get the rescued eaglet across maybe be thought it could swim; be could neither swim nor row. But I am sure the way the bird did get over was as much a sur prise to him as any one. "Look I" oxclnitncd one of tho men ; the eld eagle is coming to feed our pctagsiu; it's about her lime." "What a funny fish she has ii isn't a fish 1 What is il? Sho's going away with ill Our eaglet 1" They dropped their tools and ran. Before they reached the river bank the eagle was almost to her- nest, and they turned lo go back, wondering how iu the world she had managed to break into the pen without being seen. But just as they turned, there scrambled up out of the sand and mud the queer est littlo figure, Harlic. The keen-eyed eagle had spied him aud his burden, swooped down upon him with a forco hat sent him rolling in the mud, and flown off with ber baby in her clti'ch, too rejoiced in recovering it to want to hurt the already badly scared little fellow. After that the eagle's nctt was let alone, and Ilurlio was glad in his heart that he bad set the prisoner free, if be did come out of it covered with mud. Youth's Companion, POWERFUL GUNS. Terrific Effect of German's New Artillery. Ordnance Which Would Soon Wipe Out an Army. o'o dcttiuctivo In its cflect is the new German artillery that it is as serted, once the range were found, a battery would aiinlliilulo an entire division iu a very short time. Prima facie, this seems rut her to border on the impossible; but when tho lesults of the experiments which were re cently mudo iu the presence of the Kmperor with tho new weapons ore considered the tfi': Joes not appear to bo so impracticable after all, says the London Court Journal. The first shot flied iu the courso tit these experi ments was at a target placed fifty paces from a wood. The missile missed the target, but plowed its way for 600 yards through the wood. Shortly afterward a large area of the wood wos discovered to be on fire. This was due to tho shell being charged with a certain kind of pow der, the composition of which is a secret known only to the German Government. The splinters from shells burst by this powder aud tired by Iho new gun cover n circle of 900 foci. This is a great improvement on the limited area of ground luat was c -vend by splinters fiO:ii shells fired by the artillery weapon of twenty years ago. Then it wa considered efipctive shooting if splinters from fchell were thrown within a circuit ol forty or fifty paces, and 6cven or eight men wounded: bul the new gun has a far greater destructive power than this. Another shell tired at an enormous target, constructed by the Emperor's orders, coveted it with thousands of holes. The, new German fio'd gun might, perhaps, be better described as an en larged rifle, for that is what it really is. The ammunition, like rifle cart ridges, consists of one piece only. Ignition is produced by a ready fuse, and the four kinds of projectiles at present in use, i.e., shell, explosive shell, sbrupcucd and grape shot, give place to a uniform projectile, un ex plosive shell, possessing the combined characteristic of shell und shrupnol. Thus the possibility of a gunner mis taking in the heat of battle one pro jectile for another will br averted, while the loading, aiming aud firing, besides being quicker for the new arm is loaded and tired in one-tbird of the time required iu working the old gun and the cflect aud precision are almost double will be surer and un attended with danger. Tho barrel of the new gun is made Of cast steel, with a caliber of eight centimeters, and the total weight of the gun, limber nud carriage it slight ly less than that of the old artillery weapon. Being lighter, the mobility of the new gun will, of course, be con siderably increased. Tho limber aud gun carriage are made of iron and iron plates. The limber box is open behind near the gun when in fiction. The advantnge of lhi- innovation is that the projectiles can be served out from the timber and ninniiiiiition wagon with greater rapidity. Another im portant feature is that the carriage is supplied with a brake, which counter acts the recoil, the process of loading and firing being thus simplified. SaltnetH of the Sea. The very fact that the waters of oceans are salty is a wonder within itself. That nich is the case every body knows. But why ? Rivers are not suit, ueiiher are some of the very largest of inland sea-, yet one school of scientists will (ell you that these tamo seas (laket) are (he remains of what was once a universal ocean; that there was om c an upheaval of the land aud that all the waters settled in basins except that which drained off. If this is a fact, why hio these lakes or teat now fresh? Don't tell mo that it is because they have been evapora ting through the long centuries and that the vacancy bus been supplied by fresh waters from rivers. Great Salt Lake is no less sally now than it was 8,000 years ago, and probably a great deal more so. The water of tho Caribbean Sea is dense compared with that of Ihe At lantic in the vicinity of the Cape Yordo Islands, tho proportion being eleven to twelve. Why is it? It is certainly a fact that they are both of one body of water. The variety of saline found in all sea water is universally tho same. There is another fact which should be mentioned while we are classifying sea water; that it this: When I he salt nets of oceans is referred to it nintl not be understood si being the tuble tali of commerce (chloride of lodlum). NO. 36. for there ai e many other salts iu (he solution. Besides cominou salt, the chemist mentions 'h following; Chloride of potassium, chloride of calcium, chloride of magnesium, biomido of magnesium, sulphato of lime, caibonatu of lime, sulphate ol magnesia and caibonatc of magnesia. K.xpcrt bydiogrupbcrs lull us that there is enough of these vaiious salts held iu suspension in tlio waters tf the oceans lo cover the whole lauded sur face of the globe to u del th ( I 1,000 feet- iu other words, that llicio is OO.OOO.OOO.OOOJW.WO tons so hold iu suspension 1 Tho sea is tall by rensou of the earth washings which uro poured into it. It has different densities because of the influence of rainfalls, evaporation, etc., aud would become siaguaut hut for the woiking of the greut ocean arteries lire currents. ft. loois Republic. More Liberal l"e of Butter, No dietetic reform would, I believe, he moic conducive to improved health among children, and especially to the prevention of tuberculosis, than an in rcri'e in the consumption of butter. Our children are (rained to take butter with great restraint, und ure told that it is greedy and extravagant to eat nun h of it. It is regarded as a luxury, aud as giving a relish to bread, rather than in itself a most important article 1 of food. liven to private families of j these wealthier classes Ihesc rules pre vail at table, and at schools and at public boarding establishments they receive strong reinforcements from economical motives. Minute allow ances of butter mo scived out to llinse who would gladly consume five times the quantity. Where the house income makes this a mutter of neces sity, there is little more to be said than that il is often a costly economy. Lufccbled health may easily entail a far heavier expense than a more liberal breukfast would bave done. Cod liver oil costs more than butter, and it is, besidet, often not resorted to until too late. Iustead of restrict ing a child's consumption of butler, 1 would encourage it. Let the limit be the power of digestion und Iho ten dency lo biliousness. Most children may be allowed to foilow their own inclinations, and will not tuko more than is good for them. The butter should be of tho best and taken cold. Bread, dry toast biscuits, potatoes and rice ure good vehicles, t hildreu well j supplied with butter feel the cold less j ihuu others, and resist the influenza I better. They do not "catch cold" so eaaily. In speaking of children, I by no means intend to exclude other ages, especially young adults. Grown-up persons, however, tuke ether animal full more freely than most children j do, und are besides allowed dpucIi ! freer selections as to both quality and quantity, it 13 not so necessary lo raise nny clamor for reform on the-ii uccoii u t. Medical Ti mes. A live Paperweight. A parsonage cat whose favorite seat is ou the study table has found a new use for himself. He watches his master's pen, and oci asioiifilly, when the writer is tired, takes the- holder iu his mouth. But bis real usefulness is j 10 act as a paper-weight. When a sheet ir finished and laid aside, the cat walks gravely to it and takes bis scat on the paper. As soon as another is laid aside, he leavet the ti 1 t and tils down ou tho second. Sometimes, to try hiin, his master lays down, 011 dif ferent parts of the table, sheets iu rapid succession, but "Powhatan" the cat remains seated, shrewdly sup posing that lo be fun, not business. When work begins anew, the cat scats lioiself on the Inst paper laid down, and waits for another. Tims he shows that he watches his master's work, and perhaps thinks it his duty to keep the paper from blowing away. St. Nicholas. Where Touug Sculptors Are Made. Do you know thut New Jersey and Pennsylvania will some day produce sculptors and modelers that will bo known all over the world'' And do you know why? Well, it it becauio these States abound iu clay, and, lat terly, the teachers in the kindergarten schools have discovered that nothing quiets the children to well as letting them work in clay. So, once or twice during the tchoolday, a board with a lump of clay upon it aud a dull knife aro given to each child, with permis sion to model anything he or sho pleases. Some of tho work has been so creditable that it is to be sent to tho World's Fair; aud already Ihe teachers predict great futures for some of the lads, if they be allowed lo follow their natural beuU Fortunately, clay costs nothing in these States, so the children have the most instructive aud the most amusing playthings within easy reach fNew York Ledger. or ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- II. One equate, two insertions One square, one month - " for larger adverttsetnenta libeial con rants will be made. Just to Be Good. - ,' Just to be good . N This is enough- enough ! O, we who find sin's billows vild anil rough, !i we not feel how more than any gold f Would be the I lamelest li fe we led of old While yet our Hps knew but a motlicr' ki.-s? Ah ! though we uiias All else hut this, f To he good Is euoust). ij i It is enough Lnouiih just to be sood ! To lift our hearts here they are under stood , To let the thirst for v.ordlv power and plaee ;y unappeateJ, to smile back in God'S face With the glad Hps our mother used to ktss Ah! though we miss All else but this, To be good is enough I c. , Ul'MOltOlS. Tried aud fouud wanting Th4 beggar. Mrs. Pie What will you do if X give you a good break fust? HappjT Tile F.at it, mum. Madge Do you prefer blond ineu?, Beatrice No; 1 prefer old gold very old a. id plenty of gold I ' "I guess that must be a watch-dog,' remarked Tommy, "for his tail bo gins to tick when you speck to him.". A Kansas cyclone Is spoken ot which was so terrific in Its fury that it blew all the keyhoics out of the) doors. A man feeis proud when he is work ing his way up to the lop, but he feel.i diticrent if his necktie undertakes to do the same thing. Clara And so you buve at lasl brought Hurry Goodcalch to your feet? Maude Yes; but I'm afraid Ut for j tho last time. 1 accepted him. Miss Laker Isn't it loo bad ther ore so many failures in life? Wis 1 well Can't say as it is. Pvo been assignee in three und they paid me 10 ' well I wouldn't mind tackling more. oh, parlor critic. It is not 1 The strictly proper thins ' To i-a y the enews all belong To lb'' t;irl who will not sing- "The Czar uiu.-t have a pretty nice) tune after all, said Mr. Meckius; "What makes you think to'!'' asked) his wife. "His wifo lakes chance on going to Sibeiia if she blows Mm up. " Annie Why (Id you refuse Mr. Specie? I am suio the presents and flowors lie has sent yon show him to be in love wit'i you. Belie I wast afraid he had spent all of his money on mo alreudy. A stump orator wanted the wingf of n bird to fly to every village and hamlet in the broad land; but he col lapsed when a man in the crowd sang out. "You'd get shot for a goose be fore you flew a mile. "Did you Tvrite James f-kidmore's name ou his note.'"' said the judge to a prisoner accused of forgery. "I'd like to know, judge," said the cuiprit,'. "if Jim Skidtnore hai a copyright on' the )it;eis as happens to form bis nftiner'' ' A restaurant keeper and dentist in New York, who are next door neigh bors, bave fallen out; and it is rather rough on the former that the latter should have a glaring announcement in his window to tin iftecl: "Teetb) sharponed to tackle tough itcaks." Do Ants Talk. 1 once saw a drove of the small black ant3 moving, perhaps (0 better quarters. The distance was some 160 yards. Moit all which came from tho old homo carried some of the house hold goods. ouic hud eggs, soma bad what nnht have answered for their bacon or meat; soma bad one thing and souio hud another. 1 tat, and watched them closely for over an hour. 1 noticed that every time two met in tho way they would hold their heads together as if greeting each other, aud bo matter how often th meeting took pluce this same thing occurred, as though a short chat vverar necessary, To prove moro about it, I killed one) who was on his way. Others being eyc-wiinesses lo tho murder, went wiih speed, and with every ant they, met this talking took place at before.' But instead of a pleasant greeting, it was sad news they bad to communi cate. I know il was sud news, for every ant that those parties met hastily turned back and tied ou another rourse, as much as to say, "for the king's sake and for your safety do not go there, for 1 have seen a rnou tier, just behind, that is ahlo to de stiny us all at one blow. 1 saw him kill one of our fHimly. I do not know how many moro uro killed.' Ha I tin news spread, nud il was true. Ilow was Ihe nuws communicated if not by speech? Mnn7ino of Nat ui nl History, i